#also evil en lucifer is back lol
corneille-moisie · 1 year
tbh having ryonai bring blam honey back with kiwamu's help in the early 2010's was unexepected but its one of the only reason we got hd version of some songs.
or some songs at all... do you know how difficult it was to find ANY blam honey in the early 2000 ? i had scoured the internet and all i could find was like 3 songs.
Thing is if you had a bit of money, the albums/singles/tapes were regularly-ish available on japanese auction sites, but i didnt have money and, idk about now but, japanese fans were not prone to share mp3s, at the time. so you had to cross your fingers that either someone french or argentinian had uploaded it. (or actually you had to ask the frenchs cause they were dicks about how "hard this was to find and whats in it for me" and the argentinians probably had a blog and was happy to share everything as long as you gave them credit)
im glad that blam honey songs are easier to find, now. thats true for many other bands too. there was a thrill to find rare stuff at the time, sure. but its a better thing that its all more accessible, now, i think. are there still people hogging access to some old demo tapes cause they "had to work for it" ? Sure. but i find they are far less common than 12-15 years ago.
there is no point in hoarding weird japanese music from the 90's without sharing it anymore. i glad people seemed to finally understand that theres no point in being the only person listening to a song. songs are meant to be shared !
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