#also i just wanted to use both of these goth outfits OKAY
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cloudyskydreams · 5 months ago
Haii!! I love your works and was wondering if I could request underfell sans and horrortale sans (if horrortale is okay) with a goth reader? Nothing in particular really! (Sorry if this is bad English isn't my first language 😅)
Hi thanks for requesting! This request came in perfect timing I had actually just decided today I was gonna start writing the HorrorTale bros as I finally feel I have a decent grasp of how I want their personalities! Also your English was great and I could understand perfectly, thanks so much for requesting hope you enjoy!
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•Upon first meeting he isn't phased he's a little intrigued and definitely lays the dark and gothic puns on heavy hoping to get a reaction.
•He thinks the makeup style is interesting and likes seeing what you can pull off with the limited colour palette.
•He also thinks some of the dances are pretty goofy and some are sexy. He loves watching you dance around to your music though. Please do and he might get you to try and teach him some of the ones he thinks are goofy.
•He doesn't mind the music it's not his favorite genre but he won't complain when it's on. Overtime he actually finds a few favorite songs and mumbles along to the lyrics when they're played.
•He loves walking around in public when you're all dressed up. This walking smoking hot dark and mysterious person and then there's him in house slippers and a hoodie that hasn't been washed in weeks. Definitely makes the scary dog privilege joke quite a bit.
HorrorTale: Axe
•Upon first meeting he's super quiet and doesn't talk much as he's a tad anxious around new people but your style makes you stick out to him so he starts to remember you faster.
•He digs the makeup style thinks it's the perfect mix of sexy and spooky. He likes to watch you put it on as it's sort of soothing to him and he thinks the process is neat.
•Loves goth music, the instruments normally used in it are pleasing to his non-existent ears and he really likes when you play some. He's sensitive to certain sounds and certain music gives him headaches.
•He likes the outfit style too and likes to help you pick out accessories and outfits if you want his opinion on such, he's a quiet guy so it's mostly gonna be three word sentences occasionally but you can trust him to be honest about his opinion.
•Out in public you're a power couple walking down the street both dark and mysterious looking. The weak of heart steer clear of you guys when you're out and about having fun that's for sure.
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bloodibambiidoll · 2 years ago
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Sugar and Spice: Part 1
(E.M. x Fem!Reader x S.H.) Part 2 Series Masterlist.
Summary: Steve has massive crush on you, Eddie’s childhood bestfriend who just came home from collage. The only problem is you despised him in highschool and he’s pretty sure Eddie’s in love with you.
Warnings: Eventual smut, pining, love triangle, no upside down, eventual steddie x reader, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, fluff, no use of Y/N so definitely a billion pet names. There’s not really any for this chapter, it’s mostly setting the scene for the rest of the story. Mentions of sex and some swearing. I will add additional warnings each chapter! But still my work is always 18+MNDI
A/N: Okay I found this in my docs and I was reading over it and got inspired to keep writing it. I’ve had this idea in my head for a long time about a Reader who has a kind of like pastel goth type of aesthetic. Like she plays D&D and loves horror but also really loves chick flicks and pink. She listens to Black Sabbath but then will turn around and listen to Blondie in the same 10 minutes. Collects Care Bears but has read every Anne Rice book. I feel like both Eddie and Steve would lose their minds over that. There will be no physical descriptions of reader besides the outfits she wears, which will be things like big chunky goth boots and fuzzy pink sweaters. Ngl it’s kinda self indulgent of me but I hope there’s others who can relate to her.🤭 divider I used is by: @firefly-graphics
Steve wasn’t obsessed with you, at least he tried to convince himself that was the case. He hadn’t seen you since you graduated and moved to the city. But ever since you’ve been back it’s like he sees you everywhere. You come into his work sometimes and rent horror movies, or on rare occasions you rent something totally cute and left-field like The Little Mermaid. You wore outfits that were somehow the hottest and cutest thing he’s ever seen at once, his favorite he’s ever seen you in was this short little black skirt and a pink button up cardigan that you replaced the buttons with little skulls all brought together by the big platform boots you’re usually wearing. That contrast just made him more infatuated with you. You were like sugar and spice wrapped up in one really beautiful girl.
But there were TWO major problems, one being that you hated him In highschool. He was an arrogant asshole who thought he was better than everyone, could do whatever he wanted and looked down on the kind of people you hung around. You were pretty quiet but outspoken and opinionated when you wanted to be, kept close to the few friends you had and always had your head in some kind of horror or vampire book that Steve would definitely not understand but would’ve totally listened to you talk about all day just to hear you talk about something you loved. He always thought you were pretty, even in highschool when you used to dress a lot more reserved. Mostly ripped jeans, the occasional Care Bears tee, and shirts of bands he didn’t know. He even asked you out once Junior year before he got with Nancy and you laughed in his face and said “yeah fucking right Harrington, good one” But now? You’re always wearing those little mini skirts, low cut tank tops, and ripped up fishnets. Steve literally feels like he can’t think around you.
Which brings him to problem number two…Eddie. You and Eddie are bestfriends and have been since middle school, he’s part of the reason you never liked Steve because of the way he and his friends treated Eddie. Even though Steve was never directly mean to YOU, his friends were and that was enough. But Steve and Eddie had a recently developed… acquaintanceship due to their mutual friendship with Dustin. It took some time and convincing but once they got past their preconceived notions of each other they were able to be civil. Eddie being in the group meant when you came back naturally you were integrated in as well. Which means Steve has seen you in an actual social setting multiple times now.
You think that would be great, right? Wrong. Eddie was constantly touching you. Holding your hand, putting his arms around your waist, you sitting IN HIS LAP. It drove Steve fucking crazy, especially because he knows that Eddie loves you and he feels just a little bad about it because he had actually started to really like Eddie and maybe even began to see him as a friend. But seeing him all over you drove him insane and made him have a bad taste in his mouth every time he heard his name. He was pretty sure you loved Eddie. The way you looked at him and the gentle way you handled him and spoke to him like he wasn’t the resident metalhead drug dealer but a giant teddy bear that needed to be hugged and cared for.
Steve would’ve given up in an instant if you said you were Eddie’s girl, but you always said you guys were bestfriends despite the fact that Eddie definitely called you his girl on multiple occasions to the entire group. You definitely had feelings for him. He could see it but there was also something keeping you from making it official and that gave Steve hope. Especially once you warmed up to him and started sitting on HIS lap sometimes. You would just come and plop down across his knees looking at him all sweet like it was the most casual thing and you didn’t just make his brain short circuit. You started calling him cute little pet names and kissing his cheek every time you saw him.
Again, these things would all be fantastic IF you didn’t do all the same things and more with Eddie. Every time you sat on Eddie’s lap he literally wanted to rip you off of him and kiss you right in front of Eddie’s smug face. He was always smirking at Steve over your shoulder because he knew Steve liked you. He confronted him about it last week when they were at the arcade with Dustin and Mike.
“So. You like her don’t you?” Eddie just asked him out of the blue. Steve looked at him with a confused look on his face not really registering what he meant at first “Huh? Like who?”
“Don’t play dumb man, you know who I’m talking about” Eddie scoffed and rolled his eyes
“Why would you think she would ever like you back? You treated us like shit in highschool and just because she’s more confident and can stand to be in the same room as you, now you want her? Fuck that. She deserves better than that, she is so much more than how she looks.”
Steve was kind of taken back at first, knowing he wasn’t exactly wrong “You don’t think I know that Munson? I don’t just like her because she’s hot. She also has this confidence and energy about her that’s just really attractive. She’s fucking funny and not afraid to be herself. She’s got that whole sugar and spice thing going on where she’s so sweet and gentle one second and the next she’s cussing like a sailor going off on these cute little tangents. I thought we established I’m not the guy I was in highschool anymore. I’m not some player trying to go through women. I like her.” he kind of didn’t mean to say ALL of that but it just kept coming out once he started talking about you he couldn’t help it.
“Okay I get it, you actually like her. Either way she’s never going to go for you, you aren’t even her type.” He grabbed the sleeve of Steve’s bright blue crew neck “I’ve never seen her be into a pretty boy like you, she likes dudes who look like they’re part of the lost boys clan or the dudes she sees on MTV.”
Steve couldn’t help but roll his eyes “Sooo, you then? If you love her so much then why aren’t you with her?” Eddie flushed and his face fell slightly “because man, she’s the most important person in my life. Imagine if we got together for real and then we broke up? Things wouldn’t be the same between us, I might lose her entirely”
“When you say ‘for real’ what does that mean?” Steve asked him, hoping it didn’t mean what he thought it meant.
“I mean we do a lot of couple things, we go on bestfriend dates, we are super affectionate with each other, we fuck sometimes, but both of us are scared if we decided to be together for real it would ruin it” Eddie shrugged like he didn’t just metaphorically punch Steve in the chest with that information.
“So what? Are you guys exclusive or what? Because if you’re not, I’m going to ask her out.” Steve just shrugged trying to play it off.
“Dude. Are you seriously going to ask out my girl after what I just said!?”
“Yeah, DUDE. You just said she wasn’t yours so is she or isn’t she?”
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“Now that I finally have you around without Eddie I can ask the question I’ve been dying to ask, what’s the deal with you two? Are you like, together?” Robin suddenly asked you out of the blue.
Her and Nancy finally convinced you to have a girls day with them. You went and got mani pedis and picked up lunch so you could eat it back at Nancy and Jonathan’s apartment while you watched some movies Robin got from work.
“I mean… Technically? No. You could say we are like bestfriends with benefits I guess? We have kind of been fooling around off and on since sophomore year of highschool when we lost our virginity to each other.”
“And you’re… okay with that?”
“Yeah Robin, I’m okay with it. We decided a long time ago that us being together for real wasn't really an option. Imagine if we broke up? I couldn’t handle losing him.” You bit your lip, just the thought of losing Eddie made you anxious.
Now you had Nancy curious “So have you ever been with anyone else? Or are you guys like exclusive friends with benefits? Because if you’ve only ever been with him I’d say you’re pretty much together anyways.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve had hookups and flings, so has Eddie. I had a few guys I went on a couple dates with when I was gone at school but I’ve never had an actual relationship really. Neither has he.”
“So you’re telling us, you’ve been fucking on and off and on for almost EIGHT YEARS, never had a real relationship, and yet you guys still aren’t actually together? Don’t you think that’s maybe the reason neither of you have ever had a relationship? You’re stuck on each other?” Nancy, always the voice of reason.
“I absolutely know that’s why, I compare every guy to Eddie and no one has measured up. He treats me like a princess, why would I want a boyfriend who treats me anything less than that?” You shrugged and took another bite of your egg roll.
“Okay but what about when you do find that person? Or he does? What then? Things will change either way.” Robin questioned. She had her own reasons for bringing this all up in the first place. She knew Steve liked you, and he made her promise not to mettle but just asking if you were single isn’t meddling, right?
“I don’t know Robin, we’ve never talked about it. We will cross that bridge when the time comes.” You hoped they would let it go after that. It’s not that you necessarily didn’t want to talk about your relationship with Eddie, it’s just whenever anyone brings up that it probably has an eventual expiration date you feel like your whole world is crashing down.
“So there’s really no one you’ve ever thought you really really liked?” Okay, maybe she was reaching meddling territory now.
“Nope. Never. Can we just watch dirty dancing now?”
You didn’t feel like elaborating more than that, especially since recently there was someone you’d started to like. It was confusing and very much against your will but you had started to develop a small crush on Steve. You tried really hard to give him the cold shoulder when you first got back, you spent years with feelings of animosity towards him but if even Eddie could give him another chance you figured you could too. Then of course he had to be just so sweet, and such a gentleman, always telling you that you looked pretty and he smelled so good. It honestly made you want to punch him in the face. Or kiss him. Or both.
Robin narrowed her eyes at you but decided to drop it for now, even though she could tell there was definitely something you weren’t telling them with how quickly you decided to change the subject.
“Yeah okay, let’s watch the movie. But I’m not letting this go forever.”
“I didn’t even think for a second that you would.” You laughed and pressed play on the VHS.
Your love life wasn’t brought up anymore after that but that didn’t keep you from thinking about it. What would happen if Eddie got a girlfriend? You and him were never exclusive but the thought of him actually loving someone made you feel sick. Did he feel the same way? You hoped he did. Does that mean you want things with him to be exclusive? You’d never really allowed yourself to have those thoughts but now you were starting to wonder.
Then there was Steve, who just added to your confusion. Something about him just drew you to him, even back in highschool when you felt nothing but negative feelings toward him it was like he was everywhere you looked. Maybe you always had a small crush on him but would’ve never in a million years admitted it to yourself back then. It’s not like you would’ve ever had a chance, he treated everyone like you like dirt under his shoe. He never bullied you directly but him picking on your friends was enough to tell you how he probably felt about you too. Then you remember that one time Junior year when he asked you out, did he actually mean it? The thought that he might like you made your insides heat up and you felt like one of those girls you used to make fun of in highschool for swooning over him.
Robin could practically see the gears turning in your head, it was very obvious you weren’t watching the movie at all and she knew she told Steve she wouldn’t involve herself but she just had this feeling…
“You like Steve don’t you?” Robin’s voice snapped you out of your cycle of spiraling thoughts and you whipped your head around to look at her.
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taffycandyqt · 1 year ago
Hi I was wondering if you could do tmnt 1987 Donnie x a fem trad goth reader and he’s just enamored with her and his brothers are just confused asf as to why a “vampire” is dating their brother
OMG YES! there is a severe lack of 87' content in the TMNT fanbase and it makes me sad. Not to mention I dress goth occasionally so this request got me really excited!
Who in the Halloween is That?!
87' Donatello x fem trad goth reader
Fluff, crack
Donnie Brings his goth girlfriend to finally meet his family. His brothers are happy for him but Donnie is a little to enamored with his girl to realize that they're also a little concerned.
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Donatello and you have been dating for a little more than three months. He had been out on a mission to find a missing part for his next invention when you instantly caught his eye with your unique style. You were an employee where he was looking and he was fascinated by your choice in clothing, it was so different than anything he had seen before. So he approached you. And with the confidence of a shy fangirl meeting her celebrity crush, asked you if you knew where he could find what he was looking for.
You, of course, helped him find it but right before you went on your way, he complemented your outfit and asked you out. Then the rest is history. There were a couple of things to smooth out as with all relationships, but you guys were a match made in heaven.
Now, you both were at a place in your relationship where Donatello felt like it was finally time to introduce you to his family. He actually introduced you to April first, to ease you into it. She was surprised to say the least but really happy for you guys. Honestly, she was proud of him.
Nows not the time to reminisce however. Not while your sitting at a table with Donatello's family staring at you like your the mutant.
"Umm, Donatello, who's this again?" Raphael said gesturing to you.
"I'll introduce you all in a minute, I want everyone to be here so let's wait for Master Splinter." Donatello replied as he was setting the table.
Leonardo sat down next to Raphael as Michelangelo brought out the pizza and sat it in front of the others. Michelangelo side eyed you curiously but looked back fast once you noticed.
Safe to say, it was a little awkward.
When Master Splinter entered the room he greeted you and then sat down and situated his sushi. Once everyone was seated the began to eat. Donatello quickly snatched you a slice before it all went missing. You smiled at him as a quite 'thank you' and he smiled back.
"So, gonna introduce us to your new bud Donatello?" Michelangelo flopped his pizza around to gesture before punctuating his sentence with a large bite.
"Yes!" He answered, almost like he forgot, "Everyone, this is Y/N L/N, my girlfriend."
Everyone except Splinter choked on their food at the sudden news.
"G- girlfriend?" Leonardo coughed out.
"Since when did you have a girlfriend Donatello?" Raphael questioned.
"Well we've been together for a couple of months and-"
"Months?! And you never told us?!" Michelangelo interrupted.
"Well I'm telling you now aren't I?" Donatello crossed his arms.
"Now my students, relationships are a complicated thing. They take time and Donatello and y/n have decided to tell us when they felt the time was right." Splinter explained, "It is good to meet you. I am glad my son was able to find someone that brings him happiness."
"Thank you. I'm glad I get to finally meet all of you." You said.
After that the dinner became much more comfortable and you enjoyed the conversations you were able to strike up with Donatello's family.
After dinner, Donatello wanted to give you a tour around the lair and show you some of the inventions in his lab. Master Splinter decided to leave them be and meditate in his room while the rest of the brothers congregated in the living room per Michelangelo's request.
"Okay dudes, I know how this is gonna sound, but I need you to listen to me here."
"Just get on with it Michelangelo." Raphael responded, already wishing he could watch his comedy skits on the television.
"Donatello's girlfriend is a... VAMPIRE!" Michelangelo emphasized by raising his arms.
"A vampire. Really."
"I'm serious dudes!"
"Michelangelo, I get that y/n might dress a little differently but that's no reason to assume that shes a vampire."
"It's true! Let me show you!"
Michelangelo began to pull out their movies and display the covers of each.
"Observe, exhibit A. 'The Vampire Girlfriend', the vampire dates her prey to not only to eat him but to get access to more meals through his family!"
"Oh, oh no Michelangelo! I think your right! Not!"
"Come on Michelangelo a movie?"
"Wait theres more! Exhibit B. 'The Vampire Alien Next Door', the vampire comes off as a friendly person to gain their neighbors trust before they suck their blood!"
"Again, Michelangelo, it's just a movie!"
"Do any of these 'vampires' even dress like y/n?"
"Pay attention mi amigos! Exhibit C. "Attack of the Goth Vampire Clan'."
Leonardo and Raphael studied the cover before looking at one another.
"Whelp, I'm convinced." replied Raphael.
"Yup, that's pretty solid evidence." Leonardo agreed.
"So dudes, now that we all see the truth, the question is, how do you expose her?" Michelangelo asked.
"Well we can't just let her stay with Donatello." Leonardo answered, "We will need separate them."
"Okay, how are we gonna do that fearless leader?"
"I'm thinking," Leonardo responded, "I got it! Michelangelo, break the oven!"
"What?! No way dude, how are we gonna make pizza!"
"Don't destroy it, just, ya know, break it a little so Donatello has to come in and fix it. That way we can distract him long enough to test y/n."
"Okay, sure sure." Raphael nodded along, "but now my question is, how do we test y/n?"
"Oh don't you worry brother of mine, I have a great idea." Michelangelo smiled.
"I don't know Donatello, I think one of your brothers was glaring at me during dinner." You weren't sure what to think, they all seemed to like you just fine except the one. It made you nervous to think one of his brothers didn't like you.
"Oh that's ridiculous, my family loves you! And I mean, how could they not? Your amazing!" Donatello saw nothing but smiles and good food. To him it felt like you belonged there. How could one of his brothers not see that?
"I guess." You sighed, you love Donatello but he tends to wear rose colored glasses when it comes to you. It's caused a few minor spats in the past, but nothing that wasn't easily fixable. Overall, though, it was pretty good for your selfesteem. You've never felt more like a catch in your entire life.
"Hey, don't worry okay? If one of them really doesn't like you I'm sure it just because they haven gotten to know you yet! They'll see how wonderful you are with time. So don't stress okay?"
You couldn't help but smile at your sweet boyfriend. Gosh, you loved him so much.
"Yeah, your probably right."
"I usually am. Now that that's been settled, let me show you the Turtle Van! It's my prized invention and I've wanted to show it to you for forever!"
And with that you were lead along and shown every beep and gizmo that the Turtle Van had to offer. Your boyfriend's creativity and ingenuity never ceased to amaze you.
"And if you just put your hand here-" Donatello moved you hand to a small scanner, "there! Now your hand print has been entered into the vans main frame. You should have access to all it's central controls." As he turned back to you it donned on him just how close the two of you were. Donatello blushed as he gave you some space.
"A- anyways I, uh."
"Donatello! Duuude! I need some of your brains amigo!" called Michelangelo from another room.
You and Donnie left the van to stand at the door way of his lab.
"Does it haft to be me?" Donatello yelled down the hall. This was the first time you had been in the lair. Can't he relish on you presence in peace?
"Afraid so compadre! Your the only one who can fix the busted oven!"
"Oh for the love of-" Donatello rolled his eyes, "looks like Michaelangelo broke something again. It may not be the most interesting thing in the world but we can still talk while I fix the oven if you want."
"Sounds good to me!" You reply. In all honesty you enjoyed watching him work. It was something that made him happy, and how could you to be upset with a happy turtle.
As you entered the kitchen you sat at the table while Donnie inspected the damage.
"Is it bad?"
"No, it shouldn't take me too long to fix this."
"That's a RELIEF." Michelangelo responded putting extra emphasis on 'relief'.
Donatello got to work while you asked him to tell you what happened. He loved explaining the technical stuff to you.
"I said. THAT'S A RELIEF!"
Donatello paused, "Yes Michelangelo, we heard you the first time."
"Oh, ummm. Y-yeah dude. Sorry." Michelangelo then turned to the doorway of the kitchen and gave Raphael and Leonardo a look.
"What does that bozo expect us to do?" Raphael whispered, "She wasn't supposed to follow him!"
"We'll just have to carry on with the plan anyways." Leonardo shrugged.
Raphael sighed but continued anyways.
"Look at this neat new necklace I found Leonardo!" He faked as he walked into the room.
"WOAW Raphael! That's amazing, what's it made of?"
"Oh you know, just garlic woops!" as Raphael pretended to slip he made sure to throw the garlic so it landed on you.
"Oh my goodness!" All three of them turned to look at you, "Are you okay? Your not hurt are you?"
You stood up and pulled the garlic off as you hurried to Raphael's side.
"What's going on?" Donatello stood up and surveyed the situation in the kitchen, "is everyone okay?"
"Uhhhh, yeah yeah. How are you y/n, sorry that garlic got you, hehe." Raphael rubbed the back of his neck and tried not to act suspicious.
"It's fine, it's just garlic. Your the one who slipped flat on your face."
"I'm okay, don't worry about it." Raphael waved you off.
"Why did you have a thing of garlic in the first place Raphael?" Donatello asked.
"Oh, uh... I... just... found, it."
"Oh. Would you like help washing them then?" You offered.
"Uhhhhh, s- sure."
"Okay!" Your turned and went back to where you had let the garlic fall. Donatello gave his brothers a weird look but continued on with the oven.
"There has to be another way!" Michelangelo exclaimed.
"She touched the garlic Michelangelo, what Vampire can touch garlic?!"
"Maybe that's something the movies just added to give them another weakness." He responded, not willing to except that you weren't a vampire.
"Michelangelo, I think its time to give this a rest. Y/n being a vampire is a little ridiculous." Leonardo placed his hand on Michelangelo's shoulder.
"No dudes! I can prove it, this time for sure!"
"Here we go." Raphael rolled his eyes.
It didn't take long for Donatello to fix the oven. After he did he led you back to his lab so you both could spend some time together.
"I also wanted to give you this!" Donatello handed you a hand held device designed like a turtle shell.
"Thank you! ... What is it?"
"It's a Turtle Comm! Each of us have it and all our friends too, now you have one! I didn't want to give it to you before because it contacts through an interconnected line. I didn't want anyone thinking you stole one of our Turtle Comms. But now you can contact me directly at the click of a button if you need anything."
"Wow! Thank you Donatello, it's amazing!"
"Oh it's nothing I-" you cut him off with a kiss on the cheek.
"I-I-I, um, oh, well, I-"
"Oh Donatello. You got a minute?" Raphael asked as he knocked on the labs entrance.
Both you and Donatello jumped a little bit but you weren't to startled. You put your hands in front of you as you looked anywhere but Raphael, you hoped that he didn't see you do that.
Donatello on the other hand sighed and turned to his brother, not to pleased with the constant interruptions.
"Does it have to be right now?" he asked.
"Hey listen. I'm just checking to see if this is y/n's." As he said this Raphael shoved a cross necklace in your face. Why he had to do the brunt of the work for these plans, he had no idea. He just wanted to get it done quickly.
Donatello separated Raphael from you, as he was in your personal space, and turned to you.
"Is it yours y/n?" He asked.
"No I don't think so."
"Great, so Raphael, you can-"
"Well in that case y/n, you can have it." Raphael said as he tossed it to you, "It doesn't belong to any of us and finding the original owner in New York of all places is out of the question."
"Oh. Thank you, I guess?" You had caught the cross and looked at it. It want anything special, just a regular silver cross on a cheap necklace chain.
"Well I'll leave you two be." and with that he winked at Donatello and left the lab.
"There Michelangelo, she held the cross with both hands and nothing."
"She's still a vampire dudes I'm sure of it!"
"You get one more test to convince us Michelangelo. Then Raphael and I are done and you put this whole vampire thing behind you and be happy for Donatello."
"And if she is a vampire?"
"Let em' date." answered Raphael.
"Unless she wants to suck his blood, right?" Leonardo questioned.
"My turtles, what are you doing?"
"Michelangelo over here thinks that Donatello's new girlfriend is a vampire and has had Leonardo and I running around with him trying to prove it."
"I see. And what is your basis for this assumption Michelangelo?"
"It's because- OH! Master Splinter do you mind if we borrow your long mirror? It's the only one in the lair that can we move and everybody knows that vampires don't have reflections!"
"Hm." He thought for a moment, "Yes. But if you would wait my students. I have some business to attend to before I can lend it to you."
"But sensei! Time is of the essence!"
"And patience is a virtue."
"Okay my sons, here is the mirror." Splinter hands Michelangelo his long mirror. He had informed them before that he would like stay to make sure they don't break it. So that's what led Splinter, Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo hiding in the living room waiting to jump y/n.
"Donatello! Can you come here for a minute? I need a sparring partner to practice my katas but Raphael and Michelangelo are busy!"
"Sorry Leonardo, but I'm busy too!" He called back.
"Please Donatello! It's only one move, it shouldn't take too long!"
It was quite for a little bit and that's when they heard foot steps.
"-but what are katas?" They heard you ask.
"Oh it's a typ-"
"AHA!" Michelangelo said as he jumped out of his hiding spot to put the mirror in front of y/n. As he looked at the mirror there was very clearly no reflection.
"Wait what?!" Raphael said as he and Leonardo ran to take a look at the mirror.
"It seems your intuition was correct my son." Splinter told him.
"Yes, it seems it was." You said menacingly, "And now that you know, I hope your aware that I can't leave you alive."
"Wh-what are you saying y/n?!" Donatello exclaimed.
"It's been fun Donatello, but a girls gotta eat." You lunged at him and his brothers were all to slow to stop you before you reached him.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and started...
Both you and Donatello were laughing.
"Umm, dude, most people scream when they're being attacked by a vampire." Michelangelo said, stunned and very confused.
"Uhh, Michelangelo, look in the mirror." Leonardo instructed.
"Dude nows not the time for-" as he turned around to face Leonardo he saw that he didn't have a reflection either.
"Is Michelangelo a vampire too?!" Asked Raphael still freaked from the whole ordeal.
"No my students. When you told me about your belief in y/n being a vampire, I took the mirror you wanted to use to Donatello. I informed them of the situation and what you planned on doing."
"We decided to have a little fun since you've all been pulling our legs all day. I switched the mirror out of the frame with a screen. I uploaded a scan of the entire lair and programed it to simulate a reflection of the spaces based on its positioning. However because it is a screen projecting a pre-performed scan, instead of reflecting light, no one standing in front of it would have a reflection." Donatello explained.
"Then all we had to do was implement a bit of expert acting and you were fully convinced!" You finished.
The three of them stood there stunned.
"S-so you really aren't a vampire?" Michelangelo asked.
You held up a compact mirror to your face and angled it towards Michelangelo so he could see your reflection.
"No, I'm really not." You smiled.
"My students, let this be a lesson to you on judging someone based on appearances. In some cases it is necessary for your safety. However, for most situations, especially one like this, it is important to give someone the chance to demonstrate the content of their character before jumping to conclusions on who or what they are."
"You're right sensei. Y/n, I'm sorry, I guess I just got too caught up in my movies."
"We're sorry too." Raphael started.
"We didn't believe you were a vampire as much as Michelangelo did but we still contributed to his antics." Leonardo finished.
"Aww, that okay guys. You aren't the first people to think I'm a vampire though, so don't worry about it." You told them, "Though usually the people who think so are around the age of five."
"Well that makes sense, Michelangelo stopped maturing after age five!" Raphael snarked.
"Hey! I am very mature!"
"Now Michelangelo, you shouldn't repeat everything you hear on TV!"
Michelangelo began to chase Raphael.
"OH BOY, television really is making today's youth more violent!"
As the kept running around Leonardo turned back to you.
"I do hope that this first impression doesn't scare you off. We're glad your here and want you to know that your always welcome in our home."
"Oh don't worry about it, it's totally fine. But thank you." You smiled at him then turned to Donatello and grabbed his hand, "I should probably go home now though, I told my parents I was at a friend's house and it's getting close to when they want me home. Can't have them calling her house, afterall you have yet to meet my family."
"Oh boy." Donatello nervously chuckled in response. That would definitely be an adventure for another day.
------------------------------------------------------------ This took me so long but I really like it! The dialogue might be a bit fast paced but it think it's still fun. One good thing about writing for 87' is that a lot of the humor in the series is derived from ridiculous situations and things that don't make sense. So it was pretty easy to come up with situations for this one because it didn't need to make logical sense🤣🤣
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ilovelosersandshortmen · 1 year ago
Could I ask for the Brotherhood with a Platonic Reader who's just some random kid? Not even a mutant or anything, they just walked into the house one day and just decided 'yeah I'll live here with you guys🤷'
The Brotherhood of Mutants reacting to a random person deciding to move in with them (PLATONIC!!)
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I love this idea oml 😭😭 This has very big Addams Family vibes honestly. I'm going to write this with a more sibling-like relationship because I love found family.
• Okay, honestly, I've always thought Todd would be like.. a redneck cigarette dad. I mean that with love.
• Constantly getting into wrestling matches and teaching people bad behaviors, you know what I mean. Trailer park behavior. (I used to live in one so I can make fun of it)
• He's the kind of guy that would put you on his shoulders so that you can spray paint a building or something. Also teaches you the most efficient way to hop a fence when running from the cops!
• He's like Roderick from Diary of a Wimpy kid, taking you out for gas station snack runs late at night.
• Sometimes, he feels like you're the only person he can open up to.
• He has cried on your shoulder more than a few times.
• Then you guys make cookies together.
• I know I keep bringing this up, but I believe Fred is an amazing cook. (this is based on the rose radishes he made for Pietro or whatever)
• So he constantly makes sure you get fed first, because he knows eating well in the Brotherhood is really hard.
• Always lifting things to impress you.
• (Yeah he's a sad only child soo.. you're his new sibling. He's decided. Already calls you his brother/sister)
• Would literally both die and kill for you.
• He doesn't want to hurt you with his hugs, so sometimes he just lets you cling to him like a koala.
• He likes to help you pick out your outfits (I don't know, this just feels right to me)
• He's also super supportive if you're alt/goth/emo
• You guys have fashion shows to show off your outfits.
• Honestly, he's your biggest fan.
• Genuinely in disbelief
• "Wait, so we're just.. letting this happen!?"
• He's really the only one who cares, which I guess is understandable. I wouldn't want even more people in a house that's already falling apart.
• So, at first, he's always complaining about you being there. You took his spot on the couch. You stepped on his shoe that one time. Once he complained that you breathed too loudly near him.
• After a while, he reduces his whining to muttering and then eventually just gets used to your presence.
• He doesn't like to admit it, but he kind of does want to impress you. He'll use his powers and then just.. stand in front of you, waiting for praise.
• Always behind you when you go for walks, like a scary guard dog.
• She's chill.
• She's not really vocal about everything, but she does really care for you!
• Wanda would def help you dye your hair or paint your nails.
• And she would use her powers to grab things off of high places, just so you don't get injured.
• Pietro might be a little jealous of you, but who cares what he thinks anyway.
• She would also probably help you pierce yourself
• Then would help you when it got infected.
• He always tries to pretend that he doesn't care, but he definitely does.
• Always making sure you don't get hurt around the house, and is the first person to worry if you do ever get hurt.
• Also, this goes for all of them, but he would absolutely love playing video games with you. Even if he loses. A lot.
• More than a few earthquakes were caused over Mario Kart.
• Also the first to raise hell if you went missing.
• Sometimes takes you out with Kitty to get food (like that one "Mama y Papa" trend on Tiktok)
• She takes you under her wing immediately.
• After a day with her, you have a new taste in music and a bunch of outfits that were not shoplifted at all.
• You basically become her right hand person when causing trouble, she'd constantly wake you up for late night joy rides.
• Asks you to help her with her hair (there's no way she doesn't use 5 bottles of hairspray for that thing)
• You two definitely shoplift together, or she shop lifts random things for you.
• Always getting you little snack or trinkets.
I don't know if this was exactly what you were thinking, but I love the idea of a platonic sibling-like relationship!! Also, I'm sorry if this is really short, I'm more used to writing romance. But, as always, I appreciate you and I hope you have an amazing night!!
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thecalmerllama · 3 months ago
Things people didn't ask for: WWRY headcanons that are so true and make so much sense for no reason
Starting off pretty obv with most of them being neurodivergent!! Esp Gaz and Scara my ADHD/Autistic duo!!
Also I feel pretty obv with Meat and Brit basically adopting all the bohemians as their own kids, except big macca who's the weird uncle. They def took all of them under their wing, including some of the (who I see as) younger ones like Cliff, Charlotte etc.
Brit is a total softie, especially for his wife Miss Loaf🥺🥺 he likes to pretend he's a big macho man but he's type that would bake cookies and cry if they burnt. He def treats Meat like a total queen, and pampers her religiously - and he never wants her to go scavenging with him in case she gets hurt.
With the amount of canon bi and gender non conforming rep that we have in the show, i definitely don't think scara's "they think I'm a lesbian because I don't wear pastels' line should go unnoticed. She definitely likes girls and I do def headcanon that Gazza is basically her only exception because she just radiates queer vibes to me. And also maybe demigirl suits her too - as I really do feel like she feels quite disconnected from what is regarded on planet mall as 'feminine' and 'girly'. (Or maybe I'm projecting)
Gaz is Bi, let's be real.
Little more out there now;
Gazza radiates MtF vibes I cannot explain he just does don't @ me okay.
Pop is Scara's dad this is probably only just me but I got such father/daughter vibes from them and seeing as we never met anyone's parents I feel like it's super up to interpretation but for me it just feels right but he doesn't realise it til yeaaaars after they meet, I.e: "I used to know a gorgeous chick that looked just like you, crazy lady. I knocked her up and after I started working at globalsoft full time never saw her again - I wonder what happened to that ki- *oh*" I dunno it'd just be funny considering everything he says to her when they meet (in both the 2002 productions and more recent ones).
Speaking on the pop subjects that man has stories to TELL and drops lore like atomic freaking bombs. "Oh yeah I used to know KQ really well... REALLY well *wiggling his eyebrows which is met with a chorus of 'ews' from the bohemians*" "oh yeah I know Commander K, very commanding and stuck up, and quick frankly terrible in bed" (because let's be honest, pop has tried everything with anyone, and him an Khash were so roommates when they were as High School).
Brit has never killed anyone. Ever. He makes people think he has, but he once stepped on a bug and sobbed, for hours. Meat had to makeshift a funeral for the poor thing 100% and while Gaz is enthralled by when Brit tells a tale of how he "took a life" the whole gang has to hold back giggles cause they're taken right back to him sobbing on the dirt outside the heartbreak.
Scara got most of the stuff for her act one outfit by sneaking into the archives and finding so much fabric that wasn't available to the public for sale in the malls. My girl is smart and scrappy and def was like the OG goths, dyeing, repurposing and making her own clothes all the time.
Let me know your WWRY headcanons🫶🫶
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atamascolily · 3 months ago
Lily liveblogs: Thunderbolt Fantasy 4x09
Well, this episode certainly subverted my expectations!
The demon cop tries to murder Lang Wu Yao in the cocoon and it goes very badly for him.
Lang emerges as a full demon, complete with a longer horn (that's what she said) and a black outfit. Oh, and he also has lightning powers now! He's basically a dark goth Pikachu.
(yes, this makes Ling Ya an electric guitar now by lore logic--we already had an amp in the last episode!)
Lang wipes the floor with the demon cop, believing him to be Locust, then has a crisis when he realizes he's murdered someone (he's still not done dreaming, though - guess there's more angst next episode?)
basically, Lang was able to do in his dream what he couldn't do by actually going back in time, which was very neat on a meta level. so in that sense, Ansarto's power-up was actually very effective therapy (not that he's around to appreciate it, sob).
Shang, Tian Ming and the mech climb out of the demon realm - Tian Ming asks about Chao Feng, and shang's like, one, I hate that bitch, and two, she's with Lin, she won't die, and it's the most backhanded compliment ever, hahahaha.
reunite with Dan Fei and Juan Can Yun. There's even a tent with the Dan crest on it??!!!! Talk about glamping!
Dan Fei uses her life energy to FaceTime Bo Yang Hou with the news that THERE'S A GIANT HOLE LEADING TO THE DEMON REALM and then passes out. Shang's like, "yeah, okay, let's not do that again"
Juan takes him to a cave that he found and Shang's like, hey, remember that favor I asked? put your mask on and wait here.
turns out that portal Lin summoned last episode was real and not illusion because Chao Feng wakes up in her own bed and throws a temper tantrum because Lang isn't there
she then demands that they invade the demon realm
how is locust going to handle his two identities being in conflict like this, I wonder? Or will he come clean to his daughter??
Wasp and Spider find "Mantis" and give him the seals and their magic swords--they are escaping the narrative while they still can. also, they're an item now
You know, when I said at the beginning that their fates were entwined, this wasn't what I meant....
UGH OKAY I HAVE SUCH MIXED FEELINGS ABOUT THIS. On the one hand, it does fit their respective arcs, and also wraps everything up very neatly. On the other hand, it feels super-rushed, and Spider especially hasn't had the experiences I would need for this twist to feel emotionally satisfying for me.
I'm going to be charitable and say some of that was a casualty of this season's rushed pacing, but ALSO, when Spider says, "I want to protect this woman" and Ba Wang Yu says, "You called me a woman!!!" I just want to scream
like, it's supposed to be heartwarming that Spider recognizes Wasp as both a human being and more specifically feminine after spending the entire first part of the season comparing her to a wild beast, BUT all I can think of is, "girl, you deserve so much better"
like the romance feels both very heteronormative and also lazy on multiple levels. but they got a happier ending than literally any other villain in this show, so good for them, I guess.
anyway, while I was 100% correct that they would enter and leave the narrative together and their arcs were contingent upon recognizing each other's good points, my reaction is basically the same as Mantis: "thanks, I hate it".
Lin throwing a temper tantrum after they leave is very funny though
meanwhile, back at the cave: sure enough, a kid pops out of nowhere and tries to fight Juan Can Yun
and it's BABY SHANG
gotta admit, it took me a moment to recognize him because of the costume and different VA but he's got the wooden sword!!
but suffice to say he was just as an annoying little shit as Juan Can Yun used to be so this is PAYBACK
and also he wants Juan to be his master!
anyway, so all of Shang's kindness towards Juan Can Yun has paid off and come full circle and now also Juan gets to return the favor sflkgjflkgjflkgjlfkjglgkjglkg - they are BOTH each other's teachers!!!
part of me is sad that Shang actually was a kid once and not some mythic archetype sprung full-form into the narrative, but if it we had to do it, this was definitely the way to do it.
it hits different beats from what I was expecting but it still works out thematically: Shang is still a mythic hero, but we get to see the entirety of the hero's journey from callow youth to maturity
and it also highlights all of the parallels between these two EVEN MORE THAN THEY WERE ALREADY
given the fact that Juan keeps insisting that older!Shang rely on his friends for support and that mention of a Hu Yin Shi city to take care of the Index, I'm starting to wonder if Shang really will entrust the Index to Juan and the Hu Yin Shi at the end. One way or another, he's got to let go of it for the story to be complete... I feel like we had an entire season about why this was a bad idea, but we'll see if Urobuchi's changed his mind about this, I guess.
god this must be so embarrassing for older!Shang, though...
this episode is a great example of how I can see certain things coming yet still be surprised by exactly how they play out. structurally, it's all well done (albeit rushed), but I'm still working out how I feel about it emotionally.
like, I don't think all of the malewife Spider headcanons are enough to take the bad taste out of my mouth right now. I'll probably come around to this ship eventually, or at least accept it for it what is, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed by how this particular subplot played out. Sure, there's always fanfiction, but it's just not the same, sigh.
I will also be more accepting of Shang's backstory reveals if we get the ending I've been hoping for. also, while I still hold out hope for my pet theory about Lin not being fully/originally human (but also not a demon) I think it's likely we're also going to somehow see a bby!Lin to parallel this scene with bby!Shang, and that he is also human. I don't hate this twist the way I hate Wasp/Spider, but I still feel sad about it, even though it makes sense.
never a dull moment in this show, that's for sure....
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year ago
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You've all seen the Goth kit styled beautifully by other creators... but what if I showed you it straight up?
No cc, no pairing with items from other packs... this is what we're left with. Alternative heading: Idk how some of ya'll have made this kit look so good, but let's talk about it.
My thoughts... ↓
Right off the bat: I don't like most of the swatches on these items and I don't think I would constitute most of the swatches as "Goth." For example - what is that weird blueish-purple swirly tablecloth looking swatch on every item? More than that though, I think the biggest issue with this kit is that the items themselves don't pair well with each other.
We'll start out with the makeup: we only got 3 makeup items with this kit and I don't feel strongly about any of them personally. I will say that the runny makeup swatch is kind of cool and unique but idk how often I'll personally find a use for it. (Sidenote: because all the makeup is slider compatible I do think he lack of swatches is okay. Also, storytellers might find the runny makeup item useful if they slide the opacity down because then it would look like more natural, runny makeup after crying. Just a thought!) It is peculiar to me that 2/3 makeup items are locked for fem frame only and I'm wondering if this was just an oversight. Regardless, I'm noting that as a negative - if you want to use the lipstick or eyeshadow on a masc frame sim you need to uncheck masc frame in the makeup category of CAS for it to show up.
I HATE the egg-head hoodie, especially because 1. it could have been such a cool item that I would have used a lot if it didn't give sims a dramatic gnome pointy head and 2. it's unusable on fem frame sims due to the bug eye issue which everyone has already pointed out but I'm going to point out as well because... wtf?! I am also not a huge fan of the earrings and necklace that came with the kit due to the fact that they're just really clunky-chunky and the necklace felt like a late addon to me as most of the outfits had a high neck, so pairing the choker with the majority of outfits from this pack didn't actually look good. I was shocked there were no tattoos, no hats, not a single hairstyle (my biggest complaint about this kit and CAS kits in general as we always need more hairstyles), no facial piercings, not even a nail polish. And, as always, masc frame sims were short-changed in comparison to fem frame sims.
One positive note is that I think a few of these items could pair well with items from other packs and, of course, some amazing cc that's out there as you've probably already seen some creators do. (But, again, that's not what I'm personally reviewing so really that's neither here nor there, but I wanted to note it nonetheless.)
Here's a list of the items I personally liked:
The trench coat full-body outfit in both frames (sans some swatches).
The Tripp style shorts - I think I will use these a lot (and I think the recolors will be great).
The very first outfit I showed above in the fem frame (mesh shirt and shorts) is workable.
The plain leather jacket top in both frames (versatile, simple, lays on all bodies well and recolors will be nice).
The t-shirt with a mesh shirt or fishnet shirt underneath.
I suppose I also like the bracelet and gloves that came with this pack, but that's just because they were simple and inoffensive lol. Idk how the sims team could have possibly screwed up those items. I'll use them at some point though I'm sure, so that's a very weak win I will give them.
All of that to say...I don't like this kit nearly as much as the Grunge kit. Most of the items are middle of the road at best and poorly executed at worst. I didn't have unreasonably high expectations for this kit, but I still think it could have been done better and I think it's okay to want better as a community (especially because not everyone can use cc, so this might be the only goth stuff they have to work with). If EA can't execute something well, they just should do it. This is why I don't agree with the "did you all expect EA to give us a well-done Goth kit?" crowd because yes, actually, I did! We should expect them to at least do the bare-minimum and do their research so they can deliver on a concept that they proposed to us in the first place and will be making money off of... but I digress!
I still stand by the fact that nearly everything looks super chunky and dated - if someone told me all of this came out with the base game or an older pack like Realm of Magic, I would believe them.
Here's a closeup of the makeup:
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I'll say it again: the hoodie thing is bananas to me. Idk how they didn't catch that before releasing the damn kit but that's a careless mistake that would be funny if it wasn't so expected.
That's the Goth Galore kit in its entirety! These were just my opinions, so keep that in mind. You can love this kit and disagree with me and that's okay! But for those of you wondering what it looks like in game with no cc/reshade/or any embellishments before you buy it, I hope this little overview was helpful!
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year ago
Using The Sims 4 Genetics To Make TD Kid OCs (This was a mistake) *Part 1*
Title says all.
I used the Sims 4 Genetic System to make TD kid OCs. Why?
I don’t flipping know.
So I have Sims of TD characters. Not all. But I did this cause why not. And I regret my choices cause some of these kids… ugh.
I did a girl AND a boy to make things even. And I randomized their names so… idk someone on the Internet finds this and used these A.I generated characters as OCs.
I really don’t care if you do.
So let’s do this…
Oh, and if you want to suggest a ship I do this with, leave it in the reply or reblog of this post.
Owen & Izzy
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So these are my sims of these characters. So you know what they look like.
My Izzy Sim’s got abs. That’s canon, right?
So let’s see what Sims Genetics came up with…
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I already hate it.
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Their faces are just… NOT that appealing…
I mean Owen and Izzy aren’t TRADITIONALLY ‘pretty’ people. Still.
Why is the boy so muscular? Where did he get that from?
I think their outfits are suitable though. They both got the white going on, and the girls shirt looks like something Izzy would wear.
Izzy seems to have the dominant genes when it comes to hair. They both became redheads.
The face structure just ruins it for me.
I randomized it; The girls name is Madison. The boys name is Elias.
You know, I can see that.
Owen & Justin
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Since Owen canonically had a crush on Justin, I’m including it. It’s not a popular ship but since we’re here.
I’m wondering if the kids of Justin would look good.
Let’s see…
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I swear this was randomized.
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The girl. 10/10
I LOVE this Sim’s look. Idk where she got blue hair from. But I LOVE her look. I love the jewelry, I love that it matches, I love her outfit, she’s really pretty.
She looks like a legit Total Drama character design.
10/10 look for this girl.
The boy is… okay. Could’ve been a lot worse. I can see he inherited Owen’s messy hairstyle. I actually think the blue eyes look great for him. He loses me on body proportions.
I expected the Owen kids to be on the chubbier side, but no.
The girl is Kyra. The boy is Brady.
…make as many Beth jokes as you want.
Owen & Noah
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Nowen Stan’s. Here we go. You me, we gotta do this one.
I’m a little worried cause they’re so different in appearance…
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I hate it.
Why is the boy a punk?!?!?
Sims really said. “Owen and Noah, yeah they’d have a punk bad boy kid”
There are several bad boy characters, game. Why?!
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Why are their noses so big?!
I don’t understand.
I don’t like it.
I guess on paper if I were to readjust them, they’d work. But randomized… the noses just ruin it. They’re too distracting.
Girl is Jacklyn. Boy is Stewart.
Gwen & Trent
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We gotta do Gwen & Trent. We gotta.
Personally I love my Gwen Sim. I think this is just such a good design and I’m proud of myself for it.
I apologize for Trent though… that’s my bad. I made the sims.
Which are also all on the gallery in the Total Drama hashtag of the game if you want to use them. I have ones for the first gen and the 2023 gen.
So I’m worried this kids are gonna look bad…
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SPLIT. Huge split.
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The boy. Uh…
Game. TRENT is the father, right????
I think you got the wrong one in mind…
He doesn’t look that bad, it’s just… I can’t not think of Gwuncan with this one. And this is supposed to be the Gwent kid.
The girl on the other hand. I love her.
She looks a bit like Heather
BUT I still love it. This is a near PERFECT outfit. I love the braid in her hair. She’s really pretty.
She looks like a legit Total Drama character.
I might keep this sim and use her. She’s fantastic.
I don’t see a lot of Gwen in these though. They look like Heather and Duncan and not Gwen. I mean I guess they inherited her skin tone but that’s it. I guess it would be hard cause she’s a goth style character.
Girl is Hana. (That’s pretty). Boy is Daniel.
Gwen & Cody
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I hate the ship. But that’s not the point here.
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They both look good though?!
They MATCH in outfit?!
The girl has black on?! And makeup?!
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They’re both pretty?!
I like that the boy has glasses. That just fits idk. Their hairstyles are really nice.
There’s legit character here.
I hate the ship they came from, but they’re really good.
Girl is Victoria. Boy is Henry.
*Will Be Continued*
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where-are-the-spooky-gays-2 · 10 months ago
the adhd won't leave me alone so here is a list of Virgil headcanons same rules apply as remus' here we go headcanons number two electric boogaloo:
— was raised by goth parents basically Gomez and Morticia Addams over here they're all affectionate and loving and wonderful parents just goth
— was raised goth, found more comfort in emo styles/music (that sounds like a fucking religion LMAO) (he steals his mother's makeup a lot) (til she buys him his own) (his father buys some too for the hell of it)
— speaking of religion, they celebrate like the solstices. I'm not 100% on any specific religion but they're very "be good to the earth, she's given us everything" parents. Halloween is big though. Fuckin love Halloween.
— pumpkin smell. He just. Ya ever had a pumpkin candle? That's him
— has a general anxiety disorder that fluctuates. Sometimes he can go a long while with no panics, sometimes it's every few hours. He's learning to cope with it
— are anxiety tics a thing???? I swear I see some people say that anxiety tics exist, some others say it doesn't. But just. If not! Then he's got a tic disorder too and he tics when anxious. If so; anxious tics.
(It's a headcanon for both of them Can you tell I get a little self conscious about tics I had/have? /lh /j LMAO)
— really sucked at it at first but can now skateboard pretty well
— he has impulsive DIY piercings (his parents can pay for professional but he insists. They just make sure he's got antiseptic). Actually he DIYs a lot. Bro can sew his own clothes if he wants.
— has walked into the house with newly dyed hair FAR more than once and they're like "oh my darling it looks wonderful when did you do it?"
— mortician. I'm just gonna be so frank with you I have no other ideas.
— worked at Hot Topic from high school through college until he actually started a Career and kinda was sad to be leaving ngl
— only started going to pride when he met Remus
— the kind of guy to take in information really well in class despite looking half asleep the whole time
— he's naturally got bigger canines so he does look a little like a vampire it's not an addition or body mod he's just like that and he loves it
— speaking of him being able to sew, from earlier, his first gift to Remus is a Frankenstein's Monster of stuffed animals. All different body parts from different creatures in order to make a teddy bear. Like discord from my little pony. Remus fucking LOVES it. (Virgil sewed the rest back together so they're okay and now Remus has other plushies with missing limbs)
— okay I'm gonna say it he likes musicals. Normally it's like Jekyll & Hyde but I'm hellbent on him ADORING Chicago. I will fight everyone over this. And the show Adamandi (it's such a good show imo but it's got such a small fandom literally my fav musical it's a gothic tragedy)
— sometimes dresses up in specific outfits he knows Remus finds extra attractive in order to get his attention (he is insecure that day but will NOT be saying it because anxiety)
— had a stutter at one point and it really pissed him off he literally worked through it out of spite now he talks really clearly and consistently and it's terrifying
I tried to keep the HCs off his anxiety and the main function as anxiety in order to share my more "here's him if he was a person and not a function" ones but :3
— 👑
That is S O R E A L but I fucking L O V E these S O fucking much!!! Vee knowing how to sew is literally one of my favorite fucking things ever and him making Frankenstein type plushies for Ree is cute as fuck!!! Also I L O V E him getting better at Skateboarding overtime Skater!Vee my beloved <3 (Also Y E S he D E S E R V E S to smell like a pleasant Pumpkin and have loving alt parents Your Honor <3)
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emotionalsupportweapon · 1 year ago
One day, I'll stop making the mistake of looking up seiyuu, because it only ever causes me cognitive dissonance and grief.
Kaito started sounding awfully familiar, so I did some digging. His seiyuu also voices Soul Evans. Okay, neat, a bit odd, but two solid characters that I like a lot, and a good voice for both of those personalities. I can dig it.
But, as this (complete BANGER of a) duel with Astral intensifies, the nagging thought persisted: Soul isn't the character I was remembering when I hear Kaito's voice. It was someone else. And then I, ever the information junkie, picked up my phone and ventured deeper into the internet.
His seiyuu does fucking Shigaraki Tomura. Zombie emo boy, facepalm king, both literally and figuratively, he who deals with challenges and setbacks with all the dignity and aplomb of me at age 7 when my Lego tower fell down. I hated that guy's character design and personality so much that I briefly quit watching MHA because of him*. I hated his too-short pants (I headcanon that he outgrew them but threw a fucking hissy fit when Kurogiri tried to buy him new ones because "I DON'T WANT NEW ONES, THESE ARE MY FAVORITES"); I hated his red sneakers (I used to wear that exact same outfit, all black with red sneakers, when I was going through the most unbearable part of my goth phase, and it looked just as damn stupid on me as it does on him); I ground my teeth every time he scritch scratched his vile gray skin, and I absolutely hate hate HATED the way he talked, this grating, petulant, affected tone that just screamed "I never matured past age 15 and I'm going to make that everyone else's problem."
This knowledge lives within me now. There is no going back. Now, I wander the earth, watching ZeXal, cursed forever, upon hearing the majestic, dramatic intonations of honestly one of my favorite YGO characters to date, to picture in my mind's eye this morose pain in the ass theater school dropout** piece of shit right here:
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You go, edgelord. Just keep lording those edges.
* yes, I know there are much more compelling reasons to drop MHA; but there are also compelling reasons NOT to, such as the existence of Aizawa Shota, who is an accurate representation of myself in the one year I spent teaching middle schoolers.
** I shouldn't judge him for this, since I also dropped out of theater school, but I'll judge him for whatever I want, because fuck this guy.
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Hello! May I receive an Obey Me! matchup? :)
To start off, I’m in my 20s. My pronouns are they/them, AFAB and genderfluid! My sexuality is panromantic and acespec, and love me some fictional men. <3 My star sign is Taurus and MBTI type is INFP.
Also I’m AuDHD, have PSTD and am a bit of an introvert.
For appearances, I’m 5’4 (cries) with medium length darkish brown hair in the style of a shaggy mullet, light warm toned skin and a mid size body type. And I’m nearsighted AF so I use glasses.
I tend to dress in very fem fashion most times. My style fluctuates between goth aesthetic and the pink cutesy aesthetic, which is always hilarious to see people’s baffled reactions when one day I’m dressed fully in black then the next day where a very pink and sanrio themed outfit. 🤭
Funny that a lot about me fluctuates either from one or the other, I’m so bad with decision making that it’s literally engrained in me lol. This goes for my taste in music as well!
It’s between nu metal and goth rock to chill lo-fi and melodic instrumental! but game soundtracks and music that’s like jack stauber (music you probably hear in a lot of those weirdcore and liminal spaces videos lol) is something I listen to as well!
I’m pretty quiet, get anxious easily (even though I tend to hide it but can still be seen through pacing back and forth a lot eugh). I’m excitable with things I love, though I get scared because my own excitement makes me ramble too much so I try to hold back a lot unless I’m comfortable with the person and am confident they won’t get annoyed or if they ever need a break they could let me know!
I do digital art in my free time and writing storylines and plots to OCs and personal projects probably for most of the day because I love it too much… also, I’m a gamer too! But I have huge preferences for indie horror and cozy games. Horror games with heavy topics like The Cat Lady, and cozy games like Stardew Valley! Also, don’t ever ask me to tell you the FNAF lore I will legit spend hours explaining and adding layers of theories. It’d drive people insane. 🧍
I LOVVEE cozy clothing like oversized sweaters, cold weather, SLEEPING even though I have a hard time doing so, and I’m a huge foodie! I like trying foods from all culture and try new things! :)
I HAATTEE overly bright lights, it sends me into a panic!! The feeling of rubbery squishy food, my autistic butt will die on the spot. 😭 Being ignored is something I can’t stand, I’d probably cry lol. Same effect if I get yelled at.
Okay that’s about it, thank you !! 💕💕
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchup!
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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Satan is a good person for you to be around, both platonically and romantically.
He's great at helping you with your AuDHD and PTSD. Since he's read so much, he knows a variety of different ways he can help and will tailor those to suit your specific needs.
He will lend you his sweaters! He thinks you look cute wearing them and they're just the right type of oversized. He'll leave one laying around for you every day so if you want to wear one, you can.
Very attentive. You never feel like you're being ignored when Satan's around. He values your opinion and finds everything you have to say interesting.
Will never yell at you. He knows he can be volatile sometimes so if he thinks there's a chance he might snap and yell at you, he'll let you know and will keep some distance between you until he calms down. The last thing he wants is to make you feel uncomfortable.
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abuddyforeveryseason · 2 years ago
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Is this the Buddy for July 24th? It's barely a Buddy! Where's the big hair? Where's the scarf? What about the pink sweater?
Truth is, this is an approximation of the original design for the character. I had written a bit of a story featuring this character, but it never really clicked so I kind of gave up on it for a few years. Then I came up with the design I'm using now, and I think that worked out great.
I didn't really worry about coloring this drawing. I wanted to make the beret and the jacket red, and I usually just color Buddy's skin red too, so I figured I could just make it all red.
It's funny how coloring can change a character's personality. Even using just three colors, I can think of different ways to present a character
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This, for instance, would be a better way to color him. Still all red, but the eyes and teeth show he's human.
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This is still three colors, but now the clothing isn't all red. The fox hunting jacket isn't my favorite, bu it looks okay.
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Now this character's completely different. He's white. The pink skin is a fourth color, but if pink's just a mix between red and white, I can still get away with it.
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The same applies to his grey beret. A mix between white and black.
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The brown jacket's a bit more realistic than the flashing red. It could be some sort of leather, or even just dyed fabric. And, brown's a mix of red and black, right?
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Now we're back to the original Buddy skin color. From what I remember, this is kind of what the character would look like in the original story.
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Let's change things for a bit. What if Buddy was black? The darker skin is a bit harder to pull off in my style, but since this isn't an official Buddy of the day, I can cheat a bit with the colors.
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The gray jacket changes the look quite a bit! Almost makes him look like a spy or something.
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Now let's try a very pale Buddy for a change. His skin is practically chalk white, and the lighter color on the outfit don't help.
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Nope. They definitely don't help...
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Now that's the exact opposite. All black outfit! Kind of makes him look like a goth. Black outfits aren't as fun to draw, cause you gotta draw everything in white after coloring them in, but I kind of like the effect.
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This is a bit closer to the new design. A pink jacket and white T-shirt instead of pink sweater and white scarf. I think it tells more about the character's personality.
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A different way to color is just having most of the drawing in black and white, but add a splash of red for effect. A bit pretentious, though, but on the other hand, it's faster.
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This is the devil. The all-black eyes suck the soul out of the character, don't they? A bit hypocritical of me to say so, since my drawings usually just have black dots for eyes. Notice the weird color of the jacket? A mix or red, black and white.
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A different style, with cooler colors on the outfit, and an almost grey-ish skin. Could be like a traveler from an alternate universe or something. Or like how in Mortal Kombat characters' outfits' colors change when both players choose the same guy.
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Not as much difference in this one, but the black t-shirt changes the drawing a lot. The matching pink beret and jacket also show this Buddy's trying to look good.
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Speaking of black, how about an all-black outfit, to blend in the darkness. I like the cartoony thing of characters' outfits being just a black shape. Really Genndy Tartakovsky, right?
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This is just a statue. Doesn't look like it's alive.
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This is also a statue, but it's a nude that some kids covered with real clothes.
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This, however, is a living statue. The eyes and teeth are real. He can move around and shop. Still more experimenting with colors on the jacket and beret.
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This one's a bit like Fry from Futurama. Speaking of, the show's coming back!! Whoo!
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Here we have something with darker colors. The jacket and beret match, which kind of make this fellow look like he's wearing some institutional uniform or something. I often obsess about details like that.
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This one's also pretty satanic. Changing the color of the eyes - specifically, the whites of the eyes - can turn a character into something completely different. Almost a different species.
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This is a fun, but very traditional coloring style - the characters' clothes are colored, the skin is white. Lazy? A little bit, yeah. But maybe he's an albino.
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This is a guy with gross black teeth. Yuck. Another different outfit, though.
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And, to finish the set, we have a Noob Saibot type. I could say it's a shadow monster of some sort, but I'd just use drawings like this to show there's a flash of light behind him or something.
So, I tried different colors on the same drawing to try and draw as much personality as I could from a simple character sketch. I don't know how successful that was, but it's a fun experiment. When coloring isn't the time-wasting exercise for toddlers, or the soul-sucking labor of professional comic book colorists, it can be pretty fun.
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glowyjellyfish · 2 years ago
I spent my morning doing a little 18th Century Pleasantview setup. I haven’t decided yet whether it makes more sense to remodel the houses and community lots, or just tear everything down and start fresh as befits a BaCC, and it’ll probably take me some time to figure that out, as well as full rules. For now, I just made over the Pleasant and Goth families, and got them outfitted with secondary aspirations, traits, proper ages, and appropriate LTWs. Although the LTW Chooser doesn’t work correctly when I use it for some reason, and I had to reroll the LTWs until suitable ones came up.
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Daniel’s 36.5 years old, with traits Daredevil, Irresistible, Friendly, Supernatural Skeptic, and Dislikes Children. He’s Romance/Fortune with a LTW for Self-Employed Talent (Top Business with maxed related badges.) It’s perhaps not the ideal LTW for him, but it does suit a BaCC founder.
Mary-Sue is 36 years old, with traits Grumpy, Charismatic, Frugal, Avant Garde, and Gatherer. She’s Fortune/Pleasure, and wants to Reach Career Top and Have 3 Children on Top Levels. She refused to not have a career-related LTW. She might not be able to fulfill it; I’m trying to be somewhat historically accurate and she might not even be allowed to get a job.
Angela and Lilith are both 13.25 years old; Angela’s traits are Loves the Outdoors, Great Kisser, Sailor, and Coward, while Lilith’s are Rebellious, Kleptomaniac, Loner, and Unlucky. Angela is Popularity/Family and wants to Maximize Influence and Use It 200 Times. Lilith is Popularity/Romance and wants to have 20 Simultaneous Best Friends (with benefits, presumably).
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The Goth family was fun to dress, as they usually are. Mortimer is 50.5 years old, with traits Hopeless Romantic, Family Oriented, Animal Lover, Great Kisser, and Rebellious; which is not what I would have chosen but makes a weird amount of sense. He’s Knowledge/Family with the LTW to Reach Maximum Enthusiasm in 5 Hobbies.
Cassandra is 22.75 years old, with traits Supernatural Fan, Hopeless Romantic, Great Kisser, Shy, and Socially Awkward. She’s Family/Knowledge and wants to have 6 grandchildren. (and as far as I can tell, she’s gonna stay with Don in this universe; there are no real social classes and certainly not yet, and they kept making out and flirting while I was setting things up. Okay then, they’ve made their choice!)
Alexander is 5 years old, with traits Family Oriented, Sailor, and Bookworm. So far he’s gonna be Family/Knowledge, but that might change when he discovers his hobby and so forth.
I don’t know yet what everybody’s going to be doing, but as a historical BaCC they’ll be setting up a Sun&Moon economy. I guess Mortimer has to be the mayor/governor, even though it doesn’t really suit him, but in a BaCC somebody’s gotta do it, and poor Mary-Sue is disqualified for being a woman. I do know I’m going to tie subhood unlocking, plumbing, and electricity to the date. The date’s based on the age mod I use, Hat’s Proportionate Gestation-based Aging, making each day equal to three months, and four days are an aging year. I’m starting the hood on Spring 5, 1751, and the year advances every aging year; each seasonal year (which I might call a cycle instead?) lasts 5 aging years. It’s going to take forever, but it was the least confusing calendar I could come up with.
Some random plans: I’m going to make the Summerdreams be fairies, like I plan to do in the Megakingdom. I think I might roll Townie Bella into play and make her a witch--I saw somebody talk about this plot somewhere and I liked it. With the Hereditary Supernaturalism and Aging Controller mods I’ve got, witches only age once a week and she clearly had to fake her death and leave her family before anybody realized she wasn’t aging and was therefore a witch. The Cordial sisters will also be witches from the start. Acadmie Le Tour will be available from the start, but will be expensive and require travel time, as the Old World college. SSU has to be built with civic funds in the Victorian Era or later, but will be cheaper to attend and has no travel time. La Fiesta Tech can’t be built until after Strangetown (in the 40s), and is pricier than SSU but offers more scholarship opportunities for intelligent and unique students. That, plus “each subhood unlocks at a different era” and “CAS points must first be used on unattached bin families; you may add new CAS sims only when you have the points but no bin families available” are pretty much all the rules I have so far.
Remind me to adjust the camera setting to make the pictures better next time.
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atamascolily · 3 months ago
Lily liveblogs: Thunderbolt Fantasy 4x10
This episode is full of fanservice in the best way possible, by which I mean, Gen Urobuchi et al. know what I want and serve it up with style.
Bo Yang Hou tries to convince the Dong Li prince to help deal with the GIANT FUCKING HOLE TO THE DEMON REALM, but no luck, so he's like, "fine, we'll deal with it ourselves" and pulls all the Hu Yin Shi out of an upcoming ceremony, to the prince's shock
meanwhile, Shang et. al find the lotus macguffin sword and it's literally an air purifier, lmao - cleansing the area around of it of miasma and bringing life back to the wasteland.
(they are TOTALLY using this to return Lang Wu Yao to human form + healing the broken world by the end, aren't they)
Juan Can Yun continues training with baby Shang and unintentionally inspires his sword style...
...until a timer goes off, and Shang's like, "Welp, it's been fun, master, gotta go" and takes a scrying mirror back to the Void Junction....
... where he's just going around and studying with sword masters throughout time and space???
...and there's an old guy there who doesn't speak who we've never met before???
I have so many questions, but this season is so compressed we may never find out anything more but also, wtf??? Baby Shang is just living in the Void Junction now, using it like the Wood Between Worlds in Narnia??
no wonder Shang is so tired, he was a shounen protagonist who aged out of his demographic without losing the protagonist part
elsewhere: Bo Yang Hou leads a caravan of Hu Yin Shi (Jun Po's men from S3) with a cart chock full of macguffins, lol
Meanwhile, Lang is still cooking in his cocoon, and a pack of hanjiao show up and devour Ansarto's corpse.
Ling Ya waxes philosophical about how death comes to us all, even demons, and why can't they just go home and be happy. Unfortunately, Lang continues the ongoing trend of not listening to Ling Ya's advice.
The hanjiao turn to their next victims, and Ling Ya protects Lang by transforming into a human and using magical strings to murder him.
he even gets a character poem!!! something something power of friendship something something murder is sexy
also his VA drops the comic relief voice and goes to "sexy demon" so, A+ choice there
Lin-as-Mantis snitches on Wasp and Spider and Locust was like, "lol, so over that"
also he calls "Mantis" out as a fake, but doesn't give a shit as long as he does his job, hahaha
Locust comes out in person and they're joined by Azi and Xing Hai to go meet the demon king
... it's an evil version of Lin, wearing an outfit very similar to his Takarazuka stage one with all the feathers, and a demonic version of his pipe
both Lin and Xing Hai look like they're going to faint but for drastically different reasons
roll credits
okay, yeah, actually, I do: I stand by my assertion that we didn't need Shang and Lin's backstories, and I think this particular twist is a little too convenient, but also: demon king Lin in that costume is one hell of a compelling counter-argument and the reveal (complete with the "Lin trolls someone" theme) was exquisite, 10/10, no notes.
I showed Silver the Takarazuka oufit a while back and their reaction was, "this needs to be in the show", and here it is as a dark evil goth version, and it's glorious
It's even got little bones, like a spine!!
so like, yeah, I have questions, but also this show's got my number and I am willing to go along with it, hahaha
if Xing Hai ends up marrying the demon king once she gets over the initial shock, I will laugh so hard
when I said Lin might end up being the villain this was not what I meant, lol, but I'll take it
you can tell this season got compacted because the pacing is on steroids (any ONE of these revelations would have been enough for a single episode) but once again, every time I think I've seen it all and this show can't possibly top itself ever again, it proves me wrong, and I'm so here for it
okay, the season's almost over, so here are some predictions
it will probably end on a cliffhanger, with the demon gods awakening and the resumption of the War of Fading Dusk
Someone is going to summon the demon god with the seals; my money is on Lang Wu Yao, because he thinks it will help him defeat Azi. It'll probably work, but at the cost of consuming anything left of Lang's humanity and transforming him into a demon god to lead the others in the assault on the human realm, because irony
.... unless our heroes can stop him in time and pull him back from the brink???? I hope so, but there's too much ominous foreshadowing for me to say for certain.
no matter what happens, it's going to be a wild ride and I'm so here for it
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grimm-bot · 11 months ago
Okay my brain is still on putting the Pines Twins in EAH / Monster High. It's rotating it. I'd like some outside opinions, though.
my initial concept was to go with a J&H theme - that way, I could stick one in Ever After High, the other in Monster High, it'd be fuckin' poggers. but mabel deserves to be a pretty princess! jekyll isn't nobility. and i very much want to dress her up in littol outfits. so i did toy with using the Princess and the Pauper for a bit. but Dipper also deserves to be a goth freak. i don't know. I LIKE playing with the idea of them existing in the same world, and letting them both do their own thing but shit, maybe i just gotta make two AUs. i dont even know what sorta monsters they'd be. mermaid / siren duo? hell if i know
what do you guys think . ill reblog this with more cohesive thoughts 2morrow
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magax-destroyer · 3 years ago
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Koko’s brain: Am I really pulling this off? I know she likes the more elegant gothic types... oh Fyora she hates this I’m so stupid oh fuck Roxie’s brain: Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg goth date goth date goth date *brain short circuits*
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