#also eight of them are angie fcs.
ethyreal · 3 years
me,  before  :  i  want  to  keep  my  multi  small me,  now  :  i  have  sixty-five  characters
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simonxriley · 3 years
Profile: Sofia Heisenberg
Name: Sofia Daniela Heisenberg Bogdan
Age: 17 
D.O.B: December 4th, 2004
P.O.B: Romania
Ethnicity: Romanian 
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Red
Height: 5′5″
Weight: 127 Ibs
FC: Sadie Sink
Ana Bogdan (Mother, deceased)
Karl Heisenberg (Father, deceased)
Sofia was born to Ana Bogdan and Karl Heisenberg in a small, quaint village in Romania. Before her birth Ana and Karl decided it was best to keep Sofia’s true parentage under-wraps because Karl didn’t want Miranda catching wind of her, in fear she would do the same to her like she did to him. 
Her life in the village was quiet, and very peaceful. She had a very close relationship with her mother and would help around the house doing random chores or whatever her mother needed help with. She would also play with the other children around the village. Her life was quite enjoyable in the small village she lived in. 
One day when she was eight she was out playing with a few friends when her mother came and got her, saying she needed help with something. And not thinking much of it, she went. It wasn’t long when she found out it wasn’t her mother, but Miranda. Who took her to her hidden lab in the village. Not long after, when she didn’t return home her mother went searching. 
At first she checked the village, asking anyone if they have seen her lately. Most said no until she came upon one of Sofia’s friends and they said that ‘she came and got her a few hours ago’, and that was when her heart sank. Ana knew Miranda had found out about Sofia’s true parentage. 
Angry and terrified Ana went to Karl’s factory at the edge of the village, knowing he would have a better chance at finding her. Both furious and terrified of what could happen to Sofia, Karl went searching for any of Miranda’s hideouts that he knew. Thinking she would’ve taken her to one of them. Ana went back to the village, just in case she comes back.  
Karl searched high and low for his daughter, getting angrier the longer it took to find her. He already hated Miranda for what she did to him, but to take his own daughter to do the same made his blood boil. 
Unfortunately, it took him almost a full month to find her. He didn’t know about Miranda’s lab under the village, making his search last a lot long than either him or Ana wanted. And to make matter a lot worse, the damage was already done. Sofia was already infected with the cadou parasite. Thankfully, she had similar outcomes like her father, making her an unfit vessel. 
After being rescued Karl wanted her to live with him, at least for a few months (which turned into her living with him permanently) so he could help her learn how to control her newfound powers. Ana agreed on one condition, that she goes too. She just got Sofia back, she wasn’t about to spend months away from her. That one month was enough and she knew she would want her there. 
The next nine years was filled with perfecting her power, dealing with the other Lords and Miranda and helping build his metal army. 
Facts of Interests: 
She’s fluent in Romanian and English 
The first time she met the other lords she was both nervous and intrigued. She found Donna to be her favorite because she loved how she could make her dolls (Angie) talk. 
She didn’t have that much of a relationship with her father at first, only seeing him certain times of the year. Once she started living with him they started to have a closer relationship, and she also found out just how sadistic he could be. 
She learned a lot of engineering techniques from him, even helping build some of his metal army. 
Sofia has a big heart and felt for Ethan when Miranda took his daughter. And knew she could convince him to join her and her father on ending Miranda for good. 
She loves to bake and does so a lot. The one place you’ll always find her is the kitchen. 
Her mother died to one of the first lycan attacks after Miranda brought Rose to the village. She was just going to the village to pick up a few things and meet up with a few friends. That killed Sofia. 
Then she had to watch her own father die a few days later at the hands of Ethan. She doesn’t blame him though, he just wanted to rescue his daughter. 
Met Redfield in the factory while he was setting explosives. He ended up taking her out of the factory for her own safety before he blew it and later detained her. She understood, she is a bio-weapon after all. 
After the village was destroyed she was kept under surveillance with Rosemary and Mia. Becoming quite close with both of them. She loved helping take care of baby Rose after the incident and getting to know Mia. It made things easier for her in the beginning. 
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seattlites · 4 years
below there’s the information about all my muses (and the temporary one) for the event to be consulted whenever. xoxo angie
character name: brooke walker-fields age: forty-six (46) relationship status: married to christian fields kids: step mom to annabelle fields (10) and jonah walker-fields (2) current job/living situation: living in nevada, brooke is currently the head of vascular surgery at her hospital anything else: christian and brooke moved to nevada when annabelle was five, and recently invited their siblings to town on vacation when really they were planning on getting married in vegas but wanted them there for it.
character name: dylan campbell age: forty-six (46) relationship status: living with hope price/practically married kids: step father to brianna, liam and aria, foster parents to liam’s best friend - eric current job/living situation: head of ent at sgmw, living with hope and their 4 teenage kids
character name: john davenport age: fifty-three (53) relationship status: remarried nancy shepherd kids: eliza (23) studying at harvard law, victoria (18) who just got and moved into columbia, iris (13) the only one living at home. oliver (9) current job/living situation: john and nancy returned to new york for a fresh start, where he is now naming partner of his old firm. anything else: he shares custody of oliver with savannah but ever since they moved back to new york, he stays with savannah and spends the holidays with john. he does travel to seattle frequently to visit both his sons too (oliver and jason :’))
character name: mark sloan age: fifty-one (51) relationship status: married to addison montgomery-sloan kids: henry montgomery sloan who is 8 and a 6 year old by the name of ella they adopted. there’s also sofia ofc current job/living situation: mark is still head of plastics and has joined addison’s practice. they’re married and happily living at addison’s house, in the same street as most of their friends anything else: they live next door to callie and arizona so mark can still co-parent sofia. mark has invented a technique with skin grafts that has the name “sloan method”
character name: olivia hayes age: forty-three (43) relationship status: engaged to aaron oliver kids: tomás simon hayes oliver (4) current job/living situation: olivia is head of urology at sgmw. she lives with aaron and their son and he JUST gathered the courage to propose anything else: olivia and aaron only fight about one thing: who will change their name when they get married. olivia refuses to be olivia oliver but aaron only agrees to add the hayes name if she adds his
character name: sam bello age: thirty-five (35) relationship status: in a relationship with leah murphy kids: none current job/living situation: sam is a neuro attending and after her residency, she moved down to florida to be closer to her family. anything else: leah moved to florida around the same time and they have fallen in love :D
character name: wyatt sharma age: forty-four (44) relationship status: widow and single dad kids: priya amber sharma (3) current job/living situation: wyatt lives in los angeles with his daughter and works at ucla medical center as a ortho surgeon and teaches at ucla anything else: wyatt went back to california three years after present time/five years before the event, where he met candice davis (aja naomi king fc) shortly after. they fell quickly and hard and got married within a year. within another year they welcomed a baby girl that they named priya amber sharma, in honor of both their grandmothers as family was the most important to both. candice passed away eight months later in a hit and run.
character name: grayson lawrence age: thirty-nine (39) relationship status: in a relationship with millie kaplan kids: current job/living situation: trauma attending at sgmw anything else: grayson used to do humanitarian missions abroad every year which meant that he and millie were on a long distance on-and-off relationship for years. he finally decided to move in to seattle to be with her
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skybournerp · 7 years
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  "Opportunities don't happen. You create them."
Name: Angela Kennedy Nickname: Angie Hero Name: Age: Fourty Eight Date & Place of Birth: September 15th, 1969 & Chicago, IL Sexuality: up to player Pronouns: She/Her Faceclaim: Taraji P Henson Alternate FCs: Viola Davis Status: OPEN
Previous Degrees: B.A. in Business, M.S. in Business, PhD in Business Occupation: Tenured Professor Classes Taught: Maintaining a Secret Identity, Business 101, Marketing Techniques Rank: Hero Power: Sonic Scream Limitations: This ability is rendered useless if gagged by any means. If there is any surface that can reflect sound, it can cause the user harm as well.
+ professional, ambitious, charismatic -  temperamental, prideful, unfiltered
B I O G R A P H Y (TW: Death)
Success was always the expectation for Angela Kennedy, being the eldest sibling. While her younger siblings, Julie and James, were also expected to contribute around the house, extra weight was placed on Angela to set an example for the other two. At first, she detested these responsibility, but  soon came to understand her role in the family. And coming to this realization made her become all the more protective of her siblings. If someone picked on them at school, they had to worry about Angela coming after them. She drove them to school once she was of age, and helped them learn how to use their powers once they had developed them. They became closer because their parents were super heroes so they’d be out late at night stopping a bank robbery, or apprehending a villain leaving the three of them to make dinner or clean the house.
Although both of her parents were heroes, Angela had no interest in becoming one. She knew how to handle her powers and that was enough for her. So when she graduated high school, she attended Chicago University to study business. Angela had always had an interest in making beauty products because so many main stream products did not accommodate her skin tone. She suspected was the case for many others. And while giving one of her ‘business pitches’ to her peer, Laura Hill, Angela found her first business partner. Laura was in love with the idea and had some helpful connections. Turns out Laura’s aunt worked in the cosmetics industry and helped to manufacture many of the products. They pitched the idea to Laura Hill’s aunt and she agreed to help make their cosmetics. On that day a partnership was born. They came up with a product line with make-up shades to accommodate all skin tones that was also all natural-made. For a first trial, they passed out samples on campus and became a huge hit. From there, they started partnering with barber shops, farmers markets, and set up a booth on campus to sell their products.
After graduation, they worked tirelessly on getting a patent on their production and after being given the run around a few times, they had their own product that no one could steal. So they started trying to find retailers, but ran into roadblocks immediately. Outside of the Chicago University vicinity, there was very little name recognition, and retailers thought they were trying to corner to small of a market and turned the girls down. But this didn’t stop Laura and Angela. Both of them decided to further their education to expand their market and gain more connections in the business world. By the beginning of Angela’s second year in her master’s program, they had at least three retailers and she was able to hire on her younger sister, Julie Kennedy, to work for them. Sales really took off at that point because Julie wasn’t in school so she could spend a lot more time advertising the company and finding retailers.
Once she had a masters in hand, she and Laura came back together and focused on expanding their business. Rather than having their product be found in more specialty stores, they wanted to expand their clientele. It was a constant struggle, but eventually they found a corporation agreed to carry their product line and it only took off from there. Finally their products were becoming more of a household name. Angela Kennedy and Laura Hill conducted many interviews about how they were able to make it and while she was on the rise, Angela got a letter from a young woman thanking her for being an inspiration. This letter touched Angela and filled her with more a sense of accomplishment than anything else so she decided to go on and get her PhD so she could teach in academia.
Just as she was finishing her post doctoral degree at Washington University, tragedy struck. Julie was by the notorious villain couple Electric Storm. Electric Storm were known for targeting super heroes after so many of their devious plans were interrupted and set their targets on those who have stopped them in the past. Apparently, Julie had slipped up and used her powers under the public eye and made no move to cover up the evidence. This put her on the radar of the villains and made her an easy target. At first, Angela hardly knew how to handle the news. It broke her heart and she sat on her resignation papers from her business for a while before coming up with a plan of action. Skybourne University was an up and coming school for supers and Angela sought out a job there. She to emphasize to young supers how important it was to maintain a secret identity so that no one ever had to suffer the same loss as her family.
George Kennedy (father - alive) Patricia Kennedy (mother - alive) Julie Kennedy-Meyers (older sister - deceased) James Kennedy (younger brother - alive)
Marco Castillo: Marco gets on Angela’s last nerve. When he was initially fired, she was supportive of the idea because she disapproved of how he handled his students. Now that he’s back, she still skeptical that he’s changed at all and is watching for any slip ups so she can report him if need be.
Victoria Hernandez: This student has come to Angela once before to talk about her business and Angela is eager to hear more. She is always looking to invest in businesses run by women, but she’s not sure how she feels about the fact that Victoria uses her power to make money.
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