#also i dont think some of you understand that characters really SHOULDNT get along 100% of the time
awoken-artist · 2 years
Honestly respect more people should have fun with their fma ocs. It's like people forget fma is a fantasy world and people can't do more magical things with their ocs
Fucking. Agree. 100%. Also its worse when the people who were nit picking my oc were idk “well known” in the community on DeviantArt [unsure how it is on other platforms but I can care less.]
I got so nit picked on my FMA OC so many times its ridiculous. Plus the fact they kept shoving reality scientific shit into a fantasy world of FMA. Like, dude I get it alchemy exist but shoving reality bullshit into the fantasy world is down right just an excuse to put someone down because “its not realistic enough” or whatever. 
I had someone nit pick a FMA OC named Keilay [who I am still working on cause shes part of my ocs ancestory or at least apart of her moms side of the familys culture ancestor ruler.] and they just went “weh thats not even fricken possible” and try to make excuses and I just stare “humunculi shouldnt even exist period let alone chimeras if you wanna shove reality in my face of “ThIs CaNt HaPpEn”. Because part of my FMA Story [which im working on both 2003 version and brotherhood] theres going to be a scene where they end up running into the phantom of her and Ed being skeptic and my oc points out about other things that shouldnt even be possible to exist [chimeras or at least humunculi being a huge one]
Another OC they nit picked on was my oc Katherine and one of the people went “why she have violet eye color is she a humunculous wtf? if not then she shouldnt really be having that”. something along the lines. jokes on them I researched eye colors and Lilac is a ACTUAL eye color and I wanted to give this OC a unique rare eye color. I found it so stupid for the nit picking.
It got worse when someone decided to pull the “racist” card by calling me racist when I was thinking of changing things a bit slightly on another FMA OC of mine - Thanos. I changed his name from Nike to Thanos, I figured he be half xingese and ishvallen and yet i got called racist for it which- confused the shit out of me. like if something i said came off as such uh yeah please point it out???? but all i said was Im thinking of making him xingese and ishvallen cause I think it make sense for him cause I want to keep the fact he has red eyes so he got that genetic from his parents. 
honestly the whole nit pick and getting on my ass was stupid. I even had someone being stupidly bitchy at me on my super old works. like as if its “brand new art” when its not. the date was even ON THE FRICKEN DA PAGE OF THE DEVIANTATION OF COURSE ITS OLD. 
I just figured these people dont like new ocs or dont like particular ocs even if its a self insert kind and theyre very hostile about it. at least to the artists who came at me which out of all the fandoms , this one came at me for no reason over time. I dont give a shit if they are jealous or want to be an ass to me for no reason cause god forbid i paired a oc with edward elric. I never went at anyone for their ocs being paired with ed and anyone else thats my favorite characters, because it does make me happy my fav characters are getting some love at least.  I think everyone should not be so judgemental and hostile to anyone who makes FMA OCs especially when they pair their ocs with any of the canon characters. everyones allowed to have fun. so long as no one is gatekeeping and going “YOU CANT PAIR YOUR OC WITH THIS CHARACTER THEIR MINE IM MARRIED TO THEM YOU ARE MAKING THEM CHEAT” kind of deal. 
also anyone who tries pulling the “realism” bullshit into FMA really need to get their heads out of their butts and understand this is still a fantasy world. theres alot of things to EXPLORE. alot of things left UNKNOWN as long as you understand how the fma world works and get an idea from reading the manga even the shows [2003 and/or brotherhood] you can get very creative. i think we all should help everyone out and know your allowed to have fun with your oc and dont let people pull you down. 
I almost thought about quitting fma entirely but no i love my fma pairings, i can care absolute less on what anyone thinks about my pairing. Ive paired them for years and I have ideas and plans. 
I dont mind getting suggestions or maybe some ideas for story wise or ocs. I even so were all allowed to have fun. just have fun! we should all unite and just have fun together instead of putting people down. nit picking doesnt help. de-constructive critiscm never helps. making fun and putting people down on old works to make them feel like shit NEVER helps. 
we should help eachother up not put people down. let people have fun with their fma ocs damn it! >:U
im not letting people get me down and make me quit. neither should anyone having possible similar issues. 
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githvyrik · 6 years
stan beau and marisha ray or die
#everyone in the comments is like ‘ugh beau is suspicious and mean’ yeah it’s called having character flaws#i understand it can maybe annoy some ppl but like#marisha does a rlly good job of making her character feel real????? like shes very obviously not perfect which like???? good????????????????#some of you never learned how to recognize balanced and realistic and good and unique character building and it really fucking shows#yeah shes kind of an asshole sometimes but thats??????? the point?????????????#also i dont think some of you understand that characters really SHOULDNT get along 100% of the time#bc thats unrealistic and boring??????????#like obv your party should be able to cooperate and they shouldnt hate each others guts but#character conflict is like?????? good???????? it’s called character development??????????????#and like it is kinda bad if they just stay that way but beau is literally already working on trying to be nicer#(from where i am in the campaign)#and like. obviously its not gonna be instant and shes gonna be rough at it fucking DUHHHH????????????#because thats how ppl work???????????? god some of you need to take a fucking writing class#and also if you dont like it theres no need to be a complete asshole about it#some of you are like ‘i really hate every character marisha makes’ and you say this in places she can probably see#and like she’s probably got some thick skin about it but also i dont care who you are#it’s really disheartening to see everyone shit on something you obviously care about and put work into#how much you wanna bet if she was a man she wouldnt get nearly as much shit#anyways stan beau and marisha ray or die#critrole#beauregard
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Hey can you talk about what it is like for you to be a core 4 and an ENTP? Cuz core 4s are said to be so protective of their emotions forming the basis for their significant identity, setting them aside from others I want to know how NeTi works with a 4 core.
Oh cool, my first ask!
I honestly don’t know how to answer this, but I’ll do my best. I guess I’ll just try to explain who I am (?) in the abstract and hope that’s good enough.
I mean, I’ve always typed as a lot of different things MBTI wise, but I figured out ENTP based on how my life has worked out in the big picture: when I was a kid, I was a really energetic kid, but I was always playing in an imaginative way, and loved to immerse myself in different worlds. As I grew up I became a lot more logical and withdrawn, and was quite the nerd, especially in middle school. Around the end of high school to now (middle of college) I’m starting to become a lot more social and getting good at it, and I kind of get the whole “ExTP being manipulative” thing (and perhaps more importantly I had started consciously caring what people thought of me to an extent that was probably unhealthy. I was flooded with a deep necessity to care about other people’s feelings/what others thought of me and I just didn’t know how to deal with it). Even though I’m not doing it with malicious intent, I’m beginning to instinctively understand how to act to get people to like me. Another thing that makes sense for me being an ENTP is the way I loop Ne-Fe and I definitely grip Si, I become super withdrawn and just watch sitcoms until I pass out. Personality Hacker has a diagram about your different functions and how you should use them based on their position and it really helped me realize I need to start using Ti in social situations and only use Fe with people I’m comfortable with or if I’m already using Ne and and Ti in a healthy way.
I really think the best way to type yourself is to look at how you’ve developed in the long term over the years. @confusedinfj has a good post about how kids of different main functions act, and I really do think that your main function shows up when you’re a toddler. Something else I’ve noticed is that you tend to consciously focus on your next developing function. When I was developing into my Ti stage I was really focused on reading and learning as much as I could. When I started to develop my Fe later on, I really focused on figuring out how to socialize and where I fit into the world, and as much as I hate to admit it what I did that people liked and didn’t like, having good hygiene and getting a good body, etc. It’s weird, but it seems to me that when you’re in a certain stage you start developing the next function by consciously focusing on it and eventually it just becomes a part of you (this is all anecdotal of course, so I suppose some people may disagree).
Now as for your actual question, I’m not sure how being a 4 fits into all of this, so I guess I’ll just list the reasons I felt like it makes sense. First and foremost, when I took the keys2cognition test my Fi was off the charts, and I found this really weird:
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Furthermore, when I read the type description for INFP both on his website and 16 personalities, it did ring true in a weird way. Now, I know most people will say you shouldn’t trust the tests and I 100% agree, so I’m really just saying this to show my journey of figuring out what I think is my being a type 4.
Secondly, I took the RHETI enneagram test from the Enneagram Institute and got a type 4 much higher than other options:
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What was crazy about this one was how it explained the way I act with people I get too close to down to a tee: I have a REALLY bad habit of idealizing people, getting really close to them, and then when I’m around them too long little things about them start to annoy the bejeezus out of me and I start to avoid them (I know it’s really shitty and I’ve been working on it). Also, isolation is how this type gets away from their problems and it’s definitely what I do.
The last thing that sort of helps the idea along is that I did some career services evaluations to determine what field I should go into and one of the tests I took was the Clifton Strengths assessment. You have to pay for it but it’s actually extremely helpful, at least in my experience; it basically tells you what your top strengths are. My number 1 strength was individualization: basically I can look st myself and others and determine what their good at, what their bad at, their aspirations, worst fears, etc. and this makes me really good at team building and such. It explained why I love self-discovery and MBTI and all this personality stuff despite most ENTPs probably not really caring.
I would say some miscellaneous reasons that I think I’m a type 4 have to do with how I understand Enneagram to work with MBTI: I think MBTI is how a person operates, and Enneagram is what DRIVES them, or is the “why” behind the “how” of MBTI. For me, I definitely seem to operate in an ENTP way, and when it comes down to functions an how they work together they seem to make sense for me. Besides this though, other ENTP stuff is very unlike me. For instance, I’m always trying to define myself, and take pride in my own originality; maybe less so trying to be unique, but more so trying to figure out who I am and separate myself from the rest of the pack and be the greatest version of myself so to speak. Another good example is how I play video games. Other ENTPs seem to enjoy video games for letting themselves take on different personas and try different things, and I do this to an EXTENT. The reality though is that I’m trying to figure out who I am the whole time, and I want to do this in order to be able to discover and define myself. For instance, I love Skyrim, but if I ever create a character who does things like murder innocent people, steals, etc. I have to design the character as some other person; when I create a character as myself, I have to follow my own moral code (even though it’s a damn video game) or else I feel icky. Actually, to be completely honest, I feel this way even if it’s just because my character isn’t what I would imagine I would be like in that world. I always feel gross when I’m playing and maybe I’ll try to use a sword and shield for a while but the whole time I’m just like “this ISNT ME” and it bothers me a lot. Idk I guess it always comes back to wanting to really discover who I am and trying to define myself so that I can discover what makes me special and use it to live my best life. It’s just like I have this constant subconscious drive to figure out who I am and be myself like doing so can allow me to overcome any obstacle.
I hope this is what you wanted, I kinda just took what you said loosely and ranted. Feel free to ask more questions (also I hope I’m doing this right since it’s my first ask 🙃). I know there’s Enneagram/MBTI purists out there that say only certain MBTI types can fit into certain Enneagrams, and perhaps they’re right too. I’m still on what I guess you could call my “journey of self-discovery” and what’s more important to me than being right is getting it right, so I’d love to hear anyone’s two cents on the subject.
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groundramon · 7 years
🌟 Teen Titans or My Hero Academia 🌟
Teen Titans:
Character I first fell in love with: Robin was my first favorite character in the show.  But between Terra and watching the middle of the Trouble in Tokyo movie and later being EXTREMELY disappointed with the bullshit “oh it was just ink so its okay!!” trick they pulled when i finally watched it all (i know i shouldnt have expected anything more from a show but….HE SHOULD STILL DEAL WITH THE RAMIFICATIONS THAT HE HAS THE /ABILITY/ TO KILL, DAMN IT.  THAT’S INTERESTING CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND PLAYS INTO HIS CHARACTER ARC EXTREMELY WELL. FUCK THE TROUBLE IN TOKYO MOVIE [I dont hate the trouble in tokyo movie tbh but IM FOREVER ANGRY AT IT] he kinda fell from grace.  He’s still one of my favorite characters though because damn, his arc in the first season is amazing enough to make up for my personal feelings about him lacking character development in other seasons.  He’s also a really well-constructed version of a trope to the point where he’s actually a proper subversion of the trope, which is ironic because the very thing that makes him so great of an example of the trope done well is sticking to the trope literally (he’s the literal embodiment of a hero focused only on their job, but he’s SO focused on it that it makes him a super fascinating and complex character)
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Tbh Terra??  Apparently somewhere I had heard that Terra was evil or had a sneaking suspicion because when I saw her first episode had recorded I was like *squints* but then I watched it and was like “….thats not what I was expecting Terra to be like.  Okay.” and then by the moonlight scene I had fallen in love.  I cried like twice by the end of the episode.  Have you ever been so overwhelmed with love for a character that you just cry because I have.  Also Starfire, idk she really grew on me in later seasons.  I could never hate her since she’s not a mean-spirited character but she did feel a little bland until she got more character development.  I’m still sad she didn’t get more character development, though; I’m still really confused about her backstory and if Teen Titans ever got a reboot (a proper, serialized one) the season better fucking be about Starfire (and the Terra cliffhanger too, but still) 
Character everyone loves but I don’t: Idk I like pretty much all the titans fine.  My least favorite would probably be Beast Boy but I cant even say “I dont like him” because he’s got so much wonderful development and depth to him for a trope that usually pisses me off.  I also probably dont like Raven as much as other people but she’s still one of my favorite characters.
Character I love but everyone else hates: TERRA yall are just spoiled with Zuko, SHE CAME FIRST U FOOLS (I could make an argument about what factors can/do contribute to the reason people hate her, some unspoken rules about fiction and others bigotry-based, but thats a post for another day and also not everyone who dislikes terra is going to dislike her for those reasons so…but tldr there’s an explanation for the common “i think she’s annoying” that stems from an actual unspoken rule about fiction so I actually in a way understand where they’re coming from)
Character I used to love but don’t any longer: I kinda already addressed Robin, but I still like him.  Also Slade because in season 1 I was like “holy shit this is a badass villain, I like him a lot” but then in season 2 he made me cry.  Fuck you slade
Character I would kiss:  Platonically or motherly? Terra 100%
Character I want to slap: SLADE
A pairing I love: STARTERRA IS??? SO GOOD?? its my rarepair and i came up with it and its mine…other people can have it too though thats fine.  Pls make my rarepair a not-rarepair.  Tbh that’s the only thing I really ship in Teen Titans; anything else is a “aw that’s kinda cute”, the ship below, another rarepair I haven’t thought of yet, or a “wtf why would you ship that”
A pairing I hate: I really, really dont like BBRae.  I dont know if hate is the right word because there’s nothing wrong with it, but….ghah.  I dont like ships that stick a quiet kid with an “annoying”/super talkative one.  Like I said there’s nothing wrong with it, please dont call BBRae abusive lmfao its not (contrary to many pairings of this nature, BB actually takes steps to rectify his mistakes when he goes too far with Raven), but I just dont like ships where one individual or both individuals find the other(s) annoying.  Idk I feel bad for Raven whenever the show puts her in situations where she has to be annoyed, I’d dare say she could have some sort of sensory issues besides just being an introvert and being an introvert with sensory issues myself I can tell you that not having down time and/or being around crying children is SUPER PAINFUL.  I just feel like both of them would be happier as friends and with partners that fit their personalities and temperaments more.
My Hero Academia:
Character I first fell in love with: Tsuyu, I watched BNHA mostly because of Tsuyu tbh
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Kirishima?? I looked at art of him before and he looked angry but he’s such a fucking sweetheart?? you’d think he’d be like conceited and angry and energetic and want to punch everything, like a less violent/cruel version of Bakugo, but he’s like the opposite?? I love him so much
Character everyone loves but I don’t: BAKUGO.  I’m sorry but your screaming son pisses me off.  I dont like angry characters
Character I love but everyone else hates: Tbh I dont know if anyone hates the characters I like?  Kirishima is underrated though.  Draw Kirishima in something outside of Bakushima you cowards.
Character I used to love but don’t any longer: Uhh I dunno?  Aizawa?  I thought he would be more charmingly pessimistic based on tumblr posts than he actually is, and I just found him to be needlessly cruel to his students in the show.  Like there’s strict, and then there’s being a jackass to people that you have legal power over.
Character I would kiss: idk, platonically speaking I just want to comfort izuku and/or izuku’s mom tbh
Character I want to slap: Hmm sometimes I want to slap All Might for never saying what Izuku really, really needs to hear but not always.  Otherwise Endeavor, hes a jackass.  Also Mineta would be here but slapping is not all Mineta deserves.  Mineta would enjoy being slapped by me.  He doesn’t deserve that.  He deserves nothing.  Not even oxygen.
A pairing I love:  HEY HAVE I MENTIONED HOW MUCH I LOVE DEKUSHIMA LATELY?  BECAUSE I REALLY LOVE DEKUSHIMA.  Honorable mentions: Tododeku, Tsuchako, The lion guy x the invisible girl (sorry too lazy to look up their names-), Iida x Deku and/or Todoroki x Iida and/or all three together and happy, and tbh Ochako and Deku is really cute too, mutual puppy love is my favorite type of overused romance tropes.  It’s so innocent and pure.  PS feel free to mix and match todoroki, deku, iida, and kirishima because honestly? they’re all good, esp polyamorous ships.
A pairing I hate: BAKUDEKU this one i can safely say i hate because like ?? What bakugo did is not fucking “playful teasing”??  This isn’t Klance or BBRae (which btw im tentative on Klance for the same reason as BBRare but Klance has improved in-canon a little so I’m more on-board now), the characters don’t share a mutual annoyance with each other that eventually blooms into friendship and mutual respect.  From what I can tell, in the manga currently, despite being quite a ways along in the story, Bakugo still doesn’t treat Izuku well even with him mellowing down a bit, and in his current position in the anime? Bakugo is straight-up an abusor of Izuku.  Making Izuku fear for his life/safety around him, regularly impeding Izuku’s own progress for no good reason, literally telling Izuku to die…is this really what yall want to romanticize??  You can say “oh but he’s nicer in my version of the ship!! uvu” but you still looked at an extremely toxic bully-victim relationship and said “hey, there’s romantic potential there!” and idk about you but I find that to be pretty bad and pretty much romanticizing abuse.
Thanks for the ask!!
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