#also getting my heart broken times two but also it just never repaired after the first time
dirwael · 11 months
Hands Off
Solomon x GN Reader | 447 Words | Rated T | Warnings: Mentions of violence
A/N: Takes place at the beginning of Lesson 11 (Nightbringer)
Also on my Ao3!
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Solomon had never felt an anger as great as this before.
He can recall bouts that have made him yell, storm out of rooms with balled up fists and a scowl on his face. He can remember times that made him laugh like a maniac, eyes crazed, forbidden spells at his fingertips. He can never forget the moments of white-hot fury, ones that left cities decimated, relationships broken beyond repair, and blood on his hands.
But none of those instances could hold a candle to this.
This anger, a new one— one fueled by fear, hatred, and love.
Solomon could hardly believe his eyes at the scene before him. You, his adorable apprentice, backed against a wall, as one of those damn demons tried to put his claws on you. Whatever caused this to happen didn't matter. All Solomon knew was to put up a barrier, and immediately rush to your side.
Belphegor. The one that attacked you. The youngest of the brothers. The weakest. A fallen angel, still assimilating to his new demonic life and powers. Solomon, while still just a human, was more in tune with his magic. There was a chance that he could-
No, no.
Belphegor's brothers were there, as was the prince. Even with his spells, Barbatos, and now Asmodeus, Solomon knew he would lose that battle. Plus, his most powerful spells require two hands, and he refused to move the arm he wrapped around you, keeping you at his side and away from those fiends.
Solomon wanted that perpetrator gone. And if wanting him dead meant wanting the whole family dead as well, then so be it. That demon and his defenders needed to suffer and rot for the crime of even just trying to harm you.
But while holding you, Solomon could feel you tremble.
He could hear you sniffle. He looked and saw you raise your hand to wipe at your eye.
And that's when Solomon realized it— his racing heart and swirling mind... they betrayed his outward look, one of even breaths and a calm smile. One hand was ready to unleash millennia after millennia of sorcery, while the other carefully held you.
Solomon had never felt so furious before, but he'd also never felt so afraid. The knowledge that he was the only one that could protect you, the knowledge that if he arrived just a second too late, you would be-
He needed to get you out of here, for both of your sakes.
Solomon looked back to the demons. His smile grew and his grip on you tightened as he readied a teleportation spell.
He wanted those monsters dead.
But he needed you safe first.
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blue-sadie · 10 months
Missing Parts
This was a request but lost it so hopefully the requester sees this 😁
Cal Kestis x Bot Tinker Reader
Summary: sometimes the metal parts aren't that entertaining but adding a few things can make it better
Warning: none
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Yn/3rd person pov
The music was loud so loud it could be heard from my station that was the same level as the prison "it's so fucking loud" I grumbled pulling out my ear plugs even those didn't work to block out the noise.
I heard beeping from behind me so I turned looking over my shoulder to the small droid on the table the guards brought him in a few hours ago damaging him the process "hey little guy" I murmured putting down my tools and slowly walking to him with my hands up.
"I'm not here to hurt you ok" I murmured and he beeped nervously as he slowly crept towards me to the edge of the table "I'm sorry about the guards their morons" I whispered picking up his broken pieces "dd please go get me some tools so I can patch up our friend here" I said.
My own little Droid flew out its station beeping happily as it flew between us and my desk passing me all the needed tools "come on little guy time to patch you up" I murmured and started humming to myself my tools drowning out the sound of the nearing prisoner.
Cal dropped down behind the unaware girl and his eyebrows rose in confusion as he watched her with his light saber raised he leaned to the side watching her work with his little companion "drop the tools" he spoke startling her causing her to fling the star screw driver at him but if landed a few feet in front of him.
"Shit you scared me" I squeaked moving my hands to my heart feeling it race "easy I'm just here for the droid" he murmured gesturing to bd-1 I glanced between the two "oh yeah here I was just repairing him and did a tiny upgrade on his antenna" I smiled gently picking up the small bot and bringing him to his owner.
The man frowned as he took him "why" he asked his voice low I nervously rubbed the back of my neck "it's kinda the only entertainment I get around here I fix or make new bots from the pieces I get" I looked around the room the small bots I've made peaking out their hiding spots.
"I'm cal" the man said sticking out his hand and I gently shook it "yn" I smiled and giggled as a few of my bots rolled to me and stopped by my feet "geez you've made a lot of them" he said kneeling down causing a few of them to hide behind me I let out a shakey breathe "I've made alot more but they get taken for gambling" I sighed making him look up at me with sorrow but I could see an idea popped into his head "how are you with shis".
-Time skip-
I felt sorry for the creatures we were killing yes its their nature but their death is only for fun, I shot one of those frog things making it crash into the wall, a group of my small bots tazered the group of scazz "what is this" sorc tormo boomed and I looked up at him confused intill a ship crashed into the area.
My smile widened as I recognized the ship "bloody greez" I murmured quickly gathering up my bots and following cal onto the ship "I will find you" sorc's voice faded as the door closed and the ship shook as it flew off "greez, cere" cal called as he rushed into the cock pit of the ship and I was slow to follow.
"I'm glad to see yo- yn" greez stopped mid sentence his eyes widening, "sup greez missed me" cal looked between the two of us surprised "glad to see you looking after my ship" I mused making him huff like a child "you own 50% of it not all of it" he muttered a few curse words turning his gaze back to flying.
"I'm cere now tell me what's this about you owning the ship" the lady spoke her eyes never leaving mine I laughed shaking my head "I won a lot of things from gambling that's also how I ended up in sorc's prison just on his good side" I paused "and that's how I met greez and he quickly lost all his belongings except the ship" I smiled.
Greez grumbled "wasn't my fault I was drunk" cere looked at him surprised "but why only 50%" cal asked crossing his arms his gaze on my I felt flustered under his gaze "I felt sorry for him" I laughed making cere laugh to "well I bet I can win it back" greez muttered putting the ship into hyper drive, cere lightly smacked the back of his head making him hiss
"so you can lose the rest of it I think not".
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passcode58 · 1 year
Not Requested |
Fluff |
High School Gojo Satoru x reader | Comfort
Warnings | Manga Spoilers
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"Oh baby, my sweet pretty baby."
Hands hooked under his chin, you pulled the boy's delicate forward, pressing a gentle kiss upon his appled cheeks. Gojo's lips turned down, forming a saddening pout as he sat with an empty seat next to him. It was hard, you know. Grappling with a series of unfortunate and life changing losses.
The day he stumbled into your work, blood and terror on his face you knew something was wrong. He couldn't even utter a word. That was not Gojo Satoru, and you felt cold creeping in. Something on this earth scared Gojo, something struck terror within his soul. Then he told you…he was killed. Not harmed, killed. His life…the everlasting debate of many men and philosophers alike— The teenage boy right in front of you faced death, you fell to your knees, your hands shook and your heart stopped. Gojo died, and if not for a last ditch effort he would still be dead. Then, his friend— his one and only walked out of his life.
Now you were left with him and his attempt to live with reality, as he also struggled with being a father of two. You just wanted your friend to get a break, but life had other plans. His composure barely broke in the past but he seemed to be struggling as of late and you couldn't blame him because you felt that way too. Something even sex couldn't solve, as you'd come to discover your numerous hookups failed to prevent your deep plummet into insanity and repair your broken soul.
"My love." Tender, sweet and filled with patience you thumbed at his cheeks and coaxed his eyes open. Once they opened you were met with a deep ocean blue, and the sorrow of incomprehensible proportions. It shattered you, and your hands shook. This wasn't pity, you'd never pity this boy, he was deserving much more than that. "My angel, my beautiful angel." 
"(Y/n), I don't think I can do this."
"It hurts so much, I feel so stupid, I feel so sick. I'm the strongest, so why do I feel so weak."
"Baby, even the strongest soldiers fall sometimes…you need time to heal."
"But I'm not a soldier, I'm a sorcerer. There is no time, not for him, not for anyone… what if, what if something happens to you tomorrow? I'd be all alone, (Y/n). I can't do this. I need you, I need him, we should have been together…that's what w— we promised." 
It hurts to see him like this, broken and hurt, you wanted nothing more than to console him, but all you could do is sit at the desk and pull him into your thigh as you combed your fingers through his hair.
Gojo was a child at heart. Mature beyond his years, after facing a sickening reality and having the weight of the world placed upon his shoulder. You weren't even in his league, in his world or in his universe. Yet he always gave you his heart, his full, sheltered heart. Something he kept rather close to his chest, locked deep away and covered under a carefully crafted facade. 
"It's okay baby, shh…it's okay." thighs wet with tears, you felt yourself slip a bit. You missed his voice, his touch, his smile, his scent….his voice…his beautiful voice. He would sing to you at night with his ridiculously alluring voice. You called him a siren, but you'd willingly drown if it meant you got to hear his sweet melodies. Now he's gone, and you don't know where. 
It's just the two of you, Shoko distanced herself considerably and you didn't want to burden her, so here you are.
Gojo lifted his head, eyes red and puffy as he leaned forward, in your space.
"I hate this, but…don't get me wrong. People like you make life worth living. I don't always think about others but I don't want to give you the impression..that I'd leave. I won't."
"I know you won't, angel. I know. Let's…go to your room, yeah?"
"And will you stay with me?" His lips graze the surface of yours, and you could never say no. "I will, always will. Let me dry your eyes. I love you, I hate seeing you cry, Satoru. My heart is forever intertwined, your pain is mine, your joy is mine, your agony, your regret, your triumph. You may feel alone, but truly, I am by your side. Till I die." His voice perished among the emotions that rushed over him. He falls forward into your chest and sobs gently. He's barely able to stand as you let him lean over, it's uncomfortable but you don't care. "(Y/n) I love you. I love you, I do– I swear to god."
"You don't have to swear to anyone, I know you do…and I love you too. We can do this…even if it hurts and kills us inside we…we're the strongest— you forbid yourself from uttering those words. So instead you settled for, "We have each other."
For all the world has to offer, none other mattered more than Gojo Satoru. 
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ya-zz · 1 year
Really love your ram! I love the 'fixed the broken' it touched my heart with many fluffiness to the point that I could faint 🥺. So please I would like to request for (fluff) ramattra and the reader, every time it rain they would coincidentally meet each other at the same shelter or different one each time or both, it could be funny that way too! Up to you :)
hhhhhhh I fucking love soft Ramattra just as much as the next person.
Apologies it took awhile to get to, but hey, a nice double upload today!
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Ramattra x reader (gen)
Word count: 1173
It was the same shit just different day. Having to travel to work early, and then travel home late made you wonder whether or not the job was even worth it; and let’s not talk about when the rainy weather would hit, whether light or a storm, you would still push on in. 
But, despite the travel, despite the weather, you enjoyed the job. Repairing omnics was something you had grown to do, even more so after the crisis. You wanted to do what you could to help, no matter how small it may be. 
The walk was worth it though. The scenery in Nepal was everything you had ever wished for. The omnic village was accommodating, human travellers passing occasionally, however you were the more frequent visitor. The omnics there welcomed you each day, passing ‘thanks’ and ‘have a good day’ whenever you walked past. They were more like a family then your own family was. 
Today, however, the rain was coming down hard the moment you had finished work. After closing the workshop, locking the shutters and hiding under the provided shelter, you sigh. Looking across the street, watching the puddles grow larger by the second, you zip up your coat only to realise there was no hood. 
Can it get any worse…?
With a slightly more irritated yet defeated sigh, you walk out into the pouring rain and begin the journey home. The rain pelted your face, soaking you in moments as you walked. Down hill was going to be the trickier part. Having no grip on your shoes and rocky terrain, it wasn’t exactly the safest for walking. Keeping close to the wall, you hold on, hoping to not slip and end up at the bottom. While it would be quicker, the bruises and possible painful injuries weren’t going to help you repair omnics. 
It was a slow and careful descent, one where you kept your eyes on the ground, rather than in front of you, but the moment the ground levelled, you took a breather under a nearby shelter. 
The rain was still coming down hard as you leant against the withering wood frame of the shelter. With your arms crossed over your chest to keep warm, you watch the rain, listening to the sounds. The wind blowing it in every direction but also shaking the leaves above. Thunder rolled in, making you step back further into the shelter.
“It is not safe for you to be out here.” A voice called out, making you turn quickly. 
You reply back whilst looking over the omnic. “Neither is it for you.” 
He goes to speak once more but holds himself back, instead moving further into the shelter.
There was an eerie silence as the two of you stayed under for awhile, letting the rain pass. You stayed quiet, watching the rain lighten up before you deemed it safe enough to wander back out and home. 
The omnic doesn’t say anything, waiting there a little while longer as he watches you leave. He wonders where he had seen you before and then it clicks. This wasn’t your first encounter with him. It was the second and he never forgets a face. 
Last week you were resting under the shelter not far from the repair shop reading. He had stood near you, not wanting to disrupt you, but the moment you closed your book and looked up at him, the smile that embraced your face engrained itself into his systems. 
He had hoped to see you again and his circuits warmed when he did. 
And again when he saw you a few days later at the same shelter. It wasn’t raining this time, but it was cold. His temperature was keeping him warm, circling that heat around his chassis, but he could see you were shivering. 
The winter weather was brutal, your gloves and scarf were merely decoration. The sudden drop in temperature meant you weren’t prepared at all, having to grab whatever you could find within the workshop before you left. 
“You should hurry home.” The omnic spoke out, stepping under the shelter. 
“I would, but I’m too cold to move right now.” 
“You will freeze to death if you stay out here any longer.” His optics scan your figure, noting the shivering and your temperature lower than normal. 
“I wasn’t prepared for this drop in temperature.” You speak between shuddered breaths. 
He looks ahead, a slight nod. “It was sudden, yes.” 
You hum in response, tucking your hands into your pockets. 
“How far do you walk from here?” He asked. 
“About forty minutes.” 
For once, the omnic felt concerned. “There is a tea house that is closer. Perhaps you should rest there and warm up.” He points back towards the village as you look up at him. 
“Maybe I will. Thank you.” You smile up at him and step out from under the shelter. 
“Ramattra.” He calls out, causing you to stop and turn to him. “I am Ramattra.” 
He noticed your smile again as you spoke. “[y/n].” You bow your head slightly. “It’s a pleasure to put a name to the face.” 
“I agree.” He hums, watching you turn and scurry off back to the village. 
There was a long while before Ramattra saw you again. Part of him hurt and he was confused as to why. He has never felt this way before, especially for a human. The moment he saw you under the shelter not far from the decline, he wandered over, staff in one hand while he raised the other. 
When you saw him approaching and waving at you, you returned the gesture, waving back and smiling. 
“We have to stop meeting like this?” You joke, watching as he stands next to you, closer than he has ever done before. 
“Who is to say that this is not my favourite part of the day.” He looks down at you from the side, a chuckle escaping his vocaliser.
“Oh stop it.” You laugh, cheeks blushing ever so slightly as you stare out into the rain. 
“It has been awhile since I last saw you.” He states. 
“Late night repairs.” You sigh softly. “There’s been a lot of trouble recently.” 
The omnic nods. “I have heard. I did not think it would be that bad.” 
“I’m the only one around here capable of fixing omnics, so they all come to me.” 
“Would you require assistance?” Ramattra asks. 
You look up at him, smiling gently. “Company wouldn’t be so bad.” 
The omnic laughs, something he had not done in a long time. “Then perhaps I will meet you tomorrow, at the workshop this time.” 
“Yeah… I’d like that.”
Ramattra nods, the same warmth circling his chassis as he looks down at you smiling up at him. From chance meetings at the shelter, the omnic was glad there was a human out there capable of emotions and caring for his kind. He wanted to know more about you, to help you. 
He wanted to be with you longer.
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Reunited Part 2
Pairing: modern!Sihtric x you (female reader)
Authors note: it all started with the ask, whether I accept modern!Sihtric requests, that left me deeply thoughtful whether I am really up to it. So my dear @sihtricfedaraaahvicius gave me a little push with a challenging fic request that resulted in my very first modern! Sihtric fic. Initially I didn't think of a continuation of the story, but some of you were very insisting and I'm deeply thankful for that. I have decided to make it a bit longer story. So, this interlude is intended to set the scene for the upcoming parts. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Warnings: fluff, quite suggestive on the borderline with getting smutty, heartbreak, abuse of alcohol
Summary: It was supposed to be a short two week trip that turned into five long years apart, just because your best friend couldn't keep her mouth shut. Will the reader and Sihtric manage to repair their broken relationship and find their way back to each other?
Part 1
Word Count: 2,043
Leave a comment if you want to be tagged for the upcoming parts.
Tags: @uunotheangel @jennifer0305 @sihtricfedaraaahvicius
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"Damn it," Sihtric cursed at himself as he watched the door slam shut behind you. Your sudden appearance, followed by an even more abrupt departure, had left him not only speechless but questioning whether you had been real at all or simply a fevered hallucination conjured by his foggy mind after yesterday's party.
He had undoubtedly had a few drinks too many. Waking up this morning, he couldn't even recall the name of the long-legged, dark-haired beauty he found in his bed.
"Uh, good morning, gorgeous," he greeted the girl nestled against his chest with a hesitant smile. "Oh crap, it's late already, I have to rush to the studio. Just slam the door shut when you leave. I’ll call you tomorrow!” 
This had become his standard exit strategy, and it always did the trick. Most of the time, it wasn't even a lie, as he almost always had photoshoots and studio appointments. Sihtric cautiously freed his hand from beneath the girl and, within the next five minutes, he had donned his trousers and shirt before vanishing through the doors, leaving the long-legged stranger in his bed bewildered. He didn't have her number and had no intention of calling her. He never did.
In the beginning, he was driven by a desperate eagerness to forget. He believed that the only way to heal his shattered heart was to quickly fall in love again as deeply and madly as he had with you. However, as time passed, waking up beside yet another imperfect copy of you only made him crave more for the original. At some point, he stopped deluding himself; there was no one who could replace you, so he stopped searching.
Nonetheless, being a famous and handsome fashion photographer had its side effects. His work ensured he was surrounded by women – beautiful, intelligent, and also compassionate women. There always seemed to be someone who believed they could fix him, even when he had no desire to be fixed. At some point, when once again an unsuccessful attempt to mend him had left yet another self proclaimed angel saviour heartbroken and crying, he had enough. He didn't want it anymore. He was what he was: an irreparably broken wreck, an adrenaline junkie, unable of navigating his emotions and incapable of feeling love and affection. He was just inflicting pain on those foolish enough to get close to him. From that point on, his decision was clear – he didn't do relationships. He was good for a passionate one-night fuck, but nothing more, and after a while everyone seemed to know it and accept it.
"Oh, honey! You're here! I've missed you so much!" Gisela nearly screamed your head off in joy, as she spotted you on her doorstep. You hadn’t seen each other in real life for all five years, but she had remained your best friend. She had been your rock during your darkest days following the breakup, always just a phone call away, ready to listen or simply be there for you, regardless of the time difference. Gisela was the better half of your soul, your moral compass, the anchor that kept you grounded in the tumultuous sea of life. She offered support and solace when you needed it most, asking for nothing in return.
It came as no surprise that, after your panicked flight from the photo shoot, your first instinct was to seek refuge at your best friend's place.
"Oh my goodness! You look like you've been hit by a freight train," Gisela immediately noticed your devastated state. She grabbed your hand and pulled you into a tight embrace.
"I saw him this morning... I couldn't... I ran away," you sobbed, your tears soaking her fine blouse, emotions pouring out uncontrollably.
"Whom did you see? Oh my god! Sihtric?" Realisation struck Gisela as she led you inside her apartment and settled you on her sofa. "Just wait a moment. I'll make you some tea, and then you can tell me everything," she said, heading to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, hidden from your view, Gisela clutched her head with both hands and began to pace around the small room.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Why did this have to happen?" she cursed to herself. "Couldn't he have just broken his damn neck on one of his insane climbing expeditions? I can't let her go through this again. She won't handle it. And she'll never forgive me if she finds out I'm the real reason behind all this mess."
Gisela had never found the courage to tell you that her direct involvement was the reason for Sihtric's decision to break up with you. Initially, there was no point in revealing it, as you would have rushed back to Sihtric. As time passed and Gisela witnessed how hard it struck you, how much pain you endured, and how long it took for you to start halfway functioning again, she couldn't bring herself to confess that she was unintentionally responsible for all this suffering. She had acted with the best intentions, all she had wanted was for you to follow your dream and be happy. The realisation that her good intentions had led to you becoming a miserable and broken version of yourself, someone who had closed herself up and now distrusted everyone, came far too late. 
With the tea ready and after taking a deep breath, Gisela picked up the tray with cups and sugar and returned to the living room. She was determined to do everything in her power to protect you and to shield you from Sihtric and the damage his reappearance in your life could cause you. Gisela had witnessed Sihtric change, and not for the better. By now, she was convinced that it had been for the best that he had broken up with you all those years ago. You had built a successful career, you were beautiful, independent, and respected. Somewhere out there, your prince charming was undoubtedly waiting for destiny to bring you together. If you had stayed with Sihtric and witnessed him turning into the person he had become – a jerk and a fuckboy – you would have been left with nothing but a broken heart.
"Can you believe it? He just called me 'sweetheart,' as if nothing had happened," several cups of tea later, you had managed to calm yourself to the point where you could finally speak without your words dissolving into incomprehensible sobs.
"He's not worth a single tear of yours," Gisela reassured you, taking a sip from her tea. "Believe me, you don't want anything to do with him. He's been changing girlfriends like underwear. Lately, they don't even last longer than one night. I've heard that some of the fashion houses are considering terminating their contracts with him. In addition to fucking every model hired for the photoshoots, he's started drinking quite heavily. There have been a few times of him arriving at the set in the morning so drunk that the shoots had to be postponed. I have to admit he's got a certain talent, and when he's sober enough to hold his camera steady, his photos are quite amazing. But that doesn't make him a good person. You deserve better. You deserve someone who will love and cherish you, and most importantly, respect you."
Gisela continued to speak about an opening of an art exhibition featuring the works of a promising new painter to be displayed in her gallery for the next two months, and how she wanted you to attend and possibly meet someone, but you weren't really paying attention anymore. 
Nothing Gisela had said about Sihtric aligned with your memories of him. Yes, he was impulsive and daring, but he had also been attentive and gentle. You remembered how sweet and caring he had been, making you feel like a goddess. It all didn't make any sense, but then again, you were a living example of his real attitude. He had replaced you with someone else after just one week apart. Gisela was right; he had been a fuckboy, and he likely still was. You didn't want anything to do with him. Or did you?
"Hey, hey! What planet are you on? You're not listening, are you? No, no, no, don't tell me you were thinking of him. He ruined your life and broke your heart. Have you forgotten already?" Gisela nearly shouted, bringing you back to reality.
"I know exactly what you're thinking," she continued, her face displaying an annoyed grimace.
"What am I thinking?" you scowled at her.
"You were thinking that you could fix him. That if you hadn’t left for that summer course, it might have turned out differently…"
You opened your mouth to protest, but deep down, you knew Gisela wasn't far off from the truth. Even if these thoughts weren't explicit, they lingered in the back of your mind, like a faint, elusive haze, beyond words to explain. What if…
"Don't even think about it. I could assemble an entire soccer team of heartbroken girls who thought they could fix him. Do you really want to go through all of that again?"
You shook your head vehemently. No, you didn't. You wouldn't survive another heartbreak. This was one of the main reasons you had remained single over the last five years. You hadn't allowed anyone to get close enough even for the possibility of a relationship. It wasn't for a lack of willing candidates, but Sihtric had left you incapable of trusting anyone, almost paranoid, and you hadn't given anyone a real chance.
Sihtric collapsed onto the bed, burying his face in the pillows, his body tense with frustration. The long-legged doll had departed, and the cleaning lady had dutifully changed the bed sheets, a daily ritual he insisted on. He couldn't bear the lingering scent of his one-night companions on his bedding. Taking a deep breath, he tried to recall your scent, a fading memory locked away in some remote corner of his mind. It had been so sweet, arousing, delightful, and soothing. After a long night of lovemaking with you, bodies slick with sweat, your scents blending as one, he loved burying his face in your hair and breathing you in, savouring the feeling that he had finally found his home. Something he hadn't felt in all those five years since you had left his life.
And now, you were suddenly back. You were as stunning as he remembered, perhaps even more so. There was a newfound self-assuredness in your demeanour, an aura of captivating confidence radiating from you. Your eyes sparkled with inner strength and poise. 
Sihtric felt his pants grow tighter as the image of you from this morning reappeared in his mind: your lovely face, your sparkling eyes, and sensual lips; your velvety hair cascading down your shoulders; the blouse and pencil skirt giving you the appearance of a madly sexy businesswoman; your hands holding the papers; and your legs in high heels – something he'd never seen you wear before. 
Every detail about you drove him to the brink of madness, as a low moan escaped his lips, his arousal undeniable. He would have sold his soul to the devil for the chance to bury his face between your thighs, to taste you again, to feel your walls clenching around him and pushing him over the edge.
For five years, Sihtric had dreamt of this moment, playing it over and over in his mind, rehearsing what he would say and do if he ever had the chance to see you again. But now that the moment had finally arrived, he had found himself unable to utter anything of significance. He had wanted to stop you, to hold you back, to shout something that would make you turn and face him. Yet his mind had gone utterly blank, and all he had managed to do was watch you storm out of the hall with a tortured expression on his face.
And so, you had left without a single backward glance.
"She hates me. She still fucking hates me," was the only thought consuming Sihtric's mind as his hand found its way into his pants, gripping his painfully hard cock and starting to stroke it with rapid, desperate movements.
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razorsadness · 1 month
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Jessie Lynn McMains, from Reckless Chants #25: dear you (August 2019)
[text version under cut]
dear xxx—
David Berman is dead & I'm fucking sad. sad about Toni Morrison too of course but I already said my piece on that & anyway she was 88. David was only 52. not much older than my partner. & god damn it when you've lived a life like mine the words of white sadboy poet/singer-songwriters mean just as much to you as (if not in some ways more than) the greatest writers of our time, of any race or gender. cuz I grew up on that indie-punk shit. cuz I'm a sad whiteboy sometimes, too. cuz Toni Morrison was a great novelist but Silver Jews lyrics had more of an influence on my own writing.
like "We Are Real," where D.B. wrote:
Repair is the dream of the broken thing Like a message broadcast on an overpass All my favorite singers couldn't sing
like "Tennessee," when he sang:
Punk rock died when the first kid said "Punk's not dead, punk's not dead"
like how I cry harder when my punk/music icons die than I can imagine crying for almost any established writer. Lorna Doom died the day before Mary Oliver died, then the next day Debi Martini died & I was more brokenhearted about Lorna & Debi than Mary. cuz Mary was 83 & Lorna & Debi were younger. cuz it felt like I should tattoo Punk Is Dead on my forehead & slamdance on its grave. cuz Mary Oliver's poetry meant a lot to me but it didn't explode my fucking world like the Germs LP did. I don't know how to explain this. If you know, you know. David Berman died & I'm devastated.
I was devastated in December, when Pete Shelley died, & I'm still not over it if I think about it too much. I was in my car, on the way to pick my oldest kid up from school, & the DJ's voice on my favorite radio station broke thru my afternoon motion-induced reverie. breaking news; that's never good. Pete Shelley has died from a heart attack, he said, & played "Ever Fallen in Love." & I cried, of course I did. it hurt to lose one of punk's great songwriters, one of punk's great frontmen, who took his stage name from a Romantic poet & wrote songs that showed me it was okay to be myself, that there were other people out there like me. showed me it was okay to be a hypersexual bisexual, an "Orgasm Addict;" that I could be a punk & also be a hopelessly romantic lovesick dork. & it hurt to lose him because his kindness meant a lot to me when I was young—yeah, I knew Pete; we weren't close friends but we'd met, & he was sweet & funny & irreverent. I cried for him & I cried for the kid I was when I met him, the kid I was back when I first heard the Buzzcocks—back when I was a teenage misfit always falling in love with people I shouldn't have.
but the day after Pete died was Tom Waits' birthday, & I used it as an excuse to partake in some nostalgic pleasures; to be my old self if only for an hour or two. or as much my old self as I can still be. I went to the Douglas Avenue Diner for lunch, with my youngest kiddo as my date. I thought of xxx. I always miss her most in November & December. & diners make me think of her, & Tom Waits makes me think of her, & the death of old punks makes me think of her. everything reminds me of her. I thought of Hearts Don't Break, the novella I wrote in '02/'03, which was heavily based on our friendship; thought of my description of 'the coffee-stained comfort of our favorite diner.' different diner, different city, different year, but it was comforting to be there. they were playing Xmas carols & the patrons were an equal mix of punks & old folks. Greek-American-owned diners like Douglas Ave. make me the most nostalgic, as those are the diners I grew up going to—there are so many of them in the Midwest. I thought of the Alps East in Chicago, the diner I haunted as a broke college student; how I'd go there & order a cup of soup & a bottomless coffee & sit for hours eavesdropping on other patrons, getting ideas for short stories. I thought of the diners in Kenosha, going to them with xxxxx back when we were dating, sharing an order of spanikopita & a side of rice pilaf. after I left the diner that day, I mailed out a bunch of zines & chapbooks & that, too, was the same as it ever was.
& now another hero is dead & I'm finishing the first full issue of my zine in over two years, thinking about who I was back when I listened to the Silver Jews a lot. that terrible summer of '03, summer of nervous breakdowns & strep throat, too much rum & whiskey, & my lovers all dropping me. summer of pirates & pills; photocopied midnights. now it's the summer of '19 & I'm here writing & thinking of everything that's gone. favorite places, people, zines, scenes. I miss everything all the time. same as it ever was.
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starkeyletters · 1 year
•̩̩͙⁺𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧, 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 P2
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N.P.S.O.M Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Warnings - 18+, Mature theme, Drug & substance use, Violence,SMUT mental illnesses, crime, cheating, toxic relationships, etc.
Wordcount - 2,5k+
Pairing - 𝑅𝐴𝐹𝐸 𝐶𝐴𝑀𝐸𝑅𝑂𝑁 x 𝙁𝙀𝙈 𝙊𝘾 [Reader] | 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 [ 𝑎𝑢 ]
Summary - Exs. Should stay exs. But when the pair cant seem to get off eachothers minds, things happen, mistakes are made.Its not like they changed, they were New people, making the same old mistakes.
A/n - OK, this has some detailed smut. It was my first time writing it so i really hope you guys enjoy this.
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“I miss you too Rafe.” you moved back next to him. Looking in his eyes. You hated knowing what you put him through. Even though it was in no way your fault. “And yes, I heard what happened.” You closed your eyes, nodding your head while putting your hand in his. “But that never made me think any less of you, you know that..” You whispered. Leaning your head onto his shoulder as his eyes then shut, tears sleeping out of them.
The poor boy was broken, broken beyond repair. Your heart hurts at the fact you couldn't have done anything to stop him from slipping back into that dark place. But how were you supposed to even know? It was never your responsibility, especially after you broke up with him.
Deep down you knew it wasn't your fault, and as much as you knew that, you also knew that it happened right after the two of you split. There was an overwhelming amount of guilt that flooded through your veins. Every. Single. Day. Sometimes you wish you could take everything back - start over. Deep down, You knew that wasn't possible.
Feeling his touch, the warmth that his body gave you when your hands were placed in one another, made you miss him even more. But he was right in front of you, he was with you, in your arms, right? It didn't feel like it. The touch of his skin just wasn't the same. His hands were cold, scrawny, and boney. They weren't the same hands that you held just a couple of months ago. 
Leaning on His shoulder, Breathing in the scent of his overly used cologne, was the same. He hasn't changed his scent. It made you peaceful. Taking your mind off the fact of why you were even there. It was the same cologne you bought him for your two month anniversary. Nautica Blue cologne. Opening your eyes, you looked to his nightstand, just curious to see if it still stood in the exact spot. There it was. Stood right where he put it. Some things never change. 
Hearing his quiet sniffles, you lifted your head off of his shoulder, taking your hands out of his. His left hand grabbed at them, begging not to let go, but you pulled them away anyway. It just felt like you were breaking his heart more.
“Rafe.” you cooed, your hand going up to his now longer brown, soft hair. The way it hung over his forehead, curtain bang like, looked good on him. The way he stopped styling it, and didn't bother to even touch it spoke to you. He opened his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes wandering around your face, not being able to focus on one feature, taking them all in.
Anybody, and I mean anybody, could see just how much love that boy had for you, just based on the way he looked at you. Some could even say they saw hearts in his eyes.  He looked at you and the world stopped spinning, And as he could show you, he loved you, more than anything or anyone. The thing is, you reminded Rafe so much of his mother. Everything you did just told rafe she sent you to him. Even your laugh. It mimicked his mothers.
He had a complicated love language, none of the ‘love languages’ fitted him right. The thing is, Rafe himself Knew. He knew he was in love with you. He thought that spoke for itself. Sadly, for you, it didn't, you couldn't tell even though you knew too. He was confused. But you were too.
“Im so- So fucking sorry.” he said in frustration, his two hands grabbing at his head. He was frustrated, you hated seeing him that way, but if this was the way to get through this problem, then that's how this had to be.
“Please- Y/N i need- i need you, i won't- i've changed, y/n.. I swear.” he paused, His hand gripping onto your arm. You knew he had not changed, you knew everything, just like you knew if it were to happen again, it would be the same thing all over again.
It felt wrong. The feeling you were feeling was not un-acceptance. It was acceptance. That scared you. Just by looking into his eyes, Its like something flipped a switch in you. You forgot about the situation happening. It felt like everything had stopped. It felt like love. But if it was so wrong, why was it feeling so right?
You tried pulling yourself out of it, out of the hypnotized state caused by nothing other than love. ‘Love’? More like attachment.
“Rafe- we cant-” you put your hand out, attempting to push his chest away from you. But you couldn't. It was breaking your heart just as much by being apart. You watched as the boy in front of you began leaning into your face, And it wasn't long before you found yourself doing the exact same thing.
The moment your lips connected, it felt like a firework went off in your stomach. Rafes too. His lips felt soft, like before. It felt amazing. Like your first kiss. Your lips moved in sync for quite a while, rafes right arm flw up to the side your your neck, resting it on your neck while his fingers brushed over your delicate, soft skin. His other hand squeezing your thigh. Yet, his hands didnt feel the same. But his touch did. His touch felt so right.
His hand trailed farther up your thigh, your heartbeat quickening. It felt like it was beating out of your chest as it rose up underneath the skirt of your dress. Rafe kept pushing towards you, deepening the kiss. You gasped into his mouth as he slipped his tongue into yours. Moaning into the kiss once you felt his cold fingers brush over your lacey underwear underneath your dress. Pushing him back with your hands on his chest.
“Rafe.. We shouldn't do-” He cut you off, mid sentence, his hand finding the place it was left off on your thigh, shushing you by his head falling down to your neck, leaving a light trail of kisses from your ear, to your collarbone. You gasped loudly, your mouth opening as you started up to his ceiling, your hands trying to push his strong body off of you, but he rejected. “Rafe- Rafael- This shoul-” You gasped, feeling his cold finger press up against your covered clit.
“Does it feel wrong?” He questions you, and you shake your head. As much as it shouldn't feel right. It does. And as much as you don't want to admit it, you wanted him. You shook your head as his finger pressed harder over your panties, “I need words,” He whispered, sucking on a spot on your neck that you couldve sworn made your legs go weak. “I- I want this… Please.’ You said, in almost a pathetic way. Whimpering at the touching rafe made onto sensitive places on your body.
“Such a good girl. Always so wet for me” He said, and you let out a loud moan at the feeling of rafe slipping a finger through your underwear and inside of you. The moment he began speeding up his finger, he added another, sucking on your neck, leaving hickeys. You moaned, crying out, you grabbed ahold of his wrists. Stopping his movements. 
“I- i want more than that..” You pouted, It felt good, but you wanted rafe. All of rafe. 
“Patience sweetheart, patience.” He cooed, his hand finding your clit, gently rubbing over the sensitive area. Spreading out your legs farther with his free hand. He slowly removed himself from you completely, standing up while you were left, sitting on the edge of your bed. Your eyes watered from the unfinished release he gave you. He did not know what he was getting himself into by doing so.
You watched him with teary eyes, biting your lip and the fiery sensation coming from in between your legs. IT was a feeling you hated. You needed his touch back. You watched the way he began unbuttoning his black button up, Getting to the last button, he took it off completely. You looked at his chest, it looked unfamiliar. Some of his muscles were gone, although not completely. He walked over to you sitting on the edge of his bed, patiently waiting for him.
He grabbed your hips and shoved his thigh in between yours, causing you to fall backwards onto his bed with rafe hovering overtop of you. Kissing your lips once again. Being impatient, you tried your best to grind up against his thigh. He stopped once again. His chain dangling above your face as he pulled his leg out between yours. Comfortably lying atop of you. 
“Now, what did i tell you? Hm?” he grinned, he knew exactly what he was doing to you, he knew how you felt. “P-patience.. m’sorry, “ You apologized, your face turning a bright shade of red at the embarrassment you felt. “Dont apoligize, sweet girl, nothing to be sorry for.” he smiled, lifting up the skirt part of your dress, revealing your red laced panties. “Wow.” He stated, looking at the matching set as he lifted your dress up farther.
“You're wearing my favorite set,” Hs smirked, licking his upper lip. He slowly took the side of your panties with one finger, and in one, slow, motion, he pulled them off of your legs completely. Revealing your bare pussy. It wasnt the first time Rafes saw you like this, but the look on his face, everytime, looks like it is. “The set i bought you…”
Rafe was quick to take your dress off completely. Leaving your bra on you as his lips attached to your clit, sucking on it. You grabbed the comforter beneath you, moaning loudly at the feeling of rafe devouring you. He had always been good at this. 
Your hands flew to his head, fingers running through his hair, messing it up even more while tugging at it. Feeling that your orgasm is close, you try closing your legs, feeling overwhelmed at the amount of pleasure you are feeling. But rafe pushes them back open.”I-im gonna-” You moaned out,  His hands holding onto yours over each side of your leg. Your legs shaking as you felt your orgasm wash over you, your chest rising up and down, feeling like you could fall asleep as you fell back against the comforter. Rafe kept going, and this was only the beginning.
Rafe, finally coming to a stop from eating you out, then moved up, hovering over you. The look of lust spread across his features was enough to make you finish there and then. These was nothing but passion on his face with the way he looked at you, his eyes becoming half lidded, his hair a mess. It somehow still suited the boy.
Reaching over to his bedside table, he opened the first drawer, grabbing a condom. You took a deep breath in at the feeling of his erection poking into your leg. Standing up, the boy began unbuckling his belt, throwing it off to the side somewhere in his bedroom. You propped yourself up on your elbows as he pulled down his pants and boxers, letting them drop onto the floor. 
Your mouth fell open to the sight of his cock and the way it popped out of his boxers.You saw the over-confident boy smirk towards you while he slid the condom over his erection. “You must like the view? Huh?” He grinned, Coming back over to the bed and towering back over you. This time, instead, he pulled on your legs, manhandling you and pulling you back to the edge of the bed. Letting your legs fall off.
“Try to be quiet, yeah?” You nodded, There was no way that was going to happen. “Go slow.. Please.” He took one of your legs and propped it up on his hip, ‘You haven't had sex since we broke up, have you?” He laughed, you could help the eye roll you gave him. “Knew it. Knew you couldn't find better then me.” He bit his bottom lip, SHoving the tip of his hard cock inside of you.
‘Shut u- Motherfucker!” You were cut off mid-sentence by your own moan at the feeling of his shoving just the tip inside of you. Stretching you out all over again. Your one hand flew to his chest while the other one kept your propped up, Clawing at his cold, soft skin on his chest. Your eyes shut, letting yourself fall back onto your elbow, lips parting letting out low-pitched whines.
“Shit- your still so tight-” Rafe breathed heavy, topping over you as both of you fell down onto the mattress completely, Rafe slid in and out of you at a fast pace causing his headboard to smack against the wall, slightly covering the noises that left both yours, and Rafes mouth. 
You couldn't help but feel your orgasm approach rather quickly, Your hands went to Rafes back, clawing at it with your long nail. Sure they were going to leave marks. Rafe sucked on your neck while his right hand flew down to your clit, rubbing in circles at a fast pace. The both of you approaching your highs.
“Rafael-” You whined, “I-im gonna-” Before you could speak you were taken over but a shock like feeling ripping through your body, your legs shaking and Your heart beating rapidly. You heard rafe let out a loud string of groans and whimpers, Falling on top of your chest, You couldn't open your eyes, still recovering from the orgasm that you just felt.
“Holy shit. Baby,” You cringed at the use of the word ‘Baby’, hoping he didn't think this means you're back together. “Your fucking amazing,” He breathed out, you gasped as he pulled himself out of you, falling down besides you on his bed. The room was warm, sweaty, and smelled like sex. It was dark, the only light coming off of the lamp on one of rafes bedside tables. The air was filled with awkward silence - for you at least, and the sounds of the both of you breathing heavily. With the faint sound of people partying outside the door and downstairs, the music blasting.
Taking you out of your thoughts, Rafe got up, taking off the condom and thrpowing it into the garbage can in the bathroom attached to his bedroom. You watched as he kept his eyes on you, walking back into his room. You closed your legs, turning onto your stomach. It was late. You were tired, Anf Talking to rafe about your guys breakup was the last thing on your mind to do tonight.
The boy slowly turned you back over, his arms picking you up in the most fragile way, as if you were his parents expensive glass wedding china. He pulled down his sheets, lying you underneath them. He took it upon himself to cover you back up. Your tired figure falling back into his mountain of pillows against his headboard as he walked to the other side of his bed, getting into bed next to you. 
You felt his cold hands grip your waist and pull you towards him, Your faces just inches apart as he layed a very soft, delicate kiss on your lips. “I love you, Y/N.” 
Taglist - @joselyn001 @madelynie
(DM or comment to be added to my tag list.)
@ starkeyletters 2023
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knight-dwx-09 · 1 year
After a long comfort from Juniper and the young girls including the still confused reaper and trying a different method to separated them like the boost himself and used the leaf which merely lead him to find himself once again. They were ready to went back to Remmant.
Oh yeah, Neo chose to stay there to fix herself. Nothing he should worry about, though he wishes the best for her.
After departing through the door, the five of them meet with the tree in her human form.
She began to retell the story of the god of brother, where two beings were created in the ever after for the purpose to take care of the place. Soon enough, they started to create a living being like the Curious Cat to fulfill theirs and even more. But their experiments became too much for the tree to handle, so it constructed a door to the greater beyond, allowing them to create even more.
She also say that how a dishonest path could cause a unfortunate change, and the horrible things about broken hearts is that there’s nobody send them back for the repair while holding the wooden statue of the cat.
The said cat suddenly hissed in his mind at the comment, seemingly irritated by what she just said.
He had asked if she can remove the cat from him. However, she told him that it was beyond her power, saying the cat and his soul had completely fuse together. If she severed it by forced, his soul will be damaged permanently, worst he could die.
Great, there’s nothing he could do to kick the cat out without gambling his own life.
She also give him Alyx’s knife and he became young again when he grabbed it, joy spread through him as he hold his own young face. He never thought he will never see it ever again, although he was dumbfounded by his own voice when he speak.
CCat: I prefer the old you. It’s much cooler and got the mature aspect around it.
And just like that, his happiness get wash away into the sea.
Soon after, the blacksmith open a portal behind them, a doorway back to Remmant.
CCat: Ohhh, This is so exciting! I can’t wait to see your world. I have been wondering the food there, how is it taste? sweet? Salty? And does the nugget really look like a dinosaur? I also want to meet your friend, especially this Oscar boy who have a old man inside of him. I have a ton of questions for the wizard like how it feel to inhabit the boy body or where the other soul go after he absorbs them. Agh! There’s simply too much I wish to know and see.
His eyes twitch in annoyance, letting out a sigh.
Weiss: Are you really fine?
Jaune: I… not really sure. Not only he irritated me to no end with his questions, I’m still afraid what’s this would do to me, how will it affected my mind as time goes by…
He turned back to Weiss with a confident smile that showed his resolve hadn’t falter.
Jaune: But I won’t let this stop me, I will find a way to get this bastard out of me if that’s the last thing I do.
Seeing him so lively in spite of his condition, all of them smiled.
Yang sling her arm around his neck and pulled him closer, pressing him against her chest and ruffling his hair.
Yang: That’s what I’m talking about! You can’t let that lying pussy win, we are gonna kick that kitty butt as soon he leaves you!
Blake didn’t say anything, merely giving a supportive smile as she place a hand on his shoulder.
Weiss: I can ask for the scientists’s help in Vacuo. I don’t know if they can do anything, though it’s still worth a shot.
Ruby: Don’t worry Jaune! We, team RWBY, are going to help to split you and the cat apart even if it takes years.
Jaune smiled at the young girls, proud for having a great friends around him.
Jaune: Thank guys
CCat: How can you say that Jaune? After everything we have we went through, we are practically a best friend.
Jaune promptly disregarded it.
Blake and Yang were the first to leave as they hold hand, follow by Weiss and then Ruby after she said thank you to the lady. Being the last one to leave, he started walk towards the portal, looking forward to reunion with his team and everyone after years of living alone.
Blacksmith: Wait!
He halted and face back at her.
Jaune: Do you need something?
Blacksmith: Can I request you a favor?
Jaune: what’s that?
Blacksmith: The cat, I know he can be very handful and immature.
Jaune: That put it Lightly.
Blacksmith: But he used to be kind hearted, he simply walk down the wrong path… And he need a good guide like you in his life to help him through. I know this a bit much of me to ask, but... Please, be at his side no matter what.
Both stared each other, not utter a single word for a moment. He turned back and marched into the light as he gives his answer.
Jaune: I will try.
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yakketymax · 4 months
All My Projects!
Alongside the projects listed below, you will also see me refer to other smaller projects, such as the Gingerfolk Universe I share with my friends or my own kitchen sink universe called the Scullery Basin!
Home Is Where The Harv Is
A fake series composed of two movies and two book series following the titular character, Harvey “Harv” Sugarplume II, and his adventures- mis and otherwise -and experiences learning how to love in all kinds of ways. Harvey's job as the big bad General of the Cookie Cutter Army of the Winterbloom Kingdom has taken its toll on him, making him rough and mean and jaded, and his current situation certainly isn't helping, but surely there's still a heart in there somewhere…?
"Tumblejack" is my concept for a musical adventure rhythm game, wrapped in a metaphor (or is allegory the word I'm looking for?) for identity and the LGBT+ community and the challenges we face in this world! In this world, there is a list of types of music that are allowed and a much longer list of types of music that aren't allowed under ANY circumstances. If you are caught playing restricted music, your ability to do so is taken from you forever… unless you agree to comply to the rules society has put in place and play the "proper" music they tell you to. But who wants to do that! Here, you play as one half of the titular characters, Crackerjack- a peppy polka-playing punk pirate who is doing every little thing in their power to bring happiness and smiles to the people of this world, despite the ridicule they might get in return just for being themself.
Teacher's Pet
"Teacher’s Pet" is my concept for an action thriller video game centered around the rescue of seven living puppets from their now crumbling studio (and from an entity far more dangerous than a broken down building…). You (the player) seem to be the only person to have any memory of these characters from a children’s game you used to play about going to school and making friends and learning your numbers and such, but when the only thing you can seem to uncover about the vague memory is a cartoon based on it that never got off the ground, you take it upon yourself to visit the half finished address listed before you and investigate what might have happened.
Two Moons
"Two Moons" is a story that follows Synthwave Doughnut, an alien from another galaxy that's had an unfortunate accident during their space travel and crash-landed here on Earthbread… eight years ago. Though they've been stranded and forced to disguise themself to stay safe here, they're still determined to make it back home to their family even after all this time. Now joined by their closest friends in THIS world- their coworker, Galaxy Jam, a kindly mechanic, Astronaut Oreos, and the first person to take them in, Moon Cheese -Synthwave is closer than they've ever been to getting there. But, still, repairing a spaceship from a whole nother world takes an immeasurable amount of time, so, until the day finally comes, Synthwave looks up at the white moon of Earthbread, still hoping that one day it'll rise pink and yellow like their own moon back home. The blog for this project can be found here!
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zlobonessa · 1 year
well since the coup thing here just kinda sorta ended i guess i think this is as good time as ever to tell yall about my silly little modern au because why the hell not. i had this au for a while as a source for jokes but it just kept growing and growing untill. well I'm actually writing fic about (parts of) this but again it's in russian so i just want to outline the ideas. this is totally went off the rails but i like it that way
the catalyst of all is regurein of course
i have several variations of why the hell are they dating but one of my favourites is the one where they engage in passionate fight about twilight saga on the internet
joke about twilight saga belongs to koa. thanks koa.
the second favourite is about coffeeshop au set in two rivaling coffeeshops with questionable work practices and with money laundering probably happening in the background (or something worse?) of one of them
but anyway
reinhard's friends are taking the news very well
which means they are not, in fact, taking the news very well
julius is heartbroken
he has that wlw experience where your infinitely pretty incredibly smart unimaginably cool friend (homoerotic undertone) starts dating a guy who can be characterized only as Human Garbage
out of Friendly Concerns he and the others start the secret operation of Breaking Your Best Friend Relationships
they are not very successful
observing disgustingly sweet and/or horrifying dates with binoculars from the bushes does not bring any results
ferris suggested poisoning several times already
somewhere along the line felt is involved
she is neither the participant nor regurein's matchmaker but a secret third thing
(not entertained by any of this bullshit but forced to observe it)
probably is blackmailing julius
lye is also here
he is tagging along with regulus for some reasons idk i never thought it through
he and felt form unexpected friendship based on common annoyance of being forced to third wheel all this mess
perhaps they start the punk rock band???
the music is terrible
joshua thinks soo too
yes he is also here
he desperatly pretends to be a big fan
that's his late teenage rebellion
felt and lye do not like him anyway but it's not like they have a lot of fans so they keep him to buy them alcohol or something
when julius finds out he almost has a heart attack
and also regulus had some malicious plan all along! oh no!
but oh well he is not the smartest guy yknow
certainly NOT GOOD with being subtle
also has very Weird relationships with feelings
and accidentally catches them for reinhard for real
his mental stability: destroyed
but it's fine and reinhard keeps him anyway because he is absolutely bonkers
again julius is very close to an emergency room
but also in the (failed) attempt to stop this shitshow he Finds His True Love
emijulisuba happens! yay
bonded by spying and perhaps discussion ls of common crush on reinhard
so it's fine. it's totally fine. it's so fine he swears.
the subplot happens. it involves wilhelm.
reinhard informs him that he has a boyfriend and plans to introduce him at the family dinner. in the desparate attempt to repair their broken relationships wilhelm decides that it's time to be An Ally
i'm giving him a lot of credit here but that's also a bit of copium for Me Personally so it's okay
so wilhelm googles "who are.gay people"
accidentally ends up on gay dating app
as an ally
matches with petelgeuse there
as an ally
has sex with him
as an ally
tries to think how exactly he is gonna tell reinhard that he has a new grandma now so he is forgiven
(that was a joke)
so reinhard comes to the manor/apartment/penthouse with regulus
and regulus and petelgeuse recognise each other because of course they do! they are colleagues! (or were something more? who know)
well now this is awkward
do you think somebody gets murdered here
credits roll
scene after credits: emilia finds out that her dead aunt and her somewhat-uncle who went out for milk years ago are actually both alive in complicated relationship and working in the coffeeshop-slash-money-laundering-scheme-slash-sect
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nevwornxiety · 2 years
Am i the only one who is getting the feels watching Jun and Haesung together in these 2 new episodes 🥰
What i like from these episodes are:
I really like how the director finally shows more dynamic between the two.
On my previous post, I mentioned about Jun on how he is not having any emotional baggage and I hope to see more of his character development. It turns out that he has some commitment issues and he feels co - dependent towards the people he's close with (Shim siblings)
Based on the latest episodes, seems like his family dynamic and his parent's relationship makes him less interested in building family life together with someone. Added with the fact that he grew up with Shim siblings together and he knew all their hardships. Who knows maybe he's had his heart broken before?
Meanwhile Haesung still believes in things like happy ending. But she always attracts the wrong guy and based on the previous diss from Jun in previous episodes ( where they met at the restaurant with the lead), Haesung is also attracted with bad boys and the boys who seem to readily give her all the attention she craves.
I like the fact that the youngest brother noticed Jun and Haesung's relationship instead of his and Woojo. Probably he has already thought if both of them kissing and that is why he said "i would not even care if you both kissing"
I wished we could have more interaction between Haesung and his parents. Perhaps in the next episode, she could at least help to repair their relationship?
Seems like when Haesung and the father cleared their throat, probably Haesung will be closer to his father instead of Mom?
Mom might be wary of Haesung especially since she supposedly treats Jun as her precious son. She said about wearing Yellow is not good maybe because she views Haesung as a bright person to Jun (different from Woojo and his family dynamic) and when she said see you again , she expects to see her more. Even though Mom finds out that Jun lied about his relationship with Haesung.
Jun's Mom represents all the viewers feeling who are confused about his feeling for Woojo or Haesung. But it goes to show that he cares for both girls with the intent of having different purpose (one cares as a friend and one cares the other as a girl). Jun explains in the episode to his Mom that he cares for Haesung despite his brashness towards her
I think that when Jun asked her for a drink after their family lunch, is when she knew that Jun needs alone time the most. Since she is an empath, she decides not to accept the call from the security guy because she knows that Jun needs someone to talk to. So she gladly hears his thought.
I feel bad at Haesung, she knows that she used the security guy as the rebound to forget her ex. She remembers Jun's word to about being more transparent with her feeling and emotion. She really tries to make the relationship work despite incompatibility. She starts being honest about her mental health and the prescribed medicine she took.  However since the guy seems immature and does not know much about mental health, he just casually acts as if its nothing. Meanwhile, this scene could be a key point of both Jun and Haesung's relationship. Because shit gets real now when Jun hugs Haesung back and feels her sadness.
His reaction on Ep 10 is different from the one had in the first episode where he accompanied Haesung to the karaoke and sing her heart out. Sure, he feels protective - but at that moment , it just feels like " Again? Crying about guys? Okay then, I will accompany you since your sister is nowhere to be found" . On the other hand, This time I think that this is where Jun is scared and pained when he saw Haesung crying. Because it just feels different, its not just a normal heartbreak. Even Haesung's cried is different. Seems like Haesung never hugs him/ rarely hugs him so if it happens the situation might be serious
So far I think that one who has a feeling first is Jun. Because Haesung seems not realizing her feeling. Sure she cares for him and thinks he is handsome, but its not to the point where she has a deep feeling for him. She cares about him because Jun is always there for her.
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full-loup · 8 months
Big, Bad Krystal
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More fat Krystal with an associated short story. This one featuring on my own take with her joining Star Wolf.
I always felt like her Command outfit was hideous and was wondering why Star Wolf doesn't have its own logo, so I rectified both issues.
Almost two full years had passed since Fox McCloud had kicked Krystal from Star Fox, concerned for his lover's safety. At the time, it had made sense to Fox, and he at least partially still believed it was the right decision. Unfortunately things didn't turn out at all as he had hoped, the vixen placing herself into danger anyways, taking mercenary jobs and eventually even teaming up with Star Wolf as though hoping to spite him for what he'd done.
After hearing of this, Fox had reached out to her and Star Wolf, the teams engaging in a rare joint effort to take down the newly forged Anglar Empire, a threat that had boiled out of the seas of Venom and drowned the Lylat system in the chaos of war. With Star Wolf's help, Fox managed to defeat the Anglar's forces. Unfortunately for Star Fox, Wolf had struck the final blow to their hideous Emperor, ending his reign of terror and making them heroes in the eyes of Corneria and its surrounding planets. Now with their main opposition out of the way, and much of the celebrations focusing upon their rivals, Fox had more than enough time to repair his shattered relationship. A shame, then, that Krystal didn't plan on making things easy for him.
She did not take well to his choice to remove her from the team. Not at all. He knew those feelings would change her, especially with all that time for them to stew and broil and worsen within the scorned woman. He just didn't expect those changes to be so... physical as well.
He had seen her briefly whenever she would comm him over his arwing's combat channels, but in the heat of battle and with her not desiring to keep said channels open long, he'd never got a good look at his former love. Other than that, the two had kept more to simple voice calls whenever they made contact, and while Fox had assumed she simply didn't wish to see the man who had broken her heart, he now realized things may have been more complex than that.
"Krystal!" Fox called out to rotund vulpine as she climbed less than gracefully out of her arwing, painted in the signature red of Wolf O'Donnel's mercs. His arms were held out wide in welcome as he struggled to hide the astonishment from his expression, failing for the most part, "You... You look different, but also great! New haircut!"
Turning to face him as she climbed down the ladder from her cockpit, Krystal glared at him. Fox's blood ran ice cold, knowing full well the both of them understood the vixen's hair was one of the only things that hadn't changed since they last met. She'd be able to read his true thoughts full well thanks to that damn telepathy of hers, making his comment doubly idiotic.
"Let me help you Fox. 'You've gotten fat', that's what you meant, isn't it?" The blue-furred pilot snarled, her belly leading the way as she  stomped over to him, "Let's just get it out of the way right now, right here why don't we? Or am I supposed to be as ashamed of my weight as you are?"
Fox's expression soured, his smile curling into a snarl of his own as he stepped up to meet his ex-lover and ex-teammate, "I thought you wanted to talk, but if you just want a fight? Just get back in that fighter and off my ship because we are not doing things like this."
The vixen's green eyes narrowed at that, a frown dimpling her chubby cheeks, "Kicking me out again already?" She said, before sighing and shaking her head, "But I can't pretend to be angry about that when I know how you really feel. Even now, beyond your... I'll just say it, disgust, I can tell that you still want this... Want us. More than..."
Not waiting for her to finish, Fox reached out his paws to hold Krystal's in his own, pulling her to him as he looked into her eyes, "More than anything else."
She blinked for a moment at him, then snorted, tugging her paws free and turning away, "Alright. We can try, but this time we need to be more honest with each other. Both of us do," She said as she grabbed her supplies from the arwing and began to make her way out of the hanger.
"Fine by me," Fox grumbled before calling out to her, "Why don't I start?! How long until you get back in shape?!"
A growl tore free from Krystal's lips as she stormed out the door, slamming her fist on the control before it slid shut.
For the next week or so, neither of the vulpines talked much, the Great Fox making its way back towards Corneria for the victory celebrations. The ship was large enough for the two to avoid each other, and Krystal had made it clear that she would need space for some time before she would warm up to the idea of talking things through with Fox. He was completely fine with that idea, especially after their fight in the hanger, and so did his best to give the vixen all the room she required. 
"All the space she needs? Smart move." Falco said, sitting across from Fox in the ship's canteen as he sipped his morning coffee.
Fox chuckled awkwardly, leaning back into his chair as he let the eggs he was eating through steam, "Yeah... and believe me, she needs plenty these days. Have you seen her since she got back?"
Falco gave Fox's chosen dish a brief glance, huffing to himself in disapproval before setting down his mug, "She hasn't been out of her room much, but uuhhh, kinda hard to miss her, haha. Wouldn't be so quick to blame her though, maybe that Panther guy has a thing for big girls?"
Without even realizing it, Fox's fists began to clench. He'd heard about the relationship between the two, and while Krystal had implied things didn't get too intimate between the two, he had no way to know for sure without coming out and asking her, and now really wasn't the best time for that. Add to this that Panther had made it clear that he was still carrying a flame for the vixen, despite her breaking things off to try and work things out with Fox, and just the mention of the feline set McCloud on edge.
Taking a deep breath, Fox let it out slowly as his fists relaxed and simply said, "The less said about him, the better Falco."
Falco chuckled and shook his head.
"Well it's just, you know, you're gonna have to get over that quick Fox, you're gonna be having dinner with the guy."
Fox stared at the avian for a moment, "What do you mean?"
There was silence as Falco gulped, not sure how to continue, "Well... you know, the dinner after the awards ceremony? Slippy told me Krystal was going to eat with Star Wolf after, and, um... wants us to come I guess. I thought you kne-"
Fox slammed his fists onto the table, filling the canteen with the sound of breaking glass as knocked his plate and cup over the edge, silverware tumbling across the floor with a noise that made Falco's feathers stand on edge.
"She's going to WHAT?!"
Krystal stood in the doorway to her quarters, the portal only partially slid open as she stared daggers at the fox shouting at her, "I was invited Fox. I was still part of Star Wolf when the battle happened. Tell me how this is all a big deal?"
"Oh I don't know! Maybe because O'Donnell is scum? Because he hired the man who betrayed my father before taking a job from the man who killed my father to kill us? Because he continued to be a thorn in our side for years, even after we met! I really shouldn't have to explain all this!"
Sighing, Krystal rubbed her temples with her fingers as she responded, "And I shouldn't have to explain to you all the times he's decided to help us. The Aparoids, and now the Anglars? They've changed Fox, and Pigma's not even a part of Star Wolf anymore! They couldn't even stand him, and he's dead anyways! You bloody killed him! So why can't you put all of this behind you?"
Fox leaned in close, slamming his paw against the door frame and squeezing it tightly as he growled into Krystal's face, "If you really expect me to just sit there, sharing a meal with the likes of Wolf and..."
He stopped himself short, but it was too late. He cringed as he heard Krystal start to snort, holding back laughter.
"Panther? That's what all of this is about, isn't it? Amazing, Fox. Really."
The vulpine's face flushed beneath his red and white fur, his ears drooping as his eyes failed to meet the vixen's own, "You still never told me if he... if you..."
"Don't." She growled at him, "Don't you dare ask me that Fox... not after you kicked me to the curb. You don't have to come to the dinner if you want to, but yes, he will be there. So think about that before you decide to turn me down." She said, turning and giving him a view of her much wider backside. Her voluptuously chubby body was bulging within the confines of a dark purple flight suit with silver and black accents, and just before the door slide shut to her bedroom, Fox caught sight of the black leather jacket she wore over it, emblazoned with the Star Wolf logo.
He looked at the button for the intercom next to the door, then jammed his finger so hard against it he felt like he might break it, "Can you at least wear something else to the ceremony?"
Krystal's face flashed onto the intercom screen, the vixen sneering into the camera, "I can't actually, all my old suits don't fit, so get used to it flyboy." As her face disappeared, a red circle with a slash through the middle replaced it on the screen, letting Fox know she would not be disturbed further.
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alltimefail-sims · 11 months
Hello I got an answer from the EA team and I didn’t read It correctly the first time. I’ve got banned because of 4 problematic Sims. What the problematic thing about the for Sims is they didn’t say. They’ll keep me banned and I’ll probably lose a lot of Sims.
I begged them to not delete them, so I can save them to my library or to my computer. But no comment….
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I'm also going to put your previous messages here ^ so I can respond!
I am so sorry for your situation, genuinely. Did they tell you which specific sims/gallery posts led to the ban? Even if they didn't tell you why there were problematic, if you know which posts caused the ban I might be able to look at them and tell you what the gallery might have constituted as "problematic."
Also, are they holding firm that you won't be able to buy games in the future, or have they at least resolved that? Have you heard back from them since you asked to save your sims? Not to be a negative nelly, but I am not surprised they're not being super empathetic. This is just... how these big corporations are. Never super helpful, but it sucks and I am really sorry.
More under the cut  ↓
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This game is buggy af and truly, it might not even be something you did. I call it a trashcan with a Gucci belt because that's what it has become. I love the Sims, it holds a special and nostalgic place in my heart, but boy oh boy does the Sims 4 piss me off on a daily basis so I get where you're coming from (lol).
Unfortunately, it sounds like your save files are corrupted. It could have been a mod that broke them, it could have been an update on EA's end, it could be a number of things causing your problem... but I don't think there's any fix outside of cleaning your cache files, removing all mods and CC, repairing your game through the EA app, creating a brand new save, and seeing if the issue persists after doing all that. From my research, it seems some players had a similar issue to what you're describing after the integration of Snowy Escape (there's a whole thread from 2020 on Answers HQ).
Alternatively, if you have or had any custom content food stalls in your game older than 2022, they will break your save file, even if you remove your mods/the custom stalls after the issue presents itself. If you have loaded the game with the custom food stalls and have since saved with that CC still in your game, the save file remains broken forever. This actually was caused by the My Wedding Stories Atrocity errr... Pack. Here's a Answers HQ thread on that.
Either way, something likely permanently corrupted your saves. On the bright side, it might not be the Sims themselves that are broken! Here are two answers HQ threads that are all about troubleshooting broken, irreparable saves: Thread 1, Thread 2. I'm sure there's something in there that could help you. I also think, if your saves are corrupted but not your sims, you could probably save a copy of your tray folder to your desktop before factory resetting the game, and then you wouldn't lose your sims because you could just copy and paste the tray files back into your fresh game. It's worth going in, saving the the townies you don't want to lose to your library, saving and exiting your game, then making that copy of the folder just in case.
Worst case scenario, your game is still having issues and you know the sims themselves are corrupted. Best case scenario, and in my opinion the more likely one, you find that the issue is gone once the game is repaired and all the broken saves have been removed and then you still have all those sims you love without the bug itself.
I've rambled so much, I apologize! I hope some resource I've given you has been helpful. I've said it before and I'll probably say it again, I'm not tech-savvy lol but I am genuinely happy to help you to the best of my ability. If you Google "Food stalls and curio shop only selling produce sims 4" you will find so many different people with the same issue you have.
In the future, I think the best tips I can give are:
Save modded sims with an abundance of CC to your library, not to the gallery. If you wish to share your sims that use cc, the gallery is not an effective place to do this.
Always keep your Mods folder organized - keep mods in their own labeled distinct folders and keep CC in its own distinct folders. CC can even have subfolders! I will put an example of this at the end of this list, but this is really important because it makes it easier to not only find issues if they arise, but also makes it easier to stay on top of keeping your mods up to date.
To piggy-back off that last point: keep your mods up to date. A broken mod can corrupt a whole save file if you're not careful.
Remove mods and cc before you update your game. Only place them back in once you know it is safe to do so and all your mods have been updated. Play with modded objects at your own risk, but know they might corrupt an entire save.
Regularly clear your cache files, especially after altering your mods folder by removing or adding a new mod.
I also recommend creating a subfolder in your cc folder called "New CC - [Month]" That way if your game starts acting funky suddenly, you can start with that folder. For me, that's roughtly 40 items that could be the problem as opposed to hundreds of files.
I know that is a lot, but playing with Mods and CC is something that does take some level of proactive vigilance. If TS4 wasn't constantly barfing up bullshit updates and bug fixes on players at every possible opportunity, it wouldn't be as tedious of a commitment...but that's just what we have to deal with.
Here's how I have my main MODS folder organized:
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Here's one example of the subfolders I use specifically in CAS - CC:
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Anyway, all that to say I am so sorry for your situation. I hope you can get some level of these issues solved, but if not I hope you can still play your game and make the best of a situation that is out of your control. It sucks, and I'm sending you some virtual hugs (or high fives if that is more your thing).
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roosterbox · 2 years
Well. Well well well.
It’s December 14th, 2022.
And, I don’t know if you know this, but today is an important anniversary. What is it, you may ask? Don’t fret - I will tell you.
It’s only the ten year anniversary of the publication of my favorite Arthur/Eames fic of all time! And, having read it several times throughout those ten years, I have a lot of things to say about it. So sit back and relax as I wax poetic on this amazing fucking story. Cheers!
(It should go without saying but, spoilers!)
Emotion. Let’s start there, because it might be the hardest to quantify in any sort of simplistic way. The first third or so of the story, mainly set up until you get to the real MEAT, is just a building lamentation of a relationship so far out on the rocks it’s practically lost at sea. And it hurts, man. Not only because A/E is one of my forever ships and I’ve read so many happy fics of them over the years, but also because it feels real. Not contrived in any way.
And emotions segues nicely into my next point: characterization. Simply, it is on point. Their issues and arguments are very real too, and seem to come from places of genuine hurt, but also deep love. Neither one is right or wrong. That moment when Arthur articulates one of his deeper hurts - that despite his best efforts to be a good partner, Eames still pulled away from him - oof. Almost an actual physical pain in my heart. Fanon!Arthur has always been incredibly relatable to me, and seeing/reading him being so vulnerable? Ouch, but in the best way.
As for the plot, and tropes therein, it’s a real keeper. One of my absolute favorite types of stories, particularly romantic stories, are the ones of relationships repaired, set anew, but not forgetting what came before. I call it ‘relationship kintsugi.’ Kintsugi, if you don’t know, is the art of repairing broken pottery with gold lacquer. The bowl (or cup or plate) is fixed up to work good as new, but the cracks are still visible. And one could argue that the reminder of previous breaks only strengthens the overall shape of the pottery. In the relationship version, it’s the idea that no matter the fracture, there’s always a chance to build it back up. Build it up, but leave the gold lines to remind yourself that you don’t want to go back to the same relationship you had before - you want it to be better (which is pretty much an exact quote from Eames in this story). And of course, setting it at Christmas time and New Year, traditionally a time of togetherness and new beginnings, is just the icing on an already delicious cake.
One more thing I appreciate about the plot is its pacing. No element feels rushed or misplaced. From their initial argument, to their gradually increasing intimacy, to their first post-breakup kiss, to their lovemaking, to the ending. It’s believable at every step of the way. And the slow build up makes the eventual catharsis of the above moments almost explode off the page.
Some other personal favorite moments for me:
When Eames first calls Arthur after getting snowed in. Arthur, still feeling raw and hurt both from their argument/break up and from thinking Eames has been cheating, wonders aloud if Eames doesn’t have ‘somewhere else’ he could stay (obviously thinking about his lover); Eames’ answer is a quietly confused “uhhhh no?”
The initial hashing out of their issues. The entirely necessary purging of razor-sharp emotions that leaves both in a heap on the floor, especially Arthur.
“There was never anyone else - it was always you, Arthur.” And any other time Eames makes it crystal clear that no matter what, he wants no one else.
The exchange of meaningful gifts, that leads to two very important kisses.
The tiniest of tiny details, like Eames’ love of peach yogurt. Now, whenever I see that flavor, I think of this story.
The small moments that lead them to sharing a bed again at last (though at that point, only for literal sleeping together).
“Can I take you to bed, my love?”
The ending. I’m spoiling a lot of this fic, but I’m not spoiling that. Tremendous.
I think I might have said all I needed to say. Or all I could say. Articulating feelings is hard for me sometimes. And when the feels are particularly strong, doubly so. Hence why I hardly ever leave comments on fics - it’s not that I didn’t love the fic, it’s just that I have no earthly idea what to say. So if the ending to this little essay feels at all abrupt, now you know why. Put simply, I adore this story. It’s everything I could ever want in a romance - established relationship (but one that feels new thanks to being rebuilt), realistic emotions, characters being expanded upon far far more than anything in their canon universe, a slow burn that never lingers too long, and of course, a highly cathartic happy ending.
It’s as perfect as fanfiction can get, and it’s my unequivocal and inimitable favorite Inception story of all time. I can’t believe it’s ten years old today. If you haven’t already, please give it a read.
(side note: I hope I haven’t thoroughly embarrassed the author by being a tad overzealous in my love for this fic! If so, I apologize; ten years is a long time for me to build up appreciation for your skill, my friend.)
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mtap-comics · 1 year
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Welcome back to my Bad Things Happen Bingo! After 8 Weeks I'm finally able to post the next prompt.
Fandom: My time at Portia
Pairing: Arlo x Female Builder
Summary: Elenya and Remi successfully freed Arlo, Sam and Mint from Ingall’s Mine and defeated this strange AI without any significant injuries. But then why were there black dots dancing in her field of vision?
Word count: 6,992
Prompt: Doesn't Realize They've Been Injured
Author’s note: I'm really sorry it took me so long again, but I hope the lenght of it makes up for it. That prompt was also the most requested one, so I hope I did it justice. I really struggle with actions scenes and I'm still not happy with it, but I think you're not here for that, anyway, so... :D
I'm also sorry in advance for what you are about to read. You will probably know what I mean when you get there.^^ You can thank my past self for that scene, who thought it a good idea to implement that damn sweater in every one of those works.
But now I won't keep you any longer and wish you a happy reading!
Warnings: Blood and Injury, Angst and Fluff, Nightmares, Mentions of death
Read on AO3: Link
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Black Dots
Adrenaline was rushing through Elenya's body.
She had been fighting her way through Ingall's Mine with Remington for almost an hour now. Worm after worm stood in their way, locked doors had to be repaired and even a human-like creature tried to stop them from rescuing Arlo, Sam and Mint.
But at last they seemed to be getting closer to their goal. In front of them were lots of dead worms and in between, Sam's boxing gloves.
While Remi picked them up, she propped herself up for a moment on the handle of her hammer. Remi had given it to her because it was better than her simple iron sword, and while it was pretty fun to fight with, it was damn heavy.
Her arms were burning from the effort, and she was going to have some nasty sore muscles tomorrow, but she didn't care much about that right now. The main thing was that she could see for herself that Arlo was actually alright.
Even though he had assured them that nothing had happened to them in the cave-in, she couldn't shake the anxiety that had been consuming her since the collapse. Never in her life had she been so afraid for someone as when they were standing in front of the huge pile of rocks and there was no sign of life from the three of them at first.
Only a few weeks before, Arlo had given her a heart knot after he had accidentally broken her nose and she had accepted it overjoyed. Her nose has since healed without any lasting damage, while her relationship with Arlo flourished. Rarely had she felt as happy as when she was around Arlo, and that he felt the same way was something she would never have dreamed of before.
But for the time being, they decided to keep their relationship a secret. They knew how quickly such news spread around the village, and they wanted to enjoy their privacy, at least for a while. Fortunately, this wasn't too difficult, as their daily routine didn't change much. Only the two of them knew that their dinners together had changed from friendly to romantic, and the intimate hugs and tender kisses took place behind closed doors.
The last few weeks had been just perfect, so of course something had to burst their pink bubble.
With a deep breath, Elenya straightened up again and with a confirming nod to Remi, the two walked deeper into the mine. Not much longer, and hopefully she would soon be able to embrace Arlo again.
Another closed gate and a few scattered worms stood in their way, but they weren't any more of an obstacle than the others, and finally the three missing ones came into view.
Deep below them they stood, crowded together behind a rock and in the middle of the room was a...
"What on earth is that?" Remi's horrified voice rang out from beside her, and she looked up at him in equal horror.
"I don't know, but I don't think it's friendly. Quick, we have to help them!" 
As quickly and quietly as they could, they hurried down the steel staircase that wound once around the room. The closer they got to the floor, the better they could see the construct that threatened their friends. It seemed to be an AI robot, consisting of a round body with a giant drill as its base and 3 long arms with huge, sharp-looking claws as hands.
It looked angry and damn dangerous.
"Remi!" Sam was the first to spot them and at her delighted exclamation, Arlo and Mint turned to them as well. 
Elenya's eyes swept over the group, but stopped worriedly at Mint's head. A bloody bandage was wrapped around his head, but the engineer stood upright and his gaze was clear, if frightened. An encouraging nod from him reassured her, and she finally let her gaze drift to Arlo.
Like the other two, he was covered from head to toe in dust and a small scratch adorned his cheek, but otherwise he did indeed appear to be unharmed and a huge weight fell from her chest. Exhausted, her shoulders slumped, and when she heard his voice, she could have cried with relief.
He was alright!
"Just in time, come on, we need to handle this thing!" Relief mixed with determination showed on Arlo’s face and with a soft sigh, Elenya straightened her shoulders again. 
Her arms burned from the exertion, and her exhaustion caught up with her now that some of the tension and adrenaline had worn off, but she didn't have time to sit down. The danger was not over yet.
Immediately Arlo's worried gaze turned to her, but she waved him off. He could probably see her exertion of the last hour, but they had no time to rest. For the moment, the robot seemed content to stand silently in front of them, but who knows when it would feel threatened by them and attack. It was better if they struck first.
With one last deep breath, they nodded to each other and the four of them attacked the robot while Mint backed further away from the fight.
A new wave of adrenaline allowed Elenya to swing her hammer with the same force as before, but even this seemed to do no good. The robot was extremely fast and they had to dodge more than they could actually attack, but even when they did manage to land a hit, their efforts didn't even seem to leave a scratch.
Desperately, she tried to smash the joints of one of the arms with her hammer, hoping that would slow it down, but the material just wouldn't budge. Frustrated, she examined the robot.
Damn it, this thing had to have a weak point! Only where?
"Elenya! Watch out!" Startled, Elenya backed away from the robot at Arlo's warning shout, and just in time. Because the robot jumped up, pulled its arms to its body and rammed its drill tip into the ground, spinning wildly around itself.
Unfortunately, she didn't manage to pull herself completely out of its reach and her brown leather jacket was caught by one of its claws. She was knocked to the ground.
A brief pain in her left side was accompanied by three startled yelps, but she barely noticed. Because just as the robot stopped spinning, she saw it from her vantage point on the floor. A weak point.
One of their attacks must have had an effect after all, because under one of the three arms something had come loose that looked a lot like an energy source. If she could destroy it, then this fight would finally be over.
Gathering all her strength once more, she straightened up and used the time that Arlo, Sam and Remi were trying to distract the robot from her to grab her hammer, duck under the swinging arms and slam the hammer into the power source with all her might. The force of the blow vibrated through her arms, but her attack had paid off.
The robot suddenly went completely still and then collapsed. Amazed, she looked at the now lifeless pile of metal in front of her, and it took a moment for the reality to sink in that the battle was over.
Wide-eyed, she looked to the three Civil Corps members standing on the other side of the robot, who looked at her just as dumbfounded until Sam let out a whoop.
"Woohoo! You did it!" Proudly, Sam came over to her and clapped her shoulder approvingly. "I knew you had it in you, kid."
The heady feeling of a battle won rushed through her body, and laughing, she thanked Sam for the compliment.
The feeling didn't last long, though, and exhaustion quickly took over. With trembling muscles, she set her hammer down on the ground and then propped herself up on the handle to catch her breath. Mint had joined them again in the meantime, and she left it to the four of them to figure out what the robot was all about.
It was only a gentle touch to her shoulder that made her look back up, and her gaze immediately met familiar blue eyes that looked at her with concern.
"Hey, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Arlo's soft voice enveloped her like a warm blanket and she would have liked nothing more than to snuggle against his strong chest and let his arms wrap around her. Instead, she hurried to stand up straight so he wouldn't worry so much.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just pretty exhausted." A tired smile settled on her lips and Arlo's gaze softened.
"I'll take your word for that. You fought really well. Remi was just praising you to the skies." A proud smile settled on his lips and she felt her cheeks redden.
God, she always felt like a teenage girl whose crush had just smiled at her when she got a compliment from Arlo.
Before she could sheepishly thank him, though, Remi came over to them and took the heavy hammer from her.
"Come on you two. Let's get the hell out of here."
"Oh God, yes, please. I've had enough tunnels and sand for now." Accompanied by Arlo's soft chuckle that followed her words, they followed Mint who, tracking a draft of wind, led them out of the mine.
For a moment, she was able to keep up with the group, but the further they went, the more her adrenaline level dropped and the heavier her legs became. Black dots danced in her field of vision and an overwhelming tiredness came over her. Exhausted, she stopped.
Damn, she had apparently exerted herself a lot more than she had first thought. But she couldn't rest yet. She had to at least make it home.
With a vigorous shake of her head, she tried to dispel the dots and hurried to catch up with the others again before anyone noticed how far behind she had fallen.
A bit of her energy returned when they finally found an exit and the warm evening sun greeted them. Finally they were out of that dark mine.
Elenya didn't pay much attention to where they came out, instead fixing her gaze firmly on Arlo's back. The sight calmed the still not completely disappeared anxiety inside her and her steps felt a little lighter.
Only Mint's delighted "Mayor Gale!" made her look up and with astonishment she realised that the very same man was running towards them together with Gust, Albert, Paulie, Dr. Xu and even Higgins.
Concerned, the group stopped in front of them and naturally wanted to know what had happened. Arlo, of course, immediately took on the task of summarising what had happened, but Elenya had trouble following the conversation. The black spots were back and she discreetly moved away from the group.
For a moment she let her eyes fall shut and took a few deep breaths. The better oxygen intake seemed to help, because when she opened her eyes again, the black dots had disappeared and she could just see the others heading back towards the city. 
Only Arlo turned to her and she hurried to catch up with him again. Now that they were no longer being watched, a warm look graced his face and she instantly felt better. With a smile, she stopped in front of him.
“I'm glad we got out of that ordeal without anyone getting hurt. I didn't get to say this earlier, but thanks for sticking your neck out and coming to our rescue back there.” He smiled at her and she felt how finally the rest of the anxiety drained from her body.
It sometimes shocked her, how a simple smile from him could make her feel so at ease.
She opened her mouth to answer him. Wanted to tell him how glad she was that he was okay, that he wasn't buried under all those rocks, but no sound came out.
Her head suddenly felt a lot heavier and her tongue wouldn't cooperate. 
What was wrong with her?
Arlo's face contorted with concern when she didn't answer him and he took a step toward her.
"Elenya? Is everything all right? You're really pale." His right hand lifted, gently coming to rest against her cheek, and it was as if that touch snapped her body out of a daze.
Pain suddenly ripped through her like a burning fire, blazing up her left side. With a pained gasp, she pressed her hand against the aching spot, only to encounter something wet. Confused, she looked down at herself.
She couldn't see anything on her dark jacket, but when she removed her hand from her side, it came back smeared with blood. Quickly she pressed it back.
Arlo, who had followed her gaze, drew in a shocked breath at the sight. "Elenya! You're bleeding! What happened?" He grabbed her hand in panic, pulling it away from the wound so he could see better, and she had no strength to fight back.
Nausea had mixed with the woozy feeling in her head and the black dots dancing before her eyes became more and more. Her legs buckled.
Before she could hit the ground, though, strong arms caught her and once again her name left Arlo's lips in alarm. As carefully as he could, he lowered her to the ground and suddenly she found the blue sky in her field of vision instead of Arlo's worried eyes.
"Damn! What happened? Talk to me, Elenya. Come on." Frantically, he set about opening her jacket. Each movement of the fabric sent new waves of searing pain through her side, and with a whimper she tried to push his hands away.
"I know, I know. I'm so sorry, sweetie, but I need to know where you're hurt. It'll be over in a moment." Arlo’s words sounded pained and she wanted to tell him it wasn't his fault, that it was okay, but her tongue still wouldn't obey her.
The black dots in front of her eyes became bigger and the world started spinning, intensifying her nausea and so she closed her eyes with a low moan. But when Arlo suddenly let out a loud curse, they shot open again.
"Bloody hell!" Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him begin to rummage wildly in his waist bag.
Surprised, she tried to catch a glimpse of her now free abdomen, but she had no strength left to lift her head.
Was it really that bad? Why hadn't she noticed it until just now?
She didn’t get any further with the train of thought.
Two hands suddenly pressed firmly on her injury and for a moment her world consisted only of pain. A weak cry escaped her and Arlo's eyes appeared in her field of vision, both hands not leaving her side.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. But I really need to stop the bleeding. You've already lost way too much blood. Please hang in there, okay? It's going to be okay." Comfortingly, he briefly pressed his forehead against hers and then turned to look at the departing group, not letting up the pressure on her wound.
"SAM! Bring Dr. Xu back here! Now! Elenya's hurt!"
Startled, Elenya flinched at the suddenly loud words, sending a new wave of pain through her body. Tears gathered in her eyes and desperately she placed her left hand on Arlos, who she realised was pressing a bunch of compresses tightly against her side.
"Shh, sweetheart, it's okay. Help is on the way. It's going to be okay." Warm lips pressed against her forehead, but she was barely aware of the touch.
The fog in her brain grew thicker, the nausea increased, and more and more loud voices gathered around her until all that was left was a loud roaring in her ears.
Her tears overflowed, cold sweat spread all over her body and she felt her heart pounding in her chest. 
What was happening to her?
She was terrified. She didn't know what was happening anymore. All around her, voices were talking in panic, hands were tugging at her jacket, her whole abdomen was on fire and the only familiar thing she felt was the big hands under hers.
But when they also disappeared and were replaced by others, she lost herself in her panic. She tried to fight back against the hands, tried to get away from all the voices, but only more pain shot through her body, making her cry out weakly.
Where was Arlo?
The voices grew louder, frightening her even more, but then they were back. The warm hands. They softly cupped her face, gently brushing away her tears, and an even warmer voice broke through the roaring in her ears.
"I'm here, sweetheart. I'm here. Nothing is going to happen to you. You're safe. I promise. But you need to stop moving, please. Dr. Xu is trying to help you. Everything is going to be okay." 
Relieved, she opened her eyes with difficulty and directly met Arlo's beloved blue eyes. His face was upside down, as he was kneeling behind her head, but that didn’t diminish the effect he had on her. Immediately, all the tension disappeared from her body, along with the voices around her, and all that remained was Arlo.
“That’s it. You are doing great, sweetheart. Just keep those pretty eyes on me.” His voice was pitched to a soothing tone, his worry and panic well hidden behind a mask and it managed to calm her racing heart. Sweet words and pet names left his lips ceaselessly, enveloping her in a blanket of comfort, while his thumbs caressed her cheeks, effectively brushing the tears away that didn’t stop flowing from her eyes.
Her eyes drooped.
She barely noticed what happened to her body anymore. The pain had faded to the background, leaving a weird pressure behind, the roaring back in her ears droned out Arlos voice and his face vanished behind black dots.
Her eyes closed.
“No, no, no! Keep your eyes open, sweetheart. Come on, look at me!” Frantic, Arlo softly patted her cheek, tried to get her attention, but she couldn’t hold on any longer.
Her world got dark and the last clear thought that ran through her mind was:
Well, there goes their secret relationship.
Elenya awoke a short time later to a world of pain. Her body was being jolted, sending wave after wave of pain through her body and she wondered what was going on.
Where was she? What happened? Was that... a humming engine?
She could feel strong arms wrapped around her upper body, a warm chest pressed against her right side and her head seemed to rest against a shoulder. The familiarity of the body holding her managed to quell the panic that wanted to rise in her. But what it couldn’t quell was the pain.
It was licking at her whole left side like flames, burning her up like nothing she had ever felt before. She only realised her constant whimpering when the hand who had been holding her waist came up to rest gently against her cheek, the thumb rubbing soothing circles against her skin and a soft voice spoke right beside her left ear.
“Shh, you are okay, sweetheart. We’re almost there. Just hold on a little longer. You are doing so great.” Warm lips pressed against her forehead and she tried to concentrate on that point of contact instead of the pain, but then the DeeDee she supposed she sat in, jolted even more and with a cry of pain, new tears flowed from her eyes.
“Hurts…” Her voice was weak, barely more than a whisper, but Arlo heard her.
The arm around her shoulder tightened even more and the hand cupping her cheek softly wiped her tears away.
“I know, sweetheart, I know. But we are almost at the clinic, I promise. Soon you will feel a lot better.” Pain and worry sat deep in his voice and she felt bad. Even though she couldn’t recall what happened, she hated when people had to worry about her. But the pain was all encompassing, taking over her mind and she couldn’t do anything to reassure him.
The world started to fade again. She could hear how Arlo tried to keep her from passing out again, but she lost the fight against the darkness.
Elenya woke to a deep voice, who seemed to be telling a story.
“Did you know that Remi grew up here in Portia, before he moved out to Lucien? We were best friends back then, too and because he was 2 years older than me, my parents gave him the task to keep an eye out for me. Not that it did much good, as I'm sure you can imagine..”
The tale went on, but the words blended together in her mind, leaving her with a sense of security. She didn't know where she was or what had happened, but she knew that as long as the owner of that wonderful voice was with her, she was safe.
“... and well, that really didn’t go well for me. You should have seen the face of my mother. I don't think she has ever been as angry in her life as she was at that moment.” A warm laugh ran through the room, washing over her like a soft summer breeze and instinctively her head turned to the source of it.
To her dismay, the laugh immediately stopped as she did that, but then a big hand softly cupped her left cheek and with a happy sigh, she nestled into the warm palm.
“Hey there, sweetheart. Can you hear me?” The warm voice was back, whispering softly somewhere above her head, and with a confirming humm, she snuggled even more into the hand.
“That’s great. Do you think you can open your eyes for me?” The thumb resting on her cheek started to stroke the patch of soft skin underneath her eye, as if he wanted to encourage her, but she scrunched up her face in protest.
She didn’t want to open her eyes. It was nice and dark behind her eyelids, she felt like she was floating on a cloud and she wasn’t really sure she could open them even if she wanted to. Her eyelids were as heavy as lead, and even just snuggling into the warm hand took a lot more effort than it should have.
The warm laugh was back, filling her with happiness.
“That’s okay, sweetheart. I’m just glad you’re okay. You really had me worried.” Warm lips pressed against her forehead, lingering there for a moment and she almost fell back asleep when the words registered in her brain.
Worried? Why was he worried? Where was she anyway? What had happened? Should she be worried too?
These questions sparked a panic in her that she couldn't explain, but the warm voice was quick to reassure her.
"Shh, sweetheart, you're okay. Just get some rest. I'm here." Another long kiss was pressed to her forehead and the hand on her cheek went up and began to gently stroke through her hair. Soothed by the words and the caresses, she fell back into an exhausted sleep.
But the dreams that greeted her there were anything but restful.
She found herself in the middle of an underground labyrinth, full of crossroads and endless tunnels. Wherever she looked, there was only sand and stone, illuminated by a single torch ominously fixed to the wall directly in front of her.
Where was she? What was this place? And how did she get out of here?
Frightened, she looked around.
A sudden gust of cold wind woke her from her panic-stricken stupor, and startled, she reached for the torch that was threatening to be extinguished by the gust of wind.
No! This was her only source of light!
She quickly shielded the flame from the strong gust of wind with her body, her heart racing in her chest.
Oh God, please don't go out....
Fortunately, the gust of wind disappeared as quickly as it came, and relieved, she dropped her tense shoulders. At least she still had light.
But her relief didn't last long.
"Why are you just standing here like a fool? Aren't you going to save him?"
Terrified, she flinched. Where did that voice come from? What did it want from her? And who was she supposed to save?
Frantically, she looked around in all directions, but couldn't make out the voice's origin. 
"Come on, what are you waiting for? He doesn't have much time left." A sinister laugh echoed through the empty tunnels. "Or do you want the light in his pretty blue eyes to die out forever?" 
Blue eyes? Oh God, did it mean...? No, please no...
Full of panic, she started to run. She ran as fast as she had ever run before. Ran through the endless corridors until she hit a dead end and was forced to turn around.
God, how was she going to find him in all those tunnels? He could be anywhere.
She ran even faster.
"Yes, that's it. Run! Run for his life!" The eerie voice chased her. Laughed at her maliciously when she ran into another dead end, and the panic in Elenya grew.
A stabbing pain had started to spread in her left side, and completely out of breath she stopped in front of the next dead end. Desperate tears flowed incessantly from her eyes and in hopelessness she sank to her knees.
How was she supposed to find him? She didn't even know which corridors she had already walked down and which not. She was completely lost.
"Oh, are you giving up already? What a pity. He would have still had a chance. But whatever. Then I guess he'll have taken his last breath soon." A false, pitying sigh echoed over her head and with renewed energy she straightened up again.
No, she couldn't give up! She had to save him!
Ignoring the pain in her side, she ran again. And then finally, after two more dead ends, she saw a strange light in the next tunnel. That had to be him.
Pulling together the last of her strength, she ran even faster until she could see the scene before her, bringing her to a horrified halt.
Oh no...
Another dead end opened up before her, but this time it was different. A cave-in blocked the way and under the rocks he lay. Arlo.
His familiar shock of red hair lay on the ground in front of her and on shaky legs she approached him, her heart threatening to jump out of her chest.
Please don't be dead. Please don't.
She dropped to her knees in front of his head, the torch falling to the ground beside her.
"No... Arlo..." Paralyzed, she stared at him. His eyes were closed, blood was running down his face from a wound on his forehead and from the corner of his mouth, a grotesque contrast to his pale face, and further down she didn't dare look. For everything beyond his shoulders was covered by huge rocks.
"No..." With trembling hands she tried to feel a pulse, pressing her fingers tightly against his neck, but... there was nothing. Desperately she tried the other side, but there too.... nothing. 
"No, no, no. Please, Arlo. Please, you can't..." Deep sobs shook her body as she desperately tried to find a sign of life when the eerie voice suddenly sounded again.
"You're too late. You let him die." Another cruel laugh followed the mocking words and pure anguish coursed through Elenya.
No, it couldn't be! She had to save him!
Desperately she tried to lift the rocks from his body, ignoring the growing pain in her left side, but it was useless. She was too weak.
Sobbing, she collapsed back next to his head. Tears streamed down her cheeks and completely shattered, she pressed her forehead against Arlo’s.
"I'm so sorry, Arlo. Please come back to me. Please. You can't leave me alone, please..." With each sob his name left her lips, praying that he would just please wake up. But his eyes didn’t open.
Suddenly, a gentle, warm wind brushed her cheeks, softly drying her tears, and a beloved voice echoed through the tunnels this time.
"Shh, I'm here, sweetheart. Everything is fine. I'm here. We are safe. I've got you." The warm wind enveloped her more and more, bringing with it a wonderful scent, and suddenly she was no longer in that awful tunnel, but standing in a green field, beautiful flowers all around her and the sun shining warmly in the sky.
"I’m here, darling. Get some rest. I'll take care of you."
Her head snapped to her right in wonder.
Arlo was here! And his eyes were open. Warm and full of life, he looked at her, a loving smile on his lips, and tears of relief escaped her eyes. Big, calloused hands cupped her face tenderly, brushing away her tears and she let herself fall into his strong arms.
The pain in her left side was still there, but if Arlo told her it was okay to rest, she was going to do it.
Her world plunged into warm darkness.
Elenya woke again to a deep, warm voice, but this time it seemed to be reading from a book. The voice was calm and steady, rumbling deep in the owner's chest, and it filled her with a deep calmness. Together with the wonderful scent that rested right in front of her nose, she felt warm and safe.
For a while she hovered in the state between sleeping and waking, letting the warm voice envelop her until more and more of her senses woke up. She could feel a large, rough hand gently holding hers, the thumb of that hand softly caressing her fingers. Could feel her face buried in something soft, something soft from which emanated that wonderful smell. 
Instinctively she buried her nose even more in the soft fabric, inhaling deeply the familiar smell and letting out a happy sigh.
Mmm... Arlo...
The latter didn't seem to have noticed that she had woken up, so she tried to gently squeeze his hand. Unfortunately, her body was so exhausted that she hardly had any strength, so her fingers only twitched slightly.
But it seemed to have been enough, because immediately the voice died away, the hand pulled out of hers, and she could hear a chair being pushed back. A short time later, a large, warm hand came to her cheek and happily she snuggled into the palm.
"Elenya? Sweetie, are you awake?" There was hope and concern in his voice and she wondered what had happened.
Why was he so worried?
To get to the bottom of this question, she opened her eyes. It took her a few tries before her eyes would even stay open, her eyelids much heavier than usual, but when she could finally see clearly, she was rewarded for her efforts. Arlo's face greeted her, his blue eyes full of warmth and love.
“There you are.” A fond smile graced his lips and sleepily, she smiled back.
The hand that had been cradling her cheek moved up and started to pet her head, which elicited another happy sigh from her. For a while, they just stared at each other until the soft look on Arlo’s face turned to concern.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart? Are you in pain?” The hand in her hair drew back and she whined in protest.
Why would he stop? That had been the best feeling in the world!
Longingly, her eyes followed the retreating hand. Maybe if she stared long enough at it, he would put it back?
“Sweetheart?” At Arlo’s concerned voice, her gaze snapped back to him and she remembered that he had asked her a question.
Right. He had asked her if she was in pain. But why would she be in pain? She couldn’t remember getting hurt…
Strained, she went through her memories, hoping to find out what had happened. But the only thing she could remember was a lot of sand. Sand and Remington, oddly enough.
Looking for answers, she glanced up at Arlo, who was still looking at her with deep concern.
“What…?” Speaking was a mistake. That single word sent her into a coughing fit, sending a sudden pain through her left side and Arlo instantly had a glass of water in his hands, holding it carefully against her lips. With his other hand, he slightly lifted her head so that she could drink better. Gratefully, she drank the cool water, relishing in the way it wetted her dry throat.
“Slowly, sweetheart. Don't choke on it.”
When the glass was empty, Arlo carefully set her head back into the pillows, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead as he did so and set the glass back to where it came from.
Elenya didn't notice much of that, though. The pain in her left side distracted her far too much. The pain was not too strong, rather dull, and she suspected that a lot of painkillers were responsible for that, but she still wanted to know what exactly she was dealing with.
Carefully, she raised her trembling right hand, but before she could make contact with her side, she was stopped by a large, warm hand.
“Don’t.” Apologetically, Arlo gently lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a loving kiss to it, mindful of the IV needle she now realised was inserted into the back of her hand.
“Dr. Xu had to fix you up with a lot of stitches. He won’t be pleased if you ruin his hard work.” A short pause. “Again.”
Stitches? And what did he mean by "again"? What had happened, and why couldn't she remember anything?
Desperately, she looked at Arlo.
"Arlo...what happened?" Slight panic mixed into her voice and Arlo quickly put his hand back to her cheek to soothe her.
"Hey, don't worry about it. Everything's fine. What's the last thing you remember?"
Good question. A few separate images flashed through her hazy brain, but they just didn't make sense. There was sand, a strange robot, she thought, and a mop of green hair.
"I... I don't know. There is sand... and Remi? But... I don't know..." A single, frustrated tear escaped her eye, but Arlo quickly wiped it away.
"Shh, it's okay. Dr. Xu already said you might not remember. You lost a lot of blood, so that was to be expected. I'll tell you what happened." Careful not to disturb her, he sat on the edge of the bed and raised her right hand, which he still held tightly, to his lips once more, pressing a gentle kiss on each finger. Immediately warmth spread through her body and her troubled thoughts calmed down.
"So, Mint, Sam and I were in the new Eufala tunnel when it suddenly collapsed. The debris blocked our way out, so you and Remi tried to reach us through Ingall's Mine. I'm afraid I can't tell you what happened along the way, but you found us just in time. An old robot, consisting of 3 long legs and a giant drill, had been awakened by the construction work and was anything but friendly to us. The four of us, mostly you to be precise, managed to defeat it and Mint found us a way out of the mine. We had just told Mayor Gale what had happened, he was waiting for us outside, and everyone had left for the town, when I suddenly noticed how pale you were. I didn't know what was wrong, so I reached out for you and then..." A haunted look settled on his face and he swallowed hard.
"God... You just collapsed in my arms. I thought... Fuck, you scared the shit out of me. There was so much blood everywhere, which you couldn't see on your dark jacket, and when I finally uncovered your stomach, there was this huge gaping wound on your left side. I don't know how you were even able to walk with that." The painful look on his face made Elenya feel bad.
Even with his narration, she still couldn't remember, but it must have been terrible. She didn't mean to cause him such pain. But before she could say anything, Arlo continued.
"Fortunately, Gale had brought Dr. Xu with him, so he was able to help you quickly. I don't know what would have happened if he hadn't been there. You had already lost so much blood and I could barely stop the bleeding myself..." His voice broke on the last words and apologetically she squeezed his hand gently. She didn't want him to think about it too much.
"We don't know exactly how you were injured, but we assume that a claw from the robot got you. Your skin was shredded more than it was cut and it took Dr. Xu a long time to patch you up. There will be a scar, but it should be straight and even."
The gentle, loving look was back on his face and the hand that had left her cheek during the recounting came back and with his thumb he stroked her cheek tenderly.
"Nothing that would make you any less beautiful to me." The words and the affectionate smile brought a blush to her face and, embarrassed, she hid her face in his hand.
Damn it, he couldn't just throw something like that in the room! 
Apart from the fact that she hadn't been worried about that at all. What concerned her much more was the fact that it had taken so long for anyone to even notice that she was hurt. Why hadn't she said anything?
She asked Arlo the very same question.
"I don't think you had even noticed it yourself. God, I was so angry with you at first. Why hadn't you told me you were hurt? You were almost bleeding to death! But then I remembered your face. You looked so confused when you saw the blood. I think your body was so pumped with adrenaline that you didn't feel anything. Only when the excitement was over did your body allow anything else to register. But please don't worry too much about that, okay? I'm just glad you're feeling better and you're going to get back on your feet."
Warm lips pressed against hers and Elenya happily returned the kiss. It was gentle and at the same time a little desperate, but no less wonderful for that. Enveloped in Arlo’s wonderful scent and warmth, her body relaxed and an incredible exhaustion spread through her. Her lips no longer wanted to obey her and a frustrated grumble escaped.
She couldn't be exhausted again! She had only just woken up. Who knows how long she had already been asleep.
With a soft chuckle, Arlo broke away from her. "It's okay, darling. Get some rest. Your body's been through a lot." Gently he began stroking her hair again and with a sigh she gave in.
Exhausted, her eyes closed and she buried her face back into the soft fabric still lying next to her head. Before she fell asleep, though, the thought of what that fabric actually was returned to her mind.
Curious, her eyes opened again and met a grey bundle, which she guessed from the smell was a sweater from Arlo. Puzzled, she looked up at the owner, who was watching her intently.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"Why is there a sweater of yours lying there?"
To her further amazement, a slight blush came over his face and eagerly she waited for the answer.
"Oh... you were suddenly having terrible nightmares. You had started writhing, opening your stitches again, and Dr. Xu and Phyllis just couldn't calm you down. You were calling out for me in your sleep, so Dr. Xu dragged me out of the shower I had been in, and luckily I was finally able to calm you down. I don't know what you were dreaming about, but it must have been terrible. It broke my heart to see you so frightened. I tried to stay by your side all the time after that, but Sam and Remi made me eat and sleep, so I thought maybe a sweater with my scent on it would keep the nightmares away." The blush on his face deepened and her heart swelled with love.
She couldn't remember the nightmares either, thankfully, but she did remember the feeling of safety and security emanating from Arlo's comforting scent.
Lovingly, she smiled up at him. "Thank you, Arlo. That really helped me a lot. When you're around, I always feel safe and protected."
She could literally see his chest swell with pride at her words and couldn't help a soft giggle. After all, she knew his strong protective instinct and loved him for it.
But she also saw what he was trying to hide from her. The guilt. The guilt that he had not protected her. Of course that was nonsense and she would try to talk him out of it when she was no longer so exhausted, but she hoped that showing him how safe she still felt with him would be enough for now.
But now she was finally losing the battle against exhaustion and so she buried her face back into the wonderful smelling sweater and closed her eyes.
"I'm glad you feel that way. I will always protect you, I promise. Now go to sleep, darling. I'll be here when you wake up." A warm, lingering kiss against her temple was the last thing she felt before she fell into a restful sleep.
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jangmo-othewarrior · 2 years
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to...
Random Headcannons about Specfic Character's Heartless Stemming from an AU I have Never Posted About!
(This is under the notion that, for some inexplicable reason, a special Heartless is capable of amplifying any darkness found within someone's heart, so that those with even a little bit of darkness would still create a strong Heartless. Also none of them are explicitly darklings because I like myself some symbolic, abstract monster designs.)
*taps mic*
Sora (who is here and alive btw) has those eldritch horror tentacles he had in that one section of Xehanort's boss fight sprouting out of his back. I just think they're neat.
Roxas is very nobody-like, surprisingly. It makes sense once you consider the fact that replica bodies can't create nobodies. Xion is in the same boat, their bodies are kinda just layin there.
Aqua is constantly melting and dissolving into puddles on the floor, appearing as a large spot of black-blue. She can also move incredibly fast like this. However, it also seems to cause her Heartless... pain.
Lea is really spiky. And on fire, but that was obvious. One noticeable thing is the tear tracks constantly running down his face, which never seem to stop.
Riku is a large bat-dragon-thing. He also has shackles and broken chains on his ankles and wrists. The chains have been mending themselves, however. Whenever he notices, he attacked them relentlessly until they appear beyond repair. The cycle begins anew afterward.
Terra obviously has some elements of the Guardian in his design, but just making him the Guardian again sounds boring to me so obviously I need to give him more trauma.
Kairi evades becomign a hearless due to her heart having no darkness, but she just can’t get what she did for Sora at the end of KH1 work for any of them, and this just makes her feel even more useless.
Xion is a puppet, literally. Her final boss form from the end of Days gets a darker recolor while being held up by strings connected to one of those wooden-puppet-control-thingies. Roxas doesn't like to look at her.
Riku is technically a Heartless and a Nightmare? None of them are Emblem Heartless but he's got the Nightmare symbol between his wings.
Lea is the second largest of the bunch, and has two chakram-looking things circling him at all times. Xion and Roxas fit neatly under him, and like to hide under there.
Aqua gets as much trauma as Terra because the Wayfinder Trio is my favorite so I put them through pain. Her color scheme is very Anti-Aqua :)
Sora is very fast, and he skitters around like a cat. He is also very spiky.
Ven may not of had his heart dragged out of him by the weird heartless, but he is definitely not having a good time. He didn't even recognize Terra and Aqua.... at first. (I swear I love the Wayfinder Trio with all of my heart)
Roxas resembles a... weasel? Ferret? Something like that; no one can put a finger on it. He also has samurai swords, because yes.
Terra is seemingly made up of rock and soil, and it is primarily held together by the bandages left behind from his Guardian form. He is also the largest out of all of them, a little over half the size of that one really big KH2 Heartless boss in the Pridelands. (I can't remember it's name.)
All of the Seasalt Trio Heartless have their number somewhere on their bodies (XIII, XIV, etc.), the Wayfinder Trio Heartless have thier armor represented in some fashion, and the Destiny Trio all have a paupo fruit inscribed on themselves somewhere.
And Isa (who dodged the entire encounter by not being a keyboard wielder) is just trying to keep Ven and Kairi safe after all of this shit goes down. He doesn't have the time or the energy to get into how he is feeling right now (and boy howdy, is it nothing good). After all, the three of them were...
...Those that Remain.
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