#call it love kdrama
nevwornxiety · 1 year
Am i the only one who is satisfied with the ending?
I am quite satisfied with how the writer decides to end their relationship. I eve screamed in my room and have to pause and rewatch certain scenes just to get my feeling excited.
From the very beginning, the drama itself sends a message to the viewers on just be natural and be comfortable with the way you are and that really applies with the nature of Joon and Haesung's relationship.
Joon is not the most expressive person to other people, but he is still at least more expressive with Haesung. So in that case, I dont expect Joon to confess his feeling with over dramatic flower overtone like any other K-dramas.
His " Don't be jealous" already gives one final answer to Haesung and that assures her feeling. And I think that this is how she learns to not expect much from your partner.
So, when he proposes to Haesung at home. It is normal, casual and romantic for friends who have known each other for years. Joon can just be himself and He does not have to go overboard/ prepare too much when it comes to proposing her. Haesung really trusts her man and she already knows him by her hand that she does not have to worry about his feeling unlike her past relationship where she is worried that man would not like her or even cheat on her.
And did you see with how he sat down next to her? Gosh, he looks all mushy mushy in love with her. He is really comfortable in being a baby to Haesung. And Haesung has a caring nature so she is fine in taking care of him.
Their relationship reminds me of when someone who is the eldest daughter dating someone who is the youngest brother in family
How I wish they will give us a spin off episode of Joon and Haesung.
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Happy Ending - am I missing something culturally?
I’m happy with the ending. Jigu gets to sing. Haesung and Jun are together. And Dongjin is happy in his new life, and reunited with Woojoo!!
With that being said I’m wondering if there is a cultural component that I’m not connecting with here. I get that Korean culture is very family oriented, so Woojoo felt compelled to end the relationship. The breakup was heartbreaking, but beautiful and showed their growth. However, once the home was returned, Dongjin had profusely apologized for his mother and everyone acknowledged they had no issue with him personally, the conflict from episode 15-16 felt unnecessary. I genuinely don’t know why they couldn’t be together. Haesung acknowledges that her anger was really only based on jealousy, which I felt like she should have discussed and apologized to Woojoo about instead of Jun -missed opportunity to show growth as Woojoo’s big sister. So, then what was her issue after that? Protecting her mom? And mom cooked for Dongjin, acknowledged not wanting to be involved in court case for her children and to spare Dongjin, and invited him to continue to eat her food. So why couldn’t they be together? I don’t think Jigu really cared, and Jun didn’t really play a role. So, again, why couldn’t they be together? Why flash forward a year?!
Is there a cultural aspect I’m missing that required it be this extreme? Or was it simply to create drama leading into final episode by writers? Feels like it was just to extend the story two more episodes instead of wrapping it up sooner. Which I get. Drama is important lol
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girleatsbr3ad · 2 years
This week’s episode was everything and more! Just as I predicted I hope from here on we get to see:
- clear development between Jun & HaeSung. His conversation with his mum at the pharmacy bothered me a little because again, we can’t tell if he’s just a friend or more to WooJoo but regardless, I’m rooting for HaeSung.
- there’s obviously still a lot to unpack between DongJin & WooJoo because when her siblings find out, not to mention her mother, or his mother. It’s gonna be chaos but I’m hoping they can choose each other and just live for once.
- never though I’d say this but Suho is actually a little fucker and I hope Jigu finds out he dated his sister and give him a punch on her behalf. Like, imagine letting someone in for the first time and hours later, they make light of your situation. The lack of empathy in his voice on that call? Somebody call 911! Asshole.
- another side note: does SunWoo like MinYoung? Perhaps a one sided crush even while she was dating DongJin…? Not to be that person that doesn’t think men & women can be platonic and truly care for each other deeply but come on, it’s Kdrama, we know better than to just think that…. So is anyone else sending it or am I reaching?
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alasy · 1 year
"I couldn't hate you because the love you gave me was much more than I could have ever asked you for." "I feel like I didn't give you much. I was just being myself." "You gave me all you could."
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elfswiftiestuff · 1 year
early episodes of Call It Love and I'm so obsessed with how both the leads have been through shit and came out with different ways to protect themselves.
Dongjin chose a shell, like a turtle, to cocoon himself in, to hide away in, to recede in.
Woojoo chose spikes, sharp and all over her, anyone who dares come near is instantly, instinctively attacked.
Dongjin went defensive, saving himself from any hurt, and Woojoo went offensive, hurting others before she could be hurt by them
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barelysanereviews · 1 year
K-drama Review: Call It Love (2023)
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This review contains spoilers.
I love how Korea keeps coming up with these shows that are about two lonely people who develop a quiet, gentle love. My Mister, My Liberation Notes, and Because This is my First Life are what come to mind. A recent entry is Disney+'s Call It Love, about two people who meet because of an act of revenge but end up falling in love.
Woojoo (Lee Sung Kyung) and her siblings get kicked out of their home by their father's mistress after he dies. Woojoo, dubbed "crazy" by her siblings, finds out that the mistress sold their house and gave the money to her son, Dongjin (Kim Young Kwang), the CEO of a young event planning company. She applies there as a part-time employee to destroy Dongjin's life, but learns that he's a gentle soul who has lost the will to fight for himself. She starts caring for him, then gradually, they fall in love.
What I like about their story is that, although it started with lies, every interaction between them was sincere. Woojoo's words are abrasive but she is honest and caring in her own way. Dongjin is often quiet and chooses his words, but whatever he says is earnest. They spend time together, often in silence, but that's what makes their connection deeper. They are together in their loneliness and end up bringing each other comfort.
Although part of me did feel like Woojoo's and her family's lives revolved too much on the consequences of what their father did, I liked how they all learned to heal and take responsibility of their own future. Overall, Call It Love is all about forgiveness, of choosing love. Even for Dongjin, who learns to forgive his ex who cheated on him and left him, and his mother, a constant toxic presence in his life.
In a way, it is also about choosing yourself. Woojoo, who initially had no dreams for herself and cared only about what she wanted for her siblings, finds a job that she's passionate about doing. Dongjin, who used to just go through the motions of life, ends up leaving the company to do what he feels alive doing.
Oftentimes, I found myself wanting to screenshot scenes from this show because it captures loneliness so beautifully. It also doesn't hurt that Lee Sung Kyung and Kim Young Kwang are both beautiful, tall people who have immense chemistry and bring depth to the characters.
If you ever come across this show, make sure to check it out. Prepare yourself for tears, though.
Review by Colleen
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sweetestlamb · 1 year
The Best Revenge
Author's note: I saw a beautiful gifset from @seawherethesunsets and it's been a beautiful trip down the rabbit hole ever since. This drama really swayed my heart and I just needed more happy moments of my stray cat couple together.
Summary: Camping can be in tents. 🏕
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The rain cascades down in soft patter hitting the tarp that Dongjin had so effortlessly and diligently put only moments before the rain storm began. He had purposely came camping knowing it would rain, said he enjoyed listening to the sounds of drops on the tent.
She hates the rain.
When she was young and lightning would clash in the sky like two kids battling with pots she would run into her father's room and straight into his arms. And he would be waiting, arms open to catch her and soothe her with a large hand on her head and melodic hums in her ears.
She hates that the rain brings back happy memories, hazy recollections that seemed like another life that she couldn't get back no matter how she wished.
It hurt in a crevice of her heart that she refused to acknowledge. The same heart that she tried to turn stone cold since she was seventeen and it shattered for the first and last time.
She'd been successful until him.
She lifts her eyes from her sausage sizzling away in a metal pan to watch his long body as he stands still with his head tilted towards the onpour. He's beautiful. There is a lightness to him now that she never thought could be possible a year as she watched that dejected back walk away time after time.
The humidity leaves his bangs wet and partially plastered to his forehead, her gaze lingers there before traversing down the slope of his nose and convening on his chapped lips. Further transfixed as a pink swipe leaves them glistening and moist. She recognizes that bubbling in her stomach now.
"What are you staring at?"
She blinks slowly as his low voice cuts through the loud silence of the rain and not much else.
"You. I don't want to forget a thing. I want to look at you until I get my fill."
But that's a lie. There's no filling the void in her chest that remained when she walked away from him that dreadful day.
Her ears perk at his low chuckle, more tightening in her belly.
"Your sausage is burning." He teases nodding at the meat hissing in front of her.
And with a curse she shifts her gaze poking at it with a chopstick and thankful that it didn't burn too much, it was still edible. She bits a large piece and hums at the succulent array of flavors that burst on her tongue.
She takes another hardy bite and chews until his prolonged quiet catches her attention.
When their eyes meet the contact is electric, a live matter that surges from her heart and fills her body with anticipation.
"Is it good?"
He watches her swallow and his Adam's apple bobs in reply. His expression is too bright and she feels caught under his gaze.
"Delicious. Do you want?" She holds the meat out towards him and gulps as he accepts bending those infinitely long legs and sinking his teeth into her offering with a low grunt of satisfaction.
They haven't kissed since they decided to do.....this. Again. Seeing him again was enough for her, being here with him is more than enough but watching him this close, only a breath away from her has her feeling greedy for things she's never yearned for before.
"You're staring again."
That's new. Him teasing her and smiling so brightly it's as if he's trying to make up for lost time. He has the perfect lips, made for smiling. But perhaps that's not all. She can think of other activities they would be great at.
"What's on your mind?" He's level with her now, finally taking a seat beside her.
She feels her face flush in embarrassment but knows that if she utters the words on her mind then at least that feeling can be shared between them.
"Your lips and activities they would be great at."
Her assumption is correct and his cheeks redden at her insinuation but he never looks away, bold as ever. Not backing down.
"Independent activities or paired ones?"
She doesn't miss his eyes lingering on her own lips but the moment is broken as a thunder grumbles in the sky, they both jolt back as if pulled back by invisible strings.
They awkwardly go back to eating in silence and she pretends not to notice as he rocks his chair a bit closer to hers until their knees are brushing against each other and she can feel his warmth all over her like a blanket.
"Is that my shirt?"
She glances over her shoulder, long strands of her hair following as she turns her head.
She feels naked under his intense gaze sweeping up and down her figure, she's wearing his shirt and not much less. She had her own shirts of course but she was allowed to do this much, he was hers after all.
"Mmhmm" she responds airily turning back to arrange her bedding, fluffing her pillow and smoothing the sheets.
"If you continue this I might have to go out and stand in the rain."
She doesn't turn but she can feel the heat of his words caressing her ears. He was closer than he was before.
"Don't. You'll get sick." She responds with steel in her words.
"I feel sick right now. I can't think straight."
Bliss blossoms in her stomach, aching at the longing in his voice.
She doesn't know how to reply. This game is not one she's accustomed to.
"Turn around." She twitches at the light command in his voice but almost bursts into laughter at the hesitation on his face, it's so easy to read him now. That's new too.
"Come here." He reaches for her, cupping her cheeks in this warm steady hands and she lets out a dizzy breath as he draws her closer still.
"What do you think?"
She's dazed at his sudden questioning and all she wants to do is close this damn gap remaining between them. Pry his mouth open and stick her ton--
"About camping in the rain? It's not too bad right."
He smiles down at her and she stops second guessing herself with an equally bright grin she nods, "It's amazing. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else with anyone else."
And as his eyes are widening from her confession she makes her move, dragging him down to meet her and stealing his breath. Kissing him is sparks and comfort all in one, like coming home after a long journey. She presses even closer eager to taste all he has to offer, thirsty for him. Starved even.
Her hands dig into his hair, her hips lock into his own, her tongue takes control of his mouth thrusting and swirling.
As the rain continues to fall around then, she decides this will be her memory of rain. A happy memory that won't hurt.
His love has already given her the strength to forgive and although she can't forget her past she can choose how to live in her present.
She's choosing happiness and never looking back.
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caramello-styles · 2 years
this call it love kdrama is a slow burn at its finest they got me on the edge of my seat
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yeommijeong · 2 years
struggling to finish call it love ep 1 because i keep seeing shots i want to gif 😭😭
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t1nngun · 5 months
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Time travel excellency in k-dramas.
(🎞️ : lovely runner, twinkling watermelon, a time called you, blue birthday, marry my husband, 18 again)
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nevwornxiety · 2 years
I am rewatching all episodes of Call It Love and I am not satisfied with the latest episodes
But here I am with my analyzation on Joon and Haesung's body language. Especially on Joon.
Jun's Body Language in front of Haesung
His body focuses on Haesung
Most of the time when he interacts with Haesung, his body language seems focused on her (compared the ones with Woojo where he can be busy eating, drinking or talking to the client at pharmacy etc). He does not really make much eye contact to Woojo, he only makes eye contact when he is postioned to sit in front of her. Even if he sits next to her, he will focus on eating or drinking. But with Haesung, he makes sure to focus his eyes on her. He looks at her even if she talks random things
He is vulnerable around Haesung
His friendship with Woojo is more of like brother/sister friendship where they are more comfortable in cursing and talk too casual as a friend. So whenever they want to show their vulnerability, they will be disgusted and just try to keep it cool even though they are dying inside. I noticed when they are fighting, one of them tend to be embarassed because they are too cool to show feelings. But in the two episodes, Joon is comfortable to say anything he wants to Haesung
He is more expressive with Haesung
Joon is someone who always control his feeling and emotion. He is always cautious. But as much as he tries to keep cool, he is still more expressive with Haesung. And you might need to watch drama few times to see a bits of his reaction.
Jun has a habit of pursing his lip, sighed a deep breath and puckered his lips when he saw Haesung:
- when haesung got mad and asked him to close his lips
- when haesung was kissing someone in front of the house
- when he took on a dirt on Haesung's eyes (He chuckled, shook his head and pursed his lips)
- when he feels he fucked up by saying anything
- when he is shy seeing her in the underwear
- when he joins her having lunch with her work friend
- when he sighs when Haesung talks random things
- when Haesung comforts after his family lunch
I still see the writer wants Joon is the flavoured bait for viewers to keep watching the drama. That's why if some people say Sung Joon cannot act naturally (for the most part of the scenes), it is because he has to mantain Joon's character as a stoic person.
He focuses on her lips, and then her eyes
I also rewatch the drama (eps 5) just to see their scenes. And i noticed the scene where all leads were in the restaurant + along with the youngest brother. And i saw Jun's expression unconsciously looks at Haesung' lips first and then her eyes.
He shows a real genuine smile with her
Most of the time with Woojo, he only gives a thin smile and smirk. But when he compliments Haesung on her yellow dress and then he teased her. He was sporting a bright smile towards her. That is why Haesung said " stop acting cute"
He wants to impress her to his parents
When Haesung is disappointed by his parent's reaction - he said about being hungry and asks her for a dinner. He feels embarassed towards what his parents did to her. I think at some point, he might have wanted to give a good impression to his parents? Because at first, he does not care and tells her to act normal. But when she gets there, he tells her to focus on eating. For someone who says that they do not care about someone, he really thinks about his parent's view. You know when a guy wants to introduce you to parents, he will unconciously worried if you are nervous.
He sincerelly wants her to be happy
On Ep 10, he says that he wants to cheer her up especially its his speciality. No matter what he thinks of Haesung, he would not want something bad happen to Haesung. At first I thought he took care of Haesung (esp karaoke scene) because he feels responsible to Woojo since she is Woojo's sister. But when I watch eps 10 and his conversation with his mother, when he admits that Haesung is a part of his air - it shows that he wants Haesung to be happy. It goes to show that Joon will take care of Haesung whether she is/isn't Woojo's sister
He acts nervous around her by saying his unfiltered thoughts
He usually holds back from saying anything to Woojo, especially about her revenge plans. He only tells her to be careful and let Woojo what she wants . He only steps in when he thinks it gets wrong.
He is usually laid back & chill around Jigu. He keeps a secret about Jigu's part - time work. It shows that he's neutral and does not want to choose sides among the siblings
But when it comes to Haesung?
He always tries to explain his thoughts, nitpicking the type of man she dated, calling her lousy at judging men, talking about incompatibility instead of generation gap( He said it true though) And after he said that? He apologized to her like a puppy
He is curious to the guy she currently dates
Remember the scene of park date between Haesung and Suho. When Jun steps in saying that he likes stripes and Haesung agrees? Jun stays there sitting with them. He genuinely interested and wants to tease her. Then he looks at Suho and smiles even though the tone of his voice is strong and bold when he says " Young Boy fighting" . I think he would have stayed sitting there longer if Haesung did not give him signs to leave.
He cannot explain his relation to Haesung
When asked about his relation to Haesung, he gives confusing answer " Haesung and I know each other enough and we respect each other's privacy".
Why is it difficult to say that I am her sister's friend? An acquitance? Meanwhile, Haesung has no problem saying that he's her sister's friend to Suho or "just a kid that I know" to her colleague. I think that when she said the latter, Jun gives her a look but she does not realize it. He only replies saying that they have special relationship when she said " it means there is nothing between us"
And when asked Special? He looks at her without blinking and ends up saying landlord -_-
It shows that he wants Haesung to see him as a man.
Jun can only explains his relation to Haesung as a friend/ sister's friend when he is alone with Haesung
He replies to most of her random talking
When Woojo or Jigu ignores her. He replies to Haesung's random thoughts even if some people find it weird.
He wants to be seen as a Man
You know Jun reminds me of the Shawn Mendes's song: Treat You Better. When Jun says "I have been your friend for over ten years. Do you know realize I was the one who took care of you apart from your sister"
"No matter how close we are, we should at least wash our faces before seeing each other"
He wants Haesung to make an effort whenever she meets him. Dont act too casual. Because it feels like he does not have much importance for her as a man. She does not take him seriously.
He is hurt when she is hurt
I think even if he does not admit his feeling, Joon hurts the most when Haesung feel hurt. With Woojo, he is ready to risk it all and be like " bro fight me" to Dongjin when Woojo has not arrived home. But with Haesung, he's more controlled yet he is pained with what he sees. I think that Haesung never hugs him or probably might have hugged him before but it would have been the rarest moment in his entire life. So when she hugs him, he does not know what to do. To hug or not to hug? Because his first reaction is shocked- calm his breath- controlled and repeat. He hugs her back only when she said he is humiliated. When she cries harder, something bugs him. And this is going to be the turning point of their relationship.
Side note:
My first assumption is that Jun would realise his feeling first and Haesung will not have any attraction towards him. It turns out the opposite. Haesung indeed is attracted to him and the boy is still in denial because He's his bestfriend's sister. His reaction is like How the hell do you like me? I am thinking that he is shocked that Haesung confesses her feeling for him only now after 10 years of friendship, so it caught him off guard. And if he decided to like her back, he's worried that they will break up faster and she will only treat him as his ex boyfriends
I would not be suprised if they will probably take it slow. I was expecting more stories like continue this fake dating trope or Jun admits publicly that he "dates" Haesung just to rub Suho off and show up to his parents.
But maybe they want to focus on the mature side of relationship.
Haesung tries being comfortable alone and does not jump on relationships
Joon works on his feeling and commitment. And be open with someone
Who knows? We might getting smile and walk together kind of ending for Joon & Haesung
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ryoun · 24 days
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#yet he's the one who fell instead thooo
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girleatsbr3ad · 2 years
Thoroughly enjoying Bed Friends & Call It Love!!!!
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this kinda line is why i watch any romcom
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elfswiftiestuff · 1 year
why didn't woojoo slap that heeja bitch?? i hope she physically hurts her at least once during the show, we take no moral high grounds here
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dangermousie · 10 months
2023 End of Year Post - kdrama edition
Yes, we have a some of December left, and I want to check out Death's Game but whatever. I got time for this now and not sure if I will have later so here goes.
This is only going to cover kdramas that aired in 2023; if I watched it but it was made in a different year, it’s not on the list. This was an excellent kdrama year, the likes of which we hadn't had in a long time.
In order of liking from least to most as opposed to pure quality so pls don't come for me, fans of some popular dramas that are on my nope list. Also, I am including if I’ve seen enough to make up my mind; yes I realize that’s inaccurate, but that’s my list.
33. The Escape of the Seven - this is so aggressively stupid and mean that it feels like the makers are playing a practical joke seeing how much their audience will take. This has a season 2 coming, so the answer is a lot.
32. Behind Your Touch - the FL gets superpowers by touching people's and animals' butts. Yes, you read this right. Do I really need to add anything?
31. King the Land - yes, it was a hit. Yes, it stars popular actors. I HATED IT LIKE IT TOUCHED MY BUTT TO GET SUPERPOWERS!!! Plastic people in paint by the numbers story, with about as much genuineness or retability as a barbie aisle in walmart. I never expect much from Yoona so whatever, but to have LJH go from The Red Sleeve to this boggles the mind.
30. Mrs Durian - this is so dumb that I think I lost a few IQ points watching this, but its insanity becomes entertaining - I mean what kdrama can you name where a daughter in law declares her love and lust for her mother in law at a family dinner?
29. The Matchmakers - there is nothing offensive about this drama at all. But there is nothing in the least interesting either. If elevator music took drama shape, it would be this show.
28. Destined with You - sorry, Rowoon, I am still fond of you, but you are two for two in drama duds department this year. This is a drama where I loved ep 1, liked ep 2, was indifferent to 3 and...you get the point. Each ep was worse than the one before, and I bailed before I was dragged into a cosmic singularity.
27. Oasis - great first two episodes. Unfortunately it was not a two ep show. The performances are solid but the story is just not there - the effect is like a fancy chef making an amazing sauce to put on pig slop.
26. Boyhood - it's not you, it's me in action. I can see why people would like it but a 34-year old playing a high schooler in a Weak Hero Class 1 Slapstick Edition is no go for me.
25. Castaway Diva - it's so precious and kooky in the most annoying ways, with the most well-adjusted abused castaway in history. I like magic realism when done by Jorge Amado, but this ain't Amado.
24. Island - it had a good concept, good cast and fun visuals but the execution deserved one of ML's swords through the neck.
23. The Worst of Evil - if I wanted an American show, I'd watch one. Very solid performances though.
22. Song of the Bandits - period edition of what I said about The Worst of Evil.
21. Welcome to Samdalri - and goodbye to any hope of emotional involvement.
20. Joseon Attorney - I have yet to like a single sageuk centered around a profession and this was not an exception. I guess it could be worse but it also could have been so much better.
19. Twinkling Watermelon - everyone loved this drama. Everyone except for me. It's the kind of precious that sets my teeth on edge and I couldn't stand half the main characters we were supposed to root for. I guess I like my fruits to shine steadily.
18. Our Blooming Youth - probably the biggest disappointment on this list. This is not a bad drama by any means, but with that cast and that story (I loved the novel), I was hoping for a memorable sageuk not merely all right.
17. Vigilante - it has the emotional complexity and nuance of a punch to the throat but it gives us quasi-gay openly-murderous dudes going after psychos and Yoo Ji Tae holding feral Nam Joo Hyuk by his hoodie at his feet.
16. The Forbidden Marriage - expected nothing but it was a surprisingly enjoyable trifle of a costume drama that was also quite pretty.
15. Arthdal Chronicles: Sword of Aramun - a hot mess but such an entertaining epic one. And it gave us TWO Lee Jun Kis in period gear and who am I to cavil at the bounty of God?
14. The Story of Park's Marriage - it's a trifle, a souffle, so light it might blow away, but it keeps my attention and is so fun and sweet.
13. My Lovely Liar - a huge surprise, that manages to mix a murder mystery and a romcom, and shocked me by showing Hwang Minhyun can act.
12. Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 - the original ToNT was my fave drama of its year and I did not think it needed a sequel. But this is not a sequel but more of a side-quel and is such a total delight with brotherly love, adventures, romance and hijinks. It's a joy.
11. Perfect Marriage Revenge - it's actually very hard to do a soap right but this slim 12 ep drama managed. So fun, so crazy, such a good ship!
10. My Lovely Boxer - not really about sports, but about two broken people finding salvation because of and in each other. Also, if you like age gap romances, this is delicious. Sort of loses steam by the end but c’est la vie.
9. The Secret Romantic Guesthouse - this was a sageuk that was not on my radar with a bunch of actors I was not familiar with but it took my heart away. A good plot that was perfectly paced, characters and ships I adored, a logical ending. This is one of the biggest positive surprises of the year for me.
8. Tell Me That You Love Me - a slice of life remake (sort of, it's more "inspired by") of my favorite jdrama of all time. It's not as good as the jdrama because nothing could be, but it's an aching lovely story with some incredible performances.
7. See You In My 19th Life - funny and romantic and haunting and hopeful and odd. This was one of my favorites of the year.
6. Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow - it's rare for me to like a (1) sequel (2) with FL actress change (3) that is a Hong Sisters drama. But this was such a gorgeous, surprisingly achy story of love and loss and love regained with some cool monster fighting in the middle. Between the two seasons, this is the first Hong Sisters' drama I enjoyed from beginning to end in well over a decade.
5. My Demon - so tropey (chaebols, supernaturals) but it proves that these tropes are popular for a reason. The chemistry is fire, the story is unpredictable and the whole thing is an addictive delight. A rare drama where I like each new ep more than the last one.
4. Goryeo Khitan War - an old school sageuk in every meaning of the term (no romance, no eye candy, lots of bearded men, battles and politics), this feels like watching an epic movie more than a drama. The vast cast all earns their place and the performances (mainly from character actors given a chance to shine) are incredible.
3. Call It Love - two very very damaged people finding love and healing with each other. This is a narrative very hard to do to my satisfaction but when it's done well, as here, there are few things that can hold a candle to it.
2. My Dearest - a masterpiece of cinematography, narrative, performances. This is an old-school epic romance in the best sense of the term. If it doesn't make you swoon or break your heart, there is something wrong with you. A story of two untraditional, strong-willed, flawed people who fall in love in the middle of the horrifying Qing invasion of Korea and have to deal with all that the world throws at them, this is a bona fide masterpiece.
1 - Moon in the Day - who knew my favorite kdrama of the year will star a store brand Domyoji from Extraordinary You and an actress I was never familiar with. But this part period/part modern fantasy tale of doomed cursed lovers is everything I knew I wanted and everything I didn't know I wanted but did. Two lovers where their love did not save them and in modern day it might not again, has got me obsessed the way I haven't been in years.
Moon in the Day - if there is such a thing as a drama made perfectly for me, this gorgeous, emotionally haunting, utterly romantic, twisty tale is it.
The Escape of the Seven. This drama is proof that demons exist and not sexy ones like Song Kang but horrible nasty ones who delight in the torment this hot mess inflicted on its viewers.
Do Ha, Moon in the Day - a Silla general and a consummate killer who committed atrocities on the orders of his monster father and yearned to die for them, who found the meaning in life in loving his enemy but it did not make him better, a man so obsessed he literally was around for 1500 years of horrifying ghostly existence and still went "worth it" for a woman who killed him as long as he knew she loved him while she did it. He's intense and competent and beyond fucked up and has never had a normal day and I love him so so so very much from a safe distance.
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Gil Chae, My Dearest - she starts out as vain and spoiled but the horrors that break so many others bring out all her fierce survivor potential and she becomes such a force of nature - capable of incredible love but also sacrifice and strength and compassion.
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Runner Up: Shin Hye Sun's reincarnator in See You In My 19th Life - quirky, damaged, strong, so odd and so vulnerable at once.
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There are a lot of characters who fit that category (King Injo in My Dearest? My God) but the crown belongs to So Ri Bu from Moon in the Day. You think you've seen abusive parents but until you've seen a man abuse his son his whole life and then continue for 1500 years after his death, you ain't seen nothing!
The doomed by the narrative OTP of Moon in The Day. Only thing that's better than enemies to lovers is enemies while lovers and their impossible relationship where her killing him is a supreme act of love and his refusing to let go is so strong that he stays around for 1500 years watching her, helpless as she dies over and over again, is everything you ever want.
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Runner up: Jang Hyun/Gil Chae, My Dearest. They are so strong and so damaged and it takes them so long to figure out what they feel and what the other person feels but their love and sacrifice and complexities are perfect.
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Kim Shi Yeol/Hong Joo, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse - an assassin bodyguard pretending to be a carefree scholar and a widow of the man he killed to protect his king (and whose life was destroyed as a result.) I enjoyed the main OTP of this drama but I was utterly and completely unhinged for the secondary couple.
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I'd have probably picked Rang and his mermaid from TotNT 1938 even over them, but they really were the main OTP of that drama.
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King the Land couple seems like an easy target but honestly, they are both so terribly bland and antiseptic and marketing by committee, they kinda deserve each other. So I am gonna go with Destined with You, one half of which thinks supernaturally roofying someone into loving them is cute and the other half thinks dating one woman while wooing another is totally a-ok. Ugh.
There is no competition for the scene in the slave market in My Dearest, where Jang Hyun finds Gil Chae - the way he screams and tries to clutch the hem of her skirt will live in my head forever.
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And the scene where he 'wins' that horrifying bet, or the scene where she finds him in a pile of bodies - they are as good also. Or when he fights off a squad to protect her even though he's sick. That whole drama is perfect.
Runner up: the scene of Do Ha executing Ri Ta's family, covered in blood, as she looks at him from the crowd in Moon in the Day.
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Or the scene where he talks about how he cannot live as a person but at least maybe she will kill him and he will die as one. Or when her confession in the past intercuts with his walking in the present, or when he comes home in his bloodied armor and she finds he has a fever and it's the first tender touch he's probably ever known. Her murdering So Ri Bu saying she knows she's going against filial piety in loving her parents' murderer, the way they hug, both bloody, as he says "let's live." The way she says she can't go on as she's hit rock bottom and he replies she cannot quit because she must accompany him to his rock bottom now. Honestly, the drama is a font of amazingness.
Also, the opening scene of Goryeo Khitan War or the scene of Yang Gyu ordering to shoot the captives and having to do so himself.
The OTP meeting again at the intersection at the end of ep 1 of Tell Me That You Love Me. SHS comforting ABH as he's having a traumatic breakdown in 19th Life. The love-making scene in Call It Love. There were a lot of great scenes this year.
Lee Jang Hyun, My Dearest - is that even a competition? He's flawed - vain, often emotionally closed off, not great at processing emotions, lashing out when hurt. He is also incredibly heroic in a real, knows the cost but bears it, kind of way. Whatever he does, he commits utterly but it's never without understanding the cost. He felt both larger than life and utterly real. He went through hell and maintained his soul and the way he loved Gil Chae was breath-taking to behold.
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Runner Up: Yang Gyu, Goryeo Khitan War - an experienced military commander who wins an impossible victory even as it ravages his soul. Competence is sexy as fuck.
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Rang, Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 - 1938 really was Rang's chance to shine and he took it. For a character I started out disliking in the original, he really stole my entire heart in this drama. I am so glad he got his happy ending with his brother and his girl.
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Runner Up: Crown Prince, My Dearest. He started out as a sheltered, spoiled aristocrat, convinced the world owed him for existing. He grew up slowly and painfully into an amazing man. And then was murdered for it and I cried.
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Arthdal - it leaves the story at a good stopping point but it's very much a "world in flux, adventures and conflicts continue" ending and I would love to see more of these characters. I know we won't but it would have been nice.
Behind Your Touch - should have been snipped at birth.
Vigilante - I don't mean it had scissors taken to it because it's not cdrama and there is no NRTA, but this drama would have benefitted from being longer. I mean, I love fights and gay polycules as much as the next tumblr person but a bit more character development would not have come amiss. (ahaha - I said come. Leave me alone.)
I don't care about cops/doctors/trash collectors/whoever - workplace drama centering on their "cases" needs to die. I hate procedurals from any country and Korea is no exception.
Supernatural critter devoted to their OTP with all the power of their long life.
Our Blooming Youth - it was far from terrible but it was a giant meh. I was so excited to see Park Hyung Sik in a sageuk (that wasn't the hot mess that was Hwarang) and I adored the source novel. It actually started well and then...it's like Revenge of the Beige!
I want to say Moon in the Day but to be honest, I was excited by posters and trailers so it wasn't wholly a surprise despite not having much of an opinion on the actors before I saw them. So I am going to say My Demon. I was bored by the trailers, I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a Kim Yoo Jung drama and before this year I would have said Song Kang was an incredibly limited actor in everything I've seen him in and not appealing to me at all. And here I am rabidly rabiding for this drama!
If I am not limiting myself to dramas but can use this for actors - Hwang Minhyun in My Lovely Liar. I genuinely did not think the man could act and then he gave such a pitch-perfect, nuanced performance out of nowhere!
I have actually watched all the kdramas that aired this year that I wanted to check out except for Evilive. I am saving this for when I have time.
I don't know if I'd say it's the best but Say You Love Me (2004) with Kim Rae Won as a quasi monk seduced away from his true love by an evil older woman was a hell of a ride.
Love Song for Illusion (Lady assassin falls for her royal target who has two personalities), Captivating the King (lady spy falls for her royal target who is tormented) - notice a theme? Also Flower that Blooms at Night because Honey Lee in a sageuk, The Life of Mrs Ock (Lim Ji Yeon in a sageuk), The Love Story of Chun Hwa (an "erotic" sageuk, hmmmm, what?!), Hong Rang (Lee Jae Wook in a super angst sageuk), Queen Woo (that cast and set in Goguryeo!), Wong Kyung (about Lee Bang Won's wife and I love the cast.) Basically, if it's period, I am there with bells on.
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