#also brought to you by the three (3) history i should have been doing instead
begay-doocs · 5 months
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so what if my version of chat noir was an angel and what if the angel was the angel of death and also what if she was bigender. yeah thats all.
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infiniteglitterfall · 2 months
I do realize this is a real niche post but I cannot tell you how many damn times over the past 10 months I've seen gentiles tell Jews some version of, "Your own holy book SAYS God doesn't want you to have a country yet!"
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And it's such an incredibly blatant and weirdly specific tell that they're not part of something that grew from progressive grassroots, but something based on right-wing astroturfing.
1. Staying in your own lane is a pretty huge progressive principle.
Telling people in another group that their deity said they couldn't do X is, I think, as far as you can get from your own lane.
2. It's also very clearly Not In Your Own Lane because I've never seen anyone actually be able to EITHER quote the passage they're thinking of, OR cite where it is.
It's purely, "I saw somebody else say this, and it seemed like it would make me win the debate I wasn't invited to."
3. It betrays a complete ignorance of Jewish culture and history.
Seriously? You don't know what you're referencing, its context, or even what it specifically says, but you're... coming to a community that reads and often discusses the entire Torah together each year, at weekly services... who have massive books holding generations of debate about it that it takes 7 years to read, at one page per day....
And saying, "YOUR book told you not to!"
I've been to services where we discussed just one word from the reading the whole time. The etymology. The connotations. The use of it in this passage versus in other passages.
And then there is the famous saying, "Ask two Jews, get three opinions." There is a culture of questioning and discussion and debate throughout Judaism.
You think maybe, in the decades and decades of public discussion about whether to buy land in Eretz Yisrael and move back there; whether it should keep being an individual thing, or keep shifting to intentional community projects; what the risks were; whether it should really be in Argentina or Canada or someplace instead; how this would be received by the Jews and gentiles already there, how to respect their boundaries, how to work with them before and during; and whether ending up with a fuckton of Jews in one place might not be exactly as dangerous for them as it had always been everywhere else....
You think NOBODY brought up anything scriptural? Nobody looked through the Torah, the Nevi'im, the Ketuvim, or the Talmud for any thoughts about any of this?? It took 200 years and some rando in the comments to blow everyone's minds???
4. It relies on an unspoken assumption that people can and should take very literal readings of religious texts and use them to control others.
And a sense of ownership and power over those texts, even without any accompanying knowledge about what they say.
It's kind of a supercessionist know-it-all vibe. It reads like, "I know what you should be doing. Because even if I'm not personally part of a fundamentalist branch of a related religion, the culture I'm rooted in is."
Bonus version I found when I was looking for an example. NOBODY should do this:
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There are a lot of people who pull weird historical claims like "It SAYS Abraham came from Chaldea! That's Iraq!"
Like, first of all, a group is indigenous to a land if it arose as a people and culture there, before (not because of) colonization.
People aren't spontaneously spawning in groups, like "Boom! A new indigenous people just spawned!!"
People come from places. They go places. Sometimes, they gel as a new community and culture. Sometimes, they bop around for a while and eventually assimilate into another group.
It's an oral history, largely written centuries after the fact.
There is a TON of historical and archaeological research on when and where the Jewish culture originated, how it developed over time, etc. It's extremely well-established.
Nobody has to try to pull what they remember from Sunday school for this argument.
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faejilly · 3 months
Lisle Route Overview in Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem
Per a request on the discord, because my brain is only 7kpp now 😍
Character Creator/Personality Notes
You cannot be a Tomboy Countess
Personality MUST be noble as opposed to selfish.
(You can get away with starting out indifferent & immoral if you're manipulative enough to hide it.)
Generally speaking, choose eloquent options. Make jokes! He does have a good sense of humor, since that's pretty much the only break from duty that he allows himself.
Acknowledge and respect the responsibilities of rank.
Welcome Feast
First impression is likeability (beauty, charm, charisma, etiquette). I'm not sure if it's been re-balanced for Early Access, but for the demo the guide broke it down that you got +5 friendship at 60 likeability, +10 @ 100, and +15 @ 120, so as long as you don't tank all four stats, you should be fine.
+5 friendship for "friendly" greeting. (A polite greeting won't bring anything down if you want the etiquette boost.)
Insight check & +5 friendship choice is "compliment his sister"
The best 'tell him about yourself' option is "engaging" which requires 30 eloquence. (Possible with the "introduce yourself politely" option at the end of the CC, if you didn't take a full eloquence boost to get you to 50.) Either the charming or becoming (charisma) options will also get you friendship, but only +5 instead of +10.
You must also successfully greet and get along with Penelope!
Her first impression is also likeability.
Her ideal first dialogue choice is "make her laugh" which requires 30 charm; next is "reassure her" which requires the same 30 eloquence as Lisle's best answer. I think 'inspire' requires leadership.
The default "smile" for the greeting choice is still fine though, just not as many friendship points.
Be "glad she's there" for the insight check.
Rescuing her from Jarrod maybe helps? But I may be making that up because it feels like it should narratively but it's not in any of my guides.
Lisle will attend all three of the potential hosted events for week one (tea / musicale / history) if you make a decent impression at the welcome feast. I think you can still unlock his route if you just invite Penelope however, and she will attend both the tea and the musicale but not the lecture. You do get a higher +Wellin Approval boost for the musicale as long as you invite either of them, so that's usually the one I do when I'm planning on playing Lisle's route.
For week 3, Lisle can't attend the ladies' night, while Penelope won't attend the Onvu Tournament, but you can get both of them to the midnight picnic. I think they both give better boosts for the picnic too, but I didn't write it down, so I'm not sure.
Week 1 Invite
Don't be insulted that you're kept waiting for the ride with Lisle.
Either greeting is fine once he gets there, (if you have enough etiquette to see the "polite" one), but he laughs if you rant about last night's sleep which is great.
"Adore" that he brought Penelope
As long as you don't complain about the horse your relationship won't go down, but animal knowledge or persuasive will get you a higher respect bonus than either defensive or quick thinking.
IF you have at least 20 politics, 50 insight, and are ethical, you can ask Lisle about his goals for the summit.
Otherwise, as long as you're not all greedy/overt and asking about getting to be queen, the other two options (holding up/something about yourself) are both fine.
Formal Introductions
Don't have your ambition be "my best future"
Between nations/best serve my nation won't *hurt* but only give bonuses to your BG nation's approval
"Katyia" gives approval & respect bonuses
Don't lie about your ambition unless you're at least at 300 persuasion/50 manip.
Weeks 2 & 3
Request Penelope join your team for the ship race. (She's ideal for the morale check so it's a good pick regardless.)
For Penelope's breakfast, I don't think it matters? (I mean, don't be mean to her, obviously, but I don't think it effects any Lisle stats there.)
The best gift for him is the Pirate book.
For the MM date, start with either "Penelope" or "spent some time"
"Of course" is the best answer to 'bother you?' but 'rather be here' will also work.
Pick trust or communication for the 'most important' question
"Far worse fates" is the best answer to his confession, but "thank you" will also work.
Talk to the matchmaker about him and make it clear you know what you're doing
TL;DR Be a responsible adult, be nice to his sister, have a sense of humor, and you should be fine!
I don't have as much of a breakdown for how to *continue* his route (and also I don't remember where the demo cuts off vs the Early Access which isn't quite public yet) but basically you can get more respect & friendship by being eloquent and dutiful and encouraging Penelope when you get the chance.
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About This Discourse
I hope this can be the final post in all this. pages: 15.
CW for mentions of v0re, mentions of g0re, talks of harassment, talks of r-18 things, talks of kinks, s**cide, and the input of the definition of p*d0philia.
(^^^None of the really s*xual stuff was started by myself or my mutuals, I don't think. Please read with caution. In the attacks, it was brought up and had to be addressed.)
As a lot of you know, there’s been discourse surrounding my friends and I. Well, three of my friends and myself. 
It seems to stem from a post made about two months ago, by a user who has apologized and taken it down. The post vagued me and made it seem like I said things I did not.
The things implied I said were said by other users on this site. But not myself. admittedly, that post began a huge mental health spiral. The day the post was up, I was having panic attacks and begging for the post to be taken down in the comments. 
Eventually, Octo had enough of letting the post stay as it was, and watching me panic. So Octo reblogged it with a 1558 word response. It reads as follows(no editing. Post was copy+pasted into google docs);
“ There is a lot wro ng going on here. And I will admit, you got a bit of "Momma Bear" coming out of me from this. Please, feel free to ignore this. Anything else will be after the cut. Please feel free to look at the original comments and come to your own conclusions on the matter.
My apologies if I switch from using OP to directly addressing the OP.
I would like to preface anything I say here by saying I don't like getting involved with  discourse like this. However, in this situation the individual referred to in this post has been stressed out and otherwise affected by this. I would prefer for this to have been a private matter, however the decision for that isn't mine, and never has been. OP, you can get mad at me all you like for not taking your side here, but please hear me out first.
I would first like to address the matter of the post itself. I am aware OP apologized for the R 18 thing, however it still causes an issue here.
Your main point is that a person who writes gore cannot complain about others writing R-18 content because they're equivalent. My arguments are as follows.
1: I disagree with the main premise of this argument. It either condemns both or neither of the two actions. This post doesn't actually let me know which of the ways you choose. If your argument is correct however, then you either are okay with R-18 content, or not. If not, why do you like danganronpa? Or furthermore, a Fanganronpa that is arguably worse than the cannon games?
Either way, this point is moot because the person who you're addressing never stated they disliked NSFW/R-18 content. Feel free to not like it! But this post is unnecessary and causes additional discourse for no reason.
2: You address this post to "SDRA2 Fandom," however this post is about a small group of creators, ones that likely don't make up a majority of the fandom on this site.
And this is a big one.
Effectively what you are doing is instead of addressing a matter privately, you made it public, called out one specific user by being vague about them, assumed their age, and implied things that aren't true about them. Even if your original point is correct, this behavior isn't acceptable.
Now, I would also like to address the comments below this post.
What first occurs is that the person being addressed in the post explains their past history with OP, and that they don't get mad at R-18 content, they get mad at people fetishizing things about them.
OP then responds by saying, "The issue isn't about ignoring and moving on, its that you; like 14/15 is writing extreme and graphic gore, like that is fucking concerning."
Simply put, this isn't the original point of your post.
Also, people around that age do tend to get involved in those kinds of things. Anecdotally, I became a fan of the Hunger Games around that time. For a less personal example, see creepy pastas, the SCP foundation, ETC. Or Danganronpa itself! Yes, there are adult fans in all of those things, but there are also minors who end up liking dark and creepy things. Again, it could be personally off-putting to OP, but that will be addressed later.
What happens next is that the user being addressed describes their experience getting into darker, more gory things. Further emphasizing why this entire thing should have been handled privately. Then, a mutual friend finds the post and comments. They did not handle the situation the best, I will admit. This leads OP to comment,
"You are literally 14 year olds writing fanganronpa gore; i’m sure the 4chan guro board would love to have you. Considering the previous comments here; you’re still talking about me two days later, while I haven’t even thought about you. It’s actually super flattering you think about me this much!"
Again, OP is assuming the age of the user. If OP is not assuming and thus know from a different source, then OP is potentially releasing private information publicly. I should not have to explain why this is a problem.
For those who don't know, like myself, the 4-chan guro board is about gory anime art.  I don't see what the problem is here. This person likes to write about gore, and so a place that accepts it would be happy to have them? Is the gore there worse than what they write?
OP, they're still talking about you days later because this post was a public call out of what should be a private matter at best, and at worst is a non-issue.
No, I will not let that go! This post caused stress and anxiety in the user, and OP should recognize that simply does not go away that quickly.
The user then says again what got them into gore, leading into this comment from OP
"the R18 thing was unrelated, and yes I will actually apologize for that. I am sorry for getting you caught up in that situation. However the issue isn’t only that, You do realize that what you say with “no child warning” is directly pointing out my issue, you are a kid sharing this with other minors, this is no better than the vorekado situation. You’re coming into adult spaces as a kid and sharing this among other kids "
First, thank you for the apology. I hope that you see why that is an issue.
However, I must address this point.
"you are a kid sharing this with other minors"
Right now, you are advocating for the self-censorship of someone because a minor might see it. Let's ignore the age of the poster. Should someone be barred from writing gore, drawing R-18+ images, etc because a kid might see it? The answer to that is no.
It is not up to a content creator, author, artist, etc. To not do something because the wrong person might see it. It is up to either the individual user or their guardian to control what content they come across.
If this sounds familiar OP, it is why the point of you simply blocking the content and moving on is mentioned over and over. Because it is not up to them to police themselves because another person finds themselves unable to control their feed.
The content creator IS responsible for making sure the appropriate tags, labels, etc. are on the work so that a person can filter it out. Which, this user has done so.
I do not know of the "vorekado" situation to comment on it.
One last point before we continue is that Tumblr isn't an "adult space." The minimum age to have a Tumblr is 13. Hardly an adult by that point. If you;re trying to argue that gore itself should be R-18, then you're fighting an uphill battle to convince anyone.
After this comment, the user says the matter should've been private, and says that OP vagued their posts, causing them anxiety. This leads to these two comments.
"Not what I meant, im saying that you’re still exposing this in a group of minors; which you yourself are."
"Okay youre friend really doesn’t matter here since all they can do is insult me, the problem isnt tags or trigger warnings. Its the fact you’re doing it in the first place. Youre still a kid coming into these adult spaces. Gore is a fetish. "
Before we continue, personally, I am 20. Not a minor.
First, explain to me why a minor writing gore is a problem. Other than "It's gross."
Again, Tumblr is not an adult space.
And finally, something being a fetish isn't an indication of how "adult" something is. Newsflash from someone who's been on the internet a long time.
Everything can be a fetish to someone.
The user isn't joining a gore fetish space, they joined a writing space for Danganronpa Another fancreations. Not everything is going to be light and fluffy, especially regarding the subject matter.
The user then says they've never seen anyone fetishizing their work. OP also says that their posts are not fetish works. I would also like to add, I haven't seen it either, and don't believe this is a space where that occurs often. This leads to this comment.
"I can’t help you with this. Genuinely you are clueless. You really are; extreme gore can be a fetish, and youre putting yourself into the “disgusting” gore community yourself. Danganronpa doesn’t have shit like this. This is just literal snuff for the sake of it. "
"Danganronpa doesn't have shit like this. This is just literal snuff for the sake of it."
That's not a problem at all. You don't need a reason to write or draw anything specifically. Most of their writings are labelled as writing practices.
TLDR: This post shouldn't have been made. It should have been a private message at that. Many of OP's points are personal opinions and don't hold up to scrutiny.  OP, the person who wrote this post has politely asked you to either edit it or take it down. I would recommend you do so.”
Due to both the original post, and Octo’s reblog, taken down, I cannot share what I said in my  40 comments. That may seem like harassment, but this was a post vaguing me and causing a mental health strain I hadn’t had since either May or June of 2020.
However, most of my comments were along the lines of me explaining why I wrote it, and why  it should be handled privately.
When the fetish of g0re was brought up, I was confused but still panicked. I had never heard of such a fetish before. I didn't know that it was a fetish .
The “v0rekado” thing is likely in reference to mikadosannouji/ressysauce, someone who had recently been revealed as a bad person at the time. And not because of the fetish-y art, but because they had doxxed someone and celebrated someone’s potential s**cide. If I remember correctly, ressysauce created v0re art on their old tumblr account.
Comparing something where the user posting likely knew it was a fetish, to something where the user posting didn’t know is a fetish, feels off.
After Octo’s response, the original post was taken down, the OP messaged me and apologized. At first, I felt the apology wasn’t genuine, and asked them if it was. We got into an argument about it, and I blocked them.
Eventually, I decided to accept their apology anyway, and unblocked them.
We thought this would be all, but then a proship based account caused Nana’s friend to have a panic attack. They then contacted Nana through asks, alerting him of his friend’s breakdown and saying they were concerned.
Nana states he already knew, but unblocks the account, and talks with them. Nana eventually gets overwhelmed and can’t handle any more of the conversation. So, he blocked the account once more.
The reason Nana’s friend had the breakdown was due to one of the things they said being screenshotted and put in the proship accounts introduction post. It has now been removed, thankfully.
(This is an important part of the discourse, and I am not trying to stir something up again, please understand that.)
Nana removed all his posts related to the proship account discourse, hoping that would calm it down. It seemed so, even though the account mentioned Nana a few times after.
Eventually, that account got downed, and the four of us let out a sigh of relief. It seemed to finally be over.
Then, a new account came into the mix, barely a day old when they started the accusations. 
The accusations? Nana was a proshipper himself. The base of these were that Nana used to like Sanniuri, at a time it was widely shipped in the fandom. Nana stopped shipping it after realizing its toxicity. Another was shipping LeoSaya, or having an inkling of an interest in the ship NaeJunko, or doing an animatic for a ship between two underage characters.
In fact, a large number of tumblr users also use ao3. It’s a platform for fanfictions and sometimes original works. It’s a platform for writing.
There was also the argument that because he uses ao3, he’s a proshipper. Which is stupid, honestly. Would you argue that BiggestGuadiestPatronuses is a proshipper? They use ao3.
Using the same logic as done with the ao3 thing, it would be that everyone on tumblr is a proshipper, because tumblr has proship content on there! Or youtube, or instagram, or wattpad… Literally being on any website similar to the ones listed, would say you’re a proshipper.
So, that's why the logic here is dumb.
Next, an edit Nana did of Junkan was mentioned. The ship is known as unhealthy, but the ask explained it as an AU. Nana did it, and knows the ship is unhealthy. He did it because it was requested, and it could quite possibly be an AU where it’s healthy. Some could argue that doesn’t make the ship okay, but that would be something to bring up to the requester. A request being done doesn’t condone attacking.
LeoSaya is a ship I’ve seen many people like in my time in the fandom. Often, it’s people against proshipping. You argue that, because they tried to kill each other in canon, it’s toxic. So, by definition, every killer x victim ship is toxic? Except the few with confirmed feelings?
It’s a killing game. Stress is high and they want to go home. Of course they’re gonna try the only way out.
Due to the whole memory wipe thing, they don’t remember each other. But they have known each other for years, yes? And I do believe they would have gotten along beforehand.
NaeJunko was explained by a meme. I haven’t seen it myself, but it went along the lines of “loser boyfriend”. 
The old Sanniuri reblogs and shit, were when he didn’t know the ship was toxic. You may bring up the tags on some of his fics, how there’s sanniuri tagged. I noticed it, too, and brought it up to him. He explained it with; 
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(And before someone comes after me about the “horny” comment; it was a joke based off of IRLkado’s reaction to finding out more about Utsuro.)
But Nana let me know. He doesn’t ship AIkado x Nikei, because we know how toxic that shit is. But about IRLkado, we often only know he’s some sort of computer nerd and he wants to bring Utsuro back.
The shipping Kotoko x Monaca thing is… Well, the person with the accusations calls the ship “pedophillic”. Which is confusing.
Pedophillia is defined by www.sciencedirect.com as “A persistent interest in prepubescent children as evidenced by an adult’s sexual fantasies, urges, and goal-directed sexual behavior.” I wish to know what part of this definition suits the ship. 
The original accuser brings up something else, stating Nana as lying about being a minor. Sure, this could be seen as acceptable, as there are people out there who lie about that. However, when there’s many people who have stated Nana as a minor.
When there’s someone who has posted about meeting Nana in person, and has attested to Nana being a minor before- it brings your claims into question.
Nana and I have met before. We share a birthday, and I am only 8 hours older. And some of my followers can attest to me being a high schooler- it was on my now deleted intro post. Octo can also attest to it- having helped me before with high school math. 
Another thing mentioned was the fact that I supposedly write untagged gore. At the time of the first post connected to my friends and I, this would have been true. For the simple reason of; I didn't know about tumblr tag filtering. I thought that putting a cw/tw above the cut would’ve been enough, as I believed that somebody would at least read those before clicking “Continue reading.”
When this was brought up by the first post that vagued me, I went back and added a gore tag to all of my fics containing it for filtering. And, I even attempted to remember to put a tw gore tag on each one.
However, this was brought up again, with the same reason- it being untagged. So, I was upset. I went back and added cw gore tags to all of the posts containing it. I was upset, because I had already tagged it with the gore tag, and thought it would be enough. Then, I posted this rant;
“What more do you guys need me to ADD to TW my gore writing properly. I often put TW for gore in the tags. (Of sorts, it'll say what happens in it) most of them have gore in the fuck title. And I do my best to add a #tw gore tag on every single one.
I can add. "cw gore" tag, too! Have you ever fucking heard of filtering!
This is a Danganronpa fan game, dammit! There will ALWAYS be fics of stuff you don't like.
I put trigger warnings of the fuck content. It's on YOU if you still read it. I'm not going to stop writing something I find interesting in a way, because THE WRONG PEOPLE MIGHT STUMBLE UPON IT.
I admit, I should’ve been kinder during this rant. But, this had been going on for months at this point. Sure, an immature reaction- but one you should expect from some minor who’s been under extreme stress for months. 
When seeing this rant, Octo and Nana immediately began telling me to take it down. I was still upset, and didn’t want to. Saying we were being sitting ducks, and that we needed to fight back or we’d seem to be accepting the allegations as true.
Eventually, I calmed down. I didn’t want to take the post down, so I went to my closest friend- who shall remain unnamed- and they advised me to copy + paste the rant into a google doc and then delete the tumblr post, so I’d still have the words in that as my way of outing my anger.
So I deleted it.
During this time, I messaged the creator of the original post- the one that vague me. We’ll call them M for the rest of this.
I was distressed and unsure of how to handle this, so I went to M and explained everything. They didn’t really care for my panicking, but were at the very least understanding. They gave a tiny bit of advice, and let me talk. That helped a lot. So, I must thank M.
I had blocked one of the people spreading the proship accusations way before the drama, for reasons I can’t quite remember, but unblocked them to send an ask in a way to explain things. It reads;
“Hi there. You must dislike me, seeing as i think people have submitted to you about me supposedly not tagging certain fics of mine. Please, make sure no one harasses the focus of this ask. And, before anything, please read this;
I do tag my gore fics. I've tagged them with gore, tw gore, and cw gore tags. All three of the tags. I think I might have forgotten to put those tags on my splatoon fics, which I will do right after submitting this ask. There is also a TW above the cut for almost all of my stories, unless there doesnt seem to be something that needs to be tagged. I will tag stuff if asked to.
Now, onto the reason i am sending this; Nana, catgirl-izuru, whatever he is known by to you, has been accused of being a proshipper. i'm sure you've seen this.
In the past, Nana has reblogged art for Sanniuri, a popular toxic ship in the community. He didn't realize it was unhealthy at the time. "But on his ao3 fic!! he has a tag for it!!" you might say, which I can explain;
It's IRLkado and nikei. IRLkado, we dont have any information about, other than he's a bit weird about Utsuro. Nana has a version of IRLkado in his head, one that's *much* better than AIkado. 
Another reason for them supposedly being a proshipper is... reblogging art of Leosaya. A semi-popular ship in DR fandom. I saw quite a few people shipping it when I first joined. It's said to be toxic because Leon killed Sayaka/Sayaka tried to kill Leon. 
Where to start on that... Most of the ships that I've seen in the DR fandom are killer x victim. A lot of those aren't called toxic, or proship. I've seen people ship Hifumi x Celeste, and Kazuichi x Sonia, and not get attacked. So, why is Nana getting attacked for shipping Leon and Sayaka?
Is it because people are siding with the adult proshipper who harassed Nana for about 2 weeks? The proshipper who claimed to want to protect minors, but at the same time harassed one when xe blocked their side acc?
next; "he makes edits for problematic ships!! like junkan!" Talking with him, you could understand; Those were requests for an AU. they were moodboards for something that happened in the AU.
I, and others, have talked to Nana, about why it could be seen as problematic to make an AU in order to ship something problematic. About why it's dangerous.
And, about Naejunko, I believe that is also some kind of AU, or there's an idea that they're enemies in canon, while shown to somehow care about each other. If this isn't a good thing, I will talk to Nana.
next; Ao3.
Ao3 is a fanfic site, and Nana was called problematic for using it? And good amount of tumblr users have it, including Gaud. Even if we hate the content on there, we can't control it. Any other fanfiction site will have it. Wattpad, fanfiction.net, you name it. So this claim makes no sense.
Finally, if you're wondering why I'm so defensive of Nana; He and I have met IRL. He is clearly a minor.
If you would like to talk, I'll leave my dms open. But be respectful- else it will end with more conflict than it began with.
Thank you,
P.S. One last thing, to those reading this,don't poke fun at his religion. While you may see it as something different than he does, doesn't mean you can call it things like a c*lt or others, like he has seen people do before.”
This never got answered, and I got blocked. I found out later that, apparently, it seemed as though I was accusing them of being a proshipper- due to the last bit. It was not an attempt to call them a proshipper, but rather remind them and/or their followers to be a decent person. 
This was also written before the thing with the proship account was completely resolved, so I still mentioned it and talked shit about the account owner. I don't do it anymore, as it has been resolved and such a thing could lead to another drama.
After Octo told the accuser off, the situation seemed to finally be over. We were still suspicious, of course, but finally thought we could relax.
Then, a new anon went to Nana, and told him to off himself. And I don’t care if you don't like someone, that is never an okay thing to do. Even if they’re a confirmed terrible person. You’re a piece of shit if you do this. 
Nana didn’t know what it was about, so he mentioned the proship account.
Someone told the proship account about this- which would mean that one of the proship account’s followers is likely stalking nana’s page.
To avoid another drama, Octo talked with the proship account. Both sides were explained, and the proship account agreed not to bother us anymore, and to remove the screenshot from their intro post. For this, I must thank them.
Now, we have a new anon. Saying Nana must be proship because he reblogged something that originally came from a proshipper?
Nana can’t be expected to check the profile of everyone he reblogs from. He simply agreed with a few of the things in the post, hence the reblogging.
The whole antiship - proship thing is exhausting. Nana nor I try to identify as either. Antiship is often associated with harassment. Proship is… Well, that. 
However, during this whole thing, people claiming to be proship have harassed Nana. Going against their thing or whatever that only antishippers harass. 
Please, just leave us alone and make up your mind on if you want to be like what you hate or not. 
And let us have our fun. Nobody but my friends and I were named, as to prevent any attacks towards them. But just let us be us.
Now, if I may, I’m going to either go to sleep or work on my essay on Rei Mekaru.
(Final note to the person accusing Nana of being proship; Surely if you were hunting for evidence on his page for that long, you would’ve found his preferred pronouns? Honestly, it slightly seems you were using his unwanted pronouns to be mean, until you got called out for it.)
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sinistershepherd · 2 years
Idea 3: Pizzaplex is an engineering disaster waiting to happen.
An idea that I don't see brought up at all, is the idea that the Pizzaplex is not constructed well.
Remember in FNAF 6 when the tutorial unit said this?
"There may be times when you purchase something of questionable quality, and we don't blame you. Cutting corners is just good business."
Keep this statement in mind while I bring up my next point. As someone who's taken an engineering class, when you are constructing a building, there are a VERY large number of codes (rules) that you need to follow for every conceivable part of it.
Fazbear Entertainment would probably find it a lot cheaper just to pay off the people inspecting the plex than to actually put money into making sure everything is up to code.
They would also try to construct the building as cheaply as possible, trying to "cut corners" wherever they could. They use substandard materials and contractors that don't double-check their work. They built the mall itself over the subterranean remains of their old restaurant, despite this making the ground very unstable.
This all works in my mind because Fazbear Entertainment has been proven to follow the "be as cheap as possible" and "maximize profits by any means necessary" approaches many times in the past.
Here is just one example of a code being violated, according to Section 1006.2.1.1 of Utah Building Codes, "Three exits or exit access doorways shall be provided from any space with an occupant load of 501 to 1,000. Four exits or exit access doorways shall be provided from any space with an occupant load greater than 1,000." We only see 2 public exits in the game, and the Pizzaplex likely holds well over a thousand people at any one time. What's worse is that one of the exits, the only one designated for emergencies, requires a VIP pass in order to be used.
If Fazbear Entertainment is willing to do this to cut costs, who knows what else they have done?
It's why, in my mind, I don't have Gregory live at the pizzaplex after the 3-star ending. Freddy would calculate that it is statistically safer for Gregory to live in his box than at the plex. He instead lives with Vanessa, creating opportunities for them to grow closer.
BTW This has happened in real life, even down to the shoddy construction and profit maximization. It was the Sampoong Department store collapse. Link
The amount of exits always unnerved me in the game. Due to the fact that this has been a MAJOR issue in history since before the Sampoong Department collapse, I personally think that the pizza plex might’ve actually been MADE to be a death trap. It’s so obvious that there aren’t escape routes. They make no effort to hide it. Ever since the Triangle Factory fire all the way back in 1911, exits, entries, and fire-escapes have become a HUGE point of controversy for many large businesses and companies. This was only further proven by the attacks on Twin Towers, as both towers had only one main stairwell that filtered down to the ground floor, and easily compromised elevators. I personally think that many buildings should be required to pass certain guidelines in order to continue business.
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midnightsxxvi · 3 years
For You, From Westview (Chapter 4)
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Series Masterlist | Previous Chapter
Summary - Bucky writes you a letter
Pairing - Bucky x fem!reader / avenger!reader
Warnings - ANGST also some cursing. the usual but pls let me know if I missed anything
Wordcount - 4.2k
A/N - I love longing. Also here are the sources for the header image: 1. 2. 3. I love u allllll xx
───※ ·❆· ※───
“UH…” Sam had his arms crossed over his chest, “Does she think Bucky is her husband?”
Darcy avoided looking at Bucky at all costs as she said, “Seems that way!”
Jimmy cleared his throat, “I don’t want to pry. But a lot of Avenger business is private. So… just to clarify…”
“We are not married,” Bucky huffed, the first thing he’s said since they started watching the dinner between you and Wanda.
Jimmy did not stop there. “Were you ever… an item?”
Bucky turned, shooting Jimmy with a deadly glare. In response, he winced.
“I mean,” Sam interrupted, not caring if Bucky glared at him, “You might as well have been. You have a history.”
“Steve and I had a history too,” Bucky’s voice was harsh and low, “That doesn’t mean we were married, Sam.”
Darcy hummed, tilting her head to the side as she rewound the scene, trying to take notes. “It’s sweet, I think. Did you guys actually go dancing with each other?”
Instead of giving a normal answer, Bucky scratched at his stubble, and stood up in a huff. “I need some air.”
“It’s raining,” Jimmy protested. Still, Bucky ignored him and stormed out of the place.
Jimmy and Darcy looked at Sam as though he should do something. The guy just shrugged. “The guy needs a moment. What can I do?”
Darcy briefly looked behind her to make sure Bucky was actually gone before she pulled out a new folder, “We should gain some info on the two of them. Maybe try to unpack which memories are real or not? If it’s Wanda really controlling the town, maybe she's just putting these ideas into y/n’s mind.”
Jimmy then asked a question that caused both Darcy and Sam to pause. “Did she actually write Bucky a letter?”
“I… don’t think so?” Sam frowned.
Woo mirrored the frown. “It’s just, she is recalling specific details. Either Wanda crafted this, or maybe a letter actually exists.”
Darcy’s brows furrowed, deep in thought. “You said they haven’t talked since he came back from the Blip?”
“Yeah. They reunited but then at Stark’s funeral, they barely spoke a word to each other.”
“I don’t know? They’re weird. You’ve met Bucky. Y/n can be just as stubborn.”
“She brought up Stark to Wanda,” Jimmy pointed out. “There has to be some connection then, right? She’s associating this letter with their last interaction?”
Now, the fact that the winter soldier killed Howard and Maria Stark was not public knowledge. Only Sam truly knew what happened years ago, you know, with Tony trying to kill Bucky and all of that? He couldn’t just spill all that info, but he did share: “Bucky had a hard time at the funeral. He and Tony were not on great terms, and he never really got to fix it.”
Sam wished Bucky was around to see the sympathy in Darcy’s eyes. She rewound the scene, cutting to when you brought up Stark to Wanda. “There’s more truth to this then. She remembers Bucky being upset.”
The three of them stared and pondered all of this. It wasn’t much, but it was something. You seemed to have more connection to the world outside the hex than Rambeau did, which was proved by your small tidbits of memory of the real world.
‘You really think he’s just out there trying to find a way to get back to me?’ You had asked, your voice sounding small.
Suddenly, Jimmy sat up straight. “We are thinking of this too literally. Who the hell sends letters in the modern day? She probably sent a text?”
Sam placed his face in his hands, realizing how that should’ve been obvious.
Darcy’s brows shot up. “Yes! Do you think Bucky would share?”
“Can’t hurt to ask. I know he’s frustrated, but he really does want to help,” Sam told them, the sincerity in his voice making their hearts ache.
───※ ·❆· ※───
Bucky sat on the damp ground alongside one of the makeshift labs, slightly under an awning to avoid a complete downfall of rain atop his head.
One of his favorite memories with you was back in 1945 at the Whip & Fiddle, alongside Steve and the other Howling Commandos. He hadn’t even been near London since then, not sure how he’d handle those memories. Perhaps he was there as the Winter Soldier, but nothing quite stood out.
Neither of you had any idea what was to come. You had no inkling to how life could get harder than it was. It was already war, and he had already been held hostage by Hydra and was safe, and everyone let themselves believe, even just for a single night in the pub, that everything was okay.
Bucky had Steve back, and he had you back. For one night, all was well.
Dancing with you that night was not a new thing for the two of you; even platonically, you’d gone dancing together, or on double dates and shared a moment as dances alternated. There was a joy to it back then which was different than it was in the present, and you both loved every part of it.
However, that night in London in the midst of the war, hidden in the golden lit pub, a beautiful girl in his arms, Bucky felt different.
He could remember who your hands draped around his shoulders, your fingers finding strands of his hair that were a little curled at the edges after a long day. He held your waist as a jazzy song changed to a softer one, and he thought to himself I can’t lose her, and more importantly, I can’t leave her.
‘What’s wrong?’ you had asked, a crease between your brows as you recognized his sad eyes.
‘Can I tell you a secret?’ it was almost a whisper.
‘Even though I’m proud of all we’re doing here, I still sometimes wish I had never been drafted.’
You made no inclination that you pitied him in any way. ‘That's a fair thing to say, Sergeant.’
‘Things just– this all should’ve been so different.’
He felt your thumb rub gently at the side of his neck, only briefly, but you kept quiet, gazing up at him. There was a new sparkle in your eye hidden under all the sadness. He wished there was a world he could ease you; he longed for his own home back in Brooklyn, an image of you spinning in the parlor, away from your life as a field-nurse, away from all the terror. Perhaps it would have just been the two of you, in a world far away.
All those years later, the night you found him in Bucharest, the feeling lingered. He hadn’t thought about it since 1945. But you were standing in his tiny, dusty apartment, in your tactical gear with a wound that definitely needed more tending. He stood alone with you for the first time in this new life, and his heart lurched, remembering, I can’t lose her. Against all odds, somehow the two of you found each other again, nearly 70 years later, which had to mean something.
Yet, differently this time, he knew, I have to leave her.
Bucky turned his head to the side, viewing the glowing forcefield of the hex in the distance. There was a whole world inside of that very hex, which was just like one he had once longed for, once upon a time. It only stood a short distance away. Inside, you were in a world safe from the messiness of the life and trauma you’d experienced.
But it was a hex, that’s all it was. Despite his longing to believe he could walk in there and be part of the life he wished he once had, it wasn’t real. In reality, he wasn’t even sure if it was safe – if you were safe.
In his pocket, he felt his phone vibrate. He wanted to ignore it, but usually people only texted him if it was something important.
From Sam:
Did she text you?
Bucky felt dumbfounded:
When? Now?
No stupid. Before all this. Instead of a literal letter, did she send you a text? Or maybe a voicemail?
Bucky froze, his hands clutching onto his phone. It seemed obvious now, but his brain had felt too clogged to make any previous connection between what you had said in Westview and what you had said in the text thread.
His thumb quickly found your name and he reread it all.
I know you’re hurting over Stark, even if you won’t admit it. You were pardoned for a reason and I hope you know you deserve your freedom.
The dinner with Wanda made more sense now. You were remembering tidbits of the texts. You still had connection to your recent memories, it was all just trapped away.
And the worst part was that you were waiting for him.
Had you been waiting for him this whole time? Three weeks of silence and just hoping that he would send a simple hello?
The rain was spotting up Bucky's phone screen, and wiping it away could only help so many times. He slid it back in his pocket, his hands practically shaking with how fucked up this all felt.  He’d been pushing away the guilt he felt for not calling back. He told himself it wouldn’t matter; you would never truly like the person he was now. You were a part of his past, and didn’t truly see this new version of him. If Steve left him, how could you not?
Sam was the one to eventually go get Bucky. He showed up in an oversized raincoat with an extra in his hands, after a few minutes of running around to find the guy.
Bucky did not know how long he’d been sitting cold and alone. All he could focus on was the hex. Sam knew it had been only about half an hour before they knew they needed to get Bucky from the rain. They’d only let him stay out that long in the first place because, well, it seemed like he needed it.
Sam stood a distance away, squinting at his friend who barely acknowledged his presence. “Bucky.”
Silently, Bucky just continued to stare emotionlessly at the hex.
“I can’t even begin to imagine what’s going on in that head of yours,” Sam said and Bucky could hear the smirk. “Inside? We don’t even know where to start. They’ve been both talking to Hayward for a while to see how to proceed. I’m assuming that you didn’t answer my text earlier because we were right?”
At first, Bucky’s only response was to flex his right hand, stretching his fingers and trying to relax.
Sam continued, “I also have some assumptions as to how I think you feel about y/n thinking you’re her husband. But I don’t know if you are ready to hear those assumptions.”
Sam saw Bucky take a deep breath. Croakily, he said, “I didn’t text her back.”
There was a lot in that one statement, and it made Sam’s heart drop. He too briefly looked over at the hex, before going to sit down at Bucky’s side. The moment felt heavy. Bucky had been holding in so much since he came back from the blip, and Sam was waiting for him, ready when Bucky needed someone. You had been too, but Bucky couldn’t take that.
Sam sighed, defeated, “Bucky,” he hesitated and shook his head, hoping Bucky would just open up to him, “what happened between you guys? I just don’t get why you’ve stopped talking to her out of everyone?”
Bucky clasped his hands together trying to keep from shaking further. “I don’t know.”
“I’m not trying to make you feel guilty. I just genuinely want to know.”
He took in a breath, and on the exhale he bit back at his quivering lip. “She doesn’t need someone like me around, Sam.”
“No,” Sam said seriously, “You don’t say shit like that.”
Bucky laughed non-comically. “I just couldn’t text back. I can’t give her anything.”
Sam shook his head, “What did she send you?” Trying to ignore the rain dripping from the curling ends of his hair, Bucky pulled his phone out, unlocked it, and handed it to Sam. Your texts were the first thing it had opened up to.
It took him a moment to read it and let the words sit. Bucky expected Sam to critisice him for not responding to any of this, however, Sam just slid the phone back and asked, “Will you let them read this?”
“Sure. Whatever.”
“You know what Steve told me once? About you and y/n?”
Sam’s question was a bit jarring to Bucky, who just frowned, “What?”
“It was that time back when all the stupid shit was happening with the accords. You and y/n didn’t even say much to each other, but she moved around you with such ease. It was somethin’. I don’t think either of you even realize how naturally you fell into step.”
“Okay?” Bucky squinted, “What does this have to do with Steve?”
“I’m getting there,” Sam nudged him with his elbow. “The first time I saw you smile was at her, you know?”
“So, I asked Steve about you two. I knew how she fit into Steve’s story, and I knew how you fit into Steve’s story. But you must’ve had a story together, and I asked. All he really said was.. He said, Sam,” Sam mimicked the stern and serious voice of a commander which would’ve made Bucky grin if he wasn’t having a rough time, “Those two? There was no y/n without Bucky, and there was no Bucky without y/n.”
He’d never thought of it that way. “We were just friends.”
“Woah,” Sam grinned, “I wasn’t even suggesting anything and you’re already gettin’ defensive? Speaks pretty loudly, Buck.”
Bucky shook his head, not wanting to admit defeat, “It just sounded like you were gettin’ at something.”
“She thinks you're her goddamn husband, Bucky.”
“Wanda’s just putting that thought into her head–”
“Will you just shut it? We don’t know the logistics of the place, so you can’t say that. Plus, those texts? She’s not lost the real connection to you. Sure, there’s a fabricated image of you as her husband, but the feelings she’s displaying? Those aren’t nothin’.”
Finally, Bucky looked at him, at a loss for words. He tried to remain stoic, but his nostrils flared, his eyes saddening, and Sam saw it all.
Sam placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder, giving him a squeeze. “I’m not suggesting anything. I’m just saying, let yourself feel whatever you need to feel. Whatever connection there is between you two, it’s something.”
In understanding, Bucky gave the faintest of a nod. He didn’t quite know where to find room to deal with these feelings, whatever they were. Even long ago, before the war and before all of this, he had a hard time coming to terms with the fact that the sweet smile of the girl next door made him more delighted than anything else. Now, after everything you’d been through? He didn’t know where to even start.
There was a forbidden aspect to even thinking about you past anything but an old friend. He never let himself bask in the idea of you, the you that you were today. He couldn’t think about how, even in Bucharest, in no position to have even a smidge of your trust, you showed him more kindness than he’d ever felt in this new life. He couldn’t think about how, during battle, even though there were few words spoken, you stood by his side, seemingly proud that you were fighting alongside him. If he thought about these things, or about the way you burst into tears when you saw him again for the first time after the blip, or, at the funeral, the way you said, with such desperation, ‘Please come stay with me,’ he would never stop, and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to hold back from running to you. It was forbidden, he decided, a long time ago. He couldn’t bring you his darkness. He would never do that to you.
“Can we get out of this rain?” Sam asked, pulling Bucky from his thoughts.
Bucky cleared his throat, blinking back to the present, “Yeah. Sure.”
───※ ·❆· ※───
Within a few hours, after an intense talk from Darcy on the confusing science of how they believed they’d be able to get a letter into the hex, Bucky was sitting down at a cold metal desk, pen in hand, writing you a letter.
Earlier, a SWORD agent went via the sewer system into Westview, thinking that if they arrived via underground then maybe they’d get in without being sucked into the magic itself. This sort of failed, as the agent became a beekeeper. There was also the drone they sent in, which had magically turned into a retro toy helicopter.
Essentially, they knew things were able to get into the hex, but it would just get altered. A letter from Bucky would quite certainly be able to get to you, however they weren’t sure if the content would remain the same.
“Keep it simple,” Jimmy instructed, hovering a little much.
“Dude, give him some space,” Darcy lightly swatted Jimmy’s arm, “He’s trying to write a letter from war. That shit’s deep.”
Woo rolled his eyes. Bucky tapped the pen on the desk. There were light metallic thumps.
“Don’t talk about the hex yet,” Darcy told him, even though this was lightly discussed already, “We’ll try this first, and then get more detailed with further letters depending on how this goes. You’re like an official pen pal.”
“That is a horrible comparison,” Sam told her but he was grinning.
“Will you all just shut up,” Bucky spat. Woo stepped back, and the other two snickered.
The crease between Bucky’s brows tensed as he brought the pen to the paper, wondering where to begin. “How should I even address this?”
“Did you guys ever call each other anything?” Darcy offered, “Honey? Sweetie?”
Bucky turned to shoot her a glare. “No? Y/n was not my ‘sweetie’?” He then shot Sam an even darker glare because Sam couldn’t stop his snickers.
“‘My dearest wife,” Jimmy suggested, which was unfortunately serious.
Unfortunate, because Bucky also glared at him and said with mad disdain, “Do you even want me to write this damn letter?”
“Fine,” Darcy huffed, “Dear y/n.’ Nice and simple. Like we said.”
Bucky huffed and turned back to the paper. Listening to the stupid advice, he began,
‘Dear y/n,’
He chewed the inside of his cheek, his lips tutting out as he thought. He could feel the eyes on him, and he could feel that Darcy was about to make a further suggestion, so he cut her a quick look to let her know, ‘don’t.’
She shut her mouth, and he started scribbling away. It felt embarrassing to know that they were going to read this, but he let himself let out a few feelings anyway. This was for you, and at the end of the day, that’s what was most important.
I’m so sorry I’ve kept you waiting. I’m just in a tough place. I’m okay, and I’m trying to find a way to get you out to get back to you. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you.
I miss you.
Bucky placed the pen down and leaned back in his chair, proud of his work. He looked very sweet, sitting proudly as though he just penned the most genius letter ever written.
Sam stepped forward, finger tapping beside the parchment, “Can we read now?”
Bucky waved a hand as if to say go ahead.
Reluctantly, Sam picked it up, scanning it over.
“Why’d you sign it as James? I’ve never heard you call yourself that.”
“It’s my name,” Bucky retorted.
“No one calls you that.”
“She’s been calling me that in the hex!”
Darcy asked, “Did she ever call you that in real life? Like, in the 40s?”
“Well, no,” Bucky admitted, “But it just fits the hex, okay?”
Sam frowned and handed Darcy the letter so that she could also read it. He crossed his arms and let out his new critique, of course, “I think you should sign it as Bucky.”
“Why does it even matter?” Bucky felt defensive because, as previously mentioned, he felt kind of genius about the letter.
“Cause it’s sort of a better connection to the real world. Maybe she’ll see that, as simple as it sounds, and remember things a little better. Signing it as James almost seems like a lie.”
Bucky’s jaw adjusted and he let his mouth fall open, tongue pressing against his mouth as he knew Sam was probably right however, he didn’t want to admit that.
“It's good though,” Darcy nodded. “I agree about the name thing, but this is good.”
“Fine,” Bucky held his hand out for it so that he could make the adjustment. He scribbled over James and instead wrote Bucky.
Jimmy added, for no particular reason, “I liked the addition of saying Yours. Makes it more romantic.”
“You should’ve signed, xo xo,” Sam teased.
Bucky threw the pen at Sam.
Jimmy grabbed the fancy cream coloured envelope reserved for the letter, folding the parchment up and sealing it inside. He held it up with a little smile, “Let’s get this bad boy sent then, am I right?”
Bucky wanted to throw a pen at all these people.
───※ ·❆· ※───
The talent show was strange, to say the least, yet entertaining.
Although it had been years since you’d seen Vis, something about him felt very different. His voice, mannerisms, smile, all the same as you remembered, but it was as though you were seeing him for the first time. He didn’t have time to greet you before the show, having frantically arrived late to have to hop right onto the stage for his and Wanda’s magic show.
Their performance was quite adorable. You had been sitting next to Geraldine, a sweet woman who was apparently in some club with Wanda. Vis and Wanda seemed a little frazzled during their show, probably because they didn’t get the time to fully prepare. Still, it was miraculous, and you found yourself giggling along, actually a little amazed with some of the tricks they pulled off.
At one point, even though you swore you hadn’t noticed Geraldine leave, she’d magically appeared inside a box, ‘conjured’ by Wanda and Vis. It was just hysterical! Geraldine seemed just as shocked as you felt, which made you nearly cry from laughter.
They got quite the praise from Dottie and the rest of the attendees. Their performance truly made a grand effort for the children.
Although you had so badly wanted to say hello to Vis, he and Wanda headed home rather fast after receiving a trophy. It was a little odd, especially after an odd and marvelous show, but you supposed they had their own business to attend to. You’d call Wanda tomorrow to congratulate her and try to set up another gathering, hopefully with him this time.
On your way home, you dropped off the newly finished library book, and made mental plans of what to do for dinner.
You were so lost in thought over what to cook, that you nearly walked right past the mailbox with the little red flag that had stood up.
You literally backtracked, backing up down the steps to your home, your face dropping when you saw that you had mail.
After so many disappointing mornings opening up the mailbox to find some bills or flyers, you knew better than to really get your hopes up. Yet today, you felt different, and you reached in and grasped onto the crisp envelope, feeling faint as you read the familiar handwriting.
Finally, James had written. It wasn’t a letter telling you he was missing. It wasn’t a letter telling you some boring war news. It was him. His writing. His hands. His name.
You couldn’t wait a damn moment, running toward your home as you began messily tearing open the envelope.
The door slammed shut behind you, the envelope being tossed to the side as you rested your back against the inside of the door. Your hands shook as you unfolded the parchment, fingers lingering on the smidges of dirt which were your very own flickers of the battlefield and the world he was in, wherever he was. There were a few dropped dots of the calligraphy ink, and a couple words had been scribbled out as though he had tried and rewritten a few things.
Dear y/n. You were only on the introductory line, and you felt tears spring to your eyes.
I’m so sorry I’ve kept you waiting.
I’m just in a tough place. I’m okay, and I’m trying to find a way to get back to you. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you.
I miss you.
Lightly, you traced over his name. There was no possible way you could hold the tears back, letting them fall, not bothering to wipe them away. The name was becoming cloudy.
Your Bucky.
A sob escaped, the yearning feeling for the man you missed so much just feeling overwhelming.
Bucky was okay. He was alive. And he was yours.
next chapter
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10 Reasons Why Zekaela Should Be Endgame (And Jachaela Should Not) - Part Two
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Here is part two of my Zekaela endgame argument as promised. Beware of potential spoilers and enjoy.
5. They Communicate Well
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Many argue that the key to a healthy relationship is communication. If a couple has an issue how can it be resolved unless they communicate? It’s easy to shut someone out when you don’t think they will understand, or you don’t trust them, or you’re afraid for whatever reason. Because Zeke and Michaela understand and trust each other they are able to communicate well, even about issues that are hard to talk about. Communication takes honesty and vulnerability, and something that many fail to realize, it also requires the ability to listen. Though Zeke takes time to open up to Michaela he never lies to her. He told her about his drug and alcohol addictions, his assault charge, his relationship with Courtney. There have been a few instances when they didn’t agree with one another but instead of becoming a deal breaker they were able to work through and resolve the issues with communication.
Michaela often shuts Jared out because she does not think he will understand or agree with her on her callings. Oftentimes, Jared does not listen to Michaela and even acts against her wishes. If he had truly listened to her and given her the space she needed he may have stood a better chance of rebuilding their relationship, and she would not have gotten shot either. In reality, Jared not listening to Michaela when she communicated her needs to him is what pushed Zeke and Michaela toward leaning on one another.
4. They Don’t Get Carried Away By Jealousy
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There are many instances when Zeke and Michaela could be jealous of each other, and at times are, but instead choose to look past it. Michaela allowed Courtney to shelter with them despite her being Zeke’s ex-wife (though apparently not legally). Zeke has shown some discomfort with Jared and it’s not hard to see why. However, neither of them takes it out on the other. They don’t try to sabotage their partner’s relationship with the object of their jealousy and they even show understanding over why that relationship is important to their partner.
Jared is the complete opposite on this point. I really don’t think I need to elaborate. Mick literally got shot because of Jared’s jealousy.
3. They Put Each Other First
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Zeke and Michaela are couple goals much of the time because they know how to put the other first. This demonstrates true, selfless love. There are so many instances of this quality in each of their characters. Michaela putting her job and relationship with Jared at risk simply to break Zeke out of jail. Zeke putting his life at risk to stay beside Michaela. Michaela putting her fears aside and marrying Zeke so that he could have the memory of their love rather than the memory of a desperate clinging to treatments in a sterile hospital. Zeke following Michaela’s lead and trusting in her decisions. They love each other so much that they are willing to overlook their own immediate needs or desires in order to make sure that the other is happy, because in short their partner’s joy brings them joy.
Jared often refuses to put Michaela first if it does not favor his desires. He could not give her space because he wanted to be closer to her. He could not let go of his vendetta against Zeke. He resents her for following her callings despite how they might save her life. This is not selfless love. It is possessive love. 
2. They Are Married
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I cannot tell you how tired I am of Hollywood and entertainment making something as sincere and binding as a marriage so light and wishy-washy as if there aren’t enough divorces in real life. In today’s society marriage is not given the level of gravity and sincerity as it should be. Marriage should never be entered into lightly and it should not be so easily disintegrated. Despite the speed in which Zeke and Michaela got married the writer’s insured that there was a weight to the decision. It was given thought and both characters understood what was at stake. And when Zeke beat his death date the two were thrilled at the idea of “growing ancient” together. Michaela’s statement to Grace on how she couldn’t wait to “be on the other side” of the death date with Zeke shows that both want a lasting marriage. They want to spend their lives together, grow old together, make mistakes together. Their vows also demonstrated this with Zeke vowing to love Michaela as long as his life allows, and Michaela vowing to fight for their lives together for as long as they both shall live. Both kept that time stamp open-ended because both hoped it could be far longer than one day. Also Michaela’s sadness of her brother’s dilemma in his marriage and her immediate remorse over her affair with Jared and having destroyed another woman’s (her best friend’s to boot) marriage shows that she understands the importance of marriage vows and the ugliness of divorce and I am sure she would not want to go through that in her own marriage.
Jared has demonstrated twice how easily he overlooks the importance of marriage and marriage vows. He cheated on his own wife, and no matter how you justify it being with Michaela, it was still cheating and he still broke whatever vows he made. He showed very little remorse over it and didn’t fight for his marriage at all. Then he told Michaela in the season 3 finale that he only stood by and watched her marry Zeke (which he didn’t since we all saw him leave before the ceremony anyway) because Zeke would be gone soon. As if marriage to Michaela was a bone to throw to the poor dying man before he could have his chance to step in and have her to himself. He showed no thought in how this would have hurt Michaela to have been a widow so soon, and he did not hesitate in making his confession despite knowing the strain it might put on Zeke and Michaela’s marriage. I hope to God that the show writer’s will surprise us and show Zeke and Michaela work through even this obstacle only to come out in an even better and stronger marriage. They’ve shown us they can handle a good marriage with Ben and Grace, so hopefully they keep it up.
1. The Callings Brought Them Together
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Lastly, the Callings, or whatever the entity behind them is, brought Zeke and Michaela together. The two were resurrected. They received callings that led them to find one another. They found a petrograph that showed their experience together. They received some of the same callings that led them to work together and hence grow closer. The callings ensured they got married when Michaela feared they were missing out on an opportunity to save Zeke’s life. If this is not the universe screaming out that they belong together I don’t know what is.
However, the first thing that the Callings did in order to insure that Michaela ended up with Zeke was separating Michaela from Jared in the first place. Indeed the Callings have actually managed to drive a wedge between the two on top of the already complicated nature of their relationship. Why go through this whole predestined story line only to go “Sike! She ends up with Jared anyways.” Not making Zekaela endgame would make everything that’s happened between these three characters completely pointless.
At the end of the day the story is in the hands of the writers. They have a plan and goal in mind. It’s impossible to tell what route they will go. However, the relationship of Jared with Michaela and Zeke with Michaela since season 1 has shown time and again that Jared does not have a healthy or selfless love for Michaela, but Zeke does. Every Jachaela worshiper always argues that there is too much chemistry and history between them for them to not be endgame, but relationships are so much more than chemistry. You can have chemistry with many people in life but that doesn’t mean you should end up with them. And oftentimes history can be toxic and unproductive which is shown with Jared not being able to let Michaela go or give her space. I don’t go running back to my exes all day long simply because we have chemistry and history. Oftentimes, history is enough to get you running away as we’ve seen Michaela do. So without their chemical history what do they really have?
Well Team Zekaela I hope you enjoyed! I will be going into Manifest Season 4 with hopes that the writers don’t sink our beautiful ship. Please share your thoughts and look out for future posts about Manifest, Zekaela and more!
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uvobreakmylegs · 3 years
The Sixth Floor Game
heavy inspiration from the Elevator Game, as well as the Three Kings Game and a little bit of Silent Hill 3
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Warnings: blood, death, kidnapping
The Sixth Floor Game is a ritual that will put you into contact with otherworldly forces and, if done correctly, can take you to a world that exists outside of our own. To play this game, you must follow all of the instructions that have been written below. Take care to remember all of them, as one mistake could result in death.
First you must enter a dark and empty building that has an elevator and only five floors in between the times of 3 and 4 AM. The only items you can bring with you are a fully charged cellphone, an item of sentimental value to you and an offering for the demon.
It is not recommended that you give an offering that bares any resemblance to that of a clown or magician.
When you enter the elevator, you need to ride it up to the 5th floor and leave the offering just outside the elevator doors and then head back down to the 3rd floor. When you reach the 3rd floor, you then need to exit the elevator and use your phone to call the last person in your call history. The game begins when you call that number.
When the line is picked up, you must say “I want to visit the 6th floor”.
Be warned that at this point you may hear strange noises on the other end, as calling the number at this time and place has put you in contact with a demon. It is possible to gauge whether the demon is happy with your offering or not based off the things he may say, if anything at all. Do not hang up on the demon; you will go back up the elevator when he hangs up on you.
There are three possibilities awaiting you when you go back to the 5th floor to see what has happened to your offering.
If the demon doesn't care for your offering but hasn't been upset by it, you will find it in the same place as you left it outside the elevator. You must then collect the offering, go back down to the first floor and leave the building.
If the demon has been offended by your offering, you will find the offering destroyed in some way. Leave the building immediately if you find this, as it means that the demon is angry with you and will try to kill you if you stay too long.
But if the demon likes your offering, there will be no trace of it when you get back up to the 5th floor. If this has happened, you must close the elevator doors and then hit the button for the 5th floor again. This time, instead of the doors opening again, the elevator will begin to move up, taking you to a 6th floor that shouldn't exist.
The amount of time it will take to reach the 6th floor varies from person to person, but it should not take longer than two minutes.
When you reach the 6th floor, you will find yourself in another world. Accounts of what this other world looks like also varies from person to person. Some have said that the floor they entered was run down and wrecked to pieces in some parts. Others have said that the floor didn't look any different from the other floors. Regardless of the state of the floor, the one thing that is consistent is a giant glowing red cross that can be seen if you look outside. You will see nothing else outside aside from the cross.
It is not recommended that you to try to open any windows or try to climb down the building.
You are free to explore this other world until you are ready to leave. It does not matter how long you stay in the other world. When you want to leave you must simply walk back to the elevator and hit the button for the first floor. It is possible that you may come across the offering that you left for the demon earlier while you explore.
Do not take the offering back; it now belongs to the demon.
Reality on the 6th floor can be distorted and you may find yourself becoming confused. If you find yourself entering into such a state, take out the sentimental item you brought and focus on it. It will keep you from losing yourself and allow you to continue as you explore the other world.
Above all else, while exploring the other world, you must never look behind you. Even though the demon may have liked your offering, he also likes trickery and will try to make you turn around to look at him by making noise or by speaking to you. If you look at the demon you will be unable to leave the 6th floor and he will keep you there forever as he has claimed you as his.
It is not recommended that you speak to the demon even if you don't look at him.
Regardless of the outcome of your offering, when you have returned to the 1st floor you must exit the building and you cannot enter the building again for any reason until the time is 6 AM.
If you have upset the demon with your offering, it is not recommended that you try the game again.
There is no reward for playing this game. There is only the experience of leaving this world and venturing to one beyond our own.
This game is dangerous and could result in the death of the player, so please consider the possible outcomes of playing before you decide to do so.
You finished reading aloud the instructions displayed on the sketchy-looking site and looked to your friend Farah, who had her hands clasped together as she looked hopefully at you and the rest of your group who had gathered in her apartment.
“Well?” she asked after a moment, “what do you think?”
“.... Why does a demon have a phone?” you asked.
“Yeah and what phone company does he use?” Cliff asked after you, “or do demons have their own phone companies.”
“You're missing the point!” Farah exclaimed.
“And the point is....?”
“We need to try this!”
There was a collective groan throughout the apartment. The other one in the group, Carmen, rubbed their forehead as they told Farah “you're our friend and we love you, but I don't think any of us want to repeat that time we tried summoning ghosts in a public bathroom.”
“This is nothing like that!” Farah insisted, “it said that we need a building with five floors and an elevator! I promise, there won't be anything gross!”
“Where do we get a building like that?” Carmen asked.
Farah pointed to Cliff.
“You work security overnight at that one office building, right?”
“Do you seriously think I'm going to risk my job for this?” he asked.
“We won't do anything bad! We'll just play a game and leave some stuff on the top floor. If the demon doesn't like it we'll take it with us. It's literally in the rules that we need to clean up after ourselves.”
Farah stopped herself, but you could tell she wanted to continue about getting a chance to visit another world. She loved the supernatural and those kinds of urban legends, but she never wanted to try these things on her own.
Carmen sighed.
“Is anyone else even remotely interested in trying this?” they asked.
Neither you or Cliff said anything at first, and Farah's face began to fall as no one volunteered. Then, when it looked like Carmen was about to speak again, you tentatively raised your hand.
“It might be fun,” you said. At least in terms of memories of 'dumb shit you did when you were younger'.
Farah beamed while Carmen gave you a look that screamed 'I hate you'.
With you willing to give the game a chance, the other two ended up conceding to do the same, and Cliff had been convinced by Farah to let you all in a week from that day when he worked at that particular building. With his shift being 11 PM to 7 the next morning, there would be plenty of time for you to play the game and then let him get back to work. As long as nothing was messed up by the end of it, there would be no harm.
At first you were rather stumped on what to give the demon as an offering. Farah was the same, but she ended up deciding on a horror anthology book from the 1920s. Carmen just got a shirt they had been wanting since they were certain that this ritual wasn't going to work and they wanted to spend the money on something that was useful to them. Cliff went out of his way to get a particularly creepy clown doll. He claimed that he wasn't annoyed by all of this, but you found yourself questioning that statement when he sent a picture of it through the group text. You had no clue where the fuck he had found something that unsettling.
The night you all had settled on was approaching and you still didn't have an offering. It shouldn't have been that hard, and yet you felt like if there was the chance that you were going to run into some otherworldly creature, you didn't want to half-ass it and make it upset. If the supernatural was real it seemed better to try and keep it on your side.
You found yourself browsing a few online forums where people were discussing the game. Unsurprisingly, most said that the ritual didn't work, and the few that claimed that it did had written some uninspired stories about how the demon had told them how they were going to die or when the world was going to end, with at least one mentioning the coming of the Antichrist. When you scrolled down to the end of the page you were pretty bored of all of the comments you read and you were about to exit the page when one particular comment caught your eye:
the demon likes bats
It was buried beneath the comments of others, and nobody had interacted with it. Common sense would tell you that this was just more bullshit, but it just seemed like such a random thing to make up. Nowhere in the instructions had it mentioned bats, and no one else on the forums had said anything about it either. The user who had posted it hadn't interacted with anything else and seemingly just came on to put out that little tidbit. For that reason, you found yourself wondering if their ritual had been successful.
You leaned back in your chair while you considered the information.
Bats, huh?
And then by complete chance the next day, when you were in the mall trying to find something because it the date you'd set for the game was only hours away and you still had nothing, you spotted something through the window of a toy store: a pink stuffed bat plush.
It was rather overpriced, but if that comment was correct, then it should be worth it. If not, at least you got something cute out of it.
Surprisingly it was Carmen and Farah that had been less than impressed by what you had brought.
“I didn't realize you wanted to offend the demon too,” Farah commented bitterly.
“Maybe the demon likes pink,” you responded as you shrugged.
Nothing more was said about it as Cliff opened the front door of the building. In exchange for doing this, he made the rest of you go about the building to turn off all any lights that had been left on which you all grumbled about but agreed was fair enough. By the time you were finished scouring the building, it was 3:13 in the morning.
It had been agreed that Farah would go first, and the rest of you waited in a darker spot of the parking lot while she went in, watching the building to see if you could spot her movements through the windows. You had pulled out your phone, as you were the last person she had called. It would probably be proven pretty fast if this was real or not if she called you and it went through to you, though Carmen had said that they felt it was likely that Farah would probably not call and just say that she had.
You checked to make sure the sentimental object you had brought was in your pocket: a small, stuffed bear keychain that you had gotten as a present from a childhood friend. It was special to you, but you didn't feel like you'd be absolutely devastated if anything happened to it.
Farah came out a few minutes later, carrying her book and looking disappointed.
“It didn't work,” she said as she sighed.
“Did you call?” you asked.
“Yes,” she answered, somewhat indignant. To prove that she had, she pulled out her phone and opened up her call history. It listed her last call as being made to you only a few minutes ago. When you opened up your own call history, it showed that she had called you over an hour ago.
….. Okay. That was weird.
Carmen went next, and it was the same story with them, as they came out a little bit later still holding their shirt. Unlike Farah, they didn't seem too upset.
Cliff went after, holding that creepy clown doll and waving it around a bit as he walked to the elevator.
It was quiet again after that. You, Carmen and Farah waited patiently in the parking lot while the electric lampposts around you hummed. Cliff had been talking earlier so you hadn't noticed it, but it seemed eerily quiet outside. Usually there were bugs or other forms of wildlife at night that would keep things from being silent, but right now there was nothing; only the humming electricity of the lot and the occasional comment from Carmen.
Farah seemed anxious as she looked at the building, her hands playing with the charm on her phone while she waited for any sign of Cliff. The thing with the phone history seemed to convince her this was for real and she seemed nervous about Cliff's offering. Carmen didn't appear to be the same way and seemed more impatient, who'd begun to tap their foot as they waited.
“Did you hear anything when you called?” you asked the both of them. They looked at you, and both shook their heads.
“It was quiet when I called,” Farah said.
“Same here,” said Carmen. Farah smiled at that.
“That means that it's real, right?” she asked.
Carmen wasn't the best person to be around when they were tired and cranky, and you could see that Farah wasn't trying to take it personally. But looking back to Carmen, you noticed a slight furrow to their brow, and the impatient tapping seemed to have increased. At first glance you would have assumed that they were just really done with this whole thing, but as you kept looking, it seemed less like they were annoyed and more more like they were apprehensive.
“Cliff's taking a while,” they commented.
It was taking Cliff longer than the two of them, you realized, and you were about to try and crack a joke about him making it to the sixth floor when you saw the elevator doors in the lobby slide open, followed by Cliff walking out.
More like storming out, actually.
“What the hell?!” he exclaimed as he shoved open the main doors.
“Don't shout!” Carmen responded, “this is your job that we're not supposed to be doing this at, remember? What're you going to do if someone calls the police on us?”
Cliff ignored them, looking to Farah as he continued “are you serious? You want this stupid thing to be real that badly?!”
He was holding something that he then thrust in front of Farah's face. It was the clown doll that he'd brought.
Or at least, what was left of it.
It looked like it had been stepped on repeatedly, the body broken and the head having been caved in. One of the legs were also missing, you noted.
“You.... You think I did that?” Farah asked.
“Who else!” Cliff yelled.
“I've been here the whole time!” she shrieked back.
“She has,” you added as you felt the need to jump in, “none of us have moved from this spot.”
“Oh fuck off,” he answered, “I needed to return this. What the hell am I supposed to do?”
“Maybe you shouldn't have gone out of your way to be an asshole,” Farah spat back.
It quickly devolved into an argument between the two, with Carmen pulling you back when you tried to jump in again. It made sense why Cliff was upset, but Farah hadn't done anything.
“.... Should I not go?” you whispered to Carmen after a bit.
“No!” Cliff exclaimed, this time at you, “you should go! Do this stupid thing, and then let me get back to my work!”
“You're not allowed to go back in for the rest of the night,” Farah pointed out.
By that point Cliff was done, and he stormed off to another area in the lot. Carmen motioned for you to go while Farah quietly steamed. It wasn't the first time those two had fought, but the arguments seemed to be getting nastier every time they happened. Best to get this over with so they could be separated and have the time to cool down.
You walked through the darkened lobby of the empty office building, your path illuminated only by the streetlights outside. There was something about darkness and artificial light that somehow made it feel more foreboding, more dangerous. Even though you were an adult there were still thoughts that ran about in your head of creatures that you couldn't see awaiting you in the dark, and those thoughts made you tense a bit. It was such an irrational fear, but one your brain wouldn't let go of. The argument between your friends had only put you more on edge as well.
The elevator doors slid open, the bright blinding lights hurting your eyes for a second before they adjusted to them, and you stepped in the car, pushing the button for the fifth floor.
Fifth floor, leave the offering, then down to third.
There were some bits of Cliff's creepy clown doll that were in front of the elevator when you reached the top floor. It vaguely occurred to you that the instructions said to leave immediately if the offering had been destroyed, but it seemed like Cliff had tried to clean up some. Though that made sense, since he didn't want to leave a mess behind after his shift.
You pushed away some of the leftover bits with your shoe, and carefully placed the bat plush laying on its back in front of the doors.
Down to the third floor, then.
You checked again to make sure that the bear keychain was still in your pocket during the ride down, stepping out when the doors opened after you confirmed that it was.
Now to make the call....
There hadn't been anything saying you needed to wait until the doors closed to begin, but you waited anyway. When the double doors slid shut behind you, you hit the button on your screen to call Farah, the last person on your call history.
It rang twice before the call was picked up. Just as Farah and Carmen had said, it was silent on the other side. You cleared your throat before saying the words that had been instructed.
“I want to visit the sixth floor. Please.”
There was nothing that said you needed to be polite, but you figured it couldn't hurt.
You still didn't hear anything from the other end, and that silence continued for several more seconds. You held the phone close to your ear, straining to hear anything, any sort of indication that someone was on the other line. The “demon” was supposed to hang up first, you remembered, so you were stuck until something happened.
“.... That's actually cute.”
The male voice you heard on the other end was unexpected, but you didn't get a chance to say anything back before the phone call ended.
You stood very still for a few moments.
That.... That hadn't been any of the others who were still outside. Unless they had gone so far as to hide someone out there and have them answer the phone when you called Farah and all of this was just an elaborate prank. But none of them were really the kind of people to do things like that.
Remembering the instructions from the site, you turned back to the elevator and got on when the doors opened, pushing the button for fifth floor once again.
If the demon likes your offering, there will be no trace of it when you get back up to the 5th floor
The ding of the elevator signaled that you were once again at the top floor of the building, and when the doors slid back open and you looked to the spot where you'd left the bat, you found.... Nothing.
That space you had cleared from the broken bits of that doll was empty, the white tiled floor shining in the light that came from the elevator.
….. If this was all just a prank by your friends, you weren't sure if you'd be able to trust them after this.
The doors closed once again, and you took a deep breath before you pushed the fifth floor button.
The elevator began to move up.
There wasn't a sixth floor; you'd double checked that the building only went as high as five.
You told yourself to wait until the doors opened before you jumped to conclusions. You'd need to see this “other world” before you could say for certain that all of this was real.
The website said that it could take up to two minutes, but mere seconds later did the doors slide back open.
Everything looked normal. Just another floor of an office building.
Or it would have looked normal, had it not been for the fact that everything was bathed in a red glow that came from the outside.
Clutching your phone in one hand and the keychain in the other, you took a small, tentative step out of the car, looking to either side of you.
The hallways were empty. Nothing jumped out at you.
Slowly, you walked over to a window.
In the distance stood a glowing red cross.
…. This was real.
This was actually real.
It was almost too much to process for your shock-addled brain, and you had to wonder if anyone else who had been successful had the same reaction as you, to just stare dumbly at the scene before you.
It then occurred to you to get proof for when you went back.
You pulled up the camera on your phone. Or you tried to at least. Of all the times for your phone to act up, it needed to be when you needed to get a picture so people would believe you. The app kept taking forever to pull up before it would close and you repeatedly tapped on the screen as you tried to make it work. Somehow you managed to snap a few pictures of the cross before the camera closed again and you weren't able to open it back up. The lighting and your uncooperative phone made the pictures appear quite blurry, but one would be able to tell what they were looking at. No doubt some people would claim that it was fake, but it was enough to satisfy you.
You checked the time, finding it to be 3:30, if the phone was to be trusted. You wished you had checked before you came up here, but it was a bit too late for that now.
You stepped away from the window and went down one of the halls, looking all around before you remembered that the site said that you shouldn't look behind you. Or was that only when you heard the demon? Regardless, you kept glances behind yourself to a minimum as you made your way through the floor.
Aside from the red light that covered everything, it looked like a normal office floor, filled with different offices and supply closets and nothing that was particularly interesting to you. The one strange thing was that the red cross outside seemed to move along with you, as when you would move to a different room you would still be able to see it clearly outside. You went back to the windows a few times and tried to see if there was anything else outside, but all you found was an endless darkness with no signs of any kind of life or structure. Unsurprisingly there was also no sign of your friends down below, though it would have been hard to see where they were standing outside anyway given the angle.
The red light made you slightly sick after a while, and you tried opening up the flashlight option on your phone. But it refused to turn on. In fact, nothing on your phone was working now, and when you looked at the clock, the time was still 3:30.
Either time was being distorted or your phone wasn't able to function properly. Given how your phone was acting earlier the latter would seem to be the most likely option, but you also weren't sure what the rules of this place were. There was nothing that said that this world was bound to time in the way yours was.
The website had said that you could stay up here for as long as you wanted, right?
You began to see things out of the corner of your eye, little bits of movement in the darkness that dared you to look at them. You did a few times, mentally slapping yourself as you remembered what the instructions had said as you were now desperately trying to remember everything that had been written so you knew what you could and couldn't do. It was amazing and terrifying at the same time as you recalled what the site had said about possibly dying to this game, and at one point you felt so overwhelmed that you thought you were going to throw up. You managed to keep it down, but after that you decided that it was time to leave.
When you started to head back to the elevator was when you felt a headache coming on. It was mild at first, but when you went further along your route to the exit it started to hurt more, turning into a stabbing pain that jammed into your skull.
Had the website mentioned this? You couldn't be sure. Where were you even going again?
You stopped at an open door, leaning against the open door frame to rest. There was movement from inside the room, and without thinking you looked over to it.
The bat you had left on the fifth floor sat in the room in front of a whiteboard. A whiteboard that had been absolutely covered in drawn on hearts and your name repeated over and over.
…. The website hadn't mentioned that.
“Do you think it's a good place for him?”
The voice you heard came from a few feet behind you. The same voice you had heard over the phone.
You needed to get out. Now.
You brushed your hand against your pocket as you tried to stand up straight again, still fighting the pain of the headache when you remembered the little bear keychain.
It will keep you from losing yourself
With that thought in mind you pulled it out and focused on it, and the pain seemed to lessen by a good amount.
“You've got a thing for cute stuff, don't you?”
The voice came from directly behind you this time, like whoever was speaking was staring down over your shoulder as they were practically on top of you.
Don't look don't look don't look
You pushed off of the door frame, the keychain still in hand as you power-walked back down the hall. The headache was still there a little bit but it was nowhere near as debilitating as it had been before.
The voice whined from behind you.
“You're leaving already? You just got here.”
Don't speak. Don't look.
It was following you. You could hear the footsteps that trailed after yours, keeping up with your pace and almost being purposefully loud. Sudden noises accompanied the footsteps, making you jump and urging you to turn around. It was a natural thing to react to sudden sounds like that and you needed to catch yourself a few times from looking behind.
It was trying to keep you here and you didn't want to stay to find out why that was.
You turned several corners and walked down many halls, and the elevator wasn't anywhere in sight. That wasn't right. You had made a mental note of where the location of the elevator approximately was. As much as the headache was still messing with you, you should still be able to make it back. You knew where it was, goddammit.
…. Was it just you, or were these hallways getting longer?
A chuckle came from behind you.
“You didn't think I'd let you go that easy, did you?”
You started to run.
You weren't sure how long you continued like that – time didn't seem to be a thing up here. Around you the halls extended, stretching out and prolonging your time in this hell as you turned corner after corner and you still couldn't find the fucking elevator. The temptation was there to look behind and see how long the halls had become, but the laughter that followed you kept your eyes straight ahead.
Turning another corner, the doors to the elevator came in sight, and you let out a gasp of relief as you ran faster. Just a little bit more and then you'd be free.
…. The elevator seemed to be was moving away from you, messing with you just as the halls had done before.
You could hear him breathing directly in your ear as you ran. Still trying to freak you out, still trying to make you turn around. He hadn't touched you at all, though, and you wondered if there were rules for him that prevented him from doing so.
The attempts to get you to look back at him seemed to be getting desperate. If this thing was getting to a point where even he was desperate, you didn't want to know what the hell he'd do to you if you made the mistake of turning around.
Despite it all the elevator was getting closer. Escape was literally in your grasp-
And then something in the floor shifted that caused your knee to buckle and you were sent flying face down on the flat white tile.
The phone and keychain went flying out of your hands and there was blood in your mouth as you bit your lip. Your head ached again, though you weren't sure if it was because of him or because you'd just landed on the solid floor.
You lay there for a few moments, catching your breath as you tried to compose yourself.
You then became aware of the presence that was standing over you. He was quiet now, but you could feel his eyes burning holes into your back, as if trying to will you to look at him.
Pushing yourself up on shaky arms, you began to crawl forward, your hands searching for the phone and keychain that had gone flying and had vanished into the darkness, the light from outside now much duller than it had been when you'd first arrived.
Don't look don't look don't look
He can't touch you
He can't force you to look back at him
Just keep facing forward and-
A horrifically loud shrieking noise sounded through the hall. It was the loudest thing you had ever heard in your life, the noise so great that you felt the floor vibrating, and your hands immediately went to cover your ears to protect your hearing as best you could.
Don't you dare fucking look back
With your hands still over your ears, you crawled forward on your knees. It was slow and it had gotten so dark that you couldn't see the elevator anymore, but it was still progress. When your knee brushed against your phone you ignored it. Who gave a fuck about proof anymore? You just wanted to get out.
But you were still trying to keep a lookout for the keychain. It had helped before; if you could find it, it would probably make getting out easier.
You put out one hand on the floor as you blindly searched for your sentimental item, your eyes scrunching up in pain as the horrible sound continued.
For a split second your fingers brushed up against something soft.
You grabbed it.
Immediately after the shrieking noise stopped.
For just a moment, there was relief, even though you still had that noise ringing in your ears. But it took only another moment for you to realize that something was wrong.
You hadn't grabbed that bear keychain. It was larger and heavier.
Opening your eyes, you found that you were holding that fucking bat plush.
“Ah. You messed up.”
A hand reached from behind you and grabbed the plush out of your grip. A different hand was placed on your shoulder and you were spun around on the floor.
A fair-skinned man with what looked to be blonde hair stared down at you, one hand still on your shoulder as he waved the bat in front of you.
“You're not supposed to take this back, remember?” he asked as he smiled at you.
“No.... I didn't...” you trailed off.
“But you did, though! You grabbed and picked it up,” he said.
That wasn't possible. You had left that thing behind in that room that felt so far away now. But as you glanced to the side you saw that, to your horror, you were sitting next to that room again, the hearts still visible on the whiteboard. You were barely able to note that it had gotten brighter and that somehow the red lighting seemed less harsh before he was talking to you again.
“So you lost and now you don't get to go back,” he told you.
“No.... You cheated.”
It felt so juvenile to say that out loud, but it was all that could come out of you in your current state.
Strangely though, he didn't deny it.
“Can you blame me?” he asked, “I've never gotten a visitor as charming as yourself. When I heard you on the phone and saw what you left me, I just needed to keep you.”
He looked at the bat plush again and smiled at it as he sat down in front of you.
“Did you just pick this at random, or was it something else?”
You struggled to comprehend the question, and it took you a bit before you were able to blurt out “someone else said you liked bats.”
“So you mean you went to the trouble of looking up what things I liked? That's adorable. I love it!” he exclaimed.
You tried to subtly scoot away from him as he sat in front of you but you were noticed instantly.
“Where do you think you're going?” he asked. The look he gave you was so innocent.
“I-I need to go home. I want to go home,” you insisted.
“That's not an option, remember?” he asked, waving the bat around again.
You shook your head.
“You cheated. I should be allowed to leave because you did that.”
He laughed.
“There's no rule against cheating. As long as I didn't touch you it was fine. Don't be a sore loser.”
“Fuck you.”
You spat out those words in a bout of frustration, trying your best to sound strong, but it probably just made you seem more pathetic.
He only hummed at that, just staring at you for a moment.
It had been getting steadily brighter, the red going away with every passing second and you were able to make out different colors. The purple and teal on his clothes, the shade of blonde his hair was and the blue of his eyes were visible to you for a few moments.
He set the bat plush to the side, and the world began to darken again as red and black took over.
“That's okay,” he said, more to himself than to you, “you're scared and that kind of reaction is normal, so I'm not too mad.”
It was getting harder to see him, but you could see movement about him, things about his body changing. Horns that slowly curled out from his forehead. The tips of his fingers that darkened around long claws that took the place of his fingernails. Large, bat-like wings that unfolded from behind him and spread themselves.
You caught a glimpse of his teeth in the low light, and they looked sharper than they had before.
Panic shot through you as you began to scramble away from him, but your escape attempt was short-lived as something wrapped itself around your legs and pulled you back towards him.
A tail? Oh God that was a tail.
He was on top of you, and he caged you in his arms as he leaned down to whisper in your ear “don't worry, I'll go easy on you this time.”
You tried to push him away, but he ignored it.
“Oh! Before I forget, I should introduce myself shouldn't I? I'm Shalnark. Nice to meet you.”
With that, his lips claimed yours in a searing kiss.
Your friends had been waiting a while.
Farah and Carmen stayed where they had been directly next to the building while Cliff hadn't moved from where he had stormed off to. Farah had been getting upset as she had become convinced that you were being an ass to her as well with how long you were taking. It was all Carmen could do to try and keep her calm.
Because of his distance away and how distracted they were, neither of them noticed the state Cliff was in.
They only noticed when he began to violently cough.
With Farah still slightly bitter from their earlier argument, Carmen was the one to check on him, asking if he was alright as they walked up to him.
Cliff gave no answer as he had begun to cough up blood.
Carmen's hands fumbled when they pulled out their phone to call emergency services, and they yelled at Farah to go inside and get you. The sight of the blood Cliff was coughing up had Farah sprinting towards the building, throwing the front doors open as she made a beeline for the elevator.
Carmen didn't notice it at first when Farah fell to the floor. Only when the ambulance had been confirmed and they looked back to the building to see if the two of you were coming out did they see her body lying limply on the floor.
Ambulances and cop cars arrived eventually, and both Cliff and Farah were declared dead at the scene. The autopsy reports later would declare that they had been poisoned. A thorough search of the building would find no source of where the poison had come from.
Nor did they find anything from you.
Carmen had told them that you were in there, but when they searched they found no trace of you. No personal belongings and nothing to even indicate that you had entered the building. When the search for you grew beyond the confines of the office building, there was still no trace of you. You simply vanished into thin air.
The case would puzzle investigators before they would ultimately put it aside for other cases that needed their attention. It would only gain some traction online when the files were released to the public and certain parties saw that you and your friends had been playing the Sixth Floor Game. For some people it added weight to their beliefs that the game was real and needed to be avoided. For others it was just a coincidence.
Regardless of what they thought, you remained a missing person that would never be seen again, forever immortalized by your unexplained disappearance and an urban legend.
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sweetchup · 3 years
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an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean
Vol. 2: Into the Deep // Ch. 10
Type: Poseidon x reader
Word Count: 3,500+
⚠️ Warning ⚠️: Mature Content
“This is Triton’s schedule!?” You can’t help but shout out as you are handed the schedule from the butler. Astronomy, Literature, Human History, Mythology, Business, Sword Fighting, Seahorse Riding, The list seemed to go on and on. How could the boy think or even breathe with all of this on his mind?
“Thank you. That’s all for now.” You tell the butler with a sigh as you put the sheet down on the desk, right next to the other stacks of paperwork you had yet to deal with.
It’s been 3 weeks, 3 long and grueling weeks, since your meeting with Scylla. During that time, you have been busy. Not only from etiquette classes and paperwork but also with managing your survival plan.
Yes, a survival plan. You, at first, didn’t want a survival plan—it just didn’t seem that useful—But, after meeting Scylla and learning more, you decided one was absolutely crucial. After all, even in your protected manor, Amphitrite was still a huge threat. Not only just to you either.
With the butler now long gone, you reach down to the last draw of your desk and pull out a couple of sheets of paper. Pieces of paper that laid a simple rough draft of the plan.
So far, you had a Plan A and a Plan B.
Plan A seemed simple. It was to get Amphitrite kicked out of the palace but that was far from as simple it seemed. You thought Poseidon would be rushing to divorce the woman, He hated her after all, But he wasn’t. Working at snail pace was more like it.
“…It seems he needs some sort of push to get her out…” You mumble to yourself as you update a couple of things on the paper. It seemed you would have to come back to this plan later. “…Perhaps I should learn more about Poseidon….”
You quickly shake that idea out of your head. Not a chance. You felt bad for the guy but you weren’t about to become all buddy buddy with him just yet.
“Now as for Plan B…”
Plan B was a lot harder. Plan B was to get Poseidon and Triton to actually have a decent father-son relationship. You, at first, tried having Triton’s schedule free for the past three weeks in hopes Poseidon would stop by. Perhaps to check up on the child now that Amphitrite is gone. But, that was again a wrong guess on your part.
“What to do… I have to at least put one of these plans in soon. It’s not like I can continue ignoring the elephant in the room.” You groan to yourself as you lean back in the chair. On top of your survival plans not working, you had recently discovered that Hermes—who was stopping by a lot—was secretly relaying information to Zeus and the other gods. It seemed they were checking in to see how your progress with seducing Poseidon was going. “I have to kick out Amphitrite sooooon if I want to save myself from facing Zeus’ wrath or, much worse, getting married to Poseidon.”
As you whine to yourself at your bad luck, you miss the door opening as someone sneakily slips in.
“What to do… what to do…” You whine to yourself as you massage your temples, “I have to figure this out soon or—“
Instantaneously, you are cut off as something comes jumping up onto your stomach. Almost knocking you off your chair.
“Huh?” You choke out as you see the familiar head of gold leaning against your chest. His body is smooshed against you as he sits on your lap. Seeming to try to get as close as possible to you, “T-Triton?”
At your call, Triton’s head lifts up to look at you.
“Hello mom!” He says with a smile. A smile that seemed to instantly brighten up the room and your mood. Your depressing thoughts now long forgotten.
However, like everything in the world, things can’t last forever.
“Whatcha looking at mom?” Triton asks as he leans towards the desk to take a look, bringing you back to reality. Casually, well to the best of your ability, you grab a couple of papers and cover them just enough so that Triton couldn’t read them.
“Oh, just paperwork, Triton.”
Surprisingly, Triton seems to perk up at that, “Like what? I bet I can help. Is it finances? Party planning? Invitations? Wages? Fa—“
Quickly, you cut the boy off. “It’s fine, Triton. I don’t need help. Why don’t you go play instead? It looks like a nice day out.”
You are surprised at how Triton lets out a loud huff. Seeming displeased with your suggestion. Unsure of what to do, you sit there frozen. Was it something you said?
“It’s…” Triton mumbles under his breath, the rest of the sentence he mumbles you can’t hear, and you are forced to ask him to repeat. He seems to pause for a moment, seeming hesitant to repeat before finally doing so, “It’s not the same without you….”
“Oh, Triton…” You cood out as you rub the boy’s head, trying to console the boy. A pit of guilt settled in your stomach as you remember that you haven’t spent a lot of time with the boy recently. Especially with being busy and all. “Well…”
You pause as you take a look at the giant stack of paperwork. Could you even leave in the first place with all these things that still need to be done?
If only there was a way to spend time with Triton and get some of the work done at the same time…
As you scan the desk and room for ideas, it suddenly hits you.
“Well. How about you and I pick out your lesson plans?” You suggest to the boy as you reach across the desk and pick up the schedule. The giant scroll-like paper slightly unravels as you loosely hold it in a singular hand.
“Lesson plans?” Triton asks confused as he tilts his head slightly to the side. “Wouldn’t it just be the same as it was before?”
“Not a chance!” You accidentally shout out before catching yourself. Shit, you didn’t mean to raise your voice like that. “This is too much for a boy your age, even if you are god. We need to pick out a balanced schedule that gives you lessons to learn AND enough time to play or relax.”
“So I get to choose…?”
“Pretty much. I mean you would still need to take some classes that you wouldn’t like as some are needed to help you learn as a god. But, if there’s any unneeded classes we will just scrap it.”
“Aren't they all needed…?”
At Triton’s confusion, you can’t help but let out a sigh. Looks like there’s still a lot of work to go with helping this boy act and be happy like a kid his age.
“Not exactly. Here.” You grab onto Triton and lift the boy with you as you stand. “It's better to show you what I mean. Let’s go to each of the classes and pick them off one by one.”
“Ok!” Triton exclaims. His eyes wide and sparkly as he holds onto you, just happy to spend some time with you. Precious boy…
As you walk towards the door to leave, you can’t help but note that Triton felt lighter than usual. Had he possibly lost weight since he arrived? You did notice Triton had smaller portions of food compared to you at meal times. That wasn’t good for a growing boy…
“Seems like I’ll have to pay the chef and cooking staff a visit later…”
What a nice day, you can’t help but note as you stare up into the sea. Sea turtles and rays swimming high above as they make their way to their destinations.
You were currently standing in the empty grass field between the three manors. The same place you met Poseidon on the night you snuck out to find Triton.
Quickly, as the memory comes to mind, you shake it out of your head. That wasn’t important to you right now and that was because of one simple fact.
Today was Triton’s first day back at lessons. It had taken a lot of work and negotiation but you got the boy a healthy and balanced schedule. You honestly gave yourself a pat on the back once you were finished.
Though, on top of the schedule, you also pulled off another impossible stunt for yourself.
You spin around as Triton comes sprinting over, books in his hands from his History lesson that just completed. You should tell the boy to slow down but you can’t find it in you to do so. Instead, kneeling down and opening your arms for the boy to jump into.
“Oof—“ You squeak out as you catch Triton, accidentally falling over on your back as you do so. You let out a loud laugh, too happy to even care that you embarrassingly fell over in front of some of the servants that travelled from manor to manor.
Triton didn’t seem to care either as his books were astrew all over the sea grass.
“I was so excited for our first lesson today, mom! It was so hard sitting still in the other classes.” Triton shouts out excitedly as he finally lifts himself off of you, allowing you to sit up.
That’s right. The impossible feat you did. You got your own taught class to be placed into Triton’s Schedule.
You called it “Humanity 101” but, in reality…
“Could we try playing kickball today? I saw a lot of human kids playing it down the street when I stayed at your place.” Triton asks excitedly as he looks through the bag of goodies you brought out.
…It was honestly just an excuse for you and Triton to spend time together with your ever so busy schedule.
“Of course we can play!”
Kickball… Soccer.. Board games… The days seem to fly by as you and Triton do your “classes” and before you know it a week has already gone by. Life is brighter during these days to the point that even the ever so plentiful paperwork doesn’t bother you. But, as you’ve learned in your time staying here many, many times, nothing is forever.
“S-Shit…” You mumble out anxiously under your breath as you attempt to distract yourself with the kickball in your hands. You were in the field yet again waiting for Triton to get out of class. The boy had mentioned yesterday as you walked him to sword practice that he wanted to play a simple game of catch for class the next day. But…
What in the world was this guy doing here?
Hesitantly, you shift your gaze over to Poseidon who stood a couple of feet away on the sidewalk. At first when you saw the male, you thought nothing of it. After all, he seemed to be passing through the area with a group of his attendees.
So, why did he stop? You can’t help but think as you quickly shift your gaze away from the male and back down towards the ground. You just didn’t understand why he dismissed his attendees and chose to stand there and watch you.
Well, he technically wasn’t watching you—His gaze was up to the sky—But, there was no doubt in your mind the guy stayed back for you. Could he perhaps be stalkin—
Just in time.
You let out a sigh of relief as Triton came running over, just getting out of class. He seems to pick up on Poseidon’s presence, staring at his father for a little bit as he walks over, but chooses not to pay it too much attention. Instead, continuing to run up to you.
“Hello Triton—“ You freeze for a second as a shiver goes up your spine. What the hell? What was this nasty feeling… It felt like you had just been thrown in some sort of ice bath.
As you spin around to see what was causing you to feel this way, you almost instantly figure out why. Poseidon was now staring down at his phone, seeming to have gotten a text message or something, and you could tell he wasn’t in the brightest mood from it either. You could practically feel the blood lust from where you were standing.
“You better not take it out on me…” You grumble underneath your breath, instantly regretting it as Poseidon’s gaze shifts up to glare at you. He couldn’t have heard you… right?
However, you weren’t take any chances this time and turned your attention to Triton. Trying to make it seem that Poseidon accidentally heard something.
“Now. Why don’t we get started? I’ll stand about a few feet away and you—“ Your voice trails off at the end as you stare down at your hands. Your empty hands. Where did the kickball go? You just had it— “Ack!”
You couldn’t believe your eyes as you looked, a gasp, at the kickball that was held… in Poseidon’s hands. How did that fucker…
Actually, never mind, you should have realized before that Poseidon was clearly fast as he was not only a god but also, right in front of you, leaped a large distance to stop that jellyfish that tried to kill you.
“Mom, Are we going to play?” Triton blinks innocently up at you, pure puppy eyes that awaited the game of catch that he wanted to play. Shit, you can’t just allow Poseidon to keep the ball now.
“I-I’ll be right back.” You anxiously tell the Triton as you leave his side. Making your way over to Poseidon. You honestly felt like you were the sacrificial lamb approaching the big bad bully of the playground. Except this time, Poseidon wasn’t just a bully picking on you but an all powerful god that could literally snap you in half with his pinky if he so pleased.
“H-He—“ You don’t even get past the greeting to Poseidon before he grabs the back of your head. Holding you still with one hand and the Kickball in the other, Poseidon started to practically curse you out with god knows what. Honestly, it was just a spew of curses along with your name and other things.
However, across the field, what seemed terrifying to you was way different to someone else.
As Triton observes the scene in front of him, he gets even more confused. In Triton’s point of view, he didn’t pick up on your nervous clammy hands or anxious shifting as being something from Poseidon’s glare. He honestly didn’t even pick up on the fact his father was glaring, he just thought that it was his usual stare.
To him, it looked like you two were chatting as his father held the back of your head. Seeming to tease you as he held the stolen kickball away in his other. But… his father doesn’t tease. He doesn’t even joke around. So, what was going on?
Staring… Clammy Hands… Nervousness… Physical Touch…
Triton lets out a small gasp as a thought hits him. It can’t be true, Triton couldn’t believe it.
His mom and father…
were in love.
He didn’t want to believe it but the evidence was all there. If watching any of those cheesy romance movies taught him anything, it was to identify the signs of falling in love.
At any minute, they look like they could possibly ki…
Triton’s face blushes up at the thought. He just couldn’t believe it. Does this mean mom is now his real real mom?
Triton perks up at the thought. That would be awesome.
“I’ll help you, mom…” Triton mumbles underneath his breath as he looks determined up at you two. He will help you two just like how Uncle Zeus was helping you. Like….What do humans call it…? A wingman. Yeah, he would be your wingman.
“Father! Mom!” At Triton’s shout, it was then that Poseidon finally stopped his heavy train of insults. Oh, Thank goodness for Triton…
“I realized I have to go see one of my teachers for something. Why don’t you guys go play instead?”
You feel yourself choke at Triton’s words. What was he saying?! However, before you can even ask the boy, He was long gone. Leaving you and Poseidon alone, with a grip still on the back of your head.
This was a nightmare for you. Poseidon still looks like he wants to kill you at any moment.
“What a pain.” Poseidon grumbles out under his breath, sending shivers up your spine. You know what… Screw Plan A and B. You now have Plan C, worrying about Poseidon’s constant mood changes so he doesn’t kill you in a fit of rage.
“Hey… why don’t we talk thiS— Eep!” You are cut off as Poseidon picks you up. Instead of his usual hold, he throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. You just wished Poseidon knew you could keep up with him perfectly fine so he didn’t have to keep picking you up like this. “Where…Where are we going?”
Well, at least he wasn’t angry at you anymore, you think with a sigh as you relax into Poseidon’s hold. Accepting your fate as there was no way to possibly escape from him.
Gods… any of them except Poseidon. Please… help…
“Oooo…” Triton lets out as he peeps from around the corner. His gaze trained to his father back as he left carrying you.
“I didn’t know father could be so romantic.”
“…Hmm? Triton?”
Triton feels himself jump slightly at the voice behind him. Spinning around, he expected to be caught by some sort of maid or teacher but instead, it was someone else.
“Uncle Zeus? Hermes? And…” Triton’s gaze trails over the third person, “Aunty Aphrodite?”
“Hello dear Triton. It’s been a while~” Aphrodite coos out at the boy in front of her. Slightly leaning down to fondle his cheeks. “Goodness me…Look at how much you’ve grown.”
“T-Thank you.” Triton chokes out with a blush, “I-Uh. W-What are you all doing here?”
Zeus can’t help but chuckle out at the nervous attitude of his nephew. Still ever so shy in front of women it seemed. “I apologize for the surprise visit but we are here to see (y/n).”
“See mom…?” Triton questions out as he looks back and forth between the three. He could understand why Zeus or perhaps Hermes was here to see you but, why Aphrodite?
“Ohh~, I’ve brought a couple of gifts for your mother.” Aphrodite explains with a coy smile as she shows Triton a lidded box.
“Really? What sort of—“ Hermes instantly grabs onto Triton as he attempts to check under the lid of the box. “Huh? Hermes?”
“It’s…It’s specifically for Lady (Y/n), Master Triton.” Hermes answers vaguely as Aphrodite and Zeus laugh at the funny moment that just occurred. That was a close one.
“Specifically for mom?”
Calming herself down, Aphrodite explains more clearly, “It’s women's clothes for your mother. Ones that…Oh Goodness, your father can only see.”
“Ohhhh… Ok.” Triton answers, even if he still doesn’t understand. “Well, Mom just left with dad.”
At this Zeus chokes and Aphrodite almost drops the box, Seemingly shocked at what Triton just said. Even Hermes was startled but he still, somehow, keeps a cool head and quickly hides his reaction.
“What do you mean by that Master Triton?” Hermes asks for an alaberation as the other two nod. Thinking they were simply misunderstanding something like Poseidon giving paperwork to you compared to you two actually hanging out.
“Well, Dad stole the ball from mom to tease her.” Hermes and the others feel themselves freeze at Triton’s words. Poseidon…Teasing a human? “So, mom walked over and they started talking… No, flirting with each other.”
“Flirting?” Zeus asks, surprised as he strokes his beard. He would usually take others' words with a grain of salt as they could perhaps be lying but, this was Triton. The boy has probably never even lied in his entire life.
“Yeah, so I decided to leave to give them some space and after I’m gone, I was actually hiding around the corner here, Father picks mom and throws her over his shoulder. They walked that way so… I think they are heading to father’s manor.”
“Oh, Isn’t Amphitrite out today…?” Zeus chuckles out, a nasty thought filtering into his brain. Could they possibly be going to do…
“A-Aunty Aphrodite?” Triton chokes out cautiously, catching Zeus’ attention.
“Oh ho ho. Be careful, Aphrodite. You are scaring the boy.” Zeus says, not exactly meaning his words as he reprimands the woman. Knowing that from how she was crushing the box in her hands and how hard she was biting her lip that she was too lost in her nasty thoughts to even listen.
“H-How Scandalous!” Aphrodite squeals out as she clutches the box to her chest, seeming to grow faint from all her excitement, “Zeus, I need your opinion on this. Could they possibly be—“
Triton’s hearing is instantly blocked off by Hermes as Aphrodite and Zeus continue to talk. The younger boy looks up at his cousin in confusion but doesn’t say anything. The only thought running in his mind being.
Why was Hermes' face turning so red?
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Author Note: very Quick author note before I forget. Hahah this was kind of a messy funny chapter so I hope people still enjoyed this one. I wanted a fun moment of misunderstanding to help join into the next chapter thursday. Where Chapter 11 will pick up back with Poseidon and Reader. Also R.I.P Triton. Feel bad for putting my baby through meeting Aphrodite.
Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127 @fortuna-stella @icy-spicy
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (7)
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(c!Technoblade x fem!Reader)
(I know y’all are getting tired of waiting for Techno to arrive, so am I! But I have no solid control over the story plot lol but I swear it’ll happen soon!! And y’all know the drill! Reblogs and comments keep this story going. So if you want a chapter 8 then please show this chapter some love! <3)
The amazing 'YeetUsFeTUSDelETusss' on DA was so cool and drew two pictures to bless our eyes!!)
Only Tubbo showed up the next day, and he said he sadly couldn’t stay for long because him and Tommy were needed back at L’manburg for a while. Meaning him and Tommy wouldn’t be able to visit for a bit, but they’d try to visit as soon as possible! Hearing they’d not come see you for who knows how long made you pretty sad. You honestly looked forward to when they’d visit. It was honestly the highlight of your day. But you knew whatever nonsense was going on in L’manburg currently would need their attention. Though you wondered what exactly was going on. You recalled a decent amount of the ‘history’ of the Dream SMP but you knew you could be misremembering or even mixing things up. But you did remember the big things that happened. Like the wars and stuff. So needless to say you were concerned.
‘What point in history am I in right now? Whenever it is, L’manburg is apparently still standing,’ you thought pensively before asking Tubbo what was going on that they’d need to stay in L’manburg.
Tubbo sighed and said it was ‘just some drama’ but apparently their, meaning his and Tommy’s, older brother figure Wilbur had been president of L’manburg for the entirety of the time L’manburg had existed. But some new citizens who joined them found out he’d not been properly elected and didn’t think it was fair to everyone that Wilbur had basically just made himself president without any input from everyone else. Which you could see was not right but this information told you that you were in the pre-election time. Which meant Schlatt and Quackity hadn’t won yet… But that hinged on this universe even being the same one that you’d watched on youtube. Things could be different here for all you knew. You’d always believed in the multiverse theory so who was to know WHICH universe this was. Or how you even got here. All you could do really was to just… wait and watch.
A couple hours passed during the short visit and towards the end Tubbo showed you how to message others, ie; him and Tommy mostly. You’d known how to message others and put in commands and stuff in regular minecraft but you’d just sort of never thought to try those things here in this place. Though to be fair you’d been dealing with a lot of stuff so fiddling with your inventory and everything hadn’t been your top priority. And when he’d mentioned messaging him your first thought had been ‘how?’, because this was a ‘real life’ minecraft, where things were very similar but not always exactly like how it was in the real game. The biggest difference being that there was no computer keyboard or ‘screen’ for the type/chat option to be at the bottom of like in the game.
But to your surprise the place to type in a message was actually IN your inventory. More specifically it was at the very bottom of the main section right below where your items were stored in the hot bar. You’d never paid the long ultra thin box at the bottom any mind, assuming it was just part of the weird design. But no, Tubbo showed you with his inventory how if you tap on the thin box (that you’d honestly thought was just a line) it expands into a typing window! Your eyes widened at that and watched as he tapped the typing box again and a little keyboard appeared below the typing box and he started typing something into it. You squinted and he said to message someone you needed to be sure to type ‘/msg’ and then whoever’s name you’d like to send the message to!
He demonstrated this by typing out the first part then right after it typing your ‘name’; aka Reader. Briefly you wondered why it had been made that but you brushed that thought away to focus on what Tubbo was doing. You saw him type ‘hi reader!!’ before hitting Enter. Then a second later you heard a soft ‘ping!’ sound and you just KNEW your inventory was waiting to be pulled up. Like knew in an instinctual sense. Like how you knew to blink or how to walk. Just an instinct you couldn’t explain so you brought it up and there at the bottom the ‘line’ was flashing a pale red. So you did what Tubbo had done and tapped it, revealing the little typing box. Only this time it had a message in it! It said, ‘Tubbo whispers to you: hi reader!!’ and you smile. Excited now you type out a message to him and hit send. He got it and laughed after he read it. 
‘Reader whispered to you: hello my little goat boy!! :)’
After that he blinked when more messages popped onto his text box. These were from Tommy and Wilbur it looked like. With a sigh he checked his clock and dismissed his chat box before saying he was sorry but he had to get going. He’d actually stayed longer than he was supposed to. You were sad to see him go but knew he’d be back, and hey, now you could message him and Tommy to make sure they got back to L’manburg safe instead of just wondering like before. So you told him to be careful on his way back and to message you that he was safe home when he arrived, and also if he needed any help. He laughed and cheekily said he would but gave a shy smile when you pulled him into a hug and gently knocked your antlers with his horns, but he happily returned it. Not so secretly enjoying the affection. But he had to pull back and leave.
That left you to your own devices.
With nothing better to do you initially spent the next three days building a couple fountains in the village (which was getting pretty big..). One tiny frog shaped one in the little grotto at the west side of the village and a much larger more traditional one in the opposite side of the village. You’d even set up park benches, flower plots, lamp posts, and stone sidewalk around the bigger one. It was very pretty and the villagers seemed to be enjoying it. But after that was done you’d sorta gotten bored. You weren’t really inspired to do anything else to the village so you thought of ways to occupy yourself. Eventually a metaphorical lightbulb flickered to life above your head and you got an idea. 
You could go to the Nether! 
Sure you weren’t the biggest fan of the place but it beat sitting around twiddling your thumbs waiting for a reply from your only two friends like some loser. And hey, you liked giving piglins gold. They made cute little piggy snorts when they were happy. So with that loose plan in mind you got up from where you’d been lounging by the creek and brushed yourself off before heading out to the place outside the bamboo and prickle berry wall you’d placed the first Nether portal. You crafted one real quick before tensing up when you heard the sound of rustling behind you. Assuming it was a creeper or something you glanced back, not that it would hurt you but you still found it unsettling for anything to be sneaking up behind you. You caught a brief glimpse of something small and white disappearing into a cluster of ferns. You paused, wondering what it was but then about a block to the left of the ferns a chicken and her chick walked out from around a tree. ‘Oh, must have just been a baby chicken’, you thought with a mental shrug before turning back to your task of lighting the portal with your flint and steel.
Once activated you stepped into the purple swirling mist and your vision warped before you ended up in the Nether again, stifling heat and all. 
You’d been exploring the Nether for what felt like hours. The place was goddamn enormous! You’d followed the same sand block trail from the last time you’d been here, seeing the piglins and a few striders along the way. And to your delight a familiar little piglin baby started following you. She (you think she’s a ‘she’, that’s the vibe you’re getting anyways) had to be the one you’d played with the last time you’d been in the Nether. You crouched down and patted her head and pulled a golden carrot from your inventory before gifting it to her. She squealed happily and munched on it. You kept walking along the sand path before reaching the fortress. That’s when you diverted your path to the right and started exploring that way, careful to keep laying down sand as you did. You thought the baby piglin had stayed back but after a while of walking you heard a soft snort and glanced down to the left of you to see her happily trotting along with you, still nibbling on the golden carrot.
You wanted to melt, she was such a cutie pie. You stopped and asked if she should be travelling so far away. Won’t her parents miss her? She blinks and seems to understand you before shaking her head ‘no’. You figure she must have some pretty lenient parents. But you suppose piglins are sturdier than humans so it makes sense they’d keep their kids on a looser leash than humans would. So you ask her where her parents are and if they’d be okay with her wandering off with you, a stranger. She tilts her head and shrugs. You purse your lips and ask if she can take you to her parents so you can ask if they’d be okay with it. This time she shakes his head no. So you ask her why and she seems to be thinking how to answer before she goes over to the closest block of sand and starts drawing in it. You look over her shoulder and see her drawing three hearts. Then your stomach sinks when you see her draw an ‘X’ over each heart, meaning one thing..
“Oh sweetie, did your parents lose all their lives?” you ask in a gentle tone.
The tiny piglin nodded and your heart broke for her. You asked some more questions and discovered she wasn’t really being taken care of by any one piglin. The other piglins knew her parents were gone so they’d sorta chip in to make sure she had food. But that was really it. This made you feel worse so you just sighed and patted her head and said she could join you while you explored the Nether. She snorted happily and you two continued on your way. Eventually after walking for a bit you came across a warped forest. You had to admit the biome was much prettier in person. The stark contrast between the Nether’s usual red color scheme and the teal of the warped forest was really beautiful. Even the weird little green/orange fungus that were growing everywhere were cute. You even picked a handful to keep, placing them in your inventory before continuing your little jaunt with the baby piglin. 
That last thought made you mentally pause and realize that you couldn’t just keep calling this kid ‘baby piglin’. So you stopped walking and looked down before saying you forgot to introduce yourself. She could call you Reader (since that’s what your little name thing said..). Then you asked what her name was. She blinked before snorting a little, like she was clearing her throat, and said, “Azogamay.” 
You smiled and said you liked her name, making her give a cute little tusked smile. Then as you continued exploring you both made small talk. Nothing deep (how deep could conversation get with a little kid) but you asked each other the usual questions. Like favorite foods, favorite colors, favorite animals, etc. Then Azo (you’d taken to shortening her name to make it easier) answered one of your questions with some gibberish that made you pause. You glanced down at her and gave a ‘huh?’ that made her giggle before apparently remembering you weren’t a piglin. She said she forgot and spoke Piglin. That made you raise your eyebrows because you’d never thought about other species in the game having their own language. But now that you were thinking about it, it totally made sense. Of course they would, duh. Now very curious you asked her to teach you a little! Like did she know how your name would be said in Piglin? Her answer surprised you…
“Eaderray!” she said in her quiet baby voice.
Now you two had entered a wide soul sand valley, which made Azo anxious. She hid behind your leg, making you recall that Piglins didn’t really spawn in this biome or like soul fire (which is super common here). You had to admit the place was rather creepy. It didn’t help that the soul sand beneath your feet was emitting a rather creepy whispery wail. So you decided to turn back and try another direction. Azo seemed relieved and trotted along behind you. But once you were walking again you remembered your last thought and had a vague feeling about this ‘piglin speak’ and wanted to hear more. So you asked Azo some other words, just to test this theory of yours. And well…
Skeleton? Eletonskay…
Blaze? Azeblay…
Strider? Iderstray…
Lava? Avalay...
Gold? ...Oldgay (that may have made you snicker).
But you got the idea and honestly you cannot be held accountable for your reaction after you realized Piglins honest to fucking god spoke PIG LATIN.
You lost it. You laughed so hard you doubled over and had to brace your hands on your knees to keep from collapsing onto the ground. Azo didn’t know what was so funny but your laughter was contagious and she ended up laughing too, intermixed with little snorts that made you laugh even harder. It was a whole cycle. And by the end of it you’d laughed so hard you started coughing and had to sit down to catch your breath. The giggles returned a couple times but eventually you got control over yourself enough to be able to breathe normally again. As you sat there, little Azo looking up at you in amusement, you couldn’t believe the absolute batshit nonsense that was happening in your life right now. But out of everything that had happened, you think finding out Piglins spoke pig latin had to be the funniest. Though you wanted to test your theory further so you said to Azo,
“Ellohay Azogamay, isyay isthay ightray?”
Azo’s eyes brightened and she perked up, looking close to bouncing from excitement as she realized you were speaking ‘Piglin’ to her. She started babbling at the speed of light, in a way that all excited toddlers seemed to be able to do. While it was cute enough to pull a chuckle from you the downside was that you could not understand a single word Azo said. You got her to slow down, telling her you didn’t speak Piglin fluently so she would have to go slow with you otherwise you’d be lost. She nodded, just happy that you could understand Piglin. So she slowed down a lot and chatted with you that way. And that’s pretty much how the rest of your time in the Nether went. You traversed through the hellish dimension and brushed up on your pig latin with the little piglin. 
It has definitely been a LONG time since you’d even thought about the made up ‘language’. You’d had a friend in elementary school who had been Obsessed with it. It was all they spoke sometimes and they’d talked it up so much that it caught on with the rest of the class, yourself included, and soon everyone was using it to write notes to each other, like a secret language. You’d even speak to each other only in pig latin during recess and lunch breaks. You’d been fluent in it and didn’t even have to think before speaking. Though after a year it had lost its popularity and everyone slowly stopped using it since the fad was over. But you still remembered a good deal of it. Enough to speak it slowly anyways. But the more you used it the easier it was to speak it. It was like riding a bike you supposed, you never truly forgot it.
Things were going fine until they weren’t. You’d stopped to have lunch in a crimson forest, more for Azo’s benefit than your own, and were sitting and eating for a while before Azo started playing with a baby hoglin. Which had been fine, you’d seen baby piglins and hoglins do that in the game before, no biggie. But they’d gotten rambunctious the way kids do when they’re playing together. And while chasing each other around Azo had smacked into one of the adult hoglins, which had pissed it off enough for it to snarl angrily and start chasing Azo. And Azo in turn began squealing in fear while running away. You’d dropped the steak you’d been idly munching on and sprinted after the two. Sadly the hoglin was closer to Azo than you and managed to get one good hit in with its tusks, the force behind it practically yeeting Azo up into the air. You yelled in horror as you watched the baby piglin fall down into a lava filled ravine. 
Panic flooded your body, you knew zombie piglins were fireproof but regular piglins were not as far as you knew. Let alone baby piglins who just took a direct hit from a damn hoglin. So without thinking about it you dove into the ravine after Azo, catching her in your arms and fully planning to hold her up above the lava since it wouldn’t hurt you. Once she was in your arms you jerked back instinctively, not sure why, just maybe bracing for the impact with the lava. You waited but… nothing. About that second you realized that you weren’t moving anymore. You’d come to a halt and at first you wondered if maybe you’d landed on a block and not noticed. But… one glance down revealed you were not in fact standing on a block. Actually you weren’t standing on anything. You were hovering about 3 or 4 blocks above the bubbling lava at the bottom of the ravine. You were so stunned that you almost missed the sniffling snorts that started up next to your face but thankfully they broke you out of your shocked state. You looked at Azo and your heart broke when you saw her tearing up and looking close to crying. Forgetting momentarily about whatever the fuck was going on with you floating you focused on soothing her.
“Aw sweetie, are you okay? You took a hit from that hoglin, where does it hurt?” you cooed.
She was babbling mostly, being too upset to try to speak English. And understanding crying pig latin was almost impossible. So you just asked her to point where it hurt. She reached for her back and side and you softly told her you were going to lift her shirt a little bit to see if there was a mark, and she nodded shakily and sniffled while you did. You winced at the blooming bruise and adjusted her so you were basically cradling her and with your free hand you opened your inventory and started looking through the potions. You grabbed a healing potion and uncorked it before offering it to Azo, whose snout wrinkled at the potion. You told her it was alright, it was a healing potion that would make her feel better and get rid of those bruises for her. She looked unsure but still let you raise the mouth of the potion bottle to her lips so she could sip it. She took a few sips before hiccuping, potion swirls wafting off of her after she did. The baby piglin blinked and felt the pain in her back and side start to disappear. 
You smiled and said that must feel better, Azo nodded and was happy she wasn’t hurting anymore. You let her take one more sip for good measure before putting the cork back into the bottle and stashing it in your inventory. But once that was done you were reminded of your current predicament. You were still floating in place above a ravine of lava.. With zero clue on how to move too. Briefly you internally panicked at the thought of just.. never being able to move again!! Being stuck fixed in one spot forever with no way to get down or live freely! Though before you could panic further you took a deep breath and told yourself to relax. This wasn’t permanent, it couldn’t be. There logically has to be a way for you to move. You got yourself stuck here and you’ll get yourself down as well.
And the last thing you wanted was to look scared with Azo here with you. She was just a little kid and needed the only adult around to be strong for her. So you put on a smile and reassured her that things will be okay and you’ll figure out how to get them both safe on land in no time. Azo nodded, looking less worried than before. So you started trying things you think would get you to move. You could move your limbs no problem. Proven by how you could move Azo around with your arms and kick your legs about without issue. But your body as a whole was still locked in place. Though when you leaned your upper body to the left you hit a breakthrough! Tilting your torso to the left managed to move your whole body to the left by about a block and a half! Now onto the right path you started leaning your torso this way and that, figuring out what movements actually got you moving and which ones didn’t. Figuring out how to move side to side and forwards and back was pretty easy. But it was figuring out up and down that was tricky. 
At the moment going down was the last thing you were interested in, what with the lava beneath you. So you tried focusing on going up, and after a lot more wiggling about that you were sure made you look like an idiot to anyone who could be watching (Azo only giggled a little) you finally figured out that to go up you had to tense and stretch your torso a specific way. Like exactly how you would do if you were trying to reach something on the top shelf, only you didn’t have to move your arms or legs the same way, just your torso. Like how people straighten themselves to seem taller, not slouching at all. After getting that down you manage to go up and then over out of the ravine. Which was a relief and a half. Now that the threat of sinking into lava wasn’t a worry you instead fixated on getting down. Thanks to figuring out how to get up you had an easier time getting the hang of getting down.
Once your feet touched the ground the floating thing disappeared and gravity was restored to you, making you able to walk around normally again. You gave a small cheer, Azo snorting happily as you carried her back to your spot on one of the crimson mushroom tree tops. Once seated you let out a breath and felt your shoulders relax. You hadn’t even been aware they’d been so tense, but you guess it made sense what with how you just sorta had a weird physics related mishap. But now that you and little Azo were safe you felt like you could breathe again. 
You took a golden apple out of your inventory and took a bite, the sweet juice soothing your metaphorical ruffled feathers. You noticed you mostly just eat for the taste now. Which was fine you guessed. When you glanced down you held the apple close to Azo’s face, asking in semi-good piglin if she wanted a bite, chuckling when she eagerly sunk her little teeth into the sweet fruity flesh of it. You gave her the rest and just watched the other Nether inhabitants mill about peacefully. Today had been a wild ride for sure. At least compared to your usual peaceful days. You leaned back against the lump of red fungus behind you, Azo cradled in your arms, and sighed calmly. You’d been ready to rest your eyes when you heard a soft ‘ping!’ that had you blinking back into focus. It was your communicator app thing. Thinking it was just Tubbo messaging you to say goodnight or something you casually opened the message. But when you did you raised an eyebrow at the note from your kid.
‘Tubbo whispers to you: the election is tomorrow afternoon, can you come? 
‘Tubbo whispers to you: i’ve got a bad feeling.. i’m not trying to pull you into our mess’
‘Tubbo whispers to you: but idk i’d feel better if you were there.’
You had a bad feeling too… You hoped what you likely knew was going to happen DIDN’T happen but.. it probably was. So you sent back a quick reply to Tubbo.
‘You whisper to Tubbo: of course I will! you can show me around your home! :)
You tried to keep your reply upbeat and happy, not wanting to feed into the teenager’s worry. Even though you were probably more worried now that he was. But regardless.
It looked like you were visiting L’manburg.
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mardereads19 · 4 years
A Comparrison between Az’s Chapter and Cassian’s Chapters in Acofas
Today I found myself inspired by @thereaderspeaks ‘s post and what I had to add about it, to write this long-ass post comparing Az’s chapter in Acosf to Cassian’s three chapters in Acofas.
@rhyssescups does an amazing job in this post (and @psychee92 in this one) of comparing Az’s chapter to Cassian’s POV in Wings and Embers. I’ll also attach @psychee92 ‘s comparison of both batboys’ attitudes after their respective solstices. But I’m going to concentrate on Az’s POV and Acofas rather than Wings and Embers.
There are a LOT of things in common, so when you add the posts linked above to this one, you’ll see how Azriel’s emotions and his interaction with Gwyn mirror those of Cassian. Everyday I find more peace of mind regarding Elriel.
Before I begin, I want to clarify that Emerie is not in Wings and Embers, but on Cassian’s perspective in Acofas. I had seen many people on Tumblr and on Twitter saying (by mistake) that she’s in W&E, so I wanted to point that out. It is Mor who is mentioned in W&E. How Cassian does not want to tell her about Nesta, etc. For more on that, check out the links I attached above.
There are many elements that Cassian and Azriel share in their chapters and I decided to divide them into categories. I’ll support them with quotes so that we have the receipts. With that said…
Let’s get started!
1. Distance
In both instances there was something that separated the couples and caused distance. 
In Cassian’s case it was post-war-Nesta and even Cassian himself (it was pride that kept him ignoring her all through the party until he couldn’t take it anymore and ran after her, simple as that): 
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In Azriel’s case it was his understanding of what he feels for Elain and the fact that she has a mate. But also, let’s add Rhys’s order as a new element that will cause distance.
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2. Emotions
Cassian did not allow himself to think about Nesta because of the feelings that stirred up in him.
Anger, passion, confusion.
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And Azriel… 
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Well, well, well... What do we have here? 
Anger, passion, confusion. 
He was ready to spar it out of his system, too, like Cassian.
3. Something the batboys associate with their mate Archeron sister
I noticed that in both cases, Cass and Az had given their girls something that they associated with them, be it material or other.
For example, Cassian’s was names for Nesta’s poses.
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He saw Nesta stand in any particular way and if it was something she repeated he gave that pose a name. It is something he associates with her.
In Azriel’s case, we know he gives Elain a rose necklace. 
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Roses signify Elain because of what she does: gardening; But also, it could simply represent them. Their way of spending time together (here’s a post of different refences of Elriel in the garden by @silver-flames​) and their relationship that has been slowly blooming in secret, like how that charm shines with colors when it’s in the light, but looks ordinary in the dark.
4. The batboys hurting the sisters
In both POVs the Illyrians hurt the Archerons. 
Cassian does it out of anger. Because Nesta kept rejecting him. Instead of holding his tongue, like any mature person should, he tells her something that destroys her (we know by her reaction).
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See how her eyes go empty? 
Well, in his chapter, Azriel hurts Elain, too, though it pains him as much as it pains her because he did not do it intentionally. 
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5. The sisters rejecting/returning the gifts
Nesta rejects Cassian’s gift, though I wouldn’t have taken it either after what he told her. This quote comes from before his insult, but my point is that she left without taking the gift.
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Also, notice how Cassian hadn’t wanted to give Nesta her present in front of the others, something that Azriel does, too, though for different reasons. Cassian had feared rejection and had been waiting for her to approach him.
Azriel had not given Elain her present because Lucien, her mate, was there.
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And of course, Elain returns her gift after Azriel left her standing in the hall with the words “this was a mistake.” I wouldn’t have stayed with that necklace either, not when it reminded me of that moment.
6. Regifting/Comparing
Something particular that happens in both characters’ PoV is the regifting of the objects the batboys used to relate to their girls. I do not think they are necessarily wrong, just that it happens.
Cassian uses the name of one of Nesta’s poses to describe Emerie.
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He also compares her way of speaking and the look in her eyes to that of Nesta.
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Azriel regifts the necklace that represents Elain to Gwyn (though he doesn’t give it to her personally, just hands it to Clotho for her to do it), and describes her with the same quote he used on the necklace (Elriel). 
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I have my own theory on why the thought of her smile makes him smile. Soon I will explain.
7. Getting rid of the gifts (decisions made in haste)
Cassian being all impulsive and throwing the very expensive and extremely unique gift to the Sidra:
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Gotta love our hotheaded overgrown bat. (My baby!! <3)
Then, we have Az making the dumb decision of regifting the present because somehow he couldn’t get rid of it (symbolism but not the post for it).
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He was in a bad place when he made the decision, and even Clotho points out that his eyes are sad. 
The quote in purple is important to note. The theory about Clotho not giving Gwyn the necklace? That line is good for it. The fact that he told Clotho to give the necklace to anyone as long as he didn’t have it and the sadness she gleaned in his eyes is enough for her to know there is more to it than what he tells her.  
I also want to point out that we know for a fact that Cassian regretted getting rid of the present and that he knows he had been foolish that night. So, considering how parallel to each other these chapters are, I’m sure that Azriel will, too.
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8. Distraction/Consolation (Aftermath)
I think it is important to highlight how Cassian got to the Townhouse late and was followed by a worried Mor, who most likely consoled him after his disastrous evening with Nesta...
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...and compare it to how Azriel had needed to release unspent energy and was successfully distracted from his bad juju by the short lesson he gave to Gwyn:
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He straight up says he’s thankful for the distraction. That was what the whole convo had been for him -in a good sense. 
It also aligns super well with @silverlinedeyes​ ‘s theory of Gwyn being a lightsinger in how they appear to people when they are lost. Gwyn was there when Azriel needed someone (even just to distract him), be it coincidence or not, and that cannot be ignored. 
If Gwyn does take on a role in Acotar 5, I think it will have a lot to do with being his friend and confidant (and trainee), someone who will help him figure out what to do about his situation, just like how she unknowingly helped him on solstice.
9. Empathy towards the Valkyries
Another parallel that I found in the chapter is how Cassian felt empathy for Emerie’s situation upon looking at her...
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...and how Azriel’s interaction with Gwyn brought about the same reaction:
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This is what I was talking about earlier. Notice how he sees her pain and grief and prefers when she’s happy to when she’s sad? Who wouldn’t want that? That is the same mentality I apply to his smile at the thought of her smiling. That he is glad that something would make her happy after what she has been through. Especially after remembering her past (within the last three pages). 
10. Emerie and Gwyn’s attitudes
This was super curious for me! Look at how both girls say goodbye to the batboys:
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Emerie being a whole independent female, and Gwyn… 
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All business. 
Literally got the same energy from them. 
Gwyn finished the convo and continued her practice like the badass warrior that she is. There was no demure glance or cloy blush anywhere. The interaction was not romantic, purely platonic. Just like Emerie’s with Cassian.
11. This interesting parallel:
These two moments that are almost identical:
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Cassian tells Emerie to give the Illyrians the clothes he just bought and to tell them it was the High Lord’s gift. He does it because he knows the Illyrians would not accept them if they knew they came from Cassian.
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Another one (DJ khaled voice). 
“Just tell her it was a gift from Rhys.” 
Why does he do that? Because it wasn’t romantic and if Gwyn had known she’d have brought it up in conversation. He just wanted to be rid of it, so he gave it to her, perhaps as a way of thanking her for the distraction yesterday, but nothing more. 
“If there’s another priestess here who might appreciate it, give it to them.” He didn’t care who’d have it as long as it wasn’t him. 
(Wings and Embers + Acofas) Cassian = Acosf bonus chapter Azriel
That’s the real formula bestie SJM used and the receipts are here. 
Azriel mirrors Cassian in emotions, actions and interactions. 
Remember how Nesta Antis began shipping Cass with Emerie after their interaction in Acofas simply because they hated Nesta? Their scene had zero romantic energy, but Nesta Antis still did it. 
Well, history repeats itself with Elain.
Regarding Gwyn: So far, I see no build-up to something more than a friendship. Like we explored, Az’s scene with her was similar to Cassian’s with Emerie. The differences lie in that Gwyn is more energetic than Emerie and that Az’s shadows reacted to her power (she has powers, read about it in the lighsinger theory). 
There is literally nothing more I can add. 
Peace out.
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uwuyangin · 4 years
a promise well broken (minho x reader)
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✩ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: if anyone was certain of one thing, it would be the fact that both you and minho were a two in one deal. never would somebody see one and not the other. since the beginning of your friendship, you promised each other that no matter what, you would never lie. pinky promises were forever right? that is until you meet hana, the one person that had the potential to tear you and minho apart.
✩ 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫 + 𝐚/𝐧: this is a request! bff to lovers! plot ahead. cussing as well so be warned. song rec: i hate u, i love u by olivia o’brien & gnash. thank you for requesting this, lovely! 
the autumn of twenty-eighteen was the worst year of your life.
why? because that was the start of your first year being a freshman in college. nobody had warned you about the university life, and it always looked so easy. then came week two where you learned the hard way that the readings actually were important. or that you should never leave your laundry in the laundromat without supervision. again, these were things you had to learn as an adult and it sucked.
but, you’ll never forget the day you met him; lee minho. 
you had accidentally spilled coffee all over his white shirt in that over-crowded starbucks down the street from your apartment. he had joked you owe him a new shirt, however he then laughed at his silly remark. hearing that laugh made your heart melt in a way you couldn’t describe. nonetheless, you offered to buy him his drink of choice, to which he denied. instead, he asked for your time and the rest was history.
you two were inseparable ever since. even when you needed to study, minho would drop by and annoy the hell out of you. it had become such a routine that you would be surprised if he didn’t accompany you to anything. in a way, you were dependent on him as he was to you. some would say this was unhealthy, but you admitted to yourself a long time ago that a life without lee minho was not a life wanted. 
however, because life was never perfect, you couldn’t expect your relationship with him to be. because you were utterly in love with someone you never thought you could have. so much so that your heart swelled at just the idea of him and that damn smile. his tsundere personality attracted you the most because that only made the intimate moments more meaningful. like when he would hold your hand in public if you were anxious, or the way he complimented your work ethic. those small, simple gestures filled your stomach with butterflies. as much as you loved him showing you affection, it also broke your heart because it always stirred up false hope. and nothing hurt more than that. 
you wished you could confront him on this. you hated hiding anything from minho. it was your number one rule between each other; no secrets, no lies. he always had a deep-rooted insecurity of being lied to, and you promised him that you would never do that no matter what. you’ll never forget the way he looked at you then; full of trust and happiness. each night when you lay awake in your bed, your chest clenches at the thought of telling him you’ve been surpressing these feelings. would he rejoice or be disappointed? it was a risk that you weren’t willing to take.
that promise meant everything to you. apparently minho thought otherwise.
it had been exactly one month since you met park hana. minho introduced the two of you after walking out of his calculus class. he had made a new friend, which didn’t surprise you because who wouldn’t want to be friends with him? however, at the sight of her, your stomach dropped. she had locks of honey brown, obviously artificial but beautiful nonetheless. her eyes always shone with a light you never thought you’d see. she was outgoing, intelligent, and funny. god, she was so funny that she made minho roll over in laughter at a study session that was supposed to be explicitly between you and him. you envied her. you wanted to love yourself the way she did, but everytime you looked in the mirror, you would only see flaws. what would minho see in you that he wouldn’t see in her? 
you tried to be her friend, you really did. on multiple occasions, you invited hana to coffee or to the movies, and she always declined. if you brought it up to minho, he would only shrug it off that it wasn’t serious. this didn’t cease your uneasiness towards her, though. it could just be your jealousy speaking but you knew yourself better than that. 
you were going to try again, though. if she meant something to minho, then she meant something to you as well. 
you lay on your bed with a small smile, scrolling through your phone to find minho’s number. a simple face time would be fun as you didn’t feel like texting. you also really wanted to see his face. after finding his number, you tapped on it and felt excitement rising in your system. it was only a video call but this is what minho did to you. as the phone rang, you were met with disappointment as you noticed that he wasn’t going to pick up. that wasn’t like him as he typically picked up within the first three rings. 
“what the heck? ugh,” you grunted to yourself, heading over to text message. 
you were tempted to text him alone about your idea of hanging out, but you knew that if you were going to make an effort for hana, you would need to text the group chat. you began to text out your plans, sending it with a large grin. 
you: heyyyyyyyyy bishes! i’m thinking of heading to the mall later today, and i’d love to hang with y’all. what do you say?? maybe we can get dinner as well. i finally don’t have homework lmaoo 
soongiedoongiedori: aw can’t today :( hanging out with sungie
hana: same, i’m busy! maybe next week? 
you: ok :’) </3
releasing a sigh, you felt your excitement deterioriate. you weren’t expecting them to turn you down so quickly, especially minho. you knew it was wrong to be upset at them for being busy but you couldn’t help how you were feeling. hana did suggest next week . . . that would have to do for now. 
as you sighed once again, you heard your door swinging open. you snapped your head up, hoping it was minho pranking you, but you were only met with your roommate, yeri. 
“whoa, calm down. i’m not gonna kill you,” she joked. “i was just checking to see if you’ve eaten today and if i should buy takeout.” 
groaning, you shook her head and hung an arm over your head. this made it clear to yeri that you were upset, making her concerned. you two were close since the beginning of the school year. normally you were a cheerful person. if you were acting like this, then something was definitely up. 
“what’s wrong?” she asked, sitting beside you on your bed. 
you peeked out from behind your arm only to drop it and sigh for the third time. that’s all you could really do at this point. 
“well, it’s going to sound dumb-”
“no it’s not. stop doubting yourself, now tell me what’s up.” yeri interrupted.
you rolled your eyes but smiled a small smile. “i texted minho and hana to see if they wanted to hang out today but both of them are busy. it just really sucks because i feel like every time i make an effort for hana, she doesn’t make an effort for me. i’ve tried telling lino this but he thinks i’m being dramatic. am i being dramatic?”
yeri hummed at your response, furrowing her eyebrows. you watched in silence as she pondered about the scenario in her mind. this put you on edge because she didn’t immediately reassure you it was nothing. she must’ve seen something fishy as well or else she wouldn’t be thinking about it. or you were assuming the worst.
“they’re both busy?” she checked. 
you nodded, making her shrug. “i wouldn’t think much of it, (y/n). what’s the rule between you and him again? no secrets, no lies or something like that? i don’t think he would lie to you.” 
that was true; nobody took that rule more seriously than minho. for a moment there, you felt guilt because you knew it was wrong to immediately doubt his intentions like that. hana as well. yeri inspected you for a moment as she took in your composure. surely her advice should’ve been enough to warrant ease, however, you were still stiff.
“i’ll go to the mall with you,” she offered. “i was thinking of stopping in sephora or something. i’ve been meaning to go for awhile but never had the excuse.”
you snapped your head her way and bit back a smile, trying not to be too enthusiastic. “really? you’re not just saying that, are you?”
yeri nudged you playfully before standing. “of course not. now get up and ready, or i’ll regret my decision.”
“did you really have to buy all three palettes? they look the exact same!” 
yeri rolled her eyes as the both of you exited the store with you holding one bag, and her with two. you had only been there for twenty minutes and you already spent more than you would’ve liked. then again, you didn’t really care because you were looking forward to this for awhile. friends that enable each other stay together, right?
“well, that’s where you’re wrong. this one is peachy nudes, then there’s the golden nudes, and this one is neutral nudes. seriously, (y/n), don’t underestimate the power of nudes.”
the both of you let out a laugh, leaning into each other for support. yeri had made this experience way more fun than you thought it could be. not one thought of minho or hana had entered your mind. the mood was lifted tremendously as you strolled through the mall, window shopping at a few stores until you found the one you wanted to shop in. however, as you were going to enter a store, your stomach did a little growl. 
“whoa, calm down tiger.” joked yeri as she patted your stomach. 
“i guess i forgot to eat today . . . do you wanna stop by the food court before we continue shopping?” you suggested.
she nodded, realizing that she was hungry as well. “i think it’s this way.” 
nearing the corner, you continued on towards the food court with excitement. mall food always had a different vibe to it and you were very much looking forward to devouring some lo mein noodles. as the food court came into view, your walk began to speed up. the excitement that was building up inside of you halted as yeri stopped in her tracks, causing you to run directly into her back. 
“hey-” you started but yeri whipped around, shushing you. her hands grabbed onto your arms and dragged you to the side where you were no longer out in the open.
“what are you doing?” your voice was not loud however it still wasn’t at yeri’s liking as she shushed you again.
“(y/n), look over by mcdonald’s. isn’t that minho . . . and hana?” 
your heart stopped as you heard those words, immediately looking where yeri had instructed you. there sat minho and hana, laughing obnoxiously while sharing a meal. you watched the way she fed him a fry, with him then returning the favor. your heart tugged at the sight because that was something you guys always do to each other. it would then follow with you offering him a bite of your mcflurry and then booping him on the nose with the spoon. the tension grew as you saw him reaching for the spoon of his mcflurry, raising it out towards hana.
“please, please, please. do not pat it on her nose,” you whispered to yourself.
tears welled up in your eyes as you watched the way she took a bite, then giggling as he gently patted her nose with the spoon. that was the icing on the cake and it’s all it took before you turned your body around, rushing to the exit. 
yeri called out to you but you weren’t listening. the scene that played before rewound itself in your mind like a vhs tape. and you would pause at the way he looked at her, like she was so special. those glances were always reserved for you. was he tired of you? did he know how much he meant to you? he broke your one rule, the one thing that meant everything. your friendship was based on this and yet it was now abandoned. your breathing became labored as you tried calming down, staring at the ground with wide eyes and endless tears. never did you think minho would betray you. maybe it was naive to think like that.
“(y/n), wait up!” puffed out yeri as she met up with your figure at the exit. her chest heaved from the run she had to do to catch up.
neither of you spoke as yeri tried to find the words. “i’m sorry.” her voice was soft, almost afraid of breaking you any further.
nearly a week had passed since the incident at the mall. and you would be lying if you said you were alright.
every night you were reminded of what minho did to you as he sent you texts relentlessly. the spamming began after day one with him asking if you wanted to come over. when you didn’t respond, he continued to blow up your phone to see if you were okay. all the missed calls and texts drove you insane because you wanted so badly to reply. but you weren’t going to give in so easily. he hurt you in ways you couldn’t describe. it didn’t help that you were helplessly in love with him. seeing him give affection towards another female was inevitable, but you never thought it would hurt like this.
you weren’t surprised when you didn’t get any notifications from hana. you wanted to believe so badly that she was a good person but something felt off. you didn’t want it to be your jealousy speaking but you also didn’t want to be in denial either. this felt wrong because you and minho had never been so separated. but with each passing second, you felt yourself growing further part from him. you continued to drown in your depressed thoughts until a knock on your door interrupted.
“oh, you don’t sound so excited to see me.” joked a familiar voice as they stepped in, closing  the door behind them.
you grinned, immediately sitting up and opening your arms for your friend, han jisung. the boy wasn’t shy in returning the hug, laughing at your brightened expression.
“sungie! what are you doing here? you didn’t even think to call me?” your voice was nothing but playful, nudging his arm in the process.
jisung took a seat beside you on the bed and chuckled. as he made himself comfortable, he spoke up. “i felt like being spontaneous.”
the air was always light when it came to jisung. he was able to make everyone feel welcomed despite his social anxiety. the contradiction always made you love him more, as a friend of course. you admired him for a moment, feeling somewhat calmer. it was obvious to jisung that something was wrong, though. minho might’ve told him to check up on you because if you were ignoring him, then he knew you wouldn’t let him into your home. but jisung could also tell from your face that you weren’t okay.
“hey, what’s going on? you can tell me.” 
his sudden change from bubbly to concerned shocked you, making you freeze in your spot. you hadn’t even noticed the smallest of tears that were forming in your eyes, finally being able to unleash any form of disappointment that you were holding in. jisung was not prepared to see you falter so quickly as he reached forward, holding your hands in his lap as he let you cry for a moment in silence. as soon as you were ready to catch your breath, you laid the truth on him.
“minho lied to me. and to make matters worse . . . he lied to me with hana.”
jisung was taken aback at those words because minho? lied to you? there’s no way. he snorted, shaking his head as he was in disbelief. however, as he studied your expression again, he noticed that you were still crying. the boy clenched his jaw as he was now visibly angry. he knew how much that rule meant to you and minho, as it meant something to jisung as well. he was there when minho got his heart broken, when he was the one who was lied to. and now minho had completely ignored that because of someone he barely knew. you didn’t deserve this, no one did. 
“(y/n), i’m so sorry.” much like yeri, that’s all he could say. 
because he knew how much this hurt you, and there was nothing that he could say that would change how you were coping. he wanted to ask what happened, but he also didn’t want to push you. 
“why are you sorry? it’s him that should be sorry.” you replied bitterly as you wiped at your eyes. 
you thought you looked pathetic, but jisung thought the opposite. he couldn’t even imagine what you were going through, and he always knew how close you two were. deep down he also knew how you felt about minho. this was more than just your best friend lying to you, no. 
ring ring ring
the sound of your phone ringing made you snap out of it, immediately searching for it so that you could read the caller id. once you had it in your hands, your eyes widened in shock.
“it’s hana . . . should i answer it?” you whispered.
“sure, but i don’t know why you’re whispering.” you reached over and swatted his arm at his sass.
without thinking much of it, you swiped right and pressed the phone to your ear. jisung didn’t think that you would actually do it, considering you had neglected minho’s calls. although he did believe it would be easier to speak with hana as you weren’t as close with her. after holding in your breath for a long second or two, you released out a greeting.
“mhm, (y/n)-ah. i’m glad you picked up. i’ve been meaning to talk to you.” 
something about the way she spoke didn’t sound genuine, and jisung could notice it from a mile away. you furrowed your eyebrows as he pointed at your phone, mouthing the words ‘speaker phone’ to you. you decided to risk it as jisung would be your witness for whatever would go down. you switched it to speaker.
“oh, hi hana. what did you want to speak with me about?” you said straightforwardly. 
there was a chuckle on the other end that sent chills down your spine. “i’m not stupid, (y/n). i know you saw minho and me at the mall together. i don’t blame you for acting the way you are, i would probably do the same.”
both you and jisung looked at each with wide eyes. you didn’t expect her to be so blunt with her thoughts, however you were expecting something bitchy. biting on the inside of your cheek, you listened to her continue.
“i mean, you should be jealous. minho asked me on a date, and he told me he loves me. we are now dating, and we are very happy. he’s very happy. and now that we are together, i’m telling you to stay away from him.”
you could feel the fresh wave of tears pooling in your eyes as you heard her read out your worst nightmare. minho was in love with someone else, and to make matters worse, it was with hana. everything inside of you clenched painfully as you felt your heart sink to your stomach. this was way worse than having minho lie to you. you prayed to any god or deity that the situation couldn’t get any worse than it already was but they refused to listen to you. the universe was against your idea of sharing love with minho as it did everything in its way to tear you two apart. you should’ve kept count of the time you had left with him until he was taken.
but hearing her say that you needed to stay away from him wasn’t an option in your head. you can handle him lying, and being in love with someone else. it hurt, god it hurt so badly, but you could handle it if it meant he was happy. you would rather have minho happy instead of not having him at all. you were passionate in that belief, and you weren’t going to let hana tell you otherwise.
“i wasn’t asking, (y/n).” her tone was more intimidating than before, yet you held your ground.
“i said no. i’m not budging on this, hana. i’m not letting him go.” you protested.
there was another pause in between the conversation, and you thought you had won for a second. but hana was always a step ahead of you, planning her attack head-on like she had rehearsed every possible outcome in her head.
“why are you still holding onto him? you’re just a burden, don’t you see that? he’s only pitying you. now that he has me, he doesn’t need to keep having you around. you should learn to take a hint.” 
she spat her words at you, shooting her venom in your most sensitive spots. for a moment, you had entirely forgotten that jisung was still in the room. you tried not to let her words get to you, but they did. hearing that he was only pitying you sent you over the edge as you hung up the phone, throwing it at the floor angrily. your hands formed into fists as you closed your eyes, trying to catch your breath. but with each inhale, you felt as if you were suffocating. you wanted to wake up from this terror but you knew it was just a twisted reality. you didn’t even notice how your form was shaking from overwhelming emotions until jisung had reached over, pulling you closer into a side hug. he was just as speechless as you, if not more.
he shushed your cries, knowing it was the only thing you could do.
a few hours had passed at this point, and you didn’t even notice how you fell asleep with jisung. normally you two would split between the floor or the bed, but it was clear that you were exhausted. the afternoon had turned into nightfall, your open curtains inviting the moon. if you weren’t so out of it, you would’ve admired it’s beauty. you peered over as jisung was curled up beside you under the sheets, one arm wrapped loosely around your shoulders and the other over his face. he was such a good friend that you didn’t know how to thank him. he did not need to stay here by your side yet he did. he would never admit it, but he was incredibly selfless. as you tried adjusting your sight, you realized your eyes were puffy from crying, and it honestly hurt to try and focus in the dark.  you laid your body back down, snuggling deeper into your comforter before trying to head back to rest. without warning, your door swung up to reveal a worried minho.
“what the fuck is this?” 
his voice boomed through the room, causing you and jisung to bolt upright out of bed. your attention turned to a frantic looking minho clutching his phone in his hands. there was a vein popping out on the side of his neck from how stressed out he was, and his hair was disheveled from constantly running his hands through it. anyone would be able to see how fucked up he was over this. not to mention minho was worried sick because you still were not answering your phone, and now jisung wasn’t. when he called yeri to check up on you, she revealed that jisung had slept over. minho was furious, but for what?
“why haven’t you been answering your phone? do you know how worried i’ve been about you, i thought you died!” he started, then pointing his finger at jisung. “and you, what the hell do you think you’re doing in (y/n)’s bed?”
jisung gulped in fear as he avoided eye contact, trying to find the words to reply. never had the older male raised his voice like that at anyone, much less jisung. minho could be scary when mad, but you weren’t going to let behave like this. you believed he didn’t have a right to be so upset. because you weren’t going to let him do this to you, act like he was the victim and that you hurt him. he hurt you first, didn’t he see that? or was he really that blind? 
“first off, i don’t need your permission to have anyone stay the night so don’t talk to him like that. two, i don’t need to answer to you or anyone else but myself.”
minho chewed at the inside of his cheek, a death stare focused on you. “excuse me?”
“i said that i don’t need to answer to you. shouldn’t you be with your girlfriend anyway? it’s obvious you care more about her than you do about your friends. go, we don’t want you here.” you sneered at him, placing your hands on your hips firmly.
“what are you talking about, (y/n)? i don’t have a girlfriend. you’re not making any sense-”
“do not lie to me a second time!” you yelled.
both jisung and minho froze as they heard you raise your voice. minho knew what you could be like when you were furious like this, but he never thought you would be like that with him. it hurt a little as you stared at him like so sternly, so unwelcoming. for once in your friendship, he felt like he was trespassing. that shouldn’t be an issue between you two. minho tried to process his thoughts until he caught your words again, repeating it over and over in his head. guilt began to settle within him as he pursed his lips, thinking of saying something. however, nothing came out. all he could do was stare at the ground with shame digging itself into his skin. you deserved better than this. minho promised you so many things, and he had broken every single one. it was ironic, really, for someone who feared a broken heart. 
“(y/n),” he started hesitantly. “it’s not what it seems. let me explain.” 
you snorted while rolling your eyes. “really? because from what i remember, you promised me. you promised me you would never lie to me, or keep secrets from me. you lied to me!” 
your throat became thick as you tried swallowing any sobs that were bound to come up. you had pent up all of your frustration that this was finally the time you let minho have a piece of your mind. you wanted to scream at him, fight him, and hurt him. but all you could do was unleash the pain you had been holding in. 
“i never thought you would do this to me, minho. i never thought- i never thought you could just give up this friendship to someone who barely knows you! i always pictured you’d be with someone kind and full of love but she is a monster, don’t you see that minho? she is a bitch and-”
“wait, wait, wait. are you talking about hana? why are you saying these things about her? i know you’re upset with me, but don’t pull her into this.” he defended her, folding his arms across his chest.
your heart sank a little further as he didn’t immediately deny the fact that they were dating. instead, he defended her actions, and her role as his girlfriend. you were devastated; so it was true. you should’ve seen it coming, but you never thought it would be this soon. 
“hyung, (y/n) is telling the truth.” jisung tried to interfere, nevertheless, minho glared daggers at him.
“i’m not speaking to you right now. quiet.” he demanded.
his voice was eerily calm, making jisung cower in fear. you were not going to do that, though. you were going to stick up for yourself and the hell that hana had unleashed onto you. there is no way that minho could be so dull to not see the true colors of this girl. or maybe you were far too used to overestimating him.
“why is it that when it’s her word versus mine, you automatically defend her? am i not your best friend? i feel like i mean nothing to you anymore.” 
minho scoffed. “you’re being overdramatic. hana means a lot to me as well-”
“no, it’s obvious she means more to you. do you know what she did to me today, by the way? she told me to stay away from you, to never see you again or else. does that sound like someone you want in your life, lino?” 
you waited to hear reassuring words from your best friend, but instead, all you heard was the love of your life pushing you out of the way. his nostrils flared slightly in anger as he clenched his jaw, and his instinctively formed fists. never had he thought to raise his voice at you, but that was pushed away when the words left his mouth without control.
“you listen to me, and you listen carefully, (y/n). i don’t want you to ever speak of her like that ever again,” he pause to take a deep breath.
“it’s really low of you to be this jealous that you have to tear down the people that matter to me. i thought you were better than that.” he clicked his tongue, giving you a stare of disappointment. 
you couldn’t decide what hurt more, the fact that minho defended her or that he didn’t believe you. jisung wished to speak up and to let his friend know the truth, but he didn’t want to be scolded once more. the silence in the room was chilling, leaving goosebumps to arise on your arms. this had to be fake; this wasn’t the minho you knew and loved. tears had fallen past your eyes and onto your scorched cheeks. that sinking feeling returned to the pit of your stomach as it swallowed you whole. minho stared back with just as much intensity, knowing he hated seeing you cry especially when he was the cause. but he refused to back down from his word. instead he shook his head, turning around to walk out the door. you could hear the slam of the front door from your room, making you jump in fear. you were still unable to move from your spot as shock filled your system. did that really just happen?
you hadn’t even noticed the way jisung chased after his hyung. he pushed his short legs to run faster until he was now out of your apartment and near the parking lot. minho was walking rather fast with his stance intimidating but the younger boy didn’t care. he needed him to know the truth, and to know that you weren’t exaggerating.
minho felt a shove at the lower end of his back, causing him to trip a bit in front of him. when he whipped around to view who it was, a growl slipped his lips.
“yah, do you have a death wish?” jisung was not surprised to hear that.
“no, but do you? do you know what (y/n) has been going through ever since this hana girl entered your life? hm? do you? she’s telling the truth, i was here with her when that call took place.” 
minho chuckled bitterly. “i can’t believe you’re on her side here. i thought you were my friend.”
jisung’s eyes softened, showing just how upset he was over this. minho was not prepared for what came next, however, as the dongsaeng questioned every motive he had. 
“i am. and do you know what i value most in our friendship? no secrets, no lies. isn’t that the same promise you were supposed to keep with (y/n)? and here you are, breaking that promise. trying to validate what you did is inexcusable, man. why would she lie?”
the older of the two was at a loss of words as the guilt he faced earlier returned. it swirled around his body like an uninvited wind, reminding him how cold he felt in the situation. there was no reason for you to lie, so why was it that you would make something up like this? that’s the thing; you would never make this up. the realization was beginning to settle in him as minho came face to face with reality. he had hurt you, and made it out to be your fault. he took the side of someone he barely knew over you. over his best friend. over the love of his life.
“shit,” he muttered while throwing a hand to over his face.
this made jisung smile sadly, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “maybe you should fix this. just maybe.” 
letting out a groan, minho cursed at himself. he had fucked up so badly. jisung was quick, though, to ask a question that was still clearly in his head. “are you really dating hana by the way?”
minho shook his head and scoffed. “no.”
minho glanced up from his solemn expression and nodded.normally he would come back with another scary remark but he didn’t have the energy to do it. he made his way back to your apartment with each step being heavier than the previous one. owning up to his mistakes wasn’t something he was used to. never had he hurt this badly before, so he was bound to face something completely new. taking all the courage he could, minho opened your door to see a vacant front room. yeri must’ve been somewhere else, which he wasn’t complaining about. no doubt she would’ve chewed his ass out. minho continued on until he was right outside your door. as his hand went to turn the golden knob, he heard a heartwrenching sound.
you held a hand over your mouth as you sobbed in your bed, your body curled up to offer any form of comfort it could. the words of your best friend replayed over and over until you could no longer bare it anymore. you were broken into pieces, scattering yourself so that they would be hard to find. but minho had the power to put you back together, despite how long it would take. 
you felt a body weigh down beside you on the bed, immediately reaching its arms around you. as your eyes fluttered open, the sight of him was made aware, making you sob harder. minho shushed you, combing back your hair from your eyes as he held you in place. you didn’t fight him, you didn’t scream at him, no. you let him hold you so that he could mend your broken pieces back together. this was his damage he had caused, it only seemed right to take care of it. 
“i’m sorry. i’m so sorry.” 
you shook your head almost instantly. “you’re just saying that. don’t lie to me-”
“i’m not. hey, look at me,” he whispered.
your eyes met his again, making you shiver. it had been so long since you were this close to him. it felt familiar, like home. because that’s what he was to you. nothing could ever change that, even if he had crossed you. 
“i will never lie to you again. you mean so much to me.” 
unlike his tsundere personality, his voice was soft as it wavered in the air. those words alone made your heart begin to beat again with a sense of excitement you thought you lost. that excitement began to build as he grew closer, his face fearlessly nearing yours. his eyes never left yours, and you felt the overwhelming urge to close the gap between you. and so you did.
your lips molded against each other in a way you couldn’t describe. you were exploring new found territory, having experience something you never deemed possible. it was gentle, but powerful. his hands caressed your lower back as he held you closer to himself, chests up against each other. fireworks were an understatement. it felt like the universe was finally aligning again to ensure your happiness. it was a comforting hug that let you knew everything was going to be alright. it was minho showing you that you were more than hana would ever be. 
as he drew back, he pressed his forehead against yours. he couldn’t help but to say the words he had been holding back on ever since the day you met.
“i love you, (y/n).”
your eyes bulged as you looked at him in disbelief. these were words you were wanting to hear for so long. but were they genuine? or to make you feel better? you grew defensive before letting your heart speak any truth.
“i don’t need you to patronize me, minho. if you’re just saying that . . . “
“i’m not. i sincerely love you, (y/n).” 
“what about hana?” your insecurities were back at it again, and doubting anything that minho had said to you. you heard him chuckle as he responded coolly. “i was never with hana. i love you.”
a smile broke out on your lips. “no secrets, no lies?”
“no secrets, no lies.”
soooooo this is really shitty and im really sorry :/ I’ve been writing this for so many weeks and this is all i got out of it lmao <333 might make a part two with smut HA let me know if y’all want that thanks for the request @minholuvs
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1engele · 3 years
daybreak | sal fisher x fem!reader - 2. math
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[warnings: cursing, mention of smoking, mention of household abuse of a teenager]
"what a plot twist you were."
The next day, you'd wakened with dry lungs and an even drier mouth.
It was true that smoking was bad for you—but it hadn't been as horrible as you'd thought. You'd try it again, but you couldn't see yourself becoming addicted.
Your mother wasn't home, again. You were quick to understand that she worked longer shifts now and you wouldn't see her a whole lot.
Not like you cared. Michelle never really liked you all that well. You'd probably have been dumped on the street a long time ago had your father not legally obligated to pay child support.
You'd never known him. You weren't sure if you wanted to.
She doesn't use child support for your well-being. Probably uses it to continuously feed her crippling gambling addiction and buy more pointless flowers for the apartment.
You were nervous about today. You'd never been the new girl before—and you didn't know what to expect about these kids. You doubted they were as cool as people as Larry and Sal.
You showered and put on your boyfriend jeans—which had holes in the knees, but you couldn't bother to concern yourself whether or not that conflicted with the dress code or not— and your light grey hoodie. You added a flannel on top of that which was a little too big for you. Don't forget the white sneakers which you should probably replace.
You pocketed your flip phone and slung your bag over your shoulder. Stopping in front of the mirror, you passed a hand through your hair, decided it was adequate, and walked into the kitchen. You grabbed an apple—you never really found yourself hungry in the mornings. Besides, it wasn't like your mother was around to make sure you were fed—and left the apartment.
You locked the door behind you and shoved the keys into the front pocket of your bag afterward.
You met with Sal and Larry at the foot of the front steps of the apartments, like you'd agreed the day prior. You couldn't help but feel a little nervous as you opened the door and walked down the three stairs.
"Hey!" Larry greets you first.
"Hey, Larry," you smile weakly, as you're not fully awake yet, but it still means as much as a smile you'd give him when you were awake. You turn your eyes to Sal, waving shortly. You were momentarily startled when you realized he'd already been looking at you. "Hi, Sal."
"Hey," he says your name pleasantly. "How are you feeling?"
It was sweet that he was concerned about your well-being. "Alright. My lungs hurt."
He hooked a thumb around the strap of his bag and slid it up and down. His hands were pale and veiny. His nails were painted black and the polish was chipped in a few places. "Yeah. You did a shit-ton of coughing."
You open your mouth to reply, but before you can he meets your eyes. His head is inclined slightly downward, tilted a bit. He peers at you through the shadows of the mask. Lash-fringed, blue angel eyes bore through yours.
His eyes are opalescent. It's almost as if every time you look at them they were a different shade of blue.
You're sure your gazes hadn't connected for more than 3 seconds but the feeling that spawns inside of you from that short contact is slightly jarring. You don't necessarily comprehend what is stirring in your gut and you don't have time to because Larry's speaking breaks through your reverie.
He begins to talk about the chaos the first day of school would be. You quickly forget what had happened before.
But nothing had happened. It was nothing.
When you'd arrived at school after a little bit of walking, you, Larry, and Sal received your schedules together.
"Fuck me," you murmur, mostly to yourself, as you look down at your paper. "Math is first. This always happens to me."
Larry laughs loudly. "Yeah. That does suck. Mrs. Packerton looks like a walking corpse."
Sal jerks his head upward from his schedule. "That's fucked, Larry. She's an old lady."
"I don't care. Pretty sure she's secretly evil anyway."
Sal looks as though he's done reasoning with how harshly true Larry is most of the time. He shakes his head and looks back at you. "Well, if it's any consolation—I've also got math first. So, you know. We could go together," he pauses. "If you want."
You grin. "Yeah. Sure. At least I'll know someone there."
Larry flicks his eyes between the both of you before stopping them on Sal. "Hopefully you won't have Travis again," His eyebrows twitch. "He always has math first."
"Travis?" You echo curiously.
The two boys exchange a glance.
"Just a guy we know who-" Sal starts, hurrying to finish the sentence.
He was rushing so Larry wouldn't cut in and say something but it happened before he even had a chance. "He's a little fucker we know who gives Sal shit. 24/7. He makes my blood boil."
You furrow your eyebrows. "What- why? What's wrong with him?"
"Nothing," Sal replies. "Pretty sure he's really troubled. Not unlike the rest of us."
"Doesn't mean he should take it out on other people." Larry scoffs. "I know it bothers you, dude."
Sal doesn't reply—seems as though he's growing uncomfortable speaking about all of it.
"Hey, guys!"
A voice calls, having grown closer halfway through her sentence. You all turn towards it. A girl, leggy and taller than both you and Sal, with long locks and eyes greener than a spring clover. There was something homey in the way her chocolate brown hair brought warmth to her features.
A boy is beside her, with ginger hair with eyes a deep shade of the richest earth. His skin is pale and freckled. He carries himself with an air of bluntness and just a little bit awkwardly—his facial expression is very blank, you note.
"Hey, Ash. Shocked you aren't late," Larry grins.
"Ash" rolls her eyes at him and mirrors his expression. "You know Todd would never let that happen."
"No, I wouldn't." Todd deadpans.
Ash turns toward you after laughing enough to flash the white gleam of her teeth and a slight dimple in her cheek. "Hey!" She then says your name prettily and juts out her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ashley."
You don't ask her how she knows your name. Instead, you sincerely smile, take her hand and shake it. "Nice to meet you," you return, and then turn toward Todd. "You, too."
Todd is already an interesting character. He doesn't smile but his expression is cordial. "Welcome to Nockfell."
Your smile widens.
"Have you guys gotten your schedules yet?" Sal speaks up after having been quiet for a moment. He must've been reading over his schedule to himself.
"Oh! Yeah," Ashley opened her other hand, the one she hadn't shaken your hand with, and unfolded a now very crumpled piece of paper. She passed summer green over the list. "I've got biology."
Todd didn't even look at his list. "I have history."
Sal looks at you. His gaze easily levels with yours. "Looks like it's just me and you then."
Your face feels hot. "Haha," you suddenly feel nervous. "You're right. Sit beside me, okay?"
His eyebrows jump—that much you can tell by the way his eyes move. Tucking a strand of loose blue hair behind his ear, he replies: "Will do."
His ears are double pierced.
The bell's shrill ringing floods the halls. You wince, and you and Sal's eye contact is broken. Before that happens, though, you see Larry grinning to himself.
Weirdo, you think lightheartedly.
Everyone parts after that. Larry and Ash walk away together. They must both have biology, you thought. Todd leaves by himself to his respective class and you and Sal head towards math.
For a moment, the silence is unbearable. You've never been alone with a boy. Well, you weren't alone, just not in a group with other people. The noiselessness begins to bother you so you fleetingly think of something to say and blurt the first thing that comes to mind.
"The piercings," you say suddenly.
He turns his head toward you. You look up to him before looking straight. "What?"
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god, you thought. All I do is make a mockery of myself.
"I like them!" you add, hurriedly. "They're pierced twice. That's really cool. Looks good on you."
He laughs shyly. "Thanks. I like your shoes."
"My shoes?" You look down and laugh. They were so worn. "Why?" You continue to giggle. "They're falling apart at the seams, haha."
"That's the best kind of shoe," he retorts. He jerks his chin towards his sneakers, a muted shade of cornflower blue. "Look at mine. They barely fit and they're- like, super constricting. Also super ratty—but I can't seem to get rid of them."
You laugh with him. "They look better than mine, at least."
You're glad the ice was broken so fast. You liked him.
The class was boring and uninteresting as any math class would be. You do work. You glance over at Sal a few times throughout the class—not to cheat, just to see how he was fairing—and he was writing answers down with a quick response time and humble confidence within the drawl of his handwriting.
Alright, so he was smart. Not much of a surprise there. You could tell just how perceptive of a boy he was.
You stared hopelessly at an answer on your sheet you'd yet to fill out and twirled the pencil around in your fingers.
Suddenly, a pale hand with black nails has nimbly reached over and hastily circled what you assume was the correct answer to the question with his pencil. You look up to Sal in surprise and appreciation, who's already back in his seat as if nothing had happened.
You giggle before you can stop yourself when he raises a hand and raises a finger in front of the prosthetic's mouth, to tell you "shh."
Mrs. Packerton slowly pivots away from the chalkboard and passes her eyes over the class. You and Sal quickly break eye contact and look down on your papers. Sal's shoulders shake in your peripheral vision and you press your knuckles to your lips and force a bored expression on your paper.
Before the bell rang, you noticed a blond boy with tan skin and caramel eyes in front of you and Sal, occasionally shooting your friend bitter looks. It left a sour taste in your mouth, but you didn't mention it.
You find Ash and Larry before your next class. You think you've burst a blood vessel from how hard you'd laughed when you left the classroom.
"I thought I'd cracked a rib," Sal states over your laughter. as you walked up to Larry and Ashley.
Larry and Ashley exchange a look. Larry is the first to state the obvious. "What the hell happened to you two?"
You and Sal look toward each other and make eye contact. That's the last straw. You cover your mouth and try and hold it in.
"I-" Sal inhales. "It doesn't matter," he breathes out, an amused lilt in his tone. "How was class?"
"Bad," Larry and Ashley reply, in synchronization.
"Really?" You ask, surprised. "Biology can be fun."
"This biology isn't," Ashley sighs. "Not when you're just staring at cells and organisms for 20 minutes and then being expected to do work on it and understand what's happening."
"Well, math wasn't any better," you reply. "If it's any consolation—I don't think I got any answers right except for the one Sal did for me."
"I thought math was fine," Sal chimes in.
"That's because you're fucking Albert Einstein reincarnate," Larry squints. "Please have mercy on our mortal souls, Math God."
"Oh my god," Sal looks down. "Please don't make this into another nickname."
"I like it!" Ashley grins.
You know they're teasing but you can't find it in you to join in after he helped you out in class. Instead, you resign into silence and watch as countless students filter through the halls, bumping into each other as they pass and chatting with their peers.
Through the crowd, at the far end of the hall, you see him. The blond boy who'd been eying Sal in class. He was looking at him in the same way he had been then, with threat and resent shadowing his polished amber eyes.
It looks as if he's readying himself to approach.
You glance toward Larry, Sal, and Ashley. They seem occupied well enough, so you slip into the crowd and head towards who you've now pieced together to be: "Travis," you state, as you stand in front of him. "That's you, right?"
He regards you with distaste. "Do I know you?"
You suck your teeth. "No," you tell him your name. "I came to ask you something."
Despite himself and his embitterment, his eyes shine with hesitant curiosity. You take that as your answer. In spite of his stance over you and his general advantage of being bigger, you hold his gaze with blunt intent.
"What were you planning on doing when you walked over?"
"Why do you fucking care what I do?"
You shrug. "I don't know, Travis. I just think you need to learn how to pick your battles."
"Pick my fucking battles.. you know what? I think I will go over there-"
As he takes a step forward, you raise your hand and your palm roughly hits his chest, stopping him in his tracks—not because of strength (he's at an advantage, and he could easily walk right through) but because of the views he had, or rather—the views pushed upon him.
You saw the golden cross swinging off of his neck as soon as you approached. You'd also seen the gnarly black eye he wore on his face.
It was safe to assume he was being beaten at home and by a parent. And, most of the time.. when an adult is religious they will use several methods to further push it upon their child. Like sinner's guilt. And abuse.
If Travis' extremely religious guardian were to ever find out he'd harmed a girl, especially under the eyes of many others—it wouldn't turn out very well for him.
Yes, maybe you were being manipulative. But you were being manipulative for the good of both Sal and Travis.
"Step down," you advised. "This won't go very well."
You steadily meet his eyes. The stare between the two of you lasts for an even amount of time. Finally, he breaks that contact, jerks away with you, huffs, and walks his way around you and down the hall.
After that, you returned with the excuse of exchanging books from your locker, after Larry had asked you where you had wandered off to. No one seemed to have noticed Travis standing ominously at the end of the hall or your altercation with him.
At the end of school, you were beat. You said goodbye to both Ashley and Todd. Afterward, you, Larry, and Sal head for Addison's Apartments.
"You know, we don't have to go home yet," you say.
The boys turn to you curiously, as you kick a pebble as you walk along the side of the road. The beginnings of the sunset blossom in the sky—orange and fruity like tangerine jelly and amaranth pink like homemade strawberry frosting. like home. It fills you up inside and makes you feel so sweet.
"You guys wanna see a movie?"
Larry grins. "We don't have money."
"Who says we need money?"
When you'd arrived at the movie theater, all three of you had circled to the side exit. After a few moments of waiting suspiciously, an older couple exited through the doors. Larry caught the handle before it closed, and you brushed past them and quickly entered the theater. Before the doors closed, you heard them mumbling about "pesky children," or something.
Once you'd gotten in, you scanned each screening room and what movie the doors said it was playing.
You and Sal decided on a scary movie. Larry was not amused. Whatsoever. Apparently, horror is not his thing.
Before you entered, you frowned.
"We have no popcorn.."
In moments, Larry was reaching into a nearby trash can and pulling out an empty bucket that improbably had popcorn inside of it at some point in time. He then walked away, holding this empty popcorn bucket. It was so bizarre and you would have laughed had not been extremely confused.
"What.." Sal murmured, looking to you. "You think he'll come back?"
"I don't know where he would even be coming back from," You admitted.
It wasn't very long until he'd returned, with the empty bucket he'd taken from the trash now full of popcorn.
"Mandatory free refills," He said to your baffled face, pointing toward the poster on the wall above the trash can which read exactly what he'd just said. "You can never forget the hustle, kids."
"Oh my god," Sal mumbled and you barely heard him beneath Larry's laughter.
The movie was horribly made, and it still somehow scared the shit out of Larry. It may as well have been a comedy with how hard you'd laughed. Multiple other people in the theater had told you to shut Larry up but that was impossible when he was screaming every time a shadow would come on screen or the scene would change.
You, being between Larry and Sal, originally thought you'd had the best seat. You were wrong. Not only was Larry cowering into you and screaming directly in your ear, but Sal had simultaneously begun to throw popcorn at Larry's face to shut him up. That only resulted in popcorn. All over.
Needless to say, you left before the movie ended because of the fear of being escorted out by the employees.
"I'm never seeing a movie with you again," Sal squinted towards Larry. The three of you were now on the way back to the apartments. The night was thick and pearly moonlight bounced off old the white of his prosthetic face. "I think my eardrums are bleeding."
"It's the horror movies! This isn't my fault. Both of you ganged up on me and chose it."
You giggled to yourself.
Sal, beside you, suddenly stopped. "Wait, Y/N."
You stopped, and Larry halted a few feet away, as he'd been walking a bit ahead. Sal leaned forward and reached toward your face. Your body felt as though it had been zapped and you stood still.
He reached into your hair and pulled out a piece of popcorn.
"Huh." You said, dumbly. "How'd that get there?"
Larry's approaching footsteps were fast and leggy. He reached into Sal's hand, plucked the piece of popcorn between his fingers and fucking ate it.
"Jesus Christ, I can't do this anymore," Sal shook his head.
"What? It looked okay."
Recovering quickly from whatever had happened to you, you laughed.
You also inwardly denied what your body was feeling because you knew it was much too soon.
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Okay but like I feel like Diego is the kind of person to flirt with really bad pick-up lines and Klaus is just Not Having It
featuring: Diego being a flustered Mama's boy and Klaus being a disaster dumbass and the two of them being completely in love with each other anyway
DISCLAIMER: None of the pick-up lines are mine, but the responses and ensuing shenanigans are :)
(there's fifty of these so buckle up kids :) sorry not sorry <3)
seriously though some of these are really bad
#1: He A Snack
Diego: Baby, you belong in the vending machine because you’re a snack.
Klaus: Diego you know I’m claustrophobic.
Diego: Don’t you mean Klaus-trophobic??? *finger guns*
Klaus: *blinks*
Klaus: I want a divorce.
#2: I’m From Hell
Diego: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Klaus: I’m a veteran addict and abuse victim who can see ghosts, Diego.
Klaus: Everything hurts.
#3: Animal Puns
Diego: *points to TV screen playing the Discovery Channel* Hey Klaus.
Diego: You’re my otter half.
Klaus: Diego those are meerkats.
#4: Stars
Diego: The stars are beautiful tonight.
Klaus: Yup.
Diego: You know who else is beautiful?
Klaus: Ben.
#5: Get Out Your Handcuffs Mister
Diego: You’re under arrest… for stealing my heart.
Klaus: Diego you got kicked out of the police academy like five years ago, just give up.
#6: Bad Boys
Diego: *leaning against the doorframe like a moron* So. I hear you like bad boys.
Klaus: Diego you cried because you accidentally stepped on a bee last week.
Diego: Well yeah but -
Klaus: You held a funeral for it. You made us all speak. You had Allison fly in from California. It was a fucking bee, Diego.
Diego: … I wear leather?
Klaus: So does every other kid who shops at Hot Topic. You’re not special.
#7: Prince Charming
Diego: Your knight in shining armor is here -
Klaus: One, that’s a turtleneck, not armor.
Klaus: Two, you’re covered in blood. That’s the opposite of shiny.
Klaus: Three, you smell like dead fish. Go take a shower.
#8: Chemistry
Diego: Did we have a class together? Because I could’ve sworn we had -
Klaus: Chemistry? Yup. Also English and math and foreign languages and history and like every other fucking thing because we grew up in the same sadistic boarding school, Diego.
#9: The Store Can’t Just Give Away Things For Free. That’s A Terrible Way To Run A Business.
Diego: I like your pants.
Klaus: Thanks. I got them out of a dumpster. And yes, you can have them 100% off.
Diego: *voice cracks* Really?
Klaus: No.
#10: Boyfriend Material
Diego: My jeans are made of -
Klaus: You’re wearing leather pants Diego.
Diego: Okay but -
Klaus: So they’re made of leather and they’re not fucking jeans.
#11: Digits
Diego: I lost my phone number. Can I have -
Klaus: None of us have phones, Diego.
Diego: I can… buy us some?
Klaus: Fine. I want my number to be 1-420-420-4201.
Diego: Baby no.
Klaus: *pulling out the puppy dog eyes* Pwetty pwease?
Diego: Fine, but mine’s gonna be 1-696-969-6969.
Klaus: I love you so much. Marry me. Have my babies.
#12: Love At First Sight
Diego: Do you believe in love at first sight or -
Klaus: If I did I’d have already fallen in love with a lot of hot ghosts.
Diego: - should I walk by again?
Klaus: You’ve been pacing for the past ten minutes, Gogo. I think if it was gonna happen it would’ve by now.
#13: You Have Fine Written All Over You
Diego: Are you a parking ticket? Cause -
Klaus: Diego I can’t drive.
#14: His Eyes Are Green Not Blue You Dipshit
Diego: Your eyes are an ocean, and I’m lost at sea.
Klaus: ... can’t you, like, hold your breath forever?
Diego: *blinks* Baby, I love you, but you’re ruining this with our childhood trauma.
Klaus: Well since you’ve refused therapy I just thought this was the next best option.
Diego: I take back what I said about loving you.
#15: Math Is Dumb And I Wish School Would Stop Teaching It
Diego: Are you a forty-five degree angle?
Klaus: Actually, because humans have non-linear body shapes, it’s impossible for their specific angles to be measured -
Diego: Are you high or have you been defiling Five’s books again?
Klaus: *blinks* Why can’t it be both?
Diego: *rethinking life decisions*
#16: Baby I’m All Yours
Diego: Do you have a name?
Klaus: Klaus.
Diego: Or can I call you mine?
Klaus: I mean I prefer “baby”, but sure.
Diego: *super wide eyes* Really?
Klaus: *melts into a puddle of glitter* Yeah, Gogo.
#17: (Not) Bookworms
Diego: Thank god I brought my library card. Cause I’m here to check you out.
Klaus: *through a mouthful of waffles* God isn’t real. We all die and rot beneath the earth to be eaten by maggots. There is no such thing as a higher power.
Klaus: *swallows waffles and takes a really loud slurp of an orange juice and chocolate milk combo*
Klaus: Oh, and the library’s closed for renovations til, like, Christmas so you’re outta luck, sorry.
Diego: I thought you met god? Little girl on a bicycle?
Klaus: Her? Nah, only Satan’s got that much sass. Plus, that wasn’t heaven.
Diego: And you know this how?
Klaus: *squishes Diego’s face with both hands* Think about it. Do you really think dear ol’ dad’s in heaven?
Diego: Can you let of my face please?
#18: Bad Move, Buddy
Diego: Are you a pre-historic fossil? Cause you’re my missing link.
Klaus: Did you just call me old?
Diego, backing out of the room slowly: What? No! No of course not! No, obviously no, absolutely not -
Klaus: *releases savage war cry*
Diego: *runs for his goddamn life*
#19: I Rate This 0/10
Diego: Are you from Tennessee? Cause you’re the only -
Klaus: I don’t know where I’m from. I’m an orphan.
Diego: Oh… I know, baby -
Klaus: And the piece of shit that adopted me lived in New York anyway. We’re in New York right now actually. Do you need a geography lesson? I think Pogo’s got a map -
Diego: Klaus.
#20: Oh Shit
Diego: If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?
Klaus: *tears up* I’m nothing?
Diego: Oh no. No no no. No, baby, you’re not nothing, don’t cry, I’m so sorry, that’s not what I meant, baby - oh my god please don’t cry -
#21: You’ve Got Everything I’m Searching For
Diego: Is your name Google? Because -
Klaus: Diego. For the last time…
Klaus: My name is Kimberly Linda Aerealia Ulysses Saffron Hargreeves the Twenty-Fourth. I don’t know why I need to keep explaining this to you -
Diego, kissing him quiet: You’re my favorite person in the world, you know that?
#22: Don’t Make Bets You’ll Lose, Luther.
Diego: Luther bet me a hundred bucks I couldn’t talk to the prettiest person here. How do you wanna spend his money?
Klaus: Drugs.
Diego: Baby -
Klaus: *beams* Nah, I’m just kidding. Stuffed giraffes.
Diego: *grins* For Five?
Klaus: *nods* For Five.
Diego: He’ll hate them.
Klaus: Exactly. Let’s go.
#23: Deja Vu
Diego: Have we met before?
Klaus: Yes. Obviously. Are you also high?
Diego: No -
Diego: Wait, you’re high?
Klaus: No?
#24: Such An Optimist
Diego: Are you a time traveller?
Klaus: No, that’s Five.
Diego: Cause I think you’re my future!
Klaus: *stares blankly*
Diego: No? Nothing? Nada?
Klaus: In the future we’re all dead dipshit.
Klaus: Because. Ya know.
Diego: Okay then.
#25: Please Go To The Hospital.
Diego: Are you my appendix? Cause my stomach’s fluttering and I think I should take you out.
Klaus: Did you drink water from the fish tank again?
Diego: *turning green* Luther dared me to okay???!!!!
#26: Suicidal Tendencies
Diego: Hey gorgeous -
Klaus: Let me guess. I should drop dead?
Diego: What?! No! Baby -
#27: Infinitely On The Naughty List (And Not The Good Kind Of Naughty List (If There Is One I’m Asexual I Don’t Know))
Diego: Are you Santa Klaus? Cause you make all my wishes come true.
Klaus: You have five seconds to run.
Diego: *already two streets away* Fucking shit -
#28: You Can’t Use That Every Time We Have An Argument, Tony.
Diego: Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right?
Klaus: I mean, there’s one in the corner of our living room right now, so I guess?
Diego: *squeaks* You - you can see dinosaur ghosts?
Klaus: I mean, there’s a chance that thing Ben’s petting is just a super deformed ostrich, but yeah, I think so.
Diego: *tearing up* That’s so cool.
#29: A Whole New Kind Of Thirst Trap
Diego: I’m thirsty. But guess whose body is 75% water?
Diego: *smirks*
Klaus: *frowns*
Klaus: Hold on, I know this one…
Diego: Klaus -
Klaus: *snaps fingers* Oh, I know! Luther!
Diego: *horrified* What the fuck Klaus why the fuck would you say that -
#30: What A Tragedy
Diego: You must be a campfire. Because you’re super hot and I want s’more.
Klaus: Diego sweetheart, you’re allergic to marshmallows.
Diego: *tearing up* I know.
Klaus: You wanna hug, baby?
Diego: *crying* Yes please.
#31: That Can’t Be Allowed
Diego: Don’t tell me if you want me to take you out to dinner. Just smile for yes, or do a backflip/somersault/counter-spin gymnastics combination for no.
Klaus: *smirks*
Klaus: *does a triple flip and lands perfectly on the top of the bar counter*
Diego: *turns bright red* That was h-h-hot.
Klaus: *beams and jumps down into Diego’s arms bridal-style*
Klaus: *kisses his cheek* I know, baby.
#32: Merry Christmas
Diego: You’re the reason Santa started the Naughty List.
Klaus: *blinks*
Klaus: *pouts*
Klaus: No fair! He told me last week I was on the Nice List!
Diego: What? Klaus? What does that -
#33: I’ll Keep You Safe, Honey.
Diego: I lost my teddy bear. Will you sleep with me instead?
Klaus: *pulls out a stuffed tiger*
Klaus: He got lost in the kitchen. Don’t worry, I rescued him for you.
Diego: *takes soft tiger*
Diego: *voice cracks* Oh. Thanks.
Klaus: *kisses his forehead* You’re welcome, baby.
#34: Excuse Me?
Diego: The only thing your eyes haven’t told me is your name.
Klaus, internally: Shit. What if he finds out I stole like five of his knives and all of the cookies last week?
Klaus, externally: *blinks*
Klaus: Um… Stefonopolis?
#35: I Am Not Apologizing For This One
Diego: If you were a steak, you’d be well done.
Klaus: But I’m so unique…
Klaus: I talk to the dead, Diego.
Diego: Okay…?
Klaus: *smirks*
Klaus: So wouldn’t I be medium rare?
Ben: Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
#36: Leonardo Da Vinci Was Arrested Multiple Times For Homosexual Activity.
Diego: Is this a museum? Cause you’re a work of art.
Klaus: *dancing to the soundtrack of High School Musical 3* Actually Five took me back to Italy once. Leonardo da Vinci and I had some fun.
Diego: Oh my god. Seriously?
Diego: *looks up picture of Mona Lisa, now titled Mona Klausa*
Diego: How the fuck -
#37: Why Would You Say That Though
Diego: Am I sleepwalking? Cause I’ve only seen you in my dreams.
Klaus: *sitting on the counter and eating a donut in one bite* Are they dirty?
Luther: *chokes on a pickle*
Diego: Oh my god no -
Diego: Well sometimes -
Diego: I mean no of course not -
Luther: *praying to whoever’s up there to just kill him already*
#38: Be Safe Kids!
Diego: Can you hold this for me?
Klaus: Sweetie, you need to wash your hands.
#39: Apocalypse Averted!
Diego: If looks could kill, you’d be a weapon of mass destruction.
Klaus: *blinks*
Klaus: I thought that was Vanya.
Diego, panicking: Holy shit Klaus you can’t just say things like that -
Vanya: *crying from laughter*
#40: Attractive
Diego: Do you swallow magnets? Because you’re -
Klaus: *shoves him up against the wall*
Klaus: How did you find out? Who told you? Was it Ben? I swear to god I’ll kill him -
Diego: *squeaks* What?
#41: First You’ve Gotta Propose Diego
Diego: Wouldn’t we look cute on a wedding cake together?
Klaus: Diego. Did you buy me a cake?
Klaus: I’m waiting.
Diego: Right sir yes sir right away sir -
#42: He May Not Be A Kitten But He Is As Soft As One
Diego: If I followed you home, would you keep me?
Klaus: I’m homeless, Diego.
Diego: What? You are? Oh no, baby - you can come stay with me?
Klaus: *looks up from Disney Princess coloring book and raises an eyebrow* Is your bed available?
Diego, blushing: Ye-yeah, b-ba-baby. Whe-whenever you-u w-want.
Klaus: *smiles*
Klaus: *takes Diego’s hand*
Klaus: Okay.
Diego: *dies a little bit inside (in a good way)*
#43: It’s Just You.
Diego: Is it hot in here or is it just you?
Klaus, blushing: I -
#44: ‘Scuse Me, Mate?
Diego: You know, penguins mate for life. Wanna be my penguin?
Klaus: Eh. I’ve always been more of an iguana man.
Diego: What?
#45: You Look Like… Antonio Banderas With The Long Hair.
Diego: How’s the most beautiful person in the world doing today?
Klaus: *buried in a Vogue magazine* I don’t know I’m not Antonio Banderas.
#46: What The Fuck Klaus
Diego: Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes.
Klaus: *hands him a Candyland board* Here. I stole it from Pogo.
#47: You Dumbass
Diego: I hate my last name. Can I borrow yours?
Klaus: We have the same last name, Diego.
Diego: *blinks*
Diego: Fuck you’re right -
#48: Okay But Diego Would Make A Great Aladdin Though
Diego: I’m not a genie, but I can still make your dreams come true.
Klaus: *wrinkles his nose*
Klaus: You can get me a pink elephant with jaundice?
Diego: *blinks*
Diego: What the fuck Klaus -
#49: HELLO
Diego: Is that a knife or are you just happy to see me?
Klaus: I don’t just have random knives on me Diego, I’m not you.
Diego: So you are happy to see me?
Klaus: I mean you just interrupted a very riveting episode of Sesame Street, so… we’ll see.
#50: It’s Always Best To Start With The Truth.
Diego: I love you.
Klaus: *beams* That’s all you had to say, darling.
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drwcn · 4 years
concubine/sleeper agent!wwx and prince!lwj bullshit continues: 
[story board 1] -  The two empires and the Imperial Lan Family [story board 2] -  WWX, Qishan Wen’s sleeper agent   [story board 3] -  The inner court (harem) of Hanguang Manor, prior to WWX
→ [Story Board 4] - “A-Xian”, the attendant of Jiang Yanli 
Wei Wuxian lived with the Jiangs for 2 years. After he came to Gusu as a 16-yro, he charmed/scammed his way into the Jiang manor, won the favour of Jiang Fengmian, the affection of Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng, and waited.  For a long time, no further instructions were given to him from Wen Ruohan. Then, one day, he saw Zhao Zhuliu on the streets of the Capital. Zhao Zhuliu was the head of Wen Ruohan’s intelligence bureau and incidentally, was also Wei Wuxian and Xue Yang’s shifu.  
— “Shifu, does bixia finally have an assignment for me?”  — “He does. Jiang Yanli is set to marry Lan Wangji. You are to find a way to accompany her to Hanguang-fu and get close to him.”  — “Close to him as in...?”  — “Any means necessary. He has a harem already, so you will not be the only one vying for his attention. Do think you can handle it?”  — “Well I don’t know, shifu,” responded WWX coyly. “ Word on the street is that this Hanguang-wang prefers pretty men. His ce-wangfu Jin Ziyan is famous for his handsomeness, and that mianshou Mo Xuanyu he keeps around is a looker too. Do you think I’ve grown pretty enough?” — “You seem very aware of his household, I’m surprised.”  — “Bixia sent me here to observe and learn; I’ve not been idle.”  
Wei Wuxian knew Jiang Yanli was set to marry Lan Wangji before she even knew herself. This was not a coincidence. Originally, three years ago, when Lan Wangji was first choosing members of his harem, Jiang Yanli had been considered, but at the time Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan were already engaged to be wed. Jin Zixuan had promised Jiang Yanli that as soon as he passed the imperial scholarly exam and secured a position for himself in His Majesty’s court based on his own merit and not on the influence of his father Jin-guogong (Duke Jin), that he and Yanli would marry. It was a marriage that his late mother had arranged with her best friend Yu Ziyuan, and both Yanli and Zixuan were amenable to it. However, when Jin Zixuan finally passed the exam and ranked 6th in the national polling, he chose to take a position far away from the capital and left without a word of affirmation regarding the engagement. The position was an important one given to Jin Zixuan by Emperor Lan Xichen himself and so in some ways, it was understandable that he could not refused. After Jin Zixuan left the capital, Jin Guangshan went to his “old friend” Jiang Fengmian and “apologized” profusely on his son’s behalf, spewing all sorts of words about how a young man ought to make his way in this world and such. However, this left the Jiangs in an awkward position. Jiang Yanli was 21 yrs old, already older than any unwed noble lady should be. The Jiangs were angry with this outcome, but given the politics of it, they could not say much...and that was when Lianfang-jun Meng Yao revisited an idea that had been put aside three years ago. — “Hanguang-wang...desires to marry A-Li?” Jiang Fengmian was somewhat flabbergasted. “But...” — Meng Yao smiled, “Jiang-houye*, three years ago I came on behalf of er-di to broker a marriage between our two families, but you and Yu-furen both refused on account of her engagement with Jin-xiao-gongye. But I must say ling’ai* is a fine young woman, eloquent and mild-mannered and would make a fine wangfei* some day.” — “Wangfei? but -” — “Yes, Hanguang-wang did say he would choose his own princess or prince consort, but as you can see, even with Jin Ziyan as he ce-wangfu, Qin-fu’ren and Luo-fu’ren at his side, our prince has not shown any desire for any of them to be his legal spouse. He is still waiting, searching, and who’s to say Jiang-gu’niang is not equal if not better than the lot of them?” 
What the Jiangs didn’t know was that Jin Guangshan was a traitor and had already sold his loyalty to Wen Ruohan, who promised him to make him a fanwang* when Qishan eventually annexed Gusu. JGS was a mole inside Gusu’s government secretly helping to further Wen Ruohan’s agenda. Nevertheless, Wen Ruohan wanted Wei Wuxian to get close to Lan Wangji, because as helpful as Jin Guangshan was, he was never fully trusted by the royal family and did not know their inner workings. Breaking Jiang Yanli’s marriage with Jin Zixuan was just a matter of convenience. Jin Guangshan was not fussed regarding a simple marriage when the reward would be much greater. As per WRH’s instruction, he used his influences in court to maneuver Lan Xichen into giving Jin Zixuan a position far away from the capital, thus removing his son from the dangerous political atmosphere and freeing up Jiang Yanli as a potential concubine for Lan Wangji. Then, Jin Guangshan sat back and allowed Meng Yao to finish the game that he started. Meng Yao was not a willing participant. He loved Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue but Jin Guangshan held the secret to his past and thus a noose around his neck. Everyone in court knew that Lianfang-jun Meng Yao was once a lieutenant in Nie Mingjue’s army and later became his personal secretary. He was known for his wit and silver tongue and the charming dimples on his cheeks whenever he smiled. However, not many knew that Meng Yao was the bastard son of Jin Guangshan and a prostitute. Meng Shi’s hope was that one day her son would be legitimized by his father, but alas her hopes were in vain. A child born to a whore would be condemned to a live in the “jian” caste unless otherwise freed. It was Nie Mingjue who chose to raise Meng Yao above his station and respected him as a person for the first time in his life. When Nie Mingjue and his long-time sweetheart the crown prince Lan Xichen were set to marry, Meng Yao thought his days of freedom would be over. To his surprise, Nie Mingjue opted to bring him back with him from the borderlands where Nie Mingjue’s battalion was stationed and introduce him to court and to Lan Xichen. It seemed almost impossible that Lan Xichen would love him as unapologetically as Nie Mingjue, but somehow he did. Meng Yao became the only concubine person in Lan Xichen’s harem other than Fengjun Nie Mingjue. Life was perfect, so perfect in fact Meng Yao even entertained the idea of coaxing Lan Xichen to take on a lady or two to be his concubine so that the palace could be filled with little ones. Of course he’d be a little jealous...but they would have children...and Lan Xichen loved babies.  Then of course, Jin Guangshan found out who he was, and from that point on, Meng Yao was no longer a free man. Every single moment of his life, his father threatened him with exposure. If anyone were to find out just how unseemly his origin had been, how not only was his mother a prostitute, but he himself had been nearly no different (given to the Nies as a gift by a stupid pandering official), his life would be over. At the very least Lan Xichen would be forced to banish him, at the worst, he’d be dead. Oh there would be no public announcement of course, but it would be said that he had taken ill and succumbed to his frail health, and with his death the smear on the Lan imperial family would be cleansed.  Meng Yao didn’t want to die, so he did as Jin Guangshan asked, even when the ask became Nie Mingjue’s life. (But NMJ isn’t really dead...Meng Yao was nothing if not a fighter. He could not let the father who’d cursed him to a less than hellish existence take away from him the first man who’d ever shown him love and kindness.)   — “Jiang Yanli must marry Lan Wangji.” Jin Guangshan instructed. “And you must ensure that when she does, the boy goes with her.”   — “What boy?”  — “The ward of Jiang Fengmian: Wei Wuxian.” 
So when Meng Yao came to speak with Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan, naturally he brought up the subject of Lan Wangji’s “preference.”  “The Qin family did very well in this regard. They were quite clever in allowing Mo Xuanyu to serve Hanguang-wang; the boy is too low-born to be of any threat. Even if Hanguang-wang’s harem of today becomes the imperial harem of tomorrow, Mo Xuanyu would not be more than a mianshou. His success, on the other hand, would ensure that Hanguang-wang’s favour stay with the Qin family. As we can see, their effort was not in vain. Qin Su became with child rather swiftly. Little Kaisong was born more no later than three months after Jingyi.” Meng Yao explained the delicate nature of the situation to the Jiangs. “If Jiang-guniang is to marry Hanguang-wang, forgive me for my boldness, but she would be wise to bring a male attendant of her own. Wangji is kind and would honour her as his concubine, but the man cannot control his inclinations, as none of us could.”  Yu Ziyuan exchanged a look with Jiang Fengmian. Yanli was older now; waiting for Jin Zixuan to keep his promise had delayed her and possibly ruined her prospects. If this marriage to Lan Wangji were to succeed... he is an honourable man who treated all his concubines equally and with respect. If he grew to like Yanli enough to make her his legal spouse as Meng Yao seemed to think is possible...then one day she would be Empress.  — “Hanguang-wang’s preference is men. Would he not prefer to have a wangfu instead of a wangfei?” Jiang Fengmian was still hesitant.  — “Indeed I’m sure he would, but politics being what it is...” Meng Yao sighed. “I’m sure Wangji understands that having the mother of his heir be his wangfei and his future empress is the best course of action to ensure the stability of the nation. We certainly have no shortage of examples to learn from in history: a shuchu prince with competing shuchu brothers walks a perilous road.”  — “Lianfang-jun is wise.” Yu Ziyuan nudged her husband. “Which young man do you suggest we include in the bridal party?”  — “That I have not decided, which is why I’ve come to see you today. Jiang-fu is a large manor, surely there must be some servants worthy to catch the eye of our Hanguang-wang. Yu-fu’ren, why don’t you assemble them, and we can have a pick?”  — “Lianfang-jun, that is a delightful idea.” 
Wei Wuxian was not surprised at all when all the young men of Jiang-fu under 21 and above 16 were assembled in a courtyard. He scanned the crowd; there were about 20-ish of them. One by one, they were beckoned forward, and when it was his turn, he walked with his head bowed towards the man sitting under the eave on a luxurious wicker chair, holding a fan. The fan was very expensive, drawn by an artist in the previous dynasty. An antique. This must be Zewu-di’s* only concubine, Meng Yao.  — “Greetings to Lianfang-jun.”  — “Raise your head, boy, let me take a good look at you.”  — Wei Wuxian obeyed. Meng Yao looked him over once, appraising and evaluating, before making a pleased little noise. “Hm. Your name?” —  “Wei Wuxian.”  —  “Wei...Wuxian?” Meng Yao gave a pretty laugh. “A rather boastful name for so young a person. My, but you are a lovely thing. Tell me, what is your age?”  —  “Eighteen.”   —  “Eighteen, excellent. It’s unfortunate that your name isn’t something a little more humble. What does your family call you?” —  “My family calls me A-Xian, dianxia.” — “Well A-Xian, if I were to tell you that you’ve been chosen to accompany Jiang-gu’niang to serve Hanguang-wang, what say you?”  — WWX thought *I’d say Lan Wangji better sleep with one eye open*, but said with a gracious and deferring bow of his head, “That would be my honour.” 
houye - marquess ling’ai - a formal way to address someone else’s daughter  wangfei - princess consort  fanwang - a type of high-ranking prince with their own region/land to govern and possibly even their own army to command under imperial rule.  Zewu-di - emperor zewu. 
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star-lemonade · 3 years
School reunion (1/3)
A.C.E Junhee x Reader
Cw: bulling, kinda angsty, Junhee is a sweet heart though
Rating: T (Series R)
Word count: 3.6 k
Summary: You hire someone to accompany you to your school reunion.
I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. The laptop sat on the kitchen table and the page in the browser was taunting you. You stared at the screen from your spot against the kitchen counter. The empty boxes waited for you to fill in your information. Should I really do this?
You sighed and filled some water into the kettle just to delay having to make a decision. The other thing on the kitchen table was not better. It was an invitation to your school reunion. The reunion was scheduled for the Saturday of the following week at your old school. School. Even the address on the paper brought a bad taste to your mouth.
“You’re so ugly, who would ever date you?”
“I dare you to kiss her.”
“Yak not even for money”
You shuddered. No, no, there is no way I will go there alone. You sat down at the table and began to fill in the form. Name, address, phone and age. On the next page they asked about the occasion or event and you typed: school reunion.
Time? about 3 hours. I won’t stay there for too long.
Gender preference? Hmm I don’t actually care. ‘Don’t care’ was not an option, so you chose ‘man preferred’ over the ‘man only’, ‘woman preferred’ and ‘woman only’ options.
Age preferences? 25-35. I can’t show up there with an 18 year old.
Your finger hovered over the enter button. The shadow of your school days was still haunting you and made your hand heavier until you finally clicked check out.
You had officially rented a plus one for your school reunion.
A day after you had filled out the form you received a message from an unknown number.
“Hello, this is Junhee. I will accompany you to your school reunion next week. Would it be okay if I asked some questions so I can prepare?”
“Hi, Junhee. What do you want to know?”
“How should I introduce myself?”
You chewed on your lip. As you typed the next message your face felt warm.
“As my boyfriend.”
It felt so sad to ask this of a total stranger and you prayed he would not judge you for it. Please don’t question this, please don’t question this.
“How long have we been together?”
I guess that is a valid question someone could ask. You thought about it for a moment. It should not be too short but also not too long. The fact that you did know much about each other would make it not believable that you are together for years.
“A few months maybe?”
He asked a few more questions like “where and how did we meet?” (“at work while getting coffee”) and you answered them with whatever struck your mind.
“Okay. I think this is enough for me. Thank you!”
You sighed. This was actually more complicated than you had anticipated. At least now it felt real as opposed to just a scam to get money from people. Three dots appeared on your screen again.
“One last thing. This is also in the terms of service, but we all must remind our customers about this: I am not a hooker and you did not book sexual favours.”
Your face burned when you read that. Surely no one had asked for that before, had they?
“Of cause not, I just don’t want to go alo-”
Before you really thought about it, you had accidently pressed ‘send’ instead of backspace. Oh no. OH NO.
My escort knows how pathetic I am. ‘As if he did not know before’ another part of you interjected. Your phone vibrated again.
“It’s okay, I will do my best to keep you company :)”
You did not know what to answer and just send:
“Thank you.”
As the reunion neared you found yourself thinking about it more. A sort of dread had settled in your chest. After all these years you would finally face your bullies. The people who had belittled you for not been pretty enough and made you believe that you could never find anyone who loved you. The worst thing was it seemed that they were right. You were single and you even had to hire someone… no. No, you would not let them get to you. The past years had been the happiest you had ever been. You had friends, even if they were not many, and you did well at your job. There was nothing not to be proud of. Even if you were single now, that did not mean you were unlovable. It just meant that you had not met a person that fit. You would walk in there, head held high and show those petty bitches you were not afraid of them anymore.
Your mood oscillated between confident and anxious for the whole week. You did not want to give them the satisfaction of knowing you were still so affected by them, that their mere presence could make you stay away. No, you had to go. Like this you killed the time to the day of the reunion.
You had rented a dress from a rental service. It was not too fancy but you simply did not own that many dresses and the ones you had did not seem appropriate. Someone on the organizing committee had decided that nice dresses and suits were what they wanted to see. You had messaged Junhee to wear something appropriate for that dress code.
“In a few hours it’s over.”
Your mirror image was not convinced by this but it was all you could do now. Backing out last minute would make you look bad, even if you really wanted to. All of this seemed like a bad idea. What if they found out that you had hired someone to play your boyfriend? You would be the laughing stock of the whole school and this after you had not been in school for years. For a moment you considered just taking off the dress, putting on some sweaters and sitting down on the couch. Your phone made a noise. A new message had arrived.
“At 5 pm at the station, right?”
“Yes. See you there.”
As if it was mocking you, the sun shone from a bright blue sky. The people on the street smiled more than you had seen in some time. On the other hand it was maybe your imagination. Now that you were walking to what could be the worst night of your recent history, everyone seemed in a better state than you.
You arrived at the station.
“I’m wearing a red dress.”
Maybe the dress was a bit much. It had seemed like a good idea. Wearing red would make you stand out. Now, however, that was the opposite of what you wanted to do. Fading into the background, turning invisible and just straight up going back home was what you really wanted right now. The only thing that was that held you back was the thought of the money you had spent upfront for your plus one.
Two young women stopped next to you. One of them sat her backpack down and tried to stuff a paper bag into it.
“Should I help?”
Her friend watched her struggle with amusement. Despite her offer she did not help backpack girl but looked around instead.
You shifted your attention to your phone. Junhee had seen your message. Good. I hope he will be here soon. So we can get this over with.
“Jeez, I wish my boyfriend looked like that,” the girl said as her friend proclaimed: “I’m done. Let’s go.”
Backpack girl dragged her friend away. At least she had a boyfriend. It was not like you needed a man in your life but it would be nice sometimes. Next week I will try tinder. From past experience that was not likely but the thought alone seemed to pacify your mind for now. Getting a boyfriend was future-you’s problem. Present-you had to worry about that goddamn school reunion.
Someone said your name.
You were not sure which part shocked you the most: the crisp black suit that hugged the man’s body perfectly, the curly dark hair that looked straight out of a romcom, the beautiful lips and handsome face, the million dollar smile or the soft voice that said your name. It was hard to choose.
“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Junhee.”
“ID please.”
You showed it to the sour faced student behind the supermarket counter. He nodded and you paid. Buying hard alcohol in broad daylight was highly suspicious but this situation called for it. You definitely could not do this sober. Junhee had sat down on a bench not too far from the supermarket. The black suit and white dress shirt fit him perfectly. It was as if watching a photo shoot for the next wedding catalog. Oh, this is a catastrophe. You unscrewed the bottle and took a good mouthful. The cheap alcohol burned in your mouth and all the way down. No one in their right mind would believe he is my boyfriend. It could not be more obvious that you had hired him. Junhee watched the cars go by. The sun made his hair seem more brown than black and the light breeze moved the soft locks. You took another gulp and stuffed the bottle in your handbag. Did I accidentally book a model? There had not been an option for that of course. I should have asked for a photo. You left the store and walked over to Junhee. Maybe I should just send him home and go drink at a bar.
When he saw you, Junhee stood up. His charming smile filled you with dread. This is a car crash waiting to happen.
“Did you get everything?”
You nodded. Soon the alcohol would hit your brain. Maybe then you would care less about everything. You could not bring yourself to send Junhee away. He had come here, looking sharp and you had paid money for him to be here. Your stinginess won against better judgment, so your only option was the original one: go to your old school.
It felt like there was a black cloud of doom that thickened as you got nearer. The bad experiences from the past made every step you took towards that hell hole more difficult. You wanted to run away.
“Can I take your hand?”
Junhee. You had almost forgotten about him. He had not said anything for the past ten minutes or so. Maybe he felt that now was not a good time to talk. You offered your hand. He interlaced his fingers with yours. It had been some time since you held someone’s hand and it made your heart beat faster. Or maybe it was the liquor.
You turned the corner and there it was. The building looked the same as in your memory. Whoever had the idea of starting the evening here before instead of going to a restaurant directly, did not have your gratitude. Walking through the front door stiffly, you clenched your hands. Your whole body was tense. You were ready to fight or flee at any second.
Voices were coming from the gym. Next to the open door stood a table. On it were pens and stickers. As you approached a woman came through the door and smiled at you. It was the most fake smile you had seen in some time.
“Welcome! Please make a name tag for yourself.”
She made a swiping gesture to the table. You let go of Junhee’s hand and wrote your name on a sticker. The woman watched Junhee as he made a tag for himself. You had never been the jealous type but right then wanted to claw her eyes out.
“Have fun.”
You almost felt her looking as you entered the gym. The hall was filled with bar tables groups had formed and all eyes were on you. At one of the empty tables you stopped.
“I will get something to drink. What do you want?”
You barely heard your own answer over the ringing in your ears. The ceiling had been decorated but it made the hall seem more shabby. As if the paper garlands were only there to hide the cracks in the grey concrete. You looked around.
They looked back at you from the other table, pointed and smirked at each other. Your bullies. They looked old. The ten years since graduation had carved lines into their faces but they tried to hide it by applying too much makeup.
You felt sick.
A hand landed on your shoulder and you jerked. Junhee pulled back his hand. He studied your face.
“Do you want to leave?”
You looked up. Leave? Leaving meant giving up. They won if you left. No, no you were strong. Your hand strangled your purse. You would not run away from them. Junhee‘s brown eyes watched the tremor in your hand.
“Let’s go,” he whispered and took your hand. Your skin was cold and sweaty against his as Junhee dragged you out. You were so shocked, you did not even say anything until you had left through the front door.
You ripped your hand free from his grasp.
“You should not stay there any longer.”
“That is not your call to make,” you snapped at him.
His face flushed.
“No, but it is the right one.”
Before you could talk back he continued in a calm tone: “You don’t care about any of those people and they don’t care about you.”
He waved his hands.
“I don't know what happened in the past but you are not here to meet some old friends.”
Your eyes burned. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. It’s humiliating. You tried to blink the tears away but your vision blurred.
“Not here.”
Junhee grabbed your shoulder and led you away. The tears fogged your vision, so you just followed wherever he was going. Your feet moved on their own accord and you were thankful for it. Holding back an undignified sob took up all your mental capacity.
You collapsed on the bench. There was nothing holding the tears back now. You looked like an idiot in front of everyone. Your bullies had seen you turn up with an escort only to run away the second they looked at you. And now you cried on a bench in front of said escort. How pathetic had your life become? You had not felt this bad since leaving school.
Get a grip. There was nothing to be done here. You did not feel better by telling yourself this, but at least one of these could be fixed. Try to stop crying.
You concentrated on a point on the ground. The concrete was cracked there and something green had started to push its way to the surface. Plants are amazing. They can even exist in these places.
Your eyes still burned and your nose was all clogged up, but you had stopped crying.
“I’m sorry, Junhee.”
You looked up. There was no one around. When did he leave? You sighed and your eyes burnt again. I guess it is just that kind of day. Going home sounded like a good idea but you could not bring yourself to get up. The weight of your sorrows kept you on the bench. You could not even blame Junhee for leaving either. Usually you were very composed and rarely had outbursts of any kind, but today was just not your day.
A bottle of water entered your field of view. Your gaze followed the arm that was holding it up until you met Junhee’s eyes. You took the bottle and almost cried again because he was still here. For better or worse he had not abandoned you on a bench.
The water was cold. It had clearly been in a fridge not too long ago.
“Thank you.”
Junhee sat down next to you and waited while you drank the water. This day, although it was not over, was already a train wreck. Very carefully Junhee asked: “Can we get something to eat?”
You nodded slowly. Food was not a bad idea. You had skipped lunch because you had not been hungry at the time.
Junhee stood up and looked around, hands on his hips. He turned to you and asked in a hushed tone:
“Where do we have to go?”
There was nothing funny about it but you laughed anyway. Junhee looked like a lost puppy and when he saw you laughing, he pouted. Now this really was funny.
“The station is that way.”
Junhee looked at his phone. He took off his tie and pocketed it.
“Technically I’m free to go now.”
You raised an eyebrow. “We just got here and ordered food and you want to go?” was what you wanted to say but swallowed it. You were still embarrassed and grateful that Junhee was there with you. He had made dumb jokes all the way to your favorite restaurant. It was almost on the other end of town but it was the only place you wanted to be right now.
“So, you wanna leave?”
“Leave? No, no!”
He waved his hands frantically.
“I … meant I’m not here because of work now.”
The soju had painted Junhee’s cheeks a rosy red. It looked good on him.
“What do you do when you don’t do this?”
You gestured vaguely at you and him sitting together in your favorite restaurant. Surely it had to be model or something like that just based on what you had seen so far. Technically you were not supposed to ask personal questions but your contract was done. Technically.
“I’m a student. I study computer science, but I will graduate soon.”
He took a sip from his drink. That rang a bell in the back of your mind. Computer science? Someone was talking to me about that not long ago. Who was it?
The waiter came and set your food on the table. He opened the lid of the barbecue that was mounted in the table.
“Have a good meal.”
“Thank you.”
When you left the restaurant, the sun had set. You felt a little awkward. It had been nice spending time with Junhee even if you had been very distressed earlier. Before you could really think about it, the words fell from your mouth.
“Thank you for spending the day with me. It was nice.”
You did not look at him. It felt unnatural but you meant it and had to say it.
“It was nice for me too.”
Junhee’s hair was not as neat as earlier. The waves had flattened and the way he always combed it left it looking disheveled. His cheeks were flushed from the food and the drinks.
You were not sure what to say. “Goodbye for ever” seemed a bit odd.
“Good luck with your studies. See you around.”
You left Junhee at the restaurant and walked home. It was not too far so you could walk. The night air was refreshing after the stuffy restaurant. It also cleared the dryness of your eyes and nose.
Your apartment was dark and empty. You took a quick shower, put on your pyjamas and went to bed. The day had been emotionally exhausting and you were drifting into the fuzzy precursor to sleep. Your mind drifted through some memories and thoughts but nothing was clear. It hit you. You were wide awake because your brain had found the answer to the question. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand. The light from the screen nearly blinded you.
John, a name he had chosen because none of his overseas clients could pronounce ‘Seungmin’, was the CTO of a company that had their offices in the same building as your company. Without thinking much about it you sent Junhee John’s number.
“He is looking for some computer science people. Maybe that’s something for you. Anyways good luck and best wishes.”
You tried not to think too much about that day. It still felt like a defeat even months later. You had run away from your bullies. They had looked at you and you had folded. It was a bitter memory. The logical part of you noted that it was not worth your time, that you should focus on the tasks at hand and live your life.
You spent time with your friends and on your hobbies. Indeed your spirits lifted slowly. The less time you spent ruminating about the past the more time you could spend on other things.
“Let’s get lunch. I’m starving.”
You agree with your colleague. You grabbed your phone and keys. Your colleague was already at the elevator and held open the door.
Two floors down the elevator stopped and the door opened.
John and some of his staff entered. You waved and smiled. John was a man in late 40 or early 50s, you had never asked, but he gave off the youthful energy of someone who loved his job. A ‘ding!’ announced the closing of the doors but John jammed his leg and arm between it.
“Hurry up, newbie! We can’t have you starve on the first day!”
Steps echoed in the hallway and the newbie flew into the tight space. The young man had dark hair and wore round glasses. With the dark blue sweater and the jeans he gave off the youthful vibe of a university student. He was very handsome and your face burnt.
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