#also first kara content yippee
ok ok so imagine:
ok this sets place in an au where kara never meets luther and kara never discovered alice was an android, well, yet.
(922 words)
The two were inseparable. Who thought a "human" girl and a deviated AX400 would be like a mother and daughter?
Off to Canada, they were. To be free. But, getting to Canada seems to be at a price.
The price of being caught in gunfire.
Apparently, the two had accidentally stepped into an android protest. Stepped straight into the crossfire of gunfire. God, Kara was more than thankful she was an android in that moment. She ducked under a bullet, pulled Alice away from the other-- But--
Alice had accidentally pulled a little too hard on her arm out of fear, accidentally dislocating some socket. But, that wasn't the biggest issue.
The biggest issue was the sound of gunfire colliding into Alice's ribcage. Or, rather, right below it.
Alice's high pitched scream would've made anybody's stomach flip upside down. Despite the half-dysfunctional arm Kara had, she used all her power to grab Alice and bolt. She didn't care where they ended up, as long as it was away from gunfire.
The two ended up in an abandoned home somehow. Did either of them remember how? Nope. Adrenaline, or whatever android equivalent there was of that.
Alice is propped up, on top of some sort of.. counter? Table? Petrified bed? Something of the sorts. Her hands are tight against the gunshot, hiding all the blood staining the fabrics of her shirt underneath the black coat-vest she had on.
Kara told her to take her clothes off, as she ran off to another room. Her hands rummage through different cupboards, praying, hoping she'd find bandages, antiseptic, something to help her human daughter. "Human".
Alice anxiously unzipped the coat as pain struck through her like lightning again. She'll know I'm an android. She'll hate me. Her hands hover over the blue-stained fabric of her shirt, weakly pulling it over her own head. Her hands grip at the already receding skin, exposing her true insides to the world. How could she ever tell her mother who was so convinced she was a human that she was an android? She'd probably leave her. After all, she's not her real daughter, or at least, not the one she thought she had. Nobody loves a liar, do they?
Kara's rushed hands grab at something that felt like a.. packet of liquid? She takes it out and.. Oh. It's thirium. She doesn't need that right now. She tossed the package of blue onto the countertop as she reaches and searches and finds bandages. God, Finally. and Kara runs to find a half conscious Alice, hands over a gunshot wound in her abdomen, her hands covered in blue. not red, blue blood.
Kara would stand there, in shock, and she's frozen.
Alice was an android? And I didn't know?
She's unable to accept it, all the while Alice is there, probably trying her best not to die while her mother is struggling to accept the fact she was an android. It was almost like how Todd was so unable to accept Alice was his daughter now, or, was, before the two escaped. But it was worse. Because Alice would've thought Kara would've loved her more, well, not really..
Kara runs into another room.
Is she leaving me? She's leaving me.
Alice closes her eyes, expecting never to open them again. Kara had left her for good, right? Alice was alone now. Her own inability just to be what she was meant to be, a daughter, a good human daughter, would now be the death of her. Maybe something was wrong with her. Maybe she wasn't ever like all the other little girls.
Maybe she never would've been.
Suddenly, footsteps rush into the room. Hurried hands grab onto Alice's shoulders.
(Go back a few seconds, rewind, we're focusing on Kara for a moment.) --
Kara runs back into the room where she had searched desperately for bandages, antiseptic, other things.
But she wasn't searching for those anymore.
She reached for that discarded packet of thirium she'd carelessly thrown onto the dusty countertop. Her hands shook unnaturally as they gripped onto it for dear life.
Her shoes screeched as she turned on her heel, bolting back to Alice. God, she can't die. Not now. She needed Alice. Alice needed her. They were nothing without each other.
"Alice. Everything will be okay. Listen to me."
Alice opens her heavy eyelids, her HUD blurry and dim from the loss of thirium. Usually there would be errors there, but she was a child. They were dumb not to add them for the sake of making them seem more "human".
Her vision could barely make out Kara, anxious, scared, terrified, and more caring then they ever were before. But, wait, was that a packet of blue in her hand..?
"Alice, please, there's little time. Please."
Kara offered the blue to Alice, quietly feeding it to her as she weakly took it in. Blue blood. It was thirium! Kara was going to save Alice! She was going to be okay! Everything will be okay now, right?
Kara's free hand rested on Alice's cheek, comfortingly reassuring she'd never leave. She promised she'd never leave, and now she would keep it.
Alice's eyelids fluttered and her blue hand reached and touched Kara's.
"You don't hate me?"
"Why would I?" Kara's voice sounded, echoing in Alice's head as she looked at her in surprise, maybe even a bit of awe.
She didn't hate Alice. She didn't even seem to consider it.
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aroaceacacia · 2 years
good afternoon Gen Aroaceacacia! If I may ask, what is a block wars? No pressure to answer, just curious based on your last post
Block wars is a minecraft event! its pretty similar to MCC in structure & concept (because it has its roots in the MCC testing community), but it's its own thing. like, it's hosted by "capollo media" - that's capollo as in joey capollo, as in MCC Highlights, formerly known as MCC the Show, if anyone is familiar with that YT channel
there have been 15 or 16 block wars events in the block wars origins series, which has that friend group/smaller cc playerbase that made up the majority of the block wars roster until now. today was block wars 1, the first event from the block wars series with a player base of majority/all content creators! YIPPEE
block wars has 40 players, like MCC, but instead of 10 teams of 4, theres 8 teams of 5! the names of the games are also all very.. uh. ... the names are kind of boring NFL. "move", "race", "battle", "construction" are all unfortunately pretty nondescript. but its fun! im personally a fan of "party" as a concept, which is like a short gauntlet of a few different party games.
basically: if you LOVE mcc and want more events like MCC but cant stand twitch rivals minecraft's formats, consider checking out block wars! it's a pretty good event, not quite as polished & professional as MCC but I would never expect it to be. its usually far less scuffed than like, idk. dotwav events, anyway. (FROM MY EXPERIENCE)
today was a bit cursed for some reason - shoutout purpled bluescreening during race, at least 10 ppl missing checkpoints in race and running way more laps than was necessary, kara's graphics card crashing, llama's computer also exploding, all of the lag & ping issues NA players had bc thr server is EU, and also lockieness - but I swear to god it's not normally like that THEY DONT NORMALLY HAVE TO REDO 1.5 GAMES I SWEAR. THIS IS LIKE THEIR MCC 7/MCC 14 OKAY
anyways block wars is cool n fun heres the Block Wars YT channel and heres natcrackers' Block Wars VODs playlist. several players have also made highlights videos, like this video from notsouls of block wars 13
(which reminds me - I should archive the gummywroms and ironstarr BW POVs I saved a couple months ago. Another thing on the to-do list!)
to clarify I am nowhere near as knowledgeable about block wars as other people might be HOWEVER i think block wars is a cool little event and especially now that the Block Wars series playerbase has spread to much larger CCs it has a chance to really get more eyes on it
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