#also i don't like doing this but i couldn't get tumblr's gif thingy to work for tae and jk
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sundayskin · 2 years ago
15 Skincare Things I Don’t Give AF About Anymore (skincare level: ~enlightened~)
Well, well, after another whatever months of radio silence, as usual, the poster child of Tumblr skincare blogs returns (just kidding... or am I??).
If you're new here, welcome to what I'd call one of the UNESCO OG skincare blogs on Tumblr. Okay, maybe that is a bit of a stretch. If you've been here since SUNDAYSKIN's origins, like I'm talking back in 2017, I really, really love you. Like, really. You're awesome.
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The lowdown is that I've been knee-deep in skincare since I discovered it in my teens. Fast forward almost a decade (damn I'm old wtf), and I think I've reached the point where it's not something I have to stress about or try to figure out anymore.
I know what works for me, what doesn't, the finish and feel I like, the ingredients I want to use, etc. Of course, I'm still learning and trying new things, but I've got a pretty good understanding of my skin or skin in general.
Maybe you are new to skincare (welcome to the rabbit hole, enjoy the fall) or maybe you've been figuring it out for just as long as I have. Whatever the case, here are 15 skincare things I used to do or care about, but now I couldn't care less. 😎
Have I become lazy lazier, or did I just reach an enlightened level of skincare? You can decide.
1. Using the same routine every day/night
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Though I ~typically~ use the same products daily or on a rough routine (back and forth, once a week, etc.), I don’t force myself to follow the same 1-2-3-step routine every day nor do I use the same products every day, save for my prescribed acne medications (sigh). I used to obsess over consistency, as in applying the same things in the same order every single day/night, but I think you should instead just consistently take care of your skin, in whatever way works for you.
My verdict? Tweak your routine based on your skin condition at the moment. Eventually, you’ll instinctively grab whatever you need from your skincare vault. You’ll get there, babe. Trust the process. 
2. Drying my face completely
A recent(?) trend in skincare, at least in the US, seems to be about how a towel can harbor a lot of bad bacteria and therefore you should wash your towel often and/or have a designated face towel.
Whether or not your towel has been causing your acne or other skincare woes is debatable; I know good and well many people around the world have the clearest skin but don't give a toot about the towel they use to dry their face. I'm sure it can matter, but I don't think it's going to be a deal-breaker.
My mindset here is why not be "better safe than sorry." I think it wouldn't hurt to try more gentle or hygienic ways to dry your face. My favorite face towel is by INNELLISilk. It's cheap, it's soft, it's apparently made of things that are more antibacterial than your typical towel, it's got one of those tiny hole thingies that lets you hang it places — it checks all my boxes. Though I like to have this towel on hand, I typically use facial tissue to dry my face once a night. A (large) cotton pad would also work.
The whole 1-use tissue for your face is another trend these days, but if it sounds wasteful to you, opt for the designated face towel (preferably a material that won't completely dry the water on your face). A soft facial sponge works too (wet it first, please). You could even go rogue and use no towel at all (wipe as much of the moisture off with your hands as you can).
Bonus tip: whatever you use, it's best to have some leftover water on your face. Apparently, if you let your skin get completely dry in between cleansing and treatment products, your skin will actually start the process of producing more oils. It's also just pretty uncomfortable to have your face dry up. A moisturized, hydrated face is something we all need, regardless of "skin type."
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3. Having a routine that's "quick & easy"
My "ultimate skincare goal" used to be that [x]-step, 15-minute skincare routine that I imagined was what the perfect, put-together skincare routine looked like. All the popular products, quick, easy, effective. Girl, stop that nonsense! Everyone is different, so the perfect routine is one that is beneficial, comfortable, and doable for you.
These days, I put on a YouTube video, watch a show, or have Kpop MVs playing while taking my time to go through my routine (E'Last, Just B, Cravity, Enhyphen, and P1Harmony are my fav groups atm, FYI). Sometimes that's 20 minutes, sometimes it's an hour. Take your time, learn about your own skin, and do what works best for your life and schedule.
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ps. if you're in need of someone/something to watch/listen to, I've got to give a shoutout to Ulrike Scherer. She's got a YouTube, podcast, and blog. If you really love skincare, and miss the long-form, slowed-down content of the bygone days, namely on YouTube, this is someone you must check out. She's so transparent and passionate about skincare, and she's really helped remind me why I love skincare. It's become my new favorite thing to have her videos or podcast playing in the background when I do my skincare or when I'm just trying to relax. It's seriously like casually chatting with a friend about skincare, and I NEED that comfort in my life rn.
Subscribing on Youtube or liking some of her videos takes seconds and is FREE, so please, please, do it if you can. I'd love to see her hit 1,000 subscribers soon. She really deserves the recondition. Thanks in advance if you check out her content.
4. Using only “safe” green-level ingredients
I used to check all products on an ingredient-checking website like Cosdna, and if there was any ingredient listed as being "unsafe" or comedogenic, I'd almost immediately decide not to further research the product, let alone purchase it.
Unless it has an acne-causing or irritating ingredient that is almost universally shunned — which is unicorn-level rare when it comes to the products I consider buying — I don't worry about what Cosdna says about the product's ingredients being potentially comedogenic. Granted, whether an ingredient is prone to being comedogenic is a real thing, but I think how your skin actually reacts might be different. I'm not a chemist. You (probably) aren't either. The people who formulate products usually know what they're doing. They don't see a negative ingredient and say, "hey, we should add this to the formulation for no reason."
Usually, you just need to try a product to see if it works for you. Others might hate it; others might call it a holy grail. It's you that really matters. This is your world, babe, and don't let them tell you otherwise.
The jury votes that the "safe level" of ingredients should always be considered with a grain of salt.
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5. Doing my routine at the same time every day/night
This just isn't practical for me, but I used to think it was another "must" for clear, healthy skin when I was still a skincare baby. I think the premise of recommending this is so that people who may have a hard time doing their skincare every day (busy, forgetful, etc.) will sort of be forced to remember to do it morning and night. If this is you, go ahead, set a morning and night alarm, and see if that helps you stay on track. For me, it's good enough that I do my routine once when it is light out and once when it is dark, lol.
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6. Trying new products ~just~ because they are trending or popular
When I was newer to skincare (see a pattern here?), my approach became buying products that were trending or super popular rather than buying products that I needed or that may have addressed the specific issues I was having.
Now, I almost purposefully don't purchase the most popular, trending skincare products (you know, the ones them Tiktokers Tiktok about). Not to say the popular, trending products aren't worth considering. They are ~usually~ popular for a valid reason, but just don't take the popularity as equal to the product being effective for you. There's often a lot of behind-the-scenes marketing and sponsorships etc. etc. also taking place, so it can be hard to see if a product is popular for a good reason or if it is being made popular.
It's my new thrill to find products that are lesser-known hidden gems, like products that are actually holy grails in Korea/Japan/etc. rather than being primarily popular in the US (the products we say we "discovered" but are old news or not actually popular in the place they come from, lol). I never just buy trending skincare because it's the hot thing of the time anymore. The old me is dead and gone.
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7. Using products as they are meant to be used
Let me start this with a precursor that some products certainly need to be used as instructed (like acne prescriptions) or some can't be flexible in how they are used (you shouldn't use cleansers as a serum, for instance, though I'm sure by mid 2025 there will certainly be a product like this, lol).
Besides that, back in the ancient times, if a toner was labeled as a "toner" or a serum as a "serum," that's exactly how I'd use them in my routine. The reality is that you can use most products, whether it is a toner, ampoule, essence, sleeping mask, etc., in any way that works for you. I told you: this is your world. Now believe it!
8. Following the standard Korean skincare routine
I think I often bought products in the past just for the sake of filling in the spots of a typical Korean skincare routine, a routine we in fact declared as the universal Korean standard, i.e., oil cleaner, foam cleanser, toner, essence, serum, etc. I actually used to be a huge believer in essences, thought they were one of the most important products to include, but I haven't used an essence in so long! These days I just use serums as my after-toner-before-cream step. Simplify your routine only a couple of steps or make it super complex and detailed — it's always been up to you.
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9. Finishing products *because* I spent money on them
If I'm only 1/10th of the way through a serum or spot treatment and I don't like it for whatever reason, I don't shun myself for moving on to a new product or purchasing something else.
Can it be wasteful sometimes? Yes. Do I sometimes waste money on an (expensive) product that actually doesn't work for me? Yes. It happens! Skincare is a journey and there will be hiccups. Unless, well, you're perfect. Then, congrats!
If something is not working for you, or worse, having negative effects, stop using her and try to instead find someone in your life that might enjoy the product. Last resort? The trash (recycle if possible!).
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Tip: some of the best ways to avoid tossing full-sized products and wasting your money is to really do your research before purchasing a product and by trying sample sizes before committing to the full.
10. Using extraction tools
...because it's better than using your hands, right? Nah, listen.
I've bought extraction tools maybe 2 or 3 times in my life, and every time, after a couple uses, I throw them out like I'm throwing out the cake I bought despite being on a diet, lol.
I don't think using a tool to take out blackheads to pop pimples is better than doing it with your hands. I think the best route to clear, healthy skin is to not pick or pop at all.
Better alternatives are exfoliating products, clay masks, pimple patches, and gentle cleansing tools like facial sponges. Let's keep the extraction tools in the hands of skincare professionals, okay?
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11. Refrigerating products 
Girl, let me tell you.
I used to be almost obsessed with making sure my serums and creams and whatnot were kept refrigerated. I think I've been through at least 3 or 4 mini fridges over the course of a couple of years. When they didn't work as well in the hotter months or when the power went out, I'd literally move all my skincare to another fridge in the house like I was transporting a donor's organs to a hospital. I sprinted, y'all. S p r i n t e d.
Then, I had an epiphany. When I tried a refrigerated SPF, didn't like how it applied, then coincidently tried it again when I had removed it from the fridge at room temp, wala: it has now become one of my top-3, ride-or-die SPFs of all time. We love a good skincare plot twist.
I found out that I actually like my skincare applied at room temp more because they're truer to their texture and soak in better. Of course, this is case-by-case and has a lot to do with preference, but if you are on the fence about it, I'd say a beauty fridge is a luxury that isn't really necessary.
I thought it was necessary because I was under the impression that products needed to be colder than room temp to last longer, stay "stronger" longer, etc. This isn't really the case. Unless specified by the product description, products, SPFs included, are made to survive just fine in typical, real-life temperatures. If you're room is extremely hot, in direct sunlight, or the temp fluctuates greatly throughout the day, a mini fridge might be a solution. Heck, a mini fridge that is off might be a solution. To me, a dark, cool place like a drawer or somewhere in your closet is just as good, if not better (cause the whole texture, application stuff mentioned before).
Mostly consistent, out of direct sunlight, and not-too-hot conditions are what you want. Odds are, you can get that without a designated beauty fridge.
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12. Making diy masks and skincare with kitchen ingredients
Back in the day, I used to make homemade masks with things like lemon (report me!), oatmeal, banana, egg whites, turmeric, you get it. I probably haven't done anything "homemade" or "natural" since my teens. Mostly because I have the finances to buy plenty of real, packaged skincare and masks to use made by people who know what they're doing, lol. There's no point for me anymore to try and make something that might be good or safe for the skin.
I think making DIY skincare masks was my old thing because it was a way for me to try new things and take care of my skin when I didn't have the money or means to buy the variety of skincare easily available to me today.
Homemade things aren't inherently bad or not worth it. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Or maybe you just like experimenting and trying more natural, handmade things. That's cool too. Just make sure to research what ingredients to avoid using, like, you know, straight up lemon juice from the fridge. Oopski!
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13. Judging a skincare product by price
Expensive products must be better or more potent than cheaper ones, right? I probably don't need to explain this to you, but the price does not always relate to how good or effective a product will be for you. There is actually probably more popular and effective affordable skincare than there is luxury, triple-digit products. There's so much affordable, amazing skincare these days that luxury to me is anything over $40, lol.
If you want to invest some money on your skin, see a dermatologist or get a professional facial treatment. The next best thing is an at-home skincare tool, but those require careful, experienced hands and a boat load of research. Careful now, these are dangerous waters.
14. Buying products that are *only* for my “skin type”
I've recently been thinking "skin types" aren't really a thing. Hear me out.
I think of "skin types" now more as "skin conditions" or just the current state your skin's health is in, not as something universally true to you or something you were "born with" like the color of your eyes or hair (even those things can change overtime too!).
Of course, I'm not trying to say that perfect skin health equals "normal" skin that isn't oily, dry, or combo. What I'm trying to get at is that you shouldn't feel the need to put yourself in a box and only buy products marketed toward your "skin type." Just because something is said to be oil-free or for oily skin doesn't mean dry-skinned ladies/guys won't like it. It also doesn't mean that it will automatically be what my oily skin peeps need.
Real-world application-wise, I'm not sure how helpful this insight is, lol, because buying products that were created for your "skin type" isn't technically wrong/bad. Maybe just venture out a bit, remove that "for oily skin" or "for normal skin" filter when shopping for skincare online, try something you might not immediately think is for you. You might find a holy-grail product that's marketed toward a totally different skin type/condition. Always look at a product holistically.
15. Patting versus rubbing in
To be or not to be. But like, who cares? Do what works for you, in skincare and in life, bud. Just be gentle and give your stuff time to absorb. Maybe you didn't even know about the pat vs. rub debate. It's that old.
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If you want an extension to this, check out 10 Things I Used to Believe About Skincare but Now I Know Aren’t True *tea spilt on myself*. Yes, if you notice, there are a few similar ideas on there. We recycle and reuse here, as we should.
FYI, SUNDAYSKIN also has an IG, @hellosundayskin. There's no real useful content on there, but sometimes I'll upload what I've bought recently. It's usually just cute photos. Visit at your own discretion.
Anyhow, I'm actually, quite literally, going through a life crisis rn. Still, I was able to somehow write this long a** post. I've actually come back to it on and off for a couple weeks now, or has it been over a month?
I'll be back once my life isn't in shambles... it might be a while. See you then.
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jeonsweetpea · 4 years ago
for the ask me anything... how did you decide on your bias and do you have a bias wrecker?
Oh my gosh, I have to tell you that I love this question! 😄❤️ Thank you for asking me! And my answer will be lengthy b/c... I'm a rambler! Hahaha.
How I Decided On My Bias
To tell you that, I have to tell you how I started to stan BTS! So I first heard of them through one of my favorite second generation groups U-KISS. BTS were on a show called After School Club in 2014. Didn't think much of them at the time and it wasn't until HYYH, I started loving their music (I NEED U was one of the first songs that truly captured my heart)! But I didn't start stanning them yet (huge regrets lol). However... one look at Officer JK in the Dope MV and I fell in love. I knew he would be my bias even if I hadn't stanned them yet. I call him my first love in BTS. I still do.
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I later saw a gif set of JK in this officer outfit fighting a bug and found him oh so cute! And I kept seeing him pop up on my dash every so often (I didn’t even follow any BTS-centered blogs) like a constant reminder of, “Hey, remember me? You thought I was cute so please don’t forget me!” Hahaha.
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Then I stumbled upon this particular post that made my heart hurt for him. 🥺 He was someone I barely knew, yet I was so angry reading this post... it was about how K-Fans were making fun of JK’s acne during 2016(?) I think after he performed singing live for something idk. He was still young, so why did it matter if he had acne problems when his voice was so good? And he did a spectacular job? I wanted to protect him. I wanted to let him know he was loved. 
Now, to get into when I finally started to stan BTS. During my second year of uni, I was in this club that celebrated Asian culture. And I was on the dance team. We did a lot of BTS dances and there were a lot of BTS stans. I always felt out of the loop with these friends at the time b/c I didn’t know much about them. 😂 But then they asked me, “Who is your bias?” And I said proudly, “Jungkook! For sure, even if I don’t stan them quite yet.” And they go, “Ew... why?” And proceeded to say mean things about him... things I found unfair and not true. So it kinda motivated me to get into them b/c I wanted to prove them wrong. I wanted to learn more about him, so I can show them he was a wonderful person! Hahaha. I wanted to protect him... defend him... as silly as it sounds. 🤧💕 It was my mission. 
So then DNA came out in 2017 and I decided to watch it a week after it came out during one of my breaks. I fell in love instantly. I knew I was hooked. Then I heard the whole Love Yourself: Her album and Jin’s voice in “Best of Me” (one of my fave songs) did it for me. I loved it all, I wanted to know everything about them! 
It solidified the fact JK really was my first love in BTS and still is. Hehe. And I did manage to convince several ppl to change their opinion on JK. So I’m proud of myself even though I no longer speak to them. 
~ ~ ~ 
How I Chose My Bias (Wrecker?)
Do you remember those “Who is your bias?” quizzes? Yeah, I took many of them for fun before I got into BTS. And I kept getting Jimin, so I decided okay, he’s my bias wrecker. Hahaha! Of course, I found out more about him later on and decided it made sense for him to stay as my wrecker. 
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He RUINED me and you bet I watched this performance religiously! I found out more about Tae and noticed we had a LOT in common. He was my bias wrecker for a long time. But then we made eye contact at a concert so... I had to double bias! 😘
So I guess to answer your question, Jimin is back to being my wrecker. Phew! That was an adventure.  What a trip through memory lane. If you read all this, I love you! Thank you so much. 
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hotpinkboots · 2 years ago
Pardon me I had to take a moment for my gay ass to recover from the pet names as well as to double check with your rules list, this ask is gonna look long but it’s only because I like to make it look more organized and explains when I can, it looked like a lot but of course it’s all headcanons and will be as long as you please (And of course if you wanna do one for another go ahead)
1. CB x s/o who gets spooked WAY to easy for a night guard
2. CB x s/o who absolutely refuses to shock the animatronics
3. The living embodiment of a golden retriever
4.CB finds out s/o has accidentally befriended every rat and mouse in the pizzeria (and absolutely does not want to get rid of them)
Angst/ s/o died and is a robot now, below
5. CB x s/o that got axed, a crate gets delivered to the pizzeria, open it up, guess who walked out with all memories intact ( s/o has a dad that also makes androids, not related to afton in the slightest, in grief of his child getting yeeted he makes a new line of security animatronics one of which to house the soul of his kid, there generally average hight like 5 foot ____, with bullet resistant plating, flame retardant elastic “skin”, able to dispense multiple first aid equipment, able to glow in the dark, the works
6. SB x same s/o but instead of being revived to protect they got revived and ran the new pizzeria, similar situations but baby is in the room where the salvage thing takes place and guess who walks through the door
7. SB x s/o who fixed her and the other animatronics up so they can preform again ( if they want to, it’s all optional and afton is in the time out box)
8(last one I promise) CB x same robot s/o who forgot to charge( they got something like those pads you lay something on and it charges but it’s like a bed) so one day they come in all sluggish and ALMOST made it , but then shuts down right befor getting there.
So sorry for the ramble but if I can think of one idea I can think of 2 more etc , thank you for your ever so wonderful and valuable time : )
~𝓒𝓲𝓻𝓬𝓾𝓼 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 w/a Darling Who Refuses To Shock Animatronics~
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I CHOSE THE SECOND ONE BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS CUTE, GORGEOUS 😍 I might do the first one at some point because that one is FUUUUN :D
Like with the C-3p0 request, there are a ton of requests in my inbox that I was unable to see because Tumblr glitched and I couldn't scroll down in my inbox, no matter how many times I tried to get it to work :( SO This was going to be done literally like forever ago, but I couldn't SO HERE IT IS NOW DARLING
𝓒𝓲𝓻𝓬𝓾𝓼 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂
~She is beyond appreciative.
~Shocking an animatronics's entire body kind and system, to her, is abuse, even if it isn't that painful due to being something that cannot feel pain.
~Because they can still feel emotional pain.
~It also makes them bug out often.
~Your refusal to give a "controlled shock" seems to automatically make her take a liking towards you.
~She'll bring it up, too, and tell you that your empathy and justice are so admirable.
~The other animatronics (especially Ballora) are very happy about you not wishing to electrocute them like all the other cruel people do.
~Baby is very concerned at the fact you won't, though. She's happy you don't. She's happy you genuinely care for the well being of the animatronics, but,
~It is required that you shock them when they do not behave.
~What if you get...fired?
~She wouldn't ever see you again.
~"Perhaps...enduring the pain...will be alright in the end. If I can continue to see you, my dear friend...If you are terminated from the Pizzeria, I will never see you again. So maybe...maybe the pain will be worth it..."
WE LOVE A LIL' TEENY BIT O' YANDERE BABY >:))) Like mentioned before, I might do some of the other prompt thingies, because I'm eyeing a few of them :>
Rules/Masterlist (Scroll Down For The Masterlist)!
Join my chat/roleplay server! Here, you'll be able to roleplay, make new friends, and get updates on my fanfiction and upcoming videogames!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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charliesworkshop · 5 years ago
Señorita - A Bucky Barnes smut
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Song inspiration: Señorita - Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello
Pairing: Bucky x OFC (there's no name but I don't feel comfortable enough with my writing to do proper reader inserts)
Warnings: basically smut without plot, swearing, unprotected sex
AN: How do you add a "read more" on your phone? Asking for... me. I'm dumb. My posts are usually short, and not NSFW. HELP~ I posted this on my laptop with the "keep reading" thingy and it worked until I edited the post on my phone. It's just like Tumblr doesn't want me to write here.
Also, yes, I know on the gif there is SNOW and the ff states it's HOT, but that's the best I could do.
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Saying goodbye to coworkers she walked through the hot kitchen of the diner she worked in, and out of the back entrance, only for employees and delivered. She gladly welcomed fresh night air, cool breeze making her more aware of sweat on her skin. Wiping her forehead with the back of hand she looked around the dark back alley, as always, hoping he'll be waiting for her.
And tonight she wasn't disappointed.
"Hola señorita," he greeted her, smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against, walking towards her.
"Hi," she smiled back at him, meeting him quickly half way, exhaustion of the hard day leaving her body as she inspected his face in search of new bruises and cuts. At the first glance he looked fine, and she felt her heart getting lighter, her smile got more relaxed.
It's been four days since she's last seen him, and with every passing night she was getting more worried, but now it was all irrelevant. He was here, safe, without any wounds, any signs his last 'mission' went sideways.
"I was worried, James." She cupped his face with both hands, making him look directly at her. She called him by his name only when she was very serious, or angry, or when she wanted him really badly. This time it was a mixture of all of the above. "You've been gone for four days, no text, not a single call..."
Yes, she was happy to see him, however, she didn't like that he let her worry for so long. She'd understand if he got in trouble and couldn't keep her posted, but apparently he just... forgot? Or maybe did it on purpose? How the fuck would she know...
A smug smile creeped upon his features when she huffed with annoyance. "What is so funny?"
"Did you miss me, señorita?" he asked teasingly, his arms wrapping around her, "Because I really fucking missed you."
"Why do you insist on calling me señorita?" she stammered, pressing her palms flat to his chest, hard muscles working beneath her fingers as his hands roamed her body, gliding down her sides, brushing over hips, grabbing her ass, pulling her closer to his hot body.
Yes, she was a bit angry he didn't call even once, but she couldn't be mad for long when it was so obvious she missed him as hell, her body quickly responding to his touch, her heart beating faster, face getting hotter.
"It fits you," his raspy voice warmed her ear, teeth grazing over her earlobe sent a shiver down her spine, making her shudder in his arms, soft moan escaping her parted lips.
"We shouldn't..." she whispered, breath pitching in her throat when he pressed her back against the wall, lifting her body from the ground, his hands securely gripping her thighs. "Someone can see us..."
"Tell me you don't want this and I'll stop," he crooned, leaving her really little to no choice when his lips trailed her jaw, peppering her skin with wet kisses, biting gently on her chin, catching her lips with his, muffling a whimper when he rolled his hips onto hers.
"Make it quick," she breathed out, her hands running up his chest, on the back of his neck to tug on his hair.
She didn't have to repeat herself, he groaned deeply, corners of his mouth lifting in a satisfied smile. He knew which of her buttons to push to get exactly what he wanted from her, and right now it was to completely immerse himself in her, in her intoxicating warmth and scent.
"Fuck, doll... I barely touched you and you're already dripping," he teased, pushing her panties aside, fingers brushing over her hot folds already covered in slick, wet enough for him to just slip his cock inside. She moaned impatiently, her hips bucking up in search for some friction. She could feel how hard he was, his cock straining against the fabric of his tac pants.
"Oh just fuck me already," she urged him, her heaving chest pressed against his, breath hot and shallow, warming his neck as she pressed her lips to his skin, sucking an angry red mark right above his collarbone.
"As you wish." Holding her with the metal hand, he slipped the other one between their bodies to free his cock, pushing the waistband of his pants just enough so they wouldn't restrict his moves. Gripping his arm with one hand, she pulled her dress up, wrapped her legs around his waist, only glancing at the end of the dark alleyway to make sure no one's watching. But even if there was someone watching, she didn't care as soon as he aligned his length with her entrance, spreading her folds, coating himself with her arousal. She moaned louder, pressing her lips to his neck, her hips rolling unvolounterly into his when he pushed past her entrance, rushing him to fill her entirely. To which he gladly obliged, bottoming out in one swift movement, low growl escaping his throat at the hot feeling of her tight cunt.
"Keep squeezin' me like that and it's really gonna be very quick," he grunted, free hand now resting at the back of her neck, fingers entwined in the loose hair there, his lips ghosting over hers. "Give me a sec... I need..." What he needed, wanted, was to fuck her brains out, make her scream his name, but if he was to last longer than a minute he needed to take it slow, at least at the beginning. And her rapid heartbeat against his chest, and the musky heavy scent of her arousal mixed with the taste of her lips, skin, sweet breath, wasn't helping. He wasn't moving, his cock buried deep in her welcoming warmth, but she was getting impatient.
"Less talking, more fucking, sarge," she cooed knowing well how this nickname worked him up, catching his lips with hers in a sloppy kiss, one hand slipping underneath his skintight shirt, fingers digging into his side, pulling him closer.
"Be careful, doll," he warned her, pressing his forehead against hers, inhaling sharply when she pushed her hips harder onto his, "I don't want to hurt you."
"Maybe I want you to hurt me," she mused in raspy voice, dragging her nails across his ribs, earning a quiet hiss from him, a slight push deeper into her itching pussy. Oh, she really wanted him to move, to bruise her skin, to mark her with his desire. And she knew he wanted the same thing, but as always he was hesitant, afraid of hurting her too much.
"Stop... sayin' things like this," his deep growl sent a shiver down her spine, spreading warmth across her entire body, her nails digging deeper into his sweaty skin.
He really tried to control himself, his thrusts slow, almost lazy, but every sound she made was driving him more and more crazy, to the point when he eventually pressed his palm to the wall, stabilizing himself as he snapped his hips harder, and she was done for.
Her head fell back, lips parted in ecstasy as his thick cock was hitting that sweet sweet spot inside her, bringing her closer to the edge, and he could feel that. Pressing her back harder against the wall, he hooked his arm underneath her knee, spreading her legs even more.
The hot coil in her stomach was tightening so fast her breath quickly became uneven, shallow, only gasps escaping her lips, fingers squeezing his arm so hard her knuckles turned white.
"Fuck, I'm gonna-" she stuttered, eyes shutting close when he licked a long stripe up her neck, teeth sinking into sensitive skin just below her ear.
"I know, baby" he murmured, "I know." He always liked to watch her come undone due to his fingers, lips, cock, but this time he was chasing his own release, his thrusts deep and fast, metal fingers gripping her ass hard enough to leave bruises.
Her pussy was squeezing him so so deliciously, his senses were almost overtaken by the sounds their wet skin made, lungs filling with her scent with every rapid breath, but he needed to make sure she comes first, as always.
And as if she was reading his mind, she reached between their bodies, nimble fingers pressing to her clit, rubbing fast circles to help herself, him, to tip her over the edge.
"Kiss me, please..." she begged breathlessly, half-lidded eyes meeting his, darkened with lust. He captured her lips with his in a sloppy kiss, one that quickly turns all teeth and tongues, his flesh hand grabbing the back of her neck, pulling her closer.
She didn't stop rubbing her clit, her arousal now dripping onto his cock, drenching his balls and pants, making his thrusts easier, the sounds wet and lewd. And that was exactly what she needed, mind blowing orgasm crashing through her body, cunt clenching around his length so hard his thrusts became erratic, frenzied.
Burying his cock deep inside her hot pussy, he coated her walls in his seed, letting her milk him dry, as she rode down from her high, her fingers pressed to her throbbing clit. His lips muffled her moans, and if he wasn't kissing her when she came probably everyone would hear how good he made her feel.
"I missed you, too, Buck," she whispered, resting her forehead on his, noses brushing against each other, heavy breaths mixing.
"Yeah, I figured it out," he chucked, his fingers loosening the grip on her ass, and she winced, already feeling the bruises forming. Her legs were sore, tired like after a long run, so she relaxed them, letting him hold her entire weight on his own.
"We should go, you know. We're really risking getting caught..."
A moment later he tucked himself into his pants, straightened his belt and shirt, watching her closely as she quickly made herself look presentable. She, on the other hand, was avoiding looking at him, slightly ashamed of herself, of what they just did.
Thank goodness she was wearing a longer dress today, his cum was dripping out of her, her thighs were wet and sticky, panties a damp mess.
Her cheeks were burning with shame, but she couldn't escape his gaze for eternity, especially that he was weirdly quiet, and that made her look at him.
"Did I... Did I hurt you too much?" He was honestly concerned, his brows furrowed, worried wrinkle forming between them as he studied her face.
"That's what you're thinking about?" She quirked her eyebrows, smile spreading across her features. "No, you didn't. I'm fine, really," she reassured him, tucking wet from sweat strands of hair back behind her ears.
He didn't seem convinced, but he learned not to argue with her, only nodded slowly, running fingers through his hair.
"May I walk you home?" An innocent question.
"We live together, Buck," she laughed lightheartedly, her eyes sparkling with true joy when he smiled smugly.
"I know. I'm just trying to be a gentleman. And I like when you laugh..."
"I think you like it more when I moan your name," she teased, slipping her hand into his, interlacing her fingers with his metal ones, and to her surprise he didn't even flinch, making her smile grow wider. "Come on, you've been gone for four days, I need more than a quickie."
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AN: So, yeah, my first time posting here. It took my five days to finish this, and I'm not even sure if I like it. I have a problem with finishing smutty parts, that's why it ends... badly. Also, it was entirely written on my phone, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes.
There's no name in the fic so I'm tagging it as a reader insert, dunno, feedback would be nice, but if I may, please, be... kind. English isn't my first language, and I've never posted anything like that here, or anywhere to be honest.
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