#also i found tohru a little TOO nice at first but when you get to the end of the series and realize exactly WHY she's like that....holy shit
sotiredmostnights · 2 months
may I ask what fruit baskets is. You're likely my one mutual who might know. You don't have to answer if ya don't want
OMG yesss 💖💖
so fruits basket is a shoujo manga/anime that ran in 2001. the anime recently got an amazing reboot in 2019 that covers the full manga (and it's gorgeous!)
the plot follows the lead character, tohru honda, a high school girl who is kindness incarnate. after a series of unfortunate events, she finds herself living with a few handsome fellas who turn into animals that represent the chinese zodiac when they're embraced by someone of the opposite gender.
you might be thinking, "oh okay, so it's just a cute little reverse harem then?"
it sure STARTS that way, but the secrets of the sohma family run deep... there's a whole lot of trauma and abuse that gets explored throughout the show. the character development is some of the best i've seen in animanga hands down, and the reboot made me laugh and cry several times. it's heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time!
i would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good drama...just make sure you check the trigger warnings first 🫡
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hi hi !! ^^ may i request fluff for shinso with an s/o like tohru honda from fruits basket ? like they’re rlly bubbly and adorable ! they’re kinda spacey, clumsy and naive,, have cute sayings and habits,, but also very empathetic and is really great at comforting and giving advice that makes people feel validated >< just overall a sunshine !! (i feel like shinso needs an s/o like this bc of his past T^T) pls take ur time !! thank chuu sm (๑˃̶͈̀o˂̶͈́๑) remember to prioritize urself first 🌷🌸🍡 have a nice day !!
ray of sunshine
feat: hitsohi shinso x gn!reader
notes: fluff, established relationship, short and sweet, 0.3k words
message: Hello hello! Shinso 110% needs a partner like Tohru, like…it would be so cuuute!! Tysm for the request, Mew, sorry that it took forever and that it’s short. I hope you have an even better day <3
It came as a bit of a shock to everyone (and even Shinso himself a small bit) when they found about your two’s relationship
Not because Shinso is dating someone, more so that your personal is so much more…bubbly - especially when compared to his personality
No matter anyone’s thoughts or opinions on your relationship, he’s plenty happy dating someone like yourself
Your light hearted, cutesy manner is adorable to him
The way you see the good in everyone (even when he or really anyone doesn’t), your ability to console and relate with others, how you seem to be in a world of your own sometimes, it all warms his heart
He always keeps a close eye on you when you’re around, whether you be by his side or off on your own, to make sure you don’t accidentally hurt yourself
Shinso learned better after watching you trip over your own two feet five too many times
It’s actually the main reason he carries bandaids around with him now as a just in case
Your clumsiness isn’t the only reason he looks after you
Though, yes, he finds it sweet that you’re so friendly and inviting, he can’t help but worry that someone will take advantage of that and the possibility of you not noticing
Shinso certainly trusts you, it’s others he tends to be wary about
It didn’t take long for him to pick up on your little habits
Like how you struggle to maintain eye contact with someone for more than a few seconds, or how you fiddle with your fingers when you’re nervous or embarrassed, or - by far his favorite - how you get the biggest smile on your face when you’re happy
He’s noticed all of it and he loves every little one, and I would be lying if I said he didn’t do something with the intention of bringing out one of this habits
Like staring directly at you when you talk to him, his eyes chasing yours as you try to avoid his soft gaze
He’s has also noticed your cute little sayings
Like reminding people to believe in themselves and that there’s always tomorrow, to keep their head up and smile no matter what
Shinso loves you with his whole heart and then some, you are his happy little ray of sunshine that brightens his day
consider liking/reblogging if you enjoyed :)
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coldflame96 · 3 years
Wrapped up in you
Summary: Sharing a scarf with your girl when you don’t like things around your neck is something that can be so personal..
Rating: T
Also found on AO3 and FF.net
Based off that picture in the very last scene with Kyoru sharing a scarf <3
“Wow!" He heard her gasp. "It's snowing!" But then she furrowed her brow. "But it was so mild this morning."
Neither of them had brought coats with them, but Tohru brought her scarf with the pom poms. She really loved that thing and it was cute.
"Kyo-kun," she grabbed his hand. "Are you cold?"
He didn't think he could ever truly be cold as long as she was around.
But he did shiver a bit. "A little. The temperature really dropped."
"Well here!" She took her scarf off, handing it to him. "Maybe this will help."
He knocked her head gently. "Then you'll get cold, dummy."
"I'll be okay!" She waved her arms. "I don't want you to get sick!"
He could tell this was gonna go nowhere fast. He rolled his eyes fondly and grabbed the scarf. She looked at him expectantly and he got an idea. It was cheesy, but knowing her, she'd probably love it.
He pulled her in closer, wrapping one end of the scarf around her neck, and the other end very loosely around his own.
"There." He said triumphantly, breath visible, "now neither of us have to be cold." He punctuated with a gentle whack with one of the poms and she giggled. He paused and then whacked her again. "Huh, this is kinda fun."
He was met with a whack on his own cheek with his girlfriend grinning impishly. "You're right, it is."
He gently whacked her again, this time pressing the pom right on top of her nose, shaking it as she tried to bat it away.
She tried to do a little twirl but the scarf wasnt quite long enough for that so she just did an awkward twist. The temperature was dropping by a lot and her nose was starting to turn red.
He leaned over to kiss it and she gave a questioning look.
He shrugged. "It looked cold."
She grabbed his hand, peeking at him from under her lashes. "I think my lips are cold too."
Subtle. He cradled her face and kissed her gently. "Better?"
"Still feels pretty cold."
He hummed, kissing her again. It was something he never really got tired of doing. She fisted her hands in his uniform jacket as he just kissed her slowly, careful to keep it chaste.
"Oi, lovebirds," he jumped when he felt a hand slap his back and saw Uotani to his side. She smirked. "When you're done being gross, you might wanna actually head home before you turn into snowmen." She put her arm over her head like a visor. "It's supposed to snow all night."
"Oh really?" Tohru asked. "I had work tonight."
She grunted. "So did I. But I called off. You should too."
She frowned. "I wouldn't wanna trouble them-"
He'd heard enough. "You're not walking to work in a blizzard. If you don't wanna call off, then just have Momiji do it for you. His dad owns the place."
She bit her lip. "I suppose…"
"Momiji Sohma is quite fond of you," Hanajima came out of nowhere. "I would imagine he wouldn't expect you to risk yourself in such weather."
"C'mon, we should go." Uotani said, wrapping an arm around Tohru's neck. "It's already cold and it’s only supposed to get worse."
She relented and he followed behind her closely, the scarf still hanging off his neck.
"Apparently we're supposed to get 15 cm," he heard Uotani say vaguely.
Tohru clapped her hands in excitement. "Really? Wow. We could play in the snow!"
"We could have a snowball fight." And then Uotani smirked. "Betcha I could beat Kyon."
He rolled his eyes. "Don't start a fight you can't finish, Yankee."
She snorted. "Yeah okay. You know your ‘bad boy’ image is ruined with that scarf around your neck."
He shrugged. It wasn't like he had anything to be embarrassed about.
Tohru was talking to Hanajima now about something, her face lit up. He smiled softly. She was happy and that's all he cared about.
The wind was really picking up and everyone in the group did a full-body shudder. It really was getting freezing and the snow was sinking into his clothes uncomfortably. Tohru was trying to hide it, but she was shivering. How did she manage to wear skirts in this kind of weather?
They parted ways with Uotani and Hanajima and no sooner than they rounded the corner, he wrapped his arms around Tohru's waist from behind.
"Are you cold?" He whispered.
She nodded. "Only a little."
He kissed her temple. "C'mon, let's get home."
By the time they got into the doorway, her teeth were chattering and he rubbed her arms to try and warm her up.
"My, my, my," he heard Shigure say from the kitchen door and he looked up to see him standing there, looking way too amused. "I understand you kids are in love, but there is a time and place."
"Piss off," he snapped. "It's snowing and freezing outside."
"Well, that's why coats exist." He said smugly. "Honestly, Kyo-kun, do you not ever check the weather forecasts?
He was gonna punch this asshole. He felt a light tug on his shirt and he brought his attention back to his currently shivering girlfriend.
"D-do y-you m-m-m-mind if I shower first? I...c-can w-wait if you w-want to."
He pushed her back gently towards the bathroom. "Go shower before you get sick."
It was once he heard the bathwater running that Shigure turned back to him, smirking. "Nice scarf." He gave him a flat look in response, which he took as a cue to continue talking. "Tsk, tsk, you made a rookie mistake just now."
"What are you talking about?" He asked on impulse, and then came to the conclusion that maybe he shouldn't have.
Shigure's grin only grew wider. "When a beautiful woman you're with is going to the shower, it's only natural you offer to join her."
Kyo grabbed him by the collar, growling, "Don’t talk about her like that, you fucking creep. I’ll kill you!”
"Scary~" And then something else seemed to come to him. "Where's Yuki-kun? Don't tell me you left him out there."
"How should I know? He was never even with us."
And that was when the phone rang. Shigure waved, saying "I'll let you handle that” and then went back to his own room, hopefully to die.
He scoffed. He didn't usually answer the phone but he had a good idea who it was.
"Hello?" He sighed out.
"Kyo?" Yuki's voice came through the speaker. He sounded surprised, which was fair.
"Where’s Honda-san?"
"In the shower.
"I see. when she gets out, tell her not to save me any dinner. The weather's getting bad so I went home with Kakeru."
"Fine. That it?"
"Great. See ya."
"You and Honda-san are alone...don't do anything stupid."
His face heated up. "Shigure's here, you jackass." He gritted. And probably eavesdropping. "And that's none of your business."
"Oh, he's actually home?"
"My condolences."
"Whatever. Anything else?"
"No. You can hang up now."
And he was about to do just that but something paused him. "Oi."
"You too," he mumbled through gritted teeth because he really didn't wanna think about Yuki doing anything like that. "Don’t do anything stupid."
A pause and then a "Thanks" before the line went dead.
"Oh, was that Yuki-kun?" He heard Tohru behind him, her skin flushed from the steam and her hair still damp. “Is he alright?”
He grunted in affirmation, trying not to look at how a stray water droplet ran down her neck. "He's fine. He's at Manabe's, so don't wait up for him on dinner."
She made to hug him, but then reeled back. "Kyo-kun, you need to get out of those wet clothes! You'll get sick."
If it were just them, he would suggest she help him with that, but Shigure was here and he was not gonna give him the satisfaction of that.
He patted her head. "I'm going."
Without work to go to, her and Kyo-kun took the night in. She had already changed into her sleepwear (which consisted of one of his shirts that was way too big on her and a pair of flannel pants).  
He had changed too, in a loose long-sleeve and a pair of sweatpants.
With Shigure-san here, they couldn't exactly do anything more than kiss, so they'd just ended up watching a movie.
He'd fallen asleep halfway through and was currently clinging to her, head on her chest.
She could really admire him without being questioned when he was asleep, how his nose wasn’t set completely straight, the smattering of light freckles on the bridge that were more pronounced in the summer.
She lightly stroked his strong jawline and his arms tightened around her waist.
She smiled to herself. He was such a cute sleeper. She lightly threaded her fingers through his fiery hair, noting how it curled around his ears now.
It's getting so long..
She heard her phone vibrate from the nightstand and strained to reach it without disturbing her sleeping boyfriend.
She saw the message was from Uo-chan and then shot up in alarm at the attachment.
She heard a light groan and saw Kyo-kun blearily blinking his eyes open and she felt a little guilty.
"Wha's goin' on?" He mumbled.
"Uo-chan just sent me something."
He hummed. "'Splains why you woke me up."
She was pretty sure he was being sarcastic based off the grumpy look on his face but paired with the messy hair, it didn't have much of an effect.
"Look at this." She shoved the phone under his nose and watched him squint as he put his own hand over hers.
It was a picture of them, sharing the scarf with snow falling around them. Neither of them were looking at the camera but she was chatting with Hana-chan, though the angle of the photo cut her poor friend off, and Kyo-kun just watched her, looking content.
He normally hated getting pictures taken so it was rare to see him so relaxed in one.
"Was this from today?" He asked.
"Yep! Uo-chan took it." Then she cocked her head. "I wonder how she managed to do it without us noticing."
He stretched, his shirt riding above his waist, which she attempted to steadfastly ignore for her own sanity.  
"Probably because I wasn't looking at her."
He always said things like that so easily and it was a marvel each time.
"I know you hate pictures," she started hesitantly, "but do you mind if I keep this one?"
"I don't mind pictures," he said softly. "Not with you, anyway."
She blushed, smiling to herself. "Right." She put one foot down on the carpet. "I'll go ask Shigure-san if I can borrow his printer."
A warm hand grabbed her wrist. "Do it tomorrow," he said. "It's late." And then he slumped on top of her. "I want my pillow back."
He was actually pouting and it was quite possibly one of the most adorable things she’d ever seen.  
She just stared at the picture of them, smiling softly, Kyo-kun’s chin on her shoulder.
"You look cute," he murmured.
"I look the same as always, don't I?"
He was warm. Like a steady heater on her back. It made her feel sleepy.
At some point, she’d been gently coaxed on her back again, eyes heavy and her boyfriend a comforting weight on her chest. She managed to text Uo-chan a 'Thank you' through bleary eyes before letting sleep take her.
The next day, she bought a frame and added the picture to her shelf next to her mother and Kyo-kun’s beads.
“You’re such a sap,” he’d said when he walked in and saw it.
But he couldn’t hide how his eyes kept softening when they landed on it.
Not from her.
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eggplanter54 · 3 years
What do you think of shojo manga? One of the reasons I embraced, with some caveats, bl is that I didn't really enjoy the shoujo manga I read (early on). It took me many years to articulate reasons why I felt I could never relate to the otp, their styles of courtship, and their dynamics. I don't like it as a genre exactly, but a couple of them are gems. Genre-wise, I much prefer yaoi and josei, and maybe seinen.
When I was younger, I really enjoyed Fruits Basket. It was one of the first English-translated manga I discovered in my local bookstore. Like Ranma 1/2, Inuyasha, and Case Closed among others, Fruits Basket was infused with nostalgia for me. I also loved the supernatural elements. Recently, I reread the whole series and found that it really is a quintessential 2000s manga lol. I don't dislike it, but it didn't carry the same emotional weight I remembered. As a heroine, Tohru falls a bit flat for me. She is kind, a cheerleader for her friends, of cheerful disposition, nice, and...
I really felt little emotional investment in her struggle, her relationships with Yuki and Kyo, and even her navigation of her mother's death lacked depth. It was weighed down by its drama. That's not to say I dislike all cheerful heroines; in fact, cousin to Tohru's mc is Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun's Chiyo, character I quite like. I think the series is not exactly shojo, but Nozaki is a shojo mangaka. Chiyo perhaps is the late-aughts build of Tohru: she's a bit more sarcastic, has comedic timing, and most importantly, one feels her pain more acutely. She is also saved by having a stellar partner in the stoic Nozaki. I also happen to love relationships with a "teamwork" dynamic; theirs is a slow burn that doesn't feel drawn out with misunderstandings (I'm looking at you, Kanojo, Okarishimasu...). It's more than halfway through, hopefully, and I'm enjoying Chiyo and Nozaki's friendship. I really loved that fireworks scene. The supporting characters are also incredible, Mikoshiba, Seo, Yuu, just all of them.
Perhaps the adult analog of Chiyo is Wotakoi's Narumi. I know it's josei, but Wotakoi might be my favorite romance series and I'm embarrassed to say it, but it was the series to lead me to yaoi...I love Narumi x Hirotaka. Everyone loves Wotakoi, but I need to reiterate how much I love this series. The scene when young Hiro gets his ears pierced, when Hanako and Kaba get together, when they get married, basically all their scenes together, I also love Ko x Naoya. I love everything about Wotakoi. It throws all sorts of emotional punches without becoming too dramatic, and most importantly, their relationships feel healthy to me. It may feel like a low bar, but romance-based manga include so many toxic otp.
For instance, I'm surprised Ookami Shojo to Kuro Oji is so popular. I could barely make it through volume 1 without cringing at how manipulative Kyoya is. He treats Erika horribly and the tone of the manga doesn't condemn him for it because he's keeping it real? Toxic mcs like Kyoya are also not rare in yaoi, and those are really the worst types. To wrap up, much of the shojo manga I've read relies on drama/misunderstandings/general teen angst for emotional depth, and that falls a bit short for me. That being said, I haven't read that much shojo manga, so my assessment could be completely wrong. What are some of your favorite ones? Please recommend.
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Hello, sorry for the inconvenience and for my English-I'm Italian-, I would like to ask you if you can match me with one of the tokyo revengers characters. I am 14, I have black hair and I am 1.49/50. I am a cancer and my MBTI is an Infj ad regarding my orientation, I am a bit confused, however, having been attracted to both females and males maybe I am bisexual (I have never been in a relationship and am not attracted to from wanting it) pronouns are she / she. As for my character, I am a calm person and others define me as kind, perhaps a little too much (like Tohru from Fruits Basket or Falco Grice from Aot).
In class I turn out to be one of the most scholars and I have high grades, others call me nerd, I am a particularly curious person so knowing is one of my favorite hobbies along with reading books / manga / comics (my favorite genres are science fiction and Psychological but I also like shoujo you are talking about manga) and listening to music. I'm insecure, but when I'm with someone who makes me feel complete and at ease I open up much more.
I tend to apologize very often which sometimes tends to annoy others and I tend to underestimate myself.
I like to skate, I dress in black / or equally dark clothes or - like skirts, pants or sweaters and shirts - and loose fitting and I wear all stars like shoes.
I really like cats, all kinds of food and video games.
I really like outgoing and self-confident people. -Sorry for my inglish, and sorry if the message is too long-
Your English is really good so don't worry 😊
I am going to be matching you with...
Keisuke Baji ❤️
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You had been assigned as Baji's tutor as the teachers did not want to have him repeat another year. While you didn't particularly want to be tutoring anyone since you had a life outside of school, you agreed due to not wanting to let anyone down. Definitely too nice for your own good.
And so, you had taken one of the tables that were free within the library. Pulling out all the textbooks you felt you would need, all that was left was to wait for Keisuke Baji to arrive. Which wasn't that long after you had set out the materials.
You weren't going to lie, he definitely wasn't who you were expecting to see. You were expecting someone who looked like they carried trouble everywhere they go. Instead, Keisuke Baji looked like someone who would be called a nerd by others. Glasses, slick tied back hair, and his uniform was almost immaculate even after a full day of school.
After tutoring him for 45 minutes, you started to turn the conversation to more personal topics like interests and hobbies. It was a comfortable conversation and you were beginning to quickly warm up to the boy.
The tutoring sessions continued for a month and you were quickly falling for Keisuke. And unbeknownst to you, he had quickly fallen for you. So after the last tutor session had ended, this boy was quick to ask for your number and if you would go on a date with him. You were surprised yet agreed just as enthusiastically.
Your first date was at a cat cafe and you can fight me if you think any different. This boy adores cats and so would believe that all first dates should be held at a cat cafe. And because you also really loved cats, you had to agree wholeheartedly. The both of you would coo over all the kitties that came over, Baji saying how he wished he could have his own cat but his mother wouldn't let him.
As you were dating Baji, you would quickly come to know that he was the First Division Captain of the infamous biker gang, Toman. You were surprised as you had thought of him as the nerd you met, but once you saw this boy dressing casually, you almost had a heart attack. You really couldn't believe how attractive he was when he was out of his school clothes.
Being with Baji meant that you had come to meet Chifuyu and the other Toman members. You and Chifuyu would become close friends due to the shared love of Baji, cats, and shoujo manga. Don't tell me you wouldn't want to swap recommendations with this cute blond. This proved perfect for Baji because it meant you didn't mind spending time with both of them.
If you ever show that you're insecure in front of Baji, you best expect him to shower you in compliments and affection until you start feeling better. It would become a routine of getting affection because Keisuke really doesn't want you to ever feel insecure again. He just wants you to see how perfect you are to him and he will rest at nothing to get to his goal.
Baji would get super excited when he found out you skate. He thought it was super cool and would come with you whenever you want to skate. Might even think about learning to skate himself so it could become a new.fun date idea. Would also offer to teach you how to ride his bike if you would teach him how to skate. Whether you take up this offer is on you.
This relationship went from safe and sweet to spontaneous and adventurous. Dates would start to become rides on his bike or going to amusement parks together just to ride the rollercoasters when he could afford it. I can see this boy trying to win you the prize at stalls when you both go to festivals or even try and win a plushie for you at a claw machine in the arcade. He wants you to feel loved and will spoil you when he can.
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mochees · 4 years
"𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗜𝗜"
-> headcanons, how they tell you they love you for the first time, part two!
characters: sakusa, iwaizumi, x fem!reader
warnings: fem reader, ✨healthy relationships✨, oikawa being oikawa
wc: 3.6K
a/n: WOAH okay uh did NOT expect that last set to be that popular,,,, y'all thirsty for love huh? me too anyway i thought id do a part two since i honestly really enjoyed writing the first set and my brain is vibrating with ✨thoughts✨ and seeing how much love it got really made me feel how i haven't felt in so long, so thank you! maybe ill turn this into a series so lemme know if u wanna see someone specific👀👀😏 also sorry for like posting and then dipping again lmao thats just my social media brand i have the attention span of a fucking worm
read part 1 here!
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
okok i know its like common for sakusa to be shown as not interested in PDA (in private or public) unless hes feeling "needy"
BUT i believe that after a few weeks, maybe months if he's still unsure, he would definitely be much more comfortable with PDA
like, if its been a long time and your both serious about it and not just in a relationship to be in a relationship he starts to notice your routine
he notices the changes you make so that he's comfortable and so that you can be close to him without him being worried about icky yicky germy wormys (someone take away my thought privileges)
so now that he knows that you take care of your hygiene and exactly what you do for it, slowly he's wrapping an arm around you in 30° heat while you're both sweating
slowly he's "forgetting" his mask in the car for dates
slowly, but surely, he understands that a little bit of exposure, isn't a bad thing.
"kiyoomi?" your voice brought sakusa's eyes to yours where he could see the concern behind them.
"are you okay y/n?"
you'd decided, after three weeks of intense training and barely seeing your boyfriend, that you wanted just one day and one night with him. just the two of you, you know he'd never admit it, but he needed a break.
after atsumu decided to try out some new plays that didn't start off to well, sakusa had been silently groaning everytime he had to reach for something. he was excellent at making sure he wasn't overworking himself, and he wasn't, its just that the human body is an absolute wonder, and not in a good way. sometimes things that should have mildly injured you, left you with a tiny scrape, or a bruise or a very quick-to-fade red mark, and sometimes you drop a phone on your face and break your fucking jaw.
you offer him a gentle smile that completely washes away the concern in your eyes.
"im fine omi! but you," you reach your hands up to rest on both sides of his face turning his head side to side, studying it intensly.
"you're looking a little pale. and possibly grey."
"how do you mean y/n-chan?"
for such an intelligent man sometimes he really could be a himbo.
"i mean that i think you might be sick, baby."
sakusa stared blankly at you, as if he couldn't fathom the possibility of 'himself, sick?'
"omi? kiyoomi!" you nabbed his attention, "i think you're sick, and we best go home."
"but-" he started, but you were quick to cut him off knowing exactly what he was about to say.
"kiyoomi, it's inevitable. even if you were the worlds most decked out with ppe, and the worlds leading force in hygeine, you'd still end up catching a cold at least once. that's just how the world works baby. and don't worry about the date, all i want is to spend some time with you."
you ended up practically dragging your sad little puppy of a boyfriend back up the complex stairs and into his unit before settling him on the couch and getting to work.
"ill get you some water, you just sit here and relax. i don't want to think about what would happen if those dumbasses didnt have you there next week, bokuto and hinata would probably crack their skulls!" your attempt at a little light hearted humour helped sakusa forget for a moment, but he was quick to go back to not understanding how he was sick.
"thank you." he took the glass from your hand and rested it between his legs, when he noticed the rubber gloves you had clutched at your side. he knew what they were for, those were his cleaning gloves.
"what are you doing? you can't stay you'll..." he paused. "you'll get sick too."
"i'll be fine omi-omi! you just relax and drink lots of water, ill take care of this." you turned towards the wall with a soft smile before muttering, "ill take care of you."
sakusa watched you clean, the bucket full of diluted bleach, the duster, a cloth, and his cleaning gloves. he loved the way that they were too big for you, the way you kept having to pull them up every so often to keep them on. he loved the way that everytime he finished his glass of water, you were right there to fill it back up.
you don't even remember seeing, or hearing him lift himself from his spot on the couch and make his way over to where you were humming and covering the counters in the diluted solution. you felt a pair of big arms wrap around you, a chin on your shoulder and a kiss on your cheek.
"thank you, y/n. i love you."
thank god he caught a cold, or he might never have realized just how lucky he was.
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Iwaizumi Hajime
family man
is a family man but not just ANY family man
yes, it's important to him that you like and respect his parents and vice versa
but its just slightly more important to him that you get along with his friends, his found family because im a SUCKER for the classic lilo n stitch trope
he knows that many people say that its his life and he doesn't need anyones approval etc.
but iwaizumi believes different, he believes that he doesn't need approval in the literal sense but rather approval through watching you interact with his friends and his family and how you do your best to learn about them and make time for them, even though you dont have to
and he thinks it's absolutely enthralling
the way your eyes light up when you see that book his mom has been talking about wanting to read and picking it up with no hesitation
how you're able to almost flawlessly keep up with issei and takahiro's antics while also making sure they don't go too far, something even iwaizumi struggles with
and most importantly, how effortlessly you connect with his childhood best friend.
there were many things that Iwaizumi Hajime enjoyed, volleyball, athletics, godzilla of course, spending time with three dumbasses (but he’ll never admit that) and a little while ago, he added you to that list.
you were so effortlessly able to connect with his team, his friends, and his family but most importantly, the way you were able to connect with Oikawa brought a smile to his face.
“oh, iwa-chan~, what are you admiring?” there he went again, Iwa thought, Tohru Oikawa’s dumb smirk and hyper awareness of his team, both on and off court. how he wated to head-butt him in the face. but, he showed restraint. after all, he wouldn’t want loserkawa to use you as a human shield from his head. so, he ignored the urge. but it passed as soon as he saw tohrus arm arond your shoulders, crossed feet and leaning on you ever so slightly while he took a few occasional swigs from his water.
and just like that, the incredible restraint vanished like morning mist.
you could practically see the steam coming off of his hot skin, and the vein popping out of his forehead, when you noticed what had him so heated. “trashykawa get your filthy hands off of my girlfriend!”
“excuse me!” he pouted, “my hands are clean and tailored! just like any responsible setters would be!” he stuck his lip out farther and gave you his irresistable puppy-dog eyes. “y/n-chan, i’m not filthy! am i?” he whined.
and, as the word suggests, his look was truly irresistable and you stumbled over your words. “n-no! of course not tohru!”
“see, iwa-chan! y-n thinks i’m squeaky clean!” his dumb smirk appeared again, and rather than continue with flirtykawas obvious games, Iwa opted for the less violen approach.
“don’t flatter yourself, dirtykawa. she’s just being nice.” he growled. “I’m done for the day, i have a project due. y-n.” he offered his hand to you like the gentleman he is not forcing you to take it, but the look in his eyes told you that he wanted you too.
“see you later, tohru!” you gave him a quick hug and intertwined your fingers with iwa’s.
now, technically, girls aren’t allowed in the boys locker room but since it’s after hours and just you and iwaizumi no one cared. to be fair though, literally no one knew except the team so, whatever you didn’t complain you got to watch yout ultra ripped boyfriend change. quality time. you thought, when you noticed him mid-change with his shirt over his head, resting on his arms. as any good girlfriend would, despite the devil on your shoulder, you came up behind him placing your hands on his seriously broad shoulders. taking notice of the tension, you started to work at the muscles. your care was quickly rewarded with a quiet sigh, and relaxed shoulders.
“hajime?” you continued rubbing at the tight fibers, “are you alright? you’re usually the one telling me im holding too much tension.” you giggled and he turned to face you placing one hand against the side of your face.
“hajime?” it came out shaky and worried.
“i’m okay,” he smiled “it’s just,” hesitation. he was never one to hesitate.
“i know i have no right to be but seeing oikawa so clingy with you it just, i dont know, it really gets to me i guess? he, just, he gets all the girls, all the attention, and i don’t want to-” you stopped him.
“sweetheart, it’s okay to be jealous or upset i’m not going to be angry, you have a right to your feelings. I understand how you feel, i never mean to flirt with him, if i ever have, i mean i don’t know, you know how bad of a flirt i am,” he chuckles at that. “it’s just that i know how important he is to you and you are so, so important to me and i want to be able to understand whats important to you, so you never have to choose between us, because that wouldn’t be fair. i love you, hajime iwaizumi, and everything about you.”
you expected him to be shocked, hell, he thought he would be shocked when or if you said it, but he wasn’t. and that’s exactly how he knew what to say next.
“i love you too, y/n l/n.” pressing a soft kiss against your lips.
“geez, it only took you two a century and forever.” someone snarked.
hajime chucked a towel at him “get out assykawa!” and he did, he bolted through the door laughing like the demon matchmaker he thought he was.
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© sacchanwrites, 2021
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sailormoonsub · 4 years
So you've watched a lot of different shows through the patreon and kori donations
If it's not too time consuming I was wondering how you would summarize those shows in a sentence or two
Or maybe just do the most memorable ones?
Not a bad idea! Here’s a one-sentence summary and a one-sentence personal note on every show I’ve reviewed more than one episode of on this blog. TLDR I’ve pretty much enjoyed everything that appears on this blog, though for different reasons. Links to all my posts about these shows can be found here! 
This is turning out to be a rather long post so I’m going to throw the list under a Read More. 
Sailor Moon: I feel compelled to list it here but, like, I think you know enough about Sailor Moon by now.
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun: Group of high schoolers write and draw a romance manga while simultaneously living the most chaotic reversal of common romance tropes. SO happy this was recommended to me because I never would have picked it up on my own but it’s officially a new favorite!!!
The Case Files of Jeweler Richard: Gem expert and his assistant solve rock-related mysteries while engaging in homoromantic behavior. A lesser known franchise that I think deserves more love!
Snow White with the Red Hair: Herbologist in a medieval fantasy environment escapes her oppressive government and starts a new life in a neighboring kingdom where SHE makes decisions about her life. I’m not even that far into the series but I am OBSESSED with the premise and all the character dynamics are so genuine and honest in a way I can’t describe.
Penguindrum: Himari dies of Glamorous Victorian Illness but is resurrected by the Penguin God in exchange for a favor. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen so far, although it is Ikuhara so it’s often confusing and abstract and all the characters need therapy.
Madoka: Being a magical girl is bad actually due to the amount of sacrifice involved. Reviewing this one is so effortless because there’s SO much material to talk about and it has such a well-established presence in the mainstream pop cultural consciousness.
My Next Life as a Villainess: Girl is reincarnated as the villain in an otome game and rewrites the script by being nice. I’ve compared it to the Good Place which is one of my favorite shows, and I cannot get enough of these characters, especially, of course, our angel queen, Catarina.
Cardcaptor Sakura (and Clear Card): Sakura has to capture all the cards. I LOVE the low stakes, slow pace, sweet and friendly vibe of this show, which might frustrate some people, but for me it’s the very definition of a comfort anime.
Zenonzard: Speaking of cards; apparently a witch created a card game to get revenge on humanity and now it’s the future where everything is neon, there’s humanoid robots all over the place, and card games are a gladiatorial sport. The visuals are amazing, the world is fascinating, and overall I’m impressed with an anime that’s based on an app.
Princess Tutu: Duck turns into a ballerina and uses unconditional kindness to save everyone from sad feelings, while ALSO working against the author who is writing her fairytale. I can’t describe how much an impact this show left on me!! A Big Fave!!
Revolutionary Girl Utena: High schoolers with swords fight each other for a shot at finding something eternal. If you read this blog, you already know I had a delightful time with this series.
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!: Three girls use their skills to make a hand-drawn anime. I only reviewed the first two episodes, but I had watched it while it was airing. I love series that delve really deep into a niche subject, and this one tackles the animation process in a fun accessible way while ALSO having a wonderful trio of protagonists with wildly unique personalities.
Fruits Basket 2019: Professional Cinnamon Roll Tohru collects friends who can turn into the zodiac animals. From what I’ve seen, the characters and relationships are a huge strong point in this series. I want to give them all a hug. This fell by the wayside a little while ago but I would love to get back into it!
Gargoyles: They are gargoyles, who come to life at night. Never got into it as a kid, but certainly appreciate it now!
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: Girl from futuristic underground city arrives on the surface to find out that animals have taken over and have developed arts and culture. It’s so refreshing to see a post apocalyptic world that’s NOT a dystopia! It’s not earth as we know it, but it’s still bright and colorful and full of art.
PGSM: I don’t think I need to list a summary, but WATCH PGSM OH MY GOD. Sailor Moon but with soap opera levels of drama, a killer soundtrack, an incredible cast, puppets, and a really cool reimagining of the Silver Millennium mythos.
Tokusatsu Gagaga: Office lady tries to hide her obsession with tokusatsu shows and makes friends who have similar interests. I fell fast and hard for Gagaga; if you’re a nerd who has tried to function in a non-nerd environment, you WILL relate to this 7-part series!!
Russian Doll: Natasha Lyonne relives the same day over and over and has to make connections in her life. First introduced to me when it won a Patreon vote, and even though it was different from my usual content, I was enraptured by the dark comedy and surreal vibe. Thursday, what a concept.
Good Omens: An angel and a demon low-key turn their backs on Satan and God in order to prevent a war between heaven and hell. I can’t even think of an adjective that’s good enough to describe how well this miniseries was translated from the book. Legendary casting, satisfying plot twists, hilarious commentary on religion.
Cutie Honey The Live: Robot girl fights off an organization that turns people into living weapons through various wacky schemes. Over-the-top in all senses of the phrase. I love a show that’s extremely silly, but takes itself seriously.
Gokushufudo: Former yakuza member becomes a househusband. Only just started this series but man, with a premise like that, how can you NOT fall in love.
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yuusa · 4 years
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝟒
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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐𝟖𝟕𝟐
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝟒:
Yuki tapped on the chalkboard as most of the classroom swooned over his appearance. You stood by his side since you were the vice representative of the class, only a few points behind Yuki. You wanted to yawn as he asked the classroom for suggestions. Tohru waved at you from across the classroom when you both made eye contact, you gave her a small smile to acknowledge her wave.
The other girls in the class were insistent on creating some sort of maid-butler service cafe, to which Yuki had to write down on the board despite his protests. Tohru raised her hand to suggest selling onigiris, causing some of the girls to openly mock her. Your eyebrow twitched and before Yuki could say anything, you crossed your arms across your chest.
“Quit your god damn yapping.” You snarled at them, causing all of them to flinch at your cold voice, “unless you have something other than a Sohma advertisement, you’re better off keeping your mouth shut.”
“S-She has spoken!” While Yuki has his fair of fangirls in the school, you were yet again a close second with the boys. You sighed as Yuki only sweatdropped at the number of boys commenting about you. You almost forgot you even had any sort of followers considering how unlikable you thought you were.
Although you were unsure of how you felt about the behavior of them, you found that they were much more tolerable than the other girls who swooned over Yuki. If you asked the boys what they liked about you, they might just rant about your academic achievements and appearance. But, admiration stops here. Many of them choose to respect your own privacy and dare not to overstep their boundaries, it was a simple crush and nothing more. However, you had to say that you were glad that the boys had more dignity than the fan girls. 
“Selling onigiris would be good, it’s easy to make a variety and eat.” You turned to Yuki, slightly motioning to confirm Tohru’s ideas.
“An Onigiri Battle Royale!” Kyo shouted. “Winner will get the onigiri after a bloody battle.”
“No one will be conducting violence here.” You easily shut him down, causing him to sulk in his chair.
One of your female classmates stood up from her chair, “since we are going with the onigiri idea,” You could even hear the girl’s distaste in her voice, “we’re going to need an advertisement obviously!”
“An advertisement. . . ?” You mumbled, you assumed she is going to beg Yuki into doing something uncomfortable. You wanted to openly frown at her next suggestion but you remained straight-faced. 
“We want Yuki to dress up with this dress we recently bought!”
I knew it! You thought, sweating bullets as you turned to Yuki who was already growing pale. You started to feel extremely bad having the boy next you being forced into gender-opposite clothes. 
“Then, (L/n)-san should wear an apron too!”
“No! She should wear a princely outfit! Look at her cold stare within those (e/c) eyes! So fitting!” Someone argued.
“What if she is also a princess?! Two princesses!” 
“Since they’re both representing our class, they should wear something matching!” The blond-haired student called out. You believe her name was Uotani, she seemed to be quite close to Tohru as they hung out together a lot during school.
“Yuki-kun is already going to wear our dress! We aren’t buying (L/n)-san her own!”
“We’ll pay for it!” The boys whipped out their own wallets and presented it into the air. 
“Everyone vote for (L/n)-san’s outfit then!” Uotani announced. 
Your eyebrows twitched again in annoyance but you sighed. This was possibly the best way to get the most people at your classroom for the festival. You turned to Yuki who was still pale from thinking about the horror which will arrive. 
You mouthed to him if he was okay, to which he responded with a nod and a smile to you. You both would have to suffer for the success of the festival then. You wanted to groan as your classmates bickered.
In the end, it seems as if the boys in the class voted for a princely outfit for you. You covered your face with your hands as you tried to catch your breath at this strange class. You wouldn’t even be able to know what outfit you would be wearing until the day of the festival. How embarrassing. 
“Can we set some guidelines first of all?” You asked, many of the boys nodding as you took the chalk from Yuki’s hands with your bandaged fingers.
“Please nothing revealing and it has to follow the school dress code still. Keep the capes at a decent length, it would be a hazard having other students and myself trip over it.” You quickly wrote on the board your specifications, “I will also specify that I do not like the color red.”
“Furthermore,” you continued to write, “for Sohma-san’s sake, ask permission to take photos of him. Do not harass him during his breaks or force him into certain actions.”
“Question!” A male student raised his hand high into the air, “if the students pay for five onigiris, can we make special requests for photos?!”
They were asking for a lot this year, you sweatdropped, “as long as it’s nothing inappropriate I guess that should be fine. . .” You turned to Yuki for his approval, while he isn’t keen on being used for advertisement, he was still on the same boat as you: you both wanted your classroom festival to succeed.
“Then, five onigiris for a special request picture.” He smiled while the girls continued to squeal in joy.
You sighed before taking out your journal to document this classroom conversation.
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“Oh! (L/n)-san, can you get this table’s orders?” Your coworker called out, holding out a tray and a notebook. “It’s a table for two!” 
You scanned the notebook, seeing that they wanted a variety of drinks and food. One of which was a couples parfait. 
“Yes, right away.” You began to sift through the matcha powder into the warm water and continued to stir with your wooden whisk. 
You begin to notice the ever-growing presence of Yuki in your life, even remembering the way you made tea for him that day. You wondered how easy it was for him to simply slip his way into your life. It must have been a very fateful day. You thought back to your first encounter with him, was it really fate which brought you two together? It seemed so unlikely that the Gods would ever want anything to be within your favor.
As you decorated the parfait with various toppings your coworker, whom you often referred to as Shimada-san, came over to say that she needed you to serve table number 4. You nodded before placing all the cups and food onto the tray before making your way to the table.
You approached the table and gave them a closed smile, “thank you for waiting, here is your order.”
“Oh? So the class rep works here? Cute apron you’re wearing.” You flinched as you snapped your eyes open.
Uotani stared at you with her still wearing the school uniform with Hanajima at the other side of the table. Crap! When did they get here?! You could feel yourself getting nervous as you tried to keep a smile on your face.
“U-Uotani-san, Hanajima-san, it’s nice to see you outside of school.” You nervously responded. “What brings you out here?”
“We heard there was a special edition couples parfait that we had to try.” Hanajima immediately dug into the ice cream with her spoon and started to eat away at it. “It’s very delicious, it has the perfect amount of chocolate to strawberry ratio, and it’s even better with the number of toppings.”
“I’m surprised you even work class rep, most of the students who work usually don’t have a lot of duties for school.” Uotani leaned her head against her propped up hand.
“Is that so? I live alone so I have to work to pay off the rent.” You noticed the way Uotani’s eyes seemingly softened at your reason. You wondered if she too understood the struggle of housing.
“Oh, I see. I also work at a convenience store pretty close by here. Why don’t you sit here and talk with us?”
“A-Ah,” You checked behind the counter to see if Shimada-san was okay with it and it doesn’t seem like there were a lot of customers, “I guess I can stay for a little.”
Hanajima pulled up another chair and you thanked her before sitting down. You neatly folded your skirt to keep a modest appearance. From the corner of your eye, you can see her grin widen even more.
“How long have you been working here for, class rep?” Uotani began to eat the parfait, noting that the strawberries were especially sweet today. “Did you burn yourself or something while working the other day?” She pointed at your hands. 
“A-Ah, yes I did.” You gave her a half-lie, “you can just call me (L/n)-san. I’ve been working here since the start of high school. You’re friends of Tohru-kun aren’t you?”
“Yup,” Uotani reached out to Hanajima to bring her into a side hug, “Tohru is always our best friend.”
“Speaking of Tohru, she told us you also went over to her house. Are you also her friend as well?” Hanajima asked.
“Oh, yes, I guess so. She invited me to dinner a couple of days ago. Tohru-kun is very kind and generous.”
“Right?! She always seems so cheerful and happy it brightens everyone’s moods.” Uotani poked at the ice cream.
“She always had that effect on people,” Hanajima added, “(L/n)-san, we never see you outside of classes even during lunch breaks, do you simply eat alone?” 
Your ears perked up at the sound of your name, “O-Ah. . . Yes. Tohru-kun did ask me to sit with her during lunch but I was afraid I might be intruding.”
Uotani slapped your shoulder playfully while laughing, “you should come! We don’t bite after all. You can always hang out with us and Tohru.”
“I see, I’ll take up that offer next time then.” You responded.
“Did you make these yourself (L/n)-san?” Hanajima pointed at the neatly decorated latte that had a foam cat sitting in the middle.
“Yes, is it to your liking?” You scratched your cheek awkwardly.
“It’s very cute, we always thought you had the best grade in home economics since you often made really nice dishes.” Hanajima complimented, almost finishing the rest of the parfait and beginning to eat at the fluffy pancakes on the side.
You cracked a small smile, “They aren’t that great, thank you for your compliments Hanajima-san.”
“You’re always trying to be so humble and polite (L/n)-san, we’re not even at school.” Uotani started to cut into the pancakes, “you should try to loosen up, here.”
She brought over a cut piece of the fluffy dish up to your face, motioning for you to eat some.
“Is it okay? It’s your food Uotani-san.”
She waved the food around in front of your face, “cmon it’s totally fine! We’re sharing with you anyway!”
Your eyes widened for a bit before you decided to tuck a few strands behind your ear, “then, if you don’t mind.” You leaned forward and carefully took the piece of food without sullying the fork with your germs.
“Oh? You eat pretty politely too.” Hanajima said.
You slowly chewed on the food while nodding in response. “Sorry, was that okay?”
“Maaan~ You class representatives always have pretty faces y'know? Look at Yuki Sohma, the girls go nuts over him.” Uotani dug into another piece of the pancake and continued to chew, “do you both have a secret beauty routine you’re not telling anyone?”
You stifle a chuckle, “not really, I don’t think there's much of a secret to Sohma-san’s beauty, but I do wash my face every hour.”
“Woow, does washing your face make that much of a difference?” Uotani asked.
“Hmm. . . It does keep my face from being constantly oily so maybe.”
“I should try that too then. . .” She mumbled.
Hanajima turned towards you, “are you and Yuki Sohma-san close?”
“N-Not really. We’re just friends.” You tried to brush off the fact that he visited your house yesterday and made an effort to keep a straight face.
Hanajima only nodded in response, “it seems like you guys were close. He stares at you in class a lot.”
E-Eh?! He was staring?! While you kept a straight face in front of Uotani and Hanajima, you were blowing up with steam on the inside. Did I do something embarrassing in class?! Your brain halted to a screeching stop.
“Oh. I see.” You deadpanned. “That is nice.”
“Is that your only reaction. . . ?” Uotani sweatdropped.
“I almost forgot, (L/n)-san, does the rest of the class know you work here?” Hanajima asked.
“N-No,” you diverted your eyes somewhere else, “it would be embarrassing to have them see me in my work uniform.”
“Why not? You’ll get a lot more customers.”
“T-That’s true but. . . I just don’t want my personal life being mixed in with school.” You fidgeted with the hem of your skirt, “the only other people who know are Tohru-kun and some of the Sohmas.”
“Hmm. . . I guess so. You’re already dressing up for the festival, it must be hard having a fan club.” She added.
“They’re all nice people, I’m just a bit glad that mine aren’t as vocal as Sohma-san’s.”
You wanted to sigh at this very moment. It was very tough handling even one person from his fan club, you couldn’t even imagine having most of the school head over heels over you. With that much admiration and idolization, you wondered if Yuki ever felt as if he had to keep up his own public image.
He must have felt lonely.
He always had this distant look in his eyes that were shrouded in what seems to be a facade of a prince. Even when talking to other people, it feels as if he too was forcing himself to make a conversation. He would tightly grasp onto the sleeve of his arm whenever he felt stressed, similarly to your own coping habits. 
“I find that. . .” Uotani and Hanajima’s ears perked up at the sound of your voice, “Sohma-san feels outcasted in a way. . .”
“He doesn’t want to show people the real him.” You mumbled, almost inaudible to the other two.
You stood up from your seat and patted down your skirt. “It seems as if my break is over. It was nice meeting you both.” You bowed down to them before repositioning your seat back to the other table.
Uotani only stared at you with a blank stare before giving you a smile, “alright you busy bee, go back to working~”
Hanajima waved you goodbye as they both continued their own conversations with each other. You looked over your shoulder to see them starting to laugh and joke around while you opened the door to the employee’s room. You sat onto the bench and pulled your knees to your chest, resting your head against them.
“We’re similar, Sohma-san.”
You tightened your fists as your nails dug into your bandaged fingers.
You felt so lonely.
Being surrounded by so many people and yet not a single one of them understood anything about yourself. It was so. . . Difficult. It was difficult communicating your inner frustrations and desires, it was difficult even trying to hold conversations with people like Uotani and Hanajima.
You can’t understand how hard it is to simply talk. To just talk to other people and say the things you truly mean. You don’t understand it at all.
“Why do you keep looking at me? Go away.” She tightened her hands together as she prayed in front of the altar.
“You hate me, don’t you? I can see in your eyes. You want me to suffer. . .” She mumbled. “You’re simply a figment of my precious daughter. . .”
She continued to kneel over the altar, your figure hiding within the dark corner as you watched her offer God another worthless gift. You stared at her with wide eyes, your irises never leaving her figure as you watched her every single movement. She fumbled around with the incense and tried to light the tip up with a small portable lighter. She continued to flick at the object, trying to create a small spark of flame.
“It’s all your fault that God isn’t here.” She said, standing up from her position and walking towards the door, shutting it and locking it from the outside. “You worthless spirit.”
You just wanted to cry.
You gripped onto your clothes as you shut your eyes, feeling the cold, wet sensation dripping down your cheeks as you stifled your whimpers.
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tardytothepardy · 3 years
Fruits Basket - Vol.16
Fruits Basket has so many flashbacks. There's just so much going on, in the present but also in the past. Last book, it was focused on Yuki, and a section of his childhood. In this book, however, the focus is on Kyo, who apparently met and kinda talked with Tohru's mom, Kyoko. (let's hope I don't confuse their names 😬)
So, most of this started simply because Kyo took a nap on the floor. This is why you don't nap on the floor. Sure, maybe it feels nice, sometimes, to lie on the floor, but if you're anything like me, you'll get stuck. Kyo didn't, but he doesn't have a busted hip, so he has that going for him.
So he was thinking back to when he met Tohru's mom, who started talking about her past. It's never really said why or when this happened, but I'll just think that Kyo forgot about the particulars. It seems like it happened when he was pretty young, so it'd make sense.
It seems like Kyoko's life was kinda similar to Uotami's life, in that her relationship with her parents was abysmal, and she often acted out. She got herself into a "bad crowd", and rarely went to school. Her dad was said to not think about his family, and her mom only did things to keep up with appearances. They never went out as a family, and Kyoko felt ignored and/or unwanted. It was a chance happening that Kyoko even ended up meeting Katsuya (who would later become Tohru's dad). She was at school, and she got called aside and put in a separate room, which is when they first met. She was yelling up a storm, and Katsuya wanted to know what she was so angry about.
This particular incident was shortly after her dad had basically told her that she should be more grateful for what she's gotten in life, to which she responded with "Who even asked me if I wanted to be born?", and this was clearly still floating around in her mind. As she continued yelling at Katsuya, it became apparent that what she was yelling at Katsuya was what she felt herself, which is why is made sense that she quickly broke down into tears. This was especially the case after he said that he thinks she does want people to care about her, and she does care about what people are saying (otherwise, she probably wouldn't be bothered by it). After all of this, Katsuya took her to a ramen place, just completely cutting class.
Kyoko was confused by Katsuya, but after meeting him, she started trying to better her life. It was mostly small things, like showing up at school. She didn't go to any of her classes, but she was at school (which sounds extremely boring to me, but whatever). She was able to talk to Katsuya a little bit more, but not a lot, seeing as he was a student teacher, he had things to do. When the time came for Katsuya's training to end, he revealed that he wasn't going to continue on to be a teacher, that he just didn't like it. This, understandably, bummed out Kyoko, because she was looking forward to seeing him everyday. Once he left, she would probably never see him again. Fortunately for the story (and Tohru's general existence), it wasn't. He ended up getting a job at a pharmaceutical place, and visited Kyoko on the weekends to help her with her schoolwork, and Kyoko tried to get back into school. The gang that she was a part of didn't like that much, and beat her up a bunch for trying to leave it. They beat her up so bad she had to go to a hospital, and wasn't able to get into high school. Her parents refused to visit her in the hospital, and after she was unable to get into high school, they completely disowned her.
Thankfully, Katsuya was nearby (presumably because he wanted to see if she was okay, because after she woke up in the hospital and learned it was too late to take the entrance exams, she didn't try to talk to him, thinking that his help and efforts were all for nothing), and overheard Kyoko's parents, and that's when he announced his intentions to marry Kyoko, which took both her and her parents by surprise. As they were walking away from Kyoko's parent's house, Kyoko still couldn't believe that Katsuya was serious, but he totally was. He said that he saw her as a very genuine person, particularly in their first meeting (which is, he said, when he fell in love with her, which I think is kiiinnddaa weird, but okay), and that he has full intention on marrying her. He wished that he could've made it a bit more of a happy surprise, but in the moment, it was basically the only way that he could guarantee that nothing bad would happen to Kyoko.
Kyoko bristled at the idea of a wedding, and apparently, so did most of the Hondas. There's probably a host of reasons, ranging from how Kyoko was eight years younger than him, to the fact that she used to be in a gang, but there was one person who was supportive of Kyoko and Katsuya: Katsuya's dad.
When Kyoko found out she was pregnant, she freaked out. She didn't feel like she could be a good mother, because of the way she was. How could a person with her background be a good mother? The way that her parents treated her as a kid was awful, and she was terrified that she would end up doing the same to her child. Katsuya pointed out that since she was already so aware of these problems, that she would do her most to avoid doing the same to her own child. They might make mistakes, but they would try their hardest to do their best. And so, Tohru was born. What a cute little round organism.
For a couple years, everything was happy. Katsuya and Kyoko both loved Tohru to pieces, it was great. Then, Katsuya fell sick, and ended up dying. This destroyed Kyoko, because there was such an emphasis on togetherness between the two, especially when it came to raising Tohru. She was completely desolate, almost angry at the world that it continued existing as if nothing had happened. She came out of mourning, a little bit anyway, after going out to see the ocean, and overhearing a mom and daughter talking to each other, and she realized that she couldn't remember if she had even talked to Tohru since Katsuya's death. She raced home, and saw Tohru sitting at the entrance, mostly asleep, and say "Welcome home". It was something that Kyoko and Katsuya used to say a lot, so it meant a lot to Kyoko.
The flashback concluded with Kyoko saying that, "Maybe the world doesn't need me. But there's still one person who's kind enough to need me. I only need that to live." Kyo then asked her if she still missed Katsuya, but Kyoko(why are their names so similar ;-;) didn't really respond. I mean, of course she still missed him, she probably missed him everyday, but she still had to get through life and raise Tohru. It was all about how she went on from that, that mattered.
Then we get reminded that this is, in fact, a dream that Kyo is having, because it swerves completely of track, and now there are bloody women on the ground, with other faceless women saying weird shit. I do not have really any idea who these women are, I assume one of them is Kyo's mom, and maybe the other is Kyoko? I don't really know, but the dream (at this point it's a nightmare) ends with Tohru, wounded and unconscious, in the place of the first woman, and there's blood of Kyo's hands. Whoa! What the fuck!
After he wakes up, he's pretty shaken (with good reason, like wtf, whoa) but after Tohru fretted over him, he just waved off the concern like "It's fine I'm fine I totally didn't have a freaky dream it's fine", which is the number one reaction to something like that, in case you were wondering.
Now, let's move completely onto a new topic: Machi. It starts with a callback to a brief scene a few books ago, after the Student Council had nabbed a whiteboard, and were yelling about what colors everyone was. It focused mostly on Yuki asking Machi what color she likes, and she couldn't answer him, because she couldn't imagine herself as anything other than "blank".
The Council had finished up a bunch of work, and they (mostly Kimi) were thinking of a way to celebrate, by going out to a shop or something idk what people do with their free time, and on her way out, Yuki called out to Machi, asking if she was going to come as well. She didn't really say anything about it, but Kimi gave her a slip of paper of the address and such, and they all went their separate ways.
Machi went back home, to the sound of a phone ringing. It seems to be her mom, asking what she's been doing, if anything's changed, then just kinda called her boring and dull, which is really nice of her to do. We see that Machi had to deal with higher expectations after Kakeru rebelled and stopped putting up with their family's bs, and that her room looks like a storm blew through it. Seeing as that seems to be the way she releases her emotions, it makes sense. And if she never has anyone over, why would she clean up? It'd probably be a waste of time.
After the call, she basically just passes out in her room, and wakes the next morning to shuffle off to go to the place where everyone is meeting up. She didn't even bother changing out of her school uniform the previous day. On her way to the meet-up place, she thinks about how she feels empty, and broken. The things that Yuki has said to her really seem to be making her think about stuff, mostly of her self-perceived lack of meaning, which she either never really thought about before or came to terms with, but after his questions (which were basically like "oh hey what's your favorite color"), she's gotten all confused.
Anyway, when she gets to the place where they're all meeting up (probably nearby a train station or something idk I don't know these things), Yuki shortly shows up, and she responds to his greeting by promptly collapsing, causing stuff to fall out of her bag, like a bottle opener, and that leaf that Yuki gave her as a souvenir of that one place from a while back,, the field trip. She's kinda embarrassed, because she put them in her bag after she had woken up, and so it showcases something most un-admirable: being kinda groggy and disorganized after waking up. When Yuki asks about the Leaf, she says it's nothing, it's not the same leaf, it is the same leaf, it doesn't matter, whatever! (is it important to say that she made it into a bookmark? idk, but that's how it wasn't torn to shreds: she made it into a bookmark)
Kakeru arrives to see Machi and Yuki wrestling over the leaf, one insisting that it's no big deal, and the other saying it was nice that she had held on to it. It was a pretty confusing scene, honestly. After everyone had arrived, Kakeru told Yuki that he'd never seen Machi act so flustered, which was pretty interesting.
I'll conclude this section with one thing: Machi likes the color red? Interesting. Red is a nice color.
Anyway, I'm nearly done! (When did these things start getting so long I gotta cut these down somehow I seriously doubt anyone would read these all the way to the end ;-;) It is nearly New Year's, and there are two things going on: Tohru is going to stay with Kazuma, and Yuki is going back to the main Sohma house, just for the one night. (Tohru is staying at Kazuma's place because Yuki is going to the main Sohma house, because,,,, reasons?? Idk)
There's nothing much of note for Tohru being at Kazuma's house, but Izusu is there as well, so maybe we can get some progression on the whole curse-breaking thing?? Hopefully?? Maybe not.
There is one moment at the Sohma house that I do want to talk about, and it happens between Akito and Yuki, where they're just sitting there, and Akito says something like, "You're not running away anymore? Cool. I forgive you for that." and Yuki starts to say that he forgives Akito as well, then says that he doesn't want to place blame on anyone, because, in the past when he's done that, it hasn't really helped him. He said that there are some things about himself that he would like to improve upon, and Akito swiftly responded to that by breaking a pitcher and scratching Yuki's face with it. Nice, Akito. Real nice.
Yuki gets help for it, but everyone kinda sat there like O_O for a few seconds (which, like, yeah. I'd respond the same way.) While Hatori is patching Yuki up, Yuki apologized to him for what happened back when Yuki was a little kid, with Hatori erasing all those kids' memories, and how he was only thinking about his own pain, and that he might have been blaming Hatori in a way, this whole time. Hatori waved it off, it was no big deal, but it was nice of him to do, nonetheless.
Okay, that was the end of the book. Finally. Why do I make these so long? Idk.
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kyosohmastan · 4 years
If you are doing the fic thing may I request #15 for kyoru? 👀
There’s so many ways to incorprate that prompt ranging from ratings G-R xD. I went in the mild direction for this lol. I didn’t quite know where I was going with this but it’s alright I guess.
This was also requested by @knmartinshouldbewriting !
“Shhh, they’ll hear us.”
Kyo would have went to bed earlier but Momiji, the hyperactive nuisance of a bunny, was staying with them for the night, and he wouldn’t shut down. How is it that he has this much energy half past midnight? If only the party would end...
“Let’s play hide and seek...in the dark!” Momiji said while they were having cheesecake that Tohru had baked earlier that day around the kotatsu.
“That doesn’t seem safe. Do people actually play it in the dark?” Yuki asked.
“Yes. My friends from school play it in the classroom after school all the time!” Momiji replied.
“But that’s during the day,” Kyo said. This was a ridiculous idea, and a childish game at that. He would never participate in such a thing. “It’ll be pitch black here if we turn off the lights. What if someone fell down the stairs because they couldn’t see?”
“Stop being so lame, Kyo. Hide and seek is a very popular and enjoyable game. You’ll see!” The rabbit said, scarfing down the remainder of his cheesecake.
“For five-year-olds...” Kyo grumbled.
Shigure all at once jumped up. “I’m in!”
Kyo resisted his tendency to jump at Shigure’s sudden burst. But he did wince, and his hypothetical tail’s hair stood up on end. “You’re a freaking adult! Why would you play-”
“Actually that sounds fun. I’ll play,” Tohru said, gathering everyone’s plates and heading into the kitchen. “Just let me wash these first. And I’d love it if you joined us, Kyo-kun!”
That was it. It was enough to change his mind over an activity he’d never consider participating in otherwise. He blushed at his compliance. But he didn’t want to disappoint her. 
“Fine,” he mumbled and got up. “At least I can get away from that whiny kid for a little while if I hide.”
“Kyo! You’re picking on me again!” Momiji cried.
My point exactly, Kyo thought. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“Who’s going to count?” Yuki piped up.
“Me!!” Momiji responded while hopping around and turning off all the lights in the house. 
“Um...” Tohru’s voice quivered from the kitchen. Kyo looked back to where her voice was coming from, but all he met was a sea of darkness. He blinked, trying to spot any sliver of her form. He took a step back, feeling for her. She was scared. He could hear it in her voice, in the way it carried on a shaking cry almost as severe as how she spoke to him when he was in his true form.
He shook the thought away and grasped the empty air until he felt her chill skin. He held her wrist, and she made a swift gasp.
“Okay, I’m starting at one-hundred!” Momiji announced and began counting, dragging out each number unnecessarily.
“Stay with me,” Kyo whispered to Tohru, dragging her in the direction that he hoped was toward he hallway. “I don’t trust you to get through the dark alone without breaking a bone.”
“Oh! O-okay,” she said way too loudly for what was appropriate for the game. 
“And try not to get us caught by that pitchy voice of yours,” he muttered. He shook his head. He loved the voice. Under other circumstances, he wouldn’t mind listening to it.
“Yes, of course,” she whispered. Well, that voice was just as nice.
He heard the bathroom door open and close, which meant either Shigure or Yuki had gone to hide in there. That was where he was headed since the bathtub was big enough to fit him and Tohru, but he’d have to go somewhere else. 
Momiji was on thirty. It appeared hat the farther he got down in his count, the faster he phrased each number. They didn’t have time. He pulled her into the hallway closet with him, taking good measure to leave her at arms length as he closed the door, though the probability of him transforming during the period of this game was high up there since he couldn’t see a thing. 
“You good?” he asked her, at last.
Her breath came out harsh and it gave him goosebumps...for some reason. “I’m fine. Honestly...I’m glad I get to hide with you, Kyo-kun. You take care of me.”
Stoooop, he repeated in his mind. Maybe hide and seek in the dark was a good thing if it meant she couldn’t see his blush. “Just don’t take another step closer or you’ll bump into me.”
“Right!” she whispered loudly. “Um..you feel really close though.”
She was right, he could feel the cotton of her shirt hovering over his skin. Their chests had to be a breath away from touching. Yet, he still couldn’t see her. He looked directly ahead, knowing she was right there...so close. Had he ever been this close to her for so long? It was unlikely because he’d never felt this emotionally erratic around her before. 
She took in a harsh inhale and he stood straight. “What is it?”
“Your eyes. I’ve never seen them do that.”
“Do what?”
“They’re glowing,” she whispered. 
That gave him some surprise. That hadn’t happened in a while. He spotted the tiny crack in the door which let in a bit of light from the moon. That explained it. 
He blinked rapidly as the light reflected off his retinas. “They get like that sometimes.”
“They’re gorgeous,” she whispered in a voice he could only compare to an angel’s, as cliche as it sounded. The edge of a finger touched his cheek and his breath just stopped...dropped off the face of the Earth.
“Wh-what are you doing?” he asked, cringing at how pitiful his trembling voice was.
“Trying to get a better look.” Her entire palm rested on his cheek and his knees shook. Her fingertip touched the bridge of his nose. When had she ever been this...bold? Had she thought about touching him? Was she acting on her desires?
He had those when it came to her. He loved those brief moments when he’d get the courage to touch her. She always allowed him to in ways he couldn’t understand. She invited him in so easily. Always. As if she were asking for it without words. 
He swallowed hard, searching out her eyes with his own that were still glowing a blazing red. The little light from outside the window directly across from the closet outlined a sliver of her face. There she was. He felt like he hadn’t seen her in ages. And yes, indeed, she was dangerously close. He only had to breathe and their chests would touch.
The sound of a constant drum permeated the air around him. It grew in tempo as she tilted her head up, the tip of her nose brushing his chin.
In an attempt to break the intensity of her presence, he said, “Stop tapping your foot. They’ll hear us.”
Her nose knocked against his jaw as she tilted her head up. “That’s not my foot. I’m perfectly still.” She giggled. “But I hear it too. I think it’s...” He felt her hand on his stomach, and it inched up until it found its destination on his chest. The pounding in his ears was deafening now. 
“It’s coming from here,” she said softly. “That’s your heart, Kyo-kun.” Something knocked against his chest. Oh, my, God, her head, his thoughts screamed. 
Her warm breath hit the front of his shirt. He was going to melt. “Such a beautiful sound,” she cooed.
He couldn’t bring himself to tell her to back up. He didn’t want her to. As he already knew, he liked feeling her close to him. Touch as tender as this one made him feel secure, wanted, and loved. All the things he’s always dreamed of. And if he could hug her now, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that he wouldn’t allow it. 
All he could do was hold the back of her head. One day, if she didn’t already know, he would tell her he loved her. But actions did have a tendency to speak louder than words.
The closet doors bursted open and he jumped out of his skin, knocking into Tohru and transforming. To be honest, he didn't know if he transformed because they embraced or if it was due to his rising emotions. 
Momiji and Shigure stared at them, Shigure’s brow inching into his hairline.
Tohru caught Kyo and started laughing. “Oh, Kyo-kun, I’m sorry”
Shigure joined in on her laughter. “My, my, Kyo-kun. This is supposed to be hide and seek not seven minutes in heaven.”
The cat bared his fangs at the canine. “Shut it! We weren’t doing anything!” But were they? Something happened in there that definitely meant something. He hadn’t felt such a piercing touch from her since the day she saw his monster form and he willingly hugged her for the first time. All he could hope for is that there were more to come. 
Even as she clutched his feline form to her chest, even in such a pathetic form, one he’s always had to deal with, he’d stay a cat forever if it meant he could always feel her touch.
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animegenork · 3 years
Fruits Basket Final Season, Episode 1
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Sounds of intense sobbing and blubbering and also wheezing.
Okay. I’m okay. I’m FiNe.
Okay okay, so we leave off where the second season did, with Tohru finding out that Akito is a girl. Kureno clarifies his explanation as to why he can’t see Uotani, saying he has another girl whose side he must stay by. He also explains that Akito was raised as a man (I don’t remember the story, but there was something like this in one of my classes last year) by decree of his mother, Ren, an honestly terrifying woman who Akito hints at being too flirty with the zodiac men. (IS RITSU OKAY THAT’S ALL I WANNA KNOW.)
Then we get a bit of backstory on some Sohma philosophies. Akito is very attached to the “bonds” between her and the zodiac members, as they are her only reference to love. Ren says that the bonds are unnatural, and they do not constitute real love in the slightest. Kureno agrees with Ren, and it seems that the guilt from THAT is what keeps him with Akito. It’s all very twisted.
We see Akito attack her mother (ngl that was a badass scene and I am still in shock), making the point that she’s never known another type of love. Parental love was a sham when it came from Ren, so the bonds are all she has. Honestly, it’s something to be pitied. Ren says that the love between her and Akira (yes, Akito’s father) was real, and if Akito kills her, at least she can be with him again. There is a flashback to Akira telling Akito she was born to be loved, which, considering how Akito is now, probably warped her as much as Ren’s bad parenting.
Sohma parents that aren’t Hiro’s really need to work out their shit.
There is another flashback to back when Akito was first conceived. The Mabudachi Trio (Hatori, Shigure, and Ayame) plus Kureno had the same dream and cried before running to Ren and lowkey being a little weird and touching her stomach. Basically, the zodiac spirits kicked in and automatically attached them all to Akito already, which is all fine and dandy, except it trapped them. And Kureno knows this. And he apologizes that all this mountain of complication is keeping him from Uotani.
But Tohru can’t even move.
Hanajima comes to her rescue and takes her back to her house. They sit down, and without explaining it in its entirety, Tohru explains what precisely she was shocked about.
To put it in non-Takaya terms, Tohru really wanted to get Kureno to see Uotani again. Even with his roundabout explanation, Tohru learned the precise reasons why he can’t see her. She says that Kureno is a caring man who puts others’ feelings before his own, and in the face of that depth of selflessness, she was speechless. She couldn’t comprehend sacrificing so much of yourself just to keep one person happy (even if she does it in her own way every day).
Now, I’d like to think another part of Tohru’s conflict here is that she can’t imagine giving up so much of herself to help Kyo and make him happy. That might be because she doesn’t know how, due to her non-zodiac nature, or because she’s never had to. What she selflessly does for people every day is on a smaller scale than what Kureno is doing. But it’s a little more effective and long-lasting, as we can see from the flaws in Akito’s relationship with the former Rooster and her general temperament.
In any case, Tohru continues to explain that Momiji and others have helped her track down Kureno time and time again to convince him. But when it came her turn to directly tell him to see Uo, she couldn’t do anything. And that kills her.
Hanajima calmly tells her that, of course, Tohru is much the same way as Kureno. (I love their juxtaposition, too, especially how Uo describes him as being very much like Tohru in his airheadedness.) She says that she’s afraid that someday, the weight of trying to help others with crush Tohru, and she won’t ever smile again. I think that’s something a lot of the zodiac fears as well.
That’s when Uo pops in and says that would be the end of the world.
Uo and Tohru have a nice little moment together, which in a way, finally resolves Uo’s arc of moodiness and despair. Hana’s brother, Megumi, gives us a little hope that maybe someday things will work out.
The episode cuts then to Rin, who has snuck onto the Sohma estate, possibly to confront Kureno, as it seems that she overheard a lot of his conversation with Tohru. She’s stopped by Ren, who asks if she wants her help. If you haven’t noticed already, their hairstyles are eerily similar (which, thanks to a lovely commenter on a previous analysis post, explains why Akito has always hated Rin so much).
Back at Shigure’s house, Kyo has found Tohru’s scarf, and those two are just too cute again. Yuki sees Tohru smiling and seems relieved, and Shigure jokes that Yuki is hopeless in the kitchen. (We still love him.)
So for the most part, Tohru feels better, and life can go on. But she’ll still be puzzling things out on her own, because that’s the way she is.
Alright, it’s now time to obsess over these new songs and try not to break into random sobbing fits. See you all next week hopefully!
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coldflame96 · 3 years
Break My Fall
Summary: An unexpected fall and the terror of being a parent sometimes. 
Rating: T (only for Kyo’s tendency to swear)
Also found on AO3 and FF.net
The anime is in the middle of angst and I made the mistake of reading Another and crying about my faves so here’s some family fluff. 
Hajime loved going to the park. Normally, he would go by himself with some kids he met down the street, but today, he was with his dad and little brother. Mom had gotten called in to work and it was a nice day. They were in summer break so there was a lot more people than normal, lots of kids closer to his brother’s age. 
“Daddy, watch me!” he heard Kazuya call from his perch on top of the tube slide. His dad was sitting on the bench, smiling. “Alright, I’m watching!”
Kazuya slid down the (short and boring in his opinion) slide and then immediately hopped over to their dad like an overeager puppy. “Did I do good?”
Dad chuckled and ruffled his hair. “You did good. I’m proud of you.”
Hajime snorted quietly to himself. Four year olds got so excited over the smallest things. Was he like that when he was four…?
“Daddy, look!” He heard his brother call out again. “Nii-san’s so high!” And then Hajime looked down to see his younger brother waving at him. “Hi, Nii-san!”
He didn’t respond but gave a small little salute. 
His dad narrowed his eyes. “Hajime, what are you doing up there? You know you’re supposed to go down the slide, right?”
“Well, yeah, but going down is boring.” He shrugged. “I like it up here.” He’s always liked being in high places. 
“You need to come down.”
He pouted. “Why?”
“Because I don’t want you to fall and hurt yourself.”
He rolled his eyes. He wasn't a baby. Not like his brother. “I won’t. I come up here all the time with my friends.”
“Stop arguing and come down,” his dad snapped. “You’re setting a bad example.” And then he gestured to Kazuya, who was looking up at him with wide, shining eyes. 
He sighed. “Ugh, fine, geez.” And then he shifted where the first ledge was. “But I'm telling you,” he muttered, “I’m not a baby and I’ve never fallen from here.” Another step. “It’s not even dangerous and-” His foot slipped on the angle and...he was grasping at air. 
And then he hit the ground with a crack, face planting in the grass. 
And just as he was about to try and push himself up, he felt it. The white-hot searing pain through his arm. 
And he started screaming. 
Kyo couldn't even tell you what happened. One second, his eldest was talking back to him while climbing off from the tube slide, the next second, he’s hitting the ground with a sickening thud. And now Hajime is screaming bloody murder and Kyo’s heart is leaping through his chest. 
He practically teleports over to his son, rolling him over gingerly, cupping his cheeks. 
“Hey, hey, hey, look at me” he tries to shush gently. 
“My arm!” Hajime sobs out. “My arm hurts!”
HIs arm was currently covered by his other hand, so Kyo couldn’t get a good look at him. He gently tried to pry the fingers off, but Hajime just screamed louder. “NO IT HURTS!”
“I know but I need to look at it!” Hajime was starting to hyperventilate now, and they were definitely drawing a crowd, much to his annoyance. He grabbed the boy’s cheeks again. “Hey, I need you to calm down, okay? Look at me.”
It took a few seconds, but eventually his son managed to match his breathing with his own, but the tears were still streaming from his brown eyes. 
“Do you trust me?” he asked softly. HIs son nodded. “Okay,” he began slowly. “I need you to move your hand.”
Hajime’s eyes widened in horror. “But it hurts!” 
“I know but I can’t help you until I see what’s wrong.”
Hajime, like a cautious animal, moved his hand from his lower arm, and Kyo winced at the damage. It was already swelling, that wasn’t a good sign. If he had to take a guess from his many accidents as a teenager, it was probably broken. But just to be sure…
“Can you move it?”
“I-” Hajime sniffled, “ I can try.” Kyo watched as he attempted to move it, but then he stiffened in pain, eyes welling up, shaking his head frantically. Not something he could just walk off then..dammit. 
He sighed, “Alright,” he stood up, “let’s get you to the hospital.” And then feeling the eyes boring into his skull, he turned around and glared at the onlookers. “What are you all staring at?!” he growled. “Mind your own business!”
He heard a few women mutter about him being ‘rude’ and rolled his eyes. They were the rude ones, Just watching him and his kid like they were some sort of circus spectacle. 
Hajime was sitting in the grass, still holding his wrist, and Kyo grabbed him from under his armpits. “You can walk, right?” His son nodded. “Alright, then.” He held out his hand to his other son. “C’mon, Kazuya, we gotta take your brother to the hospital.” The younger one grabbed his hand obediently and clung to his shirt as they started walking towards the car. 
“Daddy,” Kazuya asked, looking up at him with those huge puppy dog eyes that he definitely got from Tohru. “Is Nii-san okay?”
He threaded his fingers through the fine, fiery locks. “He’ll be fine. He just hurt his arm, so we have to go to a doctor and make it better.”
The little boy had a dazed look, like he wasn’t quite processing what Kyo was saying, but then like a lightbulb, his eyes lit up and he gave a determined nod. “Good luck, nii-san!”
“Thanks,” Hajime muttered through gritted teeth. 
He helped Hajime in the front seat, careful not to jostle his arm. 
He couldn’t believe he was saying this. But this was one of those times where he wished he still lived with the Sohmas and had Hatori on call. 
They’d been waiting for almost an hour since they got here and he was getting impatient. And hungry. Hajime refused to meet his eyes and Kazuya had attempted to play with both of them, but had seemed to sense the sour mood and was now just sitting quietly next to him, occasionally swinging his feet and humming. For a kid that was basically his clone, he was really nothing like him at all and had a much more carefree attitude like his mother, which Kyo was not so secretly grateful for. With the little stormcloud over Hajime’s head, he was glad for the positivity as a buffer. 
He heard the door open and a friendly, but tired sounding voice call out, “Sohma-san?”
He stood up abruptly, nodding at his two sons. “C’mon, boys.”
She led them down a narrow hallway until she sat them down. “Just have a seat, gentleman, and the doctor will be with you shortly. 
“Great, more waiting,” he heard Hajime mutter irritably and even though he shot him a warning look, he couldn’t help but agree. It was starting to get late and he didn't have lunch. 
He heard a stomach growl that wasn’t his and then a small voice said shyly, “Daddy, I’m hungry.”
Me too, kid. He checked his watch and grimaced. Tohru would be getting off work soon. 
“I have to call your mother,” he mumbled to both boys. 
Hajime got a panicked look. “Is there any way you could not tell her where we are?” He paused. She would probably freak, but he already fucked up enough by letting Hajime get hurt in the first place...
“No, there isn’t,” he said flatly, as the call started to go through.  
“Kyo-kun!” she greeted happily like always and he felt that rush of affection. 
“Hey, Tohru,” he tried to greet casually. 
A pause. “Is something wrong?” He should’ve known he couldn’t get anything past her. Time to bite the bullet. 
“Sweetheart, don’t freak out, but I had to take Hajime to the hospital today and-”
“What?! Hajime-kun’s at the hospital?!”
“He hurt his arm, but he’s fine. I just wanted to tell you so you wouldn’t worry when you got home.”
Another pause. “I’m coming right away.”
He straightened at that. “Wait, Tohru, you don’t have to-” And there was the dial tone. So much for that. 
“Mom’s gonna kill me, isn’t she?” Hajime asked sadly, the first thing he’d really said to him directly since they left the park. 
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, kill you with love and concern, maybe.”
Hajime huffed. “Why’d you have to tell her? She’s gonna show up now and she’s gonna have that disappointed look and she’s probably gonna cry. I can’t handle it when she gets like that.”
He resisted the urge to snort. That makes two of us. 
But before he could tell his son to ‘suck it up and deal like everyone else’, the doctor walked in. 
“Sohma-san?” they asked to confirm. He nodded and they clapped their hands together. “Ahh, good. So which one of you boys is Hajime-kun?”
Kyo jerked his chin towards the older one who stiffened in his seat as the doctor pulled a chair to sit in front of him at eye level. 
“Hi, Hajime-kun, I’m Doctor Tanaka.”
Hajime mumbled shyly, “Hi, Tanaka-sensei.”
“You’re here because you hurt your arm, is that right? Can I have a look?” They reached for Hajime’s arm gently, but he jerked away. 
“Hajime…” he started to scold, but the doctor put a hand up. 
“It’s alright,” they said, voice soothing. “I promise I’ll be gentle. May I?”
The boy slowly and cautiously uncovered his arm and reached it out, wincing as he did. He watched as Tanaka tutted at the arm, which was completely swollen and bruised now. “You had a bit of a nasty fall, didn’t you? Can you move it at all?”
Hajime shook his head. Tanaka grimaced. “I’m going to apologize ahead of time. I’ll try to be gentle.”
Hajime frowned. “What do you-” and then he got cut off by a hiss of pain as Tanaka squeezed his lower forearm area. Kyo’s protective instincts kicked in at seeing his kid in pain, but he had to tamper them back. Tanaka was a doctor. They were trying to do their job. And what right did he have to question them when he let his kid get hurt in the first place? They paused in the wrist area, and frowned, turning to him. “I’ll need to do an X-ray to get a visual of what sort of injury we’re dealing with.”
“Do whatever you have to,” he responded. 
“Alright then” They smiled gently. “Come along, Hajime-kun. I'm going to show you our laboratory.”
Kyo made to follow, Kazuya holding his hand and when they were halfway down the hall, someone who sounded suspiciously like his wife shouted out, “Hajime-kun!”
They all turned around and saw Tohru only 20 feet away, panting and sweating like she just ran a marathon, face stricken and hair blown wild.  Did she run here?!
Hajime looked panicked though. “Mom, I can explain-”
Tohru was kneeling in front of him, stroking his cheeks. “What happened? Are you okay?” Hajime flinched away as she accidentally bumped his arm and she paused, eyes widening in horror. “Your arm…” she started tearing up. “What happened?”
“I fell.”
“Fell…?” Her eyes somehow managed to get even wider and Kyo knew he should step in before she worked herself up. 
“Oi,” he bonked her on the head gently. “Did you really leave work to come all the way here?”
Her eyes flashed fiercely. “Of course I did! My baby boy got hurt!”
“Mom, please,” Hajime pleaded, cheeks heating up. 
Kyo put his hands on her shoulders, which were stiff with tension. “He’s fine.” No thanks to me. “We were just on his way to get his X-ray taken.”
“X-ray?” she said in a small voice. 
Kazuya let go of his hand and went to go tug on her uniform shirt. “Mommy, I’m hungry.”
That seemed to have done the trick. Like a switch, she went from Panic Mode to Mom Mode and Kyo would never not be impressed by how she did that. She knelt in front of their youngest.. “When’s the last time you ate, Kazu-kun?”
“I dunno. A while.” His tummy rumbled again and Kyo looked away in guilt. 
“We got a bit caught up here.”
She nodded in understanding. 
Tanaka cleared their throat. “If you’d like, there’s a cafeteria down the hall.” They smiled at Kazuya. “No point in keeping the little one waiting.”
He watched Tohru worry her lip between her teeth, looking back and forth between him and Hajime. 
“We’ll be fine. Why don’t you take Kazuya to the cafeteria? And get something to eat for yourself too. You haven’t eaten since breakfast, have you?”
She blushed, which was exactly the reaction he wanted from her and he smirked. 
“But you haven’t either..” she tried to argue feebly, but it had no effect when she resembled a tomato. 
He grabbed her shoulders, forcefully turning her. “I’ll be fine. I’m not even hungry, anyway.”
His stomach chose that moment to grumble in protest and he got four skeptical looks in response. He rolled his eyes. “Just go already. We’re holding up the line!”
She still looked unsure but she finally relented. “Come on, Kazu-kun, let’s get some lunch!”
“Yay!” Kazuya cheered and Kyo slumped in relief. And Tanaka, looking more amused by the interruption than annoyed, plowed forward. 
Hajime had a defeated look and he swallowed down the bile. 
The x-ray didn't hurt at all and had even been kind of cool. Tanaka-sensei brought him and Dad back to the original room, leaving them alone to get the results. He saw how his dad was being so much quieter than normal, jaw clenched, and knew he probably was in trouble. He attempted to lighten the mood. 
“So, uhh,” he started, “Thanks for getting Mom off my back.” He loved his mother of course, she was his favorite person if he had to pick, but it was a bit awkward when she got all sad. Made him feel like he kicked a puppy. 
His dad finally looked at him, stern. “What were you thinking?” 
He huffed. “Well, I didn’t fall on purpose.”
“That’s not what I meant.” He turned to look at him clearly now. “What were you thinking going on top of there in the first place?”
“Well, all the other kids were doing it and-”
“So because someone else’s dumb kids were doing it, you had to?”
He bristled in defense. “I’ve never fallen off before.”
“You fell off today. Why do you think we’re here?”
“Well, that’s-” he blustered, “You distracted me! It was the only time!”
“All it takes is one time, Hajime. What if I hadn’t been there? What would you have done?”
He blinked, unsure. “I-”
“And what if your brother had followed you up there and fallen? Then what?” Hajime felt the shame start to roil in his gut,” his dad continued, “And what if you had broken something else? Like your neck? Then what?!” 
“I-” he breathed and then burst out, “Well, I wasn’t thinking about that!”
“You weren’t thinking at all,” his dad finished off. “You’re 10 years old, you have a little brother who looks up to you, and I can’t watch you 24/7 anymore. You have to think about these things.” And then his voice softened, “If something happened to you, I don’t think I would ever forgive myself.”
The shame was in full force now and for the first time, he noticed his dad’s hands were trembling. 
“Were you…” he hesitated to finish the question, “scared?”
He expected the man to deny it because Hajime didn’t think he’d ever seen him scared of anything before, but he just mumbled softly, “Of course I was.”
Hajime felt his heart leap through his throat. His dad was the strongest guy he knew, and he managed to scare him…
��Dad,” he called out softly. “I-”
Just then the door opened and Tanaka-sensei came in holding some papers. “Alright, gentlemen, I have good news and bad news.” Dad sat up in attention. “The bad news is that Hajime-kun’s wrist is fractured.”
“What’s the good news?” Dad asked cautiously. 
Tanaka-sensei grinned. “Well, it’s a nice clean break, so it should heal up with no trouble at all so long as Hajime-kun behaves himself.”
They set the pictures down on the desk and sat in front of him again, looking very serious. “I have to set your wrist before I can put your cast on. I’m sorry but it’s not going to feel very good.”
Dad reached out his hand. “Squeeze me as hard as you need to. It’ll be over soon.”
After a painful process which consisted of a lot of gritted teeth and squeezing his dad’s hand until it was white, his wrist was sitting comfortably in a sling. 
“So how long do I have to wear this thing?” he asked curiously, already put out. 
“So long as you don’t attempt to do anything strenuous, your wrist should be healed enough in about 6 to 8 weeks. Until then, you should keep it in the cast and sling as much as possible.”
He frowned. He was only gonna have one arm? “How am I supposed to like get dressed and stuff?”
They gave him a sympathetic look. “It will be a challenge, but I’m sure your parents would be willing to help you.” They looked at Dad who nodded. 
He felt his cheeks heat up. They would have to dress him? “I can’t do that!” he argued, “That’s so embarrassing!”
“Too bad,” his dad said flatly. “You should’ve thought about that before being an idiot.”
He looked away in embarrassment. 
His mother chose that moment to come back, Kazuya in tow, and she squeaked a bit when she saw his sling. 
“Oh, your poor arm,” she put her hand on her chest. 
Dad grabbed her wrist gently. “Did you eat?”
“A little,” she said, “I wasn’t that hungry.” And then she perked up. “Kazu-kun ate a bunch though!” Her eyes twinkled. “He really takes after you.”
Dad rolled his eyes, bringing her closer to him. 
Kazuya, bored by their parents' antics, came running to him. “Nii-san, what is this thing?” And then he poked the cast. 
“Oi, don’t touch,” he scolded. Kazuya cocked his head. 
Tanaka-sensei clapped their hands. “Great, you’re both here! That makes this easier. I just need to go over a few things with you if you don’t mind.”
Hajime thudded his head lightly against the chair. He just wanted to get out of here. He was so hungry!
Tohru put the pot on a low simmer. She ended up starting dinner later than usual because of Hajime-kun’s accident so she settled for making a curry instead. 
Today has been a bit of a rollercoaster. She was glad Hajime-kun was okay, of course, that was her pride and joy, but Kyo-kun had seemed...tense. She’d noticed it the minute she’d found them in the hospital. He’d made himself a bit scarce since they got home, maybe she should check on him. 
Satisfied that her pot wouldn’t boil over, she popped the lid on and made her way to their shared room. 
She half expected her husband to be taking a nap (old habits died hard), but he was just sitting on their shared bed staring off into space, which was never a good sign. 
“Kyo-kun?” she called, making sure not to spook him. She watched as his sharp eyes flitted to her, and she deemed it safe to sit next to him, immediately getting a strong arm slung around her waist to pull her in against his side. 
“Everything alright?” she tried to gently coax him, which sometimes was all it took. 
“Hmm? Oh yeah, I’m just thinking..” he said absently. This time it wasn’t. She had a hunch she knew what he was thinking about though. 
“Hajime-kun told me what happened,” she said innocently. “He said he’s really glad you were there.”
Something flashed on Kyo’s face and he slumped and she knew she said the right thing. “He only fell because I distracted him.”
She knew that tone. That was the tone he used when he was blaming himself. “It was an accident, Kyo-kun. No one could’ve predicted what would’ve happened. Maybe he still would’ve fallen even if he wasn’t talking to you or maybe he would’ve.”
“It’s just-” he sighed, “Maybe if I’d noticed sooner he was up there, it wouldn’t have happened.”
“And maybe it would’ve anyway.” She played with his fingers around her waist. “You shouldn’t blame yourself for something you don’t have control over.” And she rested her head on his arm.  “You were there and that’s what matters, right?” 
She felt a kiss to the top of her head and he grumbled, “Would’ve been cool if I could’ve caught him before he landed.”
She giggled. “You’d be like a superhero.” He stiffened and she looked up to see him lost in thought. “Kyo-kun?”
He blinked. “Oh, sorry.” He chuckled. “I was just reminded of something someone said to me a long time ago.” And then he got a flat look. “I’d be a pretty lame superhero.”
“Well, you’re already the perfect one to me,” she said sweetly. 
To her delight, he got a light dusting of pink on his cheeks. He was still so shy sometimes and it was adorable. 
She felt a light rap to her temple. “Don’t you get tired of saying sappy crap like that?”
She grinned. “Nope! Never! I mean every word.”
“Of course you do,” he mumbled. 
She snuggled in to him. “You’re my hero and Hajime-kun’s and Kazu-kun’s and we’re all so lucky to have you.”
He looked genuinely touched at that and she knew it was the right thing to say. He leaned down to kiss her, just like they’d done millions of times before and it never got old. 
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” he sighed out, his gaze making her melt and he kissed her forehead sweetly. She noticed something out of the corner of her eye and she smiled. 
“I think someone wants to talk to you,” she pointed towards the door, where an embarrassed, blushing Hajime-kun stood.
“Um, Dad?”
Kyo-kun cocked his head in interest and Hajime-kun blushed deeper, avoiding their eyes. 
“I’m sorry. I ruined everyone’s day and caused problems because of my own clumsiness. I was being an idiot and it won’t happen again.” Tohru frowned. She wanted to protest to that because of course her son wasn’t an idiot, but it was probably for the best if she didn’t. Hajime-kun clenched his uninjured fist and his face got pinched like he was trying not to cry. “When I fell, I-” he said in a tight tone, “I was really scared. I’m really glad you were there.” He finally looked up, eyes watery. “You have every right to be mad at me.”
Kyo-kun’s face, which had been neutral but open before, softened into unabashed fondness. 
“C’mere,” he patted the spot on the bed next to his other side and Hajime-kun wasted no time sitting next to him and burying his head in his dad’s shoulder. 
Kyo-kun squeezed him tighter and kissed the top of his hair. “You know I love you, right?” Hajime-kun nodded mutely, giving a small sniffle to imply that he was more emotional than he wanted her to know about. She smiled gently, wrapping her arms around both of her boys, careful not to jostle her son's sling. 
“Mommy?” she heard a small curious voice chirp from the doorway. Not wanting her youngest to feel left out of the cuddlefest, she reached out a hand and he gasped, practically jumping on top of both her and Kyo-kun in his excitement. 
“Oi,” Kyo-kun grunted, “You’re heavy.”
Kazu-kun looked sheepish. “I’m sorry, Daddy. Did I hurt you?
A flash of something playful crossed Kyo-kun’s features. And then he grabbed his chest dramatically, falling back on the bed with a thump. “Ahh, I’m hurt! Can’t believe this..my own flesh and blood!”
Kazu-kun’s eyes were so wide and innocent, which he did not get from her and she had the baby pictures of her husband to prove it, courtesy of Shishou.
“Hang in there, Daddy!” Kazu-kun said with complete sincerity. “I didn’t realize I was so strong. Can I help?”
Kyo-kun peeked from under his arm. “You wanna help?”
Kazu-kun nodded earnestly, and Tohru bit her cheek in amusement. She knew what was coming….
“Come closer,” her husband whispered.
Kazu-kun, the sweet, innocent boy that he was, listened and Kyo-kun pounced, tickling his sides and tackling him down, both of their laughter ringing like beautiful bells in her head. 
Hajime-kun rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t hide how his lips twitched as he scooted closer to her. 
“When was dinner supposed to be ready? I never got to eat lunch.”
She put an arm around her boy. “Oh, don’t worry! Dinner should be ready in-” and then she jolted as she remembered. 
She jumped up, shouting in alarm, “Oh no, the pot!”
And then she ran out, almost tripping on her way to the kitchen as she turned off the stove, giving a huge sigh of relief that her curry didn’t boil over (it was really close though). Hajime-kun had followed her cautiously. 
“Can I help with anything?”
She felt a rush of affection. Like herself and Kyo-kun, Hajime-kun seemed to enjoy cooking, and he already was so good at it at such a young age. 
“That’s okay!” She rejected him gently. “You’re hurt and I don’t want you to strain yourself.”
He frowned in displeasure and she felt just a little guilty. She certainly didn’t want him to feel bad for getting injured, but there really wasn’t much he could do with only one arm. 
“Why don’t you go check on your brother? Make sure your father didn’t wear him out too much?” He didn’t look completely satisfied with that, but he was a good boy, so he nodded and left. 
No sooner than he was around the corner, Kazu-kun came running, a flash of orange and then went between her and the counter. 
“Kazu-kun? What’s going on?”
“Don’t think hiding behind her will protect you,” Kyo-kun stomped in, eyes blazing, and Kazu-kun squeaked in fear. 
Briefly she wondered if Kazu-kun got into trouble, but she saw the way Kyo-kun seemed to be holding back a laugh and relaxed. 
“Kazu-kun~” she said sweetly to the boy hiding in her legs. “Dinner’s ready. Why don’t you go sit at the table?”
That did the trick as Kyo-kun turned his attention to her instead while their son scurried off. “Do you need help carrying anything?”
Curry was a really easy meal and didn’t really require much. She wanted to dismiss him gently like she did with Hajime-kun, but...he was just standing there, always so handsome and looking at her like she was the only person to exist. They’d been married for over a decade but she still sometimes marveled at how this was her life. She wrapped her arms around his waist and relished in how he immediately wrapped his strong arms around her in response. 
She pressed her head to his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat and not for the first time, was so incredibly grateful that she was able to hold him like this. For her first two years of knowing him, it wasn’t possible. 
Kyo-kun stroked her hair. “Something wrong?” Like always, he seemed to know when she was getting lost in her thoughts. 
She shook her head. “I just love you.” He hummed in response, and she forced herself to let go. “Help me with the plates?”
A quick peck to her hair. “Sure.”
And she watched with increasing love as Hajime-kun tried to fight off Kazu-kun
“Nii-san’s hurt!” He tried to grab Hajime-kun’s spoon, “Let me help!”
Hajime-kun put a hand on the younger boy’s forehead to hold him in place. “I don’t need help. I can eat on my own.”
Kyo-kun smirked and grabbed a spoonful, holding it up. “Here, open wide.”
Hajime-kun bristled. “I’m not a baby!”
She giggled at their antics. They were a rowdy bunch, but she really loved them. With all her heart. 
She put a hand on top of her stomach. She had been planning on telling them today...
“Mommy?” Kazu-kun asked. “Are you coming?”
She saw three pairs of eyes looking at her with concern. 
“Of course!” And took her spot next to her husband, who gave her a soft smile. 
She loved them all so much. 
Maybe she could tell them tomorrow...
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jojiship · 3 years
Fruits Basket Season 2 Reviews
I just want to start this review by saying that this is a very subjective review of the season. This is my personal opinion about the show and I hope whoever reads it, enjoys it. 
The last review had a different format from this one, but since consistency has never been my thing and the season had so many good characters, I’m going with this format.
I want to begin with Yuki. While Kyo was the star of the last season, Yuki was the star of this season. There is no doubt in my mind about it. His character arc this season was a beautiful journey from start to finish. Was I happy with the conclusion he ended up with? Of course, not. It’s good for Yuki to gain more agency, grow independent and start getting stronger (Albeit, in my eyes, he’s already strong). However, his conclusion that he is all to be blamed broke my heart. What his parents and Akito did to him was cruel to say the least. Yes, Kyo, Hatori and even Ayame to some degree, are not to be blamed, but the others definitely are. He was isolated, mentally tortured and felt unloved all because of these people. I hope that at the end, Yuki can see that he isn’t to be blamed and never really forgives Akito and his parents. It was also amazing to see his bond with the Student Council, especially Kakeru. I’m so glad that Yuki found such good friend in him. He definitely has the number two spot after Kyo.
Speaking of Yuki, let’s talk about his relationship with Tohru. In the beginning of the season, it seemed like there was a potential for a romantic relationship between two, especially in the scene where they saw the shooting starts. However, as episodes passed by, I could see that it was becoming more friendly rather than romantic. When Yuki revealed that he saw Tohru as a ‘mother’, I was surprised, but not shocked. There were a few hints here and there, especially the scene where he lies his head on her shoulder, but I never connected the dots. His confession was pretty sad. People mixing the different types of loves happens more times than I can count, yet with Yuki, it was heartbreaking to see. The reason this boy couldn’t figure out what he felt about Yuki was simply because he never felt truly loved. Love was such a foreign concept to him because of his traumatic childhood. Hopefully, we will see more of their friendship. When Kakeru mentioned the whole things about men marrying women who reminded them of their mothers, I’m glad that Yuki shut that down. In a culture where is expected  to a degree for wives to be their husband’s mother, I loved what Yuki said. Also, side-eyeing him and Machi. They seem interesting.
I complained in the last review that Tohru has no flaws. Now, you can definitely say that Tohru is too kind and selfless to the point of toxicity, but I don’t find them real flaws. I’m done watching characters have flaws like ‘too smart’, ‘too kind’, ‘too beautiful’, they just rub me the wrong way. Does that mean I dislike Tohru? Fuck, no. She’s precious and still one of my favourite characters of the show. While I was afraid that I’d get bored of her, I’m not and still found her very refreshing as a character. 
As for the ship of this show aka Kohru, man, I loved them this season. I think by episode 5, I started actively rooting for them. Their scenes in the beach episodes were cute and funny. However, the scene that took my breath had to be the one when Kyo realized that he was in love with her when he was with Akito. It’s sad that he immediately denied it afterwards due to the fear of Akito hurting Kyo. Right now, it seemed like Kyo is holding back due to his potential confinement. It was also interesting to see Tohru start reciprocating step by step. I think their love story is being handled with a lot of care and beauty.
Don’t have much to say about Kyo in this season other than he is great and he should keep doing what he’s doing. Mayhaps try to be friends with Yuki next season. 
I knew Akito was a girl from the beginning. I was a bit confused when the show referred to him as a man, then was surprised when I saw in Google that she was a woman. Someone told me she was a man and I went with it. I realized that I had coincidentally spoiled myself, but I didn’t mind. Man, I love Akito as a character. She’s brilliantly written and her scenes are always great. I love when the main villain is a woman because it’s so rare in media. Usually, women are sidekicks to the male villain, but I love that for the moment, she’s in the center. She has to be one of the best villains out there. 
Kureno is interesting. I feel so bad because of all the abuse he has been enduring for years because he somehow managed  to break the bond. What Akito did to him was truly horrendous and unforgivable. I hope he can ends up leaving this abusive environment sooner. I’m really curious to see what triggered the breaking off the bond. Also, is he really 26? All season I’ve been hoping that he was lying because his relationship with Uo would be very weird.
Rin was also an interesting addition to the cast. Her story like with the others’ story was so sad. The Sohmas can’t catch a break, can they? I liked that she was so rude and cold to some people. The cast is so full of nice people and I was happy to see a character who is kind, but not nice. I wonder where her story will go in the next season. Btw, she and Hatsuharu had so much chemistry. Why the hell is she called Rin though?
Shigure, you little shit. Definitely the most interesting character in the show. His motivations at this point are still unclear, but man, he’s so entertaining to watch. He’s clearly a very selfish person, smart and uses the people around him. He feels more of a ‘Joker’ type of character to me. He’s also the funniest character aside Ayame.
My one complaint with Ayame is that we didn’t get more of him. The parent-teacher conference scene was funny and heartwarming to see. He’s trying his best to make up for his mistakes. I would like to know more about him and his past other than him being an eccentric idiot.
In the first season, Kagura annoyed me. In the second, started to like her way more after the episode with Kyo. I was so glad that she decided that harboring a crush on Kyo isn’t good for both of them since it’s not that genuine. I wanted to see more of her, but after that, she pretty much disappeared. Disappointed about that.
Not enough Hatori. That episode was good with Mayu, but I wanted more of him. 
Also, where the hell was Ritsu? Wanted to see more of him too.
Hiro, congrats for having the best parents. He and Kisa are so cute. Love when he gets jealous.
Momiji, you deserve the world. I hate that he has to sacrifice so much at such a young age. Also, he was growing through the season, wasn’t he?
Machi, girl, you deserve the best hugs. Screw your mother. 
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ae0nx · 3 years
Yayyy, I'm finally here at the last episode of season 2... I'm honestly still working through my final thoughts on this episode and I've just been waiting to write it out so I can stop swirling it around my head.
Oh Kureno...
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Mmmph... ain’t it beautiful. 😈
- Vibing extra hard to the opening cos it’s the last time I’ll hear it for a while (and also cos I’m distracting myself from the sads again)
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I think I might do a ranking of the openings and endings so far at the end of this recap!
- There’s this music in the background that always plays when Akito’s manipulative powers are at work that goes so well with the uneasy tone of the scenes and it’s great.
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Hana was giving me hardcore Tomoyo from Cardcaptor Sakura-vibes in this episode. I think it might’ve been the hairstyle but I dunno, Hana’s also obsessed with her best friend too so they might be more relatable than I thought lol
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Ok. I hate to be predictable but Rin obviously gets Outfit Appreciation this episode. IT’S JUST FACTS. This is Rin’s best outfit so far. I wanna draw it, I wanna wear it. Yes. We should all aspire to include more arm sleeves in our outfits. 5 STARS.
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Omg Yuki, tone it down 😂 WE GET IT. SHE’S MADRE.
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Lol, where’s Kyo? I’m sure he wants head pats too. But, myyyy boy, Momiji...
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...Did he really just pull the ‘let’s pray about it... together 💕’ move?! I am cackling 🤣
I kid, this was another cute moment between Momiji and Tohru. It’s just funny how everyone wants Tohru’s praise and affection... you know... like a GOD.
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Ooooo, I hate to admit it... but I’m starting to love Shigure in full Trickster God mode. This whole episode he was sinfully delightful to watch. Voice acting - of course, was amazing. John Burgmeier makes Shigure’s lilty, carefree tones have such dark and sinister tone this episode. It’s not shocking enough that it feels like it’s a totally different person but it’s almost like as if you’re noticing something new in the painting you pass by everyday. That darkness was always there...
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I am Hatori. Hatori is me. I’m starting to understand why Hatori stays friends with Shigure... 😅😅😅
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“And now we move on to Kureno Sohma, 26, who is about to watch a random DVD given to him by a high schooler”...
I feel like a lot of things that happen to or around Kureno never seem quite right... or legal lol 😅
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Oh Kureno... you poor Begotten Child of Eve... This scene is beautiful. But in general, Fruits Basket is so good with the use of colours and shadow and FRAMING in pretty much all of its scenes and scenarios. The way the whole scene is mostly dark but there’s a hint of purple showing how even though he is away from Akito, he’s never truly AWAY from Akito. It’s a nice touch.
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It was soooo... cool to see Shigure in his true form. Haha, I have no other way to say it. He was being such a smart-ass and was incredibly cold towards Kureno but it’s really satisfying to see Shigure’s ���real face’. Which is ironic because throughout this whole phone call we don’t actually get a clear view of Shigure’s face. 
That absolute drop in Shigure’s voice in the English dub was excellent as well.
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All the pawns are falling into place... He really is the worst. I don’t like it. I like it.
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CINEMATIC. I love how dramatic this scene and this anime is!!! Also, Kureno’s outfit is great, a long coat is always good. There’s also something very ‘Edward and Bella’ about this meeting and this reveal of the truth. It’s just... so early 00s and it’s great lol
But oh, look wow, Kureno doesn’t have the curse (!)
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I love Kureno’s description of the curse breaking, it sounds so euphoric and beautiful! Also, I have to say, Ian Sinclair was fucking killing it this episode. I was a bit worried about him being Kureno at first because I’ve only known his performances as dynamic and slightly eccentric characters. But, he really nailed down Kureno’s calm and robotic kinda demeanour so that when his eventual breakdown happens...
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It almost sounds alien and so broken like he’s been holding back his tears for so long but also a little bit pathetic which I personally love as a take on Kureno. Because... he is a little bit pathetic. 😬 His whole life is on stand still because of a promise he made to a 7-10 year old girl... when he was in middle school?! I know that tradition is tradition but I genuinely agree with Shigure berating him for letting this go on for so long.
I guess that’s always been my personal problem with Kureno. He could’ve potentially stopped so many Akito-caused disasters in many of the zodiac’s lives just by even telling his own truth. And I know that it’s explained that Kureno just wanted to calm Akito down and reassure her and I definitely felt for him in that moment... but I think I need more of an exploration of how Kureno genuinely feels about Akito without the loyalty promise. I just don’t understand why he’s carried this promise on for so long.
But anyways... I found Tohru’s reactions to what Kureno was saying very interesting...
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Almost... like she finds this... relatable? (I dunno why I’m even trying to be coy when I’m behind rn lol) I’m definitely seeing the reflection between Tohru and Kureno now, lol
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BIG REVEAL(!) I remember when I first found out that Akito was a girl from the manga and I don’t think I really thought anything of it 😂 Like I don’t really think I thought much about her gender, I definitely knew she was feminine but I kinda just read her as androgynous? Kinda the same as how I read Ayame at first. How did the anime-onlys receive this reveal?
Again - Beverly (Season 1, Opening 1)
Home - Toki Asako (Season 2, Opening 2)
2001 Opening
Prism (Season 2, Opening 1)
Chime - Ai Otsuka (Season 1, Opening 2)
Lucky Ending (Season 1, Opening 1)
2001 Ending (THOSE STRINGS!! 🎻)
Eden (Season 2, Opening 2)
The Charm (Season 2, Opening 1)
One Step Closer (Season 1, Opening 2)
Ahhh, I’m so glad I can now fully envelope Season 3 now. This was a great climax episode. Ian Sinclair really got me good in Kureno’s scene - teary eyed at 2am lol 
See you in Season 3!!! Yayy!
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paper-chain-queen · 5 years
String Of Fate
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Kyo Sohma X FReader
Soulmate Au / Red string that connects you to your soulmate
Words: 1,800+
Well... I enjoy soulmate stuff so I thought I would try and take a whack at it... please forgive me  :p  Also... such an original title, right? XD
You looked down at the red-string wrapped around your pinkie. It felt especially tight today.
Where are you?
"Your staring again.." A voice called out, bringing you out of your thoughts.
" You're not gonna find them just by staring at it you know." Your friend teased, pushing you playfully, but it almost caused you to fall out of your chair.
"Easy for you to say, you're soul mate just happened to move next door when you were like 5." You pushed right back, you were teasing her, but you were slightly jealous of her luck.
" I was 10!" She corrected you, and then you both burst into giggles, earning small stares from the people in the little cafe.
".... You could always live in our basement." She proposed once you both had quieted down. You had to shake your head; it was nice that she wanted to keep you around, but there was a small part of you that was excited for the new adventure.
It was sad to think that there was a chance you would never see her again. She was a massive part of your life, and now you were moving across the pacific.
You had grown up in a small household with only your parents, no siblings. And they had hardly been around. Growing up in a large, empty house, it was the nanny that you had spent most of your time with, at least she was nice. Father was a busy CEO and Mother... mother was a socialite, known for always stepping out in the most recent designs and appearing at all the most exclusive social events. They weren't soul mates, and they didn't marry out of love. It had been more of a business deal. Mother had wanted to be 'comfortable,' and Father wanted a beautiful wife.
But times had changed, and the business deal had run out.
Mother had refused to stand by anymore while Father had an affair after affair. While you weren't happy about moving, you were slightly impressed that your Mother had finally put her foot down after years of being cheated on. You guessed that after a while, even she got bored with fine jewels.
You had no dreams of fame or riches. You had watched and learned that it didn't lead to happiness.
"You'll be fine. Katie will keep be sure to keep you company." You couldn't help but tease your childhood friend who's face blew up red at the mention of her girlfriend and soul mate. You had seen them together, and while you were happy for her ... it had left you feeling a little lonely and wishing you could find your soul mate already.
All you wanted in this world was to find the one person you were made for.
To love and be loved.
" Hey! Let's go to the park. Maybe the swings are available." She suggested as you left your regular cafe, grabbing her half-finished frappucino from the table.
"Sure, sounds fun." You agreed, feeling nostalgic about the local neighbourhood park you had grown up with, the swings had been where you first met your best friend.
You knew your friend was just trying to make you feel better and have one last good day before you left, but honestly. It all felt so bittersweet. You miss your life, but this was for the best. Your Mother needed to get away and be with her family. It would be for the best, and you did like your grandparents. They were soul mates and very cute together, plus they liked to spoil you.
You and your friend joked around and shared stories while you walked to the park when you had gotten there, the only people some teens were using the basketball court.
Sitting on the swings, swinging back and forth gently, she caught you glancing at your pinkie again.
"Maybe you'll find your soul mate in Japan! Wouldn't that be amazing! So romantic." She again tried to cheer you up, and you gave her a small smile.
" Maybe..." and you looked back down at the small red string on your right pinky. It had always been tight for as long as you could remember, some days it felt like it would rip right off. Where ever they were, they were far away.
" I'll let you know." You played it cool and winked at your friend, but she knew the way you always looked at the string she couldn't see. Waiting. Hoping. She wanted you to find happiness and love just as she had found it with her soul mate.
"I'll miss you." She said as she grabbed your hand and gave it a small squeeze.
"I'll miss you too."
The morning sun shined down on Kaibara High school, it was going to be a beautiful day, but an orange-haired teen had a weird feeling his gut, and it had him a bit on edge. Well. More on edge than usual.
Kyo stared out at the window of his homeroom class. Everyone was gossiping about a new transfer student and he couldn't care less.
" A lot of noise over some new kid." He grumbled, annoyed with how loud the class was being.
"Aw Kyon, your no fun. " Uo teased, giving him a cheeky smile.
"Watch it, delinquent!"
He snapped at her, his orange eyes glaring holes into his blonde classmate. She only began to challenge him more, and Tohru had to try and settle them down before the teacher came with the new student.
It was weird for someone to transfer in the middle of second year. A part of Kyo felt bad for the new student as he had transferred in the middle of his first year of high school, and while he would never admit to it. It was scary, especially with all the boy crazy girls at this school.
The door slid open, and the teacher entered holding a clipboard.
"Everyone, take your seats. We have a new student joining us. Please be welcoming. You can come in now." The teacher called, and a few moments later, Kyo felt a small tug from his pinky but watched as the line started to slack.
It was minuscule, but there was a movement from the string. He had been so distracted by the red string wrapped around his pinky that he had missed the new student walking in and introducing herself.
Kyo found himself often glaring at the red string around his pinkie finger. It was just a big joke to him, as if the universe was taunting him. There was 'apparently' supposed to be someone out there for him, someone who he would love and who would love him.
It was ridiculous. Zodiac members rarely ever had soul mates. It was practically unheard of. It was a shock to the Sohma family when Kyo had asked as a child why he had a tight red string around his finger, and he could never see where it would lead.
When he was first told about it, he was naive and young, excited to meet the person on the other side, but now he knew better. There was no hope for someone like him. He prayed he would never have to meet the person 'the universe' had picked for him. He couldn't imagine what kind of person would want to be with Cat of the Zodiac, the most cursed of his family. Cursed to be an outcast.
Fated to be alone.
" I'm (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you." You smiled at the class and bowed while thanking you're lucky stars that your Mother had been making you practice Japanese intensely since you were a young girl so you could communicate with your grandparents. The class broke out into a sea of comments and questions, you could barely make out what everyone was saying.
"Wah she's so beautiful!"
" She better not look at Prince Yuki."
" Aww! I was hoping we were going to get another hot boy."
" Hey, think she has a boyfriend?"
"Everyone settle down, please." The teacher called out over the noise, but a few people persisted, asking questions.
"Are you a model?"
"Um.. no.. but thank you?" You answered, feeling a little embarrassed as you felt your cheeks warm slightly.
" Where are you from?"
" California."
You were already missing the ocean breeze from your patio and you reminded yourself to google where the closest beach was.
"Hollywood!" A student gushed with excitement.
You laughed and explained that while you didn't live in 'Hollywood,' it was only a few hours away from your old house. With good traffic.
"Do you have any hobbies?"
" I like camping and going on hikes." Your family wasn't much for camping, but your friend's family always let you tag along with them.
Another round of questions came, but the teacher stopped them.
"Go sit next to Sohma Kyo. There's an empty seat beside him." The teacher instructed, and you looked across the classroom to see if you could find 'Kyo.'
There was an empty seat next to a boy with brilliant orange hair and handsome features. You felt your heart skip a beat.
He's so handsome
Kyo finally looked up, and the new student was walking towards him. The teenager had never seen anyone like her. All the colours seemed brighter, time seemed to slow, but he felt his heart rate speed up. The way her hair flowed behind, the sun shining on her skin, making her glow.
She's... gorgeous...
The new student was taking him in as well, a small, cute blush on her cheeks. Her eyes wandered to his hand, and a little gasp left her parted mouth.
"It's you?" She whispered and his heart felt like it was going to explode. A large smile appeared on her face she lifted her hand to show off the red string around her pinky that only the two connected could see. He didn't want this, anything but this.
He didn't want a soul mate. He couldn't. It wasn't possible. They were never supposed to meet.
It can't be...
The universe really did hate him. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. And he couldn't have her.
She was about to say something, but Kyo was quick to cut her off, standing up in a hurry and taking a step back, making his chair clatter to the ground in his haste.
"NO! Stay the hell away from me!" Kyo screamed at the girl, his words cutting like a knife.
Her eyes widened, and she took a step back, confusion spread from her face, and the other students started calling out at him.
"What is your problem, Kyo?!"
"That's so rude!"
"Poor (L/N)-San."
Kyo looked around at his classmates. They had no idea at what had just happened because they wouldn't be able to see the red string connecting the two, but the girl just stared at him. Her large eyes filled with confusion, which then turned to sadness; he was unable to look away. Fat tears started flowing down her cheeks, and something in Kyo broke.
All he wanted to do was engulf her in a hug. Hold her close. But he couldn't.
Life wasn't fair. At least not to him.
Kyo scoffed at the ground and then went to the window, opening it up and jumping out. Escaping and running away, the red string tightening around his finger like a vice. He left like it could fall off, and he honestly, that would hurt less than the pain in his heart.
It's hopeless.
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capnmarvell · 5 years
I’m bored and of course I decided to look through my Fruits Basket manga and decided to post the second half of this post where I summarized what I thought the episode outlines would be for season 2. This would be the second cour, so episodes 14 - 25 of season 2.
Doing this also has me believing that the rumor that there will be only 63 episodes isn’t true, because since they’ve been going on 2 chapters an episode I tried to follow a similar method and this ends part way through volume 16. That still leaves 7 volumes to go, so I think they’ll be another 20 episodes at least. Maybe they can squeeze it into 16 episodes, but I don’t think they could pull of the final season of this story with only 13 episodes.
But we’ll see. Below the cut is some spoilers to the manga, so don’t look if you don’t want spoilers. I’m posting this solely so I can come back and see how off I was when the season is over lol
Episode 14: Chapter 68 & 69
Starting off the second cour with Kyo and Kagura’s final date. Followed by Tohru’s grandpa’s back problems, and Yuki, Rin, Haru conflict - it just feels like a lot to pack into one episode. Perhaps they’ll include the part with Kyo coming home from the date, and Tohru finding out about her grandpa and Shigure volunteering to go with her to the parent teacher conferences, the kids at school, and then end it with Yuki running into Kagura and running after Rin.
Episode 15: Chapter 70 & 71
I think they’ll start the episode off with the beginning part of chapter 69, with Yuki’s flashback with Rin and Haru. Then Yuki catching up to Rin and confronting her about always protecting Haru, and Rin and Haru’s reunion, and Tohru visiting her grandfather. Ending the episode with parent teacher conferences
Episode 16: Chapter 72 & 73
A very Yuki centric episode with Yuki’s parent teacher conference and his confrontation with Kakeru and realizing that Kakeru isn’t that bad of a guy to hang around with after all.
Episode 17: Chapter 74 & 75
Tohru arrives at the Sohma estate and meets Momo! She has her first encounter with Ren, Akito’s mother, and confronts Kureno about Uo. And we get that sweet moment of Kyo and Tohru on the roof
Episode 18: Chapter 76 & 77
It’s the class trip episode! Lots of class trip fun with the whole gang, Tohru wondering if Kyo would ever push her away, and Yuki bonding more with Kakeru and Kimi. Also learning that Kakeru has a girlfriend - Komaki!
Episode 19: Chapter 78 & 79
Ahhhh, Rin’s backstory. This whole story is filled with tragic backstories, but Rin is like Top 3, right there with Yuki and Kyo. We get Hiro, Kisa, and Hiro’s mother in the beginning, a nice reminder that Hiro’s going to be a big brother soon. And it also highlights why Hiro seems so protective of Rin before revealing at the end of the episode that Hiro witness’s Akito attacking Rin. Big episode for Rin and Haru going into their relationship and how Haru stood up to her parents for her when she couldn’t.
Episode 20: Chapter 80 & 81
We get Rin’s confession that she hasn’t found anything to help break the curse, and Tohru and Rin’s little fight with each other before Rin breaking down and finally letting Tohru “in”. We also get more student council fun with the reveal that Kakeru and Machi are half-siblings, and Machi tearing the classroom apart.
Episode 21: Chapters 82 & 83 - possibly chapter 84
Tohru visiting Rin in the hospital and discussing the curse, with Rin’s reveal that she’s never considering Kureno “one of us.” We also have Tohru’s nightmare about her mother, and the class revealing they will do Cinderella for their class play. The episode will either end with Yuki beginning to open up to Kakeru about his feelings for Tohru, like how chapter 83 ended - or they’ll try to fit more of Yuki’s backstory in to it. either way, his backstory will take two episodes, so we’ll see what they try to fit in.
Episode 22: Chapter 84 & 85
Complete deep dive into Yuki’s past, which is already so tough because 3 episodes earlier was Rin’s backstory, which is just as hard.But you get nearly all the answers to your questions. You learn just how awful the abuse Yuki faced was, you learn about 95% of The Hat storyline, and Yuki finding Tohru and bringing her home and how that helped him survive Akito’s abuse.
Episode 23: Chapter 86 & 87
We get the very final bits of Yuki’s backstory with Yuki telling Kakeru that he doesn’t want to be with Tohru in the way that would be Normal for kids their age, that he wanted to be with someone that he could provide for, just as much as they gave him too. That it was equal. And the episode ending with chapter 87, with Kyo and Yuki arguing and Kyo telling Tohru he would “give in” and participate in the play.
Episode 24: Chapter 88 & 89
The play!!! Now this could be a good season finale, and there are plenty of episodes above that could easily be split in 2. But they’ve been pretty steady with covering 2 chapters per episode, sometimes squeezing in 3 like they did with episode 25 of season 1. In fact, I could even see them cutting down on some things, and making the play Episode 23, instead of Episode 24. Solely because, I think the next few chapters are REAL season finale potential.
Episode 25: Chapter 90 & 91 & 92 & 93
IT’S CRAZY. I know! That’s soooo many chapters crammed into 1 episode. But, if they did decide to cut some previous storylines down, and cram 3 chapters into 1 episode (like Yuki and Rin’s episodes), Kyoko’s backstory would be the big finale of season 2, ending it with Kyo’s nightmare and the final shot of the season being that panel in the manga of Kyoko and Katsuya smiling at each other and the quote “Everyone has to lose their way once. It’s the only way they learn. Everyone.”
Also Natsuki Takaya stated in that message to the viewers when season 2′s release date was announced that everyone has lost their way this season. SO ending the season with this quote would be very meaningful, and it’s like Takaya is giving us a hint too.
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