#also black ppl 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
potatogoats1blog · 2 years
Can someone suggest black ocs/characters to draw i want to draw black ppl so bad rn
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pvffinsdaisies · 3 months
Nekotalia UK & Ireland casting
Idk much about cat breeds this is based purely off of vibes! 😌
IRELAND: ginger Siberian
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SCOTLAND: black Domestic Shorthair
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WALES: brown Devon Rex
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ENGLAND: brown British Shorthair
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N. IRELAND: ginger Ragdoll
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Ty for your time
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fagdykefriendship · 9 months
can’t believe there are still people in the year of our lord 2023 who claim to be percy jackson fans and yet still, STILL! can’t fathom or deal with the fact that the actress who plays annabeth in the new tv show is black. these are people who claim to be progressive. people who say that percy jackson changed their lives as children. GROWN ADULTS who can’t deal with a character who was white being played by a black actor. and bending over backwards to claim they aren’t being racist when.. that’s like the definition of being racist…
i’m like floored. how many of these people exist. saying she should’ve had blonde braids or grey contacts because that’s “important to annabeths character”. “how can we tell she’s a child of athena!?” um. maybe her strategical and martial abilities? her WISDOM? fuck dude.
i’m all for book accuracy. i love book accuracy! but adaptations aren’t supposed to be 1:1. adaptations, in their best form, add to the original story that was told. part of annabeth’s character is that she’s someone who hasn’t been taken seriously. who feels like she has to do ten times better in order to get the same respect as others. in the books it’s due to being a white blonde woman. in the show, that aspect of her character is enhanced by her being a black woman.
also, even disregarding any of that, this actress is a child. she’s like 14. it is so weird and gross to see all these adults whining about how she should’ve changed her appearance so that they could relive childhood nostalgia for a series that they clearly never understood the message of.
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successfulgoddess333 · 5 months
Hi baby
I’m going to talk a little bit about myself
I don’t wanna reveal too much
My face and everything else will remain anonymous for safety and privacy💕
My name is Honey(yes this is my birth name lol)
You can call me by my name or honeybee
Or even honeycomb
Do NOT call me beehive 😡
Unless it’s related to Beyoncè💕
Age: 23
I discuss the void state, Law of assumption,Reality Shifting (I haven’t talked about this yet but will if you need more info)
And All kinds of Manifestation methods
How to talk to Honey!!!
Just dm me any questions I don’t take asks anymore so if you have any questions just feel free to dm me
My mom is Afro Peruvian, Indian,and Haitian
My dad is Jamaican
I’m black hehe🤟🏾
I don’t do these I’m super private it’s soooo weird omg
What do I like??
Music food animals
Did I say music because
My favorite artists
I love all kinds of music
Even death metal occasionally
I like Harry Styles,Kid Cudi,Lady Gaga The Beatles,Ice Spice and many moreeeee
I also love movies
Literally almost any kind
But anyways
Let’s talk about something more interesting!!
Now that you know me(kind of)
I want you to know about this technique I discovered
It’s not new at all
In fact ppl on here have already talked about it I’m just late
As usual 😔
There’s a technique I want you all to try
It’s called the
“Wim hof breathing”
No methods are needed But if you really want one
Then here you go pookie
(Found this on a website but it won’t let me copy the link😔)
Find a comfortable position.
Breathe in deeply through the nose or mouth and through the belly to the chest. Then let the breath go unforced.
Exhale through the mouth, then immediately breathe in again.
Take 30–40 such breaths in short bursts.
Take one final, deep inhalation then let the air out and stop inhaling. Hold the breath until you feel the urge to breathe again.
Inhale very deeply to full capacity and hold for 15 seconds, then let it go. This completes the first round.
Repeat the whole process, steps #2-6, 3-4 times.
After completion take time to meditate and enjoy the state of deep relaxation
After the very last step you should be a deep trance like state you should be really relaxed
I recommend that you let your next subliminal play
Which should be
Either a theta or epilson wave track or pink noise
Make sure your desired subliminal that plays after is Not a guided meditation you wanna still be in a trance
Start affirming in that point
And don’t stop
Just feel how relaxed you are feel that powerless body but powerful mind
Your body is at ease your soul and mind collide in such ways that allows you to breathe freely without any stress no harm
In the void state
Your main goal should be getting peace
Because if you’re entering just affirm
You’ll likely put it on a pedestal you’ll get frustrated and give up
It is not a wish granter bitch
It’s you
Baby you are powerful
Baby you are pretty
Baby you can tap in the void
And make the bring the 4D to your 3D and make it your home
Don’t use the void as a wish granter
Use it for peace
Don’t treat the 3D like the enemy
Treat it like a friend
After all it exists the way it does because of your assumptions
Whether you say this is hard or this is easy
Sugar, you’re right either way
Because if you assume something then that’s how it’ll be
If you think you’re pretty you’re pretty
But if you think you’re broke
Then you’re broke
If you think you’re rich
Then you’re rich baby
You could have wings
Be the biggest singer or rapper in the world
Star in the next Dune Movie
Be best friends with Ariana Grande
Be a Scientist
Be smarter than Albert Einstein(I mean was he actually super intelligent if he lacked common sense)
You could be get a bigger butt!!
I mean didn’t necessarily have a pancake ass
But I definitely didn’t have a Nicki Minaj
And bestie you can too!
Plastic surgery who???
Do we look like a Kardashian-Jenner?? I think the f not🙄
The void is our plastic surgeon
You wanna a smaller nose?
Got it
Tig ole biddies?
Got it
Nicki Minaj butt?
Got it
Floor length hair?
Got it?
Whatever you want to change about yourself
Got it!
And for the last time babies
Mentally just be
Physically sleep
In that moment baby
Forget the 3D and its fuck ass bob
Because the 3Ds not your enemy but its your puppet
You’re a ventriloquist CONTROL THAT MF
The 4D is you
The void is you
Quit saying what you can’t do babe
“HoNEy I StiLL didNT gET inTO tHe vOiD”
You did it
You just didn’t know
Bro the void is just recognizing you’re asleep
And getting in contact with your mind
Which is where you already go when you go to sleep
So ha
There’s your answer
When we fall asleep
That’s where we go
The mf Void State
The only thing your cute ass has to do baby
Is just be aware
When Neville Goddard says just “BE”
Bitch just BE
That’s it
Be aware
Like that SpongeBob episode
“Be the crane”
Be the Void
It’s just you love
So why you stressing
Why complicate something YOU created?!
Baby girl make it make sense
Own your power bitch
I love you My darlings
Month is almost over
Bring me my success stories
Or I’ll be your sleep paralysis demon 😈
(Just kidding)
Or am I;)
Imma keep pressuring you to listen to this(NOTE YOU DO NOT NEED SUBLIMINALS)
But I like this one🫠
Wrong emoji
I can’t find that cute one at the moment I’m rushing cuz I wanna eat my burger!
because it’s soooo peaceful
Slade is the best
I love you ⭐️💕
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mysticgalsworld · 14 days
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swept away pt.2
a/n: thank you all so much for your support on pt 1 !! i’m so happy to continue this story for all you lovely ppl.. also just a reminder i take requests !! (special shoutout to angelikaschischi for requesting this specifically 😋) anyways pls enjoy lovelies 💕
pairing: hugh jackman x cleaning lady f! reader
summary: after getting a job at a cleaning company as a maid, you’re surprised to find out that the house you’re cleaning for belongs to the Hugh Jackman..
content warnings: fluff, angst, f! reader, maternal role, cursing, hospital, mental illness, power imbalance, slow burn?, not spellchecked
parts: 1, 2
The car ride to the small headquarters of Pristine Cleaning Co. was long. Your knuckles grip the steering wheel tensely, white emerging from the force of your grip.
“I don’t want to accuse you, but what am I suppose to think?” His vicious words cut back into your memory and your foot presses on the gas to go faster.
The squeak of a giggle behind you rings in your ears as you look behind you. The small toddler grabs her own foot in the carrier. Looking at her, you sigh, allowing the tension from your body to exit.
The roundness of her cheeks distract you from your memories and force you to look at her from the rear view mirror. Her finger comes out suddenly with a small whine as she points to the busted radio.
“The radio?” you ask her, not expecting an understandable response. You press the knob, waiting a bit before a slight sound comes out. It’s scratchy and distorted, but after harshly smacking the top of the dashboard, it clears up.
Alicia Keys’ voice comes out slightly muffled, but to the gummy grin of the toddler behind you, she doesn’t seem to mind.
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You closed the banged up door of the old sedan before opening the back and grabbing the baby carrier. Slamming the door, you make your way into the modern building of the Pristine Cleaning Co.
Even though you would rather chop your head off than take another step, you continue. Adjusting your attire, you knock on the small office door and wait. The silence on the other side is as unnerving as the first time you did your interview, but you stand taller.
“Come in.” a smooth voice answers from the other side. Picking up the carrier from the floor, you push open the door slowly before putting on a trepidatious smile on your face.
The woman’s eyes flicker up to you from her paper calendar. She adjusts her framed black glasses before looking down at the carrier and back to your face. “Y/N. Have a seat.”
With her tone, you have to force the saliva to not gulp down your throat as you sit. Thankfully the toddler is too entranced with grasping at the bows in her hair to make any noise.
The room is almost completely silent, saving for the heavy breathing from the child, the automated air conditioning blowing softly into the office, and the heavy sound of keys clicking as she continues to type.
To save you both from the awkwardness of the half-silent room, you speak. “Miss Wong. I was wondering if you have considered finding a replacement for Mr. Jackman’s house?”
She starts, pausing to look thoughtfully at you, resting her manicured fingers on the desk in front of her.
“Mr. Jackman?” Her voice is boarder line sharp as she asks the question. Shit. You were supposed to be “silent, thorough, and unnoticeable” not aware of the residents who lived there.
You swallow softly before meeting her eyes. “I saw a picture on the dresser. So I assumed..” Her eyebrows raise before she sighs, a sound so strangely unlike her you almost shiver.
“Your job is to clean, not to assume. But we have attempted to find a replacement cleaner for his house, yes.”
Your eyebrows furrow slightly, hands making slight fists under the table as you process her vague sentence. You nervously glance up at her, urging your voice to exude professionalism.
“Attempted? After my last cleaning I had hoped to switch his house for the one near Rosemount Grove..”
Miss Wong nods, acknowledging your words. Her gaze remains fixated on you, expression unreadable. The silence stretches on for a few more seconds before she finally responds.
“Yes, attempted. Unfortunately, we have been unsuccessful in finding a replacement cleaner. All our other cleaners at this moment have their hands full with their assigned clients.”
She leans back in her chair, her manicured fingers drumming lightly on the stack of papers in her desk.
“I’m afraid I can’t reassign you, Y/N. It’s either this house or nothing.”
Your hands begin to sweat against your pants as you look at the toddler, now completely passed out. Your voice comes out soft as your gaze is stuck to the sleeping toddler.
“I suppose you’ll call him?” With a wavering voice you think of how much this job means. Without it, you don’t know where you would be.
Pushing up her thick framed glasses, Miss Wong continues to type. She watches silently as you look down at the sleeping toddler, a flicker of understanding passing through her usually stoic expression. She nods slightly, acknowledging your statement and the implications it holds.
“I’ll call him,” she confirms, her voice as poised as ever. “But Y/N?”
Your eyes flash to her, searching for a hint of her next words, but her gaze is already back to the computer screen. Professionalism oozing from her tone, she tries to hide her concern. “The kid won’t be a problem, will it?”
Rapidly shaking your head, you wonder if she even sees it from her typing. “No, Valerie stays with my parents during the cleanings. Not an issue at all..”
She nods imperceptibly, her head barely moving. You move to stand, grabbing carrier from beside you. “Thanks Miss Wong, have a nice day.” She glances at you once more, her eyes drifting back down to the carrier before you exit, but saying nothing.
Once in your car, you try to start it. The engine stalls slightly but you try again, making a mental note to get it checked out. The car starts with a low stammer and you finally leave.
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When you enter the familiar open house, your breath catches in your throat. Opening the door with your key, you beg to some higher power that he sent the company the correct days he wouldn’t be here.
Wiping your sweaty hand on the thighs of your worn jeans, you start. As it was before, you start with the kitchen. Then you go to the living room, basking in the peaceful silence surrounding the house.
The creak of the front door knocks you out from your trance while dusting. Heavy steps enter the home and as you turn to look, you see the man you were hoping to avoid.
Hugh Jackman’s tall, muscular figure steps through the front door, filling up the space with his mere presence. His eyes scan the living room, taking in your figure as you stand frozen in the middle of dusting.
At first, his expression is unreadable, a mixture of surprise and slight regret. But then it softens slightly as his gaze roams over you, noticing how skittish you seem at his unexpected entrance.
“Oh, hello...” His voice is gravelly, and his steps slower as he moves further into the room.
You nod in response to his greeting, you face no longer cracking professional smiles when you see him.
To you, his face is a reminder of those fucking words. “I don’t want to accuse you, but what am I suppose to think?” Because that’s all he thought you were. A thief. A criminal.
The words replay in your brain. They taunt you. In the morning, in the silence of a car ride, in your nightmares.
Turning away, you continue to dust. Hoping that your brushing him off would’ve given him the hint, you are surprised to hear his weight shift as he continues to stand in front of the door.
Now you drop the duster, going to pick up the vacuum. In your peripheral you can see his mouth open to speak, regret so clear on his face. But instead of listening, you crank the vacuum to the highest setting and hope he gets the hint.
He pauses for a moment, watching your dismissive behavior with a mixture of guilt and frustration on his face. Realizing you were purposefully avoiding his attempts to talk, his brow furrows and his tone sharpens slightly.
“Y/N. I need to talk to you.” His tone seems regretful as he slightly raises his voice to talk over the vacuum. You see him out of your peripheral, hands on his hips as he stands there in his sweaty workout clothes.
Instead of acknowledging him, you turn with the vacuum, pretending to not have heard him.
Seeing you ignore him makes him breathe out a heavy sigh before placing a hand over his face in frustration. “Y/N, please! I need to apologize…”
Lowering the vacuum, you turn to him absentmindedly. “I’m not supposed to talk to you…” you respond, devoid of any warmth.
His frown deepens at your words, his shoulders sagging slightly in disappointment. “I know that. But I need to talk to you…”
Turning off the vacuum abruptly, a sudden silence engulfs the room. You turn to him with your arms crossed. You raise your eyebrows with calm anger, hoping to urge him on.
He swallows, his accent sounding gravelly with his low tone. “I’m sorry.”
Raising your eyebrows in surprise, you almost laugh. The two words you dreamed about hearing finally coming out of his mouth and they don’t feel like enough.
Instead of responding you grab a cloth, starting to wipe down the coffee table. Behind you, he clears his throat. “Y/N.”
You turn to him, the dirty cloth still in your hand. With a tone oozing professional indifference, you start. “I have nothing to say sir. Please let me finish my job and I’ll be out of your hair soon.”
“I can’t. I need you to know how sorry I am. I really messed up and I apologize.” He starts to pace slowly, the scene strangely mirroring the situation he was apologizing for.
He continues, his voice rising slightly in regret. “I mean—the second you found the watch behind the dresser I felt like an fucking idiot.”
You giggle slightly at he starts to ramble out his apology. Suddenly your old phone starts to ring. Shit. You keep it on silent and only emergency calls actually ring.
You mumble a quick sorry to him before picking up. Glancing down rapidly at your phone, you answer. Hugh sees this and stops, wondering why you looked stressed as you answer the phone.
Your brows furrow as the person on the phone speaks. “What? Is she okay?” Breathing more heavily, you listen to the other side. “The hospital!” Your voice raises before you mumble a quiet “fuck” under your breath.
Ending the call with a “I’ll be right there,” you rush to pack up your things, leaving a very confused Hugh.
When you say “the hospital” Hugh’s heart drops for you. A sense of dread fills him when he sees you pack your things with panicked movements.
“What’s going on?” His voice exudes authority as he commands an explanation. Your head already feels like it’s about to explode and trying to explain the situation to him may make your head literally melt off. With a rushed sigh, you brush your messy hair off of your forehead. “I’m sorry sir, I have to go to the hospital. So I can’t finish the cleaning today.”
Hugh watches your stressed mannerisms, his mind racing with unanswered questions. He feels a pang of concern, and his brows furrow as he looks at you.
"Ok that’s completely fine.” With that, you nod and head towards the front door with a jog. Once outside you run to your old, beat-up car. Unbeknownst to you, Hugh stands in the front doorway, watching as you rush to leave.
Turning the key, you pray to any higher power that your car starts. It spudders with a low dying sound and you could almost laugh. Of course this happens at the worst possible fucking time. You try again, getting the same result and sighing.
In frustration, you bang your head against the steering wheel, tears fighting to fall. A hard knock against the window startles you as you look up. Hugh stares with furrowed brows as you open the car door. “Need a ride?” His smooth voice almost acts like a buey in this moment.
“Please…” You hurriedly follow him to his silver Audi Q7. Not used to the luxury car, you hesitate but think back to why you need to ride with him in the first place. His voice pulls you out of your thoughts. “Which hospital?” Your breath catches as you think, “Uh—Rosemount Community Hospital.” With a nod he drives, a solemn expression on his face.
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The drive was silent. As soon as the car came to a stop, you hopped out. Rushing through the glass doors of the community hospital, you ask the lady at the front desk for the room number.
Hugh follows, not wanting to leave you here at the hospital alone. He knows he hates the smell of hospitals, the place where death and life meet, and wonders what you think. Do you like hospitals? Do you find them comforting? Or a bad omen?
Following you to the room, he can’t hide his surprise when you open the door to a small toddler sitting with an older woman.
“Valerie…” Your voice whispers softly and you go to cradle the toddler who now has a bright green cast on her tiny leg. You turn to the older woman, your expression becoming venomous as you grit out,“What happened?”
The older woman splutters in surprise at your tone before crossing her arms. “I was making lunch. She wanted to sit on the counter so I let her, but she started to climb. I turned around for one second—once second and she fell…”
Your face reddens as you breathe deeply. Your normal calm anger transpiring into a red-hot fit of rage. Hugh, still stuck in a state of confusion and shock from seeing the toddler, glances curiously at your expression. “Mom, you can’t do that. She’s a baby, she can’t even walk yet… She shouldn’t even be on the counter in the first place.” With a sigh, you put a hard on your tired face while picking up the giggly toddler.
“Just—can you get the doctor please, Mom?” You sit with Valerie in your arms, watching as your mom leaves the room. Almost disassociating, you stare at the stark white tile before Hugh speaks up.
“Is that your daughter?” His voice seems curious and a little shaken. You aren’t really old, maybe mid 20s. Clearing your throat slightly, you still hold your gaze to the tile. “No.. she’s my little sister. My mom has early onset Alzheimer’s and usually my dad is there to help take care of her.”
Hugh feels his heart drop slightly at your response, a pang of sympathy filling him as he to you. His eyes flicker to the little girl sitting snugly on your lap, who is still giggling obliviously.
Nodding slowly, he takes in the weight of your words before speaking quietly. “I'm sorry about your mom—that’s horrible. And your dad?"
You shrug your shoulders casually, your expression blank and disappointed. Valerie brings you out of your the thoughts, her small hand getting stuck in the bottom of your hair. With a smile, you glance to her face. Chubby cheeks, stubby baby teeth, and the soft tufts of her hair remind you of who you’re doing this for.
Clearing your throat, you look to Hugh, who’s now standing in the corner. “Thank you…” Your voice comes out in a whisper, almost as if you are afraid to say them louder.
His eyes widen for a moment, his heart clenching at the almost timid tone in your voice. He swallows deeply, feeling his throat grow dry as he responds.
"Don't mention it..."
You laugh softly as you think of your piece of crap car sitting dead in the front of his nice house. With a small sigh, you realize having to get it fixed will eat into your already minimal savings.
Pulling out your phone, you call a tow truck company to pick up the car and take it to the shop. Hugh just watches as you do this, a little confused because he was more than willing to do it for you. While you’re on the phone, your mom comes back with the doctor in tow.
Immediately, you end the call and give your attention to the doctor as he explains that Valerie’s leg is broken, but will heal nicely after a couple months. You breathe out a sigh you didn’t even know you were holding and thank the doctor for his time.
Turning to Hugh, your voice comes out strong. “Thank you, Mr. Jackman. For everything… I’ll see you next week.” You almost miss the slight frown at your professional use of his name, but you don’t. Turning to walk out of the room with Valerie in your arms and your mom on your heels, you give him one last smile as you go.
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The next week goes smoothly. Continuing your routine, you start with the kitchen. As you start to organize the refrigerator, you hear the heavy steps of Hugh entering. Instead of his normal sweaty workout clothes, you’re almost surprised to see him in comfy clothes.
He gives you a smile before continuing to the coffee machine. Without turning around, his voice rings out above the soft hum of your music. “Coffee?”
Instead of answering, you walk to the cupboard and pull out two mugs. He watches as you place them next to the machine, a small smile on your face. The hint of domesticity from making coffee shocks both of you, so you retreat back to the fridge.
He pours the coffee and approaches you at the fridge with both cups in his hands. Your pinky brushes against his as you grasp the ceramic mug. A buzz of electricity shoots through your arm as you revel in the warmth of it. In a daze, you whisper a thank you before picking out the creamer and offering it to him. He takes it with a smile, happy that you are no longer ignoring him.
Taking a sip, you bask in the rich taste before Hugh’s voice pulls you out of your focus. “How’s Valerie?” Almost completely forgetting that he was at the hospital with you, you clear your throat surprised. You don’t know what surprises you more, the fact that he remembers her name or actually cares about how she’s doing.
“She’s fine—finally getting use to the cast.” I take another sip of my coffee, choosing to keep my gaze on the island between us. He nods in my peripheral, his voice coming out to give a small “That’s good.”
The silence is somewhat awkward and somewhat comfortable, but he decides to break it. “I’m sorry. I should’ve never accused you.”
Nodding, you take in his words. You focus on the deep rumble of regret in his voice, the emotion of it making his accent come out stronger. “I’m not a thief. I just—I can’t lose this job.” Your voice comes out almost desperate. You could curse at the small wobble that comes out as you bite through the words. Afraid to look him in the eye after your words, you set the mug down and go back to reorganizing the fridge.
You can feel his eyes stuck on you, the feeling of it curious and prodding. You continue, picking up the condiments and reorganizing them.
“My father gave me that watch.” The words are so sudden and soft, it shocks you. Your shoulders deflate as you unravel the tension from your earlier words. You turn slowly, mouth open to say something but he stops you. “—That’s why I was so upset… He passed a couple years ago and I wear that watch to—uh remember him, I guess.”
The soft and somewhat solemn expression on his face takes you off guard. Even though he is looking down at the counter in remembrance, you almost feel like the atmosphere is staring down into your soul.
“Mr. Jackman…” you start. He interrupts, holding up a hand, “—Hugh, please.” Nodding, you play with the handle of your mug as you watch him. “Hugh, I’m so sorry.. I shouldn’t have been so defensive and—”
Your mouth opens to explain more, your fear and hatred of people not treating you as a human with thoughts, maybe even your fear of losing this job, but he stops you. He stops you from your unnecessary groveling. “None of it was your fault. I was just stressed and upset and I took it out on you… I’m the one who’s sorry…”
With a nod and a small smile, you listen. Really listen—to everything; his voice, his words, and the soft gravel of his accent. “It’s okay…” With a nod and soft smile, toeing the boarder of friendship, you turn and go back to the fridge.
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The following week, the smiles only grow. Instead of telling your company the dates he won’t be there, it seems that every time you come to clean he “accidentally” keeps running into you. When you are cleaning the kitchen, he decides that is the perfect time to have his midafternoon cup of coffee. Or when you’re cleaning his bedroom, he needs to grab things that he coincidentally forgets to bring downstairs.
And the notes reappear too. Silly doodles with swirls and faces conjoined with encouraging notes of admiration. And every time, they make your day. Even when your morning has taken a turn for the worse.
Like this morning Valerie decided now was the time to try to take her cast off by herself. You sigh exhausted as you remember the wails and cries of pain from the itching she had under the cast this morning.
Even with your face and body exhausted, the neon brightness of a colored note sticking to the TV screen brings a soft smile to your face. You pull it softly off the dark screen and pull it closer to your tired eyes to read.
“Coffee?” It’s covered in zigzags, smiley faces, and a badly-drawn cup of coffee, but yet you still feel your feet pulling to the kitchen.
Moving to the kitchen, you are shocked to see Hugh sitting at the countertop with a puzzle, a steaming cup of coffee in his own hand and another in the seat beside him. With a tired smile you greet him, a casual “Hey Hugh” coming from your lips.
He glances up from the puzzle, a pair of reading glasses and a concentrated smile on his face. For a second you glance down to his lips, drawn in a concentrated pout from the puzzle. But still he greets you warmly, the pout disappearing in an instant, replaced with a warm smile.
You take the counter seat next to him, sipping your coffee and watching as he continues his puzzle. Small conversation flows easily, you focused on the coffee and him on the puzzle.
His eyebrows furrow slightly as he focuses on his next question. “And Valerie? How’s her leg?” Your shoulders sag as you sigh with exhaustion. “She wasn’t doing too well this morning, her leg itches a lot but she can’t verbalize it yet so I basically just have to guess.”
Hugh nods, his lips pursing together as he thinks. “God, that sounds tiring. I know when my kids were younger it helped if I distracted them with things they liked.” He shrugs casually as he suggests for you to try it. You nod, taking in the information before taking another sip of your coffee.
Raising the mug to your lips, a piece of the puzzle stands out to you from your peripheral vision. Timidly, you slide the piece over to him, noticing it’s the one he’s missing. The appreciative smile he gives you could light up a room as he slides the puzzle to fit in between you both.
Knowing that you company wouldn’t approve, you have so many things that need to be done, and are a complete hot mess, you work on the puzzle with him.
You find it peaceful. Another taste of the domesticity you could have if you just let yourself be swept away.
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a/n: hey lovelies !! as always, let me know what you think and whether or not you want me to continue with a part three.. i’m hoping to update a least once a week, but sometimes it may be more or it may be less (also pls lmk if you have any requests) anyways, love you guys 💕
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1onelypoet · 8 months
stuck by the glue pt4 || op81 smau
a/n: last part. im a little depressed abt it but im working on a (hopefully) much better smau with like writing (does that make sense?) sooo. again thank u guys sm for the love 💕 ALSO OSCAR NEW IG POST WAS SOSODOD
pairing: oscar piastri x singer!reader
fc: beabadoobe
warnings: cursing and the mildest of mild innuendo
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liked by logansargeant, lnfour, opeightyone and others
oscarpiastri First race back was a crazy one 🥴
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mclaren A day to remember!
oscarpiastri 👊👊
landoscar OP81 WDC 2024 🗣🗣
landonorris Great job, mate!
pastry4piastri im so normal abt him!
oscarpiastriswife same.
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbff, littlebodybigheart and others
tagged yourbff, yourfriend1
yourusername it's a blacked out blur but im pretty sure it ruled 🍒
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youfriend1 there's no bond like the one between drunk dutch girlies who don't speak english and drunk american girlies who don't speak dutch 💕
yourusername nothing brings ppl together like alcohol-induced nausea 💓
landonorris think you guys forgot to invite me
yourbff we didn't invite you! yourbff girls only 😘 yourusername esp after that comment 😐 landonorris I'm not sorry.
y/ntaylorsversion oscar is not giving up lmao
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oscarpiastri added to their story
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[caption: my world ❤️]
seen by yourusername, lilymhe, logansargeant and others
yourusername got me giggling n blushing n shit 🤸‍♀️ oscarpiastri that's the goal 💕 also why are you cartwheeling yourusername y not 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
yourbff simp oscarpiastri only for y/n ☺️ yourbff ok that's kinda sweet ig... still using the emojis like a grandpa tho!
yourbff added to their story
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[caption: last day in the netherlands w my bae yourusername n her man]
seen by yourfriend1, yourusername, oscarpiastri and others
yourusername we're such masterminds 🤞🤞 yourbff imagine if they dont figure it out lmao even tho we layed it all out yourusername HELP bet they're gonna say it's logan again yourbff nah logans mine 🥊🥊 he just doesn't know it yet! yourusername LMFAOO i ship it 💝
logansargeant i thought y/n and oscar were hardlaunching? yourbff y/n is wearing the same jacket as the one in oscar's story so u can tell it's her logansargeant who's gonna notice that 😭 yourbff twitter the chronically online hoes etc logansargeant ...so you
yourusername added to their story
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seen by oscarpiastri, f1gossip, landonorris and others
oscarpiastri ❤️❤️❤️ can't wait to show you off yourusername AHHHH U CANT SAY SHIT LIKE THAT cant wait to show u off too ☹️☹️
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liked by oscarpiastri, f1_gossip, laufey and others
tagged oscarpiastri
yourusername love u to the moon and to saturn ❤️
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oscarpiastri ❤️❤️❤️
oscarpiastri This guy's very lucky!
yourusername ur such a dork oscarpiastri You love me though ;) yourusername yeah <3
yourusername im the luckiest logansargeant this is disgusting oscarpiastri Don't be rude to my gf yourfriend2 U TELL HIM OSCAR
oscarpiastri I love you so much
yourusername I love you toooooo
laufey so happy for you my love
yourusername mwah
alex_albon Congrats!
yourusername omggg thx alex
yourfriend1 YALL R SO CUTEEE
yourusername thank u bb
oliviarodrigo cute! (sleeping on the highway 2night)
gracieabrams love! (gonna go bathe with my toaster) conangray amazing! (taking a long walk off a short pier)
lilymhe you guys are the cutest I'm crying
yourusername lils 😭😭
yourbff ngl this made me tear up a little
yourbff no but fr, there is nothing better than seeing u happy. so so happy for u y/n ❤️
yourusername ur gonna make me cry. yourbff good.
logansargeant photo credits pls
yourusername no logansargeant wow okay i see how it is
mclaren Welcome to the family!
yourusername sobbing. oscarpiastri I can confirm this
landonorris the draining life of a thirdwheel...
oscarpiastri It was like 3 times. landonorris 😔😔
logansargeant same mate yourbff hi im free monday 8pm xx landonorris FIFTHWHEELING NOW
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liked by yourusername, clairo, mclaren and others
tagged yourusername
oscarpiastri All's well that ends well to end up with you ❤️
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yourusername AHHHHHHHH
yourusername best. bf. ever.
oscarpiastri best. gf. ever. landonorris get. a. room. yourusername no ❤️
carlossainz55 You are the child. yourusername OKAY GO OFF KING 🔥🔥🔥
lilymhe we've all seen the pictures. she looks amazing! and, um, he's there...
alex_albon I'm starting to think you're y/n's girlfriend lilymhe I am! alex_albon @/oscarpiastri you seeing this, mate?
mclaren 🧡🧡🧡
logansargeant again, no photo creds? this is insane.
oscarpiastri 😬😬
danielricciardo Congrats, mate! 🎉🥳🎊
oscarpiastri Thank you!
landonorris not the emojis...
alex_albon ❤️
liamlawson30 We should go on a double date sometime!
oscarpiastri We'd love to!
opeightyone Aaand couple of the year award goes to...
yourbff u better treat her right or else
oscarpiastri I will 🫡🫡
youfriend1 not the public threat smh youbff 😘😘
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liked by oscarpiastri, honeymoon, f1gossipgirl and others
tagged mclaren, oscarpiastri, landonorris
yourusername 1st gp as papaya girlie <3 also yes ik the top n skirt arent papaya i have no orange clothes :(
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oscarpiastri Stunning 💕
yourusername <3
mclaren Our favorite papaya girlie!
y/nupdates admin is so real for this
landonorris @/oscarpiastri get the girl some papaya clothes
mclaren ^^
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zucchinitart · 4 months
ty for 1K on insta 💖💖 (‼️UPDATED RULES‼️)
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gonna host a DTIYS! I thought I may as well do it here too so more ppl have the opportunity for prizes
Here’s the rules!
DTIYS rules: (deadline- Aug 1st)
-Draw Laughing Jack in your style “trapped in a box.” Frame size doesn’t matter! If you’d like to use mine, I did 1:1
-The color scheme has to consist of black, white, and a color of your choice! You can also choose other minor colors for highlights or something along those lines, but there must be those 3 main colors. (Ik black and white aren’t colors 😭 but for the sake of this challenge they are)
-‼️tag me (zucchinitart) and add the tag #zucchinitart1k (rules are different for this if posting on insta, also added the tag to make sure I don’t miss any from my notifs)
It’s okay if you want to go outside of these rules a bit, but make sure to do the last step so I’ll consider you for prizes!
1st place- fully rendered character of choice (full body or not, no bg)
2nd place- fully rendered bust of character
3rd place- detailed sketch
I’ll do some honorable mentions and reblog every entry as well! (I don’t expect much from tumblr tho 😭 I’ll be thankful if at least one person does it here 🧎‍♀️ and at least THREE ppl in total…then I can rest in peace)
The deadline will be August 1st, and then I’ll start considering winners the next week.
Thank you so much again, and I hope you guys will have fun with this 🤲💕💖
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venuscnjunctpluto · 1 year
Observations Pt 7.
Credits: @venuscnjunctpluto
* Jesse’s Lilith is in Billie’s 12th house. This is such scary synastry to me because you don’t see how the Lilith person can be manipulating you or even trying to seduce you.
*scorpio risings have something noticeable about their ‘glabella’ (space in btw the eyes specifically the smooth area above the nose I had to Google it lol) I notice Scorpio risings have glabella’s that protrude which makes their eyes even more noticeable and intense. And it makes them look like a skunk lol (ex: Taylor swift, dita von teese, Natalie Portman, Chaka Khan, and Sydney Sweeney)
*moon square Venus people are the epitome of Candy Heron in mean girls. They end up in friendships and relationships that worse their emotional well-being. It’s usually summed up to them not being able to be themselves around their “friends” or partners.
*libra risings have pudgy noses with smaller nostrils while Aries risings have defined noses with larger nostrils. You can usually guess these two by their noses
*Capricorn rising women 🤝 elaborate ponytails, long braids, bangs idk their hair gives off power puff girl vibes
*the way Pisces placements get talked to is ridiculous to me. People will talk to them like literal children which is very demeaning.
*simone biles just got married congrats to her! Her husband has so many prominent cancer placements and 0 degree libra mars. Civilized cardinal placements have such big husband/wife energy it’s insane. Very romantic and taking the time you learn you as a person. They also have Venus trine Venus, mars conjunct mars, moon conjunct moon synastry 💕
*kelis is the perfect example of a Leo dominant. She wears so many vibrant colors, dyed her hair often, and always carried confident aura.
*I notice Scorpio Venus women defend plastic surgery and those who get it. I know three of them who defend the kardashians like crazy (even though ppls problem is the lying about surgery but anywho). I think it’s bc they would get plastic surgery as well if they could.
*venus-uranus/aqua Venus placements make friends so easily it’s insane. They’ll get reposted on social media a lot as well.
*Ik this guy with cupido conjunct mars and he’s a huge flirt and player. I have cupido conjunct mars and I think it attracts players towards me it’s been so many situations a guy has tried to hide his player tendencies but I always found out eventually. I think this is a red flag placement🚩🚩🚩🚩
*i have cupido in the 8th so does Barack Obama, Ryan gosling, Rihanna, Monica Bellucci, Elizabeth Taylor, Cardi B. This might be a very seductive placement these ppl probably go all in when they’re attracted to someone. Or they might use their sexuality to get their crushes.
*zoe kravitz playing Selina Kyle and having Venus conjunct pluto makes sense. She can pull off darker looks and I notice women w this look like cats. Ryan destiny is also a good example of this.
* a lot of my celeb crushes I have their Venus in my 1st. Matthew Gary gubler, Rob Lowe, Prince, Johnny depp, Cillian Murphy etc…the house person can admire the Venus persons’s style.
*uranus-asc have something unique about their appearance and usually it’s a cleft chin (ex: Ben Affleck, Troian Bellisario, Adele) I have this aspect as well and I have one
*virgo venuses 🤝 wearing black clothes and glasses
*sag venuses 🤝wearing goofy graphic t-shirts
*hilaria baldwin has a sag venus and obviously that’s a indicator of being into other cultures. I notice ppl who tend to be fixated on or appropriate other cultures have sag or aqua venuses *insert timothee chalamet’s rap video lol*
*in defense of Austin butlers sexy voice…a lot of Taurus risings have voice changes or issues. Miley Cyrus’s voice has gotten incredibly deeper as well because she developed a condition. Unpopular opinion I think his voice just changed😭
* Saturn-asc and people thinking you’re older bc you are reserved. They’re the kid who sat down quietly and read books or knitted while everybody else was running around. Even when we have other carefree placements our Saturn-asc makes them barely noticeable at all during first impressions. We also love vintage clothing (ex: Keith powers) I saw a similar post but I agree that this can make someone’s rising traits develop more as they get older. As an Aries rising I didn’t start working out or asserting myself more until I got older.
Stars with Venus-asc tend to be really charismatic and funny during interviews. (Ex: Rihanna, keke Palmer, Megan the stallion, and lizzo)
*saturn-sun people have very strict fathers or male figures who tried to control them a lot growing up. This can make them very hard on themselves as they get older and I notice a lot of lawyers have major Saturn aspects.
* two prominent stem malfunctions (challenger explosion and the Columbia explosion) happened during Aquarius season
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numba1meikinnie · 8 months
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More abt my headcanons below ↓↓ (get ready for a yap fest)
OK so this is just gonna be me rambling and this might not make sense but I'm rlly excited to talk about this cause I love them mmm
For MK I hc him with black hair unlike the brown hair the fandom likes to give him... (ALSO I GAVE HIM ACNE CAUSE I ALSO HAVE ITT, CLOSE UP IMAGE SO YOU CAN SEE IT)
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I also used some of the stuff from his minifigure like the headband and the keys he has (plus I added matching necklaces for Mei and Mk cause I thought it was cute I LOVE GOLDEN DRAGONNN)
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Also I replaced the stupid cloud thing that I have trouble drawing with peach draw strings (Hoodies r cooler than jackets) and I just gave him more laid back clothing overall cause that's the vibe I get from him
I mostly based her design off of my friends cause I really love their Mei design but I added my own stuff too (images for reference ↓↓)
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For example I really like the HC that Mei is the tallest out of TLT (cause dragon) I also gave her a more fashionable style compared to her original. Like I get that she's tomboyish but her outfit is dead ass copy and pasted from Mk's fit...
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BUT I also don't rly like adding extra stuff on Mei like how some ppl give her dragon ears and horns. Her hair style is meant to mimic a dragons head so adding horns and ears is like defeating the purpose... (But I love the idea of giving her a tail!! And pointy dragon teeth which I added)
And that's really all I have to say about the designs I just rlly love them!! If u made it this far thank you for reading my rambles 💕
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8um8le · 1 year
I mean this in the nicest way possible… Your art style reminds me of Black Butler 💕
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Oooh? Thats interestin, I use to love that anime when I was little (like 12) but I’m not caught up on it, last time I watched it was during the book of circus arc, Maybe its the tall lanky body proportions 🤔
Also I love how it’s slowly becoming a thing where I just draw these three parodying pop culture, it kinda reminds me of when I was younger and made ocs for specific animes/games/cartoons n what not, also reminds me why I’m so drawn into the dca community, ppl are so creative with making aus <33
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loveandleases · 21 days
hellooooo, I really love well...the idea of love and leases!! lol I saw another person read it as love and leashes at first and honestly same 🤭 are there going to be any nsfw scenes in the actual IF? just curious!!
Reading how the ROs are, I can just imagine my anime-loving hopeless romantic MC who's also oblivious to love and inexperienced trying to romance M lmaoooo. like phew...they haven't even had their first kiss either so oh boy good luck to these two fxnsjdjjdsjs. okay but just imagine they're watching some romance anime and suddenly during a scene MC is trying to act it out to flirt with M...like would they play along? just be flustered? :D
nah but fr I love seeing older ROs w no experience, it makes me feel so seen. the only romantic relationships I've had really were online and I never met them irl so I haven't really gotten the chance to experience it in-person. it's so comforting seeing similar ppl even in a game 💕
I now regret not naming it that. Would have suited it. Yup, there will ne NSFW scenes in game. (with option to skip/fade to black).
The both of them would be so awkward and cute, might even need some outside help! M would definitely play along. They can be pretty oblivious so its likely they would think it was simply just yo roleplay and nothing more unless MC says otherwise.
M can be so flustered snd slso brazen. Because imagine they then view this as good learning material for their writing. So they would then want to try certain methods of kissing to monitor mcs reaction. (and get lost in the moment.)
I wanted to have someone who was stills figuring it all out, who hasn't gotten to that point in life and who is fine with just being thenselves. M is s romantic, but they're fine with it just being from an outside perspective. M doesn't see why anyone would ever feel that way towards them.
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inkyarcturus · 4 months
For my contribution for pride month I’d like to share my personal head canons for Harry Potter characters!!!
Harry Potter: I’m gonna be honest I project on this man far too unhealthily to NOT be biased (I’ve been going by the name Harry in IRLfor 3 and a half years now I think? Bc of this man /srs) but that man’s bi with a capital B 💕💜💙 personally I enjoy seeing trans man Harry as well but unfortunately I don’t see as many fanfics of him as such :,) shoutout to all the fanfic creators I see making Harry a trans woman tho!!! I’d also love to see a genderfluid/nonbinary Harry or two!!!
Hermione Granger: trans woman!!! 🏳️‍⚧️ *crowd cheers* as for sexuality wise? I’ve seen her depicted as straight, bisexual and lesbian- and honestly I think I can see her fitting all of these!!!
Ronald Weasley: I always struggle to pinpoint what I headcanon Ron to be. I have seen a couple of people headcannoning him as a trans man 🏳️‍⚧️- referencing Molly continuing to have children until she had a girl creates perfect levels of angst for this- but I wouldn’t say it’s a permanent aspect of him inside my head. Now that I think about him a little more- I think I might headcanon him as unlabeled more than anything sexuality wise. I think he’s into women but he wouldn’t be opposed or too surprised if he developed a crush on a guy.
Luna Lovegood: She’s a lesbian 🏳️‍🌈💕 (I will occasionally accept fanfics where she is pan and is with Neville but her being a lesbian is the main headcanon) also a little gender queer in whichever way you choose 🏳️‍⚧️ sometimes I see her as genderfluid, bigender and just generally nonbinary
Ginny Weasley: bi- so so bi 💕💜💙
Draco Malfoy: Gayest motherfucker in town I’m sorry- Mr. Tells his father literally everything about Harry 💚🤍💙
Remus Lupin: bi 💕💜💙 there’s no question about that in my mind, I think he has a small preference for men but that’s it!!!
Sirius Black: He switches between using the labels queer and gay but you know that man kisses other men!!! 💚🤍💙 I know a lot of people tend to headcanon him as genderfluid which I enjoy seeing but it’s never been a main stay headcanon for me :,)
Tonks: (She/they) Lesbian and Intersex 🏳️‍🌈💕💛🟣. I’m sorry but the age gap between Remus and her in the original books make me uncomfortable- as for being intersex, I think most ppl believe being a metamorphmagus means she is automatically genderfluid, while I like seeing genderfluid representation, I think ppl often fail to acknowledge the difference between sex and gender. As a metamorphmagus, she transforms her body, her gender doesn’t seem to change w it in the books. While I like the headcanons of them being genderfluid I wish more people explored that specific idea.
Severus Snape: queer? Queer. In every sense of the word. I think most people view him as bi 💕🟣💙 which I agree with (Lily and Mulciber, also absolutely headcanon him having a crush on both Lucius AND Narcissa) but also I think he’s a little bit gender funky- I mean just look at him- no one who stands like that isn’t just cis /ref. Sev absolutely painted his nails and did eyeliner, he absolutely wore a floor length black skirt and absolutely had days where mister hit wrong in all the right places and everyone in her group helped by doing tiny things like braiding her hair and putting bat clips in it for fun 🏳️‍⚧️
Anyways speed run round 🏃
💕🟣💙: Cedric Diggory, Cho Chang (has the fandom chosen a new name for her yet?) Bill Weasley
🧡💛🤍🩵💙: Charlie Weasley, Neville? (Didn’t think of this until just now but it’s growing on me?-)
🏳️‍🌈💚🤍💙: Dean thomas, Seamus Finnegan, Dumbledore (I may not like him that much but he is gay)
🏳️‍🌈💕: Minerva Mcgonagall, Poppy Pomfrey
If I missed anyone I’m sorry :,)
Anyways!!! Join if you’d like with your own headcanons!!!
@pottistic @marriso1 (If you guys don’t wanna join w ur own headcanons that’s okay! I thought this would just be fun :P)
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feedeebabyx · 6 months
**new & updated**
intro to my page, PLS READ 🫶🏽
i love pink, black, and all things FAT, so if you don’t like feedism and fatties or pink, TOODLES B*TCHES 🤗💖(kidding w the pink🤣)
this is a feedism and all things fat blog🌸
⬆️( with a hint of food, cats and weed lmao )
pls don’t interact if this isn’t ur thing - there is no toleration of hate or judgement around these sides !
( 18+ ONLY PLS 🔞 )
All my content on Tumblr & Instagram is free for the feedism community to enjoy including videos & pictures.. & being an active gainer is NOT cheap😭so if you would ever be so kind to donate, it would LITERALLY mean the absolute world🥺💖
I’m Feedee Baby☺️
age : 21💕
sexuality: 🌈 femme lesbian ( and very taken💍 ) @studchublover7
pronouns : she/her 👩🏾‍🦱 (i’m a cis-gender women)
from: UK 🇬🇧
neurodivergent: Autistic & ADHD 💛
SW: 191lbs (87kg)
CW: 260lbs (118kg)
GW: who knows?🤭
-if this is your place to be, then please give a follow and interact😗 don’t be shy !💕
-i am open to dms! (pls don’t be a creep, bcos i will block you🤣) i’d really love to make some more friends and mutuals in the feedism community. Also, NO MEN dm me please, it’s nothing personal, I just don’t feel comfortable talking with y’all..💕
-feedism is something so beautiful and healing for me, it’s all about enjoying food and loving my chubby body, i don’t really have a goal weight..i just wanna eat and love my fat lmao💕
-i’m also not bothered about how big i get, as long as i can still travel and live life☺️💖
kinks/what I AM into:
feedee, gainer, sapphic nsfw, weight gain, submissive, fat play, soft feedism, bdsm, light humiliation, belly worship, teasing, bloating/stuffing, tight clothes, size contrast
what i’m NOT into:
vore, scat/piss play, pet play, death feedism, immobility, extreme feedism, slob, extreme humiliation, mutual gaining
Everyone is welcome here as long as you’re kind!
Now that’s all out of the way, enjoy my blog!
& keep getting fatter (for my gainers & feedees) 🫶🏽💖
and keep loving on the fat (for my Feeders, FAs & Encouragers)🫶🏽💖
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bruciemilf · 1 year
tim-liker here! :3 thank u for responding, i think i get ur point. i also am not partial to ppl treating him like he won the suffering olympics or smth bc everyone in that family suffered -- just in different ways. he did suffer a lot of losses all at once, but i think the point of his character is his tenacity to stick to the lifestyle -- arguably to his own detriment bc the things he did to cope...he tightropes the morally grey area like no one's business n tbh that's what makes me drawn to him. i guess nothing i say can make u like him but maybe i can try giving a new perspective...? i'm aware that some of his stans -- with good intentions or otherwise -- tend to blame bruce (who was depressed n mourning) for tim's hardships when he was robin, but i personally see him as the robin who was most fitting to work w/ bruce even when bruce was in that mental state, bc tim is the one most similar to bruce in the "headstrong, mission-driven, self-isolating" kind of way. welp idk if all that makes sense?🥲 but maybe what i'm rly getting to is i rly love ur bruce/batfam/(and bruharvey!!❤️💕) hcs so it's kind of sad that sometimes tim gets sidelined bc some of the takes on his character are...like that. anyways thank u again for replying!! sorry for rambling in ur inbox lol
That's more than understandable! I would love for Tim to be given the complexity he deserves, because you're right, I do think his moral ambiguity can be interesting. As long as it really IS ambiguous and fluctuates.
Moral ambiguity goes only as far as the person writing it and their own angle on morality in general, I think.
My definition of it is a person who understands the stakes, the sacrifices, the bad side effects, and how their decision impacts people around them. Because the grey part has to BE grey. Otherwise youre just writing a self aware asshole.
You don't have to be the hero, but you don't need to be a villain.
Tim, for me, is incredibly self-aware. He knows what's wrong with him just as well as he knows what's wrong with everyone else.
He's a perfectionist and he's self critical and he's goal driven to the point where people get hurt because of his emotional detachment and inability to comprehend that his decision have long term consequences.
But I don't think that's a red mark on HIM, because hey, everyone in the batfamily is like that. The fandom's problem is not understanding that there's no black sheep in a wolf pack.
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After my own possibly I wrhiing I realize what this boils down to is unchecked internal anti-blackness, but like sideways.
The problem: I want to start making art videos and YouTube and I’ve seen many others have a little character on screen as they talk. I never planned to have the character look like me and when I did a first draft of the design I liked what I had a lot. But the character has dark skin (on purpose, when I thought of the design and colors she was always a dark skinned black girl) and I am not. Well I’m black but I’ve got a touch of albinism so my skin is Very Very light.
My fear: I know in this day and age black creators are overlooked ignored or stolen from. And we as humans tend to connect dots even if they aren’t there. If I have a character sprite with dark skin people will connect that to me since I’m the one speaking. And I feel like that’s not a spot for me to take.
A life long journey of feeling like I don’t fit in (probably some undiagnosed stuff up in my brain plus gender issues) and also knowing from a young age that having lighter skin was considered Good to the outside world. My mother told me this. Not as like a “tear everyone down” mentality just stating how things worked. She saw it as a positive for me potentially. And while I understood I never liked it. I didn’t like that I would be considered more capable just for how I looked when I myself felt out of place in my own community bc of it.
My question: Am I overthinking this? Am I correct in thinking that having a dark skinned channel persona, even if I stated it was not a dedication of myself, lead to ppl thinking I had certain colorism struggles that I didn’t? And just how deep in the weeds am I with this internalized thinking bc. I’m closer to 30 than 20 and while I personally felt out of place with my classmates I did Not feel more welcome in majority white spaces. College was a huge shock to me bc up until then I was at predominantly black schools the first 18 years of my life.
So me personally: you mentioned you feel like that's not a spot for you to take. Yes, that does feel a bit colorist. Not even for you yourself, but if you make people think you're dark skinned, and then suddenly that's not who you are... it'll be upsetting to many people who are darker skinned. I can see how they may feel mocked, regardless of if you didn't intend to do so.
I feel like on the flip side, there are Black kids and people with albinism that would benefit from seeing you! That's important representation right there! I'd get it if this were like, an anime character with brown skin for vtube. But if you really want to make something that lets people connect with you, that people will inevitably picture as "you"... maybe you ought to choose yourself! Why not? While you should be aware of the privilege that comes with being lighter skinned, it's not like you're going to get booed for having a light skinned sprite. If it's designed well, we'll know that you're still Black.
At the end of the day, I don't think it's *that* bad if you choose to make a Black sprite that doesn't look like your specific Black, but it will upset some people if they think it's supposed to be you. I don't represent everyone. I also do think that perhaps you should take some time to work with, care for, and love yourself- it feels like this is a little deeper than the sprite. 💕
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endenope · 1 year
Feral rn I ADORE consensual edging, overstimulation, and multiple orgasms 😩 we all know Kaveh is a squirt enthusiast and pussy drunk so he'll try to pull as many as he can from Alhaitham before the sessions over. Maybe even pushing him beyond that (watersports anyone? 👉👈 its fine if its not your thing) but Kaveh, being the doting partner he is, always makes sure to give him water and a nice long bath with lots of praise and skin contact if Haitham is up for it. I'll be awaiting the day you decide to come back to this idea! - 🍋
YESSSSSSSS YESSSSSSSSSSSSS OMORASHI i heavily implied it without saying it out loud bc i know most ppl are prob not into this so i left it there but in my mind i was chanting it while writing this very vaguely, idk if u noticed it AHHAH
(omo rambling utc, dont click if u know u dont like this kinda stuff)
(first of all, for me big no to drinking or them getting it in the mouth, its just the whole control thing) i just find the idea of haitham getting edged and fucked so good he loses control over his body that he just releases all over himself and blacking out from the relief and bliss for a sec before he gets so embarrassed and humiliated (in a delicious way he not-so-secretly enjoys (bc kaveh is smart and found out soon) that he has to hide his face for a bit to calm down (i like to hc he does that when hes actually getting embarrassed for once, taking a sec to collect himself) and its so very cute to kaveh- and also too arousing to see haitham like this. hes so vulnerable, willingly showing kaveh, giving him this control bc he trusts him the most and it does things to kavehs heart and brain
theres just smth seeing this stoic aloof man, always seeming so unreachable and cool and always in control, all drunk and stupid on (only kavehs) cock, his entire body a mess of fluids, trembling and moaning and crying, all of his control either gone or given willingly to kaveh.......... <3 beautiful
while were on omo topic, now i got another idea to draw bc the mental image is now stuck in my brain omg i just love haitham getting embarrassed or all blushing while he loses control (and gets even wetter bc he enjoys it)
i want and need to draw all this waaaa every time we all ramble here i have the feral need to draw all this bc the mental images !!! theyre every where .. .. 😩💕
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