#also dreamcatcher comeback is next month so... exciting!!!
kowaindar0u · 3 months
I'm feeling very .... meh ... so I think i will probably try and sleep early tonight
Somewhat unrelated but it seems I won't be moving now, at least not immediately, since my grandparents kinda keep going back and forth on whether they're moving or not lol. I think that might be what's up cause I was stressed yes but now that I'm stuck here I'm sorta disappointed lol
At least my Internet situation won't be changing, so my activity should be the same!
Tomorrow night I have my Wednesday game. Maybe tomorrow or thursday I'll start my toumyu rewatch marathon with atsukashiyama ibun
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wickymicky · 4 years
wickymicky’s Top Ten Kpop Songs of 2020
4: Everglow - La Di Da
Retro concepts are hit or miss with me. I don’t have nostalgia for 80s music, for instance, because I was born in 1996 lol. And yet, as soon as the instrumental in this song got going and those synth hits came in right after the first line, I knew I was gonna love this. This song isn’t just a retro concept… its genre isn’t just “80s throwback”... it’s a genre called synthwave or neo retro wave or other names like that. It’s a relatively recent genre that, yes, is obviously based on 80s nostalgia, but is a new thing all its own. It’s based on the sound of action movies and science fiction movies from the 80s, but if you really look at stuff from that era, there wasn’t anything that quite sounds the same as synthwave from the 2010s. It has a lot in common with vaporwave in this way. Vaporwave is clearly retro inspired, but there wasn’t anything like vaporwave back then, lol. It’s a modern reimagining of retro aesthetics.
So like, as soon as it got going, as soon as I saw the visual aesthetic, I knew exactly what was happening and I was 100% on board. As far as I know, there weren’t any other kpop songs in this style, though Twice dabbled with some synthwave aesthetics and sounds for I Can’t Stop Me which came out around a month after this song (and that’s almost certainly a coincidence, I’m sure JYP picks these songs wayyyy in advance and it was probably chosen even before La Di Da came out), but La Di Da commits to this aesthetic and genre way harder than that song does. The thing that struck me the most on the day La Di Da came out, and still makes me lose my mind when I listen to the song now, is how authentic it is. Synthwave has had some mainstream acceptance and some songs in this vein have been released by some big artists recently I think, but for the most part it’s been kind of a niche underground genre. I first discovered it by stumbling on hour-long youtube videos that were “compilations” or “mixes” of various synthwave/retrowave songs or soundscapes found on soundcloud and sites like that. This song is a pretty hard commitment to a style of music that really does come just from the internet, and I think it’s amazing that the songwriters paid tribute to it in such a prominent way.
With that out of the way, let me talk about the song itself lol. Fuck, what a good chorus. I do have my complaints with it, but they’re relatively minor. First of all, though the line distribution in this song is marginally better than their previous title track, the chorus is still sung the exact same way all three times it plays in the song. Sihyeon begins it, Mia sings the second part, and that’s it. They’re great at it, but I would have appreciated a little more variety, at least for the second chorus, to break things up in the middle of the song. Also, I just think the word “haters” is pretty silly, there’s no way to say “I don’t care about haters” without sounding like you do really care about the haters. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be saying it lol. Anytime anyone’s like “Got no time for haters” I’m just like “wow the haters must really get to you, huh?” But anyway, they didn’t write that line, they’re just singing it, it’s not a huge deal lol, it’s fine. The chorus is undeniably really really good, it’s so good that I got over my eye-roll about the “got no time for haters” line pretty fast and I sing along with it every single time now haha. Damn, it’s so catchy. With so many choruses in kpop songs being drops lately, having a chorus sung this powerfully and prominently is like a religious experience lol, it’s fantastic. I love the verses too, I think they flow really well and really complement the synthwave aesthetic well, something about it all coming together just *works* for me. All the little synth additions throughout the song are so authentic too, it just makes me so happy. That synth solo right after the second chorus is perfect.
This song kind of snuck up on me. I like Everglow, I’ve been into them since their debut. I liked Adios, but I wasn’t as happy with the direction it went in. Dun Dun was pretty similar to Adios, and although I like it better than Adios, I still wished that they would do something like Bon Bon Chocolat again, and I could feel myself losing interest in the group as they went more and more down a road that didn’t excite me as much. Their style of girl crush in those two songs is cool, but isn’t something I come back to over and over. It’s a little too… idk… beefy, lol. Too ostentatious. Too built around the drop and saying cool lines as if they’re just catchphrases, and not as much around just being a catchy song that I find new reasons to love every time I listen. By the 10th listen, I pretty much got all of what those two songs had to offer. I do like them, and I listened to them both a lot when they each came out, but they haven’t stayed with me the way you hope a song does. 
So when La Di Da was announced, I didn’t expect much. I expected another song that I would listen to on repeat for a week or so and then move on to something else. And tbh, I was fine with that. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s like candy or junk food lol. Not everything has to be monumental and become my favorite song instantly, some things can just be something fun to listen to for a little bit. There’s value in that. And I mean, a song that is junk food to me, that I listen to for a bit and then move on, could be someone else’s favorite stuff, and the stuff that is junk food to them might be my favorite stuff, so I’m not saying that Adios and Dun Dun are objectively uninteresting, I’m being very subjective with this lol. Just speaking for myself here. In any case, yeah, I didn’t have a ton of expectations for La Di Da. 
So like, when it came out and I listened to it for the first time, I was absolutely floored. Nobody told me it was gonna be that good lol, I was not prepared at all. Cignature, Fromis 9, and CLC also released comebacks in September, and I had high hopes for all those. I thought for sure that the Cignature or Fromis 9 comeback would be my favorite song of the month, but I ended up listening to La Di Da like twice as many times as any of those other ones haha. I wasn’t even intending to! I wasn’t streaming it and forcing myself to listen to it over and over! I just couldn’t stop. I didn’t think it would be in my top 10 either, because Everglow, while being a group that I like, aren’t one of my ult groups or anything like that. But I can’t deny it. This song is so damn good lol. Here it is, at 4th place. Incredible. Completely reinvigorated my hype for Everglow too. Can’t wait to see what they do next, and I hope Yiren and Sihyeon get well soon
links to the rest of the list: 10 - Fiesta (Izone) 9 - Crossroads (GFriend) 8 - Assa (Cignature) 7 - Boca (Dreamcatcher) 6 - Kick It (NCT 127) 5 - Cool (Weki Meki) 4 - La Di Da (Everglow) 3 - Mago (GFriend) 2 - Tag Me (Weeekly) 1 - Scream (Dreamcatcher)
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demonlullaby · 3 years
A comprehensive review of my favourite k-pop releases of the first half of 2021:
(G)I-DLE – I burn
Title track: HWAA
Despite being released earlier in the year, I burn is still absolutely one of the most memorable albums of 2021 for me. I’ve followed (G)I-DLE since debut, but it was after Queendom and Lion era (and then Oh my god not long after) that I think they began to show their true potential, and this release is nothing short of a masterpiece. HWAA is the single I wasn’t expecting but I needed: everything from the icy but charged atmosphere, the haunting percussive vocals, Soyeon’s rap verse splitting the song in two, the simple but extremely effective choreography… It worked so well for me, and definitely made me fall even more in love with the group, and especially Minnie’s stunning vocals.
The rest of the album isn’t just a no skip – all the songs are genuinely so good and well thought out. Some are mellow and melancholic, and my personal favourites are definitely Moon (mainly because of Minnie’s vocals – I seriously need a solo album from her – but also Yuqi’s strong pre-chorus, slightly reminiscent of Senorita era). However Dahlia definitely takes the place as my favourite song on the album. Something about it is so sentimental, yet gives a feeling of strength and resilience. Minnie and Yuqi really left an impression through the whole album, and as always I can only applaud Soyeon’s immense talent in producing and songwriting; she’s really the backbone of (G)I-DLE.
Dreamcatcher – Dystopia: Road to Utopia
Title track: Odd Eye
Dreamcatcher delivers every single time and with Odd Eye once again they did not miss the mark. The song has everything I wanted: the trademark Dreamcatcher rock sound, beautiful vocals (Siyeon’s adlibs, anyone?), Dami’s unique rap verses and, of course, absolutely mind-blowing choreography. Dreamcatcher are truly insane to watch on stage, and I do think they all deserve more credit on all aspects – discography but also vocals, dancing and performing. SuA is my favourite female k-pop dancer, so you bet I have watched every single fancam of hers that is out there. It’s also incredible how everyone in the group is very strong in not just one area – main dancers can sing like main vocalists and vice versa. The album was, as expected, gorgeous. I feel like all b-sides deserve to be talked about because I loved every single one so much. Wind Blows has one of the most beautiful pre-choruses in their discography (also, if I didn’t mention it already, I was absolutely over the moon about having Handong back) and the hook is literally meant to bang your head to it. I LIVE. Poison Love is yet another example of how Dreamcatcher excel in whatever genre they decide to try; while their title tracks usually borrow a lot from rock music, their b-sides explore more synth pop, r&b and house or trap styles. Overall an extremely solid comeback, and I expected nothing else from them. They’re truly a different league.
Hyuna – I’m not cool
This was HYSTERICAL. This release was purely Hyuna in her truest, strange and always charismatic form: from the odd progression of the song to the extremely over the top aesthetic and wardrobe. I was obsessed from the start and still am. I cannot express how happy I am to see her thrive and back to making music she loves. Flower shower was kind of a letdown for me, but oh did this mini album make up for it. I wasn’t expecting such a difficult choreography from her, but Hyuna knows how to own a stage, and it really shows what a pro she is because she is always able to fill the whole place with or without back-up dancers. I feel like I’m not cool was more about telling a message – Hyuna’s flourishing and colorful identity – than it was about vocals or rap, and I really liked that. I also enjoyed the rest of the mini, although I think I’m in the minority who still prefers I’m not cool over Good girl.
Cherry Bullet – Cherry Rush
Title track: Love so sweet
This is going to be a quick, but well-deserved mention. I still don’t know too much about Cherry Bullet besides their previous title tracks, but Love so sweet was truly a breath of fresh air and one of my most replayed songs of the year. I think all cute concepts lovers are extremely grateful to them for this release, and they executed it perfectly from concept to performance.
Kang Daniel – Paranoia
Hearing this song for the first time was like getting a punch to the gut, and honestly I feel like I still haven’t entirely recovered. Before Paranoia I listened to Daniel pretty casually, knew some of his songs but not all of them, but this song sunk its claws in me and literally dragged me into the fandom so hey, I guess now I stan? Everything about it ticked every box. The music video was spectacular, and the song itself has an extremely haunting and dark feeling, also paired with truly gorgeous lyrics. I feel like it was a brave and personal release. It was different and raw and I could feel the deep and true emotion behind it, and relate to it as well. Still one of my absolute favourite songs of the year.
SHINee – Don’t Call Me
For some reason it feels like it’s simultaneously been ages since this release and yet also like it just dropped this morning. Just SHINee things, I guess? I was excited beyond belief to get a new full SHINee album after the boys’ much awaited return from the military, for reasons that go from musical to pure and simple affection. It was so good to see them come together again, perform on stage, talk about their music and style backstage. I think all SHAWOLs needed it – I definitely did. I know a lot of people weren’t very into DCM, but to be honest I loved it at first listen. I think SM delivered a beautiful and whimsical music video that went perfectly with SHINee’s trademark uniqueness. They’ve always been known to stray away from trends, try new and sometimes odd styles, and this is exactly what they did this time as well. Even though it was a very different track from their previous ones, it still had an unmistakable SHINee flavour to me. I was also obsessed with all of Key’s verses in the song for MONTHS. I feel like the album as a whole could have been a little more, as some tracks were played safe, but I do have to mention queen Body Rhythm, which is the sultry but classy SHINee style in a perfect 3.12 minutes of a song.
Sunmi – TAIL
OH MY GOD. I was so unbelievably excited for this release and Miss Sunmi did not disappoint. She is and probably will always be my favourite female soloist in k-pop, but even though I enjoyed both pporappippam and Lalalay a lot, I felt like something was still missing there. I believe Sunmi needed some time, after leaving JYP, to find herself and her sound again, and to me that’s exactly what she did with Tail. She has her own brand of sexy, which somehow manages to be both subtle and very in your face. I loved the storyline of the song and music video, and Sunmi’s voice is just perfect for such a sensual and mysterious concept. The choreography was also not simply complex but also extremely clever, and a true example on how to use back-up dancers to an artist’s advantage. Rather than overshadowing Sunmi, which often happens with some soloists out of sheer number, they made her shine even brighter. A special mention here goes to the stylists: they kept the theme for every stage but somehow never made it boring. And overall, it’s Sunmi’s incredible stage presence that makes her songs really come to life on stage.
PIXY – Wings
This debut took me completely by surprise and had me OBSESSED. I replayed the song continuously for a whole week, watched the music video several times (which I usually don’t do) and oh my, that choreography. Wings is probably in my top 10 gg choreographies now, especially including the extremely haunting intro they performed on some stages. Overall I think it was a brave and interesting choice to go for a horror concept straight from debut, and I saw a lot of potential in the girls, especially as dancers and overall performers. While I didn’t personally like their next release, I’m still definitely keeping an eye on them because of this phenomenal debut.
Title track: Feel Like
I fell for Woodz hard and fast. This song has that delicious dirty r&b sound that tickles me in all the right places, mixed with some more urban influences, and I feel like sultry soul is where Woodz truly excels. I had been keeping an eye on him because I had really enjoyed Love me harder, but I didn’t know if he was going to go in a more mainstream direction after that… and he did the complete opposite. He gave slow sensual vocals, an instrumental from the GODS, a beautiful retro and almost Wild West vibe and the wardrobe was on point. The other two songs in the mini were honestly just as good, moving in the direction of an even more contemporary r&b with a gorgeous taste of synthwave and dreamwave in Rebound.
Purple Kiss – INTO VIOLET
Title track: Ponzona
10/10 best debut of the year and I’m not accepting other opinions. I had high expectations for Mamamoo’s juniors and they SURPASSED THEM. Purple Kiss came out with a dark and mysterious concept and a song to match, and I feel like the group is extremely balanced, which is rare to see: vocals, rap and dance all have one or more members who absolutely excel in that skill, and it makes their performances beautiful and very professional, despite just being rookies. Like all 4th generation groups there is a definite focus on performance but, for once, I felt like this time the vocals didn’t have to take the backseat for the performance to shine, and I really appreciated it. I am especially interested in seeing how Swan will develop as a vocalist, since she’s so young but already so extremely talented; I am in love with how unique her vocal tone is. The title track stole the show from the rest of the album, which was also very good but could not compete with how incredible Ponzona was. Regardless, I feel like Purple Kiss immediately established their place in the industry with their debut, and I can’t wait to see more.
Baekhyun – Bambi
Ah, what a bittersweet goodbye. And yet what an absolutely flawless one at that. Baekhyun has been my favourite k-pop male vocalist probably since the first time I heard him sing, so yeah, it’s hard to think we won’t get any more new music from him for almost two years. Bambi was, after the incredible and well-deserved success of his previous releases, a gorgeous, sleek and mature level up into pure artistry. The instrumental is stripped down to the essential and yet for that very reason it hits much harder, and the song can’t help but follow Baekhyun’s voice wherever he wishes to take it. I loved hearing him showcase both his incredible upper AND lower register, and he probably had my favourite music video of the year – minimalistic, elegant, sexy. It made me think I would really like to see a collaboration between Baekhyun and Woodz someday in the future… anyone else? I also loved the album as a whole. Something I’ve noticed with Baekhyun is that every time, even delivering amazing title tracks, the rest of the album is always still just as beautiful. Maybe I’m just too in love with the man’s voice, but to me every single track on the album was memorable and beautiful in a way that felt a lot like longing.
ENHYPEN – Border: Carnival
Title track: Drunk-dazed
The day this album came out, ALL I DID was listen to it over and over. The sound in all of the songs follows a very interesting and coherent story progression, and besides visuals and choreography, the music was the most fascinating part of this release for me. From the intro it felt extremely atmospheric, which was helped by the narration, and the transition into the title track was seamless. I love that ENHYPEN have a very clear and unique concept and are going against the trend that we’re seeing from most 4th generation boy groups. Drunk-dazed was a continuation to Given-taken in storyline and music, but also an upgrade, and everyone has improved so much and so quickly it genuinely left me shocked. I was especially impressed by how much more refined and controlled Jake and Sunghoon’s vocals now sound, and delighted to see that not only Niki had more lines but they even gave him a small dance break. He’s always the highlight of ENHYPEN performances for me, and I do really believe he’s going to become one of the most legendary dancers in all of k-pop. The music video was my favourite of the year in a tie with Baekhyun’s Bambi: the cinematography was sleek and movie-like, Sunghoon’s acting beautiful and never overdone, and the imagery both haunting and gorgeous, mixing cold marble and blood in a way that reminded me a bit of the music video for BS&T. The album as a whole was also one of the most memorable releases of the year. Fever allowed ENHYPEN to perform a more sensual concept, still in a youthful way that felt appropriate for them, and all the choreography was beautifully intricate. I feel like it’s a general consensus that Heeseung shone the most in Fever performances; he always gives 1000% on stage and it’s genuinely captivating to watch. While Not For Sale is not my favourite sound for them and just in general, it’s still a fun song and makes it so that, while keeping stylistic coherence, the mini appeals to a very broad audience. Mixed Up became my new n.1 ENHYPEN b-side at first listen: something about it is so passionate and determined, and gives off the same exact vibe I get from the boys’ performances: youth, hard work, fierceness.
BIBI – Life Is a Bi…
Title track: BAD SAD AND MAD
SHE BROKE ME. This album made BIBI shoot up in my list of best soloists and she landed somewhere in my very sacred top five. She has an indie and r&b vibe paired with class and extreme relatability, and I could seriously listen to her sing forever; her tone is new and unexpected, not only in sound but also in storytelling. The songs on the album felt honest, raw, truthful. Unfiltered. Umm life, the first song on the album, is also probably my favourite. It hit me in a very personal way, and I feel like I’m not the only one who saw herself in the lyrics and overall feeling of it. With this album BIBI touched on a lot of difficult and often taboo topics, and the music video for the single (literally… BDSM) was both visually tongue in cheek and, lyrics wise, sad, poetic and rich with complex imagery. I loved seeing BIBI perform on stage and I watched all of her interviews too. There is something about her absolutely unbothered attitude on and off stage that fascinates me, and the way she performs shows how deeply she really feels her music. She put out an incredible album with tracks that were all thought provoking and well-thought out.
Title track: In the morning
Okay, look. I know everyone is out there saying the lyrics were cringy or the sound didn’t fit ITZY or whatever else, but ITM and Sorry not sorry are still some of my most played k-pop tracks of the year so, say what you like but DAMN ARE ITZY’S SONGS CATCHY. To be quite honest I didn’t know what to expect after the disappointment that was for me Not Shy, but In the Morning not only delivered, it went beyond expectations in a way I couldn’t have imagined. ITZY managed to showcase all of their strengths and also their infectious charm and energy. Every performance was new and entertaining to watch; I love Lia’s vocals, Ryujin is the real definition of center and I was also captivated by Yuna’s energy and bubbliness, but also her professionalism at such a young age. Yeji stood out the most to me and proved that, at least in my opinion, she’s without a doubt the ace of ITZY in dance, vocals, rap and more. I wish JYP would give more spotlight to Chaereyeong’s dancing, however, as I feel she hasn’t been able to fully showcase her abilities yet. The choreography was extremely strong as usual and, unlike previously, I was finally able to enjoy some of ITZY’s b-sides, particularly Sorry not sorry, KIDDING ME and SHOOT!,all of which I loved. What ITZY ultimately brings to the table is an energy that’s impossible to resist and that I think no one else in 4th generation possesses.
Oh my girl – Dear OHMYGIRL
Title track: Dun Dun Dance
Someone get this song out of my head, please. Seriously. This release grabbed me and catapulted me in the world of Oh my girl and hey, I’m not complaining. I was desperately waiting for a fun, summery release that did not feel like it was a rehashed version of a 2020 song, and this was IT. The song came with a very tasteful, light and romantic album which contains some of my new favourite gg b-sides, like Who comes who knows or Swan. The performances were impossible to stop watching; the girls took a concept that is known to work and has been done so many times and still managed to give it a fresh and personal feel, and I loved all of it. The choreography fit so well with the song and the group’s image, and something I particularly loved was the styling (give me all the crochet tops please) and just overall how much fun it looked like they were having on stage. Thank you Oh My Girl for officially starting the summer of 2021!
YUQI – A Page
Title track: Bonnie&Clyde
I can’t stress just HOW ANGRY I still am that this wasn’t promoted in Korea and was barely performed even in China. Is Bonnie&Clyde the best song of 2021? Most likely. So someone explain to me why CUBE acted like Yuqi’s solo debut wasn’t the huge deal that it was (kind of like they’re doing with Soyeon now, to be honest). I frankly do not get their decision to not capitalize on it more, because they could have made a fortune with proper promotions but, moving on. TWO SONGS AND MY ENTIRE YEAR WAS MADE, MISS YUQI DID. THAT. I don’t sing, and I learned the lyrics to both songs. I’ve never played the piano before in my life, but you can bet your ass I spent 48 hours watching tutorials and now know how to flawlessly play Bonnie&Clyde on the keyboard. Yuqi has one of the most gorgeous voices in k-pop and just pop in general, and the potential all (G)I-DLE members have is INSANE. Her concept was strong, empowering and with hints of pain and, mostly, survival and resilience. I didn’t feel a choreography was necessary and I still think it’s pretty ridiculous how some people are so mad that Bonnie&Clyde, a song made to highlight Yuqi’s vocals, had a very simple dance performance. I cannot wait for the day we get a full album from Yuqi and we can see her perform on music shows.
Taemin – ADVICE
Genuinely, I do not want to talk about this album AT ALL. I have very complicated feelings about Taemin enlisting, what his artistry has meant to me through the years and the hell this man’s voice has got me through, and I still feel almost uneasy listening to this album. Restless. Advice was a risk for Taemin. He took a step away from his style both musically and in choreography, and it felt new and a little disconcerting, but deep down still extremely Taemin. It’s undeniable that Taemin includes in his art a strong element of, to put it simply, genderfuck; he represents both genders at once and also neither (I am in full support of recognizing “Taemin” as a new official gender identity :D) While the Move-Criminal-IDEA triad is still unshakable and probably impossible to top, Advice was something that, as a long-time fan, I needed. The album was as beautiful as I’ve come to expect from all of his releases (I believe I called Strings “slow, passionate sex” and I stand by that statement) and I have too many feelings I don’t quite want to figure out whenever SAD KIDS plays. As always, SHINee and Taemin’s music is more than just music or performance to me, and the reasons are many and complicated. All I really know is that Taemin’s voice manages to shake something very deep within my soul (throwback to when I first listened to IDEA and started full-on sobbing) and I am grateful to him for being the incredible artist he is.
EVERGLOW – Last Melody
Title track: FIRST
My girls!!! I am so proud!!! I feel like no one is giving EVERGLOW nearly enough credit for the growth they’ve done both as a group and as individuals. They started with BBC as an interesting but still somewhat lacking group, full of potential; having supported them since the very first day, I feel nothing but extreme pride as I watch their FIRST stages. They all look more confident and every single one of the girls absolutely owns the stage. I feel like finally Onda’s dancing was properly showcased (and I may have watched one too many fancams of hers because ?? Have you seen those shoulders??? *fans self*) and both Mia and Sihyeon’s vocals shone beautifully. They have grown up and become incredible performers, not just capable but extremely strong. In my opinion EVERGLOW have the most intricate and exhausting choreography amongst all girl groups as of right now, and this comeback they’ve shown they really are able to stand out in the midst of the industry oversaturation that is 4th gen. My only – but very real – complaint is: who the hell is writing their b-sides and why do they always sound so mediocre? I want to have a talk with the producer who thinks it’s ok to make C- songs just because they also delivered an A+ single. Also, EVERGLOW full album when?
TXT – The Chaos Chapter: FREEZE
Title track: 0X1=LOVESONG
HELLO??? WHAT WAS THIS?????!!!???????
Look, I didn’t even listen to TXT much before this; I just casually knew their title tracks and nothing more. Then they come back with emotional rock music, absolutely insane choreography and flawless live vocals??? OK GO OFF I GUESS????? (Can you tell I’m still in shock and absolutely not over it? You probably can)
This was most definitely the release that surprised me the most; I listened to the title track when it came out just to quickly check it out, to see if it was catchy and if I wanted to add it to my playlist, and then proceeded to listen to it about 50 more times before I moved to the rest of the album, and did the same with every other song (special mention to Dear Sputnik and Frost for literally being the best k-pop b-sides in history). I learned the dance down to every detail, marveled at Taehyun’s vocals, the hypnotizing way Yeonjun moves on stage and just overall their chemistry as a group and the impressive level of individual talent everyone in TXT has. It’s very rare to find groups where all members have such outstanding vocals, dance and performance, and I’ve been in a TXT loop since this release. Officially added to my stan list. What an incredible album.
Title track: illa illa
This was… a lot. iKON was, back in the day, one of the main groups that got me into k-pop, and B.I’s departure from the group – if you can call it that – took part of the fandom with him, including myself. So, a lot of us set to waiting. I had trust B.I would eventually come back fully as a musician. He’s always been an inspiration to me and the snippets he let us see on Soundcloud before making his comeback reminded me how much his music is able to truly touch me. And then this album dropped.
B.I is without any doubt my favourite lyricist in all of k-pop, and it is even more impressive that he has been able to produce, write and arrange for his own group, other groups and now for himself as a soloist. Some of the lyrics in this album, especially for Waterfall and illa illa, keep staying with me through my days – I’ll keep building sandcastles even though I already know they’ll eventually come crashing down – and I was able to relate to him not only as a fellow artist but also, very deeply, as a person. This album felt personal to me and many others, and Hanbin did not hold back – he never does, but especially not this time. Waterfall opens the album true to its title: it pours out angry, tired, hurt, and it just keeps pouring. It speaks of wounds not yet healed and lays down the truth that, in life, some wounds do not ever truly heal after all. Following it is illa illa, which with the first few notes already introduces a few hopeful piano keys and B.I’s equally hopeful voice. It feels tentative, like seeing an end to the darkness but being so used to it that you can’t quite believe it. It feels like accepting and maybe, finally, moving on. The album goes from deep to playful to hip-hop heavy tracks and back to r&b, and I was also very happy to see B.I and Lee Hi collaborating again, as she’s also one of my favourite artists. I needed this ray of hope.
TWICE – Taste of Love
Title track: Alcohol-free
Was I skeptical when I first heard the title? Yes. Did I fall head over heels for this song as soon as I saw Twice first perform it? Also YES. This is this year’s summer song, period. The last one/two years have been years of discovery for Twice, of maturing, finding an updated but still authentic sound that fits them, and this album feels very much like Twice but also showcases their growth. Alcohol-free is the perfect title track, and I swear once I listen to it or even just think about it then I’m stuck singing SWEET MIMOSA PINA COLADA for the rest of my week. All the stages were phenomenal, and I swear I probably died and came back to life several times while watching Nayeon perform. I love how the song highlighted Tzuyu’s vocals better than most Twice title tracks, although I am still very tentative about Jeongyeon’s return. But at the end of the day, if she’s made the decision to come back then all we can do is support her and hope she keeps getting better. This era also gave us iconic Twice interviews and shows (who gave Momo the right to be so funny, seriously?) and overall felt almost like a new beginning, finally seeing the group as a whole for an official comeback again. I also think Taste of Love has some truly excellent b-sides that capture the summer feeling perfectly, without ever feeling repetitive or basic. I especially loved how catchy Scandal is with its whispered intro, the sensual and intimate feeling of Conversation and the perfectly captured naivety of young romance in First Love.
ONEWE – Planet Nine: Alter Ego
Title track: Rain To Be
I did not expect ONEWE to release my favourite k-rock album of 2021 and surpass even DAY6, but boy am I impressed. I feel like, given the chance, they could really take Korea by storm, and I really hope RBW starts to give them decent promotions and distribute their
budget a little better. This was just overall a gorgeous album with an incredible title track. It came out almost two weeks ago but I still play it several times a day because I absolutely can’t get over it. ONEWE’s take on rock is indie and very emotional; Rain To Be feels desperate in its passion, and the vocals are so soulful and honest the song manages to feel both exciting and heartbreaking. Also the bass. Just. THE BASS. It’s a beautiful album from start to finish, and I might or might not have cried a few times while listening to COSMOS. The music video managed to be epic while keeping an incredibly simple concept, and I loved the visual of them getting slowly submerged by water as the song reached further and further heights. I really hope at least one person reads this and gives ONEWE a chance and listens to their songs, because they’re relatively new to the scene but I feel like they already have left a very memorable impression on the k-rock music scene.
To conclude this review, here are my most played k-pop tracks of the year so far:
ONEWE – Rain To Be
ITZY – In The Morning
YUQI – Bonnie&Clyde
Jessi – What Type of X
ITZY – Sorry Not Sorry
Baekhyun – Bambi
Key ft. Doyoung – COOL
Hyuna – I’m Not Cool
ENHYPEN – Drunk-dazed
WOODZ – Feel Like
Kang Daniel – PARANOIA
ATEEZ – Sunrise
Henry – Thinking of You
CLC – No
SEVENTEEN – Light a Flame
Stray Kids – My Universe
WONHO – Open Mind
Sunmi – TAIL
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grlsgen · 4 years
my favorite 2020 kpop songs
there were some bangers this year... this includes title tracks & bsides and everything else under the sun.
i always got shit to say and i always see youtube videos like this but i simply can’t edit so here we are
you never know - blackpink
okay yeah i didn’t really fw hylt or lovesick girls when i first heard them but when i listened to the album you never know really stuck with me... i never get sick of it. definitely the best track off the album imo. rosé’s prechorus has made me cry a few times ngl
alien - lee suhyun
alright miss thing... i was obsessed with this song when i first heard it... the pre chorus with the ooo ooo ooo and the switch to the chorus is so good it gets me every time. she’s cute i like her... while we’re here i’ll also mention i really liked her ost in your time for it’s okay to not be okay.. i loved that drama and that’s my fav ost from it.. but anyway
lalalilala - april
They Served. Big time. the music video is so pretty and the song was stuck in my head for 6 months straight... they really did the damn thing with this. kinda sounds like an apink song but that’s a compliment... overall this whole comeback was really good and deserved better. honorable mention : the bside on this ep you.zip is so good too
open your eyes - iz*one
this is all i listened to for months after bloomiz dropped... izone’s music is really a hit or miss for me and i didn’t really vibe with fiesta but i’m so glad i gave the album a chance because open your eyes is definitely in my top 5 releases of this year. their other bside dreamlike is really good too
the book of us : the demon - day6 album
now where do i start with this... to this day i am still obsessed with 1 to 10... like that’s gotta be the best off this album imo. zombie was so good and i really liked the lyrics. the album as a whole was really really good. i sound like a broken record
children - bvndit
oh boy... another one of my top 5 releases from this year. not only is the overall sound of this amazing but i love the lyrics too. these girls deserve so much better
d-2 - agust d/yoongi/suga mixtape
my king. i shit myself when this dropped ngl... i don’t even know how to elaborate on how much i love this. daechwita was stuck in my head for the longest time.. i think the highlights off this for me have to be people, honsool & dear my friend. this mixtape was really a moment.. i love yoongi y’all
love again - baekhyun / underwater - baekhyun
alright alright .. i put these two together since they’re from the same album idk but it took a while for candy to grow on me but i’ve loved these since i first heard them... i was Obsessed. the final bridge/chorus whatever the hell thing he does in love again put me into shock for 3 months straight and the beat in underwater is heavenly
the dream chapter : eternity - txt ep
this serve. has to be my favorite from txt yet... rookies with the best discography fr. i love dark concepts and really like that they did something different with this. can’t you see me was Amazinggg. fairy of shampoo has to be one of the best songs i’ve ever heard it’s insane. i also really liked eternally, who else has that range... Nobody. top to bottom this ep is really good, i hope they do another dark concept like this again soon bc this hit big time
eight - iu & suga
it took a while for this to grow on me but whew...when it did... kinda makes me feel like i’m in a coming of age movie and i like that, makes me nostalgic for that. eight soty, they both did great on this
# - loona ep
Now... Cmon. so what was either a hit or miss for a lot of people but something i think everyone can agree on is that the bridge is godsent. like that shit makes me cry sometimes. the music video was really good, i always come back to the subway/train scene. number 1 is also so damn good. overall i really loved this ep. they really ate with this one
eyes wide open - twice album
when i first heard this album i didn’t like it That much but it’s really grown on me lately. the whole retro trend was fun and then it got a little overdone so i was tired of it by the time this dropped but actually.. some of the bsides are insanely good. behind the mask is definitely a highlight for me, mina’s bridge is heavenly. i love mina so bad. but anyway, i can’t stop me took some time to grow on me as well but it always gets stuck in my head. i also really like up no more & depend on you, they’re cute
maybe - gidle
Y’all... i love this song. it’s short and simple but it was so addicting to me. i really like that one part in the last two choruses if you know what i’m talking about (i’m not sure who sings it ? some people say soyeon some say shuhua idk, shuhua my queen btw) and soojin’s verse in the bridge hits. to this day i’m still obsessed with this song
a song written easily - oneus
this is so underappreciated, this is easily one of my favorite title tracks released all year. i’m not a huge fan of beat drops but this one was really nice imo, i also liked the lead in before the drop and the final chorus. this was really good and i never get sick of it
wannabe - itzy
CUT THE DAMN CAMERAS.... no fr this is my #1 favorite song released this year. talented brilliant incredible amazing... itzy seriously ate up everyone with this. i keep going back to this song it’s insane. iconic choreo good mv good styling amazing song.. like everything here lined up. i don’t know how they’ll ever top this for me. definitely my soty (next to psycho)
black swan - bts
this is excellent idk what else to say. i thought it was just okay when i first heard it but it’s seriously so good, me being yoongi biased i loved that he got multiple verses but i love the do your thing with me now breakdown part too. the choreo is one of my favorite from them and the mv was really pretty. black swan is one of my favorite movies so the comparisons with it made me love this song more. overall, probably my favorite off mots7
my time - jungkook of bts
jungkook always has the best album solos fr. i loved this the second i heard it, kinda justin bieber esque but it’s so good. i love the lyrics and transition it takes thru the song. the chorus hits man.. this song always makes me a little sad but he really did amazing on this
monster - red velvet irene & seulgi ep
my queens what can i say. i was so excited for this unit and they did not disappoint. monster still hits, aged like wine. the best track is fr feel good, i still have it on repeat.. insanely good. seulgi really delivered with uncover, it’s so beautiful. i think sm’s intention was always to have a subunit this year but i thought it was smart to do while wendy was recovering, hoping for ot5 soon y’all..
never gonna dance again : act 2 - taemin album
taemin my king wtf!!! i loved criminal so i was really excited for this and of course... he always delivers. top to bottom i loved this album, he really did amazing on it. identity might be the best song i’ve ever heard... and of course i loved the collab with wendy 🙏 overall such a good album, taemin always serves the best
pporappippam - sunmi
what can i say i love a little retro tune. even though i just said earlier i was sick of it idc i loved this. sunmi always shows up, i don’t know what else to say. this song never gets old
dystopia : the tree of language - dreamcatcher album
i didn’t expect to love this album as much as i did... i don’t listen to it as often anymore but i can’t deny that scream was a major serve. every time i hear it it’s like the first time... their bside jazz bar was so good. dreamcatcher’s bsides always hit what can i say
12:00 - loona ep
Yes. why not is not necessarily my favorite title from them ever (it’s butterfly, btw) but it’s always stuck in my head... obviously i loved voice/star, was obsessed for weeks and i was happy they decided to promote it a little. styling on those stages were so cute btw. i also loved fall again from this ep, chuu sounds angelic on it. loona had some amazing cbs this year
la di da - everglow
Obsessed. i watched every stage as they dropped and listened to this every 5 seconds, Amazing. sihyeon really owned this era for me and shes my bias so of course i ate this whole thing up. this was definitely one for the books, what more can i say
literally everything gfriend released this year
this might be their best year yet for releases imo, i really liked how they tried out different concepts and sounds this year, i’ve always loved their music but the switch was refreshing yknow. crossroads was so good, i loved that mv. here we are is still on repeat almost a year later... and now APPLE. apple was so mf good. i love that they decided to do a dark concept, this song really fit them well, still obsessed w it. mago might be my least fave out of the 3 but it’s still so good. don’t even get me started on yuju in the mv.. Queen. i liked the subunits on walpurgis night, especially better me. gfriend had a really good year imo, they deserved more for it.
Anyways. that was my 2 cents.
wannabe & psycho soty
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flowery-skz · 4 years
Top 20 Songs of 2020
Okay y’all, here’s my top kpop songs of 2020 list for this year (finally, good lord this year felt like an eternity). These are the 20 songs that I felt really made an impact on me this year and why 💕
Starting from last to first, here we go!
20. Dr. Bebe, Pentagon - this song deserved so much better tbh the music video was everything, their acting was excellent and the vocals were *chefs kiss* i also loved the dark, creepy vixx -reminiscent vibes
19. Back Door, Stray Kids - Ok like objectively i know that God’s Menu was like their piece de resistance this year, but Back Door was just so fun and had a great bass line and the choreo was SO good
18. Cry For Me, Twice - this literally JUST came out like two seconds ago but let me tell you cry for me has legit been stuck in my head from the SECOND i heard it just ask my sister she’s this close to killing me next time i sing the chorus
17. Red Sun, Dreamcatcher - Let’s be real, dreamcatcher’s entire studio album was perfect from start to finish, and red sun was a standout among that perfection for me like from the magical mystical instrumental to dami’s absolutely earth-shattering rap line, just absolute gold my dude
16. Kick It, NCT 127 - This was a very polarizing song for a lot of people i feel, but for me the concept was literally executed to perfection. It had so much potential to be cheesy and gimmicky, but it totally wasn’t and i think it’s because nct 127 committed SO wholeheartedly to the concept
15. So Bad, StayC - THIS song. I actually already had my list all written out when i discovered so bad by stayc and i literally had to reconsider my ENTIRE existence. They are so so good with such a talented production team backing them and they’ve literally just debuted.
14. Dun Dun, Everglow - A lot of people really hated this song, and don’t get me wrong i had my own issues with the line and screen time distribution for sure, but you can’t deny it’s a total banger
13. Nonstop, Oh My Girl - This is the kind of song that i never really expected to fall in love with. It’s bubbly and cute and quite like youthful, but oh my girl honestly pull that concept off so well and they had me immediately hypnotized
12. Be In Love, Itzy - 2020 was the year of bailey eating her own words aka the year of me falling in love with itzy. when itzy debuted i seriously thought if they stuck with their concept i probably wouldn’t ever be into their music but lmao. they showed me. anyway this b side is seriously underrated and it really shows the girls vocal talents off, especially lia and yuna
11. Love Killa, Monsta X - hyungwon. that’s it that’s the post . . . jk but for real, visuals popped off. love killa was exactly what i’ve been wanting from mx for the past year or so. they hit the nail right on the head with the this one.
10. Secret Story of the Swan, izone - my relationship with izone is basically like my relationship with itzy part 2. I always appreciated them for their talents and having a very recognizeable sound but i could never get into their music. then SSOTS happened, and to be honest it STILL gets stuck in my head at random times
9. Phobia, Stray Kids - i LOVE this b side. for a while i thought it might replace Voices as my favourite skz track, but it just didn’t have the longevity that voices does. that said, it’s still such a good song with an important message did i mention that i love stray kids
8. La Di Da, Everglow - i have said it before and i’ll say it again: no one is doing it like everglow. this song came so out of the blue and blindsided so many people with how unexpectedly different it was, all while being a certified banger. the line distribution is aMAZING, you get to hear each member’s unique flavor, the straight 80’s vibe is immaculate, the styling is God-tier, just . . . everything. i LOVE this comeback
7. Eternally, TXT - if you know me, you know i love a good beat switch-up (i mean, my ult group is stray kids for crying out loud) and ladies. this song is the switch up to end all switch ups. txt somehow managed to combine two completely different tracks, each of which would have been A+ songs all on their own, and somehow make something a million times better. listening to eternally is a whole experience in and of itself and i haven’t heard anything that could compare to it to this day
6. Girls, Nature - UGH. WHAT an underappreciated masterpiece. girls by nature does everything that other companies are so afraid to do with their girl groups: a strictly dark, horror concept, a haunting melodic line with no need for a rap breakdown because it stands on its own as is, a visual concept that does not sexualize the girls in any way but instead tells a story of a person at the mercy of the one they love. it’s e v e r y t h i n g. Not to mention the song has one of the best pre choruses i’ve EVER heard.
5. Wannabe, Itzy - Let’s be honest, you knew this was going to be here. Everyone and their grandma was learning ryujins shoulder move. this was literally the summer of itzy’s wannabe. This is actually the comeback that got me onboard the itzy train and now i’m barreling down the mountain going 200mph and can’t find the breaks
4. I Can’t Stop Me, Twice - I think onces really had no idea where this comeback was gonna go. after more and more got such mixed responses from fans, we all weren’t really sure what direction the company was going to take twice in next. personally, i’m SO happy they went for the retro synth 80’s vibe concept. it was current enough to fish in non fans and keep new onces engaged but they also added their own unique twice spice to it, and i’ve been playing it on repeat for weeks also stan risky risky wiggy wiggi
3. Oh My God, G Idle - Ahhhh, yes. another polarizing song from gidle. omg for me was exactly what i needed from gidle. They’d been playing around with the darker concepts but had never fully committed to the potential that i saw in their music, but with omg we finally got the see them go full out with it, and i don’t think ANYONE could have done it better. The drop while empty was somehow so satisfying, the visials in the mv were visceral and witchy and to think that soyeon wrote and produced such a masterpiece. all i can say is bravo
2. Daisy, Pentagon - if this song doesn’t hold a very special place in your universe heart then buddy i think it’s time to throw the whole heart away. daisy, on top of being the first song to earn pentagon a well deserved music show win, was so emotionally moving from the lyrics to the mv to the choreo. you don’t need to know korean to feel exactly what the writer is feeling when hui sings that chorus, and that my friend is true artistry.
1. Answer, Ateez - Bet you were expecting a stray kids song. answer though has had my whole entire heart body and soul from the second it came out all the way back in january. for it to last a whole year as my favourite song of 2020 really speaks volumes as to how incredibly talented ateez and their production team are. Over the course of this absolute shit year, this song really inspired me to push forward, to keep working toward my goals and to keep believing in myself, and i think that’s a pretty amazing feat for one single song.
Anyway y’all sorry for the unnecessarily long post. I’ve just been compiling this list for months and was really excited to share. If any of my followers or just anyone who reads through this wants to share their own list, id love to see what songs impacted you this year! Happy New Years’ yall!
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jeongjaebae · 2 years
hii saw your reply, also i’m listening to echo by the boyz rn lol! as you can see, finally started a rec blog so i could reblog a lot of the stuff i liked (there’s a lot, lmao) bc i thought it would be fun! since you asked how dancing’s been going, it’s been good, doing lots of ballet this summer and def learning more kpop dances! attending class is such s great experience 😭
as for concerts i saw ghost9 in jan and i wanna see if tickets for mcnd, dreamcatcher are still available or any other artist really bc WOW the ghost9 concert was so amazing, it’s unbelievable. will never forget that. anyways i hope you’re doing well! and if you’re going to any concerts that it’s fun!
(from🦋 anon but not anonymous anymore tho lol)
hiiii 🦋 anon, nice to officially meet you!! ahh a fic rec blog is fun and a nice way to support creators 🤩 and ofc ty for your comments on my fics <3
oooh how is ballet going? it sounds difficult but i'm sure it'll be a nice way to fill up your summer! any other plans for your break? and what kpop choreos have you learned or plan to learn? i've seen a lot of choreos for tiktok challenges that look like so much funnn
omg ghost9???? i did hear they were going on tour but wow that sounds like a good time!!! did you have any fave performances or moments? mcnd would be an amazing time too, i'm excited for their comeback! alsooo are you going to see p1h? there are soooo many groups going on tour all at once which is nice but like... if only we had more money and time :''') i hope you get to see dreamcatcher, i really wanted to go too but the dates didn't work out BUUUT i did see tbz (who were amazing!!!), and have skz + svt coming up in the next few months 😍 i'm also eyeing gidle and itzy rn so we'll see how that goes hehe
but anyway it's so nice to hear from youuuu i hope summer break has been treating you well so far!!!
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K-pop question tag
I was tagged by @suju-bangtan and @jinilin <3
a. Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked then write 11 new ones.
b. Tag 11 people and link them to the post. Tell the person who tagged you that you’ve answered their questions.
1) Who is your favorite girl group?
Tough question. I used to love 4minute and 2ne1 but if we’re talking about active groups then it’d be either GFriend, Blackpink or Mamamoo. Dreamcatcher is slowly going up my list too, I really like their style.
2) Who is your favorite boy group?
B.A.P. I just love them and their work so much, all their songs are perfectly crafted in every way, and they’re so lovely, hardworking and talented. They’ve been through so much but they fought together and are still trying, I really admire them.
3) Are there any choreographies that you love the most (from any group)?
I have to answer B.A.P again. I just love their choreographies, I think they’re so complex and well executed. I particularly love Power and One Shot but all of them are amazing, really. There are other incredibly talented groups I love too: GFriend, SHINee, Infinite and BTS, to name a few.
4) Do you prefer when groups release hype songs or when they release chill songs?
Normally I like hype songs better, there are some ballads I love but they’re usually my least favorite songs in an album.
5) What was your favorite debut song (from any group)?
I don’t want to turn this into a B.A.P biased meme buuut I love Warrior lol, I’m not a big fan of the all-blond style but I really love the song and the choreo. My other favorite debut song is Fanfare by SF9, I fell so hard for it, had it on repeat for days.
6) Are there any groups you wish that were not underrated/would get more recognition?
I’m going to write a lengthy answer for this and it might not even make any sense so I apologize in advance lol.
I try not to think too much about this because it’s dangerously close to what I personally consider “bad fan-etiquette”. Doesn’t matter how much someone screams underrated, it’s always a biased opinion. A specific group might be the best thing on earth for me but it doesn’t have to be for the rest of the people, everybody has their own taste and their criteria of what’s important in a group. Not only there’s no real way to objectively rank idols based on how good they are or how popular they deserve to be, but I feel like it shouldn’t matter much anyway. I know there’s a limit of how “nugu” a group can be before they disappear so we all worry and fight hard to make sure our groups are known, but as long as they get by well enough to survive I don’t care too much about awards and number of views or stans. Sadly, that’s not really how you measure talent or professionality (even if some people like think so), let alone how lovely or hardworking they are. And sometimes talent isn’t even relevant, in my opinion, sometimes you just like a group simply because you do and you’re perfectly entitled to. I don’t like forcing anything on anybody and I don’t like putting value where it doesn’t belong.
Stuffy rant said (sorry for that, it’s a topic I’m somewhat passionate about and I couldn’t help it lol), I’m going to answer this question anyway. I personally wish B.A.P and Monsta X had more recognition, in my very biased opinion. B.A.P was on a really good path before everything went to hell because of the lawsuit issue, and I think it’s really unfair because they were brave enough to fight back and they ended up being punished for it. And Monsta X is doing so well and they’re so good but they still haven’t won anything and they think it’s their fault, so it’s frustrating. But there’s nothing I can really do about it besides “doing my part” and buying/streaming/recommending them when asked, so why complain about it.
7) Do you choose your biases or do your biases choose you?
They choose me. I always try to choose and stick to it but it’s inevitable, they come for me hahaha. When I get into a new group I choose the cutest member and go with it, but then I get to know them and usually someone else does something that makes me go ‘who are you and where have you been all my life’.
8) What’s the first Kpop song you heard?
Fantastic Baby by BIGBANG.
9) What made you fall in love with Kpop?
I just love the aesthetics and how professional they are. I was in awe, the way they train for this and how hard they work for every single comeback after they debut. They have to sacrifice so much to become idols, they spend so many uncertain years trying to debut without even knowing if they ever will – and when they do, it’s not like everything is done and they’re going to live in luxury the way popular Western artists do. Being an idol is really hard and the competition is brutal, you never know how long you’re going to be up. It’s amazing, you don’t see this kind of commitment and professionality around here, in my opinion.
10) Do you have an merchandise of your favorite groups?
I do! I’m very picky when it comes to merch but I own several t-shirts/hoodies, lightsticks, photocards and some other goodies.
11) Do you have any song or group recommendations?
You seem to have a very nice taste! I feel like you’re going to know everybody I mention. I saw you just got into SF9, Pentagon and 24K. Do you know MVP? They debuted recently and I love their stuff so far! I also got into Victon recently thanks to Eyez Eyez.
1) Favorite kpop music video?
Aw man, how am I supposed to choose. I’m going to say B.A.P again, sorry. I love Skydive, 1004 (Angel) and Wake me up, such good videos. I love VIXX’s mvs as well, they’re always so dark and dramatic. I love EXO’s Monster, Monsta X’s All in and BTS’ Run too. I can’t really choose one hahaha.
2) Favorite girl group dance practice?
I love 2ne1 and GFriend’s dance practices. 
3) Favorite boy group dance practice?
Monster by EXO. It’s so artistic, I love it.
4) Who’s your ultimate bias and why?
My ult bias is Bang Yong Guk from B.A.P. Where do I even start. I feel like we’re very similar, he looks introverted and quiet and someone who is very active inside his mind, but who is also funny, quirky and sassy. I feel like I’d feel really comfortable around him. I don’t know how to explain it, he seems to have a nice and calm aura and I feel so at ease with such people (introverted things lol). He’s really smart and socially aware, he doesn’t speak much but every time he does he says the right thing. He’s such a good caretaker, all the boys love him and respect him SO much, I feel like it says a lot about him and how he makes people close to him feel. He’s an amazing person as well, he does so much for other people and gives so much to charity, I feel like we don’t even know half of it but it’s already impressive. He’s so incredibly talented too, he plays such an active part in the creation of their songs and they are always so good (and so is the rest of the work he does under his known pseudonym.) I could go on forever but I won’t do that to you lol basically, he’s an incredibly amazing and gorgeous human being, an amazing leader and a talented artist.
5) Who’s your ultimate bias wrecker?
Most of the people I stan, really. I just love everybody so much, they move up and down on the messy list all the time. They’re all amazing. I guess I’d say the rest of B.A.P if I had to choose, specially Youngjae.
6) Have you ever seen a kpop group live/been to kcon?
I have! I went to KCON LA 2016 and I’ve also seen EXO, GOT7, SHINee, Red Velvet, AOA, FT Island, Tiger JK and Dean live. Amazing experiences, all of them. I’m really hoping they’ll do a KCON in Europe this year.
7) Is there a group you want to see live?
B.A.P! They’re coming to Europe next month but nowhere near me and I can’t take the time to travel far because of work (all the dates are weekdays, WHYYY). I’ve already seen Monsta X and GFriend at KCON but I’d love to go a solo concert, that’d be lovely. I’d love to see BIGBANG, VIXX, BTS (if it’s in a seat far away from the rest of fans), Mamamoo, Highlight and Block B too. Who am I kidding, I’d love to see everybody I stan lol.
8) What was your favorite comeback of 2017 so far?
B.A.P, of course hahaha. I’ve loved many comebacks and debuts actually, obviously Highlight’s “debut” is a close second but I also really liked GOT7, Winner, Day6, Victon, SF9, Teen Top, IMFACT, BTS, CLC, AOA and CNBlue. If we’re talking about debuts, I really liked Dreamcatcher, MVP, Seven O’Clock, Black6ix and UNIT BLACK. I’m probably forgetting a couple debuts/comebacks I loved lol.
9) What upcoming comeback are you looking forward to?
Highlight’s Junhyung is making a solo comeback soon and I’m super excited about it! He’s my BEAST/Highlight bias, and I love his work and rapping style. I’m high key excited about Triple H’s debut too, I love Hyuna and Pentagon so I’m looking forward to see what they come up with!
10) Is there a group that you know of that you want to get into?
I have what I call my “side-children”, it’s basically groups I check out when they come back and occasionally see on my dash but I don’t actively follow. I’d like to get more into them, I don’t know much beyond the music and I wish I did. Groups like KNK, IMFACT, B1A4, 24K or Brave Girls, among others.
11) What’s your favorite kind of album concept? (royalty, cute, gang, elegant, sexy, etc.)
I usually like any concept as long as it’s well done and it fits the group, but I’m not very into cute concepts. I tend to favor dark and aggressive concepts best but I don’t have a favorite, I’m in for anything if they can pull it off successfully.
I didn’t give you straight answers, I’m sorry hahahaha. I just love so many groups, it’s really hard to only choose one. I really tried to keep it small, I swear.
I’m procrastinating at work and I can’t think of anything original to ask so I’m just going to recycle your lovely questions, sorry :P
What made you fall in love with K-pop?
Who’s your ultimate bias and why?
Who’s your ultimate bias wrecker?
Do you choose your biases or do your biases choose you?
What was your favorite debut song (from any group)?
Are there any choreographies that you love the most (from any group)?
Favorite dance practice?
What was your favorite comeback of 2017 so far?
What upcoming comeback are you looking forward to?
Have you ever seen a K-pop group live/been to KCON?
Do you have any song or group recommendations?
I tag: @bumgee, @b-laxk, @lovelyzc, @kirspel, @gotsoulmates, @the-princejinyoung, @daehdream, @tzefoxes (I can’t tag you for some reason :/) and if someone else wants to do it consider yourself tagged!
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kaptain-k-pop · 4 years
(2/9) As for the other groups that you mentioned, I have heard and enjoy music from Day6, Monsta X, Ateez, and Shinee. Seventeen are my top group right now, but I still love finding new groups to listen to. I will have to make some time this weekend to listen to some of the other groups you mentioned! I’ve been trying to get into more girl groups so this is the perfect opportunity haha
I don't know if you're the same with Seventeen as your 'top group' so if I'm wrong that's totally possible! But I kind of think I know how you feel with having a top group? (Unless this isn't how you feel, in which case ignore me 😂) like I do genuinely really love a lot of groups that I listen to, but there's always that one, ult you that you come back to and really connect with the most. Like, for me when I decided I wanted to get into more groups I was thinking like "okay, let's start getting into a bunch of groups" but after I discovered Astro I fell in love and blogged about nothing else (except the occasional BTS or MX post, but 99% Astro) for over 3 months 😅 lmao, the next group that I really decided to stan was Day6, but that wasn't until April, I spent all that time hyperfixating on Astro and ignoring all other groups 😂
But yes, I blog about multiple groups other than just Astro now, it's a little more even, but every comeback season I always go into Astro lockdown and blog about nothing else for multiple days at least 😂
And I also have periods where I get super into other groups and kinda hyperfixate on them for a bit, but Astro is always the one i come back to, the one that really owns my heart the most
But yeah, as I mentioned Seventeen are also starting to creep towards that status, and I think Astro will probably have like, a slight boost because of a lot of personal and emotional attachment that I associate with them, but Seventeen is at least like, vice-ult or something at this point 😂😂😂😂😂
It's really cool that you're so excited to try to listen to some new groups, I love that! I hope that you find some that you like! 😊
And if you've been looking interested in getting into more girl groups, I highly recommend Dreamcatcher! (I think I'd say they're my favorite girl group) They aren't everyone's style but I really like them. You should also check out Twice, Weki Meki (they're from the same company as Astro), Itzy only have like a dozen songs so far but I like them, Rocket Punch is another group that I checked out recently, I honestly feel like *I* need to get into more girl groups too, I have a lot of songs on my playlist from girl groups that are unfortunately disbanded and also a few songs here and there from groups that I haven't gotten into yet, but in terms of ones that I've actually like, learned about the members and actively checked out b-sides and such I definitely need to check out some more!
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kpopgerapitico · 8 years
Song of the Week
Due to the fact that my Friday is going to be busy, I’m writing this a day early. So some of the releases will be next week if their MV isn’t out yet. But look at me being all prepared.
Honorable Mentions:
Now all of TTS has gone solo as SM tries to get as much as humanely possibly out of their biggest girl group. Seohyun is the last of the trio, with Don’t Say No. My main comment is who the hell did the production. I am used to lush scoring from SM, with at least interesting samples, when it is sampled. Seohyun sadly got the short end of the stick in that department. Because this whole song sounds like it was recorded underwater, to the point of making me forget the song.
There is already one really cool concept MV this year. Chase Me from debut group Dreamcatcher gives all sorts of The Shining vibes in the beginning, in the best way. The song itself sounds like the anime theme song to a new version of Death Note starring a girl in the lead role. The rap feels a little out of place for me, and the style isn’t really my thing, but for what it is, it is good.
Is anyone surprised that the vocals on Honey Bee are insane, because I was not. In fact, the biggest surprise was a song like this coming from Mystic, who has never been responsible for a banger like this. I’m a little indifferent to the chorus, but the verse is a great pump-up style song, that is really uncommon from the girls in K-pop. 
Hey, Niel is getting a second chance at the solo career, after his first attempt, which was a great song (Lovekiller), went by the wayside. Love Affair sadly doesn’t live up to the cool of the previous attempt. The only part I really love is the post chorus. Oh and the feature. And his vocals throughout, because his vocals are always great.
The girl groups are continuing to fight for the void that 4Minute left behind last year (I’m still sad about it). The latest to join the trend are CLC with Hobgoblin. They may also be one of the most successful. I believe it at least. While I don’t love the weird bass in the chorus, it works and I get it in the context of the song as a whole. It may not fit into their previous discography, but I like it.
I was really really excited last week for Rain’s comeback. And while The Best Present is a good song, I was hoping for a whole lot more from both Rain and the production from Psy. The MV is really nice, with all the light tricks, and the vocals are as on point as could be expected from Rain. Also the dancing, all the amazing dancing you could ever want. But the track just doesn’t have the impact of a lot of his previous stuff. Maybe because it is an actual proposal song, released days before he announced his engagement. 
Jooheon put out a mixtape, as all idol rappers are want to do this day and age. And the lead single, Rhythm has a WONDERFUL chorus, and a super cool backing track. The rest of the time, I am reminded that Jooheon has a style of rapping that is sadly not my favorite. In small chunks in Monsta X tracks, I am absolutely there for all of it. But in long form? I recognize the talent but the rest is not my thing. 
I’m not going to give a winner this week. I almost gave it to the killer chorus from Jooheon, but I couldn’t get behind the rest.
If you need something to listen to, go back to some of the earlier stuff from this month, because this has been a GOOD month.
EDIT: I actually had time today, and 2NE1′s final single dropped, and it is beautiful and sad and I have never really stanned the group, so for it to have this big of an effect on me means a lot. Enough that Goodbye is getting a well deserved win as we say goodbye to a group that meant a whole lot to a whole lot of people.
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