#also home connectivity my beloved <3333
pokemonruby · 2 years
i know i haven’t been talking about it a lot since i’ve been preabsorbed in the octopath 2 hype but POKEMON THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW!! 
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sunriseverse · 1 year
i don’t follow anyone else into mdzs and i’m having thoughts so they’re going into your inbox (sorry… *rattles my cage*) but you know that quote that’s like “when is a monster not a monster? oh, when you love it” well i’m thinking about it specifically in the context of yi city. that’s all bye bye (*cage rattles louder*) (wait i have more to say because in the short time xue yang was actually shown friendship or love or care or however you wish to think of it he just decided to stop being evil. he just got bored. and then it crumbled in an instant and he started being evil again and *i’m shot by a sniper*)
okay. first of all. how dare you come to me, in this the time of my convalescence, and whack me over the head with the iron anvil that is this quote in this context. i’ll literally never be the same again and it’s your fault (<3333)
secondly. i am so honoured you came to me with this!!!!!! i am not generally someone people turn to with their concepts and thoughts (as much as i wish it was different…………alas!), so thank you! i will attempt to answer this with the same care and love i can see even in your short ask. this is going under the cut because uh. it got long. oops!
the thing about xy is, to me, he reads very much as the other side of the coin that jgy is on, to drag my other mdzs beloved into this. in both cases, they’re seen as the lowest of the low—jgy’s mother is a sex worker, and xy is an orphan with no social status. both of them are demonstrated to be talented and have a drive to learn—jgy is a fucking excellent…….whatever his position with the nie is (i can never remember what it’s called, in cql or in the novel, but it doesn’t matter much; he’s undeniably good at his job), spy, sect leader, and yes, xiandu/chief cultivator. xy, on the other hand, is undeniably fucking brilliant—he manages to drag himself into cultivation basically without any help for most of his formative years, and then makes sense of wwx’s basically incoherent ramblings and more coherent, but still incredibly hard to parse to anyone who doesn’t 1. know what they’re looking at or 2. isn’t able to make incredible leaps of logic to connect his work—because wwx wasn’t just a genius, he was a literal, actual pioneer; no one had done what he was doing before—notes. i think this is part of why jgy keeps xy around for so long, even if he doesn’t enjoy his methods—he sees a bit of himself in him. (also, xy is dead useful—dead messy and slightly sadistic, too, but hey, we all have our faults, some of us are just a bit more bloody about them.)
the thing is, though—xy demonstratively did not have any sort of love shown to him at all, possibly ever, in any way, up until yi city. jgy, whose life sucks in so many other ways, had two saving graces of connection: his mother, and lxc. xy had………….no one. zilch. nada. sifir. ling. and so forth. you could argue this is because he makes himself unlovable, but if you think about that for more than three seconds, it’s wildly clear that it’s a (very shitty, self-destructive) coping mechanism—if they’re going to call me trash, if they’re going to call me insane, if they’re going to call me a monster, a nightmare—fine, i will be. i’ll take control of the narrative and show them just how bad i can be.
and then…………yi city. a man who doesn’t even know who he is finds him bloodied and weak, and doesn’t stab him in the back. he carries him to his home, and he cares for him. and xy, i would imagine, is waiting, this entire time, for the other show to drop. surely, he’s going to recognise him. surely he’s going to turn around and say, ah hah, i’ve got you now, you monster! i’m going to take you to the authorities and have them finish you off, because you are a bad person and i am a good person and that’s how this goes. and the entire time, he’s telling himself—as soon as it does, i’m going to kill him. as soon as it does, i’m going to take my revenge. but it………..doesn’t. xxc keeps weaving baskets with him. and going to the market with him. and living his life with him. turning his back and not assuming xy is going to stick jiangzai in it. (and probably telling him terrible jokes that barely count as jokes that xy laughs at far more loudly than he really needs to, because half the comedy is watching the gentle breeze be so goddamn bad at something.)
and xy, for the first time in his life, realises: oh shit. maybe i do want this. maybe i do want peace, of a mundane variety. maybe making myself sharp and harsh and hating and deadly wasn’t making me happy. maybe…………..being happy is letting your guard down around someone, and they don’t take advantage of it. (he would never think the word love, i think, even with a sword at his throat—“trust” is as close as he is ever going to allow himself to come to conceptualising it, less a fuckton of emotional development and growth, but i digress.) and like………..yes, it’s functionally a castle built on a bed of sand. at the start, xy deceives xxc into doing a fuckton of objectively bad shit. he’s the reason sl lost his eyes, and the reason xxc gave his up, and the reason the gentle breeze and the winter frost are no longer spoken of in the same sentence. but also—not to engage in therapy speak here, but this is something where you kind of have to employ dialectical thought: he can have done horrible fucked up things, and still want love. he can have hurt xxc, and be loved by him. he can have done bad, and have stopped doing so. he can be bad, and still be a person. (that last one, i think, is something xxc would fully agree with—were he to have found out xy was, well, xy, but living with him and not causing any trouble (unless you count threatening the farmers at the market who try and cheat a blind man out of his meagre savings, but i think a qing and i are both in agreement that this isn’t really a crime), i think he would not have killed him. i don’t even think he would have turned him in to the authorities. i think xy would be in for, possibly, in the future, a very long conversation he wouldn’t particularly enjoy due to its necessitating of laying things bare, but he would survive it. i think, at the end of things, xxc’s guiding philosophy in life is not, for all his idealism, that things are immutable—i think he would be pleased that xy has changed his ways, and decided to do good, rather than continuing to harm others.)
and then he fucks up. or sl fucks up. or they both fuck up. whose fault it is doesn’t matter; the end result is the same: xy’s temporary peace, his safe haven, crumbles. and he turns back to who he was before, because at least that’s easy. at least that’s certain. peace, happiness, trust—that’s all dust on the wind. you can’t put stock in that, his experience has clearly taught him that, once again, more harshly than anything else. you can love a monster, but if you leave it—it’s going to be a monster again, because that’s easier than trying to crawl on its hands and knees through the mud and pay penance by itself.
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alienaiver · 2 years
Tuna Oil
Kuroo Tetsurou x gn!reader
NEXT. ->
warnings: none! wordcount: 1.9k content: FLUFF!, genderneutral reader, neutral in skincolor descriptions and body type, meet cute, post-timeskip, canon compliant, mutual pining, chaotic meet cute, nerdy and chaotic kuroo! hes kinda lame here but i love him....., self-indulgent in a really soft way, prequel to my birthday fic to myself!, not beta’d
notes: SOOO. this is the prequel to Truffle Oil!! the story about carrot escaping!!! <:) i told you i’d write it! since its a prequel you don’t have to read truffle oil first<3 its going to be part of a series since i also plan to write the date after truffle oil! <3333 again, this is, like the first one, embarassingly fluffy and comforting! just kuroo being into you, basically!!
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Walking around his apartment complex’s area with anxiety and a can of open tuna in hand is not how Kuroo imagined spending his Sunday afternoon. He woke up with his cat on his face, demanding breakfast by lieu of purring and aggressive headbutting at 6am. He’s still not sure how to explain the concept of weekends and sleeping in to his beloved feline. He then proceeded to have lunch with Kenma and on the way home he went by the store to buy more cat food for Carrot.
Which brings him here, the aforementioned feline. Kuroo lives on the third floor with a modest balcony that mostly consists of unopened bags of soil and empty pots. There’s a clasp on the door so he can keep it open for fresh air and his cat is, honestly speaking, a bit too round around his fluffy tummy to go through the opening – and has never shown interest in trying.
Or so Kuroo thought.
As he came home from the pet store, he found it odd that Carrot didn’t immediately greet him by the door as he usually does before showing Kuroo just how empty his food bowl is. A quick tour around the apartment with no apparent cat in sight had made his heart rate quicken and after the treats had been brought out from the cupboard and there still wasn’t any sign of four-legged fluffball, panic had set in – especially the second he saw his balcony door was wide open (how didn’t he notice sooner?)
The clasp had been lifted and unhooked and judging by the overturned plant from the windowsill next to said clasp, he had a pretty solid idea of who the culprit was. Running out to look behind the pots and soil bags but finding no Carrot left him with only one conclusion.
He’d jumped.
Three stories.
Carrot loves tuna. Kuroo isn’t one to give it to him because of the potential for mercury poisoning but the fear that Carrot’s afraid out there somewhere makes him grab a can from the cupboard before running down to the grassy area underneath his balcony.
  And that brings him here. There’s no injured cat to be found in the nearby vicinity, to Kuroo’s relief but his anxiety gets no rest – where is he then? Kuroo’s making sounds, crouching by every bush, calling Carrot’s name, and has even resorted to take some of the tuna out on the ground to possibly lure him back – if his landlord sees this, there’ll be a scolding with his name on it.
“Are you okay?”
He’s startled out of his cooing by your voice and looks up at you rather dumbfounded. It takes him a few blinks to realize that yeah, his extremely beautiful next-door neighbor is talking to him.
You’re about to say something again when Kuroo rises back up on his feet, wincing from being bent down so long, “Carrot’s gone! My balcony door was open!” he exclaims, his usual reservations to social interactions being thrown out the window in his distress. You look taken aback and your eyes widen, “…Carrot?” you ask but a quick glance at the can of tuna in his hands and the cooing he was doing before you approached him makes you connect the dots, “oh, your cat? Want me to help you look?”
Kuroo’s heart rate once again quickens but for an entirely different reason. Now isn’t the time to be flirting he dumbly thinks, but you’re just so breathtaking. The few polite conversations you’ve had makes him lightheaded to just think about. Your laugh is the most captivating thing he’s ever heard and he almost wants to apologize to you for making you have such a worried expression on your face right now.
He nods, his jaw slack and eyes unfocused. You nod and raise your fists to your chest to show your enthusiasm and fight to find his cat.
“I’ll run up with my bag and groceries and then I’ll come back to help you search!” you say and he repeats his action from before – a nod. You put a hand on his shoulder, “don’t worry, we’ll definitely find her! I promise!”
And then you’re gone. It’s not until Kuroo’s been standing for a few minutes that he realizes your interaction with him. You’re going to help him find Carrot. You’re so kind he almost feels like crying, but that might just be because his emotions are a bit muddled by fear.
He gets out of his stupor and looks back around the area and spots a bush he has yet to look through and hurries over there to check for his beloved black menace. There’s no sign of him.
His name is being yelled from above and he hurries to look up at you. Is he supposed to be reminded of an angel singing his name for him from the High Heavens?
“You better hurry up here!” you yell down to him.
“I said, you better come up here!”
The elderly man from the second floor yells out some colorful swear words and tells you to shut up. You stammer out an apology and waves at Kuroo again. He hurries up the stairs to your shared floor and before walking to your door, takes a minute to get his breath. Admitting that youth has passed him and flying up three flights of stairs makes him out of breath is something that he begrudgingly has to accept – he might keep up a workout routine but his cardio isn’t like it was in high school.
  He clears his throat and is about to knock on your door as you open it – which makes him hit you on the top of your head. Gently, luckily, but still not what he wanted to do. You bellow out a laugh and the panicked expression Kuroo is sporting morphs into a lovesick, lopsided smile. You then usher him inside and he is hit by the scent of your home.
Hinata once told him that every home has a scent that is distinctly theirs. He feels honored he’s allowed to experience yours as he takes his shoes off by your genkan. You giggle as you show him into your living room and point towards your couch.
“Is this her? I honestly thought she’d be orange, since you’ve named her Carrot but… I don’t have a cat, so I’m assuming?” you ask and as soon as Carrot spots Kuroo, he runs happily toward him from where he’s been lounging on the couch and rub himself up against his leg. Kuroo vaguely registers that you think his cat is a female but he’s honestly too relieved right now to care. You’re also looking rather ethereal right now with your hair in a slight mess and voice sounding out of breath – perhaps you too, ran out the flight of stairs to help him as fast as you could. The thought makes his stomach to somersaults.
  He picks up Carrot and starts thanking you profusely, cradling his best friend in his arms. You laugh – oh, that beautiful laugh again, he thinks as his legs feel like jelly. You come over and scratch Carrot behind his left ear, “I have my balcony door wide open here in the summer, so she might just have jumped onto mine. I’m just glad she’s safe.”
Kuroo will never be able to recite what you said just now to anyone because he’s completely captivated by the gentleness of your touch on Carrot and warmth in your face. An innate need to cradle your cheek rises up in him, but he suppresses it and nods. He’s doing that a lot near you, he thinks.
You laugh, “after you’ve put her back into your apartment… do you want to have a cup of coffee? Or are you busy?” you bring your hands up in defense, “don’t feel pressured! You obviously have plans, don’t you? I apologize for asking so abruptly.”
He’s not sure why you’re suddenly so polite, bowing to him but he interrupts your panic-rambling with a smile and an affirmative answer, “I don’t have any plans.”
  Carrot is reprimanded and put back in his home, the balcony door closed. He’s going to find a more secure solution before he leaves home with it open again. He takes a quick look in the mirror in the hallway and holds back a groan. His hair is even messier than usual with the amount of times he’s ran his hand through it today. There’s sweat stains in the armpits of his shirt and more than a few stains of oil from the tuna on it as well. He hurries to his bedroom to find a new, clean shirt. He also needs deodorant. And he needs to brush his teeth too. Maybe he should put some gel in his hair? He should change his pants too now that he’s at it.
He decides to call Kenma.
“Carrot escaped,” he starts before he winces, “he’s okay! He just went on a trip to my cute neighbor’s place. Through the balcony!”
“A hello would suffice for proper conversation,” Kenma just replies dryly but Kuroo can also hear relief from the second sentence of his phone call, “but I’m glad he’s okay. Didn’t you close the balcony door before leaving?”
“Yeah, the clasp was on but he got it opened. I think there might’ve been a bird on the balcony but luckily, he only walked past the minor fencing to my neighbor’s!”
“Oh yeah, you have joint balconies, right?”
Kuroo explains what has happened and Kenma is suddenly silent for a while. Kuroo assumes he might be playing a game and that’s why he’s quiet – maybe he’s fighting a boss. After a few more excruciating moments, Kenma speaks, “so they invited you to coffee and you agreed to come back right after you’ve put Carrot back? How long ago was this?”
“Shit!” Kuroo hangs up and runs to his closet for a clean pair of pants. He forgoes the deodorant, toothbrush, t-shirt and hair gel before he jogs through his apartment to his front door and out. He looks back at Carrot through the open door and point at him with a scolding expression, “no more adventures for you, buddy! You’re staying here!” He replies with a meow before Kuroo closes the door and walks to yours.
  It takes a moment for you to open your door and as you do, you have your phone in hand, ending a call as you let him in. “I was starting to think you wouldn’t show up,” you laugh nervously and he winces, “I got sidetracked for a second putting the tuna away.”
You laugh, “oh, you spilled the oil putting it away?” you’re referring to his shirt and it’s only then he realizes that he forgot to change the one thing he should’ve changed. Kuroo can’t hold back his groan before running a hand through his hair, again, “I changed pants instead of shirt!”
You snort before it turns into a full-blown laugh and take some guest slippers out for him to put on. “The coffee is ready – I wasn’t sure how you take it though, so I’ve just put out everything.”
While Kuroo also thinks it’s a bare minimum when interacting with new people, his heart also warms up and soars at your thoughtfulness. He might’ve put you on a pedestal, his brain reminds him, but as you smile at him again and motion for the living room, all coherent thought goes out the window. He really, really likes you – and he thinks his cat escaping (and being safely returned) might’ve been the best thing that’s happened to him in a long while.
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thanks for reading, mwuah!! heres once again a tiny little link to the sequel hehe in case you really enjoyed this<3
@hanayanetwork​  🌸
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
From oldest to newest ~ Erika answers asks ~
hailmary-yramliah said: Wait I’m really tripping out. I realized you were following me on Tumblr and I didn’t even know?!?!?!? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR FICS LIKE WTF IM SO SLOW BUT THANK YOU YOURE LIKE ACTUALLY AMAZING AND ME STANNING YOU RN MAKES ME EMBARRASSED BUT I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT YOU ARE SO TALENTED!!! Ahhhhh I love your Arthur/Joker fics XD 
Thank you so so much!!! <33333 This means so much to me! <3333 I hope you continue to enjoy the works that I work so hard on x
Anonymous said:Ngl I feel like it’s wrong to like Arthur & read fics about him only bc my sis thinks it’s weird af. Our interests are complete opposite & finds mine very weird and it kinda makes me sad. I wish she loved the movie as much as me & understood my “obsessions” as she calls them. Anyways, love your fics sm! You’ve gotten me into this fandom so quickly and I love it! 💕
Your sister sounds just like my, and others’, family. They don’t understand because the film wasn’t for them. It was for people like us who see Arthur and who understand him. If you find enjoyment in something, darling, most especially if it’s fictional (though very realistic), then there’s no shame in indulging in it. Thank you very much, that means a lot! <3
insfirebunny said: Ok As you might see rn I make myself comfortable in your blog. Hope you don't mind. I enjoy every single one story of yours. You write so beautifully that it's magical. Take care of yourself, sunshine ☀
I don’t mind at all, I’m flattered, thank you so, so much! <33333 take care of yourself too!!!!
Anonymous said: Would you rather date Arthur or Joker??
To me, Arthur never went insane and ‘became’ Joker. He’s not the insane one; the world is mad. So I would date Arthur and I would love him and protect him and help him (everything I write about is everything I would do for him; the things I write for others are very self-indulgent lmao I have no shame) and if, in his own time, he grew into himself (Joker), then I would still love and support him just the same. I don’t think he went mad - I think he just dropped everything holding him down, holding him back, and said “fuck the world”. And honestly? That’s a big fucking mood.
Anonymous said: Okay speaking of the multiverse theory, what is your view on it regarding fictional characters. I personally believe that not only do they exist, but with the right skills you could connect with them in some way.
Since I was a child, for as long as I could remember, I’ve had this super vivid made up, carefully crafted world inside my head with all my most loved characters. I have spent my life inside my head daydreaming. I’ve never needed real life friends because I have my imagination and though I tried to make friends. I tried so hard but I never got anywhere because I was a freak, I was this and that etc. etc. (I was bullied for like 15 years lmao fuck ‘em) and so I stayed inside my head and didn’t bother trying to cross that invisible glass wall between me and everyone else. I’m 22 and I still haven’t bothered to try; it’s cosy here so I’ll stay inside my head where I can make others happy with my daydreams. But I digress - I like to think that our loves know that we love them. Every thought, every tear, every daydream, every squeal, every pillow we’ve squeezed wanting to be them, every imagine, everything we have done or do because of them, for them, they know. They see it; they feel it. I like to believe that Arthur Fleck knows how deeply he is loved and cherished he is by all of us and more than that - he loves us all just as fiercely, and he’s so, so proud of all of us. (Also lowkey I know it’s your skin shifting due to temperature changes etc. but you know when you think you feel a hand on your shoulder or fingers in your hair when you’re like half asleep and just dozing??? Or when you have a dream of him? That’s Arthur reaching out to us in the only way he can to say he knows, he sees and he loves us too.)
Anonymous said: I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH! Like it’s crazy how good you write
Thank you so, so much!!! <3333333 I work .v. hard (one piece can take up to three hours, though the longest I’ve ever spent on a piece (Coming Home To You) was six hours. I still say that is the best thing I’ve ever written, so that means a lot! <3
Anonymous said: I love Joker from our dearly beloved 2019 Joker movie as well as Joker from The Dark Night. I can't choose which I love more so why not both! At the same time! ifyouknowwhatimsaying 👀👀👀
Sksksksksksk I believe @gothamslittlejester can help you out here lmao she’s written for poly!readerxJokerxJoker so go check out her works; they’re phenomenal! <3
Anonymous said: There's a tornado warning in my area. We NEVER get tornado warnings, like ever, so I'm kind of scared.
Ohmygoodness please stay safe, darling!!! I’ve never experienced any kind of natural phenomena like that so I can’t imagine how scary that must be! I hope everything turned out well x
Anonymous said: I read what happened to you at work and deeply sorry. I’m sure you are more than aware of this but their reaction is a reflection of themselves than of you. You have the full power to enjoy and like what you please. Also, it is okay to bite back when it is needed. It may be hard to, but sometimes it’s healthy to stand up for yourself at times. Of course it is easier said than done. Remember you’re a goddess! Take back your power ✨
Thank you so, so much!!!! I’m not really all that affected by what happened anymore; it was only a week ago but already I’ve reached that nice part of apathy where you still care but you’re like, aa fuck it, I don’t wanna be hurt by it anymore. Standing up for myself is very hard; I’m a lot like Arthur in that respect: I put my head down, bite my tongue and take it because I hate confrontation. I hate it so much so I’d rather stay quiet. My parents told me I need to be a bit less Arthur and a bit more Joker; maybe in time that bite will come to me xp thank you honey! Your words mean a lot; I’m always here if you ever wanna talk about anything!!!
Anonymous said: I just read what you said about your coworkers. Honestly that's so horrible and I hope you're feeling better soon. ♡ I feel you so much, things like that happened to me all the time while I was still in school. But please, don't hate yourself. You have such a beautiful mind, you have talent & creativity most of them couldn't even dream of. It's not your fault that they can't see how beautiful being an introvert & a daydreamer can be. You're wonderful the way you are. ♡ ( @buried-in-windy-meadows )
I’m so sorry that you had to experience that, too, it’s an awful feeling when you try to be yourself and people are mean. I hope you know that they are no reflection on you, as the previous anon says - it’s all on them! Thank you so much; your words mean a lot <3 I’ve always been this way, for as long as I can remember I’ve lived inside my head, so I see no reason to change; I’m happy in, not necessarily myself, but my imagination and my creativity is my favourite part of myself (even when I’m at war with the rest of me, I can find solace in my imagination and I’m very lucky to have that) and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Anonymous said: I’m pretty sure you’re on the opposite side of the world from me so I just wanted to let you know your words and your attitude are making someone on the other side of the planet smile. We are all so lucky to have you and to have this movie to connect us. It makes me feel really human 🧡
This film is without a doubt the best thing that’s ever happened to me - we’ve all found a home, a place to go to vent and to write and to support each other and it’s so beautiful how such a tragic, grisly and dark film has brought light to so many of us. Arthur would adore it, I know he would. Thank you, darling, this means a lot to me! Please know I’m always here for you should you ever need anything or just wanna drop a line! <3
rafaelina-casillas said:Aw, I'm so so sorry that happened to you! People can be so nasty - especially to those who never deserved it! I hope you're feeling a lot better now! I can only say that in my country (where Halloween is not a tradition but more and more people are celebrating it) I saw at least 5 or 6 people in less than an hour who were doing the same makeup as you - and no one tried to mock them. I guess you had the worst luck with your colleagues but try to not mind them. They don't deserve your nerves! 💖
Exactly! I didn’t go out with my makeup, I just stayed home and enjoyed my private and personal display of love for Joker - I’m sure he’d have been flattered! And I dared to open up to my colleagues; it’s a mistake I won’t make twice, that’s for sure. Thank you, you’re always so kind to me and it means a lot - will have to DM you soon!
insfirebunny said: You look so cute and your writing is a pure gold. Stay strong
Thank you so, so much, you’re too kind!!! Take care of yourself, love! <3
Anonymous said: binge watching Batman: The Animated Series this weekend. Mark Hamil’s joker is amazing tbh
I’ll have to check that out; see if it’s on Netflix or Youtube. I hope you had a wonderful weekend! <3
theclownsqueen said: Hi! Im a new page, i love your page so much and your work is amazing! Sorry just thought I'd drop by. :)
Yeeeees ohmygoodness I gotta reply to your DM; I’ve got so many lmao <3333 thank you so much, you’re far too kind, I hope you continue to enjoy my works; I’m always here if you need anything x
Anonymous said: I relate to Arthur so bad. I’ve always been a loner and really shy, plus I’ve been helping out my mother a lot with financial problems. Once I saw the movie in theaters I just fell in love with it and it really brings me joy to read your fics. I just wish I wouldn’t get labeled a weirdo or freak for openly expressing that I like Arthur. Just makes me feel ashamed for liking something which sucks.
Thank you, darling - I’m glad my works can bring you joy; that’s really all I want to do with my writing is to help people in the moments they most need it. Even if all I manage to do is make your lips quirk upwards, that means I’ve done what I set out to do! I’m sorry you’re having such a rough time of it and I hope things start to look up for you soon! <3 The people who should feel ashamed are the ones labelling you for expressing yourself; truly, they’re the punchline of the joke Arthur was laughing at during the end of the film. Don’t let them take your sun from you, love - that means they’re winning. Please know I’m always here for you; don’t be afraid to drop me a line! <3
Anonymous said: I love your writing!
Thanks, honey! That means a lot <3
Anonymous said: Any tips for fic writers out there? Love your work btw!
There’s so much I could tell you but honestly, rules and guidelines don’t matter. Just have fun with it. Write what you wanna write in the way you wanna write it, when you wanna write it, and if anyone doesn’t like it, then who cares? Do it for you, even if you’re fulfilling requests for other people. Step back when you gotta, don’t be afraid to turn down writing requests if you don’t gel with them or you just don’t wanna or you’re not comfy with it, and really just have fun. If you have fun with the work you put in, then it’ll shine through and people’ll love it!
writings-of-a-gen-z said: hey love hope everythings going okay for you and the world isnt being too mean x
You’re too good to me, you always are. Thanks, love, and the same for you <3 sending hugs and love!
jibanyyan submitted:
I love your writing so so so so much you don’t even know it! I get excited each time I get notified that you posted again and I even take my time to read them in uni!!!
Just know that I love your blog and you can always reach out to me if you need someone to talk to even though we don’t know each other!
Much love goes out to you love xx
Thank you so, so much omgggggg you’re always so kind and supportive and it’s???? amazing ???? Please know the same for you; I’m almost always online when I’m not at work (even when I’m studying I have tumblr open in case people need me lmao) so I’ll reply .p. quickly! <3333 thank you so much omgggg sending you loads of love and hugs, I hope you’re well!
harlyquln said: when do you plan on opening requests again? 🥵
I’m not sure yet, love, but because I love to put myself under pressure lmao because nothing will make you work like an impending deadline, shall we say the beginning of December? That gives me just under 3 weeks to write almost 40 requests and honestly, that seems reasonable (ish). <3
Anonymous said: your comfort fics are always so beautiful 💕 i’ve never felt like i was actually IN an imagine before i read one of yours. you’re honestly one of my fav authors
Omggggg thank youuuuuu~ comfort fics are my favourite thing to write so that means so much! <3
kat-o-combs said: Good morning sunshine ☺️ I hope your day is going well. You deserve happiness, comfort, and contentment 💕 love ya!
Omgggg you’re always so good to me wtfffff <3333 thank youuu I hope the same for you too; you deserve all the best things in life! Love you too x
Anonymous said: Hope you're gonna feel better! I've discovered your blog... a week ago, I think, and your stories have helped me more than you'll ever know. I find a lot of comfort and support to keep me going when I read your stories and I'm so thankful for your blog. :)
Anonymous said: Hope you're gonna feel better! I've discovered your blog... a week ago, I think, and your stories have helped me more than you'll ever know. I find a lot of comfort and support to keep me going when I read your stories and I'm so thankful for your blog. :)
Helping people with my writing is a literal dream so thank you for telling me this! When I write the softer comfort imagines, they’re very emotionally draining and I have to dig deep to write them so usually I come away feeling old wounds and pretty tired in myself; I take care of myself in the ways I know helps (funnily enough, writing is both the issue and the solution) and I come back out on top. Thank you very much for telling me this, I’m glad I’m able to help you! <3
Anonymous said: Awww I hope you feel better soon!!
I do, darling, thank you so much x
Anonymous said: Sneaking up to nuzzle Arthur, then blowing a raspberry on his neck and watching him grin and shy away with a giggle.
Yeeeees~ lmaooooo it’s what he deserves!!!!!! <33333
Anonymous said: I saw joker for the second time and I think I've finally accepted in myself what you had a while ago. Arthur feels like home, he feels like comfort. When he would be dancing or just even smile I felt like I was there and I felt like everything was okay. I've fallen in love with a fictional character, but I can accept that. Because escaping with him brings me so much joy and love, I cant imagine being without it
Neither can I, nonnie. I’ve felt love for characters before but never like this. Never. I never wanna be without him or without this community again. We found a home in Arthur Fleck and fuck he’d love that so much. I’m glad he’s able to to bring you joy and love, it’s all he’d want for you and he’d be so proud of you!!! <3
Anonymous said: I had a dream about arthur last night???? Like I got into a car crash and he came and got me and brought me home and cuddled me and gave me kisses and honestly the dream was super scattered but so nice wow
That sounds like such a lovely dream omg loving Arthur and being loved right back??? Where do we sign up?? <3
Anonymous said: wish i could make Arthur a flower crown right now god damn
A) he’d look so fucking cute and B) he’d wear it around the apartment all the time omgggggg ~ he’d never wear it outside bc he’s scared it’ll get lost or stolen or broken but at home he’d cherish it so much and he’d look adorable ohhhh~ ;33333
Anonymous said: Hey, Ily and all though I'm not the biggest fan of Joker fics I just want you to know I still support and care for you
Thank you honey, this means a lot!!!! If this isn’t your scene, you’re welcome to unfollow, I won’t be mad or anything at all. Thank you for your continued support if you decide to stay, though, it means so much x
rebs-doom said:reminder that u r my fave person bye
Come here and let me love you, you precious, beautiful soul. I love you so much.
Anonymous said: What do you get when you cross a sad, touch-starved man with a blog that cherishes him and treats him well? I'll tell you what you get, you get what you fucking deserve. *smooch*
Can you imagine:
“Hey, Arthur?”
Arthur made a soft noise of acknowledgement from where he was sleepily cuddled into your side.
“Wanna hear a joke?”
“Mm,” He chuckled, “What?” He blearily opened his eyes to gaze at you fondly.
*You tell him this joke but swap ‘blog’ for ‘person’ and kiss him before he can react*
And see how fast he gives you what you deserve ;) ;)
(high key it’d become a way for you to say ‘i love you’ without saying it. Like, “you’re always so good to me” // “it’s what you deserve”) <333 sweet boi deserves the world.
Anonymous said: Can I just say how much of a blessing you are to the Arthur Fleck/Joker fandom!
Istg I’m drowning in all this love omggggg you’re far too kind to me I’m just a simple girl pouring out her love for Arthur/Joker into her blog because it’s got nowhere else to go <333333333 thank you so much!!! <3333
Anonymous said: I feel so sad for Arthur; he pretty much had the world against him from day one. I could only imagine some of the stuff he'd gone through when he was small. I just see baby Arthur lying in a filthy crib, crying for his mother's comfort or from hunger, and Penny just not even noticing it or caring.
I know :( it’s so tragic and dark and there are thousands of Arthur Flecks in real life who are unseen and defeated and broken down but they can’t get help but they’re trying and they work so hard and they just. Keep. Going. I left the cinema each time crying really hard and got home and cried some more for Arthur and for all the people, including myself, who watched the film and saw pieces of themselves in Arthur. When I think of Penny, I find it oddly funny that she always called him ‘Happy’ when he was anything but and it was only until she died that he became what she always thought he was. It’s beautifully ironic, in a strange way.
Okay, so uh... I gotta not let asks build up like that again lmao this took me two hours wowowowow <3333 I’m aiming to get some writing done today, there’s three or four pieces I’ve started and not finished so I’ll work on those. Thanks, loves, you have no idea how much you all mean to me! <3
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