#also i am so obsessed with pollux’s character and i want to know everything about his life and how he became an avox his family EVERYTHING
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hrrystylesbookclub · 1 year ago
as someone who loves to reread books, i feel like the hunger games has some of the best rereadability
i’ve read each of the trilogy each least 5 times each, and tbosas twice, and every time i pick up something new, sometimes about panem as a whole, sometimes it’s character insights, sometimes it’s connections to the real world.
ive said it before, but suzanne such a brilliant author, and she manages to give every character such depth that makes them ALL such compelling characters
i just think it’s incredible how she can write books that fall perfectly into a ya dystopian genre and also provides such profound commentary on society and government
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impossible-rat-babies · 4 years ago
@elmshore tagged me to talk about my fic our reflections!
gonna put this mostly below the cut bc it might get long + im ewbarressed 2 talk bout my fics bc often there is a lot of imagery behind them sdjfls
i’m gonna tag: 
@bitchesofostwick, @trvelyans, @mournholdmushroom, @wayhavn, and anyone else who is a mutual who writes who wants to be just. jabber on about their fic i would love 2 hear it
the idea rumbling around in my head, if I’m remembering this correctly, came after the book three demo came out and there is the bounty on the detective’s head for their capture. this got me thinking about how “well it would make sense if the trappers actively went after the detective when they were alone, or otherwise indisposed.” 
That got me rolling on the idea of what happened in the aftermath of such an incident. I wanted more the aftermath rather than the whole omg the detective is in danger haha they’re saved by their LI! I don’t find that as compelling or interesting personally compared to them saving themselves, but they’re injured or had to find a way out of the situation themselves. Or both--I’m not picky.
It was also a sort of fic born out of the desire to see where pollux and mason get on each others nerves/where their conflicts reside. I love fluff between couples, but I also love exploring the more difficult and organic parts of two people together. which this fic was a really great place to explore that between the two of them, mostly because pollux is antagonistic towards asking for help or letting himself be helped. he doesn’t need to be babied in this instance and he had everything under control. the fact that mason is upset over the fact that it actually happened and pollux didn’t tell anyone is irrelevant in pollux’s mind. he got out of it with his life and he can tend his wounds in peace--he doesn’t need help. thus, we have a nice little conflict.
but a bit of dialogue or action that got stuck in my head when i was first drafting it was:
“....fucking hopeless.” Mason grumbles to himself and Pollux bunches his fingers tightly in his shirt.
“If you’re gonna talk then shit say it to my face, Mason.” Pollux spits his name and he knows he’s playing chicken with a speeding car—sooner or later he’s going to get hit.
Mason turns on him, anger drawing his lips into a snarl and frustration tensing his shoulders,
(take one more step, I swear to god)
“I said...” He starts slow, meeting his grey eyes and there’s a vicious storm in that grey, “you’re fuckin’ hopeless, Pollux.”
we’re gonna ignore how pollux definitely would’ve decked mason if he had gotten much closer.
this part really stuck because in all my writings i’ve done with them, both published and unpublished, it’s often pollux who presents the conflict between them verbally. It’s more in his nature to have that confrontation compared to mason. but this is a flip on that, where mason is just so fed up with this sort of crap from pollux where he says something he doesn’t mean. it does sort of put a stop to the argument though, both of them sort of putting each other in their places. mason unintentionally saying an extremely hurtful statement to pollux, and pollux asserting both that yes mason you said that and yes i am hopeless glad you finally got the picture there chief.
moving on, I didn’t really write one of these scenes before all the others. I skipped past a majority of the main argument to get to the meat of that and then built everything up around it. I did skip to after the argument where pollux is in the bathroom alone too. fun fact: the ending is the least edited and most free flowing part of it because i got on a roll + i just didn’t want to edit it. is it less polished and more rushed feeling? maybe. but i did like a lot of the prose i put into the ending. (looking back it’s definitely sort of sparked my obsession with writing about hands and the minuscule movements of hands in fic. if i don’t spend a couple sentences of a character paying attention to hands then what sort of gay writer am I?)
the image in my mind when writing fics is often playing things out as a movie scene. it’s all constructed in my head, the environment, the placing of the characters in the space, their interactions. i pick out what seems the most relevant even if it seems rather mundane. blinds or curtains being open, the color a lamp sheds--if it’s more blue or yellow. (bluer whites always read more clinical or impersonal, where more yellow lights feel more homey and personal). or like the color of the tile. I love thinking about the color of bathroom tiles/the inherent cold touch of bathroom tiles. i also like thinking about bathrooms as much as i like thinking about vintage hotel rooms.
but in this fic I was really wanting to hit on the “this is the middle of the night when no one should really be awake unless you’re getting into trouble” but also “this is the middle of the night when people say things or get into arguments because the dark hides everything.” 
also i dunno why i’m so stuck on only having one light source in a scene i write, it’s become a habit and i dunno why.
I didn’t really take inspo from another piece of media. i mean, it’s undoubtably got bits of tropes and such stuck into it, but such is writing. im not saying this is entirely original because it isn’t, i just can’t think of anything.
and like i said before, the book three demo with the trapper bounty really got me thinking. well that and the realistic part of what would happen if pollux got jumped by three or four trappers intent on kidnapping him.
me taking the idea of the detective possibly never having killed someone and tossing that shit out the window.
not that pollux is eager to kill people, or is fine with it. tensions just run high when you’re being attacked and slamming a person’s head into the bonnet of your car until they stop moving in a viable tactic for him. did the trapper live? i dunno, pollux certainly doesn’t.
i guess the cornerstone going around with this fic was stated above--the strained, realistic, not getting along parts of relationships between people. the subjecting these characters to a possible thing that could happen and seeing how they deal with it in their ways and the conflicts that brings.
but there’s also this chance to grow, to figure things out and avoid a repeat of the situation. it’s as much about the nitty gritty as it is the learning process of being with someone. like when mason explicitly asks/says in his own way for pollux to not do something like that again, whether thats fighting the trappers on his own, or refusing to be helped. or pollux not outright saying no, but rather saying he’ll try. it’s a step along the way towards making it work.
i know i write a lot about the rough and angsty parts of a relationship, but it’s also partially about the growth between characters. the realism of the bickering, the fights, the missteps along the way when you’re trying to make a partnership work. it’s the caring enough to make a mess, to not turn ones back on someone for being difficult. 
i love writing gross--both angsty gross and fluffy grossly human stuff!
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amydiddle · 8 years ago
FanFic Appreciation Week
I feel like I am getting on this kind of late but I have excuses. But here are some great authors or some amazing fics that I have enjoyed and gone back for a few fandoms. I have a lot of stories from a lot of fandoms most Gravity Falls because I am currently obsessed with it right now so here we go:
Doctor Who: 
Those Who Help Us Most to Grow  by Crystal Rose of Pollux
They have written an amazing amount for the Second Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon and this is just a sample of some of their work. This is the story I always come back to when I need some Doctor and Jamie interaction. I suggest checking out all their works if you enjoyed some of these short stories
The Regenerations of The Doctor by  My Lord Doctor6735
I enjoyed this fic when I was seaching for a taste of every doctor. It is simple and sweet and that is what I enjoy about it most. 
These are the only four writers I will recommend in this fandom. They get the characterization more than the actual show writers do. 
Bring Him Back by A. Zap
This is a good short story that gets you right in the feels. 
The Collector by Aini NuFire
This person writes AMAZING works. This is the one that got me addicted to their writing. I recommend everything they have every written but please read this. It is feelsy and heart breaking and I love it so much. I may go re-read it. 
Forgotten by NorthernSparrow
Even if you hate this fandom I recommend reading this fic. It is amazing and heart wrenching and it really brings tears to your eyes. It also has companion pieces that go further into this universe and hardships. A Winter’s Tale also would be a good read for this writer. 
Family Matters by 29Pieces
Really put the conflicting emotions into you about John Winchester as a character and seems like something that could have happened on the show. 
Young Justice
Possession by  Ally Marton 
WARNING: Kidnapping, Emotional abuse, Stockholm Syndrome 
This fic really got me into loving Wally West and, more specifically, Wally West Whump. So much pain into this bright eyed speedster. This is my favorite fic I have found from his genre in the YJ fandom and I have re-read is a lot. 
In The Grave by  Adoglover5
WARNING: Kidnapping, Buried Alive, Heavy Themes
Like I said. I like Wally getting hurt and this is just wonderful. Another well written and dark themed fic. 
Harry Potter
Obsidian Rhapsody by Cobalt Violet
Pairing: Wolfstar
This fic hurt a lot to read but it was amazing at the same time. It is a recommended read if you like darker themes and darker AUs. Also check out more by this person. They write AMAZING Wolfstar 
Afterlife by  Veinne
I do care about this fic just because it is more realistic...in a sense. 
By the Light of the Full Moon by TheChasm 
This fic is incomplete and it is sad to read but I put it here anyway because it is amazing. And painful. Painful and amazing. 
James Potter and the Shrieking Shack by  Avery-Lou
Because there always needs to be more fics where the Marauders find out about Remus’ furry little secret. 
Not Ever by  orphan_account 
Werewolves and Magic and Dreams, Oh My! by  glitterfics
WARNINGS: This story is rated Mature
You can’t have a bunch of Remus stories without werewolf pain. This is another great discovery story that gets into the nitty-gritty. 
Captain America
This, You Protect by  owlet
This whole series is a MASTERPIECE. It focuses on Bucky and was created right after the Winter Solider came out. I like this version of how events could have gone a little better then the movies and I recommend this fic to everyone that loves Bucky Barnes. 
To Be Vulnerable Is Needed Most Of All by  perfect_plan
Paring: STUCKY
This is a good AU fic that I didn’t think I would enjoy enjoy when I clicked on it very late at night. It deals with some heavy things like PTSD and Panic Attacks but all over is a good fic about two people that become the best couple ever. 
to memory now I can't recall by  Etharei
WARNING: This story is rated EXPLICIT 
Pairing: STUCKY
This story is really good and tries to be as historically accurate as possible. I was looking for a swicher-roo fic and this gave me everything I needed. I really have a hankering for more of the Howling Commandos so if anyone has any of those I am open. 
Welcome to Night Vale
A Momentary Lapse Of Reason by  PippinSqueaks
This story is just amazing! It is probably the only one I am recommending for this fandom. It follows along with Carlos’ view of this strange town of Night Vale and him falling in love. It doesn’t stop there. You get invested with the OC scientists and their lives. It ropes you in with the strange familiar and then traps you. I love it so much and go back to it all the time when I am listening. 
Gravity Falls 
Wednesday, 12 Dec. 1979 by xusu
This fic is just great and feelsy and goes along with the worry any friend should have over his injured compadre. I love this fic a lot and it is a good read when wanting to dive into Fiddleford and Stanford’s friendship. 
Dead Of Night by dan_vs92
WARNING: Threat of Self-Harm, Blood, PAIN, Just all over Bill being a dick
Pairing: FiddAuthor
This story is how I came across the most wonderful and terrible person the fandom could give me and I love it. I love it so much. A shared love of making the skinny scientist that is Fiddleford H. McGucket suffer. @danvssomethingorother is a great writer and you should read EVERYTHING. And I mean it. Read EVERYTHING of theirs and spam review them. They are great. From Fiddauthor or FiddleStan. Just go and love their stuff. 
Cold by  slytherfoot
WARNINGS: This story is rated MATURE for a lot of reasons. 
Bill is a dick. A real big dick and I hate him so much but that is why I love this story. Playing on emotions and shit is just so...ug...and Fidds suffering always spices up my life. 
Stanley McGucket by The Last Speecher (HeidiMelone)
PAIRING: FIDDAUTHOR but it isn’t that big in the story till later
Let me tell you about this story. I clicked on it in the dead of night when I was exhausted just looking for a good Stan story and came back with all these characters that I love dear to my heart. This AU and these OCs are just precious and I love them so much. @thelastspeecher has created a great world and you should read everything they have wrote. EVERYTHING. DO IT. 
Blind Faith by  pinesinthewoods
This story is the best AU I have every found. (At least one of them). I cannot tell you how painful it was to read all of this and come out whole. It is a journey and if you have not read this AU then you are missing out or know what is good for you and your stomach. 
Abuelito by jikanet_tanaka
Breaking up the pain train with some nice Soos and Stanley father-son moments. Cause we all need that in our lives. At least I do. 
Gravity Falls Timestuck AU by the_subpar_ghost
I love this fic for many reasons. Just Mabel being in the past is enough to fix some things that went wrong in the past. This story is also well written and amazing. I just think everyone should read this if they love young Stans, Mabel, and craziness. 
Unfinished Business by  thesnadger
WARNINGS: Character Death
Back to pain. This fic is all about Stanley dying in a very tragic way and just giving you ghost feels. I won’t give much but I cried a lot while reading. Ghost!Stan always makes me sad. You should check out more of @thesnadger‘s fics as well. I enjoy them a lot.
The Adventure with the Mindscape by Giroshane
Mindscape fics are kind of over done but this one is good. Trust me it is. It is Ford breaking down and you really get to see the connection between the brothers. It is just pain. 
Please Don't Come Again by LogicalBookThief
Back to some happy with Stan fighting for Soos. Soos and Stanley father-son bond is pure and needs more fics. 
The Ghost that Lives in Great Uncle Ford's Basment by LookerDeWitt
More Ghost Stanley for your fancy. This one Stan dies and haunts the Shack that never became the shack. Sadly the Mystery Twins’ summer is kind of bland mostly because of Stanford the Paranoid but it gets better. Trust me, it does. 
The Pit by looneymoony
A silly little fic that is all about two nerds realizing they like each other by falling to their deaths in a bottomless pit. 
Cutting the Knot by  Sarah1281
This fic is a good Christmas time carol but also something more. It is a story that changes how time works and it also gives Ford a good life with a loving BF and a kid. What could be better then that? A fix-it fic with holiday charm. 
The Time Wish by Sarah1281
This is a good fic where Stanley gets a time wish and chooses to fix this past. I think this is nice because it gives everyone part of the ‘Mystery Trio’ a second chance at a better life when they were younger. 
Jersey Boy by Fordtato
WARNINGS: Period-Typical Actions, Historically Accurate, Drug Use
This fic is still in the works and it is not last because it is the worst. It is last because it is amazing. It is a wonderful slow-burn fic that just so wonderful. It follows the time period wonderfully, Fidds is a little Hippie sass-master, Stanford is so awkward, and I just love this fic so much. It would be a crime to leave it off this list. If you love historically accurate things, dorky college boys, hippies, and just Ford in college this fic is for you. 
This is in NO WAY all the fics I can recommend but this is all that I think I can cram into one post. Gravity Falls is my main fandom right now so it does take more room but all these fics are worth a look into. Check out all these writers and LEAVE REVIEWS/COMMENTS ON THEIR STORIES. Don’t click to read without leaving some feedback. 
Of course you can check out my fics on FF.NET and AO3 if you want to see some of my stuff. You can use my favorites and bookmarks to find more of the stories I loved. 
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