#also honestly mishaps like these are the cutest
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meraki-yao · 1 year ago
A little detail I love about this blooper: Pay attention to Nick's facial expression
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When Alex/Taylor is properly kissing his neck, Nick's Henry, a face of content and happiness, as you would expect in a scenario like this
But when Taylor starts blowing a raspberry, look at Nick again
His face scrunches up adorably, a common reaction to suddenly being tickled in a sensitive area like the neck
But aside from that, his smile actually grows bigger
I feel like that's a great indicator of how comfortable the boys are with each other and how much fun this project was for them
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ptn-imagines · 1 year ago
Will you do a Serpent x Chief one? I love reading your writing. It's great and you make people so happy. :3
So after finishing Serpent's interrogation, I had quite a few ideas for this relationship. As a result, I didn't focus on the falling in love/getting together parts of the relationship quite as much as I usually do. If you want that stuff -- or just more Serpent/Chief content in general -- feel free to ask for a continuation!
Serpent x Chief headcanons
When Chief had told Serpent that they'd help her find happiness, this isn't quite what they'd had in mind. Still, they're very glad it did; after all the suffering and pain she's endured, they can't think of anyone more deserving of this than Serpent… Oh, and there's the fact that they love her with all their heart, too.
Serpent is in a pretty much permanent state of euphoria. Finally able to feel the love she's been denied for so long, the acrobat has only grown more energetic and cheerful. It's no longer a facade, and the whole Bureau can tell; even her snake seems to have lifted its spirits.
Despite how hyperactive she can get in public, in moments of private respite, Serpent is quite calm. One of her favorite activities is simply curling up with her head on the Chief's lap. They hadn't known humans could purr before this – or perhaps it was a unique feature of Serpent's. Either way, their girlfriend tends to fall asleep like this, the Chief's hand stroking through her hair.
Speaking of hair, Serpent is quite skilled with hair and makeup and likes to use her skills on the Chief. Though Chief initially had misgivings, they quickly learned Serpent could do “natural” looks just as well as eccentric ones, and now she helps them get ready every morning.
Though, waking her up for it can be a pain. Since Serpent has to retire to her cell at night, to see her in the mornings, the Chief has to get up well before everyone else in the Bureau if they want to be ready on time. Only part of this is due to the walk to the cells; the other part is simply due to the fact Serpent takes forever to wake up, and is usually quite grumpy when she does. Chief counts themself lucky she's able to hold herself back from biting even when half-asleep – though she has no reservations about hissing.
Still, she warms up quickly enough, particularly when enticed by cuddles and kisses. Particularly forehead kisses; she loves those, as well as when the Chief kisses her scales. It makes her giggle each time, and Chief can't help but smile at the adorable sound.
Serpent is a very physically affectionate partner and she isn't shy about asking for the Chief's attention. She has just enough common decency not to burst in on meetings, but any other time is fair game. Chief has gotten used to working with a sleepy, affectionate snake-woman on their lap, and their office has recently acquired a comfortable beanbag for when Serpent can no longer resist the siren song of slumber. She's either full tilt or yawning all the time; there's no in-between. (Speaking of which, Chief feels like Serpent has just the cutest yawn… even her fangs are adorable.)
Honestly, Chief can't help but spoil Serpent all the time. The Sinner has had almost nothing to her name for her whole life, and as a result, Chief feels as though a little bit of personal spending on their girlfriend should be accepted. As a result, if you looked into Serpent's cell, you'd find it covered in the fluffiest, comfiest blankets and pillows ever, which the Sinner likes to burrow underneath. There can be no doubt that this snake sleeps in the absolute height of luxury, as far as prisons go anyway.
Chief also buys Serpent a lot of sweet treats, but after a few errant mishaps, they've learned to be very discerning about what they give her. Serpent likes the desserts they bring her, but if the taste reminds her too much of Ambrosia, it can cause a Mania spike and throw her into a panic attack.
Serpent's snake is just as friendly with Chief as its owner. It likes to coil around their neck like a scarf, a sight that always makes Serpent giggle with delight and rush to find a camera. The Sinner must have hundreds of near-identical photos by now, but if this brings her the genuine happiness she's craved, Chief will gladly let her take more.
Whenever Serpent performs a show, Chief is always in the front row. The Sinner makes a point of meeting their gaze and blowing them kisses and winks as she performs; sometimes, she'll even drag them up on stage with her! It can be a bit nerve-wracking, but Chief trusts that Serpent won't let them make a fool of themselves, and her smile is worth it anyway.
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industriallyinsecure · 2 years ago
Hello may I please ask for headcanons for La Squadra reacting to their s/o being so out in it in mornings. Like they pour coffee in a cereal bowl and they go “give me a minute, something’s not right.”
More under cut!
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He watches with stern eyes as you fumble through cabinets and every conceivable container
And then pour cereal into a glass
Then try to drink it
While he’s seen things that were odder, this was certainly up there
“My heart? What are you doing?”
“I’m not really sure.”
“Here, let me help.”
Does some light supervising but doesn’t reprimand you
Will massage your shoulders gently and cuddle up to you as you fiddle with the stove
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If you’re still sleepy in the morning, five minutes of being around him will wake you right up
Will explode if you waste any food, even by accident
Gets so pissed he ends up doing your morning routine for you
“What the FUCK?! Are you shitting my dick right now??”
“Just give me the fucking bread.”
Only feels bad about it if it makes you sad. Otherwise it’s free game
Genuinely doesn’t understand what the problem is and honestly thinks you’re doing it on purpose
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Liable to do the same things because he’s a night owl
You two are swaddled in blankets trying to get the coffee maker to work (it’s unplugged)
Have we tried turning it off and on again ?
“Well I’m out of ideas then.”
Cutest sleepiest duo
Probably falls asleep on you while waiting for his food to heat up in the microwave
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Probably the reason you’re up so early in the first place
Cradles his espresso while he watches you crack eggs into the trash can and put the shells in a bowl
“My love?”
“Hm? Why are you making that face?”
“Because you poured the coffee straight onto the counter, my darling.”
Finds it endearing until you make a mess
You get scolded but he’ll help you clean up (and be showered with kisses you won’t remember because you’re too tired)
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Used to getting up early, so he’s freaked out until he realizes you’re just groggy
Frets over you like a little mother hen when you handle utensils
“Are you sure you should be using that?”
“Well how am I going to cut this bagel?”
“Well, probably not with that spoon.”
Will absolutely start making breakfast for you if he feels your sleepiness is getting in the day
Offers to wake you up by putting his cold hands on your neck
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Isn’t a morning person either
Probably contributes to your morning grogginess by hanging onto you and hindering any progress (or lack thereof)
“You’ve just brewed the coffee with milk.”
“Oh. Wait, what?”
“Mh, nevermind.”
Physically cannot help you with any morning skin routine because he’s trying to differentiate between his shampoo and conditioner
He puts the conditioner on first.
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Usually wakes up in the early afternoon/late morning so he misses your morning mishaps
It’s a wonder the house hasn’t burnt to the ground
“G’morning ‘m’more
“Form, it’s two in the evening
“Why do you look like you just got up?”
(It’s because you also sleep in)
Any noises you make prior to waking him up are probably not heard because he snores so loud
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astaroth1357 · 5 years ago
Lucifer? Who Shrank the MC…?
Undateables reacting to the "Lucifer, I Shrunk the MC" scenario. Special thanks to @yuki-kaminari who asked if there'd be an Undateables continuation. I'm not as comfortable writing the Undateables as I am the Brothers, but I'll usually be willing to try if someone would like me to. 🙂
IMPORTANT: Continuation from “Lucifer, I Shrunk the MC...” The background is in that post!
Okay, so it was a little embarrassing for yet another magical mishap to affect one of his exchange students. He was sure to make his disappointment known to Satan. Bad Satan. Clean your room.
… But in all honesty, tiny!MC is probably one of the cutest things he's ever seen! Even cuter than the little D's!!
He can't help but want to pet their little head with his finger or let them climb all over his "giant" hands like they're playing on a jungle gym.
He doesn't say anything but he loves it when Lucifer brings them to meetings and always sends him off to do something at least once so he can spend some time with the tiny human himself.
He once brought them one of those little bouncy balls and the two spent a solid five minutes seeing if they could balance on it. They almost had it, but Lucifer came back into the room and "advised" his Lord to stop playing around. 😔
Is probably going to be the saddest of all when the spell wears off. Even sadder than Beel. At least the brothers got to see their little friend everyday, he only got to at meetings! He may pout about it for a little...
Knew this very thing was going to happen since they got here and was already prepared when Lucifer brought their newly tiny friend into the conference hall.
Takes the Asmo approach of just getting them tiny items so that they can at least feel a little more comfortable with their new size.
Have you ever seen a tiny china set? Teacups and everything? He got them one of those and he serves them tea through a little eyedropper.
He's always been helpful to them but now it's like he doesn't even need to be asked. If there's something they can't reach, he's already getting it down for them. If there's something they need, he's already on the case. It's like he can read their mind… 
Or he has meticulously memorized how the next five-ish days are going to play out so he can make this scary and possibly dangerous experience as comfortable for them as possible.
Secretly doesn't trust the brothers to take of/keep tiny!MC safe in the slightest, no matter what the future says, so checks up on them more than normal just to be safe. Would have probably put Belphie on his Shit List if Satan+MC hadn't have punished him already.
Goes full “Mom” mode the moment he sees tiny!MC in Satan's hand. "MC?? What happened?? Are you okay?? How did this happen???"
So incredibly careful with them you'd think they were made from paper and glass. Every touch so soft and light, they're about as gentle as the angel himself.
Takes it upon himself to bring them around RAD when Satan isn't able to. He likes feeling like their protector, a guardian angel if you will. 🤭
Thinks watching them try to do things is sooo adorable. His favorite is when they try to read books because they have to walk across the pages then roll the paper aside with their whole body when they want to turn to the next one.
Won't ever let them struggle very long though. They get over the book thing by having them sit on his head and read while he turns the pages for them.
In fact, he likes carrying them on his head a lot. His hair is incredibly soft and it's easy for them to accidentally fall asleep up there. Mammon yells at him every time he catches them like that because he thinks the Head Carry something only he should be allowed to do.
Freaked out at first just like Simeon. Of course demons would end up doing this sort of thing to MC! What else would you expect?
Tries to lecture Satan on being more careful but he just brushed it off with, "Simeon, your dog is yapping again." Poor baby...
Honestly kind of likes tiny!MC almost as much as the big one. They kind of remind him of a fairy like this! All they’d need is wings too...
Also tries to step in as their protector, but since most of the demons kind of walk all over him anyway he ends up agreeing that job is probably better left to Simeon...
Decides to try and challenge himself to make the World's Smallest Cake for them. It takes him two days of attempts, but he eventually was able to present them with a beautifully decorated, two-tiered cake about the size of his thumbnail!
Beel still somehow sniffed it out, though, so it was a bit of a challenge to get it to them in the first place... 😰
Incredibly amused that the size changing book he lent Satan ended getting used on MC and not on Lucifer like he was intending.
He knows a spell or two that could return them to normal size but since no one ever asks him directly, "Oh nooo looks like we're stuck with a super small and cute MC for a few days. Whatever shall we do…?" 😏
Noticeably visits the House of Lamentation a lot more when the MC is tiny. He's always got an excuse of course: needs a book, going over some homework, thought about dropping off some lotion for Asmo, etc. But really, even Belphie picks up on it and he's asleep most of the day!
Tries every excuse in the book to get the MC away from the brothers so he can have some time with them himself. He’ll ferry them away to Purgatory Hall, the Shopping District, RAD, anywhere as long as it’s just them.
He'd never come right out and say it, but he thinks they're absolutely adorable like this and wants to enjoy every minute he can with them before the spell wears off. He’d cast it on them again if he could get away with it...
Satan and Simeon learn pretty quick that they cannot leave MC alone at RAD for very long because Solomon will find them and then they'll both be straight up gone until the last bell rings. First time it happened, Satan almost tore the whole school down looking for them... Lucifer was not pleased.
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flourgirl · 4 years ago
Heart Skips a Beat
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You work at a coffee shop on campus and develop a crush on the cute astrophysics major who studies there everyday.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Pure fluff. One curse word.
A/N: There WILL be a sequel to Even If It’s a Lie! Until then, here’s a little something to hold you guys over :-)
“I saw you on a Sunday in a café And all you did was look my way And my heart started to race And my hands started to shake” -Nervous, Shawn Mendes
3 p.m. had quickly become your favorite time of the day. Sure, you had already been working for half of your shift by then, but it was worth it. Because despite how tired you were from a full day of lectures, like clockwork, the cutest guy you had ever seen walked into the café to order a caramel latte and do his homework. 
You were a hopeless romantic. A homeschooled bookworm whose only experiences with romance were through the many YA novels you had read growing up. College was honestly your first experience with independence and having a social life outside of your mom, your cat, and your elderly neighbors, Brenda and Pat.
The first day he had come was at the beginning of the semester. You had just started working there to help cut the costs of tuition that your scholarships couldn’t cover. Even though you barely knew how to use the machines at that point, and it took you almost 20 minutes and one phone call to your shift manager to give him his order, he was still really nice to you about it.
By the end of the first week that he started hanging out here, you had memorized his order. For a stranger, there was a lot to like about him. He was super sweet and always dropped his spare change in the tip jar, a rare occurrence amongst struggling college students. He always greeted you by your name, which he only knew because of the tag on your uniform, but you didn’t care. You liked hearing him say it either way.
The more you learned about him, the bigger your crush grew. His name was Peter. Peter Parker, which matched him perfectly. He was an astrophysics major, and he was always busy. So what was he doing hanging out in the café where you worked? Sure, homework, but you had always preferred to go somewhere more quiet, like the library. Not some noisy little coffee shop in the middle of campus where everybody hung out after class.
In between making coffee orders for other customers, you would oftentimes steal glances at him. You thought about how soft his messy brown hair would feel between your fingers, or what it would be like to smell his fabric softener from closer than the width of the countertop that always separated the two of you.
But it was just a silly crush. When you thought about it, the two of you were virtually strangers. He had an entire life outside of the walls of the coffee shop, and he probably didn’t think about you other than when you were taking his order every day. Still, just when you thought about how weird it was to think about somebody you barely knew this much, Peter found ways to make you like him even more than you already did.
Every now and then, Peter wouldn’t show up, and you worried that maybe he had found another place to get coffee or came at another time because he didn’t want to see you anymore. You knew you were overthinking. There was no way that Peter was planning his entire schedule around you. You were just the coffee girl to him and nothing more.
Little did you know that on your days off, Peter was disappointed to find that someone else would be making his coffee that day. Sure, he started coming here to study because it was conveniently located across the street from the laboratory that he interned at, but it was more than that. He came to see you. To see your smile and the way your eyes lit up whenever he walked in. The way you still managed to look cute in the unflattering café uniform and how you didn’t even have to ask what his order was.
He had the biggest crush on you. The five minutes that he spent talking to you each day made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and he took comfort in the fact that maybe, just maybe, you felt the same way about him. But he didn't know what to say to you past small talk. He told Ned and MJ that he had been planning to ask you out for a while now, but every time he walked up to the register, he chickened out. You made him too nervous, and he knew that if he tried too hard, he’d start rambling about string theory or something and scare you away. 
Peter thought about what kind of person you were outside of these four walls. Were you dating anybody? What was your favorite subject? Did you like pineapple on your pizza? He wondered if you even noticed that he was gone every time his “internship” at Stark Industries dragged him away for days at a time. Probably not. He thought about what it would be like to walk you to wherever you went after your shift ended, to make sure you got there safely, but he always had to rush off to somewhere else before you had finished working.
You had started experimenting with leaving little designs on top of his coffee instead of just haphazardly pouring the milk in. At first, they were just sad little blobs, but then you graduated to vaguely leaf-like blobs, and you could now make something that was shaped like a turnip on top of his lattes. You had been working up the courage to leave little hearts, but every time you did, you swirled them away and served it to him without any design at all.
Your friends would lovingly describe you as a klutz. You were constantly tripping over nothing or knocking things over. There was even that one time you almost broke your leg trying to climb one of the supermarket shelves to reach your favorite brand of maple syrup. But out of all of your clumsy mishaps, none of them lived up to what had just happened.
You had sworn you had looked both ways before crossing the street. But when the barrage of car horns and tires screeching interrupted your favorite song, you saw your life flash before your eyes. That was, until, you were flying through the air. Looking at your savior, you were both starstruck and shocked to see Spiderman holding you tightly as he swung from building to building.
It felt like forever before your feet touched the ground and he let go of your waist, but when he did, you were a little disappointed. How did he even know to drop you off at this specific coffee shop? It was insane, but you felt like you knew him. You just couldn’t place why or how before he saluted you and swung away without a word. “Thank you!” you screamed into the sky, knowing he definitely couldn’t hear you over the hustle and bustle of the city.
Peter’s heart was about to burst out of his chest. That was way too close of a call. What if you found out that it was him? What would you think? But he knew that if he hadn’t saved you, he would never forgive himself. Sure, you might get free tuition like that rumor people always talked about in middle school, but you’d also have a ton of hospital bills to pay because Spiderman was a selfish idiot and let you get hit by a taxi.
Your head was still spinning from what had just happened. You quickly changed into your uniform and started your shift, giddy with excitement to tell Peter who you had met today. As 3 p.m. came and went and there were no signs of Peter, you started to accept that the only person you’d get to tell about today was your mom. Go figure, you thought. You finally had something interesting to say to him and he doesn’t show up.
Eventually, after many disappointing coffee orders later, it was time for you to go home and curl up to a cup of tea and watch the latest episode of the Great British Bake-Off. It was ironic, but your favorite contestant this season was Peter, and every week was more and more tense as you worried whether or not he’d make it to the next episode. Sure, he was really good at technicals, but sometimes the flavors of his signature bakes were off. And when was stupid Laura going to get eliminated?
You were so caught up in worrying about who would be going to the finals that you didn’t even notice the guy walking through the doors just as you were leaving the café, knocking you onto the ground. 
“OW!” you squeaked as you hit the tiled floor that your co-worker had just finished mopping.
“Shit, Y/N, I’m so sorry,” a familiar voice apologized from above you. You squinted up to see Peter’s brown eyes full of worry, and at that point, you couldn’t even tell that you were hurt anymore. 
He held out his hand for you to take and pulled you up as if you weighed nothing. Still a bit dizzy, you stumbled, and he wrapped his hand around your waist to keep you from falling again. That same familiar feeling you felt earlier that day was rushing back to you. 
“Hey, don’t worry. I’ve got you, Y/N,” he assured you, walking you over to a table to sit down. 
You laid your head down on the table, both embarrassed and woozy from having your crush knock you flat on your face because you were too busy thinking about a televised baking competition to watch where you were going.
“You know we’re closed, right,” you groaned, lifting your head to see him staring attentively at you.
“Yeah, I know,” he answered, laughing nervously and running his hands through his hair. You wished that you were the one doing that instead.
“Oh. Well, you can if you really want to,” he said, leaving you confused as to what on earth he was talking about. It wasn’t until a few moments later that you were ready to curl up into a ball and hide forever. Did you say that you wanted to touch his hair OUT LOUD? TO HIS FACE?
Your cheeks turned crimson and you buried your face in your arms again. “Peter, I’m okay. You can go now.” If he didn’t leave now, you’d probably die of embarrassment right in front of him.
“Y/N,” he started, running his thumb across your arm. “I don’t want to go. I… I came here to see you.”
Your head shot up and you stared at him in disbelief. “You know I’m not the only one here who knows how to make a caramel latte, right?”
“Mhmm,” he hummed, nodding his head with a soft smile. Even in the dim lighting of the café at night, his eyes sparkled. “I hope this is okay for me to say, but… Y/N. I like you. I like you a lot, and I don’t even like caramel lattes but by the time I realized that I would never get used to the taste, you were already making them without me even having to ask you to.”
“Oh,” you replied, instantly feeling good as new. “I, uh...I like you too.”
You watched as the smile that never failed to brighten your day returned to Peter’s face. “So... Do you—would you, maybe, like to go out with me sometime?”
“Yes!” you replied enthusiastically. Checking your phone, you realized just how long you two had been sitting down. “But we should probably go. The doors were supposed to be locked thirty minutes ago.”
You grabbed his hand, pulling him out the front doors of the coffee shop before scrambling to lock them. When you turned around, you were standing face to face with the guy you’d been crushing on for months. 
Right before Peter could lean in to kiss you, you remembered what you had been dying to tell him about all day. “I almost forgot. I met Spiderman today!”
Peter’s eyes widened. He had hoped you wouldn’t bring it up, but then again, he probably shouldn’t have come here in the hopes of seeing you tonight. Play it cool, Parker, he thought as the two of you walked towards the subway station.
“Oh. That’s really cool,” he said in a tone that was suspiciously underwhelmed. “How’d that happen?”
“Well, I was on the way to work and I guess I was listening to my music a little bit too loud,” you started. “And suddenly I hear all these cars honking at me and WHOOSH! I’m in Spiderman’s arms and he drops me off right in front of the coffee shop. I mean, how did he even know that that’s where I was supposed to be? It was incredible!”
Peter really liked listening to you talk. He liked the softness of your voice and how excited you sounded whenever you spoke to him. “Huh. Are you sure you have a crush on me and not on our friendly neighborhood Spiderboy?”
“Spiderman,” you corrected, intertwining your fingers with his. “And no. I like you and only you.”
Peter laughed, thinking about how mad you’d be when he finally let you in on his little secret. But for now, there was no Spiderman. It was just you and him, and that’s how he liked it.
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potscenarios · 4 years ago
Omg! So excited! May I please request how Sanada, Shiraishi, Atobe, Niou, and Kite would confess to their long time crush? Thank you and best of luck with the blog! ♥️ Love PoT so much, I miss the fandom :(
My very first request yay! I knew there are still people around!! Thank you so much for sending in something, sweetie! I hope to see you around ♥️
(Also I'm so sorry this turned out so long lol)
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Let’s face it, Yukimura and Yanagi are probably the ones who first noticed how different Sanada is whenever he’s around you, his crush. And since they judged that their friend’s crush has been going on long enough, they’re probably the ones who tries to get the ball rolling and hints at Sanada to just confess already.
Confessing is a big thing for this man, because he will only do so when he’s 99.99% sure that he wants to have a serious relationship with the other person.
Knowing his family background and his personality, of course he would get all traditional about the whole process (i.e. if you have an older brother, he would probably have tried to get his permission to 'court' you first before he actually does he's so precious omg)
He starts by inviting you out along with your friends and some of the tennis club members, so you won't feel awkward with him alone. It's also a good chance for him to get to know your friends more, which he will need to do when he becomes your boyfriend anyway. Sanada also knows he's not too good at talking so he wants you to get more comfortable around him in general. When your response is positive, then he starts to invite you out on real dates - just the two of you.
Throughout this whole process, only when he has verbally heard from you directly that you do enjoy having him around, he finally finds his courage and is convinced to take the next step. On the actual d-day itself, he's oddly out of it and you're probably going to misunderstand his silence as boredom or something like that, but when he finally, finally finds the opportunity to confess, it'll blow you away because of how unusually soft and sincere he looks.
"We have known each other for quite some time. This might sound unexpected to you, but I have found myself thinking of our future together on several occasions. I realize that all these time, I have been longing to stand by your side, not just as a friend, but as a partner. If you will... would you honor me with the title of your boyfriend?"
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Literally plans out everything for over a week down to a t. And by everything I mean everything.
Researches the best date spots (How far are they from your house? How busy will they be at the d-day? If it rains, are there any other alternative spots nearby?), the best restaurants to dine in (Are the food healthy? Will they adhere to your preferences? How many stars does the restaurant have? What's the best time to eat there?), the best possible place to confess (How atmospheric is it? Are there any risks of being interrupted? Is there any way he can reserve the place or something along the line?), the weather on that day (Sunny? Windy? Rain? Snow? Humid?), etc. Everything has to be perfect.
Shiraishi takes you to your most favorite places, opens the door for you and makes sure you're seated on your chair before going to sit on his own, politely rejects girls who swoons over him (which seems to always happen when you go out - one time you tell him he needs to stop looking like he just came out from a fashion magazine and he just laughs), and escorts you like the perfect textbook definition of a gentleman for the whole day.
Despite his research though, things can't always be a hundred percent perfect, so there are actually some parts / events of the date where Shiraishi isn't completely satisfied with, but you honestly don't notice because he had been so kind and accommodating, so of course a few mishaps here and there are tolerable (and they're probably mostly not his fault anyway)
He's composed when he finally confesses, but inwardly he's frantically freaking out and he's constantly trying to gauge your reactions because he will pull back as soon as you look uncomfortable - at the very least, if he’s rejected, he doesn't want to destroy your friendship.
"Hey, [Last_Name]. Do you think I'll make a good boyfriend? .... I'm glad that you think I would. Then... Do you think we'll make a good couple? I personally think we would. And honestly, I want to make that reality... What do you think?"
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He has the confidence and the means to make the most extravagant confession on Earth, so why should he hold back, right?
Due to being around him for quite long, though, you're most likely already used to his eccentrics, so you wouldn't think too much about it when he actually asks you to go somewhere with him, thinking that he just doing his usual 'this-ore-sama-will-show-you-his-prowess' antics.
He takes you to a newly built indoor 'garden', where a wide variety of plants are grown and cared for. Actually, ‘garden’ is an understatement. There are several 'greenhouses' that hosts different kinds of plants, apparently imported in from all over the world. Strange trees and flowers grows everywhere, the air is cooling and fresh because of all the plantations, and as you walk down the path surrounded by lush greens, you're very much awed and fascinated by everything.
But that's all nothing compared to the man-made waterfall he takes you to as your last destination. You can only stare in wonder as you watch the rushing water, not realizing that it's especially cold in this 'greenhouse' until Atobe gentlemanly drapes a shawl he prepared beforehand around you. He then takes you around the small forest around the waterfall and you both walk up the stairs to find that there's a modern looking restaurant that looks more like a villa, situated just at the right height and distance to have the perfect view of the waterfall and its surrounding area.
You'll find yourself sitting at the comfiest dining chair in your life, sipping the freshest orange juice, row upon row of your favorite foods coming out one after another. And just when you're finishing your dessert, all smiles and relaxed, and you thank him for the fun outing, that's when he confidently drops the question.
"Let me make this clear. Ore-sama doesn't just treat anyone this way. You're special. You're the only one who is good enough to stand equally beside me. Don't you agree? Of course, I'm only accepting nothing but 'Yes' as an answer."
It's only way later into your relationship when you realize that the place he took you to is owned and constructed by Atobe himself. When you ask your boyfriend about this fact, he finally admits (with a very proud smirk) that he built the whole thing just to confess to you lol
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I personally think his confession wouldn't exactly be 'planned', in a sense.
He just has to tease you, his adorable crush, every chance he has. Just because he likes to see focus your attention to him and he thinks the angry / troubled look on your face is the cutest. But after a while it comes to the point that his pranks and teasing remarks are getting more and more frequent, and it’s getting too much to your liking. He doesn’t exactly take your verbal protest seriously, so you end up giving him the silent treatment, just to let him know that enough is enough.
Niou, who is already used to have you around and has taken your presence for granted, is suddenly left to his own thoughts because you're either running away from him upon seeing him, or isn't showing any reaction when he manages to catch up to you. Honestly you probably just want him to lessen his teasing, but the impact of your action is bigger than you think.
In the end, after a long lecture from Yagyuu (the lecture itself was boring but he was forced to sit seiza for a whole hour and his legs hurt like hell) and Yukimura's simple but straight-to-the-point comment ("Hm? Is [Last_Name] avoiding you lately, Niou? It's because you've been borderline mean to them, you know?"), he realizes that he has to make things right.
He's surprisingly gentle and serious when he asks you to have lunch with him one day, and you feel a little bad for making him feel so guilty, so you accept. It's already shocking that he hasn't done or said anything that's remotely playful all the while you're walking to the place you're supposed to have lunch in, but he's treating you so gentlemanly you almost suspect he switched places with Yagyuu.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you hate me, and I didn't think I would annoy you that much. I've reflected. I should have treated the person I love more preciously. I promise I'll be better! So don't hate me, yeah?"
“.... Niou? Did you just say..... ‘the person I love'?”
"Huh? .... Puri. I guess the cat's out of the bag, huh? ... That's right. I really like you. I find your teary face really adorable, but I still like it best when you smile. So will you go out with me? I promise I'll never let you cry from sadness."
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This scheming and calculating man!! Kite will only confess if he has already studied up your behavior and has determined that you do harbour interest in him as a love interest. From there, it’s a strategic battle for him to bring you two even closer.
He would subconsciously condition you to be more dependent or just overall be closer to him. I can actually see him create certain situations where you would have no choice but to accept his help, or for you to offer your help, being the kind soul that you are.
Like the time where he invites you to watch the tennis club practice, and it just so conveniently rains, and it just so happens that you lost your umbrella, and so when he offers you to walk you home, what can you do except comply? And if on your way he purposefully timed your walking pace so that the car on the street drives by a rather big puddle, resulting in him 'shielding' you and getting his uniform all wet, how could you not invite him into your abode so he can dry off first? If he doesn’t have the opportunity to be alone with you, trust me, he will create one.
It's not that he's doing all those things with ill intent in mind though, and he's definitely not trying to hurt you. His goal is to make you feel like you need him. It's just his way of getting you to fall in love with him lol
Surprisingly though, I think his actual confession would be pretty 'normal'. Okinawa generally has nice beaches, so he would take you to a nice and relaxing beach walk, finishing off with dinner on an outdoorsy type restaurant overlooking the sea, where you both can watch the sun set against the horizon with soft live music in the background. Overall, when the atmosphere is nice and solemn just shortly after the sun finally sets, that's when he finally speaks.
"[Last_Name]-san. You are a wonderful and intriguing person. To be honest, I didn't think you would still be sticking around after all this time, but as with many other times, you continue to surprise me. At first, I was merely curious about you, but soon enough you flawlessly turned my curiosity into attraction. This is troubling. I will have you take responsibility by going out with me."
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your-world-with-nct · 4 years ago
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— 2020 has been a wild year for all of us and let me start this off by saying well done to us all for simply making it through this crazy ride - if surviving this year was your biggest achievement, that’s completely okay, and i am so proud of you for being here today !! despite the many, let’s say, mishaps, that have occurred this year, both nct and nctzens have been key in my 2020 and i couldn’t be more grateful for them, so i decided to make a little appreciation post of my own before the year ends 🥰
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— to my followers ;
my petals !! i can’t believe i started off this year with around 300 followers and i’m now nearing 600 🙈 this account has grown so much this year and it’s all thanks to you. if you’ve ever come across my blog, liked or reblogged a piece of mine, sent me an ask, or pressed that follow button, i want you to know that i am so grateful for you and thank you for enjoying my works 🥺 hopefully 2021 will carry the same positive energy here on your-world-with-nct as it has this year and i’m hoping that you’ll be seeing a lot more fics in the near future 👀 once again, i love you petals <3
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— to my dearest mutuals ;
em bubs !!! i know i could easily do this on any other app or even irl but i just wanted to thank you for making my year 🥺 my lockdown wouldn’t have been the same without us constantly texting and fangirling and our ty track/bfc reunion on my birthday was elite. and obviously this new school year has been an adventure and a half so far, with all the lunch time shenanigans, revision sessions, and exam stress, but i can’t wait for the rest of it 🙈 i am so grateful that i had you by my side during 2020 and i am eternally thankful that i’ll be able to go into the new year with you by my side once again 🧡💚💜
bella - my first mutual, my tumblr mum - it feels like just yesterday that you wrote a beomgyu blurb for me after seeing my pink theme; now you’ve finished college and i’m applying to colleges 🙈i know we haven’t been able to talk as much recently but that doesn’t mean i appreciate your presence any less - i’m so proud of you for getting into med school and pursuing your dream 🥺🥺 i hope that this year treated you well, and that 2021 treats you even better 💞
loml, almost birthday-twin, fellow leo and xiaojaem stan, fave writer - what do these things have in common? they all apply to v, or, yeet anon, if you remember the days where i ranted to you about my crush and you were a baby stay 😪 not only have you delivered such amazing content on ur writing and gif blogs, but you have provided so much comfort and joy to me whenever we message with dilay 🤧 i look forward to checking your blog every day for new posts and my twt and insta notifs in case you’ve sent me something or you’ve seen what i sent you 🙈 the fact that you think of me when you see certain things just warms my heart and you’re just such a caring person in general, thank you for being a part of my 2020 v, all the best wishes for your 2021 🖤
dilay !!! my resident yangqi and the person i think of straight away whenever i see yangyang 😚 i remember when you first requested that e2l chenle blurb back in 2019 and now the only chenle stan between us is v 😁 finding you on this app again after i forgot what ur skz blog’s url was, was just amazing and i don’t know what my tumblr experience would be like without me being able to reconnect with you 🥺 thank you for being able to make me laugh effortlessly with our lack of geography knowledge and our random antics, i will always look forward to seeing the username @cloudy_____ on my dash and screaming over renhyuckyang (+ sungchan 👀) with you for years to come 🤍
andi bb, my fellow dad!johnny stan 🥺 seeing you post a jaemin birthday blurb for me after your return to tumblr was so sweet and i can’t believe your first post after coming back was dedicated to me 🤧 i remember the day i first messaged you and you were gushing over how you were a big fan of mine and i said the same about you - we were just going back and forth about how much we love each other’s work 😌 you are such a talented writer and you are so full of love - wishing all the best for you in the coming new year babie 🥰
coming across leyna’s blog after reading that jsmr fic was the best decision, because not only have i befriended a brilliant writer, but also a jensung enthusiast who is just the kindest 🥺🥺 i think now would be a good time to tell you that despite jeno’s bias wrecking antics back in august, i actually bias jisung now 😃 i know we haven’t talked in a while, because of our busy schedules, but i hope you’re resting well and i hope that 2021 won’t be as hectic for you 💟
joyce, i know we only started talking recently but the serotonin boost both you and your works have given me this year is just incredible and i am so thankful for your warm personality on your blog and for your amazing fics 🤧 i started off as a silent reader who gushed about your writing in the tags but now i’m friends with such a talented writer and we just casually ramble about doie and jaems biases and writing struggles,,, wow 🤯 (btw took some of ur tips on editing headers 🙈) i hope that next year we can expand our friendship and that i can continue to give you the feedback you deserve 🥺💕
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— favourite reads of the year ;
i have reblogged all of these to my main @/lovelycharm05 before, but i just wanted these masterpieces on here with everyone since these fics are so memorable and enjoyable to me <3 (beware there is lots of me gushing over how f&%#ing good all these writing techniques and plot devices are - can you tell i’m an eng lit nerd)
@nsheetee - moonlight café
obviously v released so many iconic pieces this year but this series was just *chef’s kiss* coffee shop au’s are the cutest to me because you can do so many different things with them, and you truly showcased that through each members’ part. although i am nahyuck biased (out of all the 00 liners), i have a soft spot for jeno’s part 🥺🤧 but that doesn’t mean i’m not obsessed with jealous jaems and cocky hyuck 🙈
@notnctu - to all the j’s i loved before
the very first work i ever read of yours, joyce 🥺🥺 i remember seeing an nct network reblog this and after reading through the summary of the series, i was enticed by the plot and i read most of your masterlist whilst waiting for the next parts 🤧 the main character’s relationship with each ‘j’ was unique to them and their interactions were just so sweet to read (except jaemin’s >:( why did my ult’s part have to be the angsty one 😤 jk jk i loved it anyways) special mention to ‘cupid’s arrow’, because that fic was an emotional rollercoaster and i loved that almost as much as i love bestfriend!jungwoo in the last part 😌
@misfitneo - lee haechan’s pride
it would be a sin if i didn’t include this in my top reads this year, pun intended 😌, especially since i have a weakness for mafia aus. i haven’t had the time to read mark or renjun’s parts yet, but from what i read in this fic, i’m sure theirs are just as good, if not better. the storybuilding and the development of the plot are so detailed and intricate and that is what i love in a fic. i already reviewed this on my main with a lengthy description of my favourite parts so i’m gonna keep this short and sweet - if you love haechan, mafia au’s, and enemies to lovers, you need to read this !!
@jensungf - passing clouds + only forever
these fics hit different now that i bias jisung 😭 ‘passing clouds’ was pure angst and as much as it hurt, it was written so beautifully and i loved it so much. ‘only forever’ healed the jisung shaped hole in my heart and made me fall in love with him all over again. the first love vibes he gives off is unbelievable and that innocence was presented perfectly in this 🤧 side note: never let jisung bake for you even if it’s as a peace offering 😖
@hyucksie - in the long run + second first kiss
although ‘sweet talk’ and ‘silent treatment’ are also contenders for some of my favourite fics of the year, these two have taken the cake 😌 the concept itself of time travel and mark and y/n seeing their future child was so creative and the mixed emotions that the characters experienced seeing their future were executed so well and the ending when their actual future selves remembered the day they time travelled 🥺🥺 not to mention the sequel doesn’t feel forced at all, the story flows well, and jealous mark is a cutie 🥰
@luvdsc - not clickbait
i’ve been following cat after i first read ‘i turned my best friend into an e-boy!! (and kissed him)’ and ever since then every piece of hers that i’ve read is simply breathtaking and so engaging. her style of writing is so unique and whenever i read anything of hers i feel so immersed in the fic. the dreamies as youtubers and tiktokers was such a cute concept to me and the little comment section at the end of each fic is probably my favourite part 😳 the way each member’s fic connects to the plot of another is perfect and their cameos in one another’s fic >>> (jisung telling y/n about the tiktok challenge in mark’s fic + cameraman jisung in chenle’s) i could keep talking abt this series for a lot longer but i’ll end it here, also i can’t wait for norensung’s parts 💞💞
@pwarkhans - the neo academy
i’ve probably mentioned my love for ‘the umbrella academy’ before but THIS !!! this series just made me love it even more 🙈 despite yangyang’s part being the only one that’s out, that and the prologue are interesting enough and seeing the 00 liners in this alternate universe is honestly amazing jxjwjxkw jaemin as three and hyuck as two is everything. the brothers’ relationship, especially in yangyang’s part, is so complicated yet so cute and i can’t wait for the rest of the members’ parts 💘
@yongtxt - vintage
when i first stumbled across this series, i was immediately intrigued by the plot, and not just because it was about rapper!mark and singer!y/n🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯 the side characters (dreamies + doie and jisoo) were so funny and well-written and the plot >>>> i was so invested in the twists and turns of the story, the relief i felt when the conflict was finally resolved and we got our fav musician couple !!
@byunbaekby - apartment b23
i only found this series recently but wow am i invested in the plot already 😭😭 the conflict in the story is realistic and feels like something you could actually relate to. norenmin’s friendship/bond is so strong and evident through the story and the side characters are my babies (heejin, shuhua, lia - ily 🤧) i can’t wait for the rest of this series since i am a sucker for the perfect balance of angst, fluff, and crack in this 🥰
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— favourite works of the year ;
unfortunately i haven’t had enough time to release any fics this year, and i’m hoping that that won’t be the case next year, but here are my top 5 favourite blurbs that i enjoyed writing and reading <3
1:48pm -> dad!johnny
one of the most popular blurbs on my blog to this day 🥺 honestly i get why, who doesn’t love dad!johnny? hyejoo is literally so adorable here and the family dynamics make me soft all over again whenever i reread this piece. also everyone’s reactions and replies to this are so heartwarming because everyone’s just whipped for the suh family 🙈
1:05pm -> soulmate!taeyong
i love soulmate au’s but something always irked me with the permanence of your soulmate like ,,, what if you end up falling out of love with them? then what? that inspired me to write my own take on soulmates, where they aren’t found, but made. taeyong’s character here is just so full of love and you know how much i love lovable boys 🤧 (ever wondered why i ult na jaemin...?)
12:13pm -> boyfriend!mark
7dream!!!! i don’t usually write domestic fluff even though it’s one of the genres i indulge in the most 😔 but when i do, i go all out because everyone needs to know how soft i am for my boys >:( mark’s love for the dreamies is so unique and i love their friendship so much, i had to write about it when i first heard about the 7dream announcement which i definitely did not cry at
11:40pm -> boyfriend!jeno
this was one of the first requests i ever got and i was just so touched than someone personally requested something from me AND it was jeno 🥺🥺 everytime i read the tags under this, everyone is just gushing over jeno and like,,, same 🙈 this type of fluff >>>
waking up with wayv -> wayv reaction
when em first requested this, i didn’t exactly know how to write something for each member without being too repetitive, but in the end, i loved the mini plots i wrote for them and it’s just one of my underappreciated faves 🥰
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— favourite releases of the year ;
just a few of my favourite albums that got me through online school and revision sessions for offline school 🥲 ft. lots of nct + october albums bc that month was PACKED
nct 2020 - resonance pt1 + pt2
nct 127 - neozone: the final round
nct dream - ridin’
wayv - awaken the world
superm - super one
enhypen - border: day one
twice - eyes wide open
txt - minisode1: blue hour
seventeen - semicolon
stray kids - go live + in life
itzy - not shy
conan gray - kid krow
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if you’ve managed to read all the way to the end, congrats for putting up with my lengthy and very sappy sentiment and sorry that you had to go through all of that 😭😭 thank you for being a part of my 2020, i hope that the new year allows us all to have a fresh start and brings us the opportunities we didn’t have this year. happiest new year to you all 🥳 (even tho it’s not 2021 yet when i’m posting this :))
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5hining-aus · 5 years ago
Being On We Got Married With SHINee
Anonymous said: What would the guys be like on “we got married”?
Good question, I have some ideas. Small disclaimer, I’ve never actually watched WGM, so I apologize if I get some details about the show wrong. Anyway, let’s get into it! Also, sorry if you were waiting long, I’ve been busy painting and redecorating my bedroom and haven’t had much time for writing😓
Before your season aired, a lot of people assumed that your and Jinki’s “marriage” would be full of awkwardness and clumsy mishaps. They were very wrong
Obviously, it was a bit awkward in the beginning, like, you just met this person and now you have to live together as if you’re a married couple, who wouldn’t find that awkward
However, once you and Jinki got used to each other, you guys wound up becoming a fan favourite, thanks to all the tooth-achingly sweet, yet not too over-the-top gestures you two performed for each other
There are actual tears during your final episode, and you find yourself on the receiving end of the biggest bear hug
You two are honestly just the cutest “couple” and even after your time on the show is over, the crew and fans still compare other couples to you two (perhaps you two even come back as guest MCs or a one-episode couple during another season)
When you were first told that you were going to be on WGM, you were a bit nervous. What if you got paired up with a guy who was super creepy
Your worries were pretty much completely eased the second you found out that your “husband” was going to be none other than SHINee’s Kim Jonghyun
It was pretty much universal knowledge that Jonghyun CHUGGED Respect Juice for breakfast every morning. You would be completely safe
And, as expected, Jonghyun was nothing but a total gentleman with you. Sure, he definitely smooth-talked and flirted with you, but he would back-off the second you showed even a microscopic amount of discomfort
You two stayed in contact after filming wrapped, and he actually wrote a song for you and performed it at his next concert. He didn’t outwardly say that it was written about/for you, but there were some very specific lyrics that made it obvious who was on his mind while he was writing it
You were pleasantly surprised when you met him for the first time. You had heard all these rumours about how Key was kind of a cold person, so it was the complete opposite of what you were expecting when he greeted you with a big hug and a smile
All those rumours were quickly proven wrong, and you found out that you probably couldn’t have been paired with a better husband. He was just so sweet (when he wasn’t teasing you mercilessly)
We all know how Kibu hates heights, right? Well, you two went to an amusement park for an episode and you really wanted to go on this ride that went really high up in the air. You, not knowing about his thing with heights, dragged Key along with you. He held your hand in a death-grip the whole time
He went on the ride TWICE. When you finally found out about his height thing, you were all like “Why didn’t you tell me? I wouldn’t have asked you to go on” and his reply was simply “You wanted to go on,” which was stated in a very matter-of-fact way
You become a semi-regular feature on his social media after your season airs, so much so that quite a few new rumours start about just how close you two became during and after filming. The truth? Well, I suppose that’s up to you
Once you found out that you were going to be “marrying” Choi Minho, you knew that you were going to probably become the envy of many people pretty much overnight
Minho was, by all accounts, the perfect husband. Handsome, kind, respectful, willing to carry you whenever you didn’t want to walk, Minho checked all those boxes
His only flaw, the only thing you found yourself annoyed by, was the fact that he’d put all the good snacks that you two bought on a shelf you couldn’t reach, hoarding them for himself
There was one episode where you two had to babysit in order to complete a challenge of some sort. To say that the show’s ratings went through the roof because of that episode would be an understatement
You and Minho were another fan favourite, and A LOT of people started shipping you two together after the season aired
Oh boy, your and Taemin’s season was an entertaining one indeed
I think that you two would do a lot of different, fun activities/visit a lot of cool places together, both during and not during filming
Taem was a very friendly husband, but he definitely enjoyed annoying you (in a fun, jokey way)
You constantly tried to scare him throughout your season. It never worked
You guys promised each other that, once filming had finished, you would revisit one of the places that you both really enjoyed. You guys kept that promise and about a year later social media was filled with the pictures that you two took
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tartagilicious · 5 years ago
Maybe a roommate au with fluff and the sentence starter "I wish I could relates but only a dumbass like you could do this" with Eugene?? Hopefully that doesn't sound confusing I'm having trouble wording it right--
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You trailed off with obvious distaste as your best friend recalled the events he’d been through. He looked sheepish enough, avoiding your gaze as you just stared, yet you still couldn’t help but laugh.
“I wish I could relate but only a dumbass like you could do this,”
He groaned as he slumped onto the table, his words muffled by his sweatshirt as he said, “You don’t have to tell me that, ___. I just want to know how to fix it.”
Your eyes went down to the coffee sitting in front of you, and you sighed. Eugene had been your roommate since the first year of college, and it was safe to say that you knew him better than anyone by now. That’s why you immediately knew that he needed your help when he offered to take you to your favourite cafe. 
It wasn’t like he didn’t pay for things, but he wasn’t someone who was keen on splurging like you were. 
“It’s up to her.” You said, taking a sip of your coffee as he raised his head to look at you. 
You rose a brow at his surprised reaction. “What? You can’t go over to a girl’s house and throw up on her! No matter how much soju you had, you idiot.”
His head dropped again, and you sighed, twirling your straw with your tongue as you said, “What did you think I was going to tell you? I’m not magic, you know.”
“You might as well be.” He mumbled, resting his chin on his arms to look straight at you with a pout. “You’re too good at this relationship stuff, while I just threw up on someone.”
You forced a smile and took another sip of your drink, putting it down again as you avoided his eyes. 
It was true, you were definitely better when it came to relationships between the two of you. But, that was only because you’d spent so much time thinking about one specific person that you would be disappointed if you weren’t an expert on them after the fact. 
Yet, no matter how many hints you gave to your oblivious and relationship-troubled best friend, he never got it. It hurt so much to go through his mishaps with other girls when the one girl that loved him more than anyone had been sitting in front of him for years, laughing with him and giving him someone to lean with through every stage life threw at you. 
Eugene just didn’t seem to get it; he never had.
“Well, what do I do? ___, I want to try again.”
“So, you like her, hm?” You teased him lightly, your lips curving up into a sly smile. “Has someone got a crush?”
Eugene sat back with a blush dusting his cheeks that was a clear as day yes. You kept your smile expertly as you rested your chin on your plan and leaned forward. 
“If you liked her you should’ve recognised your limit, Eugene.” You said slowly, not being able to help a laugh as his expression melted into an embarrassed smile.
“___! You’re supposed to be helping me, not making fun of me, you hoe.”
Your laughs both just grew louder as you sat there teasing each other back and forth, before you finally calmed down minutes later and gave him the serious advice he was looking for. 
“Seriously though, Eugene. Just text her and apologise. If she’s right for you, things will go from there. Still, don’t count on anything, okay?”
You watched his eyes light up with a smile, as if your warning simply didn’t exist. “Are you sure? Is that it?”
You shrugged and nodded. “Yeah, for now.”
“Man,” He leaned forward on his elbows. “Girls are just so hard to figure out.”
You snorted at the ironic words. 
“Yeah, girls are some confusing creatures, alright.”
His face shifted again as he whined, “Don’t say it like that!”
The rest of your night at the cafe was filled with more light-hearted things on your part, and despite the official reason for meaning, you both went back to your shared apartment feeling good. 
But, then he pulled you into the living room about an hour later to help him construct a text to the girl he’d been so caught up on. 
The mood was ruined easily, like the drop of a pin . 
So, there you sat, your face free of makeup and lightly coated with an acne mask peering over his shoulder as he typed. You were tired and began to rest your chin on his shoulder eventually, sighing at the time it took for the boy to do something so simple. 
“If it takes this long to say sorry to a girl about something like this,” You said, picking up your head and sitting back. “Do you think she’s really right for you?”
He was silent for a few moments before turning his head back to look at you. 
“I did it for you.”
You went silent. 
Eugene was right, he had done something very similar to you when you’d first met at a frat party. 
You’d gotten separated with the friends you’d come with and had quite literally stumbled across him. He’d spilled his drink on you in the clumsiest and cutest way, and you couldn’t help but find yourself curious about him even back then. 
“I hope you didn’t freak out this much about apologising to me.” You joked softly, trying to lighten the atmosphere. “I definitely wasn’t worth it.”
He raised a brow as he gestured to the apartment around you and to you yourself. “You’re my best friend, ___. You were totally worth it, whether you like it or not.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, but the mood was ruined again in no time flat as he said, “Which is why I have to seize this chance to remake history!” 
He grinned as he briefly flashed the phone screen to you before pressing send. But as he switched the phone off and turned back to you, your couldn’t help the confused curve of your brows. 
“You’re not even going to make me proofread it?”
“Nope,” Eugene said this confidently, sitting back next to you and slinging an arm around your shoulder. “I’m sure it’ll work.”
You smiled as you leaned into him. “Whatever you say. Wanna watch Netflix now that your pity party is over?”
He huffed. “First of all, fuck you. Second of all, yes.”
Everything you did with him was always easy; after all, there was no reason for it to be anything else. Even just the way you didn’t mind your legs tangling when you sat on the couch, the way you’d casually share drinks, or how you could tell each other anything — you lived your lives together without hardships, but the things that really jeopardised it put the most weight on you alone. 
You were in love with him, but had never said a thing. You thought that you would’ve learned your lesson by then, knowing that everything you never had the guts to do had always come back to bite you in the end. But you were foolish in thinking that this time would be any different. 
Eugene came sliding into the kitchen on his socks one morning, capturing your attention with a dumb grin as you stood in front of the stove. Your eyes flitted to the phone in his hand and back up to him as you returned, 
“Guess what?!”
He seemed awfully happy for the early time, not catching onto the fact that you were barely even awake yet as he continued to wave his phone around. Then, deciding that he wouldn’t even wait for your reply, he walked up to you and thrust the screen in your face. 
‘don’t worry about it, really! honestly, something like that also happened to me a while back, so I understand. could we maybe meet again sometime to talk more about it?’
Your heart sank to your stomach like a stone in a pitiful koi pond as you read the texts. The woman he’d gone out with had forgiven him alright, and it seemed like your cycle of heartbreak was about to restart yet again.
But, as always, a habitual smile raised to your lips as you forced yourself to push out, “That’s great, Eugene! I told you she would come around, didn’t I?”
He grinned giddily, bringing a hint of a genuine smile to your face as he threw his arms around you in a bear-sized hug of thanks. You buried your face in his shoulder as you held him back, listening to him silently as he began murmuring about his plans with the other woman to you. 
It took all of your resolve not to break down into tears right then and there, but you stood firmly for the sake of him. You stood firmly because that was all you could do. 
Days went by after that, and you saw significantly less of your roommate with each. Knowing he was off with the woman when he wasn’t in class, you tried your best not to think about it. One night, Eugene came home only slightly later than usual, though, a change to the previous days where he’d arrive home hours late.
His voice sounded tired as he walked inside, the sounds of him kicking off his shoes filling the small entryway. You looked up from where you sat on the couch, previously immersed in playing a game on your phone before you noticed his sullen expression. 
“Eugene?” Your brows knit delicately. “Are you okay?”
Wordlessly, he just came and sat next to you on the couch, leaning to the side into the cushion as he pulled down his cap to cover his face. You wanted to say something to him, but all you could do was stare. You hadn’t the slightest idea of what could possibly be bothering him, and even if he was your best friend, you had no idea where to start. 
You reached out hesitantly, taking the bill of his hat and lifting it up to get a view of what he was trying to hide. Fat tears ran down his cheeks, and though soundless, his eyes held enough pain for you to feel it too. 
Wiping them away with the pad of your thumb, you whispered, “What happened?”
“I should’ve listened to you.’ he mumbled, bringing his sleeve up to cover his nose as he looked away. “I shouldn’t have counted on anything.”
“God, what did she do?”
“..She only wanted to use me to get her ex back. ___-, that’s why she was so forgiving, she, she just needed me for that. I’m so stupid-”
“No,” You cut him off. “You’re not stupid, she’s just a bitch! I don’t know how she couldn’t see anything in you, Eugene. You’d be, like, the perfect boyfriend. He sighed, his cheeks flushing. 
“You’re just saying that because you’re my best friend.”
You shook your head, whispering, “I’m not, Eugene.”
A few beats of silence passed before he turned his head away, forcing you to let go of his cap as he took it off and put it to the side. 
“Don’t say that,” he mumbled. “You’re just going to go and get my hopes up so I can go and mess everything up all over again.”
“It’s not a lie, Eugene. Take it from someone who knows you, and also lives with you. You’d be a great boyfriend, and it means nothing that one girl-”
“More than one girl, ___. Over and over again, something like this happens.” He interrupted, his eyes flickering back over to yours as he joked deprecatingly. “You’re the only one I’ve managed to charm enough to stay by my side.”
You took his chin in your hands without thinking and pulled him back to face you before staring him right in the eyes. Making sure he was paying attention, you tried your best to convey what you needed him to know. 
“You haven’t charmed me at all, Eugene. I’m here because, well—”
You paused before you let the crucial details slip, but that answer obviously wasn’t enough for Eugene. His hands shot up to hold yours in place on top of his before you thought about moving away, turning the tables and forcing you to look right at him instead.
“Because why, ___?”
You bit your lip, nerves swelling in your throat as you laughed pitifully. 
“Because, Eugene.” You whispered. “I love you.”
His hands loosened on top of yours, and for a moment, you thought he was going to let go. But, instead, he threw his arms around you in a hug, effectively pushing you down onto the sofa behind you as your hands dropped from his face. 
The words left your mouth in a hurry, but before you knew it, his lips were on yours. A effective silencer, you thought. 
Your eyes were wide with surprise, but after feeling the odd sincerity in his actions, you weaved your arms around him and kissed him back. It was an action filled with heat; an entire person’s worth of undone fire that was begging to be unravelled. And in your capable hands, the coil was released with ease. 
Fingers began to tangle in each other’s hair as the kiss only grew to be more demanding, small gasps slipping out from you before you thought to silence them. Eugene didn’t seem to mind them, though, even seeming to welcome them as his tongue slipping past your lips only warranted more.
Breathing hard, you gripped a fistful of his hair as your tongues swirled together in a desperate tell that something still wasn’t right. 
It physically pained you to move away, but knowing it was at least better than the defining silence of your naivety, you stopped him. You wanted an explanation before anything else, because as far as you were concerned, he had just kissed you as an in the moment decision. 
“Eugene,” You whispered, your breaths still laboured. “Why..?”
He leaned his forehead against yours as he rasped, “You’re such an idiot, ___. Are you asking me why?”
You nodded hesitantly, not daring to break your eye contact.
“I love you, and I’ve been waiting so long for you and your slow brain to realise that I—”
You cut him off from the last discernible sentence he would say that night, smiling as you finally kissed him wholly. 
read more of my works~ ♡
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illstaywithstray · 6 years ago
Coffee| Stray Kids Chan Au
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↳  pairing: Stray Kids Chan x Reader| fluff
↳  au: highschool!au, newstudent!chan. badass!reader
↳  warnings: cursing, mentions of violence
↳  word count: 2,337
⁙  summary: Chan is a new student at your school, but after a mishap on the first day and your bad rep at school, how will he feel about you?
⁛  A/N: Thank you for requesting! This was my first fic, so it was a bit short. I hope you like it, and I’ll make the next one longer!
blog masterlist 
“Y/n, I swear to god, I’m about to freeze my balls off.” Walking to school with y/f/n in six inches of snow was practically torture. You laughed at her but passed her the mug of hot chocolate you had been neglecting. She sighed in relief.
“Honestly, if Mr. Bolton gives us another pop quiz today, I’m dropping out and becoming a stripper.” You groaned at the thought of stat class, while y/f/n chugged the rest of her drink. “Relax, you always pass anyway. Besides, we gotta get seats in the front again. I still can’t get over the fact that Namjoon offered to tutor you,” y/f/n shook her head in disbelief. 
“Maybe that’s because we’re friends and he’s nice.” You put an emphasis on the word ‘friends’ and y/f/n rolled her eyes. “He’s the hottest guy at school, but you have zero interest. Lowkey hard to believe.” You rolled your eyes back. “Honestly y/f/n, I know he’s cute, but I literally have no time to date. And my mom would whoop my ass. Annnd tests are coming up soon.” You stepped in front of her and started walking backward. “And there’s a new transfer student. What if he’s the one, and I waste my opportunity to be with him while dating Namjoon?” you voiced dramatically, clutching your hands to your heart with a pained expression. “You’re so dramatic, c’mon, let’s head in.”
You walked into first period with Namjoon, laughing over some guy he’d been tutoring a few days ago. Worldwide handsome or something like that. Heads immediately turned. Heads always turned when Namjoon was in the room. He had the reputation of the “hot aesthetic art student who was totally unattainable,” but in reality, he was a dork who broke everything he touched. Quite literally. You said bye and headed over to your seat where lord behold, a guy was sitting. Dark hair but the palest skin you’d ever seen in your life. And frankly, he was cute. While you were arguing whether or not you were looking at Asian Edward Cullen, he looked up. 
“Yes?” he stared at you, lowkey checking you out. “You’re in my seat,” you explained flatly. “Oh, sorry. I’m new.” He continued staring but didn’t budge. My god, does he not understand? “Yeah, ok, but you can sit over there. No one sits there.” You pointed at an empty desk. He glanced over, and then looked back up at you with the cutest smile in the world. “No thanks.” You looked away and blew air out of your mouth angrily, but walked over to the front to sit with Namjoon. He glanced at you and looked back at the new kid. 
“What happened,” he whispered. “Some dude took my seat.” “Well, at least you can sit with me.” You stared at him blankly, and he held his hands up comedically. Mr. Bolton walked in, holding lovely test packets. You screamed internally and then hit your head against the table a few times. Sitting back up, Mr. Bolton looked at you with concern and then turned to the class. 
“I’m sure you’ve all seen our new student. Chan? Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?” The new guy- Chan- nodded, stood up, and walked over and stood next to the front desk. You looked him up and down. Blue sweatshirt, black jacket, jeans, and a hat. Turned backward. You and Namjoon made eye contact and shook your heads simultaneously. Both of you had the taste of the gods. At least in clothes. “Hey, I’m Chan, I just transferred, and I hope I don’t fail out of stat. Nice to meet you all” The class laughed. You glanced over at NJ and both of you snickered quietly. “Guys, settle down. I was going to give the test for chapter 8 today, but since Chan is new, I figured we could postpone it until after the break. We’ll be studying for the testing week today. I’m sure y/n’s grateful.” You stared at him and shook your head. “Nah, he’s pissed me off in less than a minute. A new record by the way.” The class shuffled in excitement. Chan laughed from behind you, and you glanced at him and felt your face warm up. You lowkey had the reputation of that bitch who got into fights. Behind the school, near the track. And you always won. You’d gotten into trouble so often that your dad just sent his assistant to cover for you. Fortunately, you had the grades, and your dad had the money to bail you out of trouble. Every single time. Not to mention, teachers fell at your feet since you always tried to be nice to them, so school was practically your playground. It was only a matter of time before Chan figured out. 
Which was pretty fast, because guess who was sitting in that exact spot when you dragged Kamini Hersch, by the hair, over there. She had stolen all of one of your friend’s clothes while she was showering in the locker room and thrown them out in the snow. And your friend had walked out into the hallway in a towel, crying. You’d given her extra clothes but searched for her stuff anyway. One of Kamini’s friends had told you what happened, and you’d skipped third period to go find her. 
Actually, neither Chan nor you had seen each other, since there was too much of a crowd for him to see you. After you finished beating some sense into her, you got up, tossed your hair back, and walked away, without a scratch, like nothing happened. You had glanced over him and hesitated for a moment. Did he see me? Someone told him what happened when he asked what the crowd was standing around for, and he glanced at your receding figure, wondering. You shook away your thoughts while walking away, not expecting to see him anytime soon. You were wrong.
You had just bought coffee at lunch, since you had no appetite to eat. In reality, even though Kamini had done something to your friend, you hated laying your hands on anyone. You really weren’t malicious, you just tried to protect your friends. Chan was sitting alone, flipping through a textbook. You felt a pang of sadness for him, and you slid in the seat next to Felix Lee. His table was basically Namjoon’s lunch table but less populated. You glanced over at the table you usually sat at, and Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and y/f/n were staring at you until they started pretending that they were having a really deep discussion. Oh god, they think I’m making moves. Ugh, I’m about to get roasted. “Hey guys, so there’s this new kid, and ya know, you guys are super nice and all, so I thought-” Seungmin held up a finger. “Sure, go call him over.” “Nice, thanks.” You walked over to Chan’s table but bumped into some dude and spilled coffee all over his textbook, notes, and clothes. He seemed not to register what had just happened until he felt the coffee burn him.
“Oh my god Chan, I am so sorry, I swear that was an accident, um, I was actually trying to tell you that I found you a lunch table, wait not that I think you look pathetic sitting alone, okay maybe I do, but you’re new, but not gonna lie, you’re kinda cute so I thought you’d have made more friends, but um sorry, I’m so sorry, I was just trying to be nice I swear,” you exhaled, looking at him worriedly. He looked at you and then burst out laughing. “Well, I wasn’t expecting that not gonna lie. You think I’m cute? You really aren’t anything like I heard, are you?” You tilted your head, confused. “People said you were intimidating, but damn, you’re so cute.” He got up, frowning at his textbook. You felt your face heat up at the word ‘cute,’ but pushed it down and sucked in air. 
An hour later, you were drying his notes with your blowdryer while he changed into some of Namjoon’s clothes. You had paid for the damage to his textbook even though he had resisted it for a good thirty minutes. 
He walked out, dressed in a black sweater and jeans. He looked surprisingly good for a dude wearing something so simple. “Well, your notes are dry, but uh, they look a little... bruised.” You winced at the visible stains on the papers.  “Y/n, it’s cool, thanks for the help.” He grinned stupidly, and you felt yourself blushing. “Yeah, don’t mention it. Also, I’ll buy you dinner or something since I wrecked your lunch today.” Now he started turning red. You tossed your phone at him. “Number?” He turned even redder and you felt the corners of your mouth turn up as he typed in digits. He passed it back to you, and you walked out, waving back at him. 
The week ended, and testing week rushed by. It was finally chill at school, and you had more time for yourself. Namjoon and you had studied together almost every day before testing, and everyone assumed you were dating because rumor had it that you had fallen asleep together in the back of the library. Which was true, but it really hadn’t meant anything to either one of you, since he had a girlfriend and you had a massive crush on Chan. When you went to dinner with him, he had been the funniest, most laidback guy you’d ever met. He had called you several times, usually late at night, and the conversation went on so many tangents. You’d told him about what had actually happened at the fight, and he told you how little sleep he got because of dance practices and other work. And then you realized, oh my god, I’m head over heels for this kid. Which, of course, led you to start panicking. Once you had spilled this information to your lunch table, they had bugged you incessantly and kept making obscene noises when he walked by or got to his table at lunch and waved at you. The rest of the guys at his table picked up on your blushing and stuttering whenever Chan talked to you, and began trying to get to you to tell him. 
“Y/N, JUST THE GIRL WE WERE LOOKING FOR,” Changbin and Felix screamed. “Great, the soundcloud boyfriends. Just what I needed.” Seungmin giggled, but shut up when Changbin stared at him. “Seriously though, you should ask him out, he keeps talking about you,” Jeongin said. You sat up straighter. “What’d he say?” Hyunjin snorted, “y/n has a really good smile, but she pretends she’s super aloof.” Woojin continued, “yeah and she always helps me with stat and offers to get me lunch.” Minho was the only one who you could mentally withstand, but even he laughed and said that it was only a matter of time. You decided you were done with these weird kids and walked with Jisung. “Y/n, seriously, he told me he thought you were a really great person. At least talk to him about it. If you like him, that is.” “Okay, yes I like Chan. I like Chris Bang. He’s so fucking funny and cute and smart and I feel something inside me start beating faster whenever he talks to me. There.” You shook your head but felt Jisung snicker and stop. You glanced at him, but he was staring behind you. “I told you, now come out.” Chan poked his head out from behind a locker. “Great. BYE.” And you flew down the hall, taking a corner and slamming into Jungkook. “HIDE ME, THEY EXPOSED ME,” and he grabbed your hand and dove into a supply closet. “Wait, what happened?” “JISUNG SET ME UP, CHAN KNOWS I LIKE HIM. I EXPOSED MYSELF OH LORDY.” “First of all, shut up, the janitor’s threatening to report me if I keep coming in here, and second, how’d he react?” “Well, I ran away, so I’m not sure.” “Girl, go out there and get your man. Don’t be a pussy.” “Fine.” 
And then you stepped out of the closet, walking around the janitor, who cursed quietly upon seeing Jungkook and yet another girl in his supply closet. You saw Chan standing by himself back in the same hallway, and took him behind the school. Snow was falling as he stared down at you, looking slightly confused. 
“Yeah, what I said was true. I like you. Sorry.” You exhaled air and looked away. 
“Phew, I thought you were about to beat me up or something. Since this is your spot. And why are you sorry? I like you too.”
“Dumbass, I like you like I like like you.” 
“Yes, and I like like you too. I’ve been trying to ask you out y/n.” 
You stared at him blankly, and watched the snow fall on his face. He stared back at you, flushing slightly. And then, like in a stereotypical Hallmark movie, he took your face in his hands. You felt your heart speeding up by the close proximity of his face to yours. The cold air swirled and howled around you as he leaned closer and kissed you. You could hear cheering coming from inside, where everyone had their faces pressed up against the windows. “Y/N’S MAKING OUT WITH CHAN AT THE SPOT.”
After the day at the Spot, you and Chan were that couple. The one that made out in the supply closet (which the janitor abandoned since you had traded him your locker like the saint you were and which Jungkook decided to avoid), held hands to stat class and were always running in slow motion to each other. He’d refused to let you beat people up, but bandaged your bloody knuckles when a bitch tested you and you made sure that he was taking care of his health and sleeping on time. Every Friday was study night with Namjoon, his new girlfriend (who, by the way, was y/f/n; she’d finally tried to talk to him, and then he told you that he liked her, so you’d set them up like the amazing friend you were), and Chan, and then you’d go back to his dorm for dinner and a movie. Which was practically always horror, and neither one of you liked horror, so it was only natural that both of you ended up huddled in blankets screaming. And going to amusement parks with him was practically the cutest thing ever. Because he turned into a little kid and pulled you to every ride. And literally every single time he smiled at you, with that smile, you were so, so glad that you had spilled coffee on this boy. 
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sunnysidewrites · 8 years ago
Vigilante Partner in Crime!Wonwoo Pt 1
Part 1 | Part 2
well yall here is my funeral :)))
I love these types of tropes but i am honestly trash for any and all types of aus
I love this man a lOT A LOT A LOT SO MUCH anywayz let’s get moving
For decades your city has been struck by bad luck relentlessly
The amount of robberies and murders are going through the roof
Walking in broad daylight is just a little less dangerous than night
Ever since you were young, your parents warned you about the dangers in the streets and of the world
You, being the fiery little ball of justice you were, insisted on helping out the people when you grow older
As you did grow older, you noticed the law enforcement was just so,,,,
Like your grandma could probably do a better job
And in this au she definitely could but we’ll get to there maybe in part 2 ;)))
You were just a lowly college student working part time jobs here and there to financially support yourself but you also had another “job” that not even your parents knew about
That’s right, you were a vigilante
You had always been athletic since your early years, and you took up many self defense trainings, martial arts, the works
It’s been a good few years since you started the “job” and you were damn good at it
Ofc you had to conceal yourself for safety purposes you wore a sleek black suit and a matching mask to go with it
Think of catwoman except well… you’re doing the opposite of what she is LOL
However, a year or two into your job, another mysterious vigilante appeared
You were in the middle of tracking down a bank robbery and you were hiding behind a building from afar when all of a sudden
“So are we going from behind”
You whirled around to see an unfamiliar face staring back jesus christ boy
He’s wearing a similar black outfit: a black long sleeve and pants made out of some special polyester or something that’s flexible and ofc we can’t forget about his matching mask!!!
“Um excuse me?? This is my mission not yours go find another city or something”
“Who says there’s only one spotlight? Better make some room bonnie ;)”
Ugh dear god who let him
You’re done listening to this weird odd man and need to refocus on the robbery so you’re just like uhuh keep talking clyde
“Look are we gonna stay here all night talking about who is fighting who or are we gonna stop these incompetent burglars?”
“Ooh feisty aren’t we? ;);););) don’t worry babe there will be plenty of time for us to talk later. Now for real our game plan-”
And that’s how you and wonwoo became the iconic bonnie & clyde partners in crime
Ofc you still don’t reveal your identities to each other bc where’s the fun in that lmao!!!!
The public still doesn’t know who you both are and highkey lowkey ships yall
You’re working at the local convenience store for your college and a tall, lean boy walks in
You nearly drop the box you were rearranging
This boi is damn fine and you’ve never seen him around campus at all
And get this!!!! He is wearing the same uniform as you!!!!
You can feel the blush creeping up on your cheeks and you’re just like pls chill @myself???? You literally just met the man????
Haha not really but you’re both oblivious
“Hi… are you y/n?”
“Yea,,, our boss said since you’ve been working here for a while you would be showing me the ropes around today”
Gdi why didn’t anyone let you know about a hot guy who you were gonna show around today is not your best looking day tbh
(but that’s ok bc i never have good days anywAYS)
You mentally facepalm yourself and curse your boss but you just put on a smile “:))) then yes I am y/n I guess I will be showing you around today :))))”
He gives you this cutest small smile ever i’m bawling
At first you were intimidated by him because of the cold aura he had going on but he’s a literal walking meme??? A smol child that needs to be protected????
Oh but little did you know :’)))
Surprisingly you get along with the guy who introduced himself as Wonwoo and you’re loving every moment :)))
You and wonwoo end up having similar shifts and since you work there often you also get to see him a lot too :’)))
You and wonwoo are practically besties in a matter of weeks bc of the lack of human contact you have with all your studies and jobs :(
And saving the world but like yea that goes for both of yall
You’re constantly cracking jokes with him and he does that cUTE NOSE CRINKLE!!!11!!!111
One day y’all were just so tired and stressed from not only academics but also recent events in your city like just lET US BREATHE
And you were both concerned about each other obv but
danger❗❗❗ danger❗❗❗ danger❗❗❗ y’all were sO CLOSE!!! TO SPILLING THE BEANS!!!
You just haven’t trusted someone in so long but there’s a reason why you both do your jobs anonymously
You both quickly try to change the subject and it works since both of you want to continue being off the radar so the conversation shifts
One day wonwoo surprises you with a gift!!!
“Omg wonwoo you really didn’t have to,,,, here let me repay you-”
“No no!! I got this bc it reminded me of you,,, and i,,,, wanted to,,,,”
It’s a cute little bracelet with the words “partner in crime” engraved on the golden band HAHA GET IT
You look at him confused with a hint of a smile on your lips and he’s like
“This is for all the times we secretly snuck food in the back to eat LOL thanks for being a real friend y/n :)”
You are melting!!111!! How sweet is this guy!!111!!
Later that night you’re on yet another mission with wonwoo
And ofc he immediately takes notice of the bracelet
“ooooh is that from your boyfriend?” and he feels a tinge of jealousy bc this boy has already developed a hardcore crush on you
“Why, are you worried bonnie is gonna leave you?”
“Chill clyde nothing for you to worry about. Someone special,” you delicately touched the band, “gave this to me” you said as a grin spread
pOOR WONWOO BBY HE LEGIT THINKS YOU LIKE SOMEONE ELSE and he silently sulks and just says “o-oh..!! Must be nice”
And you don’t catch the quick forlorn look in his eyes before he switches back to his flirty self and you’re just like sigh ok clyde pls focus on the mission
wonwoo is just bugging out (no pun intended) about that bracelet you wore bc it looks familiar
But bc he’s dense and so are you he doesn’t put two and two together no offense reader but c’mon
One night yall are doing your saving the world routine and it gets dangerous since this mission is more large scale than your other ones
In other words it’s a lot more dangerous than your typical ones
let’s just say you had a little wardrobe mishap and aLMOST GOT YOUR MASK TAKEN OFF
You were in the middle of hand-in-hand combat and you were quick enough to duck the guy’s blow but not quick enough to completely avoid it (which is rare for you)
Fortunately wonwoo came in time and finished off the guy as you quickly ran off and adjusted your mask
As you were adjusting it you heard his voice behind you
“Is it… so bad to reveal ourselves?”
You freeze. Bc well,,, that was the whole point of all this vigilante thing going on
“Can’t we just,,,, keep it between us?”
You finish adjusting your mask and turn back to him with a sad smile
“I’m sorry clyde… i hope you respect that”
At this point all the bad guys were taken care of and all you do is hurry back home, leaving wonwoo staring at your rapidly disappearing shadow
Wonwoo could have sworn when your mask was slightly tilted he thought he caught a glimpse of your face but it was too dark and too fast that he brushed it off
You and wonwoo spend the rest of the night contemplating on the whole mystery concept you’ve both kept up for years
Maybe it was better this way,,, so you wouldn’t have any attachment to each other
Bc in the end, the vigilante thing is gonna end one day and you don’t wanna have to go through the pain of separating based on your emotions
So y’all are forever stuck in this weird af love square,,,, wITH YOURSELVES
Might make a part 2 if highly requested!!!!!!
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lotsofdogs · 7 years ago
Ice Cream and Donuts-Themed Baby Sprinkle
To say I felt incredibly loved and lucky this weekend would be a serious understatement. Three of my closest friends teamed up to host the most adorable baby sprinkle to honor our baby-on-the-way and it was absolutely incredible!
(Dress: Leith Flounce Sleeve Wrap Dress – Yes, this is the same dress I wore on our Kiawah Island babymoon that I also have in pink. When I saw it on sale, I bought it in the icy blue color for our sprinkle, too! It’s not maternity but I just ordered up a size.)
I managed to snap some pictures right after I arrived at my friend Laura’s house on Saturday afternoon but kept my camera tucked away for the rest of the sprinkle and focused on time with the women I consider my biggest support system here in Charlotte (outside of Ryan, of course). Unfortunately this means I didn’t get a group picture – or a photo with anyone except my sweet sprinkle hostesses – which I am kicking myself for neglecting, but it also means I was so wrapped up in the moment and truly enjoyed every second with my friends. I am so appreciative of everyone who attended and took time out of their busy lives to celebrate the baby we already love so much.
But more on the sprinkle in a moment!
Our weekend kicked  off on Friday evening with family night at the playground. We are in the “let’s get outside whenever possible” phase of spring right now and have been taking full advantage of the Charlotte sunshine.
The highlight of my Friday night? Snagging a woman’s phone number at the park who was there watching two kids and seemed like the most engaged and enthusiastic babysitter. I told Ryan I felt like I was majorly creeping on her but she was so great with the kids and immediately included Chase in a round of “Duck, Duck, Goose” when he seemed intrigued so I just couldn’t resist talking with her and asking if she was open to possibly watching Chase and a baby here and there in the future.
As I’m sure those with kids know, great babysitters are hard to come by and when I realized we have some mutual friends (she works at a juice bar owned by one of my friends’ brothers), it seemed like a match made in heaven. Since one of our favorite babysitters recently left for college, we’ve felt a little pressed on options, so I’m hoping this woman will be a wonderful fit! Annnd after typing all of that out I just realized how sad it is that my Friday night highlight was possibly finding a new great babysitter but it’s the truth and I am psyched! Ha!
Saturday morning began with a family walk. With temperatures in the low 70s on Saturday morning, we decided leashing Sadie up for a walk and another romp at the playground with Chase sounded perfect. We ended up being out and about for a little more than two hours and planned our trip near a public restroom to keep potty training as successful as possible. Yes, life is revolving around easy-access to toilets right now, my friends.
By the time we made it home, I was ready for a shower so Ryan took Chase to the grocery store while I got ready for my baby sprinkle. Once they were back and Chase was settled in for his nap, it was time to me to head off to Laura’s and join my friends for some baby fun and plenty of sweet treats!
To say I was blown away by the time, energy and effort my friends put into our baby sprinkle is a serious understatement. Laura has a reputation among our group of friends for being the most incredible hostess (she’s not only ridiculously crafty but she’s also a phenomenal friend who always makes everyone feel so welcome) and the attention to detail she poured into creating the cutest ice cream and donut stand (she made everything!) blew my mind.
It was so clear how much thought Carrie, Lauren and Laura put into the sprinkle from the theme (helloooo ice cream and donuts!) and the food (including my favorite cheddar-caramel Chicago Mix popcorn) to the decorations and I honestly felt overwhelmed by their kindness multiple times throughout the afternoon.
I remember when Ryan and I moved to North Carolina from Florida and then got pregnant with Chase, I truly worried about finding a group of women I’d connect with who would be encouraging and supportive and totally judgment-free, especially since we would be raising children without family in the area.
Every single one of the 15(ish) women who attended my sprinkle are so genuine and kind and they’re the kind of people who never make me feel like I’m lacking in any area. They’re there to laugh at motherhood mishaps, cheer me on during the good moments and pick me up and support me when I’m at my lowest lows and I truly hope and pray they feel the same from me right back.
The baby sprinkle took place in Laura’s backyard and after chatting with my friends for an hour or so, I opened gifts and was, yet again, touched by everyone’s generosity.
I am so appreciative of the baby necessities we received (diapers, wipes, etc.) and found myself tearing up more than a couple of times. For some reason the gifts that involved Chase really got to me and I think it’s because I’m beginning to realize it won’t just be Mom and Chase all day every day.
Do not mistake this in any way for me saying I’m not ready for another baby because that is SO far from the truth, but I am a oddly emotional when I think about trying to juggle my first baby and my second baby. I know I cannot expect to have the same experience I had with Chase with a new baby since my attention will not solely be on one little one and I just want to make sure both of my children feel incredibly loved and cherished as our family grows and changes.
It’s an odd mix of emotions because I am so very ready for another child but also emotional about the one-on-one time with my firstborn slipping away as well. Please tell me I’m not alone in feeling ALL THE THINGS about mothering two kids and the big changes that await!?! Phew!
(That toddler t-shirt for Chase says “Did we just become best friends?” and the onesie for our new baby says, “Yep!” So darn cute!!)
Once the gift-opening was done, everyone stayed and chatted for a while longer which was such a treat! I texted Ryan around 5 p.m. and told him to head over with Chase when Laura invited us to stay and have our kids and husbands join in the fun.
(Can you tell the husbands and toddlers were psyched to dig into our sprinkle leftovers!?)
We spent the rest of Saturday evening hanging out by Laura and Steve’s backyard pool, digging into dinner from Zoe’s Kitchen on the patio and watching The Kentucky Derby.
The only picture I got with my wonderful sprinkle-planning friends took place at the end of the night right before we all headed home and our kids were dried off after the pool and either sporting their underwear or their jammies. Woops!
Thank you so, so much to Carrie, Laura and Lauren for their kindness, time and planning and to all of my wonderful friends who celebrated our baby with me for such a memorable day!
Our Sunday was quite low-key which was exactly what Ryan and I were craving after such a full Saturday. We spent the morning at church and the evening outside splashing with Chase at our water table before ordering pizza and calling it an early night.
I hope all of you have a wonderful week ahead and thanks so much for stopping by PBF today! Enjoy your week!
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/ice-cream-and-donuts-themed-baby-sprinkle/
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realestate63141 · 8 years ago
Things They Didn't Tell Us at My Fancy High School
I'll admit it, I was blessed to go to one of those super-posh, elite boys' schools where someone with gray hair stands up in chapel and says "Gentlemen, someday you will rule the world." Or something like that. I couldn't entirely hear him over my handheld electronic football game. And mumbled recitations of the Shema. But some people clearly took it seriously. Just in my time there, we had the guy who runs ABC, the Mayor of Los Angeles, the creator of Mad Men. We only had 129 boys in our graduating class and one has already had a studio movie made about his life story. And he wasn't even a serial killer. Did I mention, I went to school in Los Angeles not Central Florida? Though in Central Florida's defense, there was one movie about a murderer from my school. But it starred Judd Nelson, so all in all, we've had a pretty decent homicidal maniac-free run. Our class slogan was "Greatness!' Yes, we had a class slogan. I always thought it should be "Where Smart Boys Go to Feel Stupid." But I can also see where theirs is slightly more aspirational. That said, even I left there with the wholly unearned cockiness of youth, convinced that the adult world would naturally bow before us. The following are some observations of what my adulthood to this point has actually been like. It's the things they didn't teach us (and we may never have left high school if they had.) You will fail at life. Often. Often spectacularly. Sometimes even in Deadline Hollywood with a photo so unflattering you'd think the story was about exotic chin-removing techniques. You will work hard, try your best, and sometimes still get fired. Occasionally, by friends. Sometimes for not having been on Friends. But you will have a Zen approach to being fired and never think about it again. I'm sorry. I meant to say, you will think about it all the time, dream about it more, and even momentarily consider purchasing an online voodoo doll-making kit from the set decorator of Gilligan's Island. Someday, you will start going to more funerals than weddings. This is not long after you'd gotten used to the idea that you were going to more weddings than Taco Tuesdays. You will cry over the notion of your kids leaving not long after they arrive. Then again, when it's actually close. Then again, when watching the end of Toy Story 3. You will always think you are the same age as the cutest girl at Starbucks. At least until she says, "Excuse me, Sir, I think you dropped your banana." You will remember the names of every peripheral character from every Brady Bunch episode and all the '75 Cincinnati Reds, but have no recollection of the name of the person you met with half an hour ago. You may reach a point where you are more concerned with finding your voice or protecting your legacy than making money. While still being acutely aware that neither voice nor legacy pay for juice boxes or a condo in Tarzana. You will never wear your high school letterman's jacket again, except to a 50's costume party. Also, you'll never go to a 50's costume party. There is no moment where you definitively feel "I've made it!" There is no moment where you definitively feel "I'm a grown up." In fact, no matter how old your kids get, you're still always secretly wondering when the real grown ups are going to get there. If not to take over, at least to drop off the handbook. You can have almost no friends in grade school and 25,000 Twitter followers now and both feel roughly the same. Unless you graduated from Trump University, nobody cares where you went to college. Believe me, I try to wedge Brown into sentences that have nothing to do with Brown. Like that. See, you didn't care. Over time, your body will change. You will spend a lot of time trying to get back to your high school weight. You will spend a lot of time trying to get back to Meat Loaf's high school weight. At some point, you may even accept that you probably won't play shirtless frisbee in an Abercrombie ad. Along similar lines, you may find yourself trapped in your own wet suit in a public beach bathroom. You may also momentarily consider blowing a drifter to get you out of said wet suit. The first time. The second time is more common beach courtesy. Right? That's what he told me. Friends will marry people you don't like. Friends will marry people you like too much. Classmates will die way younger than predicted by any actuarial chart or senior page quotes about living forever. The girlfriend you profess eternal love to on your senior page will almost definitely not be your girlfriend by the time you see the proofs of your senior page. Your real soulmate will never be who you thought it was going to be. But unlike all romantic comedies and Nicholas Sparks books, the success of your marriage is less a function of how cute you met or the intensity of your passion. And way more a function of whether you remembered to go to Trader Joe's or unload the dishwasher. Your back may someday be so tight you sleep on a heating pad and a gallon of Ben-Gay. And no, you didn't suffer a ski accident. Or even a pickle-jar opening mishap. You'll learn that how people present themselves to the world or on social media isn't always how they feel inside. Often it's the polar opposite. You may learn that, too. Your professional life may feel like high school. But not in the sense that hard work equals good grades equals selective college of your choice. No, more in the cool, popular crowd still gets rewarded for being cool and popular and having nice hair. And for living in the Palisades and vacationing with development execs. Similarly, people who never opened a book in high school will make exponentially more money than you will. Never underestimate the words "family real estate." You may, at some point, suffer from depression, severe depression or Pennant Fever. As important as the names Martha Quinn and Kajagoogoo were in your teen years, the names Lexapro and Xanax will be in your forties. You'll romanticize literally everything that happened before you were 30. You'll stop eating because you're hungry but to blunt the pain of general existence. Or because Baby Ruths make you feel better than carrots. You'll need to learn to talk to girls. Not just at them or about them. You will reach an age where you think women in their fifties are "cute." And an age where your body will suddenly fail you in ways that didn't existed. Like gallstones. And liver failure. And skin so yellow that people think you're Ned Flanders' stunt double. You'll eventually realize that your babies are only babies for an incredibly short time. And that most of the time you know them will be as fellow adults. Some days breaking a half hour sitcom story feels like forever. And everything else literally just flies by. You'll fail more than you succeed. And bouncing back from failure will sneakily be your greatest success. You may knowingly experience pain because it's better to feel the panoply of human emotions than it is to band-aid over them with bong hits and Peanut M & M's. And with any luck, you may someday reach a point where you don't give a shit what anyone thinks about. You'll present yourself to the world as you honestly are without trying to put up a facade of success or well-being. And you'll be okay with that. That, I think, is where true freedom lies. And I can't wait to get there.
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