#also hiii back from my long weekend ;)
l3viat8an · 9 months
Since it’s October ‘n Halloween is almost here I’m reminding y’all about this :)) (it’s from his UR card ‘The barber of horrorville’)
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hoshigray · 11 months
Hiii!! I rlly love your work & I appreciate you! Ty for ur writing <3 I was wondering if you could do something where reader convinces Toji to let her do his makeup and and and and she straddles him while he’s laying down to do it 🥺 maybe reader gets a little confident n bratty bc of the position n it gets a little spicy ? if you’re feeling up to it ! 🌲💕 this is my first ask so please lmk if my etiquette is off!
Oh, no worries, noonie! Your etiquette is okay, and your request is so cute like wth!!? :00 I worked on this after coming back from my trip, so apologies if this doesn't seem to be in my usual writing style. Also, to make this funny, I tried makeup for the first time while I was away!! Lol, so the experience really came around for this ask, so I appreciate it and hope you like what I jotted down! Other than that, hope you had a wonderful weekend ♡
Cw: Toji x reader - fluff mostly, but it gets suggestive at the end - grinding (m! receiving) - thigh riding (?) - impact play/spanking (2x) - pet names (baby, princess, pumpkin) - putting makeup on Toji <3 - reader and Toji being adorbs omg stop hehehe~ Wc: 1k
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"How long is this shit supposed to be?"
"Sit still, will you? I can't work with you constantly moving."
"Tch, you're lucky I'm lettin' you do this because of a bet."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Open your eyes so I can see how it looks." Begrudgingly, Toji opens his eyelids to reveal the emerald eyes you're familiar with. "Okay, close them again."
It's a lazy Sunday afternoon. You and your boyfriend hang out at your place to chill, spending time cuddled up on the couch and watching television. It was your usual weekend routine, being close o your boyfriend like this. However, today was different compared to the other relaxing days prior.
Here you are on your living room couch, straddling Toji's lap with your hands occupied by a palette of green and gold eyeshadow in one and a brush in the other. Reason why? About two days ago, Gojo and Toji got into an argument as they usually do, something about their favorite sports team going against each other. Your man then had the fantastic idea to bet on his team, saying he'll do whatever Gojo says if his team doesn't win.
Why was the idea fantastic? Frankly, it's no surprise to you and the snow-haired other that Toji cannot win a bet to save his life. So when the score showcased the apparent outcome of the older man's loss, Gojo took his win in playful pride. And the punishment? Well, mounting on top of him today should explain it.
"You know, you got a pretty nice eye shape. You're pulling this look off quite nicely." Dadding his closed eyelid with the brush, you paint lime green atop the dark green eyeshadow cascading around his eyes. You chose to do nothing too audacious for the man, as you're just taking pictures and sending them to Gojo afterward.
He scoffs at your comment. "You said that about twenty minutes ago with the other shit you put on me."
"Yeah, well, can't blame me for admiring my handsome man being so fetching. If I slapped a nice dress on you and headed to the club later, I'd bet you'd have a line of men and women trying to ask you out."
"You tryin' to say I'm hotter than you, pumpkin?" He lifts a brow and then snickers after you bonk him in the head with a white highlighter pen.
"Shut up and stay still so I can put this on." You use the pen to apply by the corner of his eyes. Now two white hearts are harbored close to the bridge of his nose. After asking him to open his eyes again, you maneuver around to ensure that both eyes are even. And you beam when you feel accomplished with what you've done. "Perfect! Alright, onto the next part."
"The liner thingy?"
"Yup!" He chortles at your enthusiasm while you grab the item from your makeup bag. Closing his eyes again, you work on the bottom of his lids to form a steady black wing that ventures out. You giggle; who knew doing makeup on your boyfriend would be so much fun? Maybe I should put him in a dress.
With a gleeful attitude and a merry hum, you swing your hips around as you work. But you halt when you feel Toji's hands come to your hips, and you stop moving.
"Hold on there, baby." Toji's hands rub your hips. "Movin' too fast."
It doesn't click you until you realize the position you're in. Your legs still slip apart to sit atop his lap, your bottom directly above his groin. And that's when an idea pops up in your head, unable to fight the grin sneaking up on your face.
Your hips move once more but in a slower motion this time. Toji opens the eye you're not working on to look at your face, but you don't acknowledge it and just continue applying the eyeliner.
"I know you heard me the first time." A silent giggle confirms his suspicions.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Close that eye up." He gives you a furrowed look, yet he does what you instructed, allowing you to examine your work before laying the black material on his other eye. And as your hips continue to apply pressure on his crotch, Toji groans at the motion.
"So you're just gonna act deaf on me, huh."
You bit your lip to conceal the giddiness in your smile. But then it's replaced with an abrupt shriek from your lips when a sudden smack of pain comes down on your ass. "Oww!! Hey, quit it!"
"Quit what?" Now it's his turn to act dumb, giving him a glare while Toji chuckles.
"Whatever. Let me finish this up." You grumble while laying the last strokes of your eyeliner, yet you still grind on Toji. And you can feel the tent of his sweatpants slowly protrude. After a few seconds, you close the eyeliner and put it into your bag. "Now for the final touch. Some cute lip gloss for you...Ahhhh!! Toji, stop it!"
"Then quit grindin' up on me, brat." he snarkily warns you, rubbing his hand on your ass after hitting it again.
"Why? Hate that I'm making you hot and bothered like this?" Your hips grind harder on his tent, and he exhales with scrunched brows. He scowls at you, lidded emerald eyes branding holes into yours. But you don't falter and resume acting tough. "Don't want me to give you attention for being so pretty?"
Before you get an answer, Toji grabs for your ass and shifts to stand up from the couch, and you scramble to warp your arms around his neck before you stumble off the older, muscular man. He walks out of the living room with your arms. And he throws you down to the bed of your room with a tiny 'oof' coming from you.
"You wanna give me some attention, huh?" Toji crawls up on the bed and kisses your lips while sliding a hand down in your leggings, fingers nestling and pushing onto your soaked panties. Your whimpers are taken by his mouth as he kisses your neck. The gloss on his lips leaves sticky marks where he places them. "How 'bout you sit there and look pretty fr' me, then?"
"Mmmph...At least, let me take a picture of your makeup," you say with eyes sewn shut. "Gotta send it to—Ahhmmm..."
"Later," Toji withdraws himself to take off his sweatpants. "In the meantime, lemme fuck the shit outta y'r cute and bratty ass, princess."
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sunlight-fics · 2 months
Hiii can you do a fluff alphabet for Hozier ? It's okay if u don't, love youuuu
YES!! Absolutely and here you go!! I’m so sorry for making you wait so long for it, I got super busy with life. I hope you enjoy and I tried my best!🤍
Fluff Alphabet
Hozier X reader
A = Acts of Kindness
* He would definitely bring home flowers after a long tour. Before leaving the house he would write little notes and leave them all over. If it’s been a long stressful day for you and you have no motivation he would cook dinner for you and it would could either the best dinner or the worst.
B = Boyfriend
* He really wasn’t sure if he would make a good partner, but damn he was the best. He’s the type to take it slow and just enjoy the little moments.
C = Cuddling
* THE CUDDLING KING, let’s rest your head on his chest and either rubs your back or runs his fingers through your hair.
D = determined
* Absolutely determined to do anything that makes you feel comfortable after a long day. It doesn’t matter what but he is determined!
E = encouragement
* “Darling I know it seems hard, but you’re a tough person. You’ve got this, and I believe in you no matter what!” Would hands down something he would say!!!
F = funny
* Making little jokes here and there after a stressful situation or even just making jokes about his past mistakes and just laughing with you about them.
G = gentle
* Let’s say you’ve got some trauma from a past relationship or something and you’ve moved on to Andrew. If you ever just so happened to have a trauma reaction or response from something he accidentally did or said, he would notice and instantly fix whatever was wrong. After it was all fixed he would be the most gentle person you’ve ever met. Gentle cuddles, kisses, hugs, ect.
H = hugs
* Bear hugs or the most gentle hugs. No questions asked. Just that.
I = ideal boyfriend
* Would and probably is the ideal partner.
J = journeys
* Spontaneous and random journey. Whether it be into the forest behind his house or “Hey I just bought us plane tickets to Brazil. Let’s get packed because we’ve gotta get to the airport soon.”
K = kindness
* the kindest person to everyone he’s ever met. But especially kind to you, no matter what he’s always been great about showing kindness.
L = love
* “My love” he would whisper gently to you in the late night hours while running his fingers through your hair and when the world was asleep, but he was still awake.
M = motivation
* What type of motivation? Well either Ted talks or random. It can be the most inspirational and motivating thing you’re ever hear or it could be motivational.
N = neat
* Is he a neat person? Great question. But probably on the weekends or when he’s not on tour he would probably take the time to clean.
O = Observational
* You would observe him as he goes through a normal day not on tour. See what he likes, what he doesn’t, and in between. He would do the same for you
P = protective
* A fairly protective partner, always watching out for you and you do the same for him. (NFWMB)
Q = quite
* After a long stressful and loud day it’s nice to come home to peace and calm settings. Specially when it’s just listening to the records and cuddling on the couch or just laying in bed with your head resting on his chest
R = respect
* Even if you both just started dating he would have already have so much respect for you. But the thing is, show respect to earn respect and in the end his respect for you grows and your respect for him also grows.
S = sleep
* Sleep is important for the both of you, especially after long weeks. Lazy weeks tend to happen a lot, just some so simple as laying cuddled up next to him or admiring him as he sleeps.
T = trust
* Trust builds a relationship, and you both trust each other so much. He trust you with a lot. For example, his house when he’s on tour, his dog (Elwood), his phone, and so many other things.
U = unique
* What type of unique interest does he have or any random unique facts or traits.
V = vulnerable
* It takes AWHILE for him to open up to you but once he finally opens up and becomes more vulnerable and comfortable with you, a lot of actions makes more sense. You feel like you can finally help him and help him see that he a wonderful person and deserves nothing but the best and nothing but love. Real love.
W = wisdom
* Both of you are equally wise and great at giving advice to each other. But sometimes the wisdom isn’t taken in the way that was intended so that leads to one of you feeling offended or upset. But because they’re such a strong relationship it’s easy to talk through it.
X = (couldn’t find a word😐👍)
Y = yearning
* The yearning for you when he’s away or even when you’re away is insane. It gets to the point where he starts right letters or poems to give to you once you return.
Z = Zealful
* You both show nothing but passion for each other and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Steve Harrington
A/N: aaaahh xD here it is! I honestly had this story for SO LONG! I turned it a dialogue, a prompt, a drabble and ended up here so I hope you like it xD   
Request - Anonymous asked: Well hiii This is so odd. It's the first time I do a request, I actually don't speak english that well soo... but I really like your writing and I love stranger things and I really hope you write about it, I would love something with clingy Steve, he gives me that vibes super fluffy 😍 You are incredible by the way 🙋🏻‍♀️
Warnings: jealous!clingy!Steve :D also, Eddie being a little shit (not in a bad way though xD just messing with Steve) I think that’s it but let me know if I missed anything
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger things :D gif isn’t mine :) 
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
I gotta be cool, relax Get hip and get on my tracks Take a back seat, hitchhike And take a long ride on my motorbike Until I'm ready... crazy little thing called love
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"Steve?" you smiled, feeling his lips on your neck.
"Hmm?" you heard him as you leaned back, trying to stay focused on what you needed to say.
"Love, I have to go" you chuckled as he gave you another kiss.
"No" he said, as he continued his trail of kisses, making you laugh a little.
"Steve, I'm gonna be really late" you said, trying to pull away, even though you didn't want to.
"But I don't want you to go" he pouted, looking at you with his big puppy, beautiful brown eyes. You smiled sweetly at him and kissed him on the lips.
"I know, love but we have to work on this project and I promised Eddie and Jonathan I'd meet them like ten minutes ago" you said, looking at your watch as you finally unglued yourself from your boyfriend.
"Uh... Jonathan... Byers?" he asked, as you started getting your stuff.
"Yeah" you shrugged, fixing yourself up and grabbing your bag.
"And... Eddie Munson?"
"Uh-huh" you said, looking at yourself in the mirror, and then you turned to him again, giving him a peck on the lips. "It's just for a couple of hours, okay?" you smiled. "I'll be back before you know it" you smiled.
"At least let me drive you-" he said, getting up.
"I don't want you to be late, love. You promised Dustin that-"
"Henderson can wait" he complained.
"Steve" you smiled, stopping him when you saw the upset expression on his face. "Are you okay?"
"Mhm" he said, nodding quickly.
"Look at me" you said, cupping his cheek with your hand. You knew he wasn't. He was upset. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just... wanted to spend more time with you" he said quickly, smiling and leaning in to kiss you again.
"I know, I wanted to spend more time with you but look at it this way, it's only for a couple of hours while you take Dustin and the rest of them to the arcade, and then we have the whole weekend to ourselves" you smiled, kissing him once more. It was one of those many weekends when Steve's parents weren't in town so, he had the whole weekend planned for you.
"What if you call them and tell them you're sick" he suggested, starting to kiss you again and then pouting at you.
"I can't do that" you chuckled. "This is like a third percent of our grade, love. And we're almost done" you told him. "I promise you won't even notice I'm gone" you assured him.
"That's not true" he smiled.
"Look, the quicker I get there, the quicker I'm back" you said, kissing his cheek and pushing away from him.
"At least let me take you" he asked again, standing up and walking closer to you.
"Love, the diner we're meeting at is on the opposite way to the arcade, I'll just make you late. And you still have to pick everyone up. I'll just take my bike" you told him.
"How did I even get tangled into taking them to the arcade?"
"The same way you always do" you chuckled. "You can't say no to Dustin" you told him.
"Yes, I can!" he argued.
"It's sweet that you think that" you smiled. "But you really can't" you informed him. "I'll see you later okay?"
"Wait" he said, grabbing one of his sweatshirts and putting it on you. "It's gonna be cold later" he insisted.
"Okay" you chuckled, confused. "Thanks, love" you said, kissing his cheek.
"Eddie, for the last time, we're not doing our report as a metal song" you said, rolling your eyes as Jonathan tried not to laugh.
"Why not? It would be so badass! Nobody else will do it!"
"Exactly, because we can't do a metal song" you tried to reason with him.
"Where in the guidelines does it say that we can't?" he complained.
"Jonathan, a little help here?" you said looking at your other partner.
"Eddie, even if we could, we can't play any instruments" Jonathan said pointing at you and himself.
"You sing, sweetheart?" Eddie smirked at you.
"Not unless you want everyone in the room to evacuate the premises as quickly as possible" you said, making him laugh.
"Aw, come on, love, I think you're selling yourself short" Eddie said, just as Steve walked into the diner. "All pretty girls can sing" Eddie smirked, making you laugh.
"You're too nice, Munson" you smiled, rolling your eyes. "But in this case, I think Jonathan might be your best choice for lead singer" you said, making Eddie turn to look at Jonathan as he widened his eyes at the two of you.
"What do you say, Johnny boy? You in?" Eddie smirked at him.
"Steve?" you asked noticing your boyfriend had walked into the diner and made his way towards your table.
"Love?" he acted confused. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh, I told you I was getting together with Eddie and Jonathan to work on our project" you reminded him.
"Oh, I didn't know you meant this diner" he said before looking at the other two. "Munson" he nodded his head towards Eddie and then he looked at Jonathan. "Byers."
"Hey" Jonathan said quietly before going back to his notes.
"Harrington" Eddie said with an amused smirk.
"M-Munson" Steve nodded.
"What brings you to this part of town? I thought Henderson mentioned you'd be going to the arcade with them" he said.
"Well, not really. I was just... taking them to the arcade" he explained. "And they got a ride home so, I was hungry and I just-"
"Happened to be here?" Eddie smirked at him. "Well, why don't you join us, pretty boy?"
"Um..." Steve said, raising his eyebrow and looking at you, who smiled, nodding back at him. "Sure" he said as you scootched over on the booth to make room for him, a little closer to Eddie. "So, how's the project going?"
"Uh- w-well, Eddie is insisting that we do our report as a metal song" you informed him as Eddie rolled his eyes.
"Oh, give me some credit, sweetheart, I've been more helpful than that" he smirked, noticing the glare on Steve's look when he called you sweetheart but you didn't even seem to notice, so he just smiled goofily at your boyfriend.
"You really haven't, Munson" you smirked at Eddie, who placed his hand over his heart and dramatically scoffed, offended.
"You're breaking my heart, sunshine" he continued before he softly hit Jonathan on his arm, making him look up. "Come on, Jonny boy, back me up here" he told him.
"Okay... Eddie, what is the name of the book that the report is about?" he asked with a small smirk, making you look at Eddie too, amused when his smirk dropped.
"That's not helping, Byers" he glared at Jonathan. "Just because the two of you have your private little book club, and you two nerds didn't want to do our book report on Lord of The Rings, it doesn't mean that I haven't been helpful" he said, rolling his eyes.
"Your what?" Steve asked, with a small scoff.
"Oh, you don't know? Byers and your girlfriend have a private book club, which apparently is very exclusive" he said, mocking you as you rolled your eyes.
"It is not a book club, Jonathan and I just exchange some books that we think the other one would enjoy. We told you we could lend you some books but you said if it wasn't Lord of The Rings or anything related to D&D or Metal history, you were not interested" you informed Steve.
"That's not true! I also like The Shining and Stephen King books" he defended himself. "It's like you've never heard of IT!"
"I'm terrified of clowns, Munson. Why on Earth would I read IT?"
"Aw, you scared of clowns, sweetheart?" he smirked as Steve took a deep breath. "That's adorable!"
"That's adorable" you mocked Eddie's voice looking at him and he stuck his tongue out at you.
"Oh, that reminds me" Jonathan suddenly said before looking for a book in his bag. "I got this one for you" he said handing it to you.
"Oh my God! Love in the Time of Cholera!" you said, excitedly, eyeing the book as Steve and Eddie watch the entire interaction between you and Jonathan.
"Is that a... love book?" Steve asked, confused.
"Yes!" you said, showing it to him. "The author is Colombian and the original book is in Spanish. It's really hard to get a version in English" you explained as you started going through the pages and discussing the book with Jonathan.
"You okay over there, Harrington?" Eddie smirked throwing an arm around you and resting it on the back of your seat.
"Wonderful... never been better" Steve said through clenched teeth before he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him, away from Eddie.
"Hi, love" you smiled, kissing his cheek. "Are you okay?"
"Fine" he said, with a firm smile.
"Are you sure?" you frowned. "I know this is a bit boring, that's why I thought you'd rather wait for me to finish-"
"I don't mind" he assured you, pulling you even closer by your waist and kissing your forehead.
"Okay" you still said, unconvinced. "We're almost done for today" you told him. "We all have a free period on Monday so we'll each work a little on the weekend and just finish Monday" you told him.
"It's okay, love. Take your time" he said as you went back to your group but Steve still held on to your hand.
"Hey, sweetheart?" Eddie smirked at you on your other side and you felt Steve's grip tightening on your hand. "I think I need your help over here. You think your lovely boyfriend could... share you for a moment?"
If looks could kill, Steve would have already murdered Eddie by now. He thought he was hiding it well but he squeezed your hand even harder.
"Ouch! Steve!"
"Shit!" he said, letting go of your hand. "I'm sorry, love, I didn't mean to-"
"Could I talk to you for a second?" you asked.
"Uhhhhh" Eddie and Jonathan mocked him, making Steve glare at the two of them before he rolled his eyes and walked away from the table.
"I'll be right back" you told Eddie and Jonathan. "And stop messing with him!" you said, slapping Eddie's arm.
You walked over to Steve who was waiting for you, looking upset.
"Love, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just-"
"Steve, what is going on with you today? And don't say 'nothing' because you've been acting strange" you said, worriedly.
"I just-" he sighed, nervously scratching the back of his head with his hand. He then, without even meaning to, glared over at your table.
"Is it... is this because of Eddie and Jonathan?" you asked, frowning your eyebrows.
"No" he said, unconvincingly.
"Steve" you said, raising your eyebrow at him.
"Okay, fine! I just... didn't exactly love the fact that you were going to spend your entire afternoon with them" he said, grumpily. "And why does Jonathan have to give you books or why does Eddie call you sweetheart?"
"Eddie calls everyone sweetheart" you frowned your eyebrows, confused. "And Jonathan and I started exchanging books because he once mentioned Will wanted to read one book that I had" you explained. "Love, you know I needed work on our project, nothing more, right? I didn't want to blow you off to hang out with them or anything like that-"
"No, I know I just... well, you know I've never really liked either one of them and I just-" he sighed. "I'm sorry, I don't know-"
"Is this because... of Jonathan and Nancy?" you asked. "And... well, Eddie with Dustin?"
"Honey" you said, your expression turning soft. "Look, I understand that you've never really liked Jonathan because of... what happened with Nancy" you started. "And you don't love the fact that Dustin hangs out with Eddie so much instead of you" you reminded him. "But you don't have to worry about me" you assured him.
"I know I don't. I'm sorry, I didn't want to feel this way, I just... I don't know, everyone seems to leave me for them, and I... I guess I didn't want you to do that too" he admitted, looking down. You softly placed your hand on his chin and lifted his head up.
"First of all, Dustin adores you and he didn't leave you for Eddie. There is nothing wrong with him making a new friend that gets the things that he likes" you informed him. "And secondly, and most importantly, I would never leave you" you insisted. "For Eddie, or Jonathan, or anyone else" you added. "I love you, and I promise, you have nothing to worry about, love-"
"You love me?" he asked, suddenly, feeling his entire heart flutter.
"Of course, I do" you chuckled.
"You've never- um... we haven't... said that before" he said, letting out a sigh of relief with his smile. "W-well, actually no one's um-" you cut him off, leaning in to give him a kiss on the lips.
"I love you, Steve Harrington" you repeated, smiling at him when you pulled away.
"I love you too" he said, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips.
"Do you mind waiting just a few more minutes until we finish and then we can go?" you said, smiling up at him. "I promise I'm all yours, all weekend" you smirked.
"Of course, love" he said, kissing your cheek. "I'll grab something to drink for everyone, okay?"
"Okay" you smiled, giving him another peck on the lips. "I love you" you repeated, loving the way his smile turned brighter whenever you did.
"I love you too" he said, kissing your head as you came back to your table. Steve went over to the diner's bar to order a few drinks for the four of you, as he was joined by Eddie.
"So..." he smirked, leaning on the bar and looking at Steve. "You done marking your territory on your girlfriend? Or are you going to fight me and Byers outside?" he mocked him.
"I wasn't doing that" Steve said, rolling his eyes.
"Dude, you did everything but pee on her" Eddie laughed but Steve just glared at him. "Look, I get it. Byers and I are probably your least favorite people, but I gotta say, Harrington, this is not a good color on you" he insisted. "You don't seem like the 'badass Steve Harrington' that Henderson is always rambling about" he shrugged.
"What?" Steve asked. "D-Dustin said I'm a badass?" he said, feeling himself smile.
"He insists on the matter actually" Eddie informed him. "And look, for what it's worth, that girl is like ridiculously in love with you, man!" he said, pointing at your table. "She won't shut up about you either. And she didn't even notice me flirting with her, which by the way, I only did to mess with you so, please don't hit me for that" he chuckled.
"Seriously?" Steve asked, glaring a little at him.
"Yeah, man. That's what I do. It was fun to see you all flustered and with a murder glare in your eyes. But, scout's honor, I have no interest whatsoever in your lovely girlfriend. I mean, she's cute and all but she's not really my type" he admitted.
"Really?" Steve asked, intrigued. "And what's your type, Munson?"
"Her boyfriend" Eddie smirked, winking at Steve, who felt his cheeks burn a little and didn't really know what to reply.
"MUNSON! Leave my boyfriend alone!"
The End
A/N: I hope you liked it! Eddie’s coming up next :) let me know what you think :D
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anashins · 1 year
hiii!!! i've been reading most of your works and i absolutely love them 😭 idk if you're accepting reqs but i've had this idea of a situationship/fwb jaehyun but he's secretly completely whipped for her and super soft w her. if you do end up making this a story thank you so much!! you're amazing 😌
Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: Jaehyun gets hit on at a party, but he has his eyes on one girl only, even though he claims he doesn't do relationships.
A/N: Funny, someone requested this for Yongie too 😍 Thank you, I hope you like it 💗
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Jaehyun stood in the corner of the room, a slight smile on his face. Not his usual smirk when he was lowkey judging with an underlying mocking expression, or his haughty grin when he found something funny, but not hilarious enough to actually laugh out loud about it. 
No, his smile was earnest, faint and emphasized a softness in his facial features that he rarely ever showed to anybody, a look simultaneously getting mirrored in his eyes that one needed to be very lucky to actually witness even once in their lifetime. 
Because it was an expression he had reserved for one girl only.
“What a lame party, hm?”
He hadn’t noticed how he had been approached by a girl he didn’t know. She had long, dyed hair and wore an outfit that indicated this party was not her last stop, but a club which she would still visit later on.
Jaehyun shrugged indifferently, turning his head back to where his attention had been before - his girl laughing and joking around with her friend group. “I don’t think so. It’s okay.”
“But you look lonely though,” she continued talking,”standing here all by yourself.”
He smirked now, judging her with an underlying mocking expression. “I promise you, I’m not lonely. I’m just enjoying my spare time away from the crowd.” 
It was the little, ordinary things that his girl was doing he was so intrigued with. If he could, he would stand in this corner the entire night as long as he could watch her enjoy herself. It made him happy too and he didn’t ask more of the night.
“Are you interested in going to a club?” She didn’t give up despite Jaehyun’s passive demeanor that he expressed through his folded arms and absent gaze. “My new acquaintance Johnny, who you’re also friends with, suggested that you should go with us. He said you liked that certain club.”
Jaehyun remembered how he used to party at that club every weekend, sometimes even on weekdays, not caring whether he’d show up to class still hungover or not attend at all. However, a few weeks ago, it all had changed with his girl.
“I pass.”
He already wanted to let out a sigh of relief as he thought the girl might go away after rejecting her offer, but she didn’t. Instead, Jaehyun felt her fingers on his skin, gripping onto his forearm. It wasn’t a particular strong or demanding touch, tender even. But it wasn’t by his girl, and he despised it because of that which was why he shook her off.
“I thought we could maybe get a few drinks, dance and…” She lowered her voice, not at all bothered by his withdrawal. “.. you know, when we decide to go home.”
Oh, he did know what kind of reputation he used to have. Which was why he was grinning haughtily now, entirely proud of himself to have left this exact reputation behind. Unofficially. “I pass.”
“What?” Getting rejected so straight-forwardly, the girl apparently hadn’t expected it. “You have a girlfriend or something? Johnny said you didn’t.” 
Damn that Johnny guy. He had provoked him on purpose after having lured out his true feelings one night. Of course Jaehyun didn’t have a girlfriend. He just didn’t do “girlfriends”. But he did “somethings”, although this “something” went further than any “something” he had ever had before.
Jaehyun wanted to deny before it dawned on him that it wouldn’t make his situation better without disclosing that there was one girl only he wanted to go home with tonight, and she certainly wasn’t his girlfriend. 
That was until something from the corner of his eyes caught his attention. His girl went for her fourth glass despite knowing that she didn’t tolerate more than three. She never learned. Silly.
“Excuse me.”
Leaving the girl who hit on him behind, Jaehyun went with a tunnel vision to the one he had never let out of his sight, stretched out his arm and took the new filled glass out of her hands.
“What are you doing?” she complained with a playful pout.
He sighed deeply as though annoyed, with his soft smile that had found its way back to his face because of her. But she didn’t see. “You know very well that you’re a lightweight.”
“That will be my last one.”
“Really? The last time you said that, I had to carry you all the way to your bed and you passed out while-”
“NO!” she squealed and put her palm over his mouth to silence him. “Don’t you dare speak it out!”
“Now be a good girl and let me drink this. And after I’ve emptied this glass, we’re leaving. This party is lame.”
“Really?” She looked to her left and right. “I don’t think-”
But Jaehyun leaned in and said something into her ear that only she could hear. Her reaction was always the same when he whispered the dirty things he would do to her when they’d finally be alone: wonder, amazement, then embarrassment. But she would always agree with a heated head that let his heart almost unnoticeably jump.
“Your place or mine?” she only wanted to know.
You woke up with a headache the next morning, your mouth dry and eyes still half closed. Like usually after a party, you wanted to stay in bed for a little longer, especially since today was a sunday. Jaehyun was surely long gone after you had passed out, which was why you also didn't bother getting dressed now and just rolled to the other side of the bed that was somehow still warm.
Odd, you thought, but not odd enough to put more thought into it, you just wanted to sleep. That was until you heard it rumbling in the kitchen. 
With a start, you were sitting upright in your bed, getting dressed before hurrying to find out who had broken into your apartment or whether you had taken someone entirely else home and Jaehyun had only been a fever dream, because he usually never stayed the night. 
“Good morning.”
But the one you encountered in your kitchen with messy hair and only in his boxers, frying an omelet was indeed Jaehyun. The guy who claimed he didn’t do relationships, who didn’t stay overnight because it was similar to dating for him, and who certainly didn’t cook you breakfast. You must still be dreaming. 
“Are vegetables in your omelet okay?” he asked without any care in the world, and you only brought yourself to nod, still baffled.
While he was cooking, you watched his defined back and his hair moving with every motion, until you realized that this was surely not a dream at all. This was very much a reality you had always dreamed of. 
Then, you approached him from behind and wrapped your arms around his sides, nudging into his chest. You didn’t speak a word. You didn’t need to. Jaehyun continued cooking like you were not currently blocking his area, totally unbothered. 
And then, you felt in the middle of your parting the warm touch of his lips on the top of your head.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 9 months
hi again! I'm the one who asked if you write for aaron himself, anw the fic doesn't really need to be a smut. butzzzz, what if aaron x reader were childhood bffs and when they went to highschool, reader had a crush on aaron and reader's feeling for aaron lasted for years, but then after aaron's taping on nowhere boy, reader found out that aaron is dating s*m? then reader decided to cut off ties with aaron so reader can move on?????????? then after years years later reader is also now an actress and is starring on a romance film with aaron, as the film was in progress reader's feelings for aaron is slowly coming back, and on a specific scene for the movie, reader got carried away so she accidentally "confessed" to aaron even though it wasn't on the script then than made it. to the final cut😖🤙
A/n- hiii! Also love this sm anon!! Sorry it took so long, I’ve been super busy ): it’s kinda lengthy but I hope u like it
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You and Aaron had been best friends, ever since you both were teenagers.
You both stayed with each other through the awkward growing up phase. You two used to be inseparable, and stayed like that until he started to film for nowhere boy, where he was playing John Lennon.
“Wait, so you’re telling me that you’re literally going to play John Lennon?” You asked, with a smile on your face as you talked to your friend.
He smiled back and nodded. You both continued to walk and talk, you talked about what you auditioned for and he talked about how he was excited to play in the movie.
You both were busy filming, you for a show and him for a movie. So you both had been a little distant, distracted.
You sighed when you flopped into the bed, tired and yawning. You were falling asleep, eyes shut and everything, when your phone goes off.
You groan and pick up the phone.
He says your name, and you automatically knew it was Aaron.
“Aaron! Hi! Oh my god, I haven’t heard from you in a while. How are you? How’s the film?” You rubbed your eyes.
“Hi. Sorry if I woke you up or somethin’. Im alright. The filmings almost wrapped up. How about your show?”
“That’s good. Today was the last day, so hopefully it goes good.”
“Thats nice.”
There was an awkward silence for a while.
“ I was wondering if you’d wanna hang out this weekend. We haven’t talked and you know-“ his British accent cut through the silence thankfully.
“Yeah! I’d love to.” You said, more excited than you should’ve been.
“Great. I’ll text you everything tomorrow, thank you. Goodnight, y/n.”
“Goodnight, Aaron.”
And you thought things would be great at lunch, but they got worse.
He told you about his new girlfriend, Sam. And you learned that she was older, way older than him. He had just turned an adult, so what the hell?
Of course, you’d been his best friend forever, and you’ve seen his girlfriends come and go, but this one was different, she was old, way too old for him, and the power imbalance was weird to you. The he mentioned how she was pregnant.
You tried to be supportive, but you couldn’t. When you got home, you cried into your pillow and blocked Aaron’s number.
It’s been two years now, and you had just got cast for Anna Karenina. You were playing the main character, and that’s when you found out Aaron was also on the movie, playing none other than your love interest.
The first day on set, you both were shocked to see each other. You glanced at him and he did the same, and quickly darted his eyes away.
Did he hate you? Did he feel bad?
He should, you thought bitterly. You looked over your lines, and after you were ready made your way to where it would be shot.
It was awkward for you and Aaron, both of you just continued to work professionally, however, on set.
It wasn’t until the dance scene that you realized how utterly in love you still were with him. It was a few days of filming now.
He kissed your hand, and you were gone. In terms of the movie and in reality.
You did as you practiced, but you’d practiced with someone else, and so has he. It was odd to be doing it with him.
You stared into his eyes. That’s when you realized in character and out of character, you were in love with him.
So you used that to make the scene better, he stared into your eyes the same way, but you brushed it off as acting.
The spotlight was on the both of you, and you couldn’t see anything but him.
Your palms were sweating, but so were his, you realized.
Once that scene was over, you both stared at each other for a moment in silence.
“Let’s take a break!” They said, and everyone went where they usually did.
It had been a long day. You both stayed staring for a good few seconds before you both opened your mouth.
“I’m sorry-“ you both apologized at the same time. You both smiled and laughed at that.
“I shouldn’t have blocked you.”
“And I shouldn’t have sprung everything on you at once.”
You both stayed silent for a moment again before you asked.
“How’s you and Sam..?”
His eyebrows furrowed. “Oh. Yeah. We’re good- fine.”
“And your baby..?”
He smiled at the mention “She’s good.”
“A girl, huh? What’s her name?”
He stared into your eyes again, with that same look as he did in the dance scene.
And that’s how you were here now, months filming now. It was the scene were you told Vronsky, or Aaron, that your character was pregnant.
You were in a field, holding a parasol as you looked into the distance.
“Anna.” He said behind you.
You turned back, with a small smile present on your face, putting the parasol down.
“Alexei. What is it?”
“I couldn’t bear not to see you before the race.”
You smiled and practically ran into his arms, his hands rubbed your shoulders.
“What were you thinking about?”
His hand grabbed your jaw softly when you didn’t answer.
“Tell me.”
You stared into each others eyes. You passed for a moment before speaking.
“I’m pregnant.”
You stayed silent for a moment and waited for a reaction.
His face lit up, hand caressing your cheek.
“Oh, my love. Love was never a game to us. Here’s an end to living in corners. Existing days to days on lies. Now we can be together.” He laughed quietly.
For a second, you wished it was real.
“How can we, Alexei?”
“Tell him everything.”
“Do you think my husband will make you a present of me?”
“Leave him.”
“Leave him and be your mistress?”
“Yes. Run away.”
“I would never see my son again. The laws are made by husbands and fathers.”
He paused for a moment. Was that the only reason he was still with Sam?
“What then? I’ll never forgive myself for your unhappiness.”
“Unhappiness? I’m like a starving begged who’s been given food. I am happy. I love you. I could never be unhappy with you.” The last part slipped out on accident, it was not part of your lines.
His eyebrows raised, and you paused for a moment, looking at him for a reaction.
He leaned in, and you did as well. The kiss seemed genuine, not like the forced ones you’ve had while filming this movie. This felt real, full of actual passion and love.
The kiss went on for longer than expected, the people on set were eating every second of it up.
“Cut! Now that is how you act! Way to go, guys. Really great.”
Your cheeks burned up as you realized what had happened, you looked at Aaron and he smiled softly.
You both talked for a while, you both trying to ignore what happened earlier.
“Did you mean what you said earlier..?” He asked suddenly, right before you were about to enter your car to leave.
Your eyes widened, and you paused, and turned to look at him as he walked closer to you.
“I need to know.”
Y-yeah. I meant it. I didn’t mean to say it. And I know that you have-“
His lips crashed against yours while you tried to explain, it was passionate, and just like the one from the confession.
“I love you. I always have, y/n.” He mumbled quietly, hand on your jaw.
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wongyuuu · 10 months
Hiii. Request for a drabble of when you get that call from one of the members about Cheol being rushed to the hospital for his torn ACL? And then whatever happens after is up to you xx
hope you like it!
pairing: seungcheol x fem!reader genre: angst, fluff  word count: 847 warning: mentions of injury, really bad jokes
a/n: this was not proofread
requests are open
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Bitting your nails was a habit that you had long left in the past, back when you were still a teenager. You clearly remember the moment you decided you’d stop, just because one of your friends had long beautiful nails, and you wanted that too. However, it still came to you occasionally, when your nerves were out of control. There was also the shaking legs. 
You had gotten a call from Joshua, no more than ten minutes before. 
“Hey, Shua” you answered the phone brightly, walking to the hallway and away from your friends’ shatter. 
Until that moment there was nothing wrong, no problem in sight. Seungcheol was out for the weekend with his friends, sort of like a camping trip. And you were with yours. It was something that you did often. Joshua’s call also wasn't surprising. 
“y/n?” it was the way he said your name that made a chill run down your spine. 
Joshua was the kind to always be bright, even when situations were complicated. You had never heard his voice like that, so serious.
“What happened?” you were already on your way to the door, slipping your feet inside the worn-out sneakers and wrapping the scarf around your neck
“We had to bring Cheol to the hospital, we’re at the ER right now”
You closed your eyes for a second, wishing that you had heard him wrong. If there was one thing you learned in your three-year relationship with Seungcheol was that the man avoided hospitals as if it was a sport and he was an Olympic champion at it.
“How bad is it?” 
You ran down the stairs. It was only four storeys and you didn’t dare to risk losing signal and had the call disconnect.
“Don’t run” Joshua scolded you “He’s already pissed that I called you. I don’t want to think about what he’ll do if you get hurt”
You closed your eyes and stopped once you reached the second floor. 
“Joshua, how bad is it?”
“He needs surgery, in a few weeks. He tore his ACL”
You nodded, even though Joshua couldn’t really see you. You didn’t know what it meant, how bad the injury really was but Joshua’s tone told everything you needed to know. It was bad, probably worse than what you could imagine.
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When you got to the hospital, Seungcheol, Joshua, and Jeonghan were already waiting for you at the parking lot. He smiled at you as he tried to stand up straight with the clutches under his arms. Although he was smiling, you knew that he was trying to put up the image that he was fine to his friends but the truth was there in his eyes. 
“Hi baby,” you said, kissing his cheek quickly and pushing away the hair from his forehead “How are you feeling?”
Seungcheol just shook his head, quickly dropping a peck on your lips and limping to the car. You took his backpack from Joshua’s hand, mouthing thank you to the two of them as you rushed after your boyfriend. 
“I’m fine,” Seungcheol said when you took the clutches from his hand so he could climb into the passenger seat “You don’t have to worry”
You smiled at him, kissing his lips again — this time for a little longer. 
“I know” you whispered “It’s going to be fine, but maybe you should get a tattoo this knee on the one that’s hurt and the other one on the good one. Just to make sure they don’t touch the wrong one”
Seungcheol shook his head, trying to suppress a smile while shaking his head.
“Too soon? I’ve got worse ones if you want”
“The joke was really bad,” he said with a pout, leaning against the seat “but I’ll take another one”
You pressed your lips together, pretending to be in deep thought, causing a small laugh to leave his lips — it was exactly what you wanted.
“Maybe we could chop it off, and have my dad make you a new one” you held his hand shaking it from side to side “Oh, oh, oh, if my dad makes you a new foot he’ll add fingers and then I’ll finally be able to paint your toenails”
He narrowed his eyes at you and a second later started to laugh.
“If I promise to let you paint my nails, will you keep your dad away from my leg” you nodded excitedly and raised your hand, sticking your pinky out “You want me to pinky promise? You don’t trust me at all”
Seungcheol did his best to sound offended, but the truth was that he was just having too much fun, the injury momentarily forgotten.
“Not on this, you said five times already, yes I counted it, that you would let me paint your nails and you always get back on your word”
You wiggled your hand, waiting for him to take your finger into his.
“Thank you for this” he said quietly, the look in his eyes full of love, as he finally raised his pinky too “Love you”
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taglist: @wonwooz1, @ryuwonieebae
if you want to be tagged in my next fics, please fill out this form
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blueberrypancakesworld · 11 months
Hiii idk if u are taking requests or requests for Lords Of Chaos so if u aren’t feel free to ignore this!!
I was wondering if you could do a Faust x Fem!reader where they meet for the first time at a party and Faust thinks she’s beautiful but is to scared to talk to her. But she also thinks he’s handsome and completely ignores Vargs attempts to flirt with her and keeps asking him questions about faust before finally getting up to go talk to him. the ending can be all fluffy and cute with them like falling in love or something. :))
Dark Party with an Happy End
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warning : poor flirting form Varg, alcohol, kiss, fluff
Info : Hi dear @tilldeathripsusapart I'm sorry that you waited so long but I haven't had my request open until now. I hope you enjoy reading it and have fun. Everybody else too :)
Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
It was actually an evening like any other. A weekend in which she had nothing planned and only watched the television with its infinitely boring channels. The silence of the room was only broken by the TV and the occasional sipping of the beer bottle.
But there wasn't really anything to do in this small town. ,,It's been a long night," she said as she sighed and laid her head on the soft pillows. She didn't even have a boyfriend to lean on, or a kiss to give, or even a bed to sleep with and pass the time. But she didn't have any of that.
So she could sleep just as well and actually wanted to follow this plan when her phone suddenly rang.Grumbling as she sat up from her comfortable position, she mumbled at the phone, ,,Coming, coming" as she picked up the receiver.
As soon as she picked it up she heard her friend Ann's voice. ,,Y/n come outside in ten minutes and I'll pick you up. Some wannabe musician is having a house party!" she heard her friend's voice shouting into the receiver, otherwise the background noise could only be heard. ,,Is your car exploding?" she asked, but by then Ann had already hung up and could hear the beep from the phone. Blinking apathetically and running her hand over her face, she looked back and forth between her television and her wardrobe.
Should she just stay here and sleep or would she get up and get some free booze and have a good time? Not even finishing the thought, she hung up the phone and hurried to the wardrobe. She just grabbed a pair of fishnet tights and a top with a short skirt to have as much freedom as possible while dancing.
Because she knew that when Ann meant ten, she usually meant only eight. She put on her clothes and hurried to her little make-up mirror, putting black lipstick on her lips.
Before she brought out her eyes with mascara and that had to be enough when she heard the horn of the car. ,,Coming!" she shouted, even though she knew Ann wouldn't hear her. She ran down the stairs without falling and grabbed her boots before jumping out of the house. ,,Finally, come on Euroynmous is there too" the blonde said and drove off just as the door closed.
After hurrying to the door, she smiled slightly and playfully slapped her friend on the shoulder. ,,Oh, Euonymous is there? Is the band there too?" she asked, raising an eyebrow in interest as she turned on the radio and smirked to herself. She saw the upset look on her friend's face as she muttered something under her breath before they both smirked.
A friendship with a rough tone in rough boring times nothing new and nothing old. ,,The black circle is there too if you want to find a cute little demon" Ann said as they pulled into the car park and both got out.
She could feel the anticipation building up in her, she liked the band had been to a few of the concerts and liked the whole group behind them. They were all a little strange, but the weirder the better, she thought.
As they walked together into the house, which had been taken over, they saw only moments later that at least the second vase had already been broken. ,,Ann! Come here!" shouted one with long dark hair who was definitely drunk when he recognised the blonde and pulled her into a hug.
Y/n knew the group, she had never spent days or weeks with them, but she had spent a few hours with them. But this time there seemed to be new people.
She recognised Euronymous, Dead, Necrobutcher and Hellhammer but the others were new. The leader of the group gave his girlfriend a kiss before putting an arm around her and pulling her close. ,,Y/n I'm glad you could come, make yourself comfortable," she heard him say in his voice, even though drunk, a charm she liked.
,,Thanks, I'll have a look around" she replied and saw a guy with a pentagram chain coming towards her. ,,Hi, I'm Occultus, I'll show you where the good stuff is," she heard him call, even though he was clearly drunk, he seemed to be more into it than he looked.
She was about to leave with her new acquaintance when she saw one stand out in the group. He was taller than the others not necessarily lanky he also had long dark hair. His dark eyes seemed to scan the room and yet she felt and saw him looking at her again and again.
There was something like fascination in his gaze and he hastily looked away when she gave him a small smile. One of the new ones, went through her mind as she walked with Occultus, who was babbling to her about some political views.
But she couldn't get this handsome new man out of her mind. He had something of a fallen angel about him, at least she found the idea that the forbidden was more beautiful than the real thing somehow pretty.
He was pretty, the long hair framing his face, the dark eyes silently observing everything, and yet the little blush on his cheeks that might have come from the alcohol or something else.
Who knows what they were feeling at that moment or whether it was just the alcohol. ,,So we're-" Occultus was about to begin, propping himself up on a nearby chair, when someone came up behind him.
One of the newcomers put his hand down on Occultus' shoulder, who seemed to almost collapse. The newcomer gave the chain-bearer a warning look and she thought she saw Occultus flinch.
Before he gave her a quick smile and went back to the others. Something had definitely happened between the two or Occultus would not have been so afraid and respectful of the newcomer.
Watching all this with an uncertain look she turned away from the new guy and started to mix a drink. ,,Hey sweetie, I see you know Mayhem?" he asked and she just nodded, ignoring the nickname and reaching for a beer from the fridge when she realised there was no such thing as a ,,drink and mix".
She ignored the look Varg gave her, she didn't like that kind of guy. It was clear to her what he wanted, it was clear that he was arrogant and probably wrongly so. Besides, he was not as cute as the stranger.
She saw him already open his mouth to say something when she said, ,,Who's the new tall one in your group?" before she reached past him and opened the fridge.
He raised an eyebrow in surprise and stepped aside to avoid being hit by the fridge door, which she slammed shut. ,,The long guy? That's Faust, he's quite a freak, only talks about death and watches horror films," he said and she could almost see something like unease flashing in his gaze. Both parties must have done things they weren't proud of, she thought.
As she walked past him and took the bottle opener to open both beers. ,,Hey sweetie tell me-" Varg started again and was interrupted by two beer mats and a flying beer opener that landed clattering in the sink as she walked out of the room. I wasn't here for you, sweetie, she thought for a moment, annoyed and hating the nickname he had given her.
Almost fleeing back to the group, she was saddened to see that Faust was not standing with the group. Looking around she was pleased to find the man she was looking for sitting on a couch watching a film.
Walking over to him, she saw him look from the television to her and smile at her hastily. ,,Hi," she heard him say before he slid to the side and made room for her. She shoved the beer into his hand and felt their fingertips touch. ,,Thank you," he said hastily and took a big sip of the drink.
She realised the film was Evil Dead and couldn't hide her grin. ,,Evil Dead a good one" she said and saw him looking at her, seemingly thinking about what to say. ,,The blood just makes it better and better," he muttered and she saw the redness still on his cheeks.
She nodded in agreement, seeing how this pleased him as he seemed to have finally found a kindred spirit. Nervous is even sweeter she thought and took a sip of the drink before turning to him. ,,Can I braid your hair?" she asked simply hoping he would say yes.
You had to make the best of what you had. Surprise showed in Faust's eyes as he looked around uncertainly. Before he nodded and slid closer to her mumbling a ,,Go on". Before she let her fingers wander through his hair and began to braid it. While they talked more and more about the film, horror and music.
Listening to him talk on and on about horror films, she heard him hum a few songs and yet the redness never left his cheeks. She was pleased that he gradually showed more trust and affection. That he overcame his fear and felt more and more comfortable.
At the end of the evening she not only braided his hair but they also exchanged numbers and he invited her to a film evening. ,,I'm looking forward to it," she said before she heard the sound of Ann's car.
Before she wrapped Faust in a hasty hug and gave him a final kiss on the cheek. ,,See you around, Faust!" she called happily before jumping into Ann's car and driving them both home. But the first movie date with Faust was the reward of the evening.
@mayhem-things , @icarus-star
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starcrime · 8 months
hiii i'm super bored, so here are dps sick headcanons
neil perry
seldom gets sick but when he does it hits him LIKE A TRUCK hates being sick he's allergic to penicillin so he feels very guilty about needing medication stubborn asf, will pretend he's fine for an annoying amount of time. will go to class watery eyed, sweaty, flushed red, shaking and half-delirious has to be forced to rest, but once that's managed he's very calm and sleeps through most of his sickness loves soup. his mom used to (and still does if he happens to get sick while he's home) make him some kind of special soup whenever he got sick and he loved it. give the boy some soup it will cure 99% of his illness.
todd anderson
gets sick frequently but goes through it pretty lightly he's never like, suffering, more like inconvenienced takes him such a long time though. he has never been sick less than a week fatigue hits him hard, he's falling asleep while standing gets pretty bad muscle pains and pretty irritable it makes him pretty snappy, which unfortunately, makes him funny asf, but no one can really laugh bc he's sick, that would be rude
charlie dalton
probably ate dirt as a kid so he's immune to all the germs, and doesn't get sick a lot but when he does his throat just... gives up on him. he looses his voice immediately i think since he barely gets sick the poets have no idea, so when one day he just shows up at breakfast dead silent they assume the apocalypse is near. gets really bad headaches. loud noises make his headaches worse. this is pretty ironic and funny to the other poets starts missing classes the second he can and doesn't come back until he's forced to by nolan himself would love being sick if it wasn't for the whole... being sick thing bc ouch... but like the attention is great
knox overstreet
gets sick at very unfortunate times, like just at the beginning of spring or during school breaks and weekends. convinced he's dying every. single. time. "This Is The End, Write Down My Will For Me Please... Please Call My Mommy, I Shall Bid My Farewell To Her..." to be fair he does get a horrible migraine every single time, so the guys are mostly forgiving of all of the bullshit inhales soup and tea with lemon&honey.
gerard pitts
his temperature spikes up by +0.1°C and immediately delirium hits him and it hits him HARD gets really emotional and cries a lot. mostly bc he loves his friends and animals and science hates taking medicine. you gotta hide it in his food bc he will not take it will not shut the fuck up, not even for a second. not even when he's sleeping (pray for meeks he's really going thru it), talks until he looses his voice also muscle pains get him soo bad, like his back and his legs are useless he can barely sit sometimes
steven meeks 
barely eats anything. all the food becomes repulsive to him and he has to be coaxed to eat literal toddler portions just so he doesn't starve. throws up a lot deathly pale + flushed cheeks and nose + teary, puffy eyes sleepy. hates it. hates missing classes and complains about it a lot. would over-medicate himself to get to go to class quicker luckily he can be easily distracted (mostly by crossword puzzles and music) charlie will go into his room and play saxophone for him sometimes <3
richard cameron
he technically has a pretty good immune system but he's so irrationally afraid of germs that he walks around in a medical mask during flu season to protect himself still gets sick though it's like a vibe check from god to stop fucking panicking like neil, he refuses to admit that he's sick and goes to class shivering, sweaty, and only half-lucid but he will go to class goddammit, gotta keep that perfect attendance somehow still believes that some painkillers would fix him. he almost overdosed once (or twice) has to be forced to rest and argues about it a lot he's hungry. all the time. could eat a five course meal and still be hungry. get my boy some sustenance, he's dying also gets migraines (he gets those anyways, they get way worse when he's sick though)
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mercedesvince · 1 year
Hiii!! I was wondering if you’d be willing to write Kenny x Male reader (south park) where M/N (or y/n depending on which you use) is apart of his friend group, buts been the closest to Kenny, and one day when M/N comes to Kenny’s house to pick up Kenny to hang out or sum and he finds magazines that have clearly been colored on by Karen and so M/N takes Kenny and Karen to the store to get Karen a shit ton of crayons and coloring books
Please! Ty luv 🫶 also I’m so Srry this was so long-
- 🐣
Hello! I am more than happy too and hope you enjoy what was written, and do not worry I like long request as they give more ideas :)
Kenny Mccormick x Male Reader (South Park)
Walking through the snow for a bit, you reached the bus stop just like every other day. “Hey Kenny, what’s up?” Y/n asked, as a few seconds before you had reached the stop, you heard your good friend, Kenny, let out an ‘aww’. “No one can hangout this Saturday,” he sadly said, muffled by his parka hood. After so many years y/n, Stan, Kyle and Eric had spent together, it became easy to figure out what Kenny was saying, even through the muffled fabric. “Sorry Kenny but I promised Ike I would hangout with him this weekend,” stated Kyle. “Yeah and me and Wendy are supposed to go out this Saturday, sorry dude,” continued Stan. “Yea and I just don’t wanna spend a perfectly good Saturday at Kenny’s house, his family is poor and his house fucking sucks,” Eric added on. “Oh shut it Cartman you can’t even say anything! I’ll hang out with you Saturday Kenny, I don’t have anything planned”. “Really? Thanks y/n!” Kenny’s mood seemed to have risen from moments before. It had been a while since any of you had hung out on the weekends, so you were also excited by this, even if it was only two of you hanging out. “Of course, why would I waste a perfectly good opportunity to hangout with one of my best friends?”
Saturday came by faster than what most weeks seem. With all the work piled up this week, sometimes you get so distracted you do not even realize the time going by. It was around noon and you were making your way to Kenny’s house. You two had not made set in stone plans, but had agreed on a time to meet up and where. With you being the only one of the two with a car, you both agree that you would just drive over there. And if it so happens you guys would leave the house, you would just take your car. As you parked, exited and locked your car, you walked towards Kenny’s house. After knocking on the door, Kenny answered “Hey y/n!” letting you in. You asked “Hey Kenny, you got anything planned?”. He responded with a quick “Not really, we could find a way to get high or something,” you just rolled your eyes, responding with a playful comeback of “Yea yea, how’d that end up for you last time?”, “Alright, you got any ideas y/n?”
Looking around, you had both wandered into the kitchen by now. Glancing around the kitchen, something interrupted your brainstorming of ideas. You reached out on the counter for the thing that had caught your eye, seemed to be a magazine. Kenny had said something but you had not listened, instead being entranced flipping through what seemed to be a random ‘People’ magazine, however something was different about this one, it was covered in scribbles and drawings. A lot of the photographs and images seemed to have added on details on them that the editors of the magazine would not approve of. As you glanced back at the counter, another colored on magazine laid there. Reaching out for that one as well, you stoped in your action, simply staring at the cover, ‘Playboy’. What the hell? The drawings on the cover seemed to be drawn by a child, was Playboy really appropriate for whatever kid did these drawings?
“Hey Kenny, who did these drawings?” Looking over your shoulder at what you had in your hands, he answered “Oh, Karen did, she wanted something to draw on and those are the only things I could find laying around.” You replied with a simple hum. “Well is she still interested in drawing?” Turning your head to face his head poking above your shoulder, you awaited an answer. “Yea I guess, she kinda only stopped because she ran out of room.” Again you replied with only a hum. “Well I think I got an idea for something to do.” turning your head to look at the magazine flipping through the pages. A muffled “what?” came from beside you. “In my opinion I think sexy pictures of women’s boobs is more your type of thing, not something your little sister should be coloring on.” Shifting away from you, Kenny was quick to respond “Well it’s all I could fin-“ you cut him off saying “Yea I know, but I have some change in my wallet, and I was thinking maybe we could go to one of those dollar stores and get Karen some real coloring books and maybe some new crayons or markers.” You were now turned around leaning against the counter. “You’d do that? That would actually be great!” You nodded and soon enough Kenny had called Karen in the room, asking her if she wanted to go get some new coloring books and crayons from the store. Excited, the little girl gladly accepted and now you were all on your way to the store in your car.
Once you all arrived there you walked around the store for a bit, and soon enough you were checking out at the front. The cashier seemed to have a neutral expression on her face, but you could not help wonder if she was judging you behind her stoic emotion as she scanned multiple coloring books, crayons, colored pencils, markers, chips, and of course a certain type of magazine. At the end of the day, Kenny was one of your closest friends and you offered to pay for something he choose out too.
Once you all finally arrived back at Kenny’s house both of you guys sat around the living room, watching Karen be excited by her new supplies. You heard a bag of chips open next to you followed by a “Hey y/n,” you turned to face Kenny “thanks.” Showing him a smile you, your next words were interrupted by Kenny’s little sister handing you both coloring books and a few crayons. “What is this?” you asked smiling at the little girl. “You guys should color with me.” You and Kenny both looked at each other smiling and began following Karen’s lead coloring. Eventually you felt a weight against your shoulder causing you to move your hand holding the crayon outside the line. Kenny resting against your shoulder said “You colored outside the line,” lightly laughing you replied with “Shut up.” The drawing of a princess and prince laid in your lap, you pointed to the princess that you had colored in with blonde hair and said “That’s you,” a muffled “And your the prince?” was your response, smiling you responded back with “and I’m the prince.” Looking up you both saw a smiling Karen happily coloring away and in that moment you could not have thought of a better way to spend your Saturday.
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luffyvace · 4 months
hiii can i request hairo x male reader romantic texts?
sure love!! The romantics texts are pretty fun to do since it’s all in quotation marks 😋
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I’m happy to be writing more hcs for him tbh bc i have more ideas for him
。。。。。。<3 。。。。。
“Do you wanna come play tennis with me?”
”are you gonna watch me play tennis after school?”
”are you gonna be able to make it to the tennis tournament?? I hope so! It would fuel me to see your support from the crowd!! 🔥🔥”
”would you like to come over for dinner? My mom wants to know”
“When your done with your homework do you wanna go for a jog? Our goal could be the dog park so we’ll feel motivated to go pet the dogs!!”
”im going to go to the gym this weekend 💪💪 can I have your support?”
”im gonna move up in weights again :) it will not be easy but the gain will be worth it! 💪☝️“
”Nendo is a formidable opponent! I challenged him to a tennis game, are you gonna be there?”
”how big do you think the gap is between me and nendo when it comes to physical prowess?”
”I’ve noticed your muscles have gotten bigger lately! Keep up the good work m/n! It’s paying off!! 🔥💪🙏”
”do you wanna go out with me, Saiki, kaido and nendo? They invited me out for noodles so I was wondering if you wanted to join!”
convos :P
”how about we start off tomorrow with some laps around the school? We could both get up at 5 and meet up”
”uhh I’ll meet you there at 7”
”your only gonna do an hour? Come in m/n I know you can go longer than that!”
”ive seen you run longer when getting chased by a vicious dog! 😁🙏”
”uhh yeah thanks for that reminder….I’ll be there by 6:30”
”that’s the spirit! Push your limit always!! 🔥🔥”
convo 2
”hey hairo I found an online tennis game do you wanna play?”
”even when playing video games your still playing a sport! How admirable! Of course I would! What’s the name of it?”
”I knew you’d like it :) it’s called tennis clash!”
”downloaded now! What’s your user?”
convo 3
“My aunt is moving and she needs help, do you think you could help carry the heavy stuff?”
”of course! I would more than love to both help you and work out at the same time!! 💪💓”
”thanks hairo!”
”you can always count on me m/n!”
convo 4
“My mom would like you to come over for dinner once again :)”
”sure her cooking is great!”
”she also wants you to invite your parents”
”alright I will! We’ll all come over!”
”okay! Can you come over now so we can play that tennis game you found?”
”ya! I’ll be there in 10!”
”sounds good!”
convo 5
“awww man this homework is so hard! Do you get it??”
”come over I’ve got an idea!”
“What is it?”
”for every question you get wrong we’ll both do an exercise for 5 minutes! That’ll motivate you to get the questions right, relieve stress and build muscle simultaneously!”
”that’s a well thought out plan but with all the questions I’m getting wrong idk If I can do it 😭”
”we’ll be excerising all night and I know you can’t stay up past 8”
”besides you ranked fourth in exams! Can’t you help me? 😭”
”yes you can! you can do it m/n!”
”I’ll stay up as long as it takes! 😼”
”of course I’ll help! But we still have to do an excerise for every one you get wrong!”
”look on the bright side we’ll be doing it together!”
”alright fine 😭😭”
convo 6
”hey hairo I know something that’ll motivate you to stay up past 8!”
”what is it? 😄”
”let’s have a competition! Whoever falls asleep first has to carry the other on they’re back on the way to school then do 5 laps around campus when we get there! 😼”
”wow!! That’s a great idea! Even if I loose it’s still a win because I’ll be getting exercise!”
”yeah! Ya see? Come over for a sleepover tomorrow and we’ll do the challenge”
”you bet!”
convo 7
”my mom wants me to go grocery shopping for her will you come?”
”yeah sure :) which store?”
“Street goods, but not the one near the gas station”
”let’s jog all the way to the far out one!”
”come on I know we can do it!”
”promise me we get to walk back and if I get tired your carrying me and the groceries“
”challenge accepted!! 💪☝️“
Convo 8
”how much weight can your father lift?”
”huh why?”
”because today my new goal is to lift more than a grown man can!! 😆”
”okay well I’ll ask em”
”now that I think about it how come you didn’t ask your dad?”
”oh I would have but he’s at work so I didn’t want to disturb his grind!”
”he works on Saturdays?”
”it’s voluntary but still admirable!”
”well he says he can lift around 280 last he checked”
”wow!! A worthy goal! Thank you! And tell your father thank you as well!”
”of course hairo :)”
”tell him I said we should work out together some time! 280 isn’t a weight just any man can lift overnight!”
”you should join us as well!”
”I’ll let em know :) but idk if I’ll be able to lift 280 😅😂😂”
“Of course you can m/n! With enough dedication any weight is able to be lifted! Whether that’s by 100,000 people helping or one man who is very strong!”
”thanks, I’ll do my best‼️“
”Always! And glad to hear it!”
“Is he available Sunday?”
”he says yes”
”great! Hope to see you there too!”
”depends! 😋”
convo 9
”I’m going to make a low carb sandwich for lunch tomorrow at school, would you like me to make you one?”
”sure! I appreciate it!”
”no problem!!”
Convo 10
”I’ve found a 100% healthy restaurant where they’re target audience are those who want to eat healthy and build muscle! Isn’t this great!?”
”if your free can we meet at *distant location* tomorrow??”
”wow that’s a very diverse restaurant! I’d love to go!”
”the walking distance tho..😭”
”yep! It’s a great way to build muscle on the way there! 💪”
”cardio is great when paired with a healthy diet!”
”it’ll be like working for you food”
”well I’m sure it’ll be worth it by the time we’re there so why not! :)”
”happy to hear your on board! It’s a date then :)”
convo 11
“I'm going to hit the gym! Will you be there to hold down my feet on sit-ups?”
”as always 🙏”
”thank you!”
”don’t mention it 👍”
convo 12
”your mother’s cooking from last night was very fufilling and nutritional! May I ask if you could send me her recipe?”
”sure I’ll ask her!”
”can’t wait!”
” *recipe* ”
”thank you! And tell her I said thank her as well! The meal was delicious and bursting with flavor and I felt extra energized to do my before bed push-ups!”
”and for the recipe!”
”LOL np, and she said the same”
dude idk how or why but my ideas for hairo pop out like poop, like it’s just infinite!
I have another 2 requests to do, then some stuff I wanna write for fun then I’m back to my list of characters I wanna write for…man I haven’t worked on that thing in a while
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weixuldo · 2 years
unconditionally // ch 2
anakin x reader
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(a/n: so these chapters r gonna b longer cause i have way too much to say abt this heheh, im also posting on ao3 now if you like that format better :/ it’s linked on my master list :)
you unexpectedly watch the kids for the night
warnings: cursing, asshole behavior
You woke up the next morning to a text from “Anakin”. You yawned and squinted at your phone. Basically every day, come over at 3:00 and leave when Anakin shows up. Except Friday, you had that day off.  Easy enough. Hopefully he wouldn’t come back too late, you still had school after all. 
You stretched and got out of your bed. As you finished your morning routine you began to plan out your week. 
Breakfast, class one, study in the library, class two, lunch, go over to Anakin’s,  entertain the kids, back to the dorms, homework, sleep.
Your weekend really just consisted of your friends dragging you out to the mall to shop for “party clothes”. That really just meant trying on skimpy dresses that cost way too much. However this weekend you actually had money to spend. 
You were all trying on outfits for this new fancy bar that recently opened. They were practically bursting with excitement to go to it on opening night next month. The bar was high profile and you had to “know people” to even get on a waitlist. Kind of a hassle you thought. But you didn't mind treating yourself to some new fashion. 
You found a unique sage green dress, it wasn’t too revealing but it wasn’t quite modest either. It cascaded off of your shoulders, really highlighting your collarbone, the silky material clung to your hips perfectly. You looked damn good. 
You decided to splurge and buy the dress. Your friends were astonished you actually bought something for yourself, usually you never made personal purchases for pleasure. 
Monday rolled around and you drove to the house one more. Once you got there you realized he never gave you a key. Shit.
You debated calling him, what if he was in a meeting? But what if he didn’t get your text. You began to worry, it was only your second day. 
Soon you felt a small hand tug on your shirt. You looked down to see two little pigtails. 
“You’re back!!” Leia exclaimed, hugging your leg. Luke followed soon after clinging to your other. 
“Hiii, guys!” you exclaimed, hugging them back. 
“I’m sorry i’m just standing here, I forgot to ask your dad for a key” you admitted, sheepishly.
Luke smiled and pulled out a key from his pocket. It was a small brass key with a temporary tag that had your name on it. You gladly received the key and Leia spoke.
“Daddy said he’s really sorry he forgot”
“Oh no worries!” you said thanking the twins. 
You unlocked the door and the kids bounced right on in. 
“How was school? Was the bus ride nice?” you asked them as you placed your things on the marble countertop.
“It was so cool! We learned about volcanoes, they explode!! Like boom-pew-pssh” Luke exclaimed enthusiastically as he made motions with his hands. 
Leia giggled then said “Well I learned about long division! We divided seven digit numbers!”
“That’s awesome you guys! I’m really proud of you!” you said encouragingly.
Leia pointed to your bag, “Do you have homework too?”.
You nodded, “Want to do our homework together?”.
“Yes! Yes, please!” she exclaimed, grabbing her bag.
The three of you sat at the counter for a while doing your respective work. Every now and then Leia would tease Luke about his handwriting and you had to assure him it was very good for kids his age. You sliced up some fruits for them to snack on while they finished up. 
Around 5:45 the front door clicked open. Anakin walked in with an empty coffee cup in hand. 
“Daddy!!” the kids exclaimed, hopping off their stools to greet their father.
He dropped his bag and held his arms out to embrace them.
“Hey guys! How was your day?”
“I learned about volcanoes!”
“That's great, bud!” Anakin exclaimed.
“I did long division!” Leia said proudly.
Anakin kissed her on the cheek, “That’s wonderful, Princess”.
He rose from his position near the floor and made eye contact with you. His eyes seemed to subtly change. They were colder. 
“Hello, F/N”
“Hi” you said back, shyly.
“I see you got the key. That was my mistake.” he said stiffly.
You began to shake your head, “no, don't worry about it! I should have remembered to ask” you offered.
He looked at you for a moment before curtly nodding. 
You began to gather your things and say goodbye to the kids. Anakin , on the other hand, had already retreated to his room upstairs. You figured that was your cue to leave. 
The next two weeks went by rather quickly, Anakin sent out the same scheduled times to you and you went. Each day was filled with quality time with the twins. Luke seemed to be developing a small crush on you. It was amusing, but you made sure to remind him of the kids his age.  You grew accustomed to their banter, Leia usually the one coming out on top. 
You also learned that their mother had died shortly after giving birth to them, and it seemed their dad was still sensitive to the topic. As for Anakin himself he hardly spoke to you at all, mostly he just glared at you from a distance. But he was paying your bills, so you didn’t complain. 
Today was Thursday and you were making crafts with the twins, once again, on the marble counter. They originally wanted to go to the park, but a big thunderstorm decided to pass through. So now you were watching  Leia make a “magical butterfly community” while Luke did a “robot-dinosaur mega-world”. You aided them only with the glitter and glue, Anakin would be pissed if it got everywhere. 
”Daddy seemed annoyed yesterday,” Leia said to Luke while she stamped blue butterflies on the paper. 
“Yeah” Luke agreed, not really paying attention.
She rolled her eyes and you offered your opinion.
“He seemed irritated, yes. But he seems like he acts like that alot” 
“Yeah but he usually isn’t rude like that, I’m sorry.” she said, taking some stickers from the sheet in front of her. 
Yesterday was rude? Anakin was normally rude, yesterday was downright disrespectful. You had gone to the bathroom and were not in your normal spot at the counter when he walked in. He kind of flipped out on you for not “watching the kids” and threatened to fire you. Honestly, once you got in your car you began to cry. But you told yourself he probably just had a bad day or something. Plus you needed the money. 
“I think your dad doesn’t like me” you half laughed, playing with the glitter cap.
Leia shook her head, little brown braids swaying. “No, he does. He would have made you quit if he didn’t”.
You were curious, “what do you mean by that?”. 
“He’s nicer to you than he was to any of the other nannies. He doesn’t yell at you”
He was usually more of an asshole? You couldn’t even imagine the damage he caused the other poor nannies. Though you still had a hard time believing he liked you. 
Soon enough you heard the door open and a familiar set of footsteps enter the house. Your heart began to quicken, was he still mad at you?
He sighed loudly as he shook off his raincoat. You heard mutter a curse under his breath. Once he stepped into the kitchen he smiled at his kids. As they greeted each other you studied him. He was tall, slimfit, and had great muscle definition on his arms. His hair looked particularly enchanting with raindrops adorning his curls. He was a beautiful man. 
He looked at you with less disdain than you expected. “It’s raining pretty hard, huh?” you offered, expecting him to say “obviously” or something else to make you feel stupid.
Instead he responded truthfully, “yeah, I hate rain almost as much as I hate the beach”.
“The beach?” you laughed.
He rose to his full height and gave a small smile, “Mhm, it’s hot and there’s sand everywhere, not to mention all the little shells you step on trying to get to the ocean”.
You giggled again, that was the most he’d said to you without being cold or sarcastic. 
“I guess we’ll never do a beach day then” you smiled at the kids. 
After cleaning up you said your goodbyes and headed towards the door. But before you made it into the rain Anakin called your name. 
“Yes?” you asked, confused. 
He walked over to you and grabbed an umbrella out of the holder by the door. He opened it on the porch and motioned for you to join him. 
He walked you out to your car, holding the umbrella over you as you put your bag in the backseat. 
“Thank you,” you said to him. You were honestly confused as to why he was being oddly nice to you after being so rude yesterday. 
“Don’t want you to catch a cold and give it to my kids,” he said.
Aaand there it was. 
“Of course, thank you anyways though” you smiled. 
You were focused on getting in your car, but you missed the small smile that tugged at the corners of his lips.
The school day ended with buzzing excitement. That new bar was finally opening tonight and campus was in a frenzy. Everyone was seeing if they knew someone who knew someone that could get them in. Your friends paraded around the fact they were already on the list, while you could honestly care less. But, alas here you were doing your makeup and sporting the sage green dress you bought a while ago. 
Once you were finished you took a minute to check yourself out in the mirror. Damn, ok… you looked hot.
You smiled at your new found confidence and began to put on your heels. You grabbed your keys and began driving off campus. Soon your phone began to ring, you looked down and it was Anakin. Confused, you answered the call.
“Hey, I’m really sorry, but do you think you could watch the twins tonight? My department is having an impromptu dinner. I’m sorry, I’ll pay you double-”
He sounded genuinely sorry.
“You don’t have to pay me extra Anakin, I’d be happy to” you smiled, the bar could wait.
“Ok, thank you so much F/N” he said.
“Oh! I was going out with some people, so I’m still in my outfit. It's not inappropriate, is that ok?” you asked, thinking about the kids.
“That's fine,” he said before promptly hanging up. 
You shook your head and took a deep breath as you got ready to call your friends… they were not going to be happy.
You arrived at the grand mansion in record time. You really didn’t want to make him have to wait for you to get there, he might get mad at you. You knocked on the door since you knew he was home, you didn’t want to just barge in. The door opened slowly but Anakin wasn’t the one standing there. Instead there was a man with a clean beard and nice sandy brown hair.
“Hello there” he said in a jovial tone. 
You blushed, not expecting some random guy to open the door. “Hi”.
“You must be F/N, I’ve heard alot about you” he said stepping aside so you could enter the house.
Before you could respond Anakin interjected from the top of the stairs.
“From the kids, they won't shut up about you”.
He was walking down the stairs buttoning up his suit. Both men were dressed in formal attire. The bearded man had a gray suit while Anakin wore a black one. 
“You two look very nice” you offered. The bearded man gave a sweet smile while anakin just kind of stared at you.
“Oh, by the way you can call me Ben” the bearded man extended his hand to you.
You shook it firmly and smiled. 
In your peripheral vision you saw Anakin’s gaze traveling up and down your body. 
“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry Anakin, I didn’t have time to change… Do you have anything I can change into by chance?” all of a sudden you didn’t feel so confident under his watchful gaze. 
He handed Ben the car keys and asked him to bring it around as he asked you to follow him upstairs. 
This was the first time you had been in Anakin’s room. The interior was mostly black and white with an occasional splash of color. He sighed before opening the closet. Far in the back there was a box with some clothing. 
“It’s not fancy, but it's better than what you’re wearing,” he huffed. He must really think you’re revolting…. You just felt awful now, what if he made assumptions about you? Would he not let you work for him anymore?
You were pulled out of your thoughts as he tossed a baggy t-shirt and some sweats at you. They smelled different than him, they had a lingering scent of perfume. 
“I have to leave now, once you put them on leave my room and close the door, the kids are in the playroom” with that he left.
You took off your green dress, maybe you wouldn’t wear it anymore… you felt embarrassed. You put on the other clothes he gave you, they were obviously women’s clothes, they fit you well and the sweat pants hung off of your hips nicely. You sighed and went to find the kids. 
You found them playing connect four on the floor of the playroom. When they saw you their eyes lit up and they ran to greet you.
“I thought you weren’t coming back til monday!!” Luke exclaimed.
You laughed, “surprise!”. 
Leia pulled back to look at you for a moment, “wait did daddy give you that?” she asked, pointing to the clothes.
“Oh! He let me borrow them” you explained. 
“Wait, aren't those mom’s old clothes?” Luke said.
“Yeah, that’s why I was asking,” Leia said back to her brother.
Let you wear his wife’s clothes?
The kids showed you a picture of their mother wearing the exact same outfit, lying on the sofa downstairs. She was beautiful. 
Leia looked so much like her, the resemblance was uncanny. 
While you were having an internal crisis as to why Anakin let you borrow those clothes, the twins couldn’t be less bothered. They had never met their mom, and to them she was no more than a fairy tale character. It was kind of sad, but maybe it was better that they weren’t stuck mourning her death.
The rest of the night you continued to make dinner for them and ended up on the sofa watching 101 Dalmatians, once again. Around the halfway mark both twins were fast asleep on each side of you. You smiled, you felt a sense of family amongst the kids. You weren't really as close with your friends recently, and your love life was a fucking joke. But at least you had two people who were always excited to see you.
You too began to doze off at some point. You dreamed of the early stages of spring, the baby animals, fresh dew drops on petals in the morning, the fresh air, the love. You must have been deep asleep because when you woke up the twins were nowhere to be seen. 
You shot up in a panic before you heard a strong voice behind you.
“Don’t worry, Ben and I put them to bed” Anakin was sitting at the kitchen counter, a glass of wine sitting beside him. 
You exhaled and walked towards him. “Why didn’t you wake me? I could have put them to sleep.” 
He took a sip of the maroon beverage as he looked at the wall in front of him. “You looked peaceful”.
You rubbed the rest of the sleep from your eyes and took the seat beside him. “How was the dinner?”.
He slowly turned to face you, “It was well, Ben and I had a few drinks”.
You smiled, you could smell the liquor on his lips. “By the way, thank you”.
“For what?”
“The clothes, Leia told me…You know you didn’t hav-”
“It’s fine.” he took another sip of the drink in his hand. 
You looked down at your hands, what now?
He stole another glance at you, “They’re just clothes F/N”, after that he tipped the glass towards you and arched his brow.
You gave a small smile and took a sip from the opposite side as him, the wine went down nicely, it tasted expensive. You scrunched your nose as the alcoholic burn traveled down your throat.
He huffed out a laugh before looking forward again.
“I see you watched that damn dog movie again.”
“I’m sorry, I can tell them no when they ask next time”
Maybe it was his buzz or maybe it was truly just him. But he faced you with a look you had never seen on his face before. It was sincere, adoring and somber all at the same time, “No, I enjoyed seeing my kids with you on the couch watching that movie.”
In a way you felt guilty, you were in his wife’s spot, in her clothes, with her kids, watching her favorite movie… He only said that because he was replacing you with her. 
With that you took another swig on the wine. 
(a/n: Ok soo im in love with this fic..Yall dont even understand, there are already 54 pages on my doc and ive only written 6 chapters)
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taglist: @katsukiswrld , @wtf-andys , @angeelcoree , @jetiikote , @khaleesihavilliard, @sxoulchvn
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seiwas · 4 months
sel!!! hiii!!!! how are you doing!!
idk if you already got iwa for the ask game/if you’re still doing it, but if you haven’t, pls gush abt him and what he would wear <333
if u have already gotten iwa…. i have a question for u two… what do you guys do to end the day and wind down!
anyways i hope everything’s going well for you and you’re having a great day!!
sav helllloo!!!! i'm doing great 🥺 how are you!!! i hope this weekend is great for you!! and that you're having a wonderful time!! with lots of rest too!!
thank you for joining this lil game of mine, and for sending iwa too omg no one's asked him yet!! (and with good reason, i think everyone's looking out for my sanity lmAO JK HAFBASB)
now. okay. i will obviously say hajime looks good in all of it because i am so deeply madly truly in love with him but i'll have to say that i rank a white shirt + blue jeans on hajime last. he looks built in it, don't get me wrong, but it just isn't his element, y'know? the denim hugs his ass and thighs just right, years of hard earned muscle supporting each curve. the white shirt puffs out slightly because of his chest, sleeves almost ripping because of his biceps. it's a casual outfit he doesn't pick often simply because he isn't really a fan of denim (no stretch, or something)—and hajime looks best when he feels best, dressed in something comfortable.
it's also like that novelty thing, how seeing someone in athleisure all the time suddenly dresses up and cleans up good. hajime in a button-down + slacks is just OOOUGH. i'm having him. he slicks his hair up a bit, the spikiness of it smoothened out with some gel; it isn't flat, just a controlled type of texture that looks cleaner than how it normally is. the top button of his sleeve is popped open, because when he lifts his arms the buttons feel like they're about to give up anyway. each movement of his arms have his biceps forcing their way to rip though the fabric of his shirt—it's sinful, the way he guides your hand to rest on the crook of his elbow, fingers slightly touching the mass of muscle. you feel it press into your fingertips when he pulls your seat for you later.
those pants of his look made to fit because it hugs his ass just right, the roundness of it, the dips that flex when he walks to get more drinks. you watch him tuck his hand in his pocket while talking to a few of his colleagues, shaking his wrist to let his watch fall to the top of his wrist. you know he's antsy checking the time, because he can hardly wait to go home with you.
he's domesticated and sexy but what truly makes hajime handsome and hot to me is a simple black fitted compression shirt, short sleeves (but the long sleeves do equal damage too). it matches who he is, no fuss, comfortable, straightforward. you see him in it and see everything—the sculpt of his chest, the shoulders he's worked so damn hard on. his back has widened over the years and you see a bit of the muscles flex when he tips his head over as he drinks his protein shake. hajime doesn't have the most narrow waist but you know it's packed, dense to the touch. and his arms, they pop even more against black. the cuts of his biceps and triceps deepen with each movement he makes, the veins on his forearm practically screaming at you for them to take you however which way.
it's criminal how much you want him when he looks like that, his sweatpants hanging perfectly to accentuate the curve of his ass. when he returns back from the gym, it's started to droop down, the band of his underwear visible and the dip of his lower back deeper than should be allowed. what's truly cruel about this? hajime knows everything, is aware of every single look you send his way, how you hover around and touch him ever so slightly as if you aren't doing it on purpose. he lets you though, because, what kind of boyfriend would he be depriving you of your morning treat?
send me a character and i’ll tell you which outfit they’d look 🥵 in: white shirt + blue jeans / fitted black shirt + sweatpants / button-down + slacks
and what hajime and i do to wind down!! omg i do believe we just kinda lie in bed for a while—him going through all the stuff he has to do tomorrow and maybe a few reports and me going through instagram or something, maybe reading a book. other than that though, i think our bathroom routine is especially relaxing! we brush our teeth next to each other, do some skincare (he allows me to do it on him!!!!) and then we head to bed 🥺 hmm... a massage is not entirely out of the picture but that's just relaxing for me 🥺 i can never remove the knots in his back jhsdbfj i'm not strong enough 🥺 i'll cuddle him to sleep instead 😋
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Hiii I was wondering if you could do one where Y/N and Jack have their first baby and are beyond exhausted and overwhelmed, they forget that they are in a relationship/marriage so grandma Maggie steps in and takes the baby for the weekend so they can have some alone time and just enojoy their company without interruption. Whatever you are comfortable with. Love your work 😊💜
(Thank you 💖)
It was tough for you and Jack when you had Paisley, she was an easy baby despite pregnancy that was a bit rough, but you and Jack had just turned 19. Sure, you had Urban who was living with you both, but none of you knew what you were doing, and you wanted to do everything right. Luckily Maggie had come down to Atlanta when Paisley was born to obviously meet her grandchild, but also to help you and Jack. Eventually she had to go home and that’s when it got even harder for you two. 
You and Jack kind of put your relationship to the side to take care of Paisley, neither of you exactly noticed, but when Maggie came back in town a couple weeks later, she noticed how stressed out both of you were. 
“Let me take Paisley for the night, you two go enjoy yourself for the night. I’ll even stay at your apartment, that way you two don’t have to be away from her for as long.” Maggie suggested.
“You don’t have to do that.” You told her, partly because you felt bad leaving Paisley for so long without either you or Jack being with her. 
“It doesn’t even have to be overnight, just go on a date night or something, you two need a break, you’ll feel so much better I promise.” Maggie told you and you both sighed softly. 
“We’ll think about it.” Jack told her and she accepted his answer for now. 
You and Jack ended up taking her up on her offer a couple days later, even though neither of you exactly wanted to leave Paisley, Maggie reassured you both multiple times it would be okay, but she understood you both being nervous about leaving her. 
You and Jack decided to go out to dinner together, choosing a restaurant that was slightly fancier than ones you usually went to since you hadn’t been out for a while. You sat across the table from Jack, catching each other up on everything that you had been too distracted to tell each other before.
“I miss Paisley.” You admitted towards the end of the night, letting out a small laugh, Jack nodding in agreement.
“Me too.” Jack said, pulling his phone out to check to see if Maggie had texted him, seeing she had, but only to reassure the two of you everything was okay. “Everything’s good at home.” Jack told you and you nodded.
“I’m glad, I was so nervous to leave.” You said.
“Me too, but my mom was right, I feel so much better now.” Jack said and you smiled.
“I do too, I didn’t even realize how stressed we were until tonight.” You said, Jack paid the bill and you both walked to his car.
“Since everything’s good at home, do you want to go get ice cream before we go home?” Jack asked and you nodded as you smiled. Maggie told you two to stay out as long as you felt like it.
“Of course, I do, I’m never going to turn down ice cream.” You told Jack and he laughed softly.
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Hi Sarah! How's everything? So I just read that Joseph Quinn said he doesn't do meditation (but he probably should, his words) and then I started thinking about Eddie with a reader who's all good vibes, like... she meditates, she does yoga, she likes incense and crystals, she loves astrology... (I'm self projecting a bit, yes, I need all that so my nerves don't go boom) 😂 So could you do some conversations between Eddie and reader about it? Maybe she tries to teach him yoga or does his astral map or something... 🙈 Thanks! Have a nice weekend honey! ❤
Hiii lovey!! Everything is going good at the moment! How about you?? How are you doing? I’m not gonna lie the idea of Eddie with a flower child makes my swoon it’s the classic like sunshine and darkness duo that I just LOOOVVEEE also I imagine you’d call him honey and your grumpy baby when he’s in a mood lol I hope you enjoy this and have a great Sunday babes!!💖
*Eddie may not fully understand how to meditate or what crystal does what but he loves you so he will let you shove crystals in his pockets and tell him how to center himself*
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“I don’t think I’m doing this right baby.” “You have to stop talking honey…” “but how will I know if I’m doing it right if i don’t ask?” “You’ll just know…” “How will I know? Will my hands go numb or something?” “No honey you’ll just…feel relaxed and your mind will kinda go empty…” “oh that sounds nice.” “It’s very nice now you just have to stop talking and just try to clear your mind.” “Okay…I can do that…” “Just listen to the music and take a few deep breathes and relax.” “Oh I think…I think I’m doing it…this meditation thing is nice…I like it...” “Oh honey…”
“Baby my body doesn’t bend like that.” “Honey you can bend down and touch your toes…trust me.” “What’s this move called?” “It’s just a stretch to get you warmed up.” “What? Are you telling me we haven’t even started yet?” “You’re doing great honey.” “Don’t lie to me sweetheart it’s okay you can say it…I’m horrible at this.” “Everyone was a beginner once so it’s okay…now sit down and we are gonna do a butterfly stretch…just do what I’m doing okay? I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” “You want me to…do that? Baby…that looks painful…” “it’s to loosen your hips and your lower back…it’s not painful honey I promise.” “And this is still just stretching? I’m terrified of the actual yoga poses…” “I’ll go gentle on you don’t worry.” “You’re gonna get me all twisted like a pretzel aren’t you?” “No…I’ll save that for your third or fourth session.” “Gee thanks baby.”
“Take this…oh and take this one too…do you have your necklace on?” “Yes I have my necklace on…what’s this purple one for? Why do I need this black one? I thought that was for like…serious shit?” “The purple is amethyst and it’s just going to protect you from negative energy and you’re going to like battle so yeah I’d say it’s safe to bring the black obsidian.” “Baby it’s just a hellfire meeting…” “but you said this campaign was going to be especially brutal so it wouldn’t hurt to just be a little…more protected.” “And these will all go well with my clear thing on my necklace?” “You have clear quartz on your necklace and yes the amethyst and black obsidian all play nicely with your necklace honey don’t worry.” “What’s the quartz do again? Dustin was wondering if he needs one?” “It’s for helping you feel balanced and protected. Ohh send Dusty over after the meeting I’ll see what he needs.” “You’re gonna do one of those like aura reading thingys on him aren’t you?” “Maybe…” “He will love that.” “Okay..i think you’re all good to go to your little battle campaign now…how do you feel?” “Uh..good? Like..I can conquer the world.” “Perfect! Good luck honey go kill some elves and stuff.” “Thanks sweetheart…”
“What’s wrong with my little grumpy baby?” “Just a long day…” “come here let me see you.” “Baby…” “just come sit with me please…look at me honey.” “I just had a long day sweetheart it’s nothing serious.” “Hmmm yeah…you’re all out of whack.” “Thanks…” “I’m sorry honey i don’t mean it like that…it’s just you’re out of alignment.” “I’m out of what?” “Just close your eyes for me okay? I just wanna do some breathing work with you to see if it helps you feel a little better okay?” “Okay…I can feel you doing that plucking thing to my…aura?” “Sorry it’s…just a habit but okay now just take a few deep breathes and let them out through your nose….good job honey now cross your arms over your chest and stick your hands under your armpits…don’t look at me like that I swear it’ll help.” “Like this?” “Perfect now once again take a few deep breaths and let them out through your nose…excellent honey now take a deep breath and hold it for ten seconds before releasing it….good job…now repeat after me…I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.” “Uhh I’m…exactly where I’m supposed to be…” “my timing is perfect.” “My timing is perfect.” “Now take one more super deep breath and let it out slowly….perfect! Good job honey.” “How…how the fuck do you do that?” “Do what?” “Make me feel…lighter?” “I’m just helping you get back in alignment with your inner self that’s all….oh you can open your eyes now honey.”
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moon-alight · 1 year
Hiii!! Could you write a maki fluff? Where his s/o is scared of dogs and he wants her to meat pandy?
Hello! Of course I could. I personally love dogs so this is a bit funny to write besides, Pandy is so cute. I hope you like it. Now Ma-Ki is two years younger than me so I hope I'm at least making this the cutest it could be.
Quick edit, realized Pandy is a girl... I changed it.
See? She loves you - &Team Ma-Ki
Synopsis: You have a fear of dogs but decide to agree to meeting your boyfriend's companion after he had been bugging you for weeks.
Warnings: afab reader, Toothrotting fluff.
Word Count: 1.026
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You had avoided going to your boyfriend's house since the moment you heard he had a dog. Maki is an absolute sweetheart and you don't doubt his dog is well behaved, especially since he always talks about Pandy in the most endearing way but... you're so damn afraid.
Dogs were just another one of your fears. Some people are scared of spiders, some of snakes, some of sharks but you are afraid of dogs.
It's the worst fear. Everywhere you go there are dogs. You just avoid them, walking in a big circle around them to stay as far away as possible from the little creatures.
Then there is Maki. Whenever he is out and sees a dog, he just has to pet them. He would often try and tug you along while nearing dogs but you never let him. Of course he knows about your fear but he also desperately wants you to meet his little friend, Pandy.
Now, you had seen countless pictures of the small dog. At first sight she looked like Dobby from Harry Potter to you. Maki told you she's a mix and super sweet but how often he had asked you to come meet her, your answer remained 'no'.
You had thought about it a lot and you know Pandy is very important for Maki and so are you. So, you decided to meet her and conquer your fear once and for all even if you haven't told your eager boyfriend yet that you had agreed.
He walks inside the dorms, holding his phone and smiling down at the screen. You are anxiously sitting on the couch, trying to figure out if this is the right decision after all. He stops behind the couch you're sitting on and leans forward.
"y/n! Look! My mom send me another picture of Pandy." You look at the screen of his phone, a smile unconciously spreading on your face. Pandy doesn't look dangerous, especially not when she's cuddling with your boyfriend's mom on the couch. "I wish you could meet her." You almost didn't catch it, he said it so quietly.
"Then let's meet her." Oh how you regretted those words the moment you spoke them. Maki stares at you, trying to hide his hopeful smile to the best of his abilities.
"Do you mean that?" You had already made him so happy, there is no way back.
"Yes, I do." The happy scream leaving Maki immediately washed away your worries, his arms wrap around you as he jumps over the couch to hug you. His happiness rubs off on you and you giggle at his joyful energy.
"We can go by my house this weekend. We can go walk Pandy together, and we can cuddle her. We could watch movies with her..." Your boyfriend is now happily ranting but with all those ideas, you start to feel a bit anxious again though you try your best not to show him.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You dreaded the weekend but there was no chance you would cancel when your boyfriend was so hyped all week long. Even the fans started to notice how happy he had gotten with their last performance, you couldn't disappoint him no more.
"Is there something wrong, baby?" Maki asks you when you're on the train towards his house. You hadn't said a word for about an hour and were constantly fiddling with the sleeve of your sweatshirt.
"No, why?" Maki raises a brow at you.
"You don't really want to meet Pandy, do you?" He sees right through you.
"Why would you think that?"
"Because ever since you agreed on coming with me, you have been acting distant and... well, anxious." He noticed? Of course he did. How did you ever think you could hide this from him.
"It's not that I don't want to meet her, I really do. I just... I'm not sure why I'm scared that she would bite me or something." Maki reaches for your hand at your confession, holding it and rubbing his thumb to comfort you.
"Pandy has never bitten or barked at anyone in a mean way. Maybe to play but that's beyond the point. She would never hurt you, y/n."
"I know but the fear is still inside of me, you know?"
"I promise you, she won't hurt you. I have told her all about you so she should know how important you are to me."
"You told Pandy about me?" You ask softly, a small smile creeping on your lips.
"Mhm. And as far as I'm concerned, she loved hearing about you." It was enough to calm you down a little. The train soon stops and you two step onto the platform. Maki's mom is already standing there with Pandy on a leash next to her. When your eyes fall on the dog, you're stunned. You thought she'd be bigger.
"Mom!" You follow Maki but stay at a bit of a distance. You had already met his mom a couple of times but never at his house, never when Pandy was with her. The small dog jumps up on Maki as he squats down to pet her. You smile at seeing the two interact. "y/n, come pet her."
"Oh, no, I'm good." Maki gives you a playful glare. You take a deep breath and hold your hand out, Maki takes it and lowers it until it's right in front of Pandy. You're shaking a little and holding your breath as you watch the dog nearing your hand.
You really want to pull away, make sure she won't bite you but you trust Maki and so you stay still. You suddenly feel something wet against your palm and look at Pandy who is licking your hand.
"See? She loves you." You smile and start slowly petting her. Pandy seems to enjoy it as she pushes her head against your hand for more belly rubs.
"Well, you aren't so bad after all." You mumble, giggling when Pandy rolls over and looks at you with big brown eyes. You couldn't believe you were ever scared to meet this little angel. You're happy you did.
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