#also i mentioned twogami so
m-y-fandoms · 2 years
COMMISSION: SDR2 Boys x Reader - Marshmallow Hell Scenarios
Details: For those who don’t know, Marshmallow Hell is an anime cliche/trope where someone falls face first into/is smothered by someone’s breasts. Also, this is for anyone with breasts, no pronouns are mentioned
Warnings: language and lewd suggestive scenarios but its kinda PG-13/Teen
SDR2 spoilers in some sections, but some will be implied to be Island Mode/no despair
Word Count: 4.5K words - around 500 for each boy
Byakuya Twogami
It was normal for you and all of your classmates to convene in the hotel restaurant every morning. You ate breakfasts handmade by the Ultimate Cook, discussed the day’s plans, and just caught up with each other. There were already cliques and little sub-groups within the whole - people who favored each other. Nekomaru could often be found getting stronger or training with Akane, Sonia and Gundham spoke of their interest in the occult, and Hajime and Chiaki had grown quite close. Ibuki had developed a fondness and sort of infatuation for the group’s self-appointed leader: Byakuya Togami. It seemed natural to want to be closer to someone titled the Ultimate Affluent Progeny, as he held wealth, status, confidence, and yet a bit of mystery. Ibuki, however, seemed to take to him more than the others. She was constantly asking him questions, playfully praising him, following him around.
This morning in particular, you were minding your own business, in the corner talking about beach-going plans with Chiaki after having just finished your breakfast. Ibuki, loud and boisterous, was trailing behind Byakuya, asking after what their esteemed leader had planned for the day, and Hiyoko, short-tempered as ever, was slowly losing her patience with the noise so early in the morning.
You actually had to commend Byakuya on his own patience. For someone who would be easy to judge as pompous and stuck-up, he actually was quite good at keeping his cool and naturally taking up his post as leader. He passed by Chiaki and yourself on the way back to the kitchen of the restaurant, and you nearly felt bad for the man who appeared to still be groggy from sleep and yet was being bombarded by conversation. He handled Ibuki well. Hiyoko, however, had enough it seemed.
“Ugh! Shut the hell up! I just woke up and you’re being annoying! Go talk to Mr. Ham Hands in your private cabin if you wanna suck his gross, cheesy dick that bad!” Clenching her teeth in frustration, Hiyoko reached out and shoved Ibuki as hard as she could with her angry little hands. The strength such a hateful little body could produce was actually quite surprising. Ibuki screeched, stumbled abruptly forward into Byakuya, who, taken by surprise, tumbled forward onto you. Like a stack of dominos you all went down with quite a bit of commotion.
With the hefty size and height of the Affluent Progeny before you, you were easily taken flat to the ground with a gasp. Everyone turned to look at the situation: Ibuki collapsed across Byakuya’s ass and legs, and Byakuya smothered head first into the plush front of your breasts. Time seemed to stop for a second, and Byakuya raised his head, cheeks aflame with embarrassment at the undignified position. You looked back into his eyes with just as much shock. Hiyoko covered her mouth with both hands, holding back how devilishly delighted she was at the chaos she’d just caused.
“Well, well! If the big rich boy wanted some play that badly, he probably could’ve just asked (Y/N)! I must say, I’m quite jealous of his position!” Teruteru teased, wiggling his fingers, imagining himself switching places with Byakuya.
Byakuya scrambled to his feet, lifting himself off of you in a hurry while sputtering defensive, angry retorts about how a gentleman of rare stock such as himself would never stoop so low and something about not being a common rake like the promiscuous chef.
Teruteru Hanamura
Teruteru was playful, unserious, relaxed in most aspects of his life and personality. However, you noticed he was fiercely serious when it came to cooking. It was his passion, his life’s work, something he didn’t play around with. You admired how much time and effort he put into his craft, and loved to watch him work. He spent every breakfast, lunch and dinner period making a literal feast for all of his classmates, and you often liked to either watch him work his magic in the kitchen, or get more hands-on and actually help him. You found him funny and knowledgable, and liked learning little recipes and cooking methods as much as eating the finished works. However, it was nice to be complimented, compared to delicious dishes and praised for your cooking assistance skills. You found yourself having a lot of fun with him.
At the moment, you were helping Teruteru in the dining hall of the old building by the hotel. Your class had prepared a little party of sorts for tonight, a little feast and get-together to chat, have fun, and just be carefree for a night. Now done with the dishes, it was all about plating and arrangment. He wanted the dining hall to stun your peers when they arrived in the next ten minutes or so.
He was up on a ladder, piling up a tower of sashimi and nigiri a mile high. You spotted him, nervous about the height he was at, especially with his short frame. You had your arms out in preparation, ready for any spills or to catch stray strips of fish meat. Everything had to be perfect. He took pride in that. Ice on the bottom, a cold room, fresh meat, the proper placement.
Teetering to place a bit of yellowtail and red snapper on the top of his masterpiece, you heard him gasp a bit, one foot stumbling over the other on the top step of the ladder. Determined not to crash into and therefore ruin his mountain of fish, he quickly shifted his weight, twisting so he instead fell away and off of the ladder and unfortunately, onto his gracious helper. You grunted with the impact, slamming flat onto your back on the hard floor with Teruteru on top of you. With his height and the angle of the fall, his face planted so very conveniently into your breasts.
It was almost a little too perfect of a scenario for someone like him, and you flustered up immediately, questioning if he’d done it on purpose as he took his good old time getting up. Of course, lewd remark after lewd remark ensued, as he took advantage of the situation fully. How often would he get an opportunity as lucky as that?
Nekomaru Nidai
Nekomaru had many more positive traits than negative ones. You absolutely loved spending time with him, as he radiated positivity and pushed all of those around him to be their best self and train their bodies and minds. He was all about mental and physical strength, as was expected of the Ultimate Team Manager. Nekomaru trained champions, and so he could never just let his friends go without realizing their full potential. You very much enjoyed his presence, his overwhelming energy, hearty laugh, encouraging personality.
Spending time with Nekomaru often meant also spending time with Akane. The two walls of muscle often bonded over their shared interest in being strong in body and mind, and today you’d agreed to train with them. Nekomaru was good at reading people’s insecurities - better to help overcome them - and today, he insisted on honing your senses, as the killing game left you feeling vulnerable and even a bit useless. There’s no one you trusted more to help you get out of those feelings. It was good to get your mind off of things while training to become less of a target for a killing. Two birds, one stone and all that.
Nekomaru had all four of you blindfolded: you, Nekomaru himself, Akane, and Hajime Hinata, who often got roped into silly activities with whoever seemed to be available to hang out that particular day. Nekomaru insisted he could use the training as well, so here he was. The next hour or so was spent dodging light attacks, relying on hearing and sensing danger when sight was not an option. Nekomaru always went easier on you and Hajime, saving the harder hits for Akane, who would never accept any less. Out on the beach behind the diner, you felt the sand between your toes, the wind on your face, the blindfold forcing you to perceive your surroundings in a whole new way.
You swivled on your heels, hearing someone new approach from the south, and you assumed everyone else heard them, too. It was Ibuki, as you easily reognized from the voice.
“There you guys are! We couldn’t find you for like, forever! Anyhoo! Teruteru sent me to round y’all up! Soup’s on! Come on back to the-” before Ibuki could even finish her words, Akane was bolting, blindfold still on, toward the first island, and only Ibuki would actually see what happened next:
Akane, all speed and no sight, plowed into Hajime and pushed past him. He yelped, splatting onto the ground at full-force.
“Ouch! What the fu- ah!” Hajime was cut off as Nekomaru, who also was now heading in the same direction as Akane, tripped over Hajime’s prone body on the sand, tripping face forward onto you, innocent of the chaos and unsuspecting while still blind to the world around you.
“Gah!” Nekomaru’s deep voice rumbled, clumsily taking you down with him, his huge mountain of a body easily smashing yours into the sand below him. Ibuki could only laugh at the cluster-fuck in front of her, the chain of events that lead to Nekomaru face planting directly into your chest. His exclamation of surprise was muffled into your soft mounds of flesh. You were speechless, just wondering what the hell was going on.
“Aww man, sorry, Hajime!” Nekomaru, hearing Hajime yell out beforehand, assumed it was the skinny brunette crushed below him. He reached up for the blindfold, lifting it and immediately feeling a rush of embarrassment set his cheeks ablaze. The tips of his ears were on fire and his heartbeat was racing, now making eye contact with you.
He wasn’t oblivious to his size, knowing whoever he’d fallen on top of was almost certainly pinned and unable to get up until he moved, so he scrambled to is feet, apologizing profusely and helping you to your feet while Ibuki made teasing remarks just a short distance away.
Gundham Tanaka
It was a rare stormy night on the beautiful tropical island. All outdoor activities were off the table, and so you and your good friend, Gundham, decided on spending time in his cabin. It had taken a lot of work to get Gundham to this point, where he let a “mere mortal” into the safe space of his private quarters, and he was still closed off in some ways. He had walls up: about his heart, his past, his Four Dark Devas, and you’d slowly broken many of them down. He still was his own quirky, awkward, edgy self, but around you, he was slightly more relaxed. He didn’t usually let others interact with his Devas, and he still insisted they could turn on even himself in a moment’s notice as they were powerful beasts and truly their own masters, but he was more comfortable letting you hold and take care of them than anyone else. You’d earned that right. You were worthy in his eyes.
You loved his personalized cabin, overrun with hamster tunnels and pet care items. It was so cute and cozy, a stark contrast to his own presentation to the world. Tonight, he regaled you with embellished and dramatic tales of his past feats while the Devas crawled all around you. One was under the collar of your shirt, trying to siphon away your body heat, another used your shirt sleeve like a tunnel. One sat in your lap, eating a seed you offered. Gundham’s storytelling was so entertaining to you because he was so effortlessly good at it. It was an accident that he was so alluring.
Without warning, lightning cracked outside and the lights went out. It was pure black all around you, and you assumed your peers in their own cabins were experiencing the same thing.
Freaking out a bit, Gundham yelled for his Devas, calling them back to his own side. Again, though he trusted you, and didn’t want to admit any faults in his breeding and training methods, at the end of the day, the Devas were animals with instincts and wild at heart. He feared them panicking at the sudden darkness and lashing out to scratch or bite you. He could handle it, as his bandaged arm proved, but he didn’t want that happening to you.
He reached out frantically for the Devas in the dark, lunging forward, scrambling and stumbling until he accidentally toppled you over. Clumsily, he fell forward onto you. You yelped at the impact, not seeing but feeling the Devas scramble for cover away from you before they could be crushed by their owner. Now flat on your back in the darkness, you smelled a masculine, fragrant gel product as a coif of hair tickled your nostrils. Quickly you realized that Gundham Tanaka had pinned you, his face smashed into your bosom.
The monitor that adorned every individual cabin flashed on, the monochromatic, evil bear appearing with a sheepish look across his mischievous face.
“Sorry there, kiddos! Backup generator comin’ at ya!” As if he even cared in the first place, he giggled before disappearing off the screen once again.
The lights shuttered and then flashed back on, Gundham now able to fully take in the situation. His eyes met yours, and widened in absolute horror, mouth agape. He shoved himself off of you immediately, crawling back to his side of the floor and gathering his Devas into his arms. He preferred to pretend the whole thing never happened, hiding his now tomato-red face behind the folds of his scarf.
Nagito Komaeda
Nagito was acting weird. Like, weirder than usual. You were all in the hotel restaurant for your morning meeting as always, save for Fuyuhiko, who was in the hospital after Peko’s trial the day before. Nagito was a clammy, sweaty mess, ranting and and raving about the most random things, and just… lying a lot?
You knew Nagito a little better than the others in the group, actively choosing to befriend and get to know him as much as he would allow, but one didn’t need to know Nagito well to know that he was lying. He was saying the most outlandish, obvious lies in rapid succession.
“Nagito, is this a joke? What are you up to, now?” Hajime, ever cynical and suspicious questioned the pariah of the group, who held himself in a crazed embrace, arms wrapped around his shaking form as he rambled on.
You also knew from spening time with Nagito that he was ill, extremely ill. He was so physically ill that it extended into affecting his mental and emotional wellbeing as well. It wasn’t like he didn’t lie to push his own goals from time to time, but this was different. Something was wrong. You’d all observed that Ibuki and Akane were acting strange as well, and so Hajime, kind of the default leader of sorts, put his flat palm to each of their foreheads and found them ablaze with heat. Ah ha! So there was an illness on top of the illness. Nagito was lanky and pale as it was, but today, he was a ghost of even that.
The group discussed what to do, trying to figure out what was wrong with your three obviously ill classmates, when Nagito, chuckling in a frenzied, unstable way, started to wobble on his feet. You saw his eyes roll to the back of his head, and he stumbled, beginning to drop. You swept forward and moved to catch him before he could hit the floor and take some real damage. With someone as sickly as him, a good fall would probably mess him up big time. Losing consciousness, his dead weight fell face forward, directly into the cushion of your breasts. You fumbled with his weight, struggling to keep him up while he nearly suffocated into the plush surface that smothered his face. You panicked, looking around for help, humiliation in your expression. He was heavier than his gangly frame suggested.
Hajime Hinata
You had the despair disease.
And you had it bad.
Forced into the hospital on the third island, you, Nagito, Akane and Ibuki had been quarantined, separated from most of your healthy classmates. Only Mikan, Fuyuhiko and Hajime visited the four of you on a day-to-day basis, both to care for you until you were better and to protect you from being victims of the killing game. Hajime, being closer to you than the others and someone who considered you a true friend, also just wanted to be there to keep you company. If he caught the disease trying to protect and visit you, so be it. He wasn’t really worried about it.
Little did Hajime know, you very much saw him as more than a friend. Although you’d never admit it to him, you were head over heels for your intelligent, perceptive, caring classmate. Your crush couldn’t have been bigger. When the disease first began to manifest and you were in the more mild stages of it, you tried to keep him away from the hospital, because it was clear to you which form of the disease you’d caught.
Akane had cowardice, Nagito lying, Ibuki gullibility, and you… 
It was most definitely love… or lust, or infatuation… you couldn’t quite tell. You’d like to think it was love, because if it was just lust or infatuation, you’d think you’d be climbing all over Fuyuhiko and Mikan when they came to visit, too, but so far, your grabby hands had only been reaching for Hajime. Your mind had been infected with an all-encompassing passion for Hajime Hinata, and Hajime Hinata alone.
Again, when you were more conscious and healthy at the begginning stages of the disease, you could recognize the involuntary increase of feelings swelling in your heart. You tried to warn Hajime to stay away, fully aware of what was happening to your body. He insisted on taking care of you just as he would help Mikan take care of the others, regardless of your warnings. As your fever burned and the sickness ravaged your body, you found it harder and harder to not grab at him when he approached, to not flirt shamelessly, to not look him up and down and imagine him without his shirt on. On days when the island felt hotter than usually, you subtly even suggested that he just be rid of the white uniform shirt altogether. Hajime had been a blushing mess around you all week, but had done his best to ignore the touches and advances, as he knew you weren’t in your right frame of mind. Though he secretly liked you more as a friend as well, he’d never take advantage of your predicament.
On this day in particular, the disease seemed to be at its climax. Your body was going through waves of heat flashes, sweat pouring from your hairline and onto your face.
As soon as Hajime opened the door to your hospital room, you leapt out of the bed before he could even speak a word. Your heart burned with affection as you latched onto him, jumping into his arms and smushing his face into the crevice of your breasts, very much on purpose.
“Hajime~ I missed you~” You crushed his nose into the sweaty cleavage of your bosom, wanting him to feel the warmth and love you held for him.
“(Y-Y/N)!” Hajime sputtered, stunned at the surprise attack, could barely breath, smothered into the embrace.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
You really admired Peko for her strength, skill and silent grace. She was strong and knew she was strong. She didn’t boast, she was confident in her art form. She was truly the Ultimate Swordswoman. Although it was quite hard at first, you’d managed to get close enough to her to consider her a friend. Being close to Peko by default meant you’d have to get a bit closer with Fuyuhiko as well. The pair were inseparable it seemed, and you didn’t mind that. Fuyuhiko, despite his fiery, spiky exterior, was actually much more thoughtful and kind that most people knew. You’d grown to realize that those who earned a modicum of his trust and friendship would not be disappointed in the type of man he could be. He often tagged along, pretending he didn’t want to be there when you hung out with Peko.
You stood on one side of the beach with Peko across the way on the other side. Peko took up an offensive stance, preparing for a head-on attack. She’d agreed to teach you some swordsmanship and martial arts basics here and there after seeing your interest, and so here you were, on your third lesson. Today’s learning goals included the basics of defensive stances, blocks, counters.
You weren’t picking up the skills as quickly as you’d like, though Peko always encouraged you to press on in her sisterly, stern, blunt way. Fuyuhiko stood nearby, reading some old book from the enormous library while leaned carelessly against the outside wall of the diner. He looked up occassionally to watch you two and comment, to scoff or tease when you messed up or express concern begrudgingly when he felt like Peko was going a little hard on you. Though she was supportive verbally, it seemed that she sometimes forgot her own strength compared to a beginners when it came time for action.
Frustrated with your own skills, you spaced out a bit, sighing and dropping your guard for just a moment, the wrong moment. Peko surged forward for an attack, noticing your lack of focus just a second too late.
“(Y/N), block!” Peko spoke curtly as she approached. With that wake up call, you brought the practice sword up at the very last second, just barely avoiding a head-on attack from the master swordswoman, one that probably would’ve knocked you out cold. Your pathetic excuse for a block took away a bit of the brunt impact, but Peko’s pure strength had you stumbling back still, knocked backward off your feet.
Fuyuhiko, softer in the heart than he’d like to admit, looked up upon hearing the commotion and, in an instinctual moment of reaction, dropped his book and lunged forward, ready to break your fall, if even just a little. You made eye contact with him on the way down, dropping hold of the sword and twisting to grab onto his petite frame. 
You easily tipped over his small body, taking him down with you. You instantly smothered him - your chest lining up perfectly with his nose and mouth - cutting off his airways as you two hit the ground. You were crushing him.
Profanities and protests fully muffled against your chest, Fuyuhiko struggled and swore, insulting you and hurling hateful curses from his compromising position.
Kazuichi Souda
You were making your way to Strawberry House from Grape House. In the elevator beside you was your good friend, Kazuichi, or just Kaz’, as you’d affectionately taken to calling him. You two often moved together, hanging out nearly every day, and now that you were all locked inside the funhouse, nothing had changed. In fact, with the danger of the killing game motive, you probably spent even more time linked at the hip with Kazuichi, as you liked to have each other’s back. He was a true friend to you.
Not only did you find Kazuichi’s unique style intriguing and his personality hilarious, but you really respected his unmatchable skill in engineering. He was a master, able to fix, take apart, and fix again nearly every machine or piece of tech that was thrown at him. He often, in fact, didn’t see just how amazing he was. Sure, he bragged at times, but you sensed a lot of insecurity under the surface, like he would never know just how valuable and important he actually was. You would often ask for his help fixing things or beg him to teach you some of what he knew.
On what you expected to be a short ride in the elevator, you were chatting it up with your best bud, complaining about the lack of food and the eye-strain caused by the bright walls of the fun house. One thing you two loved to do was complain together. You both just seemed to get each other.
Quite suddenly, the elevator stalled. Stopping mid-sentence, you grabbed onto Kazuichi’s forearm for reassurance as the elevator shook and thrusted to an abrupt halt with a jolt, knocking you into him. The lights flickered and went out.
“This is my worst fucking nightmare…” You chuckled nervously, grabbing onto Kazuichi tighter. He was panicking too under the surface, but being the Ultimate Mechanic, knew he was well within his skill set to fix the situation. Grumbling in displeasure, he sighed.
“Yeah, this fuckin’ sucks, but…” he started reaching out in the dark, looking for some kind of control panel or buttons, “I can probably get us outta here. Shit! If only I had just a speck of light!” You relinquished your hold on him so he could crouch, looking for some way to start his work. The panic was starting to really set in for you. What were the odds of this happening?
With a groan, the elevator lurched and shook again. 
“Kaz’!” You shrieked in the dark, leaping forward to grab onto Kazuichi, not caring one bit if you were impeding on any progress he had made. He yelped as you suctioned yourself onto him, tackling him to the ground.
“H-hey!” Kazuichi’s voice was muffled below you. You could barely make it out. “I can’t breathe!” He struggled beneath you, locked in your vice-like, terrified embrace as you ashphixiated him into your chest.
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bomblacatbookie · 5 months
ALMOST every danganronpa 2 character with an ex-stripper reader
Hajime hinata:
-Flabbergasted at first but learns to live with it
-He feels a little insecure about that he's chill about it. Wants to ask more questions but he doesn't.
Byakuya TWOgami
-Degrades you.
-Only once though.
Teruteru hanamura
-Thinks it's hot and asks for pictures.
-And no, he doesn't let go of it at all.
Nagito komaeda
-Gives you an awkward laugh "ha... ha... ha" with that smile on his face. You know which one.
Hiyoko saionji.
-Lets out a loud "EWWW" and calls you piggy barf. You probably become mikan 2, depends if she actually likes you.
-I'd say it's just better to not tell her at all.
Mahiru koizumi.
"Oh... Okay...!"
-She doesn't really talk about it, but doesn't shame you either.
Kazuichi soda
-"W-W-WHAT" he's blushy
-He's ashamed to talk about it. (I think)
Mikan (I forgot her last name)
-"oh... oh wow..."
-Probably secretly likes it.
Sonia nevermind
"Oh, haha!"
-Blushes a bit, although she questions if you ever went too far with a client
Ibuki mioda
-"Damn s/o! I can tell!"
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu.
-Shames you a little. This also depends on how much he likes you.
-But also doesn't care.
Peko Pekoyama
-Silent "hm" that's met with a blush.
-"You... Don't need to mention that again."
-Also she reminds me of supernanny for no reason
Gundham Tanaka.
-Doesn't really care I think. But he's also a little "intimidated" by it
Chiaki nanami:
"Oh... Really."
-Plays a game about strippers with you
Idk what to type for akane and nekomaru so buh bye
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alienssstufff · 11 months
i luv ur dr art recently @_@ if you don't mind me askin who are ur fav dr characters design wise (not personality/story?)
LOVE when people ask me stuff like this yes - i'd gladly <3
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Only included DR, SDR2, NDRV3 - we'd be here forever if it was the entire franchise. Also only accounting for their ingame default outfits
The placements on each tier is deliberate, the closer the character is to the top of that tier, the higher they are. I judge them by: >Prominence of the Talent, its practicality >Relevance to the character's identity/personality >Colour and aesthetics :]
[ramblings undercut]
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Like Gundham for example is an S-Tier design as it ticks all above boxes whilst still in a school uniform. The Four Dark Devas are important to the design, they go with him everywhere and the 5 of them are a UNIT which shows his strong connection with animals. I love the bandages and the eye-scar as it has a double meaning that indicates yes he works with animals (they can be rowdy), but as a character Gundham builds onto this detail using these scars to create this dark angsty facade. Aesthetic-wise by his hair he has a unique character silhouette, and I like how his purple is made the focal point by the blacks and whites of his uniform... both reinforcing the villain-facade and highlighting the importance of the Four Dark Devas.
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Similar reasonings for the other Top 2 of Souda and Miu this time toppled with the strong yellows and pinks in their design. It's eye-catching and easily conveys what their talent is. (I really wish they kept Miu's promo-art backpack into her regular sprites, imagine her emoting with 4 arms isn't that awesome >:] )
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Honorable mention to Impostor (Twogami) as well. While the regular Togami design is... mid. I really appreciate how contrasting Impostor's colours and accessories are down to the necktie and poses! Like yes they are impersonating Togami, but their values and personality as a person are not the same. The deception of Togami's dark clothing vs honest white suit of the Impostor's. Impostor fucking CLEARS regular togami any day on all accounts I will die on that hill.
A lot of the talent indications on this tier are more subtle in compare to S-tier but they get the job done and they do it in a pleasing way (I like the colour palettes on Chiaki, Mikan and Ibuki for example). Like I loveeee Sonia's uniform especially for it's simplicity. And yet the design still alludes to the Princess talent by elegance in the bow, the brooch, her crowned braid and how the shape of her skirt resembles that of a puffy princess gown. I also think the reds in the design like Snow White are a cute touch!
To me, Sonia should be the standard in what a Danganronpa design SHOULD be in accordance to detail.
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[ie the Green and Blue tiers] Reasoning why I put them here mainly because of wasted potential, either too basic (in a sense it doesn't tell much about that character) or not practical in any way for their talent... I HATE Ryoma's stripe leggings ik he went to prison but the execution of the concept looks awful.
And I hate Akane's and Sakura's outfits particularly cuz you KNOW why they made those skirts so short and I hate that. We could have gotten awesome gymnast of martial artist outfits but no......
I added Kiibo in that bottom tier because structurally even as a robot he is a visual nightmare if you're an artist trying to draw him. Especially when most of his suit is different shades of black and complicated chest cavity. And I despise the way that it looks like these robo-plates are attached on top of what looks like fabric long sleeves and pants as if the designer was too scared to fully commit to him being a robot. He is NOT 3D-optimised and he is NOT animator-friendly I'd throw up if I ever had to deal with him.
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drippingviolets3 · 7 months
Sooooo, a lot has been happening with me recently and since I might be sick (and desperately need my medication adjusted-) I’m going to do a part two to that one thing where I rated danganronpa characters based on how they would comfort me after that one instance where I got bullied for being 💅
Hajime: 6/10: His free time events low key make me want to strangle him sometimes for his attitude, and I’m STILL traumatized by that one nut scene, but he’d still do more then the bare minimum despite being awkward about it.
Chiaki: 6/10: I know she would never say this, but for some reason she’s giving me Zuko’s “Thats rough buddy” response from ATLA 😭. I don’t think I would be able to tell if she’s actually listening or caring, so I’d be discouraged, but Chiaki would definitely try to find some way to distract me.
Nagito: -10/10: Mf would deadass look me in the eye and tell me it was a necessary stepping stone to achieve the brightest hope or some shit he can gtfo.
Twogami: 8/10: For the sake of staying in character he would pat me on the back with a broom, but would definitely have some words of wisdom to share with me, maybe share his food, idk.
Teruteru: 7/10: Here me out, since Teru is canonically bisexual, coming from one queer to another, he’d know when to drop the pervert shit and actually help. His advice would be shit but hey at least he’d make me something to eat.
Mahiru: 3/10: I can’t stand this bitch I gotta be real with y’all 💀. While she would agree that it was bad and such, she’d still get onto me for how I reacted and tell me to stop crying. We know she doesn’t really do anything to stop bullying so she’ll just do slightly below the bare minimum and dip.
Peko: 12/10: MY. WIFE. Okay I might be biased but I do think she’d just slowly draw her sword out to kill the mfs but would retract it the moment someone said “Peko, no.” Would she know how to comfort me? Probably not. But will she make sure that karma is delivered and that it hurts like a bitch? 100% yes.
Ibuki: 5/10: I think she’d also canonically queer, but she’s obnoxious and is weird in a way that kinda feels forced to me tbh? Idk how else to describe it, but I do know that while she would do her best to help, she’s not the person I want to be around in that kind of mess.
Hiyoko: 4/10: It depends on if we’re friends or not. If we were she’d probably tear the bullies a new one before promptly getting curb stomped, or she’d just make fun of me and tell me to get over it 💀.
Mikan: 2/10: She’ll want to help but would probably make it worse by tripping, crying, and apologizing.
Nekomaru: 9/10: He’d be such a dad about it, give the bullies a firm talking to and maybe yell at them if they catch an attitude. Overall he’d be bodyguarding me around that bitch 24/7
Gundham: 7/10: He’d give me a hamster to hold and would go off on one of his tangents about being a demon lord and how he’s make them burn in hellfire and shower the underworld in brimstone, but I won’t be paying attention because I’m holding a hamster and that makes life better 💞
Akane: 5/10: Similar to “Peko, no” but instead it’s like swiper the fox where you gotta scream “AKANE NO!” Three times in a row to prevent her from going on a rampage.
Sonia: 6/10: The sweetest and gentlest thing omllll 💞💞💞. She’d make sure I’m in a safe mental space so I won’t hurt myself and brings me pillows and blankets and such. But if she gets really pissed, home girl will deadass threaten the group to leave me alone. If they catch an attitude they’re gonna have to throw hands with her whole fucking country (and it is mentioned that everyone in her country learn how to work army machinery in elementary school so 💀)
Kazuichi: 5/10: I don’t know if he knows what a bisexual is 😭. He’d try to support me but his confusion would be so evident that it somehow makes me laugh enough to where I’m less sad.
Fuyuhiko: 20/10: This man has access to an entire fucking yakuza and you think that bitch will get out unscathed? He isn’t good with words, but actions speak louder than words so he gets straight to work. By the next day that bitch would be in the hospital and get PTSD by looking at babies, knowing it was a baby gangster who knocked her teeth out
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veresidae · 9 months
i was going to ramble a whole lot in my actual upload but i was getting sooo rambly. Either way another 'read more'. Discussing the hopeful future of my portfolio and whats been happening, even if I know I'm not obligated to discuss! 10 Year reflecting !
That piece was meant to be done a month ago LOL. There has been a very obvious art block on my blog, and to be honest taking a community college course for animation just ruined a lot of drive and relationship with art.
I mention this because it turned me into such a perfectionist that no piece I attempted has been good enough! For the first times ever , I was actually scrapping pieces I was a good ways into! Nothing felt good enough, so I was hardcore studying and grabbing courses, and then crashing and burning from that. Improvement has been alright, but woof!
That being said, I want to make the next year to be.. a lot less of that! I have gotten a lot of advice that helped and snapped me out of that, which is nice. The last piece was a good thing for not needing to 'show off' too much, and sticking to what I prefer to do!
I hope in the next year to do a lot more! Maybe a month-long challenge, I don't know. I'd love to draw more consistent finished pieces, I need a proper portfolio but it's also just good for practice!
My only for sure plans are Fallen Rose cover redraws, Character profile sheets, and updated Character refs (AGAIN!!!). Maybe hopefully club 66 covers as well.. Everything else will be a surprise oooo who knows I'll get myself another magenta or twogami and draw them like no tomorrow. Or just get into another fandom lol.
If you read this hugs love treat yourself kindly and don't pressure yourself too much it will not bode well!
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Danganronpa 3 Despair arc episode 7
Oh so we're just gonna jump immediately into last time, which was Junko running into Ryota.
And interrogating him now.
Never thought I'd here Junko Enoshima utter the word weeb and yet here we are.
Rude, animators deserve more recognition and stuff.
The irony of an anime character going on a rant about how important anime is.
To another anime character who doesn't like anime.
The fourth wall is taking some hits this episode.
Wasn't expecting him to than show her his project.
And than for to cry.
I love how they had to include a *This is her personal opinion* note as Junko wacks down a bunch of manga with a bat.
Mukuro crying face was legitimately terrifying tho.
Oh no, don't tell Junko how to influence anyone's brains with subliminal messaging.
... Or with anything.
I thought this was just a bit but nope... This is bad... Oh no.
I'm gonna be saying that a lot aren't I.
This is what I get for wondering what Ryota was doing during all of this, because while apart of the 77th class, he's not apart of the killing game or the Remnants.
But he's part of the Future Foundation.
I am concerned about the casual conversation about using media to brainwash people and than Ryota ends it with making the world a better place.
And her smile, oh he is so gonna be a tool for destruction.
Aaannnd Gundam is doing poses with a bear.
Love to see it.
Nagito's still suspended... And was in a plane crash and ended up a deserted island.
Typical Nagito things.
.... Didn't need to see him showering in a waterfall...
And of course straight after that is Teruteru putting a banana through a donut.
I gotta hand it to these guys they really embodied high schoolers.
Gundam saying silence you perverts as a bear chomps on their hands, the best response.
And Ryota's been missing for a week.
I'm sure Junko had nothing to do with that.
Ugh Juzo's here.
Just when I had my hopes up I wouldn't have to deal with him for a while.
But fine, what you gotta say.
... Oh 20 staff members have gone missing... Nevermind that is important.
Juzo, you are the dangerous people. Maybe not specifically these dangerous people, but you do be dangerous.
.... Chisa why would you wanna lay your life down for Munakata?
Literally.... Why?
"Don't let emotions infer with the job you're here to do."
Those are bold words for you of all people to utter, Mr I damn near beat Hajime into a coma.
Get off you're high horse.
Ryota I get what you mean by the new equipment is great but you're always alone, how are you more alone here?
What cos Twogami ain't here to make sure your still alive?
Mukuro casually kidnapping Mikan.
Typical day for both of them.
Given how Mikan... Talks about Junko... I am not looking forward to this.
Junko's analyse face is disturbing.
So she was able to, on the second watch figure out how the brainwashing works... Wow.
No yeah, ultimate analyst makes sense.
Oh look it's Izuru.
And she asked him out.
I don't ship it.
OH! I should've seen that coming but nope.
Just bodies hitting the ground, and the bloods pink again.
I guess that would be her version of a date, and Junko's the one doing the killing.
Which is somehow more terrifying
She's usually the woman in the chair, but seeing Junko be the one actively killing and torturing people is creepy.
I dunno if I've mentioned it before but I like Izuru's voice because it very much sounds like if someone had their soul drained out.
And it sounds similar to Hajime's but also not.
... Oh... Oh no...
There's kids in the classroom....and she wants to show Izuru despair on a bigger scale.
The student council too... Not just some random students.
I had heard there were other killing games, or at the very least the 78th class wasn't the first.
So this is the first killing game... Ohh that is good.
Man the guy telling everyone to calm sounds so much like Ishimaru in both the sound of his voice and his words.
This is so much scarier than any killing game shown in the games... Holyshit Mukuro just shot a student and went you don't fall in line and do the same you'll end up like her.
No crazy executions.
No class trial.
No Monokuma.
This is terrifying.
Well at least we still have the motive videos.
Mukuro singing while this goes on is just yeah sure.
And it just keeps going... Fuck.
Also it can't be a coincidence that some of these kids loosely resemble the 78th class
I love that the chainsaw says Jason Freddy.
And the fact the last one manager to graze Izuru's cheek.
Typical hopes peak wanting to cover it up, even though Jin does want to say something.
Huh I wonder if that guy stuck with Kirigiri in the present because her father asked him to keep an eye on her if something happened to him.
Junko exposing the whole Kamakura project and the student council massacre.
And using Izuru as the scapegoat.
So now the reserve course is coming for the main school.
"Where did you go Hinata?"
Oh erm... You don't wanna know Chiaki.
Trust me on that.
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I think you are very cute. Can you please tell me Zoey’s relationship with the other students other than Kazuichi? Thanky
(original post 7/8/2023)
Thank YOU anon I appreciate this!
This ended up being long I hope you enjoy the read!
Fair warning not everything is a one-to-one with how I see the characters, because Zoey sees them as real people and I see them from a fiction perspective. For example, real life me thinks Nagito is a great character and the game wouldn't be the same without him, but Zoey obviously sees him as a(n attempted) murderer who shouldn't be allowed to walk around free. So dont take everything I say to mean I hate the character. Except for Mahiru, I actually cant stand Mahiru irl.
Btw, important to note that I mention my fanfic (that I'm currently still writing) a lot in this, and that it's pretty canon-divergent.
-Monokuma isn't there at first and the killing game doesn't start until at least one week into being on the island, maybe two weeks. So for a while they're just supposed to follow Usami's goal: make friends with everybody.
-Zoey is the special ed student who gets "accommodations" from Usami. Usami is supposed to make sure Zoey understands what's going on and help her if she needs it. Usami is a sweetheart, but she clearly doesn't know what she's doing and usually babies Zoey when she doesn't need it and then leaves Zoey alone or fails to help when she actually does need something. Hey, at least it's not too different from Zoey's pas special educators! :D Funny enough, the accommodations thing is made into one of the rules, and when Monokuma takes over he actually has to fulfill these accommodations as well. Of course he takes advantage of this opportunity in order to mock Zoey and manipulate her. Oh hey, this is also not too different from Zoey's past special educators! Haha...oof.....
-Monokuma has Zoey in a weird sort of mental trap, and I'd rather show it in the actual fic than talk about it here; I only mention it for Byakuya's piece.
-The only canon death I've kept is Twogami, who dies the exact way he does in the game, but everyone else stays alive for most or all of the fanfic, and it's still a simulation anyway. I'm a softy and I hate killing off characters in my writing. I only killed off Twogami because they were too competent and would have solved Zoey's Monokuma Trap too fast, and I didn't know how to nerf that. Sorry Twogami. You were too competent for Danganronpa.
-characters dont die as punishment for killing. Alter Ego is in this story and she got to the rules before Monokuma did, so she blocked violence and death as punishments (oh and believe me she tried to block Monokuma himself, but it didn't work and he showed up anyway). Monokuma still insists that the killing game goes on, and his strategy to get around being nerfed is to continue to get the students to kill and distrust each other, stirring up drama and chaos. Trials are still a thing too (and he'll find any excuse to hold them since they can be a source of petty drama).
(This had to be broken up into reblogs bc tumblr has a character limit! Please see reblogs for complete list!)
Nagito: They start off as acquaintences. Zoey thought he was alright, and actually one of the most easygoing people to get along with, though her gut feeling told her not to trust him too much. After he reveals his more murderous side, she avoids him like the plague. She admires that Kazuichi and Nekomaru tied him up and said that if she were there she would have kicked him while he was down (which got Kazuichi scared for Zoey's safety, so she promised she wouldn't go into the room where he was tied up). When someone lets him go later, Zoey avoids him like the plague and is disgusted with him, though he's neutral to Zoey.
Hiyoko: Hiyoko picks on Zoey, not nearly as much as Mikan but she gets under Zoey's skin by calling her "stupid" (I'm wondering if it would be out of character for her to say the r-slur. I feel like she would.) Zoey starts off thinking Hiyoko is a little kid and is way more lenient and gentle to calling her out ("stop saying that….that's mean… you could…. hurt someone's feelings….. thank goodness…. you didn't hurt….. mine" Zoey says, crying in between the words. "This is just …allergies.") Zoey is a lot nastier in responding to the insults when Hiyoko admits to being seventeen years old, though Zoey doesn't hate her as much as Mahiru.
Mahiru: ). Ohhh boy. Here we go. Anon I apologize in advance if you like Mahiru, because I portray her character way less kindly than most of the fandom content I've seen of her. Zoey probably thinks of her as worse than she is, but Mahiru in my story is baaad, and she really brings out the worst in Zoey. For every bit that Kazuichi is a sweet girl in bitch's clothing, Mahiru is the bitch in sweet girl's clothing. She's able to get away with saying and doing so much nasty shit because she can lean on a reputation of "nice, good girl who's 'empowered' and just 'tells it like it is' to the boys." But really, she's mean, pushy, physically aggressive, rude, insulting, mean to "weirdos" and meaner to "boys." And she gets away with it because she's a "just a nice girl." Zoey doesn't fall for her shit, which confuses and pisses her off because she's used to girls being easygoing with her. Though Zoey assumes that she's a "queen bee" she's more of a slightly less extroverted queen bee's best friend type. Zoey is mad enough to want to attack her character; both in the "I'm going to call you out" way and the "I'm going to punch you if you open your mouth one more time" way. Zoey can be cruel and loud when she thinks someone deserves a kick to the face.* *(I must emphasize, me as a teenager is NOT the same person as me as an adult. I stopped acting aggressive at 17 years old, initially from a fear that I might do something that gets me sent to jail and ruins my life, and I eventually learned how to cope with my sense of justice in ways that dont involve threats or violence or (unless I have to) direct confrontation. It strongly helps that I'm not going to high school anymore. Irl high school was a nightmare for me.)
Fuyuhiko: Eventual Friendship, possibly a rocky friendship though I'm still working on this one. Zoey is pretty sensitive to yelling and insults, so when Fuyuhiko's initial attitude is "everybody leave me the hell alone!" Zoey listens. Though normally Zoey would stand up to someone who was insulting and threatening people, the first time Zoey and Fuyuhiko met Zoey tried to protect the "little guy" (from Mahiru) and then Peko intercepted and made it clear to Zoey that Fuyuhiko doesn't need (Zoey's) protection and that for Zoey's own safety she should stay away from him and not talk to him. So at first they avoid each other. I'm still working out a later scene though, where Zoey's gut feeling leads to her following him around to protect him and unknowingly stopping Fuyuhiko from playing Twilight Syndrome Murder Case. I have planned some progression into a friendship with Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi as well!
Peko: Friendship. Peko understands Zoey's desire to protect people, and lowkey appreciated the attempt to protect Fuyuhiko, but she also thinks Zoey is too careless and should learn to discern situations better before jumping in to defend somebody (yeah, a little hypocritical coming from her, but in Peko's defense at least Peko is a trained swordwoman, while Zoey is very physically sensitive and has no weapon or combat training). She intimidated Zoey into staying away from Fuyuhiko, and even though she scared Zoey a bit herself, Zoey did continue to talk to her and they are Okay Friends. Zoey once asked Peko to train her in using weapons and Peko said no. Teruteru: Mixed Feelings, Pseudo-Friendship but Zoey is easily creeped out by him. Teruteru thinks Zoey is funny and adorably charming and roots for her and Kazuichi to get together. It's so funny, he might have one of the highest opinions of Zoey (obviously less than Kazuichi's and a little less than Ibuki's) and Zoey is creeped out by him. She wants to like Teruteru but he creeps her out. She tries to assume that he doesn't know he's creeping anybody out (like with Kazuichi) but Kazuichi assures Zoey that no, Teruteru is a creep. I write Teruteru as a "creepy little bastard" /affectionate, and he does say icky things like in the game because I think it's funny (sorry xD). Despite his ickyness and occasional smug attitude, he can be a good friend and actually helps Zoey and Kazuichi in a couple of situations, and he is the only one to realize without being told that Kazuichi is a girl (and he decided on his own to keep it a secret to protect the babyqueer). He does switch from flirty comments about Zoey to teasing her about her crush on Kazuichi, but she made him promise to keep that a secret and he holds up to it. Zoey and Kazuichi are Barbie dolls he keeps trying to smush together to make them kiss.
Sonia (who comes out as a trans guy named Coby later): Strangers to Enemies-Ish??? to Friendship-ish??? arc. Coby is Zoey's kryptonite: Zoey thinks "Sonia" is a mean popular girly girl that is probably going to bully her, and doesn't give him a chance at friendship until she feels forced into talking to him. Coby tries a little to be friends with Zoey and Zoey avoids him, which confuses him and hurts his feelings a little bit but he's just not sure what to think of Zoey. There's also Zoey's reason of "I'm jealous of Kazuichi's crush on you and I dont want to act unfairly mean at you so I wont talk to you unless you talk to me." They do become friends later, though he's on thin ice if he insults Kazuichi, so Coby agrees not to do that. He is rooting for her and Zoey, mainly to get Kazuichi off his back (ironically he says this after Kazuichi's already decided she doesn't care about Sonia any more). He's autistic too. I see him and Kazuichi as two autistic kids who were socially trained in opposite directions and fail in communicating to each other; I don't think of either of them as all bad or all good, they were both being self-centered and immature but they also are both good people. This fic doesn't villainize Coby, though later it shows Coby's own creepier side.
Edit 7/7/2024, a year later!: Damn, the entry I wrote for Mahiru is more mean than I remember, yeesh. Irl me got more sympathetic to Mahiru in the process of writing for her and thinking more about her character motivations and processing that mess that was the Twilight case. She's still the antagonist and Zoey the character is still this level of mad at her but I try to balance her and Zoey out. And IRL me does not hate Mahiru now even though I did last year.
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ultimaid · 6 months
hi i saw your post on ryoma and how the writers handled his character not having a disability, and i saw you mentioned other characters as examples for it, so i was wondering how did they treat tenko,hifumi, chihiro and twogami in a way that doesn't shed light on their disability/them not being skinny/cishet/fair skinned?
is there a way they could have treat them that while not making their disability their only character trait but have it at the very least acknowledged?
so with twogami and hifumi the game is pretty explicitly fatphobic toward them; not only are they mocked by other characters for being fat (especially hifumi) and nobody stands up for them, they’re also mocked by the game itself. hifumi is portrayed as a creep and weirdo whenever he behaves mildly eccentrically and twogami is portrayed as having an obsession with food. this is especially glaring in dr:s, where both of their beach outfits are mocked due to their size — i specifically remember a scene where tsumugi comments on how many fat rolls hifumi has.
chihiro’s entire arc is a transmisogynist travesty (which other people have written full essays on) and tenko is a lesbophobic caricature. i’m at work right now so i can’t go into too much detail but this is shown in such ways as tenko hating men and making women uncomfortable with her advances.
it’s not hard to write a fat character as a human — just make them fat without constantly mocking them for their fatness or portraying them as a creep. like, if you changed absolutely nothing about, say, kaede’s character besides making her fat, that would be a good representation because being fat — and mockery for their fatness — is not their defining trait like it is for hifumi.
the same goes for a transgender or gay character. if tenko just flirted with / was attracted to women, that wouldn’t be a problem. it’s the fact that the writers made her a stereotype that’s an issue.
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k-omaeda · 4 years
i wish to speak about my lgbtq hcs for dr characters so here we go
makoto - trans man (he/they) - demisexual demiromantic biromantic
byakuya - trans man (he/him) - asexual grayromantic gay
toko - genderfluid (he/she/they) - bisexual biromantic
aoi - demigirl (she/they) - asexual demiromantic lesbian
sakura - trans girl (she/her) - asexual demiromantic/grayromantic lesbian
mondo - trans man (he/him) - graysexual grayromantic gay
taka - demiboy (he/they) - asexual gay
hifumi - unlabelled gender (they/he) - asexual aromantic
chihiro - transfem nonbinary (they/she) - asexual panromantic
kyoko - demigirl (they/she) - asexual demiromantic/grayromantic lesbian
hiro - cassgender (any pronouns) - queer
junko - cis woman (she/it) - pansexual aromantic
mukuro - nonbinary (they/them) - asexual aromantic
sayaka - trans woman (she/her) - heterosexual heteroromantic
leon - trans man (he/him) - bisexual biromantic
celeste - trans woman (she/her) - graysexual lesbian
sdr2: (sidenote i havent finished sdr2 yet so sorry if any of these end up being offensive, if they are just lmk (preferably w/o spoilers))
nagito - transmasc neutrois (he/him) - grayromantic gay
mikan - nonbinary (he/bun) - asexual biromantic
kazuichi - trans man (he/him) - bisexual demiromantic biromantic
gundham - agender trans man (he/it) - asexual panromantic
sonia - trans girl (she/her) - asexual panromantic
mahiru - nonbinary (they/them) - asexual lesbian
ibuki - transfem nonbinary (she/they/he) - acespec bisexual biromantic
akane - trans woman (she/it/they) - aromantic lesbian
fuyuhiko - trans man (he/him) - demisexual demiromantic het
peko - trans woman (she/they) - asexual biromantic
chiaki - trans girl (she/they/it) - asexual aromantic
hajime - trans man (he/him) - demisexual/graysexual biromantic
nekomaru - non binary (he/they) - aromantic asexual
twogami - trans man (he/they) - asexual grayromantic panromantic
please if any of y’all have questions or just wanna talk about these hcs or tell me your own feel free to send and ask or dm me :D
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caramelgeddon · 2 years
Danganronpa two boys favorite dnd classes
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Hiya mod himiko here! I hope you enjoy this one and my future writes!
DND is his favorite game and he often likes to play the role of dungeon master. Creating magical jaw dropping campaigns… the only person who can rival his dm’ing skills is Toko… who is literally a writer
However whenever he isn’t in a dungeon master mood he most often picks the role of Warlock or Druid
The reasoning behind him liking warlock should be semi obvious. He loves it when people play along when he acts like a demonic lord, so of course the literal demon worshipper class is one of his favorites… his love for animals makes Druid one of his favorite classes, who wouldn’t want to transform into cute as hell animals!
Although he also thinks rangers are underrated as hell and tends to favor the beast master subclass despite its unpopularity.
He tends not to be the biggest fan of dnd… however he still plays it often since Sonia loves it
He normally either picks the artificer or the fighter class… he loves playing the artificer making weapons of mass destruction… however he doesn’t actually like the fighter class… the only reason he plays it is because he thinks fighters are normally team leaders, he thinks that will make him come off as more attractive to Sonia
It doesn’t and he eventually finds love in mahiru (man almost every segment I’ve made with kaz I’ve mentioned my love for kaz x mahiru…)
Ok so hear me out… he finds it funny as hell to copy peoples character sheets and slightly change the name
If someone has a character named Edelgard he’ll name his version smedelgard
He doesn’t have a specific favorite class
Rouge and barbarian multi class…I mean it’s kind of similar to what he does normally… being strong and collecting money… although people would debate Peko is the strong one.
He tends to also secretly enjoy dm’ing but doesn’t do it often worried he’ll come off as nerdy…
He often uses the excuse that peko wants to play it so…. That’s why he’s playing it… but he secretly loves the game so much.
A massive fighter main. While people may call it basic, he finds the class one of the most effective and doesn’t care what anyone thinks
He normally plays with Chiaki Nagito, Sonia with gundham dm’ing.
The group bard
Most people know bards as one of the best support classes being able to buff the party, and support the team… and as the class that seduces everything and or everyone
Guess which of these two reasons is the reason Teruteru
While he occasionally enjoys the role of barbarian, he finds the strong fist fighting monk to be the best.
Being a strong muscular warrior aiding the team fills him with a sense of pride and joy.
Most people expect him to be a fan of the rouge class since people find him sneaky and suspicious….
However his favorite role is actually the cleric… helping keep alive such symbols of hope and aiding them in there journey fills him with something he doesn’t feel often… happiness
That and… secretly he wants to be loved… and being a cleric makes him feel appreciated
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red-steampunk · 3 years
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I'm going to vent out my frustrations on how some of the characters were done dirty or became to over the top for the wrong reason. I'll also list how to improve them.
Spoilers Below
Teruteru Hanamura:
Teruteru's sexual behavior was way too over the top. I don't think there's a single time where interacting with him doesn't earn somebody his perverted way of flirting. I would change him up by making him more of a romantic type of flirt for his character development. I'd at least make him get along(smitten) with Akane,Imposter,Hajime,Nekomaru. Since Akane and Imposter clearly enjoys his foodl. Nekomaru would help him try to break out of his horrible habit bothering his peers after they confront him about. Hajime can also explain the fact that he might not ever get his own restaurant because he sexually harasses other people, and Teruteru comes to realization that Hajime is right. Also Teruteru doesn't drug Hajime during his Free Time Event, there was absolutely no point of that at all. Have characters distrust Teruteru saying they fear that he'll drug their food despite his protests say he has standards and doesn't want to waste food like that. Only for Hajime,Akane and Byakuya defend him and Nekomaru volunteers to monitor him while cooking, if it makes everyone else more comfortable to have a Team Manager to watch. And once he's voted off, he'd apologize to harassing the other students and thank Nekomaru,Chiaki,Hajime ans Akane for being nice to him, before he's excuted.
Hifumi Yamada and Celestia Ludenberg
I'd make Hifumi become the Ultimate Manga Author. Ultimate Fanfic Creator is pretty lame title. His backstory involves him making a 2,000 chapter manga within the span of a month(but his original School peers are still disappointed in him for selling it at his school's events), which became a huge hit with the world. I'd have Hifumi's undying loyalty to Celestia from being the result of her bearing a striking resemblance to his favorite manga character(Princess Piggles in a gothic lolita outfit). Celeste is already secretly into manga in canon so this would pair well with her asking for his manga collection in private and keeping it a secret for her because of his loyalty. Celestia is somewhat nicer to Hifumi when no one else is around since Hifumi would mention this to Makoto. But she still becomes aggressive when it involves her tea. She'll even say to Makoto in private that she'd rank Hifumi from an F to a C.
Miu Iruma
I'd have Miu be a lot less of an asshole towards Shuichi,Gonta and Kiibo. When not talking to her during trials she notices the three of them clearly see her as a friend since she has trust issues. I'd also not have her going around and speaking ill of the dead after she saw how upset Shuichi, like she knows where to draw the line. So she doesn't make incredibly rude remarks about Rantaro,Ryoma and Tenko. She however still remains the same when interacting with Kokichi.
Mahiru Koizumi and Hiyoko Saionji
Mahiru is one of the most obnoxious hypocrites ever. She can still remain the same but only for somebody to call her out on her being bias and hypocrite. I understand she's like this because of her father but that still doesn't excuse her. Mahiru telling the boys they need to take charge and protect the girls. Twogami decides to become the leader and protect everyone, only for Mahiru to complain about him being to forceful (she's just as forceful as him). And then there's Hiyoko, she thrashes Teruteru after his death and saying how she wanted to spit on his body and she constantly takes advantage of Kazuichi and Mikan being easy targets for her bullying. Mahiru doesn't say anything or tell her to stop or to behave herself. But within a minute of her insulting the recently deceased Teruteru, she starts smelling really bad and her classmates complain about that. Mahiru complains about the others bullying her. At this moment Akane and Nekomaru immediately call Mahiru out, after clearly getting irritated earlier by Hiyoko's disrespectful comments. Mahiru tries to defend Hiyoko's bullying only for a annoyed Chiaki to tell her that there's no justifiable reason for her to bully others. Mahiru realizes and has her and Hiyoko apologize for their behavior. Mahiru tells Hiyoko to promise her to stop, which Hiyoko has a hard time doing because of her background of her needing to defend herself by being cruel.
Ryoma Hoshi
Ryoma should've been a survivor if anything. If Ryoma would've learned the truth and came to learn that he wouldn't be sent prison after the Killing Game. This would've sparked him motivation to live and to completely end the killing game and the Mastermind altogether. Ryoma made the most sense to be a survivor. I don't know who should've take him place as the victim however.
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charlotteswriting · 4 years
Hello hope you are doing well! 💕 Could I request the DR2 students reaction to the reader (who is like Sally from Sally Face with a prosthetic mask and personality) taking off the mask? of course you don't have to if you don't wanna💖
Ah, yes, it’s been a long time since I played Sally Face. Let’s gooo!!
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Also Shouyo is adorable. 😩😭
Also character limit is 10. But I think I’ll be writing for them all this time. This might be short tho-
Hajime Hinata
Ok but he’s curious?? Because you give off mysterious vibes and he wants to see what’s behind your mask
You barely take off your mask. He attemped to see it when eating, but you hide your face really well
Well, he doesn’t want to pressure you. But if you feel like you can trust him, there’s a chance you might take off your mask.
And when you do, well, let’s say he’ll be silent for a while. He’ll just stare in shock, he doesn’t pity you, he just feels sorry that you have to cover your face with a mask.
He cares more about your personality, so he won’t talk about it at all. He loves you for who you are, not for your face.
Nagito Komaeda
Oh boy. He literally thinks it’s because of his luck. It’s not that he doesn’t care, he’ll keep his distance if you are desperate to hide your face
Though he secretly wants to see...
But again, he’s ok if you don’t want to show your face. He doesn’t want to pressure you
He doesn’t mind your looks, but if you were to take off your mask in front him, by any chance, he’d think very highly of himself
“So this is why... I see,” He wouldn’t say anything that’d make you uncomfortable.
He’d appreciate you for trusting him!!
Byakuya Twogami
He totally understands
He understands the pressure you feel and how desperately you don’t want to be seen by anyone
Well, in the time you two grow closer, he’ll open up to you and tell you about his past,, so you might trust him enough to take off your mask in front of him.
“Y/n, are you sure-” Before he could finish his sentence, you take off your mask and he just stares in awe. He’s surprised
He feels sorry for you that you’ve had to gone something so painful. But he feels reliable because you trust him with that.
Teruteru Hanamura
Oh. He’s really curious of what your face looks like!
Like, he wants to take your mask off so bad, but he can’t bring himself do it because of how you’d react. It can’t be good, right?
He’ll have to learn controlling himself,, because he doesn’t want to be judged by you
So if you take off your mask in front of him, he’ll never forget that day. It’s like the most important moment of his life
“I... Y/n, does it hurt?” He doesn’t really care how you look at all. How you feel is his current concern
Gundham Tanaka
Oh, boy, even though he tries to be seen cool outside, he wants to see what’s behind that face
He thinks you’ve made a pact with a devil and you were cursed in return or something like that- but no worries, mortal, Gundham is here, he’ll get your back.
If you were to take off your mask in front of him, he’d be shocked and close his eyes because he thinks you took it off by not noticing he’s here- he respects your privacy
“It’s ok, you can open your eyes...” You’ll have to assure him more than one times and he’ll finally open his eyes
The sight he is met is surprising, he’s rather amazed that you are so strong
Kazuichi Souda
Someone. Stop. Him
He reaaaally is desperate to see what’s behind that mask
Many attempts of trying to see. He even tried to build something that could see through your mask- but he failed and you and Sonia scolded him for hours
But yeah, he gets it, he’ll stop.
But if you were to show your face to him, I don’t think he’d be creeped out- he’d be just surprised... And shocked? Yeah. He still thinks you’re so pretty. And it’s not only about your looks
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
He literally thinks you look so cool with that mask of yours. And that attitude of yours. He simps.
He won’t ask you to show your face to him, if you felt like you’d open yourself to him, you would. So he isn’t forcing
But he wouldn’t mind seeing your face at all. I mean, he has imagined how would you look like- And he really wants to see but he is just embarrassed to ask...
As soon as you take off your mask, his eyes grows big and he’s like: hand in marriage
Yep. He thinks you are beautiful, and that’s on periodt.
Nekomaru Nidai
When he first met you, he’d be like “Who are you and what’s up with that mask?” And when you told him about it, he wouldn’t ask twice
Yeaap. Not even caring for your looks. He’d even tell you nice things if you are insecure
Not even asking you to take it off. For once. It’s not that he doesn’t care, if you wanted to take it off, you would, right?
And when you take it off, he’d thank you for trusting him with something so important. He’d also encourage you and support you!!
Also he wants to ask what happened to you in the past but he can’t, so you’ll have to tell him abt it...
Chiaki Nanami
Even though she doesn’t ask you about your looks, she is curious...
You trust her wholeheartedly, and you feel yourself comfortable around her, so you wouldn’t hesitate to take your mask off.
And when you did, she’d just smile softly and would thank you 🥺🥺😭
It feels good to be reliable, doesn’t it, Chiaki?
Also if you feel yourself insecure, she’ll tell you the nicest things, but if you want to change the subject, she won’t bring it up unless you want to talk about it,,
Sonia Nevermind
Ok but she is really?! Curious of your face?!!
She respects your privacy, but she wants to see it!!! Though she knows her limits smh. She a queen
When you take off your mask, you got her screaming. She isn’t scared, she is feeling mixed emotions, like, happy? Because you trust her enough? And more happy? Because she can finally stop imagining your face?
She thinks you’re really cool and strong!!
Also she’ll definitely want to see it some other time but only if you want to.
Akane Owari
This girl isn’t the desperate time but she’ll ask you to show your face. If you say no, it’s a no, she won’t bring it up again unless it’s mentioned or something.
Also if people annoy you, she’ll literally bark at them to make them stop. You’re really grateful.
When you take off your mask for the first time, she wouldn’t be able to speak. You put your mask on and sigh, thinking she finds you ugly.
Bitch, what? 😃 Say that again!!!
“No, no, I was just surprised you did that out of blue! Show me again, Y/n!”
Mikan Tsumuki
Ahhh, she can relate how you are feeling!! Having to hide your face would be such a pain
She understands you so well, she doesn’t want to make you comfortable about it so she doesn’t even talk about it. She just acts like,, your mask doesn’t even exist. Ahh, Mikan, you’re so perfect, just marry me
If you were to show your face to her she’d be so happy!!! Like you trust her enough?! She feels so touched and appreciates your feelings
As soon as she sees your face, she’ll ask if it’s ok to touch, soft touches with your consent, ahhh
She feels sorry that you have to go through something like that, so she’ll do anything to let you know you are loved!!
Peko Pekoyama
She believes it’s her fault for not protecting you. Even though you told her it happened long before you two had met-
It’s not that she wants to be your S/O because she feels herself guilty, she just wants to protect you at all cost
Even though she won’t ask, that doesn’t mean she isn’t curious of your face. Like, she really wants to see
And if you, by any chance, take off your mask in front of her, she won’t even make a sound. She just won’t be able to take her eyes off your face- though she’ll stop if you feel bad
She doesn’t mind your appearance, she thinks you are precious, and she’ll keep loving you
Mahiru Koizumi
As soon as you told her about the accident, she felt so sorry for you
She didn’t want to involve your personal space, so she kept her space. Though she couldn’t help but wonder about your face
She can’t ask you to take your mask off out of blue.. She can’t be that reckless. That’d totally offend you!
She won’t make a move unless it’s your choice to show her. I think she’d be kind of shocked but totally understanding with u!! She thinks you are unfortunate, yet so beautiful
Now she really wants to ask you for a photo after seeing your face.
Hiyoko Saionji
Ok but she wants to see your face but she doesn’t want to be seen desperate
But you can read her by her actions so well, though she refuses it
She thinks you’re the most perfect human on this world, and she means that, so your appearance doesn’t make a big difference, she already loves you, and you know how kind she is towards the ones she loves- (cough, cough, mahiru)
If you take off your mask out of blue, she’d cover her eyes and let out a loud scream. Which you wouldn’t know how to react. “Hiyoko?! What’s wrong, are you scared?”
She just thought your mask dropped and didn’t want to see you by mistake, is all. She’d be kinda shy because of the misunderstanding, and would try to say kind things, shE TRIES
Ibuki Mioda
Omgggg Ibuki stans rise up! This girl loves everrrrything about you! She first thought you wore that mask because you thought it looked cool, and she adored your style!!
She adored you even more after finding out because you think you need to hide your face. And she wanted to see it. By this, I mean she literally begged you to take it off for her! For only one time! “Pleaaseeee, Y/n, I promise I won’t tell anyone!!!”
Even though she sounds reliable, you hesitate but she gives you puppy eyes- THE PUPPY EYES. So you let it slide, Ig.
When you showed her your face, she literally screamed like a fangirl, “Y/n, what the- You’re so cool under the mask!!!”
“You must take it off some more! Your face is beautiful!” Please tell this girl you aren’t wearing the mask because you think you are ugly,, yeah, anyways. She loves when you take off your mask.
Aaaa!! This took me soooo long, I am sorry 😭 Anyways, this is so short I know but it has lots of characters, hope this makes it up hsjghd I hate myself for writing sooo bad 💔 I was really tired today and I tried to write but ended up literally writing bullshit and I was like 💆‍♀️ I promise I’ll get better but progress is taking foreverrrr 😭😭
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sdr2lovemail · 3 years
I just noticed that you are alive again! So um.. I've been thinking for QUITE a while of a relationship Ultimate Impostor x Ultimate Leader (in the killing game ig?), idk why. If the requests are closed feel free to ignore this. Thank you!
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You could say that I am a fan of Imposter's work. Even tho there is not a lot of content about them out there I still love them dearly.
And yes I died for a minute but have risen from the grave to continue my writing career. I hope you enjoy what I have written my friend because I absolutely love it.
⚔Mod Peko⚔
Spoilers for chapter 1
The Ultimate Imposter disguised as Byakuya Togami and the Ultimate Leader butt heads but also kinda wanna kiss each other
Teenagers and a killing game are bound to fall into chaos. Teenagers, a killing game, and no supervision will cause more chaos. That’s why they need a leader. Someone strong and brave to guide them. However two ultimates wanting to be that leader, teenagers, a killing game, and no supervision will cause even more chaos.
Breakfast was a usually calm time. Everyone just wanted to eat and get on with finding a way off this forced school trip. However there were some mornings where everyone seemed to be full of energy. Akane and Nekomaru were engaged in a fierce 1v1 training session. Chairs, tables, and food flying throughout the air from the power of their moves. The restaurant was in total disarray and with your talent of being a leader you must do something to calm the crowd. Standing up you set your arms behind your back and call out to your classmates.
“Everyone! This is-”
“Sit down, common folk. You will all cease this foolish behavior and stop wasting food.”
At the mention of wasting food Akane quickly stops her fighting. She then pulls up a table and chair from the mess of the restaurant and begins to chow down. You look at where the voice came from and see Twogami sitting at a table with a plate. Just because this guy is loaded he thinks he can be a better leader than you? Oh you will just have a quick word with him to set the record straight. With quick strides you tap him on the shoulder giving him your best stern look. This look helped you strike the feeling of order into people. But Twogami doesn’t look impressed at all?! No you can’t let him see you falter. Standing up straighter than ever you begin to speak.
‘Hey what’s the big idea? I’m the Ultimate leader. I don’t need your help guiding our class.” You told him with a grim expression. Twogami gave you a look over before setting down his fork. He wipes his mouth off with a napkin before standing to face you. His intimidation factor was off the charts. Can money buy such a scary aura?! After adjusting his glasses he begins to speak with a sigh.
“Listen I, Byakuya Twogami, am much better suited to be in charge. You may have your impeccable wits and title but that is nothing compared to being next in the Togami line. Now are we done here? I would like to finish my food”
Not even giving you a chance to respond he goes right back to eating. Even with your ultimate status this guy intimidates you a lot. But you will not be backing down. He thinks he’s so high and mighty you’ll show him high and mighty.
The days feel like they’re getting heavier. Monokuma’s annoying voice rings in your ears. There’s no way you’d believe that memory loss garbage….And even if you did, you had to stay strong for everyone. Twogami’s party did nothing to calm the tense feeling in the air. You decided you were going to check this abandoned building from top to bottom before anyone steps foot inside.
You do not see Nagito when you first step in. Maybe he’s cleaning somewhere else. Teruteru was said to be in the kitchen. Entering the main room of the building you see Twogami rifling through what looks to be a metal case. Hearing the floors creak under your weight he looks over. Upon seeing you he sends a glare.
“And what are you doing here? I don’t remember you having to prepare anything.” There was a doubtful tone to his voice. Twogami was trying to let this party go off without a hitch. And he wasn’t going to let some commoner ruin his plans. Though behind the rich boy costume Imposter did feel kinda bad. They felt like they were trampling all over your pride with their Byakuya act. However this was their ultimate. And as Twogami….No. Just as themself, if that even existed, they will keep their classmates safe. Even if they have to hurt some feelings.
“As a leader it is my duty to keep everyone in order and assure maximum safety. I plan to do a total sweep of the place before the party.” And like he did to you, you did not give him a chance to answer. You quickly turn around and exit out into the hallway missing the look of awe on Twogami’s face. Walking past the fire door you come up to the kitchen. Before you can reach for the door it swings open revealing Nagito. Strange….If Teruteru was already in the kitchen there was no need for Nagito to be in there. The lucky student passed by with a smile yet spoke no words towards you. Also strange. Nagito usually said something when passing. He deemed it rude not to say hello to an ultimate.
Entering the kitchen you see Teruteru at the counter. He doesn’t seem to notice you coming in. The usual smile on his face is replaced with a look of fear and he’s shaking like a leaf. Stepping closer seems to have caught his attention as he jumps. The look of fear is swiftly changed into a smile yet he’s still shaking. Teruteru then grabs a knife and begins chopping at some vegetables. Seems as if he’s trying to make it seem like he was simply taking a break.
“W-Why hello there. Heh, what could I do for you?” He’s shaken up quite a bit. Not a single flirty remark in that sentence and Teruteru sure did like to tease about your strong authority. You stand tall and look down at the chef. He visibly shrinks back. Looking him dead in the eye you start to command him.
“You will tell me what you have discussed with Nagito Komaeda.”
This caused Teruteru to tense up. Setting down the knife he grabs a comb from his pocket and begins to bring it through his hair. Though there isn’t a hair out of place on his pompadour. Appears to be a nervous habit.
“I uh….I have no idea what you mean mon ami~. We were simply discussing plans for the upcoming party.” Teruteru had tried to come off as collected but you knew better. He wasn’t making eye contact and he was constantly fidgeting. Nagito told him something and you were going to find out what.
“Teruteru Hanamura! I command you to tell me what Nagito had told you. Simple party plans would not have such an impact on your demeanor.”
This seemed to have caused a reaction in him. He began to blubber as words poured out of his mouth like a dam cracking under pressure.
“He came in here and told me that he had plans to murder someone at the party with the knife he had hidden under one of the tables in the dining room. He planned to overload the breaker in here with irons in the storage room to cause a blackout so he could grab the knife and kill someone during the party. I-I begun to form my own plan of stopping him….by….killing him?” The last part of his word vomit stuck with Teruteru. He would’ve had someone’s blood on his hands and would send the rest of his class to their own demise. “Oh my god I was going to kill him!” Teruteru then sinks to his knees before you.
Your face softens as you see the mess of a chef on the ground. Nagito was planning a murder? Why would he share this information with Teruteru? Dropping down to his level you set a careful hand on Teruteru’s back. “Listen. I’m going to go grab Twogami and you’re going to tell him what happened. And we’ll come up with a solution.” You normally wouldn’t call for backup, but as this was his party you felt he had the right to know.
You cautiously leave the kitchen and begin to look for the blond. Not able to find him in the building you exit to the hotel grounds. Noticing the while suit and blonde hair you call out to him and ask for him to come back. Leading him to the kitchen where Teruteru still sits slumped on the ground he listens to what you already know.
A look of disgust crosses Twogami’s face before he sets off to the main room. After announcing your departure to Teruteru, you follow him. Nagito is there setting up tables and dusting the furniture. He was about to offer the two of you a cheerful greeting but is cut off by your demand for him to exit the grounds. Not wanting to upset an ultimate that is clearly in higher ranks than he is, Nagito does not question it. He leaves the abandoned building to rest in his cottage to wait for permission to be allowed back in.
Looking under the tables you find the knife that Teruteru had mentioned. Grabbing it proceeds to coat your hand in wet paint. So Nagito had just planted this. But what’s the paint for?
“Set the knife in the duralumin case I brought on the left. I am currently using it to store anything I deem unsafe.”
You let out a scoff before setting the knife in the case. He sure does love bossing people around even in dire situations. Well….I guess that’s your talent so you can’t really speak. After doing a check of the rest of the tables, Twogami walks up to you with something in his hand. It’s a handkerchief with the Togami family crest. Imposter spent many hours perfecting the stitching of the symbol. You give him a confused look about the offering. Seeing the expression he rolls his eyes.
“Close your mouth before flies start to swarm. This is to wipe your hand off. I don’t need paint smears ruining the image of my party.”
“What? I can’t wipe paint on something as expensive as that. That handkerchief probably cost more than my house. I’ll just go wash it in the bathroom.”
Upset by your stubborn nature, Twogami grabs your wrist and begins to wipe the paint off himself. After your hand is clean he drops the cloth into your hand. “I expect that to be washed before it’s returned to me. Now I have some important matters to discuss.”
Stuffing the handkerchief into your pocket you give Twogami your full attention.
“I have decided that after this little incident we need to up the security. I would ask Nekomaru but I wish to keep this between us. Letting the public know that two people were planning a murder would cause chaos. When it’s time for the party you will help me conduct body searches. I’d like for you to keep an eye on the party with me to make sure no suspicious activity is at play.”
While normally you would make a fuss about him bossing you around with people’s lives at stake it was simply not the time for that. Nodding once he finishes speaking, you and Twogami complete one last look of the place before the party starts.
It’s time for the party and the two of you are set up outside of the abandoned building. After checking everyone and confiscating anything deemed dangerous, the party is in full swing. Everything is going smoothly. 11:30 was nearing and at the corner of your eye you see Nagito inch closer to the table. Knowing you shut the irons off you pay this no mind. There’s no way he’d try to pull anything when everyone can see him. A quick look of confusion crosses his face as the lights are still on. The confused expression is swapped for one of despair. There’s a creepy smile on his face and his eyes are clouded. Even if the blackout did not occur Nagito can still pull through with his plan.
He suddenly flips the table cloth over and goes to reach for his knife. Everyone at the party has eyes on him. Before he can fully register that his knife is in fact missing Nagito is pushed to the ground. His arms are pressed against his back and his face is squished into the floor. Multiple confused cries echo throughout the dining hall. Nagito recognized this tactic. After hours upon hours of researching the ultimates he’s sharing a class with he could easily tell that this was your work.
Twogami with Nekomaru in tow walks over to you and the detained lucky student. An agitated expression is on the heir’s face. He looks down at Nagito.
“You dare to think that I would let your plan continue? [Name] and I knew about your scheme and were quick to put a stop to it. And the fact that you would try to pull through with it in broad light is despicable.”
Anger, disgust, and confusion are present in the crowd of your classmates. Trying to make sense of it all Akane speaks up.
“I’m so friggin’ confused. What plan did Nagito have? Need me to beat him up for ya?”
You were quick to diminish the violent thought. “No, that will not be necessary as he has already been disarmed.”
“Nagito had planned out a murder.”
Twogami’s words caused a commotion in the dining hall. After hearing the noise from the kitchen, Teruteru cautiously enters the room fearing the worst. Though a feeling of relief washed over him after seeing Nagito on the ground.
Nekomaru lets out a strangled noise. His teeth are clenched and his fists tightened.
“You were going to murder one of your classmates? THAT’S INEXCUSABLE! Please [Name] allow me to detain him somewhere away from everyone. SOMEONE LIKE HIM CANNOT WALK FREEEEE!”
Looking over to Twogami as if silently discussing what to do he sends you a nod. Removing Nagito from your grasp he is quickly put into Nekomaru’s. The coach is quick to remove him from the premises. With a sigh Twogami faces your classmates. Pushing his glasses up he begins to apologise.
“I am sorry you all had to see that. And I am sorry that my exquisite party must draw to a close here. Exit the building and head to your cottage for the night.”
Though shaken, everyone proceeds to leave in groups. No one wants to walk back alone fearing that someone will try something. With just you and Twogami left he turns to face you.
“That was quite impressive. What you did back there was helpful in getting Nagito detained. I believe that we should come to an agreement. Yes we are fine separately but together I feel that we could do an outstanding job at keeping everyone safe.”
Twogami extended a chubby hand out for you to shake. This handshake would seal the two of you into a partnership. One of which would keep your class safe. Looking from his hand to his face then back to his hand you sit there in thought. This could be a wonderful idea. With two people working together that’s like double the safety. With a smile you shake his hand giving it a tight squeeze.
“I think I’d like that Twogami! From here on out the two of us are now Jabberwock Island’s health and safety committee.”
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s-serendipit-y · 3 years
platonic hcs
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request: Enough Romance, I want friends. Himiko, Teruteru, Kiyo, Leon, and K1-B0 Freindship HC's
characters: himiko, teruteru, korekiyo, k1-b0
notes: i hear ya anon! the power of friendship can conquer anything /hj also i removed leon since i only accept four characters per request hope that’s okie 🕺
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——— himiko yumeno
you’re her apprentice, she teaches you some of her magic
sometimes you two would even do magic for your friends (check the tank for ryoma)
umm matching outfits? yes please.
if it’s during the killing game, she would try to ask you to join the student council.
and since you two are friends if she sees you out of your dorm past nighttime if you have a valid enough reason she’ll turn a blind eye.
we all know himiko is pretty lazy so you two might just watch movies together in the av room
also tenko might approach you asking how to get himiko to fall in love with her like her back.
*spoilers —>* when tenko and angie die she would only go to you for comfort
even when kokichi attacks to during the trial, she would really appreciate it if you have her back.
you’re all she has left, so pls don’t die or be the mastermind. (mastermind s/o?)
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——— teruteru hanamura
the sexual jokes probably won’t stop
teruteru loves cooking and always wants you to join him, you could be his sous chef.
he’d ask you to try lots of his food to see how good they are.
never ask him to get mcdonald’s, he’ll ignore you for days 💀
also he’ll introduce you to his mom 🥺
his mom loves you! you’re probably the only friend he’s ever brought home
another person down for matching outfits
maybe even matching pfp on your socials (having matching pfps is so cool i-)
*spoilers —>* if it’s during the killing game you’re gonna have to convince him not to try kill nagito (or twogami since that’s who’s dead) and apprehend him instead.
akane would definitely ask you to cook for her since you know some of his recipes. she doesn’t really want to talk to teruteru for reasons-
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——— korekiyo shinguji
cw ⚠️: mentions of kiyo’s sister, if that bothers you skip this pls :)
teaches you about anthropology
he’ll even let you hold some of the relics only if you have very clean hands and aren’t clumsy
kiyo would let you play with his hair and only you, others might get jealous (i will)
would be down for matching jewelry, like necklaces, rings, bracelets
you two would have a lot of inside jokes, and others would be so confused when they see you dying of laughter and kiyo quietly chuckling next to you.
he’d let you bandage his hands :’)
kiyo would open up about his sister to you and the horrors he went through with her, you’re the only person he feels like he can truly trust
*spoilers —>* if you help him open up early in the killing game, you might prevent the deaths of angie and tenko
we know others find him creepy, so he does silently appreciate that you didn’t judge him so quickly.
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——— kiibo
kiibo likes observing you, watching your mannerisms let’s him know how humans act more
you definitely have to protect him from kokichi
he would force ask you two watch his one man comedy acts (take it as you will)
can’t do matching outfits with you since he doesn’t- nvm
you two might be able to ask miu to make modifications so you two could have matching accessories
he would also ask you to join the student council
but he wouldn’t turn a blind eye to any of your actions
“if i let you stay out that would make me corrupt. now please go back to your room”
since his existence is technically is his ultimate, he would ask you to help him find other talents and hobbies he’s good at
cooking with kiibo? yes please!
teaching him to dance? awkward but fun :)
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
hi could you do celebrating valentines day or your anniversary with the sdr2 boys 💓💓
Valentines day with the SDR2 boys
this is sooo adorable and i love writing stuff like this! i went a lil ham and did around double the world limit i would usually do, but it’s okay! i also got some inspiration based on thinking of some of my favorite dates with my bf :3 anyway, i hope you enjoy it! 
♡ mod kaede
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Hajime Hinata:
   ★ Hajime doesn’t want to plan something extravagant for your anniversary; he’s just satisfied spending time with you. So for your anniversary, you opt to order pizza and watch one of your favorite movies together.
   ★ You laugh at all the same familiar parts of the movie and recite the best lines simultaneously. Hajime wraps a blanket around the two of you and you put your head on his chest.
   ★ About halfway through the movie, you notice Hajime’s attention has shifted from the movie to you. 
   ★ When you look up, Hajime places a hand on your face and pulls you in for a long, soft kiss.
   ★ “Happy anniversary. I love you, Y/N,” he whispers to you lovingly.
Nagito Komaeda:
   ★ You enter the aquarium with your boyfriend, Nagito. He mentioned to you in passing one day he had never been to one, so you decided to take him to your local aquarium for your anniversary.
   ★ You held hands and marveled at all of the different things you saw. Fish, sharks, penguins...even the plants were beautiful to look at!
   ★ After exploring the aquarium you entered the gift shop. You gasped upon seeing an adorable octopus plushie and showed it to Nagito.
   ★ You continued looking around only to notice Nagito disappear for a moment. He tapped on your shoulder and told you he was ready to go. You looked down and saw a bag in his hand.
   ★ Once you were outside, Nagito reached into the bag and pulled out the octopus plushie. “Happy anniversary, Y/N. Thank you for spending time with someone like me.”
Gundham Tanaka:
   ★ You held Gundham’s bandaged hand, excited to be at a place you two had always dreamed of going: a cat cafe.Walking in, you and Gundham immediately marveled at all of the adorable cats in front of you.
   ★ Originally, you thought an hour would be plenty of time to spend with the cats, but Gundham ended up buying another hour to make sure you had time to play with all of the cats individually.
   ★ Both of you had become attached to a cat named Midnight. Gundham had brought up wanting to adopt a cat with you before, but you weren’t sure. But Midnight was so precious you couldn’t resist. Before you know it, you had signed the adoption papers and planned to pick up Midnight a few days later.
   ★ As you walk home, Gundham gives your hand a soft squeeze and says to you “Happy anniversary, my dark monarch.”
Kazuichi Souda:
   ★ You knew Kazuichi had been planning something for a while now. However, you had no idea what it was, and he was refusing to say anything.
   ★ On your anniversary, you took Kazuichi to a museum centered around different types of machines. You smiled watching his eyes light up as you looked around the museum together.
   ★ Once you were back at the house, he told you he had a gift he worked on for you. He left for a moment and came back holding a little robot he had made of himself. Kazuichi had recorded cute sayings into his robo-self to remind you how much he loved you.
   ★ “Happy anniversary, Y/N. I hope you love it as much as I love you.”
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu:
   ★  Fuyuhiko had wanted to do something special for your anniversary, but he was stumped on what to do for you. When the day came, you both agreed on just spending a day in the park and going to get ice cream from your favorite shop nearby.
   ★ You held his hand in one hand and your ice cream in the other, being careful to not drop your ice cream. You find a bench and sit down with Fuyuhiko, eating your ice cream and feeding each other spoonfuls.
   ★ When you finish spending time together at the park, you return home to cuddle for the rest of the evening.
   ★ Your conversation lulls for a moment before Fuyuhiko turns to you. “Hey Y/N...you mean a lot to me, y’know. Happy anniversary.”
Nekomaru Nidai:
   ★ For your anniversary, Nekomaru had taken you to the beach!
   ★ You both spend the day building sandcastles and eating your favorite snacks, but your favorite part had to be the water gun fight! Both of you laugh and run around on the beach, spraying each other with streams of water and yelping in surprise when the freezing water hit you.
   ★ That evening, you both looked out onto the setting sun over the water. The sky had turned pink with streaks of orange. You feel Nekomaru wrap a protective arm around you and kiss the top of your head.
   ★ “You mean so much to me, Y/N. Happy anniversary.” Nekomaru says to you in a soft tone you’ve never heard before, but know you’ll hear again.
Teruteru Hanamura:
   ★ You sighed at your front door, relieved that another day of work was over. Today was your anniversary with Teruteru and you were looking forward to spending time with him.
   ★ You walked into the house and instantly knew the amazing smell that had wafted throughout. Teruteru had made you your favorite meal! He welcomed you home soon after you had closed the door and placed your plate down at the dining table.
   ★ A few candles had been lit and there were fresh roses in a vase, too.
   ★ You spent the meal talking to Teruteru about your day and how grateful you were to have him in your life. When you’re both done eating he pulls out a box of homemade chocolates for you.
   ★ “Thank you for everything, Y/N. Happy anniversary.”
Byakuya Twogami:
   ★ The Ultimate Impostor just wanted to do something simple for your anniversary, which was to take you to your favorite restaurant. Even if it was just a meal at your favorite restaurant, you were happy nonetheless because you were getting to spend time with him.
   ★ You notice the restaurant is quieter than usual when you walk in compared to the usual hustle and bustle. Once you’re seated and your meals are in front of you, you both dig in. The food is delicious like usual and you and Byakuya continue the conversation you had started before eating.
   ★ “Y/N, thank you for accepting me for who I am. Happy anniversary.” Byakuya blushes and you smile at him. The waiter comes by and you order your favorite dessert to share.
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kenphobia · 3 years
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requested by anon ( via dms. )
I wanted to please request headcanons for ultimate imposter (twogami), but he is yandere and a vampire. Odd, i know 😅 Is that acceptable?
summary. headcanons with s/o and their vampire!twogami (ultimate imposter).
headcanon. twogami uses he/they pronouns and is non-binary.
includes. established romantic relationship. mentions of blood. human x vampire trope. victorian-like setting. ( it's vampire/fantasy au, give me my goth castle >:[ ) toxic / yandere behavior. shoving s/o into a closet.
relationship/s. reader/twogami. reader/imposter.
notes. i have no idea what the fuck their name is so twogami it is </3 also, thanks to anon for requesting! this is my first time actually and hopefully this is alright!
im not familiar w/ twogami but thanks to his wiki and i got a bit of info :] also i allowed anon asks now so feel free to send me requests if you were wanting to :D
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for starters; twogami's a bit timid yet is an absolute sweetheart. he loves to hold your hand, hug you or just any way to show his affection to you physically.
they will never harm you— god forbid, even try to! they constantly worry about you and your safety and if anything bad happens to you, they'll think they're the reason why it happens even they aren't. (and the guilt increased tenfold if they are. )
so as a yandere and a vampire, twogami always have these little thoughts fighting in his mind; the urge to plunge into your neck and drink all of your blood until you drop withered and un-moving, and the urge to hold you gently in his arms and care for you tenderly.
because of that, they always seem to avoid you, fearing the thought of losing control and injuring his beloved human.
but that only happens if their bloodthrist is slightly above average. most of the time, twogami sticks to you like glue— holding your hand and striking conversations or just telling your stories about books he read.
i'd like to think twogami like reading books, ranging from childish fairytales meant for kids to detective novels. so they have a large library, having tons of books stored in tall bookshelves and others lying around on the floor or neatly organized on a table.
that's where your dates usually happens since you and him can't go outside, after all!
just you snuggled close to him, his voice allurring enough to make you rest your head on his chest and close your eyes. the novel's words cooed to you like strings of sweet honey, stirring you asleep.
it was almost enough for you to forget you're in a hands of a possessive vampire.
of course, twogami wouldn't even lay a hand on you, he'll just shove you ( quite roughly ) into a dark closet whenever you get on his nerves or if his bloodthrist is out of his hands. the door is locked shut meaning you can't get out even if you try to push it open. ( sealed with magic, of course. )
they think it's for the better of the two of you since he can't get in and hurt you if he's out of control ( thanks to the magic ) and you get some time to think about what you've done.
that's twogami's last resort if you ever got into a argument with him. he'll try to reason with you, trying to calm your nerves while trying his best to find the best excuse why you shouldn't go outside.
if you continue to push him any further, he may or may not break and push you into the 'time-out closet'. ( as he likes to call it. )
and to get on the yandere train, i see twogami's more as a softer yandere but still a yandere. they're patient with you and overall try to make your life better ( via kidnapping you and not letting you go ), though at the same time they're delusional and a tad bit hypocritic.
in their mind, they think whatever they're doing is fine. they think they're protecting from danger by keeping you locked away when in reality, they're the danger.
abeilt clingy and overprotective but he does let you get bathroom breaks and ( admittedly short-lived ) privacy because he feels a tiny guilt for isolating you.
if you let him drink your blood, they'll flock to your side and ask you a lot of questions, making sure you're really okay with this decision before gently biting into your skin and sipping blood.
( quite little actually, he doesn't want to overdo it. )
also, he probably sucks the red out of things to maintain his hunger, like marceline from adventure time. or going after wild animals or people that tries to invade his forest.
he would never tell you about it, of course. you don't need to know what's going out there <3
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ⓒ kenphobia — all rights reserved. any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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