#also do not harass or go after people who post callouts in the tag maybe kindly direct them to this post at most?
dogcasino · 9 months
please don't use the safeutdr tag for callouts
posting this publicly since this has come up before and may come up again and i really personally can't deal with it every time this happens. there are a few reasons why this just really isn't a great idea.
first of all posting about these people in the safeutdr tag only will bring their attention to the tag. the tag operates on an honor system the way it remains something we can use is because it doesn't interest people who will post things against the rules. if you are calling them out by name and posting repeatedly about them, there will be interest, they will be pay attention, etc. the tag literally won't be able to serve its purpose anymore.
second if i am (for example) triggered by incest shipping and trying to use the safeutdr tag to avoid seeing or hearing about incest shipping, the first post being a giant callout about how someone ships incest is frankly going to make me stop using the tag. people who want to avoid these subjects won't use the tag anymore. the tag won't be able to serve its purpose anymore.
i am not saying you cannot make warning posts ever but this tag is not the place to do it. please, if you want people to still use the tag as it was originally intended, don't post callouts in the tag. thank you.
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the-final-sif · 3 months
This is going to be a bit of an odd tumblr post, that's kind of drama related and also kind of not. Apologies for putting this in the tags too, but given that I'm hoping to inoculate people against misinformation, I do have to stick it here.
To make a long story short, there's a person on tumblr that was recently removed from the Dreblr Discord that Vault and I run. I am intentionally not naming them as I do not want to incite any kind of harassment towards them. If you recognize them from this post, please don't name them or spread their name around. Leave it be.
This person was removed from our discord after having been given warnings about their behavior that they ignored, and after I discovered they'd been behaving in an increasingly toxic manner towards other people in private.
They had a number of people that were formally friends with them in the server, who'd become increasingly uncomfortable with their behavior over time. Their discomfort and attempts to communicate with this person that their behavior wasn't okay went ignored, and eventually, roughly around the same time, several of them grew tired of this person and dropped them as a friend.
Since this went down, the person in question has been obsessively trying to stalk several of the people that made the choice to no longer be friends with them, has been making posts on tumblr clearly vaguing them, and has been threatening to make callout posts about these people. They've been inventing things that didn't happen and trying obsessively to get proof of these things. Including block evading, recruiting people to spy on their behalf, trying to use alts and other people to get messages into our server, etc.
This specific threat is why I'm making this post. They have a habit of either twisting events to vilify other people, and have now begun outright inventing things that didn't happen. Their constant public airing of events and threats to make callout posts, and attempted stalking/ban evading, have made the former friends feel increasingly unsafe and worried.
The purpose of this post is not to debunk anything in specific, it's hopefully to pre-bunk the situation and let people know that there is currently a person that may be looking to stir up drama in the future. It may be directed at me, particularly after this post. It may be directed at the former friends who I will leave unnamed for now. It may also never come. I don't want this person named, I don't want any harassment directed towards them, I don't want people trying to figure out who they are.
What I would like people to do is just be aware that this an active possibility, and should you stumble on a callout post within any of the dreblr/dteamblr/dreamblr communities within the next while, maybe have some critical thinking skills when reading them and be very careful with what you chose to reblog or pass on. It's a good thing to do in general, but particularly when there's active threats around.
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bornspellcaster · 2 years
Important Rules Addition
These will be in addition to my normal rules page, but they’re important enough that quite a few especially I need seen as their very own post, so this will be pinned for a while. I apologize for its length, but due to such terrible experiences on this platform for the past several years and since I’ve been on tumblr in general actually, I need to set some firmer boundaries and have people be aware of some things. So please like this if you read so I know who read these rules. Some are rules, and some are just important things to keep in mind!
I’m well aware that my verses aren’t to everyone’s tastes, and neither are my portrayals, but a lot of what I write is a way to sort through my own trauma. It’s not the most conventional way to cope with abuse I guess, but everyone copes differently. Where most people self project by the way of writing them getting out of an abusive situation/maybe even killing their abuser, I like to write…redemption. I like to write things how I WISH they could play out, as inspired by my own real life experiences. I like to write the abuser changing and the relationship changing, like I wish mine might… I’ve done this through any fandom I’ve been a part of really, and I’ve received backlash and even abuse through every one so far. In one fandom, it got so bad I had a smear campaign against me because of it and lost rl friends and that stops now. I shouldn’t have to out trauma just to be free to cope in the way I need, but I’m also not new to the internet.
That being said, you’re free to ask me to tag anything you don’t wish to see and for the most part I try to tag everything anyway, but I want to make people comfortable. I won’t stifle myself though. I’m not gonna stop writing the verses, and relationships that help me. (Yes they’re all legal)
I will not tolerate being referred to as an abuse apologist or a victim blamer, both things I’ve been called across this platform. As a victim, it is extremely insulting and feels dehumanizing to not have my own experiences considered just because I write a different take on villains, or because I cope in a more unconventional fashion. There is more than one way to cope, and I could honestly go into a 10 page essay about the tunnel vision on this site… It isn’t ‘glorifying’ their actions to write them owning up to it and changing from it or imagining a scenario differently. Mind you, I don’t do this with all characters, but I also don’t write them as one dimensional either. I like to peer into the psyche of what made them the way they are and self project through them sometimes. I recognize that in CANON a lot should get what’s coming to them, I just like writing things playing differently sometimes. And I get that isn’t everyone cup of tea so they’re welcome to not follow. I tag every one of my aus but again, you can ask me specifically about tagging things.
If you want to unfollow me, just do it and let that be the end of it. Don’t vague about me, don’t vague about the reason and my friends. If we were close, I would hope we could talk this out as friends before any rash decisions are made. It’s always best to communicate after all. But I can’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do. But once you unfollow, please just softblock and let that be the end of it. Please. I’m heavily, HEAVILY triggered by people vaguing about me due to past abuse on social media.
I will NOT follow anyone that participates in callout culture, or does any of the sort that name drops in a negative light, and that is an instant unfollow for me. To me all it does is just incite harassment. If there is a certain url you want tagged (even though I always try to tag urls) let me know privately. There are of course exceptions to this in serious cases if someone is a known predator or something, but not when it comes to petty discourse.
It might take me a while to follow any new followers I get because I want time to be able to check out people’s blogs, rules, and see if styles mesh with mine. You know, pretty routine stuff.
Please tag the url of who you write with or interact with. This is etiquette not only to make things easy to find on your blog, but to filter. It helps to minimize seeing urls and content that might make people uncomfortable. It’s just good practice overall!
This is a personal preference and I have no will for anyone that does it! I don’t do exclusives. I do mains but I don’t make anyone exclusives. There are certainly people who come to mind when I think of a character, but I like to interact with all sorts of versions of said characters! c: Mains are another thing, I don’t mind that!
I have MEMORY LOSS. Legit memory loss. I have a hard time remembering things: Triggers, threads, and basic info especially. I’m going to forget things about your muse, about your verse. Even about you… I’m not trying to be insulting. It does not retain in my memory, I have a slew of mental and physical disabilities that effect my memory and make me struggle a lot in real life. I get that might be a deal breaker for some people, if I keep forgetting to tag a certain thing that doesn’t usually come to mind. Or forget threads. If you can’t tolerate it and want to unfollow I understand, just…please don’t get angry or think I’m trying to be ignorant. I’m trying here.
I have a hard time being close to people due to trauma. It’s difficult to be comfortable enough to be able to call someone my friend, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love talk and make connections, even if I may take a while in my messages. You’re free to dm me any time, even if we aren’t mutuals! I love talking, just be aware it may take a while. I’m not as forward with my discord either usually, but you’re free to ask if I’m comfortable sharing it yet.
More will probably be implemented but these are the most important additions for now.
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savnofilter · 4 years
Official Callout Post (5 - Q&A)
TW: mentions of suicide, ephebophilia, grooming, pseudo racism (microaggression). toxic friendships, harassment towards minors, mental health, fandom discourse.
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*DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT BECAUSE OF MY AGE OR SOCIAL MEDIA. THIS IS BECAUSE TOXICITY/TREATMENT. This post is not just minors. This is for the people from different ages 16-22 who feel like they did not have a voice by fellow BNHA writers.*
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Important Topics:
Clearing last statements
Addressing my callouts
Alienated mental health
Fic stealing
BNHarem server regulation
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Where is the proof that there are people not speaking up?
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What’s wrong with aging up?
@mci-writing: There isn’t a problem with aging up in specific, but rather how you go about aging up the characters, especially in NSFW pieces. If you’re going to age the characters up, make it apparent that the characters are aged up rather than just slapping the 18+ label, whether it be in an offhand mention of living in a house of their own or maybe something small about being in college if dorms are such an integral part to the work in question.
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“If the minors knew it was an 18+ space, why did they join?”
@mci-writing: Their server is a 16+ server, so they were invited and welcomed once they proved their ages. Many minors that joined their server saw it as an opportunity to meet new people and make friends, all while being able to interact with their favorite writers in the fandom.
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If the discord discussion wasn't about harassing Lady-bakuhoe, why did it happen?
@mci-writing: The first discussion quite literally was a couple of people active in the fandom, mainly writers, venting about how hard it is to currently get your works out there and just how hard it is to properly get involved in the fandom without some form of help from a clique. No one in specific was named that time. The other discussion was Sav venting about how she was treated after a whack ass callout post was made and simply because a writer was mad that Sav ran her server the way Sav wanted to, which led to her elaborating on the situation (it then prompted other people’s responses, whose responses are fairly similar to how many of you reacted to Jo’s small “callout”).
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What legal offences have they done if charged?
@savnofilter: Well since you guys like supporting people you think should be in jail, considering Lady-Bakuhoe has shared a minor’s face and age, the offense would be up to the parents in question. It's stated in laws that even if the minor is a felon, you do not have the rights to share such information without law/parent consent. Although I cannot find anything about age, sharing a minor's face comes with consequences. 
- UK source: 1 
- US source: 1
Charges will be:
Lawsuit: exposing minor information without parental consent.
To put in perspective, the U.S and UK are basically flip flopped. In the U.S it is not against the law to groom, but in the UK it is. It is illegal to have relationships with minors in the U.S, while in the UK it is not. 
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For knowingly engaging sexually with a minor (DMs), you can also be trialed for having depictions of any picture/video of minors. (ex: students in school uniforms) or minors in sexual situations. Although having a sexual relationship with a 16 year-olds is permitted, consuming child pornography is not. Grooming is also outside of sexual abuse, you can groom anyone for any reason.
- UK source: 1 
- US source: 1 
Charges will be:
Misdemeanor: for knowingly engaging NSFW with minors, causing mental anguish.
Felony: for knowingly engaging NSFW with minors, causing mental anguish.
2 Years Prison: sexting any sort of NSFW content to a minor.
Registered Sex Offender: engaging sexually with minors (U.S).
For the acts of gaslighting, you can be sentenced if proven with evidence.
- UK source: 1, 2 
- U.S source: 1, 2, 3 
Charges will be: 
Misdemeanor: causing mental anguish, this is categorized as mental abuse.
Felony: causing mental anguish, this is categorized as mental abuse.
Sharing false and hurtful posts about someone with intention to hurt someone's image constitutes cyberbullying. This includes false posts to make someone look bad and sending hate (whether you directed it or not). 
For perspective, once again it is flip-flopped. The U.S has many states so there are not any direct laws against cyberbullying (in my state and my friends it is illegal), but you can categorize abusive behaviors exhibited online as a form of abuse. In the U.K it is illegal, grooming is considered being one of the offenses. 
LBH and or any adult who participated in posting, sending hate, or anything that repeatedly tore our image down would be classified as a Verbal Adult Bully. 
UK source: link
U.S source: link
Charges will be:
Lawsuit: defamation of character, harassment.
Misdemeanor: harassment, abuse.
1-2 years jail or fine: harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
12 months jail or fine: classified as stalking.
You can categorize abusive behaviors exhibited online as a form of abuse. In the U.K it is illegal, grooming is considered being one of the offenses. 
- UK source: link
- U.S source: link
Charges will be:
Lawsuit: defamation of character, harassment.
Misdemeanor: harassment, abuse.
1-2 years jail or fine: harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
12 months jail or fine: classified as stalking.
Since you only promote 18+ blogs in your 16+ server, the people who run/host the server will be trialed for exposing minors to NSFW
UK source: link 
U.S source: link 
Charges will be: 
Misdemeanor: exposing a minor to pornographic content.
Third degree felony: exposing a minor to pornographic content.
1-15 years jail: exposing a minor to pornographic content.
Fine: $1,000 - $10,000
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Don't you (minors) know it's illegal to consume and produce erotica? 
@savnofilter​: As long as we (minors) don't go as far to engage (message privately) sexually with people who are 18+, it’s not illegal. Reblogging or commenting on a work both ways isn't illegal either 1, 2. It’s only illegal if you approach minors and send it to them personally. If it was illegal, porn websites wouldn’t even exist. If you’re concerned about minors reading your stuff, don’t put them in main tags.
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Can't the person producing the content get arrested?
@savnofilter​: To put it simply: No. You will not go to jail if a minor reads your smut. With the other way around, you won't go to jail reading a minor's smut either. The laws state that you can only go to jail if you send porn (video, art, pictures) to a minor or produce depictions of a minor in sexual acts.
Therefore if you do not approach a minor with such contents, you will not be trialed. If this was the case, there wouldn't be platforms such as PornHub and etc would not be able to run.
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Do you have a problem with them writing the content that they do?
@savnofilter​: No. If we did it would be hypocritical. It’s more of the personal jabs to alienate teens feel in the writing community. This means having to go out your way saying stuff like “fuck minors” “minors are stupid”. People like to shove down our throats that we want to go into “adult spaces”. Tumblr is an open site for 13+, the anime being a Shounen anime. Again, if you don’t want minors interacting with your stuff, keep it out of main tags.
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What do we want from this post?
The main reason why I even decided to speak up is because I was tired of always talking about how toxic it is here and always being accused of starting drama to shut me up. Sure, call it “bitching” and “whining” but why should I take bullying because I have less followers and half someone’s age? 
The double-standard that I’ve touched upon in CCC or even how small blogs are treated. Fandom is supposed to be fun, and it’s not okay to let things slide just to keep things “happy”. Stop intimidating and shutting down people who finally have a choice to talk about the things they have been through just because your favorite says so. Don’t campaign about listening to hurt peoples voices, then proceed to ignore and ridicule people who do it in your own environment. 
I’ve had people come into my inbox and mock me for admitting to being mentally ill and say I’m doing this because I’m sick in the head, or call me a liar only because I spoke up. The BNHA fandom needs to stop the popularity mob mentality. Before you blindly someone, think to yourself: why? Stop giving toxic people passes because there is always a high chance in them not even caring about you. Don’t be a sheep, think for yourself. That’s what I want from this post. Even if people don’t believe me now, you can’t say I didn’t warn you. 
Here is what a few of our members have had to say: 
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Continuation here: main post, one, two, three, four, ▸five◂.
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fascinatedhelix · 4 years
I’m going to blather on about Internet backlash stuff for a minute here, don’t mind me:
I don’t like using the term “cancel culture,” because the implications and connotations don’t strike entirely genuine to the issue at hand. What you have is people using the public, largely anonymous, and impersonal interface of the Internet to, intentionally or not, harass public figures over perceived slights of varying degrees of justification. 
It doesn’t matter if so-and-so made a rather tone deaf joke or confessed to flirting with middle schoolers, the reactions tend to follow a lot of similar trends:
Callout posts
Direct messages to the people involved
Direct messages to people who aren’t really involved but tangentially related to those who are
Tagging the people involved in posts about the situation
I would be lying if I said I didn’t find this behavior just a little bit troubling, even in cases where the extreme reactions are actually justified. The biggest reason I get worried whenever I see people online getting super angry about, say, another Youtuber exposed for grooming teenagers, is that it normalizes the similarly extreme but not nearly as appropriate levels of vitriol leveled at other figures for lesser crimes. Like a tone deaf joke, referencing a problematic source, or other things that are usually accidental and not malicious but get reacted to with violent retribution online.
Not to equate the two things, but this sort of thing is why vigilantism is illegal. You see people being tried, convicted, and punished without any of the procedures that, while not always as effective or satisfying as the offended parties may like, are broadly designed for the sake of ensuring justice is actually dealt fairly, because people who are innocent or at least not as involved in the offense as initially thought get caught up in this stuff all the time.
I have no easy or clean solution to this, as the effect of the Internet and mass media on human psychology is a relatively new field of study, besides maybe a few tidbits of advice:
Don’t contact people’s friends, family, or coworkers about the dumb stuff they did online. If they don’t know already, they don’t need to be informed by a total stranger.
Don’t send any messages to people that would get you arrested if you sent the same message but with your name and address attached.
Don’t publicly post anything you don’t want to be publicly scrutinized for or potentially called out yourself.
Social media accounts are almost always run by human people. Don’t post anything hurtful with those accounts tagged and then act surprised when someone expresses hurt after they saw it.
Merely existing in the public eye doesn’t make someone emotionally or physically tougher than anyone else.
Note: I am not a ContraPoints fan, nor do I know the full grasp of the situation. From what I’ve caught wind of so far, it looks more like some honest flubs compounding with the heightened standards people place on public figures who also happen to be LGBT+, women, and/or left-leaning. It doesn’t excuse it, mind you, but I find this reaction a bit troubling.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
I mean, here’s the thing....
I’m more than capable of writing positive Batfam posts, meta deep dives that don’t dwell overlong on negativity, serious content, light hearted content, content about each and every one of the Batfam....anyone familiar with just a few different samples of my posts knows I do not lack for topics to happily ramble on about for absurd lengths. Hell, I’m pretty sure there’s a direct correlation where like, the less negative emotions I have about the content I’m writing, the LONGER it ends up being.
So its not like I particularly need or want to be the ‘loud angry scary adult cis white man yelling at kids’ to have something to say or talk about. Or that I particularly like that state of mind. I’m certainly not unaware of my privileges or that I can be off-putting or not someone everyone wants to be around on here. Its actually something I put a lot of thought into regularly, as personal accountability is such a big deal to me, and that certainly includes my own. There are times where I’ve looked back on something and thought yeah, I definitely could’ve dialed it down there.
But not gonna lie, given that personal accountability is kinda My Theme and I DO put a lot of time and effort into being self-aware and taking care not to cross certain lines, whether you believe me or not or agree with where I draw my lines or not....
Its more than a little obnoxious to regularly see my positive posts and my emotion-neutral meta posts and even my negative critical of canon posts take off and get hundreds of notes in just a couple of days....
But without fail, any time I so much as suggest that fandom’s perpetuating some of the very same toxic tendencies I criticize canon for, with the extension of that thought being hey fandom, unlike canon and how its written, we actually can do something about how we write these very same matters and slowly but surely normalize reader resistance to canon still perpetuating those ideas in the future, and maybe someday even they might buy a vowel and realize hey, our audience does not like what we’re selling here.
*Shrugs* Or maybe not. But even SOME changes to how specific problematic tropes and dynamics are being written in fandom currently could still only be an improvement, is all I’m saying.
Except, every time, without fail, no matter HOW I go about saying it, how polite, mild, civil, non-accusatory....its either crickets or immediate heels dug into the sand as often the very same people who commented on my neutral meta with variations of ‘this is pretty insightful’, like at the mere SUGGESTION its worth taking a more critical look at their own content to see what they might unknowingly be perpetuating and like....the very idea of asking fic writers to be more accountable for what toxic tendencies we perpetuate within our own creative works, even just among our own far more limited platforms....
And its just like....uh....I did. I do. You were there. You were saying I was making some really good points. But without calling any individuals out or making specific insinuations or personal attacks....I am suddenly just the most unreasonable of the unreasonables, because I dared say “hey, we can’t do anything about what canon writes, but we can do something about the things we write, and actually transform some of the more problematic tendencies and dynamics from canon into things that benefit all the characters and all the fans.”
But nah. Without exception, those posts either get nada or they get vitriol, no matter my own linguistic volume....and meanwhile, posts I made just before them and just after them are now hitting the thousand notes mark. So I kinda can’t help but wonder, is the problem really that I magically lose all ability to grasp supremely basic concepts and start spewing irrelevant gibberish anytime I’m critical of fandom specifically? Or.....just spitballing here....is it at ALL possible that maybe I’m not as much of the problem there as you want to make me about to be?
Like, say what you will about how toxic my more negative, angry posts can be, but personally, I think artificial positivity is just as toxic....plastering a ‘I see nothing wrong here’ sign with a smiley face over a bunch of mold doesn’t actually accomplish anything but allow that mold to fester and grow even further, without notice, until it becomes too widespread to ignore anymore at which point its usually rooted so deep its impossible to get out.
So yeah. I get angry, the all caps come out, and the volume level of my posts on those subjects rises. Its something I’m aware of and something I’m okay with and stand by with certain posts and that I decide I’m not okay with and keep an eye against repeating with certain other posts. Its a process, it doesn’t have an endpoint or finish line, and I’m okay with all of that.
What I’m NOT okay with though, and never will be, is the heat I draw for that and the condemnations and criticisms of my behavior and how toxic and unpleasant I make fandom with those posts....as though the tendencies I’m pointing out in them, by virtue of already being present throughout fandom, don’t already make it toxic and unpleasant in a lot of ways, for a lot of people.
But for all the times I have someone respond to me or call me out specifically for one of my angry posts that very deliberately are made with no specific individuals in mind, just generic references to fandom wide tendencies as a whole....there’s a whole lot of ‘helpful advice’ for all the things I should do different or better to avoid making fandom a more toxic place.....and not a hint of awareness that there’s anything at all they could be doing differently to make fandom less toxic than it already is in various ways.
So just saying, I’m kiiiiiinda not super keen on being lectured for my shit by people who are committed to the belief that their own shit doesn’t stink....WHILE AT THE SAME TIME, I have a good half a dozen positive or neutral meta posts still making the rounds through fandom and consistently picking up notes that according to the tags, generally seem to be viewed as adding positively to fandom in their own respective fashions.
Which basically from my perspective, makes things look like this:
Me: regularly contributes positive content that’s received positively by lots of different parts of fandom, not just the Dick Grayson stan corner of it, with zero negativity attached to these posts....regularly contributes meta content that’s deemed insightful and adding fresh viewpoints by lots of different parts of fandom, not just the Dick Grayson stan corner of it, again, with zero negativity attached because it doesn’t rely on putting down any other characters to make whatever points I’m after.....
....but then contributes posts that are critical of certain specific characterizations and viewpoints within fandom itself, without actually having a twelve step powerpoint presentation attached detailing ALL FANS MUST DO THIS INSTEAD....and instead I usually just include a spectrum of possible alternative takes.....
But wait! Nooooow comes the pushback. Which usually sounds like various forms of this:
Stop trying to police us! La la la la can’t hear you over the sound of your moral superiority complex! You just want us to do exactly what you want us to do which is gaslighting and the very same abusive behavior you talk about which makes you abusive!
And also, a bunch of changing the subject or avoiding addressing various points I raise completely.
Maybe you see my issue? I don’t need tips on how to be a positive fandom presence, I actually don’t have any trouble creating positive content or meta, a large amount of which is deemed insightful and humorous and otherwise well received....but the second I make a criticism of fandom and suggest there’s things fans could be doing differently to address the toxicity existing around various characters in various respects, instead of just keeping everything about DC’s flaws which none of us including me have any kind of platform to even reach DC with......
Suddenly I have ZERO idea what I’m talking about, I clearly don’t get the point of fandom, period, I’m obsessed with my own moral righteousness, and am like, so out of the ballpark misguided its not even funny, and I need all of this explained to me like a five year old, because everyone obviously should get that ‘we’re just fans, why are you blaming us for things we write specifically instead of DC who are getting paid as if that’s even the point?’
So yup. I get ticked off, I make more posts venting about being ticked off, rinse and repeat and my volume goes up.
And that’s it by the way.
You’ll notice, that’s kinda the worst that ever happens, because I literally have never done anything but....type posts with lots of capitalized letters. I don’t target specific individuals, I don’t harass people, I don’t @ specific fics or fic writers or urge people to flood their comments or ask boxes with callouts. I’ve never called anyone in this fandom names or made personal attacks other than the posts various people have felt targeted by because my description of specific tropes or tendencies I have a problem with apparently made them think I was talking about them I guess? Hmm. Weird.
So what’s the point of this post? Idk. Nothing really. Not trying to accomplish anything, just putting my thoughts out there as a way to work through them because like....that’s literally what I have this blog for, lmao. And FYI, I super don’t appreciate the tactic of condemning me for my quote unquote rage issues and framing all this as me yelling at kids on the internet....kids, specifically, and oh right, just screaming at people rather than addressing my own abusive behavior.
Since abuse is a hugely personal and important topic to me, let me just say accusing me of abusing generic fandom in general (since again, I haven’t actually made any of this personal about any individual with my fandom criticisms)....like, I’m quite willing to consider and address flaws in my own behavior when raised, but I’m not a fan of being called abusive in a context that demonstrates a complete lack of awareness as to what abuse actually is.
You don’t like me yelling on my blog? Fine, you don’t have to like it, or me. But abuse is the exploitation of a power differential, taking advantage of power one person has over the other, or that the other person just doesn’t have period. The fact that I am an adult cis white man does not make me aggressively capitalizing stuff in my own posts the same as “the same triggering position of the cisgender man who screams and makes kids feel scared and wince and hide from your posts.”
Like, lol, nice. Classy. I mean who cares right, that yeah, even acknowledging that we can legitimately sense tones and moods through even written text.....a person ranting on their internet blog is not remotely interchangeable with the physical presence of an adult cis white man loudly screaming in your face and with the potential for immediate consequences and harm. Does that mean the tone of my posts is above criticism? No. It means exactly what I said. The one is not the same as the other. 
Secondly, the repeated insistence on me yelling at kids...and this person I’m quoting isn’t the only one who’s done this, FYI, and its crap. Am I unaware that there are a lot of minors in fandom? No, I absolutely am not. Its why I make a point to check the blog of someone I’m replying to heatedly before I respond, to make sure they’re not a minor, and if they are, I don’t engage. So that I can categorically state, with complete certainty, I have never yelled at a kid in this fandom. Do my generic yells about ‘fandom’ not include kids then? Yeah, you could say kids are included there, though again I’d have to question why my criticisms of specific handlings of specific subjects somehow equates to me yelling at specific individuals, whom apparently are all kids and only kids. Like, framing my posts as being all about me screaming at kids specifically is a deliberate choice with a clear aim of making me look as bad as possible. This isn’t subtle.
Third, as an abuse survivor I’m keenly aware that doesn’t exempt me from being abusive myself, but it does mean I find it really fucking gross to be labeled abusive because my posts make kids feel scared and wince and want to hide from my posts. As someone who as a kid absolutely had to hide from their abuser in fear, I really, dearly would love to know what exactly it is about the capitalized sentences written by a man who couldn’t even pick a stranger’s URL out of a lineup, that’s so scary that kids, specifically, want to run and hide from the big bad posts. No, seriously. Go on. Please tell me what exactly it is about my screaming rage issues as conveyed by my posts, which pose any kind of threat or even the potential of threat for someone who I’ve never interacted with and only feels personally attacked by my posts by virtue of associating themselves with the behaviors or tendencies I’ve centered in those posts as the things I’m specifically angry about.
I also apparently am abusive because that’s what you call it when I gaslight or attempt to gaslight a fandom....which is apparently what you call it when my fandom policing tries to get everyone to do exactly what I want them to do. Which again is pretty interesting to me given that I’ve literally never told even generic ‘fandom’ at large to do anything in specific other than....’hey this thing I think is shitty and thus am criticizing shouldn’t be a thing, stop doing it.” Oh wait, I’m sorry, I also ask people to consider their creative impact and not insist on pretending everything we write exists in a vacuum and has no potential to carry harm, and just keep this in mind when making our creative choices. Still not sure how that’s demanding everyone do things exactly the way I want them, since the only clear and actionable request or demand in all of that is...omg....HE ASKED THAT WE THINK ABOUT THE STUFF WE WRITE, HOW COULD HE???
Like, literally, that’s the furthest any of my angry, rage-borne DEMANDS have gone: I’ve asked people apply more personal accountability to their own creative works and not take their potential impact for granted just because they’re a fic writer rather than a published one....and oh yeah, not engage in perpetuating certain tropes or dynamics I consider toxic.
Now, anyone is certainly welcome to disagree with my take on any or all of those tropes, tendencies or dynamics being toxic....but to do so, like, you need to actually DISAGREE AND MAYBE EVEN TELL ME WHY. But the overall refusal to engage with any of my posts criticizing certain fandom tendencies regarding the characters, other than to make it about my overall toxicity and RAGE.....like, that means that I keep making posts that include specific examples for what I’m describing and why I think they’re toxic, and nobody’s actually made any kind of case for me being wrong in any of those posts? So.....its not actually gaslighting to try and convince people these things I bring up are toxic....when I’m actually including reasons and examples of the things I’m talking about in order to convince people, and I’m not actually ignoring, evading or misconstruing counter-arguments....because nobody’s actually making counter arguments in the first place!! That’s not fucking gaslighting, that’s called EXPRESSING MY VIEWPOINT ON A MATTER.
And for the record, like I said earlier, abuse is the perversion or exploitation of a power differential. Try all you want, but you can’t claim I have power over myriad specific individuals I don’t even know EXIST without them interacting with me directly....power that I’m then exploiting just by yelling at stuff on my blog. Yes I’m aware of my overall privileges as a cis and white man. But none of those change a damn thing about the fact that I’m not actually yelling at anyone in specific and people reading my posts have to decide for THEMSELVES whether the thing I’m pissed about is a thing they do before they can even CLAIM to feel at all ‘targeted’ by my RAGE (with me still not being able to tell from that who any particular individual this might apply to is, and also, THATS NOT EVEN THE POINT OF ANY OF MY POSTS)....NOR do any of my privileges negate the fact that every single one of you exists in varying physical distances from me, unknown to me, and I have ZERO power to compel you to even read my posts in the first place, or to keep you from exiting your browser or app or even just going ahead and blocking me to be sure you’re ‘safe’ from the big bad abusive boogeyman and his posts of Gaslighting and Rage.
Me venting on my own damn blog, even knowing that other people can see what I post and share it if they want, is NOT the same thing as screaming in your face and making you want to wince and hide, no matter WHO you are. It just literally isn’t. Doesn’t mean you can’t have a problem with my posts or my tone, it just means what it says. Its not the same thing, they’re not interchangeable or even comparable, because NONE OF YOU ARE A CAPTIVE AUDIENCE. There are NO possible consequences to ignoring, disagreeing with or just scrolling past my posts, firstly because THERE’S ZERO WAY FOR ME TO EVEN KNOW THAT, IF I EVEN CARED. Nobody, kid or adult, can ever HIDE from my posts, because that would first require MY POSTS EVER BE ABLE TO FIND THEM. Whatever the hell THAT even means.
You’re not my prisoners. You don’t have to be here. You’re not even ACTUALLY HERE. Nobody owes me an audience, and honestly, the lack of one wouldn’t change all that much because I babble on all the time about shit none of my followers actually care about, because I post for ME first and foremost, and people from there are welcome to do whatever they want to do with my content, or do nothing with it at all. I literally don’t care, other than thinking its shitty that so many people find my content worthwhile except and until I get critical of fandom behaviors at which point they only engage with it to make it all about ME and MY toxicity instead of anything I actually posted about. Which I then...gasp...vent about. How dare I be angry in the space I cultivated for myself online and other people chose to look in on by their own choice because rather than being threatened or bullied into doing so, they found at least something I’d said interesting enough to be worth listening to hear what else I might say.
I HAVE ZERO POWER OVER ANY OF YOU. At most my posts hold some weight for the people who think I generally have interesting or insightful things to say, but that’s literally it, and that’s the result of me having said things they find interesting and insightful overall. I can’t MAKE anyone do anything, if I’d ever even tried to make anyone do anything other than actually LISTEN to what I ACTUALLY am saying on certain subjects and CONSIDER IT. So if we’re going to throw words like gaslighting around so carelessly, we might want to hold that one up next to the phrase ‘fandom policing’ I so often get accused of....as though I’m any kind of actual authority with actual power to actually enforce any actual agenda I even actually have.
Which brings me to the last thing I want to touch on, which is my supposed moral righteousness, that oozes all over everything I post and drowns out any good points I have to make, which again, apparently is just in terms of fandom criticisms, since every other point I’ve ever made in fandom seems to come through just fine.
Like.....tbh, I don’t really know what to do with the many times I’ve heard people say I’m self-righteous and obsessed with my own moral righteousness. Considering like...I’m not shy about acknowledging my flaws, I know perfectly well I can be loud and angry and aggressive in my posts and have talked plenty before about not being super proud of that, I’ve never claimed to be a saint and I don’t think my actions and choices are the gold standard everyone should adhere to. In fact, the only time I make a point to state what *I* do or did or what *I* think or believe....is when its directly relevant to something critical I’m saying.
And you think that’s because I want everyone to be aware of how moral and righteous I am? Fucking please, if I were as self-absorbed as you people make me out to be when giving me shit, I just wanna know when you think I’d have time to squeeze out 10K of random Batfam meta every other day, instead of being busy finding new things to say about myself.
Literally the only reason I make a point to bring up my own behavior or choices when criticizing others is because PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY IS THE CORE THEME OF LITERALLY EVERYTHING I SAY IN THIS REGARD.
And you know what personal accountability requires? A willingness to acknowledge and address your own behavior. Which is why its kinda hilarious the consensus seems to be I’m too up my own ass to even be aware of my own behavior or actions, given that the literal actual reason I bring up examples of what I did or think when making posts about personal accountability....is to stress that REGARDLESS of what those things were, I think its important to not just be talking out of my ass. But rather to emphasize I hold myself to the same expectations I’m asking other people to consider, I’m putting it out there and on the record, here’s what I did relevant to this matter I’m talking about and why I made that choice....see, I’m not asking anything of anyone else that I don’t expect to be held to myself. ITS NOT ABOUT TRYING TO IMPRESS PEOPLE WITH MY MORAL RIGHTEOUSNESS, ITS LITERALLY JUST ME TRYING TO ESTABLISH I’M NOT LOOKING TO BE A HYPOCRITE IN THIS REGARD, SPECIFICALLY.
Like, is maybe that unnecessary and counter-productive? Could be, its something for me to think about some more, but gotta tell you, its a little hard figuring out what will and won’t work when I’m STILL waiting on the first time someone actually engages me on an actual criticism I’m actually voicing about fandom.
*Shrugs* Whatever. Like I said, I don’t even know if this post has a point beyond just getting this all out of my head, so whatever. Make of it what you will. People will likely still just keep viewing me however they already do, for better or worse. Oh well. C’est la vie. Its not the end of the world anymore than any other post I make is, no matter how much RAGE I imbue it with. As I’ve always said, that’s literally the only reason for any of the posts I make ever...I’m just getting them out of my head and down on paper, so to speak, in whatever mood I’m feeling while thinking about that topic. Yeah, I phrase things for a generic fandom audience most of the time, other than when I’m talking to someone directly, but never have I made a post with an entitled and expectant belief that people will take every word I say literally and regard it as a directive for what they should do and how they should live their lives. Since, y’know, I don’t actually think I should be the ruler of everyone’s choices. 
Over and over I keep repeating, I just want people to put more THOUGHT into their choices, and keep in mind various contexts that yeah, I think are relevant to certain topics, sue me. Because the vast majority of creative choices I take issue with, I actually fundamentally believe are just the result of a lack of thinking critically or with a broader awareness of various implications or repercussions. Shocking though this may seem, I’m actually a big believer that humans are inherently good or at least have the capacity to be.
The thing that amps up my frustration and ticks me off so often is how much time and effort I end up wasting trying to get people to address the actual things I’m asking them to consider, instead of dancing around it and evading it in every way possible, not even like, as an attempt to counter it, just willfully refusing to let it be about the topic I ACTUALLY raised.
And yeah, just FYI, to whom it may concern, since this is so often relevant it seems.....gotta say, I find it particularly odious that WITHOUT FAIL, the very same people who carelessly throw out ‘don’t like don’t read’ as the catch-all solution to every issue anyone ever might have with something in fandom, as though its that simple.....
Time after time demonstrate a COMPLETE refusal or inability to take their own damn advice, since NONE of this would ever even come up if the loudest advocates of that system actually APPLIED it themselves. 
And simply....didn’t read my posts.
I fail to see why I’m expected to do what they don’t consider worth doing themselves, to spare themselves the aggravation (or fear) from reading my posts. Let alone interacting with them.
But whatevs. When do I ever know what I’m talking about anyway, lol, on account of all this RAGE I’ve got mucking with my head and objectivity.
Oh well, gotta go. KALEN SMASH!
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aqours-remade · 6 years
Thoughts on Pillowfort so far.
I’ll do more posts when the site finally stops crapping all over the bed and works but here’s my analysis so far.
I won’t lie, I discovered tumblr when I was 18 specifically for RPing, so that does to an extent make up a big aspect of my thoughts, and I want to share it with both people who intend to be regular users and roleplayers in general.
Good aspects of pillowfort:
Community system is a feature not given by tumblr or twitter, and in an era where forums are becoming more of a niche if this takes off you’ll be able to experience forum-based interaction in addition to everything else.
Community system also gives a place to users who don’t like interacting with people heavily and so publicly like twitter and tumblr a place to use the site even if their blog itself is relatively untouched.
When you delete an OP post it deletes it from everyone else’s blog too. So if something goes bad with a post or you get embarrassed, blam! Its gone everywhere. Of course, this also means we might lose some good posts now and then...
Able to make reblogs and stuff private like on twitter.
Pillowfort’s TOS protects your intellectual property as an artist.
Built-in blocklist.
You can export your blog to your new pillowfort account.
ToS regarding harassing, callouts, mob mentality and the like specifically exists to oppress kinblr for the most part is very fair and reasonable and is specifically designed to keep the site relatively drama-free and actively punishing those who create lots of problems. People who do not like the drama associated with this website or the feeling of screwing up will be relieved by that.
When it works, the actual system for styling your post basically already has absolutely everything you could already want:
Tumblr media
Bad aspects of pillowfort:
I’m not saying that to be sarcastic or anything I genuinely cannot recommend the site in its current state until pillowfort’s team can stabilize the servers. As it is I can only recommend it if you’re determined to snag a good canon url now. It has a small anime community (rn its mostly Marvel) and not too much of a gaming community yet so... if it does take off now’s your chance to snag one-word name urls and just kinda bide your time until its actually functioning, that’s certainly an idea. I’m very happy I was able to get the dream url there that I wasn’t able to get here... but with the site Error 500ing me so much I can’t really use it.
We‘re still not 100% what the NSFW situation actually is, as the TOS is vague and there are conflicting beliefs about what .io’s policy on NSFW actually is. If you’re coming SPECIFICALLY because of the NSFW ban that’s going to be implemented I would encourage you to wait until we have 100% confirmation. Personally I like it already enough even if tumblr were to reverse the situation I think I’d use this place. I think Pillowfort really needs to come clear about this very soon, because if they don’t and people learn that “oh we can’t host NSFW after all,” despite claiming it a lot of people are gonna want their money back or at least wait until its free to use. The general belief is that as long as you don’t post NSFW in tags that doesn’t belong (like porn in #gardening) then it should be fine... so they say. We really need pillowfort to address people’s concerns, even though I think it’ll be fine, as this is a major reason why people are considering the move. The staff of pillowfort have said on twitter that they are in the process of finding a new domain. As such, as of this moment, pillowfort does not allow for nsfw. However, it will in the future. The best thing to do is be patient until then, I think the goods outweight hte bads.
Even though it’ll go away in 2019 you kinda. Gotta pay to use it right now. That’s kind of a thing.
No sideblog feature nor do I believe its planned, but I do believe the pillowfort team wants a system like the twitter app to quickly switch between full blogs.
While some people might consider this a plus, being able to add onto a post with text or photos has been a staple of both tumblr and twitter since the beginning. I see this changing as a major factor of whether or not people make the big move.
MCU, Detroit Become Human, Supernatural, and apparently hockey (and maybe Overwatch?) are the only big fandoms right now. While that already appeals to a lot of people, those of us into anime and the like have relatively few blogs from what we’ve seen. While this might change as time goes on, at least for the time being, anime and video game bloggers aren’t gonna have a lot for us. On the other hand, though? This also gives you the opportunity to make your claim as a fandom content creator.
Inability to make Communities private (right now) leaves that at potential risks of being raided.
(Minor) No custom themes it looks like, but that might be fore the better in the same vain? In your blog desc you can still link to other sites so now might be a good time to get used to listography instead of relying on custom links. To an extent you can control the colors of your blog though. Some people who hate eye-strainy themes on here or autodirect themes might actually find this a plus.
(Minor/Niche) Blogs themselves are bad for RPing if you’re into that. The forums however seem to provide an adequate place for forum-based RPing. But this would also make forum administrators responsible for upholding standards like “not jumping into other people’s RPs” and basic RP etiquette we have here. And forum-based rping would make finding RP partners outside of tags like #anime rp, #indie rp, etc to find people’s promos easier, depending on which becomes more popular. Even if you can add onto posts if you can’t trim the posts like we can on here (ty x-kit) it’d result in extremely long threads that would clog the dashboard significantly. I personally HIGHLY doubt the ability to edit other people’s posts or cut out replies will ever be a thing, so chances are RPing on pillowfort are gonna be Community-oriented and not on dash. At most people will make IC posts meant to be replied to and the like and headcanon memes while keeping actually threading in Communities, which will very well rely on the Community itself to be Not Shit.
Lacks instant messaging in its current state.
Despite the fact the bad really outweighs the good... I liked what little I could do. It genuinely feels like the only “true” tumblr alternative out there, even though its in beta. I just can’t really say much until the servers stabilize. This website is still in beta, so of course it has a lot of issues to work out, and of course it doesn’t have all the features this 11+ year old website has. I’m just stating these so people who are making the move who used this as their main website are aware of that.
I’m very excited to see this website grow, though!
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A (sizeable) rant/essay concerning my experiences in the Tumblr JJBA fandom.
None of you asked to hear this, but I’m getting pretty pissed off at some people in particular (I will not name names, though I may heavily implicate some people) and it’s finally started to kinda spill over. So I’m letting it spill; take it or leave it.
I’m... Fairly irate at the moment, and writing out my feelings does tend to help me calm down in situations like this, so if I was going to put this anywhere the best place for it is probably on the public internet. Again, take it or leave it: this is the internet, you don’t have to interact with me if this concerns you or your ideals. Just click that handy little block button on my profile and you never have to see little Nat mouthing off again.
If you want me to summarise (I know not everyone wants/is able to read a fluffed-up pillar of text) or explain my reasoning behind anything I’ve said below the cut, feel free to direct message me here or on Discord @nati bati yi#1462. Once I get this off my chest I’ll be more than willing to chat to people about it. <3
(Before I say anything else, this is not intended to be a callout in any way, shape or form. I don’t mention the specific names of anybody, and the actions I do mention here will only point to specific people if you know them too. Anyone on the outside should have zero idea of who anyone I bring up is; I do not want anyone to get harassed over this, and I very much do not want to start drama - that’s what inspired me to go off and write this hunk of garbage in the first place. I’m just... Sick to death of the fandom as a whole.)
Anyway. Here we go.
From what I’ve been able to tell, being in this fandom for just under a year now, there are two main halves to it: the gay-hating, stale-meme-parroting dudebro side, who seem to mostly congregate around YouTube and Reddit, and... Whatever the side based on Tumblr (and probably now Twitter) is. I don’t spend a lot of time on Reddit, so naturally I’ve been more exposed to the Tumblr side of the fandom, and after experiencing the ideals some people here want to force on other people I’ve come to the conclusion I’d almost rather be immersed in the bigoted dudebro side. And I say this as an ace-spec/gay trans man.
I’ll start with the blocklist.
I think most of us on Tumblr came to the conclusion that the blocklist was utter bullshit, but I did see a few people in a Discord server I have since left (I will expand on this later) defending the reasoning behind some ships being on there, citing the fact they had been abused in a relationship with a similar age gap. I can definitely see why that would bother a person, and I do not want to erase the fact that people have been and will be abused in similar relationships, but you can’t project your singular experience onto every fictional, non-canon character relationship and every person who ships it. For one, not every relationship is going to turn out the same just because it meets this one criteria of “the age gap is too big”, and, also, you don’t have to write fiction to totally reflect reality. You are in full creative control. Maybe if the characters were real people they wouldn’t click, but if you’re drawing a picture or writing a fanfic you don’t have to go along with that. You can write them so that they’re good to each other, while still keeping it in character. Araki has said that Jotaro and Kakyoin’s personalities don’t work together very well, and that they wouldn’t have become friends or even spoken to each other if Jotaro wasn’t a Stand user... But Jotaro/Kakyoin just happens to be the most-written about JJBA ship on AO3. Me? I love Jotakak. It’s about the only thing I do ship. And I’ve read some quite frankly amazing fanfiction where the two boys are paired and they work together, and it’s still very much in character. Of course, I’m very much against loli/shota content or content depicting characters who don’t look very old- if someone drew Koichi in a sexual situation I would be pissed as all hell, but I don’t have to engage with that content any further. I can just filter out the tag/block the OP and move on. You don’t need to make a fuss and tell/imply to people that they are paedophilic for enjoying well-written content where a 17-year-old is in a healthy relationship with a 22-year-old, platonic or otherwise.
My second point brings in some of the things I’ve learned while studying media this past year. My main point here: not everyone in an audience is the same. There is a reason differential decoding and the uses and gratifications theory exist. The uses and gratifications theory states, at its most basic, that the audience of a media text is active, not passive; i.e. they are not just absorbing every piece of data thrown at them by the text they are consuming, and they are consuming different media to satisfy a need- for JJBA, that need could be entertainment, escapism, identifying with a character similar to yourself or to give you something to talk about with your friends. Differential decoding arises when someone consuming a piece of the media does not entirely go along with the creator’s preferred reading of it- an example might be how a sizeable amount of people enjoy villainous or “disgusting” characters such as Dio, Cioccolata, Stroheim or Melone, when they were clearly written in canon to be abhorrent, unlikable people for varying reasons. I can also say that, because the audience is active, and consume media based on their personal needs, that somebody writing fanfic of a ship you don’t like isn’t going to make incest or paedophilia more socially acceptable. I don’t consume that content, because I don’t feel the need to. Sure, real paedos might, but they’re a minority. Just because a couple hundred people or so read a fanfic on the free web where a grown adult does the dirty with a little kid, doesn’t mean to say everyone in the world will suddenly start thinking it’s ok. Mention it to any sane person in real life and they will not like that idea any more than you do.
And my third point is more a personal thing than anything else, but there is a community I used to be part of (and was part of almost from the beginning) where I didn’t feel welcome because of people causing drama over things like what I mentioned above. I started multiple discourses entirely by accident by saying I didn’t understand why everyone though X ship was horribly problematic and worth getting mad at people over. I still don’t feel like anyone deserves to be harassed over characters and ships they enjoy, but that doesn’t mean to say I support all of it. Along with generally feeling ignored by a lot of the moderators of that server, as well as their friends, I was just sick to death of how they seemed to single out some certain people to say, “hey, don’t do this” when other people seemed exempt. I was verbally warned for posting innuendos in a general chat (but it’s not like I could anywhere else on the server, because I’m not 18 yet), but at least once every day I would see two people flirting in-character in whatever channel they happened to meet in, and it never seemed to be in a roleplay channel- I couldn’t see into NSFW to check if they did it there too, but the fact it would leak out into gen concerned me. They would throw innuendo after innuendo at each other, and they never seemed to stop, or be told to stop. Yes, I could have messaged the moderators to say it made me uncomfy, but one of them was a moderator themselves, so I felt a little out my element doing so. 
Another thing that bothered me is when I tried to join an offshoot of that server for kin, and the admin - I assume - of said offshoot server messaged me (with some other conversation concerning it in between) that, despite the fact I only wanted in to help me figure out what it meant to me, I wasn’t allowed in because somebody was uncomfy with doubles. I completely understand that, but I had spoken to the only person it could have been (I wasn’t given a name, but it wasn’t difficult to figure out who it was) multiple times about that character and how similar we were- hell, we had even roleplayed together as doubles of that character and no problems were ever expressed to me. If anything it seemed like we left off in a spot we could have carried on from later. It might not have been intended that way, but being told I wasn’t allowed in there made me feel excluded from the community nonetheless, especially because I’d had a few people tell me the night before that they wanted more people in there and that I’d be totally welcome. I was also told, before any of this happened, that the same person blocked a friend of mine in another server for going on a small rant about how they didn’t like the way Josuke acted in the episode where he plays dice with Rohan and ends up burning his house down, because they kin Josuke..? At least, that’s what was relayed to me.
But, hey ho, it’s all behind me now. I won’t lie; I don’t really plan on ever going back. I don’t want to engage anymore, because it makes me uncomfortable and anxious thinking about it, so I most likely will unfollow most (if not all) of the blogs pertaining to that community tonight. I do have a few people still there who I miss speaking to, but I’ve DM’d all of them on Discord at least once since I’ve left and talked to them about either how I miss them or something entirely unrelated to the server. I’d like to talk more with them, but DMs are always awkward for me to begin with... I have a feeling they might not want to talk after reading this, and I think I’m ready to accept that? Might be difficult not being able to scream about fanfic as much, but I won’t impose on anyone if my presence makes them uncomfy. I don’t want to be that guy.
I’ll say it again: now that I’ve got this off my chest and subsequently calmed down a lot, I’m more than willing to talk about any of it. Just shoot me a message on Discord and I’ll reply when I’m able and feeling up to talking about it again. For now I’m probably just going to go back to pissing about on Flight Rising or play Smash or something
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Salt: Honestly. After thinking of VLD as a whole. The series, the fandom, the staff and cast. I just feel like absolute shit in the end.
Like here I was, being hyperfixated on this show and the characters, and having a good time for a short while, but then everything went to shit. And as a shipper. A Sheith shipper to be exact. I had to witness and experience constant harassment, bullying, false accusation, death threats, Suicide baiting, cp, gore spam in the inboxes, and unfair callout posts that falsely accuses to both Sheith/Shaladin shipper and VLD staff alike of P//dophilia and incest in it. Also, having the Sheith tag be barren of anything for a while other than spam. The whole thing is just awful.
And going through that whole bs for three years? I obviously do feel like complete shit especially after getting the most awful ending to a series I’ve just wasted three years for. Like! Yeah. I ship Sheith. Whatever. I never even thought that ship would ever be canon, but seriously. Watching the interactions of those two in season 8 was just sad. Even though I know now the ship isn’t canon, it just feels like a waste to watch them interact for seven whole seasons just to see them drift apart. Like, why didn’t they tie their relationship properly? It’s the last season after all, so why make them treat each other like they’re strangers in the end?
If they want to make their relationship more brotherly, why not give them one last confirmation that they are important to each other instead of them ignoring each other for the rest of the season? That’s kind of insulting to be honest especially with the epilogue where Shiro got married to random dude #568097. Like, why isn’t Keith shown properly in Shiro’s wedding? Aren’t they close? Shouldn’t Keith be shown to us instead of be blocked by Shiro to show that he is the closest friend to Him that we get to see his face in Shiro’s wedding?
I thought they were friends. I guess the whole “they will now get even closer” was just a scrap idea and in the end they just became fellow associates after all that.
And how they treat Shiro in this. I hate it so fucking much. You know? After what they did with Shiro in this season. I want him to be a Paladin again. I hate how he’s put to the side and in the sidelines for the rest of the season. Why isn’t he in the frontlines? Why haven’t we see him use his arm again? It just felt like he has outlived his use as a character and that makes me really, really, really upset. Like. He is one of my favorite characters along with Keith and he’s put to the side like that. I’m upset about that. Especially when He should’ve been hanging out with Keith and the rest of the team.
Yeah. I’m so fucking salty about that.
And about Allura and Lance.
I was upset about that, too.
I honestly didn’t think Allura would die. So, when they decided to kill her off I was actually kind of mad. I don’t know. I just find that part out of no where. And I thought Lance and her could end up together instead. They did tease them from the very beginning, so, I thought it’d end well. Also, Allura’s other iterations of her didn’t die, so this caught me off guard. And that part where she gave into the darkness?! Like! Why?!
And what they did to Lotor?! I am fucking pissed! Thought they’re gonna do something with him, you know?! But, in the end, he really died and he just show up as a hallucination, then a flashback and then he ended up as a deformed corpse. Beautiful. You know? I had so much hope for his character! People say he was going to have a redemption arc like Zuko and yeah, I do love the idea. But, I also love to see what kind of Villain he’d be since his other version of himself is always a villain. Like, Loki for example. Or Azula. But no. He just died.
And Lance? I did like seeing him show his vulnerable self, but making him suffer like that is just awful. Especially with the epilogue making him be a farmer....? I thought he wanted to be a fighter pilot?! But, I guess that’s fine! Because we only always have to fill in the gaps we always get in the whole series.Like with Keith almost killing himself by crashing into a barrier and nobody knows about it! >_>
I’m just really pissed. Also. This whole fandom pisses me off. Like. Antis act like they are relevant when really. They’re just whiny peices of shit who thinks they’re in the right when really, they’re part of the fucking problem.
Then there’s shippers. Always fighting over which ship is canon or whatever the hell. But really, it doesn’t fucking matter. So, they’re also part of the problem.
Then there are people who accepts everything that is given to them and gets angry when the majority of people doesn’t like what they are given, because what is given to them is honest to god fucking crap.
And then there are people who gets angry for not getting canon ship confirmation and hiding said anger behind false morale. Like gay rights.
I’m looking at Klance by the way.
When season 7 happened, I’ve seen comments like:
“Hmmm, Maybe Shiro is going to show Lance his bisexuality, so that’s why they gave us Shiro’s Sexuality!”
“Dear staff, I believe you should make Klance canon, because they are the most plausible to be good rep.”
“How dear you kill Adam! He should have lived so Shiro and him can get married!”
So yeah. I am so sick of this whole fandom. And to be honest with you, The Sheith side with the saltiness being blocked is like heaven sometimes. But, when I see salt get seeped into the tags. I just seethe because of what is said.
I agree. The Sheith side isn’t innocent either. And they’ve definitely have become just as angry as the rest of the fandom is. But. At least it’s not completely awful.
Sure, I’m completely aware that it feels like we’re more biased towards Keith and I agree it’s biased and wish this fandom can focus on Shiro in the same way, but being as angry and as salty as I am right now in this post, it’s not helping.
And now. I’m going to rip on DreamWorks. Since season 7 happened. I feel like they delayed season 8 just to add in on a haphazardly made epilogue and some cuts in it. Since we were promised an open ending, what we got was obviously not an open ending. And it’s an ending that is just as, if not most unsatisfactory, most disappointing and incredibly anger inducing ending that is reminiscent of Naruto Shippudden.
God, I am still angry about that one. So, yeah. I do believe we were supposed to have a better version of season 8, but in the end, what we got is an awful version of the season that was delayed out of fear. And that pisses me off, because, as a student screenwriter, looking at all of this as a whole makes me angry.
So, from what I got from this is, screenwriters can’t write freely and had to fight to get the acceptance to write certain things. And so, the screenwriters are constantly uncertain if they’re allowed to write things in so, they had to put it to the side and try to write around what the higher ups want, but the screenwriters really do want to write in that idea so they had to fight tooth and nail to get the approval, but if they fail they have to scrap the idea.
But, then. Season 7 happened.
And now that the idea of Shiro being gay, the higher ups didn’t want to get chewed out again, so, they went and made Shiro marry some random guy and call it a day. Like, wow. That is the laziest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s not 2013 anymore. Sure, there are homophobes and all that, but still. Making LGBT people accept the scraps like they’ve always have is just sad. Especially in 2018- 2019 when it’s the intention of going after the Woke brownie points with the LGBT after the success of Bubbleine and Rupphire, too. All of it makes me so god damn angry.
Three Fucking Years of this shit. I want to be done. But I still love Sheith, so... until I find something better. I’m still here.
But I guess, I want this whole fandom to know this from me.
Fuck all of you.
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fair-fae · 6 years
As much as I don’t want to bring this up again (though the drama is still going strong on Twitter, so still relevant enough, I guess)... As tempting as it is to point all the fingers at Oz and blame them for everything that happened, to make them the one and only big bad guy, take a step back and look at how the community failed Oz’s victims, and how you and the people around you may have contributed to that.
Oz alone didn’t terrify anyone into submission, hiding, and harm. Oz alone did not alienate anyone and make them feel unwelcome in the community as a whole. Oz alone did not flood anyone’s inbox with hatemail, death threats, and nasty anons. Oz alone did not spread lies and rumors about people through the community and give them traction. Oz was the catalyst, but it was their friends and the community who did the real dirty work in so many cases. When the secrets blogs started to get bombarded with demands for “evidence” about the “The Crusader” and their misdeeds, all I and I’m sure many more of their victims could do was laugh. A lot of the evidence was public. Painfully public, in front of everyone’s eyes, and so many people didn’t care. It was not secret, it was not hidden, it was just ignored, or even lauded on as some form of righteous justice. I wonder how many people now acting outraged and disgusted with Oz aided in the harassment of Oz’s victims and believed the lies about them? How many of you reblogged callouts and gossiped with friends, blocked and avoided people, denied them from your FC’s and linkshells, even sent them nasty anons or treated them rudely when you encountered them? How many of you had your own beef with a victim, and used the claims Oz had created to harass them, even perhaps knowing they were untrue? How many of you already hated a victim and were just so bent on having them burned at the stake in the community that you were eager to jump onto the crusade bandwagon Oz had created against them despite it being total bullshit? You may think this makes you a victim as well, that you were misled and deceived. And perhaps that’s true in a way. But you’re adults with your own decisions and agency over your own actions. You hurt people, be it with your own malice, or carelessness, or misplaced, zealot-like sense of justice. The venom of Oz’s crusades, the lengths they went to for “justice,” the lack of proof, the wild and baseless claims, they were right in front of you. You chose not to see. That’s on no one but you. You’re more perpetrator than victim. I hope you will be more considerate and careful of your actions in the future. I’ve had several people people apologize to me, some anonymously and some not, and I appreciate it and hope Oz’s other victims have been receiving similar apologies from those who believed the lies about them and wronged them. But the community as a whole needs to examine our own behavior and not fall into the same mistakes, not enable and encourage another abuser. When you see a “callout post,” look for evidence. See if the evidence matches the claims, or if they seem to be exaggerated or taken out of context. Look at the tone of the post and if it seems rational and reasonable, or if it’s laden with personal insults, hyped up SJW buzzwords, and unnecessary jabs at the person. Think about what you know of the accused’s behavior and personality and if it seems to match up. Ask yourself what the OP could have to gain for making these claims about this person and how trustworthy you believe them to be. Ask yourself if the alleged behavior is something you deem concerning and relevant or not (i.e. I’ve seen a lot of people “called out” for RL relationship drama which is not something we can know or that I care to boost on my FFXIV blog; you, of course, are welcome to feel differently on that matter). Keep in mind that even if there is “evidence,” anything can be faked. Conversations and quotes can be taken out of context, cropped, and cherry-picked. The /echo function can be used to fake in game conversations. Screenshots and photos can be photoshopped. Copy/pasted logs can be edited or fabricated entirely. Editing web pages can be used (no, that’s not even getting into “hacking”--a longshot, but I guess also always a possibility) to alter any web page or conversation there upon. Fake accounts can be made using the same handle or similar handles and matching icons to impersonate another person.  Use your own brain. Be a grown ass adult with your own thoughts who makes your own decisions. Find the careful balance to protect yourself/your friends/your FC yet not potentially contribute to the slander and alienation of an innocent person. Don’t gossip. Don’t spread the rumors. Give the accused a chance if the claims against them seem shaky and you can find it within yourself without jeopardizing your own stability and safety. Think twice before you leave a comment, like, or reblog on vague posts and look into things a little bit. A post that says “Kill all Nazis” may seem innocuous enough and worthy of a “like.” But then, maybe it’s not when you scroll down the OP’s blog a little and see the post was directly following them making an entirely false accusation about someone else being a Nazi. Maybe someone’s “like this to piss off a homophobe” post was made directly after someone politely asked them to tag their risque posts (that happened to feature a same sex couple) and now the person who didn’t want to see psuedo-porn on their dash is getting bombarded with anons calling them a homophobe. I’m not pulling these out of my ass btw; these are real examples I’ve seen. What might seem like a generic “bad thing is bad” post becomes something else when someone has just been wrongfully accused of that “bad thing.” Instead, it’s a tactic of intimidation and alienation. The OP is making this post knowing that well-meaning people are going to like it, and their the victim will see the notes and think “all these people believe that about me, all these people hate me.” Don’t fall into their trap, don’t become an accessory in their harassment. And, for the love of god, don’t believe you read.
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
“Oh, it gets worse. Because I’ve read the archives of KOB’s reddit account. (Link here for reference, someone may wanna archive this in case KOB pulls a Delete Fucking Everything)
Never before have I seen something that would backfire so hard.
First of all, I’d recommend a look at the very first comment on that Reddit account, which was a screed about FatManFalling’s Volume 3 review. So much of modern KOB can be traced back here- has hatred of the word “the” and insistence on trying to replace it with “teh,” his long paragraphs, condescending attitude and personal attacks/insults (Also, for the record, “Fatass” is one of the worst mocking nicknames I’ve ever see on Reddit).
This is. Thing is: this would HUMANIZE me. But god knows you can’t think of your opposition as human.
First is mischaractization.
Second is not a moral argument.
Third is conflating me being angry with who I am normally.
And fourth is downplayed since this whole post is nothing BUT a personal attack.
Also: Never said I was clever.
There’s also this post after Volume 4 which is basically “So the RWDE tag sucks amirite?”
No, the title is what I meant.
But a relevant comment that Caddeter and @psyga315 should see is this one. I’ll quote it directly, emphasis mine at the end:
Backfire in 3...2...1
“Now I know many of you are thinking “Why should I care?”
Well, because these people are in a dangerous mindset of ignoring everything that isn’t their opinion and warping that to justify their feelings.
I gave a comment on this journal pointing out the flaws in his work. The closest thing I said to an insult was saying that his usage of the term “man-pain” was stupid in any context. And when I admitted I wasn’t aiming towards him but his audience who weren’t sure about V3’s finale, he blocked me, deleted my comments (EDIT: he’s admitted to being wrong about teh previous two and has restored my comments. Still blocked but I have a way around it that he knows) and warped my words. Something he claimed Miles and Kerry did, minus the last part.
I ask of you: Say what you think about this. And not just the journal, what you thought of Pyrrha’s death. Not what he said, not what I said. But what you want to say.
Now GO!”
Now, if I was a generous man, this in context could be KOB asking for discussion on the Reddit.
I am not a generous man. To me, it looks like KOB deliberately inciting the Reddit post-Volume 3 (when they were most protective of RWBY as it was the last season that Monty would have definitely worked on) and encouraging them to dogpile the journal author.
Three things:
A. The time period this was made is post Volume 4, Not 3. So that’s bullshit.
B. https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/5khw9y/my_thoughts_on_pyrrhas_death_rwby_and_rt_by_jswf/dbo9z0v/
Oh hey look, there’s someone disagreeing witrh me and I ENCOURAGED them. So that’s also bullshit.
C. https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/5khw9y/my_thoughts_on_pyrrhas_death_rwby_and_rt_by_jswf/dboysk7/
Okay everyone, I have to ask that no one goes to the link and comments. The author is getting too stressed out by his debate with me and I don't want him to break.
So please, keep your discussions here.
Outright contradicted. Three strikes, you’re out.
And the worst thing? He had no empathy to the situation. Quote (again, emphasis mine):
“Well, don’t fight him. He’s…not right in the head.
Like I was arguing with him and he…wanted to kill himself.
And I didn’t even try being mean.”
Remember that in the Deviantart comments, KOB said that he could be “far far far crueler.”
As evidence by this post, where I am going to turn EVERYTHING against you. https://comments.deviantart.com/1/619991269/4290345087?offset=25#comments “*Sigh* Look, I never meant for you to get this stressed out. Hell, I understand where your coming from. Thinking about killing myself is such a common occurrence now I'm not even fazed by it anymore. So putting aside my feeling towards you and your conduct, I want you to listen to what i have to say: Your life matters. No matter what you think I've said, no matter what other people have said, no matter what you say, your life matters. You have friends and family who love and care about you and if you kill yourself, all it will do is wound those around you. It's painful I know but it's true. The best thing you can do is seek help above all else. Trust me, psychiatrists maybe be expensive by by divinty' sake they are miracle workers. And I know you're sick of hearing about this anime but really, look up Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. That anime is a large part of why I get out of bed in the morning even thought I know there's a very good chance I'll choke to death on my breakfast, lunch or dinner or that my life probably doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. It taught me to keep moving forward no matter what I lose or what I suffer because there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The journey is hard and long but it's worth it. I never intended on hurting you. Had I known you were this psychologically fragile or you were this invested in Pyrrha I would have said nothing. I understand where you are coming from and I'm sorry I did so much damage to you. I was wrong and you were right. Good day.” No empathy huh? “Also while I’m here, how about this long callout post about RWBY Analysis after she was angry at some art from Dishwasher that had Enabler undertones (complete with the classic “I used to respect you” card which you can always imagine someone saying within the context “I used to respect you when you agreed with me.”). And here’s her reaction, which should be recorded alongside the Great Fire of London as one of the greatest burns in history.”
Ah yes, a callout post...Where I didn’t call her out once...
But I guess the actual post looks pretty fucking bad for you (https://knightofbalance-13.tumblr.com/post/172361707730/httpsrwby-analysistumblrcompost172345982047) since it is short and-oh yeah-SHE WAS SLANDERING SOMEONE. Good job completely missing the point eh?
But sure Knight of Balance. Tell us all about how you never meant for any of this to escalate and how sorry you were. It’s not like your own accounts show you to be a liar who instigated a harassment campaign and showed no empathy upon hearing that it was partially successful. You can surround yourself all you want with your little cabal of white knights like Sunder the Gold and MageKnight who will go to bat for you when they can. You can claim all you want that what you do is a crusade to purify RWBY and Make The FNDM Great Again or some bullshit like that because you seem to think that if you kill RWDE, Miles will personally fly out to thank you for saving RWBY. And you can even run to other fandoms like Darling in the Franxx or FLCL where your name isn’t poison. But we all know what you are.
I didn’t mean for thing to escalate as evident by how I TRIED TO STOP IT,
No empathy when I actively tried to call him down MYSELF.
That sounds pretty fucking ironic  considering that you surround yourself in haters like Dudeblade and Cadder there who will never ever think to question you or themselves. But as for that Sunder thing.. Well I’ll get to that latter but let’s just say, it’s a show of self control how I’m not screaming my head off.
Oh and you’re any different? You probably think ‘I f I get rid of all the fanboys, M&K will HAVE TO listen to my obviously not biased criticism and I’ll Make RWBY Great Again! Then Monty Sempai will rise form the grave to thank me for saving his legacy!’
Please, I’d sit Miles down and give him a lecture on how a timeline is VERY important for a long running show and keeping time skips vague to ‘avoid plotholes’ would in fact make MORE of them. Though I’d probably force him to attend a writing class, Just because I respect the guy doesn’t mean I see him as flawless.
Yerah, doesn’t work when I did the EXACT SAME THING I did here in Franxx. I obviously do not care about my reputation worldwide.
Here’s the thing: I do not regret many things in my time on the internet. I regret not asking about internet customs so i could know things like alt accounts were a bad thing. I regret my raging outbursts at innocent people because I was an immature fuckhead. I regret interacting with RWBYcrit. ... That’s it. My fight against RWDE? My battle against shitty critics? I do not regret that one bit. I fought for what I believed was right and got to meet amazing people along the way. I think I’ve even grown as a person. So no dice bitch.
You’re a schoolyard bully with a stick and anger problems. You’re a child throwing a temper tantrum, unaware of how if Miles or Kerry saw what you’ve said and done, they’d be disgusted in you and would shame you for the world to see. You are nothing. In the grand scheme of life, this will be your legacy. You will never amount to anything significant in this lifetime, and your life peaked before you even hit your twenties. KOB, I really hope you realize how in just under two and a half years, you have made nearly the entire fandom hate your guts.
... And?
Oh you thought this was gonna hurt me? You think you saying I have anger issues is gonna hurt me when I’ve acknowledged that as one of my worst traits. You think telling me Miles and Kerry would be disgusted with me is gonna hurt me when I am not them, they are not me and I am fighting primarily for myself? You think you calling me worthless and saying I will never amount to anything in my lifetime when I’m a fucking existentialist AKA someone who believes that there is no inherent worth in life? Bitch, I say worse things about myself every day.
And the rest is either lies (the fandom as a whole, even on Tumblr, DOESN’T CARE ABOUT ME.) or shows you’re projecting onto me (’You’re a bully!’ says the bullies.)
Let me break this down: We all hate you on Tumblr,
God, stop projecting your ego onto me, I know the fandom as whole on Tumblr doesn’t care about me.
You haven’t shown your face on Twitter
Shows what you know.
and when someone cited you in a Reddit post, everyone warned them not to link to you because you’re a toxic influence.
Considering how you’ve been posting links throughout this whole post, why should I believe you if you suspiciously DON’T provide proof of this. And again: stop projecting your ego onto me.
For Christ’s sake KOB, FatManFalling can get his stuff posted on R/RWBY. It’s extensively mocked, yes, but it’s still allowed.
To the point it regularly gets kicked off reddit for having massive downvotes.
You’re so bad you haven’t even got that privilege. Let that sink in and realize what it says about you.
A. Proof
B. Not the same context.
And C. I don’t care.
Because this is coming from someone who tried throwing Sunder The Gold under the bus by saying he associates with me. DESPITE the fact that we haven;’t talked to each other in MONTHS. Why did you say this then? Oh right, Sunder is a fan of RWBY ergo he must be eliminated right? Because anyone who doesn’t conform to your fucking hivemind and treat the show AND ESPECIALLY the creators like shit is a heretic right?
That’s why I do this. Because you people are fucking AWFUL in every sense of the word. Everything you just tried to pin on me applies to YOU instead and then we can add on EVEN MORE and EVEN MORE DISGUSTING shit to that pile.I don;t like Steven Universe but I am JUST as disgusted by SU‘s fandom and it’s bullshit. This has nothing to do with RWBY anymore, this has to do with you people DESTROYING INNOCENT LIVES. That is YOUR legacy: the ruins of people’s lives and the destruction of a show people hold dear all because you decided to embody the WORST aspects of humanity.
In short: Fuck you.
Oh, PS:
Guess you’re in the same boat as me eh?
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expurgatedversion · 7 years
I hate explaining things, especially if they are transparent to everyone who participated, but Mads was kind enough to think it might make a difference to lay out exactly how that theme won. The funny thing is that none of those complaints or appeals had shit all to do with our methodology. Weird, right? It's almost like they were concerned with a completely unrelated thing. Unpossible!
With that in mind, this is not a post about The Theme That Dare Not Speak Its Name or Steter Week. This isn't even a post addressed to the people with all of those concerns.
This is (mostly) a post for anyone who has no idea what the Scerek Anon or anti-Scott sentiment has to do with Steter fandom.
The very short answer is that they don't.
If you want the longer answer, there is an entire investigative report that happened. No, I'm not fucking with you. It totally happened, and you can read it here. 
If you want the other long answer about racism affecting fandom trends and favorite characters, you’ll have to do your own homework.
So am I saying that no one left Steter fandom over Scott-hate? Nope. I don't know everyone. I've also been told that learning about the Scerek Anon caused a lot of a big feelings in people who weren't even the targets. 
Speaking of targets, let's not forget that the Steter fandom was barely touched by these events. The Scerek Anon seemed to enjoy several different Stiles-ships as long as Scott or Malia weren't involved, and they were known to leave positive comments on Steter fics. Steter writers were not the ones being harassed for their correct use of AO3 tags. They weren’t sent horrible messages wishing they or their families would die for daring to include Scott or write Derek in a less than perfect light. I find it infuriating that anyone would try to say that the Steter fandom ever faced the same kind of treatment that the Scott, Braeden, and Malia fandoms did.
But Nyx made some extraordinary claims, particularly about the “biggest Steter fans”.
"Steter fandom is so much smaller and quieter today than it used to be is because some of the biggest Steter fans of several years ago were bullied into silence or out of the fandom"
"One of the leaders and many of the biggest proponents of lolscerekanon were big Steter fans"
Okay. Credit where it’s due. The second one is pretty accurate. But the first is not remotely based in reality. With the mention of lolscerekanon, I have to believe that Nyx is specifically talking about Taylorpotato, and I'm sorry. Is this seriously an assertion that he was silenced or bullied by anti-Scott fans? I guess he was so bullied that he proceeded to write Scott-centric fic for the better part of a year. Yes, he was so petrified by the overwhelming hatred for Scott fics that he spearheaded a project to mock the Scerek Anon and eventually declared that they had won against the troll. 
But no, he and all of those other unnamed Steter writers fled the fandom because the Scott hatred was too powerful.
There are plenty of older fans who are still here, but I can also think of several well-known people who no longer create Steter content. Some of them still read and comment on Steter fics. Many of them are writing in other fandoms. A lot of these people are awfully findable for being “in hiding”.
You know who I do remember being harassed over fics/blog posts and actually left fandom? Kinkyfics and Morallydubious. I can’t say if it was Scott-related. It seemed to involve several issues, including nasty comments, but regardless of their motives, it would be a huge stretch to call them Steter writers as most of their work was for other pairings.
Is Steter fandom smaller and quieter? The AO3 tag updates more frequently than ever. The @steternetwork gets new followers everyday, and they mostly don’t look like spam bots. The Network chat almost always has someone online, ready to talk about Steter, and there are some other Steter chats around.
None of that sounds smaller or quieter to me, but hey. Your mileage may vary.
Now, I'm going to get a little personal here. It wasn’t part of the original plan, but my annoyance level has increased a lot as I’ve watched the wank unfold.
Maybe it’s coincidental or just a case of weird optics, but I find it positively fascinating that Nyx hasn’t mentioned Steter Week since arguing with me and Bxdcubes about fandom’s ability to come to their own conclusions.  Isn’t it funny how she claims that this will be the year... now that Mar isn’t involved and I’m on a different blog? I guess Nyx is ready to release about two years' worth of thwarted Steter smut. After all, there's no way that anyone has ever managed to continue posting fic in a fandom after disagreeing with people.
Looks pointedly at 220k of Sterek fic on Nyx's AO3. 
Well, fuck me running. I guess the realization that the Steter fandom won't blindly agree with anything was harder to take than the frequent debates and callouts Nyx deals with now.
Folks, I am beyond tired of the character/ship squads and pro-anti-whatever fighting. I am done crusading for anything, even trash. I no longer have it in me to engage in The Discourse 24/7. One of the reasons I made a new tumblr home was to get away from the endless wank.
Yes, there are people in the fandom who hate Scott. Maybe they dislike his crooked jaw, or they disapprove of the actor’s life choices. I don’t care. They’re allowed. Plenty of people hate Peter/Ian Bohen, and I sleep just fine at night. I don’t even harass them or hijack their event posts, and from what I’ve seen of fandom, that’s downright amazing.
*My apologies if this winds up in the tag. Hopefully, it won’t show up if you use tagged/steter instead of the search bar. *Regarding the creators I’m aware of who no longer contribute to Steter: I don't name them here because they don't deserve to be dragged into this ridiculous shit. Quite frankly, none of us do. *I hope everyone realizes that I'm not minimizing what happened to the people who felt unable to continue in fandom because of any kind of ship or character hate, but the post specified "the biggest Steter fans", so that's what I examined. *I have answered and received more than my share of questions about Taylorpotato. If I receive any personal or intrusive asks on that topic, I will delete them. Anything I’ve said about him in this post is available on tumblr and ao3.
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nauticalradical · 7 years
I was tagged by @koreanstarryglitch
REAL NAME: Gaia NICKNAMES: none SEXUALITY: I really am not sure anymore PREFERRED PRONOUNS:  they/them ARE YOU A MORNING PERSON?: It depends, but for the most part, yes WHEN SWIMMING, DO YOU PREFER TO DO IT IN THE OCEAN, OR IN A LAKE?: Ocean, I know people put trash in the ocean too but at least it has a hight ratio of water. Also I like sea shells.
ANYONE YOU WOULD LIKE TO MEET IN REAL LIFE?: Yes and no, I’m scared ANYONE YOU HAVE MET IN REAL LIFE?: No WHEN DID YOU FIRST JOIN? HOW OLD IS YOUR CURRENT ACCOUNT?: I joined when I was 13 (2012). I didn’t like lying about my age to social media, so I just that that I would wait until I was 13 to get one. I stopped using tumblr because I didn’t understand how it worked. This account has been around since February 2015
ANY PEEVES?: Sensitive Media UNPOPULAR OPINION: Callout posts, for the most part don’t do any good. Even if they truly did something terrible besides betrayal or just them not liking you. Whether you wanted it or not it sends a whole group of people to harass the person who has been called out, I honestly think it’s better to leave them alone and distance yourself far away so no new drama will appear. It’s an endless cycle.
DO YOU EASILY GET JEALOUS?: Yes DO YOU EASILY GET ANGRY?: Depends whats happened but usually no ARE YOU EASY TO CHEER UP?: Circumstances and environments determine this ARE YOU GOOD AT HIDING YOUR EMOTIONS?: In-between. I have a great ability to hide them but sometimes I just really want people to know, so I sidewalk. WHAT’S THE VERY BEST WAY TO CHEER YOU UP?:
ARE YOU CURRENTLY IN A RELATIONSHIP?: No DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE?: I don’t really know. I really can’t tell ever. IF YES, MIGHT THAT SOMEONE BE READING THIS?: Maybe? Yes? No? DO YOU KISS ON THE FIRST DATE?: No, but depends. If we were dating for a long time and spent time together but not alone on a “date” and you have your first date months after being together because this is the only time you both are free, I would deem it ok. DO YOU PREFER GOING OUT, OR STAYING HOME, WHEN IT COMES TO DATES?: Out.
FAVORITE DRINK: Lemonade FAVORITE FOOD: I really like lasagna MOST CALMING PLACE?: Out in nature, near a body of water, or an abandoned place MOST STRESSFUL PLACE?: Home MOST PRIZED POSSESSION?: Altimeter
I don’t know who to tag, I’ll reblog this later and tag
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monsterqueers · 6 years
So I debated a long time about making this post(its been in my drafts for over a year, oops), but I feel like its necessary as ive yet to see a post like it in my time on this site, so here you go;
Red Flags To Watch Out For, Tumblr Edition
Disclaimer- These are not necessarily abusive behaviors on their own, but if a person checks many of them, they may be a toxic/dangerous person to be around.
Please also refer to general abuse, bullying, and cult red flag lists to accompany this.
If you would like to add more red flags that I have forgotten to this list, feel free to do so!
General Evasive Behaviors
Excessive changing of urls
While changing ones url just happens on this site, this person is changing their url every other month or more and never returning to their previous ones- often with little warning or explanation. 
Does it feel like they are running from something or someone with all the changes or trying to confuse people who knew their name before? Is the url long or nonsensical? Does the change coincide with any kind of drama, falling out, or vagueposting?
NOTE- this is also employed by survivors trying to get away from abusers
Frequently making new blogs and trashing the old ones
Changing blogs happens. Sometimes the old one was mired in a Brand, or someone just wants a fresh start. This person, however, remakes multiple times a year and frequently deletes their old blogs.
Are you ‘mutuals’ who talk frequently but they never tell you when they switch blogs and then act like nothing happened? Do they do this specifically after drama/wank happens? Does it seem like they are trying to purge their name of evidence of their identity or actions through this behavior?
NOTE- this is also employed by survivors trying to get away from abusers
Deleting large portions of their blog often
Again, it happens naturally, but this person is excessively removing more than half the things they post -frequently purging their personal posts and conversations despite much of their content being those things. They may also change the content of their about pages radically multiple times a month.
Does every ‘blog cleanup’ always end in them deleting everything but some images, maybe some generic ‘reblog to slap a terf’-esque sj posts, and some fandom even though they talk or argue with other people very often and make personal posts daily? Do they do this after any kind of drama happens?
General Aggressive Behaviors
Claiming to ‘love the discourse/drama’
People who show this trait by itself, unlike many of the others on this list, usually ARE toxic or dangerous. Straight up avoid these people for your safety and/or comfort.
They delight in causing strife and ‘punishing’ people, treating intracommunity discussions like a fun game to win or as a badge of honor -as though they are a better person than others because they ‘fight the nasty xyz group’(usually meaning sending hate all day).
Do they seem to enjoy lashing out at people in discussion? Do they encourage their followers or mutuals to attack people they are arguing with? Do they treat social justice as a way to get glory and notes rather than a serious discussion? Do they seem to desperately claw for more people to harass and rant about/at- regularly trawling tags that squick/trigger them to find new people to ‘discourse’ with? Do they refuse to tag any of these arguments?
Most of their personal posts are negatively flavored or standoffish
While many people vent on their blogs, this person seems to be venting exclusively to get notes. All/most of their negative personal posts have a variation of ‘lms’ on them or they frequently post vague messages about people never liking their personal posts.
Do they constantly ‘vague’ people? Do they make regular posts about how people aren’t cooperating with their ten-step follow/unfollow directions? Are these constantly stressful posts rarely tagged or put under a cut even though they tag everything else? Does all of this seem geared more towards getting notes and manipulating people into giving constant emotional labor than to express their feelings?
Reacts to people asking questions with rude, cruel, or inappropriate responses.
This person is dismissive at best to people making innocent inquiries and clarification questions- at worst they spew psuedo-sexual harassment, suicide bating, and insults as a ‘joke’.
Do they constantly use ‘tumblr insults’(ie, barely disguised ‘socially acceptable’ suicide bait or sexual harassment) like ‘Piss your pants!’ or ‘Go choke!’ on people who question them? Is this ‘mean’ persona seemingly geared towards trying to get notes for being ’funny-mean’?
General Isolating And Controlling Behaviors
They have a cult, or a cult-like circle of friends/followers
While some people have a dedicated network of friends and acquaintances, for these people, networking is Serious Business. They tout their friend circle as an exclusive club and advertise themselves with frequent promos, aiming to ‘collect’ as many friends as possible. They have a strong ‘mutuals’ culture- they feel the only reason to follow people on tumblr is to have ‘mutuals’ and much of their activity on the site is geared towards getting more mutuals and guilt-tripping people into staying in their circle. These groups frequently make joint efforts in drama/wank and pressure followers to join in- unstated that you will become ‘cool’ and viable to join the inner group if you just do enough for them.
Does this mutuals circle have a significant moral crusade or spiritual element? Do they have a formal name(ex- something like ‘Twice-Born Elven Society Of Earth’ or ‘The Great Canadian ‘Were Pack’ or ‘Tumblr Cleanup Club’) that feels kind of pretentious or all-encompassing, as though they speak for everyone in their demographic? Do they frequently ask followers to ‘recruit’ for them or pressure you to reblog their moral crusade/spiritual-related posts?
Refer to the Advanced Bonewits’ Cult Evaluation Frame(http://www.neopagan.net/ABCDEF.html) if this sounds at all familiar.
Excessively long following instructions
While having restrictions is fine, this person has so many instructions and restrictions they might as well just not have a tumblr. Not only that, but their list has many relatively harmless things paired with actually bad things, the position of which implies both are equally bad(eg- has ‘no terfs or people who reblog anime’ or ‘no homophobes or non men who ship m/m’ as one Whole bullet point). They may also have a multiple-step process you must go through to ‘prove’ you read it, with social shaming or a block as punishment if you don’t, despite not stating any of this in their mobile bio.
Do they effectively forbid you from freely unfollowing under the pain of callouts and anon hate? Do their byfs contain radfem dogwhistles? Do they seem not to distinguish between things like ‘person with a kink’ and ‘following/liking from a dedicated nsfw blog’? Do their byfs have a vague enough wording despite the length that things like ‘homophobes’ could mean ‘trans or BPQ+ people’? Does this byf update frequently and without warning- forcing people to stalk their blog weekly to make sure they are still Acceptable?
NOTE- BYFs are fine. Some are just unhealthy for both the user and the follower, and many behaviors surrounding them are likewise toxic
Forbids you from interacting even indirectly with certain kinds of people
Similar to the one above, but more specific, this flag involves the user forbidding you to interact with, reblog posts mentioning, or following certain groups of otherwise harmless people- even if it was an honest mistake. They will frequently lash out in anger if you cannot name the history of every person you reblog, wether you follow them or not.
Does this user seem to want to limit your ability to get information outside of an approved ‘bubble’? Does this user make callouts of people who so much as ‘like’ a post that is otherwise harmless for someone on this list? Does it feel like reblogging from anyone but them and their circle is dangerous or that you must trust their judgement always if they tell you a user/group is bad without ever giving proof?
Otherkin Related
Switching IDs/Kintypes often
While some people may have an unstable identity and use the incorrect definition of otherkin when they should be using ‘copinglink’ or are still questioning and not sure of their Alterhuman Identity yet, these people are the epitome of ‘ID culture’. Not only are they working on an incorrect definition of what otherkind and fictionkind are, but they refuse to be politely educated on the correct ones or shown to a community that would work better for them and may even become aggressive and hateful towards you for it.
Do they have 10+ anime characters -who all have a similar aesthetic- on their ‘kinlist’ and keep adding more? Do they drop most of these a few months later? Is this person very aggressive about ‘doubles’ or force followers to never interact with them? Do they call people ‘fakes’ frequently?  Do they police fandom on what headcanons, aus, or ships are ‘allowed’ in their source?
Sets themselves up as a ‘kin of authority’ in something 
These people think they know everything there is to know about a nonhuman identity and only they can answer your questions.
Do they assert that their theory on why and how otherkinity works is the Only theory(ex- ‘otherkin are spiritual only and only occur when someone was supposed to be put in an animal body! All others aren’t otherkin!’)? Do they claim they can tell you what your kintype is- often due to some spiritual power they claim to have? Do they instruct their followers to attack people who say otherwise or do so personally? Do they sound like a cult leader? Do they excessively grill people(ie- effectively requiring a 10 page essay full of just the right ‘proof’ for them to consider you ‘valid’)?
Frequently takes trolls seriously and reblogs from people who think they are real without using any critical thought.
These people claim to be fictionkind or otherkind, but will reblog obvious trolls like carrionkin, eggkin, and that one person who claimed they were Hitler in a past life.
Do they seem to be doing the anti-kin and troll’s work for them? Do they try to put down one ‘type’ of Alterhuman, as though they all act like that troll. Do they constantly act like an anti-kin despite claiming to be Alterhuman themselves?
SJ Blogging Related
Don’t practice what they preach
Pretty self explanatory, but they do things like reblog the ‘reblog to punch a terf!’ posts but still tout radfem beliefs and say ‘don’t be ableist!’ but encourage the bullying of the ‘weird loner kids’. These people are often cruel but turn around and say ‘abuse is wrong!’ They refuse to apply the social justice they claim they support.
Are a frequent user of The Ship Of Theseus
This video->  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui-ArJRqEvU explains it better than I ever could.
Frequently makes and spreads callout posts
Callout posts have their place occasionally- provided they are something like ‘be careful of x person because they are genuinely dangerous’. However, this person spreads and makes callouts very frequently and with dubious sources.
Is the callout post pretty much just a ship war hidden under a Ship of Theseus (ie- calling someone a child predator for retweeting shippy art on twitter for a fandom they aren’t) ? Is the callout post largely easily faked screenshots and not links to archived posts or conversations? Have they made multiple of them, or spread multiple in a year? Are the callouts seemingly always for minority content creators and stated in a way to gain maximum outrage?
Fandom Related
Strongly encourages you to call them the fandom  ‘mom’ or ‘dad’ and to come to them for advice despite being relatively young
Do they constantly advertise themselves as the ‘fandom mom’ or ‘fandom dad’ here to protect everyone else? Are they barely an adult themselves but act like their followers should look up to them as an authority or parental figure? Do they interact heavily with their underage follower base in rps, fanfic, headcanons, or fanart circles despite condemning the same in other people? Do they advertise themselves as ‘actually minor safe’ and warn their followers off of ‘other nasty creepy adult fandom presences’ frequently?
Fear-mongers about other popular bloggers in fandom
Do they claim every person over the age of 25 in fandom is a potential child predator and only they are safe because they actually care about being ‘minor safe’ and being ‘pure’? Do they constantly reblog callout posts for ‘pedophilia’ that are just easily faked skype screenshots vaguely alluding to a paring involving two adults or something equally Not Provably Real CP Or Abuse Of A Real Child? Do they then use those callout posts to argue every adult(but them, if applicable) is a creepy monster?
Participates in ship wars, ‘tag bombs’ or insists on their ship being 100% definitely canon
Do they describe themselves as anti-’specific ship’, pro-’insert other ship’? as a major aspect of their identity? Do they frequently send hate to anyone who doesn’t ship their ship or ship a different ship? Do they participate in ‘tag bombs’ where they mass post hate, spam, and their ship in the rival ship’s tags? Do they try to argue that anyone who doesn’t ship their ship is an immoral, evil person? Do they insist that their ship is canon when it is not, in fact, blatantly confirmed within canon?
Tries to police/run the fandom
Also self-explanatory. These people act like they must ‘clean up’ and ‘organize’ fandom, and often believe that they only people who can. They slew hate to anyone who they dislike and try to dictate how others engage with the media even in the privacy of their own sub-communities or locked blogs. They may claim that you must only ship canon ships, or that you must only use a specific set of headcanons or that no erotica or gore is allowed to be made whatsoever to ‘protect the children’ even on sites and locked communities where children are disallowed.
Refuse to operate with tagging courtesy
These users will post graphic content and neither flag their blog, nor tag it with even a catchall ‘graphic’ or ‘viewer discretion advised’ tag. They will often post this content in the main tags without regard for the wellbeing of anyone else in the tag. When asked to please tag their mature content, they refuse, and may even post more of it just to prove a point.
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