#also i def got carried away with the first one ekdkdk
abiik · 5 years
❄️, ☕️ and 🍂 for Zoe in the oc ask game!!
❄️ What makes your OC sad, so sad that they can’t help but cry all day? How do they cheer themself up? Does their sadness upset any of their loved ones too?
ooof okay. probably the thing that still makes her choke up is thinking about her twin brothers. like without a doubt, if any of her thoughts go to them, whether it’s her going down memory lane and feeling nostalgic bc she saw something that reminded her of them, or it’s because she’s actually purposely thinking about their deaths, the injustice of it, how mad she still is about it, and how helpless it makes her feel to think she couldn’t even manage to save her baby brothers, what makes her think she can save the rest of the world, she always chokes up. it’s the sort of thing that either has her staring teary eyed at some dumb joke that wasn’t meant to trigger those thoughts or she’s locking herself in her apartment, crying until she passes out.
another thing that really gets her down in general is thinking about all of the people she couldn’t save. she wears the whole world on her shoulders constantly, even if she’s reassured that despite everything, she’s still just a person too.
zoe usually either just has to let it all out because it’s been brewing too long – this includes crying and/or hitting bad guys in space until she’s too exhausted to even stand. – or she has to go do something, get her mind off of it, dive straight into a job or a project or something because she can’t think about what’s bothering her right now. back before she came back to earth, she would drink everything away, but now that she’s sober she tries to find better ways to release.
her sadness is something she hides a lot, so she’ll usually disappear (unless she goes to you to join you for mission) bc her loved ones are all pretty vigilant. gran-gran has eyes like a hawk and a feel for zoe’s emotions better than anyone else and will not let her cave in on herself but she also doesn’t want to force her to talk about it if she doesn’t want. so she’ll put her to work on the ranch until zoe comes to her and tells her what’s wrong. keme is pretty good at reading his sister and it only affects him so badly because he can’t like…how do you punch your sister’s insecurities and bad thoughts?? you can’t!! so he kind of will just arrive to spar with her whether she likes it or not (it helps a lot actually, especially when she’s feeling insecure about her role in the world). 
and then of course… the batfam. they’re not the most like,, emotionally stable? conscious? people in the world but jason’s been friends with z forever and believe or not, he takes a more cautious approach with her. cause when zoe’s sad, she releases it like a big explosion of teary eyed, ugly crying, snot faced angry crying and shouting. and jason has a tendency to react in kind and sometimes zoe doesn’t need jason to be yelling too, so he’ll just come invade her space. it upsets him to not be able to really do anything, too, so he’ll just take up space on her couch or her dining table and wait for her to come around and when she does, they either talk about it or they just go right back to being
annoying friends. dick and donna have more proactive ways of dealing with an upset zoe, just like keme. donna gets upset when zoe gets upset bc she loves her so much and pls stop running away from this, just come sit on my couch and talk to me or something. or she knocks a little sense into her, like a wonderful big sister. dick is usually the last resort person to come and kick zoe out of a rut if gran-gran can’t make it. roy just brings lian. rose kicks her into shape and tells her to “stop crying.” sometimes it works wonders! other times… not so much
so like, yeah. her loved ones do get affected by it. esp when one day they’re happily talking with a bright eyed and smiley faced zoe and then the next day/week she’s just gone and isn’t answering texts or phone calls. when she’s upset, it’s like they lose her all over again and that…really sucks. they don’t want to go through that again (and for a few of them it kind of triggers them).
☕ Give us one (or more if you feel like it) of your OCs deep dark secrets! Why do they keep it hidden? Spill the tea!
oh jeez hm. she doesn’t know how many people she’s killed. and it bothers her so she doesn’t tell anyone that she has no idea and that it kind of scares her. she’s kind of scared to find out, even if her opinion on killing bad guys isn’t as severe as other peoples’.
also like, not really a deep dark secret, but whenever she thinks about killing the joker, she doesn’t really feel anything. she doesn’t feel any guilt or remorse or like she’s some kind of monster for wanting to end someone’s life. she just kind of feels…fine. which is why whenever she thinks about his still being alive, still doing the things he does, and how it would change so many peoples’ lives, definitely probably for the better, she gets so fucking angry. she doesn’t tell anyone because it makes her mad to think about how other people can dictate how she might feel if she followed through with something like that.
oh uh not to get a little shippy but she’s definitely in love with dick grayson. she never tells anyone and when jason figures it out, it’s because he figures. it. out. not because she was like oh jay let’s have a heart to heart where i tell you i love your older brother!!!
roy is the only one who knows. because he was THERE. but she’s had sex with roy. she’s kind of embarrassed to tell anyone. ESPECIALLY DONNA OR DICK OR ANY OF THE OTHER OG TITANS.
🍂 What are their opinions on the different seasons? Which one do they hate and which one do they love and why?
zoe h a t e s the cold, so winter and fall are like no-goes for her temperature-wise. she doesn’t hate the way winter and fall looks and she definitely enjoys all of the mandatory this is required i have a doctor’s note and everything cuddling and warm hugs she gets during the fall and winter. bc she’s a cold-blooded baby. summer and spring are only more enjoyable bc she’s not sluggish or fucking c o l d. also she gets to wear her best and ugliest clothes to piss all of her more fashion concerned friends and family off.
zoe loves winter and fall for like other things tho. like being able to get all of the people she cares about presents for the holidays without having to come up with a reason (bc everyone around her is so damn suspicious) or the festivities or having an excuse to shove her freezing cold hands under people’s shirts and startling them.
summer and spring are fun because she doesn’t get allergies like everyone else (boo you whore) and because she likes to spend a lot of her time at home at the ranch when she can. ALSO she gets to see more of the kids she hosts pottery/clay classes for bc they’re all off school and she loves her kids!!!
thank you for asking!!! (also i apologize this is so much)
send me asks about zoe!!!
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