#also couldn't this have happened sooner????? classes are starting next week and i have to keep going back to the hospital while not driving
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atomiccryptid · 6 months ago
if any of you have had to get an mri before can you tell me what it was like? i have a 45 minute one next week and i am. not looking forward to it.
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the-oblivious-writer · 2 years ago
Wanna Be Yours |Prologue|
Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
Notes: Modern AU, Fem!SlytherinReader, any characters you don't recall from the Harry Potter universe are my OC's (for example: Lorraine), I might post a cast list at some point
Warnings: None that I can think of
Next Part
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Y/n and Lorraine walked outside as other students passed by. The two took a seat on a nearby bench. They had just gotten out of DADA, it was the first week of their second year and they've already been assigned three essays that were due by the end of the week.
"It's mad, Snape seems to forget we have other classes to worry about," Lorraine said with an eye roll. "Seems like that's his intent" Y/n responded as she shuffled through her notes.
"Trauma deflecting assho-" Lorraine was cut off as they heard a commotion happening just a few feet away from them. Draco and his goons were bothering three Gryffindors. One had glasses, another one had ginger hair and the girl had bushy brown hair.
"Him in his goons never give it a rest" the Ravenclaw scoffed but Y/n didn't respond. She couldn't pull her eyes away from the scene.
Y/n slowly started to make her way near the group. Lorraine trailed behind Y/n as the Slytherin leaned up against the tree near them. Y/n sent a glare to the platinum haired boy as he took a shot at Hermione, making a comment on her blood status.
"Don't know why I'm wasting my time on a filthy little mudblood and her tools" Draco remarked as he walked away. But as he did that, Y/n put out her foot in front of the boy. Causing him to fall face first into the grass.
Laughter was let out by everybody around them. Hermione looked over at the girl who had just tripped her bully. Her eyes were still glistening from the welled up tears she was about to let go just moments before. She couldn't help but shoot a small smile at Y/n. One that Y/n turned for a second before walking away with Lorraine.
Ron and Harry giggled but Hermione was preoccupied with thoughts of the girl she had seen before. She looked back to see Y/n's side profile as the Slytherin walked away. Not noticing the Gryffindor's gaze.
Hermione made her way to the library while Ron and Harry went to the common room. She sat down and took out a quill and parchment, starting the essays that were assigned by Snape.
Thirty minutes had passed when she averted her stare to the clock, her stare then fell to the entrance where two girls entered. It was a Ravenclaw and Slytherin, she recognized them to be the same ones as before. She couldn't help but keep her eyes on Y/n. Something about her drew her in. Her y/e/c eyes brought a strange comfort as she looked into them. Suddenly, those same eyes looked back to catch Hermione's gaze. Hermione embarrassingly turned away, she propped her elbow on the table, hand covering the side of her face as she blushed from being caught.
After a few moments she slowly looked back to find the Slytherin no longer there. Hermione sighed as the warm feeling in her stayed. She couldn't help but let her mind trail back to the Y/h/c haired girl. Ever since the altercation from earlier she couldn't help but have questions.
"Why did she do it?"
"What is her name?"
Hermione kept blushing every time she thought back to Y/n's action. But why? Hermione was also asking herself this. Perhaps it was because not many people do stand up for her. Let alone when it comes to her blood status. She tried to brush off the warm feeling the thoughts of the girl gave and continued her work.
From that day Hermione's gaze always trailed back to the girl and so did her thoughts. She couldn't help but admire her a 'bit'. Hermione wanted to get to know her but it wasn't as easy as it ever was with Harry and Ron. Y/n kept to herself and associated with very few people. She was an enigma to Hermione.
Y/n Y/l/n became her secret fascination. 
Hope you enjoyed that! Not sure how often I'll be able to post but I will be posting for this story (sooner or later)
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years ago
So, this is a complaint about my parents, i have health issues, I also have an essay due in 4 days, I've been working on the essay since saturday but on sunday i had a bad health day so I couldn't work on it, my mother has been largely helpful but has repeatedly mentioned I should've started earlier/"shouldn't do this to myself again" over the course of the last three days. Today just now I snapped, saying that I had a different essay to work on 2 weeks ago was met with 'well dad was telling you you needed to start all last week' I explained that I finished the last essay on sunday, and the next day my dad was immediately pressuring me about the next one, I didn't have a class with the guy in charge of the essay until wednesday and he's slow to come back by email so even if I'd emailed him on monday i would still have probably had to wait to get the recommended reading for the essay on wednesday, I didn't have my library card with me on wednesday due to accidentally leaving it behind, struggled to get the sources for the essay on thursday only getting three from the library, but on friday I went to three different libraries and couldn't get them. Thus started studying and working on the essay in earnest on Saturday when I found the remaining two online thanks to the power or piracy. Granted there are definitely moments I could've been working already on the essay. But I literally didn't have all the sources until Saturday, didn't have what sources I needed until wednesday, couldn't look for them on wednesday after getting my library card/college ID due to a family thing so really at best 2 or 3 days in the difference.
My parents of course do not care about any of this and in their opinion were just trying to say it to me while I am insane and quote acting more aggrieved than a population that's had war crimes committed to it.
This is patently unfair! The fucking 'you know your healths like this so you need to be better organised' shit is constant whether or not I have assignments due, but the fact that they just would not miss an opportunity to repeatedly blame me for the pressure I'm under with this essay in particular is the whole reason I lost my temper. Like yes, absolutely I could've emailed regarding the recommended sources for the second essay two weeks ago while working on the former one, but I was under pressure over the first essay then and I didn't think of it, yes I could've started reading the sources I did have this week earlier, but I was focused on getting the other ones because this essay literally requires at least 5 of the recommended reading sources so I was anxious about it. It might be my fault but repeatedly criticising me over it and then acting like I'm bullying them when they gang up to tell me not to act like the victim over my mother repeatedly doing this little dig about starting sooner next time, fucking any chance she gets. (it might come from a place of concern but it doesn't make it easier to deal with when I'm trying to work) Gah
Oh darling. Take a moment, take a deep breath, just give yourself a second to decompress. It sounds to me like you've done the best you could with what you had access to under the circumstances.
As for your parents? Even if your parents are normally supportive that doesn't make them perfect and that doesn't mean you can't be hurt by/frustrated with them.
It's a common trap for even the most supportive people to fall into the mindset of "you can just plan/schedule/organize around your illness" despite that not always being possible.
Things happen, emergencies crop up, you can't force other people to operate on your own schedule, sometimes feeling/being overwhelmed just halts you in your tracks, etc etc.
I'm sorry that you're having these issues with them and while I always advocate open communication if it's safe I do know that sometimes it's not an option/doesn't work.
Just, take a few hours, take a warm shower or eat a snack, something that helps you unwind, and give yourself that moment to reset.
If you're feeling up to it maybe see if you can reach out to your teachers to get a list of essays/resources you might be coming up against in the future way ahead of time so you have more time to get your materials together.
If that's not an option then just keep doing what you're doing, try your best, and know that what matters is that you're still pushing forward.
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archives-of-camelot · 1 year ago
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Characters: Eli, Evelin (@nimue-hidden-lake)
Series: Evelin Anniversary
Sheesh this was long. But it was necessary to set up the dynamic for the weeks to come. I can't say or promise if the other parts will be nearly as long as this, so just keep that in mind.
February... Eli stared into the void of the night sky, lost in thought as he was in the beauty of the stars. For some, it was just another month. For most it was a chance to prepare surprises and gifts for their partners. And while the latter was certainly true in his case, it was also a reminder of how everything changed.
It was this month in particular, six years ago, where he would meet someone that would change his life forever.
As he pondered this, his mind began to wander...and memories started to drift...
. . .
It was six years ago, the last year of the adulterant chapter of everyone's lives that semester.
As his classmates clamored and enthusiastically shared with each other about their plans for the future, Eli found himself sat alone, like any other day. Not that he minded...in fact he preferred it this way. Ever since his 'sister' graduated, there wasn't anyone to talk to.
Where as everyone voiced their sorrows that they would soon depart and truly begin their lives, Eli couldn't be more eager to get out of there. He didn't have anyone to leave behind, and thus, had no regrets...at least he thought at the time.
And so he headed to his favorite spot, to get away from all the noise. A shaded spot, under a canopy of trees just beyond the field. But just as he was about to rest, he heard someone approach.
"Ah, I thought I was the only one who knew about this place..." a soft, yet cold voice landed in his ear.
He looked up and saw a girl, about his age. Her long black hair swayed in the autumn breeze, as he locked eyes with her. Her eyes were a deep rich violet, and seemed to almost glow in the shade of the trees, like amethysts.
All the while clutching a cat to her chest.
"Do you mind if I sit here...?" she asked, as he had yet to even utter a word.
"Not at all" he would finally reply.
The girl joined him in the shade, cat in one hand, as she pat it with the other. The two stared at the leaves as they swayed in the wind. Some danced back and forth, as others fell.
Since she sat, no other words or glances were exchanged, and Eli thought nothing of it as they would part ways and head to their classes for the day.
A few days had passed, and Eli had all but forgotten the strange girl and her cat. But little did he know that he'd meet her again.
One day, as Eli was about to make his way home, he heard a cry from the trees. Looking up, and staring back at him was a cat. Oh the typical scenario all cats found themselves in sooner or later. But now wasn't time for thinking.
"Easy there fella, just stay where you are" he said in a hushed tone, as he slowly climbed up the trunk. Both to ensure he had a good grip, and so he didn't scare the poor kitty into falling and hurting itself.
The cat shivered and meowed as it watched it's savior slowly make his way up. Eli reached over, but was barely short of reaching.
"Alright little guy, you're gonna have to jump" he said while motioning to 'come'.
The cat wobbled as it stared at the boy, and then at the ground below.
"C'mon, I'll catch ya" he assured.
The next few moments happened very quickly. As the kitten tried to make it's way over to Eli, a paw slipped and it started falling.
As if on instinct, the boy leapt from the tree and-
Suddenly he was on the ground, as he heard purring come from his jacket. After catching his breath, he opened his hoodie and saw the cat, purring and nuzzling into his chest.
"Sheesh...you're a little troublemaker aren't you? Let's not make this a regular thing, ok?" he said with a smirk as he pat the kitten.
It meowed and continue to nuzzle, as if giving a response.
But something was familiar about this cat... He paced back and forth while he pondered if he'd seen this cat before- Aha! The girl from a few weeks ago!
With that lead, he made his way back to campus, hoping he hadn't missed her until-
"Excuse me, have you seen my cat?" a familiar voice graced his ears.
He turned around and low and behold, the same black hair, and amethyst eyes were in front of him yet again. But this time her face was different. Unlike the stone cold expression she wore before, she looked worried...well, what was probably her worried expression. There wasn't much difference.
"You mean this?"
He saw relief take hold as he opened his hoodie and revealed the still purring kitten underneath.
Handing the kitten back to her, he noticed her expression shift into a small smile as she patted it. She then turned her attention to him.
"Thank you for keeping Pinro safe" she said in her calm, cold voice. But even still, she sounded genuinely thankful. "She seems to like you" she added.
"Don't mention it" he said as he patted Pinro on the head, eliciting a light nuzzle. "Say, you're the girl from before, right...? I didn't get your name"
"Evelin" she would simply say with a nod.
"Eli" he replied in turn.
She seemed to take mental note, as she nodded upon hearing his name. Of course, Eli didn't notice at the time, not thinking much of this interaction. Though now that he could see her clearly, he did acknowledge that she was very beautiful. It may as well have been a statement of fact, but of course he'd keep that to himself.
"I should be heading back. It's my turn to make dinner" he said as he gave one last pat to Pinro.
"Ah, I should get going too. My sisters are probably wondering what's taking so long" she'd again nod.
"Safe journey" he said with a smirk as he turned and they parted ways.
Months would again pass into winter. February to be specific. Pairs, couples, and dates littered every square foot of the campus for the first two weeks, like every year. Most having gotten together literally that month.
Safe to say, it wasn't Eli's thing, as it was just like any other month to him. Not like any girl would wanna waste their time on him anyways. The only one that did was long gone, and even then she was more like his sister than anything else.
But this year it didn't seem like he had a choice. Suddenly he was accosted by classmates who asked him if this year he would finally get a date. Some were genuinely curious, while most others were trying to make fun of him, some even saying they 'had the perfect one for him'.
He was able to ignore them for a time, but the constant flagging down and question became too much.
"Fine! I'll ask whoever the hell it is out for Valentines Day! If it'll make you shut up" he barked.
Little did he know the roller coaster he was in for, when he found himself in front of her yet again. Evelin...
Her? They wanted him to ask her out? 'Whatever, get it over with' he thought. She was way out of his league. Surely she'd say no, they'd part ways, and he'd be left alone-
The world felt like it fell silent as Eli stared at Evelin Did...did she...?
"Wait, what...? Could you...repeat that...?" he asked, leaning in close.
"I said yes" she replied plainly. She never minced or wasted a word.
"W-Wait wait wait...'yes'...? Just like that?!"
"Yes" she nodded.
Eli stood there dumbfounded. Safe to say, that wasn't what he expected.
"I never got to properly thank you"
"That doesn't answer my question..."
"In time, you'll figure that out for yourself"
How could someone speak so plainly, yet still be utterly confusing?
Well, no matter. He didn't expect this to go anywhere. A few weeks of spending time, Valentines Day, and then she'd get bored of him. No way someone like her would actually-
. . .
"It's getting late"
A calm voice touched his ears again as he was brought back. He turned to be met with those deep purple eyes once again. Just as vast and beautiful as before.
"I've been waiting for you for 20 minutes" she said matter of factly as she closed the distance between them.
"R-Right, sorry...was just, er...thinking" he nervously chuckled.
"I suppose six years is a long time" she nodded.
"You knew...?"
"Of course. It's February"
"Ah, yeah, heh...of course you did..."
Eli took a deep breath.
"Hey, you remember my question back then...?"
"You still have yet to answer it"
"That's because you have yet to figure it out"
Again with the riddles. He'd be annoyed, but he couldn't deny it was part of her charm. Even six years later she was still full of surprises, betraying her plain tone and simple to the point manner of speech. Added with her blunt delivery, it both made her statements simple and complicated at once.
And the month was just beginning.
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ma-lark-ey · 1 year ago
feels imperative for me to tell y'all I mostly read this chapter in my sociology class #college.
Also note that numbered comments footnoted from the text are comments actually on the word doc I left while reading that I deemed funniest enough to share with the world so
Chapter 4:
Up until then they were fighting like cats and dogs. Now look at them. They're practically trading friendship bracelets and I couldn't fit a crowbar between them if it'd save my life."[1] "But why?" Neil asked. "Andrew hates Kevin's obsession with Exy." "The day they start making sense to you, let me know," Nicky said, moving so Neil could get a drink. "I gave up trying to sort it all out weeks ago. You could ask, but neither of them will answer. But as long as I'm doling out advice? Stop staring at Kevin so much. You're making me fear for your life over here." "What do you mean?" "Andrew is scary territorial of him. He punched me the first time I said I'd like to get Kevin too wasted to be straight." Nicky pointed at his face, presumably where Andrew had decked him. "So yeah, I'm going to crush on safer targets until Andrew gets bored of him. That means you, since Matt's taken and I don't hate myself enough to try Seth. Congrats." "Can you take the creepy down a level?" Aaron asked. "What?" Nicky asked. "He said he doesn't swing, so obviously he needs a push." "I don't need a push," Neil said. "I'm fine on my own."
[1] Not meager besties, not lovers, not a QPR, not brothers, but a secret undiscovered fifth thing.
"Nicky's scheming to rape Neil," Aaron said. "There are a couple flaws in his plan he needs to work out first, but he'll get there sooner or later."[1] "You're such an asshole," Nicky said as he started for the door. "Wow, Nicky," Andrew said. "You start early." "Can you really blame me?" Nicky glanced back at Neil as he said it. He only took his eyes off Andrew for a second, but that was long enough for Andrew to lunge at him.
[1] I can’t with these fuckers. in all seriousness, having read a good chunk of TRK at this point and also Andrew having no further context than Aaron's one out of pocket joke. He's justified here, actually. I support him. It is BATSHIT without that context though.
Neil wondered if Andrew's medicine would let him grieve, or if he'd laugh at Nicky's funeral too. Then he wondered if a sober Andrew would act any different
^^ elaborating on this in the endnotes
"You're only a year older than I am." Two, really, but he wasn't about to tell them he'd lied about both his birthday and his age.
I refuse to accept that. No way Kevin's only twenty. Surely he's like. twenty-two at the youngest.
"You could at least try," Kevin said. Andrew thought about it, then said, "I could, couldn't I? Maybe next time!"
And now, for your chapterly conversation that's really just hate-flirting;
"Get off my racquet." "Make me?" Andrew said, spreading his arms in invitation. "Try, anyway." "Don't tempt me." "Such fierce words from such a little creature," Andrew said. "You're not very bright. Typical of a jock." "Hypocrite," Neil said.
Andrew. You want to fuck him so bad it makes you look stupid.
Wymack tossed the coffee to him. Neil caught it instinctively, but he couldn't hold onto it. It bounced off the floor at his feet and the lid popped off to spill grinds everywhere. Wymack stalked toward Neil with a snarled, "You idiot." Retreating from a furious older man was so instinctive Neil didn't realize he'd flinched until Wymack froze. Wymack's face went almost dangerously blank and Neil dropped his gaze. He was careful not to look away from Wymack entirely. He needed to see when Wymack started moving again. He waited for Wymack to say something. After an endless, brittle silence, he realized Wymack wouldn't speak until he did. "Today was my mistake," Neil said quietly. "It won't happen a second time." Wymack didn't answer. He didn't come closer, either. At length he pointed at the ground in front of him. "Come here. No," he said when Neil started to reach for the mess at his feet. "Leave it...Look at me," Wymack said. "Right now." Neil dragged his stare up from Wymack's chest to his face. Wymack's expression was still too blank for Neil to feel safe, but he knew better than to look away again. "I want you to understand something," Wymack said. "I am a loud, grouchy old man. I like to yell and throw things. But I don't throw punches unless some punk is dumb enough to try me first. I have never, ever hit someone without provocation, and I'm sure as hell not going to start with you. You hear me?" Neil didn't believe him, but he said, "Yes, Coach."
^^^ elaboration in the endnotes x2
Kevin was more demanding of himself than he was of anyone around him. He set his standards impossibly high and tried for them with everything he had, and he didn't understand why others wouldn't do the same.
^^^ so much to say on him in the endnotes
"Is that your slow attempt at suicide or do you actually have sheathes built into those?" Neil asked. "Yes." "That's not the one you tried to cut Nicky with. How many knives do you carry?" "Enough,"
sober Andrew is literally the funniest bitch in this series and he's not even trying to be funny.
Also Neil how do you know which knife Andrew used on Nicky. Gay behaviour.
"Kevin says you'll be a champion. Four years and you'll go pro. Five years and you'll be Court. He promised Coach. He promised the school board. He argued until they signed off on you...Curious that a man with so much potential, who has so much fun, who could 'be something' wouldn't want any of it. Why is that?"
^^^ all thoughts on Kevin are going in the endnotes there's too many
"You are a conundrum," Andrew said. "Thank you." "No, thank you," Andrew said as he slipped past Neil without a look back. "I need a new toy to play with."[1] "I'm not a toy."[2] "I guess we'll see."
[1] is this say yes to the dress or say yes to slut jesus christ Andrew WHAT. [2] Neil: "I'm not gay!" bbg then what in the homosexual was that?
don't look back, don't slow down, and don't trust anyone. Be anyone but himself, and never be anyone for too long.
^^^ so many things to say on Neil's mom in the end notes.
He hadn't cried when the flames caught, and he hadn't flinched when he pulled her cooling bones out. He filled her backpack with everything that was left of her, carried her two miles down the beach, and buried her as deep as he could. By the time he found the highway again he was numb with shock
He was nothing and no one, and he always would be. Court wasn't for people like him.[1]
[1] Neil , bbg, your mom ALSO was abusive do you realise this please say yes. Neil the lesser of two evils is still evil.
"and I—I can't go back there. I can't, I can't, I won't, I—I have to go. I have to go. I should go now, before he has to come for me. Maybe he'll forgive me if I go back. If I make him hunt me down any more than I have already he'll kill me for sure." "Shut up," Wymack said. "You're not going anywhere." "I can't tell Riko no!" "Then don't say a word," Wymack said. "Keep your mouth shut and let me and Andrew do the talking.
Kevin. I want to study you like a bug.
"Jean," Kevin cut in. "I have to call Jean. I have to hear him say it."
I don't know who Jean is, imma be so fr, but I do know he's getting his own book?? and I also know he's a fan favorite apparently?? maybe I blocked him out of my memory somehow but I read all of the TRK I'm like, 90% sure and I dont remember him?
TBCH I have no idea how much of this series I've already read it is brain soup. the other night I was explaining it to my roommate and went 'OH and I forgot to mention, that Andrew guy? He's actually spending about 90% of the book on like, court mandated crack because he almost killed four people. No yeah, it's kind of not a big plot point beyond the fact he's loopy as hell most of the time." and she stared at me like I lost my mind (I had)
"But he broke his hand in a skiing accident," Neil said. "Bullshit," Wymack said. "It wasn't an accident...it wasn't the first time Riko or Moriyama laid a hand on him. It was just the first time Kevin was smart enough to pack his bags and walk away. So much for family, hm?" "I don't believe in family." "Neither do I."
My Dadmack agenda is making some slayful fanfic ideas in my head.
"Kevin only had the strength to leave because Riko destroyed his hand. That was finally one injustice too many. Because of that I'd like to think Kevin would defy Tetsuji, but it's just as likely we'd never see him with a racquet again. But the day Kevin stops playing forever is the day he dies. He has nothing else. He wasn't raised to have anything else. Do you understand? We cannot lose to the Ravens this year. Kevin won't survive it."
then everything else I've noted for this chapter is the family goss of the Moriyama-Josten whatever the fuck is happening here.
first, let's talk about Kev, baby.
Kevin Day is such an interesting character because he's a very different portrayal of abuse victim response than usually put in these kinds of media. Kevin doesn't let people except for Andrew and Riko push him around--- Andrew out of respect, and Riko for obvious reasons. Despite being conditioned to be a follower, Kevin IS a leader. He thrives in leadership positions. As much as Andrew has a leash on him, he has a leash on Andrew.
I think it's very clever characterization on Sakavic's part for the first time Kevin's facade of level-headed, pissed off teach coach to slip away into what he really is--- a terrified survivor who's partially in hiding--- being in the location Neil is starting to consider his home turf, whether intentional or unintentional, allows Neil to feel a bit closer to Wymack as well as humanize Kevin to him. By Kevin, unbeatable and unshakeable, Mr. Stonecold Kevin, to feel comfortable having this kind of emotional breakdown in Wymack's house, Neil sees that this person is respected and trusted by someone he at least respects.
Wymack's handling of the situation I also think is rather good. Kevin wouldn't respond to something soft and vulnerable, like Neil did. Kevin doesn't care for gentleness at all, the firm and demanding nature Wymack offers him in this moment heavily resembles what I figure Andrew would do in the situation (if sober), who is very much a comfort to Kevin.
Furthermore, Neil & Wymack's interaction over the coffee beans is something I think about so extremely often.
Neil thinks he's this big macho aloof guy, and he definitely tries to come across as such. But he's really... Not. He's kind of like an ornery cat, like yeah you could be intimidating maybe, but you're really just a baby, ain't ya? I mean, he succeeds better with the team, but he never tries very hard to hold his persona over Wymack, and whether that's his fight or flight response or a subconscious comfortability with Coach is impossible to tell.
I mean, all in all Neil is kind of just a pathetic skrunkle. Like, sorry kid, you failed at intimidation school. It's clear of the team by his aloof persona. I appreciate Neil's effort to be cool, it's just not fooling anyone. All of them can tell that Neil is honestly a pretty timid person, very quiet, very docile. Which leads me to...
His MOTHER. Listen I understand this woman was doing the best she could but if her and me are EVER in the same room I am throwing hands. It is ON SIGHT.
Now. I'm gonna chill. However, even if the way she raised Neil was for his safety and his benefit, it was abusive in every sense of the word. One of the first things Neil says in this book is that his mother would beat him senseless is she saw him playing Exy. Insane words, Neil. And I also recognize this woman had some serious issues of her own she needed to work through, like... Lord. Just. So much to unpack with her.
That being said, I want someone to BEAT some self-worth into Neil and I know that ain't gonna happen so.
I'm sure there was something else I wanted to touch on but I have no more thoughts so this is what you've got. On to chapter five.
Lark Liveblogs Literature Part ???: All For The Game Series - Nora Sakavic
I'm doing something a little bit different with this one! In the business of full disclosure, I read TFC (and about a chapter of TRK) in April this year, decided "I can't mcfucking do this" and then gave up. And then didn't stop thinking about Neil Josten for the next eight months and now we're BACK. So, instead of properly 'liveblogging,' unlike most first-reads I do, I'm actually annotating this one because it's too good to NOT.
That means I have a customized (so totally legal mhm) word doc, highlight/unline privileges, and audacity.
Here's what I knew before I read back in April (stolen from my beta version of this post);
Andrew Minyard: Gay(?), funniest bitch alive if Tumblr brackets are to be trusted. Murderer? Has Boyfriend???
Sports. Maybe. Yes? sports.
Drugs are involved. Somehow.
Now, here's where I am going in now;
Ranking the Foxes goes; Neil, Aaron, Dan, Kevin, Andrew, Renee, Matt, Nicky
I have no idea how exy works, I do don't plan on figuring it out.
Do not remember if I read TRK but what I remember happening is far too much to be just the 230 page doc that is TFC so I MUST HAVE right?
Do know his real name's Nathaniel because I did read that scene reveal and get JUMPSCARED by my brother's name.
How this is going to work is that I'm going to put in my annotations for each chapter. Enjoy!
Chapter 1:
"You can't be serious." "Very serious, and very out of time,"
"were a team of talented rejects and junkies because Wymack only recruited athletes from broken homes...nice in theory, but it meant his players were fractured isolationists who couldn't get along long enough to get through a game."
"God damn it, Minyard. This is why we can't have nice things."[1] "Oh, Coach," someone said over Neil's head. "If he was nice, he wouldn't be any use to us, would he?" "He's no use to us if you break him." "You'd rather I let him go? Put a band-aid on him and he'll be good as new."[2]
[1] This is why we can’t have nice things, darling. Because you break them. I have to take them away
[2] Andrew I’ll kiss you
"blond and five feet even"[1]
blond? wrong. five foot even? correct.
"They were champions, and Neil was a jumble of lies and dead-ends."[1]
[1] Neil your self-loathing is showing
"It's not a good idea." "Your opinion has been duly noted and dismissed,"
"It was proof he existed, same as this game they both played. Kevin was proof Neil was real."
"It's about second chances, Neil. Second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you." Neil had heard Wymack referred to as an idealistic idiot by more than one person, but it was hard to listen to him and not believe that he was sincere
"It sounded like a dream; it tasted like damnation"
nothing much to say on chapter one--- it's a standard introductory chapter to a contemporary(ish) novel.
Wymack sets up the series' key theme with his line, "It's about second chances, Neil. Second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you."
Kevin's demeanor in this chapter is very similar to the Kevin we see up until Raven's come into play--- He's very good at acting very standoffish and tough.
The shift in Kevin when Riko comes into play was actually so dramatic I didn't recognize him here, I was afeared
some of the quotes I've added here are obviously because I thought they were funny exchanges--- others are me English Majoring(tm), and others are just me marking plot, characterization, facts, etc.
admittedly what i've put here is about half of what is actually highlighted/underlined in my doc.
I want to study the dynamic between Neil & Wymack under a microscpe
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mintugiyuu · 4 years ago
> here’s the final part of your request @kyojoroo ! I’m so sorry it’s in two different parts, but I learned for the first time that these text boxes have a limit lmao, again I hope you enjoy and have a great day/night! <3
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༄ we have to stop meeting like this - continued
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sfw one-shot
➥ pairing || rengoku kyojurou x reader
➥ au || modern day; college
➥ warnings || cheesy, tooth-rotting fluff with extra cheese
➥ synopsis || the reader keeps bumping into the one and only rengoku kyojurou; only instead of just casually seeing him over and over again, they quite literally bump into him in the most inconvenient ways possible. (cont.)
➥ part one || click here!
༄ the mediterranean sea collection - masterlist
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Today had to be one of the worst days in your life. Freezing, drenched, and newly homeless, you tucked yourself onto the bus stop bench. Lucky you, this one didn't even have an awning to protect you from the elements.
The rain had no pity for your predicament as it pelted your body, the light clothing doing close to nothing for you. Summer had just come, yet the night rainfall seemed to have brought an unexpected chill.
Not to mention the suitcase and duffle bag you had with you were now also getting soaked.
You could only hope nothing was too waterlogged.
Your hand did little to protect your dying phone from getting wet as you tried to search for the nearest place to stay. Motel, hotel, air B'N'B; anything in range to get you off the streets for the night.
You had a feeling this would happen, and boy were kicking yourself for not seeing the red flags and preparing sooner.
Not having enough savings for a dorm, you had signed a contract with the residents of an apartment to rent out one of the rooms for cheap.
The agreement only lasted for two semesters, but they had promised that you'd be able to renew it once summer rolled around.
"Promise my ass." You grumbled, remembering how the original owner had gotten a partner. In return, they refused to let you sign another contract so they would have space for the "love of their life".
You saw the signs; you saw how their stuff slowly moved into the apartment and all the time they were spending there.
You just didn't think they'd be shitty enough people to kick you out the moment your contract ended.
A gust of icy wind rolled through, causing another shudder to rack your body. The closest place wasn't in walking distance, and it was far to late for the buses to be running. Sighing, you shut off your phone and closed your eyes.
You had resigned yourself to walk the several blocks to the nearest 24/7 fast food place to at least get out of the rain.
That was until the rain fall suddenly stopped beating down on you. The rain couldn't have stopped though, you could still hear it. You blinked your eyes open and looked up, surprised to what - or more accurately, who - you saw.
Standing there in all his warmth and glory, Kyojurou looked down at you with concern, holding a bright red umbrella over your soaked form.
He couldn't seem to help the small smile that graced his lips at the sound of his first name.
"I'd be happier that you finally used my name if you didn't look so sad and drenched."
A humorless snort escaped your lips as you hugged yourself, shivering slightly. "Timing always has my side doesn't it? I'm just about to head to the closest food place to get out of the rain, so don't worry about it."
"I got kicked out," you shrugged, looking to the ground.
"This late at night?"
"It surprised me too. They found a new roommate and wouldn't let me renew my contract for the next school year, and it just so happens it ended tonight." There was a hint of bitterness in your tone, one that was completely understandable.
Kyojurou's brows furrowed. "They didn't give you a heads up? A two week notice?"
"I'm just lucky they let me pack all of my stuff before I had to leave." You continued to look down at the ground, not seeing the way Kyojurou's face contorted ever so slightly.
He didn't get mad often, but whoever your old roommates are were now on his shit list
"Well that's a shitty thing to do," he stated bluntly, causing you to sputter and blink dumbly at him.
It's been almost a year since you've met the blonde, and in all that time you never once heard him say a single bad word.
"Did you just curse??"
He pretended not to hear, pulling out his own phone to see the time as you mulled over the fact that this sweet ray of sunshine just called someone shitty.
Expression neutralizing as he schemed, he turned back to you. "You don't have to stay in a fast food place for the night."
"Huh?? Are you suggesting I sleep in a box?"
The man smiled, resting a reassuring hand on top of your shoulder, frustration forgotten for now. "You can stay with me!"
"What now?"
Chuckling, he passed the umbrella off to you to hold, beginning to slip his arms out of the jacket he wore. "You can stay with me for the time being until you get back on your feet! Well, us. If you wanted to of course! Sanemi just moved out, so we're looking for a new one regardless."
Baffled at the sudden offer, you started to shake your head, forming the words to decline him. It was too big of a favor, how could you accept that?
He was one step ahead of you, as he always is.
"Before you say anything, no, it would not be any trouble, you're a joy to have around! We can settle the nitty gritty later, let's just get you out of the cold."
"Wait, Kyojurou," you were silenced by a heavy warmth that suddenly engulfed your upper body, including your sight. Moving the fabric from your eyes, you realized it was his jacket.
His once dry clothes was slowly becoming just as soaked as you were as he took back the umbrella, insistently keeping it solely above you.
The gentle way he smiled in combination with the light post that shined behind his head had you convinced he was your guardian angel in disguise.
You hesitantly pulled the jacket closer to your body, not being able to deny how relieving the warmth felt. "But, won't you be cold?"
"My insides are practically pocket heaters, it takes a lot for me to be cold. A little wind and rain won't do anything to me, I promise! Now come on, before you get sick," he insisted as he grabbed your bag, throwing them over his shoulder.
"Little" was an understatement, but you didn't have the energy to argue. It was the middle of the night and you could feel your eyes starting to droop.
Grabbing your luggage to role behind, you let the other wrap his free arm around your form, hand resting on your arm. "Thank you, truly I don't know where to start showing how grateful I am. I owe you big time."
"Never refer to me as Rengoku-san again and I'll call it even!"
A wobbly smile tugged at your lips as you leaned into his side, letting him guide you down the route to his apartment. "You have a deal then, Kyojurou."
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The weather broadcasters warned everyone about heavy snowfall, but you couldn’t help but think they could’ve prepared everyone a bit more as you stared out your window and could only see the shadow of snow.
Thank the gods above it was winter break or they’d have to cancel classes, which would just be tuition money flushed down the shitter.
Your train of thought was interrupted by a knock at the door of the bedroom you were in, which was odd because the door was open.
Low and behold, it was your sweetheart of a boyfriend, holding two mugs and using his foot to knock. “I brought hot coco!”
"You don't have to knock, this is your room you dork."
"Our room technically, my dear." He responded smoothly, shutting the door with his foot behind him as he made his way to you.
"Careful not to spill it," he winked, laughing slightly as he handed you your mug.
"Just for that I should," you scoffed playfully, sticking your tongue out at him as you took the drink. The smile on his face was nothing but adoring, finding you to be adorable. You had to look away to dismiss the butterflies that swarmed in your tummy. “Looks like we’re snowed in for a bit. The snow is above the windows.”
Kyojurou hummed in agreement. “I still don’t understand how tiny snowflakes can become so damaging so fast!”
“You’re funny,” you chuckled, taking a sip of the hot beverage. Kyojurou always made the best hot chocolate.
“... UME! I’m glad I can be amusing!” You couldn't hold down the snort at the realization that he wasn't joking, swallowing and shaking your head. You granted him mercy and switched the subject.
“What are the others up to?”
Kyojurou leaned against the sill next to you, shoulder bumping yours affectionately. “Tengen is in the living room playing video games with his girlfriends, Mitsuri is watching a movie in her room and Obanai is watching with her. I think she's also painting his nails from the conversation I overheard while passing by."
“I see.”
The both of you were leaning against the window sill, basking in the comfortable silence. It wasn't common in an apartment full of unique roommates.
Even now you both could hear the loud victory cheer of Suma as Tengen groaned in defeat.
Taking another sip of your drink, you hummed, lifting your head to face Kyojurou. You were going to say something, but that was forgotten as you covered your mouth with your fingers as to not laugh suddenly.
"Hm? Is something wrong?" Your poor oblivious lover had a whipped cream mustache. He tilted his head at you - not unlike an owl - seemingly confused to your sudden shift in expression. You swallowed your laughter down as you placed your drink onto the sill, stepping closer to the blonde.
"No, nothing's wrong. You just have a little something rigghtt..." you reached out to grip his chin gently, swiping your thumb across his top lip to collect the whipped cream. "-there, all gone!"
A pretty, bright red color spread across Kyojurou’s face, wide eyes blinking owlishly at you with his mouth slightly agape. Laughing quietly at his reaction, you licked the cream off your thumb, patting the side of his cheek teasingly.
"You'll catch flies, hun." A click of teeth could be heard as he closed his mouth.
"RIGHT!" He stopped himself to clear his throat, turning to face the window as his usual smile reappeared, though a bit wobbly. "Thank you!"
All you did was hum, a slight mischievous smirk settling onto your face. You were set to happily go back to your drink when you shivered, the chill of the room finally reaching you through your clothes.
Kyojurou caught it from the corner of his eye, turning back to you. “Are you cold?”
You waved him off, shaking your head. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence, you'll just get another sweatshirt.
“I’ll be ok. The hot coco will warm me up in- WOAH!” That plan was thrown out the window when he suddenly scooped you up into his broad arms, smiling determinedly.
"You're not allowed to just continue on being cold, not if I can help it!" The firey man plopped you down onto your shared bed, quickly gathering the collection of fluffy blankets you have accumulated over time.
In the blink of an eye, you were neatly swaddled in said blankets and being held gently to your boyfriend's warm chest. He settled underneath the main blanket, wrapping his strong arms around your body.
“Is that better?” He beamed at you, looking oh so proud of himself.
What did you do to deserve him?
"Much," you all but groaned, snuggling your face into the warmth of his chest. It was like cuddling a big warm marshmallow. “I still can’t understand how you’re so warm.”
“I’m a living-breathing heater, my dear. I’ve explained this before, I’m sure of it.”
You snorted, leaning into his hand as he began to run his fingers through your hair. “I’m not complaining, you’re good to keep around for whenever my hands freeze.”
“I wouldn’t mind one bit," his voice came out softly, planting a warm kiss to onto your forehead. This in turn caused you to melt even further into him, burying your face into his shirt.
Kyojurou laughed with amusement as he turned on the television, looking for something for the two of you to watch for the rest of the evening. You eventually peaked your head out to look at him, wrapping your arms around his middle.
“Hey, Kyojurou?”
All of his attention was on you. Even in these small moments he looks at you as though you're the most precious human being in the world. And to him, you were.
You hummed, placing a kiss onto his chin. “I’m happy I spilled my drink all over you.”
The small peck had similar effects from the whipped cream incident earlier, though he seemed to snap out of it quicker this time. He smiled brighter, cupping your cheek with his large, warm hand.
“That's an odd way of saying I love you."
This made you pause, the 'L-word' not being used between the two of you yet. “Wait, what?"
He gave you no time to question further as he placed a kiss onto your lips in return, his other hand finding the small of your back to pull you closer.
The initial shock of being kissed faded quickly, your arms finding their way around his neck as you pulled yourself closer. The kiss was short and sweet, yet the passion that Kyojurou lived by was always present.
The kiss came to a pause with you laying on top of his chest, remote forgotten and blankets wrapped around you as you steadied your breathing.
Kyojurou's eyes crinkled slightly with his smile, brushing the back of his hand across your cheek.
"I love you too."
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fandomscombine · 4 years ago
The Fugitive
BG: It’s been months since the golden trio disappeared. Muggleborns and Half Bloods are being hunted. For your safety, you are sent into hiding back in the muggle world. Different name, different look. But what happens when a wizard apparates in your neighborhood. A fugitive.
A/N: Notes: it's my first ever Ron fic, hope I captured his essence well. Also tried to emulate the same emotional tension as the kiss in the chamber of secrets during the battle of hogwarts.
(it's been a week at work, im still adjusting to a new schedule that's why i'm not as active. but don't worry, still gonna be here just not able to write as much and posting fics would take longer- thanks for understanding.)
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Being a half-blood child of divorced parents meant that you live 2 very distinct lives. On one hand you have your magical life courtesy of your father while on your mum's side you are just an ordinary suburban teenager.
With the majority of the year in Hogwarts, your social life was more so inclined to the Wizarding world. Spending only short holidays in the muggle world. That the magicless part of your life rarely ever brought up in conversation.
In hindsight, that disconnect between the two worlds is what is keeping you safe now.
See, You Know Who's forces are on the rise ever since Dumbledore died.
Muggleborns are being hunted and the Daily Prophet's headlines about missing people are almost guaranteed at this point.
Your father had you stay with your mother in hiding. "These are dangerous times", he said, "and sooner or later the Death Eaters would be targeting half bloods next."
Despite their turbulent past, your parents both agreed on something after 14 years: Keep Y/N L/N safe, Keep you hidden. No magic to be used, you were to be a muggle.
Since not much information was known about your non magic side, you started using your mother's last name and even dyed your hair for an extra level of protection.
2 months into being Y/N M/L/N has got you on edge. You get scraps of news about the war from what notes you'd get from your father. The Carrows and Snape seizing control of Hogwarts and that Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are on the run. Still you were grateful, knowing that risk he'd taken.
As you rounded the street corner of your house, hands deep inside your heat charmed pockets from the harsh winter weather.
Crack! Muggles would brush off the sound to the crunching of fallen leaves but to witches and wizards, it is the unmistakable sound of an apparition.
It couldn't be your father- he'd apparate in the small exclusion zone hidden in the garden shed.
Your mind runs to the worst case scenario. How the death eaters found you, you don't know and you don't intend to find out much less corner you.
"Petrificus totalus" you aim towards the figure.
After a quick scan to make sure your muggle neighbour hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary, you head towards the frozen body. It'd be best to take their wand away and erase their memory.
The death eaters would really take in anyone to find Harry huh, you thought to yourself.
The intruder on the ground looked like he went through hell and back, clothes tattered and dirty, even from here you notice his bloody bruised hands. " I'll be taking these..." pocketing the 2 wands easily from this limp hand. "you filthy piece of sh-wait"
There peaking out his hat just a bit, reddish hair. It's duller than you've ever seen, could it be?
But if he's here, what happened to the other two?
"Ron?" Carefully removing the hat away, you lean to bet a closer look. "Bloody hell! Ron!" You swiftly reverse the spell.
Instantly Ron sat up pushing you away, wheezing.
"Hey hey hey…it's alright."
"Stay back!" Ron shouted, fist clenched. He knew he was wandless, defenseless but he isn't going to back down without a fight. Especially since he just escaped the snatchers back in Diagon Alley. "How'd you know my name?"
"I… it's me Ron. Y/N! y/n l/n from potions class. We were partners in 6th year!" You specified, having only been group partners for a term but apparently that was enough time for butterflies to flutter in your stomach.
Oh would it be a wretch to the heart if he didn’t remember you.
"Y/n?" Ron shook his head disbelieving. "No it can't be. y/n has y/h/c colored hair, not this." He gestured to your face.
Even in such a dark time, this boy could still make you laugh. An emotion you haven't felt in a while.
"Seriously Weasley, there's a thing called hair dye." Offering him a hand. "Now come on, we can't stay out, it isn't safe. And please keep quiet."
"Where are we going?" He asked loudly.
You glared at him, didn't he process what you had just said?
He tried again, this time at barely a whisper.
"Here eat up, I bet you're hungry."
Placing a plate of hearty roasted chicken and mash potatoes leftover from lunch.
"Thanks y/n." Earlier you had told Ron that he could clean up in the washroom while you prepare something to eat. “Mhmmmmm…” He moans, titling his head back with eyes closed enjoying the meal. “This is delicious, it’s great to eat real food again.”
You blush from the compliment. “Clothes!” Turning your attention to the pile on the stool, not wanting to be caught staring. “I got you a change of clothes.”
Your house didn't have male clothes since it was you and your mother. So your shirt dresses and oversize shorts would have to do.
“Wow ahh… I appreciate the thought but I won't be staying for long.”
“Oh” Why did you think that he would be staying? You internally scold yourself for letting it even cross your mind. “Alright, I just thought that…. You know what it’s not in my place to ask. And I totally understand that you can’t tell me anything.”
“No no no! It’s just I know you’re hiding and are safe here, but by me staying here would put a bigger target on your back.” Ron reasoned, trying to do some damage control, not wanting to end the night on a misunderstanding. “I don’t wanna put you in any more danger. I am a big walking liability.”
“Umm hmm I totally understand,” Deep down you genuinely understand where Ron is coming from and fall more for the young man because of it. “Let me at least have a look at your injuries before you go then…. For old times’ sake.”
Ron chuckled, recalling the past year- it seemed like a lifetime ago. One may say Ron is a clumsy guy- that he doesn’t deny, but in one particular term in 6th year, in a particular subject, his clumsiness was on another level.
Something always had to go wrong every potions class, he would either catch his sleeves on fire or have a magical concoction splash onto him.
This heightened accident prone Ron as much as he would like to blame external factors- can’t- it was all internal.
During potion class, Ron would have half his attention to studying and the other enamored by his intelligent, caring and beautiful seatmate, you.
Ron didn’t mind the multiple mishaps, in a way he actually preferred to have them as this meant you were tending to his injuries.
“Sorry! Just one more.” You uttered, returning your focus to his broken knuckle. “Episkey.”
“Uhpppmm’ His face buried in his shoulder to muffle the sound.
“Alright, we’re done!” You announce, gently placing his hand back down onto his lap. “ I can’t do much to regrow your nails though….if only i had some more-”
“Hey hey hey.” He interjected, reaching over. “You did a great job y/n! You helped heal my injuries, I could barely stand my ground earlier.”
“Yeah but..”
“Yea these splinched nails?” He brought his left hand up, wiggling his fingers. “It makes me look like a rugged rebel, you know?”
You can’t help but roll your eyes.
“I thought you like bad boys,” He teased. Bumping your shoulders together. “You reckon I have a chance now?”
You choked on your own saliva. “What?” Your voice squeaking a pitch higher.
“Yea its bad timing, you know with the war going on and all. But I just thought ‘Ron you better shoot your shot’ like who knows what bloody crap is gonna happen in the future..What kind of gryffindor would I be if I won’t even try.”
“Oh Ron..”
Ron is on a roll, words he kept hidden for so long were fumbling out and there is no stopping it. “I could have asked you back in 6th year but I chickened out and all this shit happened. Now that I’m here with you. What are the chances that it was you that found me after my near death escape.You know how much i hate divination but this has to be a sign yea?”
He raised his palm. “Please y/n. I need to get this off my chest, it’s been too long. It’s perfectly fine if you say no, but on the off chance that you do want to give this a go. That would be bloody brilliant.”
“So?” He prompted.
“Oh are you done? “ Faking disinterest.
“Well you told me to not interrupt!” You teased. “Yes.”
“I get it you don’t” Ron was deflated, he knew rejection was coming. All his life he was the second choice. The backup. If he ever was noticed to begin with. “--wait Wait YES??”
“You’re not messing with me right? You better now me messing with me now y/n, I’ve had a rough couple of days and I--”
“Oh shut up you.” You grabbed both sides of his face and leaned forward effectively cutting him off mid sentence. Feeling his chapped lips partly open, frozen, processing what just happened
before recuperating with the same vigor.
Everything Taglist : @gruffle1
HP Taglist: @onlyfreds
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the-marauders-enthusiast · 4 years ago
I’ve Fallen in Love With My Best Friend - James P. x Reader
Pairing: James Potter x Reader
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Word count: 1.6k
Summary: There’s an Amortentia lesson in Potions one day, and y/n feels confident that her best friend and crush, James Potter, didn’t like her back, as he has his heart reserved for Lily Evans. James also believes he’s in love with Lily, but things change when he smells someone else in the Amortentia. 
Walking into Professor Slughorn's class, you noticed the other students were perked up, excited for the lesson. You sat down, confused, until you saw the potion on Slughorn's desk, which you immediately noticed was Amortentia. Like your other classmates, you also felt eager for the lesson to start.
Suddenly you heard some people stumble into the room, instantly recognizing  them as your best friends, James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter. You smiled at James, seeing him scan his eyes around the room to find you. You waved your hand, calling him over to sit next to you. He grinned and walked over to the desk, sitting in the seat. "Good morning y/n!" he greeted kindly. He then looked around the classroom, his face morphing to a confused look when he noticed the buzzing excitement in the room. "Why is everyone so chipper today?" he asked. You then pointed at the potion on Slughorn's desk, "I'm guessing we're doing a lesson on Amortentia today." He was about to ask was Amortentia was, but was interrupted when Slughorn started talking.
"Good morning class, today we will be learning about Amortentia! Now, does anyone know what that is?" He questioned. You raised your hand quickly, and smiled when he called on you. "Amortentia is known as the world's most powerful love potion, and smells different to each person, as it's supposed to smell like whatever you love most."
"Perfect Ms. y/l/n! 10 points to y/h." you grinned proudly. You then heard Sirius' voice behind you, "Well I don't think prongs needs to smell it, we all know what it's gonna be!" He teased, James saying a lighthearted "shut up!" in return.
You knew what Sirius was talking about, of course. It was common knowledge that James was head over heels for Lily Evans, how could he not? In your eyes, she was everything that you wanted to be. Lily was gorgeous, popular, but most of all, she had James' attention. You've been in love with James about the same amount of time hes been in love with lily, and it hurt. It hurt being in love with someone who was so painfully obviously in love with someone else. Suddenly you weren't as excited for the lesson as you were before, as you weren't exactly thrilled to hear James talk about Lily's scent in the potion.
Slughorn started to call people up to smell the potion, and you waited your turn, watching them quickly walk to the desk when their name was called.
"Ms. y/l/n?" You snapped your head up. Everyone's eyes were suddenly on you, although the only ones that mattered were the hazel ones staring next to you. You started to get nervous, walking to the potion on the desk. Once there, you smelled the mixture.
broomstick polish, cologne, and freshly cut grass.
You rolled your eyes smiling, you had very clearly smelt one James Fleamont Potter. what a shocker, you thought. You gave a quick thanks to Professor Slughorn and sat back down, too embarrassed to share what you smelt with the class.
a few people went after you, and then James was called up. He smiled as the other marauders teased him. He confidently walked to the potion, grinning widely. Looking very sure of himself, he swiftly smelt the Amortentia. Then he suddenly had a puzzled expression on his face, quickly shifting to a frown. You started to feel worried as he nodded at Slughorn and quickly walked back to his seat. You instantly turned to him, "James are you okay?". His eyes widened dramatically, "What? oh yeah, I'm fine.", he replied quickly, avoiding your eyes. You frowned and turned back to the class.
When the lesson ended he practically ran out of the room, the other pranksters following quickly, looking ready for an interrogation. You just stared at the seat he was just sitting at, wondering what could have happened for him to act like that.
After that potions lesson, James had started avoiding you. Hed constantly make sure he didn't run into you, avoid your eye contact, sit far away from you at all times, and practically pretend you didn't exist. Any time you tried to talk to him, he would just brush you off, giving some lame excuse. It was as if the two of you had never been friends.
- "Hey James, do you wanna go to Hogsmeade this weekend with the others?"
"Sorry, I need to catch up on homework."
- " James! Wanna go to the library together after class?"
"I already have plans, sorry y/n."
- "Hey wanna go to the Quidditch pitch and practice?"
"Uh sorry y/n, maybe another time."
After a couple weeks of the neglect, your concern and confusion had turned into anger. What had you done to make him avoid you? And why couldn't he just talk to you about it? At this point, you had gotten fed up. You were walking to the Great Hall for dinner, and saw your friends about to walk in. Before a certain stag could enter, you grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back to face you.
"Oi! What are you- y/n!" He had a panicked expression, not expecting you to be the one who pulled him back. You made sure the other marauders were gone before dragging James to an empty corridor.
"What's your problem!" he asked exasperatedly, which made you scowl angrily.
"My problem?! You're the problem you idiot!"
He frowned, about to defend himself but you stopped him before he could.
"You've been avoiding me like the plague for weeks!"
"No I have-"
"Don't even try to deny it! I thought we were friends James."
"We are friends!"
"Then why have you been pretending like i dont exist!?" You shouted, feeling all of your anger bubble to the surface. James raised his eyebrows, shocked at the anger in your voice. you felt tears start to brim your eyes, "...is it me? Did i do something wrong?" Your voice had lowered, filled with fear, and you felt a tear roll down your face.
His gaze softened, "No, y/n, its not you", He said reassuringly. You felt more tears fall onto your cheeks.
"It just feels like I'm losing you James." You looked down at your feet. He lifted your chin to make you look up at him. "You could never lose me, y/n", he said with a pained expression.
Your brows threaded together, "Then whats wrong? Why haven't you been talking to me?"
He's silent for a few moments before finally finding the words.
"...I was scared", He whispered.
You frowned, "Of what?"
"My feelings. I've been so confused-"
"James i don't understand-"
"Please, just let me explain", he said nervously. You nodded, letting him continue.
"..For so long.. I thought it was Lily. I thought she was the one for me. I've been chasing after her for so long.. I was so sure that she was it for me. And then that Amortentia lesson happened. I was so confident it would smell like her.. but it didnt", he looked down and twiddled his thumbs, "It was you."
Your eyes widened, "James-"
"Just listen. I smelled you in the Amortentia. And for days after I was so confused about my feelings - feelings for Lily and for you. But the more I thought about it the more it made sense, and i started realizing how i truly feel. I used Lily as a distraction from the one person I actually loved, because I didn't know how to deal with those feelings. Because the truth is, I didn't know how to deal with the fact that I had fallen in love with my best friend... I love you y/n. It's always been you." He wore a pained expression, "And im so, so sorry i didnt realize it sooner."
You stared at him in surprise, well that's definitley not what I thought he was gonna say.
He grew worried at your silence, "Please say something." He pleaded, which seemed to pull you out of your stupor.
"Broomstick polish, cologne, and freshly cut grass", you stated.
He squinted in confusion, "What?"
"That's what I smelled in the Amortentia.. It smelled like you." He opened his mouth in surprise and you continued, "I love you James. I've loved you for so long, and I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear you say you feel the same way."
James' face brightened, and he pulled you into a bone crushing hug. When he pulled away from it, you noticed how close his face had gotten to yours, and it seemed james did too. He slowly moved his hand to grasp the side of your face, body moving closer as he placed his other hand on your waist.
"Can i kiss you?" He whispered.
You nodded, feeling heat rising up your neck and closing your eyes in anticipation. You felt his face inch closer, and he softy placed his lips on yours. Your hands immediately threaded through his dark curls, and you kiss him harder. You feel him pushing you back against the wall, the hand on your cheek moving down to your collarbone.
The kiss started to get a little more heated, but then you hear a voice across the corridor, causing you and James to separate and look toward the source of the noise.
"Ah! So dinner and a show!" Sirius laughed, Remus and Peter chuckling next to him.
"Oi, shove off" James says, smiling at them.
"But seriously, we're glad to see you too catching up again." Remus added.
"Thank you guys", you say fondly.
You look back at James, "I'm glad too.” you grinned at him softly before looking back at the group, “Alright can we go to the Great Hall now, I'm starving."
Sirius chuckles, "I didn't think you'd be hungry after eating eachother's faces off"
"Shove it padfoot."
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blindingdutchy · 4 years ago
lamentation | TWO
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{peter parker x fem!reader AU}
based on All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
word count: 3,495
warnings: depression, anxiety, mental illness! angst, fluff if you squint really hard
18+!!! minors stay away
Peter Parker was relentless, insufferable, and extremely annoying. It all started the morning after what you'd decided to call The Encounter, and it had been unending ever since. Nearly a week had passed since that fateful night, and you'd yet to see a day at school where Peter didn't try his hardest to get under your skin.
On Monday he sat next to you in Calculus, and no matter how blatantly you ignored him for the entire class, he continued to whisper facts about himself and stupid little jokes to you. You wished you could say you hadn't listened, but ever since that morning you'd been unable to forget that his favorite color was red, his Aunt packed him a lunch every day that he threw away because she couldn't cook, and his middle name was Benjamin. Why he thought you needed or even wanted to know such things you weren't sure, but even more befuddling was the fact that you couldn't un-learn them.
When Tuesday rolled around he stepped it up a notch, much to your dismay. He sat with you during Calculus and insisted on jogging with you during gym class, feigning that he was out of breath despite your slow pace and the fact that you were certain he could run for miles without getting winded. He told you more jokes then, too. One of which you begrudgingly found yourself exhaling a little harder over whenever it popped into your head; what did one stranger say to the other? Nothing. They didn't know each other.
Wednesday was the worst, because Peter made a scene. You came into calculus late and the teacher scolded you in front of the class, at which point you got flustered and tripped over your untied shoe laces. Your books spilled to the floor and you tumbled to your knees in front of everyone, and the whole class laughed. But Peter? Peter just had to be the hero, and your blood boiled at his actions.
He'd dramatically swept all his books off of his desk, feigning surprise at the loud clatter as if he hadn't done it intentionally. When the teacher scolded him, too, he just apologized and made a show of picking up each of his things one by one. "Why did you do that?" you'd hissed as you sat down, scowling at the brown-eyed boy who just blinked at you innocently.
"Do what?"
He'd ran with you in gym class again, and he'd even followed you to your locker afterwards. In all the years you'd known of Peter, you had never known him to be much of a talker. In fact, he seemed like a rather shy boy who didn't like to branch out much. With you, though, that was far from the case. Silence was a pipe dream with him around.
On Thursday he sat next to you in Calculus, ran with you in gym, walked you to your locker, and went so far as to sit with you at lunch. You'd put your earbuds in and blasted music as loud as you could without hurting yourself too much, but every time you looked up you could see he was still talking. Part of you wondered why he was being so relentless, but you didn't want to ask. If you asked he would think you cared, and you didn't. You didn't care at all, and the sooner he figured that out, the sooner he would leave you alone.
Or, at least you hoped so. As you walked into school on Friday morning, you groaned at the sight of Peter waiting patiently beside your locker. "What do you want, Parker?" you gritted out, glaring at him as you twisted the dial to enter your combination.
He grinned in spite of your glare, "I'm walking you to Calculus today, obviously. How was your night, (Y/N)? Do anything fun?"
"What part of I don't need friends did you not understand?" you demanded, giving him a stale look as you swung the metal door open with a clang. Peter blinked at you, clearly not used to you actually speaking back to him, and further uncomfortable with your hostility. What did he expect? Did he expect for you to suddenly be happy? To not be completely fucked up anymore just because he started talking to you?
He replaced his lazy smile and shrugged, retorting, "You know my secret and I know yours. That makes us friends."
You wanted to scream at him. You wanted to shout, yell, stomp your feet, and throw a tantrum fit for a child. Friends were not something you wanted or needed, and you certainly didn't want to be friends with Peter Parker. You didn't want to be friends with someone just because they were worried you'd spill their dirty little secret, or because they pitied the girl who wanted to die.
The black hole in your chest was worse than ever that day, and it sucked away all the fight you had in you. So, with a roll of your eyes, you stuffed your earbuds in your ears and tuned him out once more. Just like he had at lunch, Peter continued to ramble even though he knew you weren't listening, and you pretended you didn't see his lips moving at the speed of light.
For once, at the very least, he at least shut up in class. You were thankful for the break from his incessant chatter, the endless monologue you couldn't escape from when you were stuck in a desk while Mr. Tinley droned on and on. Calculus was far from interesting, but you found yourself beyond relieved to finally be able to pay any sort of attention to the lesson.
Friday was steadily continuing along the same path every other day had since The Encounter. Peter thankfully parted ways with you after Calculus, but quickly rejoined you two classes later in Gym. From Gym he was glued to your side through lunch until you escaped to your Spanish class, which you thankfully didn't share with him, but the solitude was short lived. Your last class of the day was one you also shared with Peter, and prior to that day he had remained seated with his friends.
That day, though, he plopped down in the seat beside you with a cheerful smile. "Ready for our new project?" he asked, skipping the greeting he knew you wouldn't return.
"Huh?" you asked, blinking at him in bewilderment. New project? Our? What was he talking about?
Peter beamed back at you, clearly pleased that you hadn't snapped at him for once. "Our new project! Didn't you see the list on the door? We're partners." he explained, and you stiffened.
It was too big of a coincidence to truly be happenstance. All week Peter had been pestering you, perpetually following you around and talking your ear off, and now he just happened to be assigned as your partner for the final Speech project? He did something. That was the only logical conclusion.
Your eyes narrowed as you stared at him with as much intensity as you could muster. "Peter, what did you do?" you growled.
Peter's eyes widened at your tone, and he shifted in his seat nervously with a sheepish smile. "What do you mean?" he questioned coyly, and you scowled at him fiercely. "I didn't do anything, (Y/N)."
"Bullshit." you snapped, "I find it hard to believe that we just happened to be assigned partners after how obsessively you've been harassing me all week."
He gaped at you, "Harassed? What?" he stammered, "(Y/N), let's calm down--I haven't... I haven't been harassing you. I just want you to know I really do want to be your friend."
You scoffed at his excuse, "Shut up, Peter. Just leave me alone! I don't want to be your friend, okay? My lips are sealed. I won't tell anyone your secret, just leave me alone!"
With one finally glare, you lurched out of your seat and stomped to one far away from the still aghast boy. As you settled into your new seat, ignoring the strange looks from your classmates who witnessed your outburst, you wrinkled your nose and picked at your nails angrily. As much as you were angry with Peter, you were also angry with yourself.
You were angry that he'd stopped you, and you'd let him. You were angry at the world for letting your sister die. You were angry at your sister for saving you when she should have saved herself. Most of all, though, you were angry with yourself for how you were acting. Even though she wasn't there, you could almost hear your sister scolding you for how you'd treated Peter.
She always was the levelheaded, rational sister. The good sister. The better sister. She would have been ashamed of how you'd been ignoring Peter, ranting to you, "He's just trying to be there for you, idiot. Stop being such a jerk and let him help you. You need to stop being so stubborn..."
You listened eagerly to Ms. Lovell's lesson and instruction for the new project. It wasn't because you were genuinely interested, because you weren't, but it was something to distract you. It was something to drown out the voice of your sister that was echoing through your skull, rattling you to your core as you tried to keep your emotions at bay.
This was the hardest part of losing your sister. She'd been so close to you, so important to you, it was impossible to not think of her in every moment of every day. It was impossible not to think of what she'd have done, instead of what you had done. It was impossible not to think of what she'd have thought of your actions, what she'd have said to you, of what she'd have wanted you to do.
She had been your voice of reason, your confidant, your role model. She'd always been so much better than you, someone you aspired to be like, and now that she was gone the comparisons were so much heavier on your head. Why couldn't it have been you instead of her? She would never have had such a hard time like you were.
For instance, she wouldn't have been so bitter. She wouldn't have been so filled with rage, hatred, or despair. She wouldn't have blamed anyone, not even herself, and she wouldn't have hated the people who had killed you. She always did love a good superhero, and even if you'd have died at the hands of the Avengers like she had, she would have found a reason to still have faith in them. She would have forgiven them.
This project was going to be a tough one, and not just because you were going to have to work with Peter Parker. "This is going to be a persuasive speech, guys, so you're able to pick your stance freely so long as it pertains to the Avengers. For example, you could persuade us that they're bad, if that's how you feel." Ms. Lovell explained, "Just be prepared to face debate from the class. Each group has to face five full minutes of argument from the class and be able to firmly debate their stance."
A project in which you'd have to argue your stance pertaining to the superheroes that had killed your sister, and you were working with Peter-Spiderman-Parker. Great, you thought to yourself, this was going to be a nightmare. There was no way the two of you would agree on what stance to persuade; you hated superheroes, and he was one, for God's sake.
You glanced over at Peter, only to catch him already staring at you. The pair of you quickly looked away from each other, but you noticed the way his cheeks flared red in embarrassment. How long had he been watching you? Was he dreading the project now as much as you were?
He probably didn't know how you felt about the Avengers. Not many people really cared enough to read about what had happened to your sister, and you weren't exactly in the right state of mind to be out protesting the many shortcomings of the superheroes. You wondered, though, how he would react when he found out.
Lying was an option, but there was no way you'd be able to debate in favor of the Avengers without breaking. Could you debate against them without losing it either, though? You weren't entirely sure. It was a sore subject and you were certainly not looking forward to having to dedicate your time to speaking about them.
Peter lingered by his seat after class was dismissed, staring at you awkwardly as he told his friends he would catch up with them later. You could see the strange, weary looks they shot you, but you chose to ignore them. Everyone looked at you a little funny ever since the incident, and you'd long ago grown accustomed to it. This time, though, you couldn't help but think they were looking at you strangely for a reason other than your sister.
You had two options. You could suck it up and talk to Peter right then, or you could continue to ignore him until you were forced to do the project. Catching his warm brown eyes as he timidly watched you, you sighed. It was now or never; maybe if you were nicer he'd back off a little with the obsessive tendencies.
"So," you drawled, approaching him shyly, "how are we gonna do this?"
This was what she would have wanted you to do; that's what you chanted in your head as you forced yourself to at least seem somewhat approachable. "Uh, we could--we could meet up tomorrow? You could come to my apartment." he stuttered, scratching his neck awkwardly and fiddling with his backpack.
He radiated nervous energy, and the black hole inside of you consumed it greedily. You twiddled your thumbs just as nervously as you replied, "Do you, um, do you mind coming to my house instead? My parents are--they're a little weird about me going out because of... yeah."
God, his stutter was rubbing off on you, and you cringed at the way you stumbled over your words like a fool. It had been such a long time since you'd invited anyone to your house, let alone talked to anyone besides your parents and your therapist, and it was stressing you out. The exhaustion of the day was wearing you down rapidly, and having to socialize was making it worse.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course!" he spluttered, "Uh, could I get your number? So I can, like, text you when I'm coming?"
You hoped he didn't notice how much your fingers were shaking as you took his phone, struggling to type in your number as you mistyped multiple times. Once you'd saved your contact into his phone, you sent yourself a text so that you'd have his number too. You didn't exactly answer unknown numbers anymore, though if you were honest, you often didn't answer people you knew either. That was what drove your friends away.
Peter shot you a shy smile as you handed his phone back, and he asked, "Do you want to get started tonight, maybe? I could call you."
Biting your cheek, you paled. Tonight? You were exhausted, and the thought of having to talk for any longer made you nauseous. "No offense, Peter, but I... I really just need a break. This week has been a lot." you mumbled, avoiding his eyes as you stared at your feet.
"Oh, yeah, totally." he acquiesced, "I'll, uh, I'll see you tomorrow."
You didn't reply, only giving him a tight lipped smile that probably looked more like a grimace as you quickly walked away. Once you were out of his sight, your entire body drooped and the numbness steadily washed over you. It had been the longest day, and you were once again grateful for the escape from the overwhelming emotions.
Ever since she died, it was as if all your emotions were on overdrive. There were the many constant ones, like the guilt, shame, and anguish over her death. Along with those were more fleeting ones, like anger, disgust, and fear. Peter, though, he brought about a whole slew of new and equally as intense feelings that drained you.
He made you feel things like anxiety, apprehension, and hope. There was anxiety both due to his wild behavior in regards to you, but also because you feared he might tell people what he'd seen. The apprehension was due to your suspicion he was only so interested because you knew his secret, and was just as fearful that you would tell. But the hope, the stupid anticipation, was the worst.
It was the worst because a stupid part of you hoped he was genuine. You wanted him to really want to be your friend with no ulterior motives because, no matter how much you denied it, you really did need a friend. You wanted a friend. You wanted to let someone in.
You weren't buying it, though, because you were certain you couldn't handle the heartbreak of being wrong about his intentions and discovering he really did only care about his secret. You weren't going to let him hurt you, and if you had to shut yourself off from the world and hurt yourself to prevent it, then so be it. It was easier that way.
Peter Parker: hey i know you said you didn't want to start tonight but that doesn't mean we can't get to know each other
Peter Parker: so if you want, lets play 20 questions! i'll start. what's your favorite movie?
The typing cursor blinked at you tauntingly as you laid on your bed, huddled under the blankets with your thumbs hovering over the keys. That stupid part of you that wanted to make your sister proud begged you to go along with it, to let him be a friend, but you were terrified. You were terrified of the way you actually opened the text and went to reply without hesitation, something you hadn't done since before the incident. You were terrified of the way you wanted to reply, but the only thing that gave you pause was the fact that you didn't have an answer.
Movies weren't something you'd given much thought to in awhile. You knew all of your sister's favorite movies by heart, but your favorite movie? It was as if your brain opened an empty drawer. You didn't know what your favorite movie was.
You: i don't know
Peter Parker: what do you mean you don't know
Peter Parker: do you not like movies?!
You: i just don't know okay
You: i can't remember the last time i watched a movie.
That was a lie. You very well could remember the last time you'd watched a movie, and that was because it was with her. The weekend before she'd died, your sister had dragged you to the theater to watch some cheesy romance film she'd been gushing about for weeks. It was awful, but it was so utterly her that you'd weirdly enjoyed it. You enjoyed it because it made her happy.
Peter Parker: that's crazy wow
Peter Parker: no offense sorry
Peter Parker: it's your turn to ask
You: what's your favorite movie
Peter Parker: star wars but you can't ask the same question!! try again
You: fine
You: what's your favorite food?
Was talking to boys always this hard? You couldn't remember the last time you'd had to get to know someone, but you didn't think it had ever been so nerve wracking. Was something wrong with you? Was everything destined to be this hard now that she was gone?
Peter Parker: anything from Delmar's
Peter Parker: best sandwiches in Queens
Peter Parker: since you got a double and you technically didn't answer my first question, i'm asking you the same but also what's your happiest memory
Everything was always going to be hard. Reading his response, your lungs deflated in your chest and the numbness gave way to the all too familiar sensation of despair. She'd always loved Delmar's, insisting on getting the same sandwich from there every single Friday after school, and it had been your thing.
Would there ever be anything that didn't remind you of her? Remind you of the hole punched in your life where she used to be? It was hard enough dealing with the empty space in your room where her bed used to be, the empty chair at the dinner table where she'd used to sit, all the empty spaces she'd used to fill up. But the little things--the little memories of things she'd used to love--those hurt so much more.
You: i have to go
You: i forgot i'm busy tomorrow so we can't start the project
You: i'm sorry
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woodsteingirl · 3 years ago
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A case in suburbia, domestic dynamics, and a forever home. What could go wrong?
the moment i’ve been waiting for! chapter one is up now! read here or under the cut.
Cas and Dean were searching for a forever house. They had been pretty much since Cas got back from the empty. They were ready to distance themselves from hunting. Dean had always wanted a sort of suburban, white picket fence life, even if he didn’t admit it to anyone. And since he already admitted how he truly felt to Cas, why not throw his need for a domestic lifestyle into the mix. Cas was all for it. Ever since Jack had given up most of his powers to Amara, thus causing her to take his place as God and him almost human, Cas had been hoping for a place to raise him like a normal child. The bunker was great for hunting and a place for Cas, Dean, and Sam, but not so much for raising a 5-year-old kid.
House hunting had been a burden to bear, but they were making out alright. Up till this, they’d looked at about 3 other houses. They were all a no for different reasons. The first one Cas decided was in a school district that wouldn’t be good for Jack, the second didn’t have a big enough garage or backyard, and the third didn’t have enough bedrooms for all of their family to stay. With the whole credit card scam they’d been running for as long as they remember, budget wasn’t really a problem, but they didn’t want something extravagant.
There it was, 538 Chapel Street in Pine River Crossings. It wasn’t too far out of Lawrence, only a few hours' drive, and all the houses looked nice. Very cookie cutter, but that was sort of the appeal. They couldn’t guarantee that they would fit in with the traditional, upper middle-class people, but what the hell, if they could kill god they could take suburbia.
A few days passed, and they were set up to look at the home. They drove the hour and a half to the next medium-sized town with the belief in their minds that this was the one. It had all they needed, a two-car garage, a respectable school district, and two guest bedrooms. They were so caught up in this concept they made the mistake of not checking the news for the nearby areas. Once they arrived, a realtor who showed them around the dwelling greeted them. It was all they could ask for and more practically too good to be true, especially for people like them. The actual presentation of the house went over without too many problems. The person exhibiting the residence commented on how it had been on display for almost a month now, which was the first red flag. A house as nice as this, in a densely populated area, would usually not be on the market for that long in weeks unless there was some hidden con.
They signed on it not a day after seeing the house in person. It was all set up and they could officially start moving stuff in the next week. They officially shared the good news with everyone the day after they signed. Sam was beyond happy for them. Not only would he finally have a space to himself, he was proud of his brother for living the life he’d always wanted. Jack was thrilled that he would get to go to actual school and have friends that were his age and not cosmic entities. In the meantime, Cas did more research into the neighborhood. There was their hidden con. The newspaper Cas had pulled up on his phone said, “Local Couple Murdered in Own Home.”
“Dean, look at this.”
Okay, that was a setback. A murderer on the loose in the neighborhood they were moving into was not exactly what he had planned, but he had delt with worse. “Alright, that could be a problem.”
“I think it’s a little bigger than a problem,” Cas retorted.
“Is it our type of thing or just something local law enforcement could deal with?”
Cas read on in the article, “the couple was stabbed, there was no sign of forced entry, neighbors reported nothing amiss besides lights flickering before the murder. The weapon, as well as the perpetrator, was never found. No official suspects have been labeled, everyone has seemed to have an alibi.”
“It definitely sounds like our thing. Lights flickering, no breaking and entering, and all.”
They decided they could pose as residents, as it seemed perfectly normal for the newcomers to be concerned about the literal murderer on the loose. Since Cas was newly human, and Jack was, well, 5, Dean thought they might need outside help. Being out of practice to spend more time with your husband and child really had its fallbacks. Sam was off the table as backup. He was out of town and Dean didn't want to interrupt his first weekend without him in god knows how long. Plus, they needed someone who wouldn't draw too much attention to their family dynamic.
“Hey, Cas, what do you think about calling in Claire to help us with this one? You think she’d do it?”
“Calling her in for help is a good idea, whether or not shed actually do it is another question.”
“I’ll call and ask, and if she wants to help, and if not then I can think of something else.”
He kept his promise and called Claire not an hour later. He decided it might be best not to tell her it was undercover work, or that it was taking place in a white picket fence neighborhood, as that might turn her off from it almost immediately.
“Hey Claire, its been too long since we’ve talked,” he started.
“Hi Dean. what do you want, there’s no way you’re just calling to catch up if you’re starting with ‘its been too long.’”
“You got me there. I was just wondering if you wanted to come with me and Cas on a hunt. Its not too far from the bunker and we’d have you back home in a week.”
“Sure, that works. When do we start?” She hadnt seen Dean and Cas since they rescued Cas. That was over a month ago, she’d been meaning to visit, but she’d been so busy with hunting, and getting to know Kaia again now that she was finally back. This seemed like a perfect opportunity to reconnect and not miss out on anything too big back at home.
“If you could come down here by Wednesday, that’d be great.”
“Sounds good. I’ll see you then.” She was tempted to sign off with an ‘I love you’ but she was never a lovey-dovey person in that way.
On tuesday she promised Jody she’d be extra careful and would be back in under a week. Kaia told her to make sure to call every day and update her on what was happening. Claire agreed, promising to keep in touch. She spent the rest of the day driving down to Kansas.
Back on Dean and Cas’s end, they were trying to get the house set up for 4 people when they had no furniture prior to this. Cas had always loved furniture shopping even before he had a use for it. When he worked at the Gas-and-Sip, he would browse the home improvement magazines in his spare time. Dean was pretty much the opposite. He had never had reason to care for it, so he didn't. Maybe his hatred for Swedish furniture was rooted in his deep-seated commitment issues. It didn't matter much why he hated it, he just left most of the choices up to Cas. there was then the issue of appliances and such you couldn't find in a furniture store. That was left up to him. Cas sent him out to Walmart to get things for the kitchen. That was something he could do. He picked out a mixer, some silverware, and a pioneer woman kitchenware set. It came with pots and pans, mixing bowls, and a few normal sized plates. That was enough for him to consider it an absolute steal. He brought his finds home to the bunker, setting them on the table designated for things that were to go in the new house. Jack was sitting on Cas’s lap, pointing at things on the computer.
“What’re you guys finding?” Dean asked, hovering behind Cas’s shoulder.
“Djungelskog!” Jack exclaimed, showing Dean a photo of a large stuffed brown bear.
“I thought you were looking for furniture?” Dean directed the question more at Cas, but he was still looking at Jack.
“We are. Jack just got us a bit sidetracked. We found the majority of what we need. Among other things not of as grave importance.”
Dean looked over the shopping cart and then gave the go ahead. Not before adding the stuffed bear to the cart, though.
The next day Claire arrived. Everyone was thrilled to see her. Jack ran up and threw himself around one of her legs and Cas gave her an awkward dad side hug. Dean wondered when he would tell her what the hunt would actually consist of, but he didn't want to interrupt the moment.
A few hours later, Dean fixed everyone a real dinner and had them sit down at the kitchen table. The realization dawned on him that this was going to be his last sit down meal officially living in the bunker. Everyone sort of just sat in silence for a beat. Perhaps reflecting on their own lasts of officially living there. “Claire, I sorta forgot to add this when I called you, but the case is a lot of undercover work. Also its in a suburban area.”
“And why didn't you tell me this sooner?”
“Well to speak freely, I wanted you on this case and I was worried it would make you not want to come.”
“It almost does, but i'm already here now, and i wouldn't want to waste a days driving on something i'm not actually going to do.” She guessed this would probably take longer than a week. “And i'm guessing this isn't just something you decided to do out of the goodness of your hearts?”
“We bought a house in the area, and we just wanted to make sure it was safe,” Cas explained.
“Hang on, you bought a house for real and you didnt even think to tell me? You didn't think that that was valuable information?”
“It didn't come up in our phone call,” Dean said.
“And? That’s no excuse to leave your daughter out of major life events!” The ‘daughter’ part just sort of came out without her noticing, but seconds after she said it she regretted it. God, how embarrassing.
“You’re right. We should’ve told you sooner. It was kind of a recent decision, though, so you haven’t been out of the loop for too long,” Cas said.
The next day was moving day. Dean loaded the appliances into the back of Claire’s car, since the back of the Impala was already full. Claire took her own car, while Dean, Cas, and Jack rode in Baby. Their real furniture was being delivered as they spoke. Cas offered to ride with Claire, but she assured him she’d be fine by herself. The drive wasn’t even that long, especially compared to the distance she drove yesterday.
Dean was silently nervous. He wouldn’t admit it out loud but it was written all over his face. His first real stable house, with the man he loved, and his two kids, he could only hope that he didn’t mess it up. Cas put a hand on his shoulder showing he saw how Dean was feeling.
They turned onto Chapel Street and pulled up into the driveway of the house. It somehow looked bigger and more daunting than it had during the walkthrough. Claire arrived almost ten minutes later. Everyone just sort of paused in front of the house for a minute, reveling in the stability most of them had never had.
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empire-of-wildfire · 4 years ago
A @starseternalnighttriumphant X @empire-of-wildfire CHRISTMAS MINI-FIC COLLABORATION
a/n: here’s part 3!! Sorry it’s not on schedule, we both have been going crazy with work but we worked really hard to get this out for you guys tonight!
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Cassian hung up the phone, running his hand down his face in frustration. His partners hadn’t been pleased when he’d told them he was staying in Velaris longer than planned because they needed him to start working on another case, but he told them he would work virtually until he could return. He hadn’t told them about Amina, wanting to keep her to himself for a little while at least. He’d called and arranged for more of his things to be sent to him in a week or so, and he looked into AirBnBs so he wasn’t living in the hotel long-term. He was pretty sure he’d thought of everything that needed to be handled while he stayed here, although something still nagged at him but he ignored it. The possibility that he wouldn’t be returning to Illyria permanently flickered through his mind, but he shoved it away. It was too early to know that. That would require further planning, and likely an extremely uncomfortable discussion with Nesta. If she didn’t kill him first.
Even just thinking about her for a brief moment, she moved to the forefront of his mind like she always had, since the day he left Velaris. Except now it wasn’t just Nesta he couldn't stop thinking about. Now she shared his headspace with Amina.
Amina. Now that he’d had a little while to get over his initial shock, he marvelled at the thought of her. So many times he’d dreamed of the day Nesta would bless him with children, but his imagination couldn’t have ever come up with such a perfect child as the one he met hours ago. He wished he could’ve been there to see her birth, to see her grow into the fiery toddler she was now. He couldn’t wait to see the woman she would become one day. Tough as nails and sharp as a whip, no doubt, with Nesta as her mother.
He was dragged out of daydreams of his daughter by the shrill sound of his phone ringing. He didn’t even look at the screen, assuming it was Rhys calling him to chew him out some more.
“What, Rhys?” He snapped.
“Sorry to disappoint, but it’s your other favorite brother,” a deep voice said, sounding amused.
“Oh shit, sorry Az.” Cassian instantly regretted his attitude. He hadn’t even seen his other brother yet in the hours he’d been home, he didn’t deserve his anger. And yet, Azriel had clearly known about Amina, and had kept her from him just like Rhys. “What’s up?”
“I just got off the phone with Feyre… she sounded pretty upset. Mentioned something about you and Nesta and that she wasn’t sure if you were leaving again?” Azriel said the last part slowly, as if afraid of setting Cassian off.
Cassian sighed heavily, bracing for the conversation he knew was about to happen. “How could you not fucking tell me? I don’t give a shit what Nesta threatened, I’m your brother Az. She’s my daughter. I deserved to know.”
“I know Cass, trust me. I wanted to tell you so many times. But I also knew how much your job means to you. I guess I’d just hoped you’d at least come home to visit sooner than this so you didn’t miss so much time, but then the longer it got the less likely I thought it was that you’d ever come home. And I didn’t want the only reason you came home to be because I told you about Amina. I was afraid you’d come to resent me for taking you away from your career, or worse, resent Amina for it. And I couldn’t risk her getting hurt like that.”
Cassian just sat there for a minute, shocked into speechlessness. For all his anger about how he felt about this, he hadn’t stopped to think about how Amina would feel. He’d just decided she would love him automatically, but what if that wasn’t the case? What if she never wanted to know who her father was? Would Nesta have ever told her, even if she didn’t ask?
“Cass? You okay?” Azriel asked tentatively.
“I just… I don’t know what to do,” he admitted.
“It’s Christmas Eve, and I know she’s taken the next week off. Go talk to her. I would assume at this point you know where your priorities are, so tell her that. Apologize. Make her see you won’t hurt Amina, or her, and go from there.” Azriel paused, clearly considering something. “She just dropped Amina off with me and Elain. She’s over in the neighborhood by the Sidra.”
Cassian sagged with relief, glad that someone was telling him something at least. “Thanks.”
“Good luck brother,” was his only reply.
Cassian immediately hung up and ran for his car, taking off for the other side of town. The neighborhood Azriel had told him Nesta lived in was pretty small, but he still wasn’t sure how he’d find her house. He slowly drove through the neighborhood, looking at each house for a sign of the fiery woman he hoped was living in one of them. Suddenly he came to a stop in the middle of the street, unable to look away from the house in front of him.
At face value, the house was simple, but elegant. Nothing overly extravagant, but clearly a well loved home. The thing that stopped him in his tracks though, was the front door. All the other homes had very neutral front doors, black, beiges, whites. This door was a bright, crimson red. He was immediately transported back to a different time in his life, when whispered secrets were shared under soft sheets with the woman that held his heart in her hands.
“When we get our own place, like officially ours, I want the front door to be red. I know it’s weird, but I want it to be a statement.” Nesta’s words rang in his head like she just said them, though that conversation was over five years ago.
Evidently Nesta had taken her dreams into her own hands, no longer wanting or needing Cassian with her to make them happen.
Cassian pushed down the twinge of pain and regret that thought caused, then finally parked and got out of the car, making his way slowly towards that bright red door that represented so many missed moments and realized dreams.
Knocking on the door, he braced himself for the wrath of Nesta Archeron.
As soon as she opened the door, she took a step back and ground out, “What do you want?”
“Can I come in?” Nesta hesitated, scanning his face as if looking for something. “Please, Nesta. I just want to talk,” he pleaded.
Finally she nodded, turning and walking into the house, leaving the door wide open since she knew he would follow her. He quickly stepped inside, following her through the house.
He spied the big Christmas tree in the living room, covered in matching ornaments. Nesta had never really been in to Christmas, but he wondered if that had changed now that Amina was in the picture.
He had to admit, he wasn’t expecting Nesta to live in the richer part of town. She must’ve been doing well at the hospital, being paid well if it meant she was living like this. Despite how awkward it felt to be here, to feel her weighted gaze on him, he was glad Amina would be cared for well, even if things didn’t end well and he ended up going back to Illyria.
“How is she?” he asked after a few moments.
Nesta’s whole body was tense as she poured cups of coffee, and he watched her closely just in case she decided to poison him. “She’s fine.”
He let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “Tell me about her.”
“Oh, all of a sudden you’re interested?” she asked, her pleasant voice not concealing the venom underneath.
“Nesta, please.” He never begged, and she knew it. Her shoulders dropped in acquiescence, and she walked over with the two mugs, setting one down in front of him as she sat at the opposite end of the table.
She looked out the window to where the sky was dark now, and he had forgotten how late it was. But she just gazed out for another moment before she sighed and turned back to her coffee, staring into the mug.
“She’s super smart. She started walking months before the doctor said she would. She started talking months before she was supposed to. She’s leagues ahead of any other kid her age.” A small smile graced Nesta’s mouth. “She’ll be smarter than me one day, if you can believe it.”
Cassian watched her intently, hanging on to every word as Nesta finally relaxed and talked about their daughter. It was clear that Amina was the center of Nesta’s world, a place that had used to be his. He always knew Nesta would be an amazing mother, and his heart clenched when he realized he’d always thought he would be there for that day that she did become one. And he’d missed it all: the moment she found out, the ultrasounds, the birthing classes, the actual birth of his daughter. And the truth of it hit him square in the chest, making him wince.
As if she had sensed it, she stopped talking, eyes roving over him. “I didn’t think you’d ever come back.”
Ouch. He guessed she was ready to move on to the harder parts of a conversation that was four years in the making. She didn’t give him time to reply as she grabbed her mug and placed it in the sink, walking out of the kitchen. He scrambled to follow her, catching up to her in the living room.
“Nes, you know I loved you. So much. I just wanted to prove I was more than the dumb kid I was here. I wanted to see if I could make something of myself.”
She spun on him, her eyes ablaze. “You don’t know how much it hurt when you told me you wanted to leave. I thought it was because of me. Every insecurity I’d ever had about us, warranted or not, came roaring back.”
“We’d been together all of high school and college, and then suddenly you wanted to leave and I hardly got any more notice than anyone else did.” She was on a roll now, and didn’t leave any space for him to interrupt. “I mean for cauldron’s sake Cass, we’d talked about our future together! That didn’t involve you being thousands of miles away and leaving me here. So after you left and I found out I was pregnant, I didn’t want to try and make you come back. And I knew if I told you and you still didn’t come back, it would crush me.”
Her words shocked him. Nesta Archeron knew him better than anyone else in the world, knew him better than his own brothers. And for her to think that… “Do you honestly think that if you’d called me and said we were having a baby, I wouldn’t come back and be there for you? For fuck’s sake Nesta, I can practice law anywhere.”
She crossed her arms stubbornly, fire in her gaze. “You fucking left, Cassian. You wanted to chase your dream, you were so focused on being such a hotshot lawyer, so forgive me for thinking that a baby would ruin that pipe dream for you!”
“That’s bullshit, and you know it. You’ve known me for how fucking long, Nesta?” his voice was hard, and he was struggling not to raise it but he couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth. “Do you think for one second I would’ve stayed in Illyria if I had known you were pregnant with our child?”
Her jaw clenched. “I didn’t need you to stay here out of guilt that you knocked me up.”
“Gods, Nesta, I’m not standing here because I feel fucking guilty. I’m here right now because I never stopped loving you!”
She froze, her face a mask of pure shock. For once she was left speechless, and Cassian took advantage of it. He closed the distance between them, taking her face in his hands and kissing the hell out of her.
He wasn’t expecting her to return his fervor, her hands sliding up around his neck, tangling in the locks at the base of it. Every nerve ending came alive at her touch, his body reacting to her the way it used to over four years ago. The feel of her mouth was like coming home, so familiar and intoxicating that he had half a mind to wonder why he ever left her.
He grabbed her up, somehow finding his way to her bedroom and settling her down on her bed, hands slipping her out of her shirt. As he pulled it up over her head, he realized it was one of his old shirts from college. His heart clenched painfully, lungs refusing to breathe. He wasn’t stupid, he knew what Nesta keeping his things meant. But he wouldn’t ask, wouldn’t push just yet.
As soon as he had her completely naked before him, he pulled back to take in every inch of her. She was completely breathtaking; her sharp angles and curves were softer now, likely an after effect of giving birth. But it didn’t matter to him. This was Nesta, the one woman that he would never get over, no matter what happened between them.
He slid his hand over hip and up her stomach, watching goosebumps pebble her skin. Before he could reach her breast, she sat up and grabbed him, impatiently pulling at his clothes to get him on the same playing field. He chuckled, helping her get himself undressed. He leaned over her again but she surprised him by wrapping a leg around his hip and flipping their positions. She was now atop him, gloriously naked above him, her golden brown hair falling around her shoulders and down her back. Her face was vulnerable, open, her eyes already blown with desire. She was a goddess.
She leaned down to meet his mouth, kissing him long and deep. He groaned against her lips when her hand found his already hard length, stroking him softly. When she ran the tip of him between her folds, he was ready to lose his godsdamn mind.
“Nesta,” he breathed, her name coming out like the holiest of prayers.
She wasted no time in sliding down onto him, and he was already lost in pleasure that he almost missed the sharp gasp that left the woman atop him. She stilled, adjusting to him after so many years apart. His hands wrapped around her hips, thumbs caressing her skin as he met her steely gaze.
“Lost for words?” he quipped, the left side of his mouth hitching up into a smirk.
Her nostrils flared, but instead of shooting a venom-laced reply back at him, she moved her hips, effectively shutting him up and leaving him incapable of any cocky remarks. Her hands braced against his chest as she began to ride him, and he wondered if he was going to die from this. He hadn’t been celibate since he’d left her, but every single motion of hers was threatening to undo the very threads of his life. Coming together after so long was going to ruin him, but he didn’t care.
He watched her as she moved on him, rolling his own hips to meet her movements. She clenched around him and he swore, fingers digging into her hip as his other hand came down between her legs to stroke the sensitive bundle of nerves there. When she let out a breathy moan, he knew she was his again.
He continued his ministrations, watching in awe as Nesta started her ascent, writhing and moaning above him. He took over her movements, thrusting into her slow and deep, feeling every inch of her. When he knew she was close, he sat up, seated inside her at a dizzying angle. He captured her mouth, tongue invading her mouth as he picked up his pace, thumb circling her clit torturously.
Her back arched, chest pressing against his and then she was crying out his name and spasming around him, body shaking as her orgasm overtook her. He didn’t stop, continuing to stroke into her, his mouth on her neck as she trembled. He rolled them so she was on her back, his body resting against hers as he continued his pace, hips stuttering as she clenched around him one last time. Her arms and legs wrapped around him, pulling him even closer, her nails raking gently down his back until her hands were on his behind, urging him to go faster. 
He didn’t resist, bracing himself on his arms as he looked down at her, taking in her pink cheeks and glazed gray-blue eyes. She held his gaze, hands coming back up to slide along his jaw, pulling him back down to kiss him softly. Her kiss seared his mouth, and he sighed in content against her lips, savoring the way she tasted.
“I love you,” she whispered, the worst so quiet he wasn’t sure if he’d even heard her right. His eyes shot open, brows furrowing in surprised but she just kissed him again, holding him close.
Her lips found the juncture of his shoulder and when her teeth dug into his skin, he found release, choking out her name as he emptied inside her, all but collapsing on top of her sweat-slicked form. He couldn’t think straight, could only focus on all five senses that were overwhelmed by Nesta. Everywhere they touched was like fire, all he could smell was her and the evidence of what they’d done. His head was on her chest, listening to her heartbeat, and the memory of her coming undone kept playing in his mind. He felt no better than a house cat as she ran her fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp.
When he finally lifted his head, it was to place a light kiss to her collarbone, to her jaw, to her swollen lips. Her eyes were already half-closed, trying to fight off sleep, but her mouth curved into the soft smile that had captured his heart all those years ago.
It wasn’t until she was sound asleep that he ran a thumb over her cheek and whispered, “I love you too.”
@werewolffprince @schmlip-scribble @justgiu12 @westofmoon @legallyhermione @love-is-a-contradiction @shyvioletcat @oversizedbats @superspiritfestival @ladywitchling @disgreisful @empress-ofbloodshed @lovemollywho @highqueenofelfhame @rocky99 @sayosdreams @mynewdreamwasyou @whydoineedtowriteanamehere @charincharge @sjm-things @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @queenestarcheron @julemmaes @littlehoneyybee @throne-of-crescent-roses @sleeping-and-books @agentsofsheilds @that-golden-lyre @swankii-art-teacher​ @nessiantho @mythicaitt
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morganlbr · 4 years ago
I Thought You Hated Me Ch. 6
Master List First Previous Next.
~Monday, January 14th, 2019. 14/1/19~
Marinette had a good weekend, if you ignored all what Chat Noir did on that patrol that one night.
When her and Damian woke up, they had gotten ready for the day, and she managed to play UMS 3 with him. To her, he was the best competitor she had yet, since everyone else she played against lost easily.
Another thing she did was get him to try her parent's pastries. He made a comment about them being as adequate as Pennyworth's? Who was he?
But he did have to leave eventually, but she now had his number. She could and would text him as much as possible. There wasn't a moment at her home where her nose wasn't in her phone.
"Marinette! Get ready for school!" Tikki yelled at her.
Marinette looked at the time and saw she had an hour before school started. She thought that the sooner she got ready and went to school, the sooner she could stop being distracted by other things and text Damian.
She put on her outfit and went downstairs to get her breakfast. She greeted her parents and grabbed a bag and put some croissants in there.
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(Just imagine that it isn't shorts and actual jeans)
Closing the bag, she was on her way to school. She took some earphones out and put them into their spot in her phone. To save her some time, she called the person she had been texting for a while. When he answered, they continued their conversation from yesterday.
Marinette wasn't really paying attention to everyone around her at school, so when one of the girls in her class took her arm and dragged her somewhere. She was confused and voiced her confusion out loud, which had Damian asking if she was alright.
She reassured him, asking him to continue, wanting to know why Alix was dragging her somewhere in the school. Damian continued on, but wondered if she had ran into problems at school.
Suddenly, Alix stopped dragging her, and she figured she was somewhere where Alix wanted her to bed. Marinette, herself, kept listening to what Damian was saying, who was complaining how much of an insomniac Tim was.
Marinette noticed that she was in a room with the other girls in her class and they were talking, but she didn't think they were talking to her, so she ignored them and listened to the person she was on the phone with.
Suddenly, while the girls were talking, Marinette said something that had nothing to deal with what they were talking about.
"If that's him on a normal day, you should see how much I slept last night. Seeing as I made the outfit I'm wearing, texting you, and dealing with the idiot who thinks they can take away Tikki, I got about an hour of sleep."
She heard him say that he was going to help her get more sleep, while the girls in her class finally got her attention.
"Marinette!" The girl who was being called upon took an earbud out and looked at them. "Were you even listening? And who are you talking to?" Alya asked.
"I'm on the phone with a new friend I recently met." She told them. But saying that didn't feel right. "And before you ask, I'm not going to tell you who they are since I respect their privacy." She told them, seeing as they were about to open their mouths to ask who it was.
"Anyways," Alya continued. "Us girls wanted to know if you could go to our sleepover this weekend. It'll be us and Li-" Before she could finish, Marinette stopped her.
"Sorry I can't. I'm doing something all weekend." Marinette answered. It was true. They were going over their suspects for Hawkmoth that weekend, and she wanted to get his terrorism over with already.
"You just don't want to go because Lila is going to be there." Mylene accused.
"I didn't even know Lila was going to be there. And I really am busy. I have a sleepover at Kagami's place, which was planned weeks ago because her mother is allowing her to have one, then I have to help at the bakery until lunch the next day, and I have lunch at Chloe's, then I have to back to the bakery, and then later, my friend that's on the phone with me right now, insists that I get as much sleep that I possibly can." Marinette started.
"Angel, I don't need another Drake around." Damian said on the phone.
Marinette rolled her eyes and continued. "Then the last day I'm hanging out with him since I don't know how long he'll be in Paris since he doesn't live here." She finished.
The girls, mentally, thought that they would follow her to see if her story checks out. "Alright, but how about we do it next weekend?" Rose asked.
Marinette nodded, more interested in her phone call. "Yeah sure, if nothing comes up."
She turned around and put her other earbud in, ignoring anyone else who was talking to her. The only person she was actually interested in talking to wasn't even in her vision range.
"Marinette, I heard that you didn't want to come to the sleepover because I was going there. Do you not like me that much that you would make stuff up just to get away from me?" Lila asked, fake tears coming into her eyes.
Marinette looked at her with a bored look on her face. "I wouldn't go even if you didn't go. I've had my plans planned way before they even asked me. And I didn't make up my plans." She went back to the book in her hand, and started reading since they were in the middle of class.
"I can't believe you're still making stuff up just so you won't have to hang out with me." Lila exclaimed, full on crocodile crying.
Their classmates were trying to console Lila while glaring at Marinette. She just rolled her eyes.
"You don't have to believe me. Just know that I have things to do. I even offered to go on one next week, and it doesn't really matter if you come or not." She said,
Her class was starting to tell her some insulting words, while Marinette just ignored them, still reading her book.
"Marinette, go to the principal's office!" Mrs. Bustier told her.
"And why do I have to go?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Because of all the yelling everyone is doing because of you." Mrs. Bustier answered.
Marinette packed up her stuff and put on her backpack. She looked over at Chloe, not expecting to see her out later. "Do you want me to ask Tim to pick you up later?" Chloe nodded at her and she headed out the door. ;
Marinette stopped before going out. "They're yelling because you can't do your damn job right and the fact that Lila cries crocodile tears every time something doesn't go her way." She told her, looking her directly in the eye.
Mrs. Bustier stood out her seat and pointed to the door. "To the principal's office. Now!"
Marinette shrugged. "You can't say I'm not telling the truth." And with that, she walked out the door, leaving an enraged teacher and stunned classmates.
"Ms. Dupain-Cheng, you're suspended for a week." Principal Democles said when he saw her in his office. Mrs. Bustier had told him what had happened, well in her eyes, and he thought to suspend her.
"Fine with me." She said, shrugging her shoulders. She stood up and walked towards the door, ready to get a ride somewhere.
"This will also be going to the school board with this." He told her.
"Anything else?" She asked, looking over her shoulder. Not getting an answer, she left going to call a special friend to pick her up.
Fifteen minutes later, classes let out. Everyone came out and got ready to change their classes.
Everyone in Mrs. Bustier's class stayed in their groups and went to the front of the school since Alix and Kim wanted to have a race before their next class started.
Before they did that, they spotted Marinette sitting on the front bench in front of the school. She seemed to be looking in front of the school.
"What happened Marinette? Did you get expelled from school?" Lila asked, while everyone else started laughing.
Before Marinette answered, a guy on a motorcycle came in front of the school. No one could see who he was because of the helmet, but he was wearing a leather jacket with some black jeans. They couldn't see what shirt he was wearing because the jacket was covering it.
He took off his helmet and put it on the handle of the motorcycle. The guy had tan skin with green eyes. Anyone who saw him just stopped and stared at him. Some recognized him, while some just stopped and started because they thought he was handsome.
Marinette got up from her seat and went to the guy. He handed her a helmet and she placed it in her hands.
"Demon boy!" Chloe yelled out, causing all the attention to go on her while she went up to the duo. "Is Tim coming to pick me up later?" Chloe asked.
"I don't know about Drake's whereabouts Bourgeois." The guy, Damian, told her.
Chloe rolled her eyes and went on her phone to call someone. Marinette just put her helmet on and sat on the motorcycle. Damian sat in front of her and put his hand on the handle. Marinette held onto his waist. They drove off, moving far away from the bakery across the street.
"I can't believe she's cheating on Adrien." Alya said, when she saw the two driving by.
Lila just agreed, while she started some rumors about how she thinks they got together. Adrien, who was watching everything in the distance, was upset that ex moved on so quickly.
A/N: So, if you want to read the parts I haven’t posted yet, you could read it on my Wattpad since I had that there before posting it here. It has the first eight chapters of this story. The user is the same. @morganlbr The tag list are just people who have commented on this or asked about it.
@northernbluetongue @thecaptainthunder @our-preciousss @buginetye
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celestialevie · 4 years ago
Weddings and what could’ve been’s // F.W. x F! Reader
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Hi! This is my first ever posted fic, I hope you’ll like it!
PAIRING: Fred Weasley x F! Reader
Genre: Angst 
Summary: You’ve been friends with Fred since forever. But what happens when the one you love is not feeling the same and now he’s getting married to the girl he loves. Based off of this song :))
Word count: 2.5k
It was supposed to be a good day. Waking up, getting ready for another day of writing her novel about picturing a certain red head as love interest of her novel. But it all flushed down when she saw a small envelope just sitting there on the table, almost as if it was mocking her. It's been sitting there ever since it arrived yesterday afternoon, not expecting to receive an invitation to the wedding of one person she didn't want to participate in. Fredrick Gideon Weasley. Her best friend since their second year of Hogwarts. It was almost ironic how a simple wedding invitation can break a heart that's already been on the verge of breaking, tears were rolling down her face, not a single sound could've been heard besides her sobs. Her best friend/roommate ran out of her room as soon as she heard her. Not expecting to see her best friend on the floor crying over a single paper, she realises what happened, the one thing she dreaded even though it was only a matter of time before it happened. The way Fred was talking about that girl, she knew that her best friend was in a wait of a permanent broken heart. But now a day later, she decided to throw the invitation in the rubbish, deciding no matter how much she cared about her best friend she knew she wouldn't be able to handle watching him promising himself to someone else for forever. Taking out a bottle of her favourite rose, she pours some of it in a glass and heads back to her room, deciding to forget about her heartbreak by throwing herself into her fictional world where she was the one Fred loved. 
 Soon, she'll realise that not even wine and her own fictional world would help cure her broken heart. Not when the one she's so in love with decided so pay her a visit, not hearing anything from her in over a week. He wondered if she got the invitation to the wedding, the day he couldn't wait for it to finally happen. The thing is, he's not going to be able to do it, if his soulmate in a form of his best friend isn't there by his side, making sure he doesn't panic like he often happens to do in stressful situations. 
Upon hearing knocking on her door, she slowly gets up from her desk, heading to open the door, not expecting to see the person she wanted to see the least, standing in front of her. 
Every day they were closer to the day that changes everything for forever. One of them was dreading that day, while the other one couldn't want for it to come any sooner. Soon it was the day of rehearsal dinner or also known as the day before it all goes shit show for her. Everything was ready, her outfit ready for tomorrow. Deciding she wasn't strong enough to make it through the wedding alone, she begged her best friend to go with her, helping her survive with alcohol. The wedding was in the backyard of The Burrow, but it wasn't anything special or near as big as it was Bill's, both Fred and Lillian agreeing it was best to have a smaller intimate wedding with their closest ones there. Apparating a minute away from The Burrow, she walks towards the door, knocking softly before entering the house. Everyone was on their feet, final preparations for tomorrow are being made. Ginny was the first one to notice her, running towards the girl. Brining her in the hug, she laughs. '' Hi Ginny '' they pull away from the hug, Ginny looking at the girl. '' You look gorgeous y/n. I'm still angry at my brother for not marrying you. '' y/n rolls her eyes playfully. '' Stop it, you know we would never work as a couple, plus Lillian is a lovely girl, I'm sure she'll be a good sister-in-law. '' they talked as they walked upstairs heading towards Ginny's room.  What no one knew is that the night of the Yule ball, Fred was ready to confess his dying crush on his best friend, that's why he brought her to the astronomy tower. He had it all planned out  until they were interrupted, and it was all ruined. Fred often wondered if they hadn't been interrupted would've it been her who he was marrying. Would it work out or would it fail and therefore ruin their friendship. George was the only one along with Lee who knew about it. That's why the night before the wedding he found himself sitting in front of the small lake they had behind their house, wondering if Lillian is truly the one he wants to marry. Y/n found him after a few minutes, joining him. '' I knew I'd find you here. '' he said nothing, just kept looking in front of him. '' What's bothering you, Freddie? '' she gently took his hand into hers, brushing her thumb gently across his hand. '' I'm just worried if I'm making a mistake or rushing this. Before tonight, I couldn't been happier waiting for this day to finally come, but now that it's here all my mind seems to do is make me wonder if I'm marrying the wrong girl. Maybe I should just marry you, we've been friends for forever, it wouldn't change much. '' he lets out a small laugh. Letting go off his hand, I grab his face with my hands on both sides of his face. '' Fred I need you to look at me. Do you love Lillian? '' he nods his head. '' I don't think I've ever loved anyone the way I love her. '' a small smile appears in the corner of his mouth. '' Do you see yourself being with her for the rest of your life? Is she the one you want to see growing old with you? '' y/n questions him. Fred waits for a few seconds before answering, with a big smile on his face. '' Yeah, I do. God, why was I even doubting this. This is why I need you by my side, you always know how to get me out of my head. Thank you, love. '' he pulls her into a strong hug. '' Hey, if you need a getaway car tomorrow, me and George will have one prepared and then we can get married. '' she joked, even though there was some half truth in it. '' it's late, I have to go get that beauty sleep for tomorrow so do you. Goodnight Freddie. '' she plants a small kiss on his cheek before apparating herself back to her flat, before crashing down in the middle of living room, bursting into tears of heartbreak. The pieces that weren't shatter from before, had shattered now. There were no pieces left of her heart. The rest of the night she spent in the arms of her best friend, crying herself to sleep. 
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 It was funny really. The story of how they met, how they became inseparable and how she eventually fell in love with him. The latter didn't come to much of a surprise. How could someone not fall in love with him, when he's the most amazing person she's ever come across. It was their second year in Hogwarts, and she was heading towards the library, deciding to prepare herself for the upcoming Potions exam. Merlin knows how much she dreaded those. It wasn't her fault, most people on her mom's side of family never really knew how to do potions. As she was walking there, someone grabbed her by her arm and started dragging her away with them in a direction of the nearest broom closet. In a second she realised it was one of the Weasley twins. Not even needing to ask why he was in such a hurry, already knowing they caused another trouble. Quickly running inside the broom closet, one of the twins put a hand on her mouth, signalling for her to be quiet. Rolling her eyes, she did as told until we heard Filch and Mrs. Norris passing by. Another minute passed on until he removed his hand from her mouth. '' I'm Fred. '' he introduced himself. '' Y/n '' she shook his hand. '' Care to explain why you dragged me into this dusty broom closet with yourself? '' Fred laughed. '' Had to move you out of the way from Filch or else you'd be in the trouble along with me. '' nodding her head, she left the closet. And that was the beginning of their weird friendship. From participating in the pranks, to making excuses why they're not in the certain classes you shared with them to Fred asking her to go to the Yule Ball with him, leading us to the night they had almost kissed. Somewhere in between she slowly fell for her best friend without intending to. It all felt like a dream. Dancing with her best friend so closely, to sneaking off to the astronomy tower because that night, the stars were shining so bright. Slow dancing in the moonlight, it all felt almost to perfect. Both of them slowly leaning towards each other until they heard a crashing noise, interrupting their intimate moment. It made her realise that it was for the best for them to be just friends, their friendship being worth more than a relationship not knowing how it'll end. Almost as if it was a silent agreement between them, neither of the two brought it up ever again. She would never want to ruin his day, so yes she had agreed to be his second best man, no matter how much it'll hurt to be there so up close seeing it all unfold almost like in a film scene. 
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Next morning when she woke up, she felt so exhausted while getting ready. She barely had any energy in her body and she was pretty sure she also had no tears left. Putting on her beautiful dress, she did her makeup and hair. She was ready to stand there next to her best friend, and watch him marry the love of his life, no matter how much the fact that it's not her hurted. It was a beautiful ceremony, he looked so beautiful in his dark blue suit, it really made his hair and eyes stand out a bit more, and don't her started on how beautiful the bride was. Her gown looked straight out of a fairytale. A few tears espaced during the ceremony but when George asked her why is she crying, she brushed it off as happy tears, even though she knew she didn't fool George with that lie. During the reception she mostly stayed at her table, trying to drown her sorrow in the wine and other alcoholic drinks. She watched as her roommate/best friend danced with George along with watching Fred and Lillian dance together like it was only two of them. Molly and Ginny often came and talked to me, but it wasn't long until I couldn't handle it anymore and just drowned the rest of my drink before saying goodbye to everyone, making an excuse saying she unfortunately had to go home and finish her book, her publisher gave her a deadline until tomorrow. The last person left to say goodbye to was Fred. Tapping him on the shoulder, she gives him a smile as he turns around. '' Congratulations Freddie boy once again. But I have to leave now unfortunately, I have a book to finish. '' Before she could even say anything he took her hands and put them around his neck, pulling her closer to him. '' Just this one dance and then I'm setting you free, okay? '' He begged her. Nodding her head, they start slow dancing. '' I'm really proud of you Freddie, you finally found the one you always talked about. Hopefully one day I'm gonna find my prince charming one day. '' she rested her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. '' I'm sorry I wasn't the one for you. '' he said, making the tears slowly start pooling in my eyes. '' That's not for you to apologise, we're too good friends for us to work in a relationship. Us not kissing that night of the yule ball was for the best. If we kissed who knows if you'd meet Lillian, your true love. Don''t you worry about me. '' and with that she pulled away from him, placing a small kiss on his cheek before apparating home. Letting him stand there alone, her words sinking in, making him wonder again if he had made a mistake by not letting her know of his feeling that night. But soon his thoughts were brushed away as he felt the lips of his wife on his.
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'' Hello love '' he greets her after she moved aside, letting him in. Pulling her into a hug, he goes into the living room, while she still stands there shocked at her door. Quickly getting rid of her thoughts, she heads over to where he was. '' Hi Freddie, what are you doing here? I didn't expect you to visit. '' she sits down next to him. '' Well it's been over a week since I've last heard from you, so I decided to pay you a visit. She nods her head. '' Yeah, sorry about that. I started working on my novel again and that's all I've focusing on recently. Didn't mean to neglect your need for constant attention. '' she jokes, even though she knew he had his fiancée know to give him attention. Fred rolls his eyes. '' Yeah yeah whatever. Listen I have a question/favour to ask you. '' she furrows her eyebrows. '' Okay, I'm listening. '' taking a deep breath, he begins. '' So as you probably know I proposed to Liliana. Speaking of that, have you received my invitation to the wedding? '' it's been over a month since they got engaged, and yet she still couldn't bare the thought of losing Fred forever. '' Yes I have, it's very beautiful Freddie, I am very happy for the two of you. '' she gives him her best fake smile, not wanting to upset her best friend. '' Thank you, love. My question is, would you like to be my second best man? Along with George of course. I don't think that I would be able to do it without you by my side. Please say yes or at least think about it. It would really mean everything to me. '' This was definitely something she hadn't expect. There goes your plan on not going to the wedding, making an excuse of why she can't make it and get drunk in her room while watching her favourite romcoms. '' Of course Freddie, anything for you. '' those words came out before you even had a chance to think about them. 
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lethargicsunlight · 3 years ago
'Demon' Chapter 9 : "A Worthy Student" Bakugou x Fem!Reader (book 1)
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(Interesting that this chapter just so happens to come out around the same time as his birthday! Happy Birthday Kirishima!) (Promise I will write for you babe <3 ilu)
Work has been sucking the life out of me, but I've been able to add bits together during breaks. I've also managed to do some rearranging of plot-points, so things should be a bit easier for me moving forward. Unfortunately though, that does mean this one turned out a bit shorter than usual, but that's par for the course. Hope you guys are doing well! <3
As always, Thank You for Reading!
Chapter Master List: LINK
Book Summery: A slow-burn action/romance where you begin in the bowels of a Villain base and rise up to join U.A.’s top Hero Class. This life was your choice. In the event of learning then losing the love of a friend, you make a decision that changes your reality at the core–to become an imposter among villains and bring them down from the inside out. The organization that ruined your premature perfect life was known as H.H., after their leader Head-Honcho. His crime of choice: intelligence. Training and conducting espionage agents and assassins across Japan as a means to further the dark underground network. Your training began at thirteen, after managing to impress the multi-faced villain with your stealth and your conviction. Rumors would soon spread through the dark alleys of Naruhata City of a masked assassin known as Demon, whose bare face could steal the souls of her targets. Everything appears to be going to plan; but the Hero Agencies you’ve been slipping information to are calling for an end to your superior sooner than you had anticipated. Your time as 'Demon’ is limited. What will happen when your world comes crashing down? Where will you go, when everything you had known you helped to destroy?
WARNINGS: SFW, BLOOD, minor injury
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The blue and white practical training uniform was more comfortable than you expected.
It was much too brightly colored to be useful for hiding in the shadows, but the movement was amicable.
"Alright, we're going to keep this simple." Aizawa's voice cuts through the chatter of students, all bright-eyed as they looked around the court yard. "Since the exams are coming up next week, we've decided to give everyone some time to themselves in the afternoons for training. After today, you'll have the freedom to choose what you want to work on. I'll still be here to supervise of course, so I expect everyone to be on their best behavior."
"Yes sensei!" Iida salutes from the back of the group, "It's very generous to give us time like this to prepare!"
Aizawa's eyes drag briefly to Iida's form and he simply offers a "Hn." In response. "Today though, I will be leading some demonstrations and giving some useful tips on how to make the best of this opportunity. We'll start with some sparring."
"Aizawa Sensei?" Iida's hand now raises into the air. "I'm only asking out of concern--I thought we were scheduled for Hero Training today?"
"You were." Aizawa shifts his weight, looking even more tired as though he dreaded having to explain the following excuse. "All Might had to take up an appointment today, but he will be back tomorrow. Your Hero Training will take place then."
"Anymore questions..?" A second ticks by, before he quickly cuts off the opportunity. "Good."
With lanky arms, Aizawa removes a small notebook from his trousers and begins to read it to himself. "Ah. First two, Y/n and Kirishima."
How long has it been since you've 'sparred' with someone? Why couldn't you remember? For a moment you're almost frozen in place. You had heard every word the teacher said, but it hadn't felt all that real until right now.
"Oh hell yeah!" Kirishima's voice rings in your ear, and he pumps a fist into the air. "Didn't know I'd get to see your skills up close so soon! Let's do this." Despite the fact he was about to fight you, he seemed encouraging. Happy. Genuine.
You had barely been able to watch his fight with Tetsutetsu at the Sports Festival, but you understood the basics of his quirk; and you were automatically at a disadvantage. You didn't even have weapons on you--not that a knife would break his skin anyway. What were you going to do?
It's delayed, but you give him a silent nod before following him out of the crowd and towards a patch of dirt that Aizawa was gesturing to.
"Now remember, this is sparring; not a battle. I'm not saying you have to hold back, just know when to stop. If anyone get's too injured," He pointedly looks between Midoriya and Bakugou--one that looks bashful, and the other that just grunts and looks offended--"there will be serious consequences. Got that?"
"Yes Sensei!"
"Good. Now, continue."
Kirishima widens his stance in front of you, still smiling, and hardens his forearms. "Alright, ready!"
"Ready." You say, but you aren't as confident as you sound. Sweat builds on your temple, and an unwelcome stiffness enters your bones.
He's bearing down on you in seconds. Considering what he knew of you, for some reason, you had expected him to become more defensive--but that serves you right for making assumptions.
Why was your mind drawing a blank?
You were in a fight!
You dodge, but it's a narrow miss. Everything feels unnatural. From the sun shining on his features to the bare wind on your face--it's all wrong.
It was like stepping into someone else's body. Like you weren't Demon anymore..
And you weren't.
Putting some distance between his fists and your pounding heartbeat, you try to regain some resemblance of composure. Everyone was watching you, everything was riding on this, you had the world you always wanted--and it was slipping. Slipping through your fingers like bloody water.
It's panic settling beneath your breastbone that makes your body all the more rigid. You can see the blur of Kirishima's hair and hear the words that he bellows--but your mind refuses to make sense of it. Within the moment of his next well aimed swing, you can't dodge for the ice in your veins. Only able to sway, you manage to barely shift his momentum away from you--enough the punch doesn't take you down, but his hardened skin clips your cheek.
You twist, stumbling, and there's just the slightest sting as blood dribbles down to your jawbone. Staying upright, you touch at it while Kirishima takes a moment to find his foothold again..
It's not the fresh blood on your skin. Nor, is it the reality of the situation sinking in.
It's the look of sympathy in Kirishima's eyes as he turns back to you.
Like you were weak, and he had just hurt you. Like he felt bad about it.
It's the look of apprehension in your classmate's features, wondering if you should be fighting him. Midoriya's worried expression. Ururaka's concerned and pinched eyebrows. Bakugou's quiet 'tch'.
That wakes you up.
Everything around you seems to settle. Your eyes finally draw focus, and pin-point certain features on your opponent. Something familiar seems to 'kick in', like a computer going through a software reboot.
And this time, you go for him.
In the moment he might have suggested stopping the fight, you took a little advantage. Slipping in close, getting in behind, jabbing a soft spot beneath his shoulder blades and causing him to rock forward with a surprised noise.
When he whirls around and prepares a counter attack, you whirl with him. His movements are slower than yours now, and you fluidly keep up with him--testing and learning as you keep up with his shadow.
He was using his quirk in an offensive and defensive combo. He would predict where his opponent intended to land a hit, hardening a moment before--though he seemed to keep the majority of his torso protected all throughout. Since you were behind him, he had hardened his back. This made movement a little difficult for him, and you could hear the metal-like friction from his shoulders.
You had a plan.
Kirishima growls in frustration, "You just gunna hide behind me all day or what?!" He calls out, trying to reach back, trying to spin on a hardened calf to get at you.
"Fine, have it your way!" He says, hardening the majority of his upper torso and just shoving himself backwards, which lands him on the ground--with nothing beneath him. "Huh?"
He finds you in the air. You twist like a cat preparing for the earth, and land with the quietest thud in front of him. You'd simply leapt over him.
His eyes sparkle for a moment, and there's renewed vigor in the way he pulls himself up from the ground with his hands balled into fists and his lips drawn back in a predatory smile.
You allow him to get up, and as you expected, he's immediately hardened almost allover once he's standing. It sends jagged lines across his forehead and along the creases of his lips. "Alright! That's what I'm talkin' about!" He yells, getting more excited.
You smile.
The two of you continue to dance in this fashion, and the crowd of students gradually lean in; who would be the victor?
Midoriya moves a hand to his lip, studying the fight intensely.
"What are you thinking?" Iida asks him, surprised to find that he hadn't started mumbling about it already.
"If what l/n said about her quirk is true, then she's at an obvious disadvantage. Without any weapons, she can only perform hand-to-hand combat; and because Kirishima can harden any part of his body, her attacks really can't do a whole lot of damage.  She's much faster than him but even if she manages to dodge all of his attacks, Kirishima won't really lose any stamina using his quirk since she isn't actually attacking him."
"You mean, she might be trying to tire him out like Bakugou did in the Sports Festival?"
"Mm." Midoriya nods, "It seems so. But as I said, that won't really work. There's not enough impact behind her attacks to actually chip away at Kirishima's ability to harden--not like Kaachan's explosives. That would take way too long, and it would tire her out also. Unless her adrenal function gives her extended endurance.."
"I see.." Iida adjusts his glasses as he continues to watch the match.
Bakugou, who had overheard them, returned his attention to you also. He hadn't missed how stiff you were in the beginning--in fact, he had almost felt disappointed by the idea that you weren't the opponent he originally thought you were. It was like you and the masked Demon he had fought in the Industrial Park were completely different people..
But now, as you deftly slip beneath Kirishima's extending fist and find yourself behind him again, Bakugou realizes that you were indeed one and the same. Tch. Being quick won't get you far, you know. He thinks, brows deepening. If this is really all you are, you don't belong here.
The blonde glances at Aizawa, and it confirms his suspicion. Their teacher had claimed that this was a demonstration, but he had barely said a word since the fight begun. He was watching you intently--and while this could be excused as their teacher preparing his quirk in case the fight got out of hand--Bakugou could discern differently.
This was a test.
Both of you were sweating now. You could feel the fabric of the uniform sticking to your body.
Almost time.
"Come on, you gunna hit me or what!" He yells, another swipe going wide as you sidestep and flip around him. You jab a soft spot you can see, but it barely does more than make him grunt.
"Rrrgh! That's it!" He hardens his arms out in a 'T' position, and spins his whole body around. It's nothing for you to jump back and out of the way, but it leaves you both bent and panting with hands on your knees. You watch as a drop of sweat darkens the ground.
"I don't want to stand here all day." Aizawa says from his place at the edge of dirt. "Hurry up."
Kirishima groans, straightening his back and re-hardening his pectorals. He really did think you were cool, but this was getting annoying. He blows some hot air from his nostrils and readies up to come at you again--
but you're gone.
Your kick lands hard against his cheek, before he could manage to harden it. It doesn't move him much, but the blow makes his head fuzzy. His arms fly up, wrists jagged and flat to take the next blow--but you're on the other side now. Your elbow meets his mid-thigh and he cries out in pain, shoving you away and hardening allover.
You tumble, but as soon as your feet find purchase you're running back at him.
That's more like it! Kirishima thinks, despite the stinging imprint of your kick on his face. That hardens too as he prepares for your advance. I just need one good hit!
You're right in front of him, hand raised like you're going to punch. He knows better. He knows you'll fake him out, so he rears back--one arm over his face just in case, and the other drawn taught out to the side. One good hit!  His muscles bunch in that arm, prepared for anything, his fist and forearm hardened but nothing else so the movement would be quicker.
And he's right. You fake him out, and step towards the arm that's drawn back. He grins at the idea of finally making contact and throws his arm towards you--
Kirishima had not noticed, as the tempo of the fight increased, that your uniform top was missing. Nor that you held it in the hand not poised to hit him, close to your side.
Now in both hands, you wrap the fabric around his wrist--the damp material able to withstand his sharpened skin. And using his own momentum, you step unto his bent knee and flip over his shoulder--sending his own hardened fist straight into the same cheek you had kicked earlier.
Kirishima feels a crack form along his jaw, and the force of his somehow self-inflicted punch sends him backwards.
You release the sleeve of the uniform top so it unravels as he falls, and you're able to slide across the dirt to avoid being pinned beneath his back.
He crashes to the ground with the breath stolen from his lungs and ears ringing from the impact. He's trying to scurry backwards, but the world is swaying. What just..? His eyes attempt to refocus on your figure, watching as you now crouch low to the ground; the blue and white practical training uniform top now braided and stretched between both hands like a weapon.
There's a surprised silence that falls over the court yard, and a droplet of blood appears along the cracked skin of Kirishima's cheek. Aside from the length and direction of the cut, it mirrored the one on your own.
"Alright, I think that is enough." Aizawa says, hands slamming his small notebook closed. "This was a good example. You both focused on your strengths and learned from your opponent. I'm sure with more practice, the two of you could learn a lot more from each other."
The sound of his teacher's voice seems to fade into the background as Bakugou's vermillion eyes scorch the grass between his shoes.
He liked the fictional version of you he had created before you were introduced into the class--the one where you had just been lucky and opportunistic in the Industrial Park. But now, there was no denying your presence. He saw the shift in Aizawa's eyes when it happened--when you were deemed worthy of being his student. And it made him..
He didn't know how to feel.
You were too simple. Too small. His failure in their last Hero Training class with All Might was a wound that still hadn't scabbed--and you were another laceration to his pride. Like Deku, you should have been easy to topple; not standing after a fight with the only other student in the class he had bothered to learn the name of with nothing but a scratch on your face.
"Man did you see that?!" Kirishima loops his thumbs through the straps of his backpack, giving Bakugou a toothy smile. "I told you she was cool. Improvising like that was a super manly move!"
Bakugou growls, eyes in cat-like slits as he focuses on the citrine sky with hands stuffed into his pockets and jaw jutted forward.
"I kinda started to think she wasn't doing well." Kaminari then appears off to the side, butting in on the conversation. Usually, Bakugou was able to outpace them on his way home--but they were persistent this time.
"You saw it too then? If I didn't know any better, she seemed kind of stiff at first." Kirishima admits, hands leaving the straps in favor of resting on the back of his neck. "Maybe it's the change of environment, you know?"
"Maybe. She kinda kicked your ass though."
"Hey, we didn't get to finish that fight! You don't know how it would have went!"
"Whatever, she was running circles around you."
"WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP!" Bakugou shouts, hands sparking. "I'm tired of hearing about this new girl like she's a damn spectacle. She's a no-body, just like everyone else!"
"Whatever you say, Kaachan. I mean, she technically kicked your ass first, so.."
"Uh-oh--" Kirishima manages to outstretch a hardened arm to stop his friend, giving Kaminari some time to escape. "Come on man, it's not worth it--"
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years ago
The Sound Of Love (Tsukishima x Reader)
A/N: Um I don't like this one as much as the others but I did my best. It honestly took forever cause I didn't want to write it and I had no idea what song to use but I eventually decided so here we are.
Date: Saturday November 7th, 2020
Details: 5.3 pages 2,000 words
Theme: Musicalia- The victim will hear a song constantly playing in their head until it drives them insane. The person of affection will only hear the music when they are around the victim.
Angst Masterlist
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Clair De Lune
A simple, beautiful piano melody that had been repeating in my head for weeks. There was never a reprieve from the beautifully haunting melody. My mind followed the sound like a moth to a flame and deteriorated the closer it got to the music.
No amount of holding my hands over my ears stopped it. It had become a part of me like the backround music in a video game or movie. However this wasn't a video game or a movie this was real. Every day was the same never a rest I couldn't even sleep some nights.
This was my last week at Karasuno before I was put in the hospital. My mind was too far gone to stay out I couldn't really hear anything anymore to distracted by the music and of course I hummed it on occasion. Everyone in my classes knew I had it...Musicalia but they didn't know who caused it.
I walked to class with a sigh Yamaguchi was following and as we walked I heard a gentle piano melody that got louder. I spotted a familiar H/c haired girl fast walking past me like she'd done since I pushed her away. Yamaguchi followed my eyesight and the music faded the further away she got "you should apologize you know. This week is her last at Karasuno," I blinked 'her last week?' I thought "Shut up Yamaguchi," I said keeping my emotions off my face "Sorry Tsukki," I continued watching the S/c skinned female rush off down the hall.
I was walking up to the roof ready to reject another girl. Why they felt the need to confess to me of all people id never understand. As I rounded the corner someone ran into me and with a short shriek they fell. I was about to say something when I noticed who it was...Y/n she looked paler than I remembered and eye bags were prevalent on her face. I heard the piano again it was louder than ever.
"Do you need to listen to music that loud?" I asked though it was harsher than intended. Her eyes widened and I held back a frown as I saw she was afraid. "S-sorry," she stood up quickly and ran off down the hall the music fading the further she got and I watched 'why was she afraid of me?' My eyes caught something on the floor which I turned to. Picking it up I realized it was a simple gold bracelet with a dinosaur charm on it.
"This is...," It was the bracelet id given her three years ago on her birthday. It was still in perfect condition looking like it did on the day I'd given it to her and it caused a small smile to pull at my lips as I pocketed the familiar bracelet.
Everytime I spotted the e/c eyed female in the hallway and approached her she would turn and run the music following her. Nobody ever seemed bothered by the piano it was almost like they didn't hear it and Y/n was never wearing headphones when it was playing. "Does she ever stop listening to that song?" I mumbled to myself as she ran away yet again.
"What song?" Yamaguchi asked next to me I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him. "What do you mean what song? That damn piano music she's always listening to it's annoying," I said and Yamaguchi’s eyes widened "Tsukki...She's not listening to any music...," He stated.
I blinked as I processed what that meant "No ive heard it-," Yamaguchi cut me off before I could continue he had a sad look in his eyes and as he spoke I realized why. "She's got Musicalia Tsukki...," He whispered as he looked at me. "She...She what?" I asked. "She's got Musicalia and if you can hear it that means...," my own eyes widened as I realized what he was implying. "Oh...,"
Cornering someone who was avoiding you was much more difficult than you'd think. Everytime I ended up even in the same room as her she ran before I could even get near her. "Yamaguchi," I stated causing him to jump. "Yeah?" He nervously asked. "Can you convince Y/n to meet you on the roof?" I asked. He didn't ask any questions he just nodded mumbling a quiet yeah as the teacher walked in the room.
I stood on the roof looking out towards the gym. I heard footsteps come around the corner and stop before they slowly started backing away. "Can you stop running? I need to talk to you," I said. The footsteps stopped and I turned around. Y/n stood a few feet away nervously shuffling on her feet.
"When were you gonna tell me?" I asked and she sighed "Preferably never," She answered and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Never? This could kill you!" I took a step toward her while she took one back "So what?" She spit bitterly rasing her head up to glare. "So what? So everything!" I shouted.
"So everything? You dont even fucking like me! You made that pretty clear last year!" She yelled back. She was referencing an argument that I barely remembered and that she hadn't forgotten. "Do you even know what its like to have your heart crushed in seconds!?" She screamed. "You still should have told me you have Musicalia!" I glared back. 
She just gave me a bitter smile "I suppose my dear this was how it was meant to be," she stretched her arms out as she spoke and tears dripped down her face at a slow pace. "You dying isn't how it's supposed to be!" She only shook her head in response. I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out the bracelet. "Here...just take this back," I said holding it out. She walked forward and I heard that gentle and haunting music get louder.
She stopped closing my hand around the bracelet and leaning up to press a kiss against my cheek. "Keep it I won't have a use for it much longer," she mumbled before turning and walking off. "Y/n!" She stopped but didn't turn around and I continued speaking. "I love you," she sighed and turned her head. The sunset cast her in an ethereal glow and sparkled off the remaining tears on her face.
She gave a sad, watery smile in response. "No you don't Tsukki. If you did...You would have come back to me a lot sooner," she turned and left I knew she was right but god it hurt to hear her say that. My hand was still tightly closed around the bracelet the metal uncomfortably warm against my skin as she walked away from me.
She avoided me even more. I never saw her but I heard the music following around on occasion. After yesterday I had looked for the melody finally hearing it long enough to search for it. The results had told me the song was Clair De Lune I should have known. It was Y/n's favorite song though I doubted she liked it now.
I had tried to find her when I heard the music but even if I followed it I never found her. I was walking toward my locker keeping an ear out for that melody. As I opened the locker a f/c envelope fell out as I picked it up I noticed it was sealed with a gold wax stamp. Flipping it over my name was written on the front in flowing cursive. I put it away in my bag before heading to practice.
I flipped the envelope around in my hand staring at it before sighing. I pulled open the envelope and slipped the contents out. The first was a photo of me, Y/n, and Yamaguchi we were standing in the park in the photo. Y/n and Yamaguchi had their arms over eachothers shoulders while I stood in the background glaring towards the camera.
The other thing was a letter that I was hesitant to flip open. I knew the letter was from Y/n but I for the first time felt afraid on what she had to say. Sighing I opened the letter ready to read it.
Dear Kei,
It's been awhile hasn't it? Though That's what happens after fights. You give each other time to calm down and then you come back. Only this time...There is no coming back. You already know I have Musicalia and I'm sure you know I love you. It's weird to write that to someone you know doesn't love you.
Don't lie either. You don't love me the way I love you. You may think you do but if you had we would have been friends again by now. But you were perfectly content with not having me in your life so I know you'll be fine when I'm actually gone.
That's the issue isn't it? I'll be gone soon really, truly...gone. I'm not afraid knowing my death is approaching im...content and at peace with it. My death won't be glorious. I'm not going out with a bang. Or any final inspirational words. I'll go quietly in my sleep hopefully. Sleep however is hard when there's music constantly playing on loop in your head.
When I'm gone Kei...Will you visit me? Tell me about your day or the volleyball team! Yamaguchi told me about the team you should go easier on them. You should also learn from them you know? Anyways if you ever can't make it to me...Play Clair De Lune and I'll go to you! I'll listen to you talk at your place instead of you coming to mine!
I'm sure you know by now that this is my goodbye letter. Don't act so suprised of course I want to say goodbye to you. You're important to me you should know that. I've written this for awhile but I wanted it to be a good final goodbye since its immortalized forever in a letter. If you share this with anyone I'll kill you by the way. Even in death I still have a reputation. Anyway...
Goodbye Kei
I love you
—Y/n L/n
A month had passed since she said goodbye I moved forward even though it hurt to not see her around school. It almost felt like she moved but that imagine was ruined whenever I visited her grave. "Hey Tsukki I didn't know you liked dinosaurs!" I sighed in irritation my eyes flicking towards Kuroo who was pointing at my wrist.
"Wow that's cool!" Bokuto joined in and my eyes drifted to the golden bracelet around my wrist. "It's not mine," I stated drinking my water. "Whos is it?" Akaashi asked and I sighed again. "My friend Y/n’s...She's gone now and I'd rather not talk about it," I said standing up and heading back to the net. None of them said anything more about it and I was grateful for that.
Later that night I closed my eyes and played the song that I had grown very familiar with. It was quiet except for the soft melody playing through my headphones. While my eyes were closed I felt the familiar pressure on my body like someone was laying on my chest. If I listened through my headphones close enough I could almost hear her soft voice humming the song. 
I knew in my brain it was impossible but for now I let my heart believe that it was her. I talked quietly about anything and everything that came to mind. The team was sleeping so I knew I could talk freely most of them slept like they were in a coma. I sighed as I reached the end of my story before I spoke once more.
"I miss you Y/n,"
TAGLIST: @wonhomarshmallow
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nebulousfishgills · 4 years ago
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Request by: Anonymous - Can I do an anonymous request for a Loki x reader where he returns to the reader after a few years and he is surprised to see that she has a child, but it turns out it is his child he didn’t know about.
Thanks for the request! I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Mild angst, I guess?
"How was school today, (D/N)?" You asked, carefully looking at your five year old daughter in the rear-view mirror. She looked at you with her bright green eyes and a wide grin. Her front tooth was missing, the beginnings of her new tooth starting to poke out from her gums.
"Good! We read a Curious George book and talked about colors!" Your daughter said enthusiastically.
You smiled, crinkling your tired eyes. "Do you have a favorite color?"
"I like yellow."
"Yellow's a very pretty color."
You turned into your neighborhood, scanning the street signs to find yours. It was a brief moment of quiet before (D/N) spoke again.
"Miss Amy also said Parents Day is soon. She sent this home for you to look at." She said.
You only slightly paled at your daughter's words as you pulled into the driveway and took the envelope from (D/N)'s hands. Parents Day was a day in mid September where the parents could come into the class and their child could show them what they were learning. They could ask questions to the teacher about how the children were being taught.
"It's on Friday? At noon?" You half asked to yourself. Gently, you turned around in your seat to face your daughter with a sad smile. "(D/N), I have to work that day. I don't think I can go."
(D/N) frowned and slightly slumped in her seat.
"You can never go to anything." She sighed. It crushed you to see her so sad.
"I'm sorry, sweetie, but I've already missed too many days for when you or I get sick. I can take you out for frozen yogurt that afternoon, though. Would that be okay?" You asked, biting your lip.
"I guess. I wish Daddy were here." (D/N) sighed.
"Me too, kiddo." You said, getting out of the car and shutting the door. She followed suit, dragging her Minnie Mouse backpack on the pavement behind her. "Me too."
You had seen the other parents' glances whenever you dropped (D/N) off at kindergarten in the morning. It was mostly mothers who dropped off their kids, so you coming in alone wasn't totally abnormal. Though it was like High School all over again: cliques of girls whispering about you in groups of three or four while glancing at you with pursed lips. Being a single parent was the abnormal thing. Your town was small, so gossip spread like wildfire.
"...Got knocked up by some foreign guy."
"...Left her to pursue an art career."
"...He left town as soon as she told him he was pregnant."
You honestly didn't know how some of those rumors spread. People's imaginations were limitless, you figured. Well, the detail about the father being "some foreign guy" wasn't too far off. But you couldn't really say the father was an actual god, they'd think you were crazy for sure. So, you let the rumors spread and eventually they had less and less effect on you. The side glances didn't exactly make you feel good, though.
You entered the small house, following (D/N) inside. She put her backpack on the hook and sat at the kitchen table.
"Do you want something to eat?" You asked. She nodded and you went to rummage around in the pantry for something. (D/N) wasn't particularly picky about her snacks. You settled on a half empty bag of pretzel sticks and poured some into a bowl. (D/N) took it and started to go up the stairs. "Remember, clean up your crumbs."
Once you heard her door close, you pulled a (favorite soda/seltzer) out of the fridge and sat at the table, resting your head in your hand with a sigh. You wanted to go to the parent night, you really did. But it wasn't worth risking your job over. Your boss already made it hard for you because she knew your situation. She was the type of person who believed in marriage before children and gave you your work with a slightly disgusted glance every day. This was your life, and the sooner you accepted that, the better.
There was a quick knock at the front door that shook you out of your thoughts. Sighting, you stood up to get it. You hoped it wasn't your nosy neighbor, always offering to babysit (D/N) because "there's only one you and I can make it easier." She always asked for a ridiculously high payment that you couldn't afford along with the offer. Luckily, you had most of the weekends off and (D/N) went to full day kindergarten on the weekdays.
"For the last time, Donna, I don't need your charity babysi-" you started as you opened the door, but abruptly cut yourself off. It wasn't your neighbor, or your mom that brought you pies sometimes, or the Amazon guy for that matter.
"Loki?" You asked, eyes wide. Sure enough, there was your estranged ex boyfriend. He nervously picked at the pilling green sweater he wore, barely meeting your eyes. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I... Well..." Loki stuttered, biting his lip. You sighed and opened the door wider.
"Get in and pull yourself together." You said cooly. Loki nodded as he slowly entered the house, sitting on the edge of the sofa like there were needles poking out of the back cushion. You sat down next to him with your arms folded.
"I'm sure you're very angry with me." Loki started.
"What gave you that impression? My folded arms, my tone, or the fact that you've been gone for five years?" You snapped.
"(Y/N), I can explain-"
"You left me, Loki. In the middle of the night, no explanation. Just a note on the pillow saying that you love me and how much it hurt that you just had to leave right then. You didn't think that maybe explaining it to me when I was awake would be a better idea? No, because you just had me wake up the next morning with no you and a half assed note. So, yeah, I'm angry!" You yelled, not even trying to hold back.
"I know, and I'm so sorry. It's just... I was scared-" Loki tried to apologize.
"Scared? Of what? Loving a mortal? I thought that it didn't matter to you." Your tone started to form into a more hurt one than anything.
"No, it's not that." Loki said.
"Well, then what is it?"
"I was scared for you, your safety. I've done wrong in the past, my darling, and I've had people hunting for me, bad people. I didn't want you to get swept up in it. That was part of the reason why I left. But I wanted to figure out how to fix it. I always intended to come back, but not until I was sure we were safe." Loki explained. You sat in silence, considering his words.
"Well, you can't expect to be able to waltz back into my life like nothing happened." You said in a tone that probably didn't fit the words you were saying. A sympathetic tone with harsh words.
"I didn't expect to."
"Mama, I heard you yelling.... Mama, who is that?" You jumped at the sound of your daughter having come back down the stairs. You cleared your throat, trying to find the right words.
"Uh... Well..." You spluttered. "He's..."
"Have I been gone long enough for you to find the comfort of another man?" Loki didn't sound angry, rather he sounded sad.
"No, there's been no one else. (D/N), come here please." You said. Timidly, the little girl climbed into your lap and watched the strange new man intently. "(D/N), this is your daddy."
Both Loki and (D/N) looked at you in surprise.
"I found out a week after you left. She's your daughter. She has your eyes." You said shyly. "She's yours."
(D/N) took a second to process the information before giggling. She lept out of your lap and into Loki's arms. He caught her with an "uff" from the impact. He looked at the little girl carefully and did notice her eyes were the same shade of green as his. He felt a sort of familial bond with her as she hugged him tightly.
"Now that you're here, Mama can go to Parents Night!" She said enthusiastically.
"(D/N), slow down, he just got here." You laughed. "And we still have to figure things out. I still work, you know."
"Oh, right. Well, at least I have a daddy now!"
"If you'll have me back?" Loki asked you. You looked from Loki to the daughter you shared clutching him like a koala bear. You sighed and smiled. (D/N) needed her father, more than you wanted to admit. And you still loved him more than you wanted to admit.
"I can't forgive you right away, but we can build it back up." You agreed. "But in the future, just talk to me, okay?"
"Of course, my darling." Loki said, kissing your temple lightly.
Hope you enjoyed this, Nonnie!
Requests are open! Rules and characters are on the pinned post on my profile!
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