#also guess who's rewatching Haikyuu??
zuiz41 · 10 days
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Au where people call them The Power Couple 👁️
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okay listen I gotta get it out of my system. I’m internally freaking out over this show and it has my brain and will not let go until I externally freak out.
That said, freak out under the cut. :)
I’m AMAZED by the handling of the characters and the subversion of expectations!! They’re all clearly defined and have their own unique personalities and there’s so many of them!! I’m gonna talk about my top five characters real quick because I love them all so much
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I DID NOT EXPECT HIM TO BE SO GOSH DARN ADORABLE! LIKE WHAT!? SIR, WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT??? Absolute ray of sunshine!! Precious bean!! He’s trying his best and he’s doing it!!! Golden Retriever energy mixed with Chihuahua energy???? Especially when he gets riled up and starts picking fights. I love him. He is my son.
2. Kageyama
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Oh my gosh I love him so much XD I didn’t expect him to flip and start vibing so well with the team so fast! I thought for sure he’d be stuck in his ways for a while longer, but I’m so glad that isn’t the case! Also the GIF I picked doesn’t do him justice but he’s very adorable in his own way!!
(I really do love him so so much, it’s just hard to pinpoint why which makes it really hard to caps scream about him XD)
3. Tanaka
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Confession time: I fully expected to not like Tanaka at all.
Confession number two:
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This is the scene that changed my mind. LOOK AT HIM!!!! LOOK AT MY FERAL BOY!!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM???? The first time I saw this scene I had to rewatch it once or twice just to fully appreciate Tanaka XD Dude literally went “Oh? You don’t like me, huh? SYKE GUESS WHAT YOU LOVE ME NOW!! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT, HUH??!” And I just shrugged because welp. He’s right. What am I gonna do about it? Not find him completely endearing and hilarious??? I don’t think so. ALSO his big brother vibes towards Hinata are just *chefs kiss* perfection.
4. Sugawara
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Listen. Listen. From the minute we met him I KNEW I liked him. Like, had him singled out as most likely to be my favorite character (not expecting to fall in love with so many of these boys). And despite the fact that he got sidelined so bad, I WAS (mostly) RIGHT AND I LOVE HIM! HE’S SO SUPPORTIVE AND SWEET!?! AND IT’S AN ABSOLUTE CRIME HE HASN’T GOTTEN TO PLAY IN A SERIOUS MATCH YET (as of Season 1 Episode 17). IT’S HIS SENIOR YEAR AND I WANT TO SEE HIM PLAY, DANG IT! >:c Reminds me of clouds :) Also has excellent big brother energy!! He’d better get some game time soon though or I’m gonna riot.
5. Nishinoya
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OKAY HE WASN’T WHAT I EXPECTED AT ALL BUT THAT’S OKAY BECAUSE HE’S 20X BETTER!! AAAAAHHHHH I LOVE HIM!!!! He’s a shortie!!! And he’s so ENERGETIC and HYPED and he LOVES HIS TEAMMATES and he’s so. Feral. But not in a “I’M BIG I’M BIG I’M BIG” kind of way and I LOVE IT. He’s small but deadly and ADORABLE! He’s just incredibly endearing all around, and WE HAVE MORE BIG BROTHER VIBES! Also his dynamic with Tanaka is just hilarious XD Tol Feral and Smol Feral.
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Conclusion: I think for my top favorite it’s a tie between Hinata and Nishinoya! I love all five of the characters listed here, but those two in particular have something a little extra about them! (Me, realizing halfway through that sentence: They’re short. That’s it. It’s because they’re short.) After them it’s a three-way tie because I love the other three for such different reasons that I can’t really compare them, y’know? :)
Anyways. That was my Haikyuu ramble XD expect to see more posts about it on my side blog.
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klxudykai · 18 days
all 26 of my drs
soo as my bio says I have 26 drs!! and today I will be talking about each of them
in all honesty I thought it was a bit of a stretch to shift to that many, but who cares? the universe is unlimited so if I wanna shift to 3, 26, or even 100 I should be allowed to (and so should you!!)
anywaysss lets get into it
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Anime drs
MHA - this is literally my MAIN DR. its the first ever dr I thought of shifting to and one of my favorites. I can't wait to shift there omg
MHA (fantasy au) - this isn't one of my top favs but it is def a cool one that I would enjoy fs
AOT (modern college au) - this dr is gonna be so fun I just know it
Haikyuu - volleyball is one of my FAVORITE sports so I already know this is gonna be exciting (I also had a haikyuu obsession ever since 2019 quarantine-)
★ ★ ★
Fame drs
singer - I always wanted to be a famous singer so this made inner 9 year old me SCREAM. I live and breathe music. all kinds of it, too. my playlist will go from SZA to Bone Thugs n Harmony to Billie Ellish and then to Deftones real quick
youtuber - this is another career that 9 year old me wanted. I've always looked up to YouTubers so I knew I would have a trip shifting to where I was one too
street racer - okay Im gonna be so honest and tell y'all rn I don't know jack shit abt cars- all I know is that I wanna have a hot pink car and blast flo milli while dusting a bunch of men in races (hot girl shit I fear-)
90s r&b singer - I love the 90s. the music, the fashion, all of it. absolutely amazing. that's it
band dr - I would love to be the lead singer of a famous ass band. I haven't decided if I was gonna join an existing one or make my own yet but one of the options will be happening
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TV shows/Movies
hogwarts - when I first got into shifting a LOT of people were shifting to Hogwarts and honestly I understand why. it looks so fun there man
alice in wonderland - this is one of my FAVORITE movies. I love the weirdness of it all and its just so creative and calming for me. (I intend on scripting I live in a cute little cottage on a hill with my two headed cow because I have a major obsession with cows)
diary of a wimpy kid - I got one name for you. and that name is rodrick mf heffley. judge me I do not care but that man is FINE (he probably smells tho but I intend on scripting he isn't cause who tf wants a smelly man??). i also like the idea of being in loded diper
twilight - I've had an obsession with vampires and werewolves (ESPECIALLY werewolves) since I was in 4th grade so this move series and dr is right up my alley (I'm team Jacob btw even tho he's hella childish)
the breakfast club - the first time I watched this movie I was like "I'm officially shifting there". I love coming of age movies especially older ones like this so I didn't hesitate to add it to my list
riverdale - this series was kinda interesting tbh. I heard it got really wacky after the 3rd season though but I guess I'll find that out when I rewatch it (or when I shift idk). SPEAKING OF RIVERDALE- I had two dreams about shifting there and it was so crazy. like the first one was when I was in the diner with the characters and I was looking for my s/o, but I woke up before I could find him. and then the second dream I don't remember but I had the sensation I kissed someone???? so I'm pretty sure I found him LMFAO-
spiderman (itsv-atsv) - absolutely NO words for this one. I've had an obsession with this one ever since it came out. and I almost screamed in the movie theater when the producers hit us with that "to be continued" bs. also hobie brown <33
descendents - I was into every single original Disney channel movie that was released and this was one of them. AND I could be the daughter of Tiana like??? sign me up fr
monster high - these are literally THE monster it girls. it would be a crime to not shift there
total drama - this was the first reality tv show I ever watched and I was so here for it. they got real creative with the drama too
victorious - I LOVE arts. acting, painting, music, dance, you name it. if I could go to a school like this in my cr I would've already been there (oh wait I technically can)
power rangers - SPECIFICALLY the 2017 film. I don't feel like we got a backstory on half of the characters and its so disappointing but oh MAN when my boy DACRE got on that screen I almost hollered. this movie served so hard and it deserved a sequel badly.
stranger things - this was another obsession of mine and I couldn't have it any other way. its gonna be terrifying but badass (like nancy wheeler when she had that damn shotgun)
mid90s - this was a decision I made last week because I had JUST watched the movie and it was my obsession for a little bit too. I experienced a little home sickness (more like a lot of homesickness because I was SAD SAD)
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other drs I thought of shifting to
demon slayer - this seemed pretty fun, but I heard that later down the plot it got boring and sucked pretty bad so I wasn't sure
kpop - I'm not 100% a kpop fan but I LOVE krnb so I was just thinking of making music like that but its still in the works a bit
avatar - I thought it would be cool, but I wasn't in love with the idea like I thought id be. maybe if I shifted to the first avatar I'd like it but idk yet
farm life - like I mentioned earlier I really love cows and thought a farm would be cool, but I kinda fell out of love with the idea so this most likely won't go all the way through
anastasia - this is one of the drs I most likely will still be shifting to because I just love classic Disney movies (and Dimitri was fine..)
ready player one - in all honesty, I completely forgot I intended on shifting there but its a fun ass concept
pitch perfect - okay but this movie was funny as hell plus singing so why not?
tinkerbell - this entire series was my Roman empire. they were my FAV when I was little and still are
10 things I hate about you - early 2000 movies are my favorite so when I watched this, I wanted to shift there asap
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okay and I think those are all my drs!! this might be a little over 26 too but oh well LMFAO-
i really enjoyed making this and I hope y'all enjoyed reading it <3
stay tuned for more drs because i am always thinking of new ones to go to!!
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taones · 1 year
hii! sorry, was just wondering if i could request head canons/scenarios of how suna, tendou, and sakusa would comfort their s/o who’s been feeling down and avoiding others because they feel like a burden (i’m just rlly going through it rn 🥲)
Comforting You - S.R + T.S
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sorry that you're having such a hard time sweetpea! I'm going to leave Sakusa out these purely bc it's been ages since I've watched his scenes ●~● not edited bc I can't be bothered
warnings - hurt/comfort, nothing not mentioned in the request ●³●
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I honestly thing he wouldn't have a clue what to do at the beginning of your relationship
depending on how long you had been dating, I think he would eventually get the hang of it
but even then, he definitely prefers to comfort you quietly, more of an observe and act rather than an act straight away
however - I think this is extremely comforting when you're crying
Sunarin can really be the softest, warmest person to snuggle up to and when he snuggles he goes hard
brings your double duvet into the living room, wraps you in it like a burrito and holds you in his arms for as long as you need
absolutely more of a listener than an advice giver but will murmur comforting words into your hairline while you're snuggled on him
especially if you open up to him about feeling like you're a burden
he gets this little knitted brow-frowny face and sits up so he's facing you, holds your hands in his and says, in the most sincere voice you've ever heard from him that you could never be a burden and never will be
and that you're the only person he can even stand to be around for that long amount of time, you're so important to him and he would look so stricken then you even think that about yourself PLSSS
late night drives are his thing, especially if you just need to scream out some lyrics of the songs you like to feel better
will take you to get whatever junk food you want and sit with you all night until he sees a smile on your face again
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oh please he is the king of comfort, he knows exactly how you're feeling without you ever having to say a word- he's just that in tune with your emotions
plus he's very experienced in feeling unwelcomed or like a burden to people, that's something he's worked through by himself and he's not going to let you be without a support system during this time
Satori is ON it immediately, has the best coping mechanisms and little self worth affirmations to tech you
but he knows, as much as those work, the best thing you need in that moment is comfort and reassurance
he obviously tries to spend some quality time with you, have some skincare/self care ngihts with you
but he also has a serious sit down talk with you about how you're feeling and how he can help
even if you're not overly sure how he can help - this will at least give him some insight so he can take a guess
so so so reassuring about what you mean to him and how much he loves being around you - you could never be a burden to him or anyone else because you simply make people around you so happy
starts leaving little post-it notes around the house in places he knows you'll see them
packing them in your lunch every day so you never forget how much you mean to him
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ahh again, sorry I didn't include Sakusa, it's been ages since I've rewatched haikyuu so I don't think I could do his characterisation any justice, I'll put it on the back-burner for now and get to it as soon as I can <3 loves ya
reblogs and comments are appreciated <3
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raspberrylix · 6 months
saw some people act so sad on those pre time skip to post time skip videos, especially on those about characters who didn't go pro
meanwhile, I can't stop praising the series just for putting that in
slight and less slight manga spoilers from here, but like the only post time skip arc, which sucks is kiyoko getting married to tanaka. I'd say a lot, but there's a video talking about it in a much better way. all I will say is that it sucks and those few frames from after nationals won't cut it for me
but everyone else had been written quite well. the most recent video I saw was about nishinoya. the nishinoya who joined karasuno just because girls' uniforms were cute? the nishinoya who played volleyball because of his friends? the guy is all over the place in the best way possible. Him finding passion in travelling makes so much sense
another i remember was about miya twins and how one went pro, and another went into food service. again, if I remember correctly, osamu's interest in food service was even mentioned in the anime (could be wrong, haven't rewatched season 4 yet) like it didn't come out of nowhere. not that I have any experience with siblings, let alone twins, but like from my understanding, them sticking together would have been even more unrealistic knowing everythingwe know about them. and it's not that they don't care about each other. Did we read the same final chapter, or are people basing this from headcanons. which is very reasonable but also maybe a little silly imo
another was about lev's potential. dunno, I think him and alisa were killing it on that billboard, but maybe
oikawa's arc reminds me a bit of sharpay from hsm, and I know it's random, but listen. told to be a villan but actually working much harder than the "good guys" to reach their goals and then in the losing to said "good guys" and having to work even harder for their goals but in the end they also get a happy ending. sounds familiar? I guess it would have been fun for him to stay in japan, but it's not like he's gone from the surface of the earth. the dude's still a pro. if he stayed in Japan, we would not have gotten the 2v2 with him and hinata vs buy me a drink bros, and that I think is one of the best things that ever happened. and him appearing in the final chapter, it was so good. can't say I liked pre time skip oikawa. That might have a lot to do with why I like post skip oikawa that much, dunno
and on top of that, there was a whole storyline about hirugami sachirō being from the volleyball family yet not liking it as much as the rest of his sibling. like mangaka has everything spelt out, it was told very loudly. the whole udai character feels like magaka's self instert
but then everyone is allowed to think what they want to think. Just don't mind me not being able to stop ranting about haikyuu
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bleachbleachbleach · 5 months
Tag Meme
tag whoever you want to get to know better!
Thank you for the tag, @bendingwind! Responding here instead because my anime-heavy answers felt more relevant to B3 than whipplefilter.
I will no-pressure tag @dreaming-about-seireitei (idk why it won't let me tag you?? so I hope you see this if you want to do it!), @the-sage-libriomancer, and @paniniwrap, because you are my most recently-followed blogs~ I will also tag anyone who sees this and wants to do it, because I can guarantee you I want to read your responses!
Three ships: Three ships I have written recently: Kira/Rose monsterfucking; Hinamori/Hitsugaya (rather, Kira developing minor negative feelings about Hitsugaya because IT’S A LOT, HINAMORI. Like I’m your bro, he assures her, but it’s a lot); Renji/Rukia, if only the dominoes would fall the right way, which at the moment they are not, for dumb work reasons and also their dumb coworkers.
First Ship: I dunno, Gabrielle/Xena?
Last song: I didn’t listen to any music today, so I guess by default… the 4th ED for Haikyuu?
Last Film: …Muppet Treasure Island, I think? Wow, I sure am getting an A+ in answering questions!
Currently Reading: In This World of Ultraviolet Light by Raul Palma, which is a collection of short stories that tend toward the skrunkly, the macabre, but are also just incredibly truthful. He gave a reading of “Stand Your Ground” last year, and it was so excellent I think it was THE best thing I read all year. It was the kind of story that makes you really want to write, because it’s so good and he’s so good.
Currently watching: We’re rewatching Haikyuu again, in a perpetual cycle of rewatching Haikyuu!! We just finished the Seijou/Karasuno rematch, which was an INCREDIBLY emotionally taxing experience, because I want Karasuno to win but I also want Oikawa to win, and the fine details of that match are overwhelming.
I was swapping anime recs with a friend on LJ the other day, and she was like, “Wow, we have such similar tastes! That’s so rare, as varied as anime can be.” And internally I was like, IT’S BECAUSE YOU ALREADY TOLD ME YOU HATED LONG SERIAL BATTLE SHOUNEN. ToT Nah. I mean, she did say that, but I was intentionally reccing her things I liked that I thought she would also like. XD It’s just that I thought she would like them for the fanservice and the angst, and I like them because of the like, folding tables. (I love you Seijou folding table and banner on the ground.)
I also have 20 minutes left of the series finale of Reservation Dogs, but I don’t want to say goodbye just yet.
Currently consuming: Faildinner, which is distinct from girldinner because it’s when you feel very smart about making dishes that do a good job of using up last week’s leftover ingredients, only to realize you’ve made a tomato-based potato/squash dish and a balsamic vinegar-based chicken dish, which is already ACID ON ACID until you realize you also made a shchi recipe that included SAUERKRAUT.
Currently craving: JUSTICE. Not to be overly dramatic. At work today an adult child said something innocently intended but honestly kind of fucked up and I am so mad about it. It’s not remotely his responsibility to know our ranks or employment histories, but he assumed my colleague was older and more experienced and that I was learning from her, because he could “see the similarities in our teaching style.” Which, I just wanna say, EXCUUUUUSE ME???? I actually have years more experience than her??? I don’t know how old she is but we’re functionally the same age. But she just came back from maternity leave, and those similarities in our style are because I DESIGNED. THAT COURSE. And I gave it to her and told her she was welcome to keep whatever and change whatever, because she just came back from maternity leave and she should get all the shortcuts she needs. But the course is similar to mine because I MADE IT. Like, what a bizarre set of assumptions to make. Again, doesn’t matter, it’s not his business, there’s no reason that’s information he should have or care about, but omg, definitely not over it. Thanks I hate it!! /end rant
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
8 shows to get to know me
thanks for the tag @jwilliambyers !! <3 sorry it took a little while for me to reply heheh but now that i’m back from my tumblr break let me answer!!
1) supernatural. i feel like this one is pretty obvious LOL this show…….. permanently changed my brain chemistry- for better or for worse who can truly tell,,, but seriously, i had SUCH an attachment to this show as a 13/14/15 year old and at the time it was like,, the only important thing in my life lmao. it was the best show in the world and i lived and breathed spn for many of my teenage years…. and even though now i do recognize that it’s not the best i still love rewatching spn, it brings me a sort of comfort that’s hard to explain! and when i was struggling with things as a young teenager, spn was what i always turned to to make me feel better :’) plus,,, it was my introduction to tumblr fandoms lmao so. you’ve all got spn to thank for this account i guess!!!
2) derry girls. i finally watched this show a few weeks ago and i binged it all in just a few days because everything about it was AMAZING!!! i loved all the characters so much and i loved how this show really embraced its silliness. i feel like we don’t have enough “silly” shows and derry girls is just the perfect example of an amazing silly show!!! i highly recommend it to everyone!!
3) how to get away with murder. this show was SO GOOD and so so intense,, like i was stressed out every single episode lmao. but in a good way! i loved all (well, most) of the characters and this show does such a good job of getting you very attached to certain characters……. and then breaking your heart bc of them :’) the amount of times i cried aahh!!! also, all the plot twists are super well done in my opinion!! such an insane show i was literally watching like 😨😨😨 90% of the time lmao. also, queer rep!!!!
4) gilmore girls. okay. i am both a gilmore girls lover AND a gilmore girls hater. there are certain parts of this show that i absolutely adore and that make it such a comfort show for me, but other parts (and characters…) that annoyed me so much that it actually made me stop watching the show for the while lmao. but overall i do really like gilmore girls, it’s both a comfort show and a hatewatching show to me hehehe. the vibes of season 1 in stars hollow is unmatched though!!!
5) great pretender. i think great pretender is probably my favourite anime! i love a good found family heist story so this really just hit all the marks for me hehehe and in case you couldn’t tell,,, im a very character-driven person with my media, so if there are good characters in a show, there is a 99% chance that i will just love that show regardless of the plot lmao. i love laurent and makoto and abby and cynthia so much ;-; i also just loved all the twists and turns that this anime took, it’s unlike any other anime i’ve watched and agh!!!!! it’s incredible :’)
6) mob psycho 100. mp100 is like the perfect mix of shounen with action and fighting and stuff (and all the fight scenes are AMAZING like the animation ???? it’s so good oh my god and im not even the biggest shounen fan) with like. just slice of life and it’s so perfect :’) it’s so fun to watch, but it’s such a well written and exciting story and of course. AMAZING CHARACTERS!!!!!
7) haikyuu. haikyuu was one of the first animes i ever watched back in like 2014! so again, it has a very special place in my heart :’) i never thought i could care this much about a volleyball team but i do!! also, the rewatchability of haikyuu is UNMATCHED,, i think i’ve rewatched season 2 at least 10 times because it just brings me so much joy!! and again, i don’t know if i’ve watched a show with characters i care as much about as the haikyuu characters!! each and every one of them are so well-written like it’s insane to me- they’re all so good i can’t even pick a favourite!! also fun fact: haikyuu is the fandom that i’ve written the most fanfiction for! i’ve never posted any of it, but i’ve got a LOT of little haikyuu drabbles and one shots and planned-out fics in my google docs lmao- more than all my reddie fics actually! maybe i’ll post some if anyone is interested :’)
8) our flag means death. last but certainly not least,, ofmd is such a special show to me!!! i always had a little interest in pirates growing up, so when i first heard about 1. this new pirate show and 2. this new QUEER pirate show, i knew that i had to watch it!!!! and im so glad that i did because it is spectacular :’) again i feel like this is a show that embraced its silliness, but also the serious moments and plot points were so well written and such an amazing contrast to the silliness. i love this show so much and i’m so excited for season 2!!!
thank you again anita for this tag!!! im going to tag @edskasbpraks @lemonleafloser @scrunchi @reddieswift and @transkasp and anyone else who wants to do it !!!! no pressure though :)
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
Yeah. The moment I realised how many voice Japanese actors that I liked were in it, I just had to go for it. I’ve finished the first season now btw and will probably watch the movie later today. I’ll give you my person opinions in the DMs because imo it’s easier like that. Especially since I put some references to certain episodes in there and even use a quote at some point. And I totally understand your feelings towards Mahiru and even though I don’t have those, I do have some protective feelings towards him and some other characters. I like how it was even obvious to you and I’ll tell you that even by the end he’s still one of my faves but in a ‘wants to be there for him’ kind of way. Like I’d want to create a friend for him more above anything else. Yeah. I discovered two in different ways. Mikuni has me intrigued and I want to see more of him and he’s just so fun to watch. Then we have Hyde / Lawless who just… *holds hedgehog gently*. I was looking forward to seeing him because he’s voiced by one of my favourite Japanese voice actors (who is also in Haikyuu!! and makes his first appearance in the second season) and also because of his little dance in the end credits and he gives me so many feelings, none romantic but still all the feelings. I presume the fave that your talking about here is the character you mentioned in our DMs. I like him and understand him and hope that if he appears in the future, under better circumstances. I like how you love both. The opening song is a bit too intense for me so I always skipped it, but I would always listen to the ending song whenever I could.
Also, there’s something I want to ask. I do plan on reading the manga at some point, once I’ve done the first reread of that story I plan on posting later this year, and I was wondering how accurate of an adaptation the anime is. Like can I just start where the anime left off on or should I start earlier somewhere? Also, a few days ago you mentioned in a post that you would like to hear about our favourite friendships and I have to say that Mahiru and Sakuya are now def a favourite of mine. It’s just such a good friendship with interesting layers to it.
That’s all from me for now. Hope you have / had a wonderful day.
I'm just so glad you ended up going for it and Jesus, compared to me, you watch so quickly! I'll admit that I didn't watch the movie myself. In an odd turn from how I usually do things, I had watched the first couple episodes of the anime first but knew within the first three episodes that I loved it and really wanted to give the manga a shot too and while I finished the twelve episodes of the anime, I just stayed manga only after that. I might give the movie a shot when I do my reread and catch up of the manga in March and rewatch of the anime. I'll probably talk more about Servamp to you in our dm's, just because, like you said, it's probably easier that way, though as usual, I'm terrible at responding to those quickly and probably will need a couple more days before I respond, especially since (though I adore how much we talk, please don't think I don't) we talk a lot and have so much to say to each other that it normally takes me an hour or three to properly write out my messages to you.
I will say, I was surprised by Lawless so much! I had figured you'd like Mikuni…I love him, I honestly do, he's a fantastic character, especially in the later manga chapters and just I am always so curious about him and every time I think I have him figured out, I second guess myself. But Lawless surprised me. He's truly fantastic too, but I would have guessed you would have loved Licht the more out of the two of them. But that is very cool to learn about Lawless' voice actor! I know how much a good voice actor can mean to you. And see, in a surprising twist here, among my many eclectic music tastes, your girl here absolutely loves metal music or anything along those lines, so the opening really hits me right and it's actually on my hiking playlist because it makes me wanna get up and move and push hard.
As for the adaption of manga to anime, I haven't rewatched the anime fully in a bit, but I think it was a fairly decent adaption, but the ending of the anime was different from manga continuity. I think, but feel free to correct me if it turns out that I am wrong, that it was a case of the anime getting ahead of the manga? I know I personally noticed enough little differences in the manga when I started right from the beginning that I wasn't bored, even covering some of the same territory the anime did, and the art is just a joy in the manga, but I'd love to hear from other Servamp fans. What would you guys say in terms of where to start in the manga??
AND YES TO MAHIRU AND SAKUYA. I love their friendship, I love their bond and connection and how difficult it is for these friends to really have to be on opposite sides of what really is a war. Thank you so much for weighing in and all your wonderful opinions and I hope you're having an amazing day too, my lovely!
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teddybeartoji · 4 months
how are you? how is ur haikyuu watch? it's ur first time, right? DID U GET TO THE TRAINING CAMP ARC YET? my ultimate comfort i love it something fierce.
guess who fuckin watched dune😎😎 WAH! that's right, it's yours truly. it was so much different than i thought when marketing for it when it first came out. the scenic shots were so pretty! the world building was so cool! and i'm very excited to go see dune 2! perhaps this weekend.
i also started my bsd rewatch so i can catch up on the new seasons. i forgot how silly it can be!!!
anywho! hope you're doing fantastic! love u!!! MWAH
i'm doing good!!! i've really been enjoying the sun these past few days, going on walks n stuff it feels so nice!! i hope it's sunny and warm where you are too!!!
I AM LOVING HAIKYUU!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVING IT A LOT!!!!!! i am now half through the fourth season (i've been binging a lot hehehehe), so yes i am past the training art. IT WAS SOOO FUNN AAAAAAAAAA i kinda wanna rewatch already lmao. i saw a few dubbed clips and i think i want to watch the whole dubbed version too it seems really fucking funny. BTWWW WHO ARE YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTERSSS I NEED TO KNOWWW i think mine is hinata he's a little ray of sunshine i need to put him in my pocket. and also... oikawa...... hihihihi
OMGGGG DUNEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYY YIPPEE!!! I'M SOOO SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!!!! it's just sooo so beautiful and i agree that the world building is soooo insanely cool i love it. LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU'VE SEEN THE SECOND ONE TOO hihihii i wanna know what you think of that one too!!!!
AND YAYY BSD!!!! it's so fucking silly i love it sooo soso much. btww i need to know more about your bsd faves tooo!!!!!!!! dazai ofc but who else plss tell me tell me!!!
also!!!!!!!!!!!!! how did your trip go?? have you started the new job alread? how is it? HOW HAVE YOU BEEN OVERALL?? anywayy thank you for checking up on mee i love you so bad<33333 mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah
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gojos-eyedrops · 1 year
Shiratorizawa Gakuen: analyzing what we know
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Something that’s been stuck in my head for a long while (we’re talking about years here) is Shiratorizawa. The school. Not the team.
I’ll break this into several points:
The schools prestige
What this says about the characters we know.
Some things I’ve concluded about Ushiwaka specifically.
The School’s Prestige
From the outside it looks like a fancy and tacky school. Which leads to think it’s expensive and it’s prestigious.
Keeping that in mind, the school must be hard on it’s students compared to other schools. They must provide of well prepared people with high scores and well developed abilities to apply to prestigious universities and/or be more prepared for life.
Rewatching Haikyuu, I noticed Oikawa mentioned he was rejected from Shiratorizawa. I’m able to conclude that, while he has the capacity to belong to their VB team, he was rejected. Meaning, he didn’t have the grades for Shiratorizawa. (Meaning that even when Ushijima told Oikawa, he should’ve gone to Shiratorizawa, Oikawa was never going to be able to get in, in the first place. Arrogantly denying it to Ushijima this fact, despite admitting it to Kageyama)
They have dorms for the students. And the school isn’t exactly far away from the rest of the town. Students most likely have full schedules or are expected to have full schedules, enough for the dorms to be practical and useful.
However, students are free to come and go as they please, judging by Ushijima’s regular runs outside of school. The school trusts its students, which means most of the students there are disciplined enough for it (although to be fair, it’s Japan, it’s also part of their culture to be disciplined).
The Characters:
For starters, they have to be smart. Book smart. They must have the grades to be able to make it to Shiratorizawa and maintain them to stay there.
Whether they’re rich or not, they could remain there through scholarships, returning to my previous point, they have to be able to keep good grades, in case they have a scholarship. Whether they’re smart and have money or they’re just smart. Being smart is a requirement.
They must be able to manage their time well, considering how busy their schedules must be.
Friendships from Shiratorizawa are highly likely very strong, since they basically live together.
From what we can see at the end of the manga (judging by Semi’s music career) they all have at least, another hobby other than volleyball.
As someone who’s been in a private school, there’s two kinds of people in a private fancy school. There’s 1) people who are very gossipy bcs social status is something that matters a lot. 2) people who are too busy with their own schedule to care what other people do. Our beloved Shiratorizawa team members are either one or the other. I’m willing to guess that Satori is the perfect balance between the two, despite being an extremely rare occurrence. He just looks like someone who likes to gossip ok?
I have a number of reasons to believe he’s autistic.
Despite coming across as clueless, he is smart. He’s smart enough to make it into Shiratorizawa, when Oikawa couldn’t. He’s smart enough to keep his place there.
One of his concerns when he’s 24, is learning foreign languages. Which means he knows at least another language other than Japanese. And the fact that it’s a concern, tells me that:
he’s aware enough of his status as a professional VB player, and traveling a lot is a given, so he is willing to speak the local language whenever he goes (which is something admirable and adorable of him)
Learning languages is hard. Being good at languages is a full skill of its own. (This is coming from a language teacher, and someone who’s skilled at learning languages). Ushijima is that smart.
Learning a new language for Japanese implies learning a whole new alphabet. And most languages have gendered substantive’s, something that Japanese doesn’t. This adds a layer of difficulty.
Learning languages is his hobby. He’s not expected nor forced to know other languages asides perhaps English.
The fact that he’s so incredibly dedicated to volleyball tells me vb is his hyper fixation (he dedicates a crazy amount of time to Vb while still being able to keep his place in school).
Adding to the fact that he doesn’t understand sarcasm and takes everything too literally, screams autism. He also doesn’t care that he’s extremely popular.
He’s best friends with Satori. Satori is also neurodivergent af, we all know neurodivergents tend to befriend each other.
So even when he comes across as naive or simple minded, Ushijima is in fact, quite smart. And I will die on this hill.
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trans-ace-lee · 2 years
About Me
Hello! You can call me Jin. I write sfw tickle scenarios, fanfics, and headcanons but I also post some nsfw nonsexual irl content which will be tagged nsfw tickles, so I ask that minors filter out the nsfw tickles tag. Feel free to send me asks, headcanons, questions, and dms.
As my username suggests I am a lee, and I am open to teases as long as they are nonsexual since I am extremely acearo (asexual and aromantic) and sex repulsed. If you send me sexual asks or dms, consider yourself blocked.
In addition I am transmasc, polyam, queer, and poc so I also ask you do not follow me if you have an issue with the aforementioned information including me being acearo.
Possible trigger warnings: mentions of eating disorders, self harm, suicidal thoughts plus general mental health issues
Fandom List: Fandoms that I will not write fics for will be marked with a *. All written work will be tagged Jin writes, scenarios will be tagged Jin's scenario writing, fanfics will be tagged Jin's fics, and headcanons will be tagged, you guessed it, Jin's headcanons.
My masterlist
Anime and Manga-
Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba (finished manga)
Haikyuu (finished manga)
Bnha/Mha (caught up to the reveal of the traitor in the manga chapter 372)
Chainsaw Man (caught up on the anime, up to chapter 93 of the manga)
Mob Psycho 100 (anime only)
Fullmetal Alchemist (finished manga)
BSD/Bungou Stray Dogs (season 1 only)
Kuroko no Basuke/Kuroko's Basketball (I've watched/read everything up to the movie)
Spy x Family (mostly caught up on manga)
Jujutsu Kaisen/JJK (anime only but I plan on reading the manga at some point)
Given (caught up on written chapters)
Sk8 the Infinity/Sk8
Sasaki and Miyano (caught up on written chapters)
Hirano to Kagiura (caught up on written chapters)
Seaside Stranger (caught up on written chapters)
Yuri on Ice
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Beastars (season 1 only)
Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Assassination Classroom*
Black Butler*
Death Note
Ouran High School Host Club (anime only)
Kdramas and Manhwa-
Cinderella and Four Knights
BJ Alex (finished)
Painter of the Night
Full Volume
Strong Girl Do Bong Soon
Squid Game*
Cdramas and Donghua-
The Untamed/MDZS/Mo Dao Zu Shi
Scum Villains Self Saving System
Heaven Official's Blessing/TGCF/Tian Guan Ci Fu (season 1/finished the novel)
Thai BL Dramas-
TharnType (season 1 only)
Until We Meet Again
Cartoons/Comics/TV Shows/Webtoon-
Gravity Falls* (I plan on rewatching at some point but I'm not familiar enough with it currently to write a full fic)
Heartstopper (up to date on webtoon and netflix series)
Avatar the Last Airbender*
Doctor Who (10th-12th Doctor)*
BBC Sherlock*
Kpop*- I do not write about real people but I will discuss cute moments and general stuff about the groups and music
Stray Kids
Monsta X
Literature*- I won't write fics for most literature I read bc I read a ton since I'm an English major, so I haven't touched most of these series to be able to do them justice in a fic
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus
Harry Potter
The Maze Runner
Note: Ask me about classical literature
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alphonseelriic · 2 years
Happy almost Christmas Sofia!! Gosh the days go by so fast! I can't believe it's almost here. Probably my last anon msg before reveals 😉 but feel free to continue talking to me after if you want to, it's been lovely to be your Santa!
Oh! I hope your time at the beach has been eveything you wanted? ☺️ 
Still wanting all of the food you talk highly of haha ❤. Would be really cool to visit south america one day and try some of these authentically! Will keep my eyes out to see if there's any around tho heh. 
And wow your mum is a professional baker! You must be used to the best goods then!! 😵 She must be so flattered you love her pannetone best too. And that's fair about not being into the kitchen lol but good to know you're capable there. ^^ I like cooking/baking but I'm not a fan of the cleaning that comes with it 😆 and these days I'm so tired, it sometimes feels like a lot of work to make a meal beyond basics lol. But when I'm in the mood I really like experiment with new recipes and decorating baked goods is always fun! Do you have a "go-to" meal you cook? 
Oh please do try duck! Theres so many ways to eat it...all delicious ha. Though it has a gamey taste that some people don't like, so I wonder if you prefer those or not too? 👀 Do you like lamb/goat flavors? (Since that has an even more gamey taste haha). Ooo tteokbokki is so good, a food fair sounds fun!  Alsjdkkdd honestly I'm so drawn to hot cocoa during the winter haha so totally valid and cappuccino too!! Yum!! Fresh fruit juices, so refreshing 😍. I love mango smoothies.
Oh no, what did you get to read instead in high school? We had a list of authors and books we could pick from to read during Lit class in high school that was a lot of classics including Jane Austen! It's been so long though, I honestly don't remember much. Do you like any of the jane austen movies too? 
Omg I know the struggle to find the fics that fit what you want to see from your favs lol, it's esp. hard in smaller fandoms or not as popular ships. What kind of ships are you into? 👀 And what kind of fics draw you in most? 
The struggle not to rewatch haikyuu all the time, yes!! 😆 Because it gives so much serotonin lol, but I know if it wait longer and don't remember everything, it'll be better haha. Speaking of MOB, ugh I haven't seen the last episode yet but I'm already sad it's over 😭 but deep in the feels. I'm particularly in love with "exist" ost this time. 🥲
Totally get what your saying and thanks for that bits of information! All the examples you linked are so pleasing to look at 😊 and Mazusu is easily one of my fav editors too. ❤ I can't wait to also see what you'll edit for this event! And hope you'll enjoy my lil gift to you! 🤧 Also thank you for your work with animanga creators, agree their challenges are a lot of fun 😄.
Be back very soon and happiest of holidays to you! ❤💚
- Animanga 🎅 
Omg happy Christmas Eve, secret santa ❤️ yessss!! I'm so excited to find out who you are >:) Awww thank you sm! I'm very glad to have had such a wonderful santa this year :')
Yeah, my time at the beach was v nice! We arrived back home yesterday afternoon. We didn't do much but that's actually what I wanted hahahah I was just so tired.
That's so sweet, I would love it if you visit 🥹 this continent may not be most people's first option for a vacation but it's truly beautiful and has such touristic potential!!
Ohh yes my mom bakes a lot of stuff! It's mostly for orders and we are forbidden from eating anything tho, but she does also bake for us occasionally ^^ I would be lying if I said she wasn't partially responsible for my sweet tooth...
Oh the cleaning, what a struggle LMAO it does indeed suck when you prepare a rather small thing but it leaves a lot of dirty dishes behind 😔 experimenting is really fun indeed!! I guess a meal I tend to "cook" often are different kinds of salads made with whatever is on the fridge, as they're so easy to make! I also like frying eggs and eating them with leftover rice if there's any. Grilled cheese sandwiches are also a classic. Maybe this is cheating bc nothing is actually made out of scratch, but oh well :p
I tend to like stuff with strong flavors so I think I may like duck! I don't remember the last time I ate lamb but I do remember liking it. The food fair was really fun indeed 💕 had a great time even if the weather was terrible that day. Oh I forgot about smoothies, I really like them too! Same with milkshakes.
I honestly don't remember much about what I had to read in high school 🤔 I remember reading Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Catcher in the Rye. Also a few books and short tales from Latin American authors. Unfortunately we couldn't choose for ourselves, the teacher decided for us :( but I liked most of what I read thankfully!
Yeah I loooove the pride and prejudice movie from 2005! I also want to watch the 1995 miniseries but I haven't had the time yet. I want to watch the Sense and sensibility movie too after I finish the book to see how faithful it is heheh
Tbh when it comes to ships I tend to like the popular (or canon) choices, like EdWin, TwiYor, RinShi, HanaNene, SasaMiya etc. But for media that has a big cast and doesn't focus on romance (like Haikyuu or Genshin) I tend to multiship and I like less common ships too!! I admit I'm not very creative for finding new ships so usually I end up drawn in by that one artists that is obsessed with a rarepair but has a really cute art style 😅 I'm trying to think about some examples but my mind is blank rn 🤔 maybe this is my sign to go back and consume more hq fanart like I did back in the day lol
Ohh I still haven't watched the last episode either, but idk, it's hard to say goodbye to this series 😭 my excuse is that I usually wait to watch it with my partner but we haven't had the opportunity to watch it together yet. I can't delay it for much longer tho or the entire episode will be spoiled for me sooner or later hahaha
Oww I'm glad my examples were useful for you!! Yeah masuzu's stuff is simply wonderful :') I'll upload my gift as soon as I finish answering this ask so you'll get to see it very soon 😈 I'm 100% sure I'll love what you made for me!! I can't wait to see it 🙈 aww thanks!! I still feel I don't do much despite being a mod but I want to have a more active rol from now on, my friend Roh had such a good idea when she thought about making this network, it's been an awesome experience so far and it reignited my love for this community ❤️❤️❤️ this event was super super fun!!
The happiest holidays to you too 💕 I hope you have a magical time alongside whoever you celebrate with!! Have fun tonight and eat a lot of delicious food ❣️ thank you so much again for being such a great santa! couldn't have asked for more ;)
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tizzymcwizzy · 4 years
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GGGAAAAAA IM SO BAD AT USING MARKERS!!!!! The paper wasn't ideal and tombo alcohol markers SUCK, but they where the only greys I had *cries*
Yeah he has a different wing color,, was it because I was too afraid to color it in? nnoooo what would make you say that!??
think of reason why his wings are different, please I'm begging,,
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fumiko-matsubara · 2 years
Brainrot Time: Chiba Ryuunosuke as a volleyball player AU
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So I wrote this last December when I was rewatching Haikyuu for old time's sake... 😶
Personally it's because volleyball is such team-oriented and mental sport, which I think would be the perfect sport for Chiba to unlearn his burden-shouldering and help-refusing self, even by the time he's in junior high.
It's basically those scenarios when the teacher persuades the lonely kid to join club activities to mingle with others and etc. Chiba ended up choosing volleyball since there aren't that many kids playing there who have strong personalities, which would logically make it easier for him to ease into the sport without being overwhelmed in a way. This was in 3rd grade.
Of course, he ended up liking it lol to the point he wanted to continue playing in junior high... or even by the time he's in high school.
This is an AU where a men's volleyball club exists in Kunugigaoka so for assclass setting's sake, Chiba went there instead.
Chiba got picked for the Libero position because although his serves, tosses, and attacks were good enough, his receives are much better. Considering that receiving in general is very difficult to become good at, especially when most volleyball players are hyper focused onto the flashy skills like spiking and etc, Chiba being noticeably good at receiving is enough to get him the Libero position.
The Libero is said to be the most selfless out of all the positions - they can't attack or whatsoever - all they can do was to keep the ball up in the air so that their teammates can score points. A libero's efforts tend to be overlooked by many since it's usually those who score points in the end that get the spotlight... I feel like this position really suits Chiba's character the most, that's why I chose it.
It doesn't matter how many times a spiker gets blocked. As long as someone can keep the ball from touching the ground, they can still keep trying until they get that point. The reason why attackers can comfortably fight in mid-air was because they knew that they have someone guarding their backs. That is the role of a Libero.
The kungigaoka men's volleyball club doesn't have star players like their baseball club does. But while the team doesn't have any outstanding players nor do they make flashy plays, but because they are so "connected" and well in-tuned with each other, opponents tend to have trouble scoring against them. They just have no holes in their offense and defense. They're just a very solid team - a rare quality in a volleyball team that allowed Kunugigaoka to become one of the known powerhouse schools in Tokyo (Junior high level btw).
Also Chiba keeps his hair off his face, either tying it up or pushing it back with wax, especially when he's in a match where the ball can go anywhere in milliseconds so he has to be extra attentive. I just don't think he really cares about such trivial thing like his eyes intimidating people anymore at this point, especially since there are way more scary-looking volleyball players than he is and yet they are just as respected because people are more focused towards their skills rather than their looks, and Chiba liked that a lot.
He would also see no point in keeping his bangs in front of his face at school since everyone would've already known what his eyes look like at this point. So he just kept it naturally parted to how... however his hair wants to be parted when he runs his hands though it I guess lol
I think because Chiba would unlearn things that were holding him back much earlier than in canon, he would then naturally be more confident by the time he's in his 3rd year 😭💕 There's a mutual dependency between him and his teammates on the court (relying on him to guard their backs and them scoring that point to make sure his efforts weren't in vain), so Chiba learns early on that it's okay to ask for help and rely on others when you're stuck.
...that would also mean that there is no way that Chiba would drop to Class E. He has always been smart and good at studying, the only thing that really pulled him down was his reluctancy to ask for help, which what caused him to flunk his biology grades. But since that'd be fixed in this AU, there's no reason for his grades to get pulled down enough to be dropped to Class E.
Tbh we never really get those kind what-if AUs where a 3E student never dropped to Class E... I've always wondered hoe different they would've turned out if they stayed in the main campus as 3rd years 🤔
Also because Chiba joined the volleyball club here, there's no Lead Guitarist-kun drama and the band DREAM wouldn't even come to be... Daisuke probably wouldn't even join the Light Music Club since Chiba wasn't there to wow him... 💔
If canon Chiba is already social enough to get along with most of 3E, Chiba in this AU is a legit social butterfly haha. His loud and chaotic side would likely be more prominent since he has less worries, and he'd be a lot more vocal with how he cares for the people he's close to.
Chiba and Miho have always been in Class C since their 1st year. Don't be surprised that they end up becoming friends despite being in different clubs. He'd likely meet Eiji through Miho... he still wants to deck him since that's how revolting he finds him.
And don't get me started on how Chiba and Kaho would instantly click ajsgsjsksj they'd be so close because Kaho would be like: "oooohh handsome dependable libero~ 💕" and Chiba would just find her enthusiasm towards him endearing (and touching even). Then boom, perfect chemistry haha
Also in this AU, Kaho takes tennis more seriously cause not only did she find herself really liking it, she is THAT competitive. She loves that rewarding feeling when winning a match after a long series of efforts. It's not unrealistic to say that Kaho just has the advatange to become good enough to qualify for the championships for Singles among junior high schools in Tokyo (not necessarily win it though).
Just imagine them supporting each other whenever one of them has a match, be it a practice or an official tournament. You know, a healthy emotional support system between two positive-minded active people who are likely to fall for each other in the long run ahehehehe 😢
The whole Seo problem would NEVER happen this AU, since Chiba would have enough backbone to make him back off.
Being a student from Class 3-C, Chiba as a main campus student would probably give little to no shit about Class E lmao. He has his own things to worry about so why would he bother with them when he could just mind his own business instead? He finds the assembly bullying a nuisance so he doesn't really bother joining in the harsh poking. He's in a comfortable place so there's no need to push his insecurities onto people below him ー a student from the normal Class C indeed!
If Chiba had a former teammate who dropped to Class E, he wouldn't mind talking to him. They were teammates, after all. He had seen his worth as a player and that quality won't magically change just because the poor guy couldn't keep his grades up. That doesn't change the fact he was once a teammate that Chiba had relied on to score points many times before. He has that respect.
...so yeah, Chiba would be having it so much better in this AU if I were being completely honest.
It's 3E you've gotta worry about here... cause how different things would turn out for them in terms of assassination, if their super accurate sniper was never with them from the very beginning??😟
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hnychn · 3 years
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summary : tsuki had always been the rational one between the two of you, but sometimes even he needs his other half to knock him back to earth
warnings : twin!reader, fem!reader, cursing, physically hurt/comfort, generally fluff, PLATONIC, tsuki & reader get into a fight, not edited at all
word count : 1600+
a/n : i was rewatching karasuno's match against shiratorizawa last night, and i thought about this so :) it's just general headcanons about being tsuki's twin and it gets specific when i bring up the match :) enjoy ( ´∀`)
karasuno masterlist ~ haikyuu masterlist
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-          contrary to popular belief, tsukishima is actually a really good sibling and an even better twin 
-          he’ll definitely make sure you’re taking care of yourself and eating and drinking often, especially if you have you’re involved in your own club 
-          he and yamaguchi wait after school for you too so you don’t have to walk home alone. tsuki says it’s because he doesn’t want your mom or akiteru to stress out over you if you get lost or something, but deep down you know it’s because he cares for you and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you 
-          but, if you manage for the volleyball club, it makes his life a lot easier 
-          you definitely joined before yachi, right at the beginning of the year when tsuki and yamaguchi signed up for the team. you and kiyoko were quick to become friends, along with the third years (the only ones tsuki really trusted you around alone. pls tanaka nearly tackled you to the ground when you said you wanted to be manager had it not been for daichi grabbing his collar and tsuki pusing you behind him) 
-          tanaka apologised
-          do i really need to tell you why tsuki didn’t trust hinata and kageyama around you? 
-          you were the one to recruit yachi to be another manager as well. she was in some of your classes and you knew her to be a kind and work-driven person, so you asked if she wanted to sign up 
-         pls babes never stood a chance saying no to you
-         she was a blushing mess
-          (she highkey has a crush on you and tsuki knows it, but that’s none of his business) 
-          just like tsuki, you’re able to quickly analyze players and their movements and you also are able to think ahead and plan out attacks or defences with the information you’ve gathered 
-          so the coaches really like you :) 
-          during the training camp, you and tsuki got into a fight, y’know, as siblings do. and you’ve gotten into arguments and fights with each other in front of the others, so they weren’t all too worried and assured everyone else that it was normal . . . but then y’all started getting physical 
-          hurtful words were thrown without thinking, it’s normal, but tsuki went a bit too far with his words and you aren’t the type to cry and run away, so what did you do? 
-          you tackled that bitch :D 
-          so there you two were, fighting like kids over the last popsicle in the freezer, while everyone just stood there in shock at what the hell was going on in front of them 
-          the others were quick to pull you away from each other, and the managers led you away from your brother while the two of you calmed down. it definitely took you a while to calm down from the adrenalin high from tackling your 6’3 brother, but you eventually did and went back into the gym where tsuki was sitting on the bench.
-          the others tensed up when you walked over to him and sat next to him, thinking you were gonna start fighting again, but instead the two of you sat in silence for a while 
-         the other managers, who you’ve become great friends with, eventually got everyone to mind their business to give the two of you privacy to apologise or whatever 
-          and you did, because he’s your brother, and no matter how many petty fights (verbal or physical) you get into with him, he’ll always be your twin. your other half 
-          but that doesn't mean you'll never take his ass down again if he doesn't watch his words
-          bcs you will ˙ ͜ʟ˙
-          the two of you like to tease each other, i mean, this is tsukishima we’re talking about, if he’s going to tease someone it’s most definitely going to be you
-          now onto what spurred this whole headcanon >:) 
-          everyone was nervous leading up to the match with shiratorizawa and, despite him not showing it, you knew tsuki was too. you could tell in the way he got dressed a bit slower that morning and the way he ate less and drank more water. plus it’s just twin intuition, you could just look at him and know what’s up 
-          n e ways, the match is going on and you would have fallen over the railing of the stands had it not been for akiteru’s grip on the back of your jacket (who scared the hell out of you when he first showed up. “kei’s not gonna like you being here, nii-chan.”) 
-          so it’s getting intense 
-          you’re sure this single match has taken 50 years off your life
-          you’ll give tsuki a good slap when the match is over for it 
-          you cried a little when tsuki blocked ushy gushy’s spike, but you made akiteru and yachi swear not to tell anyone especially tsuki since he would tease the fuck outta you and you don't need that. 
-         and then (y’know where i’m going with this) tsuki just goes and fucks up his hand 
-       it was like you became the flash because you were down in the court in literal seconds (akiteru swore you jumped over the rails down onto the court, but . . . i guess we’ll never know ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ)   
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The walk to the medical room was silent. 
You could hear the cheers and screaming from the main gym form where you were, the shrill sounds echoing down the hallway almost hauntingly. You cursed a bit when you felt chills run down your spine, because despite being wrapped in your karasuno jacket and an extra jacket akiteru brought, the short length of your skirt provided barely any warmth for your legs. 
From beside you, Tsukishima was silent, simply clutching onto his bleeding hand while burning holes into the polished linoleum floor. You had expected him to tease you about the glare you sent Ushijima when you jumped onto the court (said boy would later confess to his teammate that that had been the only moment he truly felt fear), or make fun of the way akiteru’s jacket seemed to drown you and made you look like a wet cat; but he didn’t. And his silence was more unnerving than anything. 
But you knew Kei. You knew the looks he was giving, the way his face seemed to relax and become more expressive when it was only the two of you, you could see his thoughts and worries as plain as day on his face. 
You were twins after all. You knew Kei better than he knew himself, you knew his attitude was nothing short of a direct result of your brother's lies and his worry was because he had finally gotten a taste of what volleyball was really like, and he was craving more. 
So, as the eldest twin, you did what you did best. 
You teased him. 
“Stop making that face, you look constipated.” 
Tsuki snapped his head over to you and scowled, “Shut up.” 
“No, you shut up, and listen well, Kei.” Your strict and monotone voice surprised him a little, he hadn’t heard you use that voice in a while, let alone with him; you were known as the nicer twin after all, “You need to trust that the others will hold their own. Have trust in your team to keep Shiratorizawa on their toes. You know them, you know they can hold their own and take some points. You’ve trained and practiced with them for a while now, Kei. You’ve seen their improvements and you’ve seen their hard times, have a little more trust in them. So stop worrying about what could happen while you’re not there and start thinking about what you’ll do when you get back, big head.” 
There was a silence between the two of you as the medic room sign came into view. You sighed a little as you shrugged in your mind, perhaps Kei was too deep in his thoughts to care about your words, but there was only so much you could do to convince him to relax a little. But before you could slide open the door to the medic room, you felt a little tug on the back of your (akiteru’s) jacket. 
Tsuki still looked down to the ground, but you could just about make out a small dust of pink on his cheeks, “thanks for that . . . y/n” 
Your eyes widened a bit and you nearly made a move to pinch yourself because on the way to the medic room you must have died and went to heaven or aliens must have burst through the window and taken you to an alternate universe where your brother, Tsukishima fucking Kei, was thanking you. 
You hands shook a little as you pulled Tsuki’s face down, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead and checking his body for other injuries, “What the fuck, are you sure it’s only your hand that’s injured? Did one of Ushiwaka’s spikes hit you in the head? I think you’re dying . . . yeah, that’s what it is. Maybe you should sit this game out Kei, you might start doing crazier things like tell me you love me or that I’m the best sister you could have asked for or-” 
You laughed as Tsuki pushed you into the medic room and ignored you as his hand was being bandaged up. Tsuki glared at you over his shoulder as you poked and prodded the back of his head and teased him further, but when he turned back around his glare softened. 
Tsuki was grateful for your presence. He was thankful you were there to keep his head on his shoulders and make sure he stayed focused on what really mattered. And out of everyone in the world, Tsuki was glad you were his twin - his better half. 
Not that’d he ever tell you.
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-         so yeah :) 
-          tl;dr tsukishima is a tsundere and secretly loves you ˙ ͜ʟ˙
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imastrangeone98 · 2 years
Into the Unknown - Chapter 1: The Speculum Mundi
(A/N: guess who got motivated for dmc for some odd reason? This bitch did. Also if u can't guess from the title, I rewatched frozen 2 and got inspiration to get started on an old au idea I had. It's finally heating up!)
This would take place some time after my story lost and found, and a bit before dmc 1
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"...It's just a piece of glass," Dante shrugged, taking a big swig of his soda. "I don't see how important this thing is."
"It's not about what you think, dumbass," Lady grumbled as she gave his shoulder a shove. "Faith, what'd you say this thing was again?"
"The Speculum Mundi," the nephilim replied. "The Mirror of Worlds. It's said to be able to access all matters of God's creations, giving Him true omniscient power and visibility."
"...Which means...?"
"It's a huge mirror that can supposedly grant you access to multiple realities."
"Dude, nice," the half-demon cackled. "Even so, why's it so small? You think that puny thing can really fit a gajillion worlds in it? You think we can go in one? You think I'd still be as sexy?"
"With your attitude, you're more likely to be a perverted geezer!" Lady snapped at him. "Anyway, why are you paying so much attention to it? It's not like the angels can use it anymore... right?"
"That's the thing," Faith said. "If this mirror exists here, then it exists in all realities. And if it exists, then there are most certainly angels that are capable of using it. Whether it's in simply one world or a thousand, I don't know. But as the last angel, the task of protecting, maybe even destroying it, falls to me." She sighed, and Dante instinctively moved to rub her shoulders. "At the very least, this shard likely got broken off from the mirror. I should go put it back."
"Where do we do that?"
"Back in the mountain. Cael."
The atmosphere changed immediately at the mention of her hometown. Bitter memories of death and darkness flashed through all of their minds, the echo of a cacophonous chorus still ringing in their ears.
"We're not going back there."
"You don't have to," she reassured her friend. "I can go alone. Besides, the shard is pretty fickle, so it shouldn't be touched carelessly-"
As she spoke, the shard began to glow faintly, then an explosion of light engulfed the office.
Once it died down, it didn't take long for Dante to notice: "Hey, where the hell is Faith?"
"Who the hell is that?!" Lady shrieked, aiming her Kalina Ann at-
"Get away from me, you scum!"
...Ouch. Her head hurt like crazy. Faith could barely open her eyes, much less hear everything that was going around her. Plus, her back was aching like she fell onto the floor.
"...my brother? Answer me, you-"
...That voice sounded strangely familiar, but also incredibly different: deeper, almost huskier, laced with fear and rage.
Almost like...
"...Lady. Lady! Hey, can you hear me? Can you move?"
That was another voice: much softer and warmer, mixed with fear and concern. Something warm prodded her cheek, and she groaned. "Few more minutes...?"
"C'mon, lady, we don't really have much time for you to take a nap. My... uh... my 'dad' is missing, and we think you're the reason why."
She finally managed to blink the spots from her eyes and take in what's around her. She was still in the office, but it was significantly dirtier than she remembered. How the hell did Dante make a mess so quickly? There was also the smell of old pizza that she hadn't smelled in years; did he fall back on his previous lifestyle?
Not to mention the massive sword pointed straight at her throat.
"You," the silver-haired old man she did not recognize, "have a lot of explaining to do, young lady."
A/N: the next part might be out either in a few hours or a few days, I can't tell. Also, I'm still working on a lot of haikyuu oneshots (and still thinking of more); for some reason, I love underrated boys
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