#also i haven't replied my brother's texts and i'm gonna stay in my room all day and hopefully he'll think i'm mad at him.
sudokuplayer · 1 year
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jksofficialwifey · 6 years
Sugar, Sugar.
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Sugar daddy!Jin au & fckbuddy jungkook drabble
pairing: jk x reader/jin x reader
warnings: nsfw & sexual themes, cussing, a bit of smut if u squint hard enough, toxic relationships.
A/N: this was rushed and unedited, but i just wanted to post this drabble & get done with it so there's that 😝 sorry for the grammatical errors & errythin as always. ily all tho & i hope u enjoy this shtpost 😁😘
"Come get back in bed babe, I'm sure he can wait." Jungkook pleads, his lips now starting to pout.
"You know I can't kook, and even if I know he'll wait, I wouldn't want him to." You say, as you put on your clothes hurriedly, preparing to leave.
"Of course, you wouldn't want to keep your glucose grandpa waiting so long. He might have a heart attack or something," He sarcastically retorted now sitting up on the bed.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny kook. Though that ain't it, He's not even a grandpa. He's still 26, very healthy and active, if you must know."
"Ya whatever. He's the same age as my older brother though, your glucose granddaddy's probably uglier." He scoffed.
"Hey! My Financial supporter isn't ugly, He's ethereal. I bet if you saw him you'd want to be his sugar baby too. Your straight ass would probably reconsider being straight cos he's too beautiful for this world." You confidently replied.
"So, is that why you like him that much? cos he's beautiful? he prob gives good head too. But I know for a fact, no one can devour your pussy the best like me." he says and smiles smugly. "Ew. Please don't use big or cringy deep words again when talking about our sexy time, or I'm really gonna vomit. Also, I've told you a thousand times we haven't done anything. Not all sugar daddy relationships do and have to do stuff like that you know."
"Sure, says the one who used sexy time to describe how we make love. And if you're gonna vomit, do it on his expensive ass floor mat. Since he can afford to replace it and the whole house if he wanted to."
"I really have to go kook, see you whenever i do," You say now truly heading for the door. He just nods at you, acts indifferently though he was begging for you to stay a little longer, just awhile ago.
"Jin, Sorry if i was late. The traffic was horrible you know how they are."
You tell him upon arriving at his place, though you know it wasn't just the traffic that made you arrive late, it was because of another guy you didn't tell him about but he didn't seem to bother to ask too. "It's okay love, I completely understand. How are you today though? are you feeling alright? you texted me yesterday that you were so tired, are you overworking yourself again?" He says a bit concerned and empathetically.
He's always been so considerate and kind to you, and you've always liked that about him. "Yea, I'm good. Peachy. I was just worn out because of work yesterday, (and of riding jungkook's cock til we both passed out) but now i'm feeling great." You smiled at him trying to reassure him you were fine.
"How about you dear? dear. your endearment for him, how are you feeling today?" You asked. "I'm feeling good too. Actually better, now that you're here with me." He smiled, and you blushed a little embarrassingly, though it was cheesy but you had a soft spot for him.
"Anyway, I'm glad you aren't overworking yourself, but remember you can always ask me for more support if you want to. You know I'd give you everything in the world, anything for you." You were quite flustered by his words.
"Thanks, Jin. for everything really, you've always been so kind and helpful to me, though I don't do much or even enough for you, to repay you." was your pathetic reply.
"No, don't say that again love. You know, you being here with me is enough. You don't have to do filthy things to repay me. You know I'd be happy already if you just spend your time with me."
"But what if i want to do filthy things with you? I mean, if you allow me to. I want to make you feel good, daddy." You don't always call him daddy, in fact you rarely call him that. Your relationship was just pure companionship actually. That was what you both agreed on, when your partnership started. You both wouldn't do anything sexual ever. At first you thought he was asexual, but he said he wasn't when you asked him. Now, you wanted to repay him for all the good things he's done for you, but how will you when he doesn't want you to? You were confused and a bit taxed actually.
"Y/N you know what we agreed on...let's not break our agreement. I think you should rest more, maybe you're still feeling unwell." he replied quite tiredly. he doesn't usually call you by your name too, was he mad? disappointed? you weren't sure, but you didn't like it and you weren't sure you wanted to know.
"Ok...I'll just go to the room then," you replied. "Actually love, I think you should just go home. Maybe you'll be more comfortable resting there." Did he just say he wanted you out of his sight? ouch that hurt quite a bit, ok mayhaps a lot.
"Oh. ok then, I'll go home sorry for bothering you," You say, starting to walk away from him and head for the door. "Y/N, It's not like that. You know you're not a bother to me, and you never will be." Jin says.
"No, I get it. You don't want me and that's okay, we're just fellow associates anyway right?" you snap at him.
"No, why are you being like this love? I do want you. I just don't want us to be like them and everyone else. I don't want us to use eachother to that exent. I want us to be friends first, to get closer and if it leads to something more then why not? please...let's not fight about this," he pleads pityfully.
"Do you really though? do you want me? anyway, it doesn't matter. Let's just talk about it later tom. just call me or whatever." You say as you open the door and head out fast, not hearing what he might've replied to your question.
"You're back early? bet ya 5 bucks glucose guardian had a stroke and u had to send him to the ER and leave him there?" Jungkook was still there when you came back, and on his dumb ass phone, playing games. Apparently he was in a mood for jokes as always, but you weren't.
"Stfu junglecock, I'm not in the mood. Why are you still here anyway? don't you have other hoes to do? just make sure to always keep safe and try to catch fewer curable stds, or I'll never fck your nasty ass again."
"Wow someone's pretty ass is pissed, what's wrong baby? did your grandpa have a hard time getting his ancient magic stick up? is that why you're so mad cos you needed a good dicking down but you didn't get it?" he annoyingly implied.
"Jungkook, if you don't shut the f up for real you'll never be able to use your magic stick again, and I'm really serious about it." you glared at him as you said it.
"Ok. fine babe, chill. I know what always helps you relax..." He says as he drops his phone and moves towards you, backhugging you and rubbing your shoulders softly. He knows that you like how calming it feels although you don't forget the sexual implication that comes with it too.
"You know you can tell me anything right? we're not just fuckmates, we're saltmates too. We're friends aren't we?" He says while looking at you, trying to guess what's on your mind. "Of course we are kook. It's just things with jin...I feel like I'm not doing enough or good enough for him. Sometimes I feel like he just doesn't want me, but then he says he does. And I'm just- confused i guess."
"Hey, don't be too hard on yourself babe. You both agreed on that partnership, so why should you do more than what you agreed on? he's not asking for other things or forcing you to do something to repay him right?" he says a bit bitterly.
"No. He's not like that." You reassure jungkook. "Anyway, we'll probably make up later tom. and everything'll be just fine. So, you were talking about helping me to de-stress?" you told him suggestively.
You and jungkook went on it all through out the night. He pounded on you like there was no tomorrow. After your 8th round, the both of you were taxed and almost asleep. Or so you thought he was too, til he made small talk.
"Baby, are you still awake?" he asked, moving closer wrapping his arm around your waist to hold you tight. You mumbled something like "urm yea" and he took a peek at you to see if you we're still actually awake.
"You don't have to go back to him ya know," he said out of the blue, making you face him. "You could stay with me. You could be happy with me y/n. We could fuck forever happily." You didn't know what to say to that.
"Can i be honest? these past few months I didn't think I'd feel something more for you, But I did. I do. I kinda like you more than just a fckfriend y/n, hell I think I'm inlove with you. Do you feel the same way? even just a bit?" he suddenly asked and you didn't really know what to respond. So you replied something lame, "I think you're just tired guk, maybe we should really sleep now." You said looking somewhere else in the room, anywhere but his handsome face, you tried to avoid the subject, hoping that maybe he'll drop it and forget it but you know he won't.
"Is that your reply to my confession? Wow, I didn't think you'd be this mean baby. Are you rejecting me cos I'm not as rich as him? I can support us both too you know. I can save up for the things that will prob cost us our whole lives if you want to have them. Anything for you. I may not be as debonair and grand as him, but I promise you I'll love you and give you everything you want more than him. You'll have my whole heart and all of my attention, so will you please stay and choose me instead?" he begged. But you already made your choice a long time ago.
"I like you too guk, and I'll stay." you said though you know better. You lied. You left his handsome figure still sleeping soundly behind. After you told him you'll stay last night, you both fell asleep right after. But now here comes the morning, and you're already halfway to the door. You take one last look at his beautiful face, knowing it might be a long time before you see it again.
"Jin, I think I wanna go with you on that business trip." You said to him, eager to leave with him right away. "You mean the one in Japan I'll be going to later? I thought you didn't wanna come love? but ok, i guess you changed your mind. it'll be lovely to be with you there." You're glad he's okay with you coming with him.
"Yeah, I realized it'd be boring here on my own and I already filed a leave for work. And i'd probably miss you too so I wanna come with you." you said and a faint blush showed on your cheeks.
"Just probably? so you won't really miss me? jk. love, did you already pack your things? you should get ready. I'll have to stop by the office for a bit to get some things, so just meet me there when you're done. I'll be going now, so I can get ready and check that I didn't forget anything at the office, so I'll see you later love?"
"Yea, see you later Jin." You didn't call him by your endearment but you hope he didn't mind. To your surprise and delight, he gave you a peck on the cheek before running off to leave.
"Uh excuse me, can I ask if Jin's still inside his office?" you told the secretary.
"Kim Seokjin our CEO? yes, he's still inside his office. And who are you miss?" The secretary inquired.
"Uh I'm-"
"She's my girlfriend and fiancee. Her name is y/n and you should remember her face from now on." The familiar ethereal voice said from behind you, It was Jin who just arrived to meet you. The secretary apologized soon after, she was probably regretting why she had asked that question, though you assured her it was okay. "Hyung are you leaving now for that japan business- Y/N, is it really you?"
You wouldn't forget the owner of that voice of course. Though you left him behind. He spoke from behind you, and you didn't wanna face him or move. You didn't until Jin asked you, "Love, do you know my brother jungkook?" You turned slowly to face them, and mustered the courage to reply.
"Yes, We were kinda friends during college." you lamely said. "Oh. You didn't tell me you were friends with my brother. Anyway, yes jungkook I'll be going on that business trip, and Y/N will be accompanying me." Jin told his younger brother.
How could you even know jungkook was his younger brother when he didn't even tell you? He might've mentioned a brother before, but Jin didn't say it was actually Jeon Jungkook. And they have different last names anyway, so they're probably just half brothers? your pondering was interrupted by no other than jungkook speaking,
"Oh really? Before you go though, can i ask y/n this question; Is my brother the sugar daddy you were always talking about? or is your glucose guardian a different one too?" his words shocked and hurt you, though you couldn't blame him, you hurt him too.
"Jungkook, what the hell are you talking about? you don't know anything about us you brat. Mind your own damn business." You've never heard Jin cuss before, or it was rare that he did. Mayhaps he was really mad this time.
"Y/N what is he talking about? what does he mean that I'm the one you're always talking about with him? I thought you were just old college friends?" Jin inquired. "Jin...I-" you wanted to tell him about everything, but no words seem to come out of your pathetic little mouth yet.
"Oh come on baby, It's just a simple question. Is my brother the old hag you always come back to, for money or what? if he isn't, then how many are they? just curious babe." Jungkook sarcastically said. Jin was furious at this point, how dare Jungkook call you his baby? and the accusations he's saying are just over the top. Jin knows he's your only financial supporter, he's the only one right? "Jungkook you ass-" before jin could finish speaking, you spoke, though you were holding back tears.
"Yes. He's my benefactor, my sugar daddy, whatever you call it. And so what if he is kook? it's none of your business anymore. And just for the record, he's the only one. I don't have any other patrons or sugar daddies."
"Great. Just fcking amazing then, You were screwing both of us at the same time, that's why you never told me your sugar daddy's name, you planned this didn't you? I didn't see you as a gold digger who targets siblings but here we are-" Jin grabbed Jungkook by the collar because he couldn't take all the bullcrap the younger was saying about you. "Jungkook if you don't shut your filthy mouth I swear-"
"You'll what hyung? punch me? kill me? I'm already dead. Can't you see hyung? she's the one playing with us! ask her what the two of us have been doing behind your back! Sorry hyung, but i didn't know you were her sugar daddy though," Jungkook shouted.
"Love, I don't know if what he's saying is true, but i wanna hear it from you. Please tell me what's going on? why is he saying you're screwing the both of us?" Jin pleaded at you.
"I...he's my fckbuddy Jin. I'm so sorry, we didn't touch each other and I have my needs, so i had to find someone else to fulfill them. But we stopped it already. I left him and lied, and maybe that's why he's so mad at me." You said exhausted with it all,
"I promise you though I didn't know he was your brother, and I wouldn't have messed around with him if I knew. Dear, please believe me. I truly am sorry." Now it was you who was pleading.
"I'm not mad at you for leaving, I'm mad at you for lying to me. You shouldn't have said you felt something for me when you didn't." Jungkook said, now more glum than angry.
"You were really lovers then? You should have told me you wanted to hook up with other people y/n. We could've made it clear in our agreement. Maybe all of us wouldn't be hurting so much," Jin calmed down too, though disappointment and sadness was written all over his face. "I can't and won't compete with my brother y/n, we might not agree with things all the time but I can't bear to see him hurt. Jungkook likes you, and if I have to let you go so he'll stop hurting, then I will."
"No. Jin please don't do this, you're the one that I love, not Jungkook. Please don't give me up." You begged jin.
"I'm sorry love, but I can't choose you." And that was the last thing Jin said before he left you.
Jungkook took took you back after all, and you started dating him. You've learned to like him after Jin left. Though you heard Jin inherited their multi-billion dollar company in japan, and was managing it too. You were just moping around when you got a text from your boyfriend Jungkook: "When are you coming home babe?" it read. "Probably not soon yet, babe" you replied.
"What do u mean baby? how long are you gon stay there?" he texted again, probably for a really long time You replied mentally. You were still on your business trip or that's what jungkook thought, what he doesn't know is that Jin is the business trip, and you're just on your way there. You liked Jungkook he was hot, but you loved Jin more or maybe his money a whole lot.
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