#also for the record either we have influenced each other's opinons a lot or we are just that similar
touchlikethesun · 4 months
also had lunch with the bestie today and we did some hq favs questions (even tho... we could have probably answered every q for the other alr) just for fun and bc we're seeing the movie tomorrow (!!!!!) and when we got to the favourite setter question she was all like "it's akaashi for you isn't it" and i was literally nodding and about to agree before i was overcome with horror because has akaashi somehow managed to dethrone kags????? has akaashi usurped my literal son?????
it sent me into a mini crisis in public ngl because... that's my child and my darling i've never pitted them against each other before and now here i was having to pick a fav - literally impossible impossible
in the end i decided kags is still my favourite setter bc in terms of ability and technique, kageyama tobio is unparalleled. but i made that decision purely based on ability and game performance not on anything else i could never truly choose between them never ever
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