#also i am sorry for putting her ass on emile but once i put him in this fit i wanted his tummy to be visible
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they're having a slumber party. best not to knock tho... 😳 (feat. @hythlodaes's emile, my io, and of course estinien ♥)
#azia gposes#iomilien#io laithe#emile jenidaut#emilien#io/estinien#when i tell you posing three giants is HARD!#so so worth it tho... like. i snapped with this one#ty for sending me the pose gigi!!! they deserve it :>#all the TOUCH!!! emilien with the open mouth kiss.... io feeling herself while being felt up#i just know she's doing the most blissed out body rolls during this. ready to make them act up!!#also i am sorry for putting her ass on emile but once i put him in this fit i wanted his tummy to be visible#CUTE TO ME#anyway. i'm gonna be thinking about this for the rest of forever
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Folds in Paper (Chapter 7: Not Much Has Changed but They Lived Underwater)[Folds in Time Universe]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Janus/Patton, Remus & Roman, eventual Logan/Virgil (maybe more)
Main: Janus, Patton, Remus
Appear: Remy, Emile, Virgil, Logan, Roman
Summary: Janus, a disillusioned senior agent working for the Time Preservation Initiative, struggles to find meaning in a world where time travel could change everything about your life’s history in less than a moment. When time distortions start popping up, threatening the timeline and the fabric of reality as he knows it, it becomes a race against the clock to fix the damage before everything unravels. And the problem with time travel… you never how long you have before the clock strikes 12 and your time is up.
With a partner who has more mysteries in his past than Janus had anticipated and an enigmatic free agent time traveler mucking about time always with a clever pun or a time appropriate pet name on his lips, Janus will need to figure out what went wrong with time, and more importantly, how to fix it.
Chapter Summary:
Stood there with my neighbor called Peter
And a flux capacitor
He told me he built a time machine
Like one in a film I've seen, yeah
He said
“I've been to the year 3000
Not much has changed, but they lived underwater
And your great-great-great-granddaughter
Is doing fine
Doing fine"
-”Year 3000″ by the Jonas Brothers
(Can you spot all of the horrible, horrible puns and references??)
Notes: Time travel AU, mystery, enemies to lovers, alcohol
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
I also have a playlist on youtube (because Spotify didn’t have one of the songs I wanted).
AO3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
“Him,” was the only thing Janus said before taking off after the figure who had just disappeared into the games area.
“What?” Remus’s voice followed after him. “Janus! What?!”
Janus did not pause, continuing to run after Pat and bounding over two barricades as a shortcut to the protest of some of the workers. Janus cursed when he lost sight of the man for just a moment near the prize table filled with colorful goldfish, but he was able to spot him once again walking into one of the game tents. Janus blasted into the tent after him.
The game taking place in the tent was apparently one where they raced rats, and when Janus entered, Pat was cooing at one of said rats. “Who’s a tiny little squishy precious baby?” he was asking while wiggling his pointer finger at it.
“You,” Janus growled stepping up to him.
Pat turned and tilted his head at Janus with a frown. “Um, me?” he asked, pointing to his chest, all sorts of innocent, but Janus could see a spot of hidden amusement in his eyes.
“Where is it?”
His eyebrows drew together, but it was an act. It was clearly an act! “Where is what?”
“The…” he glanced around at the people surrounding them. They were already getting odd looks. “Thing you just took.”
“I didn’t take anything,” Pat said with a frown.
“Oh, no,” Janus said. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fooling me twice is not an option.”
“I’m sorry sir,” Pat said. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Bull. Shit.”
Just then, the colorful blob of paint that was Remus jogged into the tent. “What’s going on?” he asked.
“It’s him,” Janus said pointing. “He took it. He has it.”
“I… don’t know what you’re talking about,” Pat said. He looked over to Remus with a confused frown.
Remus looked at Janus. “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Janus said. “It’s him. It has to be him. He’s the mask guy.”
Remus squinted at Pat. “He is?”
“Whoever you think I am, I’m not. I haven’t worn a mask all night. I just did the face paint,” he pointed to his cheeks.
Remus raised his wrist and his timepiece lit up green. He looked at Janus.
“I lost sight of him for five seconds. He must have stashed it somewhere,” Janus said. He turned on Pat. “Where did you put it?”
“…Are you,” Pat asked, his eyes going back and forth between Janus and Remus, “… the police?”
“We are, actually,” Khalid said as she stepped into the tent. Remus must have called her. She inserted herself between Janus and Pat. “Agent Khalid,” she said, offering a hand with a smile. Pat looked at it in surprise and then smiled back hesitantly as he took it. “Apologizes, one of the big game prizes was stolen by someone matching your description. Would you mind coming down to security for questioning? Just to clear it up.”
“Oh,” Pat said, hesitant. Janus expected him to refuse outright, but then he said. “Uh, sure.”
“Thank you very much, Mr…”
“Jonas,” Pat told her earnestly. “Do I need to be handcuffed?”
“No,” Khalid said. Janus frowned at her, but she ignored him. “It’s just a talk for now.” She gestured to the tent entrance. “Come with us.”
He did without argument, and Remus and Janus followed behind the both of them. Khalid did not lead them back to the base, but to a little spot that said “security” near the center of the event. Remy was already there waiting for them at a desk.
“Remy, would you please take Mr. Jonas to go sit down?” she asked.
“Sure, boss,” Remy said, standing up. He led Pat away.
Khalid turned to Janus and Remus once they were out of earshot. “What is going on?”
“It’s the mask man,” Janus said, “the one from 1923, and my scanner said the time bomb was on the Millenia Bird outside the games entrance, but then it was gone the next second, and I saw him, and then he ran away.”
“So, does he have it on him?”
“No. I lost sight of him, and he must have stored it somewhere, but I know he took it.”
“He’s the man from 1923?” she asked.
“Yes! Remus, that’s him, right? You recognize him.”
“Well,” Remus said thoughtfully. “He was in a mask, and it was dark in the room with the necklace. Other than that, I only really saw his back, and he was wearing pants. Mr. Jonas is wearing a dress, so I can’t really tell if their asses match.”
“Okay, but I was with him for hours. I swear it’s him, and I swear he took it,” Janus just about shouted.
“We’ll question him,” Khalid placated, “and Fred and Lena will keep looking in the meantime.”
“He knows where it is,” Janus insisted. “I swear.”
“Okay,” Khalid said, before leaving to follow where Remy and Pat had gone. She stopped Janus with a hand on his shoulder. “I think Remus and I will do the interrogation.” He opened his mouth to argue. “You know the most about him, so observe from the sidelines and see if he makes any mistakes that indicate you’re right.”
“That’s just to placate me and you know it.”
“Observation’s over there,” she said pointing.
He got a thumbs up from Remus as he walked by, and Janus glared at his back before walking off to the indicated location. He watched as Remus and Khalid entered the room, and Remy left it. Remy joined him in the observation room after leaving and leaned against the wall.
Pat was sitting at a table and watched Remus and Khalid with that same rubbish placid confusion that he had before. “So,” Khalid said, “Mr. Jonas.”
“You can call me Nick,” Pat interrupted.
“Lia,” Khalid replied. He smiled at her happily. “So, are you enjoying your day?” she asked.
“I am!” he replied. “It’s a big day. You only get to see the turn of a millennia once in your life, and so much as changed in the last 1,000 years. I’m a bit disappointed we can’t live under water yet though.”
“Ah, yes,” Khalid said. “Doing anything special for it?”
“Um, not really,” he said. “other than the city block party. I’m going to meet up with my roommates after dinner. Kevin doesn’t like this sort of thing, and Joe couldn’t come.”
“Your roommates,” Khalid said, considering him. “Do you live around here?”
“Uh huh,” Pat replied.
“Do you have any ID?”
“I do, want me to get it?”
“If you wouldn’t mind.”
Pat unzipped one of the bubbles on his waist and handed her a chip. “Clockson, would you mind going out and getting the ID scanner?” she asked, even though her timepiece would be able to read it.
“Ah, shit,” Remy said. “Props. What do those things even look like?” As Remy scrambled to find something that would pass for an ID reader so ‘Nick’ didn’t get suspicious of Khalid using her timepiece, Janus watched the two alone in the room like a hawk.
“I see you’re wearing a dress inspired by the 2770s,” Khalid noted, as Remus came to stand next to him.
“Yeah!” Pat replied. “Joe made it for me. He’s really good at fashion design!”
“Can I see?” she asked.
With a happy smile, he reached over the table to let her get a look of the sleeves. Janus saw her subtly scan the fabric, probably to make sure it was from the 2990s and not actually from the 2770s. Considering she didn’t mention it, Janus assumed it checked out.
Remy came back with some sort of device then and handed it to Remus who saluted and wandered back into the interrogation room. Khalid pretended to scan the ID in her hand. She handed it back to him without comment. “So, you said you live with your roommates: Joe and Kevin?” she asked.
“Yep!” he replied. “We’re practically like brothers.”
“Would you mind calling them?”
“Erm,” he titled his head like he was confused by the question. “Well, like I said, Joe is a bit busy, but I could definitely call Kevin.
“Here,” Khalid said, “use my phone.”
“I have my own,” he said with a frown. He took out a phone which checked out as being from 2998.
“Humor me,” she requested shoving her own phone at him.
“Uh, okay,” Pat agreed. He took the offered 2999 phone and dialed a number on it. Khalid reached over to put it on speaker.
“Hello?” a voice asked after a few seconds.
“Um, hey Kevin, it’s Nick.”
There was a sigh on the other end. “Hello Nick, is something wrong? Why are you calling me from someone else’s phone?”
“I’m fine, I think.” He looked up at Khalid. “Why am I calling him exactly?”
“Hello, I’m Officer Khalid,” Khalid said. “I just wanted to confirm that you are Nick Jonas’s roommate, and he does live in Manaus.”
“Yes, we live together with our other roommate,” the man replied flippantly. “Officer? Is something wrong?”
“I believe there was just a case of mistaken identity,” Khalid said.
“Bullshit there was!” Janus hissed, though she could not hear him.
“No need to worry,” Khalid continued.
“I’m good Kevin,” Pat said.
“Are you absolutely sure?” Kevin asked.
“Don’t be Paranoid, Kevin. I’ll see you Tonight for the New Years Celebration. You know I Live to Party.”
“I am hanging up now,” Kevin said.
“No! Comeback.” The line went dead. Pat handed the device back to Khalid.
She took it and smiled at him. “Give us just a couple of minutes,” she requested. He nodded easily, and she and Remus exited the interrogation room. “I… think we’re done here,” Khalid said.
“No, he’s lying,” Janus insisted, and got a dubious look in return. “I know he is! Remus!”
“The alibi is pretty solid…” Remus said, “and he doesn’t have the bomb on him.”
“Oh, come on,” Janus said. “You can’t say there is nothing fishy going on here.”
Khalid and Remus shared a look. “Janus,” Khalid said. “I respect your intuition. It is usually very good, but you have been a bit intense about the man from the 1920s, and I think that may be blinding you a bit...”
“I am not imagining this!” Janus said. “That’s him and he took it.”
“You only met him once while he was wearing a mask,” Khalid pointed out with a frown, “and you didn’t see him take the bomb, did you?”
“No, but he looked at me and I knew,” Janus argued. They both gave him a skeptical look. “Oh, come on!”
“You know that’s a little weak, Jan,” Remus said.
“Let me talk to him,” Janus requested. “Just give me five minutes to talk with him.”
Khalid raised one eyebrow. “Fine,” she agreed. “You have five minutes, but after that, you have to let it go. We can’t waste any more time.”
Want to read more? Click below!
AO3 Part 8 Part 9
#sanders sides#janus sanders#patton sanders#remus sanders#moceit#logan sanders#folds in paper#folds in time universe#adriana writes#virgil sanders#analogical#time travel#bomb mentioned#roman sanders#creativitwins
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Stories: Please Read
Edit because I’m a fuckin moron that forgot the Soul-Mate Aus for Little Fortune. Sorry about that.
Alright so sorry about this, I swear I’m halfway through the first Chapter for both Run Boy Run and New Beginnings. But anyway here we are, these are the 14 stories I’m working on, and yes I am well aware that it’s not a good Idea but fuck it, I’m havin’ fun so Anyway. These are the title’s and they will have Descriptions of who is in it and what the Au is and also, yes all of them have soul-mate Au's (y'all couldn’t even rip this from my cold dead hands) many of them are different ones from each other. (Also each of them are embodiment's of something for each other which will be explain at the bottom) Also some of these are inspired by or have parts that are inspired by @oh-itskitkat and I’ll put Links to the ones that Inspired what and if they inspired the story are something that will happen in the story. Also please go check out her shit, it’s amazing. Everything will be under a read more because This post is long as fuck.
1. The Kings and Their Queen which you can find here @thekingsandtheirqueen
2. No Place Like Home
I legit Cannot explain this you just gotta read it. But I can tell you that it’s a non-traditional A/B/O au and a Hero X Villain Au
Characters: Liru, Anti, JJ, Illinois, Yancy, Emile, Remy, Virgil, Jack, Jackie, Marvin, Henrik, Chase, Dark, Wilford, Jamie, Sammi, Oliva, Roman, Remus, Patton, Thomas, Logan, Janus, Robbie, Yan, Ethan, Tyler, Mark, Kira, and the rest will be added later on.
Soul-Mate Aus:
1. Soul-Mark Au
2. Every so often you will get flashes of what your soulmate is seeing at the time, but your soulmate doesn’t know when it happens.
Inspired by: https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/613250836029734912/so-youre-just-gonna-up-and-leave-without-a
3. Once Upon A Dream
This one can’t be explained without spoilers so your just gonna have to read it.
Characters: Liru, Henrik, Jackie, Marvin, Chase, Jack, Yan, Robbie, Anti
Soul-Mate Au: Soul-Marks
Inspiration for scenes:
1. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/617661429060911104/those-arent-birds-please-do-not-stealrepost
2. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/616741587195658240/ill-wait-here-then-please-do-not
3. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/614495447412834304/just-a-little-while-longer-please-do-not
4. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/613412510108909568/a-much-needed-break-please-do-not-stealrepost
5. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/190358452918/purring-is-simply-soothing-or-self-soothing
6. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/617016760676335616/catching-up-please-do-not-stealrepost
7. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/190596652918/tending-the-garden-please-do-not
4. Run Boy Run
This one can’t be explained without spoilers so your just gonna have to read it.
Characters: Liru, Anti, Jackie, JJ, Marvin, Chase, Jack, Henrik, Robbie, Yan, Remy, Virgil, Remus, Wilford, Roman, Remy, Emile, Jacques, Angus, Sam, Shawn, Patton, Logan, Magnum, Janus, Wilford, Dark, Mark, Thomas. (Maybe some more Iplier ego’s not sure yet but we’ll get there when we get there)
Soul-Mate Au’s:
1. Soul-Mark appearing through Touch
2. Remembering Past Life through touch.
5. New Beginnings
Multiverse type thing. JJ, Dark and Wilford are from the same universe, Jack and Marvin are from the same one, Logan, Patton, Janus and Virgil are from the same one, Roman and Remus are the same one. Something bad happens in each of their universes resulting in them winding up in the main.
Main: Liru, Anti, Yancy, Jack, Chase, Thomas, Mark, Henrik, Emile, Remy, Robbie
1920 ish(don’t hate me because I doubt anything will be accurate): JJ, Dark, Wilford
Hero Vs. “Villain”: Jackie and Marvin
Medieval Fantasy: Roman and Remus
Pathos, Ethos, Logos and their dark strange son: Patton, Janus, Logan, Virgil
Characters: Liru, Anti, Jackie, Henrik, Chase, Jack, Marvin, JJ, Yancy, Emile, Remy, Yan, Robbie, Roman, Remus, Janus, Patton, Logan, Virgil
Soul-Mate Au’s:
1. Telepathic Soul-Mates
2. Soul-Mark appearing through Touch
Story: https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/612154125154664448/how-did-i-get-here-please-do-not-stealrepost
Hero vs “Villain”
A. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/190615542808/head-in-the-clouds-please-do-not-stealrepost
B. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/183388705923/its-magic-bro-please-do-not-stealrepost
Medieval Fantasy :
Pathos, Ethos, Logos and their dark strange son:
6. Family Against All
Scp au type thing (I’m using what information my brain can retain but I know alot of it is inaccurate, please don’t hate me).
Liru is a lot shyer and quieter in this one. She is avoiding the SCP Foundation heavily because they are looking for her after an incident where she lost temporary control of her abilities which had caused a temporary rift in the fabric of reality. Mark and Jack are still YouTubers in this and Chase is too.
Liru will find the more innocent or even objects of SCP's and take them home. She also has some that the SCP foundation hasn't discovered.
Henrik doesn't tell his brothers where he works. He tells them he's a doctor though and leaves it at that.
His first chapter will him discovering Anti and just straight up Freezing in his tracks because that's his little brother. And he doesn't know why he knows or knows how he knows he just does. and repeat for Jameson, and Marvin and Jackie(but they're older siblings except JJ of course) And when he discovers Robbie he nearly loses his shit but manages to keep it together because Holy Shit Thats A Child.
He's never met them before. And now he has to figure out why he knows them before anyone else can figure out that they aren't doppelgangers or something and has to figure out why there is a 6 year old child that never talks but when he does he's screaming for his mom.
Characters: Liru, Anti, Jackie, Henrik, Chase, Jack, Marvin, JJ, Robbie, Yan, Dark, The Googles, Bing, The Host, Bim, Wilford, Mark(Maybe the kids)
Soul-Mate Au: Telepathic Connection through knowing soul-mates Preferred Full Name, has to go both ways before connecting.
7. A Burning Soul
It's a Hero x Villains Au, Jackie is the "Hero"(unknowingly works for the bad guy) and Liru, Celine and Yancy are the "Villains" who are in a polyamorous relationship and are trying to get Jackie to switch to there side so he can be protected. A bit more insight is that Jackie was threatened with the safety of someone close to him to be a "Hero" and the other "Hero's" He works with are there to keep him on a leash. While Celine, Liru and Yancy(mostly Liru because she's the one he interacts with the most) Try their best to convince him to join them so they can help him.
Characters: Liru, Celine, Jackie, Yancy, Robbie, Yan, Virgil, Remy, Emile
Soul-Mate Au: Where you have a splotch of color of your soul-mates soul where your soul-mate touches you skin to skin for the first time. It burns when touched for the first time so there's no missing it. It will only stop burning when you accept your Soul-Mate.
8. A Chase Down the Rabbit Hole
This started because of the one-shot I made for Chases birthday and now it’s gonna be a story. I can’t really tell much without spoiling a lot of it so here are the characters in it and the soul-mate au.
Characters: Liru, Chase, Henrik, Jackie, Jack, Anti, JJ, Marvin, Angus, Jacques, Shawn, Sam, Jaym, Katie, Gabriel, Roman, Remus, Kiara, Uma (Possibly the other sides but eh we’ll see)
Soul-Mate Au: Gains Mark Through First Touch
9. Death and Her Soulmates
Alright so the first one is Gonna be Called Death and then whatever soulmate is in it. It's all connected to one story though but they come in one-shots. For instance Liru and Remus would be "Death and Green Sword" or if it's Liru and Roman It's "Death and the Red Shield". Anti and her would be "Death and the Angel" or her and JJ would be "Death and the Master of Time". Robbie and her would be "Death and the Lavender Boy" (every time I see the words Lavender boy my mind sings it to the tune of "Calendar girl") Thomas and her would be "Death and the Rainbow Heart" and the ones that don’t Involve her Would be “The Lightning bug and The Angel”(Jack and Anti) The entire character List is in the story.
Soul-Mate Au’s:
1. Markings gained through touch.
2. The ability to send gifts to your soul-mate/s once a year (You choose something and it appears to them but nothing “living”)
10. Sacred Motives
Inspired by https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/616607308121849856/you-got-your-ass-handed-to-you-by-a-man-in-a
Alright so for what led up to “You got your ass handed to you by” “a man in a cat mask, yes!”. Marvin was getting an Artifact back that belongs to JJ that humans have taken. It's not the only artifact as well. Humans had raided a sacred place, where a bunch of important artifacts were and they stole, which now they are trying to get back. And they’re gonna get more than they expected.
Characters that are in it:
The "What do you have?" “Humans: Your artifacts!” “NO!” is:
Liru, Marvin, Chase, Anti, JJ ,Robbie, Sammi, Jamie, Yan, Yancy, Emile, Remy, Virgil
The "don't know that the sacred artifacts belong to the other side" is:
Jackie, Henrik, Jack, Oliva, Wilford, Dark (unwillingly dealing with the other bullshit because Wilford and Jack are somehow friends)
and the “why did you encourage her to get entangled in mortal affairs, Remus”:
Roman, Remus, Labadon, Logan, Patton, Thomas
Soul-Mate Aus:
1. You can see numbers over your soul-mate’s/soulmates’ heads indicating how dangerous they are 1-100 anything higher than 100 is “Most-likely” Inhuman. The number is in their favorite color and their hand writing.
2. The first thing you soul-mate says to you becomes written on your body.
Inspiration for scene:
11. Little Fortune
So the best way I can explain it is that It started with Anti meeting Liru at a Park and because he had nothing better to do he just kinda sat and talked with her and after that they just kept meeting up Until Anti actually takes her on a Date one night. She gets into a fight with her Acquaintance on the phone(she's visiting Brighton for work) So Anti invites her over so she doesn't have to go back to the hotel room(I should mention that they are ego's in this) So the go back to the Septic house and she stays the night(nothing dirty happens don’t worry) And the others wake up before Anti and Liru and notice that there are heels by the front door so of course they rush up to Anti's room only to see them both Dead asleep on his bed just cuddling(Anti's the little spoon). They freeze at the sight and due to both the door slamming open and the light bleeding in they both wake up. After an explanation and a near attempted murder on Anti's part they let her stay for the time being and despite the fact that they were supposed to erase the memories of anyone who finds out about them they don't because they see the way she reins in Anti before he can even start. And over the months she keeps visiting and they all begin to notice something is a bit strange about her. And on top of that they have to juggle trying not to let Jack find out about her and trying to ignore the feelings that they gain for her(can't wait to write those parts:) ). And the thing is Liru doesn't even notice something is off about her but Anti does and just assumes she knows and thinks that she'll tell him when she's ready. And more often than not she is seen at their house even when she goes back to Oregon, Anti just keeps bringing her over via teleportation.
Characters: Liru, Anti, Jackie, Henrik, Chase, Jack, Marvin, JJ, and some will be added later on.
Soul-Mate Au’s:
1. Songs sung by your Soulmate are stuck in your head.
2. Music that’s stuck in your Soulmate’s/Soumates’ head/s is stuck in yours as well.
3. You have accessories/an accessory that represent your Soulmates/Soulmate
Inspirations for scenes:
1. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/190358452918/purring-is-simply-soothing-or-self-soothing
2. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/616293064973189120/not-all-angels-have-wings-please-do-not
3. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/190866033653/never-too-old-please-do-not-stealrepost
4. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/615127312520871936/on-the-11th-of-april-a-drop-of-sunshine-fell-to
12. Songs of the Lost Souls
It's kinda a Hero and Villain x "Civilian" type things and it's Jackie and Anti but the others are also into her(Liru) The Characters in this are Jackie, Angus( the survival Hunter) Marvin, Jacques(the french "ego" from passepartout), Henrik, Chase, Jack, Anti, Shawn Flynn, JJ and S34N(he's an android "underdevelopment"(he was considered to be to human) who Anti accidentally saved).
This takes place in some random metropolis that Liru Moved to to get away from a rather bad past. She's friends with Jacques, Shawn and Sam(S34N) and they Helped her get a rather expensive apartment that she doesn’t need to pay because Jacques already has(“To help a fellow painter out.” “Jacques I Will throw you off this balcony. WHY?!”) Jacques, Shawn and Sam are all types of Artists, Jacques is a rather Famous Painter, Shawn is a hand drawn animation artist. Sam is a sculptor.
Liru’s Older brothers are Roman and Remus and they live in Florida with Roman’s husbands and their three adopted children but they came from Oregon. The reason why Jacques paid for her apartment is because he wanted to help her out of her bad situation despite the fact he knew virtually nothing about it. So the story starts a few days after she moves into the apartment. Also I should mention that Marvin helps out Jackie in his fights against Anti when Anti is particularly aggressive.
Characters: Liru, Jackie, Angus, Marvin, Jacques, Henrik, Chase, Jack, Anti, Shawn, JJ and S34N(Sam), Roman, Remus, Patton, Janus, Thomas, Emile, Remy, Virgil, Sammi, Jamie
Soul-Mate Au’s:
1. When you and your soul-mate touch for the first time, what your song together is will be written on your body with your’s and your soul-mates handwriting and favorite color. And it doesn’t matter how small it is or if it’s in a different language you can always understand it.
2. When your soul-mate is singing you can’t get the song they’re singing out of your head.
3. When the two soul-mates finally sing their song together that their souls essentially connect to each-other finally and it allows them to gain certain abilities they have. Like in a human sense if one could speak Spanish and the other couldn't and when they sing their song together for the first time the person who couldn't speak Spanish now can but not as well as the original. And say the one that couldn’t speak Spanish was really flexible but the Spanish speaker wasn't so when they sing together for the first time the Spanish speaking one becomes somewhat flexible.
Inspirations for Scenes:
1. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/611367312035119104/under-my-umbrella-please-do-not-stealrepost
2. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/610901204242972672/somewhere-in-time-inspired-by
3. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/616210494266671104/10-million-fireflies-please-do-not-stealrepost
13. Soul Pack
(Harry Potter au sorta it doesn’t take place in his time) I do not have a description for this so when It comes out I hope you’ll enjoy it.
Characters: Everyone, every single one of them will wind up in it.
Soul-Mate Au’s:
1. Telepathic Connection since birth but gets stronger the more you know your Soul-Mate.
2. Whatever you write on your skin appears on your Soulmate’s/Soulmates’.
14. For The Divine
It's Kinda different from the others. This one is where Liru, Roman and Remus start out as humans and the others are Gods or Divine beings whatever you wanna call them. And the others are looking for the last pieces of themselves(aka soulmates). And eventually they one by one begin to stumble upon Either, Roman, Remus or Liru.
With Roman, Remus and Liru. Roman and Remus are Liru's Legal Guardians (although she is 21 in this, they're 34 though they don't look it, just like Thomas doesn't look like he's thirty in real life.) Roman, Remus and Liru inherited everything that they're family owned after they all mysteriously died off,(Remus killed them but Roman doesn't know but he suspects but he never said anything because that is A. his brother and B. He thought they deserved it as well(they did) Liru knows because she remembers him telling her that they ever laid a hand on her he's kill them all(He did) and she never said anything because she knew that they deserved it as well. and this was when Roman and Remus were 19.
They both quickly adopted Liru before they could put her in the system and when Liru was in school one day and a teacher made a horrible remark about her brothers taking her in, she mentioned it "Offhandedly" to Roman where Remus would hear. And the next day when Roman and Remus(for the sake of appearances) went to go talk to the teacher about it, the teacher had already been murdered the night before by some of Remus' "Friends". Roman is both a Fashion Designer and Model, Remus is a Painter, Liru is a Fashion Designer(Both Roman and Remus model for her when she needs help figuring out what to do with it) and Painter, she also makes jewelry and Masks to go with her and Romans designs. They all base their outfits/paintings/statues around the animals that represent there Soulmates.
Characters: All of them Minus Jaym and Katie.
Soul-Mate Au’s:
1. You have an animal(or in their cases, animals) that represent your soulmate/s
2. Gained Telepathic Link through getting to know your Soulmate. The more you know and trust them, the stronger the Link and the more control you have over it.
Inspiration for Scenes
1. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/190596652918/tending-the-garden-please-do-not
Alright now for the embodiment thing.
So I was Originally Only gonna do it for the Sanders but It just bleed over into the others. But anyway so it's essentially that they are an embodiment of certain things for there soul-mates For example, Logan Is Logic (so when any of them actually stop and think instead of diving right in Logan can tell) or Anti is Curiosity (for instance if on of the were to notice something they are unfamiliar with and they can't help but investigate Anti can tell) Or Robbie is Child-Like Wonder like the feeling you get when your a kid and you see presents under the tree on Christmas morning or Like that one Here Be Dragons from that SCP Unity episode Mark did. Robbie can feel when they feel that but at the same time it doesn't necessarily mean that they have to be a feeling or something you use. For instance Damien is the Embodiment of the Day and he can get a sense of where is soulmates are and whether or not they are in danger.
#Antisepticeye#Liru Sokdere#Roman Sanders#Remus Sanders#Remy Sanders#Emile Picani#Yancy#Yandereiplier#Robbie the Zombie#Chase Brody#Darkiplier#Wilford Warfstache#Henrik Von Schneeplestein#Jameson Jackson#Jacksepticeye#Jackaboy Man#Marvin the Magnificent#Patton Sanders#Janus Sanders#Logan Sanders#Shawn Flynn#S34N#Jacques Septique#Virgil Sanders#Angus the Survival Hunter#Google IRL#Google Red#Google Green#Google Yellow#Jaym Skywalker
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When you walk away (nothing more to say)
Chapter 1 - The new kid
Trigger warnings: uhhh selective mutism?, swearing, sympathetic Deceit and Remus
word count: somewhere around 3,000
Author's note: do not hold me responsible for any cringiness, I've written this a long time ago
As soon as the bell rang Roman put his books in the bag and was out the door.
"Remember to submit your essay on Thursday!" Mrs. Harrison said just in time for Roman to hear before he headed to his locker. There, he already saw Patton.
"Hey, Pat! Long time no see!" he waved to his friend and began to unlock his locker.
Patton looked at him with a confused smile, "We talked to each other an hour ago," he put his math textbook into his locker before closing it and hugging Roman.
"An hour too long," the other laughed. Roman opened his eyes to see Logan approaching them, "Hey, specs, finally decided to join us?"
At the mention of Logan, Patton spun around and hugged the other too, "Hey Lo!" Roman could practically see Logan tense under the touch, but he didn't pull back.
"Nice to see you too, Patton," after the said boy freed his from his embrace, Logan adjusted his glasses on his face, "So, shall we go eat? I haven't eaten anything all day, so I would appreciate if we could go to the cafeteria now," the other two nodded and headed down the hallway, Patton scolding Logan about how skipping meals isn't healthy.
The cafeteria food was awful, like always, but Logan didn't seem to mind. Well, not as much as the other two. Roman and Patton didn't get any food, Logan and Patton bickering about hypocrisy and food habits, Roman didn't pay attention, too busy scrolling Instagram to care. What pulled him to reality was an exaggerated cough. The cough also happened to stop Logan and Patton, all of them looking up to the source of the sound.
Patton smiled at the tall stranger in front of them holding a lunch tray, "Can I help you?" the stranger gestured at himself and then at a chair at their table. Patton furrowed his eyebrows, but the smile didn't leave his face, "I'm sorry, I don't understand? Maybe use your words?" the stranger's eyebrows shot up as if he was saying something passive-aggressive, then pointed at himself and then at the chair, but this time more firmly. Patton looked between Roman and Logan, "I am really sorry, I-"
"He's asking if he can sit with you, dumbass," a voice came a few tables from their own. All four of them looked in the direction of the speaker, which the three recognized as Damon, the gossip of the school, "And before you say anything, you can sit with us, people who actually understand that maybe you can't speak," he turned to look at Patton with a plastic smile, which Roman knew he was doing on purpose.
Roman rolled his eyes, "Wow, so thoughtful. Last time I checked, you were the one making bets on which one of the choir will lose their voice first due to the intense training."
"Actually, that was me," said the other man sitting at the table with Damon, smiling like he was proud of himself.
Roman pinched the bridge of his nose, "That's even worse."
The stranger looked between the two tables, before walking over to the one where Damon and the other man sat. Roman scoffed, Logan squinted his eyes at the action, as if questioning the other's sanity, and Patton pouted about losing a potential friend, but soon the three got talking about biology homework that was due today, Roman begging Logan to let him copy it.
While that was happening, the stranger sat down next to the unnamed man, who was now smiling at him, "So why can't you speak?"
"Goddamnit Remus, you can't just ask people why they don't speak. Excuse him, I'm Damon," Damon laid a hand on his chest, "So, you're mute?"
The stranger shook his head.
Damon paused, "So you just don't speak?" the stranger shook his head again and pulled out a pen. He pointed at the notebook that Damon had on the table next to his textbook. Damon slid it to him. The stranger turned to the last page and tore it out as neatly as possible, then began writing on it. After he was done he turned it so the other two could see 'I have selective mutism, do you know what that is?'
"Oh, yeah," Remus exclaimed said, "Isn't that how people have an extreme phobia of speaking in public so much they, like, can't? I think I heard about that."
The unnamed man nodded, then began writing again: 'I can only speak to my uncle. He's a counsellor at this school, do you know him? Also, my name's Virgil'
Damon smirked, "Nice to meet you, Virgil. Yeah, we were both sent to Picani a few times obligatorily, like after Remus got into a fight with a teacher, or after I pierced my tongue in the school bathroom..." and Virgil just wondered what he had got himself into, "Do you call him Picani or Emile?" Virgil raised up two of his fingers, "Emile?" Damon concluded. Virgil nodded.
Remus chuckled, "That's so weird. You two look nothing alike. You don't even have the same eye colour."
Virgil shrugged, writing on the paper once more: 'lmao, yeah, a lot of people tell me that :D'
"I never saw you at the school, did you transfer here?" Damon tilted his head. This sentence took a little longer to write: 'I moved here after my mom lost custody of me (haha finally...) This is actually my first day here. Before, I went to a school in Jacksonville.'
"Oh my god, I've never been there! Is it true that they eat raccoons in there?" Virgil looked at Remus and slowly shook his head. At that, Remus let out a sad sound.
"What about your father?"
Virgil scrunched his shoulders and looked away.
"It's okay," Damon dismissively waved his arm, "I don't know who my dad is, so I understand if you don't wanna talk about him."
Virgil gave him a warm smile and moved his hand to his lips and down and away, and if Damon didn't know any better, he would've thought he was blowing him a kiss. The problem was, Damon didn't know any better. Virgil must've seen the confusion on his and Remus' face, as he wrote down something again: 'That means thank you in asl. Do u know sign language?"
Damon and Remus shook their heads.
'Do you wanna teach it?'
"Hell yeah!" Remus shouted loud enough so that the few tables, including the one with his brother, turned to look at them.
Damon scoffed, "Of course not, why would I wanna add to my list of skills and make it easier for more people to communicate with me? Such a waste of time.."
Virgil smiled at him and let out a chuckle. Damon reached over and took the piece of paper and pen, then began writing on it. Virgil furrowed his eyebrows, which shot up his forehead when he was handed the paper and pen back.
"That's my number," Damon pointed at it.
Virgil flinched when his arm was pulled away, his sleeve being pushed up, only to have a pen pressed to it, "Aaand this is my number" Remus added a heart to it. He also tried to draw a dick on his arm but Virgil yanked his arm away and smudged the drawing out of existence.
Virgil signed 'thanks' again, only this time the couple actually smiled at him.
"We're having a movie night tonight, you wanna come?" Remus supported his head by putting his hand on his cheek, pushing it up slightly, "You gotta walk with us to my house though, gotta get there before they do," Remus looked at the table where Patton was pinching Logan's cheeks while Roman was recording the whole thing with his phone. Virgil contemplated it for a second. On one side, he met these people like 15 minutes ago. On the other side, he really needed to make some friends. Larger groups mean fewer bullies. Virgil nodded, "Great! I can't wait to piss them off!" it didn't sound sarcastic at all.
"What do you have next? Like as a period," Virgil took out his lesson plan, handing it to Damon, "Oh, we have the same class. Ms. Watson is the best teacher ever."
"She's a pain in the ass. A total drag. Everyone on this planet hates her," Remus exaggerated every insult with stabbing the table with the plastic fork, ultimately breaking it.
Damon nodded, "Yeah, basically."
The bell ripped through the cafeteria, some of the students, including Remus, flinching at the sound.
Remus began to walk away, "Well, girls, I'll see you later," he winked at them. Or at least they thought it was a wink, it looked more like a spasm. The two of them walked to the biology classroom together, Damon explaining how Virgil should just lay low and not cause trouble when it comes to Ms. Watson, or she'll blame you for third-degree murder. Virgil wasn't really sure if that was an exaggeration.
The classroom was a mess. Not in a literal sense, the class itself was pretty clean, but people were sitting and laying on tables, some we carving something into the chairs, other's sticking gum to the tables. Only one of the students waited by the door. Oliver, he was told. He watches for when the teacher comes. Speaking of the teacher, Oliver had turned away from the hallway and to his classmates, "She's coming! The fury is coming!"
Immediately, all the pupils were in their seats, no gum being chewed, no chairs being carved. They were all quiet when the teacher came in. She didn't say a word, closing the door after her and going straight to the attendance book. She furrowed her eyebrows after scanning down the page for a while.
"Virgil Blake?"
Virgil stood up, all of the eyes burning into him.
"You're new?" she raised an eyebrow.
Virgil nodded.
She closed the book, nodding slowly, "Do you have all the textbooks?"
Virgil nodded again.
She turned to the blackboard, "So, last week we talked about the cell structure of fungi. Today's lesson we will be..."
Virgil had sat down by that point, trying to focus on the lecture. That plan fell short as something hit the back of his neck, ending up in the hood of his hoodie. He reached behind, looking at the folded paper. He quietly tried to unwrap it, Damon already gaping at it before he even unwrapped it.
It was a drawing, a bad one at that. There was a cow with a plaid skirt and a black denim vest with a popped collar, similar to what Damon wore. There were also yellow circles scribbled over each other, which Virgil assumed was his hair. On the side was written 'COW' in capital letters. Virgil looked at Damon, who had pulled back to his chair and crossed his arms, looking at the floor next to him. Virgil quickly crunched up the paper and put it in his binder, the first thing he could think of to get it out of sight. Then he took a pen in his hand and began to write on his hand, eventually tapping Damon's shoulder and showing him the arm: 'I think you look really cool :)'
Damon chuckled sadly, looking up at Virgil, who smiled back. Damon put a hand to his lips and then away, mimicking the sign Virgil had taught him.
The heartfelt moment was interrupted by the deafening school bell, announcing the lesson was over, "Alright ya' little punks, the lesson is over, get ya' asses outta my classroom."
"Don't have to say that twice," Damon mumbled so quietly that even Virgil had to strain his ears to hear it. He had to resist the urge to burst into a fit of giggles. The rest of the day went as normal as it could, the three of them meeting in the hallway in-between lessons. Finally, the last bell rang and most of the class scrambled for the exit, including Patton and Virgil, who crashed into each other.
"Oh, sorry, didn't see ya there," Patton smiled up at Virgil, who had put his hands into a defensive manner and smiled tensely. Before Patton could say anything, Virgil was already being dragged away by Remus, who rembled about how they're gonna be there second and what not.
"Seriously, Roman is a fucking fast walker, we better hurry the fuck up," Damon had now joined the club, being dagged by Remus out of the building before any of them could protest.
"Oh, Virgil, here you are!" the three looked at the cheery voice, Remus not bothering to stop, so Virgil had to forcefully grab Remus by the back of his leather jacket, ultimately stopping him. His uncle, Emile, looked tensely between the three, "Already making friends I see?" Virgil nodded. He let go of Remus in favour of signing something that was beyond Damon's and Remus' knowledge, but Mr. Picani seemed to understand perfectly, "Why of course, just let me know if you need me to pick you up."
Virgil rolled his eyes and signed something shorter but still complicated. Mr. Picani seemed to tense up, "Are you sure?" he glanced between the two of them, then turned back to Virgil and spoke back, this time using sigh language. Virgil scoffed, signing back in a snappy manner, but then his expression relaxed. Mr. Picani nodded, "Alright then, I trust you. Just be sure to call me if you decide to stay the night," he hugged Virgil, who tried to scramble back and away from his uncle. Finally, Picani pulled back and Virgil stumbled a few steps back. Remus couldn't hold back a giggle. Virgil glared at him in exchange, signing something to Mr. Picani before he went to his car.
The three continued walking to Remus' house, which was not far from the school. Virgil noticed the chimney had smoke in it, smelling sweet. Remus reached under the welcome mat and pulled out a key, unlocking the door, "Ma, I'm home!"
"Hey, Remus, could you be an absolute sweetheart and go to the basement for more flour?" a short plum woman peeked out from the kitchen, "Hey Damon!"
"Hey, Ms. Addington."
Ms. Addington looked over at the other boy, "And who are you?" she smiled in a sweet way that makes teeth rot.
"That's Virgil," Damon gestured to him.
"Nice to meet you, are you new here?"
"He can't speak."
"Oh, my apologies then," she still smiled at him. She reminded him of uncle Emile in a way. She had this calm, cheerful atmosphere around her, he was sure they would get along well.
"Bad news, no flour to be found," Remus came out of the basement.
"Ah, fucking shit, what did I make all this shit for then?" she gestured at something on the counter that Virgil couldn't see. Wow, they would definitely not get along. For fuck's sake, uncle Emile had a swear jar.
"The hell do I know, you always try to be innovative," Remus answered, clearly unphased. He moved over to the living room, opening the tv stand where a bunch of DVDs were stacked on each other, "Alrighty, ladies, the selection for this movie night is: Nightmare on the elm street, The Black Cauldron, The Purge 2 ooooor," he reached into the back, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre."
Damon plopped down onto the couch, "Purge 2, a classic."
Virgil was sitting on the other side, nodding his head in agreement.
Remus opened the DVD player, "Chainsaw massacre it is then,"
"Hell no! We watched that last time and I fucking threw up! I am not doing that again!" Damon seemed livid, and Virgil kicked Remus in the back to state his disagreement.
"Fine, fine, Purge 2, but first, popcorn," Remus got up and went to the kitchen, then Damon walked upstairs to get blankets. So Vigil waited, looking over the DVD collection they had. There were all kinds of movies, from Sleeping Beauty to The Godfather, it really was quite a lot. Virgil heard the door open, looking at the figures stepping in.
"And then I was like, 'You really are', and then she-Hey, what the hell are you doing here?!" Roman looked panicked for a brief second before Remus ran into the living room loudly announcing that the popcorn is done, and Damon went down with 3 tons worth of blankets on his back. They had all settled down on the couch, Remus laying across both of their laps with his face in his hands.
"We're watching The Puuuurge tonight!" he said in a sing-songy voice.
Roman scoffed, "No, we're not! We're watching Lion King!"
"Mom! Roman is trying to establish dominance over the DVDs again!"
A quiet sigh could be heard from the kitchen, "For the last time, Remus, I don't even know what that means. Roman, Remus was here first, and you already had a movie night yesterday, let him have it."
Virgil never thought he would see someone look so betrayed, "But-" Ms. Addington walked into the living room, tsk-ing Roman.
"You forced us to watch Bambi three movie nights in a row, we're going to watch The Purge. You and your friends can go upstairs like Remus did if you don't like it," she waved stirring spoon in front of his face like a knife.
Finally, Roman gave in, as he sat down onto the floor and crossed his arms and legs. Logan did too, but Patton said he'd rather not watch it and went home.
It was about halfway through the movie that Roman went to his room because he was tired. Then, Ms. Addington, Natalie, as Virgil had learned, fell asleep in her chair. Next was Logan to go, who got too tired from analyzing all the inconsistencies and bickering with Remus. Now, it was only the three that remained, Remus usually shouting words of encouragement for the killers or telling the other two better and more effective methods of killing someone. He was splayed over Damons and Virgil's legs, lying on his stomach. He eventually went out too, snoring slightly and drooling on Virgil's pants, which he found both disgusting and incredibly funny. Damon and Virgil sat in silence, eating what was left of the popcorn. Damon didn't last until the credits. He didn't get to see that the main character didn't actually kill the guy he was after, which Virgil thought was a shame. So there he was, surrounded by a pile of sleeping bodies and it was getting close to midnight. He tried to reach for his phone, but as it was in his back pocket, it was no use. He finally fell asleep at 1 am, shortly after Damon shifted in his sleep and collapsed against him, leaving Virgil with no chance to move.
#sanders sides#virgil sanders#remus sanders#roman sanders#deceit sanders#sympathetic deceit#patton sanders#logan sanders#anxceitmus#slow burn#sanders side fic#when you walk away (nothing more to say)#<---that's what i'm gonna tag the chapters as
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Denmark x Reader - I'm NOT That Shy!
You were heading to school with [Friend #1] and [Friend #2]. Every weekday morning your friends complained about going to school. Sure it was boring and half of the time it was a total waste of everyone’s time. But you secretly loved it because you got to see Matthias everyday. He wasn’t that popular, but he was well known around the school. You were day dreaming about him that [Friend #1] had to snap you out of it. “Bro! We’re here!” She looked at you concerned. “Oh… S-sorry. I was just t-thinking.” You said in a half whisper. “Haha! Thinking of someone!” [Friend #2] jokingly said. You blushed and said, “N-no I wasn’t!” [Friend #1] chuckled and said, “Heheh… Alright let’s just go in. I don’t want to be late!”
You couldn’t stop thinking about him. He was so nice to people. Even though he was quite loud his attitude towards people makes up for it. You sighed. “It’s no use. I can never be with someone like him.” Negative thoughts took over you. “Miss [Last name]! Pay attention in the class or you will have detention!” The Science teacher yelled at you. “Y-yes Mrs. Alvarez!” You blushed lightly at the looks that were given to you by the class mates. “Now where were we? Ah! Yes.” Everyone went back to what they were doing. You sighed and thought to yourself. Maybe Tino can help me. He’s good friends with Matthias. The bell rang signaling for the next period. To your luck you had Tino in that class who also sat next you.
Getting into class before anyone you were playing around with your fingers waiting for the teacher and other class mates to arrive. Tino came in with a smile. He saw you and waved at you. “Hey [Name]! You’re earlier than usual. What’s up?” Tino smiled warmly at you. “I – Uh… I need to ask you a hypothetical question.” You asked Tino in your most confident voice you could muster up. “Sure. What is it?” “Umm… Well, if I liked this guy… How would I talk to him without looking like an idiot?” You said with much embarrassment. “Hmm… Well, be yourself. I’m sure Matthias would like you for you.” Tino smiled. “I – I never s-said anything about Matthias!” Your whole face turned red. “No you didn’t, but I already knew you had a crush on the danish guy.” Tino chuckled. “O-oh. Well, please don’t tell my friends! They can’t really keep secrets.” You pleaded. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” The bell rang and all of the students came rushing in the class.
Lunch finally came around and you were sitting besides [Friend #1] who was talking to [Friend #2] about this new anime she was watching. You ate your lunch in silence. Watching Matthias talk with Lukas, Berwald, Tino, and Emil. Sometimes you were kind of jealous of Tino because he always talked to Matthias. “T-that’s it! I’m not going to be shy anymore!” You exclaimed to yourself. “What? Did you say something [Name]?” [Friend #1] said confused. “N-nope! Nothing at all!” You laughed nervously. I have Matthias in the next class. Maybe I can ask him there. You thought with confidence. Lunch was over and you were thrilled to get to your next subject.
Rushing into the classroom and heading to the back of the class where you and Matthias usually sit together. You waited patiently and started thinking to yourself. M-maybe he’ll come late or - “Hey [Name]!” I guess not. You thought. Matthias sat next to you and grinned. “How are you [Name]? Matthias said very cheerfully. “I-i’m okay! I’m finally coming earlier to class than usual.” You laughed. Coming earlier to class? Who the fuck says that? Ugh! “That’s cools!” Matthias smiled. Silence soon fell between the both of you. Say it! Say it now! Come on [Name]! Now or never!
“Matthias I need to tell you something!”
“[Name] I need to tell you something!” Both of you said in sync.
“No you go first.” Once again you both said at the same time. The bell rang and you sighed. “I-i’ll tell you after school. I’ll wait for you at the gate okay?” You smiled. Matthias blushed slightly. “O-okay.” With that, everyone came in along with the teacher. You went back to your things and pulled out your notebook to begin the lesson. All the while Matthias looked at you when you weren’t looking.
School ended and you were relieved. You left class and headed to a different class to tell [Friend #1] and [Friend #2] that you would be walking home by yourself today. They were suspicious at first, but agreed anyways. You jogged your way outside to the entrance of the school. You stopped to take your breath when someone put a hand on your back. “Ah!” You jumped. Matthias put his hands in defense and laughed. “It’s just me [Name]. I didn’t mean to scare you.” “O-oh…Heheh. . Hi Matthias. Um… Sorry about that.” “It’s fine. Which way are we heading?” “This way.” You lead the way to a nearby park.
Walking over to a swing, You and Matthias sat yourself down. Once again silence was met with the both of you. “So… Should I start or you?” Matthias broke the silence. “Uh… I-ill go first.” You took a deep breath and sighed. “M-Matthias…uh. . I’ve liked. . No. .I’ve loved you for a really long time. I couldn’t tell you before because I was too shy to say anything. And I always thought you liked me as a friend only… B-but I would like to be more than that. M-Matthias would you be my b-boyfriend?” Your face turned all red. Matthias’ eyes widen in shock. He got up from the swing and went over to you, looking down on you with no expression. “I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Maybe you already have a girlfriend and -” Matthias silenced you with a soft kiss. Of course, you were surprised, but you didn’t complain.
“I would love to be your boyfriend [Name].” Matthias said grinning. You almost wanted to cry right on the spot, but you held back tears and instead lightly chuckled. You jumped on Matthias and kissed him one last time before going home.
“Wait… What am I going to tell my friends? They’re gonna go nuts or something.” You told him. “You’ll think of something. For now let’s enjoy each others company.” Matthias said lovingly. You just smiled.
~Extended Ending~
“Oh. My. God! I knew it!” [Friend #1] said out loud. “I’m so fucking happy for you [Name]!” [Friend #2] said hugging you tightly while Matthias laughed. “Y-you’re hurting me [Friend #2]!” “Oh. . Sorry~ I’m just so happy~!” “You! Matthias!” [Friend #1] pointed her finger at Matthias’ chest. “If you ever hurt [Name]… I will not hesitate to hunt your ass down… Got it?” She finish with a serious look. Matthias gulped and nodded. [Friend #1] smiled, “Good. Now go make her happy you sexy danish man!” You blushed and walked away with Matthias.
#anime fanfiction#anime x reader#anime fics#denmark aph#denmark x reader#reader insert#fanfiction#aph denmark#hetalia#hetalia fanfiction#anime#fanfic#cute#love#fluff#one shot#hetalia x reader#denmark
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