#also babe if you're reading this I'm sorry I'll be playing these a good third of the time fjdjdj
coffeeworldsasaki · 2 months
Tagged by @notgreengardens ! Thanks it was really nice to think about this
Use this generator with your comfort albums
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I've half cheated by putting a live album of Mika but I usually put a live performance of his when I'm depressed so
Tagging @tevinterspirit and @cozy-fish-crow
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galexystern · 1 year
butterfly wings
chapter five; summer 1985
pairing; steve harrington/eddie munson/reader aka steddie/reader
rating; T
warnings; fluff, au - canon divergence
word count; 3.2k
desc; despite what's happened, you, Steve, and Eddie grow closer.
read on ao3 / series masterlist
You avoid both Steve and the idea of parsing through that kiss and conversation. Or, at least, you try to. It gets hard when you realize he works at the ice cream shop next to the record store at the mall. You're just thankful it's not across the hall.
You then try to avoid the shop completely, but that fails too, due to Vickie. She shows up one day and pesters you into taking your break and going to Scoops Ahoy. You reluctantly follow her in and curse inwardly at how adorable Steve looks in his sailor uniform. It shouldn't look good on anyone, but you think he could probably make a clown costume look sexy.
When you walk up to the counter, you're terrified he's going to take one look at you and shutter, ice you out because "Steve Harrington doesn't get rejected" or something like that. But then he spots you and lights up, smiling warmly and greeting you with all the normal King Steve charm. You're so relieved that you exhale heavily and have to lie that you and Vickie had been having a contest to see who can hold their breath the longest. "And look at that! I won," you explain awkwardly.
Vickie gives you a side-eye and says, deadpan, "Yeah. You got me, babe."
You giggle nervously. As Vickie asks her usual questions to Steve's coworker, inspecting everything before deciding, you and Steve just look at each other, uncomfortable air between you. You know something needs to be said, so you lean towards him. "Hey, about the kiss..." You wince. "I'm sorry—"
"Stop right there," Steve cuts in kindly. "You have nothing to be sorry for, beautiful. I'm sorry. It was wrong of me to do that without asking."
You half-melt in front of him. Giving him a small smile, you reply quietly, "It's okay."
Steve looks utterly relieved. "Then we're good?" When you nod, he breaks into a bright grin and you match it.
Two things prevent you from avoiding the shop after that. One, Vickie gets a little crush on Steve's coworker, Robin, and spends all her free time—meaning also all your break time—half-stalking, half-flirting with her. It's really cute and you're not about to stop a possible love story from unfolding so you're stuck there.
Two, they have a sundae that you fall in love with. Like actually, it's the best thing you've ever had, absolute heaven. You can't afford to eat it every day, but someone must've heard you gushing about how good it is to Vickie the first day you have it, because after that, Steve has it prepared for you whenever you walk in. He also gives it to you on the house each time.
After the third or fourth time, you protest. "Steve," you say exasperatedly, "you can't keep giving me free ice cream."
"Sure I can," he replies with a grin. "Who'll know? And if they find out, they can just dock my pay."
You study him, but the smile doesn't waver. Finally, you sigh. "I don't know. It's not fair."
He gives you a little frown. "How can I make it fair?"
"I don't know." You shrug. "It's very one-sided. How can I make it up to you?" You blush at the way it comes out sounding like the start to a bad porno, but Steve takes the question seriously.
"Lemme think about it. I'll let you know next time."
By then, Vickie is grabbing your arm and pulling you away so she can discuss the latest flirting attempt with Robin. All you can do is give Steve a quick nod and see a flash of his beaming expression as you round the corner out of sight.
The next time you show up, Steve gives you the sundae and looks triumphant. "I've got it."
"Lay it on me," you say without thinking and wince a little. The Freudian slips can stop any time now.
"You work at the record shop." He pauses and you nod, puzzled. "You get the brand-new records every week." You start to see where this is heading. "You play me the new records from my favorite artists when they come in. You get your sundaes on me, and I get to hear the music before everybody else."
You try not to picture Steve naked and covered in ice cream and think about the offer. You think about saying no—while he had apologized, the kissing incident is still very on your mind and you don't want to encourage him if he's still behaving like a king. But it's also beginning to seem like he's not: A week or so earlier, when you and Vickie had walked in and got in line, Steve had been flirting his ass off with the girls at the front.
The girls had tittered meanly and left without even acknowledging it. Then, as the next customers were looking at the menu, Robin wordlessly lifted up a dry erase board, wrote on it, and then showed it to Steve, who rolled his eyes and ignored it. But you'd scooted to the side a little, and saw that it was a tally: two columns, one labeled "you rock" and the other "you suck" with a lot of marks in the second column and none in the first. You connected it to the failed flirting attempt and were surprised to think that maybe Steve Harrington has lost his signature charm?
But that couldn't be right either. Because he was effortlessly flirty with you and you just didn't understand why it wouldn't work on other girls. It still worked on you.
Right after that encounter, when you and Vickie were eating your sundaes together, you'd asked her if she'd seen the dry erase board.
"No," she answered, licking her spoon, "but I know about it. Robin's told me. It's all the times he's failed with girls."
"That's what I thought. That seems so weird to me."
"Me too. I asked her about it. She told me—this stays between us," she looked at you sternly and you nodded. "She told me that it seems psychosomatic, like he's in his own way. She's seen him as King Steve too, and this Steve is a poor excuse for that one. But she thinks something is blocking him, rather than he became a completely different person like, overnight."
You took that in. "When do you think it started?"
Vickie shrugged. "Seems like it started when this job started. He was bad at flirting from the first day."
You thought back to the kiss. The party was just a few weeks before the mall opened and everything got up and running. Come to think of it, you hadn't seen any girls entering or leaving Steve's apartment since then either.
Your heart raced at the implication then, and it’s racing now.
"So, beautiful? We got a deal?" Steve has a puppy dog look.
"Okay," you answer timidly, hopefully. "Deal."
"Yes!" He claps his hands together in joy and you laugh. "I will see you Friday then."
And so, on Friday, Steve comes walking into the record shop after close, whistling.
"Harrington?" Eddie says, confused. "What're you doing here, man?"
Steve looks at you. "You didn't tell him?" He's teasing.
You shake your head sheepishly. You'd been too busy freaking out about it that you'd forgotten. Turning to Eddie, you explain the deal as Steve looks through the new releases.
"I want in," Eddie demands immediately.
Steve just laughs. "Sure thing. No problem."
Eddie looks at you incredulously but all you can do is shrug. Steve comes up holding an album already. "We haven't unpacked the new stuff," you point out.
"I know," he replies. "This is for all the previous free sundaes."
You ignore Eddie's gaze as you go grab the box of new records, blushing furiously. As you bring it back, Eddie takes the album from Steve and loads it into the store player. Supertramp's "Brother Where You Bound" starts playing and Steve sorts through the box. You and Eddie finish your closing tasks, all three of you bopping to the music. By the time it ends, you're all chilling in chairs you'd brought out from the break room.
"Nice choice," Eddie commends, seeming pleasantly surprised, and Steve smiles brightly at him.
"What's next?" You ask eagerly.
Steve hands over the other record he'd picked out: Bruce Springsteen's "Glory Days". You gasp excitedly. Eddie cocks his head and you show him the choice. He makes a face and Steve laughs.
"Bruce Springsteen is great!" You accuse Eddie as you switch out the records.
Eddie fake-gags.
"At least it's just a single," Steve says, patting Eddie on the back in sympathy.
"But you should give him a chance," you argue and sit back down. The song starts playing and you and Steve immediately groove to it. Eddie crosses his arms.
Steve stands and holds out a hand for you. "Dance, beautiful?"
You take it, Steve pulling you out of the seat and into a spin. You laugh as the two of you bounce around the store, loving the song. You even manage to sing the chorus after hearing it twice, and you sing it to Eddie, whose arms are still crossed but lips are twitching to hold back a grin. By the end of the song, you and Steve are both singing at him. He finally cracks a smile as the last notes fade away.
"See?" You exclaim. "It was so good!"
"It wasn't bad," Eddie responds grudgingly, making Steve bark out a laugh.
"We'll make a Bruce Springsteen fan out of you yet," he teases and Eddie scoffs, but you can see the pink tinge on his ears.
"Let's get outta here," you say. "The mall's creepy at night."
"Aw, we'll protect you, angel," Eddie replies.
Steve nods. "Nothing gets past us, beautiful."
They strike a combat pose together and you fail to hold back your laughter. You continue to snicker as you put the record in the New Releases section and grab your stuff, Eddie and Steve protesting your ridicule as they also gather their belongings. Steve holds open the door for you and you exit, Eddie following and locking the door. He swings the keys around his finger and Steve whistles and you walk in between them to your cars, feeling light and happy. You all exchange goodbyes—Eddie with a wink and Steve with a sweet wave—and part ways.
And that's how it goes for the beginning of summer, for the most part. You get free sundaes, Vickie gets to kind of flirt with Robin, Eddie gets to explain D&D to you, and Steve gets to hear new music before everyone else. Everybody wins.
A few times, when Steve picks out an album you and Eddie aren't interested in, Eddie continues his D&D instructions. You're worried that either Steve will make fun of you two and the game, or he'll get mad you're talking while he's listening, but he doesn't seem to mind, waving away your worries of being too loud. Eventually, you start to catch him half-paying attention, glancing at Eddie talking animatedly here and there, seemingly interested in the gameplay.
It gets simultaneously easier and harder to hang with Steve and Eddie and both of them at the same time. Robin continues to tell Vickie, who continues to tell you, that Steve is still failing to pick up girls. But he gives you butterflies every time you visit him, charm perfectly intact, and there are no more girls at his apartment. It's nice to hang with him at the record shop, but he doesn't flirt there, when you're there with him basically alone. So you're not really sure where you two stand.
Eddie is sweet and charismatic, and working with him is a breeze. But he's so focused on explaining D&D to you that any flirting is rare and far between. You actually notice an uptick in teasing when the listening parties happen, when Steve is around. You think about the handkerchief he wears and that maybe there's a connection to be made between the two.
On the other hand, you can feel yourself falling for them both but are working overtime to slow it, maybe even stop it. You don't know if Steve is still interested in you, and that could've died out when you told him you only wanted something serious. And you don't know if Eddie has ever been interested in you, or that he's even straight in the first place. And how would you even reconcile liking both of them? You don't think you could choose between them, and you're not sure they'd be cool with sharing, if it came to that.
It's hard, though, as the summer goes on. As you're all listening to Talking Heads's "Little Creatures", Eddie talks about failing his senior year again and having to take it over. With Motley Crüe's "Theatre of Pain" as background music, you describe having to move a lot as a kid and the difficulties you faced after your parents died. And while AC/DC's "Fly on the Wall" plays, Steve admits that he'd not gotten into any colleges and had to scramble to find a job, at a loss for what to do next. It's more than you've heard from, and told to, anyone besides your friends in a long time. It makes you like them all the more.
One day in early July, Steve comes into the store.
"Hey!" You excitedly yell to him. "I took the liberty of choosing a couple of records for this week." You hold up The Smith's "That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore" and The Cure's "A Night Like This". "They're both singles, so we can still pick out a full album."
But the closer Steve gets, the more agitated he seems. Once he's near you, you can see the expression on his face: full of worry, panic, and fear. Your heart starts to pound.
"Eddie," you call. Said man emerges from a nearby aisle and walks over to you.
"What's up..." He trails off once he sees Steve's face.
"Get out of here, both of you," Steve says firmly. "Grab your stuff, lock up the store, and go."
"What are you talking about?" Your voice is shaky.
He shakes his head frantically. "I can't tell you. Please don't ask any questions. Just leave." He starts to back away but Eddie asks, "Where are you going?"
Steve quickly glances at the door, where it looks like Robin and two kids are waiting anxiously. When he turns back to you, his expression has turned to one of pleading. "I have to go. But I need to make sure you're safe. Promise me you'll leave right now."
"Promise," he demands, then adds gently, "please."
"Okay," you respond fearfully. "We promise. Right, Eddie?"
Eddie nods. "Cross our hearts."
Steve gives a tight smile. "Good. Thank you. Now get out." And he runs out the door and out of view.
You and Eddie look at each other. "I guess we're getting out now," Eddie says and you leap into action, each grabbing your belongings and leaving the store, locking up quickly. You power-walk through the mall until you're outside. It seems like a regular summer day, nearing dusk. People are streaming in and out of the mall like nothing is wrong.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Eddie asks, poised to walk away.
You dart out and grab his arm. "Don't leave."
Eddie steps back in close. "I won't, angel." He eyes your anxious expression and shallow breathing. "You nervous?" You nod, not looking at him. "About Steve?" Another nod and he sighs. "Me too. But I think I've got just the thing."
He leads you to his van and opens the passenger side door for you. You climb in and he joins you a minute later. Turning over the engine, Eddie carefully drives out of the mall parking lot and out of town a little, until you're surrounded by greenery. He gets out and opens your door again, giving you a hand stepping down. Then he walks you to the back of the van and opens the doors. It’s a little messy, but there's a couple blankets and pillows folded in a corner, which he takes and spreads out, helping you climb up. He follows and opens his trusty lunchbox, eventually holding up a rolled joint.
"This should calm your nerves," he offers as he lights it. "It's a mellow strain."
You take it from him gratefully and inhale deeply. A couple of drags later, it starts working and your nerves relax, though your mind is still thinking about Steve.
To distract you, Eddie asks, “Have any ideas for what you'll DM this year?"
You look at him in surprise. "I thought you would still be DM?"
"I will." He takes a drag. "But it was supposed to be your year, so I think it's only fair you get to lead a campaign. I was going to give you the one I've been working on but it's the only one I've got." He smiles apologetically, like there's nothing he can do about it. "So, wanted to see if you have anything brewing. I can help flesh it out if you need."
You study him, unsure. You have a couple of ideas but they're very rudimentary, and you're not sure if he'll think they're stupid. But as you gaze at his kind face, you decide to go for it. He's never judged you before.
So you explain some starts you've been thinking about. Eddie stays quiet at first, only interrupting here and there. But steadily you both become more excited, and soon enough you're talking over each other about the possible campaigns, and Eddie is writing everything down as quickly as he can. This goes on for a long time, only ending when you both hear, then feel, a loud boom echo through town. You both look out and see smoke billowing from the direction of the mall.
You look at Eddie, panicked. "Steve" is all you say and then you're both moving. Eddie puts his things away as you climb into the passenger seat. After he closes the back doors, he follows suit and starts the van. Then he drives like a maniac to the mall.
It's clearly where the smoke is coming from. Eddie speeds through the parking lot until he stops with a screech in front of a group of people that includes Steve and Robin. You jump out before the van is even parked and run up to them. Throwing your arms around Steve, you hold him tight. He seems startled but quickly wraps his arms around you and hugs you back.
"Thank god you're okay," you whisper breathlessly.
"I'm okay, beautiful," he confirms.
You step back to find him smiling at you gently. You smile back and turn to hug Robin as well. As you do, you see Eddie also hug Steve, who holds him close too. But they also do the man thing and slap each other's backs when they part.
The four of you look at the pile of rubble, parts of it still smoldering.
"Is it weird if I'm mostly sad I won't get those sundaes anymore?" You wonder aloud.
Steve, Eddie, and Robin just laugh.
chapter six
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White Lies (Pt. 10 of 21)
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves X Reader
Word count: 2.5 K
Summary: Keanu found the girl almost dead, in the wrecks of what was once her car. While she was in surgery, stuck in a coma, he gathered the best doctors of New York to attend to her. They told him she is likely to have some kind of brain damage, what may lead to memory loss. And this possibility added up wit the fact that she's pregnant, made the council come up with an odd idea. They asked Keanu to pretend to be her husband, since the stress of finding out everything that happened could put the baby in danger. He reluctantly agreed, but only if she does has some kind of memory loss. He still goes she'll wake up soon, with her memories intact.
But when you finally wake up, there's nothing inside. You're quick to find your head is empty, void, like a blank canvas. The only thing that brings you some relief, that makes you feel less lonely is the mention of a husband. And you can't wait to meet him, because you know you can't deal with this by yourself.
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Next part (10)->
{Keanu Reeves Masterlist}
{John Wick Masterlist}
Candle Lights
Keanu is driving back home after your third antenatal class. You enjoy them, but most of the things they say you already know. But it's not their fault you and Keanu do a lot of reading and research, and your doctors keep you updated. But you want to keep going.
“I'm thinking about a cesarian.” You tell Keanu, both hands cupping your bump.
“What?” He glances at you, and his face makes you giggle. “You have to be kidding me.”
“Why?” You ask, stretching your arm to touch the back of his neck.
“Because labor is something natural. Your body knows what to do.”
“Yeah, it just hurts like a bitch.” You snap back, playing with his hair.
“I know.” He sighs. “It's your call. You're the one delivering the baby.”
“I'm not sure yet. But we still have time.” You're currently in the middle of week 18. You feel more comfortable, and you have more energy now. The bump already shows depending on what you wear, but there's still a long way to go. “And we need to talk names, by the way.”
“I thought we decided on Clarissa or Henry.”
“Yeah, but we gotta be one hundred percent sure. Are you one hundred percent sure?”
“Now that you're talking about it, no.” Keanu giggles, a hand coming to lay on your thigh. “What were the other options?”
“Sophie, Nicole, Ethan, and Liam.” You recite them, looking at the landscape outside your window.
“They're all great. But... Liam. I like Liam. Or Sophie.” He takes a turn left, entering the condo.
“I like them too.” It's always like this. Whenever you bring this up, you just can't decide. “Maybe it'll get easier once we know the sex. Because we're clueless so far.”
“Do you want one of those parties where the sex is revealed?”
“No. It's not like I'd know the guests so...” Pushing this thought back before it starts bothering you, you sigh. “Let's just keep it between us. The rest of the world will find out eventually, but let it happen when it happens.”
“Alright.” As he slows down and stops to wait for the garage door to open, you see Mrs. Jackson walking to her front door. She spots you and waves. You immediately remember the amazing brownies she makes, and you suddenly need it.
“I'll go say hi.” You tell Keanu before leaning for a kiss and stepping out of the car.
Mrs. Jackson is a kind old lady who lives with her husband in the house on the left. When she sees you coming her way she stops, smiling. “Hello, (Y/N). Good morning.” Her long white hair is being blown by the wind, and she keeps it off her face with a hand.
“Good morning, Mrs. Jackson. How are you today?” Smiling, you hug her.
“You can call me Anne, child, it's alright.” She immediately touches your belly. “And how is this tiny little human? Are you eating well, honey? Exercising?” She raises an eyebrow, tilting her head at your house. “Is your husband taking good care of you?”
“Yes, yes, and yes.” Giggling, and blushing a little, you nod. “I have weekly appointments with my nutritionist, Keanu and I take a walk every morning around the neighborhood and he's being absolutely amazing.” You say with a sigh, your heart beating a little faster just at the mention of him.
“Are you falling for him?” With both hands on her hip, Mrs. Jackson inquires, a funny expression on her face. She knows about the accident since she has become a friend of yours.
“I am.” You mutter, biting your lip.
“That's true, genuine love, sweetie. Even after forgetting him, you're falling for him all over again.” She has a teasing look on her face that makes you blush even more.
“Yeah, I guess you can say that. In the beginning, I really thought we'd end up divorced.”
“Honey, you don't know the way Keanu looks at you.” She shakes her head no, taking your arms and pulling you to a seat on the steps that lead to her porch. “When you came for dinner earlier this week, I could see it clearly. He looks at you like you're his whole world.” Running a hand through your hair, you look down. “That man loves you with all his heart, I have no doubt.” She puts an arm around your shoulders.
“Yeah...” You mutter, a low chuckle leaving your lips. “Oh, sorry for yesterday's noise. We're changing a few things in the house for the baby and also working on the decoration. Since we just moved and everything is happening at the same time...”
Anne furrows her eyebrows a little, tilting her head to the side. “Honey, Keanu has been living here for a little more than a year before you came. It was a surprise to me as it was for everyone to find he was married.”
Mimicking her expression, you start thinking, counting. Keanu said you came here only a few weeks before the accident. “Well... We were keeping it a secret. He's a public figure so the goal was to keep the marriage private for as long as we could. But the accident happened.” The words come out slow, as you try to understand what she means by that. A year... It can't be.
“I don't blame you for doing that.” Squeezing your shoulders a little, she smiles. “People can be very intrusive with celebrities.”
“Keanu's fans are great. We bumped into some on our way to the Walmart a while ago. And Ke was kind, as always.”
“That man is a rarity.”
“He is.” Smiling, you look at her, remembering about your current craving. “Oh, do you think you can make some of those chocolate brownies?” You ask, pouting a little. “I hate to give you trouble but I really want them.”
“Don't worry, child.” Anne giggles, taking your hand in hers. “I'm retired for way too many years and I enjoy having something to do.”
“Thank you!” Pulling her into a hug, you place a kiss on her cheek. “I gotta go now.” Pushing yourself up, you jump to the sidewalk. “Important talking about this little one's name.”
“Won't you tell me the options?”
“Nope!” Winking at her, you start walking backward. “It's going to be a surprise.” With another wave, you turn around and head home.
Keanu is in the kitchen, starting with the preparations for dinner. Homemade pizza night, and he's just starting to make the dough. Moving to seat on the kitchen island, you're just about to ask how you can help when what Anne said comes back. That was certainly weird, but you don't think Keanu would lie to you like that. “Ke...” You make a small pause when he looks at you over his shoulder. “Mrs. Jackson said you were living here for like a year. But you told me we came to New York a few weeks before the accident.”
He stops, both his hands dirty with flour. There's something in his face you can't read, as Keanu avoids looking at you. “We bought the house about a year ago. I used to come and spend a day or two because of work, but we only actually moved when you found a good job here.” He speaks slow, only lifting his eyes when he's done speaking. You work with social services, and he said that your job is secure for when you're able to go back.
“Got it.” You mutter, furrowing your eyebrows a little. “Are you alright?” Getting up, you walk over him. Once you're close, he has no choice but stares into your eyes. Wrapping your arms around his midsection, you tiptoe to kiss him.
“I'm great.” When you step away, Keanu touches your nose in a quick motion, getting it dirt with flour.
“I can't believe you did that.” You giggle, stretching your arm to shove your fingers inside the bowl before showing them to your husband. “If you don't apologize, sir, I'll paint all this pretty face of yours.”
“Is it a threat?” Keanu inquires, raising an eyebrow.
“It's a promise.”
“Alright then.” He chuckles before cupping your face with both hands, getting your cheeks and jaw covered in flour.
“You're playing with fire!” You shout, running your fingers through your face before reaching for the bowl and taking a handful of flour that you succeed to half throw it at him, with half of it falling on the sink. He holds your dirty hand, some parts of his hair all white. “You're messing with the wrong pregnant lady, babe.”
“I surrender.” He says in between giggles, hands raised. “I'm completely at your mercy.”
Squinting your eyes at him, you only grunt before washing your hands. “Let me help you.” You say as you grab the dishcloth, damping it before starting to clean Keanu's face.
“No. Let me do this for you. Just sit there looking beautiful.” Once you're done with his face, you clean yourself the best you can.
“Only if I get to see you around the kitchen looking handsome.” Sassing back, you leave the dishcloth on the sink and head back to your place at the kitchen island. You love helping him, but you decided to let him do his thing this time.
By nightfall, the pizzas are in the oven. All three of them, despite knowing you won't eat that much. But one is for Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, and the other two will probably cover up all meals for a while. That if Keanu doesn't bug you with eating super healthy on every single meal. The brownies arrive too, and you thank Anne a lot as you bite one of them.
The only thing to ruin the night, well, that got close to, was that the sudden violent wind caused a blackout. You were eating at the kitchen table when it happened, and Keanu left to check if there was anything he could do. There isn't, but he did find some candles and the pizza night became a lot more romantic instantly.
Right now, already satisfied after two slices only, you admire his face in the different lighting, his hand holding yours over the table.
“We should go out. Like a date.” He suggests, and it makes your smile grow wider. “If that's alright with you.”
“Of course it is. We're married.” Shrugging your shoulders, you notice the subtle change on his face. You never get it, it's a mystery. “Ke, what's wrong?” It's not the first time it happens, but even though you're getting to know him, learning to read his expressions, this one is still difficult.
“Nothing, beautiful. It's nothing.” He assures you in a low voice. “Do you wanna head upstairs? A shower lit by candles must be quite an adventure.”
He always does that. He says it's nothing and changes the subject... But you guess it's alright. Maybe Keanu remembers the accident. The wife he lost that day. Or maybe something you shared before that's completely gone for you. “Great.”
“You can go first. I'll clean this up.”
“Leave the dishes to me. I can do them tomorrow.” You say as you walk past him, a hand on his shoulder. “You already made dinner for us.”
“Alright.” He agrees and you smile before going upstairs.
Showering with nothing but candles to light up the bathroom is weird, and you almost slipped. And that you'll never tell Keanu or else who knows what he'll do. But it was different. Once you're done, you leave the bathroom loosening the bun you had your hair in, letting it down. “Your turn with the medieval style shower.”
“I didn't know they had bathrooms like this back then.” Keanu snaps at you, smirking.
“You couldn't just go with it, could you?” Rolling your eyes, you walk over the slide glass door that leads to the balcony, just to watch as the wind still rushes through.
“Absolutely not.” It's the last thing you hear before the door closes.
With your eyes on the street down there, you hope this wind won't bring anyone trouble by tomorrow. At least the news said the weather will get better in a couple of days.
After some minutes watching the threes bending under the weight of the wind, you walk back to the bed, sitting on the edge. This place is feeling more like home as the days go by, and you're falling back into the life you once had. And it's good. Despite all the medicine you still take, the endless appointments, and a very, very overprotective husband, everything is good. More than that, actually. It does bring you relief to know you were this happy before. That you weren't alone, that you somehow managed to find someone so amazing. You know it was probably difficult in the beginning, with him being a public figure, and so many years older, but look where you are now. It was worth it. It ended up in the best way possible. And you couldn't ask for anything else.
“Lost in thoughts?” His voice startles you, as he comes from the bathroom.
“A little.” Getting on your knees on the bed, you cross it until you're face to face with him. Well, he's still taller, but you don't mind. You like it a lot, actually. Smiling you wrap your arms around his neck. “But they were good thoughts.”
“That's good to know.” He whispers, and you can't resist the proximity, so you just kiss him.
It was supposed to be just a quick thing, soft and sweet, but it soon becomes too needy. You shouldn't be this needy, and you don't know where it comes from. But it doesn't take much until you're awkwardly wrapping your legs around his waist, but the sudden change of balance makes you fall back on the bed, giggling through the kiss. But you don't mind. You don't want this to stop.
But you sigh when Keanu pulls away, opening your eyes to look at him, his eyes barely lit by the two candles, one on each nightstand. “What?” You ask, your voice a little weak, you're not sure why.
“If we keep this going...” His voice fades, and you feel when he removes some of his weight from you. He wasn't crushing you, but you were feeling all of his body. “...I don't think we'll be interrupted this time.”
You get what he means. There won't be calls this time, nothing too put a stop to whatever is going to happen. But you don't care. He's your husband, and you're falling for him. You want this. “I don't want it to be interrupted, Ke.” You tell him, thanking the darkness because you're sure you never blushed this much.
“Are you sure you want this?” A thunder almost clouds his voice, but you manage to hear it.
It's kind that he still wants to know how you feel. Keanu doesn't push you, he never has. It suddenly snaps that you love him, that this is right. “I'm sure.” You whisper back, eyes closing again when Keanu leans in for another kiss.
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citycfangels · 7 years
text: raquel ⇄  charlie
Raquel: BABE! So I should let you know that I had them put "requests constant coffee" in my contract as a forewarning so I'm still buzzed off that but.... I might've found my new favorite place in the world.
Charlie: well done, babe. it wouldn't be you if that wasn't in your contract
Charlie: and here i thought that was my bed. how is it going?
Raquel: well I'm glad I'm not surprising you with anything shocking here.
Raquel: that's actually my third favorite place. It's going great. We started the drive scenes which just means me riding around in the passenger seat and letting my hair tangle in the wind and my costar is actually pretty cool.
Charlie: it doesn't because a world in which you don't have coffee is an awful world.
Charlie: which one is the second?
Charlie: i'm glad it's going well. i'm so happy for you, Quel. you deserve this and more.
Raquel: and a world where I act like I'm possessed by a demon.
Raquel: disneyland, duh. No, I'm kidding. It's actually the house I grew up in.
Raquel: Thanks Babe. Soon enough it's going to be your turn to conquer the world too.
Charlie: and i don't wish anyone to see that. i've been there.
Charlie: well, i'll settle with the third position
Charlie: thanks, but i don't know how. well, unless i become the best bartender in the world famous for my cocktail combinations or my coffee blendings
Raquel: I wasn't that bad was I?
Raquel: maybe I should just take you to my number one place and you can try to convince mewhy it should be your bed instead.
Raquel: or you could open up your own place. Cafe in the morning and then close for a few hours and make it a bar. The drinks you come up with can be your own menu. You have the experience for it. You'd be great at it.
Charlie: are you kidding me? you were the worst
Charlie: that sounds like a plan to me
Charlie: it's ambitious, but it sounds good. you really think i should do it? that i'm that good to do that?
Raquel: I was not.
Raquel: okay maybe I was and I'm sorry about anything I said when I had zero caffeine in me
Raquel: then I guess we're going to Pismo beach sometime soon.
Raquel: it might be but I believe in you even when you think it might be ambitious. You're smart and great so I think you can do anything.
Charlie: you're welcome for the coffees
Charlie: let me know when and we'll take days off
Charlie: you believe too much in me, but as long as you're my #1 client and give me enough publicity, it could be a project i might be interested in.
Raquel: thank you 😘
Raquel: well I just took those five days off so we can wait a bit and then we can go since Emeven if I want to become a huge actress, I still don't want to lose my job.
Raquel: no, I believe in you just the right amount I'l be you #1 client, cheerleader, spokesperson. Always.
Charlie: that sounds fair, just let me know and we'll go. i could use a break from this, you know
Charlie: well, thank you. it sounds hard but who knows what will happen from here to five years, for example? we'll never know, we could be successful then
Raquel: and a break with me on the beach would be the best break you can get.
Raquel: well successful in five years is the plan. Successful and happy that's all I want.
Charlie: and if it ends with sex every night i can die happily
Charlie: ambitious but approachable, i like your plans
Raquel: and if it doesn't end in sex every night?
Raquel: I like that you like my plans because you're somehow wrapped in them.
Charlie: i'll be sad because i will probably end up with a boner from seeing you all day in a bikini, but i will survive without having sex
Charlie: i have to say you know how to sell it, babe
Raquel: well... I can't stand you being sad so I guess that just leaves us with the option of sex every night.
Raquel: I haven't even told you the best part yet. Your name out front on something that is completely yours.
Raquel: I could have gone all game show host-y and said A BRAND NEW CAR
Charlie: i like that option very much. for how long should we be away? a week?
Charlie: oh fuck, i'd love that.
Charlie: you'd be a good game show host. a hot one.
Raquel: you want to take me away for a whole week? If we both can get that much time away then yes. I want a week with you.
Raquel: I knew you would. Just thinking of properties in West Hollywood or Santa Monica or even Hollywood
Raquel: well I'd be better than all the guys that host them.
Charlie: well, getting away from this forever would be unrealistic, but a week is enough for me
Charlie: oh, are you already thinking of places that'd be good for this? awww
Charlie: anyone could be better than them, tbh
Raquel: well us getting away forever wouldn't work either
Raquel: duh, you're lucky I'm not looking at real estate agents yet.
Raquel: true.
Charlie: we wouldn't get the money we need, we're poor.
Charlie: i don't even have the money for it, we should wait a bit. well, i should wait a bit
Raquel: we would become poor but in the meantime I could totally be your sugar mama
Raquel: babe. I believe in you. We don't have to wait.
Charlie: my sugar mama. my hot and sexy sugar mama, that sounds kinda good
Charlie: why not? you shouldn't pay for everything, babe, and there are a lot of things i need to figure out
Raquel: I'm not even sure why I like the thought of that too.
Raquel: I wouldn't be paying for everything. It would be yours. I just don't want you to think that money is something that should stop you. Them we figure things out and make sure it happens.
Charlie: because you'd be taking care of me economically and sexually, and we both know how much do you like to take care of me in that sense ;)
Charlie: it's not only that, it's just that it's not that easy to start a new business. i know you're eager to make it happen and i appreciate it, but let's do this the right way
Raquel: well when you put it like that... I do love taking care of you sexually. I was actually just thinking about it.
Raquel: And I know that. New businesses are the ones most likely to fail. You mean with business managers, real estate agents, multiple business Offers and income projections?
Charlie: really? what were you thinking about?
Charlie: all of that and all those things i have yet to find out. i should read a book about it or something before doing anything
Raquel: about howmy mouth can take care out you. How I want to trail kisses down your entire body until you beg me to stop.
Raquel: okay. Well you can read the books and I could always just watch you read or set up meetings. Anything you need.
Charlie: oh, i love how your mouth can take care of me, you know you can do that anytime, babe. until it's time to put that mouth to work somewhere else
Raquel: after the long days without me I just want my mouth to take care of you until your toes curl. Your hands in my hair. With you all the way to the back of my throat.
Charlie: i'll be there for sure all my way to the back to your throat. i want to make your eyes water as i deepthroat you. i want to scratch the back of your throat as i fuck your mouth
Raquel: i know you love it when my eyes water while I look up at you. I need you so bad. I need you inside me. In my mouth. In my pussy.
Charlie: it's a fucking turn on, babe. i love seeing you enjoy that, especially when there are a lot of girls that don't like giving head, but you... you love it
Charlie: you're so eager to have me inside you, but all i want to do is tease you. have your tits in my mouth, tease your pussy and finger you just enough to make you wet before i eat you out so good you would probably forget your name for a minute
Raquel: well when you taste so good and make those faces how am I not supposed to love it?
Raquel: taste me while I tug on your hair. Make me forget the rest of the world.
Raquel: you are such a tease. Get here NOW.
Charlie: gladly so. i love looking up to you and seeing those faces of pleasure, moaning my name, seeing your chest wave as i drive you crazy
Charlie: i wish, but you're miles away and i can't exactly focus on driving when i have such a tent in my boxers
Raquel: me biting my lip. biting into my arm while you play with my clit.
Raquel: So you're saying I have to stop playing with myself long enough to drive over to you? But I'm already waiting for you baby.
Charlie: so do you want me to drive all the way to Santa Monica to fuck you?
Charlie: are you wearing anything at all?
Raquel: No, I want you to drive to my house and fuck me on every surface.
Raquel: nothing at all. How can I when I'm thinking about you?
Charlie: i will try to get there, but i won't promise i'll be there soon because you know, traffic
Charlie: until then, try to not touch yourself and keep all those orgasms for me because i'm going to give you multiple orgasms
Raquel: I hate traffic can't you just like fly over.
Raquel: I know you'll come through with that promise even if it'll be hard not to touch myself while I'm thinking about you. I just have to find ways to keep myself entertained.
Charlie: if that was possible i would be already there
Charlie: good, because we're having a fuckfest tonight
Raquel: people should really get on the whole flying cars thing just for the sake of our sex life.
Raquel: best way to end the day.
Charlie: that would be a good solution whenever we have needs
Charlie: is there another way better than hot and wild sex?
Raquel: it would be the best thing ever. Either that or teleportation
Raquel: hot and wild sex and falling asleep in your arms
Charlie: that would be hella useful
Charlie: that's also a very nice part, if you want my opinion
Raquel: and not just to us.
Raquel: I always want your opinion but the falling asleep thing wasn't up for much of a debate.
Charlie: well, it's not like we get any sleep when we're naked in the same bed, and neither of us can't complain
Raquel: I'm not complaining at all but I have a meeting in the morning and I could use some sleep and coffee in the morning so that's why I would really be asking you to stay :P
Charlie: oh, you only want me there for the coffee? i'm hurt
Charlie: but okay, i'll let you sleep and you'll have your coffee ready in the morning
Raquel: just for coffee and your body, duh
Raquel: you're the best.
Charlie: for my body too, huh? anything else to say about it?
Charlie: i know, babe ;)
Raquel: just that I appreciate the abs and the face that's attached to that body.
Raquel: don't get smug or else I'll have to take back my compliment.
Charlie: i appreciate your appreciation, especially when your fingers and mouth are involved
Charlie: :(
Raquel: fingers, hands, lips, they're all going to be used tonight
Raquel: okay that's a lie. There's a no take back policy on compliments but still.
Charlie: i like the sounds of that
Charlie: you're the best
Raquel: well now you're just buttering me up, but I'm only the best for you. See you soon😘
Charlie: see you and your naked body soon, hopefully in less than an hour
Raquel: definitely less than an hour. If you take an hour I'm definitely starting without you and then I'll just make you watch until I finish.
Charlie: not that i wouldn't love seeing that, but i prefer getting you off than seeing you touch yourself
Raquel: then I guess you've got to hurry.
Charlie: let's hope traffic isn't my enemy tonight
Raquel: let's hope. It'll be both of our enemies tonight.
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