#also i Need the kids to find out about each others sekai’s……….
apollos-boyfriend · 25 days
there’s something just so interesting about project sekai’s lore and i really hope they delve into it further……. the fact that the player is canon to their universe, that miku (and the other vocaloids) are aware of the fourth wall and it’s a notable and consistent feature throughout. the abandoned sekai. the fact that they can somehow be formed by a single person when the majority of the time it seemingly needs multiple people’s input. fragment sekais and all they entail. i’m glad they’re sort of delving into it more with the virtual singers’ world link but goddddddd i need More
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sokai-asuki · 7 months
Nexo Knights finding out about their each other respective units and Sekai, and now listening to some song and the conclusion of what their units are.
Clay: "So, this group is a band group?"
Macy: "Yeah, I also play guitar but mostly do English cover for them."
Aaron: "That explain the lad with black hair, she's the main vocalist! That's cool!"
Lance: "Well, not as cool as my group! My girls are better than any of you!"
Axl: "So this is the girl who makes the apple pie you brought?"
More More Jump
Macy: "...You know what, I am not surprised that it's an idol. Understandable because you're an actor!"
Lance: "Hey! At least all of them sing together as a group unlike yours!"
Macy: "It's a band, Lance! There's a difference between a group idols and band group!"
Aaron: "The song they're singing are definitely fit for an idol, but that song..."
Clay: "Just ignore that one song, while you enjoy the rest."
Axl: "I can't unseen the image of Lance dancing all of this."
Lance: "Hey!"
Vivid Bad Squad
Aaron: "Now, this is what I called cool! I'm the one who teaches them the dance!"
Macy: "The girl with a star on her hair seems kinda cool and get into the music. Not bad, Aaron!"
Lance: "Not as good as mine but the blue boy seems fine."
Axl: "The small girl in the song seems to be improving much than the old video music of her."
Clay: "You know what they're said Axl, practice makes perfect."
Aaron: "That's Kohane, her confidence is the key to overcome her fear! Isn't she amazing!"
Wonderland x Showtime
Lance: "Axl! Let me meet the Pegasus Tsukasa right now!"
Axl: "Don't you mean Tenma Tsukasa?"
Lance: "Let me meet him at once! A young actor such as me need a prodigy actor such as Tenma Tsukasa! I promise I will make him a star!"
Clay: "You know, I kind of glad Lance isn't in this units."
Aaron: "Why?"
Macy: "Because you don't want him influence Tsukasa?"
Clay: "I can't imagine he sing and dance with these kids."
Lance: "I heard that Boorington!"
Nightcord at 25:00
The knights (-Clay): "..."
Clay: "...Yes?"
Aaron: "Dude, you alright?"
Clay: "Aaron, it's just a song, I'm fine."
Macy: "Is it? Or are you lying?"
Clay: "Macy, I know your distrust towards me with how I keep a secret–"
Macy: "–from us because you want to protect us."
Clay: "But I am telling you guys, I am fine–"
Lance: *blast Ussewa, Clay's cover, the last chorus of the song. Clay singing it like there's no tomorrow for it and you can guess there's a hint of anger and rage in it*
Clay: "... It's a cover, it doesn't mean anything–"
Axl: *blast Jackpot Sad Girl, Clay's cover, another one with him having frustration and anger in his tone*
Clay: "It's a cover—"
Aaron: *blast Hated by Life Itself, Clay's cover, sadness and melancholy in his tone*
Clay: "It's—"
Macy: *blast Phony*
Clay: "..."
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tsukikoayanosuke · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland x Project Sekai - In Which I Put the Proseka Kids in the Seven Dorms
I originally made this before my TWST version, but I didn't have much explanations and only going with the vibes. So, I kinda redo it. It wasn’t as well-thought as my last crossover, but I'll try my best to give some rambles which hopefully make sense. Oh and it might contain spoiler to Ignihyde Episode, so beware when you reach that dorm. Also, this is more based on the English Server of Project Sekai, so future event beyond Scramble Fan Festival won’t be referenced often.
So, enjoy this nonsense. Oh, and imagine NRC is co-ed or something.
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Founded on the severity of the Queen of Hearts, Heartslabyul is known for having a long list of rules to follow as created by the Queen of Hearts. Each member is expected to follow all 810 of them; failure of even one will result in their beheading.
Believe me when I say that I honestly don’t know who to put here. I don’t want to call this dorm the “vanilla dorm”. So, what does this dorm is known for in the story? I would say they like to “go by the believe in”, whether it is following the Queen of Hearts rule like Riddle, going against it like Ace, or believing for the best for your childhood friend like Trey.
Continue from the TWST version, I have to put Mafuyu Asahina here. She and Riddle is quite similar, especially the relationship between each mother. Their rule is “do everything to please mother dearest”. Mafuyu follows her mother expectation, aiming to be a doctor because that’s what she wanted. She always put on this nice girl persona and only take it off, revealing a broken girl who wants to disappear, when she’s in discord with her fellow music-team. The main struggle for Mafuyu is finding her feeling again with Kanade’s song as her only salvation so far, the same as Riddle post-Overblot who tries to stand outside his mother’s shadow. Housewarden Mafuyu let’s go.
If Mafuyu is the equivalent to Riddle, the Mizuki Asahina is the equivalent of Cater with a little dash of Trey. The rule they always keep is, at least from my interpretation: “always keep your distance because you never know whether they will accept you or not”. Secret Distance shows how Mizuki, despite wanting to be close to their team, still keeps their distance because of the fear they have. Both them and Cater have secrets that they don’t want to spill, mostly about personal feeling and internal struggles, and cover them with this cutesy-cheerful attitude. Mizuki is also more mature than their friends, being the mediator like Trey. Though unlike Trey, they doesn’t really lean toward one side of the spectrum. Their relationship with Ena can mirror Trey’s relationship with Cater where Trey/Ena tries to reach out to Cater/Mizuki and their the latter still steps back. Hopefully they will find happiness one day.
For Shiho Hinomori there is one rule that she’s uphold: “dedication means you have to give your all”. The struggle she has between her and her bandmates is her ambition to become a pro musician in contrast to the others who just wants to have fun. However, she still wants to be with them like they use too. Musical Twilight Parade and Resonating with You shows this conflicting feeling. You know, Shiho wants to be pro for she is being recruit into another band, but she wants to be pro with her friends and stays with Leo/need. She can’t force them to join in, it is their choice in the end. For Shiho, the feeling is not enough, you need the determination and the dedication as well. That’s her rule, her standard. If not, they will get leave behind.
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Founded on the stubbornness of The King of Beasts, this dorm excels in sports and martial arts. As a result, many of the students tend to be hot-headed. It's important for students of Savanaclaw to be physically fit in order to survive.
Ah Savanaclaw. The game did you so dirty. But let’s see what we have. What can we learn about Savanaclaw from the whole magishift/spelldrive sabotage? Well, they are bullies, they are hotheaded, and competitive. Even if Leona and Jack are complete opposite (Leona will do whatever it takes to reach his goal while Jack still has that sense of justice), their stubborness is almost similar. There’s also a lot of growling.
The lesbian takes over this dorm. This is the only dorm where everyone is new in the roster. Saki was originally in Octavinelle, Minori is Scarabia, and An in Heartslabyul. But because all of them are too stubborn for their own good, they are transferred here.
Minori Hanasato is probably one of of the most stubborn people in the cast and is the biggest lesbian we stand her. Imagine yourself going on 50 idol audition, only passed three of them, but ended up being rejected as well. But she won’t give up, ‘More More!’ as she would say. But you can say she doesn’t learn from her mistake, even doesn’t know she made a mistake during all these audition until a pro (Airi) tells her. Sometimes she let the hate-comment get to her head like in Hear Me! Hopeful Show. While she knows that she’s not in the same level as her idol mates, she still want to prove herself being worthy for the stage.
Sick girl Saki Tenma is here for a reason. It’s kinda ironic to put the one with the worst health to the dorm about all sport. No worries, nobody dare to bully her if they don’t want to face Tsukasa’s wrath. Speaking of Saki, like Minori, she is stubborn as well. She is sick, like chronic illness or something, and has a weak body. And yet, she still push herself to contribute more in the band despite what her bandmate said. Proven in First Star (Stella) After the Rain where she keeps on working and joining in practices despite her tired body, and Unnamed Harmony where he kept making and making songs despite not knowing the basic. She is driven by her desire to spenf more time with her friends because she didn’t get that during her stays in the hospital.
An Shiraishi stubbornness is not as visible as Saki and Minori, but one thing she’s known for is her desire to surpass the legendary event RAD WEEKEND. Unlike Akito but like the rest of the dorm, she doesn’t really think(?) or has planning. She chooses Konahe to be her partner to be her partner in their second meeting (the first one Kohane ran away) and literary pulled her into this music world, even Akito pointed out how An is being ridiculous for dragging a newbie. An is kinda driven by her feeling as in Singing in Sync she thinks she’s protecting Konahe from being panic by singing over her, only for Akito to kinda tell her of that she’s not treating her partner as an equal. At the end of Awakening Beat she even feel sad that Kohane improve so much, thus she will try to catch up with her.
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Founded on the pity of the Sea Witch, students from Octavinelle are known for their intelligence. When not attending lessons, they run the restaurant Mostro Lounge. Rumour has it that their dorm leader can grant any student any desire and if a student wishes for something, a pair of twins will appear before them.
The smart and scheming dorm so I know I won’t be sorted into here. I’m pretty sure Octavinelle Episode is the favorite episode for many of us or at least I know you guys like the mermaid aesthetic. What can we learn? Don’t be stupid before reading a contract, I guess. Azul, Jade, and Floyd is shown to be smart in their own ways and use their strongest charm point to make many (including us) fell into their trap.
Honami Mochizuki doesn't like being in Octavinelle because it highlights her biggest problem: she doesn't want to take sides so she caters to all sides. Octavinelle is known for it shadiness and tax fraud, but that's not what Honami stands for. She doesn't want to get hurt, that's why she tries to please everyone. This only resulted in her being viewed as a two-faced people pleaser. Don't Let Doubts Hold You Back shows the Honami who finally decides to be brave and states her opinion without worries of whatever people thinks of her, because she still have her childhood friends who will always support her.
Kohane Azusawa meanwhile doesn’t seem like your typical Octavinelle. She’s not cunning nor a trickster. She’s a honest, probably innocent student who wants to stand with her teammates but lack the confidence. However, we can see this this way and I’m not trying to downplay Kohane here. Without her, An won’t have the perfect partner to sing in RAD WEEKEND, just like how Akito and Touya are a pair. Kohane shines because of her singing voice, while untrained, is beautiful and An sees this potential. She is An’s wish-granting golden contract, similar to Azul. However, similar to Azul who starts as a shy octopus pot, Kohane grows into a more confident person in her unified dream with her friends.
If we’re going just through aesthetic, Nene Kusanagi is perfect for this dorm. Her Mermaid Admiration event is based on The Little Mermaid, so that’s already a plus point. Relating to Mostro Longue, I can imagine Nene working there as a diva because I know Azul is going to capitalize her singing voice. Nene, like the other Wonderland x Showtime member, loves the stage and is one member who has already an experience in a theater troupe. She also has one of the best voice among the cast (VA-wise). Like Kohane, she’s not really that confident on stage, mostly from being traumatized that one time she forget her line, but eventually she finds her courage during On This Holy Night, I Sing.
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Founded on the meticulous planning of the Sorcerer of the Sands, the students of Scarabia are known for being highly resourceful. The students live by the dorm's motto, "Plan with deep anticipation".
I was there when the fandom is still figuring out between Kalim and Jamil of who will overblot (I suggested that both of them would). But putting that aside, Kalim and Jamil are two contrasts, similar to the two magic lamp genies (Robin William the Genie and Jafar). Both Kalim and Genie has this goofy attitude, but have their strength in their relationship with others (for Kalim it’s the Scarabia students, of Genie it’s Aladdin). Jamil and Jafar is straight up the representation of Scarabia: cunning, resourceful, and two-faced.
Emu Otori immediately goes straight here. She's the carbon copy of Kalim. Loud, rather pushy, but still wants the best for the dorm and the embodiment of sunshine. But not always. Her struggle in Smile of a Dreamer shows how she's still holding on nostalgia, wanting to preserve her grandpa ambition to always bring smiles to the people versus her more logical brothers who works in a full-scale reform for Phoenix Wonderland, because the park is struggling. Both Emu and Kalim still hold on to that hope that maybe things can go back the way they are. While in Kalim’s scenario, his and Jamil relationship is tainted a bit, Emu manages to get her happy ending in Wonder Magical Showtime.
Speaking of Jamil, Now, we need someone equivalent to him, and who is a better candidate than Akito Shinonome. I’ve been tossing Akito from dorm-to-dorm (between Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Scarabia, and Pomefiore). He has his own rule that he doesn’t accept someone who’s working half-ass. He is stubborn when in comes to full-filling his goal to the point of long, harsh, almost unhealthy practice in Stray Bad Dogs, but at the same time can be seen as hardworking. Unlike Jamil however who knows that he is better than Kalim, there is a lingering feeling in Akito that he is talentless due to his neglectful father (which also affected Ena), that’s why he does whatever it takes and use whatever he can to be able to stand beside his teammate. 
Now, how about someone in the middle. Airi Momoi is the perfect blend of Kalim and Jamil. She is bright and sunny girl who wants to be an idol, however the industry keep pushing her to become a TV personality instead. She’s bright like Kalim but skilled in various style like Jamil. Like Jamil, she has one ambition: to become an idol, and yet society wants her to be something else. You can say that she rebels by quitting the industry as well, similar to Jamil’s rebellion. However, she still maintains Kalim kindness for always worrying over her fellow idols, like her relationship with Shizuku. She’s the one who suggests to be an essentially YouTube idols, thus proving her being able to think outside the box. Honestly, she’s a good housewarden candidate.
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Founded on the heavy efforts of the Beautiful Queen, students of Pomefiore dorm excel in alchemy and potion-making and carry an exquisite sense of beauty.
For many, Pomefiore is the prep dorm. We see their fancy clothes, stuck up attitude and our personal hatred toward Vil when slapping Epel. But we often forget that Pomefiore is the most hardworking dorm among all. The whole Pomefiore Episode is a showcase of Vil’s hardworking effort. Epel’s Lab Coat shows that he’s not all “i want to be manly”, and Rook’s love for beauty is honestly amusing to see.
Shizuku Hinomori is the embodiment of how fandom view Pomefiore is. As Airi put it: a pretty idol that makes people jealous with the strong presence by just standing there and everyone will look at her. This is Shizuku’s struggle in her My Color! event: would she want to cater to her fans who sees her as the perfect idol or be herself as someone who is hardworking to be that hopeful idol. I imagine Shizuku being in Pomefiore would have the same struggle, maybe even her being the housewarden.
On the other side, you have Ena Shinonome. She's almost similar to Shizuku in someway, however I think Ena, being the attention seeker, would really live up to want many seen Pomefiore for. At the same time, like Shizuku, she wants her art skill to be acknowledged as well. There is no doubt that her art is good, but she doesn't think so because it has fewer likes. I might match her with Epel for not seeing what they're actually excel at because they're having the wrong view of what is worth/true (Epel for his masculine view, Ena for her 'more likes = the art is good" mentality). Truly an artist struggle.
And our dearest protagonist, Ichika Hoshino, is the last one to be here. Ichika doesn’t stand out as much as the other two, but she has her strength. Her biggest struggle is wanting to maintain the relationship between her, Honami, and Shiho before Saki returns, but fails to do so. But she never stop wishing in reuniting all their friends. It’s during Singing Among the Cherry Blossoms where she finally find her footing. She realized that there’s something wrong with her self-confidence and she finds the answer for it to increase her singing skill and confidence. It is her who grabs Shiho’s hand during Resonating with You and tells her to her face that they will becomes pro with her. She never stop trying to write the band first song in A Bright Future and always wants to improve her singing as the band leader. If that’s not hardworking, I don’t know what is.
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Founded on the perseverance of the King of the Underworld, the students of Ignihyde specialize in research concerning the integration of magic with technology. However, they're very reserved and don't interact with the other dorms much.
Even putting aside the whole necromancy and kidnapping, the first thing we immediately associate with Ignihyde is technology and introvert. It’s hard because Ignihyde doesn’t really interact with many, so it’s hard to find something special from them. Let’s see from another angle. We all know that Idia built Ortho, right? Technically he’s an inventor. So, imagine the trial and error he had to go through to ‘resurrect his little brother’. The dedication and to never give up from the final product.
This is also the only dorm that doesn’t get any changes, because I’m honestly the most confident with the vibes.
Kanade Yoisaki, our sick Victorian child. You just know that she’s perfect in Ignihyde. She’s basically a nicer version of Idia without the necromancy. Gifted in compossing music while never leaving her room, she has a savior complex thus she won’t just give up after the first failure. Carnation Recollection displays Kanade’s perseverance in creating that one song that can make Mafuyu feel something. No matter how much sleep she lost, she will trudges through the writer block and create a song that will save people. She also has Idia’s depression and drowning-in-guilt attitude because it was her song that lead her father to depression and falls into a coma. 
Rui Kamishiro is not your typical Ignihyde. He’s loud, wacky, and so out-there he would make Idia quiver in fear. His desire to create the most extravagant shows with his probably-dangerous gadget makes people walk away from him and it scares him. Like Kanade, he has a bit of Idia’s drowning-in-guilt. In It’s On! Wonder Halloween he feels guilty when Tsukasa gets hurt from his robot which makes him hold back all the stunt much to Tsukasa disappointment. It is only after the reassurance that Wonderland x Showtime won’t leave him just from this one mistake makes Rui returns to his usual self.
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Founded on the Elegance of the Witch of Thorns, Diasomnia is home to those who excel in general magic.
The only dorm that still doesn’t have the main story but I would argue it’s one of the top three dorm. Everyone hail our Master Malleus (not me tho). But the Diasomnia quartet has an interesting dynamic. As we know, Lilia raises Silver and was Malleus’ caretaker (possibly Sebek’s to an extend), in addition both Silver and Sebek are Malleus personal bodyguard. You can tell they’re close, almost familial. Diasomnia is about loyalty, honor, family, and the bonds between the people. Though, with this description, any of the proseka kids can join here. So, I'll cut to the essential member for those three things
I laughed a lot when I pick the first person in this new roster because it’s the one and only Tsukasa Tenma, the world future star. It's the whole thing about family. The only reason why Tsukasa wants to be a star is because he wants to see his sick sister smile more often. He makes shows for her on the hospital in the attempt to make her laugh. This lead to his teen years when he joins PXL. The bonds between him and Wonderland x Showtime is also another thing. In Wonder Magical Showtime, he sacrificed his want to win the PXL competition in order to help Emu in saving the park. And at the end, he finally see those warm smile from the audience: the main reason of him wanting to be a star. I mean, if we can have Sebek's loud voice, we can have Tsukasa as well. Imagine them gushing over Malleus and Saki would be funny. It’s also funny that the Tenma siblings are in the dorms who are known as being spelldrive rivals.
When it comes to loyalty, I think Touya Aoyagi takes the the spot. We can see this as two things. One, from the whole “classical music ruined my live” side. Touya is a son of a classical musician, Harumichi Aoyagi. Harumichi is a strict in his training, forcing Touya to study classical music to the point that Touya hate it which leads him to street music. This is where the second part loyalty came in: Akito (x 52 times). Akito and Touya immediately click and becomes partner as Bad Dogs. Here’s the thing. You can say that Touya is loyal to Akito to the point he thinks he’s not serious enough to be his partner because street music is just an escapism from classical during their story, but Akito reassure him that he’s a great partner. Touya is also the one who keeps reassuring Akito during Stray Bad Dogs. I think, Touya maybe choosing one genre of music over the other because trauma, but in the end he’s still loyal to music. In Nocturne Interlude, he says to his dad that he still love classical music despite the pain, because he learns many enjoyable things about it and what his father enjoy about it, the same way about his feeling to street music.
The thing about honor is pretty tricky, so we might have to stretch some things. Haruka Kiritani, the former idol who thinks she lost the honor of being one. She is known as the best super idol, bringing hope of a brighter day to many people, like Minori and Mai. When Mai joins Haruka’s idol group ASRUN, she always encourage her junior to practice more. She means well, however this leads to Mai damaging her vocal chord and she blames Haruka for giving her false hope. This leads to Haruka spiraling down until she quits being an idol. That is until Minori, who never lose hope, reach out to her and she gains her honor back. Also it would be funny to see Savanaclaw Minori and Diasomnia Haruka, two most rivalling dorm actually being friends.
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sirnavergi · 10 months
Just discovered your blog and
Second of, if it isn't a bother would you mind telling me more about your pjsk OCs? Cuz they look so cool and I love their group energy on the group drawing. I wanna know more about them
I actually have 2 groups!!! One of them is called SILamENT_ and the other is called ChromaChronicles
ChromaChronicles is a group I share with my friend @starbiistruck on instagram!!! :3 The redhead Ryoichi Yoshino and Mion Nakabayashi are from this group! They’re fairly new characters and we haven’t gotten the chance to work on them much yet, but the idea is that they play shows with stories behind them, kind of like musicals but instead of it being like one story per show, ALL their shows and music are connected to some story? With characters and stuff. 2 of them sing as narrators while the other 2 sing as characters.
Their sekai is like an 80s mall,,, and the genre of music they focus is synthpop/new wave!!
SILamENT_ is a bit more developed as I’ve had them for longer! The group consists of Eihi Mizano (red-black hair), Machi Mizano (light grey-red/grey streaks), Michika Neji (Blue), and the unit leader, Yuika Fujita!!(purple)
Eihi and Machi are twin siblings and go to Miyamasuzaka as second years! The other two go to Kamiyama. Yuika is a first year while Michika is a second year!
Eihi, Machi and Michika knew each other as kids, because they all used to attend ballet classes together! Unfortunately after a while, Michika decides that she no longer has fun doing ballet and it’s becoming too stressful for her, and stops coming.
While this is happening, Eihi gets scouted to be a model, and after a while she finds it hard to attend to everything and also drops the lesson.
Machi attends by herself for a while before also dropping it as she’s left all by herself now.
I think they keep in touch,, but they’re definitely more distant after they stop seeing each other frequently.
Yuika transfers to Kamiyama a little late than the beginning of the school year!
Yuika composes music and also wants to make short films !
She has a run in with Michika, they end up talking about their interests n stuff and Michika offers to help Yuika make a movie!!
Michika now makes,, scrapbooks and cool journals to set the vibes for their movies I think.. But yeah, she mostly wants to help with the direction but not act herself at this point. So they’re kind of stuck with no actors.
A lot of details r actually rlly fuzzy bc I barely work on these guys n im actually making up some stuff as I go… Michika sees SOMETHING with Eihi on it, as she’s still working as a model right now. And is like, hey. We used to be friends (we still are?? Kind of. I think) I’ll call her (Machi too) up n see what she thinks about helping with the movie.
Turns out, Eihi doesn’t really want to do modeling all that much from the beginning. But got pressured too much from people all around her who were “worried about her future” and decided to stick with it because she understood that sometimes in these industries you had to take the option that works, even if its not what you want truly.
Anyways, these all meet up n they discuss how the movie will be. Yuika actually doesn’t want to make movies with dialogue! Just movement and music. (So I don’t think they actually sing too much in in-universe content they produce, but I do still have voice hcs for them all obv.)
Anyways machi also,, I think she’s kind of shut in now bc she feels betrayed by her sister? They grew up doing everything together and one day she just starts doing her own thing n now they barely see each other or do anything together. N she resorts to some kinda I dont need you anyway🙄🙄 mentality to get over it but she is kind of sad about it inside😞
So the whole making movies together yippee thing gets her an opportunity to do something with her sister again like in the good old days so shes . happy (tho she tries to hide it)
yuikas just happy she found people who are willing to help make her passions reality!
and michika is happy her friends r reconnected after a few years of very awkward,, are we still friends or was it just a casual-we only spoke bc we existed at the same place at the same time and now that we dont we aren’t friends anymore- kind of thing.
Their sekai is a kind of minimalist modern art museum !!! And the main genre of music they make is,,, idk what to call it tbh? It’s atmospheric.. but its also inspired by those beep bops that u get from hooking plants to those machines that convert the waves into sounds ???? this is definitely not the right terminology for it but my main interest is maths n physics idk this stuff much
i have a very makeshift not SUPER accurate but accurate enough spotify playlist for them..
i havent designed any virtual singers yet…
other small things i can add are,,,
yuika is casual with Michika but speaks more formally with the twins in the beginning (which gets confusing sometimes bc they have the same surname obviously) after a while she does start using their names to save everyone the confusion.
yuika also looks up to the twins ! But is a bit more intimidated by Machi at first, but they end up becoming close friends!!
Machi skates! Skateboard and rollerskates i think! After yuika and her become closer, yuika helps her record cool videos of herself doing tricks LMAOO
Machi hangs out in vivid street a lot also! Because Yuika moved from outside the city, it’s likely Machi introduces Yuika to vivid street.
AHHH i cant think of anything else right now thank u so much for the kind words n reading :33
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aresmarked · 2 years
op you are SO right about the freaking shizumafu event because i am rotating them they are just so,,!!! like even if its just a set up, mafuyu getting support outside from n25 is just a huge step!!! more people for more support for mafuyu and man she deserves it and im so glad you brought it up because im literally going to cry im sorry for bursting into your ask like this i just think you are so cool???
if you dont mind i do wonder what your favorite event is in prjsk and why!!!
so first don't apologise for coming to ramble about story with me, it's one of my fave activities XD as evinced by the rambling i threw out already. and YES this is a writer's hunch but i think shizuku and emu will likely be a big safety component as mafu-mom pokes more into mafuyu's 'friend' at school, which she hasn't. actually really had before, before this. so this is actually a highly critical event IMO, on that front.
and like. what parent wouldn't be somewhat reassured by their child having a friend as earnestly and openly caring as shizuku? even if she'll probably be a little critical of throwing away the 'stability' of being an agency idol for being independent (yes im writing a ficlet on this and am full of thoughts).
and god do i have to just pick one?? i'll give a selection lol.
kamikou festival because it was such a nice little sight into mizuki at school, and how an and rui are just, so important for them feeling connected, and how things have changed for them? an bothering to reach out to say 'hey no one's going to be staring at you so it should be all good to come' was just. so kind.
secret distance holds a special place in my heart for mizuan interactions in card, mizuena overall, and being my first proper psekai event, i started the game when it was first done in jp. the writing really is what reeled me in.
let me know your worries picnic shizuai/mizuena double date?? shizuai mizuena double date. also showing how ena just cares so much and mizuki does too. god.
summer festival i have a soft spot for cause we really get to see for all they are def the most nippy siblings, the shinonome sibs really get each other.
two moon rabbits. god, so, fun fact, sometimes to go to sleep i just put on this event to listen to while i drift off. seeing how shizuku has just always looked out for shiho and really does know her so well? just maximum consideration. i die.
Both anni events are just so good for the mingling and the show of how everyone's drawing closer? and gosh. the kanamafu piano duet.
Footprints. I don't think I need to double this post length, so let's just say I t500'd global and mizuki aching over just having even a little more time killed me.
the events with ena facing her art fully, and her growth with honaemu (paint what you like), and mafuyu (this wish will reach the dawn)? also have nudged me back into vis art. god i love the stories.
cherry blossom event hinting at an intergroup sekai has me chomping.
wishing you happiness: holy shit hinomoris can be so gender.
vivid old tale: combined w the marriage event, it's sweet to see how an admires mature ladies. and funny lol i HC mizuki def teases her
no seek no find: i have to shout out saki's VA for absolutely wrecking people with the sheer heartbroken frustration she conveyed, for when saki was just, at her lowest at not being able to do anything she really wanted.
tying the ribbon: mizuki is def one of my fave kids so seeing them have such a good relationship with their family, their sister, and how their sister convinced them to try music... man. i really hope she gets an l2d sometime.
wolf forest: hinomoris can be so gender. i also really enjoyed shiho marvelling at an's fitness, and the area talk with an just accepting shiho likes cute stuff.
beyond that day's dream: baby harukaaaaa!! also more context on why haruka wants so badly to talk to her idol in her fes card. delish.
lol basically i have a baseline appreciation for 99% of psekai's writing but these were some fave times
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ichika27 · 3 years
The World Ends with You
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(Yeah, it’s the same screenshot I used for my post about ep. 1. I couldn’t get a new one so...)
Ah, first week without the TWEWY anime to look forward to. I’m actually kinda sad cause I’d miss waiting for the episode every Saturday night (Ani-One posts theirs on that day here). I have some stuff I wanna say about the anime so I thought I’d make one of these plus this is a good way to end the twewy anime blog post series I make every week. I’ll try not to spoil until the very bottom of this post which will have a spoiler warning.
Also, this will be very long and rambly as most of my fandom posts are haha.
A boy named Neku wakes up in the middle of Shibuya with no memory and finds himself as a player in the Reaper’s Game. For a week he must partner up with a girl named Shiki and both of them must complete missions, battle creatures called noise, and survive as failure meant erasure.
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Neku Sakuraba - our main protagonist who somehow lost his memories and is now playing the Reaper’s Game. He’s a loner who isn’t too keen on getting close to anyone let alone working alongside anybody - unfortunately for him, it’s a requirement if he wants to survive. As a player he has an assortment of abilities to fight off noise and other enemies (in the game this meant he can use a lot of different pins).
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Shiki Misaki - the nice and friendly Shiki becomes Neku’s partner in the Reaper’s Game. Unlike Neku she has knowledge of the game and fills Neku in on things he doesn’t understand. Her ability is to control her stuffed toy called Nyantan/Mr. Mew which she uses in combat.
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Beat - the tough skateboarding player, he’s somewhat more like the typical hot-blooded shounen protagonist when compared to Neku. He’s protective of those he care about especially his game partner, Rhyme. He uses his skateboard in battle.
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Rhyme - Beat’s game partner who is a lot kinder and calmer than him. Rhyme tends to be the one to reason with Beat when needed and the two are always seen together.
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Yoshiya Kiryu - a mysterious boy who seem to know more than he lets on and acts at times acts suspicious. He prefers to be called by the nickname Joshua.
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Sanae Hanekoma - a cafe owner who helps out Neku and the others and would give them advice. His advice prove to be very helpful and Neku takes them to heart. Seem to have a lot of knowledge about the Reaper’s Game but doesn’t seem to be a reaper himself.
(I tried my best to not be spoilery in the character descriptions so some names weren’t written in full)
The World Ends with You (or in the original Japanese “Subarashiki Kono Sekai”/It’s a Wonderful World) is an anime based on the video game of the same name. It had to compress an entire game’s worth of story within it’s 12 episode run which meant they cut out a lot of things and combined some scenes to quickly run through them. It’s theme song is the anime version of the game’s original OP “Twister” although this wasn’t what was originally planned but an incident involving the band who sang the original theme forced them to make changes. The original voice actors from the game also reprised their roles for the anime. The series is created to be watched before the release of the long-awaited sequel game.
The art style is made to be similar to it’s game version (with a bit of change to adapt it as an anime like when it comes to body proportions). They also retained the effect of the characters from the UG (players/reapers) being brightly colored while those from the RG having darker/muted colors. While the noise are obviously cg, I personally liked this since they’re said to be from a different plane anyways so it’s a nice contrast to those from the UG and RG. They had to update the setting though as years had passed since the original game’s creation and they had to model anime version of Shibuya to what it’s real life counterpart now looks. The characters are also given smartphones instead of the flip phones they had in the game (anime-only watchers who are gonna play the game would have to get used to them still using flip phones though lol).
Okay so story-wise... it’s rushed. Of course it is. They shortened it so that what’s left would mostly be important plot points from the main story but they cut out many scenes that consist of character interactions and several little things that could’ve fleshed out the characters more. The gameplay is also made simpler with some mechanics taken away and the mini games weren’t adapted (RIP to Reaper Creeper and Tin Pin Slammer, especially the latter as you’re severely missed). The game boast an assortment of characters and some NPCs have their own stories but due to the anime’s limited run time, they had to either be cut out (and are just given cameos) or given smaller roles (and their stories weren’t adapted). They did, however, give a few bits and pieces of information that weren’t in the game such as some details about certain characters and one supporting character was given a bit more screentime that they did in the game version.
Despite the rushed nature of the series (which may or may not affect how one views the story itself), the anime made sure to adapt several important scenes and the dramatic stuff is made worse... like, they really had to make some deaths harder to take. The battle scenes were nice as well although my biggest complaint about them is that the boss fights were over too quickly. There were scenes that were changed for the anime version and there are those that I liked and those I didn’t but there are many which I think was as good as the game’s version.
Do I recommend the anime? The game is better, the characters and story are more fleshed out and the way the character/relationship development happens is better paced so of course, me, biased already would tell you to play the game instead if you haven’t yet. Do I recommend those who played the game to watch the anime? Yes! Yes I do. I think the anime is better watched when you’ve played the game and know the stuff that they cut out cause it’ll make better sense that way. Plus I found it enjoyable seeing the scenes from the game animated and the characters are speaking whole dialogues and moving. It’s great!
Even if the anime wasn’t perfect, like I mentioned before, they did their best to condense the entire main story in a 12 episode series and it tried to be as faithful as it could to the original story so despite the deviations when it comes to how things got to the way they did, if you summarize important plot points, they would be the same (with some details changed). Overall, it was very enjoyable and it wasn’t as bad as I feared when I heard how many episodes the anime was going to have.
Some spoiler thoughts:
It would’ve been better if the anime had more episode count than just 12. Cramming a 3 week story of game into just 12 made the thing very rushed with Week 1 only getting three episodes, Week 2 getting four, and final Week getting five. They had to get to the good stuff so they cut off a lot of scenes where the characters are interacting with each other which means they suddenly get character developments and relationship developments too quickly. It might not be that obvious to anime-only watchers but to me, it felt kinda sudden and it feels like it doesn’t work out well story-wise since Neku had to learn how to trust other people and make friends and with how he started vs. how he came out of it contrasting each other.
By the way, they made the characters look good in the anime. Especially Joshua. Have you seen Joshua? He’s so pretty in the anime. I want a picture of him I could stare at anytime I want to (I do not own a phone, sadly).
I like how they gave Eri more scenes though and that they changed her outfit for the anime so she won’t look exactly like UG!Shiki. All of her scenes though made me feel like I wish the anime gave closure to Shiki’s own story by showing us her and Eri making up. Another scene I liked in the anime is Neku’s fanboying of CAT when he finds out the truth. It was adorable.
Some info was taken away from the anime. Beat and Rhyme leaving home had scene dialogue and unlike Beat just narrating it in-game but they didn’t mention specifically why he was angry and his trouble at home. Joshua wasn’t present when Sota and Nao gave Neku a pep-talk either which is a shame cause I think that helped Josh as well. 
I mentioned before how the anime made things go too fast. They cut off chunks of not-main-plot story that let the characters interact with each other more which means each game day is shortened as well. I think it made sense that Neku wakes up at the scramble in the end and not stressed out because he didn’t go through as much as his game counterpart did. That said, game Neku learned a lot from more than just the main cast in the game compared to the anime so I like his character development in the game better.
They took away Tin Pin Slammer. I am sad and disappointed. I was hoping so bad for Another Day to be adapted even if it’s an OVA. That and the ramen incident are part of Josh’s week which meant some side of him wasn’t shown (I mean, anime fans don’t know he wasn’t there on week 3 since he’s busy playing a kid’s game elsewhere and how he could talk about food like he is from a cooking anime). Speaking of Josh, they made him very suspicious from the get-go in the anime. I understand as there’s a limited run-time and they can’t really afford to be subtle about it but it meant some of the fun interactions with Neku is gone and so are some scenes where they actually got along. At least they had ice cream together, I guess?
(I have more to say when it comes to Joshua cause he’s my fave character but this is long and my thoughts on it would make this way longer. I might make another post.)
In the end, it wasn’t perfect but the anime was fun and enjoyable enough that I found myself looking forward to it every week. Seeing scenes I recognize from the game in animated form (with voice acting!) felt exciting and awesome. I’ll miss this show and I still wish it was longer.
If you’ve read this far well, thank you. And also I’m confused why but still hopefully that was a good time-killer. I have so many other things I wanted to comment on but that’s for another time. Maybe.
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franeridan · 4 years
Fran, what are the animes you're into this season, like that one with the pretty girls with nice colors 👀👀👀 (I'm in desperate need of distractions, but if this is annoying please ignore it and also have a nice day!!!)
Definitely not annoying please do allow me to gush about all the anime I'm following this season is full of great stuff!!! I'll give a little summary of what the story seems to be about for each of them, don't read that if you don't want spoilers for the first episodes! * next to the ones I really think you should check out
ura sekai picnic - about two girls (uni students!) who make a habit of crossing into a parallel dimension where urban legends are real and fight with them. one of them is looking for her lost friend, the other is unable to say no to the first and goes with her despite reason telling her it's better to let it go. seems gay atm so bonus points for that! makes liberal use of unnecessary cgi so points detracted for that. The girls are extremely amusing for me though!
* wonder egg priority - the one with the pretty girls in pretty colors! Something just slightly off of being a majokko, in which girls who've lost someone important to them seem to have found a way to bring them back to life by constantly risking their lives to fight monsters. It's more complicated than that, but this one isn't easy to explain in two words - extremely pretty, golden animation, wonderful moods and camera work, all the girls introduced till now seem wonderful! the plot is very interesting too, just on the wrong side of hopeful to make you sure something will go wrong any moment, love that
2.43 - volleyball anime! there's nothing much to say about this one tbh, it's mostly your typical sports anime. If I had to tell you to watch one anime out of this list this one would Not be it, but if you're like me and you enjoy listening to japanese accents you don't hear often in anime this one is amusing in that sense 😂😂 sorry, that's probably not what you want to know about this, but it really is my favourite thing about watching this one haha
back arrow - this one is DUMB. mecha anime in a fantasy setting, about a world that ends with a wall and a boy insisting he came from the other side of said wall and wanting to go back. it feels so random to watch you kinda want to keep on following it just to figure out where it's trying to go?? the protagonist is delightfully empty headed and the supporting cast has interesting dynamics and fun designs - also there's one guy between the maybe-antagonists that's so extremely chaotic neutral I enjoy every second he's on screen ngl
kai byoui ramune - about a doctor who cures supernatural illnesses. I can't say it's an exceptional anime in any way for now, but the sheer chaos the protagonist brings wherever he goes has me hooked for sure. Is he a nice guy? is he a bastard? is he actually both at the same time somehow??? I dunno but what's for sure is that he's exactly my type of character, and the supporting cast isn't half bad either!
* sk8 the infinity - about weirdos skating!!! delightful, fantastic, incredible colors and animation and designs and characters and character interactions, really a bones studio anime, I love it a bit more each new episode out. And it's hilarious! I don't think I've spent more than a couple of minutes of it not laughing in the whole three episodes out atm, really really suggest this one! Biggest selling point is the relationship between the two protagonists for sure, love me two best friends who just love the shit out of each other without an ounce of shame
* horimiya - shoujo manga about two classmates who one day find out they're completely different people outside school and become best friends. Adorable!!! Lovely!!!! Soft AND hilarious, the main girl is a gem and the main boy is just ideal, plus all the supporting characters are extremely charming and fun - the relationships between everyone seem to sail smoothly too, which makes the whole of it really relaxing to watch! I just love it, so glad I'm following it
* kemono jihen - demon anime about a halfling kid who one day finds out he isn't completely human and decides to join an agency that takes care of monsters-related accidents to maybe figure out what happened to his parents. This one is GOOD. First of all, the main protagonist is extremely charming, he's weird in a way that's on the edge of just being sad and it makes you want to keep following him to find out how the new bonds he's forming will help him grow. It IS kind of disgusting at points, but as far as I'm concerned it just adds to the charm of the anime - the visuals are damn great and the cast seems a lot of fun, can't wait to see how it keeps going 👀 I already have it in the list of manga I'll catch up on after the anime's over
PLUS I'm still following jujutsu kaisen, hanyou no yashahime and the digimon remake, but the last two are really just nostalgia things and the first I assume you already know I love with my whole heart 😂😂 this a busy season!!
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bangtiddies · 5 years
Sleeping Beauty
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Pairing: Jungkook x unnamed female OC Genre: Heavy Angst, bittersweet fluff Words: 2,038 Warnings: major character death, (unnamed) terminal illness, bittersweet reminiscence
Summary: “One morning, I’ll open my eyes, and you’ll no longer be in this world.”
Note: Inspired by SEKAI NO OWARI’s 眠り姫 (Nemuri Hime/Sleeping Princess)
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The room is cold and lonely. There’s no sound, just dead silence, the only sound heard from time to time being people walking in and out of the room. The room is too clean for Jungkook’s liking, too white, too bare, too unfamiliar. It’s devoid of personality, nothing there to express the beauty of the person occupying the room.
Perhaps other people also notice the lack of personality in the hospital room. Flowers of different colours and shapes decorate the room, get well soon cards scattered across most surfaces. But no matter how many flowers and cards come flooding in, the room still feels empty, sad, and lonely.
Jungkook dreaded this moment. The moment his whole world falls apart. The moment his life changes forever. The moment he knew was going to happen as soon as they found out about the illness, but he constantly wished would never happen.
The moment his best friend is admitted to hospital, pale and frail in the middle of the room on the pristine white hospital bed, on the verge of closing her eyes and never opening them again.
Jungkook vows to never leave her side while she’s the in hospital, but he doesn’t like being here. He doesn’t like that she’s there, lying almost lifeless in the bed. The hospital room doesn’t suit her.
The room is cold and lonely. A sick, frail body lies in the middle of the room, on the pristine white hospital bed.
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Growing up, they spent a lot of time together.
They would go on adventures in the nearby parks, imagining up long journeys of fighting dragons and finding the hero’s sword. They were always the heroes together, holding hands through fields and forests as they dreamed up their fantasy worlds.
They had good days and bad days; days where they cried on each other’s shoulders and supported each other; days where they cheered in triumph after defeating the big boss in a video game; days where they lied beneath the stars, pointing out all the constellations they knew.
Jungkook can’t believe that he might have to spend those days alone, her hand no longer intertwined with his.
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He must’ve spent a few days there, at the hospital, because one day, she turns to look at him and smiles at him. But her eyes are filled with worry.
“Jungkook,” she says, voice hoarse. She looks so frail, so sick, so different to how he knows her. Sometimes, he finds it hard to believe that it’s his best friend there in the pristine white hospital bed. Sometimes, he can’t recognise her. Because the sick, frail person isn’t the lively girl he always knew.
“Hmm?” he answers, not taking his eyes off her. He needs to spend every moment he can with her.
“Go home,” she whispers, “take a shower, have a good rest.”
Jungkook shakes his head, “no. I’m staying here with you. I’m not leaving you.”
“It’s okay,” she laughs, it sounds shaky, and Jungkook wishes to be able to hear the lively laugh she used to laugh, just one more time, “it’s not like I’m going anywhere else.”
He doesn’t know why he does it. But an hour later, when she falls asleep on the pristine white hospital bed, he decides to go home to take a shower. Just for her.
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Jungkook was five years old when he first met her.
He had gone to the nearby park with his brother, determined to collect bugs together. Only they ended up not collecting bugs that day because they made new friends at the park.
She was one of them.
There were about six of them – including Jungkook and his brother – and they all decided to strengthen their friendship by playing a game of hide and seek. While his brother (who lost paper-scissors-rock) counted to fifty, Jungkook ran as far as his little legs could run. He found a tree in the little forestry area next to the park, one that would be easy to climb with his little legs, and hurriedly scrambled upon the first branch he could reach. As he climbed higher up the tree, he noticed another pair of legs dangling off a high branch of the tree.
“Oh!” he let out a surprised sound.
“Shhh!” she shushed, putting an index finger against her lips, narrowing her eyes at him. Jungkook nodded and places an index finger against his lips too. After a small moment of them staring, with Jungkook being a little intimidated, she offered him her hand. He hesitated a little, staring at her with curious doe eyes, before shyly grabbing her hand and letting her pull him up onto the same branch she was sitting on.
They didn’t let go of each other’s hands, still gripping them as they sat upon the tree.
His brother teased Jungkook all day after he found them, and although Jungkook blushed and denied any claims of, ‘K-I-S-S-I-N-G,’ he felt chuffed that he made a new friend.
Jungkook played hide and seek with her again the next day, and many more days after that.
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It’s so odd, seeing his best friend in a wheelchair. But the bright smile is back on her face, her energy and excitement high, that Jungkook couldn’t say anything.
In a way, he’s just as excited as she was; the doctor had granted her one day out, so long as she’s in the wheelchair and to come home as soon as she felt tired. Her face brightened up at the news, a wide smile Jungkook hadn’t seen in such a long time, and she planned her whole day out to be with Jungkook.
Jungkook would be lying if he didn’t say he was chuffed that she chose to spend her whole free day out of the hospital with him.
She says she wants to go to the park again. The park where they met. And so, he drives her there, where she sings along to music and laughs in the passenger seat. If it weren’t for her frail body and her wristband, the moment would have been just like the times before she fell ill. It was obvious that they both were trying so hard to ignore all details of her illness and the looming reality that she would return to the hospital that evening.
They reach the park where they first met, a world that looked so big to them many years ago looking so small now. He pushes her around the park, pointing out places where they used to play, laughing at fond memories.
He knows, by the tears welling up in her eyes, that she’s trying not to cry. And if she starts to cry, Jungkook knows that he’s definitely going to cry with her.
But she sniffs a little instead, wiping her eyes with her sleeves before looking up to Jungkook with a smile.
“Can I request one more place?” she asks.
“Yeah sure,” Jungkook answers, smiling at her. I’ll take you anywhere if I can for you, he thinks.
“Can we go to our rock?”
“Our rock?”
“Yeah, our rock. At the beach,” her smile is bright, as if she hadn’t been almost-crying just a moment ago, “let’s watch the sunset together.”
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Jungkook would’ve been sixteen years old when he fell properly in love with her.
He’d always had a minor crush on her; even his brother could tell. But it wasn’t until his sixteenth birthday, when she arrived looking beautiful and like an angel sent from heaven, that he knew that he was in love with her.
He never got to confess his feelings to her.
There was a day when he almost did, about a year after his birthday, when they were sitting on their rock at the beach in the summer and staring at the sunset while their family cleaned up the barbeque. They’ve spent many evenings here before, sitting on the massive, smooth rock together that they both claimed when they were kids.
Every time the sun was setting, she looked at it like it was the first time ever; marvelling at the beautiful pink and orange sky above them. This time was no different, as she gasped loudly and watched the sunset with stars in her eyes.
“Jungkook! Look at the view!” she exclaimed with a wide smile, standing on the rock and putting her arms out, breathing in the fresh salty air.
He looked up and stared at her side profile, while she was looking out to the sunset, and smiled at how beautiful she looked. He softly said her name and she turned to look at him, sitting back down and staring into his eyes. Waiting for him to say something.
He was so close to confessing. So close to saying the words that had bubbled up inside of him since his sixteenth birthday. So close to saying them out loud.
But his father had called him over to help them out with packing away the chilly bin. And so, he stored away his confession, determined to say it when the next opportunity came.
The next opportunity never came.
He should have let her know, at least.
He should have confessed.
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They reached the beach just before sunset. Pink and orange fill the sky, looking like a beautiful painting above them. Jungkook takes the wheelchair out of the boot but she shakes her head, asking if she could sit on the rock. Their rock.
So, he carries her to their rock, and they sit there together, intertwining their hands. Watching the sun disappear into the ocean. He looks over at her, like he did all those years ago when he almost confessed his feelings for her.
He wants to. Right now, he really wants to let her know. He wants to tell her what he should’ve when he was seventeen, all those years ago when they were sitting in the same place they are now.
But she looks back at him with a smile, squeezing his hand lightly. And from the glistening tears in her eyes, from the love she sends him, he knows. He knows that she knows.
“Thank you, Jungkook.”
Jungkook! Look at the view!
“Thank you for loving me.”
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They let Jungkook stay over at in her hospital room that night.
He knows why.
She knows why.
She’s ecstatic though, a smile on her face as she chatters animatedly to Jungkook until she falls asleep.
He watches her fall asleep on the pristine white hospital bed.
He watches her for a little while longer, taking in her beauty while she sleeps.
He tries to focus on her heartbeat as he lies on the fold out bed next to her.
He tries to fall asleep to the sound her breathing.
He tries not to cry himself to sleep that night.
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It’s 5:23 a.m.
The room is filled with silent sobs and anticipation. A body lies in the middle of the room, on the pristine white hospital bed.
Jungkook feels like all the air has been sucked out of his lungs. There’s no emotion in his body, the situation yet to process in his mind. He stares blankly at what used to be his lively best friend.
The rest is a blur. A man in a white coat – a doctor, Jungkook’s mind manage to process – walks in and talks to her parents. Jungkook doesn’t process what the doctor says, only continues to stare at the pristine white hospital bed. The doctor walks to the body on the bed, to her, and checks her pulse. The man sighs and with a remorse look, turns to the people in the room.
The next words from the doctor, Jungkook hears clearly.
“I am sorry for your loss.”
The doctor leaves after documenting the death, her death, and Jungkook has difficulty breathing. Once the doctor is out of the room, Jungkook bursts into tears.
I am sorry for your loss.
I am sorry for your loss.
Your loss.
He’ll never forget the wail of her mother, as she grips her husband and grieves the death of her daughter.
The room is filled with wails and tears. A lifeless body lies in the middle of the room, on the pristine white hospital bed.
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A thing of beauty is a joy forever.  - John Keats
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kaisooficrec · 6 years
👻🎃🕸️Halloween Fic List 🕸️🎃👻
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Hey pumpkins ;) KFR has compiled a special list for this year’s Halloween of all all hallow’s eve aus and spooky/dark fics :) we only picked a handful of supernatural and horror due to the vastness of both genres, but we promise we’ll update the list in case a new halloween fic emerges! Happy trick & treating~
halloween themed fics w/ costumes and parties: 
I Don't Belong In Heaven - hallowen party au, have some fallen angel jongin on kyungsoo's lap (public sex, w: use of drugs/aphrodisiac)
Candy Coated - a really popular halloween au! basically sekai throw a halloween party and invite their crushes over, they compete with each other in who’ll get on what base with their other half jgjfjg it’s very funny and jongin is all soft and mushy with kyungsoo ^^
My Boo - lol this is hella great halloween pwp, jongin dresses up as a ghost, and goes with his boyfie soo to their friends’ party and kind of ditch them in the backyard to have fun on their own :ppp 
PumpKing + Little Devil - halloween specials (fluff and then smut) related to timefortea’s millionaire’s matchmaker :) they carve pumpkin and then go to a halloween party :~)
Make It Double - family au, parents kd are making halloween special for their baby ^^
kaisoo halloween drabble - sweet fluffy slice of life where kd celebrate halloween outside of their apartment!
Conceiving An Idea - jongin goes to sm’s halloween party and misses his hyung (smut ;)
vampires and pumpkins - a sweet drabble with vampire!kd and they can’t decide what to dress for halloween!
do not tempt me - jongin is not able to attend sm halloween party due to his leg injury but he gets home to a surprise (crossdressing soo as a girl)
someone call the doctor - soo’s friends decide to throw a halloween party but soo isn’t feeling well (and ‘doctor’ jongin will tend to him *u*)
You’re Under Arrest (For Stealing My Heart) - genderswap (girl!soo) decides to dress as a sexy inmate for halloween au
Undressed - genderswap girl!soo who is a teacher and goes to a party only to come home with (unknowingly) one of her students
Give Me a Sign - college boyfriends go to a halloween party on campus ^u^
Give It 2 U - another crossdress!soo smut, jongin goes to a halloween party without him because soo doesn’t like halloween but he has fun on his own when jongin gets back
Halloween is a Magical Holiday - pwp + cross-dressing, seems like dress ups r taken v seriously in many halloween au :--) d.o is jongin’s favourite camboy (exhibitionism, crossdressing, college au)
Halloween’s Happening - sm halloween party with all exo members in costumes and kd smut again jfjdf
And To All A Good Night - this is where jongin dislikes halloween while kyungsoo loves it and they clash during pumpkin carving
Imagine That. - nerd + bad boy au, there is a part where they dress up for a party, jongin is a sweet puppy and bad boy kyungsoo is just super soft for him ^^
Halloween Fictober by bookishvice, these are halloween ficlets which are ult adorable, feat. kid kaisoo go trick and treating and more!
then some supernaturale fluffy, not-very spooky ones:
All Hallow’s Meet / (AFF) - ghost au / soulmate au, very somber and bittersweet, just beautifullll
Spooked - it’s basically fluff and a bit crack so not spooky?? kyungsoo has to go to a haunted house in the woods :D
Wading In Scarlet Lust - noir psychological vampire au. jongin comes from a royal family where his siblings and parents abuse him. he lives a miserable lonely life but then a dark soul with crimson eyes lures him promising freedom and a chance to revenge 
Spice Up my Party - we’re not done yet with halloween party au! tmi au inspired, jongin is a shy shadowunter and kyungsoo a party loving warlock who doesn’t give up on pursuing jongin ;) i luuuv
Stitch Me Up - zombie jongin has a crush on an adorable vampire in a town ^^
By the Power of Love - wizard soo has a crush on jongin and wants him to like kyungsoo too so he makes a potion! but does jongin really need it? ;)
Salt Circles - boyfriends but also demon hunters kaisoo drabble ^^
Let’s End It Together - supernatural ghost au and haunted house au! horror-ish but it’s not scary i promise!
Don't Wave No Goodbye (You loved me then and I love you now) - miss minty-pixie’s incredible ghost au! kyungsoo is a ghost and it’s said that the person who loves you can see you...it’s not his bf sehun who can see him but jongin, his bestfriend :o
Cute Vampire - vampire au drabble with confession ohh yeah and childhood friends kd
We Pick Ourselves Undone - zombie soo wants to find love but it's hard with his appearance until he meets jongin, the sweetest non-judgemental vampire ever ;;;;;;; soft!!!!
Who You Gonna Call? - ghostbusters au and both have a crush on each other but are too oblivious! fluff and comedy!
Virus - soft zombie au where zombie!soo is very nice and doesn’t want to eat jongin’s brains hehe
You Breathe Life Into Me - flooff! Kyungsoo is a zombie who wishes to find love, so he approaches a matchmaking agency and finds Jongin, a fellow zombie who has a loose jaw, but a tight hold on his heart ♥
It Will Come Back - A thunderstorm one night brings more than broken branches to Kyungsoo's doorstep (vampire!au)
you're like caffeine - fluffy ghost au where ghost!soo lives in jongin’s room
Kyungsoo hates Halloween (until he doesn't) - kyungsoo is forced by his friend to go to a ‘haunted’ house but then meets cutie jongin in there ;)) 
I don’t get mad, I get even - by kyungharem (she has more horror stuff:’), Kai cheats on Kyungsoowith Baekhyun and Kyungsoo gets even (warnings: gore/torture)
A Psychopath, a Psychopath, He Says He Loves Me - Psychopath!Kai, Sociopath!Kyungsoo, they both have their issues (warnings: gore, horror, dub/non-con, hinted daddy kink)
He’s my Black Pearl - Kyungsoo is a fisherman in a loving relationship with jongin and does not believe in urban legends about seafood and oysters. one day he scraps his knee which he bandages, not thinking how serious it can get. (warnings: gore, loss of mental stability, kind of amputation) this fic...wow
Across - hitman!Kyungsoo and convenience store worker!Jongin, and neither of them knows what they are getting into (warnings: gore, violence, stockholm and lima syndrome, abuse)
Teddy Bear, Say Goodnight - demon!Kai thinks the souls of sinners are the tastiest (warnings: horror, nightmares, mentions of gore/violence)
Deep Breath - a drabble, kind of a ghost au
Presents - jongin meets a cat hybrid at his friend’s halloween party but doesn’t know there’s more to the hybrid than he thought (feral!soo, dangerous!soo)
ground zero - After moving away from the city, Jongin meets someone who only asks for him to read his favorite book (tw for self-harm)
throes of insanity - mental institution, psycho!jongin, kyungsoo is supposed to help jongin who has schizophrenia and others are afraid of him
Mine - school au, kyungsoo really likes jongin, his friend and considers him his pet (psycho!soo umm this fic holy moly)
After Life - Kyungsoo and Jongin have been long time lovers, only that on a rainy day, Jongin passed away in a tragic accident, leaving his soul looking for Kyungsoo (!!!aaaaa!!!)
Keep Your Eyes Open - ghost!au, when Kyungsoo woke up, he hadn’t expected to find out he was dead. Or spending the rest of his life trapped in a house. (AHS inspired)
Beneath My Bed - two shots with two alternative endings! kai is the ‘bed monster’ ;)
In Pace Requiescat - battle royale inspired. kd and friends go camping which turns into a survival game
Watching You - Jongin always sees Kyungsoo, even when the rest of the world doesn't. (tw: for possible gore)
under your skin - psycho!jongin, kyungsoo meets jongin in a psychology lecture and falls in love, but little did he know...:o
Thy Soul Shalt Not Rest - ongoing, murder mystery. jongin and kyungsoo were supposed to be on a date but everything changes when they find a body in a park (fuuudge this rly thrilling so far!)
- Admins J + Cupcake
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kimonobeat · 6 years
aiko bon “Profile Interview” Chapter 6 (3/3)
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ーWhat songs did you contribute to the CD, aiko?
aiko: 3 songs: “Ano Ko e (For Her)”, “more&more”, and “AB-Gata no Futari (Us Two Type AB People)”. “Ano Ko e” ended up being one of the B-sides to “Rosie” later on. “more&more” is also a B-side on “Sakura no Toki”, but I sang it with a completely different sort of bossa nova vibe. Then there’s “AB-Gata no Futari”, which I haven’t included on anything yet. The key of that song is super duper high for me to sing, now. “Once a week I call him out of love~ Even though I’ve never said the words ‘I like you’ out loud~ I call him~” I used falsetto to sing that entire part.
ーYou were just fine singing in that key at the time, though?
aiko: No, it was still pretty high for me even then. (smiles wryly) But singing songs in a high key gave me so much status back then. All I did was write songs in super high keys because it made me so happy to hear people go, “Wow, that’s so high! Amazing!” For example, “Aitsu wo Mukaseru Houhou” starts off with me singing on the CD, but the old version actually started with me libbing some high notesーyou know, “Yeah yeah yeah~”, that sort of thing. It was super high-pitched. I tried to sing it again for real and was like, “Huh!?” (laughs) “AB-Gata no Futari” has this nice jazzy sound to it. It’s a song about how these two people whose blood types are both AB fall in love. It only takes them 3 hours to fall in love, but half a year to express their feelings to each other. I’d love to sing this song again.
ーHow did you arrange those 3 songs? Did you form a band for it?
aiko: They were all really simple, I sang accompanied only by a piano. Like, one of my friends from music school played the piano for me, and I sang.
ーAnd then after that was your very first indies release, “astral box”, which was your first solo work.
aiko: Yes, that’s right. We recorded it in this studio in Machida named Dutch Mama. It was called Dutch Mama because it was in Machida. Get it? Dutch Mama, Machida, Dutch Mama… I-I’m sorry, that was rude. (laughs) That mini-album had 5 songs on it, including “DO YOU THINK ABOUT ME?”, “Hikari no Sasu Ashimoto (Where the Light Hits Your Feet)”, and “HOW TO LOVE”, all of which have yet to make it onto any of my major label CDs. I’ve released the other two, “Power of Love” and “Kiss de Okoshite (Wake Me with a Kiss)”. The director, Mr. Chiba, said I absolutely just had to release “DO YOU THINK ABOUT ME?” right this moment. That said, he’s said that about a lot of songs by now. It’s like, “So Chiba, when is ‘this moment’ exactly?” (laughs)
ーBut since you were writing songs constantly after your talent agency president told you to, I’m guessing it wasn’t that much of a struggle to come up with songs when he asked you to make an album?
aiko: Uhhh, I think I had about 15 at that point. I was painfully slow at writing songs back then compared to the pace I go at now, so I think that was about how many I had in stock. Of those, we chose a few and then Shimayan (Shimada Masanori) recorded the arrangement digitally on a keyboard. I think I might’ve been a little bit nasty to him when I first met him. I mean, that was pretty much the first time I ever had anyone arrange my songs, and it really surprised me when he added all of these different sounds to songs I’d based around a piano. When he asked me what I thought about the arrangement, I didn’t give him very many positive replies. “How come this sounds Chinese?” I’d say. “I don’t get what that sound’s for there.” At the time, I pretty much hated everything about it.
ーWasn’t that the height of MIDI music, though?
aiko: Yeah, but I wasn’t a huge fan of the way it sounds. I was also sick and tired of it because everything under the sun had a MIDI arrangement back then, so I was like, “Wait, MY songs are all gonna have a MIDI arrangement too!?” I had a pretty strong reaction to it. But even though I thought I hated all things MIDI, when we worked on my 2nd indies release there were other times when I thought, “Wow, I had no idea it could sound like that… Cool!” My hate for MIDI arrangements totally vanished right then and there. I still feel like I caused Shimayan a lot of trouble because I just couldn’t accept it the first time. (laughs)
ーDid recording the vocals go smoothly?
aiko: I sang them all so seriously. We recorded 3 songs a day, or something like that. Now that I think about it, it’s pretty incredible that we were able to record so many! We went at a pace of 3 songs a day, choruses and all. I sang the same song over and over and OVER again because I didn’t know I didn’t have to, like, sing the song all the way through. I was so serious about all of themー”I sang a lot today and got it recorded.” (laughs) When I listen to it now, I can’t help but be bothered by the fact that I can hear the pitch wobble here and there, and that I’m not keeping the rhythm well. I’m able to keep a rhythm and sing on pitch now, but not I wonder if I’d be able to sing so animatedly now. It’s so complicated. I feel like I’m asking for too much, you know?
ーSo how was recording as a whole?
aiko: It was fun, but definitely exhausting. You see, I was commuting from Osaka. I still had my radio jobs in Osaka so I came and went in-between. Seeing a CD come together bit by bit made me so happy, though. You know how you get a sample of the cover and such before the CD is complete? I  remember putting it in a color CD case. I put the back cover in the case and was like, “Wow, so that’s what it’s gonna look like!” That made me so happy. We did talk about that cover looking like it had blood all over it though. (smiles wryly) I also didn’t know anything about the ‘eye’ in ‘eye make-up’ at the time, so my eyebrows were bushy, I’d never worn mascara before, and I absolutely hated curling my eyelashes with an eyelash curler. ...Man am I being super harsh. (laughs)
ーYou the followed that up by releasing your 1st indies single “Hachimitsu (Honey)” roughly 5 months later, and then your 2nd indies mini-album “GIRLIE”.
aiko: Right. It all happened so fast after I released “astral box”. And I was really exhausted because I was still commuting from Osaka to Tokyo like always. Of the 5 songs on “GIRLIE”, I’ve released “Ijiwaru na Tenshi yo Sekai wo Warae! (Mean Angel, Laugh at the World!)” and “Rosie” after signing to a major label, as well as “Hachimitsu”. I still haven’t released the 2 songs “Inu ni Naru (I’ll Be a Dog)” and “Sasenaide (Don’t Make Me)” since going major, though. But man oh man, the cover for “GIRLIE”... just yikes. (laughs)
ーI don’t think it’s that bad.
aiko: I haaate it. For real, I do. It’s almost kinda funnyーlike, who is that even? My face is so chubby. (laughs) I made the pants I’m wearing in that picture myself; I cut my hair all by myself too. A friend came over to my house and gave me that bushy perm. We didn’t even use rods to curl my hair, we used pencils. That picture is just SO embarrassing…
ーDid you get the offer to debut under a major label with the movie theme song “Ashita (Tomorrow)” around the time you were working on “GIRLIE”?
aiko: I think so. We talked about it sometime in April, and then I debuted in July. I thought I would just be participating as the vocalist at first, though. I was really shocked to find out that I’d be releasing as a CD under the name ‘aiko’. For real, I was like, “...Wait, what!?” It wasn’t my songーwell, I wrote the lyrics myself, but they had a lot of requests. They said things like, “Kids are going to be listening to this” and “Don’t use difficult words, please”, which I whined about. That was the first time I’d ever listened to a composition and written lyrics for it too, since I tend to write songs starting with the lyrics first. Because of all that, I wasn’t really sure how to feel about it. In the end, I sort of just did it because the president of my talent agency said I didn’t have anything to lose by doing it. I didn’t care much  either way. To be really honest, I didn’t have a clue. I honestly had no clue whether to OK it or not…
ーSounds like you were having a hard time making a decision. It wasn’t even a song you’d composed.
aiko: Yeah, exactly. And when I went to record it, there were people chit-chatting in English to each other, talking about the equipment, and I didn’t get their Tokyo sense of humor at all. It felt like I was in a foreign country. I slept in the corner of the studio with a knitted hat pulled all the way down past my nose. (laughs) They were very painstakingly detailed about choosing which take to use for like, the chorus, so I had to sing the same parts multiple times. It left me so beat that I almost had to hold onto the music stand to stand. Part of it was because I wasn’t used to being in the studio yet, I think, but that was also a pretty demanding recording.
ーBe honest, how did you feel when “Ashita” was released?
aiko: It didn’t really sink in. It didn’t feel like I’d ‘debuted’ at all. It didn’t even feel like it was ‘my’ song. I thought it was just going to be a one-shot thing. A little after I’d made my debut, people at [Pony] Canyon were telling me all the time that they honestly didn’t know who I was. (laughs) I was still living in Osaka, and the only information they had on me was this tiny A4-size flyer. Apparently they weren’t aware I existed even after I’d debuted. The Canyon people in Tokyo of all places were saying, “aiko? What’s that? Oh, she’s debuted? Who is she?”, which meant the locals definitely didn’t know who I was. We did a campaign to help with that, but even then we only went to Okayama and Matsuyama. I went with someone from Canyon since it didn’t cost me anything, did our campaign, ate some food. And then on the way home that person said, “I need to go to another campaign event. You think you can make it home on your own?” I said yes and took a plane home by myself. (laughs)
ーThat sounds like a pretty sad story.
aiko: But then FM OSAKA worked really hard and put “Ashita” on power rotation. There was also this guy over at FM Toyama named Kawakado. He was close to someone named Komorita who promoted my song a lot, so it was played heavily there too. It sold some copies thanks to those 2 stations. It sold maybe 20k or 30k copies in Osaka and Toyama, which got the Canyon people in Tokyo to go, “Hm? What’s this all about? Who’s this aiko girl?” And then it wasn’t a one-shot thing anymore. We started talking about signing a contract. I really feel like FM OSAKA and FM Toyama putting the song on power rotation was huge for me. FM OSAKA in particular really supported me.
ーWere you still the DJ for “Count Down Kansai Top 40” at FM OSAKA when you debuted?
aiko: I was. I even said “I made my debut!” while I was on air. (laughs) The time frame was changed to Saturdays late at night from 2 AM until 5 AMーa promotion! (laughs) The show had to be put on hold every now and then to check the broadcast equipment, but since I was generating some numbers, they decided to give me a live broadcast from 2 to 5 AM on Saturdays. I started getting more and more faxes and emails.
ーSince you’d just debuted at the time, right?
aiko: Right. The radio station was really supportive. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the radio station. That’s how much they all supported me. It felt like I had a bunch of moms and dadsーit still feels that way.
ーIt still feels like you have so many people supporting you, from the radio, to your fans, and all the various members of the staff, you mean?
aiko: Mm-hm. So many people have shown me so much support. I’m able to continue releasing CDs by… by selling a few copies here and there. I see that now.
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They most definitely comprise
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A Shoujo that you can't miss!
It has actually been time because I have checked out a shoujo manga which left me to moan so much. I had found this path of the shaman manga by surprise. I am a rapid author, so it is also worse when the manga is still updating. But I maintained it on my listing to see as well as if it was finished, I review it relatively promptly, simply stopping when I needed to concentrate on the last. The buddy that had actually recommended this to me said that she adored cosy shoujo collection which were cuter adorable, as well as while I considered a variety of the others she showed, "path of the shaman manga" took the cake for most charming shoujo. I make certain if you check out the initial coupath of the shaman mangaple of phases, you will recognize exactly what I suggest whether or not you are knowledgeable concerning the shoujo style. Shiharu is youthful and pure as an angel, as well as Matsunaga is attractive and also unbelievably thankful he will have a hand with those youngsters that are not his. The questions you'll likely have are: - Do you recognize these kids like? The answers to each of these queries and also much more are responded to relatively neatly at the period of the manga. I know a whole lot of individuals like manga that right away captures your focus and keeps you secured and furiously turning the pages, yet "path of the shaman manga" is certainly pleasantly kicking back. It will certainly become addictive, but it is certainly not a stressful read. I need to give attention to this mangaka for being so amazingly inventive. Basically every phase is an all new scenario with the doubles. Shiharu is always trying to find a method to maintain them active and also teach them something brand-new while still maintaining them from difficulty. She constantly remembers what her mother showed her and what she sees from different kids to work better with those that she's in control of. There are a whole lot of points children are about, such as making mischief at a kiddy pool, moving trick-or-treating, satisfying brand-new close friends, therefore far more. As to be expected, the rise of the doubles within the length of this narrative likewise fostered Chiharu's expansion as a young girl. While she was currently extremely fully grown at the start (as clarified by her good friends and Matsunaga-san) since she had been seen being rather responsible with all the more youthful ones in the orphanage and examined dutifully, she appeared to open her eyes a bit extra with the support of their twins. The both of them were still psychologically climbing up as well as Shiharu came to be increasingly connected to them, enjoying them as though they were her household as opposed to some kids she had to babysit. Clearly, attribute to vintage shoujo, the main love rate of interest is Matsunaga-san, that does not let down readers with his appeal. Initially, he appears very tired all of the time from his line of work, a lot that quickly after he gets back, he collapses on the ground. As Shiharu cares for the twins because of him, he ends up being quite a fantastic person, constantly giving thanks to Shiharu for her task, respecting her, and believing to integrate her in family programs. The only little objection I have is that the attraction between both starts just a bit early, already from the first couple of chapters. I presume it is clear seeing that Shiharu is actually cute and also reliable, the sort of mother number that Matsunaga-san admires, and Matsunaga is undoubtedly attractive, using a superb profession, also young-looking despite being senior. The something that assists it's that the ore dake haireru kakushi dungeon kossori kitaete sekai saikyou stretches their connection for greater than 100 phases, in order to kind of forget about the auto racing in the beginning. There, plainly, a fantastic distribution. Another thing I appreciate about path of the shaman manga is that there are a whole lot of points to concentrate on besides the doubles. They most definitely comprise the biggest aspect of this plot, however there's also like I said formerly, Shiharu's connection with Matsunaga, her absolute best buddy Rio's child problems, also a love triangle. I was not tired through the plan of the manga and find it completely astonishing that this can be Kouchi's very initial work. The twins constantly appear extremely important with plump faces and also huge eyes. It is so entertaining to see Shiharu and also several others being affected by just how cute they are if they state specific things or use matching clothing. While Matsunaga is represented as attractive, periodically I discovered the line of his eyebrow for rather also long, or his experience shaped a little bit oddly. Clothes-wise, nonetheless, I enjoyed everyone's selection, and also hair has been attracted penalty. No matter exactly how dense Shiharu may be sometimes as it concerned her very own sensations along with the amorous ones of the others, I liked this manga a whole team. A passionate English manga viewers might eat up this instantly, as well as I feel a novice to shoujo would certainly like this also. Please head over to https://maplehemmerling434.wixsite.com/bestmangabooks/post/q9otjki98gv5cp1546rsq1627235256 for other relevant information
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fuckyeahexofics · 6 years
Fic Search #179
180327. Hi! I’m looking for this fic where the main pairing is krisho. All the members are mentioned in the fic and everyone except krisho are hybrids. They all work in a cafe, I think and Suho never misses work but he gets sick and has to go home and all pf the members are worried especially Chen, I think. I’m pretty sure it’s on AFF. Thanks!
-retracted by original asker-
180331. Hello so I've been looking for this fanfic and it's a Sekai fanfic and it's on aff and it's about Jongin who's a alpha and a Jongin is an undercover cop who is sent down to take down Sehun who is an Omega who is a powerful mafia boss and their relationship is extremely rocky but they end up being mates and I'm not sure if that's a good enough explanation
180402. Firstly, I really admire your work on this blog! <3 and secondly, I could really need some help to find a fic that I can’t seem to get out of my head -.- I’m pretty sure that it starts with chanyeol and his niece moving next to sehun. they first meet in i believe a coffee shop where sehun works and once they realize they are neighbors get to know each other more. It ends at chanyeol’s parents’ house where Sehun comes to visit and they confess. It might just have disappeared but pls help :)
180404. @kookies-jams-x Hi! I’m looking for a fanfiction/ fanfiction series where in Baekhyun and sehun are kids of two other Exo members (I believe it’s kris and suho) and in one of the one shots Baekhyun is lost out in the snow and Chanyeol brings him home, it’s on livejournal ,, I’ve been looking all day and I haven’t managed to find it yet!  Thanks for your help and sorry for the vagueness!
180404. i know this is messed up but pls help quench my thirst: “bbh & pcy broke up & bbh went to a bdsm club/bar & became a pole dancer there. he was one of the gems in that bar & was named something I couldn’t remember. pcy got fucked up and became a sadistic dom, ksoo helped him & they all thought it was a good thing to let bbh handle him since bbh is good with pain too. pcy doesn’t know that bbh is his sub and he was sadistic af he whipped bbh until he bled. bbh shouted his name and that’s why pcy stopped”
180410. @elderparkchanyeol  Hello~ I was wondering if you guys know of a mama/dystopian chenbaek au? Baekhyun got his powers from a meteor thingy and Chen is a scientist trying to study his powers to figure out how they work. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol are also main characters and they have powers. I think people with powers have special IDs bc their government doesn't like them. thanks!
8. Don’t Mean No Harm But, thanks xiubokki and @kittyxiufanwoman!
180411. @ohxehunf hi! i've been trying to find this one xiuhun fic i've read ages ago in aff. it's actually abo and i think sehun hired minseok as his heatmate (??) to help him through his heat. oh and the only line i remember is sehun's answer: "you're spicy as fuck" when minseok was talking abt his ex & the reason why they broke up loli think it was deleted but just in case anyone knows where i can read it again, it would help a lot! thankss <3
180412. @selullipop Hello good day!!  i want to ask a fic; an ABO au specifically a hunhan fic where hunhan is mated and then because of a tragedy (i think luhan was attacked by a bounty hunter) but he was alive and the consequence is that he was lost and cant find the way home to sehun and he ended up living with humans. i forgot the title so pls help me thank youuu and god bless your blog ♡ 
180413. @m-ira1485 Hi guys! I'm looking for a chanbaek fic i read a few years ago on LJ (i think), chanyeol was a time traveller and could only spend 260 days or something in one place before waking up in a new time. i think he was working in a cafe with baekhyun and didn't know how to tell him but baek knew the whole time! I also remember at the beginning chanyeol woke up on a beach and suho found him and let him stay at his house.. but i read it a while ago so it might have been another member 😅 thanks so much!
180417. @jaegzb Hey awesome people! I can’t sleep rn because I keep thinking what the name of this fic where kris is in the basketball club while suho is in the volleyball one? I think it’s high school au So about my ask on fic search #179. There’s a more detail that I remember, krisho ended up having sex in the locker room I think after suho teach kris some volleyball things or movements. And I also remember, when suho graduated his parents came and kris there bringing him a bouquet of flowers. And his mom or his dad I dont remember tell suho to go to his boyfriend after she saw kris            
12.  Leave Me Not, thank you @the-sarcastic-mrs-know-it-all !
180417. @cheesebakedrice Hi admins! There's this fic I've been trying to find >< - it's about kyungsoo who likes jongdae and he gets in with their group of friends chanyeol and baek(I think..?). Yeol and ksoo get rly close and yeol falls for him but ksoo only likes jongdae? There was a scene at an amusement park and when jd found out ksoo was using yeol he got rly angry. It's end chanson tho. Thank you!!
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lilprincegoo · 6 years
updating my ficrec with some more fanfictions i've read lately!
A Streetcar Named Desire (M,  How did Baekhyun feel about having a one night stand with the cute junior from college? Terrible. How did he feel being Chanyeol’s rebound guy? Terrib-ler. Will Baekhyun stop himself from further digging his own grave? Not a chance.)
Angels Wear Pink (PG,  Rilakkuma designer Chanyeol’s main source of inspiration is the popular idol Byun Baekhyun. To express his gratitude, Chanyeol has anonymously sent his designs to Baekhyun for years, never intending for them to actually meet. Fate (and Kim Junmyeon) have other plans.)
All I Have To Do Is Find You (Among All The Noise In The World) (G, People dream about a recognizable, defining feature of their soulmate, something that will stand out to them only. For Kyungsoo, it is the most obnoxious scream-laugh and it haunts his dreams until he finally hears it in person at a soccer game and he discovers that Kim Jongin, their high school’s bear mascot, is his soulmate.)
Behind Blue Eyes (NC-17,  Baekhyun is, among many things, blind in love with Chanyeol. Chanyeol is, among many things, an asshole in love with Baekhyun. It only takes them a few years to understand how a relationship works.)
Close ain't close enough (NC-17,  Borrowing a shirt shouldn’t start a pack war. Chanyeol being unlucky, though, it kind of does.)
Come In, Stay A While (R,  Baekhyun is a workaholic forced to go on vacation. There, he meets a little boy and his dad.)
I was So Sure (PG,  There’s nothing left but the noises—nothing left but the explosion inside him, his heart breaking to the tiniest pieces as guilt showers him with the realization of what he just ruined.)
I'm ready for the fall (ready for the colors to burn to gold and crumble away) (NC-17,   Baekhyun is a vampire who hates humans for good reasons and Chanyeol is a human who hates vampires for bad reasons. While vampires get killed and beheaded and the culprit is nowhere to be found, Chanyeol meets Baekhyun again and suddenly everything he's always believed about monsters doesn't matter anymore.)
Let Me Down Gently (NC-17,  Chanyeol’s dog might be a little too in love with Baekhyun, and Chanyeol is too.)
On the Booze With Brahms (PG,  Chanyeol has never heard someone say puppy like the asshole violinist next door does.)
Plumeria (NC-17,  Chanyeol is not what you expect in a flower shop owner; covered in tattoos and red hair. Baekhyun is his new favourite customer.)
Puppy in Love (PG,  As weird as it may seem, Chanyeol is convinced that his dog, Toben, is in love with the Welsh corgi next door. Unfortunately for Toben, the small dog seems uninterested and snobs him every time. Just like his grumpy owner.)
The faults in Byun Baekhyun (M, Baekhyun and Chanyeol hate each other's guts. It's the start of a new college year, with hormones flying and emotions sinking, with idiots roaming and jerks slinkering. Chanyeol prays that he will survive the year, hopes that he can get closer with a certain guy he's had a crush on since forever. But what he wishes above anything else is that he doesn't get roomed with Baekhyun. However, scenarios can appear deceiving amd things never go as planned. What happens when Chanyeol finds a centain Byun Baekhyun stumbling on his door, horny drunk and smelling of sex? Why, nothing, of course) + sequel >The flaws in Park Chanyeol 
without you to hold i'd be freezing (M, Everyone around Chanyeol talks about how love hides behind every corner, but they are all wrong. The only thing that hides behind a corner is a short asshole who bumps into Chanyeol on a particularly busy morning and spills Chanyeol's coffee when he needs it the most.)
if your heart was a house, i'd be home (PG-13, to rewrite a story, you have to reach the end first)
'Til The Morning Sun You're Mine (M, Jongin had expected a boring summer helping out at his parents' guest house that they rent out to tourists from all over the world. His mother forgets to tell him about the tall, gangly guy who doesn't like to wear sleeves.)
Alpha Male (NC-17, High school is pretty dull according to Kim Jongin. Yet almost anyone would sell their mother to be able to live his life. He’s popular, outgoing and good at sports. Love letters are hidden in his locker constantly and every boy is jealous of him. Jongin is tired of the same monochrome life every day, so when a transfer student enters the class during second year, he sees an opportunity for his life to change. Except he never expected the quiet boy with globe like eyes to be so mysterious and intimidating at the same time. The new student seems to enjoy lurking around at night, which wouldn’t be weird for a teenager really. Except he doesn’t attend parties. He doesn’t make friends either. What a loser. Jongin will eat this boy alive, that’s the plan. So how come Jongin is the one who suddenly feels like a prey?)
Days In the Sun (M,  A tale of small town love between a daydreaming beauty and a lonely beast.)
electric heart (PG-13, Kyungsoo finds a Persocom in the trash and, against his better judgement, takes it home (because Jongdae is a bad friend and a terrible enabler)) it's discontinued, but definitelly worth reading
Et Lire Entre Les Lignes (M, Kim Jongin, stressed-out student by day and fanfiction author by night, is here to give you two very helpful tips about college student life. First: Let coffee become your best friend. Second: Don't accidentally sent your smut fic to your tutor. Except maybe if his name is Do Kyungsoo..)
Event Horizon (PG-13,  Kyungsoo is a space enthusiast and Jongin meets him and falls in love with the galaxies in his eyes.)
Get to Know Me (M, Do Kyungsoo and Kim Jongin despise each other.... at least that's what everyone in the school likes to think. After all, Kyungsoo is the school's top student and Jongin is the school's biggest problem. But no one knows that Kim Jongin has a math tutor. And no one knows the real Do Kyungsoo.)
Gridiron Love (M, Rule number one of talking to your hot, football-playing crush is not to pretend to be someone you aren't. Jongin breaks that rule anyway.)
marriage is the best form of friendship (PG-13, Jongin will never get tired of proposing to Kyungsoo)
Moonlight Love (NC-17, When Kyungsoo hates werewolves, but Jongin doesn’t know how to quit loving him.)
My Muse (PG, In which Kyungsoo wants to summon his ghosts in peace but a certain somebody keeps distracting him.)
pets are the best matchmakers (PG, It was the best job in the world yet in the Saturday evening, alone at the small clinic with a bunch of cats and dogs to groom, the tanned male felt a bit lonely)
royal (let me be your ruler) (G, In which Prince Jongin is determined to make Kyungsoo his princess and love rules kingdoms)
variations on a love song (NC-17, Kyungsoo is kind of, sort of, slightly, probably, mostly, head over heels in love)
No buts, just beauty (PG, Kyungsoo's always been told that he's ugly. Jongin takes the time to convince him otherwise)
Blind but not Oblivious (M,  Jongin is the school's bear mascot who always cheers and watches on as his hopeless crush dazzles on the football pitch. Too bad he's got social anxiety and is too much of a wimp to take off his mascot head whenever Kyungsoo so much as approaches him.)
Smells Like Teen Spirit (M, side!baekyeol,  “All kids our age want is freedom, and when they get it they do stupid things with it, but god, it feels better than anything." Kyungsoo looked down at Jongin’s beautiful face. He could imagine how good he would look with white smoke curling from his full lips, with wind whipping through his hair as gold light bathed his tan skin. Such careless, glamourous freedom. Kyungsoo felt like Nick from Gatsby, if Nick had ever cradled Gatsby’s head in his lap while Gatsby pulled him headfirst into his careless, glamourous world. “Soo, will you go to the party with me?”
Storm in a Teacup (M,  Ever since supernatural creatures gained access to earth, humans are provided with their personal Guardians to protect them from all sorts of monsters. Jongin is a vampire and is put in charge of Do Kyungsoo’s protection. But see, Kyungsoo really doesn’t want to be protected. He also has a passionate dislike for vampires. It’s less-than-ideal.)
Time Goes By [So Slowly] (M,  Jongin, leader of his pack and protector of his territory in the city, finds himself with a human bodyguard when a bounty is put on his head.)
Treacherous (NC-17, side!Baekyeol,  Kyungsoo and Jongin know they are quickly journeying into dangerous territory, because Jongin's best friend is Park Chanyeol, openly homophobic and sworn enemy of Kyungsoo's best friend, Byun Baekhyun. They go there anyway.)
Trust You The Most (M, Do Kyungsoo ran a shelter for hybrids, but had never really considered keeping one of his own. Kai was left chained to Kyungsoo's front doors, abused so badly that he wouldn't let anyone get near him. It's a slow process, learning how to trust someone again.)
Give You Everything You Want (Everything You Need) (R, When Sehun moved to a little town far from everything he'd ever known, he wasn't expecting get feelings for anyone. Even less for his daughter's annoyingly perfect kindergarten teacher)
way back into love (M, It’s been six years. It’s not healthy to count, he knows, but he does it without noticing, does it as though it’s his default function. It’s as natural as breathing. It’s been six years since they parted. Sehun’s just turned twenty-six, now. There had been a party, and he spent it with bandmates and fellow artists who drank more than they could bear; and, for the first time in six years, Sehun wasn’t a part of them. While he could hear Chanyeol’s voice, among many others’, shouting “shots!” repeatedly, he’d sought silence in the further balcony of Baekhyun’s penthouse, closed the door behind him and welcomed the quiet sound of the cold wind that reached the highest spot of the building. It’d been six years since his birthday had last truly felt like a celebration of his life.)
Where Your Heart Belongs (M, Sehun doesn't know where he belongs to. Jongin will show him.)
Take My Hand (And My Heart Too) (PG-13, Slytherin Sehun Oh gets conned by his best friend, a certain Jongin Kim, into signing up for extra Potions lessons, accidentally blows a cauldron and gets himself bound by the hand to Ravenclaw’s Prefect, Kyungsoo Do, aka his long-time crush. Chaos ensues, and feelings, of course.)
Spare the rod, and spoil the child!  (R, Chanyeol begins his fifth year at Hogwarts on the wrong foot; Baekhyun is an elitist prefect who cannot stay out of trouble for better or for worse (though mostly for worse, unsurprisingly); Yifan has one huge Hufflepuff problem and Kyungsoo is bored out of his mind. Meanwhile, Luhan despairs about Quidditch and life; yes indeed, the year is treating everyone well. However, something seems to be off, lately. Hogwarts is not in its usual state and it would take a little more than just curiosity for the inquisitive student to find out why.)
6 notes · View notes
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Just Another Late Night At The Game Center
And just another massive dose of game culture, as originally shared on the Attract Mode Twitter account, (most of) everything that was shared in the latter half of February. The first half was covered here.
Before I forget: the above is courtesy of erickimphotography.com.
Again, given how short Feb is supposed to be, I figured this post would be too... and it's not. So am wonder if going weekly might best going forward?
Anyhow, where did I leave off last time? Oh yeah; Valentine's Day. And here’s Amy Rose, from the day after, reminding us all that, as great as love can be, it also hurts (via sonicthehedgeblog)...
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Check out this devastating big boot from Mario, one that would make the WWE's Undertaker or Kane proud (via suppermariobroth)...
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You're no doubt familiar with Julie Bell's work, but are you aware of the close resemblance between her art & the artist herself? (via slbtumblng)...
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Some nice, pixelated sukajans we have here (via kauzara)...
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Look at these hipsters...
Look at these hipsters standing around, on a Brooklyn rooftop...
Look at these hipsters standing around, on a Brooklyn rooftop in leggings based upon the interactive menu for the Super Famicom's satellite modem peripheral. (via minusworld.co.uk)...
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Am legit thinking of getting this shirt covered with quotes from people trying to figure out which Metal Gear character is gay (via kotaku.com)...
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Am rather fond of Data Weave, which has more than a passing resemblance to the Eliss scarf that helped put the Attract Mode shop on the map (via prostheticknowledge)...
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When you go to bed, don't forget to never use your Dreamcast as a pillow (nor should you ever place it on a bucket filled with leafy greens either, but you probably already knew that one; via posthumanwanderings)...
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Not sure which SNK 40th Anniversary shirt I like more (via miki800.com)...
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It's just Hidetaka Suehiro, playing... I think The Last Blade? Criminally underrated Neo Geo game btw (via nintendu)...
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And the late, great Robin Williams playing Ground Zero Texas for the Sega CD (via celebgames)...
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Plus the President of Turkey, circa 1990, playing Galaxy Force II for whatever reason (via historium)..
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Pro-tip to any & all custom arcade cabinet sellers: if you're going to photograph someone playing a game on your thing, have said person actually play the thing (in this case, Robotron utilizes dual sticks and no buttons; via arcadephile)...
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Today's recommended reading is a follow-up to another older post, one that's all about Willie Williams, who not only inspired Virtua Fighter's Jeffry McWild but also Tekken's Paul Phoenix (via lordmo)...
After seeing this gif of a young woman punching a dinosaur (or possibly a dragon) in the crotch, I may have to give Capcom Fighting Jam a second look (via kazucrash)...
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Sticking with the subject of crotches for just one bit, everyone out there's familiar with PuLiRuLa, right? (via kazucrash)
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Just a friendly reminder of how wacky commercials for the PlayStation 2 were back in the day (via kurhl)...
Back to the subject of dinosaurs... yet still sticking with fun under the sun (via sidestorygaiden)...
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If I'm gonna share fan art of unofficial PlayStation 1 era mascots, then I have to pass along this rendering of Abe (via it8bit)...
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Seen countless folk play music with a Game Boy or a NES... but a Dreamcast? @slowmagic is the very first, and with a Hello Kitty edition Dreamcast no less...
Does anyone know if these figures of Dorimukyasuko & friends were commercially produced or if they were just made for the Sega no Game wa Sekai Ichi~i~i~I ad that the image comes from? (via vgprintads)...
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We've gotten snowfall here in NYC over the past few weeks, once during during sunset, but alas it wasn't nearly as pretty as this (via kirokazepixel)...
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It's been ages since I've posted any Game Culture Snapshots, despite countless promises that I'd fix that. Well, until that finally happens, here just one, from IndieCade East 2018. Which was an epic bust, but hey, at least I finally got to play that Bill Viola game I first encountered at GDC 2008...
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PLEASE tell me that GBA Video carts are the new hot means of distributing bootleg Hollywood flicks (via @katribou)...
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This part from The Thing always reminded me of Asteroids on the Atari 7800 (via pixpunk)...
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I posted this on Twitter, not realizing that I had shared it on the blog once before. But since I can’t find that original post, and since it's so damn nice, plus totally worth looking at again (via humanoidhistory)...
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I also need to re-share that Tron movie poster cuz it's the first lead up to this Blade Runner-related spread from Joystik Magazine (via mendelpalace)...
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As someone who fetishizes old video game magazines, I'm legit ashamed that I didn't know about Joystik sooner (via here & here)...
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Please enjoy a healthy helping of scans from Lovely Sweet Dream, the dream journal that would become the basis of LSD for the PlayStation 1 (via here & here)...
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Sorry, but I still think the idea of a multi-billionaire sending his sports car into space just cuz he can to be kinda cringey, yet that doesn't mean I'd don't think this pixelated recreation is any less pleasant (via it8bit)...
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I've never been to Beverly Hills, so I have no idea if this portrayal according to Super Chase: Criminal Termination is accurate or not; maybe it was when the game was produced? (via obscurevideogames)...
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Meanwhile, closer to where I am (somewhat; am not all that far from Long Island) is Mario & Yoshi & the Book of Revelation (via greathaircut)...
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Are you playing Mario? Or is Mario playing you? (via suppermariobroth)...
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Game Boys. And Game Girls. Mostly Girls. (via contac)
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Before anyone asks, no, I do not have a bigger/wallpaper appropriate-sized version of this super sexy image of a couple of Wiis (via klaus-laserdisc)...
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I think I kinda need to do this to my PlayStation (via dreamcast.tokyo)...
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... Which reminds of those fancy, souped up by audiophiles PSXs I mentioned a whiles ago...
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I celebrated Cat Day in Japan by posting this fave official King of Fighters illustration (via videogamesdensetsu)....
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... along with this Monster Hunter fan art (via kerriaitken)...
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... plus this highlight of a fave WarioWare: Twisted micro game (via suppermariobroth)...
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So yeah, Flash sucks, I get that, but as the platform fades away, so does the opportunity to play games like Fear Less! (via zombie-chaser)...
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Thankfully, WORLD OF HORROR, "a love letter to the cosmic horror work of Junji Ito", is something that's much more accessible (for now at least)...
I don't know much about Dujanah, which has you assuming the role of a Muslim woman with grievances against a military force that's occupying her Islamic homeland, other than it looks extremely compelling...
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Yet another game I need to check out is CONTINUUM, which is a shmup that combines time manipulation and Tetris? (via alpha-beta-gamer)...
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It's a legit shame that Jetpack Squad has seemingly fallen off the map (via shmups)...
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Another shmup that I really, really want to play (though it's starting to feel increasingly unlikely) is AEROBAT, which looks just as gorgeous (and insane) today as it did the first time I laid eye (via shmups)...
Yet another game that was never meant to be, and the only thing we have here is some incredible looking concept art; if it ended up happening & was any good, I wonder if I'd be a PC-FX owner? (via videogamesdensetsu)...
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If a Tokyo Dark Souls was ever to happen, which artist's take do you prefer; this one (via visor-visual)...
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... or this one? (via mendelpalace)
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You know about celebrity roasts, right? Well, a comedy club in Long Island City had one for Mario, though I have no idea how it went; I had kung fu practice that night...
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Me, when the coffee kicks in (via anthony10000000)...
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I had no idea that Typing of the Space Harrier was even a thing (via posthumanwanderings)...
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It's a bit unsettling how some of Dreamcast Magazine's advice on how to survive Y2K are still useful today, in particular their words of wisdom regarding Seaman (via posthumanwanderings)...
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Megadora Man, a Tokusatsu-esque take on the Mega Drive, for Beep! Mega Drive; am assuming his foes are inspired by the Famicom and PC Engine (though am not totally sure which is which; via obscurevideogames)...
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Question: how hard would it be for someone in the US to get the first three issues of Famitsu from the Japanese Kindle Store? (via miki800.com)
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Been well over a decade since first laying eyes and I FINALLY know the identity of the artist behind a series of Mario illustrations that has long left me stupefied: his name is Ishihara Gōjin (via videogamesdensetsu)...
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I woke up the other day with a sense of purpose, with the knowledge that I finally have a mission in life: to do whatever I can to make this dancing kid from Sega Splash Golf a viral sensation (via sonicthehedgeblog)...
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Though speaking of morning, been feeling run down as of late, though it's my own damn fault for not having breakfast. Which is why I can't wait for my Persona 3 toaster has yet to arrive (via gasp-theenemy)...
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Had no idea that MAME can also emulate those crappy, Tiger handheld games; naturally there's not much to look at, since none of the background is part of the game's code (via lanceboyles)...
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Eggman has a sense of humor (via voidirium)...
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Eggman also has aesthetics (via posthumanwanderings)...
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When you mess with the textures in Wind Waker for the sole purpose of making Vaporwave Link (via pmpkn)...
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Man, I really wish each and every mech in Tech Romancer actually had its own anime (via ultrace)...
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Before Mappy was a video game, it was a physical game involving real deal robots (via namcomuseum)...
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And I swear, one of these days, we'll make available online Zac Gorman's print from Comics Vs Games 2...
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In my time I've encountered lots & lots of BMO fan art, so much that it has become increasingly difficult to take notice and be impressed, yet this one managed to do so regardless (via it8bit)...
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Let's all take a moment to appreciate the instruction manual for Cubivore, shall we (via skincoats)...
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Cubivore's Japanese box art is also very nice (via gaygamer)...
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An important message for all parents out there, concerning Minecraft (via reddit.com)...
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When you can't afford the licensing fees for Miami Vice, Ghostbusters, Barbarella, I think... and maybe Logan's Run? (via mendelpalace)...
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Given how Platoon ended up as a NES game, the idea of the Terminator on a Tiger handheld isn't totally far-fetched (via rewind01)...
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And finally, PUT THAT CONTROLLER DOWN, NOW! (via fuzzyghost)
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7 notes · View notes
Her voice Levi x Reader One-Shot
Her voice Levi x Reader One-Shot
h/c- hair color
e/c- eye color
h/l- hair length
s/c- skin color
y/n- your name
 (a/n this is before the fall of wall Maria so squad Levi 1.0 Is still alive and the 104th squad is still in training, also you are two years younger than Levi and Levi is 21 in this so you are 19 and 11 months older than Petra.)
Italics are thoughts and song lyrics
Year 849
----Levi POV----
I leaned over my desk, working on the paper work Erwin had dumped on me, I’ve been working on it for the past four hours…my back and neck really fucking hurt.
Groaning, I leaned back in my chair and stretched my arms over my head and my back gave a pleasing crack ( a/n hey that rhymed!!! :p)
Sighing I placed my cheek in the palm of my hand while leaning on my desk, I tapped the papers with my pen, hoping that something exciting would happen soon…or maybe-
(listen to this while you read, btw Levi can hear the beginning guitar part as well, the acoustic one, not the electric one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9Dsg8zA8U8)
--You light my fire, mune kogasu shoudou ni touch What i want to hear kimi no emotion Whatever will be, will be ima wa gekiryuu no age How are you feeling? Boku no motion Tachimukau tame no strong ties te o tottara Are we ready to play fair ?--
My eyes widened, hearing the gorgeous voice echoing throughout the HQ halls, I relaxed and smiled ‘it seems (y/n)’s monthly concert has begun’
I stood up from my chair and began to head over to where her voice and guitar was coming from to enjoy her music that appeared after every expedition, which was in the mess hall, as (y/n) had said that it was the best place as it amplified sound best than the rest of the HQ.
--Just believe in myself Kono sekai de owannai yume Oikake speed up! speed up! Just believe in myself Kodoku na yoru o koete yukunda Mirai e speed up! speed up! Hashiridashita konkyo naki omoi Ima, just believe in myself—
As I arrived at the mess hall I saw the rest of the special ops squad standing around the door of the mess hall, rolling my eyes I walked passed them to get a front row seat…and also to get a cup of tea that (y/n) would put out for me when she was up late and she knew that I was as well…what?! Erwin and Hanji force the paperwork that they don’t want to do on me! Also insomnia.
(y/n) lifted her head to look at me when she heard my footsteps but she didn’t stop singing. She gave me a smile and gestured to the cup of tea in front of her. I smirked and sat down and began to enjoy the tea and relaxing music.
--I want to draw a dream nido to kienai hodo flash Turning round and round kizame passion Without you? With you? Kasaneau shunkan ni cry What's this life for towa no emission Tabidastu kimi e no good luck mata aetara Someday, live to tell the 'Tale'--
 As (y/n)’s melodic voice began to grow in power, more people began to fill the room, but squad Levi and their captain had front row seats at the same table (y/n) was playing at.
Everybody had their eyes closed excluding me who was staring at (y/n) with pure love in my eyes.
--Just believe in myself Toki o koete kawannai mono Yakitsuke speed up! speed up! Just believe in myself Tsunaida te o hanasanaide Setsuna ni speed up! speed up! Afuredashita haruka naru negai Sou just believe in myself--
(y/n) and I had been in a relationship for the past year.
Nobody knew not even (y/n)’s sister Petra knew, who was EXTREMELY close to (y/n) so it was surprising that Petra didn’t know, though a little more than a year back, Petra had come into my office
I was doing my paperwork when I heard someone knock on my door, “name and business” “Petra Ral sir and I need to talk to you about something” Petra spoke with a giddy voice
I sighed, thinking she was about to confess to me, and leaned back in my chair “enter” Petra opened my door walked in and closed it behind her, and she stood in the middle of the room with a face splitting smile on her face
I rose an eyebrow at her “what is it Petra?” she bit her lip and opened her mouth, I winced internally and prepared myself to crush her heart as I did not feel the same, cuz I loved her sister…(y/n)
                                                “do you like (y/n)?” I stared at her for a few moments in confusion “huh?” Petra began to hop up and down “cuz she has a crush on you~!!! And I wanted to find out if it was requited~!!”
I stared at her with a shocked expression, “well~ I'm going to head out to training, get to confessing heichou~! I want to be an aunt!!!!!”
Petra turned and ran out of the room, while red began to spread over my face ‘(y/n)…has a…crush on me?...yes!!! yesyesyesyesyes!!” I jumped up from my chair and began to do a happy dance around my room “yesyesyesyes!!!! She likes me back! she likes me back!!!!!” I flopped on my couch and shoved my face into the throw pillow.
---flashback end---
About a month after I found out, I confessed to (y/n) after one of her concerts. she squealed and planted her smooth and plump lips on mine, marking the beginning of a happy and at the moment, a year long relationship and I was about to propose to her, to hopefully become her husband, and to think that I used to hate all this lovey dovey stuff and now…I don’t think I would be able to live without (y/n).
--Just believe in myself Kono sekai de owannai yume Oikake speed up! speed up! Just believe in myself Kodoku na yoru o koete yukunda Mirai e speed up! speed up! Hashiridashita konkyo naki omoi Ima, just believe in myself--
As (y/n) finished her song clapping began to sound through out the hall, Petra giggled and went to praise her older sister
“That was amazing (y/n)~! was that a new song? cuz I’ve never heard it before.” “thank you Petra, and yes it was thought I’d throw in a song I wrote a couple days ago”
“Well, it was awesome~!” (y/n) chuckled and gave a small bow “why thank you, my lady” Petra gave a snicker and bowed low to the ground making a fake posh accent
“You're welcome your musicness~”
The two sisters stared at each other for a few moments with the most serious faces before they burst into laughter
I glanced at them for a moment before I turned to gain the attention of the rest of the soldiers “alright concerts over time for bed lets go”
“awwwwwwwwww” “boooooo!” “encore!” I rolled my eyes and said in a stern voice “that’s an order!” they shrunk back and nodded and headed back to their dorms, and my squad passed me next, the four saying good night before head back to turn in for the night.
I nodded and moved my attention back to (y/n) who was drinking the last of her tea, I walked up to her and kissed her cheek, she smiled and booped my nose. I smirked, wrapped my arm around her waist and guided her back to my room, where she sometimes stayed…because of nightmares, mine specifically.
Usually of (y/n) dying in horrific ways, or her getting kidnapped and me being unable to save her.
Just…just things that make me unable to sleep soundly, unless she’s sleeping with me, then they all just become dreams…like (y/n) and I getting married, having kids, her teaching me how to play guitar.
Good dreams, ones in which I don’t want them to end.
---time skip 4 hours---
“Gah!” I shot up in bed, gasping for breath. A nightmare, one in which (y/n) and I had gotten into an argument and we left for an expedition and I never got to apologize…she died, she was ripped apart in front of my eyes.
I can still hear the echoing screams…the gut wrenching bloodcurdling screams that just felt like a sword to the heart.
As I sat on my bed letting out silent sobs, the sheets rustled next to me, ‘shit’ I thought ‘I woke her up’ I forced myself to stop crying and wiped the tears from my face.
“Levi” (y/n) whispered “are you alright” I sniffed and nodded “yeah I’m good”
She narrowed her eyes at me “no you’re not” she lifted her hand and cupped my cheek  “your eyes are red and you have tear tracks on your cheeks”
I sniffed and leaned into her hand and gripped it with my own, “what happened?” I didn’t answer “nightmare” I nodded “aww baby come here”
She guided my head to her chest and held me close.
I couldn’t hold it anymore and began to cry into her chest
(y/n) gave a sad smile “what was it about” I sniffed “we-we had an a-argument an-and-and we left for an expedition and you-you died and I never got to apologise” I sobbed into her chest, and (y/n) began to pet my hair and run her nails up and down my back causing shivers to go down my spine
“shhh it's okay”
Even with her soft spoken words I did not cease my sobbing
She sighed and gave a sad expression before a figurative light bulb appeared over her head
She took a deep breath before letting her voice sing through the dark thoughts in my head
--Come stop your crying It will be alright Just take my hand Hold it tight--
She took my hand
--I will protect you From all around you I will be here Don't you cry--
She lifted my chin so I looked into her eyes
--For one so small, You seem so strong My arms will hold you, Keep you safe and warm This bond between us Can't be broken I will be here Don't you cry--
She kissed my forehead before resuming her song
--'Cause you'll be in my heart Yes, you'll be in my heart From this day on Now and forever more You'll be in my heart No matter what they say You'll be here in my heart, always--
She took my other hand and put it on the place where her heart beat
I gave a small smile and kissed her cheek, she smiled back and pecked my lips
“okay back to sleep cuz I'm really really tired from today's expedition”
I snorted and tucked my head under (y/n)’s chin and slipped into a heavy and dreamless sleep.
---time skip 3 months---
“Petra! take the left aberrant, Oluo! Take the right! Eld, Gunther! Take the two up front! (y/n) with me!”
“yes, sir!”
(y/n) and I shot up to the multiple Titans in front of us and began to slice the napes with ease.
“haha!!! Take that you fucker!!”
I turned to see that (y/n) had taken down the largest titan and, holy fuck now I remember why I let myself fall for her!!! (y/n)'s a badass!
“nice one (y/n)!” “why thank you heichou~! I did my very-ah!!!”
My eyes widened and I froze, as she was talking an aberrant had sneaked up from behind us and grabbed her, crushing her in its grip. I heard her ribs crack as is gripped her in its palm
“l-Levi!!!” (y/n) stretched her hand out to me, at that I snapped out of the frozen state I was in and sprang into action.
“(y/n)!!! hang on!” but I was too late…the titan opened its mouth and tossed my beloved in its disgusting mouth.
“L-LEVI I-I LOVE YO-“ the Titan's mouth snapped shut, cutting off her last words, I stared in horror at the scene.
“no…no…(y/n), y-you can't be”
I felt something inside me break and I let out a bloodcurdling scream
 ---time skip---
I laid in my bed, sobbing into my pillow. I couldn’t breathe, my snot clogging my sinuses.
“(y/n)” I sobbed “i-im so so-sorry” I clutched onto my pillow
“I love you too”
“im sorry”
---outside Levi's room---
“poor guy” squad Levi, Hanji, Mike, Erwin, and Nanaba stood outside levis room, where they heard Levi crying his heart out.
“I guess shorty isn't emotionless after all huh?”
“I guess not”
“so I guess him and (y/n) were together?”
“I suppose I don’t know why they kept it a secret I wouldn’t have stopped them”
“probably thought It was against the rules Erwin” “Well it's not Hanji, the only thing I would've worried about was if it got in the way of their duties”
Petra was listening to Levi apologizing to her deceased sister and apparently…his lover.
Petra sighed and internally prayed for her sister to visit her captain in his dreams and give him some closure.
--back with Levi--
I sniffed and began to sit up, I looked to my left and there leaning against the wall…was (y/n)’s guitar.
‘I forgot that she left it in here’
I stood up from my bed and walked over to it and picked it up and positioned my fingers on the correct cords to begin a song
‘I remember when she taught me how to play’
“Now put your fingers here and here”
A broken, teeth hurting chord came from the guitar.
I sighed and put the instrument onto the ground
“I’m never going to get this right”
(y/n) scoffed and rolled her eyes
“You're don’t going to if you don’t practice, besides you’ve only been trying for an hour and a half”
I pouted and crossed my arms
(y/n) huffed and shoved the guitar in my arms
“practice makes perfect now come on do the chord”
I rolled my eyes and positioned my fingers in the correct area’s and strummed
A clean chord
“there ya go~ okay now the next one”
---flash back end---
 And after months of practice, I was as good as (y/n), learning all the songs she created and created my own as well.
I positioned the guitar in my arms, put my fingers in their correct position and began to play the song that I was going to play when I proposed to (y/n)
(song:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UMHEk1FXd0)
--You and I, we're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky With you, I'm alive Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide
So stop time right here in the moonlight 'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes--
Memories flashed of (y/n) and i
--Without you, I feel broke Like I'm half of a whole Without you, I've got no hand to hold Without you, I feel torn Like a sail in a storm Without you, I'm just a sad song I'm just a sad song--
 When she and I first got together
Our first date
First kiss
--With you, I fall It's like I'm leaving all my past and silhouettes up on the wall With you, I'm a beautiful mess It's like we're standing hand and hand with all our fears up on the edge
So stop time right here in the moonlight 'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes--
First time
When we almost got caught by Erwin
Tears began to stream down my face once more
But I forced my voice not to break
--Without you, I feel broke Like I'm half of a whole Without you, I've got no hand to hold Without you, I feel torn Like a sail in a storm Without you, I'm just a sad song--
When I taught her how to clean up to my standers
Her laugh
Her smile
Her (e/c) eyes filled with love for me
--You're the perfect melody The only harmony I wanna hear You're my favorite part of me With you standing next to me I've got nothing to fear--
Her soft (h/c) (h/l) hair
Her smooth (s/c) skin
--Without you, I feel broke Like I'm half of a whole Without you, I've got no hand to hold Without you, I feel torn Like a sail in a storm Without you, I'm just a sad song--
When she would prank me with Hanji
When she would help me with paper work
When she found out when my birthday was and she got really excited
When I got the engagement ring, the one which will never be slid onto her ring finger
--Without you, I feel broke Like I'm half of a whole Without you, I've got no hand to hold Without you, I feel torn Like a sail in a storm Without you, I'm just a sad song, I'm just a sad song--
With the last chorus, I strum the last chord and ended my song and let myself break down once more
“fuck” I whimpered “I sorry (y/n) Im so sorry”
I collapsed onto the floor in pain
“I love you”
---final time skip year 851---
There it was the sea, a beautiful blue spreading out as far as I could see
“Oh (y/n)” I whispered to myself “I wish you could see this”
I looked down to see my boots dug deep into the sand
I snapped my head up, to see Hanji waving me over
“come on the waters fine!!!! And take off your boots the sand feels awesome!!!!!”
I huffed and obeyed them
“fine shitty glasses im coming”
I took off my boots and rolled up my pants to my knees
I made my way to the edge of the water and stared at how it reflected the sunlight…just like (y/n)’s eyes
“isn't it amazing shorty”
I stayed silent for a few moments before answering
“I guess so”
Hanji seemed to think for a few moments before opening their mouth
“(y/n) would've loved to see this”
My shoulders sagged
Hanji and I were silent for a minute before Hanji snapped back into their usual self
“okay well that’s enough sadness for me ima go jump into the water see ya!!!”
I rolled my eyes and looked down at my feet where the water crashed over my legs
“I wish you could see this, my love”
I looked up to the sky above me
“I miss you”
 --- the last skip I swear!---
I walked along the edge of the water in silence, humming one of (y/n)s songs…the one she sang to me when I had the nightmare.
-- Come stop your crying It will be alright Just take my hand Hold it tight
I will protect you From all around you I will be here Don't you cry--
I sang softly into the night as the stars that shined above me
-- For one so small, You seem so strong My arms will hold you, Keep you safe and warm This bond between us Can't be broken I will be here Don't you cry
'Cause you'll be in my heart Yes, you'll be in my heart From this day on Now and forever more You'll be in my heart No matter what they say You'll be here in my heart, always--
I sighed and continued my adventure
(song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPYRNo4Jyyk)
--Yume wo otte mayoikonda kokoro no mori no oku Kagami yori sunda izumi utsuru yuganda Smile--
I stopped in my tracks
‘I know that song’
I turned to face the area the song was coming from
‘and the voice!’
I didn’t think before sprinting towards the voice
--Koboreta namida wa (Don't Cry) kin demo gin demo nakute Arifureta namida (Fall From My Eyes) megami mo kizukanai--
It was getting louder the more I ran
‘please be her please be her’
--Masayume Chasing Chasing Koero motto jibun shijou saikou no Ima wo Chasing Chasing Sou egaita jibun ni natte moyase mune no hi wo--
As I came to a stop I realized that in front of me was the place where the singing was originating from
‘please please be her’
As I stepped into the clearing I saw
                             “(y/n)” I whispered, there standing in front of me, was (y/n), in a torn and roughly mended uniform
But to me, it was like seeing an angel from heaven
(y/n) hadn't noticed me yet so she just kept singing in her gorgeous voice that I've missed for six years
--Na na na na na na na Oh Na na na na na Hey Hey Na na na na na na na Oh Kakenukero Hero--
I walked further into the clearing before accidentally stepping on a branch.
(y/n) stopped singing and slowly turned around.
As soon as she realized it was me she began to sprint towards me and glomped me causing me to fall backward, both of us laughing
(y/n) held her self up staring down at me with love and happiness in her eyes
“Levi” (y/n) whispered
I cupped her cheeks and pressed my lips to hers, healing the broken parts of my heart with it.
(y/n) pressed back lightly before taking control and dominance and shoving her tongue in my mouth
I let out muffled laughter and reluctantly pulled away.
“I missed you so much (y/n)” Tears came to her eyes
“I missed you too Levi”
I pulled her into my arms and we cuddled for a few moments before a thought came to my mind
“(y/n)?” “Hmm?” “how’d you get out of the Titan?”
“I sliced that motherfucker open”
“ah that makes sense”
(y/n) giggled for a few moments, before becoming silent.
We cuddled for a few moments more when I remembered something…The engagement ring.
I have it in my pocket.
I was going to throw it in the ocean hoping that it would transport it to (y/n)
“hey (y/n)?” “Yeah?”
I leaned away and lifted her off my lap (y/n) looking at me with confusion
I grabbed the box from my pocket and kneeled in front of (y/n), her eyes widened and she covered her mouth and tears appeared in her eyes
“(y/n), I never got to do this six years ago, because I thought the titan ate you, but now that I have the chance im not going to lose it. so (y/n)”
I opened the box to reveal the diamond ring that made me broke for half a year
“will you marry me…when we get back to the walls?”
(y/n) stayed silent for a few minutes, and I started to shift in place
“Oh sorry YES!”
(y/n) tackled me and attacked my face with kisses
“ok ok come on let's go tell Hanji that you’re alive huh?”
(y/n) snickered and nodded
I grasped her hand and lead her back to the camp
Finally, I have her back and my broken heart was put back together.
And her voice that I've missed for the past six years have returned to me…and im never letting her go again
---the end---
Believe in myself - edge of life
You’ll be in my heart – Phil Collins
Sad song – We the kings
Levi belongs to Hajime Isayama
you belong you
the story belongs to me
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illeity · 7 years
Winter 2017 Anime Awards!
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(From the ones I actually watched.)
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Best Overall: 3-gatsu no Lion/ March Comes in like a Lion
Into the light.
With consistent quality during the second part despite a shift in focus, perfectly managed tone that never leads to excess sentimentality or overt levity, and a story that ebbs and flows with such grace that it melts metaphor and direct description like an impressionist painting, Chica Umino's March Comes in Like a Lion remains the top spot for two consecutive seasons for the simple reason that it tells a rich story of individuals and making meaning.
In the first part, it introduces shogi professional, sometimes student, and introvert Rei Kiriyama and the facets of his life, particularly his close ties with the Kawamoto siblings. At the beginning of Part 2, Rei hugs the youngest Kawamoto sibling, Momo, and says that he has personal and professional matters to deal. While he sees the Kawamoto family as comfort and healing, he understands that he can't come running to them each time. With a major tournament upcoming he stops visiting them and the narrative shifts to the lives of the Shogi players that he plays against. With their own dreams and regrets, he becomes an observer of their lives as he compares it against his own, not to pass judgement on his failings, but to see the possibilities there is to life and to recognize that in the end, there are no bad guys, just people driven by very different motivations and showing how they cope with the consequences of a lifetime of choices.
With another season later in the year and a two-part live action movie currently showing in Japan, the series deserves all the accolades it gets. And if you're ever in the market for something substantial, with a deep, beating heart, this is your anime.
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Best Drama: Youjo Senki, The Saga of Tanya the Evil
What is a god to an non-believer?
Tanya von Degurechaff is the fiercest, deadliest, and most cunning soldier of the Empire (Not-Germany) as they wage the first World War (Until it becomes muddled when they introduce a Panzerkampfwagen IV.). She's also under thirteen years old and is hated by God, or a god.
Why is that?
The god sees Tanya has such little faith in him and has therefore cursed her: Should she die a death that is not natural, she will be taken off the wheel of reincarnation and sent to hell.
But why a kid? And why so much hatred for an individual?
While these questions are answered to an extent, the most important thing to consider is that these driving forces are what sets up Tanya as she is placed in conflict for most of the war as she struggles to survive. She puts in as many legal means as possible to leave the war, only to have her end up on the front lines anyway, whether by her own fault, or by divine intervention.
As she leaves a trail of bodies, her actions reverberate throughout the war as everyone slowly pushes down into a black hole, no matter who is winning. And as with the nature of war, there are no heroes, only murderers.
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Best Comedy: Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o!
"This anime is like every insane D&D story I have ever heard." -henlp
The second season of Konosuba! continues the adventures of Satou Kazuma as he is pulled from the real world into a fantasy world where RPG game mechanics exist in reality. He's accompanied by a Goddess who drinks too much and wastes her skill points on party tricks, a Wizard who knows only one spell (and collapses after every use), and a Crusader who can tank, but cannot hit any living thing with her sword (not out of principle, she just can't hit at all). Also, that Crusader is a masochist.
"Insane and crazy" is the proper descriptor for the way the series is plotted, as comedic plot points are introduced and escalated versions of those plot points are put to use later on. The characters are made aware that they are in the mess they are in because of the solution that resolved a previous conflict made ample fuel for another. "It gets worse" is another descriptor as they are battered by bad luck and only somehow manage to escape as even their most competent moments are displays of excellence borne out of their utter stupidity. It's a show that's shameless enough to throw everything at a wall to make you laugh, and most of the time, what they throw in, sticks.
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Honorable Mention: Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
The Lion falls in love with the Mouse.
Miss Kobayashi is a Systems Engineer who, after a night of drunken revelry, somehow saves the life of a dragon, Tohru. Still drunk, she invites the Dragon back to her apartment, and into her life.
Unlike Konosuba! which fills narrative space with ever increasing, crazy humor, Miss Kobayashi's strength is mixing in the fantastical elements with the mundane, to create the comedy or the heart-warming plots, something that Gabriel DropOut only marginally succeeded in doing.
All throughout are discussions on the comfort between partners and the lives of people from vastly different backgrounds. It's about love and growing into it, even though we've largely been on autopilot. It's about the surprise we get when we realize to what degree people can love us for.
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Best Cute Girl Anime: Demi-chan wa Kataritai, Interview with Monster Girls
Science, Folklore, and Free Hugs
Almost all Cute Girl Anime narratives occur within a casting closed system, that is, primary and secondary characters are all girls and they play off their antics onto each other and whatever conflict they find themselves in. So this is a very special case where the Primary female characters shine in their characterization with the aid of a Primary male character, Takahashi Tetsuo, Biology teacher, Demi-Human Researcher, and member of the pantheon of the "Greatest Teachers in Fiction".
So for the girls, we have Takanashi Hikari, vampire, Machi Kyouko, dullahan, Elsa, Kusakabi Yuki, a snow woman, and Satou Sakie, succubus and Math teacher.
The daily motions of these monster girls is already interesting enough, but a subtle beauty comes from the setting and the way the plot is crafted with a keen eye for science and human foibles.
The world-building is present but hardly emphasized, and shows how the world accommodates the Demi-Humans and their special needs. Vampires get blood packs subsidized by the government, Succubi get visits from Demi-Human agencies to check up on how well they're adjusting to their environment, and the rest are treated not so much because they're demi-humans, but how they are as people. Kusakabe Yuki, for instance, is seen as cold by a few of her peers, but never attribute her nature as a snow woman to be the cause.
The science part is interesting, because several chapters detail efforts by Takahashi trying to explain the physiology of the Demi-Humans, drawing on folklore for insight and the scientific method to explain "how" they function, without asking "why". In Magical Realism, whys have never been the point anyway.
And so we have a Cute Girl anime that stands above and beyond what is generally expected of the genre. By having the willingness to introduce other characters in the mix, we experience something a bit more different in how humor is constructed and how conflict is resolved. True to its efforts to ground itself through science, the warmth comes off even more genuine and realistic.
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Best Sci-Fi/ Fantasy: Little Witch Academia
Better than Harry Potter.
What started off as a crowd-funded film about a young girl aspring to become a great witch, has turned into a full-blown series as it should have from the start. It carries with it all the trademarks of Trigger: Stark and clean character design, slick animation, and a wild ride of a story. Whereas previous works were about killer clothes and literal shared experiences, this one is a straight-forward romp into the realm of fantasy.
Except, while the premise is straight-forward, the execution has all the majesty and scope of an epic tightly-knit inside the trappings of what is essentially a coming-of-age, high school story. Add a pinch of the ever classic industry versus magic trope, excellent characters and well-realized relationships, and you have something that only ever appears plain and overdone.
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Best Girl: Tsukinose Vignette April from Gabriel DropOut
No good or evil, only kawaii.
I have reached the conclusion that in the world of Gabriel DropOut, the one reason neither Heaven nor Hell have made any greater stride against the other is not because of balance, but rather because both are equally inept.
That being said, Tsukinose Vignette April, a demon from Hell, is the worst kind of inept but the also the best kind of character to be best girl: Kind, disciplined, being the one person responsible enough to go over to Gabriel's home to wake her up for school, scared of horror movies, and just... angelic. Compound her difficulty with being the only straight man in a comedy quartet gives her the patience of a saint.
Some people, like Gabriel, could never grasp the responsibility of being a divine being. For Vignette, she was just unlucky enough to not have been born to a role she's a natural in: that of a normal human being.
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Best OP: "Shadow and Truth" by ONE III NOTES from ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.
"It's never really what it seems."
In the latest of slice-of-life/ food/ mystery anime is ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept, where Otus tries to do his job as inspector in what is ostensibly a Fascist state that is under rumors of a coup.
Of course, the general goal of any good OP is to draw the viewer into the show and communicate what they'll come to expect from it. And for a show with such style and class it's masterful to pick a song that blends hip-hop and jazz as the vocalists rap about the hazy nature of truth as people play games with relationships and politics into each other.
The striking visuals complement the song nicely, with shots of the various characters shifting in and out of blur and limiting visuals to white, black, and one more color for every scene to evoke a unique feel for every single character and teasing the role they'll play in the show.
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Best ED: "Los! Los! Los!" by Aoi Yūki from Youjo Senki, Saga of Tanya the Evil
Bedenke, dass du sterben musst.
An ode to madness and bloodlust, Los! Los! Los! (German for "Come on! Come on! Come on!") is a war speech in song form with very simple visuals: Shots of Tanya's face in various states of anger/ madness, a battlefield, and a few illustrations by the Light Novel's artist, Neichiru. How and when they're shown is where the song melds and gains greater power.
The angry/ mad face and the battlefield are shown and interchange with each other to follow the beat of the song during the chorus, which are commands in German to attack, take cover, or stand in attention.
Neichiru's illustrations take over during the verses, which celebrates war, the joys of taking away life, and surrendering your own life to your country, which the song sees as a great achievement, good enough to reach heaven for by building dead bodies one atop another.
Listening to the full song is recommended , as it expands on the nihilism even further, calling for those who advocate peace as weaklings and calling for ceaseless violence and depravity akin more to Heaven rather than Hell.
For its dark and horrifying thesis (sung with the voice of a young girl), the song would not be out of place in a battlefield setting where you know there is no way out, so you might as well go and fight and relish every drop of blood spilled, whether your own, or your opponents.
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