#also basically treating this as my twt now
crunchycoookies · 7 months
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Art for my country Branch au 🥰 Details abt it under the cut ⬇️
Here's my silly little au! So basically Branch ran away from Pop village because everyone (minus Poppy) treated him terribly. While exploring he stumbles upon the outskirts of Lonesome Flats, where he trips and sprains his ankle. Delta finds him and is like "What tf you look weird but ig ur my son now." And from then on she takes care of him. Somewhere along the way Branch starts to call her Mom (or Mama/ Ma). Clampers is born at some point, making her Branch’s cousin. They love/hate each other and have that unhinged sibling dynamic. They just turn into a cute little family and I love em sm.
Delta also helps Branch regain his colors, although they are slightly muted tones of his true colors. Because the county trolls are so adept at dealing with grief, Branch is allowed to process his grandmothers death and his fear of singing with a good mentality. This leads to him slowly gaining his colors back (hence the blue streaks in his hair) and learning to be happy again. He does start to sing again but it's a mix of country and Pop. (Which comes into play during TWT, but more on that later).
Also I made Gary (the remote Imao) into a goat critter. He's stupid and I love him. Delta has an ongoing feud with Gary bc he constantly tears up the garden but she can't do anything brash because Branch absolutely loves him.
There is more but that's it for nowww! Feel free to ask questions and I’ll do my best to answer them! Give me ideas for this aus name pls I have nothing
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mywifealhaitham · 7 months
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pre release boothill relationship headcanons!!!
a/n: I'm fiending off crumbs... I've wanted to read some x reader of him but theres none so I gotta write it myself. I hope the other 4 boothill fans enjoy
warnings: gn!reader, like 2 gendered pet names (pretty girl/boy), most of this is written with bias because we don't have alot to go off, obviously written prerelease, when we actually get content of him I'll definitely be rewriting
bc: Valentine_DD_ on twt
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- Boothill is described as a righteous person if his bottom line doesn't get crossed, so he definitely treats you good. probably more on the protective side when it comes to you, he's probably not afraid to use his gun if someone is threatening you.
- and believe me he's intimidating. from his overall tough and "unruly" cowboy look to his mechanical body it leaves enemies just a little challenged. he lowers his voice too and probably has a more fierce look in his eyes too. after any threats have been delt with he probably turns to you and turns into the sweetest thing ever, a wide grin across his face and his hands on your cheeks peppering you with small kisses.
- Its said he's a bit sophisticated due to his experiences so I'd like to imagine sometimes he charms you with facts and details about other planets or just genuinely sharing some tips and tricks he's picked up from other cultures. he's also a person who can get along with others pretty well but he can easily give strangers an impression he's selfish and is a bad person.
- again this kinda feeds into he's basically you'd guard dog... but I mean who wouldn't want to be saved by a handsome and sweet cowboy. despite his unpredictable personality and looks he's a huge gentleman for sure. always opens doors and pulls out chairs for you, makes sure your behind him and okay if any danger approaches and practically listens to your every command (lowkey giving off my girl and I don't argue she tells me to shut up and I do)
- one part I'm so excited to see is what they mean by he's illiterate and using metaphors. it's probably just him using slang but it's still kinda cute. I feel like his cheesy and strange metaphors turn into pick up lines when talking to you. perhaps he'll pull a "did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" or something cheesier. Definitely a huge nickname guy, almost never uses your real name. I'm guessing he'd use stuff like doll, sugar, baby, pretty girl/boy and more teasing names. heavy on doll and sugar and just imagine him saying it in a deep southern accent... 😍 kicking my feet. also I imagine he loves making you giggle by not cursing (because he literally cant) and normally he'd get pissed if someone laughed at him like that if it's you he doesn't mind at all.
- that's pretty much it for like analyzing the leaks I saw but now the stuff up ahead is just bias yapping because I always project
- HE DEFINITELY IS A HAND KISSER. greets you by getting on one knee, holding his hat to his chest and kissing your hand. makes eye contact with you too and does that toothy smirk of his IM SWOONINGGG
- maybe he's a dancer! pulls you into his arms and places his hat on your head when a good song plays in taverns. even if your clueless on any type of dances then he'll pull you along to the beat whispering Instructions in your ear.
- gets so lovesick when drunk it drives everyone mad. any folks he's sitting with at a bar gets a whole speech on his wonderful beautiful darling who he owes his live and would happily die by their hand. and may God save you when you come pick him up because he'll be all over you. Immediately he wraps a arm around your waist as he slurrs his hello as he proceeds to tell you he loves you like 40 times. besides the mass amounts of kisses you'll receive once you both reach a private spot he let's some feelings that he might be too shy to share normally, holding your face as he calls you his pretty girl/boy and how he's so lucky to have you.
- honestly not the best for cuddling however unfortunately he needs to cuddle you to sleep so goodluck! his metal body isn't completely uncomfortable it's just cold alot. he tries to get around this by literally preheating himself with blankets before you go to bed.
very bad boothill brainrot atm... only a few more weeks until we get official content 😭 everyone hold hands we got this
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here's the actual leaks if anyone is curious ^_^
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amiishinzou · 1 year
❀ Motherly ❀
Summary: the electro archon may be his creator and technically his mother, but it’s safe to say that you’re Kabukimono’s mama.
Kabukimono x fem!Reader (platonic)
Genre: fluff to angst
Word Count: 1,277
Notes/Warnings: Character death, Reader is related to Niwa, Niwa is still the second betrayal but Reader's heart is used, events take place before and during the Tatarasuna Incident
Author's Note: I haven't written a fic since 2020 so my writing might be wonky, please don't flop 🙏 EDIT: part two here (i forgot to post it TwT)
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Ever since your cousin, Niwa, had introduced you to a lovely boy, who was referred to as Kabukimono by the other workers in Tatarasuna, the two of you had become inseparable. You always treated him as if he was your own son (not that you’d be ashamed of admitting it).
Whenever he wasn’t helping Niwa and Katsuragi with forging and smithing swords, he usually stays with you in his free time. In no way you’re swordsmith like your cousin but you resided with Niwa since you had no other family to stay with you. 
During the early days of his stay, Kabukimono didn't quite know how to blend in with human society, so you took it as your job to teach him various things and eventually the two of you bonded together that way. Teaching him how to read and write, do basic house chores, cook simple meals, and now currently how to sew. 
“There you go, you did a good job at stitching, Kabukimono.” You said with a gentle voice, watching the short boy make a simple stitch on the embroidery fabric. Giving him a gentle pat on his head like a reward, the young puppet giggled in response. “Thank you, mama!” Kabukimono replied, looking up at you with his indigo eyes that sparkled with fondness. The familial name he had for you always made your heart swell, remembering the time he had accidentally called you that for the first time when you soothed him from a nightmare. The young puppet was embarrassed at first and didn’t know what came to him, but you insisted that it was okay for him to keep calling you his mama.
In fact, that only made Kabukimono really see you as his mother. After all, you were sweet, kind, and caring like how a mother should be. Unlike his creator who had betrayed and abandoned him upon his creation.
“Alright, I should be cooking up some lunch now before Niwa comes ba- Hm?” As you tried to stand up, your words were cut off when the young puppet quickly grabbed hold of your hand.
“Yes, what is it darling?” you watched his eyes light up at the term of endearment that you always used for him.
“Um… can you please hold me? Just for a little while?” The young puppet innocently asks, his expression slightly bashful. Well, how could you refuse your sweet son?
Chortling at his adorable request, you sat down next to him again and picked him up with ease, setting him down gently in between your legs and giving Kabukimono his needed embrace.
“Just ten minutes, okay?” you told him and he responded with an “okay” back, Kabukimono then nuzzled into your shoulder affectionately as he relaxed into your hold. He was always grateful that you will always spoil him with your motherly affection.
You had initially thought that he was being clingy as usual (not that you mind), but your motherly instincts told you otherwise.
“Darling, you seem a little sad.” Kabukimono looked at you, surprised.
“You can tell?”   
“Of course, I can tell if my son is feeling blue.” you giggled, squeezing him tightly in your arms before giving him a soft yet concerned expression. “What’s got my darling sad?”
The young puppet frowned to himself, averting his gaze from you for a bit before looking back up at you. “Mama… do you think I’m human?” he asked, the question making your eyes widen in slight surprise. Smiling at your son again, you answered.
“Well… you have two eyes, two ears, a nose, and a mouth. You’ve also got hands and feet. I think it’s safe to say you’re human.” you grinned, booping Kabukimono on the nose which caused him to giggle a bit, but his smile faltered after.
“But mama… I don’t have a heart.” Kabukimono said sadly, placing his hand over where his heart should be.
It was true, he was a puppet that had no heart beating inside his chest. “So how can I be a human without one?”
You wanted to console the poor boy, thinking deeply for a while as you hummed. When an idea came up in your mind, you gave Kabukimono a warm smile, gently cupping his face with your hand.
“How about this: why don’t I share my heart with you?” 
“Share your heart with me? I don’t understand…” Your proposal made the young puppet confused.
“You see, the heart makes you feel different emotions, right? So when you feel happy, then I’ll feel happy. And when you feel sad like now, then I’ll feel sad too.” You explained, gently taking Kabukimono’s hand to press it against your chest.
He felt the beating of your heart through the palm of his hand. “As my son, you have the right to own my heart. And as long as I’m alive, my heart beats for you.”
The young puppet eyes sparkled at your proposal, a warm and fluttering feeling flowed from within his chest. It’s as if the vibration of your heart beat made him more alive and it made him very happy that he now found himself a heart! Brushing his bangs away, you placed a soft kiss on his forehead
“Kabukimono, my sweet darling son… you’re human just as I am. I’ll always love you no matter what, that’s my duty as a mother. Can you trust your mama on that?” You asked, hoping that your words will give him the confidence he needed.
Fortunately for you, Kabukimono wholeheartedly understood your words and nodded his head happily.
“Thank you mama,” the young puppet beamed, hugging you tightly. “I love you!” 
“I love you too, my sweet son.”
Amongst such a heartwarming scene, it unfortunately caused a cruel idea to pop up in a certain Doctor’s mind.
. . .
“Niwa, have you seen Kabukimono? He’s been gone for days and I’m worried sick-” Your eyes widen at the sight before you. Your cousin was dying on the floor, a stab wound on his stomach as blood gushed on the floor.
“Niwa!” You cried out as you rushed to his side, kneeling down on the ground to get to his level.
“Ah, looks like I can pursue my plan immediately now that you’re here.” An evil chuckle emitted from the unknown man in front of you, his face hidden behind a mask.
Your heart races in fear as you protectively held your cousin. “Who are you and what have you done to my cousin!?” 
The masked man approached you and he forcefully grabbed your neck, raising you up from the ground. You choked as you try to remain calm, but alas you were terribly scared as you struggled from his hold.
“I wonder how that poor, pathetic puppet will react when his heart stops beating for him?”
Your breath hitches as you realize what this meant. “N-No, don’t you dare-!”
. . .
“This device seemed to have protected me… what’s in it?” Kabukimono looked at the man before him, holding the box in his hands.
“Your friend Niwa was too cowardly to stop the furnace and fled. But he was kind enough to at least give you what you’ve always desired.” The Doctor then ripped out the withered heart from the device, handing it to the puppet.
“Your heart that came from your mother.”
Kabukimono was horrified, his hands trembled as he looked down on the withered heart. He was angry that his friend had betrayed him, but most of all… he was anguished that his mother is dead.
His first and only heart stopped beating for him.
He was back to being a heartless puppet once again.
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likes and reblogs will be highly appreciated!
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 7 months
Link Click Musical content 122 🐉✨
(Spring Festival livestream summary, links to both songs in replies )
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"Words can't convey the love"
Wu Yihan, Shu Rongbo, Wu Hanglu, Zhou Bobo
It's basically about CXS struggling through a heart failure to confess as Cheng Xiao and LG doing his best to make the atmosphere romantic (but also nagging him like hell).
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LG: 'Cheng Xiao wrote a short essay about what he wanted to say.'
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In the end he fails and dashes away ><
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LG: 'Is it so difficult to say the words "I like you"?' (the audacity)
"The Faith of Friendship/Friendship's Faith"
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Cai Qi, Wang Minhui, Cai Lu, Li Zexi, Zhu Jiayan
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NOW I HAVE A TREAT FOR YOU ❤ My twt friend, @/Elaraqwq made english subtitles for this song 🙏💖💖💖 I'll link it in replies SO GO WATCH IT 🏃‍♂️🔥
I'm just going to add context for this one part, because you need to fully understand how heartbreaking it is 💔
1st is Xiaoshi's iconic line, after which Lu Guang goes silent, then sings what's on 2nd pic:
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AND YOU KNOW WHAT'S BRUTAL? At one of stage door clips Wang Minhui says, his LG saw CXS die already 🙃
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How does Lu Guang not break down and cry everytime Cheng Xiaoshi speaks is beyond me...
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So there you have it 🌟 I'm going to go lie down now, but first, let's thank our lovely cast members for today👏👏👏
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Oh! It's Cai Qi's birthday today, so have more of the b-day boi 🐥🎉
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aprivateplace7 · 4 months
PSA: Why I Am Boycotting Kpop (& how)
So. I love kpop. Its been a big part of my life for a few years now. But I'm boycotting. Why?
Well to put it simply, its because of the 🍉Palestine genocide🍉 *A lot* of these k-entertainment companies are directly & indirectly supporting Zionism/Israel, including monetarily.
Like most, I think, I only found out about this whole thing in Oct '23, so its now that I'm choosing to boycott in hopes of helping.
This is NOT an "attack" on anyone. Not a certain group, not even a certain label.
I am boycotting *everyone* personally. Officially, the popular boycott is the big 3 & HYBE. However I know that another company, Kakao Ent is also a huge Zionist offender (also I just saw that they invest in a blockchain too...? So yeah, ew). So to make it easier for myself, I am boycotting all of kpop.
I also have no issue w/ the artists themselves. I do not do this out of any hate/fan wars. I am not assuming/accusing them of being Zionists. I know, they are celebs but they work for the company. They have to obey their bosses, so while I would like more of the artists to openly speak in support of Palestine, I am not holding it against them.
Its just that, any $ the artist makes, goes straight to the company. & I don't like what these companies are doing w/ my $.
(Btw, it rly is about the companies. So for ex HYBE America has the artist Ariana Grande. I am boycotting her too, its just that I've never been a huge fan. I rly, rly like kpop. So that is why I am focusing on it. Its meaningless to say u are boycotting something that you never bought/consumed in the 1st place)
And just to note; I don't want to hear anything about "keeping politics out of kpop". These companies are *not* disconnected from the issue. & saying that "I'm not Palestinian so its not my problem" is extremely cruel.
Links & more info below-
Twt thread [X]
For Stays [X]
Twt link 2 [X]
Twt thread about Starbucks (TLDR; Not the same as McDonalds aka not directly contributing to Zionism, but they are still anti-union & treat their workers shitty, so still boycott) [X]
If you also want to stop/reduce streaming, here is how I'm doing it
I'm not saying that u have to completely stop interacting w/ ur fav artists. I'm not. I'm just trying to minimize my interactions w/ official content, like streaming, videos ect.
So the 1st thing; Get comfortable w/ sketchy looking websites & piracy!!!
Like I know, now that everything is readily available on (monetized) platforms, its hard to make the switch! Its hard to even know where to start. But there still are a lot of tools out there to do it.
Here are the basic things-
"yewtu . be"
*** (edit: the website shows .com, but the actual address is .in) "ilkpop . in"
(remove spaces, I'm not putting links bc that is how u get illict sites taken down, i think...)
Google drive
The app "Musicolet" (for mobile listening)
There is this website "yewtu . be" that you can use to watch yt vids w/out adding to the views/ad revenue. I've only used it on desktop, so idk how well it works on mobile. Sorry. Btw, sometimes it can not work, but it has options to switch the source to one that works. I have not tried making an acc, so idk how secure that is, but just using it to watch things seems ok.
As for streaming/downloading mp3, there is another website "ilkpop . in" it has most official releases. U can stream right from the site, or download mp3.
When downloading (I did this all on desktop btw) I would recommend the extension "TabBlock", it prevents opening any new tabs. So u do have to toggle it on/off.
So I downloaded the songs as mp3 files from that website, uploaded them to my Google drive & then downloaded them to my phone from there. These files surprisingly don't take a lot of room, I have currently 471 songs that are only 1.63 GB
The app I'm using to listen on mobile is Musicolet. 1st time using it for about a month & I like it. Its free, it plays local downloaded files, so no need for internet & most importantly it will continue to play the songs while the screen is off. For free. W/ no ads. U can also still make playlists. It has more settings & customization stuff.
This is based on my personal experience, so I use desktop (windows) & android devices. This is all I know. Don't be too scared about the looks of the sites. I haven't gotten any viruses, but u might wanna make sure u have installed an antivirus. The one I use is Avast, the free version is ok. It does have a subscription & ads but its not too annoying.
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ghostclowning · 1 year
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i was going insane about it on my twt but here's a brief summary:
LBH is the top ultimate absolute idol with countless fans, one of then being SY. SY loves him sm that he even decided to become an idol himself, hoping to get closer to him(he first discovered LBH when he was in high school,,,since LBH's career started real early). He also dragged SQH into it...but, frankly spoken, they're quite a second-rate band.
Looking at it realistically, both understand that there's no chance they'll ever get to even stand next to LBH, but SY keeps trying!! And SQH hooks up with LBH's hot manager(accidentally)(they're so crazy about it). Anyway, SQH drops out bc yo...screw being a scum idol...they earn way less than they waste. And LBH's manager is hot and offers to live with him and shit. SY can't rly judge him, bc, yeah. SQH even tries to carefully get his hot manager daddy(who happens to be MBJ) to help SY, but fails and never talks about it again. Bros be bros but he likes where he is now and wouldn't want to risk annoying his bf too much. Especially considering how much he can make now being a secret paparazzi/reporter thing, since MBJ basically opened the doors to the big world for him.
One day SY's video with performance got absolutely accidentally spotted by LBH's former agency...YQY immediately notices how similar he is to their idol SJ. And SJ has one major flaw: his absolutely non-idolish temper. On stage he could keep an image, but off stage? Letting him out in public was not the safest thing to do, especially if he was in bad mood.
SY received an invitation for audition, and he passed. He was not as good at SJ, but that could be fixed with some practice; besides, he didn't need to be as skilled anyway. All he had to do is substitute SJ on shows, interviews, fan meetings etc. Of course, SY would have to get rid of all evidences of his past career and stuff, but he gladly agreed bc after SQH's leave he lost any hope. He knew he just won't make it all alone.
He knows that this agency is also the one that LBH initially belonged to, but later left for unknown reasons. Well, now he found out the reasons.
Young Binghe decided to become an idol because someone told him he looks like a famous permormer from the past...He tried looking it up and dived into idol industry. Everybody loved idols, and idols had a lot of fans to love. LBH decided to try bc his life of an orphan, there were no direction or perspectives anyway. He passed the auditions only bc SJ, another idol a couple years older than him, spotted him and recognized his talent immediately. SJ wanted to make a band with LBH, cause in the long run, this talent would bring benefits to SJ as well. After all, if LBH steals too much spotlight, SJ knows many ways how to get rid of him.
At same time, SJ never hesitated to treat LBH like trash, but LBH thought SJ is just trying to make him work harder. And LBH stole the spotlight way, way faster than SJ expected him to. In fact, everyone even forgot about SJ. Everyone was only talking about that one new idol that's now performing with him. and SJ tried to make a scandal around LBH, realizing the danger he possessed. The conflict was regulated by YQY, bc in the long run this could harm SJ and the agency as wellm but LBH could no longer keep justifying SJ. He left the agency, but he now knew better than to trust whoever.
During his time in the agency, he also found out some things about the permormer he once was compared to...and with the help of YQY's connections, figured this man could have been his father. Of course, that was to be kept in a secret...Because his father misteriously disappeared before Binghe was even born. Disappeared bc his reputation has been absolutely ruined, and he was accused in so many crimes that it felt absurd; his rep was so bad, that his lover(as Binghe suspected, that must have been his mother) was killed by some crazy fan...Anyway, according to YQY, who's been in the industry for quite a while and knew it better, "there were so many gossips and rumours that at this point it's hardly possible to say if anything known about him is true".
(In truth, it indeed was mostly fabricated...The only mistake that artist made was falling in love and having affairs with a daughter of a family with huge influence. Said daughter did not want it to end like this, but her family never really asked her opinion.)
LBH now knew how easily one's career can be broken here. And he learned a lot more...curious things. But he made his way up to the top, facing the difficulties, paparazzis and secret offers to trade his face and body for promotions(as for would he agree to those or not, this one leaves that up to your imagination).
He wanted to find out the truth about his parents, but most importantly, he had a taste of everyone's love and attention, and he wasn't ready to give it up. He was sure he won't repeat the mistakes of others...because he's not an idiot.
On stage, his bright smile filled the hearts of others with joy and passion, but nobody knew that behind the curtains, his own heart is cold and empty.
But when SY gets to meet him for the first time, he has to play SJ's role!! Fuck!! Meanwhile LBH stops playing as soon as he's out of the fans' reach.
But one day LBH figures out SY is a substitute!! Which is dangerous cuz they cannot let it leak that SJ is a fake!! but LBH doesn't hurry to reveal the secret, bc SY is kinda fine and fun to toy with....and then......... And here i got exhausted lol bye
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pendwelling · 3 months
Helloo,sorry for the trouble but could you tell me a bit about the ending of twsb? Is it a happy ending? Do all the main 3 get to live together? I am still in 170s as there is no other eng translation out there to read ahead... 🥺. I would really appreciate your help as the curiosity is killing me.
I answered a similar question on twt/x so I'll just elaborate on my answer from there haha:
It's a very VERY happy ending!!!!! Think of all the struggles and desires of the main characters and imagine them finally getting peace, solace, and happiness. TWSB at its core had always been a very character-driven story where the goals and desires of the characters were what largely push the plot forward, and after all their struggles, you can tell the ending was lovingly crafted over a careful build-up of 920 chapters. They all get their resolution, and character who have went through tragedies get their second chances at living a kinder life, and the villains get their comeuppance in the fair way that TWSB tends to treat its antagonists (there's also proper trial investigations being done and etc etc, politics and court affairs in this novel is actually so interesting.)
All the characters have obtained their perfect endings in their fitting respective ways! It's a super gratifying conclusion for readers, and the thing about Sookym is that they also do a great job in making us care (or feel strong emotions towards) their large cast of characters.
In a more meta sense (since TWSB, for its genre, is surprisingly very meta)(and this is also a spoiler in regards to the universe's God), the "God" wishes for the main characters to be happy, and so the story has shifted itself so that a happy ending is something that our beloved characters are finally able to achieve for themselves without outside interference of original narrative structure forces (think of it a bit like ORV's Probability, TWSB has something similar to that). And in fact, for both the TWSB universe, AND the original QPB universe, as well. I can also confirm that the original Jesse Venetiaan gets his well-deserved happy ending, too! 🥹
Yeseo does indeed get to reunite with his siblings, too, and he ALSO gets to live with Cédric and Ham Ga-in Christelle on the weekends! (Despite pretty much being "married" into the Imperial Family and becoming Pope, this guy still chooses to work his usual 9-to-5 in the modern world LMAO.....)
There is an inter-world arrangement going on that is a bit hard to explain because there's a lot of context behind how it came to be haha, but basically Yeseo is essentially a bride that moves between households after getting married (LMAO). Everyone is very happy! Cédric especially, is very very smug that he gets to keep his beloved partner close by—he even safely escorts Yeseo back home like a dutiful partner whenever he needs to go back to his family home HAHAHA. Jung Hyunseo and him kinda have some beef over it, actually (Hyunseo: "this is his home?? why does he need an escort...." *insert smug Cédric face*). Hyunseo is really the older brother who has to deal with the antics of eccentric otherworldly in-laws and a model-student younger brother who has now grown up to be a bit of a troublemaker..... (There's a scene where Yeseo shows up and goes "Here's our baby!" while holding pretty-much-their-baby(DONT ASK WKDJKD)(AND NO THERES NO MPREG) and gives Hyunseo a near heart attack while Cédric looks so so so smug and self-fulfilled, he's such a brat..... (affectionate)).
All in all, after the war between the Riester Empire (with the allied forces of other countries + Crown Princess Elise) and the Sneijders of Venetiaan, there are award ceremonies (several characters get promoted or given new titled ranks), memorials and eulogies for those fallen in the war, and a very well wrapped-up conclusion to this huge conflict (again politics in TWSB are actually very interesting and really well done imo). It largely has to do with the Almighty God, as well, but I won't say much about that because 1.) It's a revelation that is best made while reading yourself, and 2.) It's a bit complicated to understand without the proper context anyway hahajah....
(I can also confirm that future emperor Cédric probably won't have to worry about siring an heir. Congratulations to Yeseo for essentially being the queerplatonic mother to his two partners' "children".....)(this sounds absolutely crazy but it makes sense OK trust me, but anyway, CYC are partners and I trust that they will continue to support each other for a long, long time hehe)
It's super, super satisfying, and a very happy ending for Yeseo and friends! :')
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daisiescreations · 9 months
BROZONES BACK- new positions
Okay so I’ve seen the movie 9 times in theaters(as of like 20 minutes ago lol) and since the band is back together I was thinking about what roles the boys would have now that they’ve grown up and are completely different from when they were kids!
(These are my opinions don’t be mean to me I’ve been thinking of this movie nonstop the past month and a half)
JOHN DORY - the fun boy(man)!
Hear me out! That man is goofy. From the ways he tried to break Floyd’s diamond prison to the way he runs up to branch during the wedding(seriously why did he hop towards him?). Even his expressions are silly! Plus being the old sibling IS really difficult. I think he deserves to shut his brain off and run around for a bit. As a treat!
BRUCE- the baby(daddy)!
LISTEN I KNOW THAT SOUNDS WEIRD. But like Bruce has so much responsibilities outside of the band, I think he’d love a position without any responsibilities or rules(i.e. heartthrob 💔)
CLAY- the sensitive/serious one!
This is not surprising at all, but Clay thrives when people respect him and he’s helping people. He literally was co-running an entire town of trolls. Also his sad book club where he cries and hugs the whole time!?!? If he was in a Kpop group, his fans would go WILD. (also he gives me Wonwoo vibes cuz he’s funny, but serious Yanno?)
FLOYD- the heartthrob!
I’m not gonna say it, but y’all get what I mean. Actually I will say it he’s literally emo with pink hair and leather shorts… if he were a person and I saw him irl I’d combust. Plus he’s genuinely such a sweetheart, he’d knock everyone off their feet!
BRANCH- the leader!
Also not surprising I think! Branch has already stepped up in leadership roles in the past movies(got poppy her colors back in first movie, standing up to the clown in tbt, standing up to poppy in twt to protect the pop trolls). Leaders have to be understanding and branch was the first one to start accepting the other trolls music and grooving with it in trolls world tour. He also recognizes that being different isn’t a bad thing and his talk was the reason him and his brothers were able to sing the perfect family harmony! He’s also basically the king of the pop trolls(just waiting on the wedding<3). Also ALSO he’s always in the middle. Like when they’re performing they give the others a spotlight for a second but the main choreo has branch front and center.
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arson-09 · 5 months
I dont talk much about minecraft youtuber drama here but god quackity is pissing me off with his shenanigans.
In case you missed it admins for quackitys minecraft server (specifically an admin named lea) came forth claiming that the admins were underpaid if paid, were working horrible hours, and generally treated like shit. This is of course paraphrasing but this is worker exploitation and disgusting.
Quackity then did a little stream saying he was “unaware” of anything wrong happening behind the scenes. Which is interesting considering this is his “passion project” and the studio is under his name and hes the one who hired everyone.
Then recently Lea (i apologize if im spelling her name wrong she is french if i recall) did an interview saying that quackity was basically lying, the ndas he had the admins signed were fake, and reiterated the horrible working conditions and the fact he knew everything.
Then today he streamed again saying he was stepping back because of the hate and threats we was receiving which of course is never okay but this is the first time he’s ever spoken on that subject (which is interesting as his twt fandom is known for being incredibly hateful and threatening people) and he was stepping back from the server. Again this is a simplified version, just hitting the major points of everything.
this is not accountability, this is him making someone else fix what hes done. He wont even openly admit to everything but his silence shows everything. What he has done to his workers is horrible and incredibly wrong but the majority of his fans dont care and are upset at dream stans of all people for “making him step back” (dream stans havent even been the main group doing this shit btw. they are just the group pointing out the hypocrisy the most as dream fans have received copious amounts of hate from qsmpers for the fact they like dream. Let it be clear that the allegations against dream have been proven false and as of me writing this post he has not done anything genuinely bad. like exploiting his workers)
Regardless of who you stan or hate, you have to realize that what quackity has done with his server and the admins is wrong and he should take accountability and discuss what hes done wrong. hes was/is a law student for heavens sake. This is only the tip of the iceberg of questionable things quackity has done (for example his merch company is extremely shady. there is very little information available about it online, people have trouble with shipping and receiving their orders, merch quality, and much more) and it saddens me that while the mcyt community preaches accountability and recognizing when a cc has done wrong, they fail to do it 99% of the time. I dont hate quackity, and i dont want him to get doxxed and receive death threats, but i need him to be transparent. To admit to his mistakes and be honest and actually change shit. Because right now him stepping back isnt fixing anything, its not helping the people who have been hurt by his actions. Im also really sad that the qsmp has been riddled with these mistakes as theres so much potential with it. It was the first bilingual minecraft server then multilingual. it united so many different parts of the minecraft community but it is not stable, its not going to last at this rate and thats so sad. Qsmp seems to just be a money maker for its creators, every part of it meticulous planned to see what will bring in the most views (as well as its the first server i have personally seen have a merch store? i wonder if the admins that play the characters are getting any of that money…)
Anyway, i just wanted to say my piece on it after ive been apart of the minecraft youtuber fan community for a long time and have seen a lot of shit :/ just a psa if your first reaction to this post is to get all upset in my comments i will block you. I do however appreciate genuine comments on the situation, as a fan or not of quackity. Worker exploitation is never okay but most of everything else is just how i see the situation.
(just wanted to add a quick edit cause i got a good anon but accidentally deleted it🧍🏻)
I am not making fun or trying to make the fact quackity is getting harassed less important. Doxxing and threats are never okay, and even if i dislike him i dont wish that on him. I am only disappointed that it took to this point for him to say something. Of course he couldve been planning something but he never explicitly said so so lots of people, me included, weren’t sure if he was going to ignore it as he does have a track record of not saying anything unless forced. As well as hes never condemned his fans for the fandoms habit of doxxing and harassment. Ofc Q cant control his fandom, but openly saying “hey stop doing that. i dont want yall to do that” would be nice. I thankfully have never experienced it but i had twt moots who got doxxed by qsmp fans and thats why i said i wish he had said something earlier. But i am not trying to take away how severe the fact hes getting doxxed is. Just wanted to make that clear👍🏻 Dont fucking dox or harass people, be critical but dont be horrible people.
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alonelystargazer · 1 month
favorite and least favorite jjk arc? hope youre well :)
hi rin thanks for the ask! I've been a little tired these past fews but overall I'm okay :)
Hmm, okay I had to give this question some thought because JJK is still in progress, and I don't have set favorites yet, but it is coming to a close some time this year. Once it's over, I'm gonna give the series a complete read-through and I'll have a good idea of which arcs I liked.
For now, I would say that I do like most of the arcs in JJK, but if I had to choose just one as my favorite, I guess it would be Itadori's Extermination Arc. This arc has a little bit of everything that I like about Jujutsu Kaisen.
Incoming yap session under the cut!
Coming right after the aftermath of the Shibuya Incident, it shows just how high the stakes are, now that Gojo has been sealed, Yuuji's execution will be put into place, and Megumi's current whereabouts are unknown. I think it works well as a sort of transitional arc between Shibuya Incident and Perfect Preparation and Culling Game. We get to see my boy Yuuta again (who has another great entrance btw), even though he's been tasked with carrying out Yuuji's execution. When I first read this part, I had no idea what Yuuta actually had planned, so I was worried at first, but it's a clever plan. It is quite sad that Gojo expected something to happen to him, so he entrusted Yuuta to carry out his will: protecting his students. Something something, the strongest carry the heaviest burden by sacrificing themselves for others.
It was also a treat to see both the past MC and current MC fighting, even though it would end with Yuuji getting defeated.
This arc also shows one of my favorite moments in the whole series, where Choso gets to beat the shit out of Naoya and talks about what it means for him to be an older brother. The themes of brotherhood and responsibility were so relatable to me because I'm also an older sibling who carries a lot of responsibility, using myself as an example for my younger brother. Everything Choso said about making mistakes so his younger brothers won't have to make, basically being a role model, them hit me in the soul. This is where I knew Choso was going to be my favorite JJK character, next to Nanami. Just a warning: I will cry and scream when we get to see this in Season 3, like be prepared because I will NOT shut up about it!! Choso supernova... (btw that's the inspiration behind my twt username and my tumblr pfp is a panel from this arc)
and don't mind that Yuuta knocked him out
"Seriously, who are you?" "I'm the oldest of ten siblings."
OOH here's another badass Choso quote:
"Nonetheless, I must walk ahead of my little brothers. That's why I'm strong."
And of course, this arc includes the infamous Chapter 143 (well, according to JJK Wiki, but 143 is part of Vol. 17 so idk), which, as an ItaFushi shipper, I can't ignore. I mean, we do get to see Yuuji's parents, but that wasn't even the most shocking part of this chapter for me. Megumi has returned!
"Why are you doing all this?" "Because you're important to people who are important to me."
I liked the discussion Yuuta and Yuuji had about him being burdened with a power that he didn't ask for (yeah, I know Yuuji ate Sukuna's finger at will, but I don't think he knew what exactly that meant for him moving forward, or how powerful Sukuna turned out to be). Yuuta basically absolved Yuuji of the blame for all the damage caused because of that power, one that isn't his own.
And going back to Megumi's return. Yuuji seems to be surprised at how nonchalant Megumi is about everything, acting as if nothing happened. Regardless of what Yuuta just told him, Yuuji believes he's guilty because of all the people that were killed, but Megumi tells him that they're both to blame, and he shouldn't take on that responsibility alone. Megumi's whole speech in this chapter made me really appreciate him as a character.
"...As long as I'm around, you will suffer!" "So start by saving me, Itadori."
Yuuji is really scared about Sukuna, and by proxy, him, doing something to harm Megumi, so he believes he needs to distance himself from him. It's his belief is that he's solely responsible for everything that Sukuna has done, all because he made the decision to become his vessel. But Megumi has to remind him that they aren't heroes, they are jujutsu sorcerers, and they have to save people. Megumi is begging Yuuji to help him to save his sister from being caught in the Culling Game. I don't think there's anyone who Megumi trusts more than Yuuji, and while Yuuji may only be seeing the 'ugly' side of himself, Megumi doesn't see it that way. He is probably the most vulnerable he has been up until this point in the story, begging Yuuji for his help. UGHHHH okay they make me scream!! Gege please let Yuuji fulfill Megumi's request to save him!
I'm really excited to see this arc announced, even if it ends up being like 2 episodes.
I was so excited when this scene was voiced over at the Jump event last year, and I can't wait to see it in season 3! Also, I was so close to saying Perfect Preparation Arc was my favorite, but honestly I really only liked the chapters where Maki eliminated the Zen'in clan. Second favorite would probably be Vs. Mahito (hehe hi Nanami).
Oh god I've written too much already, so I'll make this next part brief. Like I said in the beginning, I like most of the arcs in JJK, but it wasn't that difficult to choose the Kyoto Goodwill Event Arc as my least favorite. I didn't really like the Kyoto students all that much, if I'm gonna be honest. There really isn't much to say about them because, in my opinion, most of them didn't have significant roles after this arc. The fights were interesting, but I can't really say much else about this arc other than these character were kinda wasted.
Okay well uhhh if you made it to the end, thanks for reading!
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School is killing me right now TwT i swear i'll show you guys my stuff as soon as i have a bit of free time :,)
In the meantime i can give you some more info about them, they where all made separately and don't have lore in common and some of them are still not 100% complete...owo
Who would you like to see first:
🖤A crazy son of a bitch that's evil incarnate, a fallen deity now Lord of Nightmeres that manipulates dreams, lives for the drama, basically a Musical super villain, so unhinged that the doorframe is missing.
🔥A big angry demon that compensates her trust issues with aggression but really just needs a hug. Tsundere and awkward as fuck, violence is not a solution but a question, and the aswer is yes.
💕A depressed Succubus that doesn't believe in love anymore and to avoid delusions just lives in his stereotype, goes full horny mode to avoid feeling anything else and he's a sarcastic idiot (who also needs a hug)
🌊Basically a disney princess with himbo energy that's also a god and trustes humans too much, he's all wise but still so curious about human culture, so he goes around in his Human Disguise hoping to meet new friends. (He's the one giving hugs to the depressed OC's)
👻A small traumatized boy who remained locked up for most of his life because he was believed to be the antichrist, he can see the spirits of the dead, he's scared of everything and he's haunted by one jelous spirit that treats him like his toy. (He definitly needs multiple hugs)
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nights-flying-fox · 11 months
Baby's First Halloween
Mikey forces Draxum joining him and his family for trick and treating.
My @rottmnt-secret-gifting gift for @bambiraptorx :] Happy Halloween!! Don't judge the title, I am either very good with them or terrible with them TwT Sorry this is shorter than I planned, but I hope you still like it!!!! I saw that your fics featured Draxum a lot so I tried writing something that is both Halloween themed and from his pov, I hope he is in character and you enjoy it :> Also on AO3 <33
 Baron Draxum had yet to understand humans. Yet to like them. But he had thought he had an idea of them (other than the fact they all were annoying). Spending months among them had given him a new chance to observe them better. At some aspects they were just like he expected them to be. In other aspects though, they proved to be more interesting than he thought they were. That wouldn’t happen often, but still was worth mentioning.
 Nowadays he didn’t have a problem living among them, he had gotten used to them, and to their behavior. He knew the basics; he knew what to expect from their society.
 Then Michelangelo showed up at his door with a costume in his hands and Draxum once again was lost.
 “What the heck is a Halloween?” Draxum stared at the mutant.
 “You don’t know Halloween!?” Mikey exclaimed. “It is okay, I can teach you everything!”
 “I am not interested.” Draxum replied.
 “Too late!” Mikey grinned as he walked in. Draxum knew he had no way to escape from the boy. He let Mikey get in with the costume he held. “So, Barry, Halloween is a human holiday- one of the best even- which I’m sure you’ll love!”
 “I doubt that.” Draxum had learned about some. They were nothing like yokai holidays, and they made no sense at all. He was sure this would be no different.
 Mikey sat on to the couch and placed the costume by his side. “Halloween happens during the night of 31st of October, and people celebrate it by trick and treating, watching horror movies, putting scary decorations everywhere…”
 “Is that why I have been seeing bat and pumpkin replicas everywhere?” He asked rhetorically, interrupting the teen.
 Mikey grinned, “Yep! People like to decorate and get into the Halloween spirit early! That’s what October’s about baby!”
 Draxum gestured to the costume in front of him, “What’s with the costume?”
 “Oh! I made it for you!” Mikey beamed. “The most important thing of Halloween is how you look. You gotta wear a costume if you are celebrating it. And you’ll terrific!”
 He reached and held the costume in his hands. “You dress up ridiculously?” Draxum questioned, inspecting the costume with more detail now.
 “Sometimes some people do, but majorly it is about looking scary.” Mikey explained.
 Draxum eyed the costume again. He couldn’t see how these clothes were supposed to be scary. He didn’t mention that though.
 “I mean, you don’t exactly have to wear a costume since this whole situation”- Mikey gestured to Draxum like whenever his family said that phase- “but, traditions are always better!”
 Draxum suddenly realized what Mikey meant, “So that’s the thing all the yokai got excited about every October.”
 “Huh?” Mikey blinked at him with confusion.
 “Every year yokai get excited about going to surface and walking among humans freely for a night.” Draxum explained. “I never understood the excitement for a thing like that, and so I didn’t find it worth to check and lose the time I could prepare my plans.”
 Mikey hummed, “Humans somehow can’t tell the difference between mutants and costumes most of the time, which is much better for us!”
 “As I had said before several times, they aren’t smart.” Draxum commented.
 “Don’t be rude, Barry!” He got up, “After all we’ll have some fun among them soon.”
 Draxum looked at Mikey, and then at the costume. “I’d rather to pass the offer.”
 Mikey shook his head, “No! Way!” He exclaimed. “You are joining us this Halloween!”
 “You?” Draxum didn’t like how it sounded.
 “Yep! Since you have never enjoyed this amazing holiday, why not join us?” Mikey said, hugging Draxum’s arm.
 The mutant raised a brow, “I am not sure if your family would like that idea.”
 “They won’t mind.” The boy chirped happily. Draxum wasn’t convinced but he didn’t try to fight against him.
 And so Draxum was once again had found himself in a situation he never expected to be in, thanks to Michelangelo. He had no idea why, but the boy always found a way to make him join his ideas or do what he asked for. Maybe it was because of how it was almost impossible to escape Mikey’s persistence. (It was definitely not because he cared for the boys he had created. Not at all.)
 He looked at the costume again and sighed, he was gonna hate it.
 He hated it.
 Mikey had made him some sort of red imp like costume. Draxum had no idea how the boy had managed to get him wear it (maybe it was the fact behind his niceness he hid the scariest person known to a yokai). When the rest of boys and April had seen him, they burst into laughing. By the way they joked, he suspected that him they were very excited to see him like that for a long time. Leo made so many terrible jokes and teased him the whole time, more than others. So much that Draxum was sure even the others were tired of his puns. He also knew that Donnie and April had taken many pictures of him. All Draxum was glad nobody that knew his glorious days (other than the Hamatos) saw him like that.
 Eventually they moved to trick or treating part. He still didn’t understand any of this. A part of him wished people would let them do their trick, so he could show what powers he got and scare all of them. (He was sure that was the meaning of trick.) Just like the old days. Shame it wasn’t “safe or legal”. Humans seemed to be afraid of him even in this ridiculous costume, so that was somewhat better.
 As the night kept going on, Draxum noticed the many yokai walking among the streets. Some having fun, drinking and enjoying the night in a different way, some spending time by trying out or checking out normal human things and technologies. They all seemed very happy. Both humans and yokai… odd. Then he looked back at the boys. They seemed very happy too. Even Leonardo was not caring that Draxum tagged along (by Mikey’s force). It was different than any other night. One night free for all to walk among each other peacefully.
 Maybe Halloween wasn’t that bad.
 After a time, they finally returned to the lair, where Splinter laughed so much that he ended having cramps and a coughing fit. Draxum had retorted pointing out how stupid his costume looked, but Splinter paid no mind telling him how amazing it looked on him and that Draxum had no taste at all. Draxum disagreed, not understanding at all how the stupid fake teeth and cape looked amazing on him.
 Then as the teens examined the candies they collected (which was surprisingly a lot); Splinter began searching for something. He victoriously announced, “I found it!”
 “What is it, rat?” Draxum asked, more to kill time than being curious.
 “Lou Jitsu’s special edition horror movie marathons.” Splinter explained proudly.
 Draxum looked at the small box Splinter held. “I thought you were an action movie star?”
 Splinter stared at him, “You are so uncultured…. Thankfully tonight you will see some real good stuff.”
 Draxum rolled his eyes, “How even your movies considered good?”
 Draxum wouldn’t admit, but they were good. Not only Splinter’s old horror movies which were more of a comedy in Draxum’s opinion, but the other movies too. The most recent ones were mostly accurate about gore details too. When Draxum mentioned that it, Donnie gladly agreed pointing out some inaccuracies. As the two agreed, the rest of them were trying shushing them so they could watch the rest of the movie properly. Draxum heard how Leonardo whined, “There are two of them now”. Draxum ignored that comment, only thinking about how it meant that Donnie was good at catching details and had knowledge over that. Even though some parts made him uncomfortable, the boy had knowledge.
 At some point Raph fell asleep. Mikey, who was hiding under a blanket next to him trembled. Leo kept his hand on the blanket, watching the movie playing with candy bag in his lap. Donnie sat on the ground with his own candy bag, occasionally commending about the movie and whispering to April, who sat next to him some things about the movie. Splinter eventually fell asleep as well.
 Draxum found it interesting. How they didn’t mind him around. How this wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be (minus the costume). How it was tolerable to watch the teens joke around, scaring each other at times under the projector’s light.
 Hours passed, as the movie marathon continued one by one, they fell asleep. Draxum could stay awake longer if he wanted, but he let himself rest as well, as the rest of them slept deeply.
 At some point he heard someone getting on his feet, he felt a blanket on himself. Once he looked, he saw Splinter with another blanket, heading towards Leonardo. He had brought blankets and pillows for them all. Draxum didn’t understand why he would do that. (At least why would he bring him one. That didn’t make any sense.)
 Then Splinter saw him, “Go back sleeping before you wake them up Draxum,” he whispered. “It is three in the morning.”
 Draxum was going to say something, but he found himself not responding. Splinter was right, he could wake them up. So, he decided to not to say a word, and do as he told him to do. Meanwhile, Splinter went back to his spot, with a blanket and a pillow going back to sleep as well.
 As he fell asleep, Draxum thought. Maybe this was why it wasn’t that bad. Because even though he was forced to join them, they still included him. Because they showed him what Halloween was. And while Draxum would never say that to them, maybe it was great to spend time with this family, more than he ever thought it would be. After everything, perhaps this was a nice change…
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ultraviolet-ink · 7 months
What do you think about asoryuu?
Oh boy, this one's going to be a bit loaded, so here's a bit of a preemptive apology for a ramble/word vomit/rant on my end. Suffice to say ASRY is a NoTP for me. When I was first getting into DGS all the way back in 2019/20, I was a bit ambivalent towards the ship. I had only watched a playthrough of the first game, and I had the feeling that Kazuma was going to come back, but the ship didn't really scream to me at that point, and it kind of befuddled me to see how it was so popular (and a bit of a tangent, I think people only really ship the 1-1 dynamic, but that's a convo for another day). If you even look at the header of my blog, it is no secret that I ship Ryuususa, and it is my OTP. When I had watched the fifth case on the playthrough, I was sold on that ship, and the last moments really sealed the deal for me-- there's something really compelling about the goodbye scene between Susato and Ryuunosuke at the docks, and the localization legitimately made me cry (happy tears of course!) Being a little naive, I started to post about it and I got... a LOT of harassment calling me a lot of names/accusing me of being okay with a lot of really horrible things (intrusive thoughts WHOOOOOOP). The harassment was so bad that I only recently opened up to my therapist about what had happened, and I was pulling away from servers/people I thought I was friends with/wouldn't treat me horribly. I found a lot of solace with people who were also violently harassed pre-localization (shout out to the Baroryuu community, you all were really kind to me, and I am proud to also be a Baroryuu lover <3), when I say it was drama filled pre localization, I mean it. I can even point out when my harassment started to March of 2021 when someone on twitter said not to read my dgs fics since I was a proshipper (I hadn't even called myself that at this point, and honestly I don't really use that title [idk how else to describe it lol], but I do follow that philosophy and call myself anti-harassment), and since I hadn't had a twt at that time, they linked to my ao3, and since I put my tumblr on my fics, I got a LOT of disturbing anons. Even when I made my server, I used to have a link that anyone could click on (word of the day is naive lmaooo), and I got a lot of creeps coming in trying to surveil the server and make sure their friends weren't in it (one person was even trying to get access to the nsfw section which was FUN). After reading this, you're probably thinking "what does this have to do with ASRY?". A lot of the major bullies in fandom HEAVILY shipped ASRY, and would harass people who shipped other ships (Baroryuu and Asobaro shippers were racist, Homuryuu shippers were okay with incest because of that stupid "greatest family in the world" line, etc.). All in all, it came with a lot of entitlement and anger that other peopled DARED not to ship that ship. Those sorts of people really tainted the ship for me. As for the ship itself, I can definitely see why people love it a lot (especially 1-1), but I really didn't like Kazuma in 2-4/5. I found him to be really particularly awful and obtuse (which, makes perfect sense in the story! Who wouldn't be in his position?). I was also mad that he only said ONE (1!!!) thing to Susato when he got his memories back (despite HER recognizing him and getting the ball rolling), and it was basically "Thanks for helping out my friend, bye!" (#justiceforsusato lol). Even at the end of the game, I still was mad at Kazuma and didn't really like him. It's only due to my friends (namely @leafyemeralds and her VERY GOOD TAKES in our convos) that I eventually started to warm up to him. Now he's my personal punching bag to Atone(tm) XD I suppose TL;DR I'm not a big Kazuma fan, harassment made me really dislike the ship, so I don't ship it (also, can ASRY shippers tag their stuff? this is more of a problem on twitter, but it happens on tumblr. Filters can only work if they're there =3=)
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imagination-void · 11 days
For a few weeks now I’ve been a part of the Inphinity SMP, which is a Phighting Minecraft server that I think is popular on Twitter? I wouldn’t know, I try to stay away from it for the most part.
I got the role of Icedagger in it and it brings me much joy hehe! A give to you my ISMP Icedagger design, lovingly called Pasteldagger by me
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His design has changed a little bit since making this doodle but he’s the same for the most part. If it’s of any interest to you at all, I ramble about ISMP!Icedagger and some design + personality things under the cut along with an extra little doodle and some screenshots I and others have taken with him hehe.
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I enjoy the beans people make on twt, so I give you the gift of Beandagger hehe
I don’t wanna say I’ve changed his design from canon too much but also I changed his entire palette so whoopsie daisy.. I enjoy his canon palette but I personally have a hard time with designs like that so I gave him a palette that still gives the feeling of ice and snow while also being a bit more in my comfort zone.
Previously I was thinking he should have had a reindeer motif, which is present in him having little hooves and hoof “fingers”, and he’s already got the antlers to match! However I’ve since shifted into a snow leopard motif as I feel it’s more fitting to him now, and also I just love snow leopards <3
Icedagger doesn’t have the most content to go off of unfortunately, I'm mostly just stretching what I do know here. Icedagger, as I interpret him, is shy and awkward at his core, but outwardly gives this persona of being brave and energetic that he doesn’t keep up very well. Sort of like an awkward teenager trying to find his place among his peers in middle/highschool by pretending to be a cool kid? He tries a little too hard to prove he’s not some little kid, how he’s independent and doesn’t need anyone’s help because help is for CHILDREN (of which he is NOT) and FOR THE WEAK!! And he’s a big strong man who is very adult and independent! You know, young teenager thoughts.
It makes for some awkward situations as he’s stumbling to live up to this glorified version of him in his head, one that’s on par with his regal and powerful siblings, but in reality he’s just an anxious kid.
The other half of him, one that he feels internally more than externally, is that he wants to be able to make friends and not be treated differently because of his deity status. He’s seen how demons go to this temple they made in his honor, one that he doesn’t even really want, and pray and give offerings, but none of it really… interests him? He wants to make friends and have fun and feel normal, just like any other kid.
He avoids mortals for this reason, because he just doesn’t wanna deal with being basically worshipped.
Overall, he’s socially anxious and awkward from a lack of proper socialization but tries his best to seem like the kind of guy you’d wanna be friends with while not coming off as pompous or demanding. He kind of wishes he wasn’t a deity sometimes and sort of pushes down his power in attempt to be closer to the “power level” of mortals. He just wants to play hide and seek with the neighborhood kids and go for ice cream after :(
Icedagger spends a lot of time hiding and sleeping the years away, entertaining himself in frozen wastes that mortals prefer to not venture in. His favorite thing to do is to sneak around low-populated areas and hiding because he finds amusement in being able to go undetected. His stealth skills are sharp, and they always have been! His most dangerous move involves sneaking up and attacking his opponents from behind, a trick his siblings learned well when they sparred on the heights. Be not surprised that his favorite game is hide n seek.
That all said, that all fits pretty well into snow leopard behavior, being rare and elusive and difficult to find (look up snow leopard camouflage and have fun) but also very expressive when you get the chance to see them in action. A stealthy big cat that roams the unpopulated snowy mountains..
He loves and cherishes his family deeply, even if they bicker a lot. He’d be at their side in a moments notice if they were in danger. He is fiercely protective of Ban Hammer, Sword, Dom, and Valk especially. Can’t speak for Flipside’s parents because we don’t know them yet..
He has trouble with how he’s perceived, but he’ll get through it and learn to not care as much and just enjoy himself. It’s hard to be upset when you’ve got such cool siblings anyways!
A couple things here may not be accurate to ISMP, as they are my own head canons. Specifically the SFOTH sparring all the time on the heights and Icedagger’s own strength. My head canon is that before mortals, when SFOTH came into existence, all the siblings did was fight because they were strong and it was fun. I also believe (again, head canon) Icedagger is the strongest of his siblings since his gear in-game is a one hit KO.
If you actually read all of that then I love you??? Why are you still here??? Thank you, it means a lot 🥺
As a reward, you get screenshots <3
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i-am-beckyu · 11 months
AHHHH IM SO HAPPY YOU ENJOYED THE CONCERT IM SO JEALOUS BUT REALLY HAPPY FOR YOUUU!!! LIKE SERIOUSLY! totally deserved, i hope you had a good birthday season :D <3 <3
also happy halloween! trick or treat? :3
and now I'm gonna ramble about it in full under the cut :3
Okay okay okay so like the whole thing was just wonderful and considering the last music concert I saw live was when I was like 9, this was a HUGE experience!
So like I went with my dad (cause obviously he is my best choice lol) and I kinda know how he'll be late and all the rest if you say it starts at a certain time. So obviously I told him the concert started at 7:30pm, when in reality the doors opened at 7:30pm.
If there is one thing you should 100% do when going to a concert it is get there early cause we arrived at like 6:45pm and by the time the doors opened we were in the front 1/4 of the line that stretched ALLLLLL the way down the street. And I don't know if this happens at other places, but like I got this cool smiley face stamp to go in but other people got like the wrist band so I don't know what that really meant but it was cool regardless lol.
But anyways, cause we were so early, we got in before it got super packed so I had a choice of where I wanted to be cause the whole place was a mosh pit basically. BUT! There was this little upstairs loft bit that you could watch from the balcony and it had seating!!!
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Now tbh I love my dad but I didn't want to go stand in the mosh pit the whole night by myself and knew he was just gonna sit at the back cause he had no idea who Half Alive was but I wanted to be with him.
So I absolutely SCORED when we got two chairs in the balcony bit, right in the middle!! This lady was sitting in a seat with one next to her free and it turned out she was the manager of the band opening the show which was so cool to meet and chat with her and she said she wasn't staying and gave us her seat and the spare one. Bless her TwT.
I got to sit the whole night without my legs getting sore, had THE best viewing spot with no one in front of me AND could get pics and vids without having to worry about the video cause it just balanced on the balcony bit so I could enjoy the show too!
Like yes I know I could have been in the mosh pit, but for me it was so much better to be where I was cause I got to share the moment with my Dad! (who had ear plugs in the whole time from all the screaming fans lol but he thoroughly enjoyed the night even tho he had no idea what to expect)
And now of course the actual performance
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Like you know how sometimes seeing bands live vs their music sounds different cause of like auto tune and stuff like that? WELL THERE WAS NONE OF THAT HERE! IT WAS ALL RAW VOCALS AND JUST MIND BLOWING!!! I AM SOOOOOOO HAPPY I HAVE THE CLIPS AND BITS THAT I DO CAUSE LIKE AHHHHHH I AM IN LOVE WITH IT!!!
They didn't perform every song obviously but like there were bits and pieces of sings in some bits and like the way they performed each number and getting ready in between was flawless. Like it all flowed seamlessly into the next song and just AHH THEY ARE PROFESSIONALS I ADORE I ADORE I ADORE!!! And I loved that while this was their conditions of a Punk tour, we still got to hear older songs like Still Feel and Creature live too. (I would have died if they didn't perform creature I swear and it was the last song of the night and I just felt so happy hearing my fav song ever live. It was such a special moment)
And then my gosh if you've seen like the clips they've shared of the performances like nah man. They don't hold up to actually being there. The dancers were flippen INSANE!!!! Like just yessssssss! They absolutely slayed and it looked like they were having so much fun! It was awesome!!!!!
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Oh and at one stage of the night (cause in perfect aussie fashion) we did our usual chant of Aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi and it was so funny seeing their faces cause they had no idea what was going on lol. I loved it.
Now if you follow half alive you'll also notice in their posts that none of them were wearing any shoes that night and you're probably wondering why. Answer: The theatre just said no with the dancers having any shoes cause the stage was carpeted. Do I understand this? Nope. But it happened lol. So we got socked feet all night.
Now of course I also got merch :3 And this is where that stamp thingy comes into play cause like at the start, being up stairs a guy came and called us and said: Who wants merch and then ushered us all down to get merch lol. I skipped such a long line I felt a lil bad but like: I got here early and I was lucky lol. So now I have a very expensive tshirt, but I love it lol. Did I take a pic of it? NOPE! I forgot lol but I can always share it later <3
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I'm pretty sure a whole lot of other stuff also happened but this post is already pretty long lol. Overall you can tell I had an amazing time and I highly recommend to anyone to go see your fav bands live if you can cause it is such a special experience and you won't regret it. Being able to see Half Alive is easily one of my top fav experiences of all time so yes. I had a great time <3
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Introducing a new member to the digital circus, Birdie!
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So, yes, I caved & made a TADC OC cuz why not? It was kinda @dorkygurl-89's fault because of her TADC oc, but it's whatever. I had no business making her so caked & snatched at the same time, though, goddamn
Meet Birdie! She's a 24 y/o six armed ladybird spider who is literally just Blitz from Helluva boss, but a bit more chaotic. Don't let her extroverted personally & big smile fool you, this bitch is a MENACE
She actually entered the digital realm on her birthday, & instead of being nervous or confused or scared, she was ecstatic to be there! She was already a bit of a nutcase in her past life & liked/collected weird things, so that's why she was so happy to be there. Caine was honestly really surprised at how calm she was about it since usually people are at least a little bit confused when they first arrive. But, Birdie was loving every second of it. Needless to say, she had a better first day than most XD
She's the juggler in the circus & can juggle alot of things at once with six arms & she's always trying to go above & beyond with her skills
She & Jax are best friends, basically partners in crime. They are the most petty & sassy shit talkers in the whole circus & their friendship usually consists of them bullying people or each other. She's also just as tall as him, only being about a foot ½ shorter. They tend to share one braincell & do a bunch of stupid shit together
She & Jax always make little wagers on who's gonna lose it or abstract first & how long it'll take them. With Pomni, Jax said a week, & Birdie said "Since when are you so generous? I give her 11 minutes."
Speaking of Pomni, once she entered the picture, she pesters her out of love alot. She understands her confusion & worry, so she teases, messes with, & jokes with her just to take her mind off it. She does care about her, she's just not that great at showing it
For some reason, she really didn't like Kaufmo at all before he abstracted. She always thought he was a loser. But, now that he's abstracted & in the cellar, she does feel sliiiiiightly bad for him. Just a little
She doesn't care at all that there's a censor & still runs her mouth ALOT. Caine even said it himself; "Despite the censor, she still cusses constantly. Some people never learn." At least that's a rough summary of it
She thinks Kinger is an annoying old lunatic, she treats Gangle the best compared to Jax, Zooble doesn't like her, she's popped Bubble one too many times cuz of her being weirded out from them, & she carries Ragatha like a teddy bear alot. I like to think that since she's a ragdoll, she's extremely light. She also does it with Pomni, too, but mostly Ragatha
Because of Alisa the mime being there along with her babu Cypher, she tends to poke fun at her alot. Stealing her umbrella, squishing her face making her try & talk for once, running off with Cypher, that sorta thing. Especially with her ironically shipping her & Jax together & messing with them CONSTANTLY about it. & even though she technically can, she just chooses not to live without either a coffee (Hot or iced, doesn't matter) or a bit plate of spaghetti
Bottom line, she's a bully but she bullies out of love
Also, shoutout to my mom for helping me out with her! Love you, mama!
Birdie by: Me
Jax from: The amazing digital circus
The amazing digital circus by: @gooseworx & Glitch productions
Do not steal, trace or copy. (& don't give me too much of an aneurysm with the likes, either, that's why I deleted the poll early with how much attention it got in so little time TwT""")
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