#also i am aware that i'm not ready to commit to anyone. i won't for a While. i have friends and while i adore this one i'm not going to like
wetpapert0wel · 4 years
#flick ticks#also i am aware that i'm not ready to commit to anyone. i won't for a While. i have friends and while i adore this one i'm not going to like#tie him into my stuff i guess??? like. i don't want to lock him down just to hurt him- i don't want to lock him down in case i do end up#hurting him!! i'm taking precautionary measures to make sure he doesn't get hurt!!! i am doing my absolute best to learn from my bullshit.#i am upset. i'm allowed to be. obviously he's allowed to be upset too but like. trying to restrict my feelings is what made me so awful lmao#i'm upset with him for his petty behavior. i'm upset with myself for not getting better soon enough. i'm upset with the situation as a whole#because fuck me for being worried/concerned about him i guess????? like. god forbid i feel bad about the shit i did and attempt to do#whatever i can to like. make up for it in some way or another. fuck me for worrying about whether or not he's going to be able to pay bills?#jeez. i? don't get it. i really wish i did though- i wish i like. Actually understood what he's going through and what he's feeling and just#yeah#i'm always going to hope he's doing ok and i'm always going to hope that he'll get the help he deserves#he deserves to be happy. i will never stop thinking that he does. Never. because despite everything i don't hate him at all. he hates me duh#but like. idk#idk! i just want him to be happy. i'm not going to be the one to make him happy and? i'm ok with that. Finally i am ok with that#the difference between him and my ex before him is that for a long fuckin time i Hated my ex. i was so angry at them for how i was treated#by them. it took me 3 years to get over being angry at them and it took me about 5 years to realize that they were kinda justified in#how they treated me; i was shitty. i was manipulative. i was toxic. i never stopped. but i was angry because the whole time i was thinking#''why does no one believe me when i say i dont mean to act out? why does no one see/realize that im Tremendously fucked up and try to help''#and i still think like that! i still don't? understand why it's so hard to believe me when i say that i don't mean to act out. trauma ig lol#idk. i'm gonna stop w/ this nonsense lmao#tl;dr i still care about him. i still care about his friends. i don't want him to be my friend anymore. i want little to do with him tbh!#but i still care about him. i want him to be safe and happy and well cared for. that's it. nothing else
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solarsavoy · 2 years
Sunday Ship, TomoYuki!
Jackie has requested I take a look at the sweet unrequited love they tease in Assassination Classroom. I'm going to start by saying that I have a soft spot for unrequited love. It's tragic and sad. It's also the story of my life. I had few serious crushes, and they were all unrequited. On top of that, my favorite character Stag falls in love with a total of four people and three of them are unrequited, and two of them know about Stag's feelings. Then there's Syaoran whom I spoke of yesterday… So it's a thing.
I am both a fan of when it's tragically never resolved, and if it's eventually returned in kind.
To start, I love the ship name TomoYuki. Friendly snow. 💙
As far as Sugino and Kanzaki go, I fully believe it'll be explored some day. I think Sugino's crush on her is sweet and her obliviousness about it is all the more adorable. I also feel that Kanzaki isn't the type of person to outright turn down a person's feelings. She wouldn't return them just to be polite, but if she was ever made aware of someone's feelings and the feelings were strong enough to make the person approach her, she would at least go on a date with them, in most situations. It's not the same as blatant requests to go on dates though, like from Ren. >.> Because there's no known feelings there, only attraction, which is the difference.
Because so many have crushes on her, I don't think she'd ever be the one to approach someone else. They're so readily available that there isn't really time to pick one over the other when she's finally ready for a relationship. I do think she would wait though, mostly because of her family situation. She keeps a part of herself hidden from them and until she's ready to reveal herself or to just stop caring about what they think, she'd be reluctant to open up to just anyone.
Why I think they're a great couple.
I can see so many parallels between Sugino and Kanzaki that they would naturally support. It's shallow, but it still lines up so well. Things like "Game on!" and "play your best, I'm sure you'll do great!" works for both Sugino's baseball and Kanzaki's videogaming hobbies.
Personally, I don't think Sugino would make it to professional baseball. I don't know if they specified in canon, but even if they did, I think it's more of a favorite hobby that he keeps through college, but not something he'd go pro with. I could, however, see him keeping up his hobby by becoming a coach, volunteering to teach/coach out of school, or (my favorite idea) starting a YouTube channel dedicated to baseball.
Because of this, I can easily see Sugino and Kanzaki coming home from a long day at work, starting up their cameras, and recording things in tandem for their respective channels. They would encourage each other to enjoy their hobbies well into adulthood and beyond, whereas otherwise, Sugino might just drop baseball altogether after college and then be one of those dads that prays they have a kid that's into baseball. And if they weren't into baseball, I'm sure Kanzaki would get them into videogames. 😆
Why I don't think they're ideal.
For Sugino, perfect dream come true, but for Kanzaki, I think she deserves to be with someone that she has a crush on before they finally approach her. I think a large part of why it won't naturally happen is because she's beautiful and nice and soft spoken and if she doesn't get put into an arranged marriage (which does still happen, I have a friend) someone's going to go after her. And if she does manage to get a crush on someone, they may not approach her if she accepts a date for someone else, even if they don't actually start dating.
That doesn't mean she'd settle for someone she doesn't care about, but she was born into a well-to-do family with expectations and manners and taught to be the proper little girl raised to settle with a proper little boy the family approves of. I do think she would veer away from them enough to at least make sure she likes the person before committing her life to them, but I also think she'd be willing to settle for less than ideal because of this. If she likes the guy and her father approves, it's a done deal unless some major deal breakers come up later.
And Sugino is such a freaking sweetheart, but ,not for lack of trying, I don't think he has that magical "sweep her off her feet" touch that Kanzaki very much deserves.
I do ship them overall though. Like I said, I'm a sucker for unrequited love. But I see this crush as a bit more childish in nature. I don't think it's a crush that would last a lifetime, and everyone deserves a crush that would last a lifetime.
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ignitification · 4 years
I'm glad we could handle this respectfully.
Two questions
Do you think Endeavor will Die in the Future,Like Dabi Kills him?or will he stay alive throughout?
Also I feel like and hope him and Rei Should get a divorce.She should'nt be with someone who's hurt her Physically and psychologically.I think them not being married would be very healthy for them
And In response,People can change but I haven't seen the villians wanna change since they believe they're in the right.you have to want change in order to change.Shigaraki,Toga,Dabi and All for one have shown no signs of wanting to change.this is all my opinion but like They honestly don't wanna change since they believe,due to their pasts,that they're doing the right thing.Dabi has Murdered 30 innocent people,Toga is literally a wanted Serial Who drinks blood like Juice,and Shigaraki Murdered many heroes and ordered his Minions to destroy everything.
Imo,that doesn't look like wanting to change.
I feel like they work well as villians So Horikoshi probably won't redeem them But again I can't predict the future so I'm getting ahead of myself 😅sorry for wasting your time
It was just my two sense
Plus we need to fix hero society but they're doing it in a cruel and hypocritical way
I'd like to address the three points you made in three different sections:
Endeavour probability of staying alive (of which I already talked here, so it will be short)
Rei's involvment with Todoroki Enji
The Three Villains (the three mains) not wanting to change (on which I already hinted at here and here)
Trigger warning: mentions of suicide; violence; self-harm.
1.) Endeavour’s course of life (and action)
To be honest, I think this is the easiest point to address and I’ll refrain from going over and over again the same point. My answer, as before, is no. I do not think that Enji is going to die (refer to the linked before post for a more in depth analysis of why). However, on the question whether Enji Todoroki will still be alive at the end of the manga, I think the answer might be different. I utterly think that where the manga is going so far foreshadows a lot of pain to come. And I’ll let Horikoshi do whatever he plans, but my spider-senses tell me that even if he does survive, Endeavour is unlikely to get a happy ending (or at least a canonically happy one). He will be hold responsible of his actions, and that is the most important thing. As long as he gets on the right path, everything could happen. Especially considering the events of Ch. 300, which might be interpreted as a first step on regaining the real narrative of what went down (and which might be even more cruel than we think) , so this means we are getting at the root of the problem. 
2.) Rei’s involvement in Enji’s life
This, on the contrary, is the most delicate point of the post. Rei is introduced as a 'weak' and heavily mentally abused character. She is confined in a hospital and she seems to be closed in her own world so much she does not notice time passing and stares out of the window trying to make sense of the world. Which, on one hand, I think is very fitting for her, but at the same time I am included to think that this is the furthest thing from what Rei' character is supposed to be.
Rei Todoroki is a victim. But she is not weak. She made her mistakes (of which she is aware of and feels guilty about, but that's for another time because Shouto's scar - mental and facial - is a whole lot deal to unpack) and she had way too much time to think. Shouto never held it against her and now, he, together with Natsuo and Fuyumi helped her to regain the confidence she knows Enji took from her. He closed her off in a hospital to prederve her health, but instead he just took off years of her life from her children and viceversa.
However, I am not sure whether Enji and Rei are still married or separated or divorced or whatever. It seems like on paper they are still together, but there is a rift in their relationship.
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I mean, look at this panel: Rei is behind her children, looking at Endeavour like the douchebag he is, and telling him promptly that, this, is not about him and that however he might feel, he is not the victim or the one who needs to be forgiven.
I, personally, have never thought much of her character, besides of her being sick, in hospital and trying not to relapse so hard.
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The first time we see her, she looks lifeless. They looks listless. And I can't stress that enough, it is not that she did not try to fight it. But accepting that the trauma happened in the first time is a stress for her mental health. But instead of getting worse, Shouto and her family's presence revitalizes her.
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Which beings me to the point made in the last panel. She knows that in his shallow way, Endeavour tried to tell her that he is still there, and while he does not want to impose his presence, he will still wait for her when she wants to.
Funny thing, is that we discover is that she does not want him back. She is done with everything that happened and she is ready to take the reigns of her life back. And in order to do that she needs to wash their dirty landry. And she does not care of how this might affect Endeavour, but instead she wants justice, truth and not tears and excuses.
Rei ia going to fight to have her way. Be it out of Endeavour 's life or inside the life of Touya, time only will tell.
And finally point 3.) The Big Three Villains' on change and saviours
I am very hard trying to get through to everyone out there while I say that change is something that comes to you regardless of whether you want it or not. Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga do not recognise that they might be able to change, and that they might be saved. In their minds, fairly, they do not have to change in order to be eligible for salvation. I already stressed this in my other answers, they should not change in order for them to ‘deserve’ being saved. Maybe they do not even want it. But if the chance presents itself, of them being offered a hand, would they dare to take it? Probably not. And this is not because they are happily wasting their time to kill and fuck around, no. It’s because it’s a mechanism ingrained into their minds: Dabi escaped home after he abused and neglected, Shigaraki accidentally killed his family and then was left to himself, and Toga was deemed weird and creepy and just cast aside as trash. Do you see a pattern here? If yes, well congratulations. It’s a quirk-based society, and since their quirks somehow became synonym to their worth, these individuals were deemed not worthy or villains from the get-go and they just choose to embrace whatever life threw at them, instead of just letting go. And let me tell you, that in their cases, letting go would mean die. They all, in some degree, suffer from auto-destructive and self-harm tendencies, which should be telling enough. And if it not, just think about why people behave this way. Why do people feel the need to destroy themselves? They do because they feel like the pain inside them feels a tiny bit lighter if they externate. Shigaraki told Izuku that as this failed society refused and never forgave him, he won’t forgive anyone in return. He does not care about his crimes because apart from those crimes he commits for a reason, he has nothing else going on. He does not have a family to go home to. He does not have a home. He does not have anything apart from the League, his memories hunting him and the eternal stigma of society labelling him as unsavable.
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So excuse me very much when I say that they do not want to change and they might be right. Nothing changed, and nothing changes now. The only hope they have to be redeemed, it’s not for the heroes to forget their crimes, and to enjoy further destruction but to understand that the only way someone can help you is if believe in them. Dabi does not think he deserves to be saved. Toga had hopes which were destroyed right after Hawks killed Twice. Shigaraki put everything on the stake because the kid never knew how to genuinely smile. Let us for a moment think what would have happened to Eri if she did not get saved. It’s not hard after all: the kids of the League are all examples of what happens then.
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It’s not because they change that they need to be saved. They need to be saved because they need to change. 
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 6 "Seven Minutes in Hell" (Note: Offensive content, use at own discretion)
Everyone would immediately assume the killer is me.
Are you one of those idiot savants who's heavy on the idiot, light on the savant?
I am simply a victim of my times.
Are you aware your pants are on backwards?
Then whose fault is it?
I am never talking about anything ever again!
Yeah, super sorry about what happened down there.
Why are you laughing?
What about that fit you threw down there?
You're not mad at me?
Oh, I meant everything I said about you.
I still think you're useless. I'm just not sad about it.
You never, ever want to be the boss in a time of extreme crisis.
As soon as you become the boss, you get a target on your back, from the feds, the other families, ambitious underlings.
Sure, seems like you have all the power, but you also take on the most risk.
Oh, don't judge me for trying to stay alive.
Do not give an inch.
What's your game here?
I trust you about as far as I can throw you.
I know we don't know who the killer is, but we know it traces back to this house.
There are two things that always happen at a slumber party; someone experiments with lesbianism and secrets are revealed.
We can create situations and scenarios to really prime the pump.
We'll lock everybody up overnight, and we're bound to find out something.
A slumber party sounds fun.
Let's play spin the bottle.
Someone always goes lesbian.
We're playing spin the damn bottle.
Why spin the bottle?
That is not a nasty rumor. That is a true rumor.
So I propose a panty raid.
You taste like wax.
I guess we have to kiss.
You're a great kisser.
Was I interrupting you?
I was just practicing looking disinterested.
I'm pretty sure I was born without that part of the brain that actually feels stuff.
We have so much in common.
I'm starting to think we have something very important and specific in common.
My sex life up until this point is what you'd call unusual.
I think the only way to be sure of your feelings is if you let me gently rub your uterus right now.
When I love someone, it drives them insane.
Believe me when I say that if it was possible for me to feel anything I would totally be crying right now.
That doesn't seem healthy.
All the doors are locked solid. Windows, too. Upstairs and down.
I decided to have the whole house turned into a panic room.
But wait, doesn't that mean that there's some sort of switch somewhere to deactivate it?
I hate being trapped in small places.
There's only one reason why the killer would do something like this-- to pick us off one by one.
Guess it's just a matter of time before one of us or all of us ends up dead.
You have to help us.
Look, I'm prepared to say I'm sorry I did that.
What I'm not prepared to do is say the sex was bad.
Yeah. I'm not gonna apologize for that one.
I'm about to get murdered, so can you please just hang up and get over here?
How on earth are we supposed to get in if all the doors and windows are locked?
Dude, we climb up the ladder, break the windows upstairs, save all the girls, climb back down, then it's vagina city for all of us.
Why would you bomb-proof upstairs windows? For what, like, a flying bomb?
Don't be an idiot.
It's hero time.
Save me and I'm yours forever.
I'm not really sure I'm ready for that level of commitment.
Break the glass!
Stand back, fair maiden.
Give him the dignity of watching him die.
Someone in this house definitely knows who the killer is.
It's truth or dare time.
Whatever it takes to stop the douche that's trying to kill everybody.
I mean, do you ever just stop and ask yourself if we can actually pull this off?
Maybe we all just need to get out of here.
The best way to avoid a shark attack is to not go in the water.
We all have a crisis of faith sometimes.
Maybe you're hiding something.
I'd pick truth and then just lie.
If you want to lie, you can just pick dare.
That's the whole point of truth or dare. You can't lie.
Does your vagina have teeth?
I'm not lying.
My vagina doesn't have teeth.
Does your vagina still have teeth?
So it used to have teeth, but you got them removed?
So your vagina still has teeth.
Sounds like you're trapped in a web of lies.
You're forfeiting your turn, bitch.
Okay, I guess it's my turn, then.
You promised you wouldn't tell.
Sorry. I had to tell the truth.
Of course you're the killer.
I propose we take a little break, You know, take a whiz, get a refill.
You know what? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ever trusted you.
I wanted to talk about the other thing you said, about how you thought you had feelings for me.
The only feelings I have for you now are rage and pissed offedness.
Now go sit in that bathtub and think about what you've done. And try not to rub one out, okay?
Come on! I said I was sorry!
If anybody's down here, please don't jump out at me.
Is that blood?
Wait. If you're gonna kill me, at least show me who you are first.
I knew it. I knew it was you.
Please. You don't have to do this. I could help you.
There's never any food in there. Just laxatives.
I got the impression that you and I are on the verge of being the next "it" couple.
See, this is the problem with texting, you know? You can't hear the context.
Even though I decided to not wear a bra, you haven't been staring at my shirt raisins once.
Okay, look, I was waiting to talk to you about this 'cause secretly I was hoping you'd be killed and I wouldn't have to hurt your feelings.
I just don't think it would work out with us.
You're nuts, and not like a typical crazy-eyes co-ed, but wake-up-with-my penis-in-a-jar lunatic.
I love space mountain. Best ride at Disneyland. But I love my penis more.
Number one-- I never take second place. And number two-- I don't stop till I get what I want.
Was that salad spinner hitting on you?
I am super turned on from her, and I need some sweet release.
Is there any, like, Crisco or cooking oil here? Just, like, dry handies bum me out.
I propose we treat ourselves to a little heaven. Seven minutes in heaven.
Whatever your plan was, it isn't working.
Would you like to pat the little man in the canoe?
I want to take our relationship to the next level.
I want us to be together, but I want it to mean something.
I love boning girls all over this great land. But really, at the end of the day, I just kind of want to bone one girl. Like, that one special girl.
I just didn't think that girl was you. Because, obviously, there's so much wrong with you.
Will you get back together with me?
I would consider taking you back under one condition.
You have to pinky-pledge that you will be monogamous to me.
You will not have sex with anyone else. Do you understand me?
Dude, she looks like prepackaged meat from the supermarket.
Oh, god, has someone checked on the kids?
Pretty convenient that you're the one who found the body.
You're the darkest bitch of them all.
Those are some serious accusations, and they make no sense.
I would be opening myself up to a lot of trouble if I were to turn you in to the authorities.
It doesn't do any of us any good to start accusing each other with no evidence.
I suggest that we just have someone stand guard and watch me for the rest of the night, or until someone else dies, therefore proving that I am not the killer.
This feels so good.
I tried to scream, but nothing came out!
Interesting. That's all I'm gonna say. Interesting.
There is a trapdoor with, like, a tunnel system.
But wait, there are secret tunnels in this house perfect for a killer to use, and you neglected to tell us?
That's a little suspicious.
We are losing sight of the big picture here.
I'm not going down there. I do not dig on cobwebs, and I'm guessing there are loads of cobwebs down there.
If you get murdered in those tunnels, I promise I will never bang anyone harder than I banged you.
You're so rich and hot.
These are the nicest secret tunnels I've ever seen.
Wow. What amazing legacies they all have. What do you think ours will be?
If we can get through this year without everyone getting killed, I think we'll go down as the greatest of them all.
You came back for me.
Purely selfish.
You are probably the worst cop ever.
Wait, where are we going?
I won't go!
In three seconds, I'm gonna pick you up and carry you out of here.
I just kind of came over here because I farted over there and it smelled bad.
Wait, you're a lesbian?
Basically, I'm in love with love.
The next time I feel love for someone, I'm going to tell them. Right away. Just in case they're murdered before I can.
I just feel like I'm never gonna find a guy who likes me.
I'm a freak.
Nobody actually likes me.
You are totally gonna find another guy.
They're custom-made pink nunchaku.
Thank you for making that announcement that no one cared about.
No slumber party is finished without a kickass dance party.
This is so wonderfully random.
What a great way to pretend all these people we know weren't brutally murdered.
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lie---ability · 3 years
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for too many times in my life had i been wrong about people. so much that anyone who tries to have anything with me makes me anxious. i even get anxious about my upcoming job at Virus & Partners because new people = chances of any of them hurting me. i have been wrong about people so much that i think it's because i idealize them so much. i mean an example could be us hanging out everyday, do a lot of things together, stay out late together, ditch others for each other, chat each other right after being together the entire day, say i love you and get home safe — and i'd think we're best friends!!! only for her to say we never were. and that she never wanted to be close with someone like me. so it must be me, right? maybe i just fell in love with the thought that she's a great best friend. at the same time i think, no. she was a best friend, she did exist. that version of her existed. or at least did when it was convenient or beneficial to her, but when the time came where it wasn't, she threw me under the bus, become totally different from who i loved. who i proudly said was my best friend. all those months that built up my comfort, trust, attachment — ended up being told as a lie. and if it came from the person herself that they were lies, who am i to say she's just saying that for whatever reason? she said it herself. we weren't best friends even if she said it before. so what was the truth? was i just really stupid and idealistic? or are people just so awful now? it's like i'm this fish in a pond who's so easy to catch with just the right amount of treat. like i'd swim away when you approach but try a bit more and i'd fall for it. attachment issues suck, more so my abandonment issues.
but this post isn't about jodie. this is about my first boyfriend, rikko.
first because rj doesn't count, the fuck? that shit was a joke lol i just got a dose of reality at an early age. no love there at all. who even falls in love at 13? that shit illegal. so yes, rikko is my first boyfriend ♥️ and even though i've dated guys before, he's the only one i ever loved so far. i love him so much. in fact, before i was already starting to think that maybe i'm not capable of love? i mean, i'm aware i'm a mean person. but i didn't think of myself as someone incapable of falling in love. but among the guys i met and dated, ALL OF THEM WERE JUST TO FEED MY EGO. ego ego ego. tell me i'm pretty. keep asking me to go out and let me reject you over and over again. show me how much you wanna take me out on a date again. over and over and all of them were unintended! when i do talk to someone, a part of me tries! maybe this could work? but it kept ending the same way. ego food. which led me to think fuckkk i'm incapable of loving too? what am i here for then tfuck? — until i met rikko! and everything he did and said, i wanted more of it. the more he laughed, the more he cried, i wanted to keep seeing them, even if he laughs/cries for the same reasons over and over. i wanted the things he wanted. i wanted to like the shit he liked, and i did! i hated touch but i love being held by him. he was expressive too! like the other boys! but for some reason, it wasn't ego food. they became credit scores for me. each time he gets a point, it adds up to my reasons why this is it! why this is worth a try! and i struggled and fought hard. the commitment and daddy issues, the anxiety, the fear of abandonment, blah blah and he did and said the right things at the right time he went at the right places, gave the right gifts, promised the right things — all for him to turn out to be just like everybody else. he died months into my life. he couldn't keep up with the character he played, and idk why people keep playing a character on me. jodie played the supportive bff but really wanted to be some sort of main character which i think is rather difficult hence the hurtful betrayal. and then there's rikko, who played the boy i could ever want, but never was that person. he never was that person to his parents and friends, and i thought he would suddenly change for me? that's some boss level pick me girl shit. i love rikko, even now as i type this. i met him january 2020, it's july 29, 2021 today, and i love him so much. but i'm not sure if i should be with him anymore. on principle, morals, self-care, common sense, logic, religion. why? because he died. he died last january 2021. he's no longer the same rikko i fell for. his hands aren't the ones i fought myself to hold. he's not the same person who went all the way from paranaque to cainta for me at 8pm because my dad told me he almost had another baby with someone ON MY BIRTHDAY. he's not the same person i looked at up at Sm Aura thinking he could be the one. and that i belong here, with him. that i love being with him, and he could be other things, but i want to be with him. he didn't know it, but looking at him as he talked about his friends, those things ran in my head. it was the same rikko who got teary eyed when he misunderstood me there at the Sm Aura rooftop, thinking i meant that i was just playing him. the rikko who gave me a necklace for no reason, wore it on me and even had it in a totally unsuspecting case (tea bag) which made the surprise funnier and cuter, is... yep... no longer here. the rikko who kept reminding me i'm redeemable, that i'm not my anxieties, i'm not my bad brain, i'm not my small voice, that rikko is long gone. and still i stayed waiting, making excuses, reasoning out with myself, trusting that he'd come back and funny enough, 7 months in and... he's still gone.
the saddest part is he doesn't want to be like that. or so i think. he tries. i see him trying. i see the efforts. he tries to ask me about my day, about my worries, why i'm anxious, why i'm sad or irritated. he asks me about work, applications and when i'm out with friends or family. he tries to make time for me even now that he prefers valorant over ml with me, i know he tries to play ml with me. he tries to take some time off work to talk to me. he tries to post on social media now, shares my ig stories, joins my tiktoks and get along with my jokes. he tries. i know he does. but that's the thing. he has to try. and maybe those things, he just isn't. and the difference between trying and develop is with development, there is direction. there is progress. with rikko... it's unstable. sometimes he can do this, but the next times not so sure. and as someone anxious with rejection and abandonment issues, inconsistencies are okay, but a lot of them? and major ones? NOTHING GOOD WILL COME OF IT. so many things rikko doesn't know and still he has it in him to say or assume a lot of things about me. one of them is when he said i'm ALWAYS annoyed at him. does he know how many times i get annoyed at things he do? but i don't address all of them not because i don't want to but because i acknowledge that they're not worth the fight or i'm just being hotheaded or immature or maybe inconsiderate. i think first before i act on him because if i learned anything about rikko, emotions have to make sense! which is wrong in the first place but that's who i'm with! but at the times i can't help being tampo, annoyed, or upset, he finds it in him to tell me i'm a l w a y s annoyed? WHEN?!?! i even asked him when and i know he realized it but still he fell stubborn to his pride. does he also know that his gifts don't make me kilig anymore? they just relieve me at this point which is sad!!! fucking sad!!! why? for example, for my virtual college graduation i was getting anxious few days before because i'm worried he won't give me anything or do something for me which will surely trigger my ~neglected issues~ and if i do get triggered, instead of addressing and being there for me, instead of making it up to me, he'd get mad! he'd make me feel that i'm asking for so much, for the impossible, all while i see it happen to people. i see other dudes give their girlfriends things without occasion. i see them try to like the things their girlfriends like, even embarrassing ones that she posts on social media. i see men constantly expressing their love for their gfs, for the person they asked to commit to them. all while i have one who would call me demanding, needy and exhausting. imagine? lol i get anxious he won't fulfill me not because i'd get sad but because he'll get mad when i get upset. he'd make me feel awful and remind me of the reason why we should end. and i hate that. i'm fighting so hard to take it off my mind, i hate thinking that we're incompatible, unhappy and that we're just trying to revive this love we have for each other. that love really isn't enough, even for us. so when he got me this bouquet for graduation, i was 95% relieved and 5% kilig because awwwww but more importantly, I WON'T BE TAMPO WHICH MEANS I WON'T HAVE TO HIDE AND HE WON'T HAVE TO GET ANNOYED AT ME BEING UPSET! as i type this all the more i feel bad because it's so clear i shouldn't be with him anymore. it hurts each time it crosses my mind. i really see rikko as the love of my life. and idk why. because he shouldn't be. the love of your life should be someone who makes you laugh, makes you strong but can also let you cry. the love of your life is the one who holds you on your way out of dark times. the love of your life is the one who corrects you in ways that won't make you feel bad, but in ways that make you feel cared for. that he's telling you so out of concern, not because he thinks you're a difficult sick mental person who needs an on-call therapist and an attending nurse. the love of your life should be the person who makes you cry the least.
but he doesn't deserve it also. maybe he's not ready to be in a relationship just yet. and there was no harm in trying. in fact i'm happy he tried because if he hadn't added me on facebook and hit up on instagram, i would have never known what love was like. i would also have never known how fun and exciting it is to be in love. it's so nice actually! to lie down with someone and just know they'll be there when you wake up and even if you do wake up in the middle of the night, you're safe with them. and no matter what you look like in the morning or how loud you snore or how stretched you are in bed, you are loved by this person next to you. and they chose to sleep with you too. to be as vulnerable as you are. and i loved that with rikko. we sleep together, we wake up in between sleep just to look for each other's cheeks, we shower together, we do weird shower dances, we have secret baby things, and a lot more things that you would think from here on meant forever. because these things, how could you ever try them again with someone else? because from where i am right now I HATE THE THOUGHT OF THOSE WITH ANYONE WHO'S NOT RIKKO. but stay with him for what? for what at this point? i'm not God. i'm just an anxious person with daddy issues who has enough money hunger and dreams plus a mom, aunts and 1 friend who loves rikko so much. i can't change him. and i shouldn't.
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