#also i love how savathun is so canonically ranged
lepiidopterophobia · 1 year
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@peachtiiime - "so..." sundog leans against the marbled wall, their hair covering their eyes to avert making proper visual contact. "you... never said your sister had a nice voice. surprised she ain't doin' the battlesingin' out there." they coughed awkwardly. jesus christ.
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no one in over a thousand years has managed to catch savathûn, the witch queen, god of cunning and lies, the sister of shapes off guard— and yet somehow, in this moment, a single guardian has succeeded where thousands before have failed.
the god pulls back, startling just a little, at the comment. her left eye blinks, followed by the middle, and finally the right. slow, steady succession. her mouth parts, as though to answer, before closing once more.
"please do not attempt to seduce my sister."
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synnthamonsugar · 4 years
5, 6, 9, 13, 16, 17, 20 of the guardian asks for any of yours! yes I went slightly feral, sorry
Lol no worry, it did take me awhile to finish this though! Splitting it between Lilith (human warlock) and Selene (awoken hunter) ‘cause I guess they’re my mains.
5. Which NPC does your Guardian get along with the best? What do they like about them? Lilith admires Eris Morn, both for her scholarly pursuits with the hive and her candor, which is a bit in short-supply among elite guardians. There's intangible affection there, too, enough to weather various decisions on Eris' part that she disagrees with and thinks are dangerous (particularly her fixation on defeating Savathun). It’s probably reciprocal, since Lilith makes decisions that Eris disagrees with, too. (Thinking there are larger threats than Savathun. Thinking dating the Drifter is an okay idea.)
Honorable mentions: Osiris and Ikora. Drifter is okay too, she guesses.
6. Are there any NPCs they’re especially at odds with? Why don’t they get along? It's Lilith's professional opinion that Rasputin is a fucker. She never trusted him, but her feelings fell into personal antipathy when she found out about the business with the Iron Lords.
To that end, she's not fond of Ana Bray either. Thinks she's too focused on Rasputin, and not focused enough on literally anything else. Since learning about Clovis Bray, she's begun to see a bit of his obsession in her which makes her aggressively uncomfortable. She suddenly feels justified for rolling her eyes literally every time Ana spoke to her while containing the hive threat on Mars.
9. Does your Guardian have a favourite planet/location to visit Not to be Human On Main but she really likes earth. She spends a lot of time on the moon, and an increasing amount of time on Europa. Once she works through some of the initial trauma of learning about CB's crimes against humanity, she starts trying to pull some useful information out of the Bray laboratories. (Eventually, she will become capable of like, intermediate exo first aid. Very useful!)
. . .
13. How does your Guardian show affection? Are they very free with their affection or is it typically reserved for a special few? Selene is rather physically affectionate. Would greet a friendly acquaintance with an embrace and kiss on the cheek/forehead. Picked the habit up in the Reef and never quit.*
* I headcanon both the Reef Awoken and Eliksni as being affectionate and gregarious societies! And she's spent enough time around both that her behavior follows.
16. Is there an animal that you associate with your Guardian or that you feel represents them? Despite loving assigning animals to characters I haven't considered this. I was initially going to say fox, to keep with the Destiny theme of guardians and wild dogs, but thinking about it more ... maybe maned wolf???? (I'll be honest, this is 'cause they look like a fox on stilts. Selene looks like a hunter on stilts.)
17. Is there a specific weapon or type of weapon that they’re most comfortable using? How about one they rarely, if ever use? She's a solar-void hunter so hand canons and bows come to mind. Also sniper rifles. She likes to keep a bit of range between her fragile hunter body and danger. To that end she doesn't really get shotguns.
20. Does your Guardian like to dance? What’s their go-to emote, if they have one? She likes to dance, especially with other people! Going to the club is definitely her idea of a fun night.
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