#also fuck canon jay ferin has the bisexual bob haircut in my heart
rubysparx · 2 years
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Ok fine here’s some really shitty quality riptide doodles. My Drey and Rose designs, sorry Rose isn't wearing a shirt i couldn’t think of one. Also a short comic I did just to get a concept out. (more abt that under the cut) (dont repost!!)
ok so basically the whole “Ollie is Rose’s son” theory. It’s the idea that when they get back to Zero there's missing posters for Ollie, and with his last name on there things start clicking for Chip- and the rest of the riptide pirates. Ollie doesn’t really notice and just gets excited bc its like he has a wanted poster, like a real pirate. And he just doodles on his own missing poster to make it look more like how he does now. I think Drey should get to say he looked familiar but whatever </3
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