#also granada holmes and scotland yard are actually close
nakababakla · 3 years
Headcanons: Holmes and Watson in a QPR
1. They take long evening walks together, arm in arm, but that's actually canon. They purposely go through dark alleys so that Watson can rest his head on Holmes' shoulder. Holmes puts his hand around Watson but he swats it away because it makes him feel short.
2. At the end of Empty House Watson finds some sheets of paper in Holmes' cloak containing 23 scenarios that Holmes predicted of his return. Watson reveals he tried theater once because of his love of literature, at least before he decided to take up medicine. And Holmes was also a theater kid. They re-enact all the scenarios with full costume (Holmes planned different disguises); Watson quickly writes dialogue. They act all night and laugh to death at the end of every scenario like little kids playing roleplay. There's actually one where it's Holmes that faints.
3. cuddles cuddles cuddles cuddles CUDDLES. Who's the big spoon? Depends on the mood. Watson's like a big soft stuffed bear, Holmes is bony and his shoulder is perfectly contoured for one to nest his head on.
4. Watson sometimes gets severe back pains, which Holmes notices. He narrows down the possible causes: he switches out Watson's lounging chair, he tries different dinner stools, etc., until he realizes that it might be his bed. So that night he drama queens all over Watson's bed and steals it, forcing Watson to sleep in Holmes' new bed that he just bought. Watson wakes up with no pain for the first time in months.
5. Holmes can also get a lot of arm/back/body/hand pains after sitting in weird positions for long periods of time, conducting experiments, or after poring over tomes of books. Watson has nimble fingers and he gives great massages.
6. Watson's dog likes Holmes more than Watson because Holmes spoils him too much. Of course Watson's jealous, "mY OWN DOG doesn't like me huhuhu" They compete for the dog's attention constantly.
7. Another post-Empty House headcanon: There are two reasons why Watson moved back in with Holmes after he returned, even though he wasn't in financial distress anymore. We only know of the fact that Holmes asks his cousin to buy Watson's practice. But before that, Holmes would put on the most covert disguises and go to his clinic as a patient, just to check in on him and he misses him ok. Watson looks forward to his visits; he uses deduction methods he learned from Holmes to figure out whether this was an actual patient or just Holmes again. When it's Holmes they chat for hours. Eventually this becomes a nuisance to his patients.
8. Holmes adores flowers. Watson knows this. Sometimes he'll pluck flowers from Mrs. Hudson's garden out back and put them around the flat—in vases on the dinner table, little mugs strewn across the living room and the kitchen, tiny pots on the windowsills, out in the porch (do they have a porch?), and he'd pin one to his lapel. Holmes would smile from ear to ear all day.
9. Scotland Yard + Mrs. Hudson throw a birthday party for Holmes every year. Watson and Mrs. Hudson spearhead the arrangements. The Baker Street Irregulars are invited and Watson makes games for them. The kids are odd-numbered, so Holmes has to join to evenly separate them into two teams. Actually Watson deliberately tells the kids to bring one extra person so that he has an excuse to make Holmes join. "You're the birthday boy anyway" "I am a grown man Watson" "please please please please please" "ughhhhh ok" *haves fun anyway*
They do the same for Watson but they guess his birthday every year, because Watson staunchly refuses to say his birthday.
(February, Year 1) Happy Birthday Dr. Watson!
Watson: Awwwww thank you, I'm touched.
Holmes: *gasps* Oh no.
Watson: Why?
Holmes: It's not your birthday, is it?
Watson: ...Well it is now.
(September, Year 2) Happy Birthday Dr. Watson!
Watson: Thank you so much! I love you all!
Holmes: Your birthday is today, is it not?
Watson: ...Yes.
Holmes could easily get his birth certificate, but he values his privacy.
+ it's fun to just tell Lestrade or Gregson while they're on a case, "Oh btw it's Watson's real birthday today you'll come tonight right" "what WHAT WHAT I don't have a gift oh no oh no oh no" "Ehehehehehe".
+ every year's birthday is a surprise. Holmes picks a random day at the start of the year. He usually won't take cases that week to focus on the case of Dr. John Watson's Surprise Birthday Party.
+ chaos ensued when at the start of the year he picked January 1st. As Holmes made breakfast his hands darted at the speed of light. He tried to stay quiet but Watson woke up when he dropped a big pot. He peeked out and saw what Holmes was doing then pretended to go back to sleep. Then Holmes woke him up and served breakfast in bed. Watson didn't wince when the eggs were too salty. Mrs. Hudson nearly fainted at the mess of the kitchen.
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