#also i kind of suspect the niall quote to be fake
1ddotdhq · 4 years
🐠 Thurs Aug 27 🎨
Time. Is. Not. Real. They tell me that it is the end of summer, which very much seems to be confirmed by the VMAs “Song of the Summer” category, for which Watermelon Sugar is nominated, and seems to be doing well. If you were surprised that the Fish video (as I lovingly refer to Adore You) did not get any nominations, you aren’t alone - David Meyers (the video’s co-writer and director) sat down with the Decider’s Lea Palmieri to talk about the video. 
As there always is with Harry’s content, there seems to be some confusion as to how the Fish idea was born , but other than that, he spoke about the Eroda ‘verse, and it’s charm and creation. Of the Erodian’s suspicious nature, he said, “...The superstitions were a set up for how society generally reacts to different things. They fear change or oddity, even if it’s what’s best for them”. This definitely does not sound like it could be a metaphor for something else. Nope. Not at all. My favorite quote of the article, though, is about the fish’s mini taco - “The taco was a whimsical way to express friendship between Harry and the Fish.” My dude. I don’t know if we were listening to the same song, but it's called “Adore You”. I don’t know how platonic that one can be. 
And speaking of (not so) platonic dinner dates - unseen pictures of a young Louis and Harry keep leaking! From where? Uncertain, but the stand out photo of this batch is one from a restaurant in Amsterdam (this city just keeps popping up, doesn’t it?) circa 2011. While on the topic of Louis, I have to do a bit of a retcon: I claimed yesterday that Louis’ drummer was seen with Harry merch at a recording studio. While this is, indeed, true for David Dyson, who did work with Louis until 2019, he is no longer Louis’ drummer! Steve Durham is! That was totally my bad - sorry Steve! Louis himself is still (unfortunately) MIA, but Pride of Britain did post an old video of him encouraging the British Public to nominate their unsung heroes.
But! On the topic of music, and bands, there are only TWO DAYS left until Liam’s birthday show! And!! He’s making merch! It includes an LP Show T-Shirt and cap, some of which he will be signing and giving away during the show. He also has a few remixes of Midnight out with Sylvain Armand & Kijo Franko as well as Magnificence. Go check them out, I guess. Also, he seems to be continuing his art exploration!  He did a Bob Ross painting that actually looks super cool and I hope he explores this habit further, as it’s always great to have more than one creative outlet, especially one that is low stress and no pressure (read: Not One Direction).
Zayn esta brillando por su ausencia, but he did take the time to like and comment on a fan’s art. This is really cool, he wrote, and then went back to his farm, steadfastly ignoring any other content that might have been released yesterday that had something to do with him. He’s been notably absent for a while now, and I think he’s more of a ghost than I am! 
I’m gonna end with my favorite news of the day: Fault Magazine put up a picture of Niall in white leather on Instagram, as well as a quote that must’ve been for an interview around the Heartbreak Weather promo season. Fault magazine quotes him, “With any relationship, there are fun moments and there are days when you feel like you’re in a music video with the rain pouring outside as you watch crying through the window”. I think Niall stole my middle school diary, because there’s probably a direct quote somewhere in there. Do you think there’s a way we could collectively ship him chocolate and rom-coms? That always used to make me feel better.
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deactivated4179291 · 7 years
Star Crossed - Part 2 (H.S AU)
Maddie’s POV 
    The rest of my day was pretty uneventful. Grab the clothing item, fold, put in the box, repeat. Packing was tedious, to say the least. At dinner, I took note of Chuck’s absence. Did he just pack up and leave us? God, you really do exist. I’m sorry I haven’t been to church in like….9 years..oops? But hey, shout out to you homie for sending away all that is wrong in the world. Or, well..this house. My little prayer is cut short when my mom finally interrupts the only sounds that can be heard which are forks and knives knocking against our plates.
    “Chuck won’t be joining us tonight, he’s on a business trip for the next few days.” WOO! This day just get’s better and better.
    “How long is a ‘few days?’’ I gesture air quotes and raise an eyebrow at my mother.
     “Until Saturday.”
    I hum in response. On the outside I am calm, but I know that on the inside I am jumping up and down and spraying champagne everywhere. Maybe that’s a bit dramatic – but whatever it takes I am going to make the most of the time my family and I have without him in the house. As we finished dinner, plates ended up in the sink, and after my nightly routine, I had been reunited with my bed, before sleep spread throughout my body.
  After waking up at 11 AM, and panicking because I was supposed to meet Niall at Starbucks at 12, as we agreed on once I was awake, I somehow ended up with some makeup on, as well as a cute outfit. I wore black jeans, black ankle boots, and a gray v neck shirt. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and pulled some little strands out in the front before grabbing my keys to my car, I drove off towards the Starbucks. The only Starbucks anywhere close to the pair of us was the one inside the neighboring city. We both lived in one of the suburban cities, called Adelton. Luckily, Dalton, the neighboring city was a short drive.
  It didn’t take me long to get there because everyone was probably working so there wasn’t any traffic. I had made it to the door of the café by 11:56 and took a deep breath before slowly pushing it open, scanning the room for blonde hair and blue eyes. And then I saw him.  He was sat at one of the little tables by the window, watching the cars go by in the heart of the city where we were. Eventually, his eyes met mine and a warm, welcoming smile made its way onto his face. I gathered up all the bravery I could muster before slowly walking towards him. He was quick to stand up, pushing his chair back, causing it to squeak as it skids across the floor.
   “Hey! It’s nice to meet ye, Madeleine,” he offers, his arms stretching out for a hug. His accent is pretty interesting. I’ve never really heard accents apart from the ones here in the states. I awkwardly accept it, as strange as it may feel.
   “You can just call me Maddie,” I pull back and force a smile back to him. He nods his head toward the chair as if he is asking me to sit, which I do.
    “Crap, I’m sorry, you said that yesterday didn’t ye?”
     “No, it’s no big deal, no worries Niall.” I offer him another smile, only this time it’s real. 
  We spent the next hour going over plans for our relocation day. As it turns out, Niall already lives in the house we’re expected to occupy together. Not only that, but he has three housemates. I was not just going to be living with Niall…I was going to be living with three other strangers. Not once have I heard of newly crossed pairs having housemates. I would say four strangers, but after talking to Niall even just for a few minutes, I felt it was wrong to address him as one. He was…kind.
     “If ye want, and ye aren’t busy, you should stop by later and meet the lads. We’re having some friends over for a li’l get together tonight. It’d also be good for you to see the house so you have an idea of where you want to put yer stuff.”
    I laugh a little. “Trust me, I have nothing to do other than pack my clothes, and I am really great at procrastinating, I’d be happy to stop by.” I smile.
     “Great! I actually gotta go, ‘gotta start helping the boys get the house cleaned before people start comin’ over, they keep texting me – telling me to ‘clean my damn room,’” he chuckles, “but I’ll see you there at 5:30?”
     “Ya, I’ll see you then.”
     “There’s four of them?! How is that even possible?!” My mother scowls confusedly. Robin just giggles, from her spot next to my mom on the couch. I had to ask my mom if I could borrow her car because mine was running low on gas, and I forgot to fill the tank on the way home. Good job Maddie, 10/10.
     “Don’t know, but I guess I’m gonna’ find out” I shrug, chuckling. 
At that point, it was almost 4:30 so I had a little less than an hour to throw something together. Now, I am sat inside my mom’s white Volkswagen Touareg, parked in what’s supposed to be my new driveway. My fingers tap the steering wheel nervously. The house was huge and extremely beautiful. I had never seen a house this big, so I don’t know how in the hell my mom is helping pay for this. I don’t know what I did to deserve to move into this gorgeous house, to be honest. Sighing, I unbuckle my seatbelt and step out of the car, closing the door behind me and locking the vehicle, leaving it with the slew of cars in the driveway.
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   I walk up towards the mahogany double doors. The sun hasn’t quite gone down yet, but it leaves an orange glow across the white concrete of the walkway, and the white house itself. I knock lightly on the door, and tug on my olive green jacket lightly, then fidget with my keys while I wait for a response. I decided to just wear what I was wearing earlier, but threw on a little more makeup, and a jacket, because there was a bit of a breeze outside today. I’ve never really been one for first-encounters. In fact, I’m actually quite shy when meeting new people. What if they didn’t like me? What if they were annoyed that someone like me was getting to move into their nice house? I really hope no one is giving their room up for me, but I also don’t want to share a bed with someone I just met…
     The door opens to reveal a giggling, crinkle-faced Niall Horan. Seeing him smile so big makes me break a small closed mouth smile on my own face.
     “Hey! Glad you could make it!”  He pulls me in for another hug, with one arm.
     “Thank you for inviting me,” I chuckle, smiling and mumbling into his shoulder. I slide my keys into my jacket pocket.
  “No, of course! I mean, after all, this is yer house too in a few days, so make yourself at home!” his tone is kind and welcoming. I guess living with him might not be as sufferable as I suspected. He nods his head towards the inside of the house and holds the door open for me.
  I mumble a quick thank you as I step past him. Wow…the outside of the house was gorgeous, but the inside definitely has it beat. The walls are a shade of gray so light it almost looks white, and the floors a dark chocolate brown shade of wood paneling. Directly to the right is the kitchen – all white cabinets, and counters, white marble countertops, and an island much like the one in my childhood home, only the stools are metal, with light teal cushions. To the left, in the middle of the large open space, there are three gray couches with red square pillows surrounding a white marble coffee table – across from which is a fireplace, with a large tv mounted on the wall. Next to that, on the left are the stairs, which I am assuming lead up to the bedrooms. On the right of the fireplace is a large hallway, which Niall leads me through.
  “The lads just went back outside to the backyard,” he scratches the back of his neck, as he walks backward whilst holding our conversation. I slide my hands into my back pants pockets and follow, “I figured it would be kind of intimidating if you walked in, and ‘dey were all just sitting around staring.” Wow, was it that obvious that I was socially awkward? I still appreciate the gesture though.
  The heels of my boots click against the floor ten more times, and we’re in front of the glass doors that lead to the backyard. People are scattered at the bottom of the porch steps, in front of a large pool. The sun causes the water to glisten as it ripples. Fuck I have to talk to people. I compose my inner thoughts when Niall opens the door for me. Immediately all of the heads – male and female turn and look at us as we step out onto the porch. My eyes land on one guy in particular - whose long brown curls reach just above his broad shoulders. He’s wearing a white tee shirt, with tight black skinny jeans, and tan brown boots. I look back up at his face only to see him smiling lopsidedly, only making him even more handsome. Shit..He knows I was staring. I avert my gaze quickly and just look down at my feet until Niall speaks. 
  “Lads come here!” Niall chirps. My head pops back up into its natural position because within an instant, three guys are making their way over to Niall and me – handsome stranger included.
  “Lads, this is Maddie, Maddie, these are your new housemates,” he nods towards the three people before me, standing at the bottom of the porch steps, smiling up at us. They seem friendly enough. I walk down, step by step.
  “Nice to meet you, Maddie, I am Louis,” The one with light brown hair and blue eyes says. When he extends his right hand, I take it shaking it gently. My eyes flicker over to the next guy.
  “Liam, good to meet you,” he offers a smile just as bright as Niall’s, shaking my hand just as Louis did. And then I look at him. He’s smiling, only this time it’s warm and inviting.
  “Harry,” he says, shaking my hand. For a few seconds, I just stare, taking in his green eyes. They’re beautiful, almost a forest green, but slightly gold in the middle. I return a smile. Someone fake coughs, making me realize I am still holding his hand, I drop it quickly and wipe the awkward smile off my face. My hands make their way into my back pockets again as the nerves settle in once more.
   Harry…I thought…not a bad name
Little did I know that very name and the face behind it would change my life forever. 
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