#also hai thun
zephyrrhiesfyrian · 18 days
Tinyformers First Aid who communicates with little siren wee-woos!!!
He'd wail them at you if he notices you don't care of yourself and your companions.
Forgot a meal? Wee-woo
Cut your finger and didn't disinfect and bandage it? Wee-woo
Forgot to water the plants? Wee-woo
Your computer makes a weird noise? Wee-woo! The machines suffer too!
I've shown you the description of his G1 toy, he'd be a little ball of too much empathy (I'd put him in a glass bc CHILL little guy I'll live--)
--- Thun
Tinyformers First Aid is worrying over everything, no matter how small. He will literally break down into tears if you kill a bug. Please be careful.
He notices you shedding hair and has an entire crisis because he thinks you're dying. You will need to gently explain to him that human hair naturally sheds itself.
And GOD FORBID your TV remote need a new change of batteries. First Aid will try to have a funeral for the hunk of plastic before you can even take the drained batteries out.
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absolutebl · 3 years
Why did Tufah suggest he call Thorn "nong" like it was a term of endearment? I thought "nong" was just what you call someone younger than you. And why is "Phi" not a term of endearment as well?
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Because he didn't before. Fah is older than Thorn and they have a phi/nong relationship, but calling someone nong to their face is different. It's flirty and affectionate, a bit like baby.
To say that out loud in front of friends/others especially when they hadn't before would indicate a change in status.
Also did you notice that Thorn's reply was "and what should I call you, ter?" which gives him cringe and goosebumps. That's ter in the old fashioned intimate use of the word. Ter as you was once frozen register.
Here's it's section from this blog post:
Nong does not work the same a phi
Anyone younger than you technically is a nong but most older kids will actually use no honorific for those younger than them but in the same general age bracket/generation/schooling system. Nong carries with it cute or diminutive connotations. A little like the difference between “my little brother” or “my baby brother” versus “my younger brother.” Nong is more babyish. Thus romantically it’s more likely to be used across a much wider age gap, or with very specific cute personality types.
Nong in the third person is different again and almost entirely dependent on circumstances.
Also nong is often used on animals and pets.
Unlike phi a boy nong will rarely use nong in place of the personal pronoun, he would use pom or his own name.
I’ve talked about ter before. We are taught ter as she/her when learning Thai. That would be the formal and polite use but actually it’s rarely spoken that way. It’s not frozen register, it is used as she/her, but not often.
When ter shows up in Thai BLs is tends to show up as you, which used to be frozen register. It entered parlance in songs/poems in particular. As you it’s not gender specific. When Tine sings his song to Sarawat at the end of Still 2gether he uses ter for you. In normal conversation, these two characters use mueng. In formal situations they tend to use each others names. But in song, Tine uses ter. It has an old fashioned romantic connotation when used in this way and is often paired with the I pronoun rao as a result.
The time we hear ter=you discussed in BL is He’s Coming to Me. Thun/Than calls his mother ter over the phone, and Med/Mes thinks Thun is talking to a lover. Imagine picking up the phone or running into someone and saying softly, “Hay, you.” It’s sweet. Thun uses ter with his mother instead of maa because, as his mother explains later, maa makes her feel too old. This is a bit like giving one’s parent a pet name and is showcasing how close Thun is to her.
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balticapocalypse · 3 years
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"Chronicles, travelogues, ecclesiastical correspondence and other historical records written by foreigners often made mention of snake worship among the Old Prussians, Samogitians, Lithuanians, and Latvians. The snakes were frequently referred to as žalčiai (cognate with Žalias 'green') which has been identified as the non-poisonous Tropodonotus natrix. Sometimes the chronicles also referred to them as gyvatės, a word which is clearly associated with Lith. gyvata 'vitality' and gyvas 'living'. The following historical records should more than suffice to demonstrate that snakes were worshipped widely among the Balts.
In the eleventh century, Adam of Bremen wrote that the Lithuanians worshipped dragons and flying serpents to whom they even offered human sacrifices (Balys 1948:66).
Aeneas Silvius recorded in 1390 an account given him by the missionary Jerome of Prague who worked among the Lithuanians in the final decade of the fourteenth century. Jerome related that:
'The first Lithuanians whom I visited were snake worshippers. Every male head of the family kept a snake in the corner of the house to which they would offer food and when it was lying on the hay, they would pray by it'.
Jerome issued a decree that all such snakes should be killed and burnt in the public market place. Among the snakes there was one which was much larger that all the others and despite repeated efforts, they were unable to put an end to its life (Balys 1948:66; Korsakas, et al 1963:33).
Dlugosz at the end of the fifteenth century wrote that among the eastern Lithuanians there were special deities in the forms of snakes and it was believed that these snakes were penates Dii (God's messengers). He also recorded that the western Lithuanians worshipped both the gyvatės and žalčiai (Gimbutas 1958:35).
Erasmus Stella in his Antiquitates Borussicae (1518) wrote about the first Old Prussian king, Vidvutas Alanas. Erasmus related that the king was greatly concerned with religion and invited priests from the Sūduviai (another Baltic tribe), who, greatly influenced by their beliefs, taught the Prussians how to worship snakes: for they are loved by the gods and are their messengers. They (the Prussians) fed them in their homes and made offerings to them as household deities (Balys 1948: II 67).
Simon Grunau in 1521 wrote that in honor of the god Patrimpas, a snake was kept in a large vessel covered with a sheaf of hay and that girls would feed it milk (Welsford 1958:421).
Maletius observed ca. 1550 that:
'The Lithuanians and Samogitians kept snakes under their beds or in the corner of their houses where the table usually stood. They worship the snakes as if they were divine beings. At certain times they would invite the snakes to come to the table. The snakes would crawl up on the linen-covered table, taste some food, and then crawl back to their holes. When the snakes crawled away, the people with great joy would first eat from the dish which the snakes had first tasted, believing that the next year would be fortunate. On the other hand, if the snakes did not come to the table when invited or if they did not taste the food, this meant that great misfortune would befall them in the coming year' (Balys 1948:67).
In 1557 Zigismund Herberstein wrote about his journey through northwestern Lithuania (Moscovica 1557, Vienna):
'Even today one can find many pagan beliefs held by these people, some of whom worship fire, others — trees, and others the sun and the moon. Still others keep their gods at home and these are serpents about three feet long... They have a special time when they feed their gods. In the middle of the house they place some milk and then kneel down on benches. Then the serpents crawl out and hiss at the people engaged geese and the people pray to them with great respect. If some mishap befalls them, they blame themselves for not properly feeding their gods' (Balys 1948: II 67).
Strykovsky in his 1582 chronicle on the Old Prussians related:
'They have erected to the god Patrimpas a statue and they honor him by taking care of a live snake to whom they feed milk so that it would remain content' (Korsakas et. al 1963:23).
A Jesuit missionary's report of 1583 reported:
'...when we felled their sacred oaks and killed their holy snakes with which the parents and the children had lived together since the cradle, then the pagans would cry that we are defaming their deities, that their gods of the trees, caves, fields, and orchards are destroyed' (Balys 1948: 11,68).
In 1604 another Jesuit missionary remarked:
'The people have reached such a stage of madness that they believe that deity exists in reptiles. Therefore, they carefully safeguard them, lest someone injure the serpents kept inside their homes. Superstitiously they believe that harm would come to them should anyone show disrespect to these serpents. It sometimes happens that snakes are encountered sucking milk from cows. Some of us occasionally have tried to pull one off, but invariably the farmer would plead in vain to dissuade us... When pleading failed, the man would seize the reptile with his hands and run away to hide it' (Gimbutas 1958:33).
In his De Dies Samagitarum of 1615, Johan Lasicci wrote:
'Also, just like some household deities, they feed black-colored reptiles which they call gioutos. When these snakes crawl out from the corners of the house and slither up to the food, everyone observes them with fear and respect. If some mishap befalls anyone who worship such reptiles, they explain that they did not treat them properly' (Lasickis 1969:25).
Andrius Cellarius in his Descripto Regni Polonicae (1659) observed:
'although the Samogitians were christianized in 1386, to this very day they are not free from their paganism, for even now they keep tamed snakes in their houses and show great respect for them, calling them Givoites' (Balys 1948: II 70).
T. Arnkiel wrote that ca. 1675 while traveling in Latvia he saw an enormous number of snakes.
'die night allein auf dem Felde und im Walde, sondern auch in den Häusern, ja gar in den Betten sich eingefunden, so ich mannigmahl mit Schrecken angesehen. Diese Schlangen thun selten Schaden, wie denn auch niemand unter den Bauern ihren Schaden zufügen wird. Scheint, dass bey denselben die alte Abgötterey noch nicht gäntzlich verloschen' (Biezais 1955: 33).
The Balts' positive attitude towards the snake has been recorded also in the late nineteenth century in the Deliciae Prussicae (1871) of Matthaus Pratorius who observed: 'Die Begegnung einer Schlange ist den Zamatien und preussischen Littauern noch jetziger Zeit ein gutes Omen' (Elisonas 1931:8.3).
Aside from the widespread attestation of snake-worship among the Balts and its persistence into Christian times, these historical records also suggest an intriguing relationship between Baltic mythology and our folk tale. Both Simon Grunau (1521) and Strykovsky (1582) mention the worship of the snake in close reference to the god Patrimpas. This deity is commonly identified as the "God of Waters" and his name is cognate with Old Prussian trumpa 'river'. The close association between the snake and the "God of Waters" has prompted E. Welsford to suggest a slight possibility that the water deity Patrimpas was at one time worshipped in the form of a snake (Welsford 1958:421). A serpent divinity associated with the water finds numerous parallels among Indo-European peoples, eg. the Indie Vrtra who withholds the waters and his benevolent counterpart, the Ahibudhnya 'the serpent of the deep'; the Midgard serpent of Norse mythology; Poseidon's serpents who are sent out of the sea to slay Lacoon, etc. A detailed comparison of the IE water-snake figure would far exceed the limits of this paper, nevertheless, it is curious to note that except for the quite minor Ahibudhnya, most IE mythologies present the water-serpent as malevolent creature — an attitude quite at variance with that of the ancient Balts.
From the historical records it is difficult to determine to what extent the ancient Balts might actually have possessed an organized snake-cult. Erasmus Stella's account of 1518 concerning the Sudovian Priest's introduction of snake-worship into Prussia might suggest such an established cult. In any event, that the snake was worshipped widely on a domestic level cannot be denied. In general it was deemed fortunate to come across a žaltys, and encountering a snake prophesied either marriage or birth. The žaltys was always said to bring happiness and prosperity, ensuring the fertility of the soil and the increase of the family. Up until the twentieth century, in many parts of Lithuania, farm women would leave milk in shallow pans in their yards for the žalčiai. This, they explained, helped to ensure the well-being of the family.
In 1924 H. Bertuleit wrote that the Samogitian peasants "even at the present time, staunchly maintain that the žaltys/gyvatė is a health and strength giving being" (Balys 1948: II 73). To this day in Lithuania, the gabled roofs are occasionally topped with serpent-shaped carvings in order to protect the household from evil powers.
The best proof of the still persistent respect, if no longer veneration, of the snake (or žaltys in specific) is provided by various folk sayings and beliefs which were recorded during this century. Some of them clearly reflect the association of the snake with good luck, while others depict the evil consequences which will befall one if he does not respect the snake. The following are some examples:
Good luck
1. If a snake crosses over your path you will have good luck.
2. If a snake runs across your path, there will be good fortune.
3. Žaltys is a good guardian of the home, he protects the home from thunder, sickness and murder.
4. If a žaltys appears in the living room, someone in that house will soon get married.
Bad consequences
5. In some houses there live domestic snakes; one must never kill this house-snake, for if you do, misfortunes and bad luck will fall on you and will last for seven years.
6. If you burn a snake in a fire and look at it when it is burning, you will become blind.
7. If you find a snake and throw it on an ant hill, it will stick out its little legs which will cause you to go blind.
8. If s snake bites someone and the person then kills the snake, he will never get well.
9. If a snake bites a man and another person kills it, the man will never recover.
10. If you kill the snake that bit you, you will never recover.
11. If a žaltys comes when one is eating, one must give it food, otherwise one will choke.
12. When children are eating and a žaltys crawls up to them, he must be fed; otherwise the children will choke.
13. If you kill a žaltys, your own animals will never obey you.
14. If someone kills a snake, it will not die until the sun has set.
15. If you kill a snake, the sun cries.
16. If you kill a snake and leave it unburied, the sun grows sick.
17. When a snake or a žaltys is killed, the sun cries while the Devil laughs.
18. If you kill a snake and leave it in the forest, then the sun grows dim for two or three days.
19. If you kill a snake and leave it unburied, then the sun will cry when it sees such a horrible thing.
20. If you kill a snake, you must bury it, otherwise the sun will cry when it sees the dead snake.
The snake's name.
21. If one finds a snake in the forest and wants to show it to others, he must say: "Come, here I found a paukštyte (little bird)!", otherwise, if you call it a gyvate, the snake will understand its name and run away.
22. If you see a snake, call it a little bird; then it will not attack humans.
23. While eating, never talk about a snake or you will meet it when going through the forest.
24. Snakes never bite those who do not mention their name in vain, especially while eating and on the days of the Blessed Mary (Wednesdays and Sundays).
25. On seeing a snake you should say: "Pretty little swallow." It likes this name and does not get angry nor bite.
26. If someone guesses the names of a snake's children, the snake and its children will die.
27. If you do not want a snake to bite you when you are walking though the forest, then don't mention its name.
28. A snake does not run away from -those who know its name.
29. Whoever knows the name of the king of the snakes will never be bitten by them.
30. One must never directly address a snake as gyvatė (snake); instead, one should use ilgoji (the long one) or margoji (the dappled one).
Snakes and cows.
31. Every cow has her own žaltys and when the žaltys becomes lost, she gives less milk. When buying a cow, a žaltys should also be bought together.
32. If you kill a žaltys, things will go bad because other žalčiai will suck all the milk from the cows.
Life-index and affinity to man
33. Some people keep a žaltys in the corner of their house and say: if I didn't have that žaltys, I would die.
34. If a person takes a žaltys out of the house — that person will also have to leave home.
35. If a žaltys leaves the house, someone in that household will die.
36. When you see a snake crawl into a tree trunk, cross two branches and carry them around the tree stump. Then place the crossed branches on the hole through which the snake crawled in. When the sun rises, you will find the snake lying on these branches.
37. When you see a snake and it crawls into a tree-stump, take a stick and draw a circle around the stump. Then, break the stick and place it in the shape of a cross and the snake will crawl out and lie down on the cross.
38. If a snake bites you, pick it up in your hands and rub its head against the wound. Then you will get well.
39. When one is bitten by a snake, say: "Iron one! Cold-tailed one! Forgive (name of person bitten)," while blowing in the direction of the sick person.
40. If you throw a dead snake into water, it will come back to life.
41. A snake attacks a man only when it sees his shadow.
42. They say that when a snake is killed, it comes back to life on the ninth day.
43. If a snake bites an ash tree, the tree bursts into leaf.8
44. If someone understands the language of the snakes, whey will obey him and he can command them to go from one place to another.
45. If there are too many snakes and you want them to leave, light a holy fire at the edge of your field and in the center; all the snakes will then crawl in groups through the fire and go away, but you must not touch them.
Some folk-beliefs show an obvious Christian influence and are possibly the products of frustrated Jesuit anti-snake propagandists:
45. When you meet a snake you must certainly have to kill it for if you fail to do so, then you will have committed a great sin.
46. If you kill a snake, you will win many indulgences.
47. If you kill seven snakes, all your sins will be forgiven.
48. If you kill seven snakes, you will win the Kingdom of Heaven
Such examples as these, however, are quite rare in comparison to the folk-beliefs which are sympathetic to the snake.
Considering the evidence amassed from both historical records and folk-belief that the Balts possessed a positive and reverent attitude towards the snake, it is little wonder that the snake husband's death is viewed as tragedy. If, as the proverbs suggest, a snake's death can affect the sun, then what consequences might the death of the very King of the Snakes have among mortals? This tragic outcome, as Swahn has indicated, gives the tale a character which is foreign to the true folk-tale (Swahn 1955:341). This tale could not terminate on the usual euphoric note typical of the Märchen (although the tale does contain numerous Märchen motifs) because the main event of the story relates to a "reality" which the people who tell the story still hold to be true. The tale is thus well-nourished in a setting where such folk-beliefs about the snake persist. On the other hand, the tale itself may have played a part in affecting the longevity of the beliefs. Whichever case may be true, it is obvious that both are closely related.
A specific element of folk-belief that survived as an ideological support to the tale is that of the snake's name-taboo. The tragic killing of the snake king is implemented only because the name formula is revealed. Thus, the general snake-taboo proverbs (No. 21-30; receive a specific denouement in the snake-father ordering that his name and summoning formula not be revealed to others. There appear to be two important aspects that surround this name-taboo. First of all, it reflects the primitive concept of one being able to manipulate another when his name is known. A second aspect is that the name-taboo may rest on the reverence and fear of a more powerful supernatural being that requires mortals never to mention the deity's real name. For example, Perkūnas, the all-powerful Thunder God of the Baits, has many substitutes for his real name which are usually onomatopoeic with the sound of thunder, eg. Dudulis, Dundulis, Tarškulis, Trenktinis. In our tale the general reason for the name-taboo may be partially related to this second explanation especially since there are a number of variants for the name of the snake-king, eg. Žilvine, which have no etymological support but bear a suspicious resemblance to the word žaltys 'snake'. This might then indicate a deliberate attempt to destroy the name žaltys in such a way as to avoid breaking the name-taboo but still retain some of the underlying semantic force. On the other hand, it must be admitted that many of the summoning formulas include a direct reference to the husband as žaltys. In these cases, since the brothers know his name, they can extend their power over him. It is likely that both these aspects should be considered when explaining the name-taboo of the story. The clear distinction between the obviously Christian folk-sayings (No. 45-48) and the underlying pro-snake proverbs carries considerable significance when one views the substitution of the Devil for the snake in many of the Latvian variants. This substitution occurred in all probability with the increasing influence of Christianity and its usual association of the serpent with the Devil as in the Garden of Eden story. It is interesting to reflect that in some cases the entire story proceeds with the same tragic development despite this substitution (Lat. 2, 7, 9, 15). Even in the Lithuanian variant (Lith. 4) where an old woman tells the heroine that her snake-husband is actually the Devil, this does little to alter the tragic tone of the tale's ending. Thus, it would seem that the Devil is a relatively late introduction, sometimes amounting to little more than a Christian gloss of the snake's real identity. On this basis, one might well conelude that the tale must have been composed in pagan times and is thereby, at the very least, four or five centuries old if not far older.
The effect of the diabolization of the snake among the Latvian variants seems to have led to a disintegration of the tale's actual structure. In some of the Latvian redactions (Lat. 4, 8, 15) where the Devil is the abductor, the story simply ends with the killing of the supernatural husband and the heroine's rescue. In variants of the tale which progress with such a rescue-motif development, it is important to observe that many of the other elements are consequently dropped. There is no name-taboo or magic formula, sometimes no children, and, of course, no magical transformation. Thus the tale is stripped of all these other embellishments and appears rather bare. It simply relates an abduction of the heroine and her rescue, usually accomplished by some members of her family or a priest and thunder storm (Latv. 15). In any event, the abductor is one whom she quite definitely cannot marry and therefore, there can be no Märchen marriage-feast. When the tale has been altered, the rescue motif can then be correlated to the other Märchen tale-types where the heroine is abducted (rather than married) and is eventually rescued by an eligible marriage partner. One might even speculate that this will be the eventual fate of those particular Latvian variants which no longer specify that the snake, a sacred and positive being, is the supernatural husband. We then have an intimate relationship between folk-belief and folk-tale which ultimately may be mirrored in the very structure of the story.
The place of the snake in Baltic folk-belief and its relation to our tale now having been well established, the obvious next question is whether similar beliefs exist in the neighboring non-Baltic countries and, if not, might we propose this as a possible explanation why the story as a Baltic oicotype has not spread to these other cultures. A complete analysis of the role of the snake in Germanic and Slavic folk-belief would far exceed the time allotted for the composition of this study, nevertheless, some of the evidence arrived at by way of a cursory review should be brought forth.
Of sole interest in our investigation of snake beliefs among the Germans and Slavs is the extent to which these cultures parallel the Balts with respect to the latter's quite sympathetic attitude toward the snake. Bolte and Polivka, Hoffmann - Krayer and J. Grimm all mention that among the Germans there are some beliefs which view the snake in a positive light. A few specific entries in Handwörterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens are similar to some folk-beliefs already cited among the Baits (Hoffmann - Krayer 1935-36: VII 1139-1141). Bolte and Polivka in listing parallels to Grimm's Märchen von der Unke cite several instances of snakes bringing great fortune to those who treat them well and disaster to those who disrespect or abuse them (Bolte and Polivka 1915: II 459-465) .9 Both Hoffmann-Krayer and Grimm, after listing various "remnants" of what they maintain might be evidence for an ancient snake-cult in Germany, state that under the influence of Christianity the snake is usually diabolized and its image as a malignant and deceitful creature predominates. Only in some very "old" stories are there traces of the original heathen positive attitude towards the snake (Grimm 1966: II 684); Hoffmann - Krayer 1935-36: VII Sp. 1139).
Welsford, in writings about the snake-cult among the ancient Slavs, states that it was probably quite similar to the one which persisted among the Balts, but that the latter seems to have retained it much longer. In the Slavic countries the snake was usually regarded as a creature in which dead souls were embodied and through time came to be viewed mostly as a dangerous animal. It is this aspect of the snake which appears most often in Slavic stories. The snake seems to be similar or even identical with other evil antagonists such as Baba Yaga (Welsford 1958: 422). There are also many stories involving a hero or heroine who has been transformed into a snake by evil enchantment. These stories primarily relate how this "curse" is ultimately overcome.
These remarks indicate that the respect for the snake and its association with good fortune was also known to both Germans and Slavs. The heathen past, however, is farther removed from these peoples than form the Latvians and Lithuanians. If similar snake-cults existed in Germany and in Slavic lands, they were not practiced on the same scale within recorded history as they were by the Baits. The cited fourteenth to eighteenth century reports on the Baits were written by Slavs and Germans and already then the surprise and disgust with which they viewed Baltic snake-veneration gives us a good indication of the place of the snake within their own cultures.
Cursory perusal of present-day Germanic and Slavic beliefs about the snake seems to verify the fact that, indeed, the snake is usually considered deceitful and malevolent. The majority of folk-beliefs, expressions, and proverbs reflect this general negative attitude. There are only a few examples of a positive regard for the snake, usually associating it with powers of healing. One may speculate that the folk medicine beliefs which prescribe the use of a snake as an effective cure may be partially explained by the notion that evil conquers evil (ie. an extension of similia similibus curantor). This, however, is mere speculation for it is also likely that the snake's obvious vitality may be responsible for its specification in various folk cures. This latter case seems to be well supported in the Baltic beliefs (cf. folk-belief 38, 39) since the name for snake, gyvatė, and its association with gyvata 'life' helps one to consciously sense the logical correlation.
Stories which mention the affinity between snakes and children are probably known throughout the world because they describe an unexpected occurrence. W. Hand has suggested that the credibility of such stories rests on the notion that the child's innocence and helplessness can not be breached even by a snake (Hand 1968). Note that this kind of logic presupposes that the snake is evil.
Hence, although a more thorough investigation is definitely required, one may still suggest that the Balts have sustained through their history a more sympathetic regard for the snake than either the Germans or Slavs. Assuming that this hypothesis may be true, let us now see how it might be related to the discussion of our tale.
When one assumes no comparable folkloric basis among the Germans and Slavs with regard to the snake, then the Baltic tale would make very little 'cultural sense' to these people and even if it penetrated into their cultural spheres, it would probably by altered by the same process which seems to be occurring with the Latvian tales. Secondly, even if we posit the existence of a similar positive attitude toward the snake in these cultures at a pre-Christian time, these beliefs would now seem to have almost entirely died out. In any case, even though there may be some survivals, there has been no comparative retention of respect and reverence for the snake among the Germans and Slavs as one finds with the Baits. The narrative motif of this tale clearly rests on a folk-belief which serves as an ideological backbone to the story. Conversely, people unfamiliar with the underlying folk-belief or possessing quite antithetical beliefs would find this tale lacking in cultural meaning and, therefore, 'untransferable,' at least in its original form".
By Elena Bradunas, 'If you killed a snake the sun will cry' in Lituanus: Lithuanian Quarterly Journal of Arts and Science (21).
Illustration by Aleksandra Czudzak.
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ryansjane · 4 years
5k celebration full poll results
oh wow, this took longer than I anticipated lol. so I know I’m like at least a month late and no one cares about it anymore, sorry about that, explanations under the cut, but the full poll results are here and I would really appreciate you putting a little heart on it because it genuinely took me foreverrr to create this post.
I also want to thank everyone who participated in the poll and reblogged my gifsets, I feel like me and you on this blog are a little ecosystem that works really well and it makes me happy :)
okay so now let’s get to the full results shall we ;)
so 116 people participated in the poll and I’ve had to detail by hand the result for each possible answer per category because sadly google forms hides half of the answers (pictured right under) so I can’t just take a screenshot...
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anyways let’s start because it’s gonna be hella long!
Favorite dramas
55 - 35 votes
Trapped : 55 (47,4%)
3 will be free : 39 (33,6%)
Why R U : 38 (32,8%)
Theory of Love : 36 (31%)
Love By Chance : 36 (31%)
34 - 25 votes
HIStory2 Crossing The Line : 34 (29,3%)
2gether : 31 (26,7%)
Until We Meet Again : 31 (26,7%)
Dark Blue Kiss : 29 (25%)
SOTUS : 26 (22,4%)
20 - 10 votes
HIStory3 Make Our Days Count : 17 (14,7%)
He’s Coming To Me : 16 (13,8%)
Project S Skate Our Souls : 15 (12,9%)
The Gifted : 14 (12,1%)
The Stranded : 14 (12,1%)
Long Time No See : 13 (11,2%)
Ossan’s Love : 13 (11,2%)
10 - 5 votes
Addicted Heroin : 9 (7,8%)
Great Men Academy : 9 (7,8%)
Together With Me : 8 (6,9%)
Diary Of Tootsies : 7 (6%)
Love Sick : 7 (6%)
Pornographer : 6 (5,2%)
4 votes (3,4%)
Kiss Me Again
Indigo No Kibun
Our Skyy
3 votes (2,6%)
2 Moons
Angel Beside Me
Because Of You
Fabulous 30
HIStory Stay Away From Me
Project S Side by Side
2 votes (1,7%)
Advance Bravely
Club Friday 8
HIStory Obsessed
Water Boyy The Series
What The Duck
1 vote (0,9%)
Bangkok Buddies
Boy For Rent
Counter Attack/Strike Back
Friend Zone
Girl From Nowhere
What Did You Eat Yesterday ?
My Tee
Prison Playbook
Red Balloon
Secret Seven
Senior Secret Love Puppy Honey
Turn Left Turn Right
Grey Rainbow
Wake Up Chanee
Yandai Byway no.10
0 vote :(
A Gift For Someone You Hate
Game Rak Ao Keun
HIStory2 Right Or Wrong
HIStory My Hero
Hotel Stars
I Am Your King
I Am Your King 2
I Hate You, I Love You
Like Love
Love Bipolar
Love Is More Than A Word
Make It Right
My Ambulance
My Brother’s Husband
My Dear Loser Edge of 17
My Dream
One Night Steal
Room Alone
Roop Thong
Slam Dance
Teenage Mom
The Ambiguous Focus
The Best Twins
The Judgement
Till Death Tear Us Apart
Favorite ships
40 - 30 votes
Tang Yi x Shao Fei : 38 (32,8%)
Mork x Sun : 35 (30,2%)
Zon x Saifah : 30 (25,9%)
Tutor x Fighter : 30 (25,9%)
29 - 20 votes
Neo x Mew x Shin : 29 (25%)
Tine x Sarawat : 25 (21,6%)
Pete x Kao : 25 (21,6%)
Jack x Zhao Zi : 24 (20,7%)
Yu Hao x Zi Xuan : 23 (19,8%)
Ae x Pete : 23 (19,8%)
Tin x Can : 20 (17,2%)
Khai x Third : 20 (17,2%)
Team x Win : 20 (17,2%)
11 - 19 votes
In x Korn : 18 (15,5%)
Kongpob x Arthit : 17 (14,7%)
Xi Gu x Hao Ting : 16 (13,6%)
Un x Two : 14 (12,1%)
Dean x Pharm : 14 (12,1%)
10 - 5 votes
Ming x Kit : 10 (8,6%)
Met x Thun : 10 (8,6%)
Korn x Knock : 10 (8,6%)
Love x Tangmo : 9 (7,8%)
Maki x Haruta : 9 (7,8%)
Lin x Somchai : 8 (6,9%)
Phun x Noh : 8 (6,9%)
Zhen Wen x Zhen Wu : 6 (5,2%)
Mork x Tee : 6 (5,2%)
Pick x Rome : 6 (5,2%)
Bai Luoyin x Gu Hai : 5 (4,3%)
4 votes (3,4%)
Top x Gus
Chisoo x Gitae
Book x Frame
Kraam x May
3 votes (2,6%)
Xia Hao x Yuan Zong
Badz x Smile
Zen x Yui
Koi x Dao
Jack x Krit
Arisa x Ying
2 votes (1,7%)
Stud x Earth
Kenji x Shirou
Ohm x Mick
Waii x Apo
Kluay x Achi
1 vote (0,9%)
Traffic x Melon
Tod x Meng
Sprite x Phai
Earn x Pete
Kijima x Kido
Guide x Tanai
Simon x Bell
Prem x Wad
Pop x Oat
0 vote :(
Phana x Wayo
Liz x Kyro
Phu x Tee
Win x Kwan
August x Bright
Per x Win
Tee x Fuse
Tantawan x Chalan
Tikhaew x Dao
In x Sun
Nick x Pob
Jamie x Namnhao
Favorite characters
20 - 16 votes
Saifah (Why R U?) : 20 (17,2%)
Shao Fei (Trapped) : 20 (17,2%)
Sarawat (2gether) : 19 (16,4%)
Yihwa (Together With Me) : 18 (15,5%)
Kongpob (SOTUS) : 17 (14,7%)
Mork (Dark Blue Kiss) : 16 (13,8%)
Tang Yi (Trapped) : 16 (13,8%)
15 - 13 votes
Jack (Trapped) : 15 (12,9%)
Win (Until We Meet Again) : 15 (12,9%)
Shin (3 Will Be Free) : 14 (12,1%)
Tangmo (Great Men Academy) : 14 (12,1%)
Sun (Dark Blue Kiss) : 13 (11,2%)
Hao Ting (Make Our Days Count) : 13 (11,2%)
Zhao Zi (Trapped) : 13 (11,2%)
Simon (Project S : SOS) : 13 (11,2%)
Fighter (Why R U?) : 13 (11,2%)
12 - 10 votes
Yu Hao (Crossing The Line) : 12 (10,3%)
Ae (Love by Chance) : 12 (10,3%)
Mew (3 Will Be Free) : 11 (9,5%)
Khai (Theory of Love) : 11 (9,5%)
Third (Theory of Love) : 11 (9,5%)
Can (Love by Chance) : 10 (8,6%)
In (Until We Meet Again) : 10 (8,6%)
9 - 8 votes
Kao (Dark Blue Kiss)��: 9 (7,9%)
Pete (Dark Blue Kiss) : 9 (7,9%)
Pond (Love by Chance) : 9 (7,8%)
Arthit (SOTUS) : 9 (7,8%)
Zon (Why R U?) : 9 (7,8%)
Tutor (Why R U?) : 9 (7,8%)
Green (2gether) : 8 (6,9%)
Neo (3 Will Be Free) : 8 (6,9%)
7 - 6 votes
Met (He’s Coming To Me) : 7 (6%)
Xi Gu (Make Our Days Count) : 7 (6%)
Haruta (Ossan’s Love) : 7 (6%)
Manaow (Until We Meet Again) : 7 (6%)
Pete (Love by Chance) : 6 (5,2%)
Boo (Project S : SOS) : 6 (5,2%)
Team (Until We Meet Again) : 6 (5,2%)
5 votes (4,3%)
Mae (3 Will Be Free)
Two (Theory of Love)
Pharm (Until We Meet Again)
Korn (Until We Meet Again)
Somchai (Angel Beside Me)
4 votes (3,4%)
Top (Diary of Tootsies)
Yui (Fabulous 30)
Zi Xuan (Crossing The Line)
Maki (Ossan’s Love)
Pick (Puppy Honey)
Lin (Angel Beside Me)
3 votes (2,6%)
Tin (Love by Chance)
Noh (Love Sick)
Jack (The Stranded)
Fai (Together With Me)
Dean (Until We Meet Again)
2 votes (1,7%)
Tine (2gether)
Ter (3 Will Be Free)
Badz (Boy for Rent)
Thun (He’s Coming To Me)
Gitae (Long Time No See)
Phun (Love Sick)
Earn (Love Sick)
Kijima (Indigo No Kibun)
Mork (My Tee)
Gym (Project S : Side by Side)
Fern (Project S : SOS)
Wave (The Gifted)
Claire (The Gifted)
Kraam (The Stranded)
Arisa (The Stranded)
Un (Theory of Love)
Korn (Together With Me)
Apo (Water Boyy)
Oat (What The Duck)
1 vote (0,9%)
Smile (Boy for Rent)
Gus (Diary of Tootsies)
Golf (Diary of Tootsies)
Natty (Diary of Tootsies)
Stud (Friend Zone)
Nanno (Girl From Nowhere)
Zhen Wen (Crossing The Line)
Kenji (What Did You Eat Yesterday?)
Shiro (What Did You Eat Yesterday?)
Chisoo (Long Time No See)
Frame (Make It Right)
Kido (Indigo No Kibun)
Tee (My Tee)
Bell (Project S : SOS)
Rome (Puppy Honey)
Pang (The Gifted)
Punn (The Gifted)
Krit (The Stranded)
Knock (Together With Me)
Nat (Wake Up Chanee)
Aei (Wake Up Chanee)
Kluay (Water Boyy)
Pop (What The Duck)
0 vote :(
Tod (Club Friday 8)
Meng (Club Friday 8)
Kim (Diary of Tootsies)
Zen (Fabulous 30) (you did my man wrong and I won’t forgive y’all)
Earth (Friend Zone)
Love (Great Men Academy)
Zhen Wu (Crossing The Line)
Techno (Love by Chance)
Tee (Make It Right)
Fuse (Make It Right)
Book (Make It Right)
Tantawan (My Ambulance)
Chalan (My Ambulance)
Dong (Project S : Side by Side)
Padlom (Secret Seven)
Namtarn (The Gifted)
Ohm (The Gifted)
Korn (The Gifted)
Lookkhaew (The Judgement)
Namnhao (The Judgement)
Ying (The Stranded)
Bone (Theory of Love)
Tata (Wake Up Chanee)
Kluay (Wake Up Chanee)
Jane (Wake Up Chanee)
Waii (Water Boyy)
Fah (Water Boyy)
Por (WOLF)
Don (WOLF)
Favorite actors
45 - 22 votes
Tay Tawan : 45 (38,8%)
Gun Atthaphan : 41 (35,3%)
Off Jumpol : 28 (24,1%)
Saint Suppapong : 24 (20,7%)
Singto Prachaya : 23 (19,8%)
21 - 15 votes
Mild Lapassalan : 21 (18,1%)
Fluke Natouch : 21 (18,1%)
Bright Vachiwarit : 19 (16,4%)
Earth Katsamonnat : 19 (16,4%)
Jaylerr/JJ Kritsanapoom : 16 (13,8%)
Zee Pruk : 15 (12,9%)
12 - 11 votes
Toni Rakkaen : 12 (10,3%)
Boun Noppanut : 11 (9,5%)
Chris Wu : 11 (9,5%)
Earth Pirapat : 11 (9,5%)
Gunsmile Chanagun : 11 (9,5%)
James Teeradon : 11 (9,5%)
Perth Tanapon : 11 (9,5%)
10 - 8 votes
Jake Hsu : 10 (8,6%)
Wayne Song : 9 (7,8%)
Samantha Melanie Coates : 8 (6,9%)
Jennie Panhan : 8 (6,9%)
Joss Way-ar : 8 (6,9%)
Zach Lu : 8 (6,9%)
Ohm Pawat : 8 (6,9%)
7 - 5 votes
Fandy Fan : 7 (6%)
Mark Siwat : 7 (6%)
New Thitipoom : 7 (6%)
Captain Chonlathorn : 6 (5,2%)
Podd Suphakorn : 6 (5,2%)
White Nawat : 6 (5,2%)
Andy Bian : 5 (4,3%)
Jane Ramida : 5 (4,3%)
Mond Tanutchai : 5 (4,3%)
4 votes (3,4%)
Nine Noppakao : 4
Kenny Chen : 4
Oab Nithi : 4
Ohm Thitiwat : 4
3 votes (2,6%)
Arm Weerayut : 3
Chimon Vachiwarit : 3
Jimmy Karn : 3
Max Nattapol : 3
Tommy Shittichok : 3
Win Metawin : 3
2 votes (1,7%)
Beam Papangkorn : 2
Drake Laedeke : 2
Fiat Pattadon : 2
Fluke Gawin : 2
Gun Napat : 2
Maengmum Bumrungkit : 2
Mike Chinnarat : 2
Pat Chayanit : 2
Toptap Jirakit : 2
1 vote (0,9%)
August Vachivarit : 1
Bank Thiti : 1
Ciize Apichaya : 1
Fon Sananthachat : 1
Gam Wichayanee : 1
Ice Paris : 1
Mek Jirakit : 1
Namtan Tipnaree : 1
Nanon Korapat : 1
Ngern Anupart : 1
Plan Rhatavit : 1
Plustor Pronphipat : 1
Prem Warut : 1
Punpun Suttata : 1
Sing Harit : 1
Tor Thanapob : 1
Tul Pakorn : 1
0 vote :(
AJ Chayapol : 0
Alice Tsoi : 0
Aye Sarunchana : 0
Bas Suradej : 0
Belle Kemisara : 0
Chaleeda Gilbert : 0
Copter Panuwat : 0
Fame Chawinroj : 0
Frank Thanatsaran : 0
Guy Sivakorn : 0
Huang Chun Chih : 0
Jan Ployshompoo : 0
Kimmon Varodom : 0
Kitty Chicha Amatayakul : 0
Lee Thanat : 0
Mai Davika Hoorne : 0
March Chutavuth : 0
Max Jenmana : 0
Mook Worranit : 0
Nammon Krittanai : 0
Newyear Kittiwhut : 0
Nicky Nachat : 0
Oreo Puwanai : 0
Pearwah Nichapat : 0
Piglet Charada : 0
Pluem Purim : 0
Pompam Nithi : 0
Porsche Sivakorn : 0
Praew Chaisang : 0
Sky Wongravee : 0
Strong Charoenchai : 0
Thanaerng Kanyawee : 0
Victor Chatchawit : 0
Favorite movies
25 - 15 votes
Seven Days: Monday - Thursday & Friday - Sunday (2015, Japan) : 25 (21,6%)
Two Weddings and A Funeral (2012, South Korea) : 18 (15,5%)
Yes or No (2010, Thailand) : 18 (15,5%)
The Blue Hour (2015, Thailand) : 15 (12,9%)
My Bromance (2014, Thailand) : 15 (12,9%)
14 - 8 votes
Method : 14 (12,1%)
Fathers (2016, Thailand) : 14 (12,1%)
Antique Bakery (2008, Antique Bakery) : 10 (8,6%)
Water Boyy: The Movie (2015, Thailand) : 10 (8,6%)
In Between Seasons (2018, South Korea) : 9 (7,8%)
Night Flight (2014, South Korea) : 8 (6,9%)
7 votes (6%)
A Frozen Flower (2008, South Korea) : 7
Dear Ex (2018, Taiwan) : 7
Ghost Ship (2015, Thailand) : 7
Happy Together (1997, Hong Kong) : 7
6 votes (5,2%)
Love Love You (2015, Thailand) : 6
No Touching At All (2014, Japan) : 6
Present Perfect (2017, Thailand) : 6
The King and The Clown (2005, South Korea) : 6
The Love of Siam (2007, Thailand) : 6
We Are Gamily (2017, Taiwan) : 6
5 votes (4,3%)
Eternal Summer (2006, Taiwan) : 5
Hidamari Ga Kikoeru (2017, Japan) : 5
I Miss You When I See You (2018, Hong Kong) : 5
Lan Yu (2001, Hong Kong) : 5
4 votes (3,4%)
A Touch Of Fever (1993, Japan) : 4
How To Win At Checkers (Every Time) (2015, Thailand) : 4
Love's Coming (2014, Thailand) : 4
The Moment (2017, Thailand) : 4
The Poet and The Boy (2017, South Korea) : 4
3 votes (2,6%)
Close-Knit (2017, Japan) : 3
Double Mints (2017, Japan) : 3
Hello Stranger (2010, Thailand) : 3
Wait For Me At Udagawachou (2015, Japan) : 3
2 votes (1,7%)
Anger (2016, Japan) : 2
Formula 17 (2004, Taiwan) : 2
Girlfriend & Boyfriend (2012, Taiwan) : 2
Man On High Heels (2014, South Korea) : 2
1 vote (0,9%)
A Crimson Mark (2004, South Korea) : 1
Customized Companion (2017, China) : 1
Does The Flower Bloom? (2018, Japan) : 1
Futureless Things (2014, South Korea) : 1
Pair Of Love (2010, Taiwan) : 1
Where We Belong (2019, Thailand) : 1
0 votes :(
Athlete (2019, Japan) : 0
Back To The 90's (2015, Thailand) : 0
Down The River (2004, Thailand) : 0
Go! Go! G-Boys (2006, Taiwan) : 0
Lesson Of The Evil (2012, Japan) : 0
Sweet Boy (2016, Thailand) : 0
15 notes · View notes
miran786 · 6 years
Tumblr media
When theres healthy halal non vegeterian restaurent nearby and u have to try this.. no i love some veg dishes too np, its also important to eat but dosas, dosas are soo over hyped literally.. and the most important thing, i dont think how peoples hunger sarisfies with these south indian dishes.. its a joke saying 4ft paper thun dosas eaten by 4 people lolz.. i can measure the dosa equal the whole mumbai length and still feel hungry, 😣🤗.. lolzz kya toh bhi hai usmein.. apne ko bade ka nalla maangta 😊.. . .. ... https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsb4UQSDVsl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c2ra9hjxr8zw
0 notes
tienganhfree · 4 years
Học ngay mẫu câu miêu tả giày dép trong tiếng Anh hay nhất
Bạn là người thích sưu tập các loại giày dép?
Đôi khi bạn muốn nói về sở thích, bộ sưu tập, các loại giày dép của mình nhưng l���i không biết tên tiếng Anh hay không có đủ vốn từ để diễn tả? Hãy cùng Tiếng Anh Free tìm hiểu những mẫu câu miêu tả giày dép trong tiếng Anh cũng như một số các từ vựng thông dụng khác liên quan tới chủ đề này nhé.
mẫu câu miêu tả giày dép trong tiếng Anh
1 trong những cách học tiếng Anh giao tiếp theo chủ đề hiệu quả là bạn bắt buộc phải tích lũy từ vựng cũng như mẫu câu về chủ đề đó. Dưới đây là 1 số mẫu câu miêu tả cách dùng từ vựng tiếng Anh về giày dép:
Thigh high boots are perfect for leggings and skinny jeans: Bốt cao quá gối thật sự tuyệt vời khi kết hợp với quần bó dài đồng thời cả quần bò
He wears bondage boots and red shorts: Anh ta đi đôi bốt cao gót cao cổ cùng với đó là mặc một chiếc quần thể thao màu đỏ
Totally versatile the pump is the perfect neutral shoe to wear to any event with any outfit whether skinny jeans or an evening dress: Hoàn toàn linh hoạt, giày cao gót kín mũi là 1 đôi giày trung lập tuyệt vời để đi cho bất kỳ sự kiện nào với bất kỳ loại trang phục nào cho dù đó có là quần bò bó hay váy dự tiệc.
Wedge is easier to wear than a traditional stiletto, wedges are great transitional shoes that will carry you from summer to fall: Giày đế xuồng dễ đi hơn so với giày cao gót truyền thống, giày đế xuồng là các đôi giày tuyệt vời để sử dụng trong suốt mùa giao mùa, bạn hoàn toàn có thể đi chúng từ mùa hè sang mùa thu
A shoe is an item of footwear intended to protect and comfort the human foot, while the wearer is doing various activities: Giày là 1 vật dụng của giày dép nhằm bảo vệ đồng thời làm thoải mái chân người, trong khi người mang đang thực hiện nhiều hoạt động khác nhau
Some shoes are designed for specific purposes, such as boots designed specifically for mountaineering or skiing: 1 số giày được thiết kế cho những mục đích cụ thể, chẳng hạn như giày được thiết kế dành riêng cho leo núi hay trượt tuy���t.
Fashion has often dictated many design elements, such as whether shoes have very high heels or flat ones: Thời trang thông thường đưa ra nhiều yếu tố thiết kế, ví dụ như giày có gót cao hoặc đế bằng. 
Contemporary footwear in the 2009s varies widely in style, complexity and cost: Giày dép đương đại trong những năm 2009 rất phong phú về kiểu dáng, độ phức tạp cũng như giá thành.
Basic sandals may consist of only a thin sole and simple strap and be sold for a low cost: Dép cơ bản có thể chỉ bao gồm 1 đế mỏng và dây đeo đơn giản đồng thời được bán với giá thấp.
từ vựng tiếng Anh về giày dép
Ankle strap: giày cao gót quai mảnh vắt ngang
Ballerina flat: giày đế bằng kiểu múa ba lê
Bondage boot: bốt cao gót cao cổ 
Chelsea boot: bốt cổ thấp đến mắt cá chân
Chunky heel: giày, dép đế thô 
Clog: guốc
Mary Jane: giày bít mũi có quai bắt ngang
Slip-ons: giày lười slip-ons
Dr. Martens: giày cao cổ thương hiệu Dr.Martens
Knee high boot: bốt cao gót
Lita: bốt cao trước, sau, buộc dây
Loafer: giày lười
Moccasin: giày Moccasin
Monk: giày quai thầy tu
Open toe: giày cao gót hở mũi
Peep toe: giày hở mũi
Stiletto: giày gót nhọn
Slingback: dép có quai qua mắt cá  
Thigh high boot: bốt cao quá gối
Timberland boot: bốt da cao cổ buộc dây
Ugg boot: bốt lông cừu
Wedge: dép đế xuồng
Wedge boot: giày đế xuồng
Wellington boot: bốt không thấm nước, ủng
miêu tả giày dép trong tiếng Anh
Giày búp bê tiếng Anh là gì? Dép đi trong nhà tiếng Anh là gì? Hãy cùng giải đáp các câu hỏi đó bằng cách học từ vựng tiếng Anh về giày dép dưới đây nhé. 1 mục từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề khá hay ho dành cho các bạn có sở thích đặc biệt đối với những đôi giày. Hãy cùng xem những tên gọi tiếng Anh của giày dép nói chung sẽ như thế nào nha:
Ballet flats: là giày búp bê tiếng Anh, hoặc bạn cũng có thể gọi là giày bệt. Loại giày này có hình dáng na ná giống giày ballet và đế bệt. Để nói về loại giày dành riêng cho bộ môn múa ballet, người ta thường sử dụng từ ballet shoes
Flip-flops là dép tông, dép xỏ ngón. Nhiều nơi sử dụng từ thongs để chỉ dép xỏ ngón, thế nhưng từ này cũng chỉ 1 loại quần lót phụ nữ
Boots là từ vựng chỉ đôi bốt trong tiếng Anh. 1 số từ vựng liên quan: rain boots (ủng đi mưa), hiking boots (giày ống đi đường dài), military boots (giày quân đội)…
High heels: giày cao gót. Từ này được bắt đầu từ Heel là gót (chân), móng (ngựa), bởi vậy giày cao gót được gọi là high heels
Athletic: giày thể thao nói chung. Đây là tính từ mang nghĩa thuộc về thể thao, điền kinh, hay chỉ sự lực lưỡng, khỏe mạnh. Vì vậy để gọi giày thể thao nói chung, người ta dùng từ athletic shoes
Slippers: chỉ dép đi trong nhà hay dép lê
Platform: có hàm nghĩa là bục, bậc, thềm. Platform shoes chỉ loại giày thường có phần đế dày, thường được gọi là giày bánh mì
Sandals: là dép xăng đan, có quai hậu ngang mắt cá chân, thế nhưng cách phát âm của người bản ngữ khác cách phiên âm của người Việt
Oxford shoes: là tên gọi riêng của loại giày thường diện trong mỗi dịp trang trọng, đòi hỏi tính lễ nghi. Loại giày này được thiết kế cho cả nam cũng như cho cả nữ. Giày Oxford thường làm bằng da đồng thời có phần buộc dây, kiểu dáng cơ bản, dễ nhận biết
Lace-ups hay lace-up shoes: từ vựng chỉ chung cho giày buộc dây
Eyelet: lỗ xỏ giày
Foxing: miếng đắp lên giày có tác dụng trang trí hoặc gia cố cho giày:với giày thể thao.
Heel: gót giày
Insole: đế trong
Last: khuôn giày
Lace: dây giày. Được làm từ vải, thun hoặc bằng da.
Lacing: mui giày, chỉ cấu tạo và cách bố trí của phần dây giày. Bạn thắt dây giày qua các eyelet và giữ cho 2 phần bên giày lại với nhau.
Lining: lớp lót bên trong giày. Một số loại giày như desert boot không có lining.
Midsole: đế giữa
Outsole: đế ngoài
Shoes tree: một dụng cụ có hình dáng tương tự bàn chân. Dụng cụ này có tác dụng giữ dáng, chống nếp nhăn, tăng tuổi thọ cho đôi giày. Nó đặt vào trong đôi giày.
Socklining: miếng lót giày.
Socklining: dùng để làm lớp đệm tăng độ êm ái khi mang, khử mùi chân hay hút mồ hôi để tăng độ bền cho đế giày. Socklining có thể dễ dàng thay thế.
Tìm hiểu thêm các chủ đề:
Từ vựng tiếng Anh về cảm xúc
Các mùi vị trong tiếng Anh
Từ vựng tiếng Anh về đám cưới
Từ vựng tiếng Anh thương mại
Các từ viết tắt tiếng Anh
  Nếu bạn còn chưa tìm được cho bản thân những phương pháp học từ vựng có thể tạo nhiều cảm hứng và sáng tạo thì hãy “kết bạn” với Hack Não 1500 nhé. Cuốn sách đã thay đổi cách học từ vựng tiếng Anh của hàng ngàn người học, thậm chí kể cả bạn không có năng khiếu học ngoại ngữ. Sau đó, chúc các bạn đã có quãng thời gian vui vẻ khi học các loại giày dép trong tiếng Anh cùng chúng mình. Nhớ luyện tập thật nhiều để nắm chắc trong lòng bàn tay các. 
Xem ngay sách Hack Não 1500 từ tiếng Anh – Nạp siêu tốc 1500 từ vựng và cụm từ trong 50 ngày.
  Tìm hiểu ngay
Talking about your types of shoes?
As I’m a sporty person, I love trainers! They are comfortable to wear and I can use them all-year-round. Also, they can never be out of fashion since they are always suitable to wear in almost all kinds of occasions. I don’t have any experience of buying shoes online and that has never crossed my mind since I’m afraid that if I buy shoes online they may not fit my size, although there are always specifications, still, I can’t trust them. Whenever I buy shoes, I always go to brick-and-mortar shops so I can try them on and see if they look good on me.
I have already a lot of pairs of different types of shoes. Back then, I used to buy thrice or four times a year since I didn’t have any priorities, it was like a hobby for me collecting shoes. However, these days as I’m living on my own, I need to be more conscious or careful about spending my hard-earned money, I’ve many bills to pay that the idea of buying new shoes is already a luxury.
Lời dịch: 
Khi tôi là một người thích thể thao, tôi yêu các huấn luyện viên! Chúng rất thoải mái khi mặc và tôi có thể sử dụng chúng quanh năm. Ngoài ra, chúng không bao giờ lỗi mốt vì chúng luôn phù hợp để mặc trong hầu hết các dịp. Tôi không có bất kỳ kinh nghiệm nào về việc mua giày trực tuyến và điều đó chưa bao giờ xuất hiện trong đầu tôi, vì tôi sợ rằng nếu tôi mua giày trực tuyến, chúng có thể không phù hợp với kích cỡ của tôi, mặc dù luôn có thông số kỹ thuật, tôi vẫn không thể tin chúng. Bất cứ khi nào tôi mua giày, tôi luôn đến các cửa hàng bán gạch để tôi có thể thử chúng và xem chúng có đẹp với tôi không.
Tôi đã có rất nhiều đôi giày khác nhau. Hồi đó, tôi thường mua ba lần một năm kể từ khi tôi không có bất kỳ ưu tiên nào, nó giống như một sở thích của tôi khi sưu tập giày. Tuy nhiên, những ngày này khi tôi sống một mình, tôi cần phải có ý thức hoặc cẩn thận hơn trong việc chi tiêu số tiền khó kiếm được của mình, tôi đã lập nhiều hóa đơn để trả rằng ý tưởng mua giày mới đã là một điều xa xỉ.
Step Up chúc bạn học tập tốt và sớm thành công!
Bài viết Học ngay mẫu câu miêu tả giày dép trong tiếng Anh hay nhất đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Tiếng Anh Free.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 24 days
I'd be eating that damn Tinyformers First Aid smh
Also how would the more 'pompous' act as tinys? xD Tiny Shockwave trying to destroy the universe and you just...put him into a jar and watch his lasers be deflected by the glass.
--- Thun
I think their ambitions would scale down too, so Tiny Shockwave would probably focus on making his human's household as pristine and efficient as possible. Keep an eye on him, because he will get into your laptop/pc/phone and he will be deleting things he thinks you don't need.
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absolutebl · 4 years
Explain that Word? Ter
Thai for the casual BL watcher. 
So I keep hearing the word ter, it’s a pronoun but it seems to be used multiple different ways in Thai so I finally decided to investigate, here’s what I learned. 
We are taught ter as she/her when learning Thai. That would be the formal and polite use but actually it’s rarely spoken that way. It’s not frozen register, it is used, but not often. 
When ter shows up in Thai BLs is tends to show up as you, which is again, almost a frozen register use. It enters parlance in songs in particular. Also it’s not gender specific. 
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So when Tine sings his song to Sarawat at the end of Still 2gether he uses ter for you. In normal conversation, these two characters use the rude mueng for you with each other. In formal situations they tend to use each others names. But in song, Tine uses ter. 
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The other time we see ter used as you in Bl is in He’s Coming to Me. Thun calls his mother ter over the phone, and Med/Mes thinks Thun is talking to a female lover. Partly because of of ter’s connection to song and poetry, ter as you in speech has an affectionate, old-fashioned component to it. 
Imagine picking up the phone or running into someone and saying softly, “Hay, you.” 
It’s sweet. 
Thun uses ter with his mother instead of maa (the Thai word for mom which sounds harsh to the English ear and bit like mare) because, as his mother explains, maa makes her feel old. This is a bit like giving one’s parent a pet name. 
Anyway, so that’s ter when it shows up. 
Here’s the post where I talk about some of the basic Thai language things it’s useful to know if you watch Thai BL. 
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tienganhfree · 5 years
Cấu trúc suggest trong tiếng Anh: cấu trúc, cách dùng và bài tập có đáp án
Cấu trúc suggest thường được dùng để nói chung chung, không ám chỉ một người cụ thể nào trong những tình huống trang trọng hay khi người nói muốn đưa ra một lời khuyên, muốn đưa ra một đề nghị hoặc để nói gợi ý gián tiếp… Hôm nay, hãy cùng Tiếng Anh Free tìm hiểu chi tiết và đầy đủ nhất về cách dùng, ứng dụng với cấu trúc suggest trong tiếng Anh qua bài viết dưới đây nhé!
Cấu trúc sugggest trong tiếng Anh
1.1 Suggest + noun/noun phrase (Suggest + danh từ/cụm danh từ): đề xuất cái gì đó (cho bất kỳ ai đó)
Trong trường hợp này thì các cụm danh từ được sử dụng làm tân ngữ của động từ suggest.
Ví dụ:
I suggest a red wine with that dish.
(Tôi đề nghị dùng rượu vang đỏ với món ăn đó.)
Trong trường hợp bạn muốn đề cập đến đối tượng mà nhận được lời đề nghị, chúng ta sẽ sử dụng “to”.
Ví dụ: 
My mother suggested a course I could sign up for at the end of the year.
or My mother suggested a course to me which I could sign up for at the end of the year.
(Mẹ của tôi đề xuất cho tôi 1 khóa học mà tôi có thể đăng ký vào cuối năm.)
NOT My mother suggested me a course…
(Cấu trúc suggest)
1.2 Suggest + that-clause (Suggest + mệnh đề “that”) : đề xuất rằng ai đó (nên làm gì đó)
Khi đưa ra một đề xuất ta có thể dùng mệnh đề “that” đi theo sau động từ suggest. Trong các tình huống không trang trọng, chúng ta có thể bỏ “that” ra khỏi mệnh đề.
Ví dụ:
I suggest (that) we take a break and go for a walk.
(Tôi đề nghị chúng ta nên nghỉ ngơi và đi dạo một chút..)
Lưu ý:
Trong tình huống dùng mệnh đề “that” thì động từ đi theo sau luôn ở dạng nguyên mẫu không “to”.
Ví dụ: 
The doctor suggests that he lose some weights.
(Chủ ngữ là “he” nhưng động từ “lose” không chia)
Khi đề nghị hay đề xuất một việc gì trong quá khứ, chúng ta có thể sử dụng “should” trong mệnh đề “that”.
Ví dụ:
His doctor suggested that he should reduce his working hours and take more exercise.
Tìm hiểu thêm các chủ đề liên quan về ngữ pháp tiếng Anh khác:
Cấu trúc when
Câu điều kiện
Cấu trúc not only but also
Ngoại động từ
Trợ động từ
Cấu trúc apologize
Cách dùng already
1.3 Suggest + -ing form (Suggest + V-ing): đề xuất  làm gì đó
Chúng ta có thể sử dụng V-ing đi theo sau động từ suggest khi đề cập đến một hành động tuy nhiên không nói cụ thể ai sẽ làm hành động đó.
Ví dụ:
She suggested travelling together for safety, since the area was so dangerous.
(Cô ta đề xuất nên đi du lịch cùng nhau cho an toàn vì khu vực đó rất nguy hiểm.)
(Cấu trúc suggest trong tiếng Anh)
1.4 Suggest + wh-question word (Suggest + từ để hỏi)
Chúng ta cũng có thể sử dụng những từ để hỏi như: where, what, when, who, how để theo sau động từ suggest, chúng có hàm nghĩa là gợi ý làm như thế nào, ở đâu, như thế nào đó…
Ví dụ:
Could you suggest where I might be able to buy a nice T-shirt for my girlfriend?
(Bạn có thể gợi ý cho tôi 1 chỗ để tôi có thể mua 1 cái áo thun thật đẹp cho bạn gái của tôi không?)
Could suggest you what I should to wear the party?
(Bạn có thể gợi ý tôi nên mặc gì tới bữa tiệc được không?)
Lưu ý:
KHÔNG dùng suggest + tân ngữ + to_V khi muốn đề nghị ai đó làm gì.
Ví dụ:
He suggested that I should go abroad for further study.
NOT he suggested me to go abroad…
KHÔNG dùng to_V sau suggest:
Ví dụ:
He suggests having the car repaired as soon as possible.
NOT He suggests to have…
Ngoài nghĩa đề xuất, đề nghị thì động từ suggest còn có nghĩa là “ám chỉ” .
Ví dụ:
Are you suggesting (that) I’m lazy?
(Anh ám chỉ tôi lười biếng phải không?)
Cụm từ suggest itself to somebody nghĩa là chợt nảy ra điều gì.
Ví dụ:
A solution immediately suggested itself to me.
(Tôi chợt nghĩ ra 1 giải pháp.)
Tìm hiểu thêm vể các cấu trúc câu trong tiếng Anh:
Cấu trúc used to/ be used to/ get used to
Cấu trúc as soon as
Cấu trúc Would rather
Cấu trúc would you mind/ Do you mind
Cấu trúc Wish
Câu so sánh
Cách dùng cấu trúc suggest trong tiếng Anh
Cấu trúc suggest thường được dùng để nói chung chung, không ám chỉ một người cụ thể nào trong những tình huống trang trọng hay khi người nói muốn đưa ra một lời khuyên, muốn đưa ra một đề nghị hoặc để nói gợi ý gián tiếp… Trong cấu trúc ngữ pháp tiếng Anh thì suggest được sử dụng chủ yếu với 5 trường hợp dưới đây, hãy cùng tìm hiểu ngay nhé!
1.1 Cấu trúc suggest+ gerund được dùng chủ yếu trong những tình huống trang trọng, để nói chung chung, không ám chỉ một người cụ thể nào
Ví dụ: “Why suggest going to Yellowstone in August when the park is the most jammed?”
(Sao lại khuyên đến Yellostone vào tháng tám khi công viên này đông nghịt người?)
Trong những cấu trúc mà không phải tất cả người nghe hay người đọc đều có thể làm theo lời khuyên ấy:
Cũng dùng cấu trúc này khi muốn nhấn mạnh điều mình đề nghị, chớ không phải để nhấn mạnh người thực hiện hành động trong lời đề nghị ấy:
“He also suggests going with your mother to her appointments.”
( Anh ấy cũng khuyên nên đi với mẹ đến chỗ hẹn hò với cô ta.)
Đôi khi người viết hoặc người nói muốn tránh ám chỉ người đọc là người có vấn đề , vì vài lời đề nghị có thể làm người nghe xấu hổ mà ta dùng cấu trúc suggest + gerund :
“We suggest planning ahead.”
(Chúng tôi đề nghị nên lập kế hoạch trước.)
Trong mọi ví dụ bên trên, người nói tránh không muốn nói “I suggest (that) you…” vì không muốn ngụ ý rằng chính bạn, người đọc, là người bị ảnh hưởng đến vấn đề đang đề cập đến, để tránh không làm người đọc giận.
Thông thường cấu trúc ngữ pháp tiếng Anh suggest + gerund dùng trong văn viết, vì văn viết thường trang trọng hơn văn nói.
1.2 Dùng cấu trúc suggest that S V khi muốn khuyên thẳng thừng một người hoặc một nhóm người cụ thể.
Ví dụ: bác sĩ nói với bệnh nhân:
“I suggest that you do more exercise to keep your blood pressure down.”
(đề nghị ông bà nên tập thể dục nhiều hơn để giảm huyết áp)
“We suggest that the ruling party act more decisively in order not to be voted out of office in the next election.”
(Chúng tôi đề nghị đảng cầm quyền nên hành động dứt khoát hơn để khỏi bị bãi nhiệm trong vòng bầu cử sắp tới)
suggest that S V thường có subjunctive verb theo sau trong North American English, nhưng trong UK English, thường có “should” theo sau suggest that S should V:
Ví dụ:
I suggested that John exercise more.
The teacher suggested that Mary study the lesson again.”
Không có “s” ở các từ “exercise” or “study” vì đó là động từ subjunctive, tuy nhiên North Americans có thể nói “I suggested that John exercises (or exercised) more”, nhưng cách viết này không chuẩn và nên tránh dùng trong văn viết.
I suggested that John should exercise more.” (Anh thường dùng should sau suggested that)
Khi dùng present progressive với “suggest” (“I am suggesting that…) (tôi đang định đề nghị…), cho thấy người nói muốn đề nghị điều gì đó hoặc định giải thích tại sao mình khuyên vậy.
Ví dụ:
I’m suggesting that we do something to stop this disagreement, but I don’t yet have a clear solution.
(Tôi đang định đề nghị làm chuyện gì đó để dẹp bỏ sự bất đồng này, nhưng tôi chưa nghĩ ra cách giải quyết nào hoàn hảo)
Trong văn nói, người ta thường sử dụng cấu trúc suggest that như sau
I suggested that he should buy a new house.
I suggested that he bought a new house.
I suggested that he buy a new house.
I suggested his buying a new house.
I suggested your going to the cinema.
I suggest you go to the cinema.
I suggest your going to the cinema.
I suggest going to the cinema.
(Cách dùng suggest)
1.3 Cấu trúc suggest dùng để đề cử, tiến cử (một người) phù hợp với một chức vụ hoặc gợi ý (một vật) có thể dùng cho mục đích nào đó.
Ví dụ:
We suggested him for for the post of Minister of the Interior.
(Chúng tôi đã đề cử ông giữ chức vụ̣ Bộ trưởng Nội vụ)
1.4 (Món đồ, sự việc) nhắc nhở cần xem xét, cần làm điều gì đó.
Ví dụ:
The glove suggests that she was at the scene of the crime.
(Chiếc găng tay cho thấy cô ấy đã có mặt tại hiện trường vụ án.)
1.5 Gợi ý gián tiếp, nói bóng gió; không nói thẳng, nói rõ
Ví dụ:
I didn’t tell him to leave, I only suggested it.
(Tôi đâu có biểu anh ta đi đâu, tôi chỉ gợi ý thôi mà)
Bài tập cấu trúc suggest có đáp án
I. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets
I suggest (collect) new books and notebooks.
I suggest that you (work) __________harder on your skill.
I suggest (collect) __________unused books.
I suggest that you (listen) __________to English programmes on the internet or on TV.
I suggest (organize) __________a show to raise money.
I suggest that you (practice) __________writing English sentences.
I suggest (play) football after school.
I suggest that you (use) __________English with friends in class.
I suggest (take) _________a taxi home
I suggest that you (practice) __________listening to English lessons on tapes.
I suggest (help) __________poor families with their chores.
I suggest that you (join) __________English speaking clubs.
I suggest (give) __________lessons to poor children.
I suggest that you (have) __________a good English dictionary.
She suggests (help) _________street children.
II. Choose the most appropriate answer.
1. Our teacher suggested we _____ harder to pass the exam.
A. studies
B. study 
C. studying
2. The professor suggested he _____ the research before June.
A. summit   
B. summiting   
C. summits
3. His leader suggested _____ on time.
A. being    
B. be    
C. is
4. Chinh suggests they _____ a meeting every week.
A. should have   
B. have   
C. Both are correct
5. The coacher suggested that they _____ a Insta group.
A. have   
B. has   
C. having
6. His parents suggest he _____ married as soon as possible.
A. get   
B. gets   
C. got
7. We have suggested _____ to Paris for this winter vacation.
A. going   
B. go    
C. should go
8. My older brother suggests that I _____ tennis to have good health.
A. should play   
B. playing   
C. plays
9. We suggest _____ a postcard to our grandfather.
A. send   
B. sending
C. sent
10. I suggested that we _____ John to the party.
A. should invite
B. invite 
C. Both are correct
11. It’s so cold outside. We suggest _____ the door.
A. should close
B. close 
C. closing
12. My dad suggests that I _____ for some part-time jobs to earn more money.
A. look
B. looking
C. looks
13. Marry has suggested _____ to the park for a walk.
  A. went 
  B. goes  
  C. going
14. The government suggests _____ by bus to reduce the environmental pollution.
  A. travel 
  B. traveling
  C. travelled
15. My roommate suggested that we _____ more vegetables and fruit.
  A. should eat 
  B. eating
  C. ate
Đáp án:
I. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets
collecting / 2. work / 3. colleting
listen / 5. organizing / 6. practice
playing / 8. use / 9.taking
practice / 11. helping / 12. join
giving / 14. have / 15. helping
II. Choose the most appropriate answer.
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A
Trên đây Step Up đã tổng hợp các cấu trúc suggest thường gặp nhất trong tiếng Anh. Để có cách học tốt tiếng Anh cũng như cải thiện đều các kỹ năng của bản thân, bên cạnh việc học các cấu trúc ngữ pháp thì kỹ năng giao tiếp và từ vựng là không thể thiếu. Nạp 1500 từ vựng tiếng Anh thông dụng nhất trong 30 ngày với sách Hack não 1500 từ vựng tiếng Anh của Step Up. Với cuốn sách này, bạn có thể tự tin nghe hiểu 80% các cuộc hội thoại và tự tin giao tiếp với người bản ngữ.
Xem ngay sách Hack Não 1500 từ tiếng Anh – Nạp siêu tốc 1500 từ vựng và cụm từ trong 50 ngày.
  Tìm hiểu ngay
Hi vọng rằng, với bài viết này đã phần nào giúp cho các bạn hiểu rõ hơn cũng như có thể sử dụng cấu trúc suggest trong tiếng Anh một cách tốt nhất. Step Up chúc bạn học tập tốt và sớm thành công!
Bài viết Cấu trúc suggest trong tiếng Anh: cấu trúc, cách dùng và bài tập có đáp án đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Tiếng Anh Free.
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