#also bc i took a nap to ignore the fact that i’m hated
rosesvioletspullman · 2 years
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sirensplayhouse · 2 years
hiii siren
for anons who struggle with the 3D not reflecting their 4D or desires (it is conforming, there’s always movement). I’ve done all sorts of loathing, “giving up the law”, spiral down a hole of self hate (it was all due to trauma what not, i had anxiety and depression so take it for me who’s had inferiority complex since i was child, had a very pessimistic look towards life in general as a child.) i took another approach to this, everytime i opened pinterest to see “how i wanted to look like/how my life should be etc” i’d tell myself each time i open the app, im just seeing “how i look right now, this is how my life is” i treated that as my photos app rather than looking at it as “i want that” i just say “it’s already something i’ve”.
i also perfected my sc within two days? i just used “i’ve perfect sc” like once or twice a day 😭✋🏼, i rarely spiraled for a week now. Each time i get a thought of jealousy or frustration, i flip it. sometimes it’s so annoying that i can’t help feel jealous or distraught, i feel that feeling for an hour or so and flip later which makes it easier.
i was obsessed with the void for like six months lmao NOW I HATE IT SM, like i wasted my time with that obsession. i do still affirm for the void, but i don’t obsess over it. And pls don’t try to ignore the 3D when it’s just not what you want, I can’t ignore my 3D but for a fact i always know that it’s temporary, and it’ll change. Everytime i go to sleep at night or a nap in the noon, i just say when i wake up, i’ll be having all my desires (yes, i still didn’t wake up with them, but i make it point to persist bc I KNOW IT WILL CHANGE, IT SHOULD CHANGE, i’m so done with this apathy and self pity. i just want to live my life well) But everytime the 3D shows me something unfavorable, i know it’ll change. i just say “it’s the old story, wdym?” to myself and my brain just sort of goes like 😀😵‍💫 and then i stick to my new story which is also my reality easily!
OMG I RAMBLED SM 😵‍💫, hope i made some sense lmao. that’s just my take, i think everyone should have their own set of rules, while applying the law. i can’t wait to send my success story to you soon, siren i’m so excited!!!! 😫
~ 👿
the growth ??? I love it so much 🥹because I mean you did that 🫶🏾andddddd you can back and dropped some gems for the people🤭
I already know your success story is gonna be bomb asf and I can’t wait to read it🕺🏾
but yea people what my anon said 🥰
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mizunetzu · 4 years
ok ok so my request 👉🏻👈🏻
it’s the most obvious thing but i have a full crush on bakugou, so can you please write about him x male reader, where the reader is like.. having nightmares or almost doesn’t sleep because of his quirk (idk like maybe he can hear something special or predict anything bad, doesn’t really matter) but feels safe around bakugou so he always falls asleep around him or even oN him and katsuki is like “😡(❤️)shit whatever” and the reader is kinda shy about that but totally ok with their friends being like “wow bro that’s kinda gay :> ” because he is comfortable with “oh that’s because i aM the gay✌🏻” and his classmates love him and everything and would never mock.. but one time someone from another class was really really rude bcs of that or said that katsuki hates it so the reader starts to avoid bakugou and bakugou geTS MAD about it because reader is just his and no one else’s >:0 maybe a little confession from him in the end, maybe some.. *gay coughing* angy k*ss from him
please make it angsty but with a fluffy ending please please and thank you very much in advance💙 sorry if it’s too big i can’t explain my thoughts properly thaha
Bruh I just realized how long this request is 💀💀 also look at me, writing it like decades after you requested it 😭 pls enjoy I’m actually quite proud of it (also isn’t that gif perfect hahah get it bc the prompt was abt like sleeping and bakugou’s sleeping and-yeah I’ll let u read now)
Bakugou x reader - Angry Insomniacs
⚠️Warnings - mild arguing, it’s not that bad
Pronouns - male, he/him
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“Why are you always fuckin’ sleeping on me?”
It first started during the Sports Festival. The chicken race and cavalry battle really took a toll on (Y/n), and he was suffering harsh quirk drawbacks. That, being drowsiness.
Somewhere on the stands, (y/n’s) eyes grew heavier and heavier until he realized he had fallen asleep. He also didn’t realized until he woke up that no one disturbed him when he was near Bakugou. Be it fear, or just plain respect, (Y/n) seemed to get the best rest when he was with Bakugou. Not even Iida dared to wake him up when he dosed off on Bakugous shoulder.
He always made it a point to be in Bakugous vicinity when ever he could, taking naps with his head buried in his arms next to Bakugou at lunch, or having his head resting on his shoulder in the dorms.
“Oi! Don’t drift off on me!”
“Mm? Sorry, Bakugou.”
(Y/n) rubbed his eyes as he weakly pushed off the common room couch, stretching and yawning as he did so. “Can I sleep in your room tonight?”
“N-no, dumbass! Fuck kinda question is that, shit-for-brains?!”
“I’ll see you there later then, Bakugou.” (Y/n) gave a slight nod, Bakugou practically foaming at the mouth already, before trotting off the continue his nap in his own room.
Before heading to his room though, he walked into the kitchen to grab a post-nap time snack. Tsuyu, who was already digging in the fridge, stepped back so (Y/n) could grab whatever he wanted.
Tsu eyed (Y/n’s) slightly tousled hair. “Did you take another nap on bakugou-chan? Kero.”
(Y/n) hummed out a “yes.” Tsu hummed back in acknowledgment. Kaminari and Kirishima, unintentionally, started listening in from their place in the kitchen after hearing Bakugou being mentioned.
Tsuyu put a finger to her lip. “Ne, (Y/n)-chan, why do you always take naps on Bakugou-chan? It’s always him, kero, and you go out of your way to make sure it’s only him.”
“Why?” (Y/n) pulled off the carton of milk stubbornly hanging on to the fridge. “Because I like Bakugou. Duh. And I sleep better near people I like.
Kaminari gasped comically while Kirishima sputtered and choked on his words. Not just listening anymore, Kaminari but in. “L-like? Like, ‘like’-like?!”
Kaminari and Kirishima joined Tsuyu and (Y/n) near the fridge. (Y/n) nodded out an “mm-hm.”, whilst grabbing a cup from the cabinet.
“So you’re like...” Kirishima made wild, indecipherable, gestures with his hand. Eventually, after realizing no one was taking the hint, brought his voice down to a whisper.
“Yeah. Pretty much.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell us?!” Kaminari grasped at his blond hair. (Y/n) thought for a moment, poured himself a glass of milk, and shrugged.
“I don’t know. You never asked.”
“And you’re so comfortable just telling us now? Why, kero-kero?”
“Because I’m gay as fuuuuuck.” (Y/n) took a swig of milk like it was a shot of whiskey. “And it’s not like it was a secret or anything.”
“Though I don’t think Bakugou knows. He’s too angry about me sleepin’ on him all the time to actually care about me.”
(Y/n) polished off his glass of milk. He set the cup down gently into the sink. “Eh, it’s not like I actually care for what he thinks about me.”
“See ya, I’m gonna finish my nap.”
“Bye, kero.”
(Y/n) yawned as his head lolled off of Bakugou’s shoulder. He hissed, dusting off his shoulder angrily.
“Go sleep somewhere else!”
“I’m just goin’ to the bathroom, Bakugou, I’ll be back. Keep your shoulder warm for me.”
(Y/n) weakly stood up from his chair, and sluggishly walked out of the cafeteria. Damn, his feet felt heavy. Maybe if he hurried to the bathroom, he’d get back in time to catch a few more minutes of sleep before Bakugou exploded on him or lunch ended.
(Y/n’s) shoulder accidentally caught on someone else’s, making him stumble back and rub his shoulder. Monoma tilted his chin up in a mocking fashion.
“Ara? Is that (L/n) (Y/n) from class 1-A I see?”
(Y/n) nodded, only half processing his words as he continued on his way to the bathroom. Monoma followed somewhat behind, spewing words and one-liners that went in one ear and out the other. That is, until,
“Honestly, you would’ve thought that angry blond kid would’ve told you by now”.
(Y/n’s) ear perked up. He halted to a stop, Monoma following suit and shoving his hands smugly in his pockets. “What’s this about Bakugou?”
“Oh? He really didn’t tell you, huh? That’s...” Monoma stifled a condescending snicker. “...surprising.”
(Y/n) stepped closer. “C’mon man, tell me what?”
Monoma sighed. “Well,”
“I heard that Mr. Blasty, matter-o-factly,” Monoma jabbed his pointer finger into (Y/n’s) chest. “Really, really hates it when you sleep on, or near him. Actually,”
“I think he just hates you in general.”
(Y/n) furrowed his brows. He’s lying. He’s lying. He likes him, doesn’t he? Bakugou likes him, or else he wouldn’t have lead him on for so long, right?
Because he wouldn’t let just anyone sleep on his shoulder...right?
“You’re lying.”
“Well, believe what you want, honestly,” Monoma made a show of crossing his arms dramatically. “But you should see the way he shit-talks and glares at you in you’re sleep. It’s not like he can push you off though, you’re ‘just so persistent you’ll never leave him the fuck alone’.”
(Y/n) shoved his hands in his pockets. Monoma raised his hands in defense. “His words, not mine.”
(Y/n) turned on his heel and began to speed walk to the bathroom. Monoma yelled out from his spot in the empty hallway.
“Oh? You don’t want to hear what he thinks about your little crush on him?”
(Y/n) froze. He was under the assumption that everyone but him knew, could he be wrong? He pressed his lips into a fine line, turning around as composedly as he could. Though, he couldn’t mask the fearful curiosity in his eyes.
Monoma grinned. It was an unpleasant, sarcastic grin, one that didn’t look peaceful or pleasing at all.
“Well, I doubt that there’s anything to to say at all, so does it really ma-“
“What...what does he say about me?” (Y/n’s) voice quivered. He knew he was falling into Monoma’s trap, that he was just trying to provoke him, that he was looking for any kind of reaction, but his curiosity got the best of him. It really did, because Monoma’s words stabbed spears into (Y/n’s) heart, word by word.
“Blasty thinks it’s fucking disgusting how you like him, like, as another dude. Like honestly, he thinks you take him for an idiot for thinking he actually didn’t know! And the fact you sleep so close to him know full well you want to get in his pants?! He thinks you’re a pervert! A lazy shit! A fag! Ahahaha!”
Monoma loud cackles were cut short when he suddenly slumped over. He sunk to the ground, revealing Kendo, holding one big hand up and the other to her waist. She most likely knocked Monoma out once she heard his condescending retorts from the cafeteria.
Kendo sighed, bending down the haul Monoma’s arm over her shoulder. Her heavy glare softened once she caught sight of (Y/n’s) buggy eyed face starting at the ground where Monoma was.
“Sorry...he didn’t say anything too harsh, right?” Kendo’s words were gentle, but they sounded practically inaudible to (Y/n’s) traumatized ears.
He wordlessly staggered past her, heading back into the cafeteria to grab his lunch and sit elsewhere. He supposed he wouldn’t bother Bakugou anymore. Since he’s so damn ‘persistent’, he figured he’d stop bothering him for the rest of the day.
He wished he wasn’t so curious about what Bakugou thought of him. Like people say, ignorance is bliss. He could’ve gone his whole high school career without knowing Bakugou hated his every being. How was he going to face him in class knowing every pointer glare, every scoff, every insult was genuine?
(Y/n) felt his throat tighten. For the first time in years, (L/n) (Y/n) was fully awake.
It was the first time in many months that (Y/n) didn’t sit in the seat next to Bakugou, napping in his presence. He’d done it every day no fail, that is until this week. Actually, this is the 6th consecutive day he didn’t take a nap at all.
(Y/n) sat placid in his assigned seat, eyes wide and trying to keep awake. He couldn’t sleep without thinking of Bakugou, and every time he did it was always him scoffing and turning his back on him.
Every few seconds, (Y/n) would jolt harshly in his seat, rocking back and forth like a drug addict in withdrawal. He stared at his desk with eyes that could kill someone, and he dug his hands into his forearms to keep himself somewhat awake.
He didn’t hear Kirishima calling his name until he snapped his fingers infront of his face. The snap rang like a gunshot, surprising (Y/n) from his trance so badly he jolted back like he got electrocuted. Kirishima raised an eyebrow.
“You...ok man...?”
(Y/n’s) dry eyes landed fixed onto Kirishima. He relaxed, and let out a breath he didn’t know he was taking. “M’fine...”
His voice cracked like it hadn’t been used for days. (Y/n) let his eyes drift back forward, hunching back over and huddling his body like he was trying to squeeze himself to death. When Kirishima gave him a skeptical glare and crossed his arms, (Y/n) let out a small “m’ just tired, that’s all...” and gave the most pathetic smile known to man.
“If you’re so tired,” Mina, rested her arms on the back of (Y/n’s) chair. “Why don’t you sleep on Bakugou like you do every morn-“
“NO! I-I can’t do that!” (Y/n) whipped his head back, gripping the back of his chair so hard his hand turned white. Mina and Kirishima flinched, noticeably caught off guard with his sudden outburst. “I...can’t...I can’t do that...”
(Y/n) suddenly looked very awake, contrasting the way he looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes open the whole time they were in class.
(Y/n’s) breath steadied as he shut his mouth awkwardly. “M’sorry...for yelling...didn’t mean to...”
(Y/n) scrubbed at his eyes. The rush of adrenaline was already wearing off. Mina set her dainty pink hand on (Y/n’s) hunched form. “Why not...?”
“I just can’t.”
(Y/n) said nothing more. He went back to his occasional jolts awake and scrubbing his heavy eyes every 2 minutes. Kirishima sighed, shaking his head towards Bakugou, before shrugging his shoulders then forming an ‘X’ with his hands.
Bakugou clicked his tongue angrily, turning and facing back forward in his seat.
(Y/n) was practically seeing stars by the end of hero’s class.
It was a relatively simple assignment, 1 on 1 sparring, but it caused a lot of quirk use.
He fought both his tired eyes and Midoryia, but ultimately failing due to his harsh quirk drawbacks. Midoryia barely had to break a sweat to have (Y/n) come toppling down.
(Y/n) was ushered back into the horde of students murmuring “don’t mind” and “you did great!”, but he just slithered past and stood a few feet away from them, all the way in the back of the field.
All might was explaining something (Y/n) couldn’t quite hear. Not only because he was standing so far away, but because his hearing had been considerably wonky, not to mention the hissing, ringing sound irritating his eardrums.
And even if the ringing had stopped and he could hear, his brain was too tuckered out to remember anything past five seconds ago.
Gosh, speaking of his brain-
Bakugou set off a small explosion. The blast wasn’t nearly as loud or powerful as in combat, but to a tired mans ears, it sounded like nukes. The ringing in (Y/n’s) ears spiked, and he cupped his ears tightly.
“B-Bakugou, nows not-“
“OH, YOU TRYNA TUNE ME OUT BY COVERIN’ YOUR EARS NOW?!” Another explosion. Bakugou’s gauntlets had been out for repairs since his last hero training, so (Y/n) could clearly see the glowing red and yellow spark from his fist. The ringing spiked again. His vision burned with sparks.
(Y/n) winced, saying nothing, and brought his hands to rub at his eyes. Bakugou eyebrow twitched.
Bakugou brought his hand out, his gloved hand starting to glow red with his next explosion. (Y/n) couldn’t take it anymore.
He stumbled forward, and grabbed Bakugou’s wrist. He shoved it out of the way, but his hand still ignited and set off a blast that propelled them straight to the ground.
“G-get off-a me!” Bakugou tried pushing (Y/n) off with his free hand.
(Y/n) pinned Bakugou’s glowing right hand by the wrist, using his other to hold down his other shoulder. (Y/n) would’ve never done something as ballsy and stupid as this, but he was too tired, too done, too much in pain to care.
“What are you actually trying to say!? All that stupid extra yelling and petty insults, they get you fucking nowhere! Spit it out! Or does trying to intimidate every single fucking person you meet just self-satisfaction?!”
Bakugou growled. He grabbed at (Y/n’s) shoulders, pushing off of him and pinning (Y/n) to the ground in his place.
“Then what about you, huh?!” Bakugou was angrily spitting at (Y/n’s) face. “Why the fuck did you stop getting enough sleep for your quirk?! Are you just that dumb that you stay up at night?!”
“I don’t wanna hear it from a stupid fucker like you, who can’t even take care of himself!”
(Y/n) hissed. He freed his dominant hand from Bakugou’s vice grip and pushed at Bakugou’s face, grabbing a fistful of his hair. “All you ever do is shit talk! Shut up! No one thinks it’s fucking cool!”
“What the hell are you even talking about?!”
The two wrestled on the ground, angrily grabbing and tugging at each other, and rolling around on the floor. There were shouts of “get Aizawa-no, get midnight-sensei!” and “All might, stop them!”, but the two were so caught up in their fight they couldn’t hear anything.
“Can’t you ever learn to mind your fucking Business?!”
“What the fuck does that even have to do with this!”
(Y/n) flipped Bakugou over one more time. He pushed him down by the forehead, pushing his head down into the ground while Bakugou flailed and kicked from underneath him.
A sweet, sweet smell flooded (Y/n’s) senses. It smelt relaxing, tantalizing, it smelled like sleep. It smelled like sleep. He wanted to sleep. He wanted to sleep so bad. Maybe he could just...
(Y/n) slowly sank from his spot on top of Bakugou, flopping on top of his body and going completely slack. Bakugou’s eyes widened, and he covered his nose.
Midnight strutted from above the two, waving away a few stray wisps of her mist. Bakugou hacked out a new breath, while (Y/n) laid on top of him, peacefully asleep for the first time in days.
“Well, it seems like you two already know without me saying it.” Midnight motioned over to two small robots carrying a stretcher. “I’ll just take him to recovery girl and he should wake up in-“
Bakugou pursed his lips and wrapped his arms around (Y/n’s) sleeping figure when Midnight extended her arm towards them. He tightened his arms around (Y/n).
“I’ll do it. S-since this piece of shit attacked me first and...I’ll just do it-!”
Midnight eyed him knowingly, before waving him off and mumbling something about ‘youth’.
(Y/n’s) eyes fluttered open. His body felt like it was broken in every way possible. It was so sore, it hurt even thinking about moving. (Y/n) laid there, with his eyes half open, contemplating whether or not he should close them again.
Would he be able to sleep, though? Even if he’d started sleeping near Bakugou as a ‘don’t-wake-me-up’ measure, it slowly stopped being just that and more a matter of he felt safe and comfortable around him. In a way, he’s become a bit dependent on him, which is probably a bad thing, but he didn’t care.
Sleeping with Bakugou felt best. But that wasn’t an option, now was it?
(Y/n) pursed his lips, an involuntary groan rumbling from his tired vocal cords. He continued staring at the blinding nurse office lights, staring until he saw spots in his vision.
“Stop doing that-do you wanna go fuckin’ blind?”
(Y/n) flinched. He hated the way that familiar, aggravated voice still stirred butterflies into his stomach. He glanced to his side, as if to make sure he wasn’t just hearing things.
He met eyes with Bakugou.
“Bout’ time you fuckin’ woke up. Been waitin’ forever, shit-for-brains.”
(Y/n) averted his eyes back up to the blinding floodlights. Bakugou scowled. “Oi! Don’t ignore m-“
“How long were you here for?”
Bakugou went silent. It was his turn to avert his eyes, albeit more angrily.
“...I was here since you fuckin’ fainted in class, idiot. I even carried your stupid body here from the dumbass carrier bots.”
(Y/n’s) eyes softened, unlike Bakugou’s, who glared at the floor just beside the chair he was sitting in. (Y/n) checked the big black clock mounted on top of Recovery Girl’s desk.
It was 6:00 pm.
If Bakugou was telling the truth, he’d been sitting there waiting for him to wake up for 4 hours straight.
“Bakugou-its been hours since class ended-you should be at the dorms by now-! Why did you-“
“Well if you told me why you suddenly started avoiding me we wouldn’t be here right now!”
(Y/n) let his mouth fall closed. Bakugou scoffed. “Well?!”
(Y/n) opened his mouth, but it clamped shut when Monoma’s words echoed in his mind. Bakugou looked at him with an expectant face.
“I can’t tell you.”
“WH-“ Bakugou sputtered angrily. “COURSE YOU CAN! THE FUCKS STOPPING YOU!”
“Nothing I-I just can’t!”
“THEN WHATS THE PROBLEM HERE!” (Y/n) shouted, before he cupped his mouth in realization. Bakugou’s eyes went wide aswell. “Wait I didn’t mean that-“
“YEAH! WHATS THE FUCKIN PROBLEM HERE?!” Bakugou recovered from his initial shock, already back to yelling. (Y/n) furrowed his brows with a blush.
“Wh..wait so-“
“Wait but...” (Y/n’s) voice was barely above a whisper. “Don’t you, y’know...not like it...when I do that-?”
“DUMBASS! WHERE’D YOU GET THAT FROM?!” It seemed like Bakugou got angrier and angrier each passing second. It was hard to tell what (Y/n) found so attractive about him.
“From...from Monoma...?”
Bakugou looked angrier than ever. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow. “YOU-I CAN’T BELIEVE-! I-! FUCK IT!”
Bakugou snarled and practically shoved his face onto (Y/n’s), angrily stealing his breath away with a kiss. The kiss, surprisingly, was soft and gentle, despite Bakugou’s previous intensity. It seemed to calm Bakugou down, and cheer (Y/n) up.
The two slowly parted for air. It was quiet for a second, something that rarely happened near Bakugou.
“I thought you hated me...”
“W-why the fuck would I hate you...dumbass.” Bakugou rested his forehead on (Y/n’s) shoulder. His spiky tufts of blond hair tickling (Y/n’s) face.
“Because Monoma said so...?”
“I’m gonna kill that bastard.” Bakugou snarled, climbing into the cot (Y/n) was in. He pushed (Y/n) back down into the pillow, pulling up the white blanket and laying down next to him. He guided (Y/n’s) head-a tad bit forcefully-to his chest. “...after we sleep.”
Bakugou shut his eyes, half irritated and half embarrassed, while (Y/n) chuckled tiredly. He nuzzled his head into Bakugou’s chest.
“Goodnight, Bakugou.”
Monoma walked into class 1-B the next morning. He yawned, still a bit tired, when he ran straight into someone.
“Hey, copycat fucker.”
Monoma looked up. The class was empty, with no one but Bakugou standing infront of him.
Needless to say, Bakugou got another 3 days of house arrest.
Bru this was so long ong
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ptergwen · 4 years
4 times peter loved you and 1 time he said it
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warnings: angst, swearing, and flash being a dickwad (love him tho)
a/n: i wasn’t sure if i would ever finish this bc i started in march? and gave up but i really like the concept so i made myself get back into it and AHH i’m really happy with how it turned out! fingers crossed y’all like too ahaha. also this is unrelated but send me requests!
to say you and peter were each other’s missing halves would be an absolute understatement. there wasn’t a secret you didn’t share, an inside joke you didn’t have, a text or call left unanswered, or a second you weren’t on the other’s mind.
it had been like that since your first day of freshman year. you took the seat next to peter in first period spanish, and the rest was history.
peter knew you better than you knew yourself. as cheesy as it sounded, it was true. he could guess what you were going to order at a restaurant before you picked up the menu. if you had a bad day, he’d come over to your place with tissues and hugs, without you having to ask. he knew all the little things.
you? you were a peter parker encyclopedia. you watched all his favorite movies so he could rant to you about them, and you’d actually understand what he was saying. whenever he felt overwhelmed by his chaotic life, you found a way to calm him.
you two were soulmates in best friend form.
best friends, nothing more.
♡ 1.
you had an arm around peter’s neck as you picked at some fruit on his lunch tray. his head was resting comfortably against your cheek, whole body leaning on you. impromtu cuddle sessions weren’t unusual for the two of you. they worked in both of your favors. peter was your own personal heater, and you were just really comfortable to nap on, in his opinion.
“are you gonna eat all my grapes? i was looking forward to those,” peter whined, taking one out of your hand. “are you gonna keep using me as a pillow?” you challenged. he responded by moving his head to your shoulder and chewing. “then, yes. i am gonna eat all your grapes.”
“you know what two people who share food are?” ned chimed in from across the cafeteria table. already knowing what he was implying, you sighed. “what, ned?” he cupped his hand over his mouth like he was about to spill the world’s biggest secret. “a couple.”
it wouldn’t be a regular day without ned trying to play matchmaker for you and peter. the idea made peter scoff. “leave us alone, man. that doesn’t even make sense.” “yes it does!” ned nudged mj for backup. she only raised her hands in defense. it was always a hard pass from her on getting involved in these types of things, unless she found a reason to.
“really? how?” you grabbed peter’s milk and took a sip just for the hell of it. he chuckled at that, forgetting he was supposed to be annoyed with you. a bit of milk dripped down your chin in the process. “oops,” you grimaced at yourself and licked it away.
something about the whole thing made peter’s heart clench. it was so... you were so... cute. cute was definitely the word he was looking for. wait, what? that was new. peter had always thought you were pretty and all, but he’d never found himself endeared like this over such a little thing you did. or had he? no. nope. it was ned’s stupid theory messing with him. that was all.
“y/n, dude, everyone knows it’s a thing. like, why else would someone give up their whole lunch? it’s flirting,” ned interrupted peter’s sudden thoughts about your cuteness. the smug look on his face made you want to throw the tray at him.
before you even joined their friend group, ned was on a mission to set the two of you up. peter described you to him and mj as “the actual sweetest girl ever. she makes me laugh a lot. you guys gotta meet her.” mj obviously ‘tsked’ at him, but a light bulb went off in ned’s head. peter was crushing. he just didn’t know it yet.
part of how you and peter got so close was that ned and mj used to back out of group plans. you’d end up hanging out alone most of the time. of course, it was ned’s idea. a successful idea, yes, but neither of you understood the obsession. apparently it was a guy in the chair’s duty to be a good wingman, and you should leave it to him. whatever that meant.
“if i remember correctly, you and your mom went halfsies on a piece of cake at your birthday party last year. what are you trying to tell us, leeds?” mj asked with a smirk. you and peter looked at each other and burst into laughter, ned’s mouth hanging open. the girl could really get someone when she wanted to.
“shut up, you guys! that’s different!” “so is y/n stealing my food and you calling it sharing,” peter made a point of saying more to you than ned. despite his words, he pushed the tray over to you. it was basically yours, anyway.
you thanked him with a pat on his cheek and popped more grapes into your mouth. in that moment, peter decided he’d get you all the grapes in the world if he could. jeez, he seriously needed to reel it in.
ned was only going to keep going now. “see that? peter’s such a sweet boyfriend. isn’t he, y/n?” he cooed and clasped his hands under his chin. you didn’t have the chance to change the topic before flash appeared at your table. he’d probably overheard your conversation. “penis parker is somebody’s boyfriend? good one.”
feeling peter tense up next to you, you put a hand on his shoulder to let him know you were there. you’d been in too many of these situations. the way flash talked to peter pissed you off in ways you didn’t think were possible. he was fine with everybody else, so why did he choose to pick on him? peter was the least deserving person of having to put up with it from anyone.
“just ignore him, okay? he’ll get bored and leave. works every time,” you reminded peter. too uneasy to say anything, he reached back and put his hand on top of yours. he tried to focus on how nice your touch felt instead of the fact that he was about to be humiliated by flash yet again.
“peter could totally get a girlfriend! he has, like, tons of girls after him,” ned attempted to back peter up, pleased with himself. groaning, peter put his head down on the table. he couldn’t bare to watch his friend destroy what was left of his social life. “you’re really pushing this now. stop talking,” mj warned in a whisper yell to ned. that didn’t stop flash from hearing her.
“she’s right. even parker agrees! look at him,” he snickered at peter’s embarrassed state. you’d had more than enough of him at that point. screw the silence. it wasn’t going to cut it for this one. while wingman ned was still making up stories, you tapped peter’s shoulder to find out how he was doing. his head remained down.
“you okay? want me to say something?” “i’m used to it, and no. i don’t wanna make you deal with him.” peter hated putting his issues on other people, but you couldn’t stand another second of listening to the things flash was saying. you cut into an argument between him and ned about peter’s body count. like his was any higher.
“fuck off, flash!” he stopped in the middle of his sentence. “huh?” “i said fuck off. anyone would be so lucky to date peter. you’re probably salty at him all the time because it’ll never be you,” you finally snapped. his tough guy persona faltered for a few seconds at your words, ned and mj taking the opportunity to high five you for telling him off.
peter was glad his head was still down because his cheeks were pinker than he’d like to admit. did you really mean that? would you be lucky to date him, too?
“what are you, president of the parker protection squad? or are you two a thing?” flash quickly recovered. there he went trying to get the last word in. the embarrassment for peter if you denied it was exactly what he wanted, but you weren’t letting him have it.
“ask me again some other time.” you plastered on a shit-eating grin and waved goodbye. unsatisfied with your answer, flash huffed his way back to his own table. after he was gone, peter looked up at you with something you’d never seen before twinkling in his eyes.
“thank you, y/n. you really didn’t have to say all of that.” “oh, no. don’t thank me. i‘d do it for you anytime. i am president of the parker protection squad, after all.” your fake smile turned into a genuine one for him. peter couldn’t help but mirror it.
his was heart doing that thing again. he guessed it was because he loved you so much, but this love felt different somehow. it wasn’t the friend kind of love he’d had for you all those years.
it was the kind of love he saw in the rom coms you made him watch when you got to pick for movie night. cupid’s love was the official name for it. when he put two and two together, the realization smacked him straight in the face. ned was right.
peter was starting to fall in love with you, and there was no way he could stop.
♡ 2.
peter was a workaholic. patrolaholic to be exact, especially when he had a reason. he’d sometimes find himself in a cycle of getting home late and going out early for days on end. he’d gotten used to the sleep deprivation. his grumbling stomach from missing meals wasn’t too big of a deal either. not when he had a city to save.
it was also a good distraction from everything else going on in his life. man, did he need a distraction. after peter came to terms with the fact that he loved loved his best friend, he narrowed it down to two options; telling you about his feelings or taking them to his grave. since the city was so busy, he was thankful he could throw himself into patrolling and not decide just yet.
may would usually only allow peter to patrol on weekends. school existed, and he had to take breaks. peter really wanted to help out more, so he proposed an idea that could potentially let him up it to the full seven days. he had to make it home in one piece every night for a trial week. that would prove to may he could handle it.
ignoring his black eye on tuesday and limp on thursday, it worked out. peter was positive he could finish off the week just fine. may didn’t have the same optimism. she decided that so much as a scratch on friday and it was strike three. friday came, and peter had impressively managed to end the day, like he thought, just fine.
he did one last swing around the neighborhood he was in, then started heading back to queens to gloat to may. on his way, he remembered he had to text you goodnight. he was bound by a pinky swear to you that he would do it every time he finished patrolling.
peter being spider-man was something you figured out only a few months after he got his powers. he technically exposed himself, and you pieced everything together. it all happened when spider-man offered to walk you home from school one day.
the way he rubbed the back of his neck while asking was a nervous habit that was oddly familiar, and urged you to say yes. you also thought it was strange how even though he didn’t ask for your address, he somehow knew where he was taking you. then again, he was spider-man. it was his job to know new york city and the people living in it.
you came to the conclusion you were making things up until he was about to leave. he walked you to the door of your apartment building and said, “stay safe, squirt.” nobody called you that besides peter. he came up with it because he had recently grown a few inches taller and could finally give you hell for being the short one.
needless to say, peter didn’t take off like he was intending to. he realized his slip up as soon as the nickname came out of his mouth. you brought him upstairs and had a long afternoon of questioning, explanations, and making promises.
peter typed out a message telling you he was fine and to go to sleep. as he was about to hit send, he swung too low and smacked his head right into a traffic light. that was what he got for texting while swinging. he could imagine mj giving him one of her famous safety lectures already, but that wasn’t first on his list of worries. he had a throbbing head and may’s third strike to deal with.
crap, may couldn’t know about this. she’d ban him from patrolling probably forever. going home was out of the question, but peter was in desperate need of an ice pack. there was already a bump forming from where the light hit him. his next choice would be to go to happy, only he couldn’t do that because he‘d tell may.
peter’s hands worked faster than his brain, and he started swinging over to your apartment. the overthinking began soon after. nobody wants to deal with a surprise appearance from their possibly concussed friend at 2 a.m. besides, what would he say? he’d barely seen you all week. it wasn’t fair to you, but it was too late to turn back.
peter landed on the sidewalk with an “oof” and crawled up the wall of your building. when he reached your window, he knocked in the same rhythm that he always did. no answer. he knocked louder. no answer again.
seeing as he had no other option, peter had to let himself in. he pushed on your window to see if it was unlocked. thank god it slid up then, but he made a mental note to remind you about keeping it locked another time. he climbed through the window with as little noise as possible so your family wouldn’t hear.
after navigating in the dark, peter pulled off his mask by the side of your bed. he instantly melted at the sight of you. your face was squished into your pillow, hair sprawled everywhere. you’d must have fallen asleep waiting for his text because you were holding your phone. peter was sure he’d never seen something so adorable.
he let himself stand there and watch the peaceful rise and fall of your chest. the bump on his head was no longer a priority. peter was utterly and completely entranced with you. god, why was he acting like this? oh, right. he was secretly in love with you.
before peter could help himself, he brushed some hair that had fallen into your eyes away with his fingers. you squirmed in your sleep, peter pulling his hand back. he was such an idiot sometimes. your eyes fluttered open and landed on him.
“peter? ‘s that you?” you squinted to see in the darkness of your room. he moved closer. your legs dangled over the bed as you slowly sat up. “yeah, it’s me. sorry to wake you.” he went to scratch his head out of nerves, but stopped when he remembered it really freaking hurt right there.
“‘s okay. i was hoping you’d come over soon. missed you all week.” you frowned at the red and blue clad boy in front of you. except for school, you hadn’t seen peter the past few days. “lots of crime to fight lately?” “missed you more, and yeah. been kicking lots of asses.” the awkwardness peter was imaging faded away when he plopped down next to you on your bed.
“how’s your eye doing? and the limp?” you turned his head towards you by his chin. he exhaled in relief. “getting better, i think. now that we’re talking about injuries...” the sleepiness was knocked out of you. you all but leapt to your feet and turned on the lamp by your bed. peter had a feeling you’d slightly freak.
“we’ve been making small talk and you’re hurt? what happened, peter?” “i-i sort of, um, i was texting you and swung into a traffic light.” “oh my god, where?” he pointed at his forehead with a weak smile. surely enough, there was a big bump. you gasped. “please don’t be mad at me.” “i’m not mad at you. just feel bad it was kinda my fault. do you think you have a concussion?”
you weren’t sure what to do beyond the mostly useless first aid videos they played in gym class. being an avenger, peter had had his share of experience with wounds. whenever he came to you hurt, he talked you through how to help him. the most you’d ever dealt with was a few particularly deep cuts. this was not the same.
“i‘m not sure. you could try that finger thing?” he suggested. you crouched down in front of him. “good idea. let’s do that.” as you waved your index finger back and forth and peter’s eyes followed it seemingly well, his mind was elsewhere. he was thinking about crawling into bed with you and sleeping in your arms.
“well, you passed or whatever they say. i’m pretty sure you don’t have a concussion. you’ll heal fast because of... you know.” you stood up and mimicked the way he shoots his webs. peter chuckled quietly. your thumb ran lightly over his bump, making him wince. “how bad does it feel?” “on a scale from one to ten it’s, like, a five and a half.”
although not what you wanted to hear, it was manageable. you hoped so, at least. “i’m gonna go get some stuff. change into comfortable clothes.” “yes, doctor y/n.” peter saluted you. you were happy to see he still felt up to joking around. biting your lip to hold back a smile, you made your way to the kitchen.
peter searched through the spare clothes he’d left here over the years. there were so many, you had to give him a drawer. he changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt, then sat back down criss cross on your bed.
you came in shortly after with a water bottle, two advil, and an ice pack wrapped in a towel. “i was kidding about the whole doctor thing, you know.” “too bad.” you handed him the advil and water. “take these. they’ll help until your magic healing powers kick in.” peter took the pills while you pressed the ice pack to his bump. he took it from you when he was finished.
“is that any better?” “much better. i’m all good. i should probably go soon.” he mumbled, not meaning it but also not wanting to overstay his welcome. you’d already done so much for him. you stopped him from getting up by putting a hand on his chest.
“what? you already changed, and i’m not sending you home to get killed by may. just stay.” “are you sure? i don’t wanna bother you anymore. it was annoying for me to come here so late in the first place.”
a frown set on your face. “peter, don’t you remember my promise?” there was a beat of silence while he thought about it. “that you’d help out with spidey stuff?” “however and whenever i can. i don’t know what made you think differently just now, but nothing’s gonna change that. doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of the night or early in the morning. i’m always here.”
only you could reassure him just like that. peter was really lucky to have you. really, really lucky.
“right. you’re right. sorry for... whatever that was.” “you apologize too much.” you poked his chest to punctuate your statement and switched the light off. “sorry for that, too,” he teased, wanting a reaction from you. “peter benjamin parker, just get in the bed.” “yes, ma’am.” that was enough before you changed your mind and threw him out.
you rolled to lay on the other side of peter. still pressing the ice pack to his head, he laid down next to you. it didn’t take long for both of you to be settled under the covers. “try not to bang into the wall or something,” you joked and pulled your comforter up to your chin.
peter puffed some air out of his cheeks, tugging more of it back. “you can’t be mean and hog the blanket.” “it’s my bed, so i actually can. i’ll hog everything.”
to prove your point, you moved over to peter until there was no room between you. both of you knew it was an excuse to cuddle. he wasn’t mad about it at all. peter opened an arm for you. you curled into his side, letting him hold you close. his whole body relaxed as you hugged him against you. “goodnight, spidey.” “night, squirt.”
♡ 3.
“what does that cloud look like to you?” you pointed up at the sky. peter’s eyes darted around as he tried to find exactly which one you were talking about. there were a lot of them, in his defense. you made a big circle with your finger around the cloud in question.
“the really curvy one. right there.” “kinda looks like a tiger. can we keep walking now?” peter tugged your arm linked in his in an attempt to move you from the spot you’d randomly stopped in. he made a whiny noise when you didn’t budge.
“i think it looks more like a horse, and no. why are you in such a rush?” furrowing your brows at him, you tightened your grip on his arm. “because some people don’t like cloud watching, grandma.” “i only asked you about one! i’m just... trying to get the most out of today.”
with college around the corner, you and peter both had a lot to do and a little bit of time to get it done. your only hangouts had become some shared extracurriculars and weekly study group with your other friends. trying to binge watch your shows together on facetime hadn’t been easy, for one thing. you fumbled to keep your phone up more than you payed attention.
on a more serious note, being apart sucked majorly. it was going to be this times a million when you would inevitably have to split up in a few months. thinking about it for too long usually made you cry.
peter was struggling in other ways. his more than a friend feelings for you were only getting stronger. having all that love and not being able to give it to you was hurting like hell, and he had to just pack everything up and act normal during the rare moments you were together. you were both going through it.
this was the first sunday in what felt like forever that you and peter were both free. you decided that the nice weather called for a meetup at central park. so, there you were, arm in arm on your afternoon stroll.
“don’t say it like that, y/n. you’re making me sad.” peter let out a breath as you rested your head on his shoulder. “that was the point.” you started walking again, peter following next to you. he kicked at pebbles while you smiled up at him. that made him smile at his feet. you were getting really good at making him flustered.
“so, did you finish that pre calc packet?” peter asked to distract himself. you lifted your head off his shoulder with a groan. “peter, we’re not talking about school for once. let’s talk about literally anything else.” “like what?” you were about to make a suggestion, but something caught your attention.
you raced over to a swingset, dragging peter along with you before he could realize where you were taking him. you stopped in front of it and threw your hands up to present it to him. he let out a breathy laugh. “when was the last time you went on one of these?” you asked, taking peter’s arm again. peter shook his head. “way too long ago.”
with a smile, you walked him over and took a seat on one of the swings. peter sat on the one next to you. you spun around in a circle to see how much you could twist the chains, peter laughing. “y/n, what are you doing?” “having fun. you should try it sometime.” he backed up to get himself started and grabbed his own chains. “i do have fun. it’s just not in the ways you think.”
you untwisted yourself to watch peter. “so, how?” “well,” he started going higher, “i like learning about stuff, even the things we have to in school.” “everybody knows that. that’s the first thing i thought of.” you did know everything possible about him.
everything except his new feelings for you, but this wasn’t the time for him to blurt that out. he was still figuring out when or if he should.
“guess i’m not gonna say i like movies, either.” “singing?” you were swinging next to him, turning it into an unspoken competiton for who could get the highest. peter slowed down a bit since he’d had a head start. “i suck. the only person who’s allowed to hear me is you.”
“it’s possible to suck at something and still enjoy it.” the breeze blew your hair around, peter seeing it from the corner of his eye. he’d always loved how carefree you were around him. it rubbed off.
“remind me to force you to do karaoke one day.” “you’re so annoying.” that motivated you to kick off harder on the ground. peter huffed and tried to catch up to you. “don’t be mean to your only source of fun.” if that wasn’t true, he would’ve came up with a comeback.
the only time peter remembered to relax was when he was with you. it was usually because you reminded him. he skidded to a stop on the swing and looked up at you.
“why’d you let me win? was that too mean?” you looked over your shoulder. “nah, i just got tired.” “oh. we can do something else now. catch me?” “sure,” peter chuckled and got off the swing. he stood in front of you on the grass and waited for you to get lower. you clenched your teeth into a nervous smile.
“ready?” “ready.” swinging towards him, you jumped off and expected to land in his arms. you ended up completely on top of him instead.
the wind was knocked out of both of you, but peter had it worse because he broke your fall. your hands were on his shoulders and one of his was around your lower back. neither of you realized the position you were in. you were too busy trying to breathe again.
“god, that hurt.” “my bad,” peter mumbled. in any other circumstance, he wouldn’t be complaining about this. “i should’ve warned you or something,” you dismissed him.
you were still hovering over peter, your lips dangerously close to his. he could’ve sworn they almost touched. that was when you got off of him. he only forced out a laugh. nothing ever went his way. you offered him a hand, oblivious to his inner conflict. peter took it and pulled himself up, falling into step next to you as you headed to another path.
that could’ve been a chance to make some sort of move, and he blew it.
♡ 4.
it hadn’t been easy for peter to move on from that day. his mind kept replaying the split second you almost kissed on an endless loop, and all he could do was come up with what he should’ve done in the moment.
things were getting to a point where he had no clue how to act around you. being your friend was hard, but becoming your boyfriend would be that much harder. his stupid feelings put him in an awkward place, and he was afraid you were starting to realize. he couldn’t lose you altogether.
you asked peter to meet you for coffee after school. it was this small place in between your apartments you’d both been to once before. they had really good cookies and an overall cozy feeling you liked. peter wasn’t sure what this was all about.
were you going to confront him? did ned say something? maybe it was a mistake to confide in his most gossipy friend about how he felt.
with a headache from stress and a heavy backpack hanging off his shoulders, peter walked into the café. he spotted you at a table near the window. you’d already taken the liberty of ordering, two drinks and a chocolate chip cookie waiting there. you looked up from your phone when peter pulled a chair out.
“hi.” you gave him a small smile and put your phone down. “i already got everything.” peter shrugged off his backpack with a grin. he sat down facing you. “thanks. sorry i’m kinda late. i had to stop at my locker.” you usually met him there. come to think of it, why hadn’t you today? you pushed peter’s drink over to him. “you’re fine. i came here early to get us a table, anyway.” phew.
peter bent the straw to his iced macchiato and took a sip. it made him feel grown up, casually drinking coffee with you over a boring conversation. adult life must’ve sucked. “so, how was the rest of your day?” he asked to fill the silence. you only had two classes without him after lunch, so that was a dumb question. he’d never had so much trouble talking to you.
“eh. betty fell asleep on me during this cold war documentary we had to watch.” “didn’t she say american history is her favorite?” you broke off a piece of the cookie with a laugh. “not after that. what about your day?” the light from the window was shining directly on you, blocking out everything else from peter’s view. he wanted to tell you how beautiful you were so bad, but that would be creepy.
you took a bite of your cookie and raised an eyebrow. he was staring. “uh, nothing interesting. i’m gonna patrol a little bit later.” peter sipped his drink again. you clicked your tongue and let out a breath. “that’s all you do these days.” he knew you were catching on to how off he’d been. what was he supposed to say? it would’ve helped if he’d prepared a few excuses.
“just trying to help out while i’m still here.” that was a half truth. “yeah, but you should still take some time for yourself.” you ripped open your straw wrapper and blew it at peter. he caught it just before it hit his face. rolling your eyes, you put the straw into your drink. “i hate your reflexes sometimes.” he shrugged one of his shoulders casually. “jealousy is a disease.”
neither of you said anything for a few minutes. you stared out the window while peter finished the rest of the cookie. he could tell something was on your mind. whenever you were deep in your thoughts, you sort of zoned out like this.
he was too nervous to ask you what was wrong because of the conversation you just had. it sounded like you had already considered he was being distant before today. his feelings aside, he needed to reassure you. that was more important.
“y/n?” you turned your head to look at him. “yeah?” peter’s gaze shifted from you to his thumbs twiddling in his lap. “i know we’ve both been really... busy lately, but i’m still here. don’t forget that.” a hint of a smile played on your lips. you would’ve hugged him if you could reach. “thank you, peter. i kinda needed to hear that.” he nudged your leg under the table. “of course. hey, you wanna come with me tonight?”
a couple of hours later, you were in peter’s arms on a rooftop that was much higher up than it looked. he insisted on taking you for a swing so you could get the full experience. he’d been trying to get you to do this for the longest time, so he wondered what made you agree today. you wanted to find out what was so enjoyable about it.
“i trust you, but you’re not gonna drop me, right?” your legs were around his waist, and he had one hand supporting you by your back. that wasn’t terrifying at all. you grabbed peter’s shoulders, the idea of it making you nervous. he wrapped his arm tighter around you.
“oh my god, no. i can always web you back up.” “peter! that’s not funny.” even behind the mask, you could tell he was smirking. “you’re always safe with me, squirt. don’t worry.” you brought your arms up to loop around his neck.
“i feel better now.” “good. i’m gonna jump when we get to the edge, okay?“ your whole body stiffened up. peter could sense it. as excited as he was to share this with you, he didn’t want to make you feel pressured. “or we don’t have to do it.” his voice was quiet. you tried to relax in his hold. “i’m just gonna close my eyes. i think that’ll help.” “we’re about to find out.”
peter started walking towards the edge of the building with you holding on even tighter to him, your eyes squeezed shut. he kept finding himself in situations where he was close to you in the ways he’d been wishing for, but never for the same reasons. it was bittersweet.
he bit down on his lip and aimed his free hand at a building. you squealed when he leaned back. “i’m jumping now,” he prepared you, and before you could respond, you were in the air. you hid your face in peter’s chest the second you felt yourself pretty much flying.
“what the fuck, you like this?” you had to yell so he could hear you. peter shot another web to keep swinging. “it’s really not that bad! try looking up!” he shouted back, clearly amused.
grip tightening around his neck, you slowly pulled your face away from him. he kept you close as he swung. you somehow convinced yourself you weren’t going to die by looking at something besides peter. your eyes landed on the sky behind his head.
the sun was almost completely set, deep pink and orange merging together against the glowing lights of the city. you were finally understanding why he liked this so much. it was beautiful.
peter peeked at you for a second to check on you. he swore his heart was going to explode out of his chest. the look of adoration on your face, it was even better than the view. it was the view. the little moments where peter got to see you this way made him realize how in love with you he really was.
“this is... wow. i get it now,” you laughed in disbelief, watching as the city whirled past you. peter smiled so big it hurt. “pretty awesome, huh?” one of your hands slid back down to his shoulder. “take me with you more often.”
♡ 5.
peter licked his lips out of habit as he held the door open for may, who was following behind him with a look of pride. he was about to graduate high school. the ceremony was being held in a really nice stadium-like place. trying to find it added minutes on to the parker tradition of being late to everything important.
peter wasn’t as concerned with his tardiness as he was with finding you.
while he tossed and turned in bed the night before, he went over his whole school year in his head. that meant little things and big things. he was starting to drift off until he remembered a conversation with ned a few weeks back. they decided on a deadline for peter to tell you about his feelings, and it was before graduation.
they chose it because if peter got rejected, he’d be over it by the time college started. that was the goal.
it wasn’t that peter had changed his mind. it was that he completely forgot. he didn’t have a solid plan for what he should do. these things needed to be decided way in advance. he ended up pulling something together last minute because it was you. plus, this extra pressure gave him the push to go through with it. somewhere between steps seven and eight, he passed out.
may rushed him to get ready because he’d slept past his alarm. the whole morning was a mess, and he had at most fifteen minutes to confess his love to you by the time he got there.
“you should go make sure you’re marked here. i’ll see you after. love you.” may pressed a kiss to his cheek and half-jogged to the auditorium for a seat. he squeezed her arm and headed off to check in. your whole grade was already lined up along the walls for what looked like miles. the deal was to tell you before graduation. he still had about ten minutes.
peter walked past hundreds of students with his heartbeat thumping in his ears. everyone was in alphabetical order, so it didn’t take too long to find you. relief washed over you when you saw peter. you were worried he wouldn’t show up at all. his cap was in his hand, hair getting tangled from running his fingers through it. he looked at you with pleading eyes.
“finally, i’ve been trying to call you all morning. where were you?” your tone was dripping with concern. “i overslept. there’s something i gotta tell you, y/n.” he gulped. you smiled in a way that was kind of pitying. “we’re about to start going inside. i- you have to wait, pete. go get lined up.”
this wasn’t how it was going to end. not again.
he looked around to see who was watching, then he grabbed your wrist. “peter, what are you-“ “just come with me really quick.” despite yourself, you let him lead you down the hallway. you dodged a couple of teachers having a conversation and went into a bathroom that was vacant by some chance. he let go of you after the door shut. you stood behind it while he walked over to a sink.
it was making you anxious to not be out there. you could be late. peter was the same way when it came to school, so you knew this had to be pretty serious. you gave up the battle with yourself and made your way over to him. he was looking at himself in the mirror, trying to get a stray curl back in place.
“let me help.” you stood next to him. he turned to face you, that same look of urgency still in his eyes. you used two fingers to brush through his hair. there was so much gel that it was wet enough to mess with. you smiled a bit and took your hand out of his hair. his hand was gripping the sink.
“you look good, pete. you smell good, too.” “so do you.” his voice was lower than usual. you flattened out the material of your blue gown. “thanks. so, talk to me. what’s up?”
the question was so simple, but way too many answers were running through peter’s brain. he wasn’t even sure he’d have enough time to explain everything now. this was why he needed a written out and carefully crafted plan.
but, like he said to himself last night, this was you. his best friend in the entire world and any other that might exist. the person who’s been there for his most embarrassing moments, and who’s been responsible for some of his best ones. if he couldn’t finally say the three words he’d said to you so many times before, what was the point?
his fingers drummed a steady rhythm while he mustered up the last remaining bit of courage in him. you watched him expectantly, waiting for him to say something. “just, um...” he was stalling. he pulled his hand off the sink. “i... love you.” peter only glanced at you for a second, too afraid to see your reaction. “i love you, too. is everything okay?” his heart sank. you thought he meant it in the friend way.
that was what he got for being so terrible with words.
“no, y/n. not like that.” he blurted. you were lost. peter pressed his back against the wall and sat down. confused and equally worried, you sat next to him on the floor. “then what do you mean? you’re scaring me.” he checked the watch may made him wear to see how much time was left before graduation. four minutes. he really should’ve woken up on time.
“we have to get back in line soon. i don’t wanna miss-“ “i love you, y/n. i’m in love with you.” a weight that had been on peter’s chest for months was lifted just by saying it. you squinted your eyes at him, but said nothing.
“i’ve been trying to tell you for a while, and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same. i just had to say it.” “fuck, are you serious?” you sounded what peter could only describe as disappointed. yeah, it was unrequited. here came a summer of crying. “i was gonna tell you first.”
peter’s breath hitched in his throat, and he swore you could hear it. he was so sleep deprived that it felt like he was hallucinating. you shook your head as heat came to your cheeks.
“how long have you...” peter trailed off, an eye crinkling smile interrupting him. “that day we went for coffee. something clicked, so i thought for a while and figured it out. i think i’ve loved you for a really long time.”
you inched closer to peter, just barely resting your head on his shoulder. for once, you felt like the shy one. he put his hand on top of yours. his thumb traced over each of your fingers. “i’d ask you out, but you know. we don’t really have time.”
“peter, it won’t take that long.” you giggled. he squeezed your hand in his. “hm. y/n, would you wanna go out with me after this?” you thought about teasing him for it, but he was right. you had to go. that was the friend still in you. “i’d love to go out with you, peter.”
with that, you both jumped to your feet and ran out of the bathroom. you were still holding hands, and a few classmates made faces when you rushed past them to get to your spots. you exchanged one last smile with peter before lining up.
the person in front of you said everybody was looking for you two. honestly, you didn’t care all that much. you were too excited for your date later. peter already knew he’d be checking his watch throughout the whole ceremony.
it was a best friend and soulmate thing.
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marveloussupernerd · 3 years
The Flu - SakuAtsu
Writing this for my wonderful friend’s bday !! Sorry it’s posted so late whooops also this is short af bc I might do a part 2 or something idk
Summary: Omi gets the flu, which is a rare occurrence, and Atsumu goes to take care of him. Pure fluff
Background: Sakusa is attending college in Tokyo and Atsumu is still playing volleyball in his home town so like still a commute for them
Omi never got sick. Man was one of the most careful people in the world — he always wore his mask when he was out and about around large groups of people, carried hand sanitizer with him and sanitizing wipes to clean off any surface he may have to touch (the handles on the train, for instance), and made an effort to keep his home spotless, even wiping down groceries as they made their way through the door.
So when he did get sick, it kicked his ass.
The last thing he needed was to get sick now, with an exam in a little less than a week. He had outlined what he needed to study, but hadn’t actually gotten to studying yet. And it wasn’t a cold... his high fever, chills, and congestion made it very clear to him it was the flu.
What was he going to do though? He had to skip class. At least today was a Friday, so he could spend the weekend recovering. He grabbed his phone and texted Komori, begging him to bring some medicine because he couldn’t imagine pulling himself out of bed.
He hated asking people for help, or showing any sort of weakness. That’s why when Atsumu texted him, he proceeded through their conversations like usual, trying to conceal the fact that he was sick until he finally passed out from exhaustion, leaving Atsumu’s texts hanging.
Omi never left the conversation abruptly. It made Atsumu uncomfortable, but he ignored it. He was probably studying. Still, he sent him a few messages to get back to him as soon as possible.
When a few hours had passed, he asked Komori if he knew what was up, and that’s when the cat was out of the bag: Sakusa Kiyoomi was sick.
It was the weekend, so it wasn’t like Atsumu had any priorities. He packed his bag, strapped on a mask, and took the train to Tokyo.
He always traveled this trip with a mask for Omi. His boyfriend was always so careful that he’d feel like a jerk for giving him a sickness he picked up on the trip because he hadn’t been careful. His boyfriend had, admittedly, rubbed off on him just a little—trains were gross and unsanitary and he couldn’t help but think about it from time to time during the trip.
His first stop in Tokyo was at a pharmacy near Omi’s house. He purchased some canned soup (there was no way he’d be able to make anything from scratch... he was... himself), medicine, a few boxes of tissues, the hand sanitizer Omi liked, and some ice cream for good measure. The next stop was to Omi’s place.
It was a good thing they had gotten locked out that one time and his boyfriend told him about the key he hid in the flower planter. He didn’t have to wake the sick man up at all to enter the house.
“Omi Omi!?” He called, not actually expecting an answer. It was pretty clear that he had been napping, and was likely still asleep. He just hoped his boyfriend wouldn’t hear him moving around and think someone had broken in (although technically, he had).
He went to the kitchen and wiped down his groceries with Clorox wipes to make sure they were sanitary before putting them away. He pulled open one of the drawers to grab a piece of notebook paper to write to his boyfriend.
Hi Omi <3 I’m in the shower. Love you lots.
That would be fine for now. He slid the paper under Omi’s bedroom door and went in the direction of the bathroom. He had to make sure he washed away anything he could have picked up on the train.
He liked using Omi’s body wash — it smelled like lavender. He had never been huge on the scent in the past, but now it made him feel all warm and fuzzy, associating it with his boyfriend’s scent. He made sure to wash every square inch of his body, leaving nothing up to chance, but still tried to get done as quickly as possible. He didn’t want to keep his boyfriend waiting (more like even though he knew his boyfriend was sick, he couldn’t wait to see him... it had been two months already since their last hangout).
He turned off the shower and shook some water out of his hair, going into his bag for a fresh, clean pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He pulled on the outfit then made his way to his boyfriend’s bedroom, knocking quietly on the door before entering.
Omi was passed out in bed, his phone next to him, blanket covering half his body. Atsumu strolled over to the bed, taking a seat on the edge of it next to his peaceful-looking boyfriend. He very gently placed his hand on the sick boy’s forehead, then put his other hand on his own forehead to compare. Yep. He was definitely warm. He tucked a stray hair off of Omi’s forehead and gently took his arm away.
He was going through a crisis of whether he should wake his boyfriend and inform him of his presence or not. He looked so relaxed, and it was probably hard to fall asleep to begin with. But also, he was very worried Omi would groggily beat the shit out of him when he woke up because he was afraid he was an intruder.
Yeah, sounded like his mind was made up.
He shook the man’s shoulder carefully. “Omi,” he whispered, trying to wake him gently. Luckily it worked, as the latter’s eyes peeled open slowly. “Hi,” Atsumu whispered.
“Tsumu?” He asked, his voice hoarse.
“Ya coulda told me you were sick,” Atsumu playfully complained, leaning forward to kiss his boyfriend’s forehead. “I was all worried.”
“I’m okay,” he frowned, but he knew that playing it cool wasn’t working. His throat felt all ticklish and he started to cough.
“You haven’t gotten sick since what? Middle school? Ya need someone to take care of you.”
“I don’t wanna make you sick...” Sakusa whispered, his eyes shutting.
“You won’t. Even if you do, though, I’m a big boy and get sick all the time too, so I’m used to it.”
“Fine. I don’t want you making me more sick because you were out,” Sakusa grumbled. It was clear he was actually concerned about his boyfriend’s health, but sometimes speaking this way was the only way to get it through to Atsumu. Tsumu was somehow the most arrogant and selfless jerk he had ever met.
“I wore a mask on the train and everything! Sanitized the groceries, took a shower before I came in here. All for you Omi,” Atsumu explained proudly, his back straightening a little bit as he spoke.
“Mm whatever,” Omi mumbled. He still hadn’t opened his eyes from when he shut them earlier. “Can we go to sleep now?”
“You want me to too?”
Sakusa reached out and grabbed his boyfriend’s hand, pulling it closer to him. “Cm’ere and lay down. This is the only time in your life you get to be big spoon.”
Atsumu carefully clambered over his boyfriend to the other side of the bed, plopping down beside him eagerly. He was trying to not make too many motions that might shake the bed and make his boyfriend nauseous, but he was extremely cuddle deprived and would be lying if he said he wasn’t on cloud nine. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, pressing a kiss to the back of his neck. “Sleep tight Omi. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Omi slept like a rock for a few hours. Atsumu took a nap with him, woke up, went on his phone, checked up on his boyfriend, and those sorts of things. It had probably been about three hours when Sakusa started moving, tossing and turning and trembling.
“Omi? You okay?” He asked, reaching over to feel his boyfriend’s forehead for a temperature. It felt even warmer than before.
Atsumu clambered out of bed, rushing to the kitchen to get an ice pack and a glass of water. When he returned, Omi was now mumbling in his feverish state.
Atsumu rushed to his side, sitting on the edge of the bed. He carefully put the ice pack on his boyfriend’s head, holding it in place despite Omi’s sudden movements.
“I’m here Omi. It’s okay.”
“Don’t...” he whispered.
He pushed the sweat-coated hair off his boyfriend’s forehead so he could get the ice pack on well. “You okay?”
“I’ll be better...”
“Omi? Are you dreaming or talking with your eyes shut? You’re freaking me out.”
“I’m sorry...”
“That’s not helpful for my question honestly.”
“Don’t go...” he sniffled, inhaling heavily, the congestion making it hard to do so.
“Dreaming it is.” Atsumu shook him gently, trying to wake him up. “Get up Omi, it’s just a dream.”
His eyes snapped open, then blinked furiously, a few tears escaping as he did so. “Tsumu?”
“It’s okay. I’m here. It was just a dream,” Atsumu cooed softly, dropping the ice pack and opting cup his face gently and stroke the tears off his cheek.
Sakusa sat up, scooting to his boyfriend to give him a hug, burying his face in the crook of his neck. “Had a dream you left. Said you didn’t love me,” he muttered. “I was still sick and everything.”
“I’d never do that.” Atsumu kissed his cheek. “I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t do anything.”
“I know. But I’m sorry Dream Atsumu did that.”
Omi laughed, a pitiful laugh that sent him into a coughing fit, but a laugh nonetheless.
“Oh! Let me check your temperature. You feel warm,” Atsumu remembered, scrambling out of his boyfriend’s grip to run to the bathroom cupboard and grab a thermometer. He quickly returned to his spot, sweeping his legs to plop down on the bed. He held the thermometer out towards his boyfriend. “Say ‘aw’.”
Sakusa sighed, rolling his eyes, then opened his mouth and let out a small ‘aw’. Atsumu put the thermometer in his mouth and waited patiently, silently, as the temperature was being read.
“102. Why is your thermometer in Fahrenheit?”
Sakusa laughed. “I didn’t realize it was when I bought it.”
A Google search later told the two that it was, indeed, a fever, but he would be okay.
“You sure you’re alright? You wanna take some more medicine and go back to sleep?” Atsumu offered, laying back on the bed.
“Not yet. I don’t think I can sleep anymore.”
Atsumu paused, a small smile forming on his face.
“What is it Miya? You’re scaring me...” Sakusa asked, averting his gaze from the blonde’s.
“You know what’ll help your fever? Ice cream. If you’re up for it, I bought a pint.” Atsumu offered, looking up at his boyfriend with a very small pleading look that said ‘please give me ice cream or I’ll cry’.
“Okay,” Omi smiled. “It’s going to help me get better, so how can I say no?”
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Honestly, it's really pretty depressing the state of the game right now. I know with BL2 there were people who started playing around launch and have kept up all the way til now, and it seems like you've honestly been one of the game's biggest supporters even when there were obvious flaws, so the fact that GB has screwed up enough to make you stop playing is... yeesh.
Yeah :( I will definitely come back later on, but I've gotta take a break for my own sanity because geebus. I'm getting nowhere trying to force myself to have fun. I'll deffo play the new dlc!! (I mean I already paid for it, might as well) but I don't know if I'll go further than that. I'll have to see what the patch notes bring.
I've been a constant player of bl since 2012ish. I got bl2 on my ps3 and fell in love- I got the guidebook and that thing went with me everywhere (Zer0's sassypants is my favorite line from it). I got it on steam a couple years later when the goty edition went on sale (I didn't have the dlc on my ps) and now I have 1500 hours in it. I bought Bl3 as soon as the pre-orders went up, had a countdown on my phone, and beat the game in 30ish hours with a 2 hour nap in between sessions (and I only stopped bc my game audio glitched out to the point of complete silence as I was on my way to carnivora). I have about 300 hours in TPS and BL1, too. I think 40~ish in tales, I know I've played thru a few times. Spent countless hours sorting the BL2 audio files for people and compiling a list of cut content. Obviously spent a lot of time on this blog before bl3's release. Basically, these games are my life.
There were some things I didn't like that gearbox did with Bl2s development, but the thing is: they fixed it eventually. There's still some broken stuff (bee shield...), but a lot of it is forgettable (is that the right word?) because the main game is playable and f u n (Like when it took them forever to fix Maya's Cloud Kill). But with Bl3 it feels like they're trying to get us to ignore all the problems they're not fixing by constantly throwing new (broken) content at us. The patch/hotfix notes are really depressing to look at every week when it's a single tiny change, or a buff that means literally nothing, meanwhile there's a billion things on fire and all the VHs are screaming and it's a mess. It's worse that they sometimes do acknowledge these problems, and maybe even do attempt to fix them, but then they don't work for a week (Zane's Quick Breather skill anyone?). So it's clear they're not testing the things they implement, or only testing them at Mayhem 0, or *something*. It's mind boggling to think the Guardian Takedown was released at the state it was, when every player immediately realized something was wrong the second they entered the first room. That was kinda my tipping point because that basically proved they did not test it at all.
M10 is not so hard that their testing teams cannot go up to that difficultly level. There are youtubers like K6, Joltz, LazyData, ThiccFilA who are releasing m10 viable builds constantly (some with save files for PC!!!) and once you have that and the right modifier rolls, m10 is not difficult to get through. So it's not like their testing team can't snag a save file (or just give themselves the gear!) and test their changes with a 100% perfectly geared out character on M10 (even though that's NOT how it should work). And it's worse that Moze players just *keep* getting screwed over by gearbox's design choices. At least Zane has his one singular class mod to make him viable. But Moze players have been struggling really badly, it's like they only have one person on the balance team and they main Amara or Fl4k or something and forgot there are three other characters that need fixing. (Not that Amara and Fl4k both don't have their own set of problems that need to be addressed).
And I really hate to say it because these games have been a part of my life for a long time and I love them to death, but also it honestly feels almost like gearbox is intentionally sabotaging Bl3. That's how awful watching every Thursday's 10am update come and go has been. They either need to delay hotfixes/patches to every 2 weeks or 1x a month or something so they can properly test everything and give us substantial updates (even tho the Phase 1 update took them a month and was so pitiful I thought it was a joke at first), or they need to let their stream team have early access to the hotfixes/patches to test them. Bc clearly something is going horribly wrong with their internal testing team.
All in all I just really hope the Guardian Takedown release was an eye opener for them. Even tho this basically happened before with the Maliwan Takedown and the broken Guardian Ranks. But we can hope, right?
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momentofmemory · 5 years
fictober - day five
Prompt #5: “I might just kiss you.”
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe (All Media Types/Iron Man Films)
Warnings: Canonical Major Character Death (referenced)
Rating: G
Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Howard Stark (mentioned), Peter Parker (mentioned), Steve Rogers (mentioned)
Words: 2397
Author’s Note: taking a short break from the may & peter series bc the prompt didn’t fit, so instead we have a tony-centric character study. cap is referenced but the primary relationship is between tony and howard. i have mixed feelings about this one, honestly, but it’s done before midnight at least, so, ~le shrug~
>>Sins of the Father
Tony had never understood his father’s obsession with Captain America.
If he was being perfectly honest (which he wasn’t), part of that was because he’d never really tried—had actively avoided trying, actually, because Howard had never bothered trying to understand him. It seemed fitting to return the favour. So, when Steven Perfect-Posture Grant Rogers popped out of the ice, God, did it feel like a punch in the teeth.
(Teeth that weren’t as perfect as Captain America’s.)
There’d been one night three weeks before Tony was supposed to move out for college when Howard had announced he’d be going on a month-long expedition to try to find the almighty Captain America, yet again. Tony didn’t remember much after that except a lot of yelling and a lot of hurt, because how dare his father leave them to search for someone whose body had probably decomposed five times over by now.
(Steve popping up thirty years later, obnoxiously alive and younger than he was, would prove this argument to be factually wrong, but Tony still stood by his conclusion.)
He’d wanted nothing to do with Steve at first, furious at his father for being right about the man surviving more than anything. But fate and Nick Fury refused to let him have his peace, and he found that getting to know Steve—and maybe not hating him—had been an even stranger thing than discovering he was alive.
Then Sokovia and the Winter Soldier and Siberia and a grainy video tape from 1991 happened, and all he wanted was to hate Steve. And he did, because god if he doesn’t know how to hold a grudge—Howard taught him a lot about never letting go when it comes to Captain America. But he also didn’t, because he wasn’t Howard, and Steve… Steve wasn’t just Captain America.
Tony spent the next two years doing everything in his power to forget Steve ever existed, which included ignoring calls from Ross about the man’s whereabouts. After one such call that ended spectacularly badly after Ross hinted he wanted information on Spider-Man, Tony found himself sitting in his father’s office, staring at the mockup of the city. It seemed his life had boiled down to the same thing as his father’s: a consultant on the neverending search for Captain America.
Tony flicked up the schematics for a new iteration of Peter’s suit—the upgrades he’d made to his own nanotech needed to be incorporated, just in case Peter ever changed his mind about it. He tapped his fingers on the armrest and stared at the shield hanging on the wall. 
He didn’t understand Ross’s obsession, just like he didn’t understand his father’s. He still didn’t care to try.
One man isn’t important enough to waste all of that time on finding.
Tony maintained this perspective until one moment Peter was standing in front of him, whole and alive and so, so young, and then the next he found himself falling through dust and air because Peter was gone.
He stared at the ash clotting the blood on his hands, and all he could think was, Oh.
This was how one life could be important enough.
An alien flew him across the galaxy and then another one carried him home, and when he saw Steve had survived he couldn’t help the bitter thought that at least his father’s life work wasn’t lost again.
Just his.
After Dr. Cho allowed him out of the infirmary, Tony hid in the penthouse with Pepper and filled every waking moment reading up on the latest time travel theories. The EPR Paradox in particular kept him up for three days straight, until he rejected it on the basis that quantum travel was too theoretical—not to mention risky, even for him.
Then Pepper told him she was pregnant, and Tony's heart lurched out of his chest because he was going to be a father, and seeing Morgan for the first time seven months later awakened something that felt like hope inside of him.
Three months into the kind of sleep deprivation only a newborn baby can provide, Tony snuck down to the lab he’d installed in the garage for the first time since Thanos.
The hologram’s failure message projected blood-red light over his hands.
God damn it.
Tony dropped onto the bench and ran his hands through his hair, trying to get rid of the feel of dust and ash. He didn’t know why it wouldn’t work.
He jerked his head out of his hands and saw Pepper, whose lips pulled thin as she took in the sight of Friday’s projection. “What is this?”
Shame curled in his stomach.
“Just, you know,” Tony slid to his feet and hid his pen behind his back. “Stuff.”
Pepper pulled up the list of iterations Tony had run through the simulation, and Tony winced at the sheer number of decimal places in Friday’s report.
“You’ve been spending a lot of time down here lately,” Pepper said, too casually for it to actually be.
“Gotta keep the old mind busy,” Tony said, closing the charts before Pepper could comment on the hours logged. “Wouldn’t want Morgan thinking her old man was slipping.”
Pepper looked at the physics papers on the desk. “And is he?”
“...Maybe. I just…” Tony paused, and then turned to gesture at the hologram. “What if there was a way to... fix all of this? I feel like I owe it to at least try.”
“I’m not going to stop you, Tony.”
Tony froze. He tore his eyes away from the hologram to look at Pepper, who stood with her arms crossed in front of her. “Hang on, sorry, I think I just had an auditory hallucination. Wanna repeat that?”
Pepper’s mouth twitched. “Tony,” she said, coming over to sit on the workbench. “If you really can do something about this, I can’t stand in the way of that.”
Tony stared at her, and then sat down as well, cautiously—unsure if it was a trap.
There it was.
“I am going to request boundaries,” Pepper said. “One of which is that you can’t hole up in here for more than three hours at a time.”
“I feel like we could make allowances, maybe like an every other Tuesday thing, but continue.”
“And secondly, don’t beat yourself up over something you know won’t work.”
“I know you, Tony.” Pepper poked his chest. “You don’t like admitting when you can’t do something. So tell me: is this really possible?”
The Mobius strip rotated languidly behind him, the TEST FAILED alert blinking in rhythm with his heart.
“…No,” he admitted. “Or at least, not any more. The only thing that seems like it could work requires Pym particles, which we don’t have. Even with them, I can’t get the simulation to work.”
Pepper nodded, a mixture of relief and disappointment on her face. Tony wondered if this was how Howard felt: living in a world that couldn’t keep up with his ideas, knowing Cap was out there but not having the tools to do anything about it.
“Okay,” Pepper said. “Then three hours it is. And you have to read to Morgan every night before bed, when she’s old enough.”
“You strike a mean bargain.”
He looked at the simulation again. Pepper was right: there was nothing he could do. Howard had wasted years of his life chasing after Cap, and even though he’d been right about him being out there, that didn’t change the fact that there was nothing Howard could have done to save him, anyway.
“Okay, Pep.”
Tony stood and walked over to the projector, and turned it off. Pepper’s eyes softened.
“Don’t get too excited, I’m sure I’ll find something else to wreck the household with,” Tony said, shutting down the rest of the system. Pepper arched an eyebrow at him and he sighed. “Fine. You got me. I’m sorry I’ve been… Distracted.”
“Mm. That does seem like a problem,” Pepper said. She stood and came up behind him, wrapping her arms around him to trace her fingers along his collarbone. “I can think of a few other ways to distract you, though.”
Tony spun in her grasp and wrapped his hand around her waist. “Oh really? You got something in mind?”
“As a matter of fact, I was thinking I might take you upstairs—”
The baby monitor’s light blinked on and Pepper’s thought was interrupted by the sound of Morgan’s cries echoing through the garage. The six-month-old had apparently woken up from her nap.
Pepper winced.
“…Or I might just kiss you and leave it at that.” She disentangled herself from Tony’s embrace, and Tony whined in displeasure.
Pepper tapped him on the nose with her finger, but kept her promise by following it up with a quick kiss to his cheek. “And you can meet me in Morgan’s room in five minutes with a glass of iced tea and that book on caring for llamas.”
“You are no fun,” Tony said.
Pepper laughed and kissed him again, this time on the lips, which Tony enthusiastically returned.
“I believe Morgan requires your assistance sooner rather than later, Mr. and Mrs. Potts,” Friday said, with a practiced air of professionalism that still managed to sound incredibly pointed.
“Yeah, got that, thanks Fri,” Pepper said, pulling away from Tony with a final squeeze on his shoulder. “Don’t be late.”
Tony watched Pepper go, tapping his pen against his fingers. He looked at the projection table, and thought about all the lonely nights he’d had as a child, and how he’d wished Howard would’ve stayed home just once.
He turned the lights out, and went to be with his daughter.
Ant-Man was back, and Ant-Man had steam-rolled through all the theories Tony’d studied on and off over the last five years out of sheer dumb luck. And he had Pym particles, enough for a pretty decent sized team.
Tony couldn’t do this.
He’d never fully given up on bringing everyone back, toying with ideas on and off, but had never been able to figure out a solution to the forward progression of time. The Pym particles solved the issues with the Planck Scale, but as far as the Deutsch Proposition went… It’d been five years and he still hadn’t solved it.
When Cap asked him if he could do it, what he thought was I tried, and what he said was “I can’t.”
Tony felt Howard’s disapproval at his back as he watched their car drove off.
And yet he’d said I can’t, but when he stood in the middle of the kitchen and saw Peter Parker in that stupid picture that’s always been his favourite, with their smiles and upside-down certificate, everything clicked.
He asked Friday to pull up the schematics right there on the living room table, but this time, inverted: or, upside-down. 
Friday’s simulation worked, and Tony felt like he’d just found Captain America.
Then Morgan walked down the staircase, and Tony felt like he was six years old, watching his dad leave them again.
Tony coasted through the next half hour in a blur, getting juice pops for Morgan and tucking her in bed, and mostly thinking about how incredibly lucky he’s been. He went downstairs thinking only about three thousands, but the second he saw Pepper everything came tumbling out. She tilted her head and asked a question he didn’t see coming.
“But would you be able to rest?”
Tony looked away, placing the popsicle stick back in his mouth. He worried it between his teeth as he thought about how to put into words everything he’d been harboring over the past… forever, really.
“I’ve been thinking about my dad,” he said, finally. “Howard… never knew how to let go of his failures, and he hurt a lot of people because of it.”
Pepper pulled her knees up onto the couch and rested her chin on her hand. “Sounds like he might have had some problems with ego.”
Tony looked at her in surprise, and she sighed.
“Tony, your father’s obsession with finding Cap was a problem because it was never about Cap—it was about Howard. His own guilt at not being able to do something he felt like he could. That’s not what Peter is for you.”
Tony frowned. “I don’t think we’re on the same wavelength here.”
“You’re not trying to bring him—and everyone else—back because it’s something you need. You’re doing it because it’s something they need. If it was an obsession, you wouldn’t have been able to put it aside all those years ago when it wasn’t feasible.”
This was true—ever since his talk with Pepper, the urge to figure out time travel had become more of a hobby than anything, because it was, after all, strictly theoretical without the Pym Particles didn’t exist. As Morgan had gotten older, he’d learned how to appreciate what was in front of him instead of regretting what was behind. 
That didn’t mean he didn’t still want to make it right.
“This isn’t obsession, Tony. This is a desire,” Pepper said, and then hesitated. “...And it’s not just yours.”
Tony saw Pepper’s own grief over what had been lost flicker over her face, and took the stick out of his mouth and flicked it into the fire. She was right.
“You know there’s a good chance we won’t all make it back.”
Pepper pursed her lips and looked away, but her voice didn’t waver. “I know. But I also know you’ll make it worth it.”
They spent the rest of the night in companionable silence, and the next morning, Tony drove to the Avengers compound.
Tony had forgotten how good the rest of his team was, and it didn’t take long before they had drummed up a pretty solid plan, a full team, and enough time particles to make it work.
He went into the past with Pepper’s words ringing in his ears.
Tony ran into his father and finally said a thank you that he meant, and it was worth it. Tony hugged Peter, alive and whole and so, so young, and it was worth it. Tony caught a glimpse of Morgan, laughing and powerful and thirty-six, and it was worth it.
Tony closed his eyes and let Pepper’s voice wash over him, and drifted off into the black.
And it was worth it.
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Insomnia // Hwang Hyunjin [bulleted scenario!]
Summary: In which you and Hyunjin are both too oblivious to realize your true feelings... until it’s too late? 
Genre: angsty, floooof, gender neutral 
Word Count: 2175
Warnings: Just some cursing 
A/N: This is my first time writing a bulleted scenario and i quite enjoyed it :) idk it’s fun to not care about settings too much and punctuation and stuff. I also liked adding my own little dumb remarks here are there :PP it was fuN! This was another scenario that kinda arose while i was napping i hope you guys enjoy it! <3 i love stray kids 
i’m also gonna try to make all my scenarios gender neutral from now on (unless specifically requested) b/c we are all about inclusivity here !! :)
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This was originally gonna be like a real fic
But the writers block was REAL like i really tried to set the scene and everything
But it didn’t turn out right
And i really wanted to get this one out so HERE WE ARE TRYING THE BULLETED SCENARIO OKAY YAY LETS BEGIN!
Trainee au!! Kinda :D
Like skz didnt go through the survival show yet
Ok so SEtting thE SCeNe~~~~
You just walked into the jyp building bc jyp hired you as a new producer
Like to study under him and potentially help w producing in the future
Like jyp 2.0 ya know
Jyp meets w you himself bc you’re like a prodigy
And a foreigner so he thought you’d be more comfortable w him speaking toyou in english :D
So he explained what you gotta do during your training period
Like studying more about composition and production
Learning korean to more easily communicate w idols and what not
And also honing your own style and figuring out who you are as an artist
So he pairs you up w the trainees bc it be good practice
More specifically skz bc they seem to have a more flexible style
Also like he thought it would be good for you to work w chan and the rest of 3racha
Like bc yall around the same age
And it helps you become more comfy
And familiar w the company and the producing rooms and recording studios and what no
And then like
Through working w them to produce a song for the trainee showcase
Yall get mad close
And like
You have your eyes on hyunjin from the start
Like bc who couldn’t
Gorgeous boy
At first you were just like “this is admiration”
“He very handsome i just admire his features”
And maybe it was..
At first
Now it's a full blown crush
For real
That boy is so hard working
Like you constantly see him asking for help
So he can improve
And like
People always said he was a visual only
Which made you feel bad that you saw that at first 
But you realized later
That like
You actually like him bc of his personality
What a hard worker 
For real
Little did you know that your crush was NOT one sided
Hyunjin admired your hard work in producing
And how you always took criticism well and only worked to improve your work
He thought you were hella cute
So yall were both kinda obvious
Him more than you
Like by a loT
So skz knew for a fact that hyunjin was head over heels in love w you so they pushed him to confess to you
Yeah he was like no
But after PEEr pRessUre
He finally agreed
They was gonna plan something like a party for you
To celebrate the time you’ve been w the company
But the showcase came before the celebration and suddenly they were on a survival show to see who would debut
So the party was postponed OOOODDDDD
But you didnt even know it was gonna happen so you didnt mind anyways
Soon enough it got closer to your birthday, and skz just decided to make it a birthday celebration instead
Hyunjin was more iffy about confessing bc what if you dont feel the same and he ruins your bday oh no
But at this point, skz was sure you liked him back so they were like dont worry about that they aren’t like that your relationship will be fine
So the party happens ladida
You were super surprised and sosososososo happy
Bc like
Your hart
These boys were precious and totally made your day
Tbh bc of your work
You almost forgot it was your birthday
After the crazy loud party, you wanted to like take some quiet time for yourself so you excused yourself
And then walked to the hallway and sat by the window and looked out at the city and the night sky
And suddenly you heard footsteps
It was this boy named jason who you were friends with
He was from the same town you were from so you got close p quickly when you first got to jyp
And jason had a not-so-secret crush on you
That ofc you were oblivious to
But he came over there to spend time w you and wish you happy bday
Little did you know
Hyunijn was mentally preparing himself to confess to you down the hall and around the corner w a pretty bouquet of flowers what a sweet boy
And when he finally works up the courage, he turns the corner and sees jason giving you a bday hug 
And he cant help but feel his hart drop
Yall look good together and like you were from the same town so similarities
So he was heartbroken needless to say
 He quickly turned around and walked away
But you heard the footsteps and saw just a glance of his outfit retreating
You excused yourself from jason’s company and ran after him bc you are so in love w this boy
You were gonna hug him and thank him, but when you approached he took a step back
Like ow
That hurt
He quickly stammered that he had to go home bc he was tired and left
He was hiding the flowers behind his back :’(
And then tossed them as soon as he left the building
He went for a long ass walk to clear his mind and soothe his aching heart
You were so worried
Was he okay?
You went home soon after bc you couldnt help but worry and that made you super tired
But you couldn't sleep
Goddamn it hyunjin
You messaged him
“you’re prob sleeping but i hope you feel better”
Dry ass reply: “thx”
Like wow
But you let it go
jic he was actually really exhausted
You knew he took criticism from the show too so maybe it was that
Hopefully he’d talk to you about it bc he usually did
But he didn't
He avoided you
Your heart really couldnt take it
Meanwhile you and jason got closer bc you didnt have hyunjin to hang out w anymore
Despite your many efforts
And this just further fuels his belief that yall are together
So to ignore the tinge in his heart every time he saw you, he buried himself in practice
Didn't sleep
Didnt drink enough water
Didnt eat enough
He was getting dangerously skinny and unhealthy
And it affected his attitude
Not only to you but to his members
One day you were asked to come in and monitor a recording session
And he was happy and giggly in front of the camera
But as soon as it turned off u could see the fatigue
And you told him that he should take better care of himself
And he SNAPPEd at you
 You actually flinched bc he was so aggressive
Your heart SHATTEREd
And you, also sleep deprived as FUCk
Slapped him
Not super hard, but like a “what the fuck is wrong with you”
And you walked right out, not even bothering to hide your tears
And he was sad but he thought that you hating him would help him get over you
What a dumb boy
You completely avoided him after that
You also still had restless nights 
God that convo kept playing over and over in your head
But one day you got a call from chan
He needed your help
Hyunjin was seriously overworking himself and he was afraid hyunjin was gonna collapse
Luckily you were still at the company working on smth bc ofc you couldn't sleep anyways so might as well make use of your time
So you finally agree bc even if you’re still angry at him, you are srsly worried about this boy
And when you get to the dance room your heart breaks all over again
Hes so pale
And sickly looking
And hes shaking but hes still dancing
You knock and hear a gruff “its open”
The music pauses for a moment but when he sees its you he scoffs and turns it back on
“what do you want”
“Uhm.. are you okay?”
“Why? You wanna slap me again to make me feel better?”
Ofc you rolled your eyes bc wtf hyunjin you were being nice
“I dont even know why i bothered”
You go over to the stereo and turn it off yourself
And he turns to you angry
At this point, you’re practically sobbing like udk if he can understand you but who cares
All this frustration that was pent up inside felt good being released
Bc at this point, you had nothing more to lose
Hyunjin already hated you so like why not just speak your mind amirite
 Anyways continuing w the dialogue:
Cue awkward pause/break thing (AWKwARD SiLEncE)
“What are you talking about hyunjin?”
He sighed defeatedly
It was now or never. He felt like his relationship w you was ruined already anyways
So he, like you, also had a ‘what do i have to lose’ mentality
“I was going to confess to you y/n. That night at your birthday party. But i was too late. I saw you with jason and you looked so happy and perfect together.  So i left. I cut my ties with you because i didn’t want my own feelings to get in the way of your happiness.”
You were completely utterly speechless
Like there were an overwhelming number of feelings enveloping you atm
Bc on the one hand:
The love of your life just confessed to you
But on the other
What a dumbass
You end up laughing and scoffing at his words bc
Hes so dumb
You dont like jason
God you’ve been in love w hyunjin for so goddamn long
And now you’re debating over how to respond
But like your anger and frustration kinda takes precedence bc youre also sleep deprived and you go
“ so, you broke your own heart and then you broke mine because you didn’t want to talk to me about it you dumbass ????”
And he gives you that classic confused puppy-dog look
W the head tilt and everything
And you go
“Hwang hyunjin, i’m fucking in love with you”
And he just stares blankly at you and blinks like 8 times trying to comprehend what just came out of your mouth
And his lips form an ‘o’ shape
And then hes coming closer and wrapping his arms around you
And you dont even mind that hes still sweaty and kinda smelly
Bc hes finally in your arms
But holding him so close also makes you super aware of just how skinny he’s gotten
Like it was worse than you thought
So you pull back and you open your mouth to chastise him
But before you can even start he’s cupping your cheeks can pulling your face to his
Your lips collide and then they're molding into one another
And your mind kinda blanks out
But your automatic reaction seems to be letting your fingers run through his hair and pulling him closer towards you
And when yall finally come up for breath
He tries to go in for another one like immediately after
Like slow your roll boy you guys can kiss all you want later
If you said that out loud, he wouldve responded w something like “we gotta make up for lost time”
But you put your hands on his chest and hold him back
And he pouts
(you almost squeal at how cute he looks)
“Ok, now that we’re dating, i am literally commanding you to take better care of yourself because this,” you eye him up and down, “is unacceptable”
And he quirks an eyebrow up and is like
Oh? I don’t recall asking you out? On a date?”
And you get all blushing and become a blubbering mess and hide your face in his chest like
“Shut up hyunjin”
But he’s just giggling at your embarrassed face :D
Then, him being the dramatic hoe that he is, he gets down on one knee in front of you and says
“y/n, y/l/n, will you go out on a date with me?”
And ofc u say yes
And after that whole dramatic scene, you pull him out of the practice room, fingers intertwined, ready to stuff him with food
And he goes
“I dont think i said it back.”
“Said what back?”
“That i love you”
And the rest is history
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impivus · 6 years
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very rushed very shit intro comin @ you all but here goes nothing ! i’m felix from the gmt tmz, i use he / him pronouns, and im gonna power nap any minute now because one thing you should know about me is that i’m eternally on the verge of passing out from minimum exertions during the day. this is my pain in the ass eunsu: not even going to sugar coat it - he’s the human personification of a headache dumpster fire all in one beefy package and i really don’t even blame your character if they just . ignore his presence because, me too !
under the cut there’s some information about him if you want to get to know more about him regardless. smash that mf heart if you want to plot.. and i will get to you ? sometime ? its an ambiguous promise but i keep them, discord is also an option so just ask if you’d prefer to plot on there. eun’s about is here but no plots as of yet because life is hard and We Cant all Have Everything 
aka im lazy 
* ☾ ✧ * º ━━ is that KIM JONGIN walking about ? nope ! that’s just EUN SU CHO. & i’ve been told that they work as a INFORMATION BROKER ! apparently, they are TWENTY FIVE ( 204 )  years old .  some people say they are a CISMALE, DEMON ! HE is very CULTIVATED & INTUATIVE but also DECIETFUL &  MENACING. i wonder if they are just as odd as the rest of us .  ⇢  SYNOPSIS. MBTI TYPE  /  entp, the debater ZODIAC SIGN  /  scorpio   ENNEAGRAM TYPE  /  7w8 KINSEY SCALE  /  3 MORAL ALIGNMENT /  chaotic evil / neutral HOGWARTS HOUSE / slytherin ⇢ AESTHETICS. 
goosebumps raised and feelings of growing dread, the dark corner of a room where light doesn’t reach, silver pocket - watches with dead batteries, the scratch of a record player needle, flares in the sky, bad ideas coming to life, half-assed clapping when it’s required, figures dancing within the shadows & a smile you shouldn’t trust . 
literally anybody: when are you free?  eun su: im forever imprisoned in my own personal hell so i am never truly "free" but i don't really have plans all next week except for monday
this is eun su, and will y’all believe me if i say he used to be a good egg before he turned into the rotten egg i’m presentin y’all with today ??  i kid u not.. bs free zone. he did once ..  have a hort  he was born to a cult of witches, his twin brother absorbing all the magic that was meant to be equally distributed between them in his mother’s womb, which pretty much left eunsu as the black sheep of the family. said cult had been living on a small, near enough desolated island for literal decades, entertaining themselves with magic, seeking out knowledge, observing the unassuming populace, and toying with other supernatural creatures who dared cross their paths. unfortunately for eunsu’s family, tragedy struck when one of his aunt’s tried to over throw the high priestess ( his mother ) in their coven. unyielding in her position and untouchable to the magic she was exposed to, her sister went about other ways to break the woman’s spirits, dabbling in black magic predominantly to achieve her goals. eunsu’s brother was, thus, cursed before he was even born with an incurable heart defect that would see him dead before he reached double figures. eunsu’s mother was broken not mourned over how much he missed out as on a child: but she mourned for the fact that he was the only child that harboured any magic in their veins, the only child that could’ve carried on their lineage.   queue entrance of eunsu and his Whats the Worst that Could Happen Attitude. being young and naive, thought he could’ve been able to solve it by himself, solve the issues and earn his mother’s lacking affections. eun had heard about dark vessels that could miraculously grant wishes through summonings. though he didn’t have magic in his veins he had a fire in his heart, and after all, demons cared not for who or what they fed from: so long as they appeased their hunger.  all it wanted in return was a good, pure soul, and that’s what the demon stole from him before it mended his twin brother’s heart, giving the boy a new lease of life that wasn’t intended for him from the start. pity that eunsu died before he got to the age of twenty, following a quick and hungry fever that overtook his frail body and too soon turned deadly. there was no surprise that, come judgement day, he was turned away at the gates of heaven, in exchange for becoming one of lucifer’s own.
as a result of being eternally cursed with immorality and a tainted soul, he's lived some hundred-odd years and is coping by making the current populace in jeonseoul suffer along with finding purpose in digging out the secrets of his past life, mayhaps trying to find the demon who cursed him.... which could definitely be a wc.. and strengthening his abilities as a demon.
his personality is a bit insufferable; eunsu keeps himself distant and cryptic, because he likes it that way. he's a real weirdo ( if u have ever watched hxh he’s hisoka.. THAT weird )  that's hard to forget: completely mischievous, dramatic, and malicious to boot. some days he's waxing poetic about the futility of having a sense of justice and the next he's using his demonic powers to make some innocent tourist think they're hallucinating as they attempt to walk into a steady flow of traffic. 
ultimately life's a game to him and bih.. he’s here to have fun ! he's outlived his actual family and friends ( well, aside from his brother who he barely remembers, prolly be a wc if anyone’s interested ) and he's not looking to get attached to anyone. it would be great to Die because it’s his forever Mood but he also gets furious if anyone tries to actually expel him for real - so he'll simply prod at the world and its people until he gets the reactions he wants.
fair warning: it is a pain to genuinely care about eunsu and not many people will wanna do it. he comes and goes into people's lives as he pleases, stops reaching out once he's bored and only ever grazes the surface of a relationship based on its worth or his curiosities, innocent ppl, cute ppl, etc are just gonna be eaten up by him then dropped. 
the people who will be closest to him are doubtlessly other demons ig ? but he also hates y’all too so.. don’t get too friendly like he’s not here to make friends he’s here to be Jeonseoul’s next top Demon. also since he died sumn like 200 years ago it’s possible some wizards / familiars knew of him and his coven, it’d be super interesting for someone to have known cute human eunsu in exchange for chaotic bastard demon eunsu 
since he’s a young demon, his horns are small and his wings barely span about two inches above his shoulder bones, he got itty bitty bat wings lbr he’s kinda pissed abt it. there’s tattoos over his scars from clashing with other demons / hunters / angels, but his devil’s mark lining the back of his neck, performed by first demon who took his soul, has never faded away. 
he also works as an info broker, which ties in with the fact that he’s a contractual demon ! it's more of a hobby than a job, something he does for kicks and to restock his gambling money and alcohol money, but he offers a helping hand to solo clientele for private cases if need be, just remember to bring your negotiation skills because his manipulation skills are a1.
he's well-versed in witchcraft even if he can’t actually possess the abilities that actual witches can. while hardly the mentoring type, he could be convinced to equip people with his knowledge of latin, spells or dark magic they want if he's interested enough. then again he might decide to screw them over for kicks so ask him for favours with caution.
for someone who carries a ton of spite and secrets, he passes as an easygoing, casual literature major on the daily to disguise his true intentions. find him at the university pretending to be a student and failing miserably at it like edward’s thousand year old ass in twilight
he cheats at the casino with his demonic powers but does it infrequently enough to pass it as luck. play games with him at your own risk. casinos are one of his favourite places but he can really be found anywhere with ease but some other places he frequents are: beaches, libraries, museums, bars, etc !
he'll get on people's nerves, but getting him to care to the degree of hate is another story. living this long has numbed him; people don't surprise him anymore and he doesn't care to spend time thinking about others. the secret to getting him to turn deathly serious is as simple as telling him you can tell that he was once a good person - because the cheesy truth is he was. he just convinces himself that he's given up trying to remember his human life and finds it easier to live like he’s dead.. yknow which he is.
romance makes him queasy, he's a spiteful old bastard and the concept of sweet love rubs him 100% fictional. there's someone he fancied before he was cursed but i'll save you the story: that's a distant dream now.
he might quote romantic works or put some pretty words together but he's fake as Fuck. if he notices someone innocent and unsuspecting crushing on him they are in so much trouble. he'll kiss their hand then twirl them right off a cliff. corruption kink central right here laid ease
as of rn he’s trying to master how to teleport and shadow control but he really is like on level one and he’s got to get up to level 50 to achieve even a fifth of what these other demons can do 
edit: i totally forgot to include eunsu’s ‘demonic’ title after he was banished to the perils of hell. it’s ironically just saint, and he goes around using that bc it’s blasphemous and a big ole middle finger to god himself. nobody will know his real name, but if there’s an off chance that they do, that’s a massive threat to eunsu and he’ll get his Snipers on Scene
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1800-seungshine · 7 years
i’m serious.
member: ong seongwoo genre(s): fluff, romance, college!au   summary: there are numerous perks of being his teasing, mischievous self but one disadvantage? he can’t seriously say how he truly likes you. (bullet point format) word count: 1.9k
note: ok so this is not a requested scenario but rather something my mind has been bothering me about for a long time and i need to dump it somewhere or else i can’t do anything else lmao. lowkey inspired by one of my favourite songs (click here) bc day6 songs are life and need more love and attention < 3 
p.s. i’m sorry if i haven’t posted a scenario recently, i got sick and while laying in bed watching wanna one videos is fun, not writing bc of a constant headache that made me take so many naps (which i don’t really regret ehehe) made me sad :’(( 
ong seongwoo
first thing people think of is his good looks 
i mean just take a look at his face
one smile and congratulations! you just turned into a puddle
but y’all srsly do you even know how good looking he is like oh my god 
the next thing people remember is his lit ass humour 
he’s the funniest guy you’ve ever seen 
besides, his humour was why you both got closer 
you weren’t necessarily the most social person in the world 
but he was 
and it was that one class that you shared together where everyone knows who he is
yet somehow he takes the seat right next to you 
“the other seats weren’t appealing enough. someone with looks as good as mine needs a chair that represents his shining visuals.”
ok first of all,,, 
what a c0cky hoe
usually guys who say such pretentious things would have met your fist but there was something different about him
and achievement unlocked! ong seongwoo made you laugh 
might not be a big deal to other people but your laugh indicated a lot more to him 
bc if he can make you laugh in one go you’re instantly his friend
hence the beginning of your blooming friendship 
eventually you ended up looking forward to that class bc seongwoo was there 
even if he did distract you all the time by pulling weird ass faces
and whispering jokes to make you laugh 
but that was the joy of befriending a guy like him 
really, it wasn’t that hard for you to get along with seongwoo
so what was simple class interactions became lunch hangouts to study sessions and everything in between 
you two matched each other really well 
you always laugh at his jokes
he drags you to his adventures 
you have a sense of humour that blended with his 
he has the funniest memes to combat your savage remarks 
you would always help him when it came to anything 
and he knows how to instantly cheer you up 
your best friend has to grab ice cream before she can hear you rant
yet when it came to seongwoo all it took was one mobile phone and fingers rapidly typing in allcaps to emphasise the anger in your body
and you’d feel a million times better bc he had the funniest replies that makes you happier than eating your favourite flavour of ice cream
so is ong snatching the best friend title??
yeah probably 
and while you two may consider yourselves as close friends
it doesn’t seem to be that way to the eyes of others  
the amount of times you and seongwoo have been assumed as a couple became so endless to the point where you two gave up on counting
and seongwoo being the prick he is eventually played along to people’s assumptions by wrapping an arm around your shoulder, “come on babe, i don’t want you falling for other guys.” he’d teasingly say, sending a cheeky wink before he’d drag you elsewhere
he does it anywhere, no matter who you two were with, just to tease you
you: you’re such a little prick, ong - i’m gonna end up jumped on by your admirers >:(
seongwoo: whoops my bad  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you: smh you’re deleted bye. i hate you so much-
seongwoo: love you too y/n ;) 
the closeness of your friendship was so tight that it was ultimately questioned by everyone else 
and kang daniel were one of the few who had enough of simply pondering and presuming so he bluntly asked you when he invited you to sit with him for lunch one day
“y/n....are you dating seongwoo hyung?” 
you were about to spit the water you were drinking at him bc of the sudden topic but you hurriedly gulped the water down, lightly choking along the way 
“is this a new approach on conversation starters?” you asked after having a coughing fit, “because i’m rating it a zero.” 
“no, i’m genuinely asking; nearly everyone on campus think that you two have something going on and i can see why they think that way.” daniel pointed out. 
you let out a seemingly forced chuckle as your eyes land on seongwoo who stood across the vicinity, surrounded by swarms of girls 
seeing the sight of seongwoo smiling and laughing with other girls, you pushed the giddy feelings aside by instantly shooting it down with your denial before you discreetly point at him 
“turn around,” you told daniel who obediently followed your instruction to observe his best friend for a minute before his attention returned to you
“see? ong treats me like that too, there’s nothing special - we’re just friends.” 
you took your gaze away from seongwoo to get rid of the sudden heaviness in your heart and met with daniel’s confused expression as he scratched his head.
“really...? but it doesn’t seem that way to me though.... i’ve known seongwoo for a long time and the way he treats you is different. for me at least.”
“daniel, what are you talking about?” 
“ah, forget it.” daniel remarked as he ruffled his hair, mumbling a little to himself before digging into his food, “hopefully you figure it out.” 
time skip bloop bloop
“hey, seongwoo!” 
a voice calls out to him and quickly he spins around, hoping that you’d be there
even if he already knew from the start that the voice didn’t resemble yours, disappointment still washes over him as he realises that it wasn’t you
but rather it was your best friend approaching him 
“y/n doesn’t feel well so she can’t come to today’s lecture but can you please take notes for her?” 
(ngl i got inspired by my flu and overall inability to properly breathe) 
the neutral expression on his face is visibly replaced with worry, “is she okay? what happened?” 
“she just needs to rest - i have to go now, my class is starting soon.” 
“wait!”  “the passcode’s 0000. bye seongwoo!” 
seongwoo furrows his brows together in confusion, “how did she know i was going to ask that...?” 
meanwhile you were casually dying on the sofa with multiple blankets wrapped around you
your best friend was the one who got you in the living room in the first place as you couldn’t get up in the morning
and before she could leave for her classes, she forced you to eat and made sure that you drink medicine 
now you’re just cuddling a tissue box as you try to watch television
but there’s a sudden knock on the door and you hear the door opening 
believing your best friend came back, you rise from your resting position, “oh why are you back so earl-” you abruptly end your sentence as you see who came entered in
“you look like a sad burrito.”
“i’m going to take that as a compliment,” you say with a sniffle, “what are you doing here?” 
he simply lifts up the plastic bags he’s been holding, “i’m here to take care of you, what else?”
“don’t you have other classes to attend?” 
seongwoo places the bags on the table, gently pushing you back down on the sofa as he kneels beside you
“first class was our lecture so i took notes and left as soon as it finished,” you watch him speak as his hand reaches out to touch your forehead, letting it sit there for a few seconds, “you have a slight fever...”
you remain silent as you observe his face at a closer glance; your gaze travelling from his eyes, his nose, the constellation moles adorning his face and down to his lips before you find yourself looking back at those dark brown eyes staring right at you
and suddenly you’re unable to breathe even more than your current condition was letting you.
bc in that moment, you finally accepted how much you liked seongwoo 
that it wasn’t even out of friendship anymore 
and knowing that you got caught, you begin to hide under the covers from embarrassment as you try to calm your palpitating heart
“oh my god, ong get out.” 
“but i just came??” 
“i’m just sick, this is nothing - i’m fine. my heart’s fine.” you ignore the fact that seongwoo’s presence still remains in the room as you talk to yourself under the blankets 
until he pulls it away from you and your eyes immediately land on the person you last wanted to see that day 
“what? are you okay, y/n?” 
you grab the blankets once again and hide yourself from him, “no i’m not okay. i practically look and sound dead, don’t do this to me”
“do what? we’re both dead inside- come on, just look at me and tell me what’s wrong.” 
“no thank you. i already caught the flu, i don’t need a broken heart.” 
“and what makes you think that way?”
words fail to escape your mouth as you’re unable to reply and you both fall into complete silence 
seongwoo takes this opportunity to hold onto the blankets and gently pull it away from you, “what makes you think you’ll have a broken heart?” he questions
although you’ve seen his serious side a number of times, it still sends chills down your spine 
because you know that this time he isn’t kidding 
you finally sit up curling into a ball, “because i’m just a friend - nothing more, nothing less.” 
you feel him sitting down beside you and you avoid his stare as much as possible by looking at the television that became a mere background music since seongwoo’s arrival 
his soft chuckle rings sweetly into your ear, “what’s so funny? did you just think of a weird joke in your head again?” you casually ask, pretending like nothing happened a few minutes ago.
“it’s funny because i don’t treat friends with coffee every morning. 
i don’t spend money to go cinemas just to watch a movie with friends, especially when there’s just two of us 
i also don’t think i’d spend fifty bucks in an arcade to cheer up a friend
nor do i send my friends pick up lines to brighten their day 
and of course, i don’t ditch daniel for friends. 
so if i ditch daniel for you then you’re very special to me - a lot more special than daniel himself and that’s a lot for me to say because that guy is like my brotp,, my soulmate even.” 
after his words sink into your head, you realise that everything seongwoo has listed 
he’s done them for you 
“so how many times have you ditched daniel?” you ask as you turn your head to him, instantly caught in his stare as you realise that he had been staring at you this entire time.
“never.” he starts off, “but for you? countless of times.” 
you feel your cheeks heat up and you were sure that it wasn’t your fever acting up, “i hate you, ong. do you know that?” you tell him. 
you hated him because of what he was doing to you.
you hated him because of what you were feeling towards him 
you hated him because you were falling for him
and you hated him because of the next words he says 
“i love you too, y/n.” he simply says as his lips curve upwards into a heartwarming smile as his gaze never leave you 
“and this time, i’m serious.” 
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i-fan-misha-do-you · 7 years
My Girlfriend’s.....a dog? (Dean x reader)
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Word Count: 2706 Warnings: none A/N: Guys, I swear, this is the biggest piece of crap. I’m not super happy with the ending, (and I might  re-do it later) but I haven’t posted in forever, so here ya go. Also, this isn’t part of Misadventures bc reader is paired with Dean, and I told you guys already that if you want a pairing in Mdvt then you gotta comment who you want. Alright, enjoy this crap fest. (gif not mine, credit to owner)
No. No, no, no, no! No freakin’ way. This was not happening. It wasn’t possible. But then again, if you hunted with the Winchesters, just about anything was possible. You let out a small huff, turning around to see yourself from a different angle in your full-length mirror. A freaking tail. Not to mention the four legs and fur. Man, you really hated witches. Of course you got turned into a dog. The one animal your boyfriend wouldn’t tolerate in the bunker. You let out a small growl as you sat down. Thinking back to last night’s hunt, you probably should’ve told one of the boys that you got hit with some weird spell. But then again, nothing had happened last night. You’d felt fine, only a few minor cuts and bruises. The boys were way worse off than you, as of last night, at least. A fury body and a tail was definitely worse than bruises.  Cocking your head in the mirror, you looked yourself over, trying to determine what kind of dog you were. You decided you looked most like a Belgian Malinois. But you didn’t even look like an adult. A puppy. You were a puppy.  You let out a small huff before you realized that you really needed to use the bathroom. Wandering into the restroom that was connected to your room, it suddenly became apparent that there was no way you could use the toilet. You (attempted to) roll your eyes before nudging your bedroom door open and tiptoeing out to the library section of the bunker. You perked up as you heard heavy footsteps approaching you, and quickly hid your small body under a chair. To your delight, it was Sam, up for his morning run. Excitedly, you ran out from under the chair and let out a series of embarrassingly high-pitched barks in an attempt to get his attention. But he didn’t even look at you.  Confused at his lack of response, you tried again, only to be ignored. Realization crossed your tiny features as you understood what was wrong. Sam had his iPod on, earbuds in his ears. There was no way he’d be able to hear you.   Growling, you followed behind him as he opened the bunker door to begin his run. You narrowly escaped being crushed in the heavy door, but as soon as you got outside Sam was already halfway down the road, his long legs carrying him quickly.  You gave up almost immidiatly, deciding that it would be impossible to match his pace for two hours. Seriously, who runs for two hours?  You instead decided to explore outside of the bunker, realizing how great everything smelled now. Eventually, you found a bush and relieved yourself. Sam had only been gone about ten minutes, so you decided to take a nap. Curious, you walked over to the Impala and were delighted to find that the driver side smelled faintly of Dean. Curling up under the car, you quickly fell asleep. -----------
 Your ears perked up as you heard heavy footsteps jogging in the dirt, nearing you before they slowed to a walk. You lifted your head as Sam’s sneakers came into view. Jumping up, you attempted to make yourself as pathetic looking as possible, hoping that would make Sam take you back inside.  You crawled out from under the car, staying low to the ground and doing the best puppy eyes you could muster. You caught his attention quickly and he removed out his earbuds, sinking down to your level.  “Hello, there.” Sam said softly, using his special dog voice. He held out his hand, and after a moment you hesitantly sniffed it, playing up the pathetic homeless puppy role.   You could smell the places that he’d run that morning, the trails, the park, the picnic tables he’d stopped at, everything. You began licking his hand, giving him little puppy kisses.  “Well, aren’t you just the cutest thing,” he said as he gently scooped you up in his arms. You were still licking his hands as he rose to his full height, and you were suddenly aware of how far down you would fall if he dropped you. Sam gently checked you for tags, and after finding none, brought you into the bunker with him.  “Now Dean won’t be thrilled if he finds you, but Y/n will love you. Unfortunately, the rules for the day after a hunt are no waking the others if you don’t have to. For all we know, they could sleep all day.”  You sighed upon hearing this. Your door was mostly closed, and Sam had no reason to go in your room. Hell, you couldn’t get to your room. He’d just scoop you up and bring you back to the library before you got the chance.  Sam walked into the kitchen, setting you down on the floor to retrieve a bowl and fill it with water. After placing that beside you, he got a bottle of water for himself and gulped it down quickly.  You quickly lapped up your water, though somewhat clumsily due to not knowing how to use your tounge properly. Sam chuckled, sitting beside you in the floor to scratch your back. You made a small whining noise and leaned in closer. You playfully bit his hand, and he gently pushed your head to the side. You repeated the action until Sam began to play wrestle with you. Five minutes later you were rolling on the floor with Sam, barking and yipping as you played. Sam was laughing and teasing you as you fought, and you almost didn’t hear Dean walk in. Almost. Your ears perked up as you recognized his scent, only stronger. Sam noticed your sudden change in demeanor, and quickly sat upright as you scrambled under the table. You watched your boyfriends sock clad feet walk into the kitchen and stop in front of Sam.  “Dude, seriously?” He asked. His voice was deeper than normal, indicating that you’d woken him up. Sam was about to reply when he cut him off.  “Ya know what? I don’t wanna know.” You heard the fridge open. “Where’s my girlfriend? Is she up yet?” You saw the bottoms of his plaid pajama pants move to the coffee machine.  “Uh, no. I haven’t seen Y/n all morning.”  “Yeah, it’s probably best she sleeps as long as she needs to. She did real good last night.” You were unable to contain the proud yip that escaped your throat. Sam froze as Dean turned away from the counter.  “Sammy,” he said slowly, “I know for a fact that there is not a dog in this bunker. So why did I hear a dog?” His tone got harder toward the end of his sentence, and even though he sounded angry, you couldn’t help peeking out from under the table.  You saw Dean’s shocked expression, and Sam’s ‘oh great, we’re done for’ face, but you just happily wagged your tail as you walked over to Dean. Sitting down in front of him, you raised one of your front paws and pawed at his leg. Dean set his coffee mug down on the counter and gave Sam a look you didn’t understand.  “She wants you to pick her up.” Sam explained.  “She?” Dean questioned, furrowing his brows. “How do you know it’s a she?”  “I know about dogs, Dean.” Sam smirked at him. Knowing Dean might need a bit more persuasion, you did your best puppy eyes and cocked your head the same way you’d seen Cas and other dogs do.  “Ah, come on, Sam. Why’d you teach this thing the puppy eyes?” Dean complained, but he moved down to pick you up anyway. Hesitantly, he cradled you in his arms, his long fingers scratching just the right spot behind your ears.  “Ok, fine. It’s cute, but where would we keep it?”  “We have lots of space in the bunker.” Sam suggested, but Dean seemed not to hear him.  “And anyway, we have nothing to feed it,”   “We literally have a whole ham in the fridge.”   “Besides, Y/n doesn’t really like dogs-“   “-do you even know her? She loves dogs.”   “Ok, fine.” Dean relented. “There’s no good reason why we can’t keep a dog. Oh wait, we’re hunters. We can’t hunt and take care of a dog.”   “Dean, she likes you,” Sam pointed out with a smile. That was very true. You were now profusely licking Deans hand, enjoying how much stronger his scent was with your extra sensitive nose.  He gave you a halfhearted grin before turning his gaze back to Sam.  “Fine, how about we’ll keep it until Y/n gets up? Then she can decide what to do with it.” Sam nodded. “Sounds fair. You wanna name her?”  Dean hmphed. “No Sam, I do not want to name her. If you name things you get attached to them.”   “Come on, Dean,” he laughed, “if you don’t name her, I will. And you probably won’t like it.”  Dean rolled his eyes before letting out a sigh. “Fine. I’ll name the dog.”  After examining your coloring, he raised an eyebrow at Sam before suggesting, “peanut butter?” Sam gave him an ‘are you kidding me’ face.  “What? She kinda looks like peanut butter.”  “Try again, Dean.”  “Umm, chocolate?”  “No.”  “Meatball?”  “Dean, why are all of your suggestions food?”  “Ugh, I don’t know,” Dean sighed, “just have Y/n name it.”  You let out a loud yip when you heard your name, causing the boys to both look at you.  “You want Y/n to-“Sam started, but you cut him off with a series of loud barks.  Dean raised an eyebrow at his brother. “Your dog’s nuts.” Sam rolled his eyes, and you began to wiggle in an attempt to get Dean to put you down. When he wouldn’t, you ignored the four foot height difference from the ground to his arms and jumped.  Dean let out a surprised, “hey!” as you took off down the hall towards your room. You heard two sets of footsteps behind you as you frantically pawed at your door. Jumping up, you knocked the handle just in time to open the door before the boys caught you. Slipping in through the crack, you ran and jumped on your empty bed.  “No, you’re gonna wake up…Y/n…” Sam slowed as he entered the room, Dean right behind him.  “Y/n?” Dean called out softly. You barked in reply.  ‘Come on, guys,’ you thought, “it’s me. Come on.’  “Sam, where is my girlfriend?” Dean asked calmly, realization slowly washing over him.  “Right there, Dean,” Sam answered, panic evident in his voice. “Y/n is a dog.”
 “How are we supposed to fix this?” Dean asked, his fingers absent mindedly running through your fur. You lay curled up on his lap as he and Sam scoured the books in front of them. They’d quickly found out that you weren’t very helpful when it came to research. You had chewed the books more than you’d actually assisted in finding a reverse to your condition.  “I don’t know,” Sam said, a yawn escaping his mouth. They’d been at this all day, and come up with nothing. “I guess we could give it a day or two. If it doesn’t wear off by tomorrow, then we go by one of Bobby’s old library cabins in Michigan and get some more books.”  Dean nodded slowly. “I guess that’s the most solid plan we’ve got.” His attention turned to you as you stretched and jumped off his lap. “Looks like it’s that time again.” He told Sam. Standing, he followed you to the bunker door, letting you outside and stepping out with you. He watched as you disappeared into the darkness, returning a few minutes later. You followed Dean back into the bunker, hearing the door shut behind you as you made your way into the kitchen.  Dean opened the fridge and pulled out a package of lunchmeat, opening it and setting it down in front of you. You quickly finished it and drank a little water before you trotted off towards Deans room, passing Sam on the way and giving him a goodnight lick on his outstretched hand.  “Night, Dean,” Sam said with a chuckle, turning towards his own room.  “Goodnight, Sammy.” Dean clapped his little brother on the shoulder before going the same direction you’d gone. He found you curled up at the foot of his bed, fast asleep. He shook his head, stripping down to a tee shirt and boxers before climbing in and quickly drifting off.
Dean awoke to you nudging his cheek with your wet nose. Blinking, he slowly sat up and pushed your face away, turning to look at the clock. It was nine am, which meant you probably had to go to the bathroom.  “You gotta go out, y/n?” He asked you. You shook your head, stepping towards him then away in excitement.  “What’s up with you?” He wondered out loud. You barked twice, trying to tell him what you’d thought of that morning.  “Hey, hey. I can’t understand you when you bark at me. Sit.” He said, half serious. You glared at him but sat on his lap anyway. You cocked your head to the side, exactly the way a certain angel would.  “Man, Y/n. Ya look just…like…Cas…wait a minute! Cas!” His hands moved to either side of your face, squishing it slightly. “You are a genius, Y/n” He pressed a quick kiss to your forehead before jumping out of bed and running down the hall to find Sam. By the time you caught up with him, he, Cas, and a disgruntled Sam stood in the library.  “Hello, Y/n.” Castiel said in his deep voice, cocking his head slightly. You tail wagged as you pranced over to the angel.   “Sit down, please.” He instructed, holding out two fingers. You sat obediently, waiting for him to use his angel mojo. He tapped his fingers lightly against your forehead, and everything flashed white.  When you woke up, you were in your bed, the boys outside your room talking in hushed voices. Sitting up, you checked your hands, relieved to find that you had ten fingers again.  Dean noticed you sit up, and quickly walked over to the side of your bed.   “Heya, sweetheart. How are ya feeling?” He asked with a small grin.   “Good, I think. I feel pretty good.” You answered, feeling your face, neck, shoulders and waist. “I’m back.” You said, smiling.   “Yes, you are.” Dean leaned in, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.  “Hey, Y/n/n. How ya doing?” Sam asked as he entered the room.  “I’m good. I’m not covered in fur anymore, so that’s a plus.” The boys both let out a small burst of laughter, Dean slinging his arm around your neck and pulling you closer to him.  “Please never turn into a dog again.” He joked.  “Never.” You promised. Your attention turned to Castiel. “Thanks for fixing me, Cas. I appreciate it.”  “Of course, Y/n. Your body may feel weak from the transition, so get plenty of rest. If you’ll all excuse me, I have business to attend to.”  With that, the blue-eyed angel vanished.  “Alright, I’ll let you two be for a few.” Sam said, turning and walking away.   “Be honest,” you called after him, “was I a cute dog, or what?”   Sam chuckled from the hallway as Dean spoke up.   “You were a cute dog, but I’d rather have my beautiful girlfriend.”  “Aww, good answer, D.” You grinned, pressing a kiss to his cheek.  “And……” He leaned in to whisper something in your ear that made your face go red. You sat back abruptly and threw your pillow at him.  “Dean Winchester, don’t think that I forgot that you told me to sit when I was a dog! There is no way you’re getting laid- “  He cut you off with a kiss, pushing you backwards onto the mattress and taking your breath away.   “Ugh, I hate you sometimes.” You said, trying to catch your breath.   “But you love me.” He said, grinning cheekily.   “Yeah, I kinda do.” You agreed, pressing your lips to his again.  Man, you were really glad you weren’t a dog anymore.
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imaginingit · 8 years
happy valentine’s day mothafuckas ;)
i love jeon jungkook are u bitches ready
you first met jungkook when you heard the sound of a moving truck beep its way into the driveway next to yours 
now u were always a child of adventure 
ur parents worked a lot so it was basically u at home with ur grandparents and they were the most chill motherfuckers on the face of the planet
and the front door of ur house always seems to be unlocked so u were the poster boy/gal of “adventure is out there!!!”
cue me ugly crying that movie kills m e 
u loved the outdoors and being adventurous 
u were so tomboy and reckless it was hilarious
u drove every single member of ur family insane 
they got called into school one time to u staring at the ground in the principal’s office next to a kid with a missing tooth and bloody nose 
“he tried to hug me” 
to summarize, u loved causing trouble, but have fun in the midst! 
and yes, meeting new ppl!!
and at dinner, u would hear ur grandpops and grandma talking abt the couple moving in next door 
and how they have also have a 6!! year!! old!! son!!
and u could barely keep ur head on the pillow that night bc omg! you can’t wait to have a new friend the same age as u! 
so on that beautiful sunny saturday morning, at exactly 7am sharp, with ur scabby knees, bruised legs, ripped shorts, mismatched socks, run-down light up sneakers, and ur older brother’s hand-me-down power rangers sweatshirt, you marched on over to the driveway to meet your new best friend
and u see a middle aged man and a beautiful woman trying to carry in a couple boxes together and u guessed those were the parents 
and as u were marvelling at how pretty they were, “man, if they look that good, how good does their son loo--”
u have no idea what came over u but u almost tripped over the tall weeds trying to get into the truck and find the source of the voice 
you went straight to the yellow, flower-y sofa resting in the middle of the truck, with little boy limbs sticking out from under the cushions
u ran up and ripped them away and low and behold, u laid ur eyes on the most beautiful 6 year old there ever was 
and from then on, ur heart decided to plant its FUCKING BOTTOM with jungkook forever
from the first day he met u he literally believed u were the weirdest person he’s ever met 
but without a doubt, you became childhood friends 
like best friends
u saw him naked for the first time when u were 8 and just bursted into his shower at like 8am in the morning 
“omg it’s so smALL?”
he didn’t speak to you for two weeks after that 
your grandparents would always have him over for dinner 
you guys played make believe together and took naps in ur power ranger blanket together 
but it’s also a lot of bullying 
taking turns making ugly faces, whoever laughs first has to go and tell ur grandma they pooped their pants and needs help changing it 
“accidentally” slapping each other SUPER hard in the face
“you had a fly on ur cheek sorry!! couldn’t help it!!”
literally the purest and most innocent friendship ever ever ever 
everyday in first grade, when you had reading time, he would be in the seat behind you and fold a tiny little paper plane with a sticky note and throw it at you 
would keep folding them and throwing it at you until you noticed and turned around and yelled at him and got in trouble by your student teacher 
“i hate u jeon jungkook” 
you didn’t really
but it wasn’t until the third or fourth time he kept doing it that you realized there was a message on each of them 
and they weren’t really anything cute
they were just like 
“hey notice me”
“your hair looks greasy from the back” 
“what book are you reading”
“don’t ignore me”
“am i being annoying?”
“yea? good.”
but your favourite was
“i’m glad you’re in my class” 
because he would rarely ever show affection to you because your relationship was made up a lot of the “we don’t need to say anything to know it”, meaning you never needed to straight out express your gratitude to each other for the other to know that you’re appreciated 
main point is you grew up together 
however, after like the fourth grade
you both somehow decided that you were too cool for each other despite the fact that your crush on him was still there 
there was something so mesmerizing about the fact that 
he never truly ever demeaned you as a person??? like yes he was a tease and you guys always did those things to each other
but for a kid, he was always somewhat of a gentleman and would never make fun of you to deliberately hurt your feelings 
unfortunately doe, in middle school, your group of friends completely changed
and although you guys sort of had the same status in school of being popular but very, very laidback, and your groups of friends acquainted with one another, your interactions would be saying hi, making small talk when you were with a handful of other people and smiling at each other as you pass by the halls 
back then, you would walk home together every single day and spend time doing homework in the bedroom of one of you two 
but as the grades went on and the workload increased, you found music and student council and volleyball whereas he found track and basketball and dance
his family went through troubles and he found it difficult to talk to people at times 
and you were so busy with finding a job and saving up for post-secondary that you spent after school with your clubs or in the library studying
timing and interests for you guys were extremely unparalleled and eventually, things just grew apart before high school began 
and oh dear
high school
periods? check. acne? check. hormones? check. grOWTH SPURTS? check.
now, reader, entering high school, you only had one rule: forget. about. jeon. jungkook.
and it wasn’t like he was being a dick or anything to you, you just didn’t find any way that you guys would work out anymore
despite being best friends and literally showering together when you were 7 and your parents are best friends, you just never ever have proper conversations anymore, and things just naturally got awkward
and also life lesson for u guys omg so philosophical what it wasn’t anyone’s fault, you guys just happened to no longer have the same interests or the time to notice each other anymore - people drift apart. it happens. 
and you were so okay with coming to terms with that 
“oh my gosh is that jeon jungkook?”
“he... grew muscles?”
“puberty hit him like a freight train???”
the morning of sophomore year, after a whole first year of properly avoiding him and being absolutely sure that he wasn’t going to get hot (jungkook is juST A LATE BLOOMER OK LEAVE HIM ALONE), you turned your head to the front doors and felt the wind get knocked out of you 
bc walking in with his friends, with the school uniform seemingly perfectly snug and hugging every one of his curves
was jungkook
and for some reason
yes he looked more mature and yes he got fucking MANLIER
but you were instantly reminded of something that clicked in you when you saw that 6 year old boy stuck in the sofa on the very first day he moved in next to you
was it that innocence? was it the charm? was it the hair-swept-away-from-face thing? you diDN’T KNOW 
but girl you were gone again 
and listen 
you dated people in freshman year and guys liked you, but you were never the type to chase or to fawn
you were just different from other girls like you would much rather be the type to be the one playing ball than the one in a miniskirt cheering on the team on the sidelines
that’s just who you are, heck you fucking punched a dude that wanted to hug you and say thank you, broke his nose and chipped his tooth like kk y/n
it was just difficult for you to grasp feelings, truly, but for some reason, this guy has just got you so weak???
and for some other reason, jungkook and the reminder and memories of you guys as kids just hits you like a truck and you’re already head over heels once again
and you go into first period to shake off the thought of him but ofc!!! he’s!!!! in!!!! ur!!! first!! period!!! literature!!! ihml!!!
so you take the seat diagonally in the front of him to make sure you don’t get sidetracked in ur favourite class and drool at him the entire time
you were taking notes from the board, analyzing and reviewing the literary device and short stories before delving into the actual stuff in literature when you dropped your pencil and leaned down to grab it 
when you saw an arm reach down first 
and hand it to you 
you looked up 
and you guessed it 
biTCH IT WAS JUNGKOOK AND he had such a warm and friendly smile 
and you could barely say anything 
because on one hand you were like oh i’m glad he still remembers who i am??? like ffs? but your other side is like oh my god oh my god oh my god 
so weeks go by and every single day you feel such a burning sensation at the back of ur neck like fufufufuffufufu he’s RIGHT THERE
and jungkook isn’t that type to be extremely boisterous and loud and obnoxious even if he’s hot shit 
so you weren’t worried about him bothering you whatsoever after that like that was a fluke, he was being nice, whatever, it’s done 
a couple weeks go by and you’re starting to feel better now, thinking you’ve got this crush thing under control
silent reading time 
you were just assigned a new book by your favourite author! and you couldn’t wait to begin the book reports on these 
so you dove into the world of fire-breathing dragons and mystical knights and creatures beyond reality
when you felt a poke on your neck
and you had no idea what it was? you were so engulfed in the story that you just scratched and left it, not thinking twice
and then you felt it again
it took you a second, but it hit you
and it hit you hard
you turned your head around slowly and your heart was beating so fast
your eyes fall on a small pink sticky note, folded into a plane, dropped on your shoulder
so you open it, careful to make no noise in the silent classroom
and on the single sticky note it read:
“it’s good to see you again. i’m so so glad you’re in my class.”
you sneak a tiny glance back at the boy behind you, your face flushing with heat and memories 
and from behind his book, he looks up and gives you the tiniest, warmest smile you’ve ever received 
you folded the paper once more and fit it in your pocket and returned to your dragons and knights and witches, all the while smiling like a fool to yourself because maybe, just maybe, you didn’t really drift apart that much at all 
hi guys!! so sorry for the late update, hope you enjoy thisssss:)
also side note: just because it’s valentine’s day (i mean i dont celebrate this) doesnt mean that you need a significant other! buy yourself some hershey’s, make some tea, snuggle up with a teddy bear and a blanket, and switch on some netflix. today is any other day, so don’t demean yourself and your experience with this day because of your status! 
alsoooo don’t wanna get a little preachy but, in this au i kind of hint at the fact that the y/n or reader is someone very tomboyish and doesn’t really seem to find herself chasing after boys. in no way am i trying to vocalize the fact that just because you’re of a certain nature, your personality towards boys reflects that. this is just a fictional work of how one might feel (presumably me lolz) when realizing feelings for someone they truly loved at one point. just because a woman who is normally tougher on the exterior has a sudden soft spot for a boy does not indicate that she’s lost sense of herself or that she succumbs to a boy. just because a woman is a certain way because of a boy that makes her feel different doesn’t mean she is any less of a woman herself. everyone is obligatory to their feelings, and how women choose to express themselves sexually or emotionally to a man they love is their own personal choice as long as they are within consent and are safe. everyone’s decisions and behaviours in love are consensual and their own - that does not demean them as a feminist in any way, shape or form. remember that. 
have fun, y’all, uSE PROTECTION, and i love u!!!
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bigbrotherorre · 6 years
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WEEK 13 
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if someone who doesn't love me wins this week then bye bye ashvika 
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annoyed that sammy nominated me because i kept him safe last week whereas i could have just as easily flipped to keeping alivia and he could've left...but more than that, i'm annoyed at his speech. i dont think he should've used "you nommed me" as an excuse bc that's lame and he was the first to nom me and i nommed him back so we were even, and then i let him have veto pick when he was nommed and i made sure he got taken off. also conversation is a two way street and i dont see him trying to make a conversation with me either, he could have just said the real reason....i love hearing about how good of a player he thinks i am.... the worst case scenario is if bryce or zeezo win, i think even if the noms stay the same that i have a good chance of staying? granted that autumn and ali don't decide to turn on me and evict me 
why is bryce spreading lies :( i didn't tell ali to nominate sammy.... 
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ive made a lot of mistakes this game and there all coming at me now.. my position in the game is terrible and i can blame it on ppl playing not to their win condition or on just the wrong ppl winning comps at the wrong time, but ultimately i could have tried harder convincing ppl to see the light or to do better in challenges so ultimately its on me. feeling really hopeless this week even tho i avoided being a preveto nom i think ill be a post one if literally anyone but me wins veto. and i flopped veto (cwl). i cant wait for after the game for ali to admit that he did tell me that ashvika pushed for sammy to be nommed. order in which id vote ppl zeezo- always worked with me and if she makes it to the end she truly DID THAT ashvika- really took control of the game with her hoh win and after jose left smartly picked up the goats and became the biggest threat randy- a king love us working with/against each other throughout the game and even tho he was voted out im not one to discredit buyback winners autumn- never spoke to me but guess she didnt need to KASDHFK ali- fakest person ive ever met dennis- knows how to get to f2 at least sammy- ignores obvious facts and always makes the wrong move  but good at comps so wooh (me teas too tho...)
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somehow i didnt get nommed but like so sad what the heck zeezo is going home like why is everyone so jealous that shes prettier and funnier than them :( why cant we all be her goats <3 i guess its good bc like i cant win with zeezo in the game and i can vote to keep her still, but honestly if i lose in f2 with zeezo itd still be fun bc she has had my back all game :] I AM SO SAD UGHHHH GOD HATES GAYS AND HES TAKING MY TWO WOC QUEENS BACK TO BACK. Now i have ashvika who is a queen but not my queen!! And autumn yikes hates me always :(
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SORRY IVE BEEN GONE!!! I did one video confessional for Week 11 and just like never posted it lmao but I will haha and that's all behind me. But anyway I just have so many feelings. Live  night is about to begin, me and Zeezo's war is finally concluding, IM STILL TRYING TO GET MY FIRST COMP WIN, and I'm trying to protect my allies at all cost. Some cracked shit is about to go down and I'm so excited and so so glad I took a nap before this cause I'm ready for anything wooo
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OK BUT DAT TRIPLE DOE http://media2.giphy.com/media/xUA7aViRhBQPzXNAAM/giphy.gif It was dramatic, over the top, emotional, satisfying, show stopping, gut wrenching- literally everything you want out of a triple. I... don't feel bad for Breezo lmao, not after all the messiness they've caused. But doing Ashvika dirty is literally the hardest choice I've had to make in Orre. Sis I am so so sorry. I should've thrown you a vote but you know how Randy is and you really know how Dennis is. I just--- that was something I like wasn't prepared to ever do, break Ashvika's heart. But like in my beautiful dark twisted mind? It was perfect because I knew I couldn't go to the end w/ Ash but I was never going to nominate her. So here we are rip ALSO LAB AND BREEZO ALL SITTING IN JURY??? BIIIIIIITTTCCHHHHH https://media.giphy.com/media/zcAii7T9JXezS/source.gif If you're reading this, you know I sure did say I would wipe that whole group out and send them to jury and it really did come to pass. John sure did gas all of them up to win and I sure did tell him in my Week 10 goodbye message that they were all bout to walk in behind him. So in the spirit of prophesizing, let it be known that Auli aka Ali and I will make Final 3 because we are the strategic dynamic duo y'all slept on. Like correct me if I'm wrong: we've been on the right side of all 8 "merge" votes (there's no word for like opposite of pre-jury lmao), we ain't been on block since Week 6/7 and it's now Week 14, and we've downplayed our iconicism left and right so we're the last duo standing at Final 5, and no one wants to take a shot at us. BUT YALL STILL SLEEP CAUSE THE MIST IS THAT STRONG. That's ok though! When Randy and Sammy walk into jury next y'all will see Also I'm  dead at how much jury hates Ali hahaha. Deadass he has to stay in the game for safety reasons. Like soooo many jurors wanna kill him. That's my ride or die though so I can't let that happen. Anyway I still feel like shit for obeying Randy, which hurt Ashvika, made Dennis cry, and further dragged Ali's corpse. But the good news is woooo it's Final 5 and these boys all want to take Auli to the end. So do I NEED to win this HOH? No not really. Am I still praying and pleading with God like I do before every comp? Absolutely https://media1.tenor.com/images/1a11748f0c7ce30ab4afd057fab66751/tenor.gif?itemid=5677211
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Me when I shocked the nation and won HOH and finally had power in the house after 13 weeks https://78.media.tumblr.com/2a8c6d7cc298da364a847f8f9d767c7c/tumblr_opiih6Z7tB1ub3fcfo1_500.gif Me then using said power to target my baby Randy for the greater good https://media.giphy.com/media/hic9t15zsdwfC/giphy.gif And now me that I'm selling my entire family, land, soul, and wig collection to get Dennis to keep me and kill Sammy so that I'm not Ika Wonged because I know for a fact Ali would take me to F2 and Dennis would be a dumbass not to take me too. AND I ALWAYS BELIEVED IF I WENT UP A FOURTH TIME THAT WOULD BE THE TIME I GO UP ON THE BLOCK AND DONT COME BACK DOWN SO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DENNIS BE STRATEGIC AND KEEP ME https://i.pinimg.com/originals/23/53/9d/23539d4ab6c13adab50940426d73ed6e.gif
WAIT WHAT HOW AM I ALIVE?? https://media.giphy.com/media/TZ388aYpsLMcM/giphy.gif AND HOW THE FUCK DID I MAKE FINAL 3??? https://yiaelxzosjw9p4bs-zippykid.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/happy-crying.gif Pray for me if I win Final HOH cause fun fact: I, the strategic legend, have no clue who to fucking take to the end and that's the biggest gag of the entire season BECAUSE I DIDN'T PLAN OUT THIS FAR GODDAMMIT AND I WISH I HAD. Ok that's not entirely true- I knew I should either sit next to Dennis or Ali because ya know contingency plans matter. BUT NOW??? Bitch ion know I just wanna win
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i've never seen a better reflection of the emotional rollercoaster that is my mental state than these two being filmed less than 12 hours apart jasldfa
okay i have lots of post finale thoughts but i need to type them up tomorrow. i just hope the jury knows how sorry I am if I ever upset them, because I love them all so much and would never want that :(
time for my post finale wrap up and.... whewie. This is so upsetting because, I just did this for all stars. Like it's looking like my track record is LITERALLY going to be 2nd 9th 2nd 2nd 2nd, I CANT COME 2ND AGAIN. I really can't take this. Here is the bigger problem though and this is why Orre will be my last game whether I win or not. I can't keep playing these games when I upset so many people. Like it honestly broke my heart yesterday hearing how much I upset people like Bryce & Ashvika, people I love SOOOOOOO much. I don't want to upset people. Like... what upset me about finale is I don't think the jurors realise that.... I didn't just upset people for the sake of it and ahhh. Honestly, I'm really upset, like not even that I'm coming second but that I upset people. So with that said, I really apologise to the jurors. I got the impression that I hurt you all so bad that you are giving me 2nd as like.... punishment? And while I hate that, if I hurt you all that bad I really owe you all an apology. Anywho, since this is definitely my last game, I've played 183 days worth of games to just come 2nd, and that's just too much. I'm too flawed of a person and player to continue playing these games and just keep coming 2nd. Like it just hurts. so yeah, i'm sad but mainly because this is deja vu. I'm so proud of Dennis for winning, he is such a sweet genuine guy and when he was complimenting me during the finale, it was the nicest thing I've ever heard and I'm so greatful. No matter my game or his, I'd be happy to see Dennis represent our season.
Can I just say... Dennis is such a king. What a kind-hearted, genuine guy. A true king.
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okay so I lost.... and I'm weirdly at peace with it. I know I answered the jury questions terribly and I had... some jurors that would never have it in them to vote for me and would actively campaign against me. Dennis is a king, and in a cast with toxicity and SUCH bitterness, I think he is a phenomenal representation for the season. Otherwise, I am really honoured to get Ashvika's vote, she is such a deserving POTS, and to get POTS' vote is always an honour. Autumn and Jose are amazing friends and I am so happy to have got to work with them, John is a player with SUCH potential and he is WINNING BOTS & Zeezo I'm really honoured to get her vote too! For the others, Bryce is a KING and so is Blake (they both seemed really upset by me so I hope we can be friends). Lynn I never spoke to and seems... very bitter about the season's result, but I hope she gets over it because she is also a QUEEN. Randy is a funny one and I'm starting to worry all his friend talk was just him playing into my emotional side, but he is a good egg really I know it. Sammy is a ghost king. I kinda want to end on Alivia. Alivia is a person whose personality is obviously very different to mine and the way she speaks to me and others really upsets me a lot of the time. However, her bitterness against me is understandable and I hope she gets over it, because she defines herself by anger and bitterness when she is such a funny and likable person and doesn't need to do that. but woo... to wrap stuff up, I'm so grateful for Nicholas & Julia for casting me, Owen & Emily for being amazing.... OH, I forgot what I wanted to say. Autumn is a queen, a legend and amazing. She is honestly soo soo amazing, like... someone I really admire and see as a rolemodel? she is inspirational, a queen and a legend. Dennis is the nicest, most well intentioned guy ever SO sweet and really just a genuinely nice guy. I have made lasting friendships with some members of this cast and I'm so happy. so yeah.... i'll probably do another one of these in like a day or so, but if not.... ali out woo
we love coming to jury and being told about my ""showmance""".... wanna die jadfkl. my only showmance was to snakery, my way of life. blake was robbed but also is a broccoli. last words? autumn and dennis are my faves, best F3 ever.
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metroidspeedrun · 7 years
I'm just - so proud
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? I don’t know why the person I like wants to hang out with me2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? Nope, but middle of the day yeah3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? No, but I stopped and I always feel like I gotta when people ask so I’d probs prefer they didn’t around me a lot4: Do you find it easy to trust others? No not at all5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? Sleeping I think or on twitter6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? That dog that followed me home once7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? Cry but get over it and joke about it for the next 500 years8: Are you close with your dad? Not at all lol9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right? I wish10: What are you listening to? Santeria by Sublime11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? Grapefruit juice12: Do you like hickeys? I think it’s a gross appropriation of vampire culture13: What time do you go to bed? Between 8 and1114: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? My dad15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? Nope lol16: Do you always answer your texts? No17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? No because I guess I appreciate the experience18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? Just now 7:32 p.m.19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? You know who20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? I like sharing a bed21: Is anyone else in the room with you? Yup22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? Not all the time 23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? Yes, I think so24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? No25: In the past week, have you cried? Yes26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? White27: Do people ever call you by your last name? No but it’d be cool28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? No29: Do you have a best friend? Yes30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? It’s been happening for the past year now so I’m really kind of over it31: Who was your last call/text message from? My boss32: Are you mad at anyone? Not atm no33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yes34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? 2135: How many more days until your birthday? 78 I think idk I suck at math36: Do you have any summer plans yet? Work and school and maybe a date??? Who knows37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? Yes38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? Nope not at all 39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? No I am the queen of dramatic oversharing40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? No41: Do you think age matters in relationships? Kind of, but like I really can’t speak bc my first 3 serious significant others could have possibly gotten into a ton of trouble for being with me42: Are you available? Yes 43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? 344: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? My lip probably45: Do you believe exes can be friends? Yes46: Do you regret anything? Everything47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? How gay I am48: Did you ever lose a best friend? So many49: Was your last kiss a mistake? No50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? Because I am scared51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? Yes52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? Yup all the time53: What was the last thing you ate? Lasagna54: Did you get any compliments today? That I was cute and that I was silly55: Where are you going on your next vacation? I don’t go on vacation 56: Do you own anything from other countries? Um yes 57: Are most of your friend guys or girls? Girls58: Where have you lived most of your life? Elk Grove59: When was the last time you took a long drive? Today, my mom got lost and I got to take a nap ^-^60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? No61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house? No (that is a shitty thing to do)62: Who do you text the most? My boss63: What was the last movie you saw? IWTV64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? I don’t have one65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011? I was thirteen so I was dating 1 guy but not seriously. We just held hands, he was nice and his name was Jeremy66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you? No67: Do you curse around your parents? I don’t want to die young that bad68: Are you happy with where you live? No69: Picture of yourself? 70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? I have been monogamous in most of my past relationships but when I was dating Jason (this is actually my best experience w him) he introduced me to this girl named Sam who we called Kitty from our RP group and we ended up all being a thing and I think it was much easier on me because she was willing to do things that I wasn’t and she was definitely our mediator, so I have to say I prefer open &/or poly relationships because when there are problems there is usually one person there to act as a conflict mediator 71: Have you ever been dumped? Yup in all of my relationships technically (I would hate to dump someone)72: What do you most like about making out? The fact that I haven’t had an opportunity to fuck it up because I’ve never made out73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with? No74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? The other75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive? Belly buttons tbh I had no idea how to answer this76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed? Probs you77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? No78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name? No79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? When anyone is nice to me or teases me out of love80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? FUCK YES I definitely have a weird thing for single moms81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? Yes and it was terrible because he pursued me for 3 years even after I said no82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? No just you83: Do you miss your last sweetie? Lol my what and no84: Last time you slow danced with someone? I was slow dancing with my friend but we were both really awkward because I wanted to lead and he wanted to lead and it was really strange85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? 98% of the people I’ve dated so yup86: How can I win your heart? Just be nice to me and also have a really weird sense of humor87: What is your astrological sign? Leo sun88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM? Sleeping for sure89: Do you cook? Yes90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? Yes91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? Yes92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? I don’t really like how this question is phrased. I will answer though, I prefer to be friends and then if we both like each other I’d like to skip all of the ‘talking’ and just be in an actual relationship that we both agree on93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? Eyes, smile (like if they smile with their whole face)94: Name four things that you wish you had! 1) A relationship 2) A second job 3) At least 2 grand in my savings 4) A passport95: Are you a player? No96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day? No97: Are you a tease? Not so much anymore but when I was younger yeah. I prided myself on kind of leading guys to think I was promiscuous j to get attention and affection from them and then once I got them to like me I would change all of that and j be myself until I grew bored of their expectations98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? Not yet99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? Deeply, probs not, but I have been in love100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? Not atm no101: Hugs or Kisses? Kisses102: Are you too shy to ask someone out? Yes103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? How shitty their conversation topics are104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? No I prefer anything that sounds like it could be either an insult or an inside joke between people who have known each other a very long time105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it? No, because that is fucked up106: Do you flirt a lot? No107: Your last kiss? Almost two years ago108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012? No109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month? No110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be? The person that is coming over 111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next? No112: Does someone like you currently? Yes113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone? Yes114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? Serious ftw115: Ever made out with just a friend? Kissed, we didn’t make out and we only kissed twice116: Are you happier single or in a relationship? Relationship117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Just write it. Um you had one job Lestat
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metroidspeedrun · 7 years
Go on then, the 'yes please' asks.
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? I don’t know why the person I like wants to hang out with me2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? Nope, but middle of the day yeah3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? No, but I stopped and I always feel like I gotta when people ask so I’d probs prefer they didn’t around me a lot4: Do you find it easy to trust others? No not at all5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? Sleeping I think or on twitter6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? That dog that followed me home once7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? Cry but get over it and joke about it for the next 500 years8: Are you close with your dad? Not at all lol9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right? I wish10: What are you listening to? Santeria by Sublime11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? Grapefruit juice12: Do you like hickeys? I think it’s a gross appropriation of vampire culture13: What time do you go to bed? Between 8 and1114: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? My dad15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? Nope lol16: Do you always answer your texts? No17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? No because I guess I appreciate the experience18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? Just now 7:32 p.m.19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? You know who20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? I like sharing a bed21: Is anyone else in the room with you? Yup22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? Not all the time 23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? Yes, I think so24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? No25: In the past week, have you cried? Yes26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? White27: Do people ever call you by your last name? No but it’d be cool28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? No29: Do you have a best friend? Yes30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? It’s been happening for the past year now so I’m really kind of over it31: Who was your last call/text message from? My boss32: Are you mad at anyone? Not atm no33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yes34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? 2135: How many more days until your birthday? 78 I think idk I suck at math36: Do you have any summer plans yet? Work and school and maybe a date??? Who knows37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? Yes38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? Nope not at all 39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? No I am the queen of dramatic oversharing40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? No41: Do you think age matters in relationships? Kind of, but like I really can’t speak bc my first 3 serious significant others could have possibly gotten into a ton of trouble for being with me42: Are you available? Yes 43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? 344: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? My lip probably45: Do you believe exes can be friends? Yes46: Do you regret anything? Everything47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? How gay I am48: Did you ever lose a best friend? So many49: Was your last kiss a mistake? No50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? Because I am scared51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? Yes52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? Yup all the time53: What was the last thing you ate? Lasagna54: Did you get any compliments today? That I was cute and that I was silly55: Where are you going on your next vacation? I don’t go on vacation 56: Do you own anything from other countries? Um yes 57: Are most of your friend guys or girls? Girls58: Where have you lived most of your life? Elk Grove59: When was the last time you took a long drive? Today, my mom got lost and I got to take a nap ^-^60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? No61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house? No (that is a shitty thing to do)62: Who do you text the most? My boss63: What was the last movie you saw? IWTV64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? I don’t have one65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011? I was thirteen so I was dating 1 guy but not seriously. We just held hands, he was nice and his name was Jeremy66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you? No67: Do you curse around your parents? I don’t want to die young that bad68: Are you happy with where you live? No69: Picture of yourself? 70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? I have been monogamous in most of my past relationships but when I was dating Jason (this is actually my best experience w him) he introduced me to this girl named Sam who we called Kitty from our RP group and we ended up all being a thing and I think it was much easier on me because she was willing to do things that I wasn’t and she was definitely our mediator, so I have to say I prefer open &/or poly relationships because when there are problems there is usually one person there to act as a conflict mediator 71: Have you ever been dumped? Yup in all of my relationships technically (I would hate to dump someone)72: What do you most like about making out? The fact that I haven’t had an opportunity to fuck it up because I’ve never made out73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with? No74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? The other75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive? Belly buttons tbh I had no idea how to answer this76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed? Probs you77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? No78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name? No79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? When anyone is nice to me or teases me out of love80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? FUCK YES I definitely have a weird thing for single moms81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? Yes and it was terrible because he pursued me for 3 years even after I said no82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? No just you83: Do you miss your last sweetie? Lol my what and no84: Last time you slow danced with someone? I was slow dancing with my friend but we were both really awkward because I wanted to lead and he wanted to lead and it was really strange85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? 98% of the people I’ve dated so yup86: How can I win your heart? Just be nice to me and also have a really weird sense of humor87: What is your astrological sign? Leo sun88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM? Sleeping for sure89: Do you cook? Yes90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? Yes91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? Yes92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? I don’t really like how this question is phrased. I will answer though, I prefer to be friends and then if we both like each other I’d like to skip all of the ‘talking’ and just be in an actual relationship that we both agree on93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? Eyes, smile (like if they smile with their whole face)94: Name four things that you wish you had! 1) A relationship 2) A second job 3) At least 2 grand in my savings 4) A passport95: Are you a player? No96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day? No97: Are you a tease? Not so much anymore but when I was younger yeah. I prided myself on kind of leading guys to think I was promiscuous j to get attention and affection from them and then once I got them to like me I would change all of that and j be myself until I grew bored of their expectations98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? Not yet99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? Deeply, probs not, but I have been in love100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? Not atm no101: Hugs or Kisses? Kisses102: Are you too shy to ask someone out? Yes103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? How shitty their conversation topics are104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? No I prefer anything that sounds like it could be either an insult or an inside joke between people who have known each other a very long time105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it? No, because that is fucked up106: Do you flirt a lot? No107: Your last kiss? Almost two years ago108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012? No109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month? No110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be? The person that is coming over 111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next? No112: Does someone like you currently? Yes113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone? Yes114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? Serious ftw115: Ever made out with just a friend? Kissed, we didn’t make out and we only kissed twice116: Are you happier single or in a relationship? Relationship117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Just write it. Um you had one job Lestat
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