#also enjoy this shitty ash gif I made
theoryandahalf · 4 months
anon who asked about gtlive and ash and what your thoughts on what will happen to the channel! hope you get more anon asks i personally loved the big reply it made me feel like i was taken seriously, and that there was someone else who cared about this kinda niche channel of the theorist brand like i do. gtlive was MY comfort channel before mcyt blew up and the term became known lmao
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Aww thank you anon! I'm always down to info dump about GT Live or anything Theorist related! I've been a fan of Matpat off and on since his Sans is Ness days (I remember being confused about Gaster and Sans and finding Matt...and then getting even more confused lamo) but got really into GT Live in the middle of the pandemic. He's definitely my comfort creator, but I since I joined GT Live late in this vod era, I got to see Mirror Matt and Ash, Josiah, Sam and the rest join the team and grow up in the company. I'm so happy they're getting more time to shine!
Oh! And if you want more conspiracy theories from me...Ash did stream for a little bit before they stopped and deleted their vods from Youtube. I kinda wonder if they did that because Theorist is planning on them being on camera, hosting for GT Live? (edit: As in showing their face on camera instead of being behind the scenes) Its one thing for Tom to have streaming career /side gig if he's only tangentially the host, but if Ash is on camera more, they would be unable to stream under a 'do not compete' clause.
The other person on the team with lengthy streaming experience is Dan, but I think he's no longer interested in pursuing that type of career. I suspect we will see Dan leave in the next few years as he tries to make it as a writer for Hollywood. That's my super deep cut GT Live Theory. Thanks for reading!
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shewrites02 · 8 months
Green With Envy |Zoro X Reader|
Jealous Zoro x reader
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Zoro x Crewmate!Reader
A/N: This is for @dinuxia-bhm, Who requested Zoro Jealous of the shitty cook. This is my very first One Piece fic request so I hope I did it justice.
Request : Open
Word Count : 5.3k
Leave a comment if you enjoy ! :)
"If you stare any longer , you may actually burn the image of them into your brain." Nami teased. She bumped the swordsman with her elbow , only then drawing his attention to her presence. "
Do you plan on making a move or were you hoping to intimidate her into a relationship?"
Nami takes a seat at the table next to the pirate who also awaits the start of breakfast. His eyes glance over at her , contemplating if he has any harsh words for the navigator... He has half a mind to tell her to mind her own business. Relationship? He scoffs at the notion. The swordsman knew nothing of feelings or love. The taboo, he quickly determined, too ridiculous to even discuss. Zoro only huffs in disagreement then goes back to watching the displays of affection amongst you and the cook.
You were teaching Sanji how to make an authentic breakfast from your village. The cook had begged you for weeks to share your favorite recipe with him. Even offering to spend his own berries gathering all the ingredients.
"Sanji, why do you keep asking me about this?" You inquired on the third week.
" I know you've only been sailing with us for a couple months, but I'm sure you noticed how hard it is to be away from home. " He took the cigarette out his lips then ashed it on the railing before giving you a sincere smile. "I just want to be able to make you something if you get homesick."
It was difficult to decline such a heartfelt request.
"Here. Try it now."
You blew on the spoon hoping to cool it down. When most of the steam subsided , you extended your arm bringing the spoon to Sanji's lips. You steadied his chin with your free hand being sure not to spill the hot liquid on his face. He hummed in pleasure at the taste.
"I think you have outdone even me on this one, my love." Sanji grinned proudly.
"As if I could ever!"
You pushed your hand into Sanji's chest jokingly shoving him away from you. The cook grabs your wrist before you can pull away, drawing you in to plant a tender kiss on your cheek.
"Darling, you truly did an amazing job. Thank you for showing me."
The sight made Zoro's stomach turn. He watched how Sanji's hands fell to your waist when he moved around you to navigate the kitchen. Notice how you didn't shy away from his touch. How you actually offered a sweet smile to him in return . The marimo's body strained at every passing touch you and Sanji exchanged. His taut muscles are too tense to contract any further at the sight of Sanji's lips against your skin. "Why does he get to touch you?" The thought comes as a surprise to him.
"Here Zo , you wanna try ?" You asked.
You turn to him with a new spoonful of jam, blowing on it just as you had done for Sanji . You had taken notice of the swordsman's observations of you . Watch the way his eyes had followed your hands to Sanji's chin when you fed him . Zoro had sat at the table all morning supervising your lesson with the cook. You figured you could offer him that attention too.
"Marimo is too dense to appreciate such elegant flavors. " Sanji responds before Zoro has an opportunity to.
"Fuck you! It's only your shit cooking I don't appreciate!"
While the boys bicker you walk over to the table spoon in hand. Sanji had hurled another insult at the ex bounty hunter , but the delicate feeling of your fingers wrapping around his chin stopped any words Zoro may have had in return. There was a small pause where his eyes lingered on yours . Searching for something . Malice? Contempt? You didn't know. But When he found what he was looking for , or lack thereof , his lips parted.
"Is it good? Do you like it?" You asked using your thumb to wipe away the excess from the side of his mouth.
"Yeah..." His gaze shifts away from you. "Way better than the cooks."
You giggled at his words, allowing yourself to wallow in the heat that filled your chest at his praise. Amused at the small smirk that laid on his lips once he had gotten what he wanted. Your attention. You bend to bring your mouth to his ear.
"Silly swordsman, I have enough attention for the both of you." You whispered .
"I- that's not-"
The words trip and stumble out his mouth never once finding their feet. You could see the sweat begging to bead on Zoro's brow as his eyes shifted about in panic, looking for anything coherent to mumble back. The stoic pirate reduced to a fumbling teenager at your words. When he can come up with nothing, he decides to stop speaking. Annoyed, he crosses his arms against his chest and turns his head to face the navigator. He is met with the knowing grin on her face.
Your eyes scanned the room while your fingers aimlessly tapped against the sake bottle. You sat at the bar top alone , waiting for the rest of your crew-mates to join you . You should have known better than to think any of them would be on time. Sticking to the plan was not something the Strawhats were particularly versed in. Especially when they were all left to their own devices on a new island. You sigh, dragging your free hand down your face , attempting not to ruin your makeup in the process. It was beginning to get difficult to wait. The eyes of the pirate's in the bar watched you hungrily, and you feared one may try to satiate their appetite. Eyes still roaming the room, you hoped to see a familiar face.
"A pretty lady like yourself shouldn't be sitting all alone in a packed bar. " A man announces.
It's their captain. His arm is extended, hand out offering you a beer as he approaches. You smile, kindly declining. You hold up your own bottle, shaking it slightly to indicate its fullness as means of justification . The man nodded in understanding, but didn't leave. In fact he took the prolonged silence as an invitation to take a seat alongside you.
"Are you waiting on somebody?"
He casually rests his hand on your thigh as though he has already claimed you . You shift in your seat, turning so your legs would fall beneath the bar top. You're hoping the man would sense your discomfort at his proximity. His hand does not move. Instead his smile grows wider. Taking your movement as the green light to slowly drag his hand up toward your waist.
"My boyfriend is meeting me."
The lie slips past your lips with ease at the sudden rush of adrenaline. You go to swat the man's hands from you . The previous statement should be enough for him to understand you are not his to claim . The smile he wears drops. His hand doesn't move. Despite your physical protest. Your breath hitches in your throat at the growing realization of the situation you're in.
"He shouldn't have left you here all alone." The man's voice isn't above a whisper
His warning is gone just as quickly as it came , but your fear still lingers in the air. Your eyes bounce wryly from the door to the pirate who continued to creep into your space. "They're coming!" Your mind loops the words as if they were an incantation.
Then, as if to answer your fervent prayers, the bar door is shoved open. Luffy is the first of your crew to enter, his first mate trails behind him. You can see Zoro searching for you in the crowd, as the rest of the Strawhats messily file in after him. It doesn't take long for his eyes to find yours.
You don't have to say a word . The swordsman can sense your discomfort from where he stood. He saw the fear that engulfed the glimmer that resides in your eyes. He watched how you kept your arms held close to your body, afraid the man would reach for you. Notice how rigidly you cross your legs over one another . Then he sees the man's hand rubbing up and down your thigh. The swordsman starts making his way over to you, hand on the hilt of Shusui.
Zoro drew his sword placing the blade at the base of the man's wrist. The music in the bar stopped. The patrons are silent. Everybody's eyes fall on the three of you. Most filled with fear, your friends with confusion. But all watch the same as the conflict unfolds.
"Move your hand, before I slice it off."
There is a brief pause before the man laughs. A genuine belly hugging laugh at Zoro's imminent threat. Moments later the other men join in, egging their captain on.
"Is this the boyfriend you were talking about?"' The man asks, ignoring the ex bounty hunter. His eyes don't leave your body. Neither does his hand. "You almost got your lady in a lot of trouble , leaving her all alone in a bar like this."
Zoro's scowl deepens at the pirate's words. "Boyfriend? You had told the man he was your boyfriend?" The pieces slowly fall into place as the swordsman assesses the scene surrounding you. Alone, you sat in a bar full of pirates. The only other women present are staff of the small business. Zoro's eyes glance over at yours. His grip tightens around the hilt at the sight of your fearful expression. You had told the pirate he was boyfriend. Zoro finally understands.
"What kind of man would treat his girlfriend that way?"
"What kind of man uses his power to strong arm women? " The swordsman responds.
The question coals in the raging fire that was already roaring in the ex bounty hunter. The pirate had thought you were his, yet touched you anyway. Decided you were his to claim. To conquer. Then Justified his actions using the lack of Zoro's presence as an excuse. As if his absence was reason enough to encroach your space, and have you trembling in fear. Now the pirate captain had the audacity to question the type of man he was. It enrages Zoro.
"I'm not going to repeat myself."
"Strong arm?" The captain stifles another laugh. His eyes finally look over to meet the swordsman. "We would've handled princess here real gentle."
The pirate clenches his fingers around you then goes to inch his hand further up your thigh. Zoro has seen enough. There is a sharp yelp preceding the sound of him sheathing his weapon. Your harasser's hand falls to the floor beneath your feet. Blood spews from his severed arm. You want to scream, but a sharp gasp falls from your lips instead. Almost instinctively Zoro's hand reaches out to grasp yours at the reaction.
You had seen Zoro cut down many men before, but being inches away from his blade as he does so was an entirely different experience. As you felt the warmth of the pirate's blood seeping into your dress, and wiped at the splatters of blood that littered your skin, you couldn't help but be a bit awestruck at his strength.
The captain's crew members rush to his aid as his screams continue. Zoro lets you squeeze his hand while you cautiously hop down from the bar stool, trying your best not to slip on the blood that covered the floor. He nudges you along to follow him. The only precursor you receive before the two of you walk into the single stalled bathroom at the back of the bar.
The small room didn't allot the two of you much personal space. If anything it forced you two into dangerously close proximity. As you stood in front of the sink , back to the mirror, you could feel Zoro's knees lightly brush yours when he reached to grab the paper towel off the roll. He bundles it up then brings it to your cheek. You take note of the small hesitation he makes before his hand lands on your chin . He licks the wad before swiping away at your cheek. A poor attempt to rid you of the scumbag's blood.
"I'm sorry." The words feel unfamiliar as they fall from the swordsman's mouth.
Your eyebrows raise to your temples. In all the months you had been sailing with the Strawhats , you have never heard Zoro apologize. You wonder what made this occasion so different. the slight widening of your eyes gives way to your surprise. Zoro notices and continues.
"I should have been on time."
"Don't be sorry Zoro. You saved me, thank you."
You bring your hand up to rest over his before smiling up at him. The look in your eyes, the one he had seen you give to Sanji so many times, was finally from his doing. His heart raced at your expression. He felt himself begin to sweat as the warmth of your stare spread across his skin. Zoro couldn't understand the physical response from his body. Part of him wanted to run. To flee the threat that seemed to be your piercing gaze. But a bigger part of him wanted to bask in its glow, doing anything imaginable to keep the sun out just a little while longer.
"Although " You giggle at the silly hunch. "I would have thought it would be Sanji to save me."
Your words bring raging storm clouds that wash Zoro's warmth away. He rolls his eyes. As though the notion was too implausible to even be considered. He brings the paper towel back to your cheek then speaks.
"The dumbass cook can barely save himself !"
"Is the moss head jealous?" You tease. " I'm happy it was you."
A loud bang on the flimsy wooden door interrupts the swordsman before he can respond. Seconds later it flings open, shaking on its creaky hinges. The sniper stands on the other side wide eyed.
"It's time to go!"
When you reunite with your crew there really is no need to explain the urgency of the situation. The pirate captain laid unconscious on the ground with a makeshift tourniquet wrapped around his arm. Apparently the crew had not taken kindly to Zoro's treatment of their captain, and seemed to have every intention of taking it out on the rest of the crew.
"C'mon guys there is surely no reason to make this much fuss over one hand." Brooke had tried to reason, his efforts in vain. The pirate crew wanted a fight.
"You pieces of shit!" Sanji swept his leg, thrashing a considerable number of men through the bar's singular window. "How dare he have the audacity to treat my darling , sweet love with such disrespect. And now you stand here trying to avenge your captain's actions... I won't allow it to go unpunished."
Sanji had enough fury in his heart to take on the entirety of the scumbag's lackeys. A fight was the only way to alleviate the emotions that were sure to get the better of him. In under three moves the cook had the no named pirate crew looking just as bad as their captain. The situation was settled.
"So the swordsman saves the day." Sanji says dejectedly as he brings the glass to his lips to take a drink. "At least you're okay."
You can't help the giddy smile that appears on your face at his mention. A bitter side effect of the alcohol. The navigator had suggested none of you go home empty handed after the chaos that ensued at the bar. Insinuated you had deserved a treat after all your troubles. There were no objections. At first you can only giggle at the cook's words. Butterfly's bloom in your chest when you think about the swordsman's delicate touch against your skin just moments after cutting a man down... for you. A slight chills crawls down your spine. You take a significant swig from the whiskey bottle in your hand hoping the burn of the alcohol sliding down your throat may warm you up.
"He's an interesting man , Uh?" You pause to glance towards the deck. "Zoro."
"That's one word."
Sanji's curly brows raise at your question. He turns to look at you, but you don't meet his gaze. You're looking out at the party . The cook watches your eyes while they search and scatter. He is trying to assess their intent, and then it dawns on him. You were looking for him. The Swordsman.
"You wouldn't happen to have a crush on mosshead would you?"
Your eyes dart back to Sanji , then away to look at the sea. Crush wasn't nearly a strong enough word to describe how you felt about Roronoa Zoro. Sometimes you would switch night watches with Nami just for the opportunity to watch the swordsman train in the crows nest. Although most of the time had been spent in silence , there was still something special about being in his presence. But Zoro's stoicism made it difficult to discern his feelings. You had thought him so unconcerned with your presence for so long that you had resorted to blatant teases and flirting with him in the first place. If only to fluster him. You craved acknowledgment from Zoro, in the way your lungs craved oxygen. desperately.
"I have been obsessed with the swordsman since the day Luffy dragged me onto the sunny... "
"Obsessed uh?"
Sanji lets out a genuine laugh at the words. Amused by the way the alcohol loosens your tongue. He had always taken notice of your affinity toward Zoro. Witnessed how differently you spoke to him than the others. Your crewmates had easily labeled you a flirt, but the way you riled Zoro had been different than the jokingly stated endearments you passed the rest of them.
Sanji glances around you to spot the swordsman on the deck. As he suspects the green haired pirate is surveilling them. When their eyes meet Zoro turns his head to stare at the antics of their captain, feigning interest. "If the dumbass mosshead had even the slightest ounce of emotional intelligence the two of you would be happy now." Sanji is surprised when the thought bumps into his head.
"Well, darling" Sanji wraps his arm around your shoulder to draw you into him. You rest your head on his chest, then he continues to speak. "I have half a mind to say marimo likes you too."
The swordsman lays against the mast , feet crossed in front of him downing his third bottle of the night. He doesn't understand his anger at your actions; This scalding feeling that envelops him at the way you rest your head on Sanji's chest encourages him to drink more. He tries to dismiss his thoughts, convince himself that he doesn't care, but they bombard him like a buster call.
"Why did the cook get to hold you?" "He was the one who saved you. Why are you batting your eyelashes at Sanji and not him ?" "What else does he have to do to keep your attention?" "What about the shit cook was so much better than him?"
Zoro sees you part from the cook, and watches as you trek back to the party. He assumes you'll rejoin Nami and Robin, considering the tipsy women are calling your name so fervently. His brows raise when you pass them giving a placating wave. You're making your way over to him.
"Don't tell me you're already done drinking Zoro. I hadn't known you to be such a lightweight." You jest, pointing over to the 3 empty bottles that sat alongside him.
Zoro smirks before reaching for the half empty bottle that was clutched in your fingers. He wraps his large hand around yours then guides you to bring the bottle to his lips so he can take a drink. When he is done he wipes the excess from his lips using the back of his hand.
"You done smiling at the cook?"
He releases his hold on you then turns his head so your eyes won't meet his. He's staring at the sea as if it will answer his question. You mock a gasp bringing your free hand to your chest. Then you giggle.
"Roronoa! You're so jealous."
"No I'm not!"
You bring your hand to Zoro's cheek guiding his eyes back to yours. You offer him a sly smirk before you bend at the waist to meet his face. You're so close Zoro can feel your breath on his cheeks.
"Yes you are mossy. So spoiled, wanting my attention all to yourself. It's okay, I'm here now."
Zoro jerks his chin away from your grasp. His face scrunches into a frown. It's difficult for him to discern if it's anger, or embarrassment that's swelling inside him. The words fall from his lips before he has a chance to assess them.
"I'm not jealous!... I don't even know what the shitty cook sees in you."
Zoro wishes he could snatch the words back before they hit your ears. Hates how you wince at what he says. The way your smile dropped while you ruminated on his words. There is no more sunshine in your tear pooled eyes, only storm clouds. He knows it before the first tear has fallen. He's gone too far. You storm away from him.
"You made her cry." Sanji states as he pulls the cigarette for his lips. He puffs the smoke out then turns to Mosshead for an answer.
Zoro is in the crow's nest hiding from the peering eyes of his crewmates. Surely the cook hadn't been the only one to notice your early departure from the party only moments after the conversation you two had. The others were bound to have questions of their own soon. None of which Zoro cared to answer.
"I didn't mean to." Is all the swordsman can muster. The image of your broken hearted eyes are seared into his brain. Why did he say that? He wants to bang his head against the wall at the thought. Sanji rolls his eyes at the excuse. Not assuaged by the swordsman's words. Intent had no significance in Sanji's mind, all that mattered was that he was the source of your tears.
"What did you say to her?"
"It doesn't matter."
Zoro walked toward the dumbbells that laid on the floor . He decides lifting is a better option than repeating his misgivings. He had no intention of admitting to the cook that he himself had been the source of Zoro's rage.
"Why do you care?" Zoro snaps back . He's deflecting.
"Because I care about her. She's cried herself to sleep and it's your fault!"
"If you care so much you fix it!"
"I wish I could marimo, I would love nothing more than to take that darling lady away from you."
Zoro scrunched his face into yet another frown. From him ? Zoro had never believed you his to begin with . Had that been the case he would've cut the chef down ages ago for his fleeting touches and stares.
"Take her, I don't care."
At this the cook let out a loud laugh that threatened to escape the confines of the crow's nest. He genuinely couldn't believe the swordsman could be so oblivious of his own feelings. When Sanji catches his breath, he can't help his devilish smile.
"... So you wouldn't mind if I climb into her bed tonight? You know she asked me."
Zoro's jaw clenches. He lowers the dumb bells away from his chest then drops them to the floor. Now his eyes meet the cook. Sanji takes it as an invitation to continue.
"I think she wanted the comfort after y'all's ... run in."
More fuel is added to Zoro's already racing thoughts. This time, he could not convince himself he was unbothered. Couldn't find a deep place to push the discomfort. The cook always got the best parts of you. Parts the swordsman so desperately wanted to save for himself. Zoro was sick of it.
"Don't touch her."
A sharp chuckle falls from Sanji's lips at the irony. Zoro couldn't admit to how he feels about you, but is standing there contemplating cutting him down at the mere thought of letting him into your bed. How could marimo be so stupid?
"Yeah mosshead, You don't care about her at all." Sanji mocked.
"You don't know what you're talking about?" Zoro scoffs.
What does the shitty cook know of his feelings, when he himself could not sort them out.
Sanji can only shake his head in disappointment. He brings his fingers to the bridge of his nose to pinch it slightly before letting out a dismissive sigh. Oh how'd he wished to take your mind away from the swordsman. Wished it was he who was the object of your affections, but the cook knew you would never be obsessed with him in the same way you were marimo. As painful as that may be.
"Zoro, if you lose the girl you're in love with because you're too stupid to figure out your feelings..." He takes a drag from his cigarette "You're a bigger dumbass than I thought."
"Why do you give a shit if things work out?t" Zoro snarls. He wonders why Sanji has suddenly taken his feelings into so much consideration.
"Honestly mossy I don't. You don't deserve her. but she loves you and she deserves to be happy. You'll make her happy. That's all I really want... "
Sanji set the plate down on the vanity. He peers over at you wrapped in the thick comforter. You had allowed it to engulf you, face and all. You had not moved since he had come to see you last. That was at breakfast. Still you faced the wall with your back to him. There is a slight hesitation in his step before he walks further into the room.
"You sure everything is okay?" He inquires for the second time.
"I'm fine Sanji. Really." You attempt to sound reassuring.
The cook nods in understanding. He is not convinced , but will not ask for a third time . Instead he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. A sigh of relief leaves your lips. You didn't want to tell Sanji the truth. That you were too embarrassed to face the swordsman. That his rejection looped continuously through your mind, making it impossible to sleep. Had Zoro really meant what he said ? Were you just making a fool of yourself this whole time? The thought makes you shudder.
Sanji pushes his way through the door to enter the kitchen. He is met with the eyes of his crewmates who waited for him at the table in anticipation . He shakes his head. Nami and Robin release their sighs of disappointment .
"I wonder why she won't join us." Robin inquires.
"First breakfast, now lunch... She must really be feeling bad." Nami continues.
"I can go check on her... " Luffy chimes in "maybe she'll tell me what's wrong."
Luffy goes to grab a handful of the chopped fruit Sanji had placed on the table . Sanji swats his captain's hands away before sitting another plate down, this time sandwiches. Zoro has now entered the kitchen hearing the tale end of the Strawhat's woes. He feels the way the cooks eye borough into his skull, knowing that they're scowling at him. Zoro doesn't look his way. He knows that it is his fault you've gone missing . He doesn't need the cook to remind him.
"Marimo is going to check on her." Sanji announces.
The room falls quite as eyes are now on the swordsman. Nami cringes in disbelief, shaking her head vigorously.
"I don't think that's a good id-"
"Don't worry, he'll fix it." Sanji ends Nami's sentence before she has the chance to.
His crew eyes him with unsure stares. Zoro had never been one to offer much comfort, even in the most dark of times. They didn't see how he'd be the answer to their troubles. Sanji does not elaborate on his statement. He offers his crew a smile before setting the homemade chips on the table and announcing lunch is ready.
"Sanji , you don't have to keep coming in here every fifteen minutes to check on me. " You say to the sound of knocking at the bedroom door.
You pull the blankets back to face who you thought was the cook. Zoro stood there in his place. His back against the bedroom door like he was still contemplating if he should stay or not. You sit up at the feeling of your heart shooting to your throat.
"What are you doing here?"
"You haven't come out all day." He responds as if that answers your question. When you don't say anything back , he assumes he should continue. "They're worried about you."
Zoro's hand falls to the nape of his neck, he rubs sheepishly then looks down at the floor. You roll your eyes, dissatisfied with his answer. You pull the blankets up to cover your face then turn your back to him.
"Go away Zoro."
It hurts him to hear, although he knows he has no right to be upset. When he heard you didn't show up for breakfast, he'd felt worse than when the words initially fell from his mouth. Truth be told he had hid in the crow's nest as long as he could trying not to run into you this morning . Thought that he was giving you space to breathe without his watchful eye.
"I- I was jealous... of you and the cook."
Zoro pauses waiting for a reaction from you to see if he should keep talking or not. There's an unusual shake of fear in his voice you don't recognize. You sit up to face him once again.
"I was mad and I took it out on you. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
This has made two apologies from the ever prideful pirate.
"You hurt my feelings." Your voice is soft , fragile as you respond.
"I know..." The swordsman pushes himself from the door to take a step towards you. "If I could eat the words I would."
You gaze into his eyes for a moment, searching for an ounce of deception. You know you won't find it . If the swordsman had not meant his words, he would not have gone out of his way to say them. But still you look to reassure yourself.
"Zoro I don't understand makes you so angry about my relationship with Sanji?"
"I don't like it when he touches you." The swordsman confesses.
You smirk at his candor. All this over the playful touches the cook had thrown your way. It was almost too sweet to believe you had the swordsman so twisted at the sight of you sharing your affection. You swing your legs so they fall off the edge of the bed. You're staring at him intently. Zoro is nervous under your gaze . You can tell by the way he fiddles with his fingers aimlessly.
"You don't like when Sanji touches me ?" You repeat. You pause to offer the swordsman a chance to take back his words. But he does not renege.
"...I don't like when anyone touches you."
Your giggle is involuntary. The smirk on your lips is now a full blown smile. Despite the pain that had come from it, you couldn't help but love the thought of the swordsman jealous over you. Before you were just joking , but to hear the words from Zoro's mouth himself was truly blissful.
"Roronoa... Do you have a crush on me?"
"Crush on you?" He ponders like it's the first time he's thought about it. "I don't think that's a strong enough word."
He shakes his head taking a step toward you . His hand meets your cheek. He is hesitant. Thinks you may pull away from his touch. But the swordsman is pleasantly surprised when you lean into his hand.
"Sanji says I'm in love with you."
Your heart skips at the word. Love. It sounded so sweet coming from Zoro lips. You wondered what you would have to do to hear him say it again.
"Yeah? And what do you think?"
"I think he might be right."
A/N : I stared at this so long, I might have it memorized at this point lol. I'm not sure if I'm happy with it , but it is a labor of love nonetheless.
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ginjasnappp · 16 days
Alien Romulus: my opinions/review!!
I'm so sorry to everyone who sees this and therefore is subjected to it but my thoughts must exist somewhere
Spoiler free review is overall I'd recommend it! I think it did a lot of things right by the franchise and is a solid addition - but nothing beats the original imo.
Also I've only seen the first 2 movies before this so call me a fake fan if u want but the og is all I need
Spoilers for the whole movie below the cut!
Also warning it's absurdly long
▫️ I really enjoyed all the characters! I thought they were faithfully written as a bunch of rebellious, rambunctious young adults trying their best in a shitty world. I thought their dialogue was fun and realistic and their age made me hold more space for the fact that they made reckless choices lol. I also thought their acting was spectacular. I wish we got a little more time with them before they got killed off to make way for Raine.
▫️The scoring and cinematography were great. it veered in and out of familiar territory, but there were several moments where the music and camerawork really evoked the first film, and even when it didn't to me, it was still effective.
▫️PRACTICAL EFFECCCCTTSSS how I have missed them. There was a mix of practical effects and CGI but even most of the cgi was done really well except for one part (lookin at you, Ash deepfake). All the practical creatures and general ooze and viscera were great.
▫️ The human hybrid?? Creepy as FUCK. It easily couldve been goofy lookin but it was genuinely super unsettling and expertly done imo!
▫️ This movie rang closer to Aliens than Alien to me, which was a little bit disappointing but entirely down to personal preference. Part of my love for Alien comes from the claustrophobia and creeping sense of dread - 'where is it', 'there's nothing I can do but hide', etc, and while there was some of that, this and Aliens are more action-packed with loud conflict and guns. Still a lot of fun though!
▫️I found it interesting and a little unfaithful that the only characters to get facehugged/otherwise impregnated (at least onscreen) were female characters. A big part of why a male character was the facehugger victim in Alien is because Ridley Scott noticed that in horror, the female characters are usually the ones to be physically violated in such a way and wanted to flip that around and make male audiences uncomfortable by depicting a male 'birth scene' (from what I read years ago, anyway). Seeing as Scott worked on this movie as well, I'm interested in why this choice was made, if it was even a conscious choice.
▫️The 'artificial person' Andy is a whole can of worms for me. When he was first introduced, before he's revealed to be an AP, my (and my parent who I saw it with's) very first thought was 'oh god, he's the autistic character that's gonna get killed off'. He is an example of how stereotypical autistic traits and scifi android traits (not understanding social cues, taking things literally, being outwardly unemotional and practical) can overlap, and there's a very fine line between drawing interesting but not direct parallels and coding the character outright, often negatively or to characters' detriment. He's definitely a character I'd be interested in hearing other people's thoughts on!
▫️We all know you can't breathe in the vaccuum of space - so why, after being warned of the danger of letting the xeno blood go through the floor, did it actually happen and then everything was fine? Sure, things were sucked out into space, but Raine was fine and could breathe, which is impossible - her head would have imploded seconds after she was exposed to the vacuum. Also she would have frozen to death.
▫️The deepfake face. Just why?? I think it could have been way cooler if his face was entirely practical and maybe worn beyond recognition, and then a namedrop or similar reveal could be really effective.
▫️Dare I say it - too many aliens. Like the difference between Alien and Aliens, I find one unfaceable threat in an enclosed space is more effective than a whole shootable swarm in a large space. I enjoyed the shots of facehuggers skittering everywhere tho.
▫️This is PURELY my own unreasonable hopes being dashed but I was hoping and praying for a Sigourney Weaver/Ripley cameo. I understand wanting to leave her to her era and not drag her into a new one (and also that apparently she died like 4 movies ago) but I MISS MY QUEEEEEN
▫️I wish we got a liiittle more worldbuilding - though I understand the sentiment of 'we know what you're here for so we'll get right to it' lol.
That's it! Wow ty for reading if you got this far
Hand over your opinions >:3
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sossofield · 2 months
About me :}
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Im Sonia a minor artist who use procreate and others stuff to make silly art.
Im a oui oui baguette speaker and I enjoy seeing all of your art !
(Sorry for my English it isn’t the best one around..)
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I enjoy every pieces of media’s to be fair and I’m in alot of multiples fandoms ( Even furry one.)
My current one is The Walten Files but I’m a big enjoyer of.
Red dead redemption (1/2) 🐴
The walten files.
Star Wars.
Clone high.
Analog horror.
Bendy and the ink machine.
And more..
My favorite characters are :
Charles smiths (rdr2.) / Abigail (Rdr2.) Javier Escuella (rdr2.)
Obi-wan kenobi/Luke Skywalker/ Padmé Amidala/ Chewie.
Charles Brook/Susan woodings/ Sophie walten.
Jfk/Joan of arc/ Ghandi.
Legoshi ( beastars.)
Ana (Overwatch.) Mei/Reinhardt
Ron Weasley/Remus lupin (❤️).
Legoshi ( beastars.) Sophie Walten. Luke Skywalker. Ash in fantastic mister fox. Momiji in fruits basket.
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Im currently in highschool and learning music stuff. For the futur I would love to be a professional bassist or an actress.
My social skills are shitty and I’m sorry if I don’t respond to your comments or anything I’m kinda scared but enjoy them from afar. ( thanks for all the likes by the way :)
(I’m okay with mutuals by the way..)
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Here I post mainly drawings that I made.. And watch all of your lovely art pieces.
My art style is always messy and weird at the same time.
My biggest art influence are :
Mangas that I read during a long time beastar,Akira, demon slayer, monster ( and more again..)
I also really like Derf Backderf work and American comic style.
Most of old Disney 2D animation work !
A lot of internet kiddo weird stuff like meme animation/music video about games and all 2000 stuff that we saw on YouTube. ( I love nyan cat.)
And one of my fav artist of all time Aloof_cold_hand.
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Here that’s all about me ! If you want to talk to me my dms are open.
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( That’s my cat.)
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windovvaving · 1 year
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aileen ashild aodh.
triggers: ableism (towards an autistic individual; from school faculty), sensory overstimulation (mentions of it happening & how to combat it)
history / headcanons:
uses both neutral & feminine pronouns. tries to keep the usage of each about equal, but if someone just picks one & sticks with it, they won't get mad.
super into fixer-upper stuff, which explains why they live in lakeridge & drive a car older than them! the house they live in is going under remodel by her own hands! she plans to turn it into her dream home.
after four years, they’ve only finished two rooms: the main bedroom & the kitchen. this is because they’re trying to only use their own money on the renovations. & she wants it to be perfect, a dream home.
aileen comes from a pretty well-off family, which is how she can afford to live on her own in denver at 24 (parents pay the mortgage). they originate from castle rock, co, which is south of denver but north of the springs.
she grew up playing outside, never masking, & surrounded by family. even if said family was just her parents and older sibling.
their passion for music started young. see, both parents are in the music industry: mom’s an audio engineer & dad’s front man for an indie rock band. originally, aileen wanted to be a singer like their dad.
but they can’t carry a vocal tune to save their life. so they turned towards mixing like their mom.
which is how aileen landed her first dj job! a classmate (in her arts academy days, more on that below) was having a party & was in desperate need of someone to do the music. enter aileen, well-known to have music-inclined parents. she took the few mixing skills she had at that point to make a (pretty shitty) set.
seeing everyone enjoying the music they put together, even if it wasn’t their words or instrumentals, all of those people enjoying something they made unlocked a new passion.
their dj alias is “ASHE” (though this is the only time i’ll stylize it that way to keep an all lowercase aesthetic). it’s a play on their middle name “ashild.” also, phoenix imagery since their last name means “fire.”
won't get upset if you use her stage name instead of her real one in a convo. sometimes people know her better as ashe & who's she to care.
at twenty, after building rapport in castle rock, aileen set out for the big city. denver! why denver? why not los angeles or nashville or any city known for having a club scene? the sibling from bullet four is here! (i mean, not yet, but i plan on putting a wc out).
life hasn’t been all fun & games for aileen, though. it mostly has been, but being so openly autistic had consequences. school faculty brushed her off, rolling eyes at her “disruptiveness” aka stimming.
when it came to school, aileen made a conscious effort to not vocally stim & to keep other stims small (hair twirling, chewelry, leg bouncing, finger tapping, etc) to a minimum, but teachers didn’t work with her. it hurt her to not stim, but the school environment made i so she felt she had to.
not even an iep helped. this issue cumulated in the aodh parents pulling aileen out of public school & enrolling her in a charter arts academy. the faculty at this school were much better at working with aileen & the environment of a bunch of other public school rejects helped her flourish.
wears sound-cancelling headphones all the time to help with sensory overload. this is especially important when aileen's at the 303 since clubs are overstimulating environments.
being the one in control of the music (& the volume) helps combat that. it's why she can be in that environment for hours at a time.
wanted connections:
her older sibling! i’ll be submitting a wc to the main, but if anyone wants to discuss it already, hit me up. this is the only one that would need to be a brand new character.
fellow djs! not necessarily at the 303 or even professionals, but just someone aileen could talk about music & mixing with.
a best friend! someone they met in childhood*, or high school*, or maybe even during their time in denver. the two became fast friends over shared interests. thick as thieves ever since. (*if a childhood or hs best friend, they'd have to be from castle rock since that's where aileen originates from).
a rival! well, rival is a bit inaccurate. more like someone who just doesn't like her & who she doesn't like either. they'll get into word spars, but it doesn't ever really go too far. only a tiny bit of real heat behind hurled insults. could be a professional rival or a personal one or maybe even someone else obsessed w/ renovation who doesn't like aileen maximalist style.
romantic interest! i like cute romance threads, so a datemate (of any gender) for aileen would be awesome.
if you’re hearing THE RECORD PLAYER SONG by DAISY THE GREAT playing, you have to know AILEEN AODH (THEY/SHE; DEMIFEMALE) is near by! the TWENTY-FOUR year old DISK JOCKEY (DJ) AT CLUB 303 has been in denver for, like, FOUR YEARS. they’re known to be quite BOISTEROUS, but being INDOMITABLE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble CHLOÉ HAYDEN. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those THE SPARKLE YOUR EYES GET WHEN EXCITED, STAYING UP LATE LISTENING TO A SONG ON REPEAT, & NEON LIGHTS AT ALL TIMES OF THE DAY vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the LAKERIDGE long enough!
*please note that since chloé is autistic, has adhd, & has postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (pots), aileen will have these traits as well!! she is being written by an autistic mun, but one w/o adhd or pots. aileen's portrayal is heavily influenced by my own experiences.
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punkkboyyluvrr · 8 months
just watched - fool's paradise (2023)
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i honestly REALLY loved this movie. i was nervous going in due to a lot of poor reviews i had heard about when it came out, but im honestly super glad i didnt listen to those. charlie days acting and humor was, of course, amazing, and i felt that the cinematography was pretty beautiful. plus, a lot of iasip cast members show up as side characters throughout the movie, so, if nothing else, you can at least go all monkey brain from seeing glenn howerton and co. for about 2 seconds in a few scenes like i did. also, i feel that i should mention that, my god, charlie days skills in showing emotion purely through facial expressions is fucking astounding. i dont think i ever truly appreciated that while watching him perform in its always sunny, considering hes usually just doing some crazy off-the-walls shit in that show rather than showing a wide range of human emotion.
more in depth review + spoilers under cut!
i honestly didnt expect something with so much heart coming from charlie day, mainly because i only really know him from its always sunny, which, obviously, is riddled with tons of cruel and offensive jokes, but i was very pleasantly surprised. right off the bat, the coloring choices show just how aesthetically pleasing it is already. and then, we get introduced to latte, who immediately feels so human and so easy to connect to (although that could just be from my perspective as a neurodivergent person).
ken jeong is another excellent actor, and his portrayal of lenny was surprisingly endearing. his relationship with latte going from a purely business one to that of genuine friendship was a character arc i thoroughly enjoyed watching.
speaking of their relationship arc, the ending... honestly got me pretty fuckin good, i wont lie. while im not a huge fan of the misunderstanding trope in media (and this is no exception), i think the ending made up for it, at least a little bit. first of all, latte carrying around the urn of what he believes to be his best friends ashes felt very sweet, and showed how much he cared about lenny. and then the ending, where the first words he says are "i love you, too"... god. i did expect that the ending would reveal latte speaking for the first time, but i really expected it to be some shitty one-liner or something like that, and im so glad that they didnt go that route. lattes first words being that of affection towards lenny just even further shows how much the two care for each other, both going from being lost and hopeless in the world, in their own ways, to finally having just one person that understands and who actually cares about them. it was a very sweet moment.
while some of the humor can be predictable, and that part near the end about the whole electing for president thing was a bit... eh...? all in all, i think it has too much love and creativity put into it for it to be considered a purely "bad" movie. plus, who doesnt love charlie day?
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gegewrites · 3 years
Fezco x reader- Party
Content warning- smoking and drugs , smut minors dni, Nate being a dick.
This contains smut minors dni
This is my original work, I don’t not give the right for you to repost it or translate it anywhere
Posted- Jan 22,2022
Lightly edited mind all editing mistakes
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Rues narration-
Another day if this shitty place, okay so walking along the lockers with Maddy is (y/n). Yes the chick who you can usually find with Fez. It's no secret that she's fucking him for drugs. I know I've seen her at his place all the time, she always at the gas station with him and ashtray, she always around him, and fez gets a little bit annoyed when I talk about her to him.
I don't know much about her though, we stopped talking in middle school, but (y/n) wasn't the type of person you think would hang around Fez and Ash. She was smart, had a future planned out for her, she didn't indulge much in party favors.
(y/n) and Fez met when (y/n) needed some weed when she was 15, and from there she always went to fez for her supply. It wasn't until sophomore year when she turned 16 did she start fucking him, and he just let it happen, maybe against his own judgement cause he was 18, but it wasn't like she was doing it for oxy or coke.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think she really just likes him, she gets this big smile on her face when she sees him and he seems to glow a bit but maybe that's just how stoned he is.
(Y/n)s pov-
"You seeing Fez later?" Maddy asked as we stopped at her locker.
"Ya at work, why?" I leaned on the metal.
"I need some weed, and some Molly." She reached into her purse and grabbed some cash out.
"Alright." I counted it out, 70,"I'll see what I can get you."
"Could you fuck him for a lil extra?" She smirked.
"No." I smiled,"you going to Neils party tonight."
"Of course, you bringing fez?"
"I think he's going cause business but I don't know."
Rues narration-
(y/n) and maddy have been friends since 8th grade, Nate and (y/n) hate each other, always have. So you can imagine the strain that put on things. But (y/n) wasnt worried about it and Maddy could care less, Nate though, thrived on it but that's for another day.
(y/n) had work after school today, she works with Fez and Ash at the gas station, she got the job this year, but was doing it for year last year anyways. apparently men see her so they come in more, fez doesn't let them anywhere near her though always getting in between her and the guy and women just feel a tad safer, makes sense with todays world.
Your pov-
Half and hour later at gas station-
I parked my car, and made my way out making sure to grab my phone and such. I locked my car as I walked over to Fez who was leaning on the counter looking my way.
"It's fucking freezing." I stated as the littlest smile grew in his freckled face.
"Walk fasta' then." He shrugged as I entered into the store,"warm in here."
"Party at Neil's today." I put my bag on the counter.
"Ya? You goin'?" I shrugged my shoulders as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me onto him, I wrapped my arm around his waist.
"Maddy wants me to." I rested my cheek on his chest,"I gotta bring her some stuff so I don't see why I won't."
"If you goin' I'll go." I looked up at him and we shared a small kiss,"comin to my place tonight?"
"Where else do I ever go?"
"Shi' you right." He chuckled as I parted from him.
Rues narration-
(y/n) basically lived with Fez, she still had a room at her parents but with her dad being way for work all the time and her mom working nights she didn't really see them and she didn't like being alone so she stayed with fez most of the time, not that he was arguing, he liked having her in his bed and her being there for him to admire.
Ashtray also didn't mind having her around, she made a killer fucking Mac and cheese and he loved it he won't admit it, but he enjoyed her being around. She also helped Fez with his grandma which meant a lot to Fez One thing he didn't like, Mouse likes her. Worried Fez a bit but (y/n) is great at ignoring people. Fez once pissed her off big time and she ignored him for 3 days, and yes even at work and at his place. He likes the chase, she's his best high.
Fezcos Pov-
I watched (y/n) go into the freezer to Ash, most likely to get the stuff she needs. She went in there at the perfect time cause Nate pulled up.
"Hey Fez." Nate greeted as he got out his tall ass truck.
"Playboy." I looked over at him as he walked over.
"Bringing your bitch to Neils tonight?" He leaned on the counter.
"Scuse' me?"
"Are you. Bringing . Your. Bitch. To Neil's party?" I looked over to the freezer door hoping she wouldn't come out.
"Why the fuck you askin questions Nate?"
"Just wondering, a few of my players wanna take turns." I got off the counter,"you know..feel up on that sweet ass she got, try that pu-"
"Get outta here Nate unless you actually need some, keep talkin and see what happens."
"Watch what you say drop out." He walked past me before he grabbed two packers of rollers and then grabbing two packs of gum," 2 packs of cherry papers and some gum."
"6 dollars." He handed me the cash and left with his shit. (y/n) walked out of the freezer right as Nate looked out his window.
"You coming (y/n)?" He asked.
"On your dick? Sorry,Too small." She grabbed onto my arm.
"Ha-ha. We'll see." With that, he drove off.
"Asshole." She shook her head.
"His team wan' take turns on you." She let go of me putting the stuff she got from Ash on her bag. She looked at me blankly, blinkin a few times.
"I'm still going, but you're inspecting my drinks."
"Whatever you say Ma'. Got whatchu need?"
"For now ya." She nodded.
"What else you need?" She gave me that look,"later Ma, later."
"Can't just...go into my car?" She grabbed my hand and pressed up onto me a bit.
"Nah." I shook my head and leaned down a tad,"when we get to my place I'm all yours Ma."
"We're going to my place after." She corrected me.
"Aight then when we get to your place."
Rues pov-
(y/n) and fez where like...the best couple, a little bit more known then Nate and Maddy. Look She's dating the dropout dealer....news flys.
Plus when you see her and fez at the gas station acting a little...handsy with each other it's just confirms it.
I've pulled up to them full in making out before, walked into a bedroom at a party to her in his lap- a joint in one hand and her ass in his other and in the most heated make out I've ever seen, I think she might've also been riding him cause she did have a skirt on and looked like she grinding on him, but yo look not my business.
Your pov-
A few hours later, Your bedroom-
The smell of weed filled my nose as I I grabbed my clothes out of my closet. There was fez, laying in my bed like he owned the place, legs crossed, head back, and a Cone in hand.
"You plan on chillin at this party or we gon' find a room baby?" He ask and I showed him the dress I chose,"word."
The dress I picked was red, right fitting, Maddy for it for me, had some open pieces on my hips that exposed skin and some synching in the waist as ass area. The most important parts of the dress- it was red and the exposed hip areas, Fez's favorite parts, he loved the color and lived the exposed skin, mainly because he loves my hips and thighs.
I Out the dress at the end of my bed and room my shirt off as I reached for him, he passed me the cone . Taking a deep inhale of it I handed it back before letting it's all out as I walked back to the end of the bed unbuttoning my jeans.
"All I can feel is you looking at me." I looked back at him, meeting his lazy yet loving eyes.
"If you were lookin at what I'm lookin at you'd stare too baby." Fez only called me baby behind close doors, the rest of the time it was Mamas and Ma'. I don't know why but I'm not arguing.
As I kicked my jeans off I heard him hiss and then his phone ring.
"Oh shiit." He was gawking at my ass in my white lace thong.
"Answer your phone." I unclipped my bra
tossing it at him, it landed in his lap. His winked at me as he answered putting the cone in the ashtray.
"Wassup Ash?" I took my dress off of the hanger as he picked his cone up again,"bring some, I know Al's group usually buys, extra weed, and bring some E. Aight, meet you there at like..." his eyes scanned my body,"6:30 maybe 7." It was 5:00.
"Be there at 6:30!" I said to ash through the phone as I stepped into my dress.
"We'll be there." Fez hung up taking a hit of the cone," you don't wanna have some 'fore we go? Said you wanted some earlier." As he spoke, smoke left his mouth.
"No." I fixed the top of my dress turning to look into the mirror , his hand now free of his phone was sitting on the cup of my bra and his tongue ran over his lips quickly.
I looked at him for a few seconds through the mirror before he tossed the bra off of him and Pat his thigh. I immediately crawled onto the bed, up his legs, and straddled his lap. He put the cone in the ash tray, and ran his hands along my thighs and I wrapped my arms lazily around his neck.
"Remind me baby, This all mine?" He asked and I nodded. His fingers hooked under my dress and he pulled it up to my waist,"all mine?"
His hands running along my skin cause goosebumps to run over me.
"All yours Fez." I leaned closer to him,"all. Yours." I planted my lips onto his, a few seconds into my kid I felt his index and middle finger run along my lace covered pussy lightly and teasingly.
"So." He leaned away from me," I could fuck this pussy right now if I wanted to since it's mine right?"
"Mmm later." I pecked his lips was i got off of him and fixed the bottom of my dress and grabbed the cone from the ash tray.
"Come on baby." He got out of the bed and grabbed my waist from behind as I blew the smoke out of my lungs.
"No." I giggled as his finger tips pressed into my waist and he kissed my neck. I took a drag of the cone and blew the smoke into his face. He looked away slightly before turning back to me.
"we gotta waste some time baby." He reached for the cone and i handed it to him.
"Want me to blow you?" I shook my add a bit on his hard dick.
"If you wanna." He kissed my neck again, I bit my lips as his lips teased my skin.
"Fine." I turned around,"sit."
"Fo' real?"
"Or a cold shower," I pushed him to sit on the bed," you pick." He tapped the cone on he ash tray as he pushed me down to my knees by my shoulder with his free hand.
"Get busy."
Party-6:40 pm
Rues narration-
Okay, so maybe (y/n) is his bitch like Nate said....Or maybe he's hers, ya know what, I woke up in fez's house one day after just chillin with Him and (y/n) and I woke up to hearing him fucking (y/n) all the way in theyre bedroom UPSTAIRS. Okay now moving on.
This party was pretty big, starting filling up at 6 some people came around 5:30. Jules and I are on the couch, (y/n) shot me a text saying meet at the lounge room at Neil's. Maddy and Nate pulled up a few ago and Maddy and him have already bickered once. It's going great.
Your pov-
Fez's hand was wrapped up in mine as I lead him to Neil's lounge, he had a backwood in his mouth, I held my free hand out and he passed it to me, I took a hit and handed it back to him as we got to the couch where I saw Rue and Jules.
"Hey hotties!" I greeted them over the loud music, fez let go of my hand and took his seat on the couch and greeted rue.
"Hey!" Jules got up and hugged me, we exchanged a kiss in each cheek before she sat back down.
"What's the plan for tonight?" I walked over to where fez was and sat on his lap, which shocked him a bit but he wrapped an arm around my waist, his hand sitting on the inside of my thigh and passed me the joint.
"I have no clue." Rue said as I took a long draw of the joint.
"Staying sober?" I recommended and she nodded and shrugged her shoulders.
"I'm gonna go get a drink, Whatcha want?" Jules asked.
"If they got pink Whitney-" I was cut off my fez who reached Ik and covered my mouth.
"Vodka on ice." He answered and Jules laughed and went off to fetch the drinks.
"Fuck you." I said when he removed his hand from my face and handed him the blunt before I stole a kiss from him.
"Not tonight." He shook his head as he squeezed the inside of my thigh.
"Really touchy today huh? Anniversary or something?" Rue laughed.
"Nah that's next week." Fez answered.
"Just really horny." I answered plainly.
"When are you not though? Ya know, you'd think you'd learn to control it." She  leaned towards me.
"Come back to me when you find a guy this hot and tel me how you feel all the time."  She leaned back on the couch as Jules came back, she handed me my drink In a red solo cup.
"Nate is looking for you, just warning." Jules whispered to me.
"Ya he wants to run a train on me with his friends." I answered out loud and she gave me wide eyes as a response.
"Yo what?" Rue asked,"who?"
"Nate." Fez held the joint to me and I took it,"ya told me at work today."
"Gon' fuckin kill him." I heard fez mutter as I inhaled  the smoke, I leaned back to his ear.
"No."I blew the smoke at the side of his face and he just looked blankly into the distance.
I sat up and handed him the joint which he tapped the ash out onto the floor Behind the couch.
Rue and Jules where talking and I took a sip of my drink, and moved Fezcos hand off of me and stood up.
"I'm gonna go find your brother." I fixed the bottom of my dress.
"What fo'?" He asked leaning forward a tad.
"Party favors." I poked his nose and walked away but he hooked his fingers into the bottom of my dress as I turned,"fez!"
I turned around as he stood up, he looked around with his eyes a bit before wrapping his arm over my shoulder.
"You fuckin dumb if you think imma just let you walk around here alone." He leaned close to ear and spoke,"not with Nate and his bitches and what they wan' do to you."
"Alright daddy." I joking said.
"Watch it."  He straighten up, our the joint in his mouth and we started walking. I thought I was horny to start with but oh fuck, it's worse now.
Fez's pov-
"Watch it." I said to (y/n) as we started walkin away from the couches. I held my joint in between my middle and index fingers as we walked through the people, keepin watch for that tall mothafucka named Nate and the rest of his football bitches and tryna find Ash. Don't know where he went after we got here but he ain't hard to find.
"Hey bitch!" I heard (y/n) friend Maddy say, (y/n) turned around a bit in my grasp and I looked around and saw maddy.
"Hey hottie!" (y/n) ducked out of my grip and hugged Maddy
"Fezco you just letting her walk around like this?" Maddy looked at me and right back at (y/n), and she lightly slapped (y/n)s ass.
"Ya." I nodded and looked behind me,"yo we gotta find my brotha soo...."
"Ya, I'll see you later." She gave Maddy a kiss in the cheek and Maddy slapped her ass she she turned around back to me.
"Find me!" Maddy said as we walked away.
"Oh so you're fine with her but not Nate?" She asked taking the joint out of my hands that was a few hits from dead.
"She didn't tell me she was gon' run a fuckin train on yo ass did she? No, so I don't care."   Looked down at her, she took a drink of her vodka and then a drag of the blunt which finished it off.
"Cho Cho bitch." She said blowin the smoke out infront of her as she passed through people leavin me behind a bit.
She dropped the end of the blunt into a random drink someone was holding behind them as she pushed through people, I followed her exact trail. I looked into the side rooms as we walked and saw the back of ash's head a poker table.
"Yo Mamas." I grabbed her shoulder, she looked behind me and I walked into the poker room.
"Ashtray." (y/n) called his attention, he looked over his shoulder.
"Hey (y/n), Whatchu need?"  He asked, as we got closer he was cutting lines already.
"That." (y/n) smiled, she put her drink on the table, giving the few other guys that were sitting around a small wave, I took note of the way the guy she was standing by leaned away and looked at her ass.
"Here." Ash moved the plate to her and handed her a rolled bill.
"Yo look who showed!" I was taken away from (y/n) actions to the voice of Nate.
"Fuck off Nate." I walked towards him a few, blocking as much if (y/n) as she was currently bent down snorting a line basically exposing her whole ass.
"Aye I got No smoke Fez, just want (y/n)." He smiled and got a bit closer and lowered his voice,"how much you want for the hour? You're a pimp aren't you?"
"Way more then your daddy makes Nate." (y/n) said behind me and I heard her sniffle a bit,"plus, my legs are already a bit sore from before I got here."
"Oh come on baby I can make you feel good." (y/n) held onto my arm, her drink cold and wet against my skin.
"What would Maddy think about this? What about Cassie?" She asked and his face went plain,"I coukd just call maddy right now and see, don't think I won't?"
"Bite your fucking tongue (y/n)." He said walking closer to her and she did exactly what I thought she was gonna do and...
"Oh yo!" His boys hissed.
"What the fuck!" He yelled, dripping with cold vodka.
"Oh shit." I heard ash laugh from behind.
"Ya ya ya, it's alcohol you'll dry off in a few seconds  if you go stand by the fire pits." She pushed past him, making sure to lay his shoulder on her way out.
I walked right past him as (y/n) made a turn left and right to where the drinks were.
I stayed at the entrance of the area as she grabbed the only bottle of pink Whitney and quickly got out of there making sure to grab my wrist pulling me away.
"Ma, be careful." I scolded as she quickly walked towards the stairs,"doing this already? Only been half and hour."
"Doing this already."
She quickly walked Up the stairs, not like I was gonna argue.
Your pov-
I pushed through a door which luckily opened an empty bedroom, he turned the lights on as I took a heavy swig from the bottle, I closed it and , I tossed it on the bed as I heard fez lock the door right behind me, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him and then shoved me onto the door. I grabbed his jaw in my hands and slammed my lips onto line which he quickly returned with no hesitation. His hands ran down my waist and to the bottom of my dress, hiking the fabric over my hips, and cupping my wet pussy in his palm.
"Soaking baby." He muttered on my lips.
"Mm." I hummed and quickly brought his lips back to mine. His hands moved to the back of my thighs and he squeezed them signaling me to jump, I grabbed onto his shoulders and jumped. he held me closer o him by my ass and brought me over to the bed, laying me down rather gently which was not what I wanted right now.
"I got some adrenaline and coke running through my fucking system right now, fuck me like you mean it."
"How much lines did you do?" He reached behind me, pulling the bottle of white y towards.
"2 and half before that fuckwad came over." He chuckled standing up and opening the half dranken bottle.
"You  gonna feel my tongue and my beard and your cum right then n' there I think you can chill."  He took a drink from the bottle and handed it to me,"couldn't of grabbed anything else?"
"No, I grabbed the first bottle I saw." I sat up a bit before taking a drink.
"Look at me." I looked up at him, he took the bottle from my hand and out it on the bedside table before coming down and grabbing my chin and coming down real close to me,"ya you're gon dumb out quick." He placed a kiss on my lips which I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him closer to me keeping his lips on mine. My hands moved down to his waist, taking his white shirt in my hands. He backed out of the kiss to throw his shirt off and pull me closer to him, he hiked one of my legs over his hip, his lips connecting back at mine and one of his was planted by my head to keep him sturdy. I could feel his bulge on my lace covered pussy as he slowly and teasingly grinded on me. I moaned in the kiss which he smirked at. He broke the kiss to kiss my neck, and collarbones.
"So fuckin pretty." He growled on my skin before coming back up to my lips,"Gon fuck you good."
"Come on fez." I rolled my hips into him.
"Whatcha want baby? Cmon I know you can tell me." He smirked, biting his tongue in between his teeth,"don't be shy, you know exactly what you and how you want it so tell me."
"Feeezzz." I whined and he shook his head.
"Words or I leave, I got deals to make and weed to smoke." He wasn't joking he would leave, though he'd come right back and give me what I want.
"Aight." He put my keg down and stepped away. He reached into his back pocket and grabbed out a blunt box and grabbed one out with a lighter,"gon go find ash and get some deals done."
He lit up the blunt and walked towards the door as I sat up. I tore my dress off of me, and threw it at his direction. He turned around, smoking rolling out of his mouth and inhaling through his nose.
"Fez just get over here and fuck me please, use your tongue, your lips, your fingers, your dick, please." His eyes glided over me, his eyebrow cocked slightly.
"Mmm, Not convinced." I stood up and walked towards him and k but the blunt in his mouth,"cmon, how bad do you want my cock baby?"
"I'm fucking throbbing for you right now." I was pretty much pressed up onto him, my bare chest against his bare chest. I grabbed his hand and he broke from my grasp snd pushed me onto the wall next to him, his hand cupping my pussy, the his blunt was right infront of my face, he took it out of his lips and kissed me, the smoke traveling into my mouth. We parted when there was a knock on the door, a few seconds passed and there was another small tap again. He backed up from me before handing me the blunt, I blew the smoke out of my mouth before taking an deep inhale of the blunt. He cracked the door open a bit.
"Yo Whatcha need?" I walked up behind fez pressing my chest onto his back and wrapped my arms around his waist and looking at who was at the door, it was Ashtray.
"Hey kiddo." I smiled and he blinked at us.
"Is this what it's like walking in on your parents having sex?" He asked.
"More like walking in on your dad fucking one of his strippers." Fez responded.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" Ash laughed at that.
"Okay look I just need whatever blunts you got, we put already." He flashed us a large stack of cash. I reached into Fez's pocket and grabbed the box out and handed it to ash.
"They ya go Son." I smiled.
"Daddy's gon fuck his bitch-"
"I'm leaving, bye." Ash quickly walked away. I got off of fez and he closed and locked the door behind him. I took a hit of the blunt and I was pushed up against the wall again, this time my chest hitting the cold wall which caused me to choke a bit on the smoke in my lungs. Now the coke was always really kicking in.
"Oh fuck." I moaned, fez took the blunt outta my hand and put it in the ashtray on the bedside table. His hands ran over my waist begire hooking into my lace panties and pulling them down my legs. I kicked them away and he grabbed my hips and pulled me a bit away from the wall so my ass was jutting out.
"So you gon tell me what you want now?"
"Does your childhood trauma turn you on?" I asked and he gave my ass a hard slap,"fuck!"
"I asked you a question, gon tell me what you want?"his hand rubbed my ass again, i didn't respond for a few seconds and he slapped me again on the other cheek,"I asked you a question."
"Please just fuck me pussy please, I really fucking need you, I've been wanting you since I got to the shop." I breathed out, his fingers ran down my ass and over my slicked lips.
"You soaked baby, you really need me don't you?" He middle finger dipped to my clit and he gave it a harsh circle. I felt my legs twitch and buckle, he hooked an arm around my waist and took the moment to bite my shoulder and pull me onto him. He moved his hand to the front and his middle finger dipped right back to my clit.
"Fez fez fez!" Moaned loudly, his name trailing off my lips like a chant.
"What you gon cum just from this?" He teased circling my clit faster.
"Keep-keep doing it like-oh fuck- this and I will."
"Ya? You'd let yourself go, right here, by my fingers? Having your cum drip down your legs like a pathetic little bitch?" He whispered into my ear which cause me to let out a whimper,"if love to see that, your cum covering your thighs as I eat you out...wan me to eat you out? Cum on your daddy's face? Show him how good he makes you feel? Show him that he owns you?" His words alone were going to make you cum,that's when I felt my walls tightening against nothing, and my stomach knotting together.
"Fez fez I'm gonna cum-oh fuck! Please please please." The words came off my lips in a pure moan of ecstasy,"fez please."
"Do you deserve it?" He kissed my neck.
"Yes please!" He rubbed a little harsher,"fez please! Show me you own me! Show me how good you make me feel! Please." My eyes eyes clamped shut, i wrapped my arm around his neck and my other gripped onto his arm.
"You really gon cum just from this?" He chuckled,"your a pathetic mess Ma."
My nails we digging into the back of neck, my thighs were shaking from the stimulation and then he rubbed my harder.
"Fez I'm gonna cum." I thought my words were clear but by what he said I guess they weren't.
"Can't understand anything you just said Ma, going dumb already? Come on, cum for me, go ahead." His permission sized my high to flood through me. My nails dig into his skin harder then begire and a moan ripped through me as the crashing wave of ecstasy ran through me, my cum slicking over my lips and the inside of my thighs.
"Fez-oh fuck daddy!" He held onto my body tightly as my body went through its release of bliss,"oh god-yes yes yes!"
"My names Fezco or daddy, baby." He laughed, his finger slowed down and he came to a full stop and pushed me towards the bed, I fell onto it, my body falling limp when my knees hit the mattress, he moved my legs so they were over his shoulders as he got onto his knees, pulling me to the edge of the bed a bit more and he skidded the inside of my thigh, giving them Both a broad lick before licking over my cum slick folds. His beard creating an amazing sensation along with his tongue.
"Ohmygod." My words were jumbled up, I heard a phone ding in his pocket, which one it was I don't know because  he had both of ours, his tounge dipped into my folds to my core and he circles it with his tongue. I felt his hand rest on my lower stomach as his tongue circled my clit and he softly sucked my clit. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked down he was on my phone.
"Nate's bros  lookin for Jules says." He said after he detached from my clit with a hard suck . I fell down onto my back. And he tossed my phone onto the bed,"gotta show them who you belong to then." His finger toe dug into my thighs as his tongue and lips attacked my clit, I was still a little sensitive from my last orgasm to this rough blissful sensation was already drawing it out.
"No fez please, p-ple-please please slow down." My hand shot to his head digging into his scalp, he grabbed my wrist and held it away from him as he ravaged my clit, his tongue started moving to my core, his mustache tickling my clit before his tongue moved back to mu clit, showing me how skilled his tongue was. Moans were leaving my mouth nonstop, gradually getting louder, my heels Dug Into his back.
"Gon cum?" He muttered on my clit, I nodded aggressively not that he could see I think,"cum for me then baby.” His voice sent vibrations to my clit with his words and he sucked my clit harshly.
“Fuuuuck! Fezcoo! Oh shit!” My back arched up off the bed, my heels keeping him close to me as I cumed on his face. I felt my cum run down my ass and onto my bed soaking the covers, felt bad for whoever’s bed this was.
“That’s it Baby.” He kissed the inside of my thigh, his hand let go of mine as my legs fell limp on his shoulders. He stood up, letting my legs fell and he chuckled,” soaked my face baby.”
“Sorry.” I panted, my voice soft and almost audible.
“You good babe.” Ie leaned down and planted a soft kiss to my lips,”Gon fuck you good now. Huh wan my cock?”
“Yes please.” My chest rose and fall as I took deep breaths in. I heard him undo his belt before he placed something on the night stand and I heard the fabric hit the floor. I heard the click of a lighter and then the smell of weed.
“All for babe, arch that bavk for me.” I did exactly as he said. Since it was dark out but light in the room, the window acted as a mirror.
My eyes were barely open, my ass in the sir and he stood behind me. The blunt sat between his lips but he still inhaled it and let the smoke out with it removing the blunt. His hand rubbed my ass before coming down his a hard smack, I could see his other hand working his cock.
“Shit.” I moaned into the bed from the smack and also the feeling of his tip sliding over my clit and soaked folds.
“Do you know how wet you are? Feel yourself baby.” I reached under me to my clit, sliding my middle finger over the bundle of nerves and over my lips.
“Fuck.” I sighed bringing my hand back to me and licking my cum off my finger.
“Taste good babe.” He placed a kiss in between my shoulders blades and he rammed right into me, I let out a moan that took all the breath outta me. His size stretching me out and filling me up just right. he placed a hand on the small of my back keeping me close to him,” nah babe look in the window, watch me fuck you right now.”
I did as he said and looked in the window seeing him start to thrust into me. I saw the glow of the blunt in his hand which was now sat on the side of my thigh.
“Feels so good.” I slurred out, the mix of coke, weed, and bliss turned my mind to mud and words were hard to get out.
“Feel so good around my cock baby, always feel so fuckin good.” Fez was amazing in bed and I’ll say it a hundred times over, drugs or not he could make me cum over and over and over again. He pulled completely out of me and then rammed right back into me ripping a ecstasy filled scream out of my throat causing my eyes to shut and my hands to ball up the bkue comforter,”that’s it baby.” My legs were shaking under me , I could feel every vein in his cock and he was hitting every good spot in my core.
“Daddy.” The name causes him to sharply thrust into me with a groan I felt his when lift off my ass, I opened my eyes and his head was back, blunt in mouth and smoke rolling out of his lips,”fuck daddy.”
“Making me feel so- soo good.” He tapped the blunt in the ashtray and drop it in. He pulled out of me and flipped me over on my back, and rammed right back into me, he held my legs on his waist, and I reached up and grabbed his shoulders pulling him close to me.
“Daddy, oh god oh gooood!” I moaned into his ear, he planted a hand into the mattress to keep him up.
“(y/n).” He groaned into my ear, my name off his lips sent sparks up my back and through my body.
“I-im-uh yes! Gon cum again.” I moaned into his ear and he bit my shoulder marking it.
“Wait for me baby.” He kissed my cheek,”wan cum with you.” My nails Dug into his back racking up his skin, holding on as if my life depended it on it. His groans and mine along with the sound of skin to skin contact and the smell of sex and week filled the room.
“Please I need to cum, I can’t-I can’t hold it-“ he shut me up my kissing my lips and then my collarbones.
“Cum for me, gon cum so deep inside of you.” His words of permission signaled my orgasm, my walls tightening around him, my legs keeping him close and my hands holding onto his for dear life.
“Oooh yess!” I moaned as I felt him cum inside of me, keeping the hard thrusts.
“Thas’ it, oh fuck yes.” He groaned his thrust staying sharp yet slowing down. My body fell limp, as he placed his hand on the mattress keeping him up. I felt his hot breath hit my chest before he pulled out of me and fell onto the bed next to me.
“That was-“ his hand covered my mouth.
“Shh.” He sat up and grabbed the blunt from the ashtray,”just relax into it don’t talk.”
I rolled over onto his chest, our sweat slicked body coming together. I could hear the music down stairs and people talking as they walked past the room.
“Better then the party.” I giggled, my body feeling as if it was floating in the clouds.
“Damn right Ma.”
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withlovewriting · 2 years
Mixed Drinks and Smoke Rings 10: This Is Going To Hurt
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Chapter Ten: This Is Going To Hurt
Do I wanna know, if this feeling flows both ways? Sad to see you go, was sort of hoping that you’d stay, Baby we both know, That the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can’t say tomorrow day, Do I wanna know, too busy being yours to fall, Sad to see you go, ever thought of calling darling? Do I wanna know? Do you want me crawling back to you?
Summary: New to town, you didn’t need a friend, you needed a dealer. Thankfully, a girl from your Narcotics Anonymous meetings knew just the guy.
Characters: Fezco (euphoria) x Non-descriptive Reader
Words: 4,111
Chapter Warnings: References to drug use, r word slur, threats of violence
Series Warnings: Addiction, sexual themes, cursing, abuse (various), smut, drug use, teenagers being fucking idiots. 18+ only, minors DNI
Previous Chapter:
Next Chapter: 
taglist: @iamasimpingh0e​​​ @chelseagirl77​​​ @zeida​​​ @thepawn1999​​​ @alanis-altair​​​
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Fezco wasn't the type of person to sit and ponder over stuff. Shit happened, and he dealt with it as necessary, then he moved on.
But -- despite popular belief -- Fezco also wasn't an idiot. He had his strengths, like math, dealing, and even taking care of his Grandma and Ash. He was also aware of his weaknesses. He just didn't think he would group you in that category.
He wasn't sure when exactly it had started, either. 
You were rude and stand-offish the first time you'd met, and he was fully aware that you were only interested in his supply. You weren't different from any of the other people he'd sold to that night, so when he ended up watching over your unconscious, dumbass self, he surprised even himself. But he excused it as doing a favor for Rue. And the only reason he didn't leave you at the party was that he wasn't an asshole.
The situation with Mouse... Well, that was self-explanatory. The guy was a creep, absolute waste of space as a human, and he knew exactly what he had planned with you if nobody could pay for the Fentanyl. Hell, the fact he let Fez pay for it was a miracle in itself. Not that Fez -- or Ash, for that matter -- would've let Mouse go that far. He had guns for a reason.
But over the past few weeks, Fezco saw more than one side of you. More than -- regardless of your protests -- a drug-addicted teenager who lived with an abusive alcoholic father. You were quick-witted and sharp-tongued, sure. But the longer Fez spent with you, the more he saw a softer side of you. The side that helped his brother clean up just so he could enjoy a carnival, baiting him into playing the games and winning himself a silly bear that still occupied the bottom of his bed.
He'd seen the side of you that stayed behind until he'd shut up shop, sweeping the floor just so he could get home a little sooner, even though he'd told you that you could go a few hours previous. 
No matter how hard you tried to keep to yourself and not let anyone in, Fez had somehow begun to peel back your layers and see the soft surface underneath the hard exterior. And he liked what he saw.
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Grumbling, you pushed your face further into the pillow, trying to block out the sunlight that was peaking through the blinds.
Realizing your efforts were futile, you sighed and pushed yourself up, sitting on the soft bed as you peered around the room with sleepy eyes.
The other side of the bed was empty and cold, so you knew Fez hadn't been there for a little while, and whilst you were tempted to go find him, a part of you almost felt scared.
Last night had most likely changed things between the two of you, and whether for the better or not, you were still unsure. 
Relationships were complicated at the best of times, and the last thing you needed was to fuck up the only real friend you had in this shitty little town.
Deciding that you couldn't hide all day in the man's bed, you pushed yourself up and quietly shuffled down the hallway.
Ash was already sitting at the table eating his breakfast, your arrival causing him to do a double-take, spoon stopping halfway to his mouth and causing the milk to slosh off a little.
His eyes dart to your -- or rather, Fez's -- attire, before looking over to his brother, then back to you with a cocked brow. Sure, you'd stayed before a handful of times, but never like this. As you picked at the hem of the pajama shirt, your nerves only made him more suspicious,
"Didn't know you stayed the night."
His comment draws Fez's attention, causing him to exit the kitchen and send you a nod, "I got some coffee on, you want one?"
Ready to do almost anything to get away from Ashtray's curious stare, you sent him a nod and followed him into the kitchen.
He poured the dark liquid into two mismatched mugs, handing one over to you before lifting himself up onto the counter, sitting as he sipped at the hot drink as if he had no care in the world. It wasn't until his eyes met yours that you could see the doubt that had nestled its way into his mind.
"You got much to do today?"
Gulping down the mouthful of coffee, you shrugged your shoulders, "Just homework. Gotta see my dad too..."
Fez nodded, but you could tell he was still a little uncomfortable about your father. You couldn't help but feel your hackles rise, the fierce loyalty you had for your father wasn't going to be swayed just because Fez met him once at his worst. Before you could berate his obvious discomfort, he spoke up,
"You need a ride?"
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You'd barely been able to concentrate on your schoolwork, eyes peaking towards your phone every few minutes waiting for a text from Fez. Not that you'd admit it to anyone. You hadn’t been that girl for a long time. But it felt odd considering you were both in almost constant communication one way or another.
Fez liked phone calls, something you abhorred, much preferring to text. But there was something weirdly soothing about hearing his monotonal voice through your phone that pushed you to put up with it, enjoy it, even.
Yet there were no calls. No texts. You weren't overly surprised; he was most likely busy at the store, but you were worried things would be weird between you both. Breakfast had been moderately uncomfortable -- you weren't sure if that was because of the strange tension that had settled between yourself and Fez, or because of Ash's constant glances, as if he was trying to work something out -- and you really didn't want a repeat of it whenever you worked a shift.
Plus, he was still your dealer, and the last thing you needed was for him to refuse to sell to you, forcing you to seek out your old dealer once more.
You promised yourself you wouldn't go back, not again. Even if Fez didn't sell coke, you would have to make do without it. You were constantly defending yourself about not being an addict, so maybe this way you could -- albeit, secretly -- prove it.
Checking your phone once more -- this time, for the time -- you huffed out a sigh and closed your textbook. Stretching as you stood, you decided to pull up your big girl panties and head to the store. You didn't know exactly how to broach the subject to him, but you knew you had to, for the tension that had settled like dust to be wiped away.
As you made your way through the house, you noted that your father still wasn't home, meaning he'd most likely made his way to a bar after working overtime. Making a mental note to return tonight as quietly as a mouse, you grabbed a jacket and made your way to see Fez.
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Any ounce of bravado you'd mustered on the walk to the store had all but abandoned your body once you stood in the parking lot. 
You could feel your pulse in your throat, and your hands felt clammy as if you'd just shoved them into a pre-heated oven.
A part of you -- the scared part -- wanted to turn right back around and make a dash for your home. It was the fear of change, a fear that you had fucked up everything between yourself and the one person you'd actually formed some sort of real friendship with in this town.
But maybe, and much more likely, Fez would just tell you to forget it, and act as if nothing had happened. That was the safe option, and if it meant keeping him in your life, you'd do it.
You weren't even sure if you liked him like that, anyway. It was just a kiss, right? Friends kissed, you were sure of it.
Either way, you'd never know if you continued to stand around in the parking lot all evening, so shaking your head in an attempt to clear it, you made your way towards the store, one step at a time.
"Wondered if you were actually gonna come in or not." He spoke, bending down to refill some stock, "Saw you outside, standin' 'round for a while. Looked like you was thinkin' real deep, so I didn't wanna intrude."
You watched as his back muscles flexed slightly under his shirt, arms covered by a long-sleeved jumper as he stood to his full height, placing a couple of cans inside the fridge.
Watching him for just a moment, you wondered if Fez would ever leave the family business and make an honest living instead. Even just running the store. But you supposed not. Habits were hard to break, especially when you were good at them.
"You alright?"
Blinking a few times, your eyes widened once you realized he'd caught you staring at him before plastering a smile on your face, "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Sorry."
Your cheeks felt warm as your eyes darted around the store.
"You sure? You seem kinda... nervous."
Finally managing to make eye contact, you took a deep breath, ready to begin what would be a tirade. Ash, however, seemed to sense his brother's possible distress, poking his head from the freezer that led to the back.
"Ay, you got any money?"
Your mouth snapped shut, forehead creased with confusion as your mouth caught up with your brain, "Uh... Some, yeah. Why?"
"You wanna try out these new Alpha-Methyltryptamines?"
Maybe Ash had actually sensed your distress, coming to rescue you like a damsel in distress. If you got you a couple of pills out of it, you'd happily play the part.
"We actually a little busy right now, bro. Maybe later."
Ash turned to his brother, a pinched expression on his face, "And we gotta shift a shit-ton of these if-"
The two boys watched each other for a moment, another one of their silent conversations going on before Ash let out an exaggerated sigh. Sending his brother a swift nod, he made his way back to his office.
"I can take some of those off your hands if-" 
Fezco led you by the arm towards the till, ignoring your offer. He offered you his usual seat before standing in front of you; close enough to appear intimate, but far enough away that he wasn't boxing you in.
"You been actin' weird all day."
It was a statement, but his shuffling feet and downcast eyes made it sound much more like a question.
"You haven't seen me for the majority of it." You shrugged, shrugging as you attempted to send him a smile that looked anything other than sad.
His eyes met yours, and for the first time, it felt like you knew what he was thinking.
Chewing on your bottom lip, you avoided his eyes as you collected your thoughts, "About last night-"
Fez remained silent, waiting for you to continue, the nerves in his body settling in his stomach.
Exhaling, you glanced towards the store's ceiling, "I'm uh, I'm just sorry. You know? I feel like I crossed a line."
This time, it was Fez's turn to shrug, "I wasn't exactly complainin'."
"We're friends, Fez. Friends don't kiss."
It was a weak excuse. The exact opposite of what you had been telling yourself all morning.
"Maybe some do."
Those three words were simple enough, but as your eyes met his, you both understood the weight they held. If you two were to continue whatever it was you were doing, you had a lot at risk.
Your friendship, for one. Someone always got feelings and ended up hurt. And as much as you didn't want that to be yourself, you also desperately hoped it wouldn't be Fez, either.
As his hands landed on your thighs, he stepped closer, standing between your legs as he gazed at you, lashes fluttering against his cheekbone.
He was now standing so close, you could hear him breathe, his mouth only inches away from your own.
"It seems like a really, really bad idea..." You trailed off, voice barely above a whisper as you watched his lips.
"Tell me to stop, and it ends right here. It's all good and we go back to being friends who don't kiss."
Well, that sounded exponentially worse.
Feeling his exhale on your cheek, your eyes closed for a long moment, "Do you kiss all of your friends?"
Fez's hand moved from your thigh, caressing your jaw, "Not a single one, Ma."
Good answer, Fezco.
Before you could tell him -- or rather, show him so -- the rumbling engine of a car distracted him, and although he stayed close to you, his head turned to look through the open doors where Nate Jacob's truck came to a stop.
He moved away, resting against the fridge behind him, and you could hear Maddy's request for her boyfriend.
"She your friend?" He asked quietly, eyes darting towards Maddy, noticing the girl looking your way, sending you a strained smile.
Shrugging a shoulder, you mumbled, "I guess."
Fez watched in the convex mirror as Nate wandered around the store, making his way towards the fridges in search of their drinks before nodding his head in Maddy's direction,
"You should go speak to her."
Your own eyes spotted Nate in the reflection, and Fez couldn't help but notice how your body stiffened, "I'm not sure that's a good idea-"
"This won't take a minute. Go."
It wasn't a request.
You wanted to ask him what was wrong, what his problem with Nate was, but Fez wasn't in the mood for talking. This was a side of him you had yet to see. This was the side of him that handled business.
So instead, you sent him a curt nod, eyes finding Nate's as he turned the corner before quickly scurrying over to his truck where Maddy was sitting in the passenger's seat.
"Long time no speak." You sent her a timid smile, unsure of what her reaction would be. She'd avoided you just as much as you had her. You just didn't know why.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. Everything's just been a lot, you know?"
Nodding, you chewed at your bottom lip, "Yeah, it's cool. I get it. Life and shit, right?"
Maddy smiled at her genuinely, "Yeah. Life and shit."
You two weren't exactly friends, but you genuinely felt like maybe you could be, if only she ditched the cunt she called a boyfriend.
"You going to the party next weekend?" She asked, a hopeful glint in her eye. 
"Uh, I mean... I don't even know whose party it is." You shrugged.
A small laugh escaped her as her smile only widened, "Neither do I, but I'm still going. See you there, maybe?"
"Yeah... Maybe."
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"What, are you in a relationship?" Nate questioned, leaning against the fridge.
"Nah, bruh, that's like... My family."
Nate watched as Fez's eyes turned towards him, seemingly unbothered. But he saw them flash towards you briefly, and he couldn't help but smirk.
"I didn't mean Rue."
Fez watched him silently as Nate's own eyes turned towards you as you spoke to Maddy.
"Look, man. All I'm saying is, leave her and her friends alone."
"Is that a threat?"
Fez shook his head a little, "Nah, I'm just tellin' you."
"Or what?" Nate fucking loved to push people.
"We're not gonna be havin' this conversation."
Nate turned once more, watching as both you and Maddy looked their way, eyebrows furrowed before resuming your conversation. Moving closer to him, Nate sighed,
"Fezco, let's get this straight. You're like, half a retard. You dropped out of school at 20, and now... You're a gangster? What are you like... fucking Tony Montana? What's the plan? You gonna be living in a mansion, fuckin' pet tigers and shit? You think she's gonna be there?"
Sending him a sardonic smirk, Nate continued, "You know, girls like her, Fez... They don't hang around guys like you for the company. You have something she wants, and I mean sure, you could probably use that to your advantage, I'm sure she'd fuck you for a couple of pills, but... That's all it'll ever be, supply and demand. A business transaction. Shit, she got what she could from my brother on Halloween and he hasn't heard from her since so... Go fuck yourself."
Although his face remained stoic, Fez struggled to swallow the lump in his throat. He was glad he hadn't followed Rue's advice and taken a gun, knowing that by now he would've pistol-whipped the cunt.
Fez licked his lips, anger bubbling very close to the surface, "Listen, bruh. All I'm sayin', you keep fuckin' with Rue and her friends, and I'mma kill you." Turning towards the till, he rang Nate up, "It's gonna be $5.75, playboy."
Nate stormed past you without even a glance, giving you only a moment to step back before he took off out of the parking lot.
You returned to Fez's side, eying him suspiciously, "Everything good with you two?"
Fez nodded, "Yeah, everythin's fine, Ma. Ain't nothin' to worry 'bout."
You nodded and sent him a reassuring smile, even though you didn't believe him. He clearly had some sort of issue with the boy -- quite a few people did -- but it was obvious he wasn't going to tell you any time soon. So instead, you raised a hand, cupping the back of his neck as you pulled him closer, placing a soft, unexpected kiss on his lips.
He wanted to ask you about what Nate had said. He doubted that you were only around him for his drug supply, it wasn't like you bought something every time you saw him, and you'd hung out totally sober on Halloween.
She got what she could from my brother on Halloween...
The thought irked him, and he tried to reassure himself that Nate was just trying to take a shot at him, hit him where it hurts. They both knew you and his brother had been in each other's presence before, that wasn't news to Fez. You'd told him you went home and slept, and he trusted you. He had no reason not to, right? 
That's what he told himself as he returned the kiss.
But he was taught a long time ago, that you should never trust an addict.
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Fez and Ash shut up shop pretty quickly after, driving all 3 of you back to their place. He had the radio on low, quiet enough that if you chose to speak, he could hear you from the backseat, but loud enough to hopefully deter any conversation. Spotting the small smile you sent him in the rear-view mirror, Fez couldn't help but smile back.
Fuck Nate Jacobs.
After arriving at the boy's home, you shoved your phone into the back pocket of your jeans before making your way to the couch, Fez locking up before following you. Ash was focused on locking away their stash and more than happy to try and avoid whatever-the-fuck was going on between you both.
 "You want a drink or somethin'?" He asked, stripping off his jumper, leaving him in a short-sleeved top instead.
Shaking your head, Fez sat back down, this time a little closer to you. He flicked through the channels for a while, finally settling on something that managed to hold his attention.
Resting your head on his shoulder, you felt yourself drifting off to sleep, only to be alerted to Ash's shout for Fez.
You exchanged a look before he made his way quickly to his brother's room, a loud "fuck" being heard before the two seemingly began rushing around. Calling for you, you quickly saw what all of the fuss was about.
"Grab some of these, we need'a flush 'em," Fez said, ripping off the tops of the bottles before pouring them into the toilet. You remained standing for just a second, eyes wide as you watched the ridiculous amount of drugs they had stashed, all being flushed away.
It pulled at your heart in some sick way, making your mouth dry and your hands shaky. But hearing Fez's desperate voice, you shook your head, attempting to snap out of it before kneeling next to him and helping.
"What the fuck's happened?"
Before he could reply, a loud bang could be heard from the front door, "East Highland PD. Open up!"
Your motions stopped for a moment as Ash ran back into the room, a bag full of loose pills, joining you both on your knees as he dumped their contents into the bowl.
"Goddamn it!"
Your hands felt slippery as they continued to undo lid after lid, throwing the pills into the toilet as Fez flushed them away. Your heart was beating out of your chest, and you could only imagine how the two boys felt.
Once most of the pills were disposed of, you grabbed the now empty bag Ash had run in with, and began collecting the empty bottles, ready to hide them.
Bending down, you felt your phone fall out of your back pocket, hitting the floor by Fez's legs. Turning quickly, you'd noticed the little baggy with a few bumps of cocaine left had also fallen out. 
You halted any actions as your eyes met Fez's, the boy also noticing the bag. You heard Ash swear under his breath, before the boy grabbed it, opening it up and dumping the contents into the toilet, flushing it away with the last of the pills. He quickly grabbed the bag full of empty bottles from you, rushing off to his room to hide it.
"You fuckin' kiddin' me?" He asked, his lip curling.
Impersonating a fish, you opened and closed your mouth a few times, fumbling for an excuse. But Fez just shook his head before standing and looking down at you with cold eyes.
"The fuck you get it from?" Before you could speak, he'd already cut you off, "You know what? I don't got time for your bullshit."
His face remained as stoic as ever as Fez passed you, making his way towards the door, "Alright, alright, calm down. We was sleepin'."
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The police thankfully didn't stay long after being unable to find anything bar Marie’s prescription medication.
"-And do you reside here, too?" The officer asked, looking up towards you.
"Uh, no. We're friends."
The officer nodded, placing his hands on his knees before pushing himself to stand, "You need a ride home?"
This time, when Fez opened his mouth, you cut him off, "Actually yeah, sure. That would be great."
Your legs felt wobbly as you walked out of the front door, adrenaline still pulsing through your veins as you turned back to look at Fez who was already watching you, his brows drawn together.
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Looking up the path to your house after closing the car door, you saw the house in darkness, the only light coming from the television in your living room. A twitch of the curtain told you your father was still awake, and fully aware you were dropped home by the police.
As you entered the house, you saw your father spread across the sofa, beer in hand, switching through the TV channels. Noting the lack of alcohol bottles surrounding him, you hoped it was safe to approach.
"What was that about?"
His voice made you flinch, but you didn't hear any slurring, presuming he was sober.
"They saw me walking, said I shouldn't be out late." You remained behind the sofa, wringing your hands together, "I'm gonna head up to bed. Goodnight."
He raised his beer towards you, but didn't bother to reply, leaving you to sprint as quietly as possible up to your room.
Rolling over onto your back, you let out a deep sigh. You'd been tossing and turning for what felt like hours, the earlier events running through your mind on a loop.
You really wished you had something, anything to help you fall asleep. To forget. You really weren't fussed.
Your phone vibrated on the bedside table, and you glared at it for a moment, hoping Rue wasn't still in her manic episode. Instead, it was the only other name you didn't want to see right now.
fez: open ur window
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Between the Shadow and the Soul
Chapter 47
CW: mentions of sex
Taglist: @joossieisdabomb @johnathancanines @peakyblindas @kissmyquill @zablife @whitejuliana1204 @theshelbyclan @theshelbyslimited
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Eva Leonor Smith Shelby had been born and raised to be the perfect woman, and as such a perfect woman must be a great hostess.
Unfortunately for her governess and her family, Eva was also born with a flair for theatrics. She liked acting, dancing and being the center of attention up until the war did a number in her.
But she was healing, the scars had gone from angry red to an almost invisible white and while she could never truly be the wild and carefree Evita Smith, she could be the fascinating Mrs. Shelby.
“You used to be so quiet and meek when you came here that no one could ever believe you were the wild horse of a girl Jack and Ethel talked about.” Polly thinks the cape is a bit much, but Eva wants the whole of the United Kingdom to know who Mrs. Shelby was.
The party would be lavish and costly, but elegant and tasteful. It would have a feat impossible to reproduce anywhere else and it will not be ruined by fucking Mosley and his so-called spontaneous speech. He’d be ‘so inspired’ by Mrs. Shelby's determination to thrive despite all odds and her brief military career under the legendary Pancho Villa, that he’d introduce the New Party.
A Party that will only serve to help transition its members in the British Union of Fascists in 1932.
Still, her grand entrance would make everyone forget his speech even happened and it would be the photograph of her that would be making headlines. The New Party and Mosley can go fuck itself.
“I think I just needed time to remember how much I enjoyed taking the spotlight away from assholes. People will forget him and his fucking speech, but they’ll never forget me and my fiery entrance.” she grins wickedly as she wastes another match on the square of magic silk Bethany Boswell gave her as an early birthday present.
The silk in her hands disappears in a short orange flame without harming her nor leaving any ash behind. One of a kind, made with the same ingredients as guncotton and the flash paper used by magicians, but improved upon with some old and forgotten Romani magic.
The dress underneath would be red like passion, made exclusively for her by a very gifted seamstress in Birmingham who was ahead of the times.
It was stunning and elegant and had just a few little details that made her realize the seamstress was very aware just how sexually active the Shelbys were. It was a little mortifying, but this woman had just ensured Eva never went to her competition as long as she was in business.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” He asks playfully, kissing her in those places he knows drive crazy with lust.
They’re careful not to be too loud and rough here in one of those little rooms only them and the servants know about. Tommy may be rather tame in bed, but he gets off on the risk of someone catching them doing the beast with two backs. Eva doesn’t mind admitting that she likes the thrill of fucking where someone could see them, reminds her of that night they made love under the stars in that little part of the beach.
“You don’t say as often as you used to, aren’t you afraid your wife might forget?” she said taking his hands and guided him towards the thins silk straps holding her dress up.
“M’not classically educated like her, she’ll have to accept that her husband likes letting his actions speak for him.” He said rolling a nipple between his thumb and forefinger and she bucks her hips against his in response.
Mosley thrived on people’s attention, that was his true weakness.
His desire to always be the center of attention made him a terrible guest, a horrid friend and a shitty husband.
Bethany knew what she was doing when she gave her a sweeping magician’s cape black as ebony. Its mysterious with that very witchy oomph, making it perfect for her grand entrance.
Tommy had just finished taking care of business when she appeared in her billowing silk cape, hood shadowing her face except for her bitch red lips curled in a wicked smile.
“And here I thought I was Mr. Shelby’s honored guest.” He said hiding his petulance like a child that’s been denied a toy as he hands her the match she asked him for.
“I suggest you move away from my spotlight, Sir Oswald.” Eva can’t help ,but say in a sickeningly sweet voice and drops it onto the fabric pooled on the floor.
Eva drinks in the gasps, the flashes of cameras and walks to her husband while the majestic cape burns into nothing. She see’s it in the photographs tomorrow, her standing surrounded by fire and Mosley shrouded in the shadows of her light.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to properly introduce the woman of the hour, Mrs. Eva Shelby.” Tommy holds out his hand and Eva takes it.
With her little performance, she just made them Mosley’s number one enemy.
“Like a witch straight from hell.” Polly chuckles as they mingle with the guests. “They’ll never be able to recreate that no matter how much they try.”
“Mosley is absolutely livid, even if he makes his dumb speech he won’t make as much noise as he had planned.” Eva drinks the champagne and relished what little alcohol she’ll be able to drink tonight. She doesn’t need it though, she’s drunk on victory and it hasn’t even been an hour.
“Not drugs, whores or even booze. Its attention, isn’t it?” Polly asks her as they confirm Eva’s theory.
“Same reason Carranza hated being seen as a humorless old man, same reason Obregon couldn’t stand Vill and Zapata being better liked and the same fucking reason every president I know kills his opponents.” Eva knows that Aberama is just about done with the finishing touches om his proposal, but Polly remains talking to her over strategy.
They stand in front of the slightly gaudy portrait in the dining room. The one done by Polly’s old lover, Ruben Oliver.
“They need the love of the people in order to keep their power. Mosely sees Tommy’s popularity as a threat, just ask the maids of Westminster who they think is the most handsome MP now?” Eva explained.
“I saw that fucking portrait when I first saw you, you know. I never thought I’d see the context for it.” She says looking at the large painting Michael seconds ago looked at with envy.
It was inspired by classical paintings and those of the early 19th century with a modern twist. Cost a pretty penny and had been lauded as Oliver’s masterpiece with how well he captured his Muse’s essence.
The Eva in the portrait leaned her head lovingly on her husband’s shoulder and looked contently at the viewer, brown eyes shining with mirth following you like a friend looking for you in the middle of the crowd. Its a beautiful painting, but its clear to all that the Shelbys are perfect.
They had been younger then ---they weren’t old yet, just older at thirty-three and thirty-nine respectively---, Tommy had yet to wear glasses and Eva had yet to consider having a second baby.
“We’re eloping in a week, I don’t want to take any chances.” Polly tells her and smiles like a woman in love when Aberama crosses the room to her.
“Aren’t you being a bit of a masochist, Eva?” Michael said when she allowed them into her circle.
“I wanted Don Quixote, but their Kitri is Jewish and our guests are all anti-Semitic.” She answers as if they were still friends.
“Explains why Florence sent her gift ahead of time.” He said and for a moment he’s the Michael he used to be.
“Nice entrance, by the way, I think I heard one of the journalists here say it’ll be the talk of London for months to come.” Gina says, jealous that no one here gives a shit about some Yankee girl.
“The Wicked Witch of Warwickshire.” Michael smirked thinking he’s going to ruin her at the next meeting. He was under the assumption she was blind without her second sight.
“Oh, God, Mickey, don’t go inflating her ego, my family already raised her to the status of holy prophet.” Izzy comes with a giggling Nayeli on his arm.
“Gina, meet our cousin, Nayeli Cardone, she’s the dowager Countess of Cabrera, freshly exiled from Spain.” Nayeli and Michael lock eyes and greets Gina a split second later.
“Just call me Nayeli, my daughter is the one who inherited my late husband’s titles. Not that it matters now that Spain has fallen.” Nayeli says modestly.
Eva hadn’t meant to let this happen, but Nayeli had shown up with Izzy and it was too late to stop them now. Besides, having the aristocracy know that Fascism was coming for their titles would dampen Mosley’s momentum.
“How did you meet your husband? I thought all the Rileys were from Mexico.” Gina asked still believing Mexico was some backwater country.
“My dad is from the Canary Islands, and when my mother was dying of cancer we returned to our home in Tenerife so she could see it a last time. I met Ferran when he was recovering from an illnesses in Mexico amd we just instantly clicked together like pieces of a puzzle.”
A puzzle Michael is about to figure out.
“We got married the second we docked in Gran Canaria with his mother and mine as our witnesses.” She says with an sad smile.. whether it was because of the memory or the brief flash of understanding in Michael’s eyes), Eva doesn’t know.
“How old is your daughter, Nellie?” Michael asks, heart racing, but his face doesn’t betray his emotions like Gina couldn’t hide her spark of jealousy.
“Ana will be five in January, she was born two months early while we were in Barcelona visiting my mother-in-law.” Nayeli lies with a smile, but not well enough for Gina to quash her suspicions.
This will be fun.
“Have you seen my mum, Evie?” Michael asks a respectable amount of minutes after Izzy drags Nayeli to meet with some other blue blood who believes Mosley’s hubris before discreetly making her exit.
“Gardens with Aberama, or should I say, your new stepfather.” She says knowing it irks him to know he has to share his mother with Gold of all people. Especially with the guilt that gnaws at him for indirectly causing Bonnie’s death. “Take the long way through my parlor, the last thing you want is to see is your mother being intimate with a man.”
Eva doesn’t need to specify which parlor, there is only one she cares enough to deem it as hers and it’s the one with a door that connects to the greenhouse and the other to the sunroom.
He blushed as intended and nodded before he left her alone with his bitch of a wife. Same bitch who was giving Mosley the eye behind his back.
Izzy and Linda would be coming to charge her the ten pounds they wagered on Gina exposing herself here.
“The little Countess is Michael’s daughter isn’t she?” Gina asks angrily.
“I think that’s something between you and your husband, Mrs. Gray.” Eva was grateful Tommy’s meeting has finally ended and she has a reason to cut things short. “Oh, look at the time, the performance is about to begin.”
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muertawrites · 4 years
The Dark of the Moon (Zuko x Reader)
Summary: Late night insomnia turns into a conversation about love, and Zuko makes an interesting discovery about his feelings for you.
Word Count: 2,100
Author’s Note: You can thank Avatar being on Netflix and rekindling my childhood obsession for this one. I wrote this mostly as a dialogue / pacing exercise, but it’s also a bit therapeutic since I can actually relate to Zuko more than I realized or could have ever foreseen watching this show as a ten year old. Enjoy a little emotional romantic fantasy on behalf of a preteen crush and all the toxic friends I’ve ever had. ✌
~ Muerta
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Zuko usually slept with you. It started one late night during a mutual bout of insomnia, in which you ran into him as you both wandered the halls of the Western Air Temple. You hardly knew him, but he sat with you and talked about everything that night - anything that wasn’t related to the war or either of your pasts that had been torn apart by it. He surprised you with his dry, even-toned sense of humor, as well as with his intelligence in not only combat but literature and philosophy as well; being a healer and a fortune teller by trade, you found a lot to talk about with him.
As the nights awake became more common, you and Zuko spent more of them together; sometimes you’d wait until you happened upon him in the halls, others one of you would designate a place to meet. Eventually, one of you would go directly to the other’s room and you’d sit, sharing whatever light or heavy thoughts happened to plague your minds. You learned a lot about him in those nights, and grew to feel proud of how far he’d come in such a short time - you often helped others, those much older than yourselves, over months to scale the internal struggles he had, and he’d managed to do so on his own. The more you gave to him, the more he gave back, and it soon became commonplace to fall asleep to the sound of his breathing as he lay in his sleeping bag on the other end of your room. 
And that’s exactly what woke you up - the strange, still energy of your bedroom that indicated his resting place was empty. You rolled over, unable to spy his silhouette under the moonlit windowsill, and you rose, your feet carrying you to where you were certain he would be. 
It was a gorgeous night, with a gentle breeze ruffling the crisp air. You found Zuko in the courtyard, gazing out over the fog veiled landscape under the swell of the full moon. Without a word, you sat beside him, watching the clouds roll by like ships on a silent ocean. His chest churned in turmoil, so intensely you could feel it in your own.
“Apparently, I can’t sleep without you anymore,” you said. “How selfish of you to have problems that keep you up at night.” 
Zuko huffed out a soft chuckle, though the weight in his chest didn’t lift. He leaned back onto his palms, craning his neck backward and allowing the wind to tousle his ash-black hair. 
“You didn’t need to come out here,” he told you gently. “It’s not your job to help me fix myself.” 
“It never has been,” you replied. “I’ve never fixed anyone. All I ever do is listen and recite a few proverbs; everyone comes to their own conclusions in the end.” 
“That’s not true,” Zuko retorted. “I’ve seen you heal. You can do things not even Katara can do, just with whatever happens to be growing nearby. It’s incredible.” 
You smiled, your heart fluttering in your chest. 
“Physical healing and emotional healing are two super different things,” you told him. “Emotional wounds can only really be healed by the people who have them. I mean, unless you want me to crack open your chest and poke around at your heart for a little while.” 
Zuko chuckled again, the tenseness of his muscles easing up just slightly. He opened his palm and spawned a softly glowing flame, both of you watching it flicker in the cool night air. 
“I wish I’d been born a water bender,” he mused. “Something that would do good for others. All fire does is destroy.” 
You were silent for a moment, watching the thoughts swirl, tormented, behind his eyes. You thought of all the times you’d seen him smile, how his happiness made his handsome features all the more radiant and caused your stomach to bubble with joy. The memory shot a spike through your chest.  
“... You know, we only ever see one part of the moon,” you commented, breaking the quiet. “Everything behind that - the dark side - we don’t really consider, even though it’s always there and is as much a part of the moon as the side that’s in front of us.” 
Zuko smirked at you, distinguishing the flame in his hand. 
“Reciting a proverb at me?” he teased. 
You grinned. 
“This one’s more like a metaphor,” you admitted cheekily. “That tea I make, the one that tastes awful but makes pain completely disappear?” 
Zuko nodded. 
“I need fire to make it,” you continued. “I have to roast the ingredients over an open flame before boiling them. Without fire, I couldn’t do most of my healing; it would be too painful without the tea to help.” 
Zuko said nothing, but you could sense your words sinking into the cracks in his troubled thinking. 
“Fire is heat and light,” you added. “It’s just as important to life as water or earth or air. Every element is capable of destruction or creation - there isn’t a single one that’s inherently good or bad. The person that controls them is the only one who determines that.” 
There was another long pause, in which you busied yourself noting the different wild plants growing between the stones that paved the courtyard. You listed the different medicines you could make with each, the process calming you. 
“I’ve done some pretty shitty things to people I care about in order to embrace my goodness,” Zuko finally spat. The bitterness in his tone stung you. You turned to him, and for a split second you caught a familiar, rageful glimmer in his eye; the sight made your own temper flare. 
“Zuko, don’t do that to yourself,” you said. “It wasn’t just your father who hurt you and you know that.” 
“I know,” he snapped, cutting off the end of your words. “I still care about her, though. I don’t even know if she really ever cared about me, but I still… I still miss her.” 
Your ribs seemed to cave in, crushing your heart and lungs. He’d told you about Mai many times, and all you ever saw was that the darkness in her drew out the darkness in him; it even hung over you, clouding out the comfort you felt with Zuko and replacing it with unease and doubt. You feared there was no place in his heart for you - not while Mai still remained in it, no matter how badly her memory made him bleed. 
“It’s hard,” you choked out. “I still miss some of the people who hurt me, too.” 
That was all you could manage to say. You pulled your knees to your chest, half-burying your face in the fabric of your night dress as you forced the tears welling in the corners of your eyes not to flow. 
This is what you get, you scolded yourself. This is what you get for feeling things for people you know could never feel the same about you. 
A sensation of warmth curling around your shoulders made you jolt. Instinctively, you inched away, glancing in Zuko’s direction as he retracted the arm that had draped around you. You expected him to look away, but he didn’t - his pale amber eyes instead locked with yours. 
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “You hold your head so high… I forget sometimes that you’re trying to heal, too.” 
His words caused your tears to spill, though you didn’t cry; your face remained stony, and no sobs shook you. Your tears fell as easily as water from a cliff’s edge, impeded by nothing but the will of gravity. 
“... The cards you lent me,” Zuko said after a pause, almost blurting the words. “I’ve been reading them, to help me let go of everything I left behind. I don’t think I’m doing it right.” 
A few weeks ago, you’d given him a deck of cards you used for fortune telling. Each card depicted a different object, element, or scene, and were laid out in combinations that gave insight into a person’s spiritual path. You liked them more than other forms of fortune telling, as it encouraged its readers to make their own assumptions and drive their own fates instead of having it simply told to them. You gave your deck to Zuko so he could reflect on something finite, instead of getting consumed by his own thoughts. It was exactly what you used them for, and you knew they would help.
“Why?” you asked softly. 
“I drew a card that didn’t make sense,” he told you. “I laid down the Tides, then the Crossed Blades, and then… I pulled the Badger Mole. The other two I understand - one is for movement and change, the other is for strength in allies, but I… can’t figure out what the Badger Mole is supposed to mean.” 
“Badger moles are strong, powerful,” you explained, speaking dispassionately from memory, “but they’re gentle. The card represents the duality of both. They mate for life, too, so it also represents love and companionship.” 
As you spoke, you felt a meteor crash between you and Zuko. His face fell, dumbfounded, as he looked at you, his eyes darting minutely back and forth as you watched the pieces mend together in his head. 
“What do you feel?” you whispered, part of you terrified of his answer.
“... I feel like I’m fighting the tide,” Zuko replied, his tone awestruck. “It’s pushing me to shore, but I keep trying to swim back out to sea.” 
The corners of your lips curled upwards slightly, your cheeks still sticky with tears. 
“It’s really scary, huh?” you said. “Loving another person.” 
“Yeah... especially when you’ve never known what it feels like before,” Zuko added softly. 
You reached out, tentatively resting your palm against his cheek. His hand rose to close over yours, the sensation trembling you to your core. 
“How many times have you pulled the Badger Mole?” you asked. 
“Every time,” Zuko breathed. “I’m so stupid for not realizing. You make me feel wild and calm all at once. I get this crushing feeling in my chest when I see you or even think of you, and I thought it was just fear or sadness. But… you don’t make me want to lash out like I used to, with my father and Azula and Mai… just the thought of you makes me want to be the best person I can be. Even though I know you already accept me for not being that person.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, somewhat defeatedly, your knees falling away from your chest and crossing in front of you. Your body was heavy, but your head felt light. 
“I love you, Zuko,” you murmured. “But I’m afraid.” 
Zuko wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. His forehead fell to rest against yours, his eyes closing as he steadied his erratic breathing. 
“If you’re scared, I’ll protect you,” he said quietly. “That’s what I think lovers are supposed to do.” 
The word made every organ in your body jump to your throat. Lovers. Your limbs felt weak, but your heart felt strong with Zuko holding you. 
Without thinking, you took his face in your hands and kissed him. It wasn’t hard and passionate like you expected, but firm, gentle, his lips pressing to yours like two palms grasped in an assuring embrace. He lay one of his large, able hands on the back of your neck, his thumb tenderly stroking your skin. 
When you finally broke apart, Zuko gazed at you with a soft, forlorn expression. His fingers reached to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I’m sorry I talk about her so much,” he said. “It must kill you.” 
You shook your head, a soft smile forming on your lips, still red from where Zuko had kissed them. 
“Don’t worry about it,” you told him. “I know some people from my past you’d happily drive a knife into.”
Zuko chuckled, the light, airy smile you saw when he was truly happy spreading to each of his cheeks. The spike that drove itself through your heart when you thought of it earlier was gone, replaced by the sweet warmth of a low flame on a cold night. With him, you were safe. 
“Let’s get some sleep,” Zuko suggested, taking your arm to help you stand. 
His hand slipped easily into yours, your fingers twining together. He leaned forward and kissed you again, his lips only grazing yours, causing your skin to buzz with the sensation. 
“... Do you think we’ll have to talk to Aang about this?” you asked as you walked back to your room. 
Zuko raised an eyebrow at you, confused. 
“He is your great-grandfather,” you elaborated with jest. “I should probably do the chivalrous thing and ask for his blessing or something.” 
Zuko laughed, nudging you with his shoulder so that you stumbled over your feet. You shoved him back, to which he took you by the waist and wrapped you tightly in his arms, kissing your cheek. 
“He probably won’t care,” he replied. “But my uncle will love you.”
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bonbonthedragon · 4 years
Not so sober night
Bakugou x drunk!reader
Warnings: mentions of achacol, cursing (duh it’s bakubabe), angst? If you squint, my bad writing :|, I did not re read it so... mistakes?
Note: ummm woo this is my first post... and writing isn’t something I do all the time so... enjoy? I hope you like it :) also, sorry it’s a small story... kinda all over the place.
Word count: 1727
GIF is not mine
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“Ah what the hell?! Who the fuck is calling me at this god fucking hour?” The ash-blond hissed through his teeth picking up the phone.
It was really late at night, like, 3 in the morning late. Bakugou, 2 hours prior, had just got back after a case he and his crew been working on for months. And frankly, he wasn’t getting anywhere with it. He was tired, angry and completely pissed that him and his team had barely made a dent in the series of murders that were going around Tokyo.
So, at the moment, he was ready to blow up what ever dumbass was calling him.
And that dumbass was you.
Katsuki’s mood took a complete 180 at the sound of your voice. You always had that affect on him. The way it came out like a melody to his ears always seemed to calm his nerves a little.
Except, the melody was kind of off and...slurred? Were you drunk?
“(y/n)? The hell? Why are you calling me so late?” The ash-blond ran his fingers through his hair,Tired laced in his words.
“I’m....sorryyy....” you paused, grasping at what sober part of you was left to attempt to talk straight “I um.... I’m not really all here right now...like... I’m kinda wasted...and I really hate to bother you at this hour”
Your voice came out groggy and broken. Bakugou was slightly taken back by this, you were a lot like him when it came to drinking, never took in too much, never liked the idea of feeding your body something it will just reject later. But like him, even when you did drink a lot, you could hold your liquor. So when Bakugou heard your slurred tone, not gonna lie, he was kinda worried.
The hero sighed through the phone “drop me your location if your able, ‘be there soon.” And with that, katsuki hung up, slipped on a shirt and dragged himself to his car.
He wasn’t too worried about finding you, pining him your location or not. You two shared an app on each other’s phones that always could tell where each of you were. Bakugou had you installing it sometime after meeting you, insisting that is was in case you found yourself in danger. Ok, maybe he was just always worried about you, but not the point.
Bakugou drove through the city admiring the lights, lost in thought.
After graduating UA and going on to start his hero agency, he was quick to climb ranking after ranking. Beating Deku and still losing to him over and over. Currently climbing to Japan’s no. 7 hero, Bakugou still had no means to back down from Midoriya. Even then, the green haired boy hero was still running in front of him.
Katsuki had met you about two years ago, shitty Deku had requested you to him when he needed some fixing up with his hero gear. He needed his Gauntlets to stop straining his arms from the impact they made or whatever.
Though controlling his “anger issues”, as his class mates would say, he had worked on not getting worked up so easily. If he were to admit it, it was easier to not pick a fight with everyone he found annoying, plus, it helped with his popularity. Apparently the media didn’t like the thought at such a hot headed hero.
But when he first saw you, something in him changed. You were so different from him. Completely opposite when it came to your attitude. You didn’t get mad at his outburst, or when he got irritated with you. You were like a breath of fresh air, Fresh air that his lungs had been longing for for so long, too long. That kind of sensation that just had him craving and coming back for more. You never seemed anything but happy and laid-back. If he got upset with you, you just reasoned with him, never once raising your voice, and when he cursed a stupid amount, you just waved it off.
After a while, he found himself visiting you more often, not just for stupid suit adjustments. But nothing other than the fact that he wanted to talk and spend time with you.
His favorite moments where when he came to you to let off some steam. Letting off steam, as in, cursing and ranting about some idiot that set him off that day.
You would do the same thing every time, offered a genial smile and seated him on your office couch with you while you offered him a snack or a cup of coffee.
From then on, you two were joined at the hip. So much so that you each had a copy of each other’s apartment keys and just let your selves in to one another’s home.
Nights of long, easy going conversations and lazy times lounging on his or yours couch to watch some action film. Hell, the two of you even had a pair of extra clothes at each other’s place in case one of you spent the night in the others spare bedroom, too tired or lazy to walk back home.
Occasional goodnight text and lunch in between work when you two could spare the time. He really hated that your were able to bring out a soft side in him.
Of course his friends caught on to his change in behavior and teased him to no end about his little crush. Constant questions and jokes when he was going to just kneel down on one knee and confess his undying love for you with a ring. Katsuki wasn’t stupid, he knew he had fallen hard for you. Even though he still wouldn’t admit it to anyone besides shitty hair. One thing he would admit to himself though was that he was scared. No. Scared was an understatement, he was terrified at the thought of confessing. The last thing he wanted was to ruin what you two already shared.
The thought generally made his blood run cold.
The pro hero turned the corner to the pub you were currently at. He wasted no time stepping out of the vehicle, walking over to the door finding you inside sitting at the bar. Your were slouched over the table, head resting atop your folded arms.
Bakugou took the seat next to you lifting his hand a little, ordering a small drink for himself. Setting down the cash on the table and a small thank you to the bar tender, he turned to see you starring at him.
“Hi...” you looked up at him with glossy eyes.
“Hey,” he brushed a few strands of hair off of your tear stained face “what’s wrong?” His Voice was soft and laced with worry. You never cried, the sight hurt him.
“I don’t know....jus’ lonely I guess” you mumbled into your arm.
“Didn’t you come here with friends?”
You nodded “yeah but...they left some time ago.”
Bakugou grunted. Some friends. They shouldn’t have left you here alone, drunk especially.
Now aware of the fact of how vulnerable you were at the moment, the ash-blond looked around realizing he’s had some eyes burning into him for a while now. Turning around he was met with a dunk man sitting at a booth, lust filled eyes starring at you. Katsuki growled, placing a hand on your back as a way to tell the man to back off. The man took one look at the hero and ended up taking some interest in the tv instead. Good.
After an attempted conversation to your not so sober self, which Bakugou did find a little entertaining, he stood up as you leaned on him for support, walking out of the bar.
The car ride was short and quiet. Right after placing you in the car, katsuki buckled you in just to find that you had already fallen asleep.
The blond chucked to himself as you still attempted to stay awake through half lidded eyes , but failed every time as you dozed off in the end.
Reaching your apartment, he basically bridal carried you up the stairs. He wasn’t about to attempt to get your drunk form up them by yourself.
He stepped into the small apartment, helping you take off your shoes and let you get dressed while he fished out a glass of water and pain medicine from the kitchen.
Bakugou couldn’t help the laughter that erupted from him at the sight that he walked in on. You had managed to get out of your evening wear and get some pants on, but you were stuck in your shirt with a confused look on your face.
Walking over, katsuki threaded your left arm into the shirt successfully slipping on the rest of the material over your torso.
You gave a small ‘thanks’ now trudging you’re way to the bed. With a plop and a satisfied groan, you sunk into the plush mattress and blankets. you buried you’re face in the pillows humming.
Bakugou placed the glass onto your night stand.
“ you better drink this, Baka. If you go getting sick on me, I’m going to make you buy lunch next time.” Bakugou grumbled, pulling the covers over your form.
“Mmmhhhmmmm” your voice was muffled before turning your head to look at him “sorry”.
“What for?” He questioned, sitting beside the bed.
“You know,.....for... picking me up and stuffff’” you slurred.
Bakugou ruffled your hair before getting up “get some sleep idiot” he said before turning around.
He came to a halt when your hand met his and squeezed tightly “noooooo don’t go~” you whined.
The hero stopped and looked at you “no, you need to rest and I have work in the morning.” He slipped out of your grasp.
“Then rest with meeee.....” you whined again, bottom lip sticking out.
Bakugou sighed. You definitely were buying lunch next time.
Making a gesture to scoot over, you giggled triumphantly making room for the blond. When Bakugou settled next to you, he couldn’t help the heat that rose to his face when he was engulfed in your sent. He especially couldn’t help the blush that tinted his cheeks when you basically snuggled up against him. Actually snuggled. He was done for.
You were going to break him.
Shifting and finally getting comfortable, you mumbled something under your breath before falling asleep “thank you for loving and taking care of me.” Was all you let out then drifted off.
All katsuki could do was muffle a ‘welcome’ as he tried to settle his nerves before passing out himself.
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simplybakugou · 4 years
I need some more dad!bakugou content please uwu i really love his interactions with his daughter and i love the name Suki you gave for her! could you please write more about them? thank you!
A/N: I will gladly use any excuse to write about dad!bakugou and I always use the name Suki because I’m too unoriginal to come up with another name lol. Also I’m sorry if this is shitty it’s not my best :( Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy! :)
Pairing: dad!bakugou x female!reader
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 2432
✐posted 05.23.2020✐
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“I’m gonna be late to the agency, cover for me,” Bakugou said curtly into his phone, looking at his watch as he stood outside under the beaming sun. He wiped a streak of sweat from his forehead, leaning against his car outside of the middle school. The bell would ring any second and a hoard of children would stampede out the doors soon. And Bakugou was not looking forward to that.
“I’ll see what I can do. You know the boss isn’t gonna be happy, right?” Kirishima sighed through the other line.
Bakugou scoffed. “As if I give a shit about what he has to say. I have to pick up the brat today, Y/N’s stuck in the office later than usual.”
Kirishima laughed. “You call her a brat but you know damn well you’d do anything for that little girl.”
Bakugou smirked, sliding his hand into his front pocket. “She’s my kid, of course I’d do anything for her.”
Finally the bell rang and Bakugou hung up, shoving the device into his back pocket. The front doors to the school opened and a surge of little children came rushing out like swarms of bees in a hive. Parents waiting idly by and inside their cars began roaming around, searching for their kids.
Suki took her time moving out of the classroom, sticking beside her friend, Sana. Sana noticed her friend looking down on this particular day, different from her usual bubbly attitude. “What’s wrong, Suki? You look sad.”
Suki looked at her and let out a little sigh, her thumbs latching onto the loops of her bag straps. “I haven’t seen my dad in a while. He’s been busy for the past few days and I just miss him.”
“Cheer up,” Sana swung her arm around her shoulders, “You’re dad’s the coolest hero there is! I always see him on the news saving people and beating villains up so it’s not like he wants to leave you alone!”
“I know.” Suki jutted her bottom lip out. “It’d be nice to see him more though.”
The two girls made their way out onto the main entrance and Suki began searching for your (H/C) hair amongst the crowd of parents and children. “That’s weird, I can’t find Mom anywhere.”
“Really? She’s usually never late,” Sana commented, looking around along with her friend. As she searched, she let out a gasp, pointing at the infamous ash blonde that was receiving the most attention out of any adult there. “Suki, look!”
Suki looked along where Sana was pointing and gasped as well, sprinting towards her father. Sana followed her as you would drop her off to her own home everyday after school. Bakugou, who had given up searching momentarily for his daughter and was currently switching his phone off to ignore any calls from his boss, was not prepared when Suki tackled him into a hug. He had luckily managed to catch her body in the last second, his back hitting his car which was behind him for support.
“Dad! You’re here!” Suki said excitedly, nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck.
“You fucking scared me,” Bakugou muttered, shifting Suki in his arms so that she was more secure in his hold.
Suki pulled away, looking at her father with her crimson eyes practically sparkling. “Mom’s usually here, why are you here?”
“She’s busy at work so I’m here,” Bakugou said briefly. He set her down where he finally acknowledged Sana’s existence who was waiting idly and was too shy to speak up. “You’re Sana?”
She nodded, smiling. Bakugou opened the door to the backseat, gesturing at the two girls. “Get in.”
Suki and Sana exchanged energetic glances to one another as they practically jumped into the car. Suki was shaking with exhilaration as it was not often that she would get to spend time with her father outside of the house. But it wasn’t as if Bakugou never saw Suki, he was just busy maintaining the peace in the country as well as protecting innocent civilians from the prying hands of evildoers. Nevertheless, Suki did have a sense of pride whenever her classmates would approach her and talk about her father in which she would use all of her bragging rights in those moments.
Suki leaned forward, her hands grasping onto Bakugou’s seat. She was smiling from ear to ear and Bakugou couldn’t help but smile as he sat down in the driver’s seat. Then he turned his head, scoffing at the sight before him. “How many times have I told you to put your seatbelt on? You’re gonna get hurt if you don’t put that shit on!”
Suki rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance. “But it’s annoying! It’s always in my damn way.”
Bakugou sighed, getting out of the car once again and opening the back door. He pulled on the safety belt and secured Suki into her seat. He looked up at Sana who began to panic momentarily under his piercing gaze. “I-I can put it on!”
“It’s alright.” He went around, opening the other door to help her out. He pressed the belt in place with a click and moved towards the driver’s seat once again.
Sana slid towards Suki as much as she could against the restraining belt as Bakugou started the car and exited the school parking lot. “Your dad isn’t as scary as everyone says!” Sana whispered quite loudly as Bakugou was able to hear although he pretended to not listen.
Suki smiled happily, cupping her hand around Sana as she whispered back, “Dad’s really sweet when you actually talk to him.”
Bakugou smirked, making his way down the road and towards Sana’s house. As she lived only a few blocks from the school, it didn’t take long for Bakugou to drop her off. Sana’s mother was waiting by the front door, a shocked expression on her face to see one of the top heroes being the one to drop her child off. She waved hesitantly at him in which Bakugou just raised a slightly belligerent hand. Sana laughed at their exchange, opening the door and exiting the vehicle. She turned around with the widest grin on her face. “Thank you, Ground Zero! You’re even cooler than I thought!”
Bakugou smirked. “Thanks, kid.”
“Bye, Sana!” Suki exclaimed, waving goodbye to her best friend as Bakugou turned the car around towards the direction of his home.
Suki attempted to sit up and move closer to Bakugou’s seat only to be pulled and held down by the restraint of the seat belt. She grumbled under her breath about it but quickly got over it. “Dad, are you really staying at home today? We can finally spend some time together!”
Bakugou let out a sigh, immediately feeling a twinge of guilt. “I’m sorry, kid, I’ve gotta head to the agency right after. My boss’ll kick my ass if I’m late even more.”
Suki felt a pang of disappointment, sitting back in her seat. She was used to this but was still upset to hear her time spent with her father being cut short. “Okay, it’s okay.”
Bakugou felt even more guilty as he saw the sight of her slumped body looking out the window in sadness in the rearview mirror. He genuinely did want to spend more time with his only daughter but it was difficult with such a demanding occupation. Bakugou gripped the steering wheel, pulling over the curb and putting the vehicle in park. Suki sat up, looking at her surroundings in confusion. “What’re we doing here?”
Bakugou turned around. “I’ll call out today. We can do whatever the hell you want.”
Suki gasped in excitement, smiling from ear-to-ear. She took her seat belt off quickly and exited the car with the same amount of speed. Bakugou scowled, quickly rushing to her side as she was almost in the middle of the road where cars were still drifting off. “Be careful! You’re gonna get hit!”
Suki laughed, walking towards the sidewalk. “Sorry!” Although her tone didn’t match her words, Bakugou knew he wouldn’t be able to be upset with her for long.
Bakugou joined Suki at the sidewalk as they began walking side-by-side. He pulled his phone out, sending a quick text to his boss about his calling off from work. Even though he could technically use his vacation days, being a hero was a difficult occupation to throw around vacation days. Bakugou also sent a text to you, wanting to inform you that he was taking Suki out and would return home late.
“So what’re we going to do?” Suki asked, her eyes practically beaming with joy and excitement as she looked up at Bakugou.
“Whatever you want,” Bakugou restated. Suki began scanning the area, squealing as she laid her eyes on the one thing any kid of any age would be excited for: ice cream.
She pointed towards the ice cream truck parked on the side of the curb. Bakugou sighed. “Of course you’d want some fucking sweets. Just like your mother.”
Suki giggled and began moving forward, pulling her father behind her by the hand as she made her way to the truck. Bakugou sighed, ignoring the numerous onlookers staring at the sight of the father-daughter pair. It wasn’t often that mere civilians would get to see one of the top heroes, let alone a hero off duty and spending time with his child. As Bakugou and Suki went to wait, the people in the long line at the truck stared as well, whispering amongst themselves.
“Why’re they all looking at us?” Suki whispered loud enough for Bakugou to hear, looking up at him.
Bakugou sighed, patting her head. “Don’t worry about them. It’s ‘cause I’m a hero.”
Suki nodded, stepping over to the side. Bakugou’s phone began buzzing in his hand and he groaned at the sight of his boss calling. “I’m gonna answer this, just give me a second.”
Suki nodded once more, watching as Bakugou stepped off to the side to answer the call. She smiled as she could see how annoyed he was getting, rolling his eyes a few times.
“That’s Ground Zero?” A young woman in front of Suki whispered to an older woman beside her.
“Yeah, can’t believe he’s here.” The older woman looked towards him, a disgusted look on her face. “I heard that he punched a reporter the other day in Hosu.”
The younger woman gasped, cringing at the sight of Bakugou. Suki frowned, not understanding why these two grown women were gossiping about her father. “Can’t believe he’s the number one hero.”
The older woman nodded in agreement. “Heroes like Deku and Shouto are better choices for number one than that. I have no idea how he’s married or that he has a kid.”
“Mhm, he’s never been seen going out with his wife and daughter in such a long time. He’s probably a bad father like he is a bad hero.”
Suki felt her hands bunch up into fists at her sides. She took a few steps towards them, grabbing their attention with her presence. “He’s not a bad father.”
The two women were startled, not expecting a young child to overhear what they were saying let alone confront them about it. The older woman cleared her throat. “I beg your pardon?”
“He’s not a bad father,” Suki reiterated. “It’s because of people like you that everyone thinks he’s a bad person but he’s the one risking his life for you.”
By now a few other people in front of the two women turned around, wanting to know what the commotion was. “You all think that you know what heroes go through ‘cause that’s all you see in the news, but heroes put others before themselves to save your sorry asses.”
The older woman gasped at Suki’s language and tone. “Young lady, you’re being really rude right now.”
“What? Like you weren’t being rude while talking about other people as if you have nothing better to do?” Suki retorted. “My dad busts his ass off out there to save people like you. But you can dismiss all of that just ‘cause he doesn’t like these nosy ass news reporters trying to barge into his private life?”
The women were quiet now, feeling the eyes now shifted onto them as the others waiting in line whispered in disapproval and disappointment. At this point, even Bakugou, who had finished his brief phone call, was stunned by his daughter sticking up for him. He smirked, feeling proud to have a daughter not take anyone’s shit, no matter who it was.
Not wanting her to have to deal with the women any longer, Bakugou decided to step in, placing a hand on Suki’s shoulder. She was startled, turning her head towards her father. The women shifted under the intensity of Bakugou’s gaze. “If you don’t mind, I’m gonna take my kid and leave. You know, just be a bad father and all somewhere else where we don’t have to hear this bullshit.”
The women were now looking wide-eyed at Bakugou and Suki, feeling embarrassed as they finally acknowledged the stares they were receiving. The older woman grabbed the younger woman and walked off in the opposite direction, mumbling incoherently under their breaths.
Suki laughed, walking beside Bakugou as they walked towards their car. “Serves them right.”
Bakugou nodded. “So much for wanting to spend time with each other before heading back home.”
“We could get Mom and spend time as a family,” Suki suggested. “Maybe we can show some more people about how much of a ‘bad father’ you are.”
Bakugou laughed, Suki joining in. Being a hero was difficult in every aspect. Not only is your safety being jeopardized, but the media doesn’t help at all either. Heroes who are known for being abrasive or dismissive are ruled to be rude and disrespectful and their merits are completely unacknowledged. Bakugou never cared for any of these comments nor did he ever care for what others had to say about him. Besides, having a daughter defend him and his heroism made it easier to deal with and made it all worthwhile.
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codyssfern · 5 years
In The Night
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{ gif credit @codyfernsource }
a/n: this is shitty and mediocre writing but writing for xavier is always fun xoxo
warnings: cussing?
requested by anon: 
so i know we don’t know about montana and her true involvement with rr but could you maybe write something where the reader overhears a conversation between rr and montana and she tries to warn/tell xavier about it? thank you xx
montana had been acting so strange since you arrived at camp redwood. well let’s say ever since brooke was attacked by the night stalker the other night in her apartment and told us how said he would not stop until she was dead. you assumed it must be because montana was scared herself, freaked out or maybe was just genuinely worried for brooke but lately you’re suspecting it may go deeper than that.
“i’m telling you she’s hiding something,” you say as you light the cigarette between your lips, “there’s just something weird about the way you were attacked literally hours after you met her, you know?”
brooke couldn’t lie and say she hadn’t been suspicious of montana but she knew everyone had skeletons in their closets so she felt it wasn’t right to draw conclusions on someone she’d barely just met.
“i mean maybe she’s just freaked out? she’s your friend, you must know her well enough to know her true intentions.”
you chuckle, “you’d be surprised. everything with montana is um,” how could you describe montana in just one word? “unpredictable.”
“who’s unpredictable?”
you feel a pair of arms grab onto your shoulders. already knowing who it was because of the overpowering smell of cologne that heightened your sense of smell and almost made you dizzy.
“god,” you get away from him, “do you shower yourself with cologne?”
xavier tilts his head back in laugher, “it attracts the foxy ladies!”
you tap ashes off the end of your cigarette, “clearly not.”
xavier motions to the cigarette between your knuckles, “can i bum one?”
“you guys shouldn’t smoke this much,” brooke says as you pass xavier the wrinkled stick filled with toxins, “causes lung cancer.” she finishes and walks away to her bed.
you chuckle at her innocence. was she really this innocent though? or was she just pretending? you thought to yourself. at this point you felt like there was something in this camp that made you not trust anybody anymore. not even xavier, though that was very hard. he has his way with you and you always end up telling him everything.
“seriously though,” xavier nudges your shoulder, “what were you two talking about?”
and it was as if god had heard him because not even seconds after he spoke, montana came walking in. along with trevor and ray. xavier looked at you as your eyes stayed on montana’s every move.
“i-i i’ll tell you later,” you keep your eyes on him as you stand up from the ground, “promise.”
xavier stands up after you, “where you going?”
“geez obsessed with me much?” you tease him, “i’m going to shower. you wanna join?”
xavier rolls his eyes, “babe, there’s creepy history in this camp. i just wanna make sure you’re safe.”
“and i will be. i carry pepper spray with me all the time!”
you carry on small conversation for a few more minutes before you walk over to your stuff and grab some clean clothes from your bag. you were contemplating on whether to shower or not… xavier was right. there was some creepy history in this camp and thinking about it only gave you the hibbie jibbies.
“you going out to the showers?” montana approaches you.
you nod, “that was my plan anyway,” she raises an eyebrow at you, “xavier mentioned something and now i’m like scared to even go out and shower.”
montana groans as she grabs your clothes from the bed, “c’mon i’ll go with you.” you looked at her waiting to see if she was joking or not, “don’t worry i won’t try anything.”
“that’s the least of my worries.” you smile.
as you showered, admitting that somehow the company of montana was making it a little easier and less scarier, you thought about your conversation with brooke. could you be wrong about montana and just overthinking? or was your gut feeling leading you in the right direction.
“you can’t be here!”
you hear faintly grasping you back to reality. it was montana’s voice.
“you told me to come,” a man’s voice. could it be trevor? “i’m supposed to finish the job tonight!”
job? what job? you immediately wrap a towel around your cold body and walked over to the window from where the voices were coming.
“i-it’s not safe. i think we should just call it off.”
“call it off? that bitch saw my face. she could- i don’t know go to the police or something! and not to mention you hate her.”
that definitely. wasn’t. trevor. you tried to stand on your tiptoes to see who was outside the window. cursing your small ass height for not letting you see.
“i do hate her,” monata speaks, “i want brooke dead but we’ve put the others in unnecessary danger. especially xavier.”
xavier? what does xavier have to do this? you asked yourself. there’s no way he was on this with montana and who you thought was the night stalker.
“i knew your feelings would come in between our plans,” the man says, “you’re weak.”
you hear montana scoff, “listen i just don’t want to be fucking responsible for anyone’s death here. you touch xavier and that will probably fall onto me. the ex girlfriend.”
you tried to slowly back away from the window to get your things but you tripped over shoes knocking something out.
“shit!” you curse.
“y/n? y/n are you done in there!?”
fuck. fuck. FUCK. you say to yourself.
“u-uh yeah! i’m just getting dressed. why don’t you just um,” you couldn’t think straight, “just wait for me back at the cabin. i’ll be fine here!”
thank god it didn’t take more convincing. montana left soon after that and now it was just you and your thoughts. you tried to gather yourself up as fast as possible and head to the cabin so she wouldn’t get suspicious. you were surprised to see that she was nowhere in sight when you got there.
“xavier!” you whisper trying not to grab the others’ attention. “hey!” you pat his shoulder.
he jumps, “geez you scared me!”
that definitely caught everyone’s attention, though they went back to doing their own thing pretty quickly.
“how was the shower? where’s montana?” he looks around, “wait and why are you still wet?”
you shush him as you pull him aside, “listen i overheard a really weird conversation in the showers,” xavier tilts his head, waiting for the whole the story, “i think montana’s working with the night stalker.”
“you think she’s what!?”
could he be any louder?
“please say it louder so the whole fucking camp hears you,” you hit him on the chest, “look i know what i heard. i was showering when i heard montana talking to this dude about wanting brooke dead. brooke knows what the night stalker looks like and i don’t know! he might scared she’ll go to the police BUT also,” you look around one more time making sure no one’s listening, “i think montana and brooke go way back. montana really hates brooke’s guts from what i heard.”
xavier shook his head no, “that can’t be possible. plus she would’ve told us! and i don’t think she’d purposely put us, her friends, in danger.”
you thought about telling him what montana said about him. i mean if there’s anyone here who you’d risk your life for is xavier.
“xavier she mentioned you,” you stare at him, “she basically said that if something went wrong with whatever plan she has with that pyscho, that they’ll pin your death on her a.k.a your ex girlfriend...” you trail off.
it was obvious xavier still had some unresolved feelings for montana so you couldn’t even pretend to understand the confusion he must be feeling right now.
“i shouldn’t have brought her here,” he starts, “i shouldn’t have brought us o-or you here.”
you shake your head no, “hey, no let’s not start with the blame game here,” you grab his hand, “for all we know that guy could be threatening montana to do what he says but right now no one is safe.”
“especially brooke.. apparently.” xavier motions over to where brooke was. she was laying in bed, reading.
you cross your arms, “what do we do?”
what could you do? after all montana was your friend, you could’ve interpreted her conversation wrong but either way, no one in this camp was safe. and you had a feeling it’s been that way since you stepped foot in it.
THIS WAS SHITTY AND I APOLOGIZE ANON but here you go. i hope you enjoyed it. it lowkey made me want to write a part two so i’ll see what i do depending on how it does
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angelanimedesaray · 5 years
Survive Or Live Chapter 4: Baby Steps
AN:  I am soooo sorry its been so long, guys, I hadn’t realized how much I’d been putting off this chapter, but as soon as I did, I jumped right on top of writing it again, I did not mean to neglect it for a whole month, whoops!
Characters:  Levi, Reader
Pairing:  (Eventual) Levi x Reader
Warnings:  Language, aaaaaand that’s pretty much it.  They’re feeling each other out (Not that way, you filthy minded peers of mine, bwahaha) so there’s not much going on outside of that right now.
Word Count:  4229
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*Mae’s POV*
Thankfully, there wasn’t that much gore on Mae’s clothes from today’s trip because of the scarcity of Rotters while she’d wandered the town.  So it didn’t take long for her to scrub out the stains that were on her shirt--it just took some elbow grease and some numbness in her fingers after her hands were plunged in the water so long.  There was a shaded spot by the bank that was thick with trees, giving her plenty of cover away from any unwelcome eyes while she worked while she had a clear view around her immediate surroundings.  It was a decently long walk away from the farmhouse, which meant she was going to have to haul water back an unpleasant distance so Levi would have water to do his laundry.  He could probably rest comfortably on the steps with his leg elevated on one of her gas tanks or something.  On the bright side, she just needed to haul the water over, he was the one who had to scrub all that gore and grass stains out of the clothes, not her.  She could settle for that trade.
Though, on another downside, it was going to take about six trips, three to the river and three back, simply for the laundry today.  Thank God she wasn’t out of shape.
Six trips later, with her laundry put up on a line in the backyard between two trees, two buckets of water sitting at the foot of the steps as well as a large gas cannister for Levi to elevate his leg on, and her arms aching far more than she wanted to admit, Mae skipped up the steps, heaving a sigh as she walked back inside.  Levi was still stretched out on the couch, though considering he was facing the front of the house and could see out the window, he’d probably been watching her make three times as many trips as normal simply to get him set up to do his laundry.
“All right, I got you all set up to do your laundry on the steps, if you’re okay with doing that now,” Mae said, clawing back some sweaty strands of hair that were plastered to her forehead after lugging the full buckets all the way from the river to the house.  Levi was already rising off the couch halfway through her sentence, being mindful of his leg but still moving with overall ease as he started for the door.  His hand trailed across the occasional surface, looking like a simple passing touch, but Mae was suspicious it was actually for a bit more added stability as he did an odd sort of stubborn hobble to and out the door.  Considering all the fuss he’d made so far about helping him, Mae let him be stubborn, so long as he wasn’t putting any--or at least not much--weight on his injured leg.
“I’ll make dinner while you’re doing that!” she called after him, the only response the sound of the door shutting behind him.
Not too friendly...I guess I understand why, he has an injury that could put him on bedrest for a month or longer which could be a death sentence in certain sticky apocalypse situations, he’s stuck with a stranger, I can only imagine what happened to draw practically all the Rotters in town to him…but still.
Shaking her head, Mae started flickering through different rooms of the house both upstairs and downstairs, gathering the things she needed for dinner, getting a fire started in the fireplace, and even remembering to grab a few things for Levi to pass the time with since he was going to be stuck on the couch for a while.  Dinner ingredients was the last thing she gathered, already grabbing one of the bouillon cubes she’d found on her scavenging trip today, a mix of white and black beans, water she’d already purified and stored for drinking and cooking...
She hesitated in the kitchen, hand hovering over a stash of some of her more...richer ingredients.  Or at least, ingredients she was hesitant to use because she’d noticed her guest was so sharp.  Sure, she was trusting him enough to let her into her home, but he was also injured, so she felt she might be able to take him in a fight if things turned sour.  And while she had shared some of her medical supplies with him, she hadn’t showed him where she was hiding them because she didn’t trust him that much, yet.  Did she really want to use ingredients that could tip off her sharp guest to the fact that she was a little more well off than most, that she had a comfortable set up that allowed her a source for fresh seasonings?  Did she want to suggest that what she was putting in their dinner wasn’t all scavenged, that some of it...was grown?  That the beans weren’t canned and pilfered from town?  That she had a spot she could grow green chilis?
Not to mention, she liked using those chilis in the winter, so she stored as much as she could.  Did she really want to tap into that storage now?  Normally what she was making she’d save for the winter, but Levi was injured, and she wanted to cook something a little more feel-good because of that.  He was in a shitty situation, she knew that, and she was willing to try and make it better for him.
Cause even if she still did have the survival sense and caution to not blindly, completely trust him right away, she was trying to build a bridge here, not raze the entire forest to the ground.  Even if the basic caution levels of today’s world wanted her to not do certain things, she had to in order to extend an olive branch and hopefully get someone to talk to.
She didn’t want to go crazy from the isolation, especially while knowing what was happening to her but being unable to do anything about it.
She didn’t want to survive if it meant withering away forgotten in some quiet corner of the world.
She didn’t want to be alone anymore.
Was it too much to ask that she had someone in her life again, someone that--from what she had seen--was perfectly capable of taking care of themselves so she wouldn’t have to worry about them.  She didn’t care if he was a friend, a neighbor, or even the old world equivalent of that delivery guy you saw so much you were on a first name basis, she just wanted another human being somehow involved in her life again.
Screw it.
Mae shook her head, grabbing green chilis, onions, garlic, oregano, and cloves without any further hesitation.  If she wanted to make a change, she had to throw caution to the wind.  She was gonna be kind even if this ended up being a mistake and her guest turned on her.  She had to be willing to trust and make an effort with people if she wanted people in her life again.  Sure, there were a greater amount of dangerous people left in the world that meant she had to be careful, but that didn’t mean there weren't any decent people left.  She wasn’t going to know if it was the right choice if she didn’t try, and she was already this deep into this situation, what was the point of hesitating now?  He hadn’t hurt her, he’d let her help him, even with his stubborn ‘I can take care of myself’ attitude.  So far, she had no reason not to trust him except paranoia.  She’d keep giving him more trust little at a time until he gave her a reason not to.
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*Levi’s POV*
With his turtleneck sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his leg propped up on the gas canister as comfortably as he could manage, Levi scrubbed at the plethora of stains on his clothes.  He was glad to have something to do with his hands, something he enjoyed, nonetheless, but his gaze still roamed across his surroundings while he worked.
There was plenty of open space stretching out in front of the farmhouse that gave Mae enough of a warning if one of the ghouls or a group of them were coming--something that would come in handy if and when that horde in town decided to migrate, which could lead them this way.  He didn’t care much for the treeline, though.  It gave too much cover for an approaching horde or a hostile group of people--by the time either broke through the forest, it would be too late to try moving.  It was either standing and fighting, maybe escaping with next to nothing in the truck if Mae managed to avoid getting shot by a hostile group in the process, escaping on foot out the back, or, in the case of a horde, she could try to hunker down and wait it out until it passed.  That all depended on if she had the nerves to withstand being surrounded by a horde for an unknown length of time, and enough supplies to last a week or more in case the horde took a while to pass.  He didn’t know what her food situation was--yet--though she seemed to be set with her other supplies.  She was apparently comfortable enough to willingly give him pain meds--not the cheap kind, either--and was confident enough to not even ask for anything in return from him when he’d asked for her hay.
He kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.
This was some sort of trick, right?  Was she trying to get him more and more indebted to her before asking something truly taxing from him?  Did she just want him indebted to her indefinitely so she could continue to ask things of him in the future, no matter how much he didn’t want to do them?  She couldn’t be doing all of this for him out of a good-hearted nature and a simple desire to talk to someone.
Then again...if she was as well off as he suspected with what he had seen of her supplies…
He hadn’t been the most sociable person even before the world went to shit, so it didn’t bother him being alone, and he’d still had Scout and Ash to talk to if he really wanted to.  But Mae really was out here by herself from what he could tell so far--that could wear a person down after so long, he was pretty sure there’d been studies about that to prove as much.
Only time would tell if she was truly genuine or if she was planning on pulling the rug out from under him when she thought he least expected it.  He’d have to stay on guard, and wait and see what her true intentions really were.  It wasn’t like he was able to do much else in the meantime.
As Levi finished with the last of his laundry, his gaze returned to the far end of the field, attention caught by the sight of movement amongst the trees.  After a few more moments of following the distant motion with his gaze, a ghoul finally broke through the treeline, stumbling blindly towards the farmhouse with a lazy, unguided gait.
Levi was already getting to his feet, hand twitching towards the katana at his side before the door opened behind him and Mae appeared, strolling casually past him with bow and a single arrow in hand.
“Dinner’s nearly ready, if you want to head back inside.  I’ll go ahead and hang your clothes up with mine, so you can just leave those there,” she called, knocking the arrow and partially pulling the string back.
Mae whistled, just loud enough that the lone ghoul would hear, but soft enough it was faint even to Levi’s ears, which lowered the risk of drawing any other ghouls towards them.  Levi started to head inside, still watching Mae as the ghoul turned its attention towards her and starting running at her.  She simply brought her bow to a full draw, held perfectly still for maybe two or three seconds, then released, the arrow sailing right through the ghoul’s eye before it could even close half the distance to her.  With one last glance around the treeline, Levi tore his gaze from Mae as she made her way to retrieve the arrow, and made his way inside.
If she was good enough with that bow to hit infected barreling towards her with one clean head shot, surely she was decent at game hunting, too.  Sure, you couldn’t get a rabbit or a deer to come at you like you could an infected, but moving around towns to scavenge also required a certain level of stealth to avoid drawing the attention of too many ghouls.  Put that together with her aim, she was probably perfectly capable of bagging a few rabbits or squirrels, perhaps even a deer if she was lucky enough to come across one.
Levi paused, halfway to the couch.  Was he really already calculating what more she could possibly offer him if they did enter into some kind of agreement going forward?  He hadn’t even decided if he trusted her or not, yet.  Then again, it wasn’t like he could shut that part of his brain off--it was all about survival these days, and whether he decided she was a potential ally (something he hadn’t had in a long time) or a threat, he needed to know what she was capable of, and what she had.
Levi resumed his position on the couch with his leg propped up on throw pillows, breathing in the strong scent of...chili?  He looked over at the fireplace to what must have once been a metal gallon paint can now being used as a makeshift campfire pot, the source of the smell.  The scent opened his airways as he tried to pick out what he was smelling exactly, able to pick out the smell of chicken easily.
There was no way there was actual chicken in that can, was there?  He hadn’t seen any chickens running around the farmyard, and from his experience finding a can of chicken that was still good was like winning the lottery these days.
Aside from the distracting aroma of whatever was in that makeshift pot, Levi also noticed there was now a candle, a flip lighter, and a few books on the coffee table, all within arm’s reach.  He picked through the titles to see what options she’d given him, a small frown on his face as he did so.
A compilation of a thousand poems, a compilation of short stories, the novelization of the original trilogy of Star Wars, and the last two Lord of the Rings books.  All but the short stories were pocket book sized, so maybe she could justify packing them around if they looked smaller...even if they were still thick books.  You had to keep some kind of entertainment when it was just you out here, right?  For him, it was pretty much survival work and cleaning what he could with what he had.  For Mae, it looked like books were what she preferred.
Well, at least there was some variety and he wouldn’t be stuck looking at the same book over and over again.
Mae came back inside, not a speck of blood on her and hands shining with water after putting his clothes on the line, setting her bow back in its spot by the door before she disappeared briefly into the kitchen  After coming back with two bowls and spoons, she started divvying out what was in the can.  Levi noticed a lack of white meat in what he could now visually confirm as a chili of some kind as Mae passed him his share, though he definitely smelled chicken, much stronger now that he had a steaming hot bowl in hand.
She’d managed to get her hands on broth, then.  A find he envied her for, though the envy was abated since she was sharing it with him right now.  And even though the chili was missing the meat, it looked like it had everything else.
As they ate in silence, Levi mulled over the taste, doing his damndest not to look at Mae and tip her off to the fact that he was coming to quite a few conclusions simply from the chili.  There were herbs in this, and onions, maybe garlic, not to mention two different kinds of beans--not only was it the fact that she had these ingredients that caught his attention, but it was also the fact that it tasted fresh.  He knew the difference between processed shit that had been sitting for a long time on a shelf, and actual, fresh foods.  He hadn’t seen a blatant garden around her farmhouse, yet, but now he was sure that she was comfortable enough and had been here long enough to be growing things.  The only thing that was definitely scavenged for this was the broth and maybe some of the beans.  She didn’t have livestock (clearly, who did, in times like these?), but she was growing things.  And here she was, wasting more of her resources on him, wanting him to come by regularly and at least take her hay--he could probably work out a trade of some kind for whatever she was growing if he kept an eye out for something she didn’t have, something he could give in return since he was positive the currency of companionship only extended so far.
Slow down, don’t jump the gun, you’re smarter than that.  Figure out if you can trust her or not before you start planning for a trade partnership of some kind.
This all had to be too good to be true, there had to be a catch somewhere.  He just hoped he could figure out what it was sooner, rather than later.
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*Mae’s POV*
Even if her current guest was frustratingly hard to converse with, at least she wasn’t alone anymore.  Levi was a man of few words, it seemed, while Mae seemed to have too many to spare.  He didn’t stop her from chattering at him, but he didn’t respond much, which made it hard to continue conversations.  As such, Mae found herself continuously trying to think of ways (with increasing complexity) to get the stoic man to have to respond to whatever she said.  It was starting to get to the point she was sure she was simply making a fool of herself every time she tried.  At this point, she was positive he knew what she was doing, and was purposely making it difficult for her for his own amusement.  She hadn’t forgotten that one time she could have sworn she saw his lips twitch towards a smile, or the amused glint in his eyes when she’d finally thrown in the towel one day with a pout and a huff of frustration.  If he really was doing it on purpose...well, it was frustrating, but at least she knew he had a sense of humor, even if at the moment it was at her expense.
Of course, she was also rapidly running out of topics to talk about that didn’t intrude into personal subject matters she knew for a fact were still far, far off limits.
Today, however, there was bound to be a conversation of some sorts, since she was finally checking his leg to decide once and for all if it was fractured or sprained.  Which meant she was also going to be telling him whether he was stuck on her couch even longer, or if he was going to be allowed to start moving around again.  For the time being, Levi’s steel blue eyes were trained on Mae as she prodded at his leg, eyes looking for bruising or swelling, fingers feeling for sensitive spots along bone or muscle…
“Well, it’s not fractured,” she eventually announced, noticing that some of the tension seemed to leave Levi’s shoulders at the news.  “But it is still a rather nasty sprain.  You’re going to need another two, three weeks out of the action to make a full recovery.  More time off your feet at the start, and then slowly getting back to moving around--”
Levi was already shaking his head, moving to sit up and pull his leg away but finding himself stopped by Mae keeping a vice grip where her hand was still resting just above his calf.  “I can’t wait that long, I have to get back--”
As he tried to stand again, Mae pushed him back down with more effort than she cared to admit.  “You’re going to stay on bedrest if you don’t want to fuck up your leg any worse than it already is.  Would you rather be stuck on bedrest for a month or more?” she pointed out sharply.
Levi scowled, looking out the window once more and stewing silently with his thoughts as Mae got started re-wrapping his leg.  He seemed like a rather practical person, so Mae figured that after telling him trying to go running around on a still healing leg was going to simply restrict him to more bed-rest to heal a worse injury, that would be the end of it.
Apparently not.
“There’s a horse where I’ve been staying.  It's why I need the hay.  What I left for him will be running out either today or tomorrow.”  As Levi spoke, his entire posture was taunt, like the information was being forcibly pulled from him by necessity.  He wasn’t looking at Mae, either, gaze still stubbornly fixed out the window.  “That’s why I can’t wait.  I need to get back.”
Mae leaned back, feeling her molars start to grind together out of annoyance as she let out a long breath through her clenched teeth.  “What the hell?”
Levi’s gaze snapped back towards Mae, and he appeared genuinely surprised to see that her reaction to the news was annoyed anger.
“You should have said something earlier, this could have been handled better,” she huffed, pausing in her wrapping and taking a moment to consider what she could do.  It wasn’t like she was going to let his horse starve.  He needed to be off that leg as much as possible, but she didn’t have a trailer or anything to put a horse in if she was going to make a retrieval trip by herself, not to mention she doubted Levi was going to let her go to his safehouse by herself when they hardly knew each other.  Sure, she’d let him see hers, but that didn’t mean he trusted her enough to show her his--or at least let her wander around unsupervised.  At least while Levi was here, he couldn't really move around, and the ground floor was open enough she could see if he tried hobbling about.  They’d both have to go.  That way he could be sure she wasn’t sticking her nose where it didn’t belong, and they could have one of them drive back while the other rode the horse--preferably Mae, so Levi wouldn’t be jostling that leg too much.  As for what to actually do with the horse...well, there was plenty of hay, here, and it was a farmhouse for a reason.  She’d have to do some work, but she could set something temporary up in time for the horse to come down tomorrow, at the earliest.
Shaking her head, Mae resumed wrapping his leg.  “Today, I’ll go make sure the barn is in stable condition--no holes or anything like that, set up a spot for your horse, get some hay out of the field, and tomorrow we can bring...you said him?  We can bring him down here so he’s looked after and fed, and I can still keep an eye on you so you don’t mess up that leg.  And I can start looking at fixing that fence so they’re not cooped up in that barn the whole time you’re recovering.”
“I don’t want--” Levi started to say in what was surely protest at the thought of Mae finding out where he was living, but she quickly cut him off.
“Well how else are you going to get up there and back down without me?  I don’t have a trailer for you to put a horse in, and if you try getting your horse down here yourself, you’ll probably put a lot of stress on that leg and end up stuck down here with me even longer.  I’m coming so life is easier for both of us.  End of story.”
Levi’s eyes flashed in annoyance.  “If you’re so keen on getting me talking, are you ever gonna stop interrupting me?”
“Probably not when you’re just going to be difficult,” Mae sassed.  She wished she had a pair of glasses to peer over as she looked up at him, simply to complete the effect.  Levi’s scowl only deepened, retreating back into that silence that Mae had been going nuts trying to crack all this time.  Ah, well, at least they’d had something of a conversation today.  It was a hell of a lot better than talking to the sky or the occasional rotter.
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Tags:  @humanitys-hottestsoldier​ @arthurmorgan-wiki​
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honeybunash · 6 years
Three Missed Calls at 2 am
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Warnings: kinda angst?, some fluff?, mentions of drinking, cursing
Requested?: nope
Prompt?: best friends to lovers no. 2, 8, and 14 
Pairing: best friend!Ashton x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k+
A/N: This is my first ever writing and I’m super nervous to post this but here it is!!! I wrote this all in one night and I stayed up way too late to finish it but it was worth it bc i’m lowkey super proud of it! Hope you enjoy! Also I’m so bad at endings so sorry that the end is so shitty in advance
Summary: You blacked out one night and you may or may not have drunk-dialed your best friend and confessed your love to him
Admittedly, you didn’t make some of the best decisions of your life last night. In all honestly, you barely remember it. It started off with you and your girlfriends taking shots and once they headed to the dance floor, you stayed back and took a few (a lot) more by yourself. After that, everything was black until you opened your eyes to the sunlight flooding your living room the next morning. Head pounding, you let out a frustrated moan, annoyed that you keep letting yourself do this. You try to roll over but, not realizing you’re on the couch, you roll right off and land on the hardwood floor. Too tired and hungover to care, you curl up on the hard ground with the blanket that your girlfriends placed over you. They also took off all your makeup and made sure there was advil and a large glass of water on the table next to the couch. You already expected this since they’ve done the same treatment for the past few days whenever you come home so drunk you don’t even remember your own name. They think you’re just stressed out and need something to take your mind off everything so you’re constantly intoxicating yourself. You know the real motivation behind it but you’d never tell them because if you did, they wouldn’t let you leave the house again. Instantly regretting curling up, you attempt to stand up but as soon as you put any pressure on your left foot, sharp pains shoot up your leg. You manage to crawl onto the couch and notice a note next to the water and advil.
Good morning Y/N! Hope you enjoyed the 15 shots you had last night that made you black out! You went a little too wild on the dance floor and twisted your left ankle. You couldn’t walk at all so we had to leave early. Ellie carried you home while the rest of us made sure you didn’t puke on anyone or anything. Thanks for making us carry you home for the third time this week! Really appreciate it. Anyways there’s extra pancakes in the fridge and Natasha cut up some strawberries so those are in there too. Try to take it easy and don’t put pressure on your ankle. Take your advil and drink a shit ton of water. Don’t plan on going out again any time soon. Your ankle and your liver need a break. See you tonight. -Tina
You roll your eyes while you swallow the advil and down the rest of the water. “Really appreciate it.” Fuck off Tina you’re acting like we’ve never had to carry your drunk ass home from drinking too many dollar margaritas or when we had to go to ER to get your stomach pumped after Julian broke up with you? Grow the fuck up. And “Don’t plan on going out again anytime soon.” Excuse me? Who the fuck are you? My mother? Ugh.
You go to check your phone and once you realize it’s dead, you also realize that you have to somehow get up the stairs to get to your charger in your room even though you can barely walk. Such a great start to the morning!
It takes you ten minutes to cross your living room, go up the stairs, and across the disgusting mess your room is, trying not to twist your other ankle while you step over the piles of dirty clothes,  bags, and any other belongings that line your floor. You plop onto your bed and plug in your phone, waiting for it to turn on. As you lay there, you hear the deadbolt to your apartment unlocking and the fast paced thuds of boots heading towards your room. The door to your room opens and you see it’s your best friend. He’s visibly frustrated and his chest is rising and falling quickly under his shirt.
“Hey Ash, what’re you doing here?” you ask him groggily.
“Why the fuck do you think I’m here?” He responds, slamming the door shut.
“I don’t know, you wanted to check up on me to make sure I didn’t die last night?”
“Oh, I know you didn’t die last night.” He snaps back.
“Well that’s good, right? Here I am! Alive and well! Kinda!” The frustrated look on Ashton’s face isn’t going away. “What’s going on? Did I do something?”
“Yes you fucking did something, Y/N.”
“Well obviously I don’t know what I did so would you just tell me?”
Ashton rubs his temples with forefinger and thumb and looks at the ground. “Have you not checked your phone yet this morning?”
“No. It was dead and I just came up here to plug it in.”
“Maybe you should check it.”
You keep your eyes on him as you reach for your phone. You check your notifications but there’s nothing that seems urgent enough for your best friend to burst into your apartment to confront you about it at ten in the morning.
“Ash I don’t see anything what’s going on?” You search for any answers in his eyes but you can’t find anything.
“Check your call history.”
You immediately check it and see that you called him three times last night. “So I called you a couple times in the middle of the night, what’s the big deal?”
He tilts his head back in frustration. “Do you not remember calling me?”
“No. I blacked out at like midnight. What’s this all about?”
“So you called me while you were drunk.”
“Yes I just told you that I was out by midnight and these calls were at like 2 am.”
“You know what happens when you call people when you’re drunk.”
What the fuck happens when I call people when I’m drunk?
After giving Ashton some confused looks, he exhales sharply, looks at the floor, and then looks you right in the eye. “So are we’re just going to ignore the fact that you drunk-dialed me to tell me you love me?”
Fuck. You just stare at him, unable to form a sentence. Did you really do this? The one thing you’ve been always dreaded doing?
“I-I did?” you manage to stutter out. He pulls out his phone and plays one of the voicemails you left him.
“Heyyy Ash! I’m at the club right now with El, Nat, and Tina and I maayybe had a few too many drinks. But don’t tell them! I don’t want them to get mad at me. Uhhh anywayss I just wanted to let you know that I love you a lot. Like a lot. I know that I tell you that alllll the time but like I really mean it this time, okay? And it’s like more than just as a best friend, ya know? cause like you’re my favorite person on this whoolleee entire planet and I don’t think you know. I mean, you might, but I doubt I would’ve told you this when I was sober. But you know what they say! Drunk words are sober thoughts! So yeah uh I’m in love with you and now you know. Yay! I can finally get that off my chest.  That’s been sitting there for like two years so I’m glad I don’t have to worry about that anymore. Okay I’ll probably see you tomorrow because you always check up on me in the morning which is so nice by the way and just one of the reasons why I’m so in love with you. Okay! I love you! Byeee!”
You just sit there in utter disbelief, listening to your drunk voice coming out of his phone. This can’t be happening this can’t be happening this can’t be happening this can’t be happening.
“Now do you know why I’m here?”
All you can do is nod. Tears start to well in your eyes as the recording shuts off.
“I have two more just like that. Want to hear those too?” you can hear his voice raising.
“I don’t need to hear anymore.” you burst, stopping Ash from embarrassing you again. “I’m sorry.” This is it. This is how I lose my best friend. Over one stupid drunk phone call. Why the fuck did I have to do that?
He turns around and slams his fist on the door, making you jump. His head hangs down and he takes a deep breath.
“God Y/N, why the fuck are you like this?” He turns back around to look at you. “I know that you drunk-dial your exes and any of the guys you flirt with on tinder... but me? Why me?” Your heart breaks at your best friend’s words and it breaks even more as your eyes meet his, filled with hurt and confusion. There’s no helping it now as tears drip down your face and you can see his eyes are tearing up too.
“Ash I’m-“ you begin, but he puts his hand up to stop you. He walks over, narrowly avoiding twisting his own ankle as he sits down on the bed next to you. His breathing is heavy again and you can see his lip quivering slightly. To your surprise, he takes your hand in his, interlacing your fingers. He gives your hand the slightest squeeze.
“Why is your hand so sweaty?” you can’t help but let out a small laugh. “No but seriously why? Am I making you nervous?” His mouth curves into a slight smirk, knowing exactly what your answer is. He takes a deep breath and meets your eyes with his hazel ones again. “I always told myself that I wouldn’t fall in love with my best friend, but here I am.” Wait what? You turn to him and now it’s your turn to look confused. What is he talking about? He isn’t in love with you. He can’t be. That’s impossible why wo- his words cut off your thoughts.
“You remember when you surprised us on tour in LA?” you nod in acknowledgement, eager to hear where this is going to go. “Well that’s when I knew I was in love with you. You were so understanding about everything and you didn’t complain once. Okay except for that one night when we got back in the middle of the night and we were really loud and obnoxious and we woke you up and you were mad. But you got over it once I said I would come cuddle with you so you could fall back asleep.”
You smile at the memory, it was one of the best nights that you spent on tour with them. The two of you cuddled together in your bed that was definitely not made for two people. You were smushed but comfortable. His body heat kept you warm and you fell asleep safely in your best friend’s arms.
“And as I was laying there, I realized that there was no one else that I wanted to be with but you.” Tears immediately start to roll down your face as a wave of emotions washes over you. “I love you, Y/N.” He flashes his beautiful smile at you and you can’t help but smile yourself.
“Say it again.” your words came out more desperate than you wanted.
“Say it again. I want you to say it again.” You’re practically begging him.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Ash.”
“Also, just so you know, I’m going to be keeping those voicemails and using them to blackmail you in the future so be prepared.” He says with a smirk.
“Um, no you’re not because those are getting deleted right now.” You laugh and then lunge to grab his phone but end up collapsing on top of him, both of you laughing and fighting for his phone because if any of this was up to you, those recordings would’ve already been deleted.
lmk if you want more? you can request something if you want?? leave me some feedback!! i desperately need it bc this is my first fic and literally anything would help!! thank you for reading 💖
tags: @calumsdemons
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bonbonthedragon · 4 years
Bakugou x fem!mother!reader
I love you
Warnings: aged up characters, some angst, mentions of abuse, fluff, cursing, aged up characters, sensitive topics
Note: hellooo this is bad, but here’s some bakugou with a single mother reader, idk kinda soft for it. Honestly didn’t know where this was going but...hope you enjoy! Sorry for any errors ✌︎('ω'✌︎ ) honestly mei is my favorite name for a baby so...yeah
Summary: bakugou and the squad help take care of your abusive ex, but who is also the father of your child
Word count: 1257
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Katsuki held you close to him as you clung to his shirt, bunching up the fabric in your fist while you sobbed. He rest his head on yours, hands rubbing your back. He looked over at the child in the stroller next to you, little Mei sleeping soundly, bundled and swaddled in thick blankets to keep her warm from the snow outside.
He pulled away, looking at your tear stained face, at your sad eyes and red nose...at the black and blue bruises on your arms and side of your cheek. He mindlessly rubbed his thumb over the spot, making you wince slightly. He frowned. anger and rage in his eyes. He didn’t want to see you this way, He wanted to kick this mans ass for doing this to you, for treating you so poorly, for hurting the person he loved the most in this world. He wanted to kiss you, tell you that he loved you, that he loved mei like his own, that you never needed that other shitty extra. But knew he couldn’t, not when you were in such a fragile state. Not yet.
“I’m s-sorry,” you choked “I didn’t know where else to go” you pulled away.
Mina hugged you from behind , kamanari, Kirishima and sero joining in after, all squeezing you tight. “Don’t be” the pink girl reassured “we’re glad you got out of there and came to us.”
Bakugou took the infant in his arms, instinctively holding her close and bouncing her up and down softly “that motherfucker better be out of that house by the time we get there if he knows what’s good for him.” He hissed, making you chuckle.
“Yeah! We’ll take care of that jerk for you (y/n)!” Kirishima stepped back, giving you his signature toothy grin
“I’ll tape him to a truck” sero offered, getting a laugh out of you
“We’ll ship him out of japan!” Kamanari said excitingly
All of you giggled except for Bakugou, who you looked at worryingly
“He has to go-“ the ash-blond spat “seriously (y/n), I’ll throw him and his stuff out the window if I have to, you can’t be wth him anymore-“
“I know” you nearly whispered “I cut off his credit card and changed my banking information. So hopefully he will leave, he doesn’t have anything unless I’m there.”
“Does he not work?” Sero asked
You shook your head “he lives off me. He thought that since I can provide for him, mei and I, that he didn’t need to work. Which is true, but he drains my savings. So I cut him off.” There was a long silence “that’s why he... got mad at me.”
“Well he fucking deserved it.” Katsuki gave you a smug look “just because you make much more than him, doesn’t mean he can just mope around and spend all your fucking doe.”
“Definitely!” Mina said “if I made as much as you did, I wouldn’t want to share it, especially if some low life spent it all on junk.”
You took mei from Bakugou, him hesitantly letting her go and into your grasp. She opened her eyes, looking up at you and you smiled when she cooed back “ok...” you looked up at the group with a serious look “you better go beat up that guy before I change my mind”
They all looked at you with surprise, surprise quickly turning to smirks and wicked grins. Bakugou slipped passed you, putting on his winter coat
“You heard the woman, we have a douche bag to murder” he opened the door “get in the fucking car.”
Sitting shot gun, you looked back at the pink car seat behind you, Mina sitting next to it. “She’s ok” she reassured you.
You gave Bakugou your keys “Bakugou, the roads are slippery, please be care-“
“I know, “ he started the engine, revving it before taking off.
Pulling up, sero stayed in the car with you as the others walked into the building and up to the pent house.
“I really hope they don’t actually kill him-“
You stopped when you saw Bakugou and Kirishima dragging your ex, riku, out the door, throwing him in the cold snow and smirking. The man was covered in bruises and small cuts, honestly, you were surprised that’s all they did. It did look like Kirishima was holding back Bakugou a little when they walked past him.
Mina and kamanari joining after, walking back to the car. Mina opened the back door, making grabby hands toward the baby. Sero unclasped mei and carfully handed her to Mina. Kirishima came over, opening the door for you “where’s Katsuki?” You asked
“Probably trying to scare away Riku.” He closed the door, walking behind you.
you got to the entrance, taking the baby from Mina and hearing Bakugou more clearly from down the street
“YEAH! GET LOST YOU BITCH! DONT EVER TOUCH OR LOOK AT HER AGIAN YOU FUCKER” he stomped back, features softening a little when you came into his sight “Tch, he’s not coming back” he grumbled
Eventually they walked you back up to your apartment, the rest of the group going back, leaving you and Katsuki. You looked around at the space and back at mei, who was strapped to your chest sound asleep. Your eyes began to water, face feeling puffy and you felt a pit in your stomach. You choked and your heart swelled.
Katsuki turned around, taking in your worried expression and immediately pulling you and the infant in his arms. “Hey, hey,” he stroked your hair and buried his face in your shoulder “hey...”
You sobbed, letting him hold you “w-what now? l have a b-baby and a job, I-I c-can’t do this alone-“
“Oi” he squeezed you tighter “don’t you start thinking like that, got it? I’m fucking here. For you, and for mei.” He pulled back, holding your shoulders “I won’t leave you, I’m here. Even if I have to turn into that little shits full time uncle, it will happen. I care for you and mei with every fiber in my body, and if someone try’s and hurts you two again, they won’t be seeing the light of day tomorrow. Ok? So you better not fucking worry.”
You smiled a bit “even if I call you at ungodly hours of the night crying because she is crying too?”
Katsuki couldn’t help but smirk “hell yeah.”
He held you for a while longer. Letting you go so you could put mei to bed. He walked in after you, watching you coo to the child as you lay her down in the crib at the end of your room. He leaned against the door frame, taking in the view. You turned around, meeting his loving, soft gaze. The look he only gave you, a sight that never failed to make your heart flutter. You mindlessly wondered toward him, watching him stiffen. You hugged the blond, arms wrapped around his torso and leaned into him. He hugged you, face buried back into your neck and you felt his hot breath to your skin.
“Stay” you whispered “please”
Bakugou’s heart raced, he only hoped you couldn’t hear how fast it was beating with you against his chest “yeah”
He led you to your bed, letting you get settled in before getting in himself. You snuggled up against him and he happily took you in, holding you and breathing in your scent, taking in the feeling of just...being with you.
“I love you” you breathed, dozing off
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