#also i miss grandal
Falciette Story Chapter 16
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Before her office you found someone you didn’t know yet… a brown haired boy… his clothing didn’t say he was a student. 
“The Headmistress is on call…she has been there for a long time… I am also waiting for her to be done.”
As he told you this, a familiar face walked up to you. Soren your dorm member, yet he walked straight to the brown haired boy.
“Marky Mark! Eyyy I missed you.”
"Soren. You are actually a student again?”
“I convinced the headmistress, are you here cause you want back in too?”
“Right… I had therapy… I had long sessions of change… I finally wanna finish my education… and this is the best place… I just… hope she forgives me.”
As they both continued chatting you took the opportunity to listen against the Headmistress office.
“Excuse me?! She is your daughter!! And you say you don’t care!”
She seemed upset and angry at the phone… 
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU!! YOU… yes… alright emperor Grandale… we will tell this to the students.”
She hung up the call and you could hear a kick against her desk… before slowly opening the door.
“Oh… it's you… come in.”
However as you went in Soren and Mark followed right after you.
“No… get out of here… I don’t need you as well.”
Soren spoke up. “Is it still about the prank?”
“No it's far worse… Soren I accepted you back cause even if you two did bad things as duo, including a former teachers overblot, including injuries, you still were the lesser evil out of the both of you. BUT HIM-”
“Miss Belia… I changed… I have this for you.”
He handed her a sheet of paper which made her sigh.
“Anger therapy… even if you did that I can’t forgive all that… You two are responsible for a staff member to overblot and leave, causing a near catastrophe in the school, beating a student up to go to the hospital, damage to several facilities in the school… and you ask me of all people to accept you back in this school?”
Mark left his head hanging and then spoke up.
“It's because I did all these bad things that I am here… I wanna make up for it and graduate for real. I want to… also make up with money to pay for all the damages IT caused.”
Her glare was deadly… yet Soren spoke up next to him.
“You gave me a second chance… and I would still risk it if it meant Marky could come back… to him, he wants to prove himself to his family for a while… his parents are strict and if he doesn’t make up for this, he might never get their recognition.”
Belia sighed and looked at the papers.
“Alright but under many conditions I allow you to join this school back…some things I want you to do to make up for everything.”
“I will do anything, Miss Belia.”
She still stared daggers at him, judging him for a while…
“One little slip up and you will leave without complaining… and  you will not destroy the reputation of this school any further.”
Mark nodded and offered his hand yet Belia refused it and walked back to her desk.
“Also you three… you will not tell anyone about what happened in Falciette… I hate to pull through with this… but we have a plan about it.”
“And what would that be?”
Belia clenched her fist in anger…
“Emperor Grandale said… we should say she is expelled and returning to the kingdom… and once time settled he will say she died in a fight.”
“W-WHAT?! The emperor just-”
“Listen… I hate to do this as well… but he did this to protect the school… I just… don’t get how he cares so little about his own daughter… especially her brother will probably be able to testify for what happened… “
The group is silent. 
“I will… talk with staff to find a solution… would you please get out… Mark, go with the Tetravania dorm leader, this will be your new dorm.”
He followed after you, as the headmistress still seemed visibly strained and upset, getting to settle everything. For now you should leave her alone.
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melis-ash · 4 years
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Black Sails cast in other projects:
Jorge Suquet in Libertad (2021)
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terrovaniadorm · 3 years
Ship our oc's for that game pretty please?
👀 Melanie ur giving me too much power-
Sylvi and Daire
A MUST. they are a power couple just like the characters they got inspired by-
Des probably noticed Sylvi first so she made sure Daire avoided her but she failed, i feel like they probably met in a forest where Daire was practicing his magic and maybe Sylvi saved him? Maybe love at first sight but i don't think either of them recognize it until a while, Daire always rushes to their side and he's generally very worried about them since Des hates them.
Also daire probably gifted them a sword... Because yea 👀
For Ship names probably Sylire 👀
Hope you don't mind but this one is very self-indulgent 👉👈
Regina and Mercie
Hear me out... I love her 😳✨ she can freeze me and i would thank her
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 48 of 83 : World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
Part 48 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
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Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
“You can’t even turn,” said Barad.  “You will have to get up steerageway before you can turn and there’s no time.  Surrender and she will break off.  If you don’t, Darkistry will ram you.”
“She won’t even give us a chance?” whined Skua.  “This is unfair!”
Relentlessly Tanlin reminded him, “W’ere wa’ fair w’en ye an’ yer bullies raped ‘er an’ charged ‘er wit’ seduction?  She’d ‘ave been drowned ‘ad Barad nae taken ‘er in.”
Sarcastically she added, “For some reason, she ‘olds t’at as a grudge against ye.”  The sailors holding her had let go to watch something that they had never even dreamed could happen.  One ship bearing down deliberately on another.  A ship being used as a weapon.
Skua turned on Barad in a rage, and found him free.  His guards having fled to the far side of the Fauline.  “How could you have put that woman at the helm of your ship!  The Grandalor will be wrecked, too!”  The big ship was nearly on them, with no slacking of her speed.
“Don’t really t’ink so,” said Tanlin’s voice in his ear, as her right arm locked about Skua’s neck.  Her left hand had pulled his dagger from his belt sheath and was pressing it to his side.  “Darkistry’s a fine Battle Commanding.”
The tocsin of the Grandalor could be clearly heard beating ‘slack all sail’ and ‘brace for wreck.’  Every sail of the big ship spilled its freight of wind as the Grandalor closed the last yards on momentum.  She was already turning to make the collision at an oblique angle.
The two ships crashed together.  The reinforced bowsprit of the Grandalor drove in over the Fauline’s deck near to the main mast.  The angle of the collision caused the two ships to slap together rail to rail, and rebound apart.  The impact threw most of those on the Fauline off their feet.  The Grandalor’s reinforced bowsprit ripped loose both the standing and running rigging of the Fauline’s main mast on her starboard side.  The side of the Fauline had been damaged but not ruptured.
The tocsin of the Grandalor could be heard ordering sail set for their next reach run.  Her hailing drum came to life.  “That was your last warning.  Surrender at once.  Release Barad and Tanlin safe in a small boat or I will destroy you.  Darkistry Colm Grandalor, Battle Commanding.”
Tanlin dragged the now terrified Skua to the hailing drum.  “Do ‘t,” she hissed into his ear, “or she will.  ‘Ow’s ‘t feel t’ be t’e fish food instead o’ t’e feeder?”
Skua beat, ‘You have won.  We will put them over in a boat.’
As they were boarding their boat, Barad said cheerfully, “Look, Dear, I have a souvenir.  I grabbed it in the excitement.  I figured that if they fed me to the fish, at least, they’d pay for it.”  He held up a rumpled parchment for her to see.  It was the only copy of the quitclaim.  The yells of Gard, aboard the Fauline showed that it had been missed.  
Seriously, Tanlin said, “Luve o’ m’ ‘Eart, we must give ‘t bock. We’re nae lyin’ cheats an’ rapists.  T’ey earned ‘t wit’ news an’ supplies an’ tis t’eirs, w’atever came after.”
“You are right, Tanlin, my conscience.  We will go to the Grandalor and let Darkistry lay us alongside.  We need to return the hostages anyway,” said Barad a little sadly but proud of his wife’s strict honor.  It would have been a fine prank and they do deserve it — — but she is right.  She usually is.
By the time that the Grandalor picked up Barad and Tanlin the Fauline was frantically raising  sail.  They could only work the fore and mizzen sails because of the rigging damage to the mainmast.  They had no speed but wanted away from the vicinity of the Grandalor at any cost.
It was not to be.  Once the Grandalor had picked up Barad and Tanlin she sped down the wake of the fleeing ship.  Barad found Darkistry at the helm, looking like she had seen a Great Dragon.
Jovially, Barad asked, “Why the upset, Darkistry?  That was a perfect bit of piloting.  You only disabled them, They will have the mast repaired in a day or so.”
“Look at the southern horizon,” she directed.  “It would’ve been better to kill them outright.”
Barad looked.  The whole horizon was a black line of barely visible clouds. “A Coriolis Storm.  You are right, Darkistry.  There is no escape without riding through it.  Overtake the Fauline with all speed.  No matter what their officers did to us, the crew deserves the chance to live.”  He turned to First Officer Timms.  “If we have even a square foot more canvas, get it up.  We need to return the hostages and help the Fauline with repairs or she will be lost.”
Timms retorted, “She should be lost but you are right.  Nobody should drown.”  He set the drummer to work on the tocsin.  ‘All hands on deck!’  The crew boiled out of the hatches and gangways of the ship. ‘Set all spinnakers.’  ‘Set fore stay sails.’  ‘Set main stay sails.’  ‘Set mizzen gaffs and stay sails.’  Barad watched with pride as all the watches worked together like a single being with the ship.  The Grandalor shouldered her way through the waves throwing foam wide from under her bows and leaving a wake like a giant’s harpoon point aimed at the Fauline.
Tanlin stood by the hailing drum, waiting until the fleeing ship should be in range.  Clearly, from the zig-zagging course that they set, they feared that they were about to be rammed again, perhaps fatally, this time.  Finally they were close enough.  “Drummer, send ‘Heave to! We have your prisoners to return!  We have your quitclaim!  YOU NEED REPAIR!  STORM COMING!’”
The drummer beat the message loud and fast.  He paused only a moment and repeated it.  Finally the Fauline got the message and heaved to.  The Grandalor began the long process of reducing her speed.  Darkistry brought the two ships together with a barely perceptible bump as the Grandalor’s woven rope fenders took up the small jolt.  Lines were heaved and the two ships made fast together.
Skua got his first look at the ‘demoralized near slaves’ of the Grandalor.  “They’re all armed!” he exclaimed.  As his men were returned over the rail, he noticed the better discipline of the Grandalor sailors as well.  
The Grandalor’s crew already had ropes and cables prepared as they came aboard after the Fauline’s men.  Without ado or further orders, they swarmed up the surviving rigging on the port side, lead by Lenai.  Her survey of the damage was quick and thorough.  Under her direction, damaged rope and cable was hitting the deck, lowered on light heaving lines.  
Men and women quickly measured the old rigging parts and spliced together new ones, using the old blocks and eyes where they were salvageable. As fast as a part could be got ready, it was attached to the line that had lowered it, and it was lifted up for securing.
Another crew, under Master Selked, surveyed the hull damage inside, while the Grandalor’s divers checked the hull below the waterline.  The divers commandeered an old, blown out fore-sail and cut it to size and shape.  They secured the canvas over the whole damaged area, gluing it securely.  
Inside the hull, damaged ribs were reinforced and bulkhead cracks fixed, though no effort was spent trying to straighten the damage.  “Haven’t time!” Master Selked answered when asked about it.  “All we can do is make her strong and tight!”  Up on deck, wrecked rigging mounts and rails were being replaced as well.
“Why are you doing all this and what’s it going to cost?” demanded Skua.
Tanlin looked at him with pity.  “Ye ‘ave our quitclaim.  T’e cost o’ nae doing ‘t wad ‘ave been yer lives, an’ t’at’s t’ ‘igh a price for us.  
“Barad told ye true.  T’e killin’ wa’ t’e result o’ a mutiny. We’ll nae ‘ave more deat’ laid on us.  Ye want a price?  Tell t’e fleet, especially Ca’tain Sula, w’at ye did an’ w’at we did.  Tell ‘er t’at we tried t’ stop t’e poisoners but were t’ late.”
Skua asked truculently, “Why did you have to get the Ord in the first place?”
“Ye folk are nae used t’ t’inkin’ t’at w’at Barad says might be t’e trut’,” she replied calmly but with a touch of sadness. “T’wa’ used in failed fishing experiments.  Ane spine wa’ reported lost but ‘t wa’ actually stolen by t’e plotters.  We t’ink t’at ‘t may ‘ave been implicated in ane or perhaps twa deaths on our ane ship.  
“Master Selked’s apprentice, Merk apparently made t’e poisonous awl but wa’ careless in ‘andling ‘t.  We t’ought at t’e time t’at ‘e died o’ blood poisoning from an infected cut.”
“Do you really expect me to believe any of this?” said Skua in outright hostility.
“Nae. Ye showed yer true colors long ago t’ Darkistry.  Oi know ye for bot’ a dis’onest liar an’ a sneak.  Ye ‘ave been reneging on payments due wen Barad knew t’at ye could ‘ave made t’em wit’ only a little trouble.  T’at’s ‘ow ye got so far into debit. Ye are also a violator o’ t’e Marriage Laws by rape.  Besoids ye openly bragged o’ a plan t’ rape an’ murder m’.
“Ye asked our price.  Tis ‘t.  Tell t’em w’at Oi ‘ave told ye t’. If words are t’ ‘eavy a price, we can take goods an’ provisions.  Do ye want t’ part wit’ more?”
“No,” said Skua sullenly.  “I’ll tell them.  Don’t expect them to believe you, though.”
“Oi donnae.  T’e Law o’ t’e Naral fleet requires t’e right o’ rebuttal, yet t’is same fleet treats t’at right as a luxury. Darkistry wa’ convicted by t’e Grinna wit’oot ‘t.  T’e Grandalor wa’ convicted wit’oot ‘t.  T’e Arrakan fleet believes t’at rebuttal’s necessary before any conviction.”
“Who told you that woman had no trial?  She’s a liar if she did,” said Skua hotly.
“Oi didnae wont t’ believe ‘t o’ m’ new fleet wen she told m’,” said Tanlin, angry at injustice.  “Oi looked at t’e fleet record. All t’at wa’ entered wa’ ‘trial on board Grinna.’  Oi followed t’at up.  T’e log record wa’ so obviously falsified t’at Oi noticed ’t at once.  Oi ‘anded t’at information t’ Ca’tain Sarfin.  Twas bein’ investigated wen ot’er t’ings interfered.  Sarfin’s a good mon.  T’e investigation’ll nae be long delayed.”
Skua blanched.  “There’s nothing to be gained by that!  Why did you do something so stupid?”
she snapped, “Twa words t’at seem t’ ‘ave little connection wit’ ye.  Justice’s ane.  ‘Onor’s t’ot’er.”
“My Lady, it is time to be gone,” Master Selked interrupted.  “Captain Skua, your standing rigging is in place but not yet tensioned.  The repairs need as much time as possible to set up. Wait until the early storm surges before you draw it up taut.  Run before the storm on shortened jibs and mizzen and you should get through safely.”  He did not wait for a reply but took Tanlin by the elbow and escorted her back to the Grandalor.
Shortly the two ships were separated.  The Grandalor piled on the canvas and ran north, speeded on her way by the outer winds of the storm that was sure to catch her.
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mickey19930606-blog · 5 years
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2 review stock android and removable battery Simpson, who would become a two time Ohio Mr. Economy is doing just fine without Nike, he said. 35 pictures from the British Style Collective catwalkIt has been a great start to the three day eventThe British Style Collective kicked off its three day event in the city todayGet the biggest What's On stories by emailSubscribe We will use your email address only for the purpose of sending you newsletters. Yelich is an offensive force, and Grandal adds another potent bat to the lineup. The Princess Project is not rejecting any dresses, says Whitecanack, but, she adds, "We want donors to ask themselves, would I wear this? Would I let my daughter or best friend wear this?" Any dubious items that make the cut, she says, can be made respectable by removing an oversized bow here, or adding spaghetti straps there.. And Ms. I was passionate that this should be lit and shot in exactly the same way as if this story was completely contemporary. 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ok now that i’ve gathered myself and don’t actively want to die as much here are some #DodgerThoughts
I’m putting this first so that y’all don’t have to read this entire thesis if u don’t want to but hey maybe the real prize wasn’t the world series championship but the friendships we made along the way :’-) shout out to the friends i’ve made through baseball (ik i don’t talk to all of u a ton but i consider u friends!)
so @kenleyjansen @checkontherep @kentamaeda @nikesandals @eliteqbalexsmith @alexwccd @kylekuzma @anthonyrizzos @joey-votto @warrenellisisland @sean-rodriguez @buckingfaseball @mitchhaniger @jonathanschoop i love y’all and i’m so glad to know have connected with u :’-) i’m sure this isn’t everyone cause I’m a dumbass but i love u all
ok now as for #BaseballThoughts first of all induct brandon morrow into the hall of fame immediately. he died for us and i love him
thank god the entire world finally got to see Richard Rich Dick Dickington The Rakeman Piss Hands Hill bat. god do i love that man
“dave roberts should be fired” is perhaps the worst take i’ve ever heard. he’s a SECOND YEAR manager who’s taken his teams to game 6 of the nlcs and game 7 of the World Series. you can’t manage your way around your pitching staff completely imploding and the heart of your lineup not being able to square up the ball or even make contact for the majority of the series
Corey suddenly not being able to lay off That Pitch was fucking weird. i don’t remember him struggling with pitch selection like this ever in the regular season. i have to assume that either the pressure of the series got to him (he’s a little iffy in big spots a lot of the time bless his little heart) or that all the time he missed at the end of the year and through the nlcs messed him up.
Cody looked tired. understandable cause he’s just a baby. really sad that this is how the year ends for him and that this is what the general public is gonna think about him until he proves them wrong on a big stage next year
Don’t know what the fuck happened to turner so if anyone can explain that i’d appreciate it
also basically the whole offense not being able to hit fastballs in the middle of the zone? that was fucked up. why are u fouling that pitch off assholes
so so sad for yu. obv in hindsight he shouldn’t have started but i understand Dave’s reasoning. I️ really do hope they can resign him to a reasonable contract and they can fix the pitch tipping cause he should get another chance to do better with this team
i love alex wood. I’m so proud of him
also yasiel puig. obviously things didn’t go as well in this series but he made most of this postseason SO fun and i am so so proud of everything he’s done
sorry this is getting so emo but oh my god do i love Clayton Kershaw. my heart truly breaks for him. he deserves a championship more than anyone in the game and instead all he has is this shitty fucking playoff narrative. idk about y’all and ik it probably sounds ridiculous because his numbers were incredible and he’s very much in cy young contention but i felt something was off with him pretty much all year, just really sad that it ended like this. here’s to hoping that he’s in good health next year and gets the slider back and shakes the stupid narrative for once and for all
austin barnes? the best catcher in baseball. buster posey whom? yasmani grandal is literally dead, may he Rest In Peace
Christopher Armand Taylor Jr. is an ICON and a HERO and a STAR and a GIFT. like literally a gift shoutout to the mariners i mean what the fuck but thanks so much. also noah fence but shout out to ME for believing in christ taylord when no one else did
some of this is my bias i’m sure but i’m SO disappointed with the way this series was broadcast. i wanted everyone to know how magical and beautiful and heartbreaking and record setting this season has been for the dodgers but approximately zero of that was mentioned. also would have liked to see the “the dodgers bought their way here” narrative addressed cause how are u suppose to know that that’s factually inaccurate and stupid if all the broadcasters talk about is the other team’s underdog narrative.
there’s no reason to think that we won’t be back here next year! there’s so much to look forward! surely some wild fuckin offseason moves, a full season of Cody Bellinger and Chris Taylor and Austin Barnes as the starting catcher (I️ assume?) , walker buehler starting major league baseball games, verdugo probably, joc’s continued progress, hopefully our dear sweet julio coming back in the second half, Corey seager continuing to be the best young shortstop in baseball, Clayton Kershaw continuing to be the best pitcher on earth, kenley continuing to be the best closer in the game, etc.
Carlos Correa is literally a toddler why is he engaged
a good 25% of my posts are about this but i can’t go 30 seconds without mentioning it so i would just like to remind u all that Corey seager is SO BEAUTIFUL and an ABSOLUTE DREAMBOAT and i love his HEARTY THIGHS
it’s possible that I’m just being more critical cause of the intense nature of these games but holy shit some of the strike zone calling in this series was awful!! I mean shockingly stunningly bad! and not even in a “bad strike calls hurt my team” way cause the calls affected both teams negatively and positively (except for game 5 but let’s not talk about that) but holy god there were some aggregious calls in this series. Rob Manfred do something right for once in ur life and implement the robot strike zone cause u can’t have huge games like this being affected by stupid subjectivity like this
the gurriel thing really put a damper on this whole series imo. suspending him for next year does absolutely nothing other than say “if you’re gonna do something racist, do it in the World Series”. suspending and fining him for one WS game would have actually meant something and probably wouldn’t have affected the outcome of the series based on how we played game 7. fuck Rob Manfred
I’ve never been much of a Juiced Balls Believer but holy shit this series raised some questions. I mean what the fuck. All i have to say is what the fuck
starting a gofundme campaign to get me seats right behind the dodger dugout for opening day next year so i can yell at Corey to get a helmet that will stay on his GODDAMN HEAD
@ dodgers front office please go get otani. please. please. please. please. please
if u read this entire thing 1) congrats that’s some resolve u have there and 2) thanks love u
sorry this is incredibly all over the place and disjointed but just wanted to get everything out there so i can grieve with a clear mind thanks for coming to my ted talk
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jodyedgarus · 6 years
Alex Bregman Is Not Interested In That Crap Out Of The Zone
With two outs and a man on base in the ninth inning Sunday, Alex Bregman grimaced after connecting on a Craig Kimbrel offering. He had just missed a game-tying homer, instead hitting a fly ball that fell into Andrew Benintendi’s glove on the warning track in front of the Green Monster for the final out. Game 2 of the American League Championship Series was over. The series was tied, and Fenway Park collectively breathed a huge sigh of relief.
Even Bregman’s outs are increasing the heart rates of the opposition this October. Bregman became one of the best players in baseball during the season, and he’s elevated his game even further this postseason. Though in a small sample of just five postseason games, the 24-year-old has a .417/.708/1.000 slash line fueled by 10 walks (against one strikeout). He’s reached base in 18 of his 24 plate appearances this October.
Bregman’s batting eye — along with opponents’ unwillingness to give him much to hit — is making some history. According to Major League Baseball research, Bregman is just the first player to draw 10 walks through five games of a postseason since Dodgers outfielder Jim Wynn did it in 1974. The only player before Bregman to draw at least three walks in back-to-back postseason games was Cubs outfielder Jimmy Sheckard — in 1910.
Bregman, a spoil of tanking for the Houston Astros as the No. 2 overall pick in the 2015 draft, is getting something akin to the Barry Bonds treatment. Over his past three postseason games, the LSU product has drawn eight walks, matching Bonds in 2002 for the most by any hitter over a three-game span in postseason play.
Consider the pitches Bregman has seen this postseason and the restraint he has shown:
Bregman entered play Tuesday having been thrown 103 pitches this postseason (20.6 per game). Of those pitches, only 40 have been in the strike zone. Only J.D. Martinez, Yasiel Puig, Gleyber Torres and Christian Yelich have seen a smaller share of pitches in the strike zone than Bregman has.1
Of the 63 pitches thrown to him outside the strike zone, Bregman has swung at just six, the lowest chase rate among any postseason batter to have seen 50 pitches. Consider his take on this full-count pitch Sunday night, in the charged Fenway environment against hard-throwing Red Sox reliever Ryan Brasier:
Bregman’s improved discipline is not just an October development: It’s what fueled his 2018 breakout.
Only Joey Votto and Andrew McCutchen chased pitches out of the strike zone less often this season than did Bregman, who swung on just 18.1 percent of those pitches. Mookie Betts and Aaron Hicks ranked fourth and fifth.
Bregman has improved his batting eye since reaching the majors in 2016. He dropped his out-of-zone swing rate by 5.8 percentage points from last season. Yasmani Grandal, Ian Happ and Gregory Polanco were the only players to make greater year-to-year improvements in laying off of balls out of the strike zone.
“He’s having quite a season because of the preparation he’s doing, the lessons he’s learning, and the application in the game has been unreal,” Astros manager A.J. Hinch told the Houston Chronicle in September.
While strikeouts continue to set record levels each year in the majors — from 21.6 percent of place appearances in 2017 to 22.3 percent in 2018 — the Astros posted the game’s lowest strikeout rate last season (17.3 percent) and the game’s highest slugging mark en route to a World Series title. This season, only the Cleveland Indians (18.9 percent) struck out less often than the Astros (19.5 percent).
Bregman embodies this teamwide trend. The infielder is not just more selective in terms of swinging at pitches in the zone; he’s also finding pitches he can pull and drive for power. In 2018, he recorded just the sixth season this century of at least 30 home runs and 50 doubles with fewer strikeouts than walks.
The Astros teach that a hitter should swing at a pitch only if he can conceivably drive it for an extra-base hit. Astros hitting coach Dave Hudgens told The New York Times last summer: “I don’t want guys swinging at a pitch unless they can hit a homer. I don’t want guys swinging at a pitch unless they can do damage. If you go in with that mindset, you’re not going to miss your pitch as often.”
Bregman has always hit more balls in the air than on the ground. He ranked fifth this season in total volume of line drives and fly balls with 334. But he also increased his pull rate, perhaps encouraged by the inviting proximity of the Crawford Boxes at Minute Maid Park to the right-handed batter’s box. His quick hands and short arms allow for a short bat path. And by crowding the plate, he’s able to cover the entire zone and pull outside pitches. His 24 home runs hit to the pull side (left field for Bregman) tie for sixth in the majors. This is all before getting to other aspects of his game like his defense at third base, which has looked exemplary so far this postseason, giving the Astros two shortstop-quality defenders on the left side of the infield.
The Astros didn’t know they needed another superstar, but they have one in Bregman, who is challenging Mike Trout and Mookie Betts for status as the best player in the American League. As the Astros battle for a World Series berth, Bregman might be the best player in baseball when it matters most.
Check out our latest MLB predictions.
from News About Sports https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/alex-bregman-is-not-interested-in-that-crap-out-of-the-zone/
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investmart007 · 6 years
LOS ANGELES | Puig takes swing at Hundley before Giants rally past Dodgers
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LOS ANGELES | Puig takes swing at Hundley before Giants rally past Dodgers
LOS ANGELES — Yasiel Puig had another rumble with the San Francisco Giants on Tuesday night.
Puig took a swing at Giants catcher Nick Hundley during a benches-clearing scrap in the seventh inning, then Alen Hanson hit an RBI single in the ninth to lift San Francisco over the Los Angeles Dodgers 2-1 on Tuesday night.
The fracas starter when Puig swatted his bat in frustration after fouling off a pitch from Tony Watson, and Hundley said something to the mercurial slugger while still in his crouch. Puig turned around and walked toward Hundley, the catcher stood up, and they argued face to face for a moment before Puig shoved Hundley twice.
That brought players out of the benches and bullpens. Puig and Hundley were momentarily separated, but Puig ducked around teammates, coaches and manager Dave Roberts before reaching back to hit Hundley. He smacked Hundley with an open hand across the front of his catcher’s mask.
“When I missed the pitch I knew that was the best pitch Watson was going to throw me so I was a little upset,” Puig said via a translator. “(Hundley) told me to stop complaining and get back into the box. When I got in his face he also told me to get out of his face so that’s when I got upset.
“I didn’t like that he was telling me what to do and then he said some words to me in English that I really can’t repeat so that is why I was upset.”
Said Hundley: “We’re competing on the field against a team we’re chasing. They’ve been scuffling a little bit and we’re trying to catch them. Obviously a nice rivalry. We had some words and pushed a couple times. There’s really not more to it than that.”
Dodgers coach George Lombard was trying to push Hundley away when Puig took his swing. Lombard and Hundley briefly ended up on the grass. Hundley spoke to Lombard later.
“He was in there trying to break it up,” Hundley said. “I think he got caught up in my chest protector. We went down and I knew I was on top of him at some point. I just asked him if he was all right. You don’t want anyone hurt in those situations.”
After the players were separated for good, the umpires ejected both Puig and Hundley.
It was the fourth career ejection for Puig, who had also got into a skirmish with Giants pitcher Madison Bumgarner in 2014. “It doesn’t happen with other teams,” Puig said.
The Giants received six scoreless innings from left-hander Andrew Suarez, and after Hanson singled in his first run in the second, were leading 1-0 with two outs in the eighth when the Dodgers tied it on Justin Turner’s third double and Manny Machado’s single off Sam Dyson (3-2).
San Francisco won it in the ninth when Hanson singled off Kenta Maeda (7-8), making his first relief appearance of the season. The Dodgers had a play at the plate but the throw from Enrique Hernandez in center was a little wide and dropped by catcher Yasmani Grandal.
Los Angeles’ bullpen has lost the team’s past five games. “What a great game,” Giants manager Bruce Bochy said.
TRAINER’S ROOMTRAINER’S ROOM Giants: SS Brandon Crawford was out of the lineup Tuesday as he continued his concussion protocol following a collision with OF Gorkys Hernandez on Monday. Manager Bruce Bochy said he may be available off the bench. … 1B Brandon Belt (hyper extended right knee) rejoined the team following a Monday rehab start and entered the game at first base in the seventh after Hundley was ejected. He singled and scored on Hanson’s single in the ninth.
Dodgers: 2B Brian Dozier was back in the lineup after leaving Monday’s game due to dizziness. The Dodgers said an EKG showed abnormalities, but Dozier said he’s long had an irregular heartbeat.
A cardiologist ran a battery of tests Tuesday and he was cleared to play. “When you’re talking about the ticker, you want to make sure everything is OK, so we went through it all,” he said. “And everything was muy bien.” Dozier blamed the dizziness on taking a sinus medication. … Former phenom Julio Urias (shoulder surgery) was scheduled to throw two-plus innings for Class A Rancho Cucamonga on Tuesday. The Dodgers hope to bring him back this season as a reliever. … RHP Ross Stripling’s move to the bullpen may be delayed by a sore back. … RHP John Axford was placed on the 10 DL with a fractured fibula.
UP NEXT Giants: LHP Derek Holland (6-8, 3.97 ERA) is scheduled to start Wednesday against the Dodgers. Holland won his last start Aug. 10 vs. the Pirates, earned his first win since June 20 at Miami. Dodgers: LHP Hyun-Jin Ryu (3-0, 2.12) is scheduled to come off the disabled list and make his first start since going down with a badly strained groin on May 2.
By STEVE DILBECK , Associated Press
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jasonheart1 · 6 years
3-run homer lifts Rockies past Dodgers 3-2
DENVER (AP) — For an encore, Ryan McMahon delivered another powerful swing, one that was even more memorable than the first.
McMahon hit a three-run home run with two outs in the ninth inning — his second go-ahead homer in as many nights — and the Colorado Rockies beat the Los Angeles Dodgers 3-2 on Saturday night.
“I thought last night was the greatest night of my life,” McMahon said. “Shortly after, I found out this was. It was pretty cool.”
McMahon’s drive off reliever J.T. Chargois (2-4) cleared the right-field wall just above the out-of-town scoreboard. He hit a go-ahead two-run homer in the seventh inning of Friday night’s 5-4 victory over the Dodgers.
“These wins mean a lot,” said Carlos Gonzalez, who had two hits. “We’ve had some tough losses recently, and being able to catch our breath, with a win like we had tonight, and the last win too, when Mac hit that home run late, it’s a great feeling. It’s what a really good team needs to take the next step.”
Bryan Shaw (4-5) picked up the victory with an inning of scoreless relief for the Rockies, who moved within 1½ games of their NL West rivals. The Dodgers are tied with the Arizona Diamondbacks for the division lead.
The Rockies, who were missing All-Star Nolan Arenado in the starting lineup because of a shoulder injury, were handcuffed most of the night by Walker Buehler, who pitched seven scoreless innings. He struck out six, walked three and benefited from three double plays.
With regular closer Kenley Jansen on the disabled list because of an irregular heartbeat, the Dodgers turned first to Caleb Ferguson, who pitched a hitless eighth. Scott Alexander fanned Gonzalez to start the ninth and was relieved by Chargois after giving up a double to Trevor Story.
“Obviously, you don’t have that guy that has proven to get out of the ninth inning,” Dodgers manager Dave Roberts said. “That’s where we are at right now. We talked about closer by committee and giving guys opportunities. And the matchups that we feel will give us the best chance to get the last three outs.”
Chargois hit pinch-hitter Arenado with a pitch before getting Ian Desmond to ground into a fielder’s choice for the second out in the ninth.
That brought up McMahon, who connected on a 1-0 offering, triggering an exuberant celebration around the plate. He tossed his batting helmet in the air and was doused with water and popcorn as he got bear hugs from his teammates.
“I was trying to attack Arenado with sliders and get ahead of him. It didn’t work out,” Chargois said. “I battled with Desmond and got a ground ball. I left that pitch up to McMahon.”
Kyle Freeland struck out a career-high 10 in seven innings, allowing a pair of runs on six hits, but got into early trouble.
Freeland allowed a double to Manny Machado, followed by a run-scoring triple to Justin Turner in the first.
Yasiel Puig then connected on a 1-2 offering in the second, driving it deep into the left field bleachers for his 15th homer.
Dodgers: C Austin Barnes started in place of Yasmani Grandal, who was given a day off. ... LHP Alex Wood (hamstring) is expected to reinstated from the 10-day disabled list and start Tuesday’s game against the San Francisco Giants. ... LHP Julio Urias took another step in his rehab from June 2017 shoulder surgery when he pitched 1 1/3 innings for Single-A Rancho Cucamonga on Friday night.
Rockies: Arenado was held out of the starting lineup because of a right shoulder strain that also forced him to leave Friday night’s game early.
Dodgers: LHP Rich Hill (5-4, 3.62 ERA) makes his first at Coors Field in 10 years. He last pitched at the hitter-friendly park on April 23, 2008, for the Chicago Cubs, when he allowed two runs on three hits in five innings.
Rockies: RHP Chad Bettis (5-2, 5.67 ERA) is slated to make his second start since being reinstated from the 10-day DL. Bettis, who returned from a blister on his right middle finger, allowed a season-high nine runs in 4 2/3 innings in a loss to Pittsburgh on Tuesday.
from Local News https://www.thedenverchannel.com/sports/mcmahons-3-run-homer-lifts-rockies-past-dodgers-3-2
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Shuffle Up: J.T. Realmuto, Miami's last star
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J.T. Realmuto will be in trade discussions all summer (AP)
The Shuffle Up season rolls on. Today, we tackle the catchers, the maddening catchers.
The numbers don’t matter in a vacuum; what matters is how the player prices relate to one another. Assume a 5×5 scoring system, as always. Everyone listed here has catcher eligibility in the Yahoo game at the current time. Players at the same cost are considered even. I’m not ranking the injured guys; it just becomes a silly game of “Who has the most injury optimism?”
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And I’m not a doctor. (Somebody get me a doctor.)
Have some disagreements? Have some major disagreements? That’s good! That’s why we have a game. I welcome your respectful disagreement, anytime: @scott_pianowski on Twitter.
Everything to this point is an audition, that’s it. If you want a ranking of who’s been the best to this point, you can get that elsewhere.
$20 J.T. Realmuto $20 Gary Sanchez $16 Buster Posey $14 Salvador Perez $14 Willson Contreras $14 Yasmani Grandal $13 Wilson Ramos
It’s partially shielded by the early injury, but Realmuto is having a career year at age 27. All his slash lines would be career bests, and his 140 OPS+ is 29 points higher than his best previous mark. Walks creeping up, strikeouts nudging down, hard-hit rate easily the highest of his career. I’d love to see him on a contender, in a real lineup, in a park that didn’t suppress offense (it was a 16 percent tax, per the Bill James Handbook, in 2016-2017). Answer the phone, Miami. Someone else needs your last real veteran star.
Posey is going to be a professional hitter until the day he retires, but the pop is missing again. He’s slugging just .431, his worst slugging percentage in seven years. On the road, he’s carrying a .245/.300/.336 slash. I think Posey is an eyelash away from being a Hall of Fame (he’ll eventually push over the threshold), and he’s long been one of my favorites. But he’s no longer an emphatic difference maker for fantasy. He’s also a much better real-life player than fantasy one, in part because his elegant pitch framing does not help him for roto purposes (though the Giants pitchers sure appreciate it).
$11 Evan Gattis $11 Francisco Cervelli $11 Yadier Molina $10 Mike Zunino $7 Brian McCann $6 Robinson Chirinos $6 Tyler Flowers $5 John Hicks $5 Max Stassi $5 Kurt Suzuki $5 Russell Martin
When they ask Gattis what position he plays, he should say “hitter.” The Astros tend to agree. But nine homers over the last 83 at-bats, that marks his spot in the lineup. Gattis doesn’t have jagged platoon splits for his career, but the average jumps 20 points, and the slugging rises 25 points. His Houston-versus-elsewhere slugging percentage is only four points different — essentially a wash. That goes to show you how misunderstood that park really is; over the last three years, it was neutral for homers and a nine-point tax for scoring.
A .366 BABIP is driving much of Hicks’s surprising average, but he’s also hitting the ball hard 41.5 percent of the time. The strikeouts are messy and he’s chasing almost 40 percent of the time out of the zone, so you worry about a correction. But in this messy year of catching, a regular backstop who’s producing and playing a lot has to be considered some kind of an asset.
$4 John Ryan Murphy $4 Devin Mesoraco $3 Austin Romine $3 Martin Maldonado $3 Jorge Alfaro $3 Tucker Barnhart $3 Jonathan Lucroy $2 Yan Gomes $2 Chris Iannetta $2 James McCann $2 Austin Barnes $1 Nick Hundley $1 Manny Pina $1 Luke Maile $1 Christian Vazquez $1 Chance Sisco $0 Sandy Leon $0 Rafael Lopez $0 Tony Wolters $-1 Alex Avila
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