#also for the pokemon games what if i let my audience like vote for which game i would be playing in each gen or smth that could be cool
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I wish I could just play video games all day as my job bc I have so many things I wish I could do like playing all 19 mainline Final Fantasy games in order. Unfortunately I would never be able to attract a big enough audience to make a living though because I would be doing things like playing all 19 mainline Final Fantasy games in order
#rambling#also theres the fact that i have to investigate Every Nook And Cranny#and other people usually find it incredibly boring to watch me spend two hours just opening Every Barrel in a given location#(although i guess that part could be solved by posting edited videos instead of vods or livestreaming)#seriously tho i would love to be able to do stuff like this#ive also wanted to play every mainline pokemon game (one from each gen) in order for a while now (plus some spinoffs)#and recently ive been thinking it would be neat to play every mainline tes game in order (although daggerfall would be a pain)#the only series ive tried to play every game + dlc in order so far is dragon age tho#and i ran out of free time partway through my inquisition replay so i never got to finish that 😞#(i still need to go back for that before i play veilguard bc i never played trespasser 😭 but i dont have the time for either of them rn)#i havent even had time to finish bg3. now that i think about it playing all the baldurs gates games in order would be cool tho...#and im still working on BREATH OF THE WILD...#although thats partly bc im stalling the boss fight with ganon so i can finish all the side quests and find all the shrines first lol#ill get to tears of the kingdom eventually... i hope#OH my god. playing every legend of zelda game in chronological order would be SO cool#theyve got that funky timeline stuff going on i could do like branching paths in the playlists or smth like???#why cant i have the free time to just play video games all day every day 😭😭😭#also for the pokemon games what if i let my audience like vote for which game i would be playing in each gen or smth that could be cool#(im doing ruby for gen 4 tho thats non negotiable)#aahhhh i have so many ideas and exactly zero time for them#and there probably wouldnt be that many people interested in them anyway 😭#i mean that would probably be thousands of hours of gameplay whos gonna watch all that
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Fan Fiction Road: Altar of EyeBeast Results
The votes have been cast and the winners have been decided. Let’s go over how things panned out and answer some of the questions given to me through the survey. To start, I’ll go over each scenario, the character picks for each, and some general thoughts about each one. I’ll be covering each scenario in the order of popularity.
Scenario C) Royal Reversal-49 votes
1. Midna (Zelda)-17
2. Wonder Woman (DC)-14
3. Lucina (Fire Emblem)-11
4. Jasmine (Disney)-10
5. Satsuki (Kill La Kill) and Risky Boots (Shantae)-9
6. Sonia (Danganronpa)-8
7. Karin (Street Fighter) and Catarina (My Life as a Villainess)-6
8. Emelia (Re:Zero)-3
-I’m honestly surprised this one got the top spot considering the subject matter. If I were to return to this scenario, I’d probably reverse the genders and ask for only male subjects to go through the transformation. As for the winner, Midna, you’ll find the results to which version was picked down below.
Scenario A) Couple’s Feast-48 votes
1. Link + Zelda (Breath of the Wild)-28
2. Male Reader + Doki Doki Literature Club Girl-13
3. Joker + Persona 5 Girl-11
4. Chris + Jill (Resident Evil) and Male Reader + Huniepop Girl-10
5. Shuichi + Kaede (Danganronpa)-6
6. Kimihito + Monster Musume Girl-5
7. Inuyasha + Kagome (Inuyahsa)-4
8. Ryu + Chun-li (Street Fighter) and Joey + Mai (Yu-Gi-Oh)-3
-Coming up close for second is the mutual weight gain couples. The winning pair is Link and Zelda, coincidentally the one couple I’ve seen the most fat art of together. I’m already considering doing this scenario again, this time focusing on Reader + Popular Vote Girl selections.
Scenario D) Pig Deity-43 votes
1. Rosalina IMario)-23
2. Palutena (Kid Icarus)-16
3. Aqua (Konosuba)-15
4. Venus (Huniepop)-11
5. Sophitia (Soulcalibur)-9
6. Panty (Panty and Stocking) and Holo (Spice and Wolf)-6
7. Tiki (Fire Emblem)-4
8. Hestia (Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)-3
9. Crim (Interspecies Reviewers)-0
-In third place, we have the scenario that’s admittedly the safest of the 5. Rosalina came out on top, strange considering the various choices we had. To be honest, it will probably be a one and done with this scenario. I’ve done plenty of pig stories before and this scenario was the one with the least suggestions. Still, I’ll do my beset to turn the goddess of the cosmos into the goddess of the pig pen.
Scenario B) Princess Makeover-41 votes
1. Ryuko (Kill La Kill)-20
2. Korra (Avatar)-18
3. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)-15
4. Chie (Persona 4)-11
5. Ganondorf (Zelda)-8
6. Asuka (Evangelion)-7
7. Kazuma (Konosuba)-6
8. R. Mika (Street Fighter)-4
9. Sakura (Street Fighter) and Lady (DMC)-2
-For fourth place, we have the first scenario that doesn’t have any form of weight gain included. I’m kind of glad Ryuko won over Korra, considering Korra already had her time to shine in a previous Fan Fiction Road. I’m also surprised at how high the male options got in comparison, making me consider an all male selection if I do this scenario again.
Scenario E) Pokemon Fusion-29 votes
1. Whitney/Miltank-29
2. Roxie/Koffing-15
3. Sabrina/Slowpoke and Lusamine/Buzzwole-12
4. May/Slaking and Bea/Hariyama-8
5. Hilda/Scolipede-4
6. Cynthia/Garchomp-3
7. Serena/Mega Charizard X-2
8. Kiawe/Salazzle-0
-Finally we have Pokemon Fusion, with the somewhat predictable winner of Whitney and her Miltank. Considering how vague this one was in terms of what the final story would contain, I can see why so few people voted for it. That being said, I would consider doing a Fan Fiction Road just with this scenario alone since there are so many combinations to choose from.
Character Popularity Polls:
Persona 5 Girls
1. Makoto-24
2. Futaba-13
3. Ann, Haru, and Kawakami-11
4. Takemi-8
Monster Musume Girls
1. Centorea-26
2. Miia-19
3. Suu-9
4. Papi and Rachnera-8
5. Mero-6
Doki Doki Literature Club Girls
1. Yuri-31
2. Monika-23
3. Natsuki-20
4. Sayori-8
Huniepop Girls
1. Nikki-11
2. Beli-9
3. Lola-8
4. Venus-7
5. Tiffany, Aiko, and Momo-6
6. Jessie-5
7. Celeste and Audrey-3
8. Kyu-2
9. Kyanna-1
Character Version Polls:
Lara Croft
1. Classic-55
2. Reboot-31
1. True Form-59
2. Imp Form-31
-I see that shortstacks are a bit more niche for my audience than I thought.
Miscellaneous Polls:
Fan Fiction Road Version Select
1. New-66
2. Old-16
-While I wont’ say that I’ll never go back to the old method, I can promise that I will go back to these varied scenarios again. Perhaps I’ll do smaller selections occasionally to replace a prompt request session or two.
B-Movie Selection:
1. Tremors-41
2. Deep Blue Sea-20
3. Dollman vs Demonic Toys-12
4. From Hell it Came-6
Franchise Select:
1. Mass Effect-36
2. Final Fantasy 7 (Classic)-22
3. Nier Automata-18
4. Xenoblade Chronicles-13
-As much as I despise EA, I have been meaning to give the Mass Effect games a try. I’ll snatch up the first game when it goes on sale and see how it goes. Don’t worry about the other options, I’m going to try to get to each of them eventually.
Questions and Answers:
Q: “ I don’t know if this is required to be filled out, but I’ll fill it out anyway. I like reading your stories when you do release new ones. I thought I’d ask why you don’t put the full content warning at the start of the story, and instead in the description, never understood that. “
A: It’s mostly an aesthetic thing for me. I just think it looks a little gaudy to shove so much information at the start of the story. That being said, this is a Deviantart only issue and who knows how things might change if Eclipse keeps screwing things up.
Q: “Here’s a question, will you try using Mulan based stories or Inuyasha based ones in the future? Just curious. “
A: For Mulan, probably not, really not my style. Inuyasha on the other hand depends on how much people want to see stories based on the characters.
Q: “ 2020 may be a huge bitch but that ain't nothing masturbation and weed can't solve! “
A: True, just make sure to do it in moderation before you’re found stoned out of your mind in the middle of the street with no pants on.
As for the various people that gave me words of encouragement to get through the rest of the year, I can’t express how thankful I am for your support. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some writing to do.
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The bane of my existence aka. Pokemon Contests (majority of this info is copy/pasted from my bff bulbapedia)
Contests are such a huge thing for Lisia (obvs) as well as my Ruby muse but I’ve always been vague about what actual system I go with. This is me kinda trying to figure it out, probably gonna blend both anime and game versions? And this will be what I go with starting from now (any previous contest-centric threads will continue with whatever the heck was going on i guess).
Let’s start with a little recap about how the game contests works (ORAS)-
- There are two rounds of judging (Primary and Secondary). - Primary judging is the “Introduction” round where the four competitor’s pokemon are judged on their condition. The audience votes based on which pokemon they think has the best condition for the Contest (eg, the coolest pokemon in the Cool Contest) - The Secondary judging is the “Talent” round where the four pokemon take turns ‘appealing’ by using certain moves in front of the judges. There are 5 turns in this round. Moves have to be chosen carefully, other competitors moves can effect others. The crowd will get bored if the same moves are repeated. - In Pokémon Contests, the winning Pokémon is awarded a Ribbon for each of the four different ranks. In Pokémon Contest Spectaculars, however, a Ribbon is only earned after beating the Master Rank. (??? why??) - A small portrait of the winner is painted and placed in the Contest Hall. - There are four contest ranks: Normal, Super, Hyper, and Master. Every competition, as well as having one of the five categories, has one of these four ranks. In the Normal Rank, any Pokémon may enter. Any Pokémon that won a Normal Rank contest may move up to the Super Rank in the same category. Likewise, a Super Rank winner can move up to the Hyper Rank, and a Hyper Rank winner can advance to the Master Rank in the same category. In Pokémon Contest Spectaculars, any Pokémon may enter any unlocked rank. (??? so stupid)
Contests in Sinnoh (DPPT games)-
- They’re called “Super Contests” - They’re a three-part competition. - First part the “Visual Competition” which is like the “Introduction” round of the ORAS contests. The Visual Competition score consists of two parts: the condition portion and the dress-up portion. - The second part is the “Dance Competition” where each pokemon takes a turn at ‘leading’ and the others have to copy them. A Pokémon earns 1 point for each step judged as “Good”, and 2 points for each step judged as “Excellent”. A step judged as a “Miss” does not score. - The final part is the “Acting Competition” which is the equivalent of the “Talent” round of the Hoenn Contests. Pokémon perform moves for one of the three Contest Judges, Jordan, Dexter, or Keira, to earn Appeal Points. This competition has four rounds, rather than the five rounds found in the Hoenn Contests. - The winning Pokémon will receive a Ribbon for the Contest condition and rank. They will also receive a special Accessory the first time the Contest is completed successfully.
Contests in the Anime-
- A Pokémon Contest is divided into two parts. In the first round, called the “Performance Stage”, Coordinators have their Pokémon performing their moves in order to showcase their style and skill. The appeals are awarded points by judges, usually Mr. Contesta, Mr. Sukizo, and the resident Nurse Joy. The Coordinators with the highest scores proceed to the next round. The number of Coordinators that advance to the second round varies. - The second round is the “Battle Stage”, in which Coordinators compete in Pokémon battles while continuing to show off their Pokémon’s style and skill. Each battle lasts five minutes and the object of the battle is to decrease the opponent’s points. Coordinators lose points when their Pokémon are hit by an attack, when their Pokémon’s attack fails, when the opponent’s Pokémon performs a particularly appealing move, or when the opponent’s Pokémon uses their Pokémon’s attack to its own advantage. A battle can also end when one of the Pokémon is unable to battle, called Battle Off by the judges. In this case, the Coordinator with the remaining Pokémon is declared the winner. - A Coordinator needs a Contest Pass from a particular region to enter Pokémon Contests there. Coordinators who win five Ribbons of a specific region are able to enter that region’s Grand Festival. A Ribbon won from events such as the Wallace Cup can be used in any region. Also, Ribbons do not expire, and multiple years can be used to collect the five needed for the Grand Festival. However, after being used to enter a Grand Festival, the five cannot be used again. Winners of the Grand Festival earn the Ribbon Cup and become Top Coordinators. - In Hoenn, Coordinators have to use the same Pokémon for both rounds—although there are exceptions. - In Kanto, Coordinators may enter different Pokémon for each round. - In Sinnoh, Coordinators enter one Pokémon for each round and generally dress up to compete. They also use Ball Capsules and Seals to enhance a Pokémon’s entrance. Pokémon Contests in the Sinnoh region include both Single and Double Performances, with the Grand Festival featuring the Double Performance format.
Wow this is getting big, I’m not even up to my actual point yet ahhh. So…
What I’m gonna be using/changing from all that (aka, this is my definition)-
- Pokemon Contests/Contests Spectaculars are a 2 round event for each category in particular Ranks. - The ranks are Normal, Super, Hyper and Master. The Normal Ranks are open to anyone that has a Contest Pass. Super Rank is only available to a pokemon that has won a Normal ribbon for the particular category (a pokemon that has won a Cuteness Normal Ribbon can enter the Cuteness Super Rank, but not the Toughness Super Rank unless they also have the Toughness Normal Ribbon etc). And it goes on- Super Rank Ribbons get you into Hyper Rank and then onto Master. - You can compete in the Ranks as many times as you like, even if you have already won it before but you can’t use a pokemon that has already won that Ribbon again in a lower Rank. Meaning if your pokemon won the Cuteness Super Ribbon, it can’t compete in the Cuteness Normal Rank again, only the Super (And Hyper etc). - The First round is the “Introduction” or “Appeal” round in which up to 8 Coordinators can enter. The pokemon are judged on their condition and outfit while they perform a move with their trainer (they have 5 turns each at this). The four pokemon with the highest scores go onto the next round. - (I really like the idea they have in the anime about having the battles, so I’m keeping that) The second round is the “Battle Performance” round where the competitors pair up and face off in an elegant battle. There is a 5 minute time limit. Yeah its just like the anime. But the Coordinator must use the same pokemon for both rounds. The two winners of the respective battles then face each other in a final battle. - The winner gets a Ribbon, and its documented on their Contest Pass. - In the Sinnoh Contests, there is an extra around, (like in the games)- the Dance round where pokemon and trainer perform a few dance moves (choosing tricky ones to try throw off the other competitors, but they’ll lose points if the others can copy their moves, so you gotta be careful) and the others have to copy. - Once you have 5 Master Rank Ribbons from the different categories, you can enter into the Grand Spectacular Contest where you will face off against others that have that many (or more) Master Ribbons. This is the round Lisia competes in, as she’s top-tier. - In addition to the general Contests and Grand Spectaculars, there are seasonal and special Contests (sometimes called Festivals). Some of these are open to beginners, and others require you to have a set amount of Ribbons from certain Ranks. There are Grand Festivals to pick Top Coordinators (like in the anime).
I’m gonna have to do a separate post about how challenging Contests actually are, as well as some stuff more directly connected to Lisia.
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The bane of my existence aka. Pokemon Contests (majority of this info is copy/pasted from my bff bulbapedia)
Contests are such a huge thing for Lisia (obvs) as well as my Ruby muse but I’ve always been vague about what actual system I go with. This is me kinda trying to figure it out, probably gonna blend both anime and game versions? And this will be what I go with starting from now (any previous contest-centric threads will continue with whatever the heck was going on i guess).
Let’s start with a little recap about how the game contests works (ORAS)-
- There are two rounds of judging (Primary and Secondary). - Primary judging is the “Introduction” round where the four competitor’s pokemon are judged on their condition. The audience votes based on which pokemon they think has the best condition for the Contest (eg, the coolest pokemon in the Cool Contest) - The Secondary judging is the “Talent” round where the four pokemon take turns ‘appealing’ by using certain moves in front of the judges. There are 5 turns in this round. Moves have to be chosen carefully, other competitors moves can effect others. The crowd will get bored if the same moves are repeated. - In Pokémon Contests, the winning Pokémon is awarded a Ribbon for each of the four different ranks. In Pokémon Contest Spectaculars, however, a Ribbon is only earned after beating the Master Rank. (??? why??) - A small portrait of the winner is painted and placed in the Contest Hall. - There are four contest ranks: Normal, Super, Hyper, and Master. Every competition, as well as having one of the five categories, has one of these four ranks. In the Normal Rank, any Pokémon may enter. Any Pokémon that won a Normal Rank contest may move up to the Super Rank in the same category. Likewise, a Super Rank winner can move up to the Hyper Rank, and a Hyper Rank winner can advance to the Master Rank in the same category. In Pokémon Contest Spectaculars, any Pokémon may enter any unlocked rank. (??? so stupid)
Contests in Sinnoh (DPPT games)-
- They’re called “Super Contests” - They’re a three-part competition. - First part the “Visual Competition” which is like the “Introduction” round of the ORAS contests. The Visual Competition score consists of two parts: the condition portion and the dress-up portion. - The second part is the “Dance Competition” where each pokemon takes a turn at ‘leading’ and the others have to copy them. A Pokémon earns 1 point for each step judged as "Good", and 2 points for each step judged as "Excellent". A step judged as a "Miss" does not score. - The final part is the “Acting Competition” which is the equivalent of the “Talent” round of the Hoenn Contests. Pokémon perform moves for one of the three Contest Judges, Jordan, Dexter, or Keira, to earn Appeal Points. This competition has four rounds, rather than the five rounds found in the Hoenn Contests. - The winning Pokémon will receive a Ribbon for the Contest condition and rank. They will also receive a special Accessory the first time the Contest is completed successfully.
Contests in the Anime-
- A Pokémon Contest is divided into two parts. In the first round, called the “Performance Stage”, Coordinators have their Pokémon performing their moves in order to showcase their style and skill. The appeals are awarded points by judges, usually Mr. Contesta, Mr. Sukizo, and the resident Nurse Joy. The Coordinators with the highest scores proceed to the next round. The number of Coordinators that advance to the second round varies. - The second round is the “Battle Stage”, in which Coordinators compete in Pokémon battles while continuing to show off their Pokémon's style and skill. Each battle lasts five minutes and the object of the battle is to decrease the opponent's points. Coordinators lose points when their Pokémon are hit by an attack, when their Pokémon's attack fails, when the opponent's Pokémon performs a particularly appealing move, or when the opponent's Pokémon uses their Pokémon's attack to its own advantage. A battle can also end when one of the Pokémon is unable to battle, called Battle Off by the judges. In this case, the Coordinator with the remaining Pokémon is declared the winner. - A Coordinator needs a Contest Pass from a particular region to enter Pokémon Contests there. Coordinators who win five Ribbons of a specific region are able to enter that region's Grand Festival. A Ribbon won from events such as the Wallace Cup can be used in any region. Also, Ribbons do not expire, and multiple years can be used to collect the five needed for the Grand Festival. However, after being used to enter a Grand Festival, the five cannot be used again. Winners of the Grand Festival earn the Ribbon Cup and become Top Coordinators. - In Hoenn, Coordinators have to use the same Pokémon for both rounds—although there are exceptions. - In Kanto, Coordinators may enter different Pokémon for each round. - In Sinnoh, Coordinators enter one Pokémon for each round and generally dress up to compete. They also use Ball Capsules and Seals to enhance a Pokémon's entrance. Pokémon Contests in the Sinnoh region include both Single and Double Performances, with the Grand Festival featuring the Double Performance format.
Wow this is getting big, I’m not even up to my actual point yet ahhh. So...
What I’m gonna be using/changing from all that (aka, this is my definition)-
- Pokemon Contests/Contests Spectaculars are a 2 round event for each category in particular Ranks. - The ranks are Normal, Super, Hyper and Master. The Normal Ranks are open to anyone that has a Contest Pass. Super Rank is only available to a pokemon that has won a Normal ribbon for the particular category (a pokemon that has won a Cuteness Normal Ribbon can enter the Cuteness Super Rank, but not the Toughness Super Rank unless they also have the Toughness Normal Ribbon etc). And it goes on- Super Rank Ribbons get you into Hyper Rank and then onto Master. - You can compete in the Ranks as many times as you like, even if you have already won it before but you can’t use a pokemon that has already won that Ribbon again in a lower Rank. Meaning if your pokemon won the Cuteness Super Ribbon, it can’t compete in the Cuteness Normal Rank again, only the Super (And Hyper etc). - The First round is the “Introduction” or “Appeal” round in which up to 8 Coordinators can enter. The pokemon are judged on their condition and outfit while they perform a move with their trainer (they have 5 turns each at this). The four pokemon with the highest scores go onto the next round. - (I really like the idea they have in the anime about having the battles, so I’m keeping that) The second round is the “Battle Performance” round where the competitors pair up and face off in an elegant battle. There is a 5 minute time limit. Yeah its just like the anime. But the Coordinator must use the same pokemon for both rounds. The two winners of the respective battles then face each other in a final battle. - The winner gets a Ribbon, and its documented on their Contest Pass. - In the Sinnoh Contests, there is an extra around, (like in the games)- the Dance round where pokemon and trainer perform a few dance moves (choosing tricky ones to try throw off the other competitors, but they’ll lose points if the others can copy their moves, so you gotta be careful) and the others have to copy. - Once you have 5 Master Rank Ribbons from the different categories, you can enter into the Grand Spectacular Contest where you will face off against others that have that many (or more) Master Ribbons. This is the round Lisia competes in, as she’s top-tier. - In addition to the general Contests and Grand Spectaculars, there are seasonal and special Contests (sometimes called Festivals). Some of these are open to beginners, and others require you to have a set amount of Ribbons from certain Ranks. There are Grand Festivals to pick Top Coordinators (like in the anime).
I’m gonna have to do a separate post about how challenging Contests actually are, as well as some stuff more directly connected to Lisia.
#long post#THIS ONLY TOOK ME /ALL/ DAY#i got distracted a lot okay#and i feel like i missed something??#⦗ ❝ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ! ❞ ⋮ hc ⋮ all ⦘
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( ・゚✧ HEADCANON. )
The bane of my existence aka. Pokemon Contests (majority of this info is copy/pasted from my bff bulbapedia)
Contests are such a huge thing for Lisia (obvs) as well as my Ruby muse but I’ve always been vague about what actual system I go with. This is me kinda trying to figure it out, probably gonna blend both anime and game versions? And this will be what I go with starting from now (any previous contest-centric threads will continue with whatever the heck was going on i guess).
Let’s start with a little recap about how the game contests works (ORAS)-
- There are two rounds of judging (Primary and Secondary). - Primary judging is the “Introduction” round where the four competitor’s pokemon are judged on their condition. The audience votes based on which pokemon they think has the best condition for the Contest (eg, the coolest pokemon in the Cool Contest) - The Secondary judging is the “Talent” round where the four pokemon take turns ‘appealing’ by using certain moves in front of the judges. There are 5 turns in this round. Moves have to be chosen carefully, other competitors moves can effect others. The crowd will get bored if the same moves are repeated. - In Pokémon Contests, the winning Pokémon is awarded a Ribbon for each of the four different ranks. In Pokémon Contest Spectaculars, however, a Ribbon is only earned after beating the Master Rank. (??? why??) - A small portrait of the winner is painted and placed in the Contest Hall. - There are four contest ranks: Normal, Super, Hyper, and Master. Every competition, as well as having one of the five categories, has one of these four ranks. In the Normal Rank, any Pokémon may enter. Any Pokémon that won a Normal Rank contest may move up to the Super Rank in the same category. Likewise, a Super Rank winner can move up to the Hyper Rank, and a Hyper Rank winner can advance to the Master Rank in the same category. In Pokémon Contest Spectaculars, any Pokémon may enter any unlocked rank. (??? so stupid)
Contests in Sinnoh (DPPT games)-
- They’re called “Super Contests” - They’re a three-part competition. - First part the “Visual Competition” which is like the “Introduction” round of the ORAS contests. The Visual Competition score consists of two parts: the condition portion and the dress-up portion. - The second part is the “Dance Competition” where each pokemon takes a turn at ‘leading’ and the others have to copy them. A Pokémon earns 1 point for each step judged as “Good”, and 2 points for each step judged as “Excellent”. A step judged as a “Miss” does not score. - The final part is the “Acting Competition” which is the equivalent of the “Talent” round of the Hoenn Contests. Pokémon perform moves for one of the three Contest Judges, Jordan, Dexter, or Keira, to earn Appeal Points. This competition has four rounds, rather than the five rounds found in the Hoenn Contests. - The winning Pokémon will receive a Ribbon for the Contest condition and rank. They will also receive a special Accessory the first time the Contest is completed successfully.
Contests in the Anime-
- A Pokémon Contest is divided into two parts. In the first round, called the “Performance Stage”, Coordinators have their Pokémon performing their moves in order to showcase their style and skill. The appeals are awarded points by judges, usually Mr. Contesta, Mr. Sukizo, and the resident Nurse Joy. The Coordinators with the highest scores proceed to the next round. The number of Coordinators that advance to the second round varies. - The second round is the “Battle Stage”, in which Coordinators compete in Pokémon battles while continuing to show off their Pokémon’s style and skill. Each battle lasts five minutes and the object of the battle is to decrease the opponent’s points. Coordinators lose points when their Pokémon are hit by an attack, when their Pokémon’s attack fails, when the opponent’s Pokémon performs a particularly appealing move, or when the opponent’s Pokémon uses their Pokémon’s attack to its own advantage. A battle can also end when one of the Pokémon is unable to battle, called Battle Off by the judges. In this case, the Coordinator with the remaining Pokémon is declared the winner. - A Coordinator needs a Contest Pass from a particular region to enter Pokémon Contests there. Coordinators who win five Ribbons of a specific region are able to enter that region’s Grand Festival. A Ribbon won from events such as the Wallace Cup can be used in any region. Also, Ribbons do not expire, and multiple years can be used to collect the five needed for the Grand Festival. However, after being used to enter a Grand Festival, the five cannot be used again. Winners of the Grand Festival earn the Ribbon Cup and become Top Coordinators. - In Hoenn, Coordinators have to use the same Pokémon for both rounds—although there are exceptions. - In Kanto, Coordinators may enter different Pokémon for each round. - In Sinnoh, Coordinators enter one Pokémon for each round and generally dress up to compete. They also use Ball Capsules and Seals to enhance a Pokémon’s entrance. Pokémon Contests in the Sinnoh region include both Single and Double Performances, with the Grand Festival featuring the Double Performance format.
Wow this is getting big, I’m not even up to my actual point yet ahhh. So…
What I’m gonna be using/changing from all that (aka, this is my definition)-
- Pokemon Contests/Contests Spectaculars are a 2 round event for each category in particular Ranks. - The ranks are Normal, Super, Hyper and Master. The Normal Ranks are open to anyone that has a Contest Pass. Super Rank is only available to a pokemon that has won a Normal ribbon for the particular category (a pokemon that has won a Cuteness Normal Ribbon can enter the Cuteness Super Rank, but not the Toughness Super Rank unless they also have the Toughness Normal Ribbon etc). And it goes on- Super Rank Ribbons get you into Hyper Rank and then onto Master. - You can compete in the Ranks as many times as you like, even if you have already won it before but you can’t use a pokemon that has already won that Ribbon again in a lower Rank. Meaning if your pokemon won the Cuteness Super Ribbon, it can’t compete in the Cuteness Normal Rank again, only the Super (And Hyper etc). - The First round is the “Introduction” or “Appeal” round in which up to 8 Coordinators can enter. The pokemon are judged on their condition and outfit while they perform a move with their trainer (they have 5 turns each at this). The four pokemon with the highest scores go onto the next round. - (I really like the idea they have in the anime about having the battles, so I’m keeping that) The second round is the “Battle Performance” round where the competitors pair up and face off in an elegant battle. There is a 5 minute time limit. Yeah its just like the anime. But the Coordinator must use the same pokemon for both rounds. The two winners of the respective battles then face each other in a final battle. - The winner gets a Ribbon, and its documented on their Contest Pass. - In the Sinnoh Contests, there is an extra around, (like in the games)- the Dance round where pokemon and trainer perform a few dance moves (choosing tricky ones to try throw off the other competitors, but they’ll lose points if the others can copy their moves, so you gotta be careful) and the others have to copy. - Once you have 5 Master Rank Ribbons from the different categories, you can enter into the Grand Spectacular Contest where you will face off against others that have that many (or more) Master Ribbons. This is the round Lisia competes in, as she’s top-tier. - In addition to the general Contests and Grand Spectaculars, there are seasonal and special Contests (sometimes called Festivals). Some of these are open to beginners, and others require you to have a set amount of Ribbons from certain Ranks. There are Grand Festivals to pick Top Coordinators (like in the anime).
I’m gonna have to do a separate post about how challenging Contests actually are, as well as some stuff more directly connected to Lisia.
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Alyse ,Gamestart official Mascot cosplay by Sharlene
The 2017 Edition of GameStart (GameStart 2017) happened last weekend on the 14th and 15th of October 2017 at Suntec Convention Halls 401,402 and 403. With this year's bigger floor space and new additions, let's take a look back at the captured memories!
Sony PlayStation/SEA Major
PlayStaion VR
Final Fantasy Dissidia NT
Grand Turismo Sports
SEA Major Stage,Tekken World Tour
SEA Major booth,Blazblue Preliminaries
If there is any exhibitors that took advantage of GameStart 2017 expanded floor space this year.
We have to mention Sony PlayStation, Besides the returning SEA Major booth and Stage areas where fighting games competition takes place. Located Right at the entrance was Sony PlayStation booth where visitors get to experience latest launched games like Grand Turismo Sports and yet to be launched Final Fantasy Dissidia NT. Playsation VR also made a cameback this year.
SEA Major Mobile
Shadowverse Finals
Vain Glory Finals
This year, GameStart 2017 saw the addition of SEA Mobile Major . With all kinds of mobile games fast gaining popularity, its about time we see Mobile games in the E-sports arena. The inaugural SEA Mobile Major saw competitors battle for the top spot in Cygame's Card based game Shadowverse and Vain Glory a MOBA optimized for touch screen devices by Super Evil Megacorp
IGDA SG & Founder's Base
IDGA SG booth showcasing games developed by local studios
Founder's base Allows local and overseas studios to showcase their works.
Another new addition to GameStart 2017 was IGDA(Singapore) booth. Visitors had their chance to play the games developed by local indie games game studios. They also can vote for their favourite game. While over at Founder's base, both local and overseas indie game studios which are startups get to showcase their work to the massive crowds.
Gamestart 2017 Tabletop
Magic The Gathering
For people who prefer the slower pace of table top gaming, you were not left out this year! with the addition of GameStart 2017 tabletop gaming section. From tabletop wargames like Warhammer to card games like Magic The Gathering the tabletop gaming section has you covered. Other table top game spotted were Force of Will, the Final Fantasy TCG,Exploding Kittens, Dungeons & Dragons and many others.
Bandai Namco
Taiko no Tatsujin Session de Dodon ga Don!
Ying Tze VS Michael Murray(Game developer for Takken) for Tekken Bowl exhibition match
A rare treat for the fans: Tekken 7 Exhibition match , Yoshinori Ono-san(BTW he was pick from the audience, its not planned) from Capcom VS Ying Tze who is cosplaying as Eliza.
Yivon as Eva Roux from Code Vein an upcoming RPG published by Bandai Namco
Game publisher Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia returned this with several unreleased games like Dragon Ball FighterZ,Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker,Taiko no Tatsujin Session de Dodon ga Don! and the recently released Project cars 2. Fans of Ying Tze was delighted Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia. invited her as guest cosplayer. Not only did they get a chance to fight her in a friendly Tekken 7, her photo book was on sale and fans get to meet her at meet and greet sessions.
HADO AR Techno Sports
Hado Booth
Hado Singapore is bringing the concept of AR Techno Sports locally. After hearing it at the press conference, i was pretty hype up about the concept. For the uninitiated AR is actually Augmented Reality take it a step further from Virtual Reality, AR overlays Graphics over a real world environment. A insanely popular example would be Pokemon GO. I did get my chance to play 1 round, it was great fun and it's sure a workout dodging those bullets.
Retro DNA
A Visitor playing the Sega Dream Cast
How many classical Portable consoles can you name here? Remember the days of blowing cartridges & relying on the street lamps for illumination?
With the launch of NES Mini,SNES Mini,Famicom mini in the recent years, one can tell that classic game consoles still retain their charm till this very age. Modern Game consoles may have amazing life like graphics. But that doesn't mean 8-bit or 16-bit pixels loses its relevance. At Retro DNA one can experience the game consoles of yesteryear and even grab some back home!
Secret Lab Grand Prix
Race in Progress
"Déjà Vu! I've just been in this time before! (Higher on the beat!) And I know it's a place to come home! Calling you! And the subject's a mystery! (Standing on my feet!) It's so hard when I try to believe! Yeeeaaaaaah!!" Nani? Multi Chair Drifto?????
Another fan favourite that returned this year was the Doujima x Gamestart collab visitors browsed thru the alleys to find fan arts and illustration of their fandom. This year there were a total of 40 artist that participated. Doujima is held in collaboration with Neo Tokyo Project
Game on! Cosplay Runway Competition
Guest & Judge: Vera Chimera
Guest & Judge Carry
Guest & Judge: AstroScary
Junkrat from Overwatch
Snow White from SinoAlice
Game on! Cosplay Runway Contestant and Judges
Game on! Cosplay Runway competition has always been a staple at GameStart. Continuing its tradition a slight twist to the judging criteria & prizes category is what sets this competition apart from others . Level Up prize is presented to a cosplayer which is relatively new to the Competitive cosplay scene. While Best in show ( Craftsmanship) and Best in show (Characterization) should be self-explanatory . The top prize of judges (Guest ccsplayers: Carry,Vera Chimera,AstroKerrie) choice award was eventually given to Fiddlesticks(Surprise Party Skin).
Cosplay Galore
Mei (Overwatch)
Genji (Overwatch)
Derpling (Carbot animations Starcrafts)
Final Fantasy XV (featuring Send nu... I mean Noods Cup Noodles)
Annie (League of Legends)
No conventions of such nature would be completed without Cosplay. GameStart this year has continued the tradition of free entry for Cosplayers. Here are just some of the many who turn up
at the event grounds!
Nier:Automata Q&A(Pre-picked) Session
Emil (Xin Cosplay)
Add caption
2B( Lenneth XVII x MAKO)
Hmmmm... Why are they holding controllers?
One of the Biggest draw for this year's GameStart would be the NieR: Automata events. In Collaboration with AFASG, GameStart brought down Yoko Taro (Game/Creative Director,Nier Series,Drakengard series,SINoALICE,Demons' Score) & Yosuke Saito (Game Producer,Square Enix). On the first day, the duo appeared on stage for the Q&A session where fans get to know the answers of the duo to a set of Pre-selected questions as well as their reactions to certain polls. Returning to the stage on the 2nd day they were joined by Tokumaru Oguri (World Cosplay Summit CEO & Founder) to judge for NieR Cosplay Competition. The Competition was split into 2 Segments while the first was your regular go up the stage and impress the judges with your character portray, the 2nd segment test the cosplayer's skills in game. While Asayaki Sora eventually emerges the champion, Xin and Lenneth(who came back home to Singapore from US just for this competition!)won the Special Saito and Special Yoko prizes respectively. Selected lucky fans were treated to a close door meet & greet as well.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Solo Competition PUBG match
This year's GameStart Concluded with a full on Solo PUBG Singapore Community match. 10 Streamers were invited to play the game at GameStart itself while the rest were playing from home. The crowd was thrilled by the action especially towards the end. With that i shall leave you guys with more of the captured memories below and also the link to GamestartAsia's official Twitch channel for the recorded streams!
Game Start official channel: http://ift.tt/2yMViPu
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