#also dizzy ragatha!!!
randomchaotix · 9 months
Some doodles of swap! Jax and swap! Ragatha !!
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Close ups :D
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jetkielover · 29 days
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠… ██ 20% _ ███ 40% _ ████ 60% _ █████ 80% _ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! [ WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL CYBER AU MASTERPOST! ]
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(Title made by @00belle00lovely00) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ┈ ⋞ 〈 WHAT IS THE AMAZING DIGITAL CYBER AU? 〉 ⋟ ┈ The Amazing Digital Cyber used to be a popular game on the VR, but it ended up getting deleted due to so many bugs, injuries and viruses. Pomni (Also known as Ashleigh), however, got too curious on the information and theories that she pirated the game on her VR. But while she was playing the game, she got dizzy from the headset and thought it was time to have rest...but she couldn't take it off, like it was super glued. Everything around her starts to glitch and change atmospheres, causing her to feel pain. She then woke up in some sort of lab (which is the main lobby of the Digital Cyber), then met Ragatha and Jax, who were also trapped here. Its up to the three of them to stop Caine and, wait...Kaufmo was behind all this? Oh well, Change of plans! Save everyone and stop Kaufmo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------┈ ⋞ 〈 CHARACTERS + INFORMATION 〉 ⋟ ┈
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ┈ ⋞ 〈 OFFICIAL ART! 〉 ⋟ ┈ Temperature She's never felt this before Feelings
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ┈ ⋞ 〈 STORY 〉 ⋟ ┈ The Hero Awakens ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ┈ ⋞ 〈 BOUNDARIES!! 〉 ⋟ ┈ Q: Can we make NSFW out of the characters? A: I am a minor, so no! Q: What are the ships in Cyber AU? A: Showtime, Bunnydoll and Abstradegy Q: Why did you make Cyber!Kaufmo look like an anglerfish? A: I ran out of ideas for his design... Q: Can we make fanart? A: Ofc! Make sure to ping me! Q: Can we make OCs? A: Of course! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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-- AU made by @poke-zilla and me --
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spyderlondon · 2 months
The Amazing Pokemon Circus: Chapter 2
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Art by @mangotangerinepastry ❤️
Pomni stumbled backwards a bit as she landed on the ground and before Ragatha was able to reach out to grab her, the Alcremie ended up knocking into a Cinderace that was teasing an Eiscue. She fell onto her stomach with a grunt, her eyes swirling in her dizziness, "Oh... I wish I was warned..." She mumbled a bit as she put a hand to her head, trying to keep the contents of her stomach inside of her stomach.
"HEY! WHAT GIVES?!" The Cinderace yelled out at the dizzy Alcremie with an annoyed glare before turning his glare to the two pokemon that entered within seconds before and after the fairy type, "Weren't you two just supposed to find a lost item, not rescue?" He sneered at them.
"Oh, chill out, Jax!" Ragatha glared right on back as she handed the said item to the pokemon that gave the circus the mission and sent them on their way. She looked back at the Cinderace while crossing her arms, "Pomni here needed help since she just recently was placed into this dimension and has no idea what is going on."
Kinger carefully helped the Alcremie up, "You okay?" He asked her with a light worried look on his face, looking her over for any signs of injury or sickness.
"I-I'm okay..." She mumbled as she gave herself a moment before standing straight and looked around the area that she was now suddenly inside of. She rubbed her arm, uncertain of how to feel about everything quite yet but for now, it'd be a good idea to get a feel of the place.
Ragatha was right, this really was a circus tent with the entire circus layout. The top of the tent had a couple trapezes set up with nets placed underneath to catch any falls, there was also a long pole in the middle of the tent to keep it from collapsing as well as a lookout at the very top of the pole in case anyone wanted to relax up high. There were also a few silks and hoops connected to silks that were there for anyone wanting to practice their flexibility as well as a few other random items just scattered about to act as props for juggling or anything else. There was also two bulletin boards with numerous little scraps of paper on them- it seemed like they were just recently torn off.
There were also a few pokemon here and there that she assumed also went out and did missions like Ragatha and Kinger did. There was a Falinks who had their different small parts separated a little as they chilled near a pillow fort with Kinger doting on them as if they were his pet which didn't seem to bother the bug type much; then there was an Eiscue that was on the ground looking down at the broken ice face broke when she was knocked to the ground, leaving with a much smaller ice head that seemed to have frozen tears attached to it, but was the most interesting, at least in Pomni's opinion was how instead of the usual bluish coloration, this Eiscue had a reddish coloration which meant that she was a rare shiny; and last but probably least was the Cinderace, Jax as Ragatha called him, that she bumped into when she first came into the tent- he was currently arguing with the Indeedee.
The Alcremie rubbed her arm as she watched all the other pokemon do their thing before deciding to speak up, "U-Um-"
"BOSS! They're back!" She was suddenly interrupted by a loud, childlike voice shouting nearby which made her yelp and jump in surprise. A Swirlix seemed to pop out of nowhere as he called out to someone he called boss. The little puffball seemed to notice her after a moment, "Oh! You're new! Boss! We have a newbie here too!"
Pomni tried to move away from the from him in her unease but didn't seem to notice the apple core that was suddenly appeared behind her and ended up tripping on it, "Ack!" She yelped in shock as she fell again but this time two thin arms caught her and lifted her up in the air.
Her eyes widened in surprise as she looked up at who stopped her from falling, only to see a large transparent head that had a lot of little colorful dots as well as a rainbow top hat that floated above his head weightlessly. He had no eyes on or a mouth or anything a face should have but somehow she could tell that he was looking down at her by how his head was tilted and was smiling in a perplex manner by him giving off some sort of vibe- it was strange. "Are you alright, my dear?" The floating head questioned.
"U-Uh... yes, I am-" The Alcremie answered with a frown as he put her down- what pokemon was he...? She knew she's seen his species in a book before but she was drawing a blank, "W-Who are you? Wh-What are you...?" She questioned with a stutter as she looked him over after backing up a little. He was extremely colorful, looking almost like a clown- he had thin limbs that were a mix of pink and blue while his feet and hand were white; his ankles had two pompoms on them- blue on the left and pink on the right- and another white pompom on his pole like chest as well as two others on his shoulders but this time it was pink on the left and blue on the right. His torso was mostly yellow with pink and blue stripes going around the body. His torso and large dotted head was separated by a large white ruffle collar. He wore a rainbow ringmaster's coat with the inside and collar being black.
The large pokemon had used his psychic powers to force Jax into a cage as a sort of time out for all his pranks before turning back to face her, "Oh! My name is Caine- the ringmaster of this wonderful Pokemon Circus!" He spread out his arms to proudly show off the circus tent, "As for what I am..." He lowered his arms, "I'm a Blacepheon. You probably never heard of my species aside from passing rumors because of how rare we are to even been seen in any dimension other than our own." He explained with a light shrug. He looked her over, "I suppose you're a new human to this dimension?"
"I-I... yes?" Pomni confirmed, her tone laced in confusion, "I don't even know how I got here... or why I can't recall my name or what I looked like... I just know I *was* human before and some of my memories..." She trembled as she felt fear running through her.
The air around Caine seemed to shift into something more sympathetic as he floated to the ground and landed on his feet, "Now, now, dear..." He placed his hands on her shoulders to calm her a bit, "All of that is perfectly normal. Nobody can remember any of that when they enter this dimension, think of it as a clean slate." He waved off casually.
"Yea, a clean slate where we still have most of our memories and our same personalities." The Cinderace scoffed from inside the cage, "In a place with no escape. Sorry, toots, you're stuck with us." He crossed his arms.
"Shut up, Jax, she's already freaked out enough." The Falinks deadpanned as they sent the rabbit pokemon a glare with all of their eyes before looking at Pomni who was twitching nervously, "But he's right, we haven't found any way of getting out of here and, judging by how long Kinger has apparently been here, there is no way back home." They sighed in defeat.
"Did somebody say something about an insect collection?!" The Slowking popped his head out of his pillow fort.
Ragatha put a hoof to her face and groan, "Will you all stop giving the newbie more reason to panic?" She sent everybody a look before moving over to the twitching Alcremie and replaced Caine's hands with her hooves, "Hey there... It's okay, Pomni... Just take some deep breaths... In... out... in... out..." She guided her with a soothing tone. She waited until the girl in front of her seemed calmer before speaking, "Better?"
"Y-Yeah... Thanks." Pomni murmured, her panic subsiding, and she just seemed exhausted from the long day she ended up having out of nowhere.
The Indeedee gave a sad smile at how the Alcremie looked, "Here... Why don't I show you to your room?" She offered while handing her the big apple she had in her treasure bag, "And here, eat this along the way. You need all the energy you can get."
Pomni nodded tiredly as she followed the older pokemon while munching on the apple.
"We weren't supposed to get any more humans..." Caine mumbled to himself after he entered the cave where a certain psychic pokemon lived, "We were told that he and I would get only a certain amount of humans each. I was at my max- unless..."
"Unless you had one of the human turned pokemon go feral." The Lunatone finished the sentence for him, having heard him as he entered her cave, "That Mr. Rime had turned feral the day before that Alcremie's arrival. You were down one human, a replacement was given." She turned to look at him- or well, she would have but her eyes were glazed over and she only saw fogginess.
The Blacepheon grew a bit agitated, "More are cursed to be here if I can't keep them satisfied or help them find a way to leave?" He questioned as he tapped one of his hands against a leg, "I'm sure he's loving that." He hissed, pacing, "He always enjoyed seeing others suffer..."
"He hasn't lost any yet." She informed him.
"WHAT?!?" He shouted in disbelief, "HOW?!" He seemed to stop and stare at her with his lack of eyes but it was clear his face was one of shock.
The Lunatone said no more to these questions. Simply going silent to meditate like she was doing before he entered.
Blacepheon groaned in irritation but took his leave as he tried to figure things out on his own, he wanted to help the humans leave. It was unfair to them to be trapped with no clear explanation why.
A flash of purple could be seen near the cave for a split second before it flew off through a portal.
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tadcccallmyocs · 10 months
Ok this is a weird/interesting question but do any of the digital beings that want a child experience any symptoms before the child was given to them? You know like in boss baby?
If so did that happen to pomni and Ragatha?
Basically a question for all three Storky,Ragatha, and Pomni
(Also is this question okay to ask bc I really don't want to get blocked)
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Coiom "ok first of all, te odio por recordarme esa cosa, secondly Pomni and Ragatha, didn't know this was a feature, and they didn't feel any kind of pain, dizziness or any kind of natural child labor before they met Harley, lastly only the three of us is able to respond to the calls, but I inform them later about this question, I hope Jax won't be there to be an [#$ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ!%].
Harley "¿I made my mama sick? Harley is a bad child?
Storky "hahaha no, no sweety, you didn't make any of your mothers go to something like that, the delivery of a child has to be a happy surprise, and probably the system was the one go through that kind of stress, after all create a [redacted] is very difficult.
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Welp, I made a TADC AU called the Virus AU, and since I'm hoping that this AU will last for a while, why not info dump about it?
Note that in this AU, Zooble and Bubble don't exist. The characters are Caine, Kinger, Gangle, Ragatha, Jax, Rolco (my TADC OC), Pomni, and the Virus.
The basic gist of it is that a computer virus somehow got into the circus, and starts infecting members of the crew. Getting infected by the Virus is basically like how humans get effected by real-life viruses; it results in serious sickness symptoms. The first people to figure out about the Virus were Rolco and Pomni, beginning to realize after seeing objects in the circus start glitching black and gold, and watching Caine freeze a few times mid-show. One by one, members of the crew start falling to the Virus, until only Kinger, Rolco, and Pomni are the only ones with no traces of the Virus whatsoever. The only way to help the Infected (what you call the ones who got the Virus) is to get the Virus out of the circus, and quickly, before the Virus gets all of them.
Stage 1
The most common symptoms of this stage is faint lightheadedness and dizziness. Maybe a few stumbles here and there. Others, and the Infected themselves, will simply think that they didn't have enough sleep.
Stage 2
Dizzyness becomes noticeable, though the Infected still may not think much of it. They will definitely stumble while walking, and coughing will start. Others will start noticing that something is off.
Stage 3
Infected will start having trouble walking without collapsing. All symptoms heighten. Infected will show common signs of human fever.
Stage 4
This is commonly referred to as the "immobile stage", for the Infected will not be able to walk without heightening Virus symptoms. Infected will have a hard time staying awake, drifting off constantly.
Out of the Infected, Jax shows the least amount of symptoms, barely starting to experience Stage 1, and Caine shows the worst symptoms, rapidly going into Stage 4.
But it ends up this Virus isn't just a simple computer virus. It is something that has existed and will exist for a very long time, something in the fabric of the multiverse itself, weaving threads and hooking people into it, and seems to know Rolco from a long time ago...
Random Trivia:
The Virus is totally not the main villain of literally all of my AUs.
Rolco is the reincarnation of Lucifer Trix, an OC I made for a science project at school.
Caine is the most traumatized out of all of them lol, he's just also the best at hiding it.
Rolco helps Kinger make pillow forts.
Gangle's mask doesn't break all the time; she just takes it on and off.
Anyway yeah, that was some useless trivia for y'all, I'm better at staring at my bedroom wall for three hours while being vividly locked in a scene from this AU playing in head instead of actually writing down the AU lol.
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ramencat12 · 2 years
Welcome to the Ramenverse
Hiya everyone! I am Ramen and I upload animations and art of the fandoms im into (mostly art because i'm a very unmotivated person when it comes to animation sometimes ;-;)
my blog is nothing but Abstragedy and the Mooninites because they bring me joy :]
Reblogs, Comments and Upvotes are very much appreciated :)
I’d be very happy to receive fanart of my characters you can always feel free to send in my inbox or tag me
(ART REQS: Opened )
If you ever want to do any art collabs with me you can always DM but if I don’t respond right away I might be busy
Please no NSFW reqs
Fandoms im in
Aqua teen hunger force
The amazing digital circus
Bob the builder
Homestar runner
Fundamental paper education
My singing monsters
Thomas the tank engine
(idk if this is a big fandom but-) Miss spider's sunny patch friends
I do hope you are all having a great day :>- Ramen
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(The main ocs)
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(This is my fursona)
I am a minor so please don’t be weird
I am a Abstragedy shipper
(this is a safe space for rare pairs and i'm happy to hear them as long as they aren't problematic)
I also have some side blogs
My friends <3
@sillyfishhh @yourqueerinacorner @notcatseatheadrest @dramamines @dalmonstrosity @inkyslimee @raine-blxssxm @sleepyloser03 @heybobbygirl @tr4nny-supreme @boronatom @homosexualmother @sillylunaa @bugofmanynames @yuri-the-boxfox @sharkyy599 @thatcrayondrawer @cheriethecherub @spookykittyzzz
these guys right here are amazing ^^^
Here are my favorite characters from the fandoms i'm in:
Bob the builder
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Lofty, Dizzy, Muck
Thomas the Tank engine
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Emily, Toby, Sir Handel, Edward, Henry
The Amazing Digital Circus
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Ragatha, Gangle, Kinger, Zooble
Aqua teen hunger force
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Ignignokt, Err, Frylock, Emory
Homestar runner
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Coach Z, Strongbad, Homestar
Fundamental paper education
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Claire, Ruby, Zip, Cubbie
My singing monsters
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Ghazt, Pixolotl, Poewk, Tympa, Piplash, Vhenshun, Humbug
(the ones in the gifs are my top favorite characters)
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canonically47 · 11 months
i’ve given in and made a TADC character... only it’s not really original and instead based on another interest of mine, hitman: world of assassination.
everyone, meet toby! (more commonly known as agent 47, or the apex predator.)
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(please ignore the fifth arrow by him, it is outdated)
Toby knows not how he got inside the circus, nor how to escape, just like anyone else. However, what makes him actually confusing is that he carries around hundreds of weapons-turned-toys, despite his cute looks, and always finds himself threatening someone. Where does he even store those things?
He has a gun, but it fires confetti. He has explosives, but they turn to glitter. He has syringes with poison, but they turn to water or even antibiotics for digital ‘diseases’. He has a lockpick, but it turns to a gummy worm when it tries to be used. He is not having a good time.
His fuzz and eye color and shape change based on his emotions. Yellow is the default, black is for any negative emotion, white is for dizziness. He also puts on a monocle and hat if he feels quite fancy. Red is for anger, and if he ever sprouts horns and wings while red, run for your life.
He has a tense relationship with Jax, having been coldly welcomed to the circus by his sadistic self. He does not engage with Gangle and Pomni, as he considers them cowards. He occasionally talks to Ragatha and Zooble, as they seem the sane ones around here; he talks with Ragatha about their world, and with Zooble, to criticise the others.
He is friends with Kinger. He finds his presence calming, or rather comforting.
He doesn’t know what to make of Caine.
Toby wants to escape, as does anyone else. But does he have what it takes to return to his life in the outside world? Does he even want to? Maybe life is safer inside the circus.
Toby doesn’t know it, but he’s risked it all out there. The circus is as good as it gets for him.
So stay inside, Toby.
close-ups, references and trivia! :D
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also, a possible abstracted form!
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here are the references for his design:
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his personality is only loosely based on his old self, agent 47; once he enters the circus, he begins to act more and more uncharacteristically, or at least simply let out his emotions more.
his appearance is based on the rubber duck explosives in-game.
his name is based on his alias of Tobias Rieper. he subconciously remembers this and chooses the name Toby.
however, he doesn’t choose his name right away. it actually takes a lot of insistance from Caine and a lot of time for him to choose a name.
his relationships with the others change over time. if it’s for better or for worse, that’s another thing.
if his relationships were to improve, he would become somewhat of a father figure around the circus, especially for the scared shitless Pomni and the sarcastic Jax.
if they were to worsen, he would seclude himself so much it would drive him insane and lead him to abstraction.
if thrown, he squeaks like a rubber duck. Jax has made this discovery and is incredibly pleased by it. Toby isn’t.
he is soft to touch because of his fuzz, but his skin is rubber.
he doesn’t know how to take care of his fuzz because he was bald. seeing he can’t seem to take care of his so-called hair, he begins to suspect he is bald in the outside world.
extreme anger can not only lead to a terrifying appearance, but also make him explode, and just like his bombs, he explodes into confetti. however, he immediately regenerates.
he is often teased because of his age by Jax, but he is the most athletic and agile out of anyone in the circus and makes sure everyone knows it.
he would help someone even if he didn’t like them. maybe except for Jax... but he would help even him, would the situation call for it.
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