#also great if you want to just keep one in your purse for no TP situations
aidaronan · 1 year
Happy Pride to the only brand allowed to market to me during June: Kula Cloth
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felix-sullivan · 4 years
Tammi // "I can't believe it. Look at them," Tammi exclaimed, looking over at Paddy and Mina who were currently at the bar getting something to drink. "How ridiculous." She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her drink.
.: Aly //Aly, who was watching Charlie and Dani from across the room, was snapped out of her day dreaming at Tammi's voice. She turned to look at the two at the bar and rolled her eyes at Tammi as well, though her annoyance was minimal in comparison to Tammi's. "Honestly? Her whole appearance just looks a little try hard." She scrunched her nose up so Tammi would see. "Why do boys fall for that so easily?"
.: Cari // "Don't you look so uncomfortable, Mister!" She elbowed Roman in the side, grinning from ear to ear. Her face got a conspiratorial expression. "I got some Vodka in my purse. Really takes you back to senior year, doesn't it? You ready for a shot?"
....: Roman // "Hello, I'm not uncomfortable at all. Maybe a little, alright, but it's weird being back here. Also seeing Mr. Garrison again, after all this time.." Roman laughed and shrugged. He eyed her at her second comment, once again feeling a sense of nostalgia as he grinned. "Have you? You really haven't changed a bit. If tonight doesn't call for a shot, what does."
.: Freya // She finished pouring them both a drink, handing Chris a cup when she as done. "They really did play a good game today. Really felt on the edge of my seat for the last bit. I just hope they behave now and we don't have to intervene much tonight, they deserve a bit of a party after that."
....: Trevor // "Alright, Lucas and I put a little bit of vodka into the punch. A small amount. Barely noticeable. Mostly me, but he helped," Trevor admitted to the group that was still at their table with a shrug, "I'm simply helping everyone to have a good time. No harm done."
.: Cari // "It is weird, isn't it? I talked to Garrison earlier and he barely seemed to remember me.. I feel a little offended? I thought we caused enough trouble back in the day." She was still grinning at him, already fishing for the flask in her purse. "And neither have you, it seems. Still as easily swayed.." She cocked her head at Roman, standing closer to him as she held the flask between their bodies. "I'm thinking so, too. You first?" She asked, as she looked around her shoulder once, as if they were actually students again. "I don't want any of my younger siblings seeing this." She explained.
....: Chris // "Cheers," Chris said, clinking their cups together once Freya's finished pouring them both their drinks. He looked into her eye as he did and then took a big sip, if not even two. "I felt the same way. What a good game. I don't know much about football, so I was surprised how invested I was. They really did good. Especially Benji; I had no idea he could play that way. It was my first time actually watching," he admitted, not shameful but as a matter of fact. "Let's hope so, yeah. I feel like it's going well so far, though."
.: Andy // "Yeah, boys!" He exclaimed enthusiastically, going for a high five with both Trevor and Lucas. "But do you think we should tell people who are gonna get any? Maybe they don't wanna drink.." He added, a little thoughtfully.
....: Tammi // "I really don't know? Especially Paddy. I thought he was better than that. Right? We both thought so but they're all the same," Tammi complained annoyed, "Her dress is terrible. It doesn't even fit the theme. Ugh. Anyway. We shall not let that ruin our night. Speaking of, know who keeps looking your way?"
.: Freya // " I never thought I'd be into American football, either. I had to watch a couple Rugby championships in my time, but this is feels actually exciting. Maybe because they're our students. Yeah, he was good!" She gave him an amused smile, swaying in her place a little. "It did only just start. So for now, I'd be inclined to agree. I'm always so scared about parents here, is that the same for you? Or is that because I'm secretly afraid of Americans?"
....: Roman // "Talk for yourself, because he definitely remembered me," he said, grin still in place as he watched her fish for the flask. "You're an adult, you know, you're allowed to drink alcohol," he said, looking down at her as he took the flask into his hands. He took notice of their height difference; it was still the same as back in the day. He put it to his mouth and took three sips, his face grimacing after. "Uff. God." He hands her the flask.
....: Trevor // "No, what the fuck, of course not," Trevor said to Andy, as if it was the most obvious thing. "We'd get in trouble if someone snitched on us. And also, like said, no harm done, it's not like we put a whole bottle of vodka in it. Just a small amount. Don't worry, Ands." he said, leaning forward to ruffle through Andy's hair.
.: Aly // "Yeah, I guess they are all the same.. Kind of." She was fixing Charlie with a longing stare again, daydreaming about how she would act as his date to Homecoming and wondering whether she could compare to any of his friends.. or his actual date.. At Tammi's comment, she looked over at Mina again. "Honestly, I know. She's one of the ones who wouldn't get dressed up for Halloween because she's too cool. It also doesn't really fit her? It's so short." She joined in on Tammi's rant, looking back at them and scrunching up her nose. "What? Who?" She asked, genuienly stumped.
.: Cari // "Well, I'm not the slightest bit surprised he'd remember you. I think you and Brandon were in his office every two weeks at one point during senior year." She coyly shoved him again. " I do know that!" She excalimed, looking around once again. "Once again, my siblings are here. They're /babies/. Also, I weirdly feel like I'm gonna get in trouble again being here." She grinned as he took his sips, making a little face as he handed the flask back to her. "You really still haven't got used to these?" She took a swig and another one with ease, suppressing the need to scrunch her face up in disgust. "What have you been doing all these years?"
....: Chris // "That's right. I probably wouldn't have cared as much if it wasn't for our students." Chris smiled at that realisation and looked across the room, his eyes falling on Felix for a second, before looking back at Freya. "The parents?" Chris had to laugh, "It is the same for me still, yeah. I like to think it's gotten better, but it's still a thing. I don't think it's an American thing. It's a parents thing. They can be ruthless and will also blame for absolutely everything."
.: Paddy // "You got something on your face," he said reaching to wipe at Mina's cheek. He didn't realise it was glitter she had put on earlier. "Right there."
....: Chelsea // Chelsea's eyebrows were raised at the conversation between Andy and Trevor, but her expression was light and she was fighting a smile These boys. She sat next to Toby, her hand intertwined with his, both of theirs resting on his lap. She started playing with his fingers and leaned forward to rest her head on his shoulder. "Hey, do you feel like dancing?"
....: Mina // "Oh," Mina giggled, watching Paddy remove whatever she had on her face. "Thank you," she smiled at him in a bitter-sweet manner and grabbed his hand to look at whatever was on her face.
.: Andy // He ducked Trevor's ruffle through his hair, laughing a little. "Yeah, but like. I just think, like, if someone's not wanting to drink, you know." He eyed the punch again before getting distracted by Trevor's attempt to assure him. "Imma worry about whatever I want to, Trevor. If you only put a bit, have you got any tp spare?"
....: Tammi // "She also didn't? If you remember? She simply straightened her hair and put on black eyeliner and said she's going as emo. There was nothing emo about her," Tammi rolled her eyes again. She watched as Paddy, from her point of view anyway, reached to caress Mina's cheek. Her blood started to uncontrollably boil, so she had to take another aggressive sip from her punch, and another, and another until the cup was actually empty. She took a deep breath and put the cup down on the table. "Nolan Kellerman. He's over there with Finn, and he keeps staring." Tammi nods over to where they are stood.
....: Nancy // "Hi boys!" Nancy sing sang as she approached the table with a cup, quickly letting herself down on Andy's lap. "I was just on the dancefloor, and let me tell you, I'm feeling this punch a lot," she said as she smiled widely and took a sip.
....: Chelsea // Chelsea watched as Nancy let herself down on Andy's lap, eyeing them for a second before averting her eyes back on Toby.
....: Roman // "If you genuinely believe they haven't done any of this, then high school must be farther away for you than I thought," Roman joked with a smirk, thinking back to their High School days. It stayed plastered on his face this entire time as he watched her drinking from the flask. "I'm not that much of a drinker these days," he admitted with a laugh. "Work usually takes up most of my time, so I barely get to drink, or attend school dances. You still seem like a natural though," he teased with a laugh.
////: Freya // She weighed it for a moment before shaking her head. "I think I have to disagree. I think it's an /American/ parents thing." Her voice got a little quieter towards the end, though she smirked jokingly at him. "In the least offensive way, because it's great! I feel like barely anyone cares in the UK."
//// joined the chat 13 hours ago
....: Chris // "Maybe I should've been a teacher in the UK, then." He said with a smile. "Are you going to go home over the holidays?"
////: Toby // He was idly holding Chelsea's hand, not really participating in or even really listening on the conversation going on around them. His eyes were lost at nothing particular in the crowd and his mind elsewhere. Perhaps he was keeping an eye out for someone in particular, perhaps he wasn't at all. When Chelsea spoke up, he turned to look at her, craning his neck a little awkwardly, but giving her a toothy smile. "Yeah, we can dance." He brought their hands up to his mouth to kiss her knuckles. "But.. let's wait for the next song? This one's kinda.. he's not amazing in my opinion."
////: Paddy // "No, wait, it's still there." Only then, upon looking more closely between her face and his finger did the realisation dawn on him. He laughed. "Oh, I think it's actually.. supposed to be there. Whoops. Here. I'll put it back," he joked, teasingly pushing his thumb on her cheek again.
....: Chelsea // Chelsea smiled at Toby when he kissed her hand, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Sure. We can wait for the next song. Are you feeling okay? You seem to be zoning out a lot."
////: Aly // She laughed into her cup a little as Tammi recounted last year's Halloween. She noticed the annoyance on her face multiply, following her line of sight and seeing Paddy and Mina having a seemingly flirty interaction. She looked back at Tammi, who was throwing back her drink now. She thought of what to say, but came up short, so she was glad when Tammi pointed out Nolan and Finn in the other direction. "Oh god, I know.." she said, her cheeks getting a little hot but not being able to suppress a smile. "Oh, he's looking again! Tammi." She pushed her in the side a little to prevent Nolan from noticing they were looking back at them.
....: Mina // "Paddy, you're going to destroy the make up if you keep that up," she giggled and moved out of his touch, momentarily turning to the beverages in front of them. She put a strand behind her ear and reached for an empty cup. "Would you pour me a punch, please?" She handed it to him, her eyes glistening.
////: Andy // He laughed good naturedly as Nancy sat down on his lap, momentarily fidgeting with his hands, unsure where to place them. He ended up with one arm around her middle, the other one resting on his own leg. "Yeah, we saw you! You looked so good, you have to teach us. Girl's got those moves." He looked over to Chelsea for a second out of the corner of his eye, but quickly averted his attention back to Nancy when he noticed her and Toby having a moment. "Yeah!" He exclaimed with a laugh. "Got our boys Trev and Lucas to thank for that." He leaned over her shoulder and stole a sip from her cup while she was still holding it.
////: Cari // She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows but an amused expression. "Oh, please. I don't believe that for a second. I know for a fact that's not the case.." She said, raising her eyebrows with an expression that meant to say there was a lot of moments she remember that she wouldn't mention. "I just mean, I'm like the responible sister, you know. I don't wanna be the bum that crashes their dance and then gets fucked up. But.. that's what we're gonna do, so." She eyed him with a glimmer in her eye, teasing but friendly. "Yeah, I can tell. You're really out of practice, aren't you. So responsible. Need to get you back in shape now." She shrugged at his last statement, neither confirming nor denying it, but pointedly taking another swig from the flask. "Okay, two more for you, Sullivan. Let's go." She held out the flask to him.
////: Freya // "You can definitely be a little more creative with your teaching over there." She said with a nostalgic smile, though she wouldn't change being in the US right now for anything. "Oh, most likely, yeah. I was talking to Kian and we've been talking about New Year's as well, which he said he might enjoy spending that across the pond." She told him with a happy smile, swaying in her place for a moment. "What are your plans? You have any yet?"
....: Lucas // "Hey, hey. First of all," Lucas started, leaning forward. "I had no idea Trevor was going to put vodka in the punch until it was too late. I'm not an accomplice by choice," Lucas corrected, raising his cup as if to drink a toast to something before drinking.
////: Toby // "Huh? Oh yeah, sorry, totally, yeah." He gave her a reassuring smile and went to kiss her cheek. "I'm not really zoning out, I'm just.. yeah, I don't know." He grinned when he blanked for a a good excuse, hoping his smile was glossing over it enough. Alright. Wanna dance?" He got up, still holding her hand and looking at her expectantly.
....: Trevor // Trevor let out a laugh and flipped Lucas off, followed by a slight shove with the elbow from their seats, almost making Lucas' drink spill over. "Fuck off, I thought we were brothers and shit?" He shook his head, but the playfulness evident in both their features. He turned his attention to Andy and Nancy, "I put a little bit of Russian water to the punch." He raised his eyebrow for a moment and then winked. "Glad you're enjoying it, Nance."
////: Paddy // "You don't need the make up anyway." He said rather matter of factly. "But it looks nice. The colour dusty thing on your eye is really cool," he said with a grin, holding his hand up for a second to show he was stopping and pointing at her eyeshadow without touching her again. "Yeah, sure." He grabbed another empty cup for himself, holding it between his teeth while he fixed up Mina's drink.
////: Dani // "I know! This boy has a kick." She scrunched her nose up at Charlie and momentarily took his chin into her hand. She was standing with Charlie, Alex and a couple other people talking about the game. "So proud of him. Of ALL of them," she added importantly, looking around at everyone and slipping an arm around Charlie's waist to lean into him a little bit. "Alex, you played, didn't you? Do you still?"
....: Tammi // Tammi bit back a giggle. She looked past Aly, but there he was, looking over again. "He's still looking! Can he make it any more obvious?" she screamed at her best friend in a whisper. "Oh God, I think... he's coming over," Tammi warned, again in the same whispering manner. "Aly.. he's coming. He's. He's coming." Tammi watched as Nolan approached. "He's here." Tammi said to Aly and then proceeded to put on a smile. "Hi, Nolan!"
////: Aly // Her eyes widened at Tammi and she looked at her best friend imploringly, shaking her head the slightest bit but not being able to suppress the giggles. "Oh Tammi.." She stayed focused on Tammi until the last second, her cheeks still growing a little hotter, when Tammi greeted Nolan behind her. She turned around as well, smiling. "Heyyy. How are you doing, Nolan?"
....: Nancy // "I try," Nancy thanked, throwing her blonde hair behind her shoulder in a swift motion at Andy hyping her up. "Practice, Andy, practice. It really does make perfect," she winked at him and then looked over to the three boys on the other side of the table, Benji, Lucas and Trevor. "Oh," she exclaimed a little dumbfounded, looking down at the cup in her hand to examine it. She shrugged and downed the drink in one quick go. "That explains it." She grinned and leaned forward to poke Trevor's nose. "At least someone wants everyone to have a good time." She got off Andy. "I'm getting some more. Anyone else?"
....: Chris // Chris smiled. "I guess it'd be a complete culture shock," Chris said as he thought about it. However, the thought was also interesting. "Oh, really? That's great, I had no idea. He hasn't told me. Then again, we've only been texting back and forth these days. He's quite busy with the club. But, wow! That's huge. Meeting your family?"
////: Finn // He gave Nolan a friendly push to his shoulder when the other had already turned to approach the two girls. "Go." He stayed behind, watching Nolan for a moment and tapping his foot to the music. He eyed his cup's contents, then back up to look around the room. He felt a little awkward standing around by himself now, so he started wandering aimlessly, taking a sip from his drink every now and then. He saw a girl standing off to the side also by herself, transfixed by her phone. He recognised her as Hazel Caldwell, a senior and from what he could tell, pretty cool. Nice and not quite as intimidating as some other people. He wandered over, trying to seem casual and came to a stop next to her, still keeping a good distance between them. He swayed on his feet for a moment, trying to think of something to say. "Hey." He blurted out after a moment. "Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to.. Hi. I just wanted to say hi because you were on your phone and I was thinking.. that.. I would just say hi." He said all this very quickly, closing his eyes for a second when he realised how everything just came out of his mouth.
....: Noah // "Felix and I!" Noah announced loudly as he swung his arm around Felix's shoulder, "We'll be getting drinks. Anyone else feeling anything?" He asked into the group, already pushing Felix towards the buffet. He didn't really wait for an answer as he continued, "No? Alright, we'll be right back!" He smiled big at his friends, gave Liam a a quick kiss. "Love you," he professed before walking away with Felix. Once far away enough, he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Okay. You're ruining the whole night."
////: Benji // He watched his friends' interaction with a grin, leaned back into his seat and sipping his spiked drink happily. "You're never an accomplice /by choice/, and you still always let this guy rope you into shit, man," he joined in on the joke, shoving Trevor back when he'd shoved Lucas prior. "Stop picking on people smaller than you." He laughed loudly when Trevor also almost spilled his drink. He looked over at Nancy, holding his cup up at her with a shake of the head. "I'm good, Nance, thanks."
////: Andy // "Yeah, can do with a refill." He hopped up with her, smiling at her. "M'going with you. Who else then? Trevooor, yes. Finish that, we'll get you another one."
////: Freya // "Yeah, he's so busy recently." She agreed with a slightly disgruntled look on her face, though she shrugged a few moments after. "Yeah. Yeah, possibly." The grin was back on her face at the thought of Kian coming for New Year's. "We've only talked about it, nothing's actually set. But he might.. Like you said, he's super busy with the club and he's not sure he can just not be on site yet, but we'll see. It'd be nice, that's for sure."
////: Felix // Felix let Noah push him towards the drinks a little reluctantly, looking at him with a slightly confused expression. Once his intentions became clear, he rolled his eyes at him. "Uh, you're ascribing me a bit much power here. I don't think I'm ruining an entire night. And also, I'm just not?"
....: Charlie // "Thanks man," Charlie thanked the person complimenting him on the game. As Dani spoke up, he turned to look at her and he couldn't fight a smile when he felt her arms around his waist. He reciprocated the affection by slinging his arm around her middle as he planted a kiss to the side of her head. "You played?" He asked, turning his attention to Alex, genuinely surprised by the information. "I had no idea, I didn't take you as a player," He mused with a grin.
....: Nolan // Nolan turned around to his friend when he pushed him, giving him a 'what the fuck was that for' face. "Okay. I'm already on it." Shaking his head, he ran a hand through his hair and made his way over to Tammi and Aly. Definitely feeling more nervous than he'd admit. "Hi, you two," he said, his voice friendly. "You look beautiful tonight." He looked at Aly with sincerity but his gaze momentarily dropped to his feet. "Uh. Your brother's DJing, right? Do you know if he takes song requests?"
....: Hazel // Hazel was so focused on her text conversation with Nick, she barely took notice of her surroundings. She bit on her nail as she watched Nick typing, an habit she's unsuccessfully trying to get rid of for years now. It wasn't until she saw someone from the corner of her stop next to her that she looked up. She only looked up for a split second and then returned her attention to her text conversation. Nick had stopped typing, but no new message. She eyed the person who's came to a halt next to her again when they started to sway. Who was he? Hazel had never seen the guy. "Hey." She said a little confused, but her features were soft and warm as she locked her phone and put it away. One second later, she felt it vibrate in her pocket, but this time she ignored it. "You're fine. Don't worry. I also don't like being the girl who's on the phone. I'm just. Trying to make a friend come." With a nod, she looked over the dance floor and then back at the guy. "Why are you by yourself?"
////: Aly // "Oh, thanks," she replied coyly, dropping her gaze and tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. She looked at Tammi for a second out of the corner of her eye before smiling at Nolan again. "Oh yeah," She nodded at him, momentarily looking at Tammi again like she was entirely sure how to navigate this by herself. "Yeah, he is. Uhm.." She looked at Tammi once more. She knew Caleb was quite uptight about his music sometimes. "Yeah, I'm sure he would. Yeah, definitely. You can just ask him. What song do you want?"
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seven deadly sins
summary: virgil and roman accidentally kill each other and are sent to hell where they have to get past the seven deadly sins before their body is found or they're disintegrated
paring: prinxiety
word count: 1879
roman groaned as he sat up. he looked around the room to take in the scenery. the floor was a dirt texture but black, the sky was blood red. there was shuffling beside him and he looked over and saw someone he would have never expected to see.
"dr. gloom? i thought you were dead." roman scoffed. virgil pursed his lips.
"y-you're kidding.. right?" virgil asked. "also don't call me that prince not so charming."
roman's eyes widened as he clutched his chest. "how dare you insult me! i am the hero, i will not accept this disrespect!" virgil laughed and shook his head. "i see that ugly stutter has came back, too. what happened? are you scared of me?" roman taunted.
"fuck off." virgil spat. "and why would i be scared of you out of anyone. you were scared of a puppy for goodness sakes!"
"i was not! and you would be scared of me because i killed you once i will not hesitate to do it again!" roman went to get out his sword when it wasn't there. he gasped and narrowes his eyes at virgil. "you wouldn't!"
"i didn't." virgil said. "but are you actually serious? you don't understand what's going on at all..?"
"no!" roman groaned and ran his hands down his face. "is this your layer or something?"
the amount of stupidity you would have to have to not understand what was going on here was high, and virgil clearly saw roman had that amount and more.
"let me give you a hint. we share something in common right now."
"uhhh... we both have enemies?" roman asked, virgil said nothing, only sighed. "oh! we're both trying to get out of here."
"are you honestly that stupid. do you  not see the blood red sky?! or how about the literal ashes on the ground!"
roman furred his eyebrows and looked at the ground. "i'm really bad at hints okay.." roman frowned and waited for virgil to explain.
"well i guess common sense skipped over you but we are in hell!" virgil shouted. "and unless we want to get out of here, we're going to end up like everyone here. burned to ashes."
roman yelped as he brushed what he thought was dirt off his clothes. "why didn't you tell me sooner?!"
"you were too busy fighting with me." virgil defended himself. "but you know what, fine. i'll just find out how to get out myself."
"but how?! there is no possible way tp get out of here!"
"yeah there is, unless someone finds us dead. then we literally disintegrate." virgil's voice got darker as he spoke. "thanks for killing me and leaving me in your field."
"no problem." roman noticed virgil glare at him. "ah, i'm sorry..."
the younger man completely ignored the older one and walked to the big building that looked deserted. "wait up for me!"
inside the building was an abandoned library. virgil looked around in amazement. many different colors of books were on old wooden shelves. it was cold looking on the outside but on the inside it looked so warm and accepting.
virgil walked up and saw his favorite book on the shelf. he gasped and picked up the book. looking over his shoulder at roman he saw roman go over to a huge king sized bed. it looked incredibly comfortable.
he looked over at the rest of the building. he saw a table filled with food. suddenly he caught on. "princy! don't lay down!"
"why not?" roman asked. "you have your book, i have my bed."
"it's the seven deadly sins, i'm guessing we have to resist them. it makes sense just look around."
roman nodded, but said nothing. it was like he completely ignored virgil. "roman!" roman flinched at the sound of his name. he looked over. "do you want to get out of here or not?"
"yes. i apologize. what should we do?" and with that, the two started planning out what to do.
as the two were planning a girl sauntered over to them. "hey, boys." she was wearing a mini skirt and a blouse that showed way too much cleavage. "can i help you with anything?" she asked, sticking her chest out.
that was clearly lust. virgil looked at her in disgust. "sorry, sweetie. i'm gay." virgil snapped, trying to get her away. roman's jaw dropped open, causing virgil to groan. virgil shoved the girl aside and grabbed roman's face, kissing him.
roman was immediately snapped out of his trance and kissed virgil back. virgil pulled away when he saw lust leave them. "sorry. i needed to snap you out of it somehow but don't get any ideas." virgil turned around and saw thomas, his ex. "huh..?"
thomas put his finger up to virgil's lips. "shh. i know what you're thinking, how the hell, right?" virgil nodded, stepping back. "i was killed a day before you and i've been trying to get out. i'm so glad to see you."
virgil stammered over his words. he tried to make sense of what was going on. "no. i am sorry, i can't trust you. i didn't see you before outside of here so i can't trust you." virgil grabbed roman's wrist and began to walk away.
"what are you just going to ignore me and be a whore with that guy?!" virgil understood exactly what was going on, roman not so much.
thomas was clearly envy that turned into anger. as much as virgil wanted to turn around and get thomas back or curse him away he managed to stay calm.
the two walked into a new room filled with mirrors and virgil knew it was the last sin, pride.
"keep you- jesus christ you're unbelievable." virgil looked over to roman staring at himself. "roman i will leave you here."
"sorry! i just look so good, i've never seen myself like this before."
"no duh, cause this is what you wish you'd look like, just stop looking at yourself." virgil grabbed roman's wrist dragging him through the maze of mirrors.
it didn't take long for virgil to get out of the maze. in front of the two was a throne. it was a deep maroon with three spikes.
there sat the devil in the throne. striking eyes and pitch black hair. his suit had flames and his skin was tan. "great job, boys! you've successfully gotten past my challenges. and for that, you have a choice either stay in hell where you can do anything you want for passing or rise from the dead."
"bring me back to life please, and soon! i need to feed my cat." virgil rushed out, already knowing what he would choose. the devil nodded and snapped then virgil disappeared.
"i would like to be alive, too. see you soon." roman said out of habit as he was brought back to life.
roman groaned, sitting up. he still knew what happened so he got up and raced to the kitchen to see if it worked for virgil. it did.
out there in the field stood virgil. roman smiled and ran outside to where a bloody virgil stood.
"want to call it a truce?" roman put his hand out for virgil to shake. virgil smirked and nodded, shaking roman's hand. "so about the kiss-"
"shut the hell up!"
virgil sat on his couch thinking back to a few days prior. specifically the kiss that happened. it was definitely only him but he started to like roman and it doesn't help roman keeps randomly visiting him.
his cat jumped on his lap and started rubbing herself against virgil. "am i stupid for falling for that stupid prince?" he asked, stroking the cats white fur. "i am aren't i? god i'm going crazy."
the doorbell rang abruptly snapping virgil out of his self loathing trance. virgil placed his cat onto the couch and went to answer the door. "hello!"
virgil's heart fluttered when he heard roman's voice. "hey, what's up?"
roman cleared his throat and straightened his shirt. "would you like to go out sometime?"
virgil could have fainted there. "d-do you mean on a date?"
"i-uh um i mean o-only if you want it to be." roman stuttered, blushing bright red.
"of course i would want it to be!" virgil smiled. "i uh mean, yeah sure whatever." roman smiled widly at virgil. "wanna come in?"
"um, sure!"
it was date night and virgil was freaking out. "i don't look good enough.. do i?" virgil was on the phone with his father, patton. "i know we're going to a restaurant then watching some movie but i don't know if i look good enough though!"
"calm down, either way roman will love what you're wearing. stop worrying bud, i see the way you two look at each other. no outfit will make him not like you anymore."
virgil sighed and rubbed his face.. "thanks, dad. i just- i want him to like me."
"he will love you, okay? now go get 'em tiger!" and with that virgil heard his dad hang up on him.
"you think i look nice, veronica?" virgil pet his cat until he heard a knock on his door. "bye sweetie." he kissed his cat and then answered the door. "h-hey, roman."
"hi.." roman extended his hand for virgil. "you look stunning.." virgil blushed and thanked him as they walked to his car. "so i may have lied about what we're doing.. but i think you're going to love it.. a little hint is it involes where we first properly met."
"we met in high school at the school's musicial- wait. no way!"
"yep.. wanna guess the show..?" virgil sat there, thinking of the most significant musical to him or their relationship.
"heathers?" roman nodded and virgil squealed. "oh my gosh! no way! this is amazing!"
roman asked virgil to hook his phone to the aux and play his heathers playlist. they sang every song that came on perfectly and had so much fun before getting to the theatre where heathers was being held.
the whole way there, virgil couldn't contain his happiness. back before virgil and roman were story-like crime fighters, they used to be best friends in high school.
it was theatre that brought them together. virgil was geeking out about the school's production of guys and dolls when roman overheard. the two hit it off fast and other than guys and dolls, the first ever musical they both equally loved was heathers. virgil ended up developing a crush on roman, and when he got a cat he wanted her name to be relevant to roman.
he decided on veronica, it wasn't obvious at all and the only one who knew the true meaning was his father. and maybe now roman.
the show was amazing, after the show, roman took virgil to a fun restaurant. after they finished at the restaurant, roman took virgil home. the two didn't talk much on the drive home.
roman walked virgil up to his door. "i had a great time tonight, thank you roman."
roman smiled and held virgil's hands in his own. "no problem.." roman leaned down and kissed virgil. "i'll see you later, bye."
"bye.." virgil blushed.
oof that sucked
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