#also between the horse here and in the marianne doodles u can really tell idk wtf a horse is
darkspiket · 2 years
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im legally allowing myself to be cringe in front of people by posting my fire emblem oc on the internet and not simply for my viewing pleasure only her backstory is below the cut hehe ITS. KIND OF A LOT SORRY AHHHH
im now obliged to tell u all that shes the girl in the stupid sylvain hair shitpost i drew LMFAOuigsghkvsdfh
anyways back to HER!
Elvira is the second daughter of house Rosseau, an old offshoot of the Fraldarius bloodline dating centuries back. They are in charge of a small area in the south of Fraldarius, famous for it’s fertile lands and the house itself prides itself on its horse husbandry. This however has gone to waste as of late due to the mismanagement of Elvira’s father, Edgar; a former knight of King Lambert present during the tragedy of Duscur. He seeks forgiveness for his actions through hefty donations to the Church, hoping he’d be forgiven for not being able to protect his King and encourages his daughters to follow the faith. Elvira’s older sister Juana is the current heir to the House and while keeping up a front to her father, heavily disagrees with his actions and will do anything to heighten their house’s power; including the manipulation of her younger sister. 
She keeps a tight leash on Elvira, raising her to be the epitome of perfection. She tells her that she needed to be the very best so that their house could survive, but in reality it was so she could marry Elvira off to the highest bidder. This gives Elvira a perfectionist complex, constantly pushing herself to meet her sister’s expectations, even if it hurts her. She almost falls apart during an evening with a noble her sister had arranged for her to meet, where they had exposed her sister’s true intentions when she had rejected their advances. It shattered the facade her sister had created, making her run away. She ends up startling a horse in her panicked frenzy, making it trample its owner and it scars her. She ends up going back to her sister because she doesn’t know where else to go.
From then on, she’s a lot more aware of Juana’s actions and asks to go to Garreg Mach to escape. Her father approves, glad she was getting more in touch with the church but Juana was opposed to the idea. Elvira manages to convince her by assuring her she’d try get into the good graces of the other nobles in the Kingdom. She gets their permission and is enrolled the following year.
When she’s actually at the monastery, she finds relief from being away from her home but is also overwhelmed with her newfound freedom. She doesn’t actually know how to make friends and often finds herself falling back into her perfectionist habits, but thankfully Mercedes reaches out to her and she feels a little more comfortable. She knows of the other Faerghus nobles but never was close to them because she was sheltered. Surprisingly, Felix is the one she manages befriend (?) first because of her willingness to spar with him. She soon finds it hard to keep up her perfect image when she’s constantly around people and learns to be herself :)
It kinda goes to shit when the monastery is invaded and she feels like her whole world was destroyed. In a moment of weakness, she goes back to House Rosseau at her sister’s behest. After Juana kicks out her father and insisting the house become a vassal for the empire, Elvira makes the decision to leave, making sure her father was in good hands before she left for Fhirdiad, where she became a sell-sword. Two years pass, then she travels to Sreng, Almyra and further, honing her battle skills as she moves from place to place. She’s come to terms with her past and doesn’t regret leaving Fodlan until the millennium festival nears. Elvira decides to go back just to pay respects for her teacher and the rest is history.
im legit cringing at myself but i AM FREE. points im sorry i ship her with sylvain. she hates him cuz he’s the first to see through her facade and calls her out on it. she ends up punching him in the nose cuz he’s being a prick. but they grow and understand they are both products of crest fuckery and bond and learn to be better :)
i have comprehensive lists of supports but that. i will keep to myself here are assorted doodles of her that include sylvain because :)
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