#also i love the idea of steve being the designated party planner
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After who knows how long I finally had a Leppard themed dream! It was about Steve, which I was pleasantly surprised by.
Anyways I was looking through some old family pictures and found a polaroid of Steve and I and then it turned into a flashback of when I met him. The context was it was after a show and Steve was at the store buying all sorts of groceries for a party. Long story short I saw him and talked to him for a minute before he gave me a hug and took the picture together🥹💗
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soldierswar · 5 years ago
Oh Hell No (Pt. II)
Pairing: BuckyxReader
Humorous angst, Smut  
Word Count: 1816
Plot: You and Bucky hate each other. Almost any time you’re together, you end up fighting. It often turns into explosive fights, and the team is sick of it. But neither of you care. So you nor Bucky do anything to rectify the problem. Especially Bucky. He uses a nickname for you that he knows makes you angrier than anything. And then…Something interesting happens.
Note: Obviously go to part 1 first. This is an immediate follow up to the end of that chapter. Link will also be on the bottom.
Part 1
10 hours earlier You and Bucky were both sent to go get the multiple bags of extra ice that were currently being delivered. Wanda had decided that she wanted to throw a big-ass party on the compound. And after a couple of hours, everyone was out of ice. How the hell was one supposed to chill champagne, and wine without copious amounts of ice? It would be a tragedy. But of course, you were the one that was sent to go help Bucky. Mostly because you were the least drunk person around. Steve normally would have gone, but he had yet to show up. “Are you sure that they said that they came at this entrance?” asked Bucky in his oh too familiar annoyed tone. “Well that’s where it says they are. Right here.” “Let me see that,” he groaned while snatching your phone out of your hand and took a good look at your screen. “Typical,” he sighed while shaking his head. You had the sense that he wasn’t feeling frustrated by the delivery people having not been there when they already said they were. “What?” “Nothing,” he groaned, shaking his head. Other than the fact that you really would mix up which entrance to go to. This is the East entrance. Not the South entrance.” You felt an intense surge of anger radiate throughout your entire body. He really had to be mean about it too, didn’t he? “Why the fuck do you hate me so much?” you asked interrogatively. “I’m always doing something wrong, and when I’m doing something right, you always find a way to point out every single flaw. Especially when it comes to going out on assignments. So what is it, Buck? It can’t be because I’m a girl because you seem to be fine with everyone else male or female except for me.” “Y/N,” he responded. you’re the cockiest person I’ve ever met. And that includes against Steve.” You frowned, and narrowed your eyes. “You never listen. You always want to do what you want to do. And you always think that you’re right! So when you do just so happen to succeed, you expect everyone to give you a pat on the head like you’re a puppy that just learned how to roll over.” “I’m cocky?” you retaliated. “You put yourself in way worse situations than I do, and you never listen either when other tell you not to do it! So what makes you much different?” “Don’t act like it’s the same thing when it’s me other than when you, Sam, or Nat.” “Why?” You exclaimed. “Because you’re the immortal super soldier?” “You know what, sweetheart?” he replied, stepping incredibly close to you to seem more menacing. You stared angrily into his sharp blue eyes. Your breaths began to grow more erratic as he towered over you, and neither of you gave up on the staring contest. “That’s exactly why.” After a good 10 second stare-down, you impulsively pulled his face closer to yours, and kissed him.
You had no idea what came over you. Maybe it was a mix of him being too close to you for comfort, the sharp stare that you were so familiar with, and the fact that you just wanted him to shut up already. Either way, he was not pulling away. In fact, he pulled you closer. Kissed you deeper. Brought his left hand to move up and down your waist with his right on the side of your face as things grew hotter and hotter. His body heat radiated onto you, and you felt your heart beat faster and faster. You didn’t even have time, or the sense to think about what was going on, or why it was happening. Was it the frustration manifesting into some sort of odd result? Misplaced lust? Something else? Those thoughts, (or lack thereof) didn’t stop anything from escalating as hard or fast as it did. He pushed you back a few feet and pressed you against the wall, not faltering on what he was doing before. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and pulled yourself up so that he was holding you, and your legs were wrapped around him. And now he moved his mouth from your mouth over to your neck. Within seconds of him biting along your neck (which you knew was definitely going to leave a mark), you uncontrollably let out a soft moan. When you did, you felt him smile deviously against your neck as one of his hands moved lower and lower down the front of your torso. By the time he slid his hand down your pants he was facing you, smugly staring, and studying how your expression changed as he pressed his fingers onto your underwear covered core. He liked seeing you at his mercy. There was no denying now that you were completely under his spell. You freed yourself from his grip and grabbed his right wrist. When you looked back, you saw that he looked confused for a moment. But when he saw which direction you were going in, he knew exactly where you were taking him. His room. His room was barely 100 feet away from where you were moments ago. So, you were inside in less than a minute. When he closed the door behind him, you pulled your shirt off in one swift movement and threw it across the room. He stepped closer to you, and kissed you ravenously once again and unclasped your bra. No fair. You pulled away again and began to pull his shirt up. Message noted. When he (figuratively) ripped it off, he swept you up, threw you on the bed like a ragdoll and positioned himself, planking over your jello-like body. He softly brushed his lips down your jawline, your neck, your exposed chest, and down your torso and stopped when he reached your hipbones. He knew he was being a tease, and he could tell by the way your body started to lightly tremble that it was working. When he pulled your leather pants along with your underwear off, your body was practically screaming for more. You wanted him to have you. For the time being, you wanted to be his. And he did…And you were. He had you reeling in ways that you had never felt before. He pushed you over the edge over, and over, and over again. In fact, he had you screaming at some point. Nobody had ever been able to do that before. Be the end of it, you felt as though you couldn’t speak. Or even move. So, you allowed your eyes to close, and you faded off into a deep, deep sleep. … That name triggered you the same way that it had last night. “Sweetheart.” He wasn’t saying it in some loving way that a boyfriend or husband would say it. It was sarcastic, and condescending. And yet…A spark went off in your brain when he said it. It made you feel something strange. Sure, you felt that usual anger…But you felt that weird feeling before anger. Did you feel anger because of that weird, unexplained feeling? Was it just a feeling that was a two second precursor to anger? Was it some weird form of lust that stemmed from being mentally flogged by that nickname? Either way…It lead you to make the exact same mistake as last night. You angrily stormed over to him and kissed him. You kissed him harder, deeper, and more unreservedly than the first time you kissed last night. And he reciprocated without hesitation. It was suddenly clear that what had happened last night was about to happen right here, right now on this floor. You pushed him down to the ground and settled yourself to sit on him where you could feel that he was just as lustful for you as you were for him in the moment. You used that to your advantage, grinding yourself  against him, quickly resulted in light gasps and moans from the both of you. And because of that previous familiarity, and memory of how intense things were, you wanted him to have you once again. Right on that floor. Right away. And he did.   … One year later. “Wanda, you really do find any occasion to throw a party whenever you can, don’t you?” “Oh come on, Y/N. What was I not going to throw a party for this?” You rolled your eyes and scooted closer to her on the couch to have a better look at what she was pulling up on her iPad. Of course, she had the party planner app open, and then started searching to her regular websites to order everything she needed to make things as perfect as she wanted them. “Oh, and look at this cake designer that I’m ordering from. He specializes on these types of things,” she stated. “Aren’t they cool, or what?” “Wanda, we do not need something this fancy for right now.” “Of course you do!” she exclaimed. “You only get engaged…well…Hopefully once. I’m pretty sure this is the one and only time you’ll be engaged.” You chuckled, looking down at the silver diamond ring that Bucky had given you not 48 hours ago. It had two little diamonds on each side of a larger red ruby in the middle. It was the most beautiful ring that you had ever seen in your life. You really couldn’t believe that this was happening to you. You were engaged. On top of that you were engaged to someone you couldn’t stand the sight of like a year and a half ago. When you finally got your clothes back on after that one impromptu moment of passion in the home theatre a year ago, you both sat down on the floor against the wall next to each-other and called a truce. Steve walked in at that moment saw you with your head on his shoulder. And he looked disturbed. You were confused. You both were confused. You thought that he wanted you guys to bury the hatchet. “I could have gone my entire life without seeing that,” he said, shaken up. That’s when you realized. “You didn’t—” “Oh, I saw,” He stated, pointing at his phone followed by pointing at the fucking CCTV camera in the corner. First of all…you had no idea that that was there in the first place. Second of all, you had no idea that he’d be spying on you while having you locked in. And oh gosh, you knew the security system in the whole building had sound. “I’m gonna fucking kill you, Steve,” said Bucky. And the rest was history. Gone were the days where the sound of the word ‘sweetheart’ made you go into a blind rage. Now, you couldn’t wait until the next time he called you that again.
Pt: 1 just in case
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soitmightgetweird · 8 years ago
Happy Birthday, Captain!
Steve x reader
Summary: it’s Steve’s 99th birthday!
Warnings: a couple swears, as usual
Word Count: 2674
A/N: enjoy :) I also tagged a couple people at the end that I’ve seen say they don’t mind if people tag them in fics. Hope that’s alright! Let me know if you don’t want the tag and I’ll lay off next time
The sound of approaching footsteps caused to you snatch the piece of notebook paper from the counter top and stuff it into your back pocket. You tried to assume a casual position and hoped it didn’t look like you were up to something. As soon as Tony and Nat entered the kitchen, you relaxed a bit and propped your elbows on the island in front of you.
“Hey, totally random question but you can see the fireworks from the roof, right? There’s not another building blocking them?” you asked.
“What kind of billionaire would I be if my tower had sub-par views?” Tony quipped.
“Cool cool cool. Okay, unrelated question: can I have the contact info for your party planner?”
“Sure, if you can convince me that those questions are actually unrelated.”
A corner of Nat’s lips lifted in a smirk as she grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and turned back around to face you. “Planning something for Steve?”
Dammit, Natasha.
Your eyes widened instantly and blood rushed to your cheeks as you tried to regain control over your expression. How did she do that? You didn’t think you’d ever been obvious about it and you’d only talked about it with two people…
Oh yeah, spy.
In the three months since you started working for Stark Industries, you’d moved from the marketing department to a sort of assistant to the Avengers. You honestly never would’ve expected it as it just sort of happened. Within two weeks, somehow you had attracted the attention of one Tony Stark and he started dragging you around the Tower for various other tasks. Your supervisor was a little peeved at first, but did he really expect you to say no to the boss man?
You almost tripped over yourself the first time Tony brought you around his team. You’d been staring intently at the folder in your hands, flipping through logo designs for a new organization within the company when suddenly he was introducing you to a group you didn’t know you’d walked into.
You’d become fast friends with Wanda and so you spent a lot of your free time with her and, by extension, sometimes the rest of the team. And sometime during the meetings and movie nights and company gatherings, you’d become close to the pair of super soldiers as well.
You crashed back into the moment when Tony chuckled softly. “Ooh. Got the hots for Capsicle? Bummer.”
Your gaze flicked to Tony. “Bummer?”
He lifted a shoulder in a half-hearted shrug. “Always a shame when beautiful women are off the market.”
“Off the- oh come on, Tony. That’s not… He doesn’t-”
“It’s cool. Your secret’s safe with me,” he added.
You narrowed your eyes as you watched him draw an X over his chest with his finger. “Okay one, you’re terrible at keeping secrets. And two, there’s no secret.”
“What makes you think I’m terrible at keeping secrets?”
“I am Iron Man.”
His lips twitched as he tried to hold back a grin. “Valid point. But the sentiment still stands. Listen, if you’re going to throw a party, do it yourself. Keep it to those of us usually around the tower–people he actually interacts with. Avengers plus the strays plus those of you that hold down the fort behind the scenes. He’ll be more comfortable.”
“Oh my God, Bucky, what the hell was I thinking?” you sighed as you marched into his room and flopped straight onto his bed.
He turned around in his desk chair and raised an eyebrow as he looked you over. “What’s the problem?”
“I can’t do this!” You knew your voice was muffled because you were face down on his bed but you couldn’t bring yourself to turn your head.
“Gotta be more specific.”
You started to talk again but the response got lost in his comforter.
“Doll. Move your face.”
You shifted just enough to angle your face in his direction and took a deep breath of fresh air before continuing. “I dunno what I was thinking. He’s gonna think my present is lame and by extension that I’m lame and I… I’m always just gonna be the girl who does marketing-slash-whatever else Tony decides he needs at the moment and… I dunno why I think Steve will ever be interested in me-”
“I told you I’m pretty sure he is-”
“No, Buck, he was just flirting with that new girl from the September Foundation and-”
“Okay, calm down. First, breathe. You’ve been non-stop since I asked you to elaborate. Stevie can’t flirt his way out of a paper bag so I guarantee it was all her.”
You simply groaned and rolled over, curling onto your side with your back to your friend. “Fine. Well she’s still gorgeous and I’m-”
“Nope. You’re not doin’ that.” You heard the chair creak and a couple quiet footsteps before the bed dipped down behind you. “Don’t sell yourself short, sweetheart. Steve thinks you’re great. Trust me, I hear it often. ‘She looks beautiful today. D'you think she likes to dance? God, Buck, her laugh is perfect. We have the same favorite dog.’ I swear, he’s like a damn teenager.”
You couldn’t stop the snort of laughter as you listened to Bucky imitate his best friend. When your giggles subsided, there was a beat of silence before you spoke again. "I’m nervous as hell.“
“He’ll love it.”
You couldn’t move from in front of the mirror in Wanda’s room. You tried but your nerves had sprouted roots you were sure had no intention of releasing their grasp on the ground beneath you. But hey, at least you felt cute as you stood there imitating a statue.
She had all but thrown your current outfit at you a couple hours ago before leaving to finish decorating. Your white shorts were paired with a flowy shirt that was blue with white stars near the collar and red and white stripes at the bottom. It reminded you a bit of Steve’s uniform; that was probably why she picked it.
Finally, you shook out your arms and took a deep breath to calm your nerves. “FRIDAY, where’s Steve?”
The AI answered a second later. “In the common room. He won’t stop asking for the team’s location.”
After a quick text to Wanda to let her know you were on your way with the birthday boy, you slid your phone into your back pocket and left your room. You found the Captain standing behind the couch in the main room with his arms folded across his chest.
“Something’s wrong with FRIDAY, she won’t-” He stopped short when he turned around and saw you. “Hi.”
You smirked. “You’ll catch flies if you keep your mouth open like that, Rogers.”
His mouth clamped shut as a blush covered his cheeks. “Sorry, um… something’s… FRIDAY’s not being very helpful. Do you, uh… where is everyone?”
“I think they said something about getting ready for the fireworks? It’s Independence Day!”
His face fell slightly. “It is, isn’t it?”
You tried to keep a smile on your face even though you felt a twinge of guilt at letting him think that was the only reason you considered the day special. Squaring your shoulders, you crossed the room and held your hand out to the man in front of you. He briefly hesitated before unfolding his arms and placing his palm in yours. You wasted no time in intertwining your fingers and pulling him along behind you as you made your way to the elevators.
Neither of you spoke as the elevator climbed fifteen floors to the rooftop patio. You squeezed his hand as the doors slid open, and you’d only taken a few steps out when he stopped walking, bringing you to a halt as well. The balloons and streamers were visible immediately, an overload of red, white, and blue around the open space. There was even two giant silver balloons in the shape of 9s. That must’ve been Tony’s idea.
The moment you looked back at the super soldier, you heard a shuffling noise before the rest of the group walked into the open, yelling “happy birthday” to the stunned man behind you.
Bucky was the first one to walk up and engulf Steve in a hug. “Here’s to the last year of your nineties, punk,” he said with a laugh.
Steve chuckled too, clapping a hand on Bucky’s back as he embraced him. “This your doin’, Buck?” he asked as he pulled away.
“Nah, she’s the party planner.”
Steve’s eyes widened as he turned to you.
“Surprise,” you said, doing a little wave with your hands. Well, with one hand because Steve still had a hold of the other.
You were sure he was about to respond but Tony swooped in and threw his arm over Steve’s shoulders. “Alright, old man, you can’t let these two hog you all night; you gotta mingle with everyone else too.”
Your eyes were glued to Steve’s back as he walked away, mesmerized by the way his muscles shifted beneath the dark blue t-shirt and jeans he wore. It wasn’t until Bucky let out a laugh next to you that you realized you were staring.
“I dunno why you think you’re subtle about your crush,” Bucky said quietly.
You couldn’t stop the huff as you reached out and smacked his chest. “Shut it, Barnes.”
You were beyond pleased with how the afternoon played out. There was a constant flow of easy conversations, no one ended up hammered, there were no arguments. They played a couple rounds of beer pong, which Steve was surprisingly good at. There was even a long round of embarrassing childhood stories that you surprisingly willingly participated in. That was probably courtesy of the alcohol.
A little before nightfall, Tony captured everyone’s attention to give a little speech celebrating Steve’s birthday. He finished it off by announcing that Steve needed to open his gifts before the fireworks started.
Steve glanced around the space then turned back to Tony with a raised eyebrow. “I know I’m old, but I’m not blind, am I?”
“Oh!” Tony snapped his fingers and pointed to you. “Take the Captain to his gift, yeah?”
“Just me?”
“We can’t bring it up here and it’ll get crowded if we all go down there, so yeah. Scram.”
Your heart hammered against your ribs as you and Steve entered the elevator again. The nerves were much worse this time. Before, you’d just been showing him that his friends didn’t forget his birthday. This time, you were showing him something that took more planning. It was much more personal. Questions flew through your head and caused a little seed of doubt to plant itself in your mind. What if Steve didn’t like your gift? What if it was too much? What if it was just too much from you.
The ride felt much longer this time too, despite only descending two floors. The hallway to your destination looked just like the rest did on the higher levels–clean lines, polished concrete floors, light gray walls, and a few scattered stainless steel doors. All the rooms had been empty until you asked to use one for the gift.
Steve walked silently next to you as you went straight for the end of the hallway. You asked him to scan his fingerprint on the pad beside the door, and it slid open with a soft whoosh.
The lights were off, showcasing the darkening cityscape through the floor-to-ceiling windows in front of you. You took a moment to take in the warm colors of the sunset and breathed in deeply to calm your nerves. Reaching out to a light switch, you revealed a brand new art studio.
You heard the breath leave Steve’s lungs in a quiet gasp.
The room wasn’t huge–maybe twenty by thirty feet–but there was clearly more than enough room to work on multiple projects at once. The light beige walls and dark floors were much easier on the eyes than the sterile feel of the hallway and a few strategically placed lamps eliminated the need for the overhead florescent lights. There was a tall, metal cabinet on the left side of the room, next to a couple shorter units with thin drawers for storing smaller items. A sink finished off that wall, giving him a place to clean paintbrushes. Two easels stood on the opposite side of the room beside a comfortable looking sitting area where he could relax. A large table sat in the middle of the room, providing a decently sized, flat workspace.
“Suprise! Again! So um. I thought that maybe you’d want a studio? You said you usually paint and draw in your room but it gets kinda messy and crowded so I asked Tony if he had an available room–preferably with an awesome view. And I’m super jealous, by the way,” you said with a smile as you stood in the middle of the room.
His eyes darted around the space. But he was still silent so you kept talking.
“Buck and I put together those cabinets and everyone bought you a bunch of supplies. Paints, canvases, charcoal pencils. Clint actually made this table. You can tell FRIDAY who you’d like to have access up here–if you want anyone up here at all. Um. I know you like records but I bet it’s distracting having to flip them every now and then, right? So FRIDAY also has access to all your music and you can control it with that panel right there; I’ll help you figure it out if you need. Oh! And those pictures on the wall are from Pe–uh they’re from Spider-Man. I asked for some really cool pictures of Brooklyn-”
Another huff from Steve broke your train of thought. Glancing to the side, you saw the look of pure adoration on his face.
“Is it… do you like it?”
“I love it,” he breathed.
You absolutely couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face and the little happy dance you did at his admission. You were just about to voice how ecstatic you were when he stepped closer and pressed his lips to yours.
You used to scoff at people when they told you they saw fireworks during a kiss, but you understood it now. Assuming you hadn’t been gone too long and those weren’t the actual fireworks.
His large hands cupped your face as the kiss continued. Heat bloomed out from the center of your chest and you just knew if he backed off at that moment, he’d see the blush covering your face. This was all you’d wanted for months and wow, your little daydreams did not come anywhere close to the real thing.
You were the first to pull away for air. He pressed his forehead to yours, your exhales intermingling between you. It took you a couple moments to realize you’d been gripping the front of his shirt. You looked down with a soft laugh and tried to smooth away the wrinkles.
“You’re amazing,” Steve said quietly. “Can’t believe you did all this for me.”
You smiled as you lifted your eyes to his again. “Everyone deserves something special every now and then. Though I’m afraid I’ve set the bar pretty high now for personalized gifts…”
He laughed. “True. No one else gets to thank you the way I did though,” he said as he leaned down for another quick kiss.
“Aw, but Nat’s birthday’s coming next!”
You were sure Steve tried to keep his expression neutral but a shade of pink still broke out and covered his face and neck.
You giggled. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist; I like it when you blush.”
He simply shook his head. “You’re somethin’ else, doll.”
You placed a kiss on his cheek before grabbing his hand once more. “Happy birthday Captain. Now c'mon, let’s go watch the fireworks.”
Tags: @bovaria @howlingbarnes @brighterlights
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paintedface · 8 years ago
Misfits Prologue
Summary: An introduction into your college life, including your room mates and your crush which you really shouldn’t have
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (ALTERNATE UNIVERSE)
Word Count: 1,679
Warnings: none, really
Notes: This is a demo fic, I’m not quite sure if I’ll continue it or not. This is a rushed prologue, but I hope you like it! This series won’t have much angst, sorry!
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Sometimes life didn’t work out the way you wanted it to. Sometimes it worked exactly how you wanted it to. This was one of those times, and you aren’t exactly sure how you lucked out. Or how you are still lucky.
Your name is Y/N Y/L/N, a graphic design student in your junior, fourth, year of University. You spend your time doing both online and actual painted commissions, finishing assignments and binge watching Netflix. You’re not the most social person, an obvious introvert. You are quite the contrast to your room mates though.
Natasha Romanoff. How do you even begin to describe Natasha Romanoff? She has so many secrets and you don’t even bother to try find them out. She’s dangerous, has a black belt in karate. She could beat up a 7 foot guy with one perfectly aimed punch. Now that you think about it, she has beaten up a 7 foot guy before easily. No sweat. She’s alluring as well, curves in the right places, thick red curls and long eyelashes. However, if anyone even dared to touch her thigh higher than to be friendly, she would kick them in the groin. With her high heel. She’s incredibly smart too, acing all her classes. She’s studying Physical Education, and it’s a breeze for her. You’re lucky to have her as a friend though, she really is good fun.
Wanda Maximoff. When you first met her and Natasha, you thought they may have been related, because of the endings of their last name. She’s a Dance student, you’ve never met someone so graceful before. She’s quietly spoken, shy and reserved. Something happened in her past that had scarred her, making her a bit afraid of herself. Her parents aren’t around anymore, but you’re not insensitive enough to ask about the situation. She’s a bit taller than you, with long brown hair and a complexion you wish you had. Sometimes you wish you had her fashion sense because she rocks all the clothes she wears.
Pepper Potts. She’s the one who stops Natasha from getting involved with all the frat parties. Well…you all stop her, but Pepper has that authoritative ‘mother’ voice. Pepper is studying law, and rightfully so. She is great at negotiation and arguing, from your knowledge. She’s one of the kindest people you’ve met, which is strange, considering her boyfriend is an asshole. She’s always organised, with planners and to-do lists. Her outfits are clean and sharp, hardly an orange hair out of place. Despite her tidy exterior, she’s extremely funny as well.
Finally, Peggy Carter. Your absolute best friend. She actually deserves to rule the world, with all the damn right qualities. She’s been your friend since Year 5, and she’s been your life support through all the years. She was there for you when you first got dumped, she was there for you when you were being bullied. She, like Wanda, is amazing in anything, having flair and style. She’s the right mixture of work and party, though she knows much better than to ever get drunk. She studies business management, and you know her business would succeed instantly once she’s gotten out of college.
You’re not certain how you ended up with this bunch of room mates, but you’re not complaining. At least they don’t bring in random guys into their beds. No way would you tolerate that.
You’re specifically connected to the dorm above you in the apartment building through romance. You don’t have any luck with love, but your room mates do.
Natasha is dating a young man named Clint Barton, who, for some reason, is a master at archery. Every time he does darts in a bar, he wins. He’s doing a Physical Education course too. He has a great sense of humour, and he’s fun to be around. He also goes out with Nat about every weekend, and is probably really bad for her. They’re both bad for each other, but you can’t argue with love, right? They never seem to get hungover after parties, which is strange considering the amount of alcohol they consume. They also screw at least once a week. On those nights, you blast music through your earphones in an attempt to drown out their moans.
Wanda’s with Vis Midsten, who’s just as quiet as she is. He’s highly intelligent, his brain power probably higher than all of your friends’ ones combined. He’s always dressed well, shirts, sweaters, pants and dress shoes. You don’t talk to him much, but then again, he doesn’t talk much either.
About that asshole Pepper’s with…his name is Tony Stark. You have no idea how such a sweet person like Pepper could be dating someone so arrogant and egotistical as Tony Stark. You, personally, don’t see what’s in him, and you don’t know why Pepper stays with him. Maybe he’s soft and mushy in the inside, you have no idea. From what you’ve heard and seen of him though, he’s taking an engineering course, and is quite good at it. Doesn’t excuse his annoying behaviour though.
When you first saw Steve Rogers, you knew he had to be with Peggy. They were made for each other. Steve had golden hair, which looked beautiful beside Peggy’s brown curls. He was virtuous and would help anyone. Peggy was bold, brave, but you knew the moment her heart melted-when she first introduced herself to Steve. You enjoyed his company, especially as he was studying English and wrote amazing stories. You sometimes drew sketches to his stories, and you always had a good time thinking up ideas with him. You never went further than a strong friendship, though.
Everyone else is paired off, but that doesn’t mean that the last eligible person in that dorm would want you. Because it’s Bucky Barnes.
Bucky Barnes…otherwise known as James Buchanan Barnes. God, the moment when you first properly met him, you fell for him. Literally, you stumbled while walking towards him, and almost fell flat on your face. But luckily, he caught you on the upper arm, chuckling, and pulled you back up. You never believed in 'love at first sight,’ thinking it was extremely sappy. However, Bucky sort of changed that. For the first time, you actually longed to be with someone, desperately hoping that one day, you would find out he would reciprocate your feelings. When he held your arm after you had embarrassed yourself, it felt like shivers were running up your spine. The good kind of shivers, like you were excited about something. And that laugh…it was warm, broad and low. You couldn’t get enough of that laugh, you wished you could hear it more often. You still do. His voice is the same, husky and gentle, every word careful. People would find that quite odd, because, speaking frankly, Bucky’s a punk rocker.
That may be an overstatement, as you know he’s not a punk rocker or a heavy metal, he’s more of an emo, but it’s true. It doesn’t mean he’s not kind, because he is. You’ve seen him stand up to frat boys trying to hit on Wanda. And on movie nights, he’s always laughing and not making rude remarks. He doesn’t make rude remarks in general. He’s extremely smart, studying music and English. However, he’s a person who has a lot of piercings, up his ear, a stud in his nose, a lip ring and an eyebrow bar. He doesn’t have enough to make him look menacing, intimidating, but there’s still quite a few of them. You honestly think they’re extremely hot. He has tattoos too, a sleeve of them on his left arm. A red star with wandering vines trailing out of it, metallic lines across his skin, with different geometric patterns that snake up to his collarbone. You think he has one on his right rib, though you’ve never had the chance to properly see it. You’ve seen a few others dotted around, not big ones though. As an artist, you admire them, intrigued by the designs. You wish you could trace your finger over them one day without him thinking you’re weird.
Bucky wears leathers jackets, dark t shirts with the names of bands that are probably like My Chemical Romance and Panic! At The Disco. His skinny jeans just kill you, defining his long and muscular legs, a few of his jeans having rips in the knees and torn in a few other places, looking scuffed. You liked the non-torn ones just as much as the torn ones. He sometimes wears scarves, thin cloth ones, wound around his neck several times. Belts, both chain and leather, hang loose in their loops, slung down to mid thigh. You hardly ever see him out of leather boots, sometimes rivalling the height of the heels you own.
He wears eyeliner. He…wears…fucking…eyeliner. It kills you. It takes all your strength to not eyefuck him from across the room when he’s got that black, smudged liner around his blue grey, stormy eyes. Especially when he’s smirking, soft pink lips curled up in one corner.
Bucky’s taller than you, probably about a head taller. He fucking towers over you. Maybe it’s just the heels. You also want you to bury your hands in his hair, soft, wavy brown hair almost reaching his shoulders. He often wears it in a ponytail or a bun, but when he wears it loose, you inwardly groan because he looks so good.
Yes, you basically have every detail of him memorised, but you’ve been having a secret crush for over a year now. It’s eating you away from the inside, and if you don’t tell him soon, then you won’t see him for a while, seeing as it’s the second final year of college. But the fear of being rejected is way too much, and you’ve chickened out every time you decided to tell him. Nat keeps teasing you about it, and you tell her to shut up.
You tell yourself that one day, you’ll tell him. But you haven’t yet.
Part 1 
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andreaeppolitoevents · 5 years ago
The Beauty of an at Home Wedding - 15 Tips To Planning Your At Home Wedding
How to Plan a Wedding at Home
Home is where your story begins. It is the beginning, the middle, and the end. Home is your touchstone, the place that you can always return to and feel most like yourself. There is nothing like getting married at home! I love the fact that you will walk through the same doors that you always do, but they will feel completely different to you. The fact that many years from now, you will be sitting in the yard, looking out, and suddenly have a flashback of dancing with a parent or sharing drinks with your old college roommate. You will forever be reminded of your wedding day, and you feel everything so much more deeply because you are quite literally surrounded by the life you have built.
Over the years I have been invited into many of my client’s homes. Sometimes we are designing dinner parties, sometimes we are hosting baby showers, but my absolute favorite thing to design in-home are weddings! Not that they come without their challenges! Whether you live in a brownstone in New York or on a farm, in a modest cottage style residence or an estate, wedding planning at home requires a high level of attention and a special touch when it comes to finalizing logistics such as power, catering, design, and additional labor.
Your home will have a unique set of needs based on it’s size, layout, and the year that it was buitl. Larger homes, for example, may have many rooms but they could be segmented and spread out. Smaller homes may allow for one long table and an intimate number of guests, but you may struggle to find space for a ceremony. Outdoor areas are always amazing, and there are 101 ways to use a front and back yard, but be prepared for a tent in the event of inclement weather!
Still, no matter how challenging an at home wedding may seem, there’s no place like home…there’s no place like home….And here are my Top Tips for hosting a luxe and wholly customized wedding at home!
15 Steps to Planning an At-Home Wedding
1. Hire a Pro! Do you remember Father of the Bride with Steve Martin and Franc the wedding planner? If they taught us anything An at-home wedding is seldom quite as easy as it seems! Your wedding planner will view your home with a new perspective. As a designer, I see the world differently than you do. Little elements of your space that you walk by every day and take for granted will jump out as design elements that I can build upon. Have a fresh set of eyes survey the interior and the exterior of your space. A professional will determine not only the actual capacity and useable areas of your house but also what you will need in order to execute properly. A wedding planner will walk you through all of the details from decor and florals to the logistics and bring in other pros to help with everything from cooking and cleaning to power, tenting, lighting, and even valet services!
2. Budget Appropriately. At first blush, you may think that getting married at home will save you money. Not so! In fact, it very well may cost you more money. You will likely need to rent all of the items that are included with a traditional venue, such as tables, chairs, dinnerware, napkins, linens, place settings, etc. And don’t forget about the extra restrooms! There is nothing worse than a line, and portable restrooms are now available in luxe finishes that are beautiful and comfortable. You will also need to hire labor in terms of cleaning crews, caterers, wait staff, and bartenders. There are many logistics to be considered, and you want to be financially prepared for all of them.
3. Permits & Insurance. Requirements vary by location, but you may be required to get a special permit from your town or homeowners association in order to host an event over 50 people Some cities have noise ordinances and others require that you stop all amplified music at a certain time - hello, silent disco! Make sure that you are following the guidelines of your specific area. Once you are in compliance, reach out to your insurance agency and purchase event insurance. This should cover not only your vendors and the event itself but any damage that may occur during the event.
4. Walk the Experience. I plan from the guests’ perspective and am always walking in the shoes. The goal is to have an experience at each location that your guests come upon. For example, imagine that you have a small driveway and front yard, a side yard, a pool, and the interior of the house. Now, walk the space as if you have just arrived for the wedding. As a guest, where will you be greeted? How do you move from arrival to ceremony? Are there any “dead zones” that you absolutely can not use? Any areas that you really want to highlight?
5. Use the Unique Features of your Home as Design Elements. What makes your home unique? Are there arches and architectural features that you would like to highlight? Is there a large window you love? Take a look at your furniture and accent pieces. If you have gorgeous pillows that you would like to use, keep them out for your guests to enjoy. Highlight the arches with wireless uplights and florals. One of the greatest things about being married in your home is that you get to really enjoy the
6. Begin planning early for home repairs and upgrades. If you are planning to host your ceremony outdoors, you will want to plan what will be planted where. While some florals can we added in pots the week of the wedding other bushes, flowers, trees, and grass will require several months to grow. You may realize that a portion of the ground is not level, and I always suggest planning for a tent if you have room as a back up for potentially inclement weather. Inside, hire an electrician to make sure that you have enough power, and always plan on a generator. In fact, I recommend hiring an electrician to be on site just as a back up if you can find one available.
7. Make a Statement with your Menu. You are quite literally opening the doors and welcoming people into your home. When it comes to catering, this is a dinner party on steroids! Feed them accordingly. I always recommend mixing in much-loved family recipes with classic dishes served with a twist. For example, if you grew up barbequing in the summer, finger food off the grill is a great addition to your cocktail hour. Maybe there is a soup recipe passed down from your great grandmother that you can serve in a crazy cool saucer glass or in a crystal goblet for a twist. Modernize a classic dish like Chateaubriand by serving it alone on a plate and having family-style accompaniments passed around the table and French-served.
8. Create a Custom Kitchen. All of this food isn’t going to cook itself, and it likely cannot be prepped and prepared in your existing kitchen! Your catering team will need a dedicated space to work with that allows for power, water, a hand wash station, and a warming oven, and space to plate up the food.
9. Bring in a Cleaning Crew and a Handyman. Given that your wedding may require you to move furniture, and that can cause knicks and scratches, I always recommend that we bring in a handyman to do touch-ups, and then a cleaning crew. You can set up the space knowing that it is absolutely perfect for your rentals and for your guests. Then, after the wedding, bring in the same crew to touch up any nicks and scratches and to clean up the space that so your home is - once again - your home when you get back into it.
10. Respect Thy Neighbor. Let your neighbors know that you will be hosting your wedding at home, and give them a run of show that lets them know what to expect in terms of load in, music, etc. Perhaps they will want to get away for a night, or maybe the noise won’t bother them. Either way, they will appreciate the head’s up. And you will get bonus points for being the best neighbor ever if you surprise them with a thank you note and a Starbucks gift card or another token of your appreciation. Maybe have a bouquet of flowers delivered to them the next day made from your wedding flowers.
11. Lighting. One of the most impactful and often overlooked elements of a wedding is lighting! Properly lighting your home, your tables, and your landscaping is vital to making your wedding look and feel like a wedding! You may even find that you like certain elements (such as uplighting on trees and bistro lights overhead) so much that you decide to keep them post celebration.
12. Guide your Guests Through the Dress Code. Many guests hear “at home wedding” and think “casual backyard” - which is often times not the case. In anticipation of the confusion, clearly note “Black Tie” or “Formal Attire” on your invitation and on your wedding website. I would also consider creating a Pinterest Page with sample attire ideas and suggestions.
13. Tent, Tent, Tent. At home weddings scream tenting! If you prefer not to have a full tent for your reception, I still recommend setting up a smaller one that guests can retreat to for coffee, cocktails, and a break from the revelry inside. A tent frame dressed in twinkle lights is a romantic, whimsical touch while a fully draped space will give a more formal feel.
14. Have a Plan B. As a wedding planner, I do everything in my power to ensure that everything is set beautifully for your wedding. Even with a full tent, flooring, and sandbags, the one the one thing that I cannot change is the weather. Be it rain, snow, wind, or intense heat, you will be grateful for the backup plan if you need it. Renting a nearby venue as a backup, having a plan to bring everything indoors, and making arrangements to move everyone in terms of travel may seem excessive and unnecessary at first, but I promise you that if you need it, you will be ever so grateful that you have it.
15. Have an Exit Strategy. One of the hardest things about hosting an event at home is that some people just won’t leave! Never is this truer than at a wedding. To make certain that everyone know that the night is over, and that it’s time for them to go is to arrange for a big, splashy exit. In the past, we have arranged for sports cars, hand held sparklers, and even a horse and carriage! Have your wedding planner and banquet captain call everyone to the exit location and let them know that they will be released from the party at the scene. By pulling everyone out into one space for your exit, you will have a captive audience, and you can them load the guests onto buses or begin to collect their valet tickets.
We host weddings to celebrate our commitment and our love. We gather the people who mean the most to us, and we invite them into our lives. No other venue is more intimate that your home, and when you are ready to host yours….I am here.
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