#also holy crap that's some foreshadowing
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MHA Chapter 427 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.

tagline 1 No.427 死柄木弔とはなんだったのか 堀越耕平 ナンバー427 しがらきとむらとはなんだったのか ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 427 Shigaraki Tomura to wa nan datta no ka Horikoshi Kouhei No. 427 What was Tomura Shigaraki? Kouhei Horikoshi
1 会社員(35) かいしゃいん(35) kaishain (35) Office worker (age 35)
2 恐ろしかったです おそろしかったです osoroshikatta desu "He was scary."
3 退治されてホントよかったです! たいじされてホントよかったです! taiji sarete HONTO yokatta desu! "I'm so glad he was exterminated!"
tagline 2 TV特番は語る‼︎ テレビとくばんはかたる‼︎ TEREBI tokuban wa kataru!! A television special narrates!!
4 学生(21) がくせい(21) gakusei (21) Student (age 21)
5 友だちが亡くなりました ともだちがなくなりました tomodachi ga nakunarimashita "My friend passed away."
6 最悪!殺人鬼! さいあく!さつじんき! saiaku! satsujinki! "He's the worst! A damn murderer!"
7 ありえないマジ人生めちゃくちゃなんですけど ありえないマジじんせいめちゃくちゃなんですけど arienai MAJI jinsei mechakucha nandesu kedo "Life has become an impossible mess."
8 家壊されてるし いえこわされてるし ie kowasareteru shi "My house is destroyed."
9 主婦(70) しゅふ(70) shufu (70) Housewife (age 70)
10 止められなかったのかなって…ねえ…… とめられなかったのかなって…ねえ…… tomerarenakatta no ka natte...nee...... "I guess he couldn't stop...you know......"
11 思いますねえ おもいますねえ omoimasu nee "That's what I think."
12 飲食店経営 いんしょくていけいえい(30) inshokutei keiei (30) Restaurant manager (age 30)
13 始めはただのチンピラだと誰もが思っていました はじめはただのチンピラだとだれもがおもっていました hajime wa tada no CHINPIRA da to daremo ga omotte imashita "At first everyone thought he was just a hooligan."
14 誰もここまでの脅威とは思ってなかった だれもここまでのきょういとはおもってなかった daremo koko made no kyoui to wa omottenakatta "No one thought he could be this much of a threat."

1 国際支援とボランティアにより急速に進んでいる復旧作業ーーー こくさいしえんとボランティアによりきゅうそくにすすんでいるふっきゅうさぎょうーーー kokusai shien to BORANTIA ni yori kyuusoku ni susunde iru fukkyuu sagyou--- "Restoration work is progressing rapidly with international support and volunteers---"
2 X(た)しかその一方でX(た)だ復旧の手がX(間)に合っていないXXもーー X(た)しかそのいっぽうでX(た)だふっきゅうのてがX(ま)にあっていないXXもーー X(ta)shika sono ippou de X(ta)da fukkyuu no te ga X(ma) ni atte inai XX mo-- "On the other hand, it is true that some restoration work is not done in time XX--" (Note: A lot of this line is cut off from view, so I made some guesses on the words, but I still can't see the whole thing.)
3 堆く積まれた瓦礫は被害が如何に広範囲に渡ったかを物語っている うずたかくつまれたがれきはひがいがいかにこうはんいにわたったかをものがたっている uzutakaku tsumareta gareki wa higai ga ika ni kouhan'i ni watatta ka wo monogatette iru "The rubble piled high tells the story of how widespread the damage was."
4 多くの人間を巻き込み未曾有のテロを引き起こした敵連合 おおくのにんげんをまきこみみぞうのテロをひきおこしたヴィランれんごう ooku no ningen wo makikomi mizou no TERO wo hikiokoshita VIRAN rengou "The League of Villains, which caused an unprecedented terrorist attack in which many people were caught up--"
5 そのリーダー死柄木弔とは何だったのか特集第二弾をお送りします そのリーダーしがらきとむらとはなんだったのかとくしゅうだいにだんをおおくりします sono RIIDAA Shigaraki Tomura to wa nan datta no ka tokushuu dainidan wo ookuri shimasu "we will send you part 2 of the special freature on their leader: What was Tomura Shigaraki?"

1 巨躯や鱗の複数"個性"に耐え切れず「脳無」化しかけていましたがーーー きょくやうろこのふくすう"こせい"にたえきれず「のうむ」かしかけていましたがーーー kyoku ya uroko no fukusuu "kosei" ni taekirezu 「noumu」 kashi kakete imashita ga--- "Unable to withstand the multiple quirks of a giant body and scales, he was on the verge of becoming a noumu, but---"
2 我々がかねてより脳無の研究を進めていた事と われわれがかねてよりのうむのけんきゅうをすすめていたことと wareware ga kanete yori noumu no kenkyuu wo susumete ita koto to "we have been conducting research on the noumu for some time, and"
3 脳無化の進行がまだ浅かった事で辛うじて抑えられました のうむかのしんこうがまだあさかったことでかろうじておさえられました noumu-ka no shinkou ga mada asakatta koto de karoujite osaeraremashita "because the progress of his transformation into a noumu was still in its early stages, we barely suppressed it."
4 何しにノコノコ来やがった人殺し なにしにノコノコきやがったひとごろし nani shi ni NOKONOKO kiyagatta hitogoroshi "What did you come here to do all nonchalantly, murderer?"
5 否定はしない ひていはしない hitei wa shinai "I won't deny that."
6 死柄木の最期を伝えに来た しがらきのさいごをつたえにきた Shigaraki no saigo wo tsutae ni kita "I came to tell you about Shigaraki's final moments."
7 …死体撃ちにでも来たのか?てめェ悪趣味だな …したいうちにでもきたのか?てめェあくしゅみだな ...shitai uchi ni demo kita no ka? temeE akushumi da na "...You came here to shoot a corpse*? You have some bad taste, bastard." (*Note: This is a concept of unsportsmanlike conduct in a first-person shooter video game.)
8 スピナーが生きてたら伝えてくれよ スピナーがいきてたらつたえてくれよ SUPINAA ga ikitetara tsutaete kure yo if Spinner is alive, please tell him [this].
9 生きてるから…伝える いきてるから…つたえる ikiteru kara...tsutaeru "Because you're alive...I'll tell you [this]."

1-2 死柄木弔は最期まで壊す為に戦った しがらきとむらはさいごまでこわすためにたたかった Shigaraki Tomura wa saigo made kowasu tame ni tatakatta “Tomura Shigaraki fought to destroy until the very end.”
3 ……は? ......ha? "......Huh?"
4-5 ……死柄木にそう言えって言われたのか? ……しがらきにそういえっていわれたのか? ......Shigaraki ni sou iette iwareta no ka? "......Shigaraki told you to say that?"
6 スピナーにって SUPINAA ni tte "To Spinner, he said."
7 …俺? …おれ? ...ore? "...Me?"
8 トガや荼毘にも? トガやだびにも? TOGA ya Dabi ni mo? "And also to Toga and Dabi?"
9 コンプレスには? KONPURESU ni wa? "What about to Compress?"

1 君だけだった きみだけだった kimi dake datta "It was only [for] you."
2 ……死柄木は………… ……しがらきは………… ......Shigaraki wa............ "......Shigaraki............"
3 希望だったんだ… きぼうだったんだ… kibou dattanda... "was [my] hope..."
4 笑って「全部壊そう」と言った! わらって「ぜんぶこわそう」といった! waratte 「zenbu kowasou」 to itta! "He smiled and said 'Let's destroy everything!'"
5 泥花で歪な地平を見せてくれた でいかでいびつなちへいをみせてくれた deika de ibitsu na chihei wo misete kureta "In Deika, he showed me a distorted horizon."
6 あいつは俺の代弁者だったんだ あいつはおれのだいべんしゃだったんだ aitsu wa ore no daibensha dattanda "He was my spokesperson."
7 虐げられても俺自身が しいたげられてもおれじしんが shiitageraretemo ore jishin ga "Even though I was being oppressed, I myself"
8 「異形だしな」って諦めてた… 「いぎょうだしな」ってあきらめてた… 「igyou da shi na」 tte akirameteta... "said 'I'm just a heteromorph' and gave up..."

1 いや…考えるのをやめてたんだ いや…かんがえるのをやめてたんだ iya...kangaeru no wo yametetanda No...I stopped thinking.
2 考えてXくなる kangaete Xku naru (Note: An important symbol in this line is cut off, but this thought a continuation of his refleciton on how we stopped thinking.)
3 そんな俺に夢を見せてくれた そんなおれにゆめをみせてくれた sonna ore ni yume wo misete kureta "He showed a dream to me when I was like that."
4 Xかでかい事が起きるかもって Xかでかいことがおきるかもって X ga dekai koto ga okiru kamo tte "I thought maybe it would awaken something big." (Note: This line is cut off again, so I've made a guess at the gist of the meaning.)
5 何者かになれるかもって…‼︎ なにものかになれるかもって…‼︎ nanimono ka ni nareru kamo tte...!! "I thought maybe I could become someone...!!"
6 無理しなさんなすぐ抑え…! むりしなさんなすぐおさえ…! muri shinasanna sugu osae...! "Don't overdo it, restrain him right away...!"
7 死柄木弔は俺のヒーローだった! しがらきとむらはおれのヒーローだった! Shigaraki Tomura wa ore no HIIROO datta! "Tomura Shigaraki was my hero!"

1 破壊が目的の破壊行為なんてのはですね はかいがもくてきのはかいこういなんてのはですね hakai ga mokuteki no hakai koui nante no wa desu ne "The purpose of destruction is vandalism, isn't it?"
2 なんの大義もない考えもないかんしゃくでしかない! なんのたいぎもないかんがえもないかんしゃくでしかない! nan no taigi mo nai kangae mo nai kanshaku de shika nai! "He had no great cause, no ideas--it was nothing but a tantrum!"
3-4 ゲームが……好きだったんだよ… ゲームが……すきだったんだよ… GEEMU ga......suki dattanda yo... "He liked......games..."
5 警察の調査が進み悲惨な過去も明るみになってきたわけです�� けいさつのちょうさがすすみひさんなかこもあかるみになってきたわけですが keisatsu no chousa ga susumi hisan na kako mo akarumi ni natte kita wake desu ga "As the police investigation progresses, his tragic past is coming to light."
6 原因追明は重要ですがセンチメンタルに取り沙汰せば げんいんついめいはじゅうようですがセンチメンタルにとりざたせば gen'in tsuimei wa juuyou desu ga SENCHIMENTARU ni torizataseba "It's important to identify the cause, but if we get carried away sentimentally,"
7 感化された人間がまた現れる繰り返しますよ かんかされたにんげんがまたあらわれるくりかえしますよ kanka sareta ningen ga mata arawareru kurikaeshimasu yo "people inspired [by him] will apear again and [things will] repeat."
8 引きこもってる間ずっと俺ゲームばっかやってて ひきこもってるあいだずっとおれゲームばっかやってて hikikomotteru aida zutto ore GEEMU bakka yattete "The whole time I was shut in*, I was just playing games" (*Note: By "shut in," Spinner is referring to his time as a hikikomori.)
9 そしたらあいつも soshitara aitsu mo "and he also"
10 やってるゲームけっこうおんなじでさあ! yatteru GEEMU kekkou onnaji de saa! "was also playing pretty much the same games!"
11 我々はきぜんとした態度で言わなきゃいかんですよ! われわれはきぜんとしたたいどでいわなきゃいかんですよ! wareware wa kizen to shita taido de iwanakya ikan desu yo! "We have to say it in a firm manner!"
12 畜生であると! ちくしょうであると! chikushou de aru to! "That [in his next life] he'll be a lowly beast*!" (*Note: This term comes from the Buddhist ocncept of a reincarnation into an animal by a person with bad karma in a previous life.)

1 初めてできた はじめてできた hajimete dekita "I was able to do it for the first time."
2 XXだちXXたんだよ…‼︎ XXdachi XXtanda yo...!! "I made friends...!!" (Note: While most of this line is missing, I have provided what I think is the most likely gist of it.)
3 あいつらのヒーローにならなきゃって言ってた あいつらのヒーローにならなきゃっていってた aitsura no HIIROO ni naranakya tte itteta "He was saying he had to become a hero to those guys."
4 死柄木の心の真ん中には敵連合がいたよ しがらきのこころのまんなかにはヴィランれんごうがいたよ Shigaraki no kokoro no mannaka ni wa VIRAN rengou ga ita yo "The League of Villains was at the center of Shigaraki's heart."
5 きっと死柄木も同じ事を思ってたから きっとしがらきもおなじことをおもってたから kitto Shigaraki mo onaji koto wo omotteta kara "I'm sure Shigaraki was thinking the same thing, so"
6 君には伝えたかったんだと思う きみにはつたえたかったんだとおもう kimi ni wa tsutaetakattanda to omou "I think that's why he wanted [me] to tell you."
7 熱に当てられたまま ねつにあてられたまま netsu ni aterareta mama While I was exposed to that heat,
8-9 "流れは止められない"と考える事をやめてきた "ながれはとめられない"とかんがえることをやめてきた "nagare wa tomerarenai" to kangaeru koto wo yamete kita I came to stop thinking, "The flow cannot be stopped."
10 俺という者はつくづく気付くのが遅すぎた おれというものはつくづくきづくのがおそすぎた ore to iu mono wa tsukudzuku kidzuku no ga oso sugita As the person I am, I came to realize it too late.

1-2 もう一歩進んでいれば もういっぽすすんでいれば mou ipposusunde ireba If I had taken one more step,
3 俺は おれは ore wa could I
4-5 俺のヒーローを救えたのだろうか ともだちをすくえたのだろうか tomodachi (kanji: ore no HIIROO) wo sukueta no darou ka have saved my friend (read as: my hero)?
6 今もまた第二・第三の死柄木弔やAFOが息を殺しているかもしれません いまもまただいに・だいさんのしがらきとむらやオール・フォー・ワンがいきをころしているかもしれません ima mo mata daini ・ daisan no Shigaraki Tomura ya OORU FOO WAN ga iki wo koroshite iru kamo shiremasen "Even now, a second or third Tomura Shigaraki and All For One may be holding their breaths*." (*Note: This is an idiom in Japanese that means someone is holding their breath either to not make a sound or to focus hard on something. The implication here is that someone inspired by Tomura Shigaraki or All For One could be out there waiting to see how society reacts to all this.)
7 次の脅威に目を向けなければ つぎのきょういにめをむけなければ tsugi no kyoui ni me wo mukenakereba "If we don't focus on the next threat..."
8 おまえたちは omae-tachi wa "You all"
9 これからも戦い続けるんだろう? これからもたたかいつづけるんだろう? kore kara mo tatakai tsudzukerundarou? "will continue to fight from here on, right?"

1-2 そしていずれ死柄木弔も敵連合も忘れて笑うんだろう そしていずれしがらきとむらもヴィランれんごうもわすれてわらうんだろう soshite izure Shigaraki Tomura mo VIRAN rengou mo wasurete waraundarou "And eventually you'll forget about Tomura Shigaraki and the League of Villains and laugh."
3 本を書く ほんをかく hon wo kaku "I'll write a book."
4 死柄木弔という恐怖の象徴をーーーー… しがらきとむらというきょうふのしょうちょうをーーーー… Shigaraki Tomura to iu kyoufu no shouchou wo----... "About the symbol of fear called Tomura Shigaraki----..."
5 敵連合は壊す為に生きたと永劫ヒーローに突きつけてやる ヴィランれんごうはこわすためにいきたとえいごうおまえたちにつきつけてやる VIRAN rengou wa kowasu tame ni ikita to eigou omae-tachi (kanji: HIIROO) ni tsukitsukete yaru "[about how] the League of Villains lived to destroy, and how they contronted all of you (read as: eternal heroes)."
6 過去は消えない俺が死柄木弔を紡ぐ かこはきえないおれがしがらきとむらをつむぐ kako wa kienai ore ga Shigaraki Tomura wo tsumugu "The past doesn't disappear. I will spin [the tale] of Tomura Shigaraki." (Note: Get it? Because he's Spinner? Eh? Eh?)
7 …コミックだといいな ...KOMIKKU da to ii na "...It'd be good as a comic."
8 あァ⁉︎ aA!? "Huh!?"
9 心配しなくていいよ しんぱいしなくていいよ shinpai shinakute ii yo "You don't have to worry."

1 一生忘れない いっしょうわすれない isshou wasurenai "For my whole life, I won't forget."
2 フン… FUN... "Hmm..."
3 俺からも伝言だ おれからもでんごんだ ore kara mo dengon da "Here's a message from me, too."
4 タコに TAKO ni "To the octopus,"
5 頑張れよって がんばれよって ganbare yo tte "do your best."

1 待合 まちあい machiai Waiting room
2 おかえり少年 おかえりしょうねん okaeri shounen "Welcome back, young man."
3 伝言は伝えられたかい? でんごんはつたえ���れたかい? dengon wa tsutaerareta kai? "Were you able to convey the message?"
4 はい hai "Yes."
5 頼まれていた…治崎の件だが たのまれていた…ちさきのけんだが tanomarete ita...Chisaki no ken da ga "You asked me about...the matter of Chisaki, but"
6 みっともねえ姿だなあ みっともねえすがただなあ mittomonee sugata da naa "What an unsightly appearance,"
7 治崎 ちさき Chisaki "Chisaki."

1 組長… オヤジ… OYAJI (kanji: kumichou)... "Pops* (read as: boss)..." (*Note: I'm just going with the dub's translation of the "old man" monniker Chisaki uses for his adoptive father.)
2 寝たきりだった筈じゃ… ねたきりだったはずじゃ… netakiri datta hazu ja... "You should be bedridden..."
3 てめェの"個性"でな てめェの"こせい"でな temeE no "kosei" de na "By your quirk, right?"
4 だがサポートアイテムってのぁ加速度的に進んでるそうだ だがサポートアイテムってのぁかそくどてきにすすんでるそうだ daga SAPOOTO AITEMU tte noa kasoku doteki ni susunderu sou da "However, it seems support items are progressing at an accellerating pace."
5 それと組長じゃねえもう組はねえ それとくみちょうじゃねえもうくみはねえ sore to kumichou ja nee mou kumi wa nee "Also, I'm not the boss, we have no organization anymore."
6 組長 オヤジ OYAJI (kanji: kumichou) "Pops (read as: boss)."
7 人の道外れちゃあいけねえ ひとのみちはずれちゃあいけねえ hito no michi hazurechaa ikenee "Don't stay from the path of humanity."
8 そうなるからだよ sou naru kara da yo "Because that's what you become."
9 俺ぁずっとてめェに手を差し伸べてたんだよそっちに行くなってな おれぁずっとてめェにてをさしのべてたんだよそっちにいくなってな orea zutto temeE ni te wo sashinobetanda yo socchi ni iku natte na "I've been holding out my hand to you for a long time, telling you not to go that way."
10 玄野は叱ってくれなかっただろ くろのはしかってくれなかっただろ Kurono wa shikatte kurenakatta daro "Kurono didn't scold you, did he."
11 ごめん… gomen... "I'm sorry..."
12 オヤジ…ごめん OYAJI...gomen "Pops...I'm sorry."
13 遅ェよその台詞は生涯壊理へ向けろ おせェよそのせりふはじょうがいエリへむけろ oseE yo sono serifu wa jougai ERI e mukero "It's too late. Direct that line to Eri for the rest of your life."
14 壊理はおまえを忘れるがおまえは壊理にした事を忘れるな エリはおまえをわすれるがおまえはエリにしたことをわすれるな ERI wa omae wo wasreru ga omae wa ERI ni shita koto wo wasureruna "Eri will forget you, but never forget what you did to Eri."
15 安心しろ あんしんしろ anshin shiro "Don't worry."
16 てめェがくたばるまX(で)俺がずっと叱ってやるよ てめェがくたばるまX(で)おれがずっとしかってやるよ temeE ga kutabaru maX(de) ore ga zutto shikatte yaru yo "Until I kick the bucket, I'll keep scolding you."

1 塚内さんありがとうございます つかうちさんありがとうございます Tsukauchi-san arigatou gozaimasu "Thank you, Mr. Tsukauchi."
2 いいよエリちゃんに思い出させるよりよっぽどいい いいよエリちゃんにおもいださせるよりよっぽどいい ii yo ERI-chan ni omoidasaseru yori yoppodo ii "It's fine, it's far better than making Eri-chan remember."
3 ………どうすれば .........dou sureba ".........What should I do"
4 こんな事なくなるんでしょう こんなことなくなるんでしょう konna koto nakunarundeshou "to stop this from being lost?"
5 なくならんよ nakunaran yo "It won't be lost."
6 ホークスにヒーローどちゃくそ増やしてもらうか ホークスにヒーローどちゃくそふやしてもらうか HOOKUSU ni HIIRO dochakuso fuyashite morau ka "Should we have Hawks increase the number of heroes?"
7 え⁉︎ e!? "Eh!?"
8 ホークスそんな強権あるんですか ホークスそんなきょうけんあるんですか HOOKUSU sonna kyouken arundesu ka "Does Hawks have that much governmental power?"
9 冗談だよ じょうだんだよ joudan da yo "It's a joke."
10 さ!切り換えていこう さ!きりかえていこう sa! kirikaete ikou "Well! Let's change it up."
11 今日からは新入生も授業に参加する 暗い顔みせたらいかんよ きょうからはしんにゅうせいもじゅぎょうにさんかする くらいかおみせたらいかんよ kyou kara wa shinnyuusei mo jugyou ni sanka suru kurai kao misetara ikan yo "Starting today, new students will also participate in classes. I don't want you to show them a gloomy face!"
12 でもヒーロー科は縦のつながりあんまり無いから顔合わせる事も… でもヒーローかはたてのつながりあんまりないからかおあわせることも… demo HIIROO-ka wa tate no tsunagari anmari nai kara kao awaseru koto mo... "But there aren't that many vertical connections* in the hero course, and that includes meeting face-to-face..." (*Note: "Vertical connections" refers to a type of relationship between people of different rankings of some sort. In this case, second-year students are in a senior ("senpai") social rank to first-years ("kohai").)

1 轟先輩ィイ とどろきせんぱいィイ Todoroki-senpaiII "Todoroki-senpaiii!" (Note: "Senpai" is an honorific for a person senior in rank to oneself, such as an upperclassman or a more senior employee working at the same company.)
2 ダイナマイト先輩ィイイ ダイナマイトせんぱいィイイ DAINAMAITO-senpaiIII "Dynamight-senpaiiii!"
3 連絡先いいですかあ れんらくさきいいですかあ renraku saki ii desu kaa "Can I get your contact info?"
4 大ファンなんですぅ だいファンなんですぅ dai-FAN nandesuu "[I'm a] huge fan!"
5 写真とってくださあい しゃしんとってくださあい shashin totte kudasaai "Please take a photo [with me]!"
6 かっこいいいィイYEE かっこいいいィイイェエ kakko iiiIIIEE "You're so cooooool EEE!"
7 なんだってんだ? nanda ttenda? "What are they saying?"
8 除籍だろこいつら全員‼︎ じょせきだろこいつらぜんいん‼︎ joseki daro koitsura zen'in!! "Expel them, every last one of these guys!!"
9 一年生すげえ いちねんせいすげえ ichinensei sugee "The first years are amazing."
tagline 来る新一年逃げろ二年A組‼︎完結まであと3話 きたるしんいちねんにげろにねんエーぐみ‼︎かんけつまであと3わ kitaru shin-ichinen nigero ninen EE-gumi!! kanketsu made ato 3wa Run away from the coming new first-years, Class 2-A!! 3 chapters left until completion.
#my hero academia leak translations#mha 427#bnha 427#my hero academia manga spoilers#epilogue arc spoilers#there's actually a whole lot packed into the dialogue this chapter if you look closely#also holy crap that's some foreshadowing#with the not-so-subtle reference to reincarnation???#p.s. i am fucking dying laughing at the last page
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so I was going through Book IV for my theory post a while back and. Holy crap the foreshadowing goes Hard in this Book
In chapter 2 part 1, the party initially notices the summoner’s absence:
And then Peony says this in response:
Funnily enough, that’s exactly what happened. As of right now, the summoner is trapped in a dream. And what’s this part called again?

This is a completely accurate statement. The summoner is indeed lost in a dream, just not in the way that the party or the players expect.
Let’s skip on up to chapter 5. In part one, everyone “wakes up” to an Askr flooded with nightmares… and besides Alfonse, no one seems to recognize the summoner.
Now, this event is clearly spurred on by a nightmare. Alfonse sees it as his own fear:
But check out the way he phrases it. The fear of losing somebody isn’t exactly one-to-one with what’s happening here. Anna and Sharena are acting like the Summoner never existed. If it was Alfonse’s fear of loss that had taken over, the others would be aware of Kiran’s identity and a nightmare summoner would be preying on that terror. But that’s not happening—because this isn’t Alfonse’s fear.
Instead, it reads more as a fear of loneliness—no one knowing who you are, no one remembering everything you’ve done together…. It fits with the Summoner’s personality, too: they’re always working and working, showing kindness to everybody unconditionally, and yet barely taking a moment to relax. They want to have friends so badly that the very idea of being forgotten and abandoned terrifies them to their very core… but that fear doesn’t affect Alfonse, and the Summoner knows that, so he just ends up confused.
Oh, and on top of all that, what’s this part called?

This title hits so hard once you know the twist because it applies to BOTH Alfonse and Kiran’s perspectives. Alfonse is remembering the name of someone else, while Kiran is remembering their own name. And, frankly, I doubt many people read the part titles anyway. It’s so easily looked over and yet it’s so incredibly obvious once you first spot it. I should know—I almost missed it myself!
In Part 6’s final bit, Memory of a Friend, Veronica asks Alfonse to tell her about Zacharias, at which point Alfonse reveals his memory issues. Pay attention to the specific wording he uses here:
Fog, huh? Take a look at this!
When Alfonse dreams of the World of Steel, it’s covered in fog… just like his memories. The world is obscured, empty and cold, and it’s excruciatingly unfamiliar to him. In the Midpoint Movie, however, he encounters one other person when he’s in the fogbound city:
The summoner, aggressively charging towards him with hands outstretched. You know what happens immediately after this daydream? The party clashes with the mind-controlled summoner, and the Summoner finally realizes who they are and reclaims their identity.
When you think of foreshadowing in this Book, you most likely think of the squirrel conversation (unrelated: I had Ratatoskr in my party when I was getting these screenshots and I just think that was funny) in 11-5:
Immediately after Anna says all this, Alfonse begins showing obvious discomfort as he comes to a realization.
Alfonse and the Identity Crisis! Look at him go! This could also be a potential interpretation of the Summoner v. Alfonse scene in the movie: the dreamt-up personality coming into conflict with the actual one.
This tells the player that this may not be the real Alfonse… but it doesn’t tell them WHO. And so, they’re still on their toes when the big reveal comes around—which makes the truth of Alfonse’s real identity hit so much harder.
TLDR: Book IV had some of the most amazing foreshadowing I’ve ever seen in a video game and I wanted to talk about it some
#feh#fe heroes#fire emblem heroes#fe alfonse#fe summoner#fe kiran#fe sharena#fe anna#fe freyja#fire emblem freyja#fire emblem
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i so so get your feelings about the michael arc as a whole, just spilling some added thoughts here, feel free to ignore, i just wanted to make it an ask so this mess wouldn't be an rb
the michael arc has a whole other layer of unfairness to me because it follows so much of the same plot threads as sam's issues with lucifer in season 4-5 and then hurts dean in a way they never hurt sam. when sam was panicked over what being lucifer's vessel meant and running around on cases, dean supports him (despite getting no sympathy when michael is also revealed). in s14 however sam not only, obviously, actively brings up dean's very valid fears like they're just him abandoning family (sammy, honey, look at your track record) and works behind his back with others. sam in the cage = dean in the malak box. but dean trusted sam to let him go, no matter how much it killed him. sam frames dean doing the exact same thing as another issue of trust. also also also if i remember right, sam wasn't even possesed by lucifer as long as dean and cas were by the archangels!!! not dismissing his cage trauma ofc, but there is a very clear level of repression that sam is trying to keep concerning everything, which also leads him making some bullheaded statements to dean.
like it's insane how they speedran the archangel vessel trauma from s4-s5 with michael, but proceeded to have no aftermath resolution for any of it. nor did they have sam really support and dare i say, comfort, dean, the way the reverse happened. (and obviously dean made his own mistakes in s4-s5 with sam, but the ratio is completely different). anyways, just found the repeated themes interesting and thought you might too
oh this is soooooo tasty thank you so much!!! i especially love it when people send me stuff like this that helps me connect dots. i hadn't connected the dots on how much of a speedrun this is! but holy crap. it really is!
they spend almost all of season 5 working on the lucifer + michael vessel buildup, and then most of season 6 and part of season 7 deals with the aftermath of sam's decision to say yes. to be clear, i don't have any issue with that! it makes sense in context and a lot of it is well-done. and i certainly don't begrudge the show for highlighting sam's feelings about being lucifer's vessel. but even if we round down, even if we say it's just one season of sam having this vessel arc, that's still way, way more than dean got.
i don't want this to sound like "wah sam got more screen time than dean" because that's absolutely not my issue. my issue is that both in their universe and in our universe, sam and dean can have the same exact problem and their problems can be assigned different levels of weight and attention. is this 100% true 100% of the time? no, of course not. but when it comes to being a vessel, the effects on sam are highlighted. the effects on dean are downplayed.
like you said - even in s5 dean barely gets to react to being michael's vessel. he gets one episode (05x18) to really consider it and we all know how that goes for him. and in s13-14 it's just as minimized. dean gets less than 5 minutes in 13x23 to concoct his plan. this isn't something he's agonized over. this isn't something that is foreshadowed even a little bit. and then dean is possessed for an unknown length of time. in my opinion, it was probably a few months.
that's a huge deal. that is a HUGE deal. even if he's possessed for the minimum amount of time necessitated by the episodes, it's still probably a month. i don't remember how long sam was possessed for in 05x22, but i'm pretty sure it was less than a month.
is length of time the only thing that matters here? nope! definitely not! in no way do i mean to suggest that dean automatically had it worse than sam simply because he was possessed for longer. as you point out, the cage.
but this brings me to one of my biggest issues with the whole arc: sam not showing a single speck of empathy for dean. as you noted - sam is going through it, he is feeling emotions and recalling memories that he has repressed, and i understand why those could come out in ways that are less than healthy. totally get it. but it is still just downright awful to watch sam talk to dean the way he does, especially knowing sam has been exactly where dean was.
dean doesn't do a perfect job handling sam being lucifer's vessel. no doubt. i don't remember it that well at this point; it's been a while since i've seen season 5. but look at what he says to sam when sam has made up his mind to say yes:
SAM: You're gonna let me say yes? DEAN: No. That's the thing. It's not on me to let you do anything. You're a grown – well, overgrown – man. If this is what you want, I'll back your play. SAM: That's the last thing I thought you'd ever say. DEAN: Might be. I'm not gonna lie to you, though. It goes against every fiber I got. I mean, truth is… You know, watching out for you… it's kinda been my job, you know? But more than that, it's… it's kinda who I am. You're not a kid anymore, Sam, and I can't keep treating you like one. Maybe I got to grow up a little, too. I don't know if we got a snowball's chance. But… But I do know that if anybody can do it… it's you. SAM: Thank you.
dean says it's not up to him to decide for sam, and while he doesn't necessarily like his decision, he respects it. and he wants sam to know that. he goes out of his way to comfort sam and to build him up, to support him. and it's a shocking contrast to what sam says when dean tells him about the ma'lak box plan. it's even more shocking when compared to sam trying to talk dean out of it.
does sam need to be 100% supportive and kind all the time? nope! but the way he goes about this is just so incredibly self-centered and so actively harmful to dean. as you mentioned - he frames it as dean abandoning his family. he also suggests dean is "giving up," "quitting," refusing to believe in/trust sam. i yelled about this yesterday but sam is, whether intentionally or not, picking at all of dean's worst fears while dean is facing down another worst fear and feeling shame for feeling fear. sam says and does some pretty awful things and dean does not get to respond to any of it. he just moves on. it's like it's not his story so it doesn't matter what he feels or how he's treated.
and to know that all of this gets heaped on dean - guilt for saying yes, guilt for letting michael out, guilt for "leaving the door open," guilt for what michael did, guilt for not being "strong enough" to keep him contained, guilt for "abandoning" sam, plus the very VERY real trauma of being possessed for a long stretch of time, plus what's about to happen to mary and jack - to know all of this happens back-to-back-to-back? that's hard enough. but to not even let him react to any of it? to force him to keep going as if this is all business as usual and he should just suck it up? so much worse.
and i'm just going to go ahead and assume sam never apologizes for any of it. i may be wrong. please correct me if i'm wrong.
#oof that is a lot of words i just rattled off i am so sorry#thank you again for the ask and the opportunity to ramble/yell :)#spn
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happy storyteller saturday!! hello hello! what are you working on lately and which parts are you the most excited for? also, how is my friend alexandro doing :3
hi hi hi thanks for the ask!! i am answering on saturday this time actually lol!!
lately, i have been editing over what i have written so far on Lugubrious Lullabies. I guess on tuesday i did do some plot outlining for Bloody Whiskey but... ehhhhhh.
I am very excited to stop editing - i am sprinkling in some more foreshadowing about the End of the World and also the relationship between Isaak and Andrea. it's a bit difficult to juggle the fact that the audience Already Knows but the character certainly Do Not.
sometimes i wonder if i should change it so that even the audience doesn't know. i will have to weigh the surprise factor against the angst of knowing all along.
whichever the case, foreshadowing is always good. and once i finish adding that in, i'll most likely get to write a very cool fighting / tension scene, which ties perfectly into your other question
He's been... going on a wild ride. recently he finally ditched Andrea and that got A LOT of stress off of his shoulders. returning to the life of a mercenary for hire isn't all that appealing (mostly due to financial safety, Andrea paid really well) but it's better than traveling with her.
the upcoming fight scene will be between him and Isaak - i believe i had already shared that snippet a long time ago, and i've rewritten it at least three times ever since.
it's a very specific vibe that i want between "holy crap my life is in danger" and "i kinda empathize with this cursed mercenary" and "he's kinda hot but maybe that's just my adrenaline" and honestly? if it were literally anyone else it would be fine, but isaak is so bad at admitting what he feels that right now it's just a pot of muddy soup
we'll get there eventually, though!
after the fight scene... i think i'll give alexandro a rest. he deserves good things after going thorugh so much. i wonder what sort of nice things he would like...
#writeblr#storyteller saturday#lugubrious lullabies#once upon a time i had an ask tag. who knows what happened to it#overall excitement though??? i cannot wait until we get to Gene's arc. things will make so much sense and it will be fucked up
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I have been reading for a long while now, since the first issue came out and also got into the Dog Star before this even came out too! And GOD UGH YOU ARE SO GOOD AT WRITING STORIES!!! I have a few different comics I tend to keep up with at any given time and this is like. One of my favorites. I'm so excited to see whats in store for this tbh. Like God I went back to look at issue 17 and I was like "Holy crap it WAS 90% foreshadowing!" And also also also I noticed the little glow effect on her eyes nightberry gets. And I was like. Oh jeez. Idk if it is just to symbolize when she's speaking the truth and prophetic visions and stuff or if maybe their ancestors are actually communicating through her instead but it's just a generally really cool detail that I enjoy a lot! Squishes all these characters in my hands and shakes them around like a magic eight ball.
Also this general like style of comic is very cool to me. Reminds me of like. Geronimo Stilton Books that I read when I was little. Anyways so so so cool.
Hey nice! I like hearing from readers who have been here for awhile, and with TDS too. Thank you so much! ://] I've been having a lot of fun writing this story and all the feedback I get warms my heart.
Issue 17 was a really neat one to make, I remember. The glow effect has been used on Nightberry when she's speaking like since the first issue she appeared in.
Ah I used to read some Geronimo Stilton as a kid! That's an interesting draw to make.
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spoilers for itsv and atsv
okay so unfortunately i can’t find the screenshot right now but in into the spiderverse when miles takes the leap of faith the first time, and he falls off the building, at the bottom when he’s laying there, the numbers 4 and 2 are surrounding him, with 4 on the left side of his head and 2 on the right side, making the number 42
and like is that some insane foreshadowing or what because holy crap
also sorry ive been forgetting to put spoiler warnings on my posts, i will remember from now on
#astv#across the spider verse#spiderverse#into the spiderverse#spiderverse spoilers#atsv spoilers#earth 42 miles morales x reader#miles morales#earth42 miles#across the spiderverse#prowler miles
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Really hoping for the dvd commentary. From Chapter 2 of Kintsugi.
Another blink, this time with that same flicker of silver hues as they watch him, that hint of a smile that is so often reserved for those younger. It looks like Link’s, like that of the skeleton only hours ago left behind in a world destined for destruction. “The sharpest arrow of the goddess’s quiver does not lack power for its speed and shine,” Dei recites, like some ancient proverb or forgotten verse. It’s unknown to him, but the significance of the word picture doesn’t evade him.
‘Flen’ the deity calls him. Flen; that which flies straight and true to its target to cast destruction upon either that which harms or that which, by its death, will provide. ‘Flen’ a word foreign to those of Hyrule’s higher classes but known and spoken well in towns bordering the forgotten forests where fairies whisp through trees and linger to share their stories and mischief.
‘Flen’, a word which means ‘arrow’ to those raised where language turns rough to protect against words rougher from those of higher class.
“If you seek Hylia’s sharpest, I think you’d best look to your Kit, his tongue by far out does my own, and as for speed-”
The deity does not stir, watching.
Warriors sighs. A hand ploughs through hair just beginning to curl again at its ends clutching at the roots with a sigh before his gaze returns to that which bears down on him. “FD, I’m no deity.”
Holy crap I forgot Kintsugi even existed! I swear I saw this in my inbox and straight up stalled going....what story is that? What is it about? When did that come out? Did I write it or are...but Kintsugi is my motif....nvm
And then I read it and remembered.
So! DVD commentary (which believe it or not I love listening to!)
The point of kintsugi as a motif is to show the strength of that which has been broken, which of course Warriors personifies to the extreme. Warriors in this story is a broken man who's been torn down, torn apart, and watched everything in his life, including himself, shatter. The use of kintsugi to represent his becoming stronger through his suffering was meant to be a main point of the story and this scene in particular was going to foreshadow that.
"The sharpest arrow of the goddess’s quiver does not lack power for its speed and shine" is implied to be a quote from poetry or something. The Hero of Warriors is, in a way, the sharpest arrow in the quiver of the goddess. The heroes are meant to be the 'arrows of the goddess' which itself is sort of a play on how the holy weapon that all Zelda's use is a Bow of Light. Each hero has his own qualities and strengths, and Warriors, as the soldier of the group, is one of the sharpest and harshest of the group, because he didn't only face monsters, he faced men.
What Dei means by his words though is that even if Warriors' strength lies in his sharpness, in his blade, he's not in any ways limited to that as his only strength. 'Lacking power for speed and shine' means that he's not just fast on the field and pretty to look at, he's also a powerhouse in his own right, he just doesn't know it yet.
The use of the arrow to represent Warriors is something which I included since the beginning of the story. "Flen" is I think the Old Norse(?) word for 'arrow', and is Dei's distinguishing name for the captain since the first time Warriors put on the mask. Using arrow imagery to tell Warriors he is more powerful than he thinks is sort of the theme of the next few paragraphs.
‘Flen’ the deity calls him. Flen; that which flies straight and true to its target to cast destruction upon either that which harms or that which, by its death, will provide
This basically just means arrows cause chaos, prompt chaos or provide where there is a need.
The next bit though, talking about how the word is foreign to the average Castletown dweller, is meant to remind of Warriors' heritage as a man who was raised in the poorer parts of the world. It's a nod to him being something rough and lowly, but crafted and sharpened from a common thing to an arrow for the goddess' use. He references that the language that the nickname comes from is one that his people use to hide themselves and protect themselves from those who only speak Hylian, thus separating themselves and further establishing the contrast between who he once was, what he was raised to be, and what he became.
“If you seek Hylia’s sharpest, I think you’d best look to your Kit, his tongue by far out does my own, and as for speed-”
This is Warriors trying to deflect. He's basically pointing to Legend ('kit' is Dei's distinguishing name for the vet) and saying "you want something great? look there!" and then continuing to try and point the finger to everyone else to point out their strengths. Earlier in the piece, there was a lot of emphasis placed on Warriors' feelings of mediocrity in the face of his extremely powerful brothers and team-mates, and this results in him continuing to look at them rather than looking within as Dei is asking him to.
Dei isn't having it though. Dei knows Warriors is more because he has seen Warriors unlock his own godly strengths. he's not going to stand for Warriors talking himself down, because the more the captain does that, the less Warriors will be able to see what Dei is trying to show him, the fact that Warriors is, in fact, a demi-god.
The thing is, Warriors isn't a deity in the same strain as the others. In the previous fic, First (Dei) and Legend actually have a discussion about something related to this.
(First is speaking here): “A guardian. Your soul,” He motions to the other. “I may not be the goddess, but any good soldier can be perceptive. You and yours all have souls that sing to a tune. Time.” He motions to the armored leader. “The sea, storms and wind.” Wind. “Light.” The goddess’s youngest, (Hyrule) lightning dancing on his finger-tips as his mother watches with faint laughter. “The elements, the building blocks of life.” The Four heroes who are somehow one. “The forest, the wilds of the world, nature herself.” The goddess’s eyes set in the face of a young boy who spins shadows on his fingers (Wild). “The night, the shadows and the lost and wandering.” He motions to the rancher, to Twilight who sits and watches the others with a gaze dark and yet bright, a contradiction, a shadow that is somehow full of light. “War.” The captain who stands polished and pristine yet who’s very spirit seemed to sing on the field, who’s blade swung stronger with every drop of blood fallen. “Life.” He turns to Legend.
The other takes a moment to catch onto the fact that he’s stopped, that he’s staring at him, and when the lad does see it, his eyes widen slightly. “Life?”
“The living; the breathing earth, the trees and animals, the people . You live to give life and preserve it.” His smile is crooked, he knows. “It is your calling. Forgive my boldness, but I dare say we are the same on that front; we live to preserve what they bring to fruition.”
Except that Warriors does not live to bring things into fruition (which I couldn't clarify without derailing that conversation) but rather, he also lives to preserve. Warriors' very existence is to preserve and unite things, thematically speaking. So yeah. Warriors is different from the others, which prevents him seeing his greatness, but Dei, who is basically the same, can recognize it.
The whole scene you selected- the whole chapter in fact! is about Dei trying to provoke Warriors into realizing his power. As we saw though, it failed :(
#asks and answers#linked universe#linkeduniverse#the blood between us#commentary time babey!#lu warriors#lu dei#asks game
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Moonlight rewatch part idk? I’ve rewatched this show a lot lol
Episode 1 random thoughts and feelings I had while rewatching again: cause I’m bored and have nothing else to do or watch. And I love this show
I wish they were able to go into the why and where we get the old wives tales of vampires being repelled by holy water and crucifixes and garlic etc. Did vampires evolve like humans did over time and those were some of their weaknesses or was someone lucky and their crucifix had silver on it or something? And they just assumed that since vampires are “unholy” creatures that they must be repelled by the cross
Also also did vampires used to sleep in coffins before the invention of the freezer because what were vampires doing prior to the 20th century when there was no freezer?
Mick “there’s no such thing as vampires” me “hey that’s the name of the episode”
I liked Steve (the camera guy) and Beth’s friendship. I wonder what happened to him he just disappeared mid-seasonish
With sunlight being one of their weaknesses Mick and Josef sure do have a lot of windows at their home. I’m assuming that Josef’s first scene was at his home since it’s a completely different location than his office
I was always (and still am) curious about how a vampire recruits a “freshie” because I don’t know about you but if some guy I was interested told me he was a vampire and he wants to drink my blood I’d probably just laugh and be like oh okay 😉 🤣
I wonder if Mick’s blood type is A+ and that’s why he prefers that blood over others like when your body craves a certain nutrient that you’re lacking and you eat salty foods or more iron rich foods or whatever to help pick up where your body is lacking.
Moonlight doesn’t have a love triangle. It has a love square Coraline x Mick x Beth x Josh
I always thought Christian Ellis was weird even as a tween. Idk how this man was able to get so many smart pretty women to fall for his crap
I like the subtle detail of Mick sniffing the mask, a nice little mix foreshadowing and red herring for the later part of the episode
Funny how Josef wasn’t a fan of Beth at the beginning (or rather just the first episode) then towards the end of the season they plan a murder together
It’s ironic how Steve’s joking with Beth and says he wants to make sure she’s protected when she goes into the “vampires den” and she says she’ll be fine and that’s literally after she just back from another vampires den and was perfectly fine but when she goes to the fake vampires den she isn’t alright
I think this episode was what kick started my love for Evanescences’ “my immortal” I think I listened to that song on repeat for a whole month after this episode
Was that kid Daniel ever arrested or did Mick actually kill him? In the next episode Beth thanks Mick for saving her but I don’t think they ever explicitly state what happened to the kid and in second to last episode ADA Talbot mentions “demented college students” but that’s the extent of it
What the disk menu looks like for Disc 1

#moonlight cbs#mick st. john#alex o'loughlin#cbs moonlight#moonlight tv#moonlight#beth turner#sophia myles#mick st john#tv show#josef kostan#jason dohring#1x01 no such thing as vampires
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Lupin III Chapter 39 Review
I had this thing going on in a discord server where I would try to cover every single lupin manga chapter every day (sometimes i take breaks)
It wasn't until now that i realized that it would be funny if i posted these on tumblr so here we go :) I'm too lazy to post all 38 chapters since who the hell would do that but if there's demand then sure
beware i am not normal this isn't a formal review by any standards

but lets get on with the chapter WOOOOOOO kid lupin is going to FUCK UP SOME SHIT!!! in this chapter he manages to fake his own disappearance to transport 7.2 billion dollars out of the city thats insane if you ask me
sorry to use the crusty english print but im not gonna translate one piece of text he enters the car of his subordinate and they drive back to his mansion, in which lupin decides to not work with the man anymore since hes too boring for him
Panel 1: "What's this?" "Your reward, ten thousand dollars." Panel 2: "You're done with me?" "Quite." Panel 3: "I told you when I met you..." Panel 4: "If you want to work for me, don't ask me questions." "Right.." honestly what a boyboss he was forced to be a crime employer at the ripe age of 15 then the dude gets sick of his attitude and decides to attack him!! he threatens lupin that hell call the cops about his status but lupin kills him!!
he is speaking facts dead men indeed dont talk meanwhile the police is like WHERE THE FUCK IS LUPIN then this lady is like we should save lupin since hes worth 7.2 billion dollar (holy shit thats a lot) then they're like ....stfu i wonder how much he is worth as an adult at this point it'd be funny if it decreased kid lupin does look more menacing than older lupin the woman then has a plan to capture lupin since shes also works for him as a ploy, she decides to drive lupin out of the mansion and try to find the 7.2 billion along with capturing him lupin finds out immediately but he still gets captured by the police who was following the lady honestly skill issue if you ask me
also this lady's boobs are astronomically big in this panel holy crap
also about the skill issue sorry i take it back lupin you're pretty cool
nevermind he is skill issue i bring back my previous statement
why does this keep happening anyways the police is like WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MONEY!?!?!? lupin points to the woman surprisingly and says that he slipped the map to the money in her the police end up undressing the woman (average cop behavior) and while theyre distracted lupin prepares this machine gun mcgee lookin' thing idk what it is sorry i may know i lot about lupin but i dont know a lot about guns
also that shot looks BADASS why is kid lupin so cool in addition these cops fucking suck dont they know that in the manga when lupin says something is somewhere he is indeed lying??? they should catch up more on my reviews then lupin reveals that the 7.2 billion is in this truck the ENTIRE TIME (it is filled with rocks as a trick)
you can actually see the truck somewhere in the earlier panels
i have a funny idea that monkey punch just smacked that truck in that panel which was previously empty to show like yeah im so smart see foreshadow mmm big brain anyways lupin drives???? the truck???????????? DOES HE HAVE A LICENSE????????????????? the answer is no. its always no. lupin gets away with the money, and the cops are tied up i guess? i dont think i get how that happened but it happened
And that's the end!
One day thing though i couldnt mention this in the middle of the review but i find the detective guy interesting
considering this was way before zenigata became lupin's archnemesis i wish this guy got more backstory n such bro had to deal with kid lupin back then thats a big deal!!! how did he get that job!!! was he the og zenigata before zenigata???????????? and it would be kinda cool if this guy ended up being zenigata's mentor or something idk just a fruit for thought i lowkey want more about him in lupin zero now, along with the maid in ch.38 and arsene lupin anyways next chapter is going to be HUGE IM SO EXCITED YOU WILL SEE WHY TOMORROW GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
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Random ramblings about 06x07
After my memefication of the events is now mostly dealt with (thank goodness, but I needed to get those out of the system first), I'm still very much confused and intrigued by the setup done in “Cursed”.
Sure enough, this episode was supposed to be a lighter one. We had a lot of good fun in that, but the episode provides great setup for the drama that's sure about to unfold further along the season.
So here I'm gathering some more or less coherent thoughts on the matter. Though I seriously don't know where all of this is headed. But here's to hoping anyway.
Connor and Kameron, desperation, grifters, and all of the awkward
I know others as well as me have joked about this, but those two are exceptionally weird when it comes to the sperm donation. Now, it's possible there was nothing grander to it, and the writers just wanted things to be extra awkward for laughs, by having them wind up at the station to have the firefam in the know (also… Shannon/Eddie parallels much, huh?).
Like, it's effective. All people who may have something to say about the matter find out at once, and we don't “need” separate conversations to have that unfold (aka saving screen time). It's economic in that way. So it's well possible that it was not supposed to be off-putting or whatever else. Just really awkward and quick to have everyone up to speed.
But. Holy crap. That was just soooooo weird.
As others have noted, they continue to be pushy, acting all the while like they aren't being pushy. Again, I don't know if the show's gonna make anything of that, other than to highlight their desperation to have a child? Like, wanting to highlight that they don't want to go through the process again, now that they found someone who said he'd volunteer to donate. But. If the show wants to go down another route, well… perfect setup for that, too, I guess.
I don't believe Connor and Kameron will turn out to be evil sperm thieves (hehe). They just really want to have that baby. But they are extremely pushy in their pursuit, and it might be that the show highlights how Buck is especially vulnerable to that. So Connor and Kameron may (unconsciously) feed into that or may even take advantage of it, to a certain degree. And the show might actually decide to show how harmful that can be, even if they do not intend it. As Athena pointed out:
“The best grifters know how to play on people's desperation. The more desperate a person is, the easier it becomes to fool them.”
Now, again, I don't believe in evil sperm thieves here, just like I don't believe in bad intent on Connor's and Kameron's behalf (yet). But I can see this as a kind of foreshadowing/allusion to what's going on with Buck. And yes, here I go again, outing myself as a Buck Breakdown Truther until proven otherwise. I could see two scenarios in particular to get the job done right (or wrong), based on Athena's words that may come back to haunt Buck this season:
Connor and Kameron may (unconsciously) pressure Buck all the while yelling “no pressure though”, thereby actually creating more pressure for him than is necessary. It was the second time we've seen them do it with Buck, and Buck reacting the same way each time. Which is not to say I don't get the desperation they must feel. But it's very much in-tune for Buck to try to please them as a result and jump ahead, to be of service to them, to help them. So instead of giving him the freedom of choice and space for proper reflection, they are (unconsciously) backing him into a corner. Or perhaps more to the point: They are feeding right into so many of Buck's issues, likely without knowing it. And that may impact him very negatively moving forward. Thus far, every interaction we've seen between them was inherently about them. Even if they genuinely seemed to try to give Buck the free choice, they always circle back to their desperation to have the child. Again, I don't believe they do it consciously, necessarily. If you want something that much, it's the only thing you can think about. But turned around to Buck, that means that every meaningful interaction he's had thus far with the people he's making a great sacrifice for… it was never about him, it is never about him. It is only about his function to them as a donor. That is why Connor originally reached out to him, and as Hen pointed out, they will in all likability expect him to not have any place in their future (and more importantly in that of the child). In that way, they play on Buck's desperation to help them, out of their desperation to have a child. And I can very well see that this might be a route the writers might take all the same.
Buck is his very own grifter in this scenario. Buck is desperate for happiness, to finally get to the point where he is ���at peace”. And he wants to believe that helping those two have a baby and build the future they always wanted will do the trick for him. To do something selfless, like Lev did, and then finally have that epiphany about what it is that makes him truly happy. For that, he is taking all of that pressure, and ignores all of those red flags and warning signs the whole damn universe seems to throw his way. Buck is fooling himself into believing that this is truly what he wants (at least at this point, though it might turn out later that he really is at peace with that, but he certainly isn't right now, he's just stubbornly refusing to reflect it on it any further, so not to be swayed). He is genuine in his wish to help them (have the baby). He knows that much, because he knows that they want that child (quick side note: I guess there might also be some level of Daniel trauma in there. Because here he has people who want a baby for the sake of the baby, unlike his parents, who wanted to have a baby for the purpose of saving their other child. And oh my, see who's coming back this season…).
In either scenario, Buck is likely to be left the fool, not necessarily because he's getting grifted, but because either they or he himself are actively helping him self-deprecate. Or at the least, that's a route the show might be taking on this one. And I'm dying to find out.
Buck's troubled relationship with his body
To send this ahead: There's soooooo much more to say about Buck's self-image and his relationship with his body, but for now, I'll just focus on it in relation to this season's arc.
While we mostly started out lightly regarding the matter, I found it almost jarring how much Buck's relationship with his own body came back into full swing ever since Connor and Kameron asked him to donate. All the while watching him reflecting on it drunkenly with Hen, then again with the puréed greens to deliver the best swimmers in the world… I can see this heading to a much darker place, moving forward.
Others have already pointed to the close connection to Buck's speech after the Daniel reveal, about defective parts and all. Which was another blow (alongside the reveal itself and its ramifications). Because Buck is very self-conscious when it comes to his body. So realizing that his body wasn't good enough, was “defective”, is a whole different story for someone like him.
Since early childhood, his body was a means to an end. To get attention from his parents, by getting hurt. Later on, numerous flings to satisfy the need and to please others, to be good for others, to feel his own body, to have all involved feel happy and content. To be good enough. Again, a means to an end (chasing meaningful connections by providing gratifying sex, by pleasing his partners and being praised for it). He prides himself on his physicality, noting to Bobby back in season 1 how he never had trouble with the physical aspects of training to become a Navy SEAL, but what that would have demanded of him psychologically and emotionally. To name but few examples.
Along those lines, he's been on the optimizing route, well before he started on the green menace for over a month. Buck talking to the guy with the tapeworm back in season 1, conversing about how to optimize body fat ratios or whatever else. Buck wanting to be the “bestestest boi and patient” by adapting his diet, back when he had the blood clots and wanted to prove that he (his body) was capable, functional, of use, for the one thing he found meaningful in his life. AKA being a firefighter. Now again with the green smoothies and his abstinence, to be the best donor ever. To please, to be good enough, or rather, better than good enough.
Interestingly, all of those measures hardly seem to be about himself and doing things to feel good about himself, as himself, but more about optimizing his body for the sake of others. Being muscular and good-looking for hookups – it's about being appealing to them. Adapting his diet and making a show of it – it was to convince Bobby, among others, of his health and thus use as a firefighter. Drinking green smoothies and being abstinent for extended periods of time – it is for Connor and Kameron, to give them “best chances of success”. Not once did I get the vibe of Buck doing this to feel good about himself, to feel comfortable in his own skin, literally. Instead, he is making himself miserable, longing for more. Or, as Hen so eloquently pointed out:
“Buck, your idea of healthy is a side salad. When did puréed greens become a whole main meal?”
Yet again, interestingly, he often winded up failing with his self-optimization when it came to his body. All the healthy diet didn't get him his job back. The hookups may have gotten him appreciation for his performance, but the partners didn't stick around. Even Abby didn't stick around, even though he tried to support her not just physically throughout. And with the green smoothies and the abstinence… again, as others have noted, him trying so hard to be the best donor may have made the donation worse. He's trying sooooo hard that it backfires on him (i.e. having stayed abstinent for so long may have made the “swimmer count” reduce rather than increase, as far as I understood).
Now, if that's the narrative route they want to focus on, it could go three ways in my head (yeah, yeah, always thinking threeways, yo):
The donation isn't deemed “good enough” and they will ask him to donate again, and just stay clear from wanking for a week, not four (jizz I mean jeez). Which may either serve as a catalyst for Buck to really consider this, rather than jumping ahead in his pursuit to use his body for other peoples' benefit. Or it may feed right into his fears of his body not sufficing (or maybe a combination of both). This may force Buck to continue to put himself physically and emotionally through all that again, not for his sake, but that of others, making it less and less about his choice and more and more about needing his body to function, no matter what.
Buck turns out to share in Connor's issue, namely not enough swimmers. That'd fit just about half of Buck's insecurities. In that his body would not suffice to help. That his body is not good enough to do something he wanted (or thought he wanted) so desperately that he damn well ran to the clinic to jerk off into a plastic cup. To top all that, it'd mean that all the things he thought were “still in store” for him (as he alluded to when talking to Lev) are suddenly out the window. Namely, starting a family of his own, fathering children that are inherently his, finding true peace. So any “hope” Buck would have had to finally get to where Connor and Kameron are right now, already knowing what they want and with whom they want to have it with, is suddenly gone. And it'd be his own body that's always supposed to function that'd keep him from it. His own body would betray him in that way. Defective parts.
Buck turns out ineligible (e.g. due to the cancer in his family history or because of some other health issues Buck may not have been aware of). Either because the clinic advises against it, or Connor and Kameron back off when they get word of it. They may reconsider on “only” choosing someone who's supposedly very healthy in contrast to someone who's very good of character, as Connor insisted to Buck, if Buck has some health issue that he might pass down to the child. That would throw him for a complete loop, too. Because health is not supposed to be an issue for him. He is capable, after all, right? Right? He's good enough for that, right? Right?
Either scenario circles back to Buck's troubled relationship with his own body, in that his body is a means to an end for him. If he can't serve the means, then what is his body good for? If it can't create future, if it can't help, if it's not enough, how is he good enough (for his own happiness)? That would deliver great material for a potential breakdown for him.
And resolution can only come (pun not intended) if Buck manages to reconcile with his own body being as it is, accepting it as it is, and no longer regarding it as integral to his self-worth. That being at peace with what he has and is doesn't just relate to a couch or lack thereof, but to him being at peace with what he is, what his body is, instead of chasing unachievable standards and chasing praise and appreciation by means of his own body.
If that's the route they are taking, I do believe Eddie's role in that realization process will be of great importance. Eddie has proven to be one of the few people who get through to Buck when he's really far lost in his head. He already brought the point home about him not being expandable (and in that sense putting his body at risk for the sake of others unnecessarily). So the twist might be along the lines of: Buck realizing his body isn't any more expendable than anyone else's because Buck's body contains something invaluable, namely the person he is. His body is there to protect that invaluable core, not the other way around. And Eddie as his best friend (and love of his life and original baby trapper before Connor and Kameron got the idea, yo), as the person to address Buck like that back in season 4… it might bring this full circle for Buck at long last.
And yeah, that makes Buddie confirmation a very likely scenario in my head, as the conclusion of that arc. It'd just fit so damn neatly, if you think about it. Because Buck's first encounter with Eddie was so very physical (or rather, Buck made it about that, because that's what it's been for him for almost all of his life). And for that man (Eddie) to turn out to truly appreciate and love Buck for who he is, no matter what his body is like or what “functions” it may serve… that'd just be *chef's kiss*. The perfect reversal of all those other relationships Buck's had, where people got to appreciate his physicality before they could appreciate the person living inside it. Only for Eddie to step into his life (and staying there) to see past that, and immediately see the good and valuable person that's underneath it all. And to love him for it. Like, that would be build-up straight for the heavens.
This is fine… until it isn't
Yet another way this could go is that they don't go there at all, that the donation is indeed good enough. All swimmers are where they belong, and they are healthy and plenty. But it may still bite Buck on the perky butt. Either because it sinks in for him at long last what it means to be “donor, not dad”, and how he is actually not ready for that. Or because Connor and Kameron bail out. Again, two scenarios come to my mind:
The donation is done, the procedure works, Kameron becomes pregnant. The two thank Buck and bid him farewell. And Buck's left metaphorically standing in the rain, when they make clear what Hen warned him about: That they won't be seeing much of each other again in the future, that they won't stay in touch. Maybe a Christmas card at best. And that's what may crack Buck open like an egg at long last. Because before, it was all just hypothetical. But now it's fact. The proof is there that this is a part of him he'll never see grow, a part of him he'll never know. And he may try his best to be fine with it, just that he isn't.
The donation is done, but it's not needed anymore. Kameron winds up pregnant despite Connor's little team of swimmers. Now that the “pressure” was off of them and on Buck, maybe the swimmers finally had some fun. They are happy as they can be, having a child of their own at long last. And Buck is sure to be happy for them. Maybe he even thinks “dodged a bullet there, upon reflection”. But then it dawns on him. Here we go again. He was not chosen. Despite being the best donor, despite doing everything right, Connor and Kameron didn't really need him in the end. And that might be just as devastating as a scenario wherein he can't donate, or a donation won't do the trick.
Again, both scenarios could very well lead to a serious breakdown in the aftermath. Even though Buck may very well try to keep himself together, to appear to be fine (as Maddie noted once), even though he isn't.

Because Buck seemingly tries to find happiness through other peoples' happiness (and their knowledge of what constitutes it for them). But we might see Connor and Kameron get their happiness without his help, leaving him none the wiser about what makes him truly happy, or even worse, leaving him unhappier than before.
Yet again, with Buddie goggles on (they are fancy, what can I say?), I think Eddie would be the one person to get through to him in that mess. Buck trying to seem fine, continuing to try to brush it off, even though he's coming apart by the seams. It'd be very much in-tune with how we got several instances by now that had Eddie (as well as the others) notice that Buck's acting off. Be it spacing out or drinking green smoothies (even though Eddie was definitely not just checking the smoothie in that shot, yo).
They are a (family) unit. Everyone is aware of that, which is why Eddie as well as the others assume he should know what's going on, though he doesn't. If Buck continues to hide things (like the donation), I do believe we might get Eddie forcing his way in at long last. Before, he likely respected Buck's decision (also something something about Eddie respecting Buck's (bodily) autonomy and his decisions in ways his parents never ever did or even could). But if it's no longer about that, Eddie may very well occupy that space again and force his way in, like Buck did when he broke down the door to get to him when he hit rock-bottom.
Buck, the backup plan
One of the many elephants in the room is the discussion of the will. Eddie hasn't brought it back up yet, neither has Buck, but this whole sperm donation arc would be perfect for it to come back full swing. Because here we have Buck as the literal backup plan for Kameron and Connor, who tried to get pregnant but couldn't, so now they are looking at Buck to fill the spot (by filling a cup).
While Eddie was able to drive the point home about Buck being inherently valuable aka not expendable, I do believe we might get some more introspection of Buck. Namely, that his takeaway of the legal guardianship is not just Eddie's trust in him to watch out for what's most important in his life (his son), in the event that something should happen to him. But that it is also: I'm the backup. I'm not the first choice. I'm the choice in case things go wrong.
And if that's what Buck comes out of regarding the sperm donation, that will force Eddie to have that conversation. And it may very well lead to him being forced into some more reflection of his own. Because the other elephant in the room is what it means to him that he named Buck Christopher's legal guardian. What does it mean to him emotionally to rely on someone who blindly with his most important thing, his future? Why is that he can so blindly rely on Buck, when he won't believe in curses, jinxes, or fate? Yes, he got “proof” for Buck's love and care for Christopher. That's what solidified the choice for him, and wherein he continues to be proven right. But. What does it say about you, Eddie? What does it say about you feel for Buck, by entrusting him with that which you love the most in the world? Hm?
To finally end this madness
I think I confused myself and y'all enough with this rambling, so I will now conclude this post with reaffirming my belief in:
Buck Breakdown Era is coming (pun definitely intended).
Eddie will be a key figure in helping Buck navigate that.
This may very well solidify Buddie in the near future.
We have great opportunity to bring the will back into play at long last.
And I have no clue what will become of Buck's lil' swimmers.
And I guess, that's good. For now anyway. Though I guess I might ramble some more. It's what I do, what can I say? Anywho.
#buddie#911 spoilers#911 season 6#911 season 6 spoilers#evan buckley#eddie diaz#ramblings#that are random
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Season 4, Episode 9: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
The Good:
Ah hey Daryl! What's up! I missed you!
That IS the same dude from the S1 AVT right??? Like I'm not insane, right???
I wonder how much Cobra Kai pays to be one of the extras who plays a high school karate enthusiast in the AVT audience
Looking at career options here
Aight that was a MUCH shorter "Eli in Miyagi-Do" training montage than I had hoped for, but...it's something??? I guess???
At least we get one???
The blue fog lighting MD runs through is pretty damn neat
Also wanna point out that Eli's overall theme color has gone from blue to red to purple to BACK to blue, as per joining MD
Which is, you know, pretty consistently DEMETRI'S theme color
Like I shit you not, like 90% of the things I see this fucker wearing have SOME blue in them
You count how many many blue-less outfits he wears throughout the show and I'm betting it's like...under 10
Anyways point being, he and Eli matchy-matchy again just like they did in S1
Literally would be poetic cinema to use this as a means of hinting that Eli is in love with Demetri but I GUESS they really ain't gonna utilize visual foreshadowing in what would be a truly ingenious way
ALSO Demetri and Eli run in next to each other!!!! Look I'll dig whatever Elimetri scraps I can out of the garbage bin okay
I am but a humble feral raccoon on the lookout for my next meal, my greedy little raccoon hands primed and ready to seize my gay morsels and devour them like a decadent feast
Love how Yasmine flew all the way back from Australia to grind on Demetri for a few hours only to yeet back out of town just in time to miss a huge event that is enormously important to her boyfriend and literally all his friends
If Yasmine was really as perfect of a girlfriend as the show seems to want us to think, she would have made an effort to stay for the AVT, send tweet
Or at LEAST warned Demetri at prom that she still wouldn't be able to go to the AVT??? Despite being back in town for prom???
ALSO if she was there somewhere she'd be with Moon, considering these fine young fucking lesbian ladies are basically attached at the hip
Funny, that
On the topic of Moon, though...okay, I know she only is at the AVT so she can later heal poor Eli with a het kiss, and this does indeed feel me with a deep and unchecked rage, BUT regardless I think it's really sweet that she's presumably going to platonically support both Demetri and Eli
Also the fact that Moon has gone from going to watch karate WITH Demetri to going to watch Demetri DO karate is both hilariously ironic and super wholesome
Also always love to see Demetri and Moon's friendship!!! It's so pure, I can't ;_;
Wanna point out that when Cobra Kai comes in, Demetri turns and SCOWLS at them and leans a little bit in front of Eli. Call be off my fucking rocker but it looks just a teens bit protective
I mean he's definitely giving them the evil eye either way, he's like "this is the dojo of horror and fuckery and it's an attack against me personally" and you know what? He's right
Like the amount of times Cobra Kai has caused problems for Demetri in particular over the course of the past couple years is kind of incredible
I mean it's not like that wouldn't be effective for strength training but it is hysterical
ONLY Johnny Lawrence would brag about "pummeling ever-loving the crap out of people while the crowd cheered", and I love him very much for it
Kreese and Silver are very scary, 11/10
Love that Dem's canonically Greek!!! I remember some of my fandom friends headcanoning that and I'm happy it's officially a thing now :D
I ascended to another plane of existence upon viewing that
As per usual, I am quick to fall in love with utterly unavailable, utterly uninterested, and utterly gay men
Okay we get like a 2 second shot of the other Miyagi Dos watching and Eli looks DELIGHTED
He is SO into that shit, goddamn
Same Energy as Eli breaking the board at valley fest and Demetri just being like "oh fuck I'm gay"
Right after the skills competition, it pans over to Dem and Eli talking in the MD group--Dem's prolly tryna reassure him ;___;
"The tigher the vices around Cobra Kai's metaphorical balls" HOLY SHIT DEVON I LOVE YOU
Aight idk what Carrie's doing here, but it's funny, so I'll take it
A general observation but both Demetri and Eli look STRESSED AF watching each other fight : O
They're both so very overprotective, god bless
It's just--it's the constant anxiety each of them have that their person is gonna get even a little bit hurt is what does it in for me chief
Especially bad for Eli, considering the, uh...Golf N Stuff incident
Like this man will simply break if he ever has to see Demetri be in that much pain again
Their gay little faces when either of them wins a match, my GOD
Like the pure, unbridled JOY!!!! Love these karate boyfriends!!!
They've come so far from S3 and I am very happy for them ;__;
Okay that was actually a bitchin montage, and the Carrie Underwood background music went with it weirdly well
Happy to see my boys Nate and Bert get some badass moments too!!
Also not Demetri and Eli standing so close they're practically holding hands in the quarterfinals shot
Like when are these fuckers not nearly pressed up against each other like clingy puppies, I swear
"YEEEEAHHHHHH DEMETRI" that's deadass the happiest I've seen this fucker in like 2 seasons
It's almost like Demetri's the light of his life or something
Also VERY delighted to see him combining the "Hawk" over-the-top enthusiasm with the "Eli" wholesomeness and loyalty
Say what you will about Eli switching dojos, but by god, he is starting to be happy again!!!
And Eli needs to be in an environment where he can heal and work past his demons at his own pace, which Johnny Lawrence, much as I love him, is not always the best sensei for XD
Love how Kyler shows up knowing the easiest way to try and kill Eli's spirit and make him lose focus is to threaten Demetri
Like Eli was getting pretty into the tournament and kicking ass before then, but as soon as Kyler implies he could and/or WILL fuck up Demetri??? He immediately starts worrying and falls back into the old timid, anxious Eli persona
Adds another layer to it when you realize Kyler's probably been bullying Eli and Dem for years--and for basically all of that time, Dem was the only protector Eli had. Demetri was Eli's only "safe person" for a really long time, so of course threatening him will put Eli on edge and make him feel like he's not safe.
And Kyler calling Eli "Lip" basically confirms he's trying to tap into the weak-willed, bullied kid he was before karate--which, of course, he does by reminding Eli how he used to push around him and the only person he had in his corner back then.
Anyways, all that to say Kyler knows Dem and Eli's relationship is deep and long-standing enough that threatening Dem could be enough to completely break Eli, just as Eli was starting to build himself back up again
It's incredibly fucked up!!! But also a testament to how close Demetri and Eli were back in the day, if Kyler was able to like...exploit their bond to try and destroy Eli's confidence and be that frighteningly precise and successful with it
Okay okay okay okay so as angry as I am about H*wkM**n I do find it absolutely hysterical that Moon said the exact same thing to Eli that Demetri did, but Moon got to kiss him because she's a girl, and ya know. Something something comphet.
Like, if this is "love interest" dialogue that is enough to warrant a kiss...we're basically getting confirmation that if Demetri was female, he would be Eli's love interest
The only reason the writers aren't putting Eli and Demetri together is because they're scared of offending the homophobic side of the fanbase, and in short they all belong at Weenie Hut Junior's
Maybe even Super Weenie Hut Junior's
The ultimate tragedy of conservatives who hate gay people
Demetri's little clap on the back, he's such a proud boyfriend!!!
So we went from Eli calling Demetri a "FUCKING NERD" to Eli vowing to "win this whole FUCKING thing" for Demetri and his dojo??? Now that's what I call a fucking CHARACTER ARC
Lol get fucked Kyler
Eli beating his ass was SO long overdue
Demetri clapping and cheering in the background when Eli wins because Demetri's SO FUCKIN PROUD and also in love
Not Piper being a catty mean bitch to Sam
Anyways Moon adores catty mean bitches and is therefore secretly in love with Yasmine, send tweet
Moon dun got a TYPE and the more of this show I watch, the more I’m like. There’s just no way she COULDN’T be into Yasmine
Love to see her using Eagle Fang!!! Truly the chaos gremlin potential is endless and I support Sam LaRusso every step of the way
On the highest of keys I hope she ends up joining Eagle Fang actually, or whatever dojo Johnny is sensei-ing for
The irony of Daniel LaRusso's kid being in Johnny Lawrence's dojo would be too funny
Plus she could get to be with her mans!
Good on Sam for standing up for Johnny and EF again! Maybe one of these days it'll actually stick and Daniel will stop being self-righteous and vaguely irritating for two seconds
She simply cannot go to a karate tournament without getting totally fucking stoned first and I have to respect that
They really came for my heart huh
Robby immediately feeling guilty for Kenny getting hurt ;___;
Tory checking in on Robby <3
Overall very happy we got to see a softer side of Robby AND Tory this season, it's honestly beautiful
AW, Daniel congratulating Miguel and wishing him luck <3 Love these two's relationship!!! Also gives me hope that any conflict between Sam and Miguel won't be permanent. I feel like if they had broken up or were having a serious fight, Daniel probably would pick up on it and wouldn't seek out Miguel. Like it would be kinda weird to go talk to your daughter's ex/strained bf???
Bottom line is that if Daniel still mentally views Miguel as his future son-in-law, I have a feeling that Sam and Miguel will be all right in the end lol
Miguel calling Hawk/Eli "Eli" in passing is something that can be so PERSONAL
Goes to show that Eli no longer feels the need for the "Hawk" mask with ALL his friends, not just Demetri
He's learning to embrace ALL the parts of himself and not rely on a facade to feel good about himself!!! Love that for him!!!
"I'm not exactly thrilled to be fighting my friend" NEITHER AM I ELI
Love Demetri's look of concern too
Like his two best friends are about to throw down and he's worried about either of them getting hurt
"Doesn't help that no one's ever beaten Miguel either" ah, so I see Dem's slightly more concerned about Eli getting hurt because he's in love with him. Typical XD
Also deeply ironic
Eli be like "Finally, a worthy opponent!!! Our battle will be legendary!!!"
Lol I see what you did there, with the Coyote Creek callback
AUGH this Johnny-Miguel montage is making me emotional ;__;
Someone help me, these three's friendship is gonna kill me
Miguel's a lucky boi, his two besties love him so very very much
The Bad:
Okay okay okay okay I DO appreciate the one shot we got of Eli being SUPER into Demetri's kata routine, but I want MORE dammit
Like show the man being turned on to the level Demetri was at valley fest
We all damn well KNOW he would be, c'mon
You show Demetri holding a board and Eli punching it in half, and then have the AUDACITY to not pan over to Demetri's expression???
Please I wanted to see him be turned on as all hell
Like it would have been the most hilarious Valley Fest callback and everything!!!
How dare you deprive me of this!!!
Well at least I know in my heart that Demetri was having an even bigger gay awakening than before
Ah, yes. Just what we need. More screentime for the AVT board members -__-
Okay, so like. Aside from it physically paining me every time I have to watch Daniel watch his ex karate son be an evil little traitorous meow meow, I feel like they're going a direction I very much do not like with the Daniel-Robby animosity
While Daniel does have every right to call Robby out here (and Robby has the right to call Daniel out on thinking his way is the only way), I'm worried that the show just...isn't going to let these two eventually reconcile and fix their relationship??? Like I hate that they seem to be moving in the direction of Daniel giving up on Robby and Robby being forced to just deal with his subpar biological parents -_-
And while I don't think Daniel is obligated to forgive Robby for betraying MD, I feel like it's kinda in his nature to do so??? And that's definitely what Mr. Miyagi would have taught him too
And like...the guy loves Robby, at the end of the day! I feel like no matter how mad he got, Daniel LaRusso would always come around to his surrogate karate son in the end
Honestly I'm rooting for these two to fix their relationship WAY more than Johnny and Robby. Like Johnny barely TRIES with Robby, but Daniel really did do the most to give him a better life and try to help him find himself for a while
Like yes, Daniel let Robby down in the end by not trying harder to get Robby out of Cobra Kai, BUT
At the end of the day, Daniel and Robby had an IMMENSELY healthier and more loving father-son dynamic than Johnny and Robby ever did
ANYWAYS what I'm trying to say here is that if Robby reconciles with Johnny but NOT Daniel, despite Daniel overall being an immensely better karate dad, I'm going to be very angry
I'm hoping that Daniel and Robby's spat here is just a bump in the road and they'll eventually be back on good terms, but I have a bad feeling it's just going to push them further apart so Robby is ultimately forced to run back to Johnny
Anyways please don't give me painful Daniel and Robby scenes unless they're going to eventually lead to happy Daniel and Robby scenes ;__;
Oh no oh god oh fuck now you've gone and done it
You've made me rant about the absolute garbagefire that is H*wkM**n and now chances are you won't be able to shut me up for at least a few weeks
Okay so for STARTERS
"I know you think that mohawk defined who you are, but it didn't. Not to me." = "You're not defined by your haircut, you know"
"I liked your energy! And your confidence!" = "YOU'RE BATMAN! YOU'RE THE HAWK!"
Something something gotta help the poor bird get his confidence back
Something something "this is who you are!"
We're literally doing THE SAME THING OVER AGAIN
And oh, what, now it's supposed to be all heartwarming that she's calling him Eli??? Demetri was calling him Eli the ENTIRE GODDAMN TIME
Like her not using a nickname somehow magically makes this NOT the most shallow relationship in the entire world
These fuckers have literally nothing in common, sorry??? Like she's into flowers and spiritual stuff and Eli's into geeky sci-fi, movies, and karate??? I have not seen ONE bit of common ground between them the ENTIRE show
Sorry but the "Opposites Attract" thing only works insofar as "opposites" means CONTRAST--interesting (and successful) relationships have two people who balance each other out in certain respects, but also establish a deep connection centered around common interests and values
And like. H*wkM**n even falls apart at the "common values" level because like. Moon is an extreme pacifist. Eli absolutely fucking adores fighting. How how HOW are they not going to get aggravated with each other over the long term???
And before you say "but Demetri doesn't like fighting either!" NOPE! Not true anymore, actually! He said he was really excited for the AVT, which indicates to me he's actually grown to like fighting and karate quite a bit!
Also ffs, "I liked you for your energy and your confidence" basically confirms that Moon was specifically attracted to the overdramatic, macho facade that Eli put on as "Hawk" which is like
NOT the whole picture at ALL
Like yes, some of "Hawk" was Eli's genuine personality shining through as he gained more confidence
But a lot of it was him acting how he felt he had to to protect himself from bullies and trying to mimic people who seemed cooler, more badass, and more "together" than him (mainly Johnny and Miguel)
We've never gotten ANY indication that Moon would be into Eli's nerdier and substantially less "cool" side
Other than her laughing at "dEmEtRi aNd ElI, bInArY bRoThErS!" I guess
And judging from Eli's reaction, that is NOT a side of his personality he usually let her see
Point being that throughout a lot of Eli and Moon's relationship, Eli was putting on a pretty heavy facade--doesn't really make sense to rekindle a relationship that was only maintained through Eli being an inauthentic version of herself
And these two barely fucking interacted all season, aside from Moon complimenting Eli's hair once. We seriously have no evidence at all that she was romantically interested in the more authentic, laid-back purple-haired Hawk, and not just like...projecting cocky, macho S1-S2 Hawk onto him. Since, y'know, that not-entirely-genuine Hawk/Eli is the one she was interested in. And now, she's ever so conveniently interested in this new version of Eli after, uhhhh...talking to him a couple times and taking pity on him after he's sad at the tournament, I guess???
ALSO I want to point out that Moon has shown absolutely NO romantic interest in Eli since they broke up, like
Literally when does she EVER indicate she has lingering feelings, or might be interested in rekindling the relationship??? She's actively annoyed with him in S3, and in S4 she doesn't really treat Eli any differently than Demetri or Miguel
And no, complimenting his hair does not fucking count as showing romantic interest, she was literally just being polite???
It read like a completely platonic interaction to me--as I've mentioned before, I think any awkwardness is easily chocked up to them being exes and, as Hawk outright said, they're "just getting used to being friends again"
Emphasizing that since S2, she has not treated Hawk any different than Demetri and Miguel
Except in S3 when, you know. She actively disliked him.
Also she completely fucking ignored him at the prom to hang out with Demetri and Yasmine, just throwing that out there
Like he was standing sadly off to the side and Moon didn't even NOTICE
Because, you know, she was busy dancing with women and sneaking glances at Yas
Like if you're into someone, you'd be MUCH more aware of them than that
And try to include them maybe???
Point being that all the evidence that we have so far points to Moon having long since moved on
Like yes, she's willing to forgive Eli and rekindle a friendship--she's a kind and friendly person, and it's in her nature to want harmony. But wanting to DATE Eli again???
WHEN THE HELL has Moon been shown to want this???
And like...if she didn't even notice him sadly standing off in the corner at prom, how in the hell are we expected to believe she's going to be attentive to him and his emotions???
Like she didn't even show concern as his FRIEND at the prom
Meanwhile, y'know. Demetri WENT WITH HIM to keep him company, and at least apologized kind of for running off with Yasmine
And now we're supposed to believe Moon suddenly likes him again and they're soulmates because like...she complimented his hair once and cheered for him at the tournament???
As if Demetri DIDN'T smile and cheer and clap in the background every time Eli won a match, smh
Anyways I literally felt nauseous when they kissed
Moon has been in like...three scenes this season, and in two of them she showed immensely more romantic interest in fucking YASMINE than Eli
And no, this isn't shipping goggles, like...rewatch the scenes, her focus is MUCH more on Yas than Eli
I guess you could interpret it as her being into Demetri, but like...if that were the case, I'm pretty sure she would have made a move in S3 before he got with Yasmine
And she's been being on-and-off sapphic with Yasmine since S1 so like
Anyways bottom line is that H*wkM**n is just
How did they make it EVEN MORE of a dumpsterfire than it already was???
Worst ship in the show, hands down
Eli's been getting propped back up by Demetri since the basement scene, but you wanna tell me a straight kiss got him his fighting spirit back????!
Okay I guess technically Hawk x Moon is bi4bi
But it's bi4bi (derogatory)
Unlike Tory x Robby, which is bi4bi (affectionate)
See Hawk and Moon are a great example of why two people shouldn't necessarily date just because they're both in the LGBT community
HATE how Moon is Eli's redemption prize
Hate that hate that hate that hate that
Literally my worst fear for this season and OOP
Cobra Kai come back when you figure out how to write Yasmine and Moon please
And make them kiss while you're at it
Anyways Eli shouldn't magically get the girl just because he's resolved to be a better person, send tweet
Women--and I cannot stress this enough--ARE NOT REWARDS
Moon deserved better 2k22
Okay if I don't stop talking about this now I'm never going to so ANYWAYS
Was it just me or was the Eli-Kyler fight like...super anticlimactic???
Like this has been building up since SEASON 1 and Eli just...landed some fairly easy hits on Kyler and won???
Not to be a sadist on main or anything but I was hoping for a MUCH more brutal beatdown
Maybe not BRUCKS-level brutal but like
More cathartic than SMACK SMACK SMACK okay we're donezo
Like yes I love seeing Kyler get his ass handed to him but I want him to SUFFER more goddamn it
Lord knows all that he's put Eli through, even BEFORE the show
Anyways Kyler should get his ass much more severely kicked
Manifesting for S5
Demetri wya, you and Eli gotta pummel the crap out of this dude Johnny Lawrence style
Why tf are Robby and Kenny fighting???
Yes yes I know it's For The Drama
But it makes no logistical sense
If the way to pick out a "winning" dojo is whoever scores the most points
Then CK is gonna get the same amount of points either way???
IDK I don't get it, they literally just did it because the plot demanded it
But it's impossible to take seriously because conceptually it seems like it would screw the whole dojo-rating system
Also like...their styles are actively helping both of their kids/adopted kids so why even are they being so pissy and annoying?? Like for fuck's SAKE
Also Johnny and Daniel Stop Being Controlling Challenge 2022, like...Sam and Miguel can make their own decisions and use whichever styles they want to use actually
This show really ain't never gonna let Daniel and Johnny be friends huh
Like it just keeps pulling reasons for them to be mad at each other out of its ass and I'm starting to be very irked about it
"Take his ass out" BRUH
Like don't get me wrong, Johnny Lawrence is an insensitive ass, but this seems a little much EVEN for him
Bruh this child just got super traumatized super recently and you telling your student to wail on him just because he joined your childhood karate rival's dojo???
Okay look I know I said it was funny that Daniel and Johnny would never not be petty manchildren obsessed with their rivalry
But now I kinda wanna smack both of them
Also listen, Demetri looking absolutely horrified when Miguel's back acts up is excellent, but I want him to run to his buddy!!! Please!!!
Oh god oh fuck oh no one more episode of the Stupid Karate Show to review and then I gotta make a huge monster masterpost about how S5 should go
#hawk x demetri#demetri x eli#binary boyfriends#hawkmeat#elimetri#eli x demetri#demetri x hawk#demetri alexopoulos#demetri cobra kai#eli moskowitz#hawk#johnny lawrence#daniel larusso#miguel diaz#sam larusso#samantha larusso#moon cobra kai#yasmine cobra kai#yasmoon#robby keene#tory nichols#kenny payne#devon cobra kai#nate cobra kai#bert cobra kai#kyler park#anti hawkmoon#anti-hawkmoon#cobra kai#cobra kai season 4
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NOTE: This isn't a review lol
●○───●○─ So Um ─●○──-●○
Uh the Fake Kiss challenge-
Holy crap.
As a 4x3 shipper, I was more the fricken excited when I saw that they chose Smg4 and Smg3 for it. But when the paper fell too fast, I actually started screaming. OMGGG!!!
For over 1 year now, I thought the ship was going to end up being canon. They seemed to make a lot of hints about (at least) Smg3 being gay. I also noticed that at both the end of WOFTI 2021 and The Revelations Movie Mario made a joke about them kissing each other and being gay. I genuinely though this was foreshadowing!
But then Mario said "I hope you enjoyed that because it's never happening again!"
The 4x3 ship sunk.
I'm extremely surprised that that happened- I'd like to hear some opinions from ya'll. How do you feel about this scene?
I feel that I should make some nerdy post about how much Smg3 has developed, but Mario forced him to do the challenge so-
Anyways, if you read this entire post, good for you, here's a cookie🍪
●○───●○─ NOTICE ─●○──-●○
I'm opening my asks so feel free to ask me some questions or whatever :)
(Please have them be related to my fandoms though)
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Some more random thoughts about "The Lost Slayer" Buffy series. But I'm going to break from the norm I've adopted for this series so far and not put everything under a "read more" this time. So, major spoilers for that entire series ahead, beware. If you want to read the series yourself and don't want anything spoiled for it, you probably want to stop reading now.
Buffy and Willow's friendship in the saga--despite the awkwardness in it, and it getting a little fractured a bit--means the world to me. Mainly in that, even with all that, they work things out and still remain the best of friends. And the fact that Willow stayed in the thick of things in the horrible, apocalyptic universe for Buffy, according to Oz kills me. Kills me! -sobs-
Willow and Oz breaking up in the future--because Oz had to kill Willow's vampire-ified parents to save her, Xander, and himself from them, and then Willow not being able to forgive him for that--breaks my heart. But I also think it makes sense, of course. It reminds me a bit of some Fred and Gunn stuff in AtS. And that one line in the book where Willow thought something about, "She couldn't imagine her life without Oz," or whatever, made me think, "That could be foreshadowing that Oz is eventually going to leave her here in S4, sadly, but I also think it's more than that." And I was right. It was this whole Willow not being able to forgive him in this AU, and them breaking up for that reason thing. And I really liked that foreshadow and how this whole thing was set up.
Speaking of Oz, I really loved seeing him in this book and it makes me wish we'd gotten to see more of him in S4. I know it's impossible, because Seth Green wanted off the show, but I guess that's what things like this are for:)
Backing up a bit... Holy crap, the fact that Willow's parents tried to kill her (a second time for Willow's mom, after the "Gingerbread" thing) is so fucked up, and must be so traumatizing for Wills. Ahh! Poor Willow! This whole thing gives me so many feelings.
So, there's a moment where Buffy kisses Xander in here, and while not being a Buffy/Xander shipper (I don't really think the author Christopher Golden is, either), I was more than okay with it. I got the feeling that it was moreso Buffy trying to give Xander something to hold onto/look forward to, because he'd changed so much and become so depressed after everything they'd lost, largely after his losing Anya. And she thought if she didn't, he might go into the upcoming battle in a very reckless and almost suicidal way. (And Buffy thought Angel was dead at this point, so why not give Xander hope and perhaps try to move on with him, maybe?) And fortunately, she was able to reach him. But Xander still died:(
And ahh! His death killed me! And his funeral was so sad! And I think it's fitting that that's the thing that made Buffy and Willow adamant that they were going to find a way for Buffy to go back and fix things.
I also really appreciated the scene where Buffy avenged Kendra, even though I see Dru as a victim of her circumstances (something I really got into in the tags of another post).
Somewhat off-topic of this, but on the topic of Dru, I suppose, The SpikeDru in this book was also great.
And then Wesley thinking about how he'd actually really respected Giles and Giles' attitude towards the Council, and hated to see what had become of Giles as a vampire and the Big Bad of this series... and all the things Wesley in general in this book, really. He's so good here!
And Faith was so awesome! And led the Slayer front for five years while Buffy was imprisoned! And tried to save Joyce from getting killed from Spike, but alas. (And Joyce even came to Buffy in her dreams and told her that Faith tried to save her, before Spike killed them both [also, it's super depressing that in this universe Spike of all people kills Joyce]).
...That's all I can think of right now. There might be stuff I forgot to mention.
Edit: Oh. And the "The Freshman"/"City Of..." parallel we got here, when Buffy thought about calling Angel, but hanging up and not talking to him--because she doesn't know if she'll have the strength to talk to him--in just needing to hear his voice after he'd died in the horrible apocalyptic future she'd seen, that thankfully she's now stopped.
#buffy the vampire slayer#the lost slayer#the lost slayer series#buffy the vampire slayer the lost slayer series#spoilers#buffy books#buffy tie-in books#long post#also parker being complete garbage and giving us even MORE reason to hate him#Oh and even though Willow and Oz breakup they remain friends and Oz still remains a part of the fight#Largely for Willow because he's still in love with her tbh
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Hey Sav! I'm really curious what you think about this and this. I've seen a lot of people lately, mainly Eruris, trying to come up with various reasons to debunk Levihan by saying there are no real parallels between eremika and levihan because in the japanese version mikasa wants to see eren again but levi apparently isn't saying the same thing to hange. What do you think of this? Have your tried analyzing the japanese version of the parallels? And do you know if the japanese fandom is also talking about the parallels as much as the western fandom is?
They are so obviously parallels. In English, I believed it already but thank you for the ask anon.
After reading this ask, I actually went out to the Japanese fandom and hunted for the Japanese translations and I started reading a bit on websites and I read through the flow of the Japanese text and holy crap, these are parallels.
You know the thing in the show, where you have a climax right and so the climax doesn’t hit people as coming out of nowhere, you sometimes would create some sort of dialogue which would foreshadow to the climax with other characters?
I don’t know, I feel like in ways, foreshadowing the dialogue beforehand can make the climax dialogue more impactful.
If you consider Mikasa’s own ‘long dream,’ the climax of the story, I really think that Hange’s own conversation with Levi here, was a smaller version, a build up or a foreshadow to the dialogue between Mikasa and Eren.
いっそ二人で暮らそうか : I’d rather we just live together, right Levi?
そうなんだよ。できない。: You’re right... We can’t
And based on Hange’s speech patterns up there, you can somehow tell there was a long pause before she said “I can’t,” and Mikasa had that same long pause between the transition of her long dream to reality which ended with できない too.
And looking at the flow of the dialogues, that’s already something to note.
Looking only at 126 though, it doesn’t look like much unless you’re a Levihan shipper but let’s look at the flow of Eren's confession to Mikasa and how it compares to Hange’s ‘confession.’
Here are the parallels I see in the three bubbles above to Hange’s いっそ二人で暮らそうか。(Why don’t we just live here together, right? Levi?)
Eren so conveniently cut his sentence into three different parts which can actually represent the same three implications of いっそ二人で暮らそうか。(Why don’t we just live here together, right? Levi? dialogue)
Eren’s words: あと4年の余生を静かに生きよう - Let’s live our remaining four years in peace
Hange’s words: いっそ。。。暮らそうか。: Which heavily imply... “Let’s abandon everything and live here peacefully.” (I made another language meta on the meaning of いっそ here. )
Eren’s words: 誰もいないところで- In a place where they’re alone.
Hange’s words: ここで - here (Implication: in the forest, where they were alone.)
Eren’s words: 二人だけで - with JUST the two of us.
Hange’s words: 二人で- the two of us.
Why did the writer go out of their way to show three different implications right?
And just by looking at the panels of Eren and Mika and the flow of the conversation, there was a break, between the confessions and the wham line:
The wham line was:できない. Or in English “I can’t.” I think what gets to me about this is if the flow of the conversation happened in any other way, there are so many ways to say “ I can’t” in Japanese.
She could have said 無理、逃げない, impossible or “we can’t escape but they went for something really simple できない and they both went for it in another panel after a long pause.
Eren and Mikasa just had a grander ‘confession’ because Eren had his dream place to show MIkasa. After that, I think the reason that his was a little more detailed than Hange’s is because he told Mikasa in a dream, he told her when he was already miles away from her, and I think that made him less economical with his words.
Hange and Levi had to deal with that confession in the forest, right next to each other, with no special dreams or anything, just raw circumstances so of course they would have been a little flustered, and everything would have gone quicker.
And obviously, Hange and Levi are supporting characters, their exchange was set for a larger yet similar dialogue which we got with Eren and Mikasa.
So thank you for the ask anon, yes as someone who went through the dialogue in Japanese, they really seem like parallels.
I found some Japanese people commenting about it, so you can check here: (I’ll edit when I find some more.
Privateer <-- it’s just mentioned here
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The longer version of why I stand by my “marry an orphaned only child” advice lol.
A little background/foreshadowing: Last night was Niece 1′s nursing school graduation/pinning ceremony. It was via Zoom and SIL had a group chat going with me, E, and Grifter. She seemed kind of hyper and also a little emotional, which I chalked up to her child achieving this big milestone. Sunrise, sunset. We FaceTimed later and she seemed kind of overwhelmed and tense (she had a house full of unvaccinated people BARF) and kept saying she wished we were there with her. She’s a little more sentimental and we’re attending Niece’s party and assured her we’d have family time then. Oh! and FIL acknowledged me and called me “sweetie” so that should have been a sign to look out for the other horsemen. MIL doesn’t join the call which is weird because she constantly has to be up everyone’s asses at all times. I chalk it up to her visiting with the guests.
FIL’s birthday is July 1 and he agreed to come down to SIL’s house for a party if someone picked him up and drove him home. E and I were fine with this since SIL’s place is closer and we could get a hotel room nearby (which would upset MIL but that’s just a bonus). He was literally about to book our room when...
This morning around 8 E gets a call from SIL. I can hear her across the room and her voice sounds hysterical, so I’m braced for the worst. Unbeknownst to us (and I’m unclear on some of the details of the financials so bear with me), MIL and FIL are in a huge fight. FIL loaned MIL money to help with buying the house she and SIL bought (SIL put in significantly more money) and MIL recently received part of a settlement through her divorce. FIL came back asking to be paid back, which is generally how loans work. MIL is mad. They’re fighting and because they are toddlers they have somehow put SIL in the middle, although to be fair, SIL doesn’t tell her parents to STFU.
So SIL is freaking out about what to do for Dad’s birthday (E: nothing, he’s being a pill), how to manage her parents (E: they are adults who make bad decisions, let them sort it out), and just like...reaching the end of her rope with MIL and not having any real coping skills to deal with these idiots so it’s all a mess of worries and cries of “I don’t know what to do!” E was incredibly calm and kind and reassured her we know she’s doing her best with their mom and we don’t hold her accountable. And it’s not SIL’s job to manage her parents’ individual emotions or their fucked up relationship with each other. E keeps repeating that their unhappiness is the result of their own behaviors and there’s really nothing she can do to fix this. It’s decades of dysfunction! Also, welcome to “Fuck It World” E! We’re glad to have you!
E spent a long time on the phone with her and we’re talking about getting together just the three of us to hang out. SIL calmed down and apologized for calling and he told her she needs to clue us in because every time we ask how things are going she says it’s all great! in her kindergarten teacher voice and then we get a surprise breakdown. We can’t fix shit that happened four months ago but if we know what’s going on we can be involved and a united front so SIL isn’t bearing the brunt of all this.
Anyway, I cannot believe I’m supposed to know all of this and look at E’s family like they aren’t insane. Am I supposed to think MIL is great when I know she has zero regard for her children’s well-being? Because that’s insane. I know the full scope of how bonkers this was may not be clear (a real “you had to be there”) but holy crap I’m exhausted and I’m not even directly affected.
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Zenmasters fanfic of the week
This is going to be a weekly thing, every Thursday I’ll recommend one of my favorite fanfics of all time, and I’ll explain why I love it so much! I’m really excited about this, I love discussing stories and sharing my opinions (if you’re an author and I read your story, then you probably already noticed that), and I really hope you guys will read (and enjoy) the stories I recommend. I promise you they’re all really good.
Let’s get started, shall we?
Fanfic #1:
What Lies Beneath by SophiesRoses
Summary: There are the stories we knew, and the things that lay beneath. This is the story of all we didn't know and what happened when Jackie left on NYE 1979. Her decision changes the future for them all, and illuminates the past. Nobody will be the same, and hard decisions about life and death, love and loss have to be made.
If you follow me for a while, you probably noticed that I tend to recommend this story to everyone, and well, I do that because this is probably one of the best fanfics I’ve ever read.
I’m not saying it is the best because I can’t really choose a favorite at this point, I’ve read a lot of stories, but this one is always going to have a more than special place on my heart.
I’ve read and reread this story thousands of times, and I really wish I could delete it from my brain just so I can read it for the first time again, that’s how much I loved it.
I’ve found this masterpiece randomly in the middle of the night, and I could not sleep once I started reading it. I’m not joking, I would’ve read it all in 12 hours if I didn’t have things to do in the morning, the second I finished the first chapter I already knew I was doomed.
The whole thing is a rollercoaster of emotions, it made me cry, it made me pissed, it made me laugh, it made me anxious, it made me happy... I felt like menopause Kitty.
Jackie left Point Place after the New Year’s to go to college, and Eric joins her after he comes back from Africa. The Eric/Jackie friendship is one of my favorite things in this story, I simply adore their relationship, it’s so well written, and you can see how much they care about each other.
Season 8 is canon in this story, with just a couple of differences. Sam never left and the Fez and Jackie mistake happened earlier (they called it quits earlier too).
If you love Donna, be warned that she’s not really a good person in the beginning of this story. Yes, I’ve said the beginning. Each character has their own specific character arc, and due to well... let’s say life’s circumstances, they mature a lot in their own way.
Each character has their own qualities and flaws, there are no Mary Sue’s in here, I can assure you that. No one is perfect, everyone has their issues and they all work on them at some point.
The character development in this fic is truly amazing, especially Hyde’s. He hits rock bottom before making things right again, and it’s heartbreaking, but his journey back to Jackie is beautifully written.
There’s also new characters in this story, original characters, and I can’t describe how much I love one of them. Her name is Amina and she’s Eric’s romantic interest in this story. I know some people like reading stories where Eric is with Donna, but give Amina a chance, she’s amazing!
Amina is not from America, she’s an immigrant from Yugoslavia, and she’s very important to this story. And I have to say, I adore the way she was written.
There’s a few surprises in this story, the first time you read it, your reaction is probably going to be “WOW! I did not see that coming!”, but then you read it again and you see all the foreshadowing and you’re like, “Holy crap, this author is brilliant”.
This story has mature content, like some sex scenes (not a lot to be honest), and heavy alcoholism.
The main ships are Jackie/Hyde, Eric/OC, Kelso/Brooke, and Donna/OC eventually. There’s also some nice Red/Kitty background moments, but the story is not really focused on them.
I can’t recomment this story enough, please do yourself a favor and read it, I promise you, you’re not going to be dissapointed.
And if you already read it, let’s chat and discuss some of our favorite moments together!
That’s all, I’ll be back next week with another fanfic recommendation. I hope everyone that reads this story enjoys it as much as I did!!
#zenmasters#fanfic of the week#jackie and hyde#jackie x hyde#fanfic recommendation#that 70s show#jackie burkhart#steven hyde#what lies beneath
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