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senblades · 3 months ago
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there's a friendly face at the end of the road
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nejishadow · 15 days ago
Part 9 of Kenji rambles and Kenjikoto drabbles but it's all AU focused this time
The other posts were getting too long so they got their own entry!
Yes I have a million ideas, and yes I haven't started writing any of them because that's tens of thousands of words. Ken AU needs to finish first before I can seriously dive into any of these sadly
Kenji / Ryoji Swap AU
Ryoji's SL problem wouldn't be a teacher, it would probably be him trusting people way too much so he gets taken advantage of. But he thinks giving and taking is love, they love him and he loves them so much more because all he does is give! Makoto just doesn't understand!
He's considered 'too nice', in that people think he's a suck up, so he's not too popular. Doesn't have the allure of being an exchange student to prop him up.
Kenji on the other end, much more awkward than Ryoji in his role as Death, but just as boisterous as usual. New, strange maybe, but too much so. Doesn't click in with everyone when he shows up, keeps him set apart. Makoto draws him in as usual, they fit together, so wants to talk to him when he's not unsuccessfully flirting with a girl.
Kenji would have a choker instead of a scarf, so it could still be gifted to Makoto.
Metaphor AU
Ishkia Makoto and Rouissante Kenji
Makoto constantly brushing over his lower wings to kinda hold Kenji when his hands are busy, or he's trying to be 'subtle'. Also won't stop messing with Kenji's ears, thinks they're interesting. No other tribe has ones like them. Kenji may grumble sometimes, but enjoys the attention. Pets and upkeeps Makoto's wings when they're alone, feathers very soft.
Debating Makoto being half Clemar? One horn and only one set of wings, but it's up in the air. Kenji wouldn't care enough about Rouissante pride to treat him as an outcast.
--- Vocalo-P AU
Makoto makes original music using Vocaloids in his free time. Kenji a huge fan but, of course, doesn't know Makoto is a vocalo-p. Has all his music downloaded and follow every release, comments even if he never gets replies. And Makoto doesn't know the guy who seems to be his biggest fan is Kenji. They just never bring up the right things to connect the dots.
Shenanigans ensue. I cannot think on this farther, my list of ideas is already too long
Late 2009 you have all the base cryptonloids, alongside a lotta other staples and good banks, so there's a lot you could do.
College AU
Kenjikoto are roommates, but not dating yet. Kenji is using the excuse of 'taking things slow / appreciating what he has' and Makoto just has no clue.
But everyone else assumes they're dating
You ask Kenji to come to a group dinner? "Sorry, Makoto and I are going out for ramen today."
You ask Makoto if he's gonna go to some event. "No. Kenji's playing a game tonight."
… "You're not playing together?"
A shake of the head. He just enjoys watching him play
Is one sick? The other drops everything to run to the store and disappear into the dorm room for two days
Eventually they do get together, Kenji super nervous, announces "so… Makoto and I are dating!"
And everyone is just staring blankly. Yeah? It's not a secret.
And Kenji is so lost like "How do you already know this??"
Fem Kenjikoto AU
I realized Kenji would probably be into makeup alongside fashion, because that's expected of her. But Makoto never wears makeup! Convinces her to let Kenji try.
But huh, putting makeup on someone else is different, she's getting flustered putting on the lip gloss and leaning in to put on the mascara. Odd…
Finally leans back when she done and it hits her just. Oh, I was right. Makoto is really pretty
Having her gay awakening while Makoto is just blinking cause the makeup feels weird, wondering if she looks ok
Mythical Creature AU
Mind only spinning centaur Kenji and Naga Makoto. Kenji wearing a blanket in winter but not for him. It's because Makoto falls asleep all the time which means he's made to go get him. And the blanket makes it more comfortable for both.
Also Makoto twining around Kenji's upper half even if he has a blanket cause searching for warmth. Kenji just "Makoto not again, c'mon!" Sigh. Welp he can still walk around, just can't look around easy.
Role Reversal AU
Thinking about post game, the different ways they'd mourn. If Kenji would burst, thrashing at the world and everyone that it wasn't fair, what did Makoto do to deserve this? while trying to claw an answer from anyone, then Makoto would withdraw, revert back to who he was before Kenji to protect himself.
But this time Makoto's not alone, people won't let him return to that hole he'd dug for himself. Gets back the MP3 he gave Kenji and listens all the time to the music he added, studying every new song. I like to think he'd added a secret track at the end of a playlist somewhere but now he can't know if Kenji ever heard it.
Of course if I simply pull a NejiShadow and fight the bitter, then Makoto would come to his hospital room whenever he had free time. Plants himself in a chair and keeps one headphone off, just in case Kenji makes a sound. Travel to take new pictures, make all new playlists, ready to catch Kenji up when he wakes up. Maybe even keeps one of the outfits Kenji helped him buy, just for when it happens, because he has to believe it'll hapen.
The "Playing an MMO where one of our player characters doesn't represent our IRL gender but we fall in love anyway" AU
Though I think it would be funnier if they both had fem avatars. Kenji because "who wouldn't wanna play as the cute girl character?" And Makoto because "the class I wanted was gender locked"
Maybe came to school late on the first day so he never talked to Makoto? But routinely goes on Innocent Sin Online or whatever the Hot New MMO is to do raids and quests with him.
Kenji's character some sorta magic class (partially a healer?), Makoto's maybe sword and shield / something lightweight? So they pair well together
Magical AU
Witch / Wizard Kenji and his shapeshifting hare familiar Makoto. He's really bad at standard magic, but Makoto's able to help and guide him enough to be competent.
Everyone thinks he's lame for picking a rabbit over a big dog, or a hawk or a small dragon. Kenji fights that he's not a rabbit, he's a hare, but nobody listens. Kenji picked him because nobody else wanted to be near him, attitude horrible and bite painful. Doesn't actually know he's a shape shifter for a good while, Makoto finally revealing himself after Kenji was nothing but kind and patient.
College AU
Thinking about college Kenji because of my drabble idea Like to think Makoto would inspire him to follow his passion, so he'd go headfirst into fashion design. Probably has enough money to stay off campus, but can see him staying in a dorm, because he's never gotten to before. Makes him think of Makoto, too. All his friends inspire the grand ideas he has for things.
Him and Makoto room together, and he's Kenji's (willing cause he's got the time) mannequin for everything. Maybe in exchange Kenji gets dragged out mega late for art and photography projects
Separated Family AU
Kenji working at Hakegure post-canon / during P4, Daisuke coming in with Kou during the school trip, and he's overwhelmed by the way they look together. That's how he and Makoto looked, Daisuke looks at Kou with that same gaze, showing everything but saying nothing. Once they sit he can see Kou looks nothing like Makoto, beyond the hair, but still the melancholy is an overwhelming threat.
Once he properly reconnects with Daisuke, trying to be a good family, tells him to not let go, if he can help it. Once someone leaves they may never come back.
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crescentfool · 3 years ago
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bonus minato for 3/5 because i couldn’t resist :x
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hanamura-headcanons · 5 years ago
As repayment for ruining Goro I ask for Yosuji headcanons -you know who I am
for reference, when i ruined goro was posted here! :)
anyways yosuji / ryosuke ( the ryoji yosuke fusion ) headcanons . there are Spoilers for P3 / Ryoji so HDCUIKLMAS but im not gunan ... spoiler them.. just tag them as spoiler. so. blacklist persona 3 spoilers if u wanna.
- i’ve said this in the tags of the yosuji post, but he has little small black wings on his back. they’re hidden. theyre also partially infused / disguised as his scarf. they aren’t big enough to allow flight but the yosuke side tries DESPERATELY bc it’s been a small dream of his since he was little to fly....
he can, possibly, glide a little if he uses his garu skills. also the ryoji part can actually make the wings bigger he just wants to laugh at yosuke Trying
- i’ve also said this in the tags but the ryoji half overpowers the yosuke halfs closeted-ness so he’s openly bi. and also super fucking flirty and forward as Both of them are
- like how ryoji can transform into ( spoilers ) nyx / thanatos, yosuji can too. with thanatos he’s mixed with jiraiya and elements of susano-o, with nyx its the same;; i might draw it idk dkms;l
- yu, minato, and aigis all have no idea how to respond properly to the fusion. yu because half of his boyfriend is in there, minato because half of his boyfriend is in there, and aigis because her target combined with a human so she cant exactly hurt them without hurting someone not involved
- also obviously flirts with anyone. including boys
- mostly gets along with everyone! he has a gigantic list of friends!
- gay for only two ( 2 ) boys, but will still flirt with everyone else to tease - or hope they flirt back if the Desperate Yosuke comes out
- very good at teaching people how to do things. tries to teach everyone how to cook and somehow gets it through to chie, yukiko and fuuka? only slightly though it just makes there food Slightly less Worse and body-destroying
-  loves buying and giving gifts to people he cares about
- will absolutely destroy anyone who hurts his friends
- probably goes on a huge outing with the I.T and S.E.E.S
- originally fused due to Idk? maybe a shared goal of wanting to protect their friends during a hard battle and fusing accidentally
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