#also i bring up hero feathers despite sitting on almost 400k of them
iturbide · 5 years
I dont use my grails much, so i wish there was a trade feature so i could let you have them. I honestly barely use them
I have wanted trade features forever though part of that is because I would love to trade Heroes and help people get characters they might have missed.  
What I would really love is if Heroes instituted some kind of currency exchange system, where we could throw our excess currency in and get out something that’s severely limited -- like chucking some of my 65k Arena Medals in for Refining Stones or Sacred Coins, or my maxed out Universal Crystals for Hero Feathers, or even my hundreds of thousands of badges/great badges for Heroic Grails.  There could be a steep trade rate, sure, but honestly I would love to get some of this stuff out of my inventory because there are several currencies I literally cannot hold more of and yet they keep giving them to me. 
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