#also forgot I was gonna be home alone with the dog tomorrow
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I got a job as a bookseller!!!
#nat talks#listen. it's not the dream bc I've already worked in a bookstore and it's actually terrible at times#but I only really worked during holidays and people were just so rude#BUT I do have higher hopes for this location#also I tentatively know two people who work there so it will be fun!#it's a sub role and a little unclear if I'll only work during christmas and the book sale in feb or more#it depends on if the people who are on sick leave will return and when#but I can keep freelancing and apply for corporate jobs I want in the meantime#at the very least I can work during december either way and if I end up finding something else maybe I can work weekends during the booksal#so to not let them down too much#I honestly am just looking forward to getting out of the house and meeting people and working with my body more#because my mind is very fried#I have a short shift tomorrow to train#then I'll see when I'll officially start but it will probably be soon!#I've had a very busy few days so I wish I had said I could do my training shift next week#bc they gave the option of this wednesday or next#but I didn't want to turn it into a “thing” by letting too much time pass bc I might get anxious about it#but now I wish I had lmao I'm tired#also forgot I was gonna be home alone with the dog tomorrow#had been looking forward to it tbh#oh wellll#work stuff
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okay chat i need to lock in cuz why the fuck do i have to wake up so early tomorrow? also i got mcdonald’s on my uber eats again and i had a great time messaging my delivery person but at one point i actually thought she got into a car crash because she literally stopped in the middle of the road for like five minutes and i literally texted her asking if she was okay and it was embarrassing so i literally made her leave the food outside my house cuz she would think i was weird but anyways guys i miss bowie and meeko like i haven’t seen them in five days and i’m going insane, also bowie is a legitimate bully to meeko like he jumps on meeko while he’s just trying to eat 😩 also this bitch keeps fucking finding ways to run out of my house and we’ve had to locate him on face book three times in the past two months which is very stressful. anyways guys my sister came home drunk from a party the other day and on camera u can literally see her doing cartwheels walking in from her friends car and they were running up and down the street and then my mum came downstairs and she was NOT having it. and then i found out that my granddad used to have a girl friend who tried to kill him with RAT POISON??!! family drama goes crazy like why haven’t i known this?? also guys i think my mum and her boyfriend are gonna break up 😏 and this is amazing news because i HATE HIMMM!! also is it normal for dogs to be able to do the splits and do you know that if an do the splits. omg i made pesto pasta yesterday and it was delish. actually my sister made it but whatever. also chat i actually don’t think i’ll ever be able to move out cuz why do i get scared when i’m home alone for more than 3 hours. like i’m convinced that someone’s watching me and i’m gonna be killed. omg i also really need to walk bowie i haven’t walked him in one week 😩 but i literally can’t even bring myself to stop bed rotting so i don’t know how that would be possible but whatever 🤍. anyways yall my mcdonald’s was AMAZING. but they forgot to put cheese on my sisters burger… whatever. omg also me and my sister literally had a two hour conversation about how much we hate my mums boyfriend and his kids. but it also really confuses me that they’re both the same age, yet me and my stepbrothers age gap is CRAZY. like i’m 19 and they’re like 7??? HELLO? omg isn’t it crazy that like we kinda aren’t even conscious until we’re like 7 cuz i don’t remember anything under that age. also isn’t it crazy that we just forget certain days? like i probably won’t even remember this day in two weeks. what the fuck. also can you beleive that we’re just on a floating in the middle of nothing like literally NOTHING? i also can’t comprehend that space just goes on and on and on??? HUHHHHH?? also a nice ice cold water is so underrated like what. especially when you wake up in the middle of the night and you take a sip and it’s so refreshing. YES. also why does my toothpaste look like the gay pride flag? also why is gracie abrams so hot? omg chat i was in the grocery store yesterday and i was about to checkout but the girl doing the checkout was so hot and i got nervous and put everything back and left because i was too scared it checkout. i’m not even joking. also it’s almost summer so i needa go bikini shopping. omg and summer clothes shopping. i also need to win the lottery. i also don’t think i could ever get married or move in with my partner because i NEED my own bed. like it doesn’t matter how comfortable i am with someone, it’s so much better being alone and doing whatever you want and sleeping when you want and taking up as much space as i want. like how do married couples do it? also guys why am i so bad at spelling. i really need a sausage dog really bad or be besties with bowie! guys i actually am a shopping addict and i don’t think it’s something i’ll be able to get over. like as soon as i get an ACTUAL career and make big girl money, my closet is going to be LETHAL. like i would wrather spend money on clothes than pay my bills. i’ve reached the typing limit.SORRYIDIDNTREALISEHOWLONGITWAS
did you finally lock in?
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Nick x Charlie
Together forever
Nick pov
It's finally summer and me and a few friends from uni were all packed into my small car headed to Kent because we wanted to hang out this summer and I was gonna surprise Charlie and the gang, but first I wanted to go see my mum and Nellie so that's where we were headed mums already met all of my uni friends so when I asked if it was ok if they came down with me she didn't have a problem with it.
-An hour later-
We were about an hour away from my house now and they were screaming Taylor swift songs in my ear while I was driving but I'm used to it by now so it doesn't really bother me. Charlie and then really got me hooked on to Taylor swift so I know most of the songs and can sing them by heart.
"Niiiiick sing with usss!" My roommate Violette said in a sing song voice "Not right now Vi, I'm driving" I said and she started pouting "Pleeeaaseeee Nick?" She says giving me puppy dog eyes little does she know only Charlie's and Oliver's puppy eyes work on me. "No Vi maybe when we get to my house we can invite Charlie and he can sing songs with you instead?" Her eyes lit up like Christmas and she excitedly nodded her head while the rest of them agreed.
-20 minutes later-
We finally arrived at my mums house and Vernon and Alanna are in the back sleep so Violette and René are waking them up. I knocked on my mums door and she comes out to give us all a big hug and invited us inside so that we could get settled in. Since David moved out we now have three rooms open my room, David's old room, and the guest bedroom so I let them choose between the guest and David's and who's sleeping where because me and Charlie are gonna share my room.
Speaking of Charlie he doesn't know that we are here so I asked mom to call him and invite him over like she needs help with something and then we are gonna surprise him. While she's calling him I'm gonna hide my car a little down the street so he doesn't see it and the surprise gets ruined.
After I hide my car me and the others go and hide in my room. I told mum to pretend like she needed help looking for something in my room and then we were gonna jump out and surprise him. He's probably gonna have a heart attack and kill me after this but it's worth it.
We were upstairs waiting and then we hear Nellie start barking so that must mean he's here I hear mum open the front door and invite him in. Now she's leading him up the stairs so we turn the light off and get in positions. 3..2..1! "SURPRISE!" We all yell at the same time and both Charlie and mum jump in shock mum jumps cause she didn't expect us to be that loud and Charlie jumps in pure shock he stands there in shock for a moment before a huge grin takes over his face and he runs and jumps into my arms kissing me like there's no tomorrow.
"Hey baby I missed you" I say and Charlie starts crying happily kissing all over my face. "OMG! Nick I missed you so much you don't know how much I love you!" Charlie says in between kisses. "Awwwwww" we hear come from behind us in a teasing tone, I almost forgot that the others were here also " shut up, guys" I say flustered that we had just kissed so much in front of other people.
"Omg hi guys! I'm so glad your here too!" Charlie says as he runs to give each one of them a hug they reciprocated the hugs and 5 minutes later we were back downstairs again getting our things out the car while Charlie and my mum were in the living room watching tv.
When we walk back in I see mum sitting alone on the couch so I ask her where Charlie is and she points to the kitchen. I walk in the kitchen and find Charlie fixing himself a cup of tea. "Hey baby I was looking for you" I said and Charlie looks up from his tea "yeah I just went to get some tea, do you want some?" He asked "sure" I say with a smile and he smiles back. After he made my tea Vi comes running in the kitchen excitedly "Charlie! Do you wanna sing songs with me and René!" She says bouncing from excitement "Sure!" Charlie says just as excited.
When he first came up to uní to visit he, Violette, and René all got along really well and basically became best friends—don't tell Tao that he'll freak out— and anytime he visited they would always hang out together, but now that we came down for the summer maybe the gang and them could become friends like Charlie and the others have.
After Charlie Violette and René finish singing their songs we all decide to head into our rooms for the night, as it started getting dark outside.
-The next morning-
The next morning Charlie ask the gang if they want to meet him at the milkshake bar to hangout, little do they know that me and the others are here so we're gonna surprise them. I really want my uni friends and the my at home friends to get to know each other because I hang out with both of them a lot. Tara and Elle are already here and they are expecting me to come two days from now but little do they know I'm here now.
As we arrive closer at the milkshake bar Carlie sees Taos beanie and so he tells us to follow after him just where they can't see us. We were trailing behind Charlie for a few minutes before he tells us to hide behind a tree and then we he says he has a surprise to some out and surprise the gang.
3..2..1!! "SURPRISE!" We jump out yelling for the second time today. The gang pauses and looks at us in shock "Nick!" Tara and Darcy yell excitedly jumping up and running to hug me " Hey Guys!" I say just as excited besides Vi and René Tara and Darcy are my best friends girl wise cause Charlie's my best friend.
Anyways the rest of the gang all come over and hug me including Issac and Tao—I was pleasantly surprised when Tao hugged me— after a group hug Darcy asks "when did you get here?" " Last night" I reply "then why didn't you come say hi to me and Tara?" Darcy ask's acting offended before I can respond Charlie cuts me off and says "He wanted to see his mum and Nellie first, he also surprised me but he said that he didn't wanna see y'all right away cause he wanted it to be a surprise!"
Charlie says cheerfully chuckling a little I say "That and the fact that I brought some of my uni friends down with me I wanted them to get settled in first before y'all met" They look behind me and pause "Hi! I've heard so much about you guys, I'm Violette Nick's best gal pal!" Tara and Darcy look at me offendedly before I say "Don't worry Tara and Darcy y'all are still some of my best friends also" I say with a slight smile.
A look of relief flashes across their faces and they start introducing themselves. A few minutes later we all decided it was best to sit and have some milkshakes. I got bubblegum, Charlie got chocolate, Tara and Darcy got banana, Elle and Tao are sharing a strawberry one, Issac has plain vanilla, and René has a pineapple one— I didn't even know they sold that one— Vi, has the same as me and the rest didn't want milkshakes.
- time skip -
We all finished our milkshakes and headed to my house so that we could have a sleepover because Mum said she didn't mind. Once we reach my place we hear Nellie barking excitedly because she can smell all of these new people.
When we get inside we were all bombarded by Nellie giving us sopping wet kisses. We eventually got her off and all went upstairs to my room so that we could play some games.
"What games should we play guys?" Charlie asked "Truth or dare!" Darcy shouts "21 Questions!" Vi shouts "ok, how about both?" Charlie asks "ok!" They both shout.
- 10 minutes later -
" Nick!, Truth or dare?" Vi asks excited "uhmmm...dare...?" I say hesitantly she gets a mischievous look on her face and says " I dare you to...."
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We said goodbye to our house. Packed up all the rest of our belongings into our 2 vehicles and are currently chilling in a hotel. If we had stayed another 2 days we wouldn’t get our money back for the rest of the month for who knows how long.
Yesterday we went out for dinner with a friend. Today we are going to go get our retiree ID cards and get the all clear to leave. We plan to hit the road tomorrow morning. It’ll be a long 11 hours across Texas. Tomorrow will be our longest day. Gonna go try and visit my grandpa in Houston as I haven’t seen him in years but he always posts hilarious things to my husbands Facebook. The two have never met. Then we are going to visit my husbands uncle in Mississippi and then we will make our way to Tennessee. I’m tired already and can already tell I’ll have to pee every 5 mins. Last time we did this because we are doing 2 vehicles, we found it easier to go old school and talk to each other via walkytalky. Also, my husbands headlights are messing up and we want to avoid driving at night because it’s hard to see.
I’ve already mispacked and couldn’t remember what bag I put my dogs stuff in, where I put my make up, where I put my charging cables etc lol
My dog seems hella confused and concerned.
The hotel we are at had requested we bring our kennel and my husband almost talked me out of bringing it because we’ve never needed it before. But I’m glad I left it out and brought it. The hotel practically had us put it together in the lobby so they could take photos of it. They must have had issues with pets in the past. I’m glad I kennel trained my dog. She hasn’t been in her kennel in a couple years and I literally forgot she was and was real nervous leaving her in her kennel in the room alone. She just went in and chilled. Yay me.
Our next journey is to find a place to rent and get out of my moms house asap because I just learned my brother was moving back home too and I love family and all but it makes me claustrophobic. I’d kind of like to rent a luxury apartment or home in a community that has a community pool and gym but alas..that might be out of reach. I start my new job in December and my husband has a tentative job offer from another company that also starts in December. We did the math on our finances and if everything goes as planned we could actually afford more than I’m comfortable spending. But I hesitate to bank on anything until the money is actually flowing in. I really just want it to be 6 months from now when we have all our belongings back and we are settled into a new routing where we both complain ‘I don’t want to go to work tomorrow T.T”
My husband still wants to try and sneak in a Washington DC trip too until we start work but I dunno if that’ll happen while we house hunt.
Anyway, happy travels tomorrow. I’m going to try to listen to a book I’ve been putting off but probably listen to trash tv podcasts the whole time.

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Purr Like an Engine pt. 10
It’s been two weeks since Hitoshi showed up at your house. Within that time, you’ve met his friends Denki, Mina, Hanta, Kyoka, Eijiro, and Katsuki, the leader of the Mad Dogs. a name which made you snicker when you heard him say it. After dealing with the “wrath” of Katsuki, you and Hitoshi’s friends bonded over your love of sweets and the folder of cat photos you had of the cafe cats and your cat Neo.
“Thank you, come again!” you smiled as the last customer on your shift took their coffee and paid you.
Koda made a slight noise to get your attention. “Hey, Y/n?”
“Hmm? Oh, hey Koda!” you smile.
“I wanted to show you something.”
“Oh sure. What is it?”
“It’s Cookie Shake.”
“Is he okay?”
“Yeah, he’s great. I just wanted you to see him bonding with the others. It’s adorable.”
Following Koda into the back room, you chuckle as the kittens rush to the gate as the door opens. “Hi kitties,” you coo as they all mewl at you and Koda. “You already had lunch, munchkins. It’s not dinner time yet.”
You giggle as some of them walk away except for a couple, including Cookie Shake, who stares at you and jumps at you, landing on your leg. “Woah!”
“He’s been doing that to everyone lately….” Koda mumbles.
“He’s such a friendly little man~,” you coo, taking him off your pant leg and kissing his little face. “Also, have you seen Onyx lately?”
“I forgot to tell you, during that week you were out sick, he got adopted,” Tsuyu says as she passes by.
“Really?! Aww, the little void has a home. I’m happy for him,” you smile. “Well, my shift is over so I’ll see you guys tomorrow!”
“Later, Y/n!” your boss smiles as you walk out the back door.
Hearing a rumbling come from the other end of the alley, you turned your head and felt a chill run up your spine.
“Need a lift, pudding?” Dabi’s voice calls out from the end of the alley.
“Uh, no…I’m okay,” you smile tightly, trying to walk away.
The engine to Dabi’s bike cuts off before you feel a hand grip your arm. “Woah, woah, woah, pudding. Where do you think you’re going?”
“I have plans….”
“You didn’t tell us about that.”
“I don’t have to tell you everything.”
“Keep acting out like this and that can change.”
“Dabi, you don’t have to blow this out of proportion.”
“You’re right, I don’t and frankly I’m starting to get a little tired of this new you, Y/n. It’s funny honestly, it’s funny how you thought you could actually say shit to me? Your little biker friends seem to be a bad influence.”
“Leave me alone, you asshole.”
“Alright,” he sighs, rolling his eyes. “You’re still coming with me, though.”
“No, she’s not!” a voice shouts from the other end of the alley. Turning around as Dabi let go of you for a moment, long enough for you to pull away from him.
At the end of the alley, you see Katsuki’s spikey silhouette with his bike’s headlights in the back.
“I don’t have time for this shit, pudding. Get your ass over here. Now.”
Looking between Katsuki and Dabi, you backed away from Dabi, eventually reaching Katsuki’s bike.
Glaring at the blonde, Dabi noticed the logo on the back of his jacket. “Oh, shit, really. You’re friends with them?” he cackles as your heart races. “Shiggy's gonna love this. Forget the ride, this is way better. Later, pudding.”
Katsuki looked at you before patting your shoulder. “Don’t just stand there, cat lady. We’re gonna be late. You’ll be okay, c’mon.”
Nodding slightly, you wrapped your arms around Katsuki’s torso as Dabi’s words reverberated in your head.
‘Shigaraki’s gonna know about them.’
‘It’s all your fault if they get hurt.’
‘I didn’t mean to get them in trouble.’
‘Everything’s your fault. Getting involved with the bikers in the first place, saving Denki’s jacket, telling Himiko about Hitoshi, letting Hitoshi come over and letting him hide when Shiggy came over, hanging out with them when you knew Shiggy hated rival bikers.’
‘It’s all my fault. I can’t do anything right….’
You didn’t even notice you stopped moving until you heard a muffled voice in the background. Everything had gone quiet. The only noise you could hear was your heart pounding in your chest and your breathing picking up in speed. You felt your eyes become wet with tears as your body shook uncontrollably, and you crouched down onto the ground, trying to fight the bile rising in your throat. Before you knew what was happening, a cry escaped your lips, permitting the warm tears to flow down your face and onto the concrete.
Katsuki stared at you, sympathy washing over his face as he watched your body shake from uncontrollable sobbing and heavy breathing. You were mumbling to yourself. He’d seen this before.
“(Y/n),” Katsuki put on his best soft voice. “(Y/n) it’s okay….”
“Noisnot,” you mumble into your thighs.
“Yes, it is. The others and I are gonna keep you safe from them, and you’ll never have to worry about them again for as long as you live,” Katsuki smiled.
You could barely see through blurry vision, but you looked up at him and sniffled loudly.
“Come back to the clubhouse with me and we’ll get this all figured out, okay?”
He held out his hand as you nodded and took it, helping you up from the ground. He gave you a firm pat on the back.
“Are you good now?”
“I…I dunno. My chest hurts.”
“We have water inside. C’mon.”
Following Katsuki inside, you stiffen when you see the couch set up with a mini blanket fort, snacks, and sweets.
“What’s all this?” you mumble.
“We set this up for you. Katsuki said you seemed a little rattled after what happened, so we set up a little movie hangout,” Eijirou smiles, looking down at you.
“That was really thoughtful of you guys. Thank you.”
“It was Hitoshi’s idea,” Mina grins, pushing him forward and snickering as he looks away from you, his cheeks turning a pale pink.
“Thanks ‘toshi,” you smile, hugging him.
Denki playfully coos at you and Hitoshi as he notices his best friend blushing.
“C’mon, I’m craving popcorn!” Hanta grins, tugging you and Mina, who grabs Jirou, towards the couch.
Scrolling through Netflix, you smile when the cursor goes over Rush Hour. “Ooh! Can we watch this movie?”
“What’s it about?” Denki asks.
“You’ve never seen the most action-filled comedic blockbuster starring two of Hollywood’s most hilarious actors?!”
Denki, Mina, Hitoshi, and Kyoka look at you like you’ve grown a second head.
“You guys are watching Rush Hour. Hanta, stop hogging the popcorn. Let’s do this!”
Sitting in the mini blanket fort, you found a spot next to Hitoshi and smiled at him as you nestled beside him. “I love this movie! Action comedies are so much fun,” you squeal softly.
Hitoshi looked away from the top of your head. He noticed how some of the others had started nestling close to each other, splitting off into pairs, leaving you with him. Cautiously placing an arm over your shoulder, he smiles softly as you lean against him while nibbling on a chocolate bar.
“I never got to ask, but are you okay, cupcake?” he whispers, his deep voice rumbling against you.
“Y…yeah, I’m okay now. Thanks for this. I feel a lot better,” you mumble before looking up and smiling at him.
‘When did she get so adorable….’ Hitoshi thinks to himself as he fights the urge to caress your cheek.
As Jirou lay on Mina’s shoulder, she poked her softly, pulling her attention away from the movie for a second.
“Hmm?” she hums softly before holding back a squeal. Mina looked over to where Jirou tilted her head and cooed as she saw you and Hitoshi cuddling. “Aww, they’re so cute!”
“Hopefully, Hitoshi gets the courage to realize how he feels and confess,” Jirou whispers before focusing on the movie.
After the movie, you found yourself sitting between Hitoshi’s legs, your back to his chest, as the rest of his friends surrounding you, all relaxing in their own way, spread across the room.
“You guys have minecraft?”
“We have a server and it’s chaotic like 85 percent of the time,” Eijirou snickers.
“Cause Denki keeps adding mods before reading them, then he and Hanta almost blow up the hub whenever we’re on for like an hour.”
“It’s fun to explore new things, Katsuki! Besides, don’t act like you’ve never set the hub on fire after raging over a mod mixup.”
“...shut up,” he grumbles before turning away as his cheeks turn a rosy pink when Eijirou chuckles and wraps his arms around him.
“Can we get started already? I gotta check on my dog,” Kyoka groans.
Mina snickers and rests her chin on top of the eggplant-hair-colored girl’s head. “They’ll be fine, so long as nobody rummaged through our house when we were offline,” Mina glares in Hanta’s direction.
“It was one time, and I’m sorry about Captain Ninja!” Hanta groans.
“I bust my ass to get him from the witch’s swamp and you knew that!”
“We need to give Y/n a room in the base!” Denki chimes in.
“She can room next to eyebags,” Katsuki mumbles as Eijirou nestles against Katsuki’s neck.
“Is that okay with you, Hitoshi?” you ask, looking up at him.
“Yeah, t-that’s fine.” Hitoshi mumbles. “I don’t mind.”
After finishing the movie, you tell Denki and Mina about the sequels as you sit in Hitoshi’s lap, his arms around your waist with his switch in hand.
“Y/n, what’re you doing?” Eijirou chuckles.
“Flower planting,” you smile, placing flowers along the back of the house. I planted one for each of us.”
“Hitoshi, dude, you’re just standing there. What are you doing?” Hanta asks.
“Watching Y/n while she’s flower planting,” Denki snickers.
“Hmm?” you call out, looking away from the screen.
“Ignore Denki. He’s just being Denki. Also, I’m just farming.”
“Farming right next to his cr—Ow!”
“Stop being a menace and fix the crater caused by your pet creepers! Pieces of shits nearly destroyed my part of the house. Shit like this is why we have phantoms!” Katsuki growls, smacking Frmki upside his head.
“Hey, you tired?” Hitoshi nudges you while your head rests on his shoulder.
“A little,” You mumbled, unconsciously snuggling in closer to him.
“C’mon, I’ll take you home,” His face gained color as you cuddled closer.
“Thanks. You’re the best.”
After Hitoshi helped you out of the clubhouse, you drowsily adjusted yourself before climbing onto the back of his bike, nuzzling your face into his toned back.
Hitoshi kept his head forward, attempting to keep his blush out of your view as he checked his bike, sticking the key in the ignition. “Comfy back there? Can’t have you fall asleep on me.”
“I’m up,” you mumble. “Take me home, please Toshi?”
‘Stop being so damn cute….’ he thinks.
Chuckling softly, he starts the engine and pulls out his parking space. As the wind whipped through your hair, you looked at Hitoshi and felt your face flush as he looked back at you and smiled.
“Having fun back there?” he asks as he feels your grip tighten a bit.
‘When did he get so hot? God, stop looking at me like that. My face is hot enough,’ you think as you look at him.
“No, I’m okay. This is a lot less scary than I thought it’d be….” you mumble.
“Glad I could make your first ride a memorable one,” he smiles.
After about ten minutes, Hitoshi pulls up to your house. The soft rumbling of his engine slowly fades as he puts the bike into park and pulls out the key.
“Thanks for taking me home.”
“It was my pleasure.”
Walking you to your door, he snickers as you slightly fumble with your keys. As your door opened, a small figure came to greet you. “Hi Neo,” you coo as your cat rubs along your legs before staring at Hitoshi.
“This is the baby you mentioned? She’s so cute.”
“Thank you. Maybe you and her could bond?”
“Like a hangout? The three of us?”
“Yeah. I-I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to!”
Hitoshi looked down at you with soft eyes and a smile. Softly pecking your temple, Hitoshi’s face softly blooms into a sakura blossom-like pink. “I’d love that. Text me when you want to do it.”
Waving goodbye to you, he hops on his bike and drives off as you turn your back on the street, slipping into your house and locking the door behind you.
Little did you know, a pair of angry bright red eyes stared at you as you shut your door and entered your home.
←prev || Masterlist || next→
»Summary: Bikers weren’t necessarily a problem in your city, but to you, they were like the bubonic plague. After running into one of them, you had to ask yourself, are bikers really that much of a nuisance?
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#bnha x black!reader#x black reader#mha x reader#bnha x reader#bnha smau#shinsou x reader#shinso x reader#bonnie.writes#shinsou hitoshi#shinsou hitoshi x reader#my hero academia shinsou#hitoshi shinsou#shinsou x poc!reader#mha x black!reader#x black!reader#black reader#bnha shinsou#shinsou hitoshi x y/n
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sweethearts ~ devon bostick
word count: 1446
request?: yes!
“I’m not sure if you do this but can you do a Devon Bostick imagine where they met on the set of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and they’re still together till this day? Possibly like them being asked about their relationship in a interview or something. Thank you so so much :))”
description: in which they’re teenage sweethearts, and everyone finds this fact absolutely adorable
pairing: devon bostick x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
Landing the role of Jessie Jones in the first Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie was a massive deal for me for many reasons. First, it was my first starring role - I was playing a family friend of the Heffley’s and would be featured heavily in the movie. Then there was the fact that this was a movie adaptation of a very popular book series, a series that I had also been into at the time.
Walking onto set that first day I was shaking with nervousness. There were so many people - cast and crew - and they all looked so professional and used to a film set. I felt so out of place and I wondered if I should’ve been there.
I looked up to see a boy around my age approaching me. I tried to swallow my nerves, but I found them just becoming heavier with someone actually talking to me.
“Are you our Jessie?” he asked.
I nodded. “Yeah, that’s me. I’m (Y/N).”
“Devon, I’m playing Rodrick.” He shook my hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, you too.”
I felt so awkward and I was so sure Devon could feel that. I just wanted to melt into a puddle on the ground and have the awkwardness be over with.
“Have you been to costume and makeup yet?” he asked. I shook my head. ���Well, I have to go to costume now, I can show you where it is.”
I sighed with relief. “That would be great.”
“Follow me.”
He led me from the set to the group of trailers outside. I tried to peer at the signs on the trailer doors to see what they were, but we were walking so quickly I didn’t really have time.
“Is this your first movie?” Devon asked.
“Kind of,” I said. “I’ve had mainly small roles or background work. What about you?”
“A few bigger roles. I’m in the Saw movie that’s coming out this year, actually.”
“That’s awesome! Although I am a massive pussy so I think I’d skip on that one.”
Devon laughed. “I don’t blame you. They’re scary movies. I don’t even know if I’m allowed to watch the movie.”
Our conversation was interrupted when we arrived to the costume trailer. We were both whisked away to get ready. I didn’t see Devon for nearly an hour, but by the time we reunited we were preparing for the first scene of the day.
It didn’t take long for me to lose my nerves. Within a few minutes of shooting I got into the character and almost forgot about the cameras and the crew watching me. At the end of the day I didn’t even want to go home, I just wanted to keep filming.
Devon found me as I was waiting for my ride home. “Hey, great job today rookie.”
I chuckled. “Thanks. It helps to have such great castmates.”
“You seem pretty professional as is, but maybe we could hang out and run lines for tomorrow’s shoot. If...if you want?”
He seemed so shy and awkward, the exact opposite of how he had been all day. It was kind of cute...okay, really cute.
“That’d be great actually,” I said. “Where did you have in mind?”
“There’s a fast food place not too far from here. We could walk there.”
“Sounds good. Lead the way!”
10 Years Later
My giant husky, Heimdall, came bounding into the room and onto my lap as I was talking to the talk show host on my laptop. I let out a groan as I felt the air being knocked out of me.
“Well, this is a pleasant surprise,” the talk show host chuckled.
“For you maybe,” I joked. “I don’t quite enjoy my big dog thinking he’s still a puppy or a lap dog, but I can’t really pretend like this is something new for him.”
Heimdall licked at my face as I scratched his head. Devon appeared in the doorway moments later, a guilty look on his face as he tried not to be too much on camera.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize the door was open,” he said.
“It’s okay,” I said to him.
Devon whistled for Heimdall to follow him out of the room, which led to the giant dog digging his paws into my stomach as he jumped off of me. I groaned again, playfully glaring after him as he trotted out the door.
“Interesting interlude there,” the host teased. “Was that Devon Bostick we heard in the background there?”
“It was indeed. He took Heimdall out for his daily walk while I’m in the interview. I’ll likely get tackled by the big brute again when I leave the room.”
“How often do the two of you get asked about Diary of a Wimpy Kid and your relationship starting there?”
“Not as often anymore. It’s been nearly 10 years since we started dating and eight since the last movie in the trilogy, which I wasn’t really in. I’ve been asked every now and then about it, but not as often as you would think.”
“Pardon my brief gushing, I just think the two of you are adorable. I mean, you were both teenagers when you met on set and started dating shortly after, and you’re still together all these years later! Most high school sweethearts don’t make it this long as it is, let alone being in the public eye for basically your entire relationship.”
“Well that’s the thing, we haven’t really been in the public eye all that often. We kept pretty lowkey when we first started dating, which wasn’t hard cause neither one of us was all that famous. Once our careers got bigger and we started getting noticed we had basically figured out how to hide from paparazzi and cameras and all. We don’t post about each other on social media all that much either, just a picture every now and again. We’re not sharing our day by day lives with the world basically, which I think is the best way to keep a relationship private and to navigate through being two celebrities dating.”
It had worked thus far in mine and Devon’s relationship. Even after confirming that we were dating just before the release of Rodrick Rules, neither one of us posted the other on social media at all. It wasn’t until the first set of breakup rumors started swirling that we decided to make tiny posts about each other when we felt like it, which was mainly on birthdays and holidays really.
Although, even if we were super public with our relationship, I didn’t think anything would pull us apart. As cheesy as it is to say, I did think Devon was my soulmate. We clicked so quickly after that first time hanging out (which we decided had been our first date years later), and I had never felt so confident that I was meant to be with someone. I wasn’t surprised that we were still together all these years later.
I continued with my interview for a while more before saying goodbye to the talk show host and leaving the video call. I sighed and stretched my back out, feeling the tensed muscles from sitting for so long popping. As I expected, the moment I opened the door, Heimdall came running for me.
“One of these days you’ll realize you’re not such a small dog anymore,” I told him, kneeling down to pet him. He licked at my face in response, which I figured meant he would never realize that.
“Did we derail the interview too much?” Devon asked, coming to join me on the floor.
I shook my head. “Not much. We talked about our relationship a little bit, but we moved on almost immediately after that.”
Devon smiled. “Yeah? What were you talking about?”
“Oh, the usual: meeting on set, keeping our relationship lowkey, when you’re gonna put a ring on it.”
He gave me a playful look. “You say that as if you’re not the one who said you’re more than okay with just being common law married until we’re 30.”
I nudged him. “Yeah, whatever. Let’s go take this oversized baby and watch some movies downstairs.”
Devon nodded and leaned forward. I gave him a quick kiss before pulling away and shoving the massive dog towards him. While he was incapacitated, I took the opportunity to run down the stairs. Heimdall was to his feel and chasing after me, Devon following closely on his tail.
I couldn’t imagine a better life than this, with my teenaged sweetheart and our fur baby. The perfect happily ever after if you asked me.
#Devon Bostick#devon bostick imagine#devon bostick x reader#imagine#one shot#request#fanfiction#fanfic#fandom
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A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this one, bit different of a topic to deal with. I have read a lot of stories of these things happening, I have put warnings in and if the topic is too much please don’t read. I will accept constructive critiscm. (I understand that what happens throughout this writing is not a reality for some but it is a work of fiction and I absolutely hold no intent to offend anyone.
Warnings: Mentions of sex, talks of infertility, language.
W/C: 5K... there may be typos.
You were almost in shock as you stared at the test in your hand. Impossible. There was no way that this was true, it couldn’t be, you’d been told as much. You furrowed your brows as you looked up at the doctor.
“This isn’t, this can’t be right.” You stumbled out.
“It is, we’ve tested you almost every way possible. You’re pregnant.” He confirmed and you still couldn’t work out how it made you feel.
You’d never considered this as an option, you were told when you turned sixteen that you couldn’t have children, that you were infertile. You struggled with bad periods and when you went to the doctors they ran full tests on you and that’s how you found out. You’d never thought about children, why would you have? The idea of being a mother wasn’t something you ever considered and now you were faced with it, well you didn’t know how to feel.
You were terrified, you’d come here today because you thought you were ill, not pregnant. You wondered if you were dreaming, you were so sure you’d turned your alarm off and rolled out of bed this morning for this appointment. It must have been a dream, there was no way this was possible.
The doctor continued to look and you and you looked up at him, you couldn’t speak, you didn’t know what to say. You didn’t even know how you should feel, let alone what to say about it. “Would you like us to call Mr Holland?” The doctor asked, he’d grown concerned over your quiet demeanor.
“No,” you shook your head. “He’s away.” You continued quietly.
“Would you like me to call someone for you?” He asked again and you shook your head.
“No, I’m okay. I just, I don’t know. I’d never considered this a possibility. Will it make it? The baby I mean?” You asked quietly and the doctor gave you a small smile.
“You stand the same chance as every other woman who falls pregnant.” He offered, it was almost a comfort to you, the worry setting in that you’d miscarry because you genuinely believed the universe didn’t pick you to have children. You nodded slightly as you stood. “You should talk to your husband.” He added.
“I will.” You confirmed, you just didn’t know how and when. You’d told him about your infertility early on in the relationship so you could save a broken heart down the line, save him getting his hopes high as the relationship progressed. He’d mentioned the idea of adoption, but it was something you both wanted to wait for and hadn’t fully decided if you were going to, what if this hindered the plans you’d made together?
Being a married couple who seemingly couldn’t have children, you’d planned your lives to work a little differently. It never involved a family in your mid-twenties. You’d been with him for three years, married six months and now you were about to become parents. Where would this leave you?
You suddenly felt guilty, you were part of an extraordinarily rare group of women. Shouldn’t you be jumping for joy? Maybe you would be if you weren’t so shocked. You hadn’t exactly been trying, of course you’d gone three years having unprotected sex with no birth control but there was never any need. You were never doing it for the purpose of procreating. You didn’t even track your period, that’s how much you believed you couldn’t conceive.
You made your way out of the doctors, sitting in your car as you pressed your forehead against the steering wheel. You debated telling Tom your appointment was over but ultimately decided not to. He was only an hour ahead of you from where he was filming, you knew he’d be waiting for your text or call but you weren’t ready to have the conversation, you still had a lot to process first. The drive home was almost a blur, making your way back to your shared house.
Tess greeted you, jumping up at you as you mindlessly stroked her head, making your way into the kitchen, she was hot on your heels, your greeting towards her wasn’t what she wanted, it felt off. It was like she always sensed when you were out of sorts or having a bad day, she’d follow you around, make sure you were okay. Pouring yourself a glass of water you thought about what you should do.
Your thoughts spiraled more the more you thought about how you were going to tell your husband. You wanted to feel complete and utter joy, but you couldn’t, so many emotions running through your mind at once. It was almost head ache inducing. Your phone buzzed on the side, bringing you from your thoughts as you picked it up, opening a message Tom had sent you.
Tom: You finished yet? Seems like a long appointment. You okay? I’m getting worried not hearing from you xx
You stared at the text, how do you respond? You can’t tell him news like this over a text or a phone call, it didn’t seem right. You needed to tell him in person, but he wasn’t due back for a month, you swallowed thickly as typed out your response.
You: Yeah, sorry, I forgot to message, got distracted. I’m okay xx
You read his reply, he was happy you were okay, a light scalding about scaring him like that. You needed to see him, but you couldn’t ask him to come home, he’d only worry more, and he was filming, his schedule was tight. You sighed as you pulled up Harry’s contact, it didn’t take him long to answer.
“Y/N? Hey.” Harry said, his usual chirpy self.
“Hey Harry. Can you send me the details of where you’re staying? Want to surprise Tom.” You said as normal as you could muster.
“You missing him already? He’s only been gone a week.” Harry teased with a short laugh.
“Yeah, I just want to see him.” You confirmed, tone dropping slightly.
“You okay?” Harry asked worriedly, he knew you were always up for a laugh, but you’d not taken the bait, so he knew something was off.
“Yeah, like I say I just miss him.” You sighed, hoping Harry wouldn’t press further. “Just don’t tell him I’m coming, yeah?”
Harry promised he wouldn’t ruin the surprise, giving you the location of the hotel they were stopping in. You put the phone down and booked your flight, the next one wasn’t until tomorrow and you needed to talk to someone about this, you also needed to find cover for your shifts. You killed two birds with one stone as you called your best friend, asking her to come over if she could.
“Y/N? What’s up? You okay?” She asked as she made her way into your home. She knew something was off when Tess didn’t greet her like she usually would. The dog only looking at her to make sure she wasn’t a threat before placing her head back in your lap.
“I don’t know.” You answered honestly, you felt tears brim your eyes, the emotional confusion was becoming too much for you. She sat next you, carefully as not to disturb the dog in your lap, who huffed, leaning her head onto you more. She became almost jealous when anyone else tried to comfort you, Tom found it endearing and infuriating at times.
“Have you had a fight with Tom?” She asked carefully, the pups ears pricking up at the mention of her owner. You shook your head in response. “You just missing him a lot?” She pried, trying to get to the bottom of your problem.
“No more than usual.” You answered as you slightly scratched Tess’s head.
“Help me out here Y/N/N, what’s wrong?” She asked and you looked at her, she noticed the tears in your eyes and furrowed her brows. “Y/N/N?” She asked softly and you let the tears fall, you couldn’t help it. Tess standing on your lap as she nudged at your face. She assumed you were missing Tom, she was always so attentive and tried to cheer you up when you cried.
“I’m pregnant.” You said through your tears, pulling Tess into a hug as she placed her head on your shoulder. Your friend looking at you, shocked expression on her face.
“Are you, are you sure?” She asked carefully. Of course she knew about your supposed infertility.
“The doctor said so. I don’t know. I didn’t think it was possible. I know I should probably be happy but it’s so much to take in. I didn’t know this was possible.” You got out. Your friend waited for you to calm down, watching as you cuddled Tessa, the dog licking your cheek every now and again until you calmed down.
“Sorry,” you said as you sniffled, eventually calming down. Your friend smiling at you, in a comforting way. “I just, I don’t know how this is supposed to make me feel.” You said, Tess now peacefully back in your lap.
“I don’t think there’s a hand book for this sort of thing.” Your friend said. “Look, you’re just confused. The impossible has just become possible for you, of course you’re not gonna know how it makes you feel. You told Tom yet?” She asked.
“No, I don’t know what to say. I don’t even know if it’s something he wants right now.” You said, tears welling your eyes. “How do I tell him?”
“I think you should just come out with it. Just say it. He loves you, I’m sure he won’t leave you. This is a good thing.” She reassured as she placed a hand on your shoulder. “A really good thing. Just tell him. I’ll cover your shifts this week, just go and tell him.” She said with a smile.
“You really think he’ll be okay with it? That we’ll be okay?” Being pregnant was already scaring the living hell out of you and the thought of doing it alone? You couldn’t think too much about it right now.
“I know he loves you and I know that the two of you are solid. You guys can work through anything. I think he’ll be over the moon. You’ve been given a chance that not many people in your position do, I know that means you’re scared but you don’t have to be, you’ll be okay. Just let the excitement in.” She said and you took in her words.
Maybe you did need to relax, this was a good thing. You didn’t feel ready to have a child, but you were given a gift that not many other women in your position are. You should be excited, you thought about it for a while, letting the excitement flood you. This felt like a miracle, an absolute gift from the universe.
After a relatively short flight you were met with your brother-in-law’s arms, as he picked you up from the airport.
“I could’ve gotten a taxi.” You smiled and Harry shrugged.
“Toms on a closed set, spoilers and all that. Didn’t have anything better to do.” He teased as he nudged your shoulder and you smiled. “Right, out with it.” He said after your lack of usual response.
“What?” You asked, furrowed brows.
“Something’s off. What’s wrong?” He asked, concern written all over him as he opened the passenger door for you, making his way to the driver’s side.
“I just want to see him.” You shrugged, bringing a hand up to play with your bottom lip.
“I appreciate that, I do. But, you had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and all of sudden you’re rushing to see him.” He observed, he cared for you just like he would his own sister.
“How’d you know about that?” You asked and Harry gave you a knowing look, of course Tom will have spent the last few days worrying about it. “Can I tell you when I’ve told Tom?” You asked quietly.
“Wait, are you sick? Like actually ill?” He asked as he pulled into the drive of the hotel. He turned the ignition off and looked at you. “Y/N/N, are you okay?” He asked again and you couldn’t help as you burst into your second fit of tears in two days. He placed a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry I’m just worried.” He furrowed his brows, when you didn’t respond he sighed as he pulled you into a hug.
“I don’t know what to do.” You said vaguely.
“About what?” He asked as he hugged you tighter, it was awkward positioning, but you felt slightly better.
“Harry I need to tell Tom something and I don’t know how he’ll react.” You sobbed, something about being in the hotel grounds had your nerves shooting through you, you weren’t far off Tom right now.
“Hey, whatever it is it’ll be okay.” He said as he rubbed your back, you silently calmed yourself and he pulled you back to look at him. “Come on, let’s get you to your husband.” He said as you both exited the car.
The walk through the hotel didn’t feel long enough, your nerves felt like they were eating away at your heart, making your breathing more difficult as you tried to calm them. Harry was quiet as he led you through the halls. When he stopped outside the door you knew was Tom’s hotel room, you felt panic rise, you couldn’t do this.
“Harry, I can’t.” You said as you stopped him opening the door. He whipped to look at you.
“Y/N/N, when has there ever been a point in your relationship where you haven’t been able to talk about something?” He reassured and you sighed.
“This is different.” You said and Harry smiled sadly.
“It’s nothing you guys can’t handle. You’re a strong couple you know.” He reassured as he grasped your hand in his. You’d always been close to Tom’s family, they became like your own brother’s. “Come on.” He said as he opened the door with the second key, Tom had his back to the door.
“Harry? Where’d you go?” He asked, knowing it was his younger sibling.
“Went to pick up a present for you.” Harry smiled and Tom turned with furrowed brows.
“Wh- Y/N/N?” Tom let out a breath of surprise. Seeing him after almost eight days apart still brought that feeling of excitement in you as your feet moved before you could stop them. Running to him as he opened his arms, ready to catch you. Your body collided with his as he picked you up, your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist as he buried his head in the crook of your neck.
You inhaled his scent, letting it calm your nerves, it always did. His scent and being in his arms, grounded you, kept you sane. It wasn’t long before the panic set in, what if he wouldn’t be there to ground you anymore? What if he didn’t want this? It was hard, you knew everything about him apart from his want or lack of when it came to children. You didn’t know how he was gonna react.
“I’m just gonna.” You heard Harry excuse himself as he heard your sobs start again. Tom stiffened slightly, holding you tighter.
“What’s wrong? Hey, it’s only been eight days, we’ve done more.” He said as he lightly shrugged his shoulder, forcing you to look at him. He took in your face, how tired you looked, it wasn’t until he settled on your eyes that he saw the fear in them, he didn’t miss a single detail when it came to you. “What’s happened?” He asked and you shook your head before stuffing your face back into his neck.
He held you, let you cry, he knew you’d talk but he wouldn’t push you. As worried as he was he’d wait for you to calm down, wait until you were ready. You stayed like that for a good five minutes before he heard your breathing calm and sniffles quieten, running a hand through your hair and running a hand up and down your thigh in comfort.
“Tom?” You whimpered and his heart shattered, he couldn’t decipher what the fuck was going on and it scared the shit out of him. You’d seen him and cried your eyes out, your sobs shaking your body in a way that had Tom’s heart hammering in his chest.
“What’s wrong baby?” He asked, voice soft as he kissed your temple. “What happened?” His grip tightened when you tried to get down, your body had still clung to him like he’d disappear. Hands relaxed as you let go of the tight grip on his t shirt. He didn’t want to let you go.
“Can I get down please? You might want to sit for this.” You said and Tom furrowed his brows as he did as you asked. He studied you for a moment before you gestured for him to sit on the edge of the bed, wiping at your sore nose. You’d rubbed it so much after all your crying that it felt a little tender. He sat and you sat next to him, taking his hands in your shaking ones as you played with his fingers, he knew you did that when you were nervous or extremely relaxed and he deciphered the reason easily.
“Hey,” he said as he let you continue playing with his digits. “You can talk to me, sweetheart you’re scaring me here.” Tom said, voice incredibly soft, he was scared if he talked any louder you’d break, he’d never seen you so vulnerable.
You breathed in, you had to say it, he’d find out eventually, it wasn’t exactly something you could hide. On top of that you and Tom didn’t do secrets, not between each other. You let out a shaky breath as you looked at your husband, nothing but worry and care reflecting in his eyes.
“I,” you started, voice hoarse from all your crying. “I don’t know how to say it.” You admitted and Tom’s heart dropped, he’d never in your entire relationship seen you so vulnerable, never seen you at such a loss for words.
“Just say it. Rip the bandage of?” He offered in aid, and he heard you take in a deep breath before speaking.
“I’m pregnant.” You breathed out in a whisper. Tom didn’t catch it as he pulled one of his hands from your grasp, eyebrows furrowing as you pulled it back into your grasp. You were grounding yourself, using his hands as a way to keep your emotions in check. He knew that which is why he left his hand he’d previously tried to free.
“Sorry darling, I didn’t catch that.” Tom said as he placed his chin on your head. You played with his wedding ring on his finger for a moment, twirling it on his finger, it wasn’t as mindlessly as you usually did it, before you spoke again, it was still quiet, but Tom didn’t miss it. The words echoing around the silent hotel room. Of all the things he expected to be wrong, this was not it.
“What? How?” Tom got out, shock taking over his system. He didn’t think this was possible, didn’t think you could.
“I’m sorry.” You said, voice quiet, no tears but Tom would be surprised if you had any left. You placed your head on his chest as you waited for his response. You were nervous, incredibly so and Tom was shocked.
It was your fingers playing with his more harshly as you grew more nervous of his silence that brought him crashing back to Earth. His heart hammering in his chest, excitement bubbling through his system. He felt like he’d just been told he was King of the world, felt like every good piece of news had come back to him all at once. This was a miracle.
“Say it again.” Tom said with a smile on his lips, he needed to hear you say it again, just so he knew it was true.
“I’m pregnant Tom.” You said and he couldn’t help himself as he let a tear fall, his chest filling with a happiness he hadn’t felt since you’d said, ‘I do,�� and he was sure this was even happier than then. You’d done something you were told was impossible. “Are you angry?” You asked, voice small as you grasped a hand around his wedding finger.
“Angry? Princess this is the best news in the world. We’ve been given a chance, one most couples don’t.”
You looked up at him and studied his face, it was full of nothing but joy and adoration, you smiled sadly as you let the excitement settle in your chest. You didn’t have to do this alone, he wanted this. You both did.
“I’m scared.” You voiced your concern.
“You’ve got me, and I’ve got you.” He said reassuring as he kissed at your cheeks. “We can do this. Together, like everything else.” He said again and you let go of his fingers as you hugged him, strong hands finding your back as he pulled you tight against him
A month later and Tom had quit the role, the director and his agent understanding, he needed to be here for this, he couldn’t and wouldn’t miss it. He didn’t care if it gave him a bad name, you and your baby came first, always. Luckily everyone understood, well everyone involved in making the film. You still needed to tell your families, your mum and dad had cried at the news, your dad unbelievably so. Your sister was nothing but ecstatic for you, it was not time to tell Tom’s family, Harry had been worried after your exchange when he picked you up, but he stopped pushing when Tom reassured him you were okay.
“What? I thought?” Harry started as he looked at the couple in shock, of course Tom had told him that you were unable to have children. He’d told all of his family to stop the questions about them cropping up.
“So did we.” You said with a smile, nothing but excitement was left now, all your fears and concerns leaving your system.
“Are they certain?” Sam asked, he was just as shocked as Harry.
“Yeah.” Tom said, you’d been to a couple of doctors to confirm the news, the two of you both lived for a solid week thinking you were dreaming and almost needed it confirming as many times as was possible.
“I’m so happy for you.” Harry said with a wide smile, engulfing you in a hug, squeezing you tight.
“Have you told mum and dad?” Sam asked, smile matching his twin’s.
“Not yet.”
“Mum’s gonna cry.” Harry smiled.
“What?” Dom asked, like everyone else, nothing but shock evident.
“Oh Tom,” his mother said as she hugged him, smile on her face as she cried tears of happiness. “This is a miracle.” She said and Tom smiled as he hugged his mother back.
“I thought it wasn’t possible.” Dom was still in disbelief.
“So did I.” You said and Dom pulled you into a hug.
“I couldn’t be more happy for you.” He said into your ear.
His parents understood this was different for you, Tom had made the choice where you’d not had one. As harsh as it sounds Tom could have called it quits in the early stages of your relationship when you’d told him. Whereas for you, you’d lived your life thinking it didn’t matter who you married you’d never have the choice and here you were. Nikki was the next to pull you into her chest.
“I’m so unbelievably happy for you, you have no idea how happy I am for you right now.” She cried into your shoulder, and you smiled, Tom mouthing a slight ‘sorry’ over her shoulder before his dad pulled him into a hug.
It wasn’t until your three month scan that things got incredibly emotional, when the nurse had placed the gel on your stomach to listen for a heartbeat. You all heard two and the only person who didn’t catch on was you, you assumed it was your own heartbeat. Tom cried when he heard them, cried so incredibly hard and you assumed it was because he’d heard his child’s heartbeat for the first time and it was, but it wasn’t only that.
“I knew twins ran in the family but Jesus fucking christ.” Tom muttered as he sniffled, and you looked at him confused.
“Darling, there’s two heart beats.” Tom said as he looked at you, how had you not caught on. You looked to the nurse for help.
“Mrs Holland, you’re having twins.” She smiled and you almost screamed in joy. How had you gotten so lucky? You couldn’t help as you pulled your husband into your arms, he let out a slight breath as you pulled him to your chest and cried into his hair.
Neither you nor Tom cared the gender of your child, male or female, you were ecstatic. The baby reveal was incredible, it brought tears to everyone’s eyes as they watched the two of you with your little confetti canons.
“Okay, darling. On three?” He asked, nerves kicking in for the both of you. He whispered out the numbers and on three you both set your canons off. Blue confetti showered everything in its path, they were both boys. You heard as Harry and Paddy practically roared in excitement, Sam clapping his older brother on the shoulder with a ‘congrats.’
Tom picked you up and cried into your chest, you were both over the moon. You ran your hands through his hair as you kissed the top of his head, you’d never seen him as emotional in the last few months, he cried at everything do to do with your pregnancy.
“We’re gonna have nephews!” You heard Paddy scream as he fist bumped Harry, the two had been adamant they were both boys. You smiled at their excitement.
The labour was long and hard, you felt like you couldn’t carry on through the last four hours. Both boys being born, half an hour apart, you both cried, Tom cutting the umbilical cords with shaky hands.
“I’m so proud of you.” Tom said as he kissed your temple, you were sweaty and in your opinion probably looked like shit, not to Tom though. You looked like an absolute angel.
“I never thought I’d have this.” You said in a small and tired voice, a wave of emotions hitting you.
“I know sweetheart.” Tom said, he knew there really was nothing else to say, no ‘if’, ‘buts’ or ‘maybes.’ What had happened for the two of you was an absolute miracle, a chance not many were given.
“I love you.” You said as a tear slipped, and Tom was quick to wipe it away as he moved the sweaty mess of hair from your forehead.
“I love you to, more than anything.” He said as he rested his forehead against yours.
“Tom, I’m all sweaty.” You groaned as you tried to calm your onslaught of emotions and he laughed.
“How do you think these guys were made, we had to get a little sweaty then didn’t we?” Tom teased and you lifted a tired hand to slap his shoulder. He laughed as he pulled away to hold your hand.
“Thank you.” You said as you played with his fingers, particularly the wedding ring that rested on his finger. Although this time, it wasn’t out of nerves, you were content, happy, in pure bliss.
“What for?” He asked, the gratitude confused him.
“For staying with me, sticking by me.” You said as you closed your eyes slightly, you were so tired, a long labour having caught up with you.
“I told you when I asked you to marry me, I’m never going anywhere, no matter what. Get some rest darling.” He said but it fell on deaf ears, your breathing evening out as you looked the most content and happy he’d ever seen you in his life, sleep consuming you. Your hand didn’t leave his, your two healthy boys were currently sleeping next to your bed. As Tom looked around the room at his family that was much bigger than he’d anticipated at the start of the year he counted his blessings that whoever was up there had given you a chance.
#tom holland x reader#tom holland x y/n#tom holland fluff#tom holland imagine#tom holland one shot#tom hollad fic
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Tiny Treasures | JJK x Reader | 💜🐾(☁️)🔞

Commission for @eyerin !! Thank you sm for that request! 💖
Want to request too? Take a look at my ko-fi then! (ko-fi.com/bonnykookoo)

Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Hybrid!Reader
Genre: hybrid AU, non-idol!AU, Web-Designer!Jungkook, bunny hybrid!Reader, featuring Taehyung: your local scatterbrain (TM)
Warnings: absolute fluff, it’s cotton candy I swear, so soft, so sweet, oh lord, reader is shy and sweet, Jungkook is whipped, he’s so sweet with her ugh, this is now my official emotional support Koo, some mentions of past abuse/neglect, did I mention that kook is whipped, because his heart go boom boom whenever reader so much as BREATHES, strength kink (hint), your local praise and size kink say hi as well, no smut would you believe it, possibly future parts? I dont know I just love them okay
Summary: Jungkook was a hopeless romantic believing in love at first sight- and then there was you, a bunny experiencing the tiny treasures of life for the first time. Together, with him.

It's busy in Jungkooks apartment- something thats unusual, considering that technically, the young man lives alone, doesn't really fuck around, and works at home as well ever since he took on the job as a web-designer. There was no reason to cause such an amount of stress in his home- other than the simple fact of his best friend currently pacing around, steps so fast and hard that Jungkook scared his flooring would soon melt underneath the older ones shoes he didn't take off in a rush. There were bags on his couch, bags on his counter, and a backpack somewhere in his living room- all because of;
"Okay so, she's okay with eating almost everything BUT!" Taehyung holds his finger up as if he's lecturing a child in front of him- which he's not, Jungkook is a full grown adult at this point, and looks at him unimpressed with furrowed brows as his older friend lists up things he needs to keep in mind for the hybrid he's looking after for the day. "Please make sure she's hydrated, she tends to forget to drink during the day. If she does and gets a headache there's medication in the bag that I've put on the couch- you've seen it right? Should I show you again?" He stresses, and Jungkook holds his friend's shoulders for a moment.
"Can you like, breathe for a moment please?" He says, and Taehyung nods, following the instructions for a moment before Jungkook continues. "Okay great. Now that you're not hyperventilating anymore I can tell you that yes, I've seen the bag-" He says, pointing towards the couch that's littered with so many things it seems like he's giving the hybrid up for adoption today instead of just dropping her off until tomorrow. "Second of all, I've taken care of Yoongi before and he's still alive, what's so different? Just because she's a bunny- or was it hare- wait is there a difference..?" Jungkook drawls off, suddenly thinking and not quite remembering if he's ever quite asked himself the difference of these two things. Taehyung however seems offended by that.
"Jungkook, she's a BUNNY, not a hare! That's a HUGE difference!" He whines out, and Jungkook looks at him a bit sheepish, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Oh god maybe I shouldn't go, this is a bad idea.." He says, already taking out his phone to cancel the date he has tonight, but jungkook holds the elders friend before he can make that mistake. Taehyung was a busy man, running a hybrid rehabilitation center in Seoul and Daegu- while talking to Busan's department for partnership. He really loves his job- but sometimes he gets too invested in it, just like now. He's finally got a date for himself after years of being alone; but he almost shot the poor woman down when he remembered that you, a newly rescued hybrid was staying at his home- something he never did before. Sure, he had taken over the rehabilitation of hybrids before, but he had never ever taken a case home with him. But after meeting you, seeing you, and knowing what you've been put through, his heart simply couldn't leave you at the shelter- even though he knew that it was probably the best place to be for you. But he had done what he had done now- there was no turning back with you. He couldn't leave you alone yet, so Jungkook had volunteered to look after you for the day and night, until Taehyung would pick you up the next day. The younger one had always looked after Yoongi, a cat hybrid later on adopted by Jung Hoseok, a friend of both of them; so he personally felt good about taking you in.
It was just for a day- what could go wrong?
"Come on, don't you trust me? Or is she like, super aggressive or something?" Jungkook asks, and Taehyung sighs. He hasn't told the younger one much about you, believing it was bad karma to talk about others when they weren't present. Yet this time he'd have to make an exception- because Jungkook needed to know at least some things about you and where you came from. Everything else would be unfair.
Taehyung sighed. "She's a category 3, so she's still recovering from her past home. She's just.. super shy and timid, and gets scared pretty easily so, I'm just terrified Jungkook. I know you don't want to cause any harm, but what if something happens and she just falls back? She's come so far these days, you should've seen her when I got her.." He said, and Jungkook looked at him- the eyes of the younger serious, reminding Taehyung that deep inside, he was more than just a schoolfriend. "When she got to me, she didn't even know how to use cutlery Kook. She.." But Jungkook smiled, placing a hand to his friend's shoulder in reassurance.
"I get it. I'll do my best, okay?" He says. "I promise I'll call you as soon as something's up, okay?" He says, and Taehyung nods. With a small wave he leaves the apartment to pick you up from the shelter- and Jungkook, in exchange, began to rummage through the plastic bags Taehyung had dumped onto his couch.
He was familiar with hybrids to some degree- he never really had owned one, and neither did his family. He knew that his brother owned a dog hybrid, but he had yet to bring him to family gatherings; Jungkook had never seen the puppy hybrid himself. His parents however said that she was nice, and Jungkook never really had any bad experiences with them. He sometimes visited Taehyung at work and conversed with some of the more chatty hybrids.
He was familiar with caring for them to some degree. As already stated before, he'd looked after 'grumpy-cat' Yoongi a lot back in the days when he was still in the center for rehabilitation. Jungkook knew about their different preferences in food, and their different behaviors. He, sadly, also knew about the mistreatment most of the hybrids went through before getting to the center into Taehyungs and his Staff's care- and he always hated it. The stories he sometimes heard made him sleepless during the night, made him research donation websites just to cleanse his mind for the moment.
But it only ever lasted until the next case would turn up at Taehyung's doorstep.

Quite frankly, Jungkook didn't know what he'd expected. After all, he'd never seen you in person, he simply went after Taehyungs description of you, but what was now standing at his door, was something that erased any thought he may had prior to opening it.
You were so.. delicate? Cute? He's never used the word 'cute' for a person before, because he simply thought aegyo and all of that was something girls put up for a facade of innocence. He hated that with a passion, cringing any time he saw it- yet there was, in his opinion, no other word that described you better. You were just as shy as Taehyung said, yet you forced yourself to bow a little as a greeting, taking a small step back however when Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts and opened the door fully to step aside. He threw a smile your way, hoping it could ease your nerves a little- and it seemed to work, because he saw your lips turn a bit upwards into a shy smile.
He felt as if he'd just won a ranked overwatch match against the seoul dynasty.
"Okay, I'm gonna pick you up tomorrow ASAP, okay? Are you gonna be fine here?" Taehyung asked you, and you looked over his shoulder- your bright eyes meeting Jungkooks, who was leaning against his kitchen counter, smiling boyishly while waving a little. It made you feel okay; he seemed nice enough, and after all, any friend of Taehyungs was a friend of yours. He'd taught you that. So you nodded, and Taehyung smiled, patting your head for a moment, your ears flopping to the sides before standing upright again after his hand left you. He waved goodbye and seemed a bit reluctant to leave- but you knew that Taehyung was excited for his date. He'd talked about nothing else these past days, and it made you happy to see him so giddy over something.
"So." Jungkook started, his voice fitting him, you thought. He looked fit, and comfortable to you- his oversized sweater probably big enough for you to hide in. Wait- what was that thought?! You averted your eyes immediately, ears shyly drooping backwards as you began to shuffle your fluffy socks on his wooden floor, the laminate suddenly super interesting. "Taehyung said you should have a nice healthy dinner- but I may forgot to buy groceries, so, is it okay for you to tag along?" He asked. "You can choose what you want to eat while we're at it, too." He said, and you perked up at that.
"I can?" You asked, ears slowly moving into a more confident position again, and he smiled at that achievement.
"Sure!" He exclaimed, and walked towards the door, grabbing his jacket, before he looked at you. You were staring at something- and as he followed your gaze, he saw your shoes. Simple sneakers in colors that fit your current clothes, but, was he connecting the dots correctly? He didn't want to offend you in case you were simply deep in thought, so he simply waited, slipping on his own shoes, as he watched you out of the corner of his eyes.
You really were struggling to tie your shoes.
So he simply sat down on the small step that divided his entrance from the rest of his apartment, and tapped the top of his knee. "Come here, I'll help." He said, and your eyes widened, shaking your head.
"I'll- I'll get your pants dirty.." You said worriedly, but Jungkook shook his head again.
"Don't worry about that." He said, and you hesitantly placed your shoe on his knee with just the very tip- something that made him smile a bit before he placed it down properly, tying the laces quickly.
"Sorry." You apologized, but he shook his head yet again as he tied the other.
"It's fine." He simply said, before you both got up, going outside. "Do you, uhm.." He began, nervously picking on the slight fuzz of his skin against his chin before he finished, by holding his hand out. "You know, so you don't, accidentally get lost or something. Taehyung would kill me." He laughed, and you blushed, before hesitantly taking his larger hand, holding it as he walked to the nearby grocery store with you.
Inside, it was busy as usual- but Taehyung typically didn't take you out during these hours, something about you maybe becoming overloaded by sensations and sounds. You've never been to a grocery like this before though- because while yes, it was a lot, Jungkooks hand never left yours even for a second. He calmly explained things you seemed interested in, and his entire presence calmed you down, even though you didn't really know him at all.
But your instincts were telling you that he was a good person; and until now, they had never been wrong.
"So, which one do you like?" He asked, pulling you from your thoughts as you were drifting off a little. He smiled at you, while you were looking at the shelves, pointing towards a pack of ramen. You've never tried it, but you had been interested when you saw them at Taehyungs place once or twice- however, back then you had been too shy to ask if you could maybe try it sometimes. "Hmm.. you sure about this one? It's pretty spicy sweetheart." He said, letting the petname slip as your ear flinched a bit into his direction, eyes widening a bit. Taehyung sometimes called you sweetheart as well- but somehow, in some weird way, it made you feel all tingly inside hearing it from Jungkook. "Uhm.. maybe, I can buy this one, and this chicken flavoured one- you can taste mine, and if you like it, we can switch. Okay?" He explained, and you nodded, not really listening anymore as you looked at him with an almost fascinated expression.
Taehyung had told you he had never truly taken care of a female hybrid, let alone a rehab-case such as you were. But he seemed so nice, so sweet, it was hard to imagine him not owning a hybrid- or being single. While Taehyung had never outright said that Jungkook was, you assumed so by the hints you noticed here and there. No other scent than his in his home, and you also remember Taehyung teasing the younger yesterday over the phone, saying something that at least Taehyung was getting himself some dating action.
For some weird reason, knowing that Jungkook didn't have a partner made you feel nice.
But then you remembered his words. "But- what will you eat if I eat yours?" You ask, and he shrugs.
"We'll simply switch then. I don't mind." He says, placing both packs in the shopping cart as you watched him. Your old home hadn't been too kind to you, yet you still didn't know anything else than the treatment you got back there. It was still new to you how easy going some people were, how much freedom you actually had. You've seen kids on swings last week, and a girl feeding a stray cat in an alleyway. Those were things you've never seen before.
"Okay, now the fun part." He says, and you look up at him, his head nodding towards something specific.
Your eyes widened seeing all the different packages and flavours, making your ears droop a bit in confusion. You were lost; what should you choose? You didn't know any of these except some flavors Taehyung had at his house. Jungkook, already connecting the dots, opens one of the doors. "Do you like fruity things? I personally like mild flavors, like vanilla." He says, picking a box of two separate containers. "How about this one?" He asks, and you nod excitedly.
"Yes please.!" You say, pretty much vibrating on the spot as Jungkook places the box into the cart, making an elderly lady next to the two of you chuckle.
"So sweet. And great manners too!" She says, before a hybrid walks up to her; his bright orange badge showing that the dog hybrid was a service worker. "Take good care of her, young man, yes?" She says, and Jungkook nods, squeezing your hand a little tighter as you both watch the lady getting escorted towards the cashiering section.
Jungkook had honestly never really thought about taking care of his own hybrid. He always worried that his friend's teasing was actually real- that he was too immature to quite take care of another living being except his own. Depp down he knew of course that he was capable of that, but insecurities sometimes still bit at his soul from the inside. He couldn't do much about that- he was a hopeless person in that department; still believing in love at first sight, and that human-hybrid relationships are nothing weird.He secretly loved romantic dramas, read shōjo mangas at the bookstore whenever he was too scared to buy them- afraid of being teased for it. He hated perfumes, enjoyed soft smells and fabrics, and even knew how to braid hair. He may looked like a typical muscle-head; with nothing filling his brain apart from protein powder and the need to work out and survive off of energy drinks and leftover cup noodles, but that wasn't really who he was. He simply liked to take care of himself, nothing more. He didn't work out for anyone but himself.
For some reason he enjoyed taking care of you like this. You were so sweet, so cute, that he couldn't help but already feel a little protective of you- that fact having only little to do with Taehyung. Maybe he simply needed a small push into the right direction to finally experience what it was like to have a hybrid, to test out what it was like to live with one.
But he didn't just want a hybrid, he noticed as he watched you carefully place the items of the shopping cart on the cash register, just like he'd asked you to do-
He wanted you.

He could feel someone staring at him. It was like it was piercing his neck, like laser dots on his skin, and it should freak him out like nothing else if it wasn't for the fact that he knew it couldn't be any other than you. He looked at the pot he was putting water in, the reflection showing your form sneakily watching him from the entrance of the kitchen. He chuckled. "Hm.." He began, dramatically sighing. "I wish there was a certain sweet bunny hybrid here to help me cook.. but I guess she's too busy.." He hummed, as he made sure the water in the pot was enough for one pack, before he turned around, your form now standing a few steps behind him. "Oh?" He said, acting surprised as you shyly smiled.
"Can I help.?" You asked, and he nodded, patting the counter to which you walked, squeaking cutely as he simply turned you around with gentle hands, lifting you up to sit between the stove on one side, and the sink on the other. You'd somehow come to the conclusion already that he was quite strong- but the short taste you got of his strength made your heart race a little. It was instinctively, really; your kind looked for partners with certain attributes, after all. They were supposed to protect you and your offspring at some point- even though that part made you look at your knees in shame, before Jungkook snapped you out of your thoughts before they could sway.
"Can you open the packages for me?" He asks, and you nod, taking them out of his hands and opening the foil carefully. You take out the still hard noodles before the flavor pack falls out, slapping on the floor as it falls down out of your hand. Jungkook however doesn't scold you- simply picks it up and gives it to you, and you look at him for a moment- watching him for any indication that he's mad. But he's not.
It's as if nothing had happened.
So you put the flavor pack and tiny oil package on top of the noodle blocks, so carefully Jungkook has to force himself not to just simply scream from how concentrated you look doing something so simple. "When the water boils, like, when it bubbles a lot, you can put these packs in, alright?" He says, and you nod, as if he's giving you instructions on how to prepare for war. He can't help himself at that moment, grinning so hard his dimples show as he reaches out to pet your head.
It's a little like Taehyung, but it feels a lot different.
With Taehyung, while you do feel safe and comfortable around him, and it feels nice, it's not at all like Jungkook. The younger one makes your heart race. He makes your pride swell, and your eyes sparkle- it's as if you've been given an award for the greatest achievement ever. You almost whine when he lets go.
So you later on put the packs into the boiling water with so much precision, immediately seeking his approval right after, to which he smiles at you. "Good job, Bunny." He says, and pets your head, absentmindedly moving the palm of his hand from the top of your head to instead cradle your cheek. Its such a soft and gentle touch that you almost go limp- closing your eyes and leaning into it. He only notices that when he looks back from the pots- now turned down a bit to a simmer as to not overcook- and his heart surely bursts in that moment.
You look so.. there's no word in Jungkooks head to properly describe the view he has, that image of you in front of him. He can't help himself- begins to trace his thumb against the soft skin, watching your ears relax and flop down. He can't imagine that someone like you could ever be done harm to; and while he doesn't know much about your past, he's sure it hadn't been pretty. It makes him want to just keep you right here, in his apartment, close to him, where he can make sure no one could ever cause you to be upset.
Both of you are abruptly pulled out of your thoughts by his phone ringing, the device so badly placed that it falls down to the floor after vibrating a few seconds. "Fuck!" He exclaims, picking it up and sighing in relief when it turns out to still be without damage. He takes on the call, and on the other side of the line, is Taehyung. He greets his younger friend, instantly asking him if you're okay- if you've eaten yet, drank anything, if you're homesick- all in one breath, it seems. Jungkook chuckles, simply placing a hand on your knee, thumb again tracing a pattern he's unsure of what its supposed to be. The warmth seeps into your skin through the fabric of your clothing. He smiles at you, and for the first time, maybe because you're feeling so.. smitten with him, you smile back. Not just a shy little lift of your lips, but a full on beaming smile, making his hand reach out to brush along your ear- internally gasping at how soft the fur is. How can something be this soft?! "Taehyung, she's fine. We're making ramen right now, she helped me cook, and afterwards we're gonna have icecream and watch a movie or something." He explains, and Taehyung claps back with something along the lines of 'but don't let her have the spicy stuff, she can't handle that-' but the younger one doesn't listen that much anymore. "Yeah yeah, listen, we're fine. Go get your girl, jesus." He laughs, and Taehyung chuckles as well, hanging up after reminding him to get you to bed at a reasonable time- as if you're a child he's taking care of.
Because that's the thing. You're not a child- and in Jungkooks eyes, you're not a pet. You're so sweet and easily interested in the simplest of things, he can't help but wonder if you had any hobbies. Did you like video games? Or drawing? Were you into books- hell, could you even read? He wanted to know so much more about you than just those tiny breadcrumbs of info he had gotten from Taehyung. He dearly hoped that maybe, maybe you would like to see him again after leaving tomorrow. He really hoped.
And as you ate, shaking your head at Jungkooks spicy ramen after tasting the broth a little from his spoon (which he did make sure to blow on as to not have you burn your tongue, bless his heart), he really did hope.
He really hoped that maybe, you felt just as happy around him as he felt around you.

It seemed that going grocery shopping, cooking, and eating icecream had taken its toll on you. Your eyes were practically falling shut every few seconds, yet you tried to stay awake as much as possible. Jungkook smiled at you, brushing some hair back before he moved your shoulder a bit. "Hey, bunny?" He asked, and you nodded, humming a noise of yes, you heard him. He chuckled. "You'll have to get up baby. I have to prepare the couch for you." Typically, it would be normal to give a guest the bed- if he was being a gentleman. But that was what he was being; because his couch was the most comfortable thing in his entire apartment for that matter. Yet maybe it was the sleep inside your bones making you drowsy, but you shook your head. "Hm?" He asks, and you suddenly move.
You shuffle around, suddenly hugging him tightly, head hidden in his chest as you rub your nose against the soft fabric of his shirt for a moment. "Don't wanna." You complain, and he swears he dies and gets ressurected all at once seven times in total at your next words. "Wanna sleep with 'koo." You drawl, and he knows he should not let you. You're not thinking clearly- but he can't deny you anything when you're like this, it seems. You've got him wrapped around your little finger, tightly, with no chance of escape.
So he gently picks you up after turning off the TV, bringing you to his bedroom, where he puts you on the bed, your tired form struggling to stay seated. He picks out a shirt of his to wear, and a pair of your shorts out of your backpack Taehyung has left for you. "Sweetheart, can you change for me?" He asks, and you simply let yourself playfully fall ontop of his mattress, making him sigh. You're going to be the death of me. "Oh really now?" He says, before he crawls over you, with the intention to tickle you a little awake- but he stops in his tracks. In fact, time seems to stop as well, as your eyes stare at him, so big and full of wonder he almost can't stop himself from looking at your lips.
But its you who shyly- and so quickly he almost doesnt catch it- pecks his lips before sneakily slipping out his grasp, taking your clothes with you into the bathroom, leaving him on the bed. He sits down, touching his lips for a second, absolutely unsure if he'd just experienced this, or if he had just had a fever dream of some sorts.
It's only when he notices you don't emerge from the bathroom, that he moves. He gently knocks at the wooden door, asking for you, but you don't answer. "I'm gonna open the door, okay?" He says, and does so seconds after, spotting you sitting on the tiled floor- now dressed in his sweater and your shorts, ready for bed. He notices however how you're hiding in the sweater- the hood covering your ears, while your hands shield your face. "Whats wrong?" He asks as he squats down in front of you, his hands gently pulling yours away from your face. You're not crying, thank god, but the look on your face speaks entire novels about how embarrassed you feel.
"M'sorry." You say, and pout, and he shakes his head.
"Don't be." He simply answers, helping you stand up after a moment. "Why do you feel bad?" He asks, and you shrug your shoulders.
"I just.." You start, but suddenly your eyes grow glossy. "I miss Taehyung-" You say, and Jungkook's heart drops for a moment. "-but I also don't wanna go home tomorrow." You finish, and Jungkook blinks twice, before he looks at you, confused. You didn't want to leave? Him? "I.. no, it's fi-"
"Say it." He demands- its not harsh, its not even loud, its almost just a whisper, tuneless words pressed out in a breath of air. "Don't keep it in- say it." He prompts you, and you swallow, not looking at him.
"I wanna stay with you." You say.
And he swears, the pain in his heart was the sweetest he'd ever felt.

The next day, after breakfast, Jungkook and you sit on his living room floor, him teaching you how to build a rubber powered plane- the one's he used to make as a kid. He'd kept a kit in his apartment back when he moved out of his family home but never got around to really use it. It was the perfect opportunity for you to enjoy the things you had missed out on in your life. He loved the way you so intensely watching his every move as he showed you how to put the pieces together. "And that's gonna fly?" You ask curiously, leaning over a bit as to get a better look at it.
"Hmhm." He says, holding it up, before giving it to you. "Here, turn this part until you can't anymore." He says, and you start twisting it for a while. "Don't worry, you can't break it." He says when you hesitate a little. He highly doubts you'll be able to snap the rubber band. "Tight?" He asks, checking, before he nods, standing up. "Lets go fly it outside!" He says, opening the glass door to the small backyard of his apartment. "And- Go!" he says, and you throw it just how he showed you minutes prior; letting it fly for a good moment before it landed.
"It flew!" You exclaimed happily, and he laughed as well, congratulating you as if you had just won a competition. He held you tightly to his body for a moment after you had jumped into his arms- and that was how you just stood there for a moment, simply existing, holding each other. For you, this was a moment of realizing that no, you're not alone. You're not useless, you're not just a pet, you're not just existing for someone's enjoyment. You had this one person at your side now, someone you could count on, someone to make you feel safe. And for him? Weirdly enough, he felt like the male lead of a romantic drama show- finally getting the happy ending he always craved in his life. He never knew what exactly he always wanted from his time here on earth. Was it success? Was it money? A big apartment, a nice home, a lot of friends? No, it was building a blanket fort with you in his living room. It was going to the grocery store with you, protecting you from big dogs that scared you, or holding you during the night. Every cheesy romantic thing he could imagine, now always featured you in his head; and it just, fit. It fit perfectly.
You fit into his life just perfectly.
It's later that day when Taehyung picks you up that he realizes that yes, he's positively in love with you. Because how can he not fall in love with those glistening eyes, hand waving goodbye for now because of course he can't just keep you like he wants to. There's paperwork involved, and your things need to be moved to his place- all of that needing to wait for social services to check his home, so that they can make sure he's really the right fit for you. It's then that he finally lets everything sink in, finally lets him think about what's going to happen, whats going to change.
And for the first time, he couldn't wait for it. He couldn't wait for things to change.

Jungkook baked you a small cake for your welcoming into his home- finally yours as well, as you hug Taehyung for the last time, the older friend waving before the door closes, Jungkooks arms instantly pulling your back into his chest. He leans his head down, kissing your shoulder, before he runs his sensitive lips over the so unbelievably soft fur of your ears. Three weeks had passed, yet to him it had felt like an entire year. Jungkook was sometimes impatient, and waiting had been pure torture for him. So now, as he was finally able to hold you again, he felt his entire stress vaporize into nothingness.
You giggled, before turning around, hugging him fully, and rubbing your face into his sweater, as if to get your scent onto him. Which was exactly your plan- after all, he was your human now, officially yours, so everyone should know that. The rumble in his chest that was his chuckle made you smile widely, grinning as you looked up at him, chin resting on his chest.
Oh may god have mercy on his soul!
He leaned downwards, finally capturing your lips with his, the first real long kiss to be shared between the two of you. Both of you melted into the sweet gesture, your ears falling down lazily as he showered you in affection; kisses to your nose, your cheeks, and your lips again. He continued until the corners of your eyes gathered tears from laughing so much.
This was how you were supposed to be. You were never supposed to cry because you were upset-
the only tears you should ever have to shed, should be tears of happiness.

(c) Bonny-Kookoo. Please do not translate, re-post or claim as your own. Thank you for reading- and please stay happy and healthy.

#bts imagine#bts#bts fanfic#bts fic#bts smut#jungkook imagine#bts jungkook#jeon jungkook#jungkook#bts reactions
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NEFELIBATA (Chapter Three)
Check the masterlist for the trigger and content warnings!
| Prologue | → | Chapter One | → | Chapter Two | → | Chapter Three | → | Chapter Four | → | Chapter Five |

Finding sudden interest in Kiyomasa, Mikey returned to his upright position and began approaching the male - who was still stuck in a bow. (Name) just scoffed as his ass-kissy nature; acting like he's top dog, when, really, he's just a shoe shiner "Are you the one who organised this 'fighting ring'?" Mikey questioned with a smile on his face, albeit it being one (Name) quickly recognised as fake. Uh oh.
She stops in thought for a second. Based on the timing of which Draken and Mikey showed up, it likely meant they had heard the entire interaction from when she had stepped in... which means they also heard Shitty-masa call her a bitch, and threaten to kill her. She felt sweat accumulate on her forehead. Oh God, Kiyomasa's so dead.
"Y...Yes!" The way the brute had said it with pride made a deep rooted rage bubble up inside of her, and she got off of the floor beside Takemichi and rolled up her sleeves. She was gonna give this little bitch a painful lesson- An arm stopped her from moving, looking up into the eyes of the individual. Draken just shook his head, a silent warning to not go near - and a silent promise that Mikey was going to sort this spineless coward out.
A quick foot collided with Kiyomasa's nose, something that would usually send any grown man to the floor had Mikey not harshly dug his fingers into his hair to keep him upright "Who the fuck are you?" He glowered, sending a punch to his face. And another one, even a third one "Huh? Answer me." A fourth one was landed directly onto his broken nose. No one dared to intervene, but (Name) could hear the small whimpers of Kiyomasa's name from Red.
One final punch landed before Mikey dropped the trash to the ground, blood dusting both of his cheeks as he stomped onto Kiyomasa's head "And that's for calling (Name)-chan a bitch." The look of triumph overtook his features as he looked over to Draken and (Name). Okay, as crazy as he was, she felt touched that he got revenge for her. Almost made her cry (not really, but for dramatic effects, it totally did) "Shall we go home, Kenchin?" Draken just nodded and sauntered over, giving everyone a glare "Underground fights are stupid." He scoffed one last time before beginning to walk away.
Draken grasped (Name)'s hood and began to drag her along "Don't do things to ruin the name of Touman." The blonde braided man reminded. The girl began to protest at his hold, wanting to stay and make sure Takemichi was okay - whining lowly and turning around (not a smart idea, it just meant that now she couldn't see and these two crazies were taking her to god knows where).
"Takemitchy!" At the sound of his new stupid nickname, the boy turned to face Mikey "See you later." He smiled, a genuine smile. At least (Name) knew he was safe around Mikey and Draken now; but she didn't doubt that the thought alone didn't send shivers up and down Takemichi's spine.
Draken waved his free hand dismissively as he walked, a very disgruntled (Name) in tow "You guys, don't stand there daydreaming, go away."
"Take-chan!" (Name) shouted "I'll call you later, don't you dare miss it!" She told him, nearly tripping over as Draken pulled her forward "Ken-chan stop doing that!" Although her plan to talk to Takemichi right after failed, she'd meet him at the park later or tomorrow to talk about it - after todays events, she was pretty sure... Hanagaki Takemichi was a time leaper.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
"Didn't I tell you to stay safe?" Draken began, glaring down at the nervously sweating girl. Of all the things to blatantly forget, why was it she forgot how scary Draken could be? She nodded slowly "Then why the hell were you putting your body between two guys having a fist fight that was about to turn into a one sided beating with a bat!?" The tall teen quickly inhaled to regain the lost breath at his ramble. Mikey, like the little shit he was, was simply watching from his place on his motorbike, clearly entertained at (Name) being scolded like a four year old. You little shit-
She shook her head and regained composure and looked Draken in the eyes "In the nicest way possible, Ken-chan, you guys were taking forever. Regardless of what you told me to do, Takemichi is my childhood best friend and I was going to protect him. You would do the same." Her tone was unwavering. (Name) wasn't scared of Draken (she knew he was actually a softie and the fact she stood between a fight probably sent him into cardiac arrest), and she gently patted his cheek "I'm okay, Ken. You guys made it in time, and saved us. Thank you."
Draken just ruffled his own hair, clearly stressed out, but a little calmer "You know that's not the point," He reprimanded "what if we hadn't gotten there in time?" She looked at her shoes at that question. The obvious answer would be 'then I'd fight him', but she wasn't much of a fighter in middle school so she was completely uncertain about whether she would've made it out unscathed.
"Just leave it Kenchin!" Mikey piped up cheekily, gaining both of his friends attention "She's okay; she didn't get hurt. It doesn't matter what could've happened, because it didn't." He reminded his right-hand man, before looking at (Name) "Just don't do it again; promise?" He held out his pinky and she just laughed, hooking it with his.
"I promise!" (Name) readily responded gleefully before throwing herself into Mikey's arms for a forceful hug. She needed this - it'd been twelve long, lonely and painful years since she had seen him. It was her own fault, she accepted - she had ran away, but she also knew that running away with partially justified. Her eyes shut as the blonde began rubbing soothing circles onto her back (they probably thought she needed comforting after that 'terrifying' situation), and she felt herself slowly lull into a sense of serenity.
"Are you ready to go, (Name)?" Mikey quietly asked as to not startle her from her calmed state. She gently pulled away from the cuddle with a tired grin and nodded. Both boys just smiled at her, Draken ushering her onto the back of his motorbike.
She felt so... free.
And it felt like nothing could ever bring her back down.
#tokyo revengers#tokyo manji gang#tokyorev x reader#sano manjiro#ryuuguji ken x reader#ken ryuuguji#takemichi hanagaki#tokyo revengers x reader
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The King ~Chapter Four
Pairing(s) King!Werewolf! Bang Chan x Human!Reader Series Warning(s) – Swearing, Violence, Wolf Dynamics, Smut (in later chapters) and along with others that will be added later. Chapter warning(s) – Lots of Swearing, almost fight A/N – Thank you to everyone who has followed, like and reblogged. I feel someone shaking me awake. I crack one eye open to see Hannah. She’s in everyday clothing. “Hey, Y/N, its time to get up its 10am.” I sit up, rubbing my eyes. “Your brother brought you some clothes. I'll help you get dressed if you need to,” she said. I throw my legs over the side of the bed. I was able to stand on my own and put weight on my ankle. “Good it looks like you can get around on your own now. But do you still need me to help you?” I shook my head. “No, I think I got it. But if I need you, I’ll call you,” I say grabbing my clothes. She nodded, happily and sat on the bed. I was still hobbling not really wanting to put weight on it yet but some. My brother brought me a t-shirt and jean shorts and even some sneakers. I finish getting dressed and handing my dirty clothes to Hannah. Jay even thought about packing a scrunchie for my hair. He knows me so well.
“Chris wanted to make sure that you ate before meeting with him. He knows that you have a lot of questions.” I nod and follow her into the dining room. She linked her arm with mine. I used to roam around these halls with her and Chris when we were young. Before our parents died, our family were the closest nobles to the royal family. So much so that us kids would play together. We hung out and played together constantly. But when I turned twelve, our parents were killed by the king. “Our chef made some French toast and hash browns. I think those are still your favorite, right,” she asked. I nodded. I’m surprised she remembered that. Although I was twenty now, I still eat like a child. “Good.” We continued in silence as she opened the dining room door to see Jay and Chris sitting at the table. “Good morning, Y/N,” Jay said letting me sit by him. I sat quietly while they talked. Chris smiled at me as I sat across from him. I half smiled back. “Did you sleep well?” I nodded looking around the dining room. Nothing really changed except the wall color was now a pale cream color instead of navy blue. I looked over at Chris. He was in a plain white shirt now, but I noticed some stray blood on his face. It was too small of a splatter to be his. I shudder to think on what happened to the suspect. I had heard that his three years as a king he is quite brutal when it came to crimes against his people human or not. Hannah pointed it out to Chris as he wiped his face. “Good. Food should be ready soon and then we can talk, okay?” I took a sip of water. “Okay.” We ate while talking about the olden days of our childhood like nothing ever changed. “Okay, I have to go to work. Chris will make sure that you get home alright?” Jay hugged me and kissed my forehead. Great alone again with Chris… “Y/N, come with me.” I hear Chris say. He grabs my wrist lightly and pulls me into his office once again. It brought back the memories of me finding out the truth a pang of guilt and sadness surging through me. “I’m sure that you have a lot of questions.” He sat in his chair waiting on me to say something. “Just one. Why?” He let out a sigh. He got up and stood in front of me leaning on the oak desk. “From what we gathered, they knew that you wouldn’t have a normal life and they though that killing us would make it better for the humans. But in all honesty, it probably would have led to another war between the two. I don’t blame them for wanting better for you,” he explained. “Why am I just now finding out about this?” Chris frowned. “You should have been told when it happened. I wish someone had I feel like you would have been around more had you known the truth.” I feel myself blush. I do have to admit that I did have a crush on him when I was young. “Maybe I would have. Everything is so different now that you are king.” He frowns again. “I’m still the same guy just with power and not as awkward.” I chuckle. He was. I was getting ready to hug him when fucking Miranda busted through the door. Motherfucker… “Chrisy, I was so worried about you,” she said going to hug him, pushing me out of the way again. I roll my eyes. Hannah followed in after her. “Miranda, leave my brother alone and go home. Also how did you even get in the castle grounds they’re off limits to the public right now?” Miranda smiled. “My mother works for yours remember so she let me in to see Chris,” she said putting her hands on her hips. She glared at me. “What is she doing here then,” she huffed and then pointing to me. I clenched my fist and my teeth. “I mean considering Y/N’s brother works here and my brother was protecting her last night. I also believe that’s its none of your fucking business to know why she’s here. Their family is still one of the most powerful families out there so I would watch who you’re talking too.” Hannah is in her face. Holy shit I forgot how kick ass she is. “At least my family didn’t commit treason.” Before I knew what I was doing. I lunged forward but Chris grabbed me holding me by the waist. “She’s not worth it, Y/N,” Chris
whispered in my ear. I kept trying to get after her. “You need to leave,” Hannah said, looking like she’s ready to her herself. Miranda flicked her hair back. “Fine then but wait till everyone hears that the human is hanging with the big dogs again.” She left out of the room leaving the tension at a high. Chris still held me in case I went after her. “Are you alright now?” I looked at Chris. I fixed my shirt that had raised from him grabbing me. “Yeah I’m fine,” I huffed. Not really but I didn’t want to end back up into his arms again. “I’ll tell mother that Miranda was let in. Why don’t you take Y/N back home? I’m sure she has work tomorrow,” Hannah said, looking to her brother. Oh yeah right full moons a thing. “Right. I’ll walk you home. Do you still know the back way?” I nodded as we left the office. We would take a lone path behind the castle that led to our house. I was tired and ready for a hot shower and my bed. Chris led to the path it was only slightly overgrown with colorful flowers, weeds, and vines. Even though grown over the ghost of a path still remained prominent. “It looks so different out here. But there again it has been years since I’ve been through here,” I said then letting out a nervous chuckle. “Yeah I didn’t realize how beautiful the flowers are through here,” he says smiling. I blush lightly. He grabbed my hand leading me down the path. “You know as kids we were pretty wild, right?” I looked up at him and nodded. “Yeah we were even up until…you know. We were always in trouble.” Chris nodded as we neared our back gate. As we reached my house, Chris stopped me from going in his eyes changing color. “What’s wrong Chris?” He pushed me to the side of the house gently. He points to the door. Its slightly ajar but I never open the back door “Stay here. Someone’s been in your house besides your brother,” he explained and headed in. My hearts starts to pound while waiting for Chris to come back. After a lifetime, or about 10 minutes he comes back out. “You’re gonna wanna see this,” he says following me into the house. Everything was still in place until I got to the basement door. I stared at Chris. He gave me a nod letting me its okay. “What did you keep down here?” My brows knitted together that’s when it hit me. “When my parents papers and journals were seized when the assassination attempt was made what ever was left my uncle put down in the basement,” I said flipping on the light. As light filled the room, I see everything thrown around papers, documents, even our baby pictures laid scattered on the floor. Chris bent down to look at what’s left of the papers. “There’s nothing here but old grocery lists, drawings you and your brother did, and receipts. What ever it was they didn’t find it and left.” I nodded. But what were they looking for?
#bang chan imagines#bang chan#bang chan smut#werewolf! bang chan#stray kids smut#stray kids fanfic#stray kids#stray kids imagines
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*walks through the door*Hello (*´꒳`*)
I have bought you guys today these box if three kittens, I found them on the side of the street. I wanted you guys to take care of them since my house is home to a lot if dogs. Also they're hypoallergenic so you don't have to worry about any allergies.
Also observer, wheres your family? Haven't seen them in a while, I want to meet them actually and scrap's family too, I also want to meets hollow but I don't think I can, can I? But that's aight, I would also like them to meet the other people and friends that keep visiting your home, I think that be cool, but that's all for me rn, I am gonna go scavenge some more things to give you guys,
lexdrigoooo out! (☞ ᐛ )☞
*teleports out*
The four stared, Akuma's OC was with them.
"Akuma you take them." Observer Mirabel stated. "What? No! I'm from an MLP universe! Scrap should take it, they're going to survive better since IT DOESN'T ALWAYS HAVE VILLAINS RAMPAGING." Akuma pointed a hoof at one of their creations.
Scrappy Mirabel shrugged, "Sorry but I already have too much animals in my casita, Antonio's animals are in THAT season too, so no." She exclaimed.
They all looked at Hollow Julieta.
She rose an eyebrow and crossed her arms, "Apologies, but have you not noticed where I live in my AU?" "Oh yeah we forgot that YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING CABIN HOLLOW!" Observer yelled.
Scrap looks at Akuma's OC in the eyes, "You're hiding from everyone in your portal right? But you're known to be left alone, why not take them in?" She asks, They sighed.
"Look kid, my reputation in the universe I'm in is that I'm scary and that I have a scary past, if they see that I have cats it'll be all over the newspaper." "Oof lmao." "Did- did you just say LMAO???"
Observer snorts, "The Observer Madrigals will be a bit busy for a week, but they'll be here tomorrow or something. I'm not sure. You can meet Scrap's family though!" She grins.
"Even Hollow's family, I'll have to change their reunion up a bit." Hollow looks at Observer, eyes narrowing.
"You are not planning to create a scene, will you?"
Observer grins wider, "Oh I'll make a scene alright, this damn reunion is taking too long."
#encanto au#mirabel madrigal#observer mirabel au#mirabel au#random thought i had lmao#scrappy mirabel au#hollow julieta au#卂Ҝㄩ爪卂 is an oc
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The Prince Of The Antarctic Empire Au (PAE AU)
The Prince of the Antarctic Empire
BASIC INFO: Wilbur is 18, Techno is 22, and Philza is 28, Tommy is 5. (At the start).
It all starts when Wilbur finds this kid on NewFoundLand territory, and this kid - who is like 4, mind you - is beating the shit out of some Zombie’s
Like he is using a cobblestone sword - but is just like, messing these Zombie’s shit up.
Wilbur, being the responsible adult he is, goes up to the boy - who is like extremely thin, and seemingly weak - and asks him if he wants to have dinner at his house.
The kid says yes - after a lot of negotiation - and, after Wilbur gives a brief introduction of himself, the blonde boy introduces himself as Tommy.
During this dinner, Wilbur tries to get the boy to open up about himself, but he is extremely untrusting of adults - specifically tall ones who find him in the woods.
A few things Wilbur learns about Tommy:
He is 5 years old, but he knows he looks younger
He doesn’t remember having parents - he was pretty open about it when Wilbur asked him where his Parents were - but he knows that they either left or died, he has been alone for two years.
He doesn’t want to intrude on Wilbur; multiple times he declined the offer to ‘make himself at home’ or to ‘check out the bathroom’ or ‘the guest bedroom’
He is acutely aware of his surroundings. He also has insane reflexes - Wilbur guesses that these two facts are a factor of him being alone from such a young age.
Several times, Tommy caught something that would’ve rolled off the table - Wilbur knew that these things were out of eyesight for Tommy, but he still reached out his hand and caught them without looking away from Wilbur - also, more than once, he moved his leg away just as Wilbur’s dog would’ve ran into the boy.
Throughout the little chatter that Tommy offers, Wilbur Soot notices one more thing - the kid is funny. Really, really, funny. With the small remarks, and comments, and rebuddles, he can tell that this boy bounces off really well with Wilbur’s sense of humor.
For some reason, he finds himself laughing with this 5-year-old boy more than he had with his brothers mere nights before.
Wilbur Soot notices one more thing during dinner.
He has fallen in love (platonically you fucker) with this boy - and he won't let go.
Between his small giggles, and bright smile, and blue eyes. Tommy’s demeanor, or the way he can make Wilbur laugh, or the way Tommy held Wilbur’s hand when they walked back to his house -
Wilbur had found his little brother. He wanted to take care of and protect this kid for the rest of his life. Wilbur wanted to make Tommy giggle everyday, and teach him everything Wilbur knew about the world, he wanted to keep the boy safe - it seemed like Tommy needed that the most, the kid had been alone since he was 3 -
Wilbur Soot, whether TommyInnit liked it or not, was going to raise this kid.
That night Wilbur sat Tommy down for a small talk, that basically went like this:
“Hey, Tommy?” Wilbur drawled, looking at the blue-eyed boy, who had been sat on the floor next to Wilbur’s dog, Fluffy. (I know that’s Techno’s dog, and I know that Wilbur’s dog is PeeDog - but that’s a bit weirdchamp to put in a story.)
“Yeah, Mr. Wilbur?” Tommy had automatically answered while petting Wilbur’s dog - who had also taken an odd liking to the blonde.
“Would you like to stay the night?” Wilbur stated a small smile growing on his face.
“No - no. It's okay. You don’t have to. Really, Mr. Wilbur -” He had stopped petting Fluffy in favor of looking at the man alarmed
“No, Tommy. I want to help you.” Wilbur started, voice soft. “How about, you stay here for tonight, and then tomorrow morning, we will go from there okay?”
“I - Okay.” Tommy confirmed, looking up at Wilbur with more hope in his eyes than Wilbur thought was humanly possible. Tommy longed for a home for so long. The problem was that every kind adult he met, reminded him of a lost memory of his parents - he was filled with regret, and sorrow everytime someone offered him a home.
Wilbur though, Wilbur was different. Wilbur was young, and rendered all of his abandonment issues useless - Wilbur made Tommy feel safe. Tommy felt as though Wilbur wasn’t going to leave him.
Over the next two weeks, Tommy really warmed up to Wilbur.
He couldn’t tell all at once, but overtime, Tommy really trusted him, and Wilbur caught onto this.
He could tell in the little things Tommy did:
Like how he stopped asking every time he wanted to use the bathroom
He stopped picking around his food before eating it.
He would wait for Wilbur to wake him up at 8, instead of waking himself up at 6 am.
He wanted to start helping around the house - this made Wilbur’s heart melt.
The first time Tommy asked to help doing the dishes, Wilbur almost died right then and there.
Wilbur had to teach Tommy how to dry the dishes while he sat the small blonde on the counter.
If a small step stool appeared in the kitchen the next day - nobody mentioned it.
The most heart-warming:
Tommy had started calling Wilbur “Wil”
It happened a 10 days after Wilbur took Tommy in, the two of them were having dinner when Wilbur asked Tommy to fetch him an extra plate.
Wilbur often forgot that he had built the house to suit a 6’5 man’s needs and not a 3 foot tall child’s. Even with the step stool, Tommy struggled to reach the glassware.
A small “Wil, can you help me reach?” was heard throughout the house.
A large, goofy smile formed on the elder’s face, as he went to go help the younger. Tommy called him Wil - not Mr. Wilbur - not even Wilbur: Wil.
Of course Wilbur did help Tommy, he went over and lifted the boy up by the waist and put him on Wilbur’s shoulders. The boy then grabbed the plate with ease, giggling as Wilbur bounced back to the table.
Two days later Wilbur came up with the nickname “Toms” as it seemed fair. While “Tommy” was technically a nickname, Wilbur wasn’t sure if the boy would answer to Thomas - so it felt right for Wilbur to make up his own nickname.
Tommy secretly, really really, liked the name. It made him feel special - and hey, if it made him really, really happy, to know that someone cared about him enough to give him a nickname, he wasn’t gonna go telling people about it.
And if Wilbur noticed that Tommy smiled a little brighter every time he used that nickname, he never brought it up, he just made sure to use it a little more the next day.
SO, on the 15th or 16th day of Tommy staying with Wilbur, Wilbur’s brothers happened to stop by.
Wilbur should’ve seen it coming sooner or later - really. He missed the meeting they were supposed to have last week, he hadn’t come by to the Antarctic Empire like he was supposed to, he hadn’t been returning their calls. He was uh - he was busy.
He was with a certain blonde.
Philza, and Technoblade landed the plane on the shore of NewFoundLand - about 40 feet away from Wilbur’s house - that August night, and obviously they were worried for their brother. Wilbur though, Wilbur had other issues at hand:
He had been showing Tommy his guitar. The blonde seemed to have a fascination with musical devices, and Wilbur tried in every way he could to get his eyes to light up, or for Tommy to frantically ask questions about it. It honestly reminded Wilbur of himself - Tommy’s need to learn and soak up the world around him.
“And this Toms,” The older man watched the boys eyes light up in delight with the mention of the nickname. “This is the E-string.” Wilbur had plucked the low-sounding string to Play for Tommy. The blonde stood up from his seated position on the floor to get closer to Wilbur, and examine the guitar strings.
He carefully picked Wilbur’s fingers off the string with a look of pure curiosity on his face. His small fingers plucking the low note his eyes grew wide and slightly startled when the music came out.
“But I thought you said this one was ‘E’ Wil?” Tommy had pointed to the thinnest string on the guitar.
“You’re right Tommy. That one is E. That is High E.” Wilbur pointed out the thinnest string, using Tommy’s finger to pluck it, with an affectionate smile playing on his face. “And this is low E.” He used Tommy’s hand to pluck the other string.
“Why did they name two strings E? That’s stupid.”
Wilbur laughed, “I wish I knew Toms, I wish I knew-” He was cut off by the sound of a plane landing. Wilbur’s smile faltered for a second before standing up from his criss-crossed position on the floor, and holding out his hand.
“We are going to meet some people Tommy, okay?”
Tommy nodded with a weary smile, but he trusted Wilbur wholeheartedly. He took a hold of the brunette's large hand, and headed outside with him.
The two brothers pushed each other over as they got out of the plane, loudly laughing and yelling “Wilbur, you’re not dead are you?”
Before they could see Wilbur coming out of his house they heard a very distinctive voice yell, “No, I’m not dead. I’ve been busy!”
Technoblade spoke up this time, “What could you have been doing that you missed your trip to the greatest Empire in the World?” He snickered - whatever Wilbur had been ‘Wilburing’ for the past few weeks, Phil and Techno would tease him relentlessly over it.
But when Wilbur came out of the small wooden house with a 5 year-old trailing behind him - they were surprised.
Phil’s eyes widened at the small mess of blonde hair that appeared behind his brother. His mouth formed an ‘o’, as he met his brother’s face with knowing eyes/ He automatically kneeled down to the boy’s level. At eye level, Phil’s dark blue eyes were met with bright sky-like ones.
He smiled warmly at the young boy, who had been hiding behind Wilbur, holding onto his hand for dear life.
“Tommy, these are my brothers. Philza Minecraft, and Technoblade - the King of the Antarctic Empire.”
“Your brothers?” Tommy questioned.
“Yeah,” Wilbur said with a soft smile, he net down to get to Tommy’s level leaving only Techno standing. “These are. You wanna say hi?”
Slowly Tommy nodded, going in front of Wilbur, with the ladders hands on his small shoulders.
Phil spoke up first. “Hey Tommy! Is that right?” Tommy shyly nodded his head. “I’m Phil. I’m Wilbur’s older brother. It’s nice to meet you.”
To Phil, he was seeing a younger Wilbur. Sure, Wilbur had brown hair, and deep doe-like eyes, but they were two in the same. The blonde clearly trusted Wilbur - clinging onto him for dear life. Wilbur was such a cute kid, could probably get away with anything if he wanted to, he was so sweet, and innocent - and anyone wanted to help the poor kid.
Looking at Tommy and Wilbur, it seems that history was repeating itself, as all Philza could see was himself with a younger Wilbur.
“Hey.” Techno had followed Phil’s lead and introduced himself to the kid.
“Hi” Tommy finally said to the pair.
Wilbur looked between Tommy and his brothers, before scooping Tommy up and over his shoulders. Resulting in the former erupting in a fit of giggles and squeals. “Come on guys,” He nodded his head to his brothers. “I have a lot to catch you up on.”
Later that night, Tommy had fallen asleep in Wilbur’s lap. The ladder holding the small boy in a protective grip against his chest, while the other two questioned him.
“So you just found him?” Techno questioned.
“Yes! We’ve been over this - he was fighting Zombies.” Wilbur answered, acting annoyed.
“How many were there?” Techno grilled.
“I don’t know!” Wilbur faked exasperation, but quieted down when he saw Tommy slightly stir. “Like five or six.”
“And he was keeping them off him? All by himself?” Phil asked in a worried tone.
“Yes!” Techno’s eyes widened. “He was beating the shit out of them Phil, and with only a cobblestone sword.”
“This kid? Really? He’s so small.” Techno asked curious, his eyes scanning over the small blonde.
“Yes, really.” Wilbur put a hand in Tommy’s hair, as Tommy buried himself slightly deeper into Wilbur’s neck.
“Why can’t you just give him to the orphanage? You know the ones towards western Canada?” Techno suggested, no emotion playing on his face.
Wilbur had to stifle a gasp, as Phil and him had similar looks of horror on their faces. “Tech” Wilbur scolded.
“Techno, Wilbur’s already grown attached to him, besides, the boy likes it here, we can’t just give him up.” Phil tried to reason with the young king.
“Whatever.” Techno scoffed. “Doesn���t mean I have to like him.”
“You didn’t like Wilbur, when I first brought him in, and look where we are now?” Phil reminded the pink-haired man.
“This is different.”
“Sure, sure it is.” Phil laughed, leaving to go get another coffee. “Whether or not you like it. Tommy is a part of our family now Techno.”
Techno just sat there.
“Yeah,” Wilbur sighed, getting up to bring Tommy to bed. “I’m not letting him go.”
SO, guys. Later today I will be putting some shorter stuff on world building. Anyone is free to write in this AU if you want. Otherwise, I think as “(this is home)” is closing, I will be starting up this AU, and I will be writing this and my You Said Family Went to War AU from now on - once I finish the final chapter of “(this is home)”
#tommyinnit#technoblade#wilbursoot#philza#philza minecraft#sleepy bois inc#sleepyboisinc#pae au#I'm Lilian_nator on ao3 too
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Inukag AU
There was a genuine smile on Kagome’s face as she sat on her bed quietly while her family and friends did what they could to try and jog her memory. It was about 3 months since the accident and today the bed was littered with photo albums, old letters, newspapers from her college days that Sango had saved, or her mother pulled from her old bedroom, really anything they could think of to provide visuals. She didn’t want them to feel bad for her predicament, so thought it best to go along with it. They probably knew— she didn’t recognize any of it but bless them for playing along as she nodded or chuckled at appropriate times or patiently waited as she stared at certain items longer than she should have. Because Kagome really wanted to remember.
But in reality, all the words and images were viewed through a strangers lens. Yes, she recognized certain people, but not everyone or the situation in the photos. For Kagome, her last recollections end shortly after graduating college. She knew Sango since they’d been friends, but barely remembered Miroku. To her Miroku was still the boyfriend of less than a year, not a husband and certainly not a father to the couples 1 year old twin girls. Sango was her best friend, so to not remember the wedding or the birth of the twins who based on the photos were precious to her... hurt. There she was in those pictures holding one newborn in each arm, beaming at becoming an aunty, and no recollection of it.
“Tomorrow is the weekend, so we can video chat with Sota,” Mrs. Higurashi reminded her daughter. “I’ve been keeping him updated by text.”
“Where is he again?” Kagome asked.
“In Hawaii, at the University of Hilo.”
“Oh... right,” Kagome chuckled. “I forgot.”
“That’s okay, dear. Sota is in his senior year now and will be coming home in December after graduation.”
“I hope I’m well enough to fly there for the graduation.”
“I think you will be,” her mother smiled softly. “There’s always hope.”
Yeah... hope. It was the only thing keeping Kagome from breaking down. Each night as she drifted to sleep, she’d remind herself of the temporary nature of her condition. Truth or not, it was worth clinging to. Earlier her mother told her of how she’d flown to Hawaii to help Sota settle into his dorm. As the big sister, she was so proud of him, but again Kagome had no recollection of this event and only Hawaiian vacation pictures to prove its truth. Still, she was happy that her brother had grown up so much. The sense of pride she must have felt at the time was renewed in the new knowledge.
She didn’t remember a lot, but there were moments that brought tears to her eyes for more than one reason. Take the other day when Sango and Miroku brought the twins for a visit. The children remembered their Aunty Kagome and quickly reached out with their small hands to her. It brought out tears from the happy emotions such adorable faces could provoke in anyone, yet also tears of frustration for not knowing them at all. Clearly, they loved her, and she wanted to love them too. Bless them, showing concern for her tears, reaching out to Kagome’s face as if to soothe the adult. So, realizing her effect, she quickly smiled and told them she was just happy to see them.
“It’s still a little weird,” Kagome confided to Sango one day, “because my only memory of Miroku is of an annoying guy following you around while still checking out other girls.”
Sango laughed, “he still an annoying guy at times, but it’s true, he has settled down since those days.”
“What was it that finally changed your mind about Miroku?”
“Oh, um actually we’d had a fight... a really big fight over his behavior and I put my foot down. It was me or them because I wasn’t gonna put up with it anymore. I guess the proverbial slap to his face woke him up.”
Kagome chuckled. “It does appear to have worked. But it was obvious how much he loved you despite the stupid things he did.”
Sango nodded. “True. If I didn’t think so too, I would have just walked away and not looked back. Sometimes guys literally need a harsh wake up a call to realize what they’re about to lose.”
That made Kagome think about the supposed fight with Inuyasha on the night of her accident, because it resembled the predicament Sango went through. She frowned. “Why are guys like that?”
Sango shrugged. “If we ever found an answer to that question, we’d be rich.”
Kagome snorted a laugh. “Agreed. We could make money writing self-help books.”
The girls shared a laugh before moving on to other subjects, but as the day grew late, Kagome suddenly sank down on the bed. There was a question she’d been wanting to ask, and though Inuyasha would be the better one to ask, he was still a strangers in her eyes. At least with Sango, she knew she could trust her friend to tell her the truth.
“Before you go, Sango, I have something to ask about.”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Could you tell me how I met Inuyasha? Tell me what you know about our relationship?”
Sango’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “Hasn’t Inu told you anything?”
Kagome looked down. “He has told me things, but I— I still don’t know if I should trust him. I mean... I know my mom loves him and that tells me a lot, but it doesn’t change the fact he’s just a stranger at this point for me— it’s,” she shrugged, “awkward.”
“Oh... Guess I never thought of it that way.” Sango reached out and took her Kagome’s hand. “I’d be happy to answer your questions. It’s okay that it’s awkward, that’s understandable so don’t push yourself to accept things just to accept them, but even I would agree with your mom, he’s probably told you the truth.”
“You think so?”
Sango squeezed her friends hand and chuckled. “Yeah. I didn’t like him at first, but the guy really grew on me. Try it, test me,” she coaxed Kagome. “Ask me about something he told you and let’s see if my answers are the same.”
Kagome smiled and sat back for a moment in thought. “What’s something questionable...” she tapped her chin. “The first date he took me on was to a ramen restaurant. Which is not very romantic if you’re trying to woo someone. So, it sounds true and preposterous at the same time. He said he was so nervous that he accidentally spilled a drink on me. I wondered if he told me that just to be funny and endearing, but it never actually happened.”
“Oh,” Sango burst out laughing, “it definitely did happen! You’d told him to pick somewhere he loved to go and Inu’s favorite meal is ramen, so that’s what he picked. And the drink. It was a pink cocktail that stained your dress. You were so annoyed!” She giggled again. “But it was obvious how nervous he was, and I remember how you told me it was cute to see him get all flustered.”
“Oh, wow,” Kagome laughed too. “I guess I have to believe it now. Tell me more.”
“Hmm,” Sango pondered. “He was so nervous to even ask you out, Miroku had to ask you for him.”
“What?!” Kagome gasped and snorted a laugh. “And I’d still said yes?!”
“Yeah, because by then you liked him too. It took... if I remember correctly a year of interactions just for him to gain that much courage.” At that point Sango’s voice quieted. “I don’t know if he’s told you this part yet but, Inu was a broken person when you’d first met.”
“No, he hasn’t.” Kagome leaned forward with interest. “What do you mean?”
“At the time he’d already been broken up with Kikyo for 4 or 5 years I think, but he hadn’t fully moved on yet. I can’t say he still loved her. I think it was more just loneliness. His mother died when he was young as well. So, I think the combination of losing the two most important women in his life left him depressed.”
“I knew him as Miroku’s brooding coworker, how my husband tolerated that I have no idea, but they were close friends. When we’d introduced you to him, things slowly began to change. You almost made it a mission to help him get out of it.” Sango chuckled lightly. “You know how you are, always trying to help people. At first, Inu resisted, but you didn’t let up and slowly but surely broke through his defenses. He became a puppy dog around you, totally head over heels in love.” She smiled. “It was fun and so cute for us to watch it all happen.”
“I wish I remembered any of this,” Kagome sighed.
“You will. You’ve never been a quitter, so I truly believe you will get your memory back.”
“Thanks, Sango. All of your guys help really means a lot to me.”
Sango reached out and hugged her friend. “I know you’d do the same for me.” She sat back in her chair. “It’s tough now, and I know you described Inuyasha as a stranger, but treat it as if you’re dating a new guy with all those heart racing, excitements that come with it. I see how you look at him.” She teased. “You must at least thinks he’s cute?”
Kagomes cheeks flushed pink. “Is it that obvious?”
“Oh, yeah,” Sango giggled and squeezed her friends hand. “If all you do is focus on this situation, you won’t start to live again. They’re releasing you to go home in a couple weeks, so have a little fun with him. Create some new memories.”
“Maybe you’re right... maybe I will try to think about it that way.” Kagome tips her head slightly. “It is kinda fun to feel those giddy girly emotions when I see him.”
Speaking of. The girls hear a knock at the door and turn to see Inuyasha walking in with a bouquet of flowers and a bag of take-out food. “Hey gorgeous and Sango.”
It set off another rush of heat to Kagome’s face. “Hi,” she squeaked out.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Sango stood up with a wink. “See you tomorrow.” She hugged her best friend and left the room.
Inuyasha took the seat beside Kagome and handed her the flowers. “How are you feeling today?”
“Mmm, it was good chatting with Sango.” She held the flowers up to her nose to smell them while keeping her eyes on him. “Thank you for the flowers, they’re beautiful.”
“Beautiful women deserve beautiful flowers,” he smiled back and held up a bag. “Hope you’re hungry. I brought dinner since hospital food must be getting boring by now.”
“Aww, that’s thoughtful of you, cause yes,” Kagome sighed, “it is.”
Inuyasha chuckled, then pulled out the containers of food. He handed Kagome a plate. “It’s salmon nitsuke.”
“Oh, yes!” Kagome almost moaned in delight as she opened the container and surveyed the food. “And it smells so delicious!” But before Inuyasha opened his container. “Wait! Let me guess what you got.”
“Okay?” Inuyasha chuckled.
Inuyasha’s eyes widened. “How?!”
Kagome giggled. “Sango told me it was your favorite.”
To her guessing was funny, but she didn’t expect the pained expression that instantly fell over Inuyasha’s face. It didn’t take her long to realize. “Oh my, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to make you think I got my memory back!”
“I-It’s okay, really,” he tried to reassure her. Yes, it hurt, but, “it’s nice to see you smiling and happy.”
“Are you sure? I’m really sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”
“Kagome, it’s really okay.” He smiled with eyes clouded over. “You’ve been... stand-offish till now, so it makes me feel a lot better that you’re comfortable enough to joke with me again.”
“Yeah... about that... I’ve been talking with Sango and she’s been encouraging me to give you a chance. I do want... to take her advice, but...” her voice softened, “could I be honest with you?”
“Of course.”
“For me, this is all like meeting a new guy and, you know, the whole crush, dating steps, and such whereas for you, it’s different and must be frustrating.”
“If I’m being honest, yeah,” Inuyasha scratched his head, “it is, but I don’t know, also a bit exciting too, like a challenge, but a fun one if that makes any sense. I get to date you all over again— I-I mean if you’ll let me.”
“They’re releasing me soon, so I think...” Kagome’s cheeks flushed. “I’d love to go out on a date with you Inuyasha.”
“Whoo Hoo!” He pumped his fists in the air. “I feel like a teenager again,” Inuyasha laughed.
At that, Kagome giggled, her mood significantly lightened, and a weight lifted. It was the first step towards a sense of normalcy. Forget the fact she couldn’t remember a chunk of her past and live in the now where a handsome hanyo sat waiting.
#inukag#inuyasha#inukag au#Kagome higurashi#inuyasha x kagome#angst with fluff and happy ending#inukag fan fic#inukag fan fiction
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Here Comes the Sun
Here Comes the Sun
Luke Patterson Imagine
Summary: Luke sees you at one of the boys’ practice sessions.
Warnings: just fluff with a hint of angst, I think. There is a mention of a pregnancy rumor and implied bullying, but not extensively
(A/N: I’m soooo sorry this took so long. Things have been hectic. Also, this would be before they died back in 1995. Plus, I’m new to all this so any recommendations, comments, tips, etc would be appreciated)
You had told your friend, Dianne, that you had homework to do, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. The boys of Sunset Curve were rising quickly on the LA scene and your friend was just one of the many to join their legions of female fans. It also helped that they happened to go to school with you. You couldn’t deny that they were all pretty cute, but you sided with many when you decided you had a preference for the front man: Luke Patterson.
You both used to be close your freshman year, but after he joined Sunset Curve your sophomore year, you both went your separate ways. You’d actually seen him several times in the hallways this year when he wasn’t surrounded by girls. He would be stepping in time with some imaginary beat, his fingers plucking on the old messenger bag hanging from his shoulder. He was always looking up, ever the optimist, looking at the horizon like only good things could ever come his way. His bottom lip caught in his teeth through a beaming smile, his hair brushing along his long eyelashes-
Whew. He was gorgeous.
And trigonometry homework could wait for you to see that gorgeous again up close.
The boys would sometimes hold open practice for a few fans to come watch and hang out, but it was starting to become exclusive as more people began to show up than they had room for.
Thus, your friend lept at the opportunity when she cornered Reggie alone in World History. You giggled at his adorable smile as your friend twirled her hair and flirted his socks off. Before you knew it, she was running back to you with a grin and the promise to see the band practice that coming Thursday after school.
You dressed in some simple mom jeans and a graphic tshirt tied at the waist, hopefully to flatter your figure. Dianne guaranteed you looked “smokin’ hot”, in her words. 4:10 struck and you both got in her car to head that way. The practice started at 4:00, but Dianne told you repeatedly that being fashionably late would set you both apart from the crowd.
On the way to the studio garage, you found yourself extremely nervous. You didn’t even fully know why; it was just a band, just a boy. It wasn’t a date or you throwing yourself at him, but you couldn’t help the fluttering feeling in your stomach at the thought of seeing Luke Patterson perform before a selected crowd, you being one of them.
Meanwhile, the boys were starting to warm up when Reggie started rambling.
“Isn’t it weird that no one comes on Thursdays?”
Bobby snickered. Alex and Luke shared a look before Alex turned to Reggie.
“Dude, that’s because the school has lacrosse games on Thursdays. No one wants to be here when our team is on a winning streak.”
Reggie thought a moment before laughing at himself.
“Oh yeah! I completely forgot. Then Dianne must have forgot too.”
Luke, Alex and Bobby all turned back to Reggie.
Luke spoke up this time.
“Dianne as in Dianne Parker?”
Reggie nodded. Luke’s eyes widened.
“Dianne Parker, as in friends with-“
Reggie smiled. “Yep. Y/n y/l/n.”
Bobby turned to Luke.
“Isn’t that the girl you’ve liked since-“
“-freshman year. Yeah,” Luke sighed.
He turned to Alex, but Alex waved him off.
“Even I have to admit the puppy dog eyes you used to get around her.”
Luke smiled softly, falling back into a memory.
You and he had been lab partners in Chemistry your freshman year, as well as shared a homeroom together. This was back before he was introduced to the music that saved his life, so he was still a shy little kid. He hadn’t found the passion that spurred him to connect to people. You, on the other hand, were everything he wished he could be: kind, smart, and courageous.
You weren’t quite an extrovert, but you always made sure others felt included and valued. When someone fell quiet during group discussion, you encouraged them to speak up and always made sure they knew you valued their input. When he would inevitably get an answer wrong in class, you would quietly show him the correct answer and explain it to him in a way that he didn’t feel stupid. And you would regularly invite people eating alone to join your small group of friends.
There came a point where Luke’s parents pushed him to get a tutor because of his failing grades, and you offered immediately after hearing about it. Every Tuesday and Thursday, you both would meet in the public library after school. As time went on, Luke grew to enjoy your time together and even grew a crush, but he never thought you would like the little shy kid that couldn’t speak up for himself. Then his sophomore year, his parents gifted him with his first guitar and it changed him forever. He connected with people in a way he never had before. By the time he worked up the courage to tell you how he really felt, you were in your first relationship with Danny Fenton, the star quarterback.
Luke just had to watch as you walked with him everyday and cheered him on the loudest on Friday night football games. Then, you had a messy break up. Not even a week later, a rumor spread that it was because you had cheated and were pregnant. It was a nasty, false rumor, but enough people believed it that you moved away your junior year.
In the meantime, Luke had already formed a band and was rising through the social ranks. When he learned you had moved back your senior year, he flipped. Still, he could never find the nerve to talk to you again, and you kept your head low to avoid the social radar.
That all changed today. The boys cornered Reggie.
“Is she coming today?” Luke asked.
Reggie gulped, his eyes darting between the three faces in front of him.
“I-I don’t know! Dianne just stopped me in world history and started asking about the band and Luke and-“
“She asked about me?”
“Well, yeah and she was twirling her hair and you know I have a thing about hair-“
“Did she mention anything about y/n?” Alex piped in.
“Well, she said that she and a friend wanted to watch practice today-“
“A friend? I’m sure it’s her,” Luke spoke to himself, running his fingers through the scruff on the back of his neck.
“Dude, are you gonna be okay?” Bobby asked, the three other boys staring nervously at Luke’s retreated figure.
He turned slowly, his deep hazel eyes wide in uncertainty.
“Well,” he said, taking in a breath, his shoulders dropping in finality, “it’s now or never.”
“We’re here!” Dianne cheered as her mom’s van screeched to a halt in the drive of the studio garage.
Forget the butterflies, hornets filled your stomach now. And they were angrily looking for a way out.
“Are you sure about this?” You asked weerily, holding your stomach.
“Absolutely!” Dianne beamed, turning to you from the front seat.
Your eyes finally caught the obvious problem outside your window.
“Um, Di?”
You blanched.
“Where is everyone?”
“Oh. My. Gosh. Well, what do you know! I must have completely forgot that everyone goes to the lacrosse games on Thursdays! Looks like we’re the only ones to watch today!”
It took all the zen you had not to throttle her little neck.
“Why do you hate me?” You cried out.
She giggled. “‘S all love, darling.”
“Dianne,” you begged, “you know our history.”
“And I know your chemistry too.”
You let out a small wail and looked out the tinted window at the studio garage. The doors were closed, but you could hear the muffled sound of guitars and drums warming up still.
Dianne had already stepped out of the van.
“Y/n, c’mon. We’re already late.”
“That was your idea!”
She held out her hand, giving you a pleading look.
“Di, I don’t know if I’m ready to face him again. So much had happened since-“
“Since you realized you liked him? And Danny got jealous and started that rumor?”
You nodded.
“Darling, that is the past. This is the now.”
“But what if-“
“Can I let you in on a little secret?”
You took a deep breath.
A small smile made its way onto her face.
“Reggie told me that Luke still has it bad for you.”
Your jaw dropped.
“You’re lying.”
She shook her head, smiling.
“I’m completely serious. That’s one of the reasons that Reggie was so excited to have us come today.”
You rolled your eyes.
“And what was the other reason?”
Dianne blushed.
“I may have told him that I would make out with him under the bleachers tomorrow at lunch.”
You smiled softly at her.
You were still a scarlet letter when you came back to school, so you couldn’t find anyone willing to be seen with your reputation. That was until you met Dianne, who was known as a serial home-wrecker. That wasn’t true, of course, but a bended truth of a spited ex-girlfriend. Still, she’d had more romantic exploits than you could count on your fingers and toes.
“C’mon, (y/n). Prince Charming is waitin’ for ya.”
You blushed as you made your way out.
There was a knock on the studio doors and three heads snapped up.
Alex, Reggie and Bobby all looked to each other and Luke.
Luke was facing a nook in the back, his headphones playing from a Walkman. He was still trying to see if he could learn the riff from Wonderwall by Oasis before you came in, but none of the boys wanted to be the one to nudge him with the way he was practically vibrating in his seat.
They shared a silent look before Reggie nodded knowingly.
“Rock, paper, scissors, boys.”
Alex turned to him, blinking.
“Reggie, there’s three of us. That’s not gonna- ok.”
Alex walked up to the door and opened it to reveal you and Dianne, both smiling nervously.
“Hellooo, Dianne,” Reggie crooned as Dianne waved at him, a suave smile painting his features. Dianne giggled beside you and you found yourself bristling with nerves.
“Uh, hey, y/n,” Alex greeted you warmly, nudging Bobby forward as well to greet you.
You pressed your lips in an awkward smile and forced your hand up into a wave. Your mind began to get caught in a cycle.
I should not have come I should not have come I should not have come-
“Hey, y/n, welcome to our practice. Because you both made the wonderful choice to come watch today, we have decided to gift you with free merch!” Reggie grinned, winking at Dianne.
“Reggie, all our merch is free-” Alex started, but Reggie pressed a finger to his lips, pressing them to the side as Alex glared at him. Bobby laughed and you quickly joined in, eager to rid yourself of your nerves. You all began to fall into comfortable banter and the boys were hilarious. Dianne was flirtingly feeling up Reggie’s bicep, asking him about his workout schedule.
“Oh, yeah,” Reggie said, his voice jokingly low and gruff. He flexed his arm. “I have quite a regime.”
Alex scoffed. “What regime? Your type of workout is chasing down the ice cream truck and lifting meatball subs to your mouth.”
“Hey,” Reggie said, turning to Alex with a look of betrayal on his face, “it is an intense regime none the less!”
Suddenly, there was a creaking sound from the back corner.
You stiffened.
The boys had forgotten about the tense guitarist behind them, who had been blocked from your and Dianne’s view by their figures.
A footstep. Another. Then another.
The boys parted and your heart stopped.
Two perfectly sparkling hazel eyes looked up at you through brown tasseled hair. And there it was, that beaming smile that warmed every inch of your body.
You were thrown back three years to the vision of that shy boy with a nervous bounce asking you for help with number three.
That same boy stood before you now, gazing at you like you were a triple-chocolate sundae surprise, a brand new guitar, an open stage, a raging crowd, and every answer he would ever need, all wrapped up in one person.
“Hello there, Sunshine,” he said, at last.
#luke patterson#jatp#julie and the phantoms#luke patterson x reader#luke patterson one shot#julie and the phantoms fanfic#fanfic#sunset curve#reggie#alex#luke#netflix#jatp netflix
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Forgotten Celebrations - BTS
Had your birthday truly been forgotten?
Word Count - 2,259
Warning - Hybrid! Au Wolf!Namjoon Cat!Seokjin Cat!Yoongi Dog!Hoseok Cat!Jimin Dog!Taehyung Bunny!Jungkook. Also like I’m not entirely proud of this so it most likely will be rewritten!
Request - open - masterlist
The clock was steady on eleven thirty-nine. You could feel yourself practically vibrating on the sofa as you tapped a pattern on your thigh. In a little over twenty minutes it’ll be a very special day. A Saturday that you actually couldn’t wait to have, a day that you finally get to spend with someone. Their eyes stared curiously at you, watching intently as your fingers danced in a rhythmic pattern across your thighs. Why were you suddenly so perky, especially at this time of night?
The hands of the clock ticked to eleven fifty-five, and out of habit you reached to Namjoon’s hand. Your fingers intertwined with his long ones and you brought the hand up to your lips. Pressing a subtle kiss to the soft skin. His grey ears perk up, along with his tail, which shook behind him rapidly, indicating that he enjoyed the skinship immensely. The other watched with slight pouts, as you continued to rub your thumb over the back of his hand. As much as they wanted to stay upset and be slightly pouty it didn’t last long, considering they could smell the happiness that you were basking in. And they definitely didn’t want their upset demeanor to demolish it.
Even though it pained him to look away from your ethereal face, he glanced at the object that had all of your precious attention. The hands now stood up straight and positioned themselves at twelve o’clock sharp. The start of a brand-new day, but what was so special about this day? This was the questioned that ached in his core and he needed to figure out what was going on. Before he could even open his mouth to ask, you quickly excused yourself to the nearby kitchen.
“That’s the bubbliest I’ve ever seen her. It’s adorable!” Taehyung enthused. His eyes shinning brightly at the thought of you. The only thing that would make it better if he was the reason why you’re suddenly so bright. His eyes darted towards the kitchen, and his ears zoned into the task you were doing. So much noise made him guess you weren’t finished, so he quickly stated, “But why is she so perky?”
“You all do remember what today is right?” Seokjin inquired, as he leaned back against the couch. Picking his arm up and laying it across his forehead. The stiff silence made the man hold back a harsh growl. These idiots literally forgot how special today was.
“Her birthday, geniuses.” Jimin sarcastically stated while pulling the blanket closer to him. Some of their ears dropped towards their skulls in shame. No wonder you have been so up beat this week, no wonder why you’ve reeked with happiness ever since Monday morning. They knew about your past birthdays,and they remember how upset you got when you confessed to always spending them alone. But now you have seven other people, for the first time in a few years, and now you’re spending the day with someone other than yourself.
“Goodnight. I love you all.” You yawned as you made your way around them all. Giving each one a kiss on their cheek, while some of them decided to be cheeky and whip their heads around. You definitely didn’t mind a little lip to lip contact, though. “I’ll see you guys in the morning.”
They watched as you skipped up each step, and their hearts raced when they noticed the small smile that played on your face. They were head over heels for you, and it was completely obvious. The room stayed quiet as they waited for the click of your door, they desperately needed you out of ear shot. They may have not mentioned anything at that moment, but they are going to do everything in their power to make it up to you. Jungkook hastily took off his sneakers and tip-toed up the wooden stairs. He peered his head around the hallway corner, and bingo you were back in your room.
“The coast is clear!” Jungkook whispered as he slid in his socks back to the group. His body coming down in a harsher way then he intended. Soft growls emitted from the boys, and all he could do is hold up his hands up to show it was an accident. “So what’s the plan.”
“I’m definitely making the cake tomorrow, and I already got her a gift.” Seokjin stated as he leaned forward and rested his elbows against his thighs. His eyes trained on the others that are around him.
“I’ve been saving up to get her something anyways! I can quickly run to the store.” Namjoon pointed out enthusiastically as he bounced his leg.
“Considering only two of us remembered, that leaves five of us without gifts. If we all try to leave won’t y/n think it kinda suspicious?” Hoseok questioned as he looked to the other guys for guidance. They sighed heavily as they thought more about it. You didn’t mind for them to go out without you, but they always invite you. This sudden change in tradition would definitely alert you to something.
Jimin’s eyes lit up, as he quickly snapped his fingers. A dazzling smile coming to his face “I could say I want to spend a few hours with her, while I’m at the park Jin-Hyung could make the cake, and you guys could quickly go to the store for presents.”
“Should we act like we don’t know in the morning so she can have a bigger surprise when she comes back home?” Taehyung suggested while he leaned back on the sofa. His eyebrow quirked and a small smile tugged on his lips. The same reaction with visible among everyone’s face.
“So are we clear — “
“Shh!” Yoongi sat there bewildered as the others cut him off mind sentence. Their hands flying towards his mouth, as they all froze like statues. Their sharp ears turned in the direction of the stairs and the sudden footsteps that were coming. You were coming.
“Guys is everything okay?” You questioned as you jogged down the stairs. Their eyes widened at the sight of you. Had you heard the conversation? Are you here to scold them? “It’s just usually one of you join me by now, I just got worried.”
Your soft voice was like heaven to their ears and you in your tired state was making it almost impossible not to give in. Their tails twitched as you got closer and closer to the point that you were behind the couch. Your hands immediately combing through Yoongi’s hair and scratching the base of his ears. Out of habit his head slumped into your velvet like touch.
“Oh yeah, princess, we’re just fine.” Soekjin smiled as he subtly kicked Namjoon’s leg. He noticed that the poor boy was about to spill his guts, and that was the last thing they needed. Namjoon bit his tongue quickly and almost whined in pain when his sharp fang pierced it.
“Oh okay, I was just making sure. Goodnight.”
Seokjin had twisted his back around the couch before he huffed at the boys in front of him. “Can we hurry this up. Tonight was my night to sleep with her.”
“Okay so the plan is we act like tomorrow is just an ordinary day. Jimin takes her to the park, and Jin-Hyung makes her favorite cake. And the rest of us get our gifts. Everyone understand?” Namjoon raised his eyebrows examining them, and making sure they know the exact plan.
“For once I think we’re all on the same page.”
Now it was the other way around. They were practically vibrating in their seats. They couldn’t wait for you to get up and than the full plan can be set into action. Not gonna lie they still felt bad at the start for not remembering, but hopefully the surprise party makes up for it! Oh god, they just hope you didn’t say anything when you finally got there. You could tell the atmosphere felt tense as soon as you walked through the kitchen door. The boys kept minimum eye contact, and their bodies were unusually stiff.
Before you could even bring up the sudden change in behavior, arms wrapped themselves around your waist. A small peck was delivered to the base of your neck. “Baby! You’re finally up, can we go to the park!”
“Yeah of course.” You smiled slightly and looked towards the others. Your mouth was about to spew the first few words, but Jimin whines and tugged at your arm. “Jiminie we have to ask —“
“I promise you they don’t want to go! And besides we need to hurry or my favorite sunny spot will be taken!” He whined as he tugged you to your shoes at the door. He got down and placed your feet in your shoes and tied them in a hurry. “Come on, baby!”
Jimin’s strength easily overpowered yours as he dragged out of the house. His sneaker clad feet pounding against the pavement as he ushered you along. The grip you had on him was slowly loosening as time went on. You were kinda worried that his claws would protrude and latch onto your hand out of habit.
“Wow, you really wanted to go to the park. Usually, it’s Hobi or Tae that are this enthusiastic.” You breathed heavily, as you rested your hands on your knees. Without missing a beat, he looped his arm around you waist and walked slowly to his favorite spot. In a very sunny spot that sit right in front of the calm lake. A soft smile came onto your face when noticed how serene he looked. His soft features a beautiful contrast to the harshness of the surroundings before him. “What’s up?”
His tail flicked slightly behind him, as he tilted his head towards you. His eyebrows were raised in confusion the longer he stared at you. He answered your question a lot faster than he should have. “What do you mean?” He breathed in deeply and closed his eyes tightly. He knew you had caught on.
You crossed your arms, and turned to fully face him. “Jimin, you’re acting off. I know you love the park, but you love it more with Tae. And don’t think I forgot about last night? Did I do something to upset them?”Your eyes were down casted as they watched your hands. You didn’t have the heart to look him in the eyes. If you had upset any of them than you truly felt like you had let them down. You just wanted to know, so you could make things right.
“Oh sweetheart, you didn’t make them upset at all.” Jimin cupped your face, and he could see the tears gathering in your eyes. He didn’t know how much longer he could keep this up. He’d gladly ruin this whole plan if it meant you wouldn’t cry in his arms. “Baby, they’re not upset at all it’s just...”
“I can call them right now and apologize sincerely, but please tell me what I did.” You sniffed as you fiddled with the long sleeve of your shirt. The pit in your chest was rising, and you hated yourself that you made the ones you love upset. That was absolutely the last thing you wanted.
“It’s not you ,baby, it’s more along the lines of a, um...” Jimin whined in pain as the sent of sadness reached his powerful nostrils.
“Baby, please, spit it out.”
“It’s a birthday party!” Jimin sputtered out as he quickly shoved a hand towards his mouth. His eyes wide with realization at what he just did. “Come on we’re going back to the house.”
“I thought,” You huffed as you tried to keep up with pace. A small smile tugged at your lips.“I thought you guys forgot.”
“Not gonna lie, we didn’t catch on when you were so giddy last night, but we finally put the puzzle pieces together.” Jimin confessed as he finally slowed down in front of the house. At this time he was more the happy that the park was a mere five minutes walk. “Guys!”
“Jimin I’m definitely not ready! And y/n — Is right there!” Seokjin babbled when he noticed you were fully at the door. His eyes shot open and his tail went stick straight. “I guess the cats out of the bag.”
“She started crying because she thought the reason why no one was talking this morning was because of her.” Jimin stated as he gripped your hand. Screw the surprise, you were not going to cry on his watch.
“Well I guess since everything is already out in the open sit down, because the cake still has to finish baking, and the boys are still at the store.” Seokjin smiled softly as he raced towards you. His arms going around your waist as he picked you with a slight twirl. The icing on the cake was when he placed his sugary sweet lips on your forehead. “Happy Birthday, princess.”
You dug your face into the crook of his neck and tightened your grip. Another kiss was pecked against your cheek as you pulled away. “Thank you, honey.”
“Okay we got our gifts! Hopefully —“ That sentence was cut short when Hoseok’s eyes connected with yours. His face dropped. “Oh my.”
“I’m not mad if that’s what you’re thinking, but I am ready for a birthday party.”
“Good! Because instead of us being spoiled today is all about you, sweetheart!”
#bts polyamory#bts poly au#bts hybrid#bts x reader#bts poly#bts x reader poly#bts fluff#bts imagines#bts fanfic#bts scenarios#bts oneshot#kim namjoon#kim seokjin#min yoongi#jung hoseok#park jimin#kim taehyung#jeon jungkook#bts x reader insert#kpop poly#kpop polyamory imagine#bts angst#kpop oneshot#kpop scenarios#kpop x reader insert#bts#poly!bts x reader#kpop x reader#hybrid!au#bts hybrid imagine
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Hunting Dogs: Chapter Eight (proxies x reader)
Masky has had these goddamn seizures for as long as he could remember, they started out when he was just a child, "Absence Seizures" is what they have been called and his mother...well..he doesn't remember her at all but he had a feeling that she thought he was going to grow out of it. He didn't know if it was genetic or not as he has no memory of his father, his mother didn't carry the possibility of the disorder, but no they didn't get better.
They were managed by medications, but managed does not always mean that is works or it is a cure. There's times he doesn't get seizures for a few days and other at least once or twice a day, with or without medication. The disorder got worse as he grew up and around the time that Brian became Hoodie, he had already developed the stage of "Tonic and Atonic" seizures, these caused him to fall and his arms mostly to stiffen while his body was on the ground, everything feeling heavy and out of his control.
There was and still is so much he cannot do without thinking about what could cause a trigger; watching t.v, the pictures flashing, strobe lights, the heat, stress, overdosing, diet changes, lack of sleep and medications that are meant to 'help' can trigger them too.
So, yeah most of his life is would be 'boring' to people who didn't have to worry about these things, they could do whatever the hell they want or go wherever within their comfort-ability, but to hell with them. He was done with entertaining others just so he could fit in. Even before he got promoted as a proxy, he always felt like he had to wear a mask to hide who he truly was, making friends wasn't easy and neither was keeping jobs or returning to appointments. Fuck, there were many times he forgot to take his medications too. But that was mostly amnesia on some events and other times; his will power just draining.
Maybe that was why it was easy for Brian to become friends with Alex and some people around campus. Sure, he was a nervous, quiet kid, but it was like his awkwardness was able to carry him in some ways to having people like him...or maybe it was the nervousness people saw that made him think he could be easy to fool, but no, it was just anxiety. He was a bright kid along with Tim...they just got dealt the wrong cards.
Many times they still hold conversations of Brian becoming a psychiatrist or something along those means and Tim would visit him, either as a joke or for serious business. But, even now it was like that even without the certification. And Tim...well he didn't know where he was heading anyways. He wrote lyrics and poems and also likes playing music, but those were the types of hobbies that you would have to get lucky in life to even get noticed. So, he got stuck with mundane jobs that paid his bills, but never the passion he had.
Hoodie still thinks that's why Masky is so bitter. The passion he had turned into anger..which is still passion but only darker and heavier. It got the job done, but what it did to him afterwards...Hoodie knew better than just to leave him alone. Even if Masky was blaming Hoodie or wanted him gone.
"So, what's with all the pill bottles, you an addict?" Brian had a playful smile on his face as it was the first time Tim had invited him over at his new apartment. Tim shakes his head, "No, they're just my seizure medications and anxiety ones as well. My body and brain does depend on it...so I guess?" he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"Well, as long as you don't overdose. Now, c'mon, let's order some pizza." Brian motions Tim out of his room and back down the hall, "It's on me! This calls for a celebration!"
Tim chuckles, shaking his head at his friends' words and follows him down the hall, flicking the light switch so they could see better but looks away so his eyes could adjust and goes into the kitchen/ living room. It was connected which was nice since he could watch the t.v from the kitchen while he was cooking if he felt safe enough to do it without any triggers or he could still hold a conversation with someone without leaving ones' sight.
"You sure, I mean...you have your own bills to pay..and it's not that big of a deal...I'm 22...and finally got my own place." he shrugs. It was a big deal to him, but he hated when people felt the need to pay for him since it makes him uncomfortable even if it's just a small thing. Brian waves it off and picks up his phone, "Well, I wanted pizza anyways and don't worry about me-"
"I'm your friend."
"Not my accountant...or landlord for that matter...so shut up and let me order the pizza. What do you want?" He asks, pressing the phone to his ear, "Pineapple and ham, please." Tim answers, going to the kitchen to see if he had any soft drinks he could offer, "And maybe some sodas as well." Brian nods at Tim, before speaking to the person on the phone and ordering his own pizza as well. The call ended a moment later and Brian plops down onto Tim's couch, taking up all the space and stares up at the ceiling.
He needed time like this with his friend anyways, between classes, studying, home life, dating life, and trying to decide if he should audition for this student film someone in one of his classes was planning on filming. He heard it was going to be low budget and he was able to get a few details out of it, but didn't know if he would have time.
Maybe Tim would like to come along. He needs to get out more and who knows, maybe this could be good for him? Give him some confidence and have some fun! Yeah, and they were going to do it together as friends, so what could go wrong?
"Did they say when it was gonna be here?" He asks, going over to the sink to wash a few dishes they would need. "Yeah, like 30 minutes. Hey do you have any Parmesan? I like it on my pizza." he chuckles as he sits up, watching Tim as he rinses off a plate. "I think so. I had pasta the other night so there should be some in the fridge. You can check if you want." Tim said, nodding over to the fridge next to him, almost finishing with the dishes.
Brian pushes himself up from the couch, circling around the edge and into the kitchen area. He opens the fridge and grins, "Cool beans." he says and shuts the door. He leans against the counter and crosses his arms, looking over at Tim. "So, I got a question."
"I have an answer." Tim chuckles, drying off his hands and turning off the faucet. "There's this kid in one of my classes named, Alex, he's gonna be filming a low budget like project and there's characters and stuff like that involved. I was thinking of going over to the room at our campus tomorrow to...maybe audition...but would you maybe come along with me?" He asks, his face souring up as he didn't know how Tim was going to take it as he had watched his body tense up, before throwing the hand towel onto the counter next to him.
Tim sighs, looking over at Brian. "I don't think I could...I mean...I don't know this guy and I wouldn't be very good at whatever it is you want me to participate in." Brian shrugs, "It's just for fun. It's not definite. So no worries...let's just eat our pizza and chill out, yeah? Maybe catch up since we've both been busy." Brian suggests, trying to come up with alternative activities to do to hopefully ease Tim's anxiety.
"Sure, uh, sounds good."
"Cool." Brian smiles and gives a playful punch to Tim's shoulder, which he returned and joins him back onto the couch, only for the bell to ring. "I'll get it!" Brian springs up almost immediately, nearly kicking Tim with his leg as he stumbled over to the door to pay the delivery guy.
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