#also his unwavering belief in emma <3 my babies
mccallhero · 10 months
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favourite ouat scenes: 8/?
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counttotwenty · 7 years
Bullet Points: Bumps in the Road
Ill Boding Patterns–part 4 (part 1-3 here, here and here)
Bullet points are encapsulated scene analysis from the top of each act to the bottom. (each act is bookended by a commercial break)
1. The establishing shot of this act is Rumple and Bae walking through murky water. There’s really nothing else that needs to be said about that except 
2. It’s interesting in terms of blocking that as the scene opens Bae is in the lead. He’s the one, to this point, that has shown a seemingly unwavering faith in his father’s ability to defeat the monster without using dark magic. This blocking is a nice visual representation of that. He’s got the dagger at the ready prepared to do exactly as he promised and keep Rumple from embracing the darkness.
The problem though is that to this point Bae hasn’t witnessed a real threat. And unchallenged bravery is a very different thing that bravery that bravery in battle.
3. After they hear “Grendel” the blocking starts to change and Rumple moves in front. It’s a great way to show Bae’s confidence literally begin to slip. 
Well done!
4. As soon as Rumple came through the hanging vine curtain of revelation it was clear shit was about to go down.
Low light, spooky setting, unfamiliar circumstances and an unseen enemy all add up to bad news on the other side of any hanging obstacle. It’s the exterior equivalent of a basement door in a horror movie.
5. Another loud roar and Bae drops back even further. This might be a good time to start looking at other characters in this ep/arc exhibiting complete and utter confidence they’re on the right path to defeat a monster.
6. Since I’m now settled in my seat, though not comfortable, on Retcon Airways, it’s interesting to note that the bellowing of the monster actually seems to embolden Rumple. 
And it’s fascinating that he takes a sword from one of the dead villagers to use as a weapon as opposed to beseeching Bae to return the dagger to him. Which judging from blocking alone Bae would do in a hot second.
7. RC does a brilliant job of showing the moment realizes he’s been had (after he blows the ogre’s call). 
So we see the reality of the opponent’s plan dawning on Rumple BEFORE it dawns on his son.
I have a feeling we may see that repeat itself fairly soon.
8. “There never has been.”
Really brilliant piece of blocking having Rumple hand Bae the ogre’s call, the thing that made him realize the truth, on that line.
Sometimes the real opponent isn’t the monster you think it is.
9. Beowulf’s single minded quest to be a hero, and the belief it is his destiny, is almost as focused as Gideon’s.
10. And just in case they weren’t clear about that we cut to Gideon.
It’s a clear compare/contrast though. Beowulf’s main purpose has always been to be hailed as hero for personal glory while Gideon is seeking to become a hero in order to achieve revenge and freedom for others.
It’s kind of a macro version of the whole identity thing they have going. 
Really nicely done.
11. Gideon’s willingness to shed the blood of an innocent is much like Beowulf killing the villagers. Collateral damage in pursuit of a larger goal.
12. It’s as informative to watch the comparison between Rumple’s reactions to being controlled in the two situations as it is to watch the confidence of the men controlling him.
His commitment to the idea of protecting his sons is almost as single minded as theirs to being heroes.
I mean there’s no leg room on this airline but since we’re here we might as well try to enjoy the view.
13. It’s very telling that they make a point of Gideon showing uncertainty at several points in this scene. Though he recovers every time and continues moving forward it’s true that there is clearly light in him as his father says.
Sometimes other people see you more clearly than you see yourself.
I’d bet all the money in my wallet right now this comes up again the Killian/Emma storyline moving forward.
14. At the top of the next scene we pan from the Leaving Storybrooke sign to Robin 2.0 standing with his back to the town line facing Storybrooke.
Clearly this escape plan is going to fail.
Well shot!!
15. I think it’s actually a very sweet aspect of Zelena’s character that she carries baby Robyn everywhere as opposed to magic-ing up a stroller. Whatever else we can say about the character she clearly loves her daughter and wants to protect her.
It’s also interesting that she mentions going to New York ... while clutching the baby ... in case anyone forgot.
16. Since we see the EQ in her snake form sitting atop a pile of luggage I’d say it’s a pretty good bet she, and her human counterpart, are going to be traveling soon. They’re not long for that cage.
17. I snorted for real at the fact that even when they want to do the good/sister bad sister thing with Regina and Zelena they can put Zelena in a black hat but can’t bring themselves to but Regina in a white one.
18. Seriously, Regina, you need to stop trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. It’s getting embarrassing.
She really only wanted Robin 2.0 to have a fresh start if it involved making himself into a carbon copy of OR Robin.
This is where this scene ties nicely with the previous one. Gold sees who Gideon really is more clearly than Gideon sees it himself while the Regina/Robin 2.0 dynamic is completely opposite.
Despite her words to the contrary Regina still sees Robin 2.0 as OR Robin because that’s who she wants him to be.
19. Watch Regina and Zelena’s blocking as Robin 2.0 gets ready to pour the potion on the town line.
Beautiful!! And very representative of the way these two often dance around each other.
20. VERY telling framing that when we see Robin 2.0 pour the potion the cage is partially obscured but by the time Zelena approaches the the line it’s in plain view.
Go ahead. Lift the cover. I’ll bet she’s not in there anymore!
21. There’s no question that part of Regina’s reticence to let Robin 2.0 go out into a world he doesn’t understand is the memory of what happened when OR Robin went to the big city.
It would be hard to forget with the pink bundle in Zelena’s arms serving as a reminder.
This is another example of Regina blurring the line between Robins and this one is staged beautifully.
22. “I owe it to him. To you.” “Even if it means letting you walk out of here.”
She’s using Robin 2.0 as a proxy to let go of and say goodbye to OR Robin maybe I have a heart of stone but it’s just not working for me.
Next up--Do You Really Want To Do That?
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