you're just stuck with a snake boy :p
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
Not Sanders sides, but I figured that theres probably some people who might be able to answer his question
(Not Dabi rn, it’s Bones)
So first post where I’m not in my Dabi headspace/kin zone thing, so *party popper fails* Welp, there was an attempt, at least.
I just wanted to rant/vent about something related to my kinning of Dabi and to see if anyone can like this post and reply “same bro”
In my canon, he’s a cisgender male who is bisexual with a v e r y strong lean towards women/feminine people. (only has held romantic feelings for one guy before and he’s still coming to terms with it) Sounds pretty chill, right?
Well, this is a slightly weird idea for me bc I am a transgender man who’s akoiromantic and currently questioning my sexuality. Like, there’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t line up between when I’m, well, me (Bones) vs when I’m Dabi. For one, I usually have quite a bit of gender dysphoria going on, mostly about my face, voice, and body. But when I’m Dabi, that’s completely gone, almost like I am a cisgender man and being is the way it’s supposed to be. Also, I have quite a lot of scars that I, Bones, feel self consious of, but when I’m Dabi, that feeling is gone and I’m just glad that the body I’m confined to doesn’t have the scars from my canon.
Does anyone relate to this? Is this a normal kin thing or is this something I should be concerned about? I just want to make sure that everything’s okay.
Thanks for your time, homies
- Bones (he/him preferred, neopronouns and it/its are chill as well)
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
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🎨Remile! requested by anonymous
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
Wasnt aware of this, so I'm just hshdnsndjdn
The plan (as I recall) was that after "Putting Others First" there would be two (or maybe three) Asides and then they'd do the two part Season Two Finale.
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ah yes. i remembered vaguely that they said that but forgot and didn’t want to lie. thank you!
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
I think a lot about gaining weight as a form of healing
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
Remus: *casually breaks the laws of physics* 
Logan: How are you doing that?
Remus: *confused* doing what???
Logan: Laying down on the ceiling?!?!
Remus: You guys can’t do this…?
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
Mind if I Slytherin?
What’s my contribution for Deceit’s birthday?  Super self-indulgent DLAMP.  Inspired by this ask my wonderful friend Celery, aka @residentanchor, sent me.
Summary:  Deceit never can resist flirting with the other sides.  The only problem is when they flirt back. Trigger Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit, innuendo, and some suggestive scenes Ship: Romantic DLAMP Word count: 6289 (and written in 2 days, so I know there’s a typo in here somewhere)
Deceit was incorrigible; that, at the very least, was indisputable.
He did things just to see what would happen, thrived in chaos, and scorned the endless rules heaped upon the mindscape.  He pulled pranks more confusing than vicious.  He poked and prodded just to get a reaction.
He was a flirt.
Keep reading
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
“if i stan janus hard enough, no one will be able to tell my gender”
-Me, after buying a yellow flannel shirt
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
janus up on stage in a bar, a speakeasy maybe, blowing his soul into a saxophone without a care in the world, following the rhythm of the jazz flowing smoothly from the players on stage with him
and remus, in the crowd, thinking that janus is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
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Share with anyone who might need some extra comfort this week. 💕 The cat is in and ready to dispense comforting words! 🐱
Chibird store | Positive Pin Club | Webtoon
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
Potentially Controversial (tm) Sanders Sides headcanon
Patton loves romance novels.
"But Titli, what's controversial about that?", I hear you ask, "Romance novels are just as valuable a form of literature as any other genre, and there are loads of incredibly good, high quality books out there and honestly it's quite ignorant to write off a whole genre like that-"
Oh, but you misunderstand me, my friend
The romance genre deserves more respect and there are many quality works under that title.
That's not what Patton's reading .
(Well, that's not true, he enjoys those, but I'm not talking about that)
What Patton honestly, unironically, and entirely unabashedly loves is the stereotypical kind of book that most people think about when they talk about romance novels.
The trashier the better to be honest.
The kind of thing you're likely to find in bored housewives' sock drawers, with the ridiculously dramatic covers and even more dramatic titles.
There are a total of maybe three different plots used in rotation to make like three thousand books out of.
Always, always, always, have a happy ending. Basically the Hallmark Christmas movies of writing, right?
Look, he knows they're not exactly great art okay? But they make him happy and Patton doesn't have to justify his literary tastes to anyone.
He's not the art guy, he's the mushy feelings guy, and sometimes he just wants to turn off his brain, forget about his own feelings, and spend several pages yelling at Jennifer because Steve is not the guy for her.
The other sides are a little skeptical of this hobby at first (especially Roman - this is not hate at him, but he is the art guy, and this offfends his creative sensibilites)
I like to think that Patton eventually gets him hooked on them as well.
Patton is definitely one of those people who talks out loud when he reads as well right?
I can imagine him curled up in a cosy armchair with some warm tea, gasping at regular intervals and whispering "Sandra, no!"
Taking long sips of tea whenever something juicy happens.
Squeeing at fluffy romantic scenes.
Going a bit teary at the cliche happy endings
Blushing deeply whenever anything remotely steamy happens.
I don't know how this headcanon popped into my head - I definitely don't read these books, like ever? I don't even like good romance, and yet I cannot rid myself of the idea that my favourite character absolutely LOVES "low brow" cliche romance. He just does, okay? I don't care who disagrees with me, I'm right goddamnit!
(Obligatory clarification that that last line was a joke, you don't have the accept any headcanons you don't like :))
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
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Oooooops 🤔
(Based on this wonderful post)
Don’t repost! It’s transparent, click for better quality!
Thomas if u see this I’m terribly sorry
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
Deceit cries when he watches Finding Nemo. Ever since Virgil left, he can’t watch the movie all the way through. It’s just not fair... Marlin gets his son back in the end.
But Deceit knows Virgil is never coming back.
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
🥺jumpy boy🥰
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
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everything stays
the story here is that King Creativity’s axe had been lost in the imagination for a long time until Remus finds it, but incidentally it was too heavy for him so he recruits Roman. when they both touch it, however, the axe reacts and fuses them back together :D
obligatory disclaimer pls do not tag tw remus or r//mr//m
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
do you ever just regret
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
Remus: I have just been told that I seem the type to be a serial killer just to see if I could.
Virgil: I mean, it’s kind of on brand, you are a Slytherin.
Remus: That doesn’t mean I’d kill people!
Virgil: You would if someone told you they didn’t think you could.
Patton: Please tell me you’re gonna deny that.
Remus: I mean I could, but would you believe me?
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stuckwitha-snakeboy · 4 years ago
No ❤
Being in the sanders sides fandom on here is just:
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