#also apparently i called somebody an idiot and was a rude bitch to them over something i dont even remember?? OOPS.
mizzmellos · 1 year
Also I never used to check my tag and apparently people tagged me in a lot of stuff I'M SORRY I'll make sure to check it from now on 🥺 <- actually not lying for once
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davieslandon · 4 years
WHO: Landon and @amchopraofficial​ MENTIONED: @monroephile @lorencourtier @romanbeckett @theharrykingston @aaronhart93​ @zanebishara​ @timmyteehill​ DESCRIPTION: Landon texts Avery about being invited to their place and they end up taking the piss out of each other. Landon jokes about telling Monroe she loves her and Avery teases Landon about having a type.
BIG BRO So apparently I'm invited over?
LIL SIS yeah! mars misses elle and i want to introduce you to waffles
BIG BRO Great! so this isn't at all about what I texted Monroe? LIL SIS you and monroe were texting?? BITCH, i swear if you told her what i told you it's on sight BIG BRO ye of little trust I didn't say anything about what you told me i was just...teasing her a little LIL SIS
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you're my brother am i MEANT to trust you?? BIG BRO Of course! Blind brotherly trust I'd never do anything to hurt you yadda yadda LIL SIS ... uh-huh... you're the epitome of trust all three feet of you and your hedgehog self 100% the definition of trust totally completely yep yep
BIG BRO i take it back i'm going to text her and tell her all about what you told me IN DETAIL right now that's what you get for making fun of my height AND calling me a hedgehog AT THE SAME TIME
LIL SIS YA BETTER BE PUNK ASS LIL BITCH BIG BRO I WROTE THE MESSAGE AND I’M GOING TO SEND IT UNLESS YOU APOLOGISE FOR CALLING ME SHORT LIL SIS CAN’T APOLOGISE FOR SOMETHING FACTUAL BIG BRO 'Hi Monroe, I won't be able to come over today because my bitch lil sis is in love with your ass and I don't want Elle to have to see you two getting your shit together and FUCKING WHILE SHOUTING YOUR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER I'm already traumatised from what I saw, don't need to traumatise my daughter as well' LIL SIS YOU FUCKING LITTLE SHIT DON’T YOU DARE SEND THAT I’LL BEAT YOUR ASS MYSELF DON’T YOU DARE BIG BRO I’D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY LIL SIS DON’T TEST ME BIG BRO SHOULD I ADD EVEN MORE TO THAT MESSAGE? LIL SIS DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE LANDON BIG BRO 'she's never been in love with anyone the way she is with you but she's a COWARD and won't tell you SO I'M TAKING THINGS INTO MY OWN HANDS' LIL SIS YA BETTER NOT TAKE THINGS INTO YOUR OWN HANDS BITCH DON’T YA DARE BIG BRO I HAVE TO IF ANYTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN because YOU WON'T DO IT LIL SIS I'M WORKING ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I TRIED THIS MORNING BIG BRO pffffftttttt LIL SIS BUT MARS WAS BEING CRABBY BIG BRO yeah, right LIL SIS IT'S TRUE!!!!!!!! BIG BRO and how did you try LET’S HEAR THIS the party was ALMOST A WEEK AGO are you telling me Mars has been crabby THIS WHOLE TIME?? LIL SIS ... i'm not sure i should give you the details of the first hour of trying to tell her... LISTEN BIG BRO .....really??? LIL SIS LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN BIG BRO ........REALLY???????? LIL SIS KINDA HARD TO SAY "I LOVE YOU" WHEN I'M BARELY ABLE TO SAY A COMPLETE SENTENCE THAT SOUNDS EVEN REMOTELY ENGLISH BIG BRO TOO MUCH INFORMATION I DID NOT WANT TO KNOW THAT LIL SIS THAT’S WHAT YOU GET BIG BRO I’M TRAUMATISED LIL SIS GOOD BIG BRO I ALREADY THREATENED TO SHARE EVERYTHING ABOUT HOOKING UP ON THE DANCE FLOOR TO MONROE YOU WANT ME TO TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT TOO?? LIL SIS JFSDLGHDFJGHDFJGHDFLJGHFDLG i’m good, thank you now don't you dare tell her or i swear BIG BRO TOO LATE LIL SIS LANDON BIG BRO SENT MY MESSAGE ALREADY OOPS LIL SIS LANDON I SWEAR TO GOD BITCH ASDKJFHSADKFJGHDFKJG I'M GONNA KILL YOU AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A BLOODY ACCIDENT HOW DARE YOU BIG BRO 😬 THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT APOLOGISING LIL SIS FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH A CACTUS THE FUCK, MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG BRO 😱 THAT’S JUST  RUDE I WILL GO FUCK MYSELF ACTUALLY I NEED IT BUT WITH SOMETHING A LITTLE MORE GENTLE THAN A CACTUS if you catch my drift 😏 LIL SIS a hedgehog? ya nasty BIG BRO YOU CAN'T CALL ME A HEDGEHOG THEN TELL ME TO FUCK A HEDGEHOG and you call me nasty?? LIL SIS I MEAN HEY, IT'S BASICALLY ANOTHER VERSION OF SAYING GO FUCK YOURSELF, I GUESS but you better not tell her that i love her or i s2g BIG BRO WELL FUCK YOU TOO ughh fine i guess i'll keep it to myself OR WILL I? LIL SIS i haven't found the right moment yet, okay??? i keep trying and failing and it's just??? becoming more difficult??? every time i try to tell her, something goes wrong. i just don't get it maybe i'm not meant to be with her? what am i doing wrong?? BIG BRO you might be the biggest coward i know but that doesn't mean you're not meant to be with her you know what you need? DATE NIGHT A romantic night with candles and a nice dinner and all that shit LIL SIS speak for yourself, mister 'i'm still in love with roman' bro, the only food i can cook that isn't automatically awful is breakfast food how can i make that "romantic"??? BIG BRO oh wow you actually WENT THERE you little bitch LIL SIS AM I WRONG??? BIG BRO DETAILS. I'll have you know I'm sort of seeing someone SO HA! also, heart shaped pancakes LIL SIS who sorta looks like an off-brand roman, but okie dokie this isn't valentine's day, landon BIG BRO 😱😱 TAKE IT BACK you're going to get me IN TROUBLE ASSHOLE do you want romantic or not???? LIL SIS NOT MY FAULT YOU HAVE A TYPE i just want to find a way to tell her and not have everything crumbling down every time i try maybe i should just give up maybe i'm not meant to be with her like that BIG BRO JUST BECAUSE THEY BOTH HAVE CURLY HAIR DOESN'T MEAN I HAVE A FUCKING TYPE you are depressing and an idiot maybe your first mistake was trying to tell her with a CHILD running around and causing distractions?? LIL SIS tall, curly brown hair, light eyes, cute smiles. i dunno man, how dramatic is ob!roman? shut UP hey, i've also tried telling her when it's just us two!!!! BIG BRO FUCK YOU 😒 AT LEAST I TELL PEOPLE WHEN I LIKE THEM LIL SIS  AGAIN, AM I WRONG?  FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF BIG BRO SO WHAT IF THEY LOOK A LITTLE SIMILAR? LOREN'S FRENCH....see??? different ok here's the plan even though you really don’t deserve my help I'll take Mars for the night, you prepare a nice romantic night, drink some wine and tell her then i'll bring back Mars and tell her myself when I realise you didn't do it which is why "new boy" is off-brand roman LIL SIS  OH, PISS OFF, YOU TWAT! BIG BRO STOP CALLING HIM NEW BOY HE HAS A NAME AND YOU KNOW IT What???? that's the thank you i get for my fantastic idea???? kids these days no appreciation whatsoever LIL SIS  oh, right, my fault sorry, ob!roman roman jr? am i close?? you are NOT going to tell her i love her BIG BRO ASSHOLE LIL SIS  that is meant to be between me and her, okay? BIG BRO BITCH LIL SIS  his name is asshole bitch?? that’s unique BIG BRO I HATE YOU SO MUCH LOREN his name's fucking LOREN LIL SIS feeling's mutual 😇 see, even their names sound sorta similar/kinda rhyme loren, roman say it out loud BIG BRO i CANNOT believe you LIL SIS  me??? BIG BRO YES YOU LIL SIS YOU'RE the one going after a guy similar to your ex!!!! hell, even /harry/ was almost similar to roman though that's more of a tad stretch but they’re there BIG BRO HOW IS IT MY FAULT IF THEY LOOK A LITTLE SIMILAR AND I HAPPEN TO LIKE HIM??? what. WHAT Harry and Roman DO NOT look alike LIL SIS brunets, light eyes, tall (at least, compared to you), cute smiles is harry naturally curly?? just wondering BIG BRO everyone's tall compared to me in your books 😒 ....no comment LIL SIS again, am i wrong?? LANDON, IS HARRY NATURALLY CURLY??? LANDON???? BITCH, ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god holy fuck, he's naturally curly I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!! BIG BRO I DON'T KNOW OKAY LIL SIS  👀 BIG BRO i might have seen some pictures of him with curly hair BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER LIL SIS uh-huh whatever you say, sonic BIG BRO IT DOESN'T LIL SIS WHATEVER YOU SAY, SONIC BIG BRO FUCK YOU FINE I HAVE A THING FOR CURLY HAIR  HAPPY NOW???!!! LIL SIS  NO THANKS, I'M GOOD oh, it's more than "curly hair", but A for effort, sweetie BIG BRO JUST TAKE IT  I’M NOT GIVING YOU MORE THAN THAT although it does help if they have a big dick I'll tell you that 😏 LIL SIS bitch, i don't like this "although" EW, STOP THAT i mean i already know ro does BUT I DON'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT OB!ROMANS GROSS BIG BRO ......how do you know how big Ro's dick is? oh, it's very well-endowed I know from EXPERIENCE definitely not GROSS LIL SIS  gross, stop, stop talking about ob!roman #1 and ob!roman #2's dicks please don’t need that info don’t need that image #gross BIG BRO YOU DESERVE IT AFTER HOW MUCH SHIT YOU'VE BEEN GIVING ME are you sure you don't want to know about the very lovely sex we had a few days ago? also i haven't forgotten HOW DO YOU KNOW HOW BIG ROMAN’S DICK IS LIL SIS SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP bro, i've been working with him on Rocketman- he wears some VERY tight pants hard not to notice BIG BRO oh true but he gets hard while wearing VERY tight pants? that’s...uncomfortable  LIL SIS jaycee's sometimes there at practice and he's sometimes texting on his phone during breaks do the math BIG BRO OKAY I DON’T WANT TO KNOW  forget i asked LIL SIS good sonic :) BIG BRO fuck you again do me a favour don't go around telling Harry and Lo I've got a type pleaseeeeee LIL SIS again, not interested BIG BRO that would be AWKWARD and UNNECESSARY LIL SIS and don’t worry, i won’t
BIG BRO good LIL SIS  but i feel like SOMEBODY'S gonna notice at some point BIG BRO PFFFTTT no they won’t anyways  back to you and the romantic dinner you're going to plan LIL SIS you sure? oh my god BIG BRO I’M SURE  THANK YOU i have the perfect dish for you to cook
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huh? huh?  LIL SIS ... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, i can order something from the cove instead? BIG BRO but but but THAT DISH IS PERFECT but yeah order something from the cove LIL SIS i am not going to have food tell monroe that i love her before telling her myself first that's what valentine's day is for BIG BRO you're obsessed with valentine's day LIL SIS better safe than sorry with the cove BIG BRO can't a person do something romantic without it being February 14th? good point so you’re doing it? romantic dinner? 
LIL SIS I'M JUST SAYING, with v-day, you sorta get some slack for being uber cheesy romantic i’m... going to try i don't think it's gonna work but i’m gonna try BIG BRO ok that's true but there's nothing wrong with being very romantic i like romance  don't tell anyone i said that i didn’t think i’d convince you i'm very impressed with myself YOU’LL BE FINE LIL SIS listen, i suck at being very romantic. ask all my exes really? i’m not surprised your type is a very romantic type I WILL NOT BE FINE BIG BRO i don't have to ask, i got that on my own when you dissed my pancake hearts idea what that i like romance? that's so not true YOU WILL
LIL SIS again, it's cheesy and works better for v-day the tall light eyed and curly brunets club says different, but okie doke YOU REALIZE I'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL HER SINCE FUCKING NEW YEARS, RIGHT??? BIG BRO at least you have valentine's day covered already, YOU'RE WELCOME liking tall and curly guys doesn't automatically mean i like romance??? since New Years??? WHAT THE FUCK'S WRONG WITH YOU?????!!! LIL SIS ... you missed my fucking joke/word play and at this point, i'm not gonna explain it to you a lot, but that's for another day and you're not Tee BIG BRO please?? :pleading_face: thank god I'm not i can barely handle my own drama LIL SIS "your type is a very romantic type" romantic  ROMANtic finally get my drift? BIG BRO 😑 i’m not amused LIL SIS i swear, tee's about to become the richest man in kingsboro soon well considering you didn't get it the first time, neither am i now BIG BRO hahaha he totally is! lucky guy...or not, depending how you look at it that’s how UNAMUSING it was  LIL SIS eh, it's a win-lose situation? WELP, i, for one, am excited to meet ob!roman #3 in the future i'm sure he's a blast BIG BRO you never learn do you? LIL SIS now that's just rude BIG BRO YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HANG OUT WITH HIM LIL SIS FOR SPITTING OUT STRAIGHT FACTS?!!??!?! BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WACK BIG BRO FUCK YOU....AGAIN HE'S NICE i really like him LIL SIS AGAIN, not interested, not your type either i’m sure he is OH, SHIT!!! THAT'S ANOTHER SIMILARITY!!!!!!!!!! okay, i'll stop now BIG BRO you're really not....too annoying for my tastes FUCK OFF should i have found an asshole so at least they're not similar in your eyes?? LIL SIS feeling's mutual, sonic sooooooooooo are you saying should you have gone for aaron?? possibly, yes BIG BRO that's...true but also disgusting Getting together with Aaron would be like fucking my brother no thank you what do you mean yes??? LIL SIS i do not need that image in my head, yikes it means that i am messing with you BIG BRO neither did i but you brought it up so now you deserve to have that image stuck in your head bitch LIL SIS shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, we speak no more of this slut BIG BRO are you slut shaming me? 😒 bitch i've slept with like 4 people in my life LIL SIS i'm shaming you and your incredibly non-diverse type ... OKAY, so maybe i'm the slut in this family BUT!!!!! i haven't been in a very long time but that's besodes the point *besides BIG BRO i know what i like and i'm not scared of getting it, that deserves a fucking award you are, glad we’re in agreement because you're in loooooooove LIL SIS yeesh, pardon me for keeping my options open 🙄 dfghdfjghdfjg i literally ended up ghosting one of my fuck buddies for roe tbh and that was even BEFORE i realized i had feelings for her ... holy fuck, i've been in love with since the day i met her basically BIG BRO that's lame what poor fuck buddy so basically you're finally admitting what i've always known? that you’re a loser LIL SIS yeaaaaaaaaaaah, not one of my best moments 😬  i feel so shitty about it, especially because i would like to have a strictly platonic friendship with him. i just... didn't really know how to tell him that while also trying to explain WHY i was ending it before fully knowing what it was i was feeling for roe[14:48] i actually saw him recently  first time in over a year YIKES on yikes oh, piss off, ya damn wanker BIG BRO yeah i'm sure he really got the impression you want to be friends when you ghosted him with no explanation :grimacing: oh fuck what is it with people we don't want to see coming back recently? well, it’s been a year so i’m sure he’s over it nope, i'm telling the truth LIL SIS LISTEN!!! i've never really been good talking about my feelings!!! it wasn't until monroe when i started to actually /try/. before, i typically would've ignore my problems and run away. which is shitty, i know that. but i'm trying so hard here[14:51] god, it was... something. that's for sure as long as luca and liza don't show back up, i'm good[14:52] whatever, sonic BIG BRO i know you're trying hard i’m proud of you ....just try a little harder so maybe you can actually be together? i’m begging here LIL SIS IT'S SO FUCKING HARD TO I START FEELING CONFIDENT ABOUT IT THEN BAM  SO MANY WHAT IFS BIG BRO maybe don't tell her face to face LIL SIS THEN THERE COMES ALL THE REASONS WHY WE SHOULD STILL TRY BIG BRO i know it sounds bad but what if you like...write her a letter or something LIL SIS THEN IT GETS SO COMPLICATED fuck, i don't know... what if she thinks that's not as genuine as telling her face to face? god, what if i've been seeing things that aren't there?? BIG BRO i don't know, i think it's still pretty romantic then again i was married to a writer so i kind of have to think that SHUT UP. you’re not trust me LIL SIS  this isn't going to work if it was, i would've already been with her at this point BIG BRO it's not working because you're too scared and you're messing up your own chances LIL SIS liza never thought that writing my feelings out in a letter was genuine god, monroe's gonna think the same i just know it BIG BRO liza can fuck off LIL SIS i don't think i can do this BIG BRO it's very genuine trust me LIL SIS i can't ruin what we already have i can’t lose her too BIG BRO you WON’T LIL SIS yes i will!!!! every time i try to be honest about my feelings, i lose them!!! miles, liza, luca, max; i was too scared to tell miles i was falling for him and i lost him. i tried to be honest with liza and luca and max, guess what? i still lost them i’m going to lose roe too BIG BRO she loves you too I JUST KNOW IT LIL SIS thta’s literally just how things are for me  BIG BRO you won't lose her LIL SIS she's my best fucking friend, lan i can't risk doing anything and losing her i can’t tell her i can’t risk it BIG BRO How did we go from romantic dinner to this? i’m going to come over there  and SMACK YOU LIL SIS that’s child abuse  i'm your BABY sister, remember? BIG BRO I DON’T GIVE FUCK LIL SIS  rude. but i truly wish i wasn't the way that i am. maybe things would be easier. maybe i'd already have her idk i love her and want her so much BIG BRO then you tell her before it’s too late I know what I’m talking about LIL SIS but literally everything about my past proves that i never get what i want and if i lose her i have no idea what i'm going to do with myself i'm still waiting for the inevitable day that i lose mars and won't have him in my life anymore i just can’t lose either of them BIG BRO You’re not going to lose anyone Look at it this way LIL SIS they both deserve so much better than me BIG BRO you’re annoying and i hate you but i’m still here So why would they leave? That’s not true You’re a wonderful mum to Mars LIL SIS i'm a stripper whose baby daddy is an "ex" drug dealer cps would have a field day knowing that fact alone mars and monroe are the most important people in my life and i'd lose my mind if i lost one of them; i can't imagine what would happen if i lost them both i'm so constantly scared all the time i'm so comfortable with her and have told her things i haven't even told you about but then i try to tell her that i love her and i just clam up BIG BRO It’s normal to be scared and I get why you’re so scared of telling her, I really do LIL SIS and then it becomes so conflicting because i can SEE us being able to work on things together and make us work and i WANT that so much BIG BRO
But I’m so sure she loves you too and I hate seeing you like this knowing everything could be so much better if you tell her LIL SIS  but then i'm also scared that in the end, despite all of our hard efforts, it still doesn't end up working in the end, because i'm just so use to that i love her i love her so much and would do anything for her and i want to tell her and i want to try to make us work she's already helped me and inspired me to become a better person than i was this time last year but i'm so use to everything eventually going to shit at the end and i just can't imagine my future without her so what happens if i do lose her? what do i do? BIG BRO YOU WON’T FUCKING LOSE HER I PROMISE YOU What if she’s feeling the same???? And that’s why she hasn’t told you??? Then what you just go around each other in circles for the rest of your lives until one of you gives up and finds someone else? LIL SIS she deserves someone better she's the most amazing person i've ever met i’m just me BIG BRO i’m going to kill you you’re infuriating I’m going to say this just once so listen well LIL SIS so i’ve been told BIG BRO YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON AND YOU DESERVE LOVE AND HAPPINESS AND IF SHE DOESNT SEE THAT THEN ITS HER LOSS LIL SIS do i??? i literally told you not too long ago that i literally ghosted someone whom i truly wanted to befriend over a year ago. i have constantly pushed away and hurt and lost so many people, including my high school best friend. including max. i've constantly made so many bad choices over the past six, almost seven years of my life and have hurt so many people. i can't hurt mars and monroe, too, and end up losing them as well BIG BRO You can’t base your whole life in bad choices you made in the past!! Do you have any idea how many fucked up things I did?!? Does that mean I don’t deserve to find love again? Don’t answer that.  we’re talking about you You deserve love!! LIL SIS i need to go buy some more groceries i’ll talk to you later BIG BRO You’re running away from me Fine 🙄 LIL SIS  landon i just it’s hard to believe that okay? after everything i've done and after hurting so many people, it's hard to believe that i deserve something as good as those two it just doesn't seem like something that should be a possibility for me BIG BRO yes i love her i love her and mars more than anything else that's why i'm so scared of losing them BIG BRO i think they’re worth the risk LIL SIS i know  i wish i could stop being so scared BIG BRO Can I just say though if you’re so scared of losing her ...maybe you two should stop FUCKING LIL SIS ... shut up
LIL SIS  OKAY, i seriously need to go buy groceries, byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee BIG BRO Byeeeee
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thekrazykeke · 6 years
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I love this man. To be honest, I’ma hoe for all of them men in Black Panther, so it’s whatever. Every single one of them can get it, and I don’t even know who I want to take me first, Erik or T’Challa? ....Hm, both. Both is good. This chapter is potentially, likely, triggering for some people. Please read this with caution and know that my inbox and IM is always open, for anyone, at any time. 
You’re not bothering me. Never think you are bothering me.
Continued from here, boo.
The minute the apartment door swung open, your eyes snap to Nadia’s face, and you see it, the bruise the size of a fist swelling up her right eye. 
“Where is he?” 
“Let’s talk inside.” Nadia’s hand on yours is firm as she tugged you in, using her hair to shield the bruise from view; the motion too familiar, practiced. The organ in your chest throbbed with pain and you think you’re about to have a panic attack or something. 
"Where is that nigga, is he here?” Your hands clench then unclench, and you can’t focus on one thing, eyes darting around the room, categorizing how the living room is trashed; broken glass shards sprinkled everywhere, TV broken, a hole or two punched in the walls. 
It’s a mess. 
“Calm down, Y/N.” Nadia says, voice entirely too calm, nonchalant.
“Is. That. Nigga. Here?” You enunciate each word forcefully, eyes widened and crazed, angry. 
“He not here. Simmer down already, shit.” Exhausted already by the conversation, she flopped down on the couch. “I called you because I needed your advice.”
“Waterboard that no good ass nigga.” You immediately suggest, taking a seat beside her.
“What, no. That’s,” she laughs, “That’s crazy. Y/N, stop it. Be serious.” 
You aren’t laughing. “I’m deadass. I know somebody who know somebody. They’ll snatch that bitch nigga up off the street, rough his punk ass up, and--”
Nadia couldn’t listen anymore. “I’m the one who started it by spitting in his face!”
“...The fuck. Why would you do that?” Almost always joking, Nadia wasn’t somebody who deliberately provoked people, or at least, she didn’t start something she couldn’t slick-talk her way out of. “Spitting on people is nasty, yo.”
“He dared me to do it. And I was just...” Sighing explosively, she ran her fingers through her hair. “...I found a pregnancy test in the bathroom trash, and I know it ain’t yours. You barely here, for one, and I can’t see you or Erik being that careless.” 
And you had an IUD, but still. Making a motion for her to continue, "So the muthafucka got his side bitch pregnant, and you got pissed.”
For the next half hour, you listen to her with a sympathetic ear as she told you that for a long time, things had been rocky between Travis and herself. He had not intentions of settling down -- with her, though he loved to lead her on with a carrot-stick maneuver and saying he might, he might, he might, while fucking around on her. He knew about the hookup she’d had with Erik and all the other times, with other people, while they’d been on a break. According to Nadia, the guy even made fun of her naivety in thinking he’d marry ‘a woman whose legs were always wide open’. The hypocritical dipshit.
That’s why she spat on him. 
Couldn’t really blame her for that, not really. 
“The girl he got pregnant, she’s only twenty one, Y/N. Twenty one...”, Shaking her head, Nadia laughed. 
“Hey, hey, hey.” As tears stung her eyelashes and her voice wobbled, you reached out, pulling her towards you for a half hug. “It’s okay. Fuck that dude, aigh’t? I know people say it all the time, but you are going to find someone and be happy.”
“You don’t know that.” 
“I do. You are a phenomenal woman and someone is going to recognize you for your worth. Don’t let some idiot take that away from you. You hear me?” Hot tears warmed your shirt and you rocked her gently. “It’s okay. It’s okay, I promise.” 
“I ain’t got nobody no more...” 
“It’s okay...”
Honestly, after that whole experience, you were drained. The thought of going out and being sociable, it made the hairs on the nape of your neck stand on end. Nadia wasn’t hearing that though. 
“B i t c h! This is an important milestone in your relationship. Meeting a family member?” Shaking her head, an ice pack over the swollen area, she gave you a thumbs up and painfully sincere smile, “Girl, if I was you, I wouldn’t have even brought my thick ass over here to deal with my bullshit.”
“It’s not bullshit, Nadia.” You interjected, for the fiftieth time. “You my friend and you needed me. Case closed.”
“Whatever. I’m good. I’m gonna sit here and try and figure out who I can pay off to try and fix these damages before the landlord see this shit.” Tilting her head back, she sank more comfortably into the couch. “Forreal, you should go. See what’s good wit Erik and this mystery family member, actually find out what Erik does for a living. I’m betting it’s something physical. His arms hella strong.”
“Bitch.” You elbow her gently.
“What? I’ma single pringle now, so I can look,” Nadia said defensively. “It’s not like he would notice me anyway. The nigga got eyes for you only. It’s cute as fuck, keeping it one hunned.” Although you didn’t want to leave Nadia alone, she took your cellphone and texted Erik to come get you. 
When he came to pick you up, she all but shoved you out the door. 
“You still gon do this wit me, right? Meeting my cuz?” Erik could tell what was up immediately. “I can reschedule, it ain’t nothing.”
And he would, you realized, he cared for your personal comfort more than what his cousin would think. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, hands finding the nape of his neck, you tilt your head up and he took the hint, kissing you. “You don’t have to reschedule. So, where is this dinner taking place?” 
Turns out that it’s the Queen’s Cove, the most expensive hotel in the area. Some of the most important political figures and celebrities stayed there. Fuck, even Obama and Michelle had spent two nights there! You were internally spazzing out, mind going one hundred miles an hour, wondering exactly who Erik’s cousin was, who Erik was--
‘I’ll find out tonight. To-night. OMG. That’s not enough time! Holy fucking shit! Oh. mah. Gawd. Chill, Y/N. Just. chill.’ 
Calling up every ounce of zen in your body that you had, you manage to smile at Erik who’s eyeing you warily, probably catching the goofy, weird expressions you’d made while wigging out. 
"Clothes, we both need new clothes.” You say decisively. 
“I don’t really--”
“Nigga, bring ya ass on!”
“Aigh’t already, damn!”
After an exhausting rest of the afternoon spent looking for the perfect outfit, Erik dropped you off at your favorite salon to get your hair and nails done. It was a last minute walk in appointment and Chantay wasn’t the happiest seeing you -- until she saw the amount of money you were paying her. While she worked her magic, you and Breanna texted back and forth, with y’all going through potential jobs and reasons for all this mystery and secrecy that Erik was doing. 
Bre also promised that she would send Dre to put Travis in check asap. Then the topic changed once again when she sent you the link to an article about the Wakandan king, T’Challa. 
Apparently he was slated for a press conference tomorrow morning?
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‘She so dumb, but I love her silly ass.’ Smiling faintly, you replied that yes, the king was pretty fione, but he was a little too lean for your tastes. You ain’t want a man that didn’t know how to handle all your thickness. You cracked up laughing when she sent you a poop emoji, murmuring an apology when Chantay told you to keep still.
Once that appointment is concluded, the two of y’all took note of the limo waiting outside. 
The. Limo.
“Y/N?” Neither of y’all utter a word. So he tries again, “Y/N Y/L/N? Is that you, ma’am?” The driver asked, professional and relaxed, unruffled, by the fact that he’s being gaped at.
“That’s me.” You reply weakly. He opened the door for you. 
“I got the license plate number in case you go missing.” Chantay whispered out the corner of her mouth. Placing a hand over your heart, you throw up a peace sign and she waved, removing a cigarette from behind her ear and lit it. 
Question after question flew through your brain. You wanted to touch everything but at the same time, it was important to show some class. He drops you off at the apartment where you quickly shower, moisturize, and change (Nadia is gone but where you don’t know and have no time to find out), and when you come back out, the few people lingering around eye you with appreciation, curiousity and lust. 
The drive to the Queen’s Cove is completely silent but you don’t care. This feels like some straight up black Cinderella-out-the-hood type stuff. 
The next time the car pulls to a stop and the door opens, it’s Erik who’s reaching a hand out to you. Without hesitation, you take his hand and he helps you out of the limo, appraising you with hungry eyes. Although your inner mantra is that you’re in public and this is indecent, especially for a place this fancy, you give him a once over too. 
“Damn baby, you lookin’ like a whole snack.” 
Cracking a smile, because regardless, Erik gon be Erik, you let him kiss the corner of your mouth, so close to your lips. “Mmhm, you look handsome too, baby. Let’s go meet your cousin.”
“You right, you right.” There’s a distracted air about him and he can’t stop looking at you. 
Admittedly, that swells your ego. That floaty feeling carries you through what might have been an epic freak out and meltdown because again, there were celebrities and politicians milling about, everything looked expensive. 
Fuck, even the air smelled rich!
The maitre d’ led y’all to a private booth/sitting area in the far back, not easily noticed by other people. And there, already seated... Is the King of Wakanda. T’Challa Udaku. 
“Cousin! There’s bobotie on the menu!” Eyebrows raising, you glanced at Erik pointedly, but he merely pulled out the chair for you. The whole ass king, T’Challa, put down the menu only to smile at you brightly, “Oh! I am so rude. Hello. You are Erik’s woman, yes?”
“I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you, Your Highness.” You said primly, about to raise up and possibly mangle an attempt at a curtsey, but Erik’s hand on the nape of your neck keeps you seated, the gesture effortlessly casual, but intimate.
“Please, there are no need for titles. Did you not tell her that, cousin?” Erik sat down too. “...Oh, Bast, he did not tell you that.” T’Challa, the king of an African nation, frowned. “N’Jadaka...”
“N-who?” Your brows furrowed.
T’Challa sighed and Erik eyeballed him, expression annoyed. “Bruh, don’t come at me like that! What with yo bitch ass Council putting that gag order on a nigga, what could I tell her but the kiddy shit?”
“Um...” You try to speak up.
“The conference is tomorrow, cousin. You could have informed her at least two weeks in advance.”
“You think I’m slow or some shit? Like I can’t read, muthafucka? Of course I know it’s tomorrow! I brought her down her to meet yo cornball ass, but we can bounce if you gon be on some other--”
Slamming your fist into the table, ignoring the throbbing pain searing through the appendage, you glared at them both. “If both y’all grown ass men don’t start actin’ like y’all mofos got some sense and recognize we in public, right now...” You say through gritted teeth. 
“Sorry, baby.” Erik mumbled.
“My apologies, Y/N.” 
After that, the tension faded away. The dinner felt relaxed and normal, like you were eating out with ya man and another brother or something. During that dinner though, Erik explained that he was a prince, third in line for the throne to Wakanda. The two of them made some questionable quips and remarks that bordered on being too dark, and you were most certainly going to be talking to Erik about that later. 
Erik, that wasn’t even his real name. 
It’s N’Jadaka Udaku. 
There’s something beautiful about the way the vowels rolled off your tongue and N’Jadaka, likes when you use it. Oh, yeah, he definitely liked the way you say his name, if his hand on your thigh underneath the table is any indication, the slow circles he’s rubbing into the satin smooth brown skin, teasing you. 
“Hi! I’m Mitchell and this is Cassandra, and we--”
Oh. No.
It feels like the bottom of your stomach has fallen out. You are half afraid to even look up and see if they’re as close as you fear, but when you flick your eyes to the right, yes. Yes they are, right here.
Right now, they’re pestering T’Challa, asking if he wants a refill of his drink, and you glance at ya man, trying to non-verbally signal to him that we had to get the fuck outta dodge before they noticed us. And either he was just horny or he got the message, probably the former, but he was about to get up when Cassandra turned and finally noticed us.
“Y/N! Hi! Oh, goodness. This is such a coincidence, running into you and your beau again. I told Mitchell that I saw you at my other job and he didn’t believe me at all.” 
Somehow, you manage to smile, “Such a...small world.” 
There’s a pregnant pause. “Erik! Hi, hello!” Again, she offered her hand for a shake.
He ignored her outstretched hand. “This is a private dinner. Family only.”
Mitchell snorted, his handsome features twisting into a sneer. “Family? Y/N? No way. I grew up with the girl, that’s straight ghetto--”
Cassandra elbowed her hubby abruptly. “Honey.”
“Nah, let him finish his sentence.” Erik took a swallow of wine, finishing off the glass. “‘Straight ghetto’, what?”
“I was going to say that Y/N and her family are an...unscrupulous bunch.” Lying through his teeth, Mitchell plastered a smile onto his lips, though his eyes are bitter, cruel. Jealous. “It’s very unfit for her to be sitting next to, and dining with, royalty.” 
T’Challa raised a finger, “Forgive me for sounding uncultured in this. English is not my first language and I have not been to America often,” It’s clear, if only to you and Erik, that he’s downplaying his own intellect, he’d talked circles around you about a lot of topics and explained things without making you feel stupid. “But I believe you are insulting not only myself, and by extension, all of Wakanda, you are also insulting my own cousin, a prince, and his choice of female companion? Y/N is quite a lovely and intelligent, funny, woman, after all.”
“I agree! I so agree!” Cassandra nodded her head vigorously. “Y/N and I, we were friends once upon a time ago in college.”
Unable to stand all this double talking and hypocrisy, your mouth opened, “Bitch, when?” You sounded so done at the moment. “Is it after you caught a case of jungle fever and decided that you were finished fucking Tim, who went on to become a famous country singer by the way, and chose this light bright nigga to be your Negro husband? I bet you were very disappointed that the rumor of all black men having big dicks isn’t true.”
Cassandra paled, standing there, gaping at you. Mitchell, however, absolutely exploded. “You ghetto ass dirty hoodrat bi--”
One right hook and an uppercut and Mitchell hit the floor with a pained grunt. Erik put his foot on his chest, keeping him in place. “I’m from Oakland, California, straight up out the hood, my nigga. Erik Stevens, ask about me.” Grinding his heel into his chest for a few more seconds, he stepped over him, “Let’s get the fuck up outta here.” 
“Yoink.” You grab the bottle of wine, patting Cassandra’s shoulder ‘comfortingly’. “I’ll just take this for the road. Since we such good friends, you got me, right? Right. I’ll holla at you on Facebook, boo boo.” With a wave of your fingers, you accept Erik’s hand, smiling big and pretty, especially when he adjusted his grip so that his arm is around your waist, headed for the exit. 
“Bill me for any damages, yes?” Smiling a camera ready smile, T’Challa dipped his head in farewell to Cassandra, accidentally stepping on Mitchell’s hand and followed after his wayward cousin and date. 
Once y’all are outside, embarrassment overtakes you and you’re about to apologize to T’Challa but he only wagged a finger and smiled. “It was very good fun tonight. I almost thought you were too timid for my cousin but you have such a vibrant personality, Y/N.”
You look at the ground then away from him, unable to keep eye contact at the sincerity in his tone. “Careful, nigga, or you and me gon go round three for you flirting with my girl.” Erik joked, tilting your chin up a little to kiss your forehead.
T’Challa shook his head and chuckled, “Take care of each other and stay out of trouble, eh.”  
Then y’all go y’all’s separate ways. Erik and you get in the limo, while a fierce, bald lady opens the door to a sleek sports car, and T’Challa gets in that. Both vehicles take off in opposite directions. You reach for Erik’s hand and he holds your hand in his lap, his thumb tracing circles around the pulse point, a pensive expression on his face. You want to know what’s up but you also are afraid to know what’s bothering him, secretly figuring that it’s you and the drama that follows you around like a bad smell. 
When the limo drops y’all off at his crib, he immediately strips of the outfit, carelessly dropping the items of clothing onto the floor and elsewhere, motions agitated. You follow after him silently, carefully following his lead. The two of you shower together but he doesn’t touch you, or make any lewd comments. He gives you some clothes to sleep in and you think that y’all aren’t going to talk about the elephant in the room when he turns his back to you, and reluctantly, you turn so that you’re facing away from him too.
Only twenty minutes of this and you think you’re going crazy. 
You’re about to get the fuck outta dodge when he speaks, “I need...I need to tell you somethin’.” Heart sinking in your chest, you try to turn around but he holds you in place, apparently not wanting you to look at him while he tells you...whatever he needs to tell you. 
Pretty sure you were prepared for anything than what he told you about his life before he and you started sleeping together and became a couple. The uncensored version of who Erik Steven is...or rather, who he had been. 
All of it. 
You’d like to think you were a tough as nails type of bitch, but that story had you crying hard as shit. Whether for N’Jobu, N’Jadaka, or T’Challa and his father. Or Erik’s victims...it’s a mystery. 
You just hurt.
“I couldn’t...couldn’t keep hiding what I done. I mean, I could, but tonight, if anything, proved that all that shit tends to come out one way or the other. And I wanted you to hear it from me, not nobody else.” He swallowed. “I ain’t gon be mad or, or, stop you if you choose to leave me. I understand.” 
The next time you attempted to turn around, he didn’t stop you. Legs on either side of his chest, hands resting on his abdomen, you stared down at him with red and puffy eyes. “If I got up right now to leave, would you choke me out, smack me, or shoot me in the head?”
He cleared his throat, blinking rapidly, eyes suspiciously bright, “No.”
“Do you have any plans to cheat on me?”
“Fuck no.” 
“Couples fight, they argue. That shit is normal. I might get mad and say some hurtful things, or you might be the one to do all that. We might yell at each other. That is normal. What I won’t accept is being made into Boo-Boo the Fool when you get mad and feel you have to prove what a man you are, then cheat on me with another bitch. 
I won’t be your punching bag or doormat. I am your woman, more than that, I’m somebody daughter, they sister. 
I’ve got too much respect for myself to let any of that foolishness go on. I will drop yo ass wit the quickness and cross the street to avoid speaking to you for years, if necessary.” Pausing, you take a breath, letting your words sink in. 
“Do you understand?”
Erik’s cautiously rests his hands on your hips. “I understand that, and I respect it. But I’m asking you to please, don’t throw that shit I told you in my face if you get mad. Ion care bout nun else but don’t do me dirty like that, Y/N. I’m tryin’ my best, baby girl.”
Baby girl. Oooh fuck, that nickname did things to you. You needed to get your hormones under control, bih, this is a serious moment! “’Kay.” You say, voice quiet, and you bite your bottom lip. 
He seemed to sense the turn in your attitude because he soon leaned up and kissed you open mouthed and nasty, squeezing your ass cheeks, the boy shorts you wore offering little to no protection from Erik’s groping hands, “You gon let me fuck you now, ain’tchu, baby girl?” 
Oh, this bastard. Moaning yessssss, you don’t resist when he yanks off the shirt you wore, accidentally tearing it a little before flinging it away, then yanked off the booty shorts, shoving his boxers down just enough to free his cock, teasing your wet pussy folds before pushing in alllll the way inside you. 
“You mines, you my baby girl, you gon stay wit me.” The words are quietly delivered every time he fucks up into you, and your eyes screw shut, breaths coming quick. “Say it.” A particularly hard roll of his hips punches the breath out of you, “I can stay like this all night.” 
And you know he can, he would, tease you, the both of you, until he gets what he wants. “I’m yours, your baby g-girl,” Erik sucked at your throat, intent on leaving a hickie. “I’m not gon leave you.”
It’s like your words flipped a switch or something because he’s switching positions so that you’re beneath him and he’s fucking you nice and slow. Then again, this doesn’t really feel like fucking. It’s not rough or quick, with spankings or some choking. Whatever it is, it’s intense, and the way he’s looking at you, the way he kisses your shoulder, murmuring how good your pussy feels, and other sweet, perverse things, eventually sends you over the edge. You don’t deny it when he mutters, “You my baby girl...” Right in your ear just before he pushes inside you as far as he can go, filling you with his cum. 
After all, it’s not like he’s wrong; you are his. 
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fangirlf · 7 years
Prompt #16 Chuck Shurley
A/N: sorry that this is absolute garbage but yeah here’s the first fic I’ve written in two years
Pairing: Chuck/Reader
Request: Prompt #16 with Chuck
Word Count: 2215
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         When you first met Chuck, the prophet of the lord as he once had called himself, you felt something. You felt something for the alcoholic author, even within the first seconds of meeting him, and it scared you. Emotions weren’t really your strong suit. Of course you had them, but you did your damnest to hide them from anyone near you. You had too many emotions, and you knew how easily you could be manipulated if enemies were to find out. So, your primary instinct was to block the prophet out, ignore him until it became rude. Of course, you’d answer his questions and reply when he wanted to talk, but you always kept your responses short and sweet. You knew he had a thing for you, a soft spot even, and that just made it worse.
        It was easier for you to block people out when they didn’t like you to begin with, but you couldn’t deny Fate’s pull between you and Chuck. The night you met was one of the worse nights in your life, mainly because it was the best. You knew what love did to hunters, and of course to those they loved. He was already dealing with throbbing headaches and visions of the world’s end, being a target for literally every monster you’ve come in contact with didn’t seem like a positive addition to his life.
But, Fate’s a bitch and apparently had it out for you. Almost every other case had you meeting up with Chuck, whether it be in New York or California. Your paths would cross quite frequently, much to your dismay. You had even started dreaming about him, nothing too spicy, your dreams mainly consisted of the two of you talking over coffee or brunch. You never remembered the conversations when you awoke in the morning, but it always left you feeling warm, the image of his crystal blue eyes looking kindly into yours as if you were baring your soul for him, branded permanently in your mind’s eye.
Chuck wasn’t an idiot, you knew that. You also knew that he had caught onto what you were doing, why you elected to ignore him. Did that make you stop? No. Of course, you really wanted to. If you hadn’t been brought into this life, maybe you would have explored the relationship, welcomed the sparks that caused your stomach to do backflips with open arms. But, woe is you, as that was not the case.
You were currently at a Supernatural convention, tricked into attending by Becky sending a fake red alert text to Dean through Chuck’s phone. You vaguely wondered how she got her hands on his phone, but quickly let the thought slip past your mind. There was no need to feel jealous over somebody you weren’t even going to chase after. Still, you felt a small twinge of dislike for the girl, and you weren’t too disappointed when she shifted her focus on Sam once more.
“You’re kidding me- there are people who actually want to be us?” Dean asks in his usual, overly-dramatic tone.
“Hey, I’m just as surprised as you are,” Chuck defends himself before a man walks up to him and says “5 minutes Mr. Edlund” before walking off. Chuck gives the three of you an apologetic look before turning around and making his way to the stage for Q and A, which, of course, went as well as you would expect. You weren’t sure how he was able to stay up on that stage without a bathroom break with as much water as he had been chugging. You definitely did not want to switch places with him, you’d be as nervous a wreck as he was.
And, now, he needed to be up there longer than he expected as the three of you found an actual case amidst the conventions ‘hunt’, and guess who got to go tell him while the other two went to collect the others? You, of course. Inwardly groaning, you walked up to the stage, Chuck’s eyes immediately falling onto you, curiosity evident in his expression but a delighted grin on his face nonetheless. You bit down the warm sensation you felt in your pit as you motioned for him to come closer.
“We have a problem,” you whispered hurriedly in his ear. His brows furrowed at your tone.
“What? What is it?” he asked, making sure to speak away from the mic.
“Turns out there’s an actual case here. You need to keep everyone in here until we give you the all clear,” you say, trying not to eye the audience that was completely silent, curious as to what you were talking about. God, you hated crowds.
“I-I have to be up here longer? Yeah, sure, no sweat,” he said, obviously not believing himself. You gave him an apologetic smile.
“Good luck,” you pat his shoulder and hopped off the stage.
“(y/n), wait!” he whisper-yelled. You turned back to him, standing in front of the first row of the audience. He gave you a desperate look, one he would always give you when you had to go back to hunting. You inhaled slowly and responded in a whisper that only he could hear.
“Look, I have to go do this, Chuck. So unless you have anything to tell me about the thing we’re dealing with, save it.”
You knew you were being rude, but the only other option would be to fall into the old lover’s quarrel over whether or not you should be doing something dangerous that could help others. So, biting back an “I’m sorry,” you turned on your heel and made your way back to the brothers.
The rest of the night wasn’t so bad, compared to other cases you’d been on. The three of you were able to burn the remains of the three boys, with help from two LARPing convention-goers. With the dangers lifted, everyone started making their way out of the hotel. Dean was talking with the fake Dean and Sam that burned the boys’ bones, while Sam was stuck listening to Becky gush over him. You were making your way back to the impala, wanting to get out of there, when you saw Chuck walking in your direction. You picked up your pace, not wanting to have to shield your emotions for much longer. It wasn’t everyday that you spent an entire day with the man you were almost certain was your soulmate, only to have to cram those feelings back inside yourself. You needed a break.
“(Y/n), stop, please!”
You sighed, knowing that he knew you heard him say your name and not having the heart to ignore him. You stopped in your tracks, waiting for him to catch up to you. When he did, you kept your eyes to the ground. He was silent for awhile, all you heard from him was breathing. It took you a minute to realize that he wanted you to look at him, which turned out to be a bad idea. His ocean blue eyes held so many emotions in them as they stared into yours. You faintly remembered the first time you locked eyes, feeling like you could get lost in them for days on end, with no regard for the world around you. That was almost always what it was like, staring into his eyes. You felt like the world melted away around you, leaving nothing but you and Chuck, together. Of course, this feeling scared you from the beginning. Getting lost in something, even if it’s the eyes of the person you loved, wasn’t the smartest thing to do when you’re a hunter.
Chuck gently held your hands in his, breaking you from your thoughts. “(y/n), don’t you see? The harder you push me away, the more I want to know you.”
You looked away, opting to stare at the trees surrounding the hotel’s parking lot, processing what he said. Though simple those words are separately, they almost brought tears to your eyes.
“Chuck,” you say, your voice nearly inaudible, tears threatening to spill. You cursed inwardly, knowing that this would happen sooner or later. See, you were great at bottling things up, but you weren’t so good at keeping those things from exploding.
He squeezed your hands gently, causing you to meet his eyes once more. “How long are you going to fight this, to fight me?” he asks, his voice cracking. “You know there’s something here.”
“Chuck, I can’t. You know the life I live, I can’t have all the bad guys coming after you, using you as leverage.”
“(y/n), I’m protected by an archangel, I don’t think they’d let anything happen to me.”
“Yeah well, angels are dicks. Yeah, they need you alive, but they don’t care if you’re hurt, or if you’re tortured to death. They’ll just bring you back,” you shake your head, adding a “Maybe,” at the end.
“So what? Is that any different than what you and the Winchesters go through? Trust me when I say, I can handle myself,” he reassures you, and for a moment, the insecure, paranoid prophet you knew was gone and replaced by someone more… confident, someone who you would relate with the phrase ‘old and wise’. You weren’t exactly sure why, but you believed him when he said he could handle himself, even if he wasn’t a hunter.
“Are you sure about that?” you asked, although you already knew the answer, and by the expression on Chuck’s face, he knew that you did.
“Look, all I’m asking for is a chance,” his eyes search yours desperately, hands holding yours as if you’d let go at any moment. You knew you should have tore your gaze from his, but you couldn’t deny the bond between the two of you. You wanted nothing more than to be with him, have an ‘apple pie life’ as Sam once called it, but no one really gets out of the life. Shit catches up to you when you settle down, hitting you when you least expect it. With all this information, the logical choice would be to turn on your heel and run, never looking back.
You sighed, for what seemed like the umpteenth time today, and gave his hands a squeeze. You thought about being logical but figured, screw it, when has being logical ever worked out in your favor? Maybe half the time, maybe more. You’d take your chances.
Instead of giving him a verbal response - something you were not so great at when it came to emotions - you tugged his hands, pulling him closer to you before pressing your lips against his in a gentle, sweet kiss. His arms immediately found their way to your waist, pulling your body flush against his as he deepened the kiss, surprising you a little seeing as Chuck wasn’t very pro-risk.
You faintly heard whooping near you, although you weren’t quite where it came from when the fact hit you that you were still in public, the center of attention for the rest of the convention-goers who hadn’t left as soon as the doors were open. You had the decency to pull away, your cheeks tinted with the lightest shade of pink. Chuck smiled at you, a genuinely happy expression on his face for once, and you couldn’t deny being just a little bit proud of being the person who caused it.
“So I-I take it that’s a yes?” he asks, eyes seeming a shade lighter than before.
“No, I just wanted to kiss you before I inevitably run away and don’t come back,” you reply like the smartass you are. You could tell by his expression that he wasn’t completely sure if you were joking or not. You roll your eyes, playfully hitting his shoulder. “Of course it’s a yes.”
“Fuckin’ finally,” You heard Dean curse behind you. You shook your head, a small smile on your lips, and as you looked at the prophet, you knew things would be okay. Of course, there would be pain and suffering like always, but things would be… relatively okay. You hadn’t realized it, but you had been carrying so much anxiety and fear with you - about hunting, about your emotions, everything - and when you finally let him in, you felt as if your fears had been washed clean, like a blank slate.
You’ve heard stories of people meeting their so-called ‘soulmates’, and how the feeling was like being reset, giving you a blank slate to work with once more and allowing you to learn from your past mistakes and not hold guilt for the things you couldn’t control. You’d never really believed the whole ‘soulmate’ thing, it’d seemed too far fetched for your taste. Only having one person to truly be yours, falling for them before even getting to know them, that didn’t seem likely. But, as you stood here, in Chuck’s embrace, staring up into his kind eyes, you started to think that maybe the idea of a ‘soulmate’ wasn’t so bad. That maybe, just maybe, Chuck was your soulmate and you were his.
The small smile that rested on your face turned into a grin.
I’d be okay with that, you told yourself.
And Chuck agreed.
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