#also apologies on taking so long to respond😅
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
leapdayowo · 2 years ago
What about number 8 "does your disability affect how you experience other parts of your identity? (gender, queerness, culture, even hobbies/life goals you're very passionate about)"?
Hm, very interesting question. I know the answer is yes, but my explanation is difficult to explain. I guess the reason for that is because I feel everything I experience accumulates into me as a person, so none of the identities I label as are separate from my experience with misophonia/other sensitivities (+ if I do have ADHD that would be another thing to dissect).
Anyway, I think my misophonia has forced me to try to be kind and patient with others as much I can muster. I can get angry really quickly because of my sensitivities, but that anger does lots of harm in large doses (I do believe anger is healthy and normal, but it can’t be a dominant emotion). Due to this, I try to refrain from making judgments/assumptions about people right away because they may be dealing with something difficult like how I have to deal with my misophonia.
Idk how much my sensitivities impacted my queerness, but I will say my misophonia has caused more issues with people than me being queer😅. I think when I was little I likely made lots of vent art because I couldn’t use my words to describe what I felt. Nowadays, I’m actively trying to write stories with diverse characters, traits, and conflicts because there’s such a lack of representation and thus understanding, not just with misophonia, but other disabilities and identities. That’s definitely been motivated by my misophonia. Being honest, art saved my life and I want to extend this lifeline I’ve been holding onto out to other people through my work. I see all the good it can do for people, and I want to contribute to that good (the communities made, the art created, the discussions held, friendships/connections formed, and the comfort and understanding provided. Also just really fucking pretty artwork).
Also, despite all of the shit (to put it lightly) on this planet, I still view the world with wonder (in terms of puddles make we giddy as do other mundane things. Cities are intimidating and imposing. I like holding frogs and going grocery shopping) and believe in what we as people can be. I want to hold onto that for as long as I can and convey it through my art (trying to translate what’s in my brain to paper is unfortunately not that easy :P).
I could probably go on but I know I’ll get sidetracked haha..
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hannieehaee · 3 months ago
Hellooo,I was wondering what do you think SVTs response would be to this question from their S/O😅
Like who in your opinion would say that boobs are perfectly fine and who would dare to ask why they are small😂
reacting to why your boobs are small(?)
content: boobs, established relationship, teasing, banter, etc.
wc: 554
a/n: i had no idea how to title this reaction lol but here's the tiktok in case anyone wants context (but im pretty sure its deleted now 😭)
seungcheol -
confused and lowkey annoyed bc one side of him just doesnt get what you're saying and the other doesn't understand how your size could possibly be used as some sort of critique when he's spent countless nights enjoying them. also maybe a little bothered by the implication that someone may have asked about your boobs.
jeonghan -
you can never catch him off guard. he'd start by shrugging just to get a reaction out of you and proceed to compliment them bc being real .. he's a huge fan of your boobs.
joshua -
immediately clocks it as a tiktok thing and pretends he doesnt know what you mean just to bug you. will say something like 'yeah, they're pretty small, did you never notice before?' only to get smacked at by you. will laugh and apologize, telling you that ofc he doesn't care about the size! he's a man, he just likes your boobs!!
jun -
as the biggest connoisseur of your boobs, he's very well aware of their size and shape. any question as to their size would be met with a curious tilt of his head and maybe even a side eye.
soonyoung -
incredibly confused. would need a step to step explanation as to what you mean like what do you mean?? theyre perfectly sized. would even inadvertently lift up his hands and make a cupping motion to show you how perfectly sized they are only to be stopped by u bc ur in public!!
wonwoo -
a little afraid he might give you the wrong answer so he stays quiet as he thinks about it. ends up deciding on a 'theyre pretty,' to express his opinion on the matter.
jihoon -
also super confused. thinks this is some sort of bf test so he kinda doesnt wanna entertain it bc thats kind of silly ... but he also really likes ur boobs and missed no chance to compliment them (even though he gets red as fuck when he does).
seokmin -
pouts and almost whines at you bc what do you mean??? small??? theyre perfectly sized for him!! he'd react like this to any sort of criticism you had of yourself but your boobs were just a personal subject for him like who and why and when and what do you mean??
mingyu -
he'd literally show you with his own two hands how theyre the perfect handful and roll his eyes at any implication they're not perfectly sized. he takes this kind of stuff very seriously!!
minghao -
rolls his eyes lightheartedly bc he thinks you're being silly. but still, he entertains you and even goes on a long rant about your body being perfect bc its yours.
seungkwan -
huffs, knowing its some sort of trick question, whining at you to stop trying to catch him off guard for tiktok. it'll just turn into a whining competition between the two of you lol.
vernon -
doesn't really understand the question but just assumes its a girl thing and responds accordingly. tells you he has no complaints and is actually quite a big fan of them as they are.
chan -
very confused. literally disregards the question because he just doesnt understand. wont catch on to the joke, but his eyes will keep trailing between you and your boobs bc what do you mean why are they small? they're small? why?
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1111wishesxx · 25 days ago
Hey there, hope you’re having a lovely day
First congrats on your succes story🌟
I hope it doesn’t come as annoying but how did you manifest inducing pure consciousness? Did you do while awake or asleep and did you enter it instantly after you decided to manifest the void?
Also my last question 😅 you manifested being able to manifest instantly, I always struggle with this because the 3d is so tempting but 4d is the only reality.
Sorry for the loads of questions, stay hydrated and thank you💛
Manifesting pure consciousness/manifesting instantly:
Hey pretty!! First of all, I’M SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO RESPOND!!! I took a break from tumblr for a while.
About your first question, All I do to enter pure consciousness (a.k.a. the void state) is relax and daydream. I’ve noticed that it’s a common theme on tumblr to overcomplicate things.- And by no means am I judging, I just don’t want you to make things harder for yourself. - The first time that I induced pure consciousness was by accident when I was drifting off for a nap. The truth is: it's incredibly easy to induce that state. The only reason you haven't entered the void is because subconsciously you’re not letting yourself. If you view the void state as something that's really hard to reach, chances are you won’t reach it. And vice versa if you take the void state off the pedestal and instead something you view as easy and 100% achievable you will enter the void state. (chances are you’re probably thinking into it too much and complicating things) When I was learning all this, the trick that I used was my script. I wrote in my manifestation journal an entry about how easy it is to get in and how I induce pure consciousness every night effortlessly. YOU are the only thing keeping you from what you want. Be nice to yourself and do NOT doubt yourself as a manifester.
Side note: i know this is probably confusing and I’m working on a post to go into detail and simplify everything. Check my page to see if its up! I’ll also link it.
And for your second question, it wasn’t quite clear what you were asking. I see you wrote about struggling with not accepting the 3d as your reality, and that’s okay! Don’t be so hard on yourself, love. My trick for manifesting instantly is really believing in my ability, and looking at my past successes when I doubt myself. Just try to keep an open mind and remind yourself everything is coming in divine timing.
Also babe, don’t apologize it’s okay!!
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sir-lunar · 2 years ago
Can you draw Black Hat reacting to Paperhat? I just think it would be hilarious, and if you aren’t comfortable with drawing it that’s alright! 😁
Apologies this took so long for me to respond to- I think I’ve been going through a slight art block so this was a struggle for me to finish haha 😅
Also your consideration is very sweet, thank you 😊
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Why would this scenario ever happen? I have no idea, but I thought it was funny so now it exists :D
Also, I don’t think Black Hat is ready to find out about that… well who knows, maybe he would consider it too insignificant to even properly react to. Either way, it doesn’t seem like Flug is taking that chance.
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infamous-if · 1 year ago
Ok so real talk. Do you have a problem with me? I've sent you several messages on your Tumblr saying nothing but nice things only to be ignored. Same with your Patreon. I'm one of your Patrons and I comment on things only for them to go unanswered always. I know you have a lot of people vying for your attention but it honestly feels like me in particular you have a problem even we don't know each other. I just don't understand how you can answer everyone's comments or messages but mine? I usually try to leave constructive comments or criticism only for you to ignore me.
Real talk: I'm not ignoring you. I've been busy with the rewrite which is taking a lot of my time and real life and trying to settle in after a really messy few months. Nowadays I go on Tumblr, make a post, maybe answer a question or two (and it's usually a draft or the most recent question in my inbox) and then sign out and go back to writing. On patreon, I try to respond to everybody but I am also trying to write the story and more patreon content in a timely manner since I don't like being inactive for a long time and leaving patrons hanging. As for my DMs, I have so many unread DMs that I try to get back to but I don't even look at it because I'm prioritizing the actual story for you and everyone.
I don't have a problem with you in particular, I have no problem with anyone. I try to read all the kind messages I get in my inbox but If I were to respond to them all, I'd be spamming the dashboard and I wouldn't get anything done 😅 I'm not ignoring you on purpose, it's just a lot. Plus, my real life hasn't been smooth sailing either but I don't like sharing on the internet so I don't say much.
I'm not trying to be all "woe is me" I just want you to understand! I do apologize if I made you feel like you were being ignored, that isn't my intention. I really do try my best to respond and to interact but I'm only one person. It's not like I have a team behind me.
Sorry. I'm trying my best!
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curiositydoorunlocked · 1 month ago
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That post I made about S4 pushing Will’s sadness was one made in jest. It was just a little joke post. I clicked the “post” button, closed the tab in my browser, and moved on with my very serious life. No more jokes for me.
But then something happened; permit me tell you a little story entitled “I spent too much time on YouTube, send help.”
…okay, now I’m done with the jokes 😅
In all seriousness, though: I’ve been watching a lot of ST reactions on YouTube lately and they’ve only served to show me just how effective that “WILL IS SAD! WILL IS SAD!” strategy was.
For real! Of course I haven’t seen all the S4 reaction videos out there, but I’ve watched far too many to reach my weekly screen-time goal, ugh plenty, and the trends were pretty damning. Every single creator I saw said “poor Will!” at least once during their watch. More often than not it was multiple times, actually. They were all rooting for him, feeling for him; they all saw his sadness, put the pieces together re: why he was sad (relatively) quickly, and went “No! Stop! I don’t like that Will is sad!”
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This attitude was generally present across the whole season’s worth of reactions, but there are still some interesting takeaways re: what people responded to most that I’d like to share with you all.
First off the cartop talk in the desert seemed to resonate across the board. It wasn’t always included in videos, probably because it was a quieter scene sandwiched in between the gang literally burying a body, but when it was included it usually got a big response. Lots of nods and empathetic comments made at “…because what if…what if they don’t like the truth?” The van scene also hit hard for everyone, and I mean everyone. My personal favorite was this one dude that teared up and said something along the lines of “We’re only ten minutes into this episode, chill out!” while wiping his eyes!
Most of the reactors had a much stronger response to the Mike and Will scenes—and the associated Will sadness moments, of course—than they did the Mike and El scenes. Those elicited more frustration than anything—plenty of “God, why can’t you just say it, Mike??”s. One woman even gasped when Mike threw away the “From, El” note.
People smiled at the few cute moments El and Mike had; they empathized with El’s insecurities; they sighed at Mike’s hamfisted maneuvering.
What they didn’t do? Seem, well… invested. In the relationship. At all.
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Even the cooing over Mike and El’s (very sweet) reunion was frequently overshadowed by joy at El and Will’s fraternal hug.
(It’s almost like putting something last telegraphs to the audience that it’s the most important…crazy how that works!)
But to wrap things up before this post gets too long…
I know “the talented creators of this historically well-written show decided to take the story in a particular direction and executed it such that it achieved the desired response from viewers” isn’t exactly a shocking revelation. Even still, it was nice to see, especially considering the following:
Most of these reactors were confident Will’s feelings wouldn’t be returned. The opinions were never phrased cruelly; they were always more along the lines of “it’s so sad that Will is in this situation, poor guy. I wish he could be happy but it doesn’t seem possible.”
In an odd roundabout way, those nervous, “where is this going to go?” vibes are omnipresent on Byler Tumblr too. (Or at least that’s the sense I’ve been getting since I returned from my hiatus—apologies if I’ve terribly mischaracterized you all!) I get that a lot of people are worried about the potential execution of a Mike/Will relationship, especially because the characters involved are so intertwined with the supernatural plot. We may see the writing on the wall re: the destination, but that doesn’t mean we know exactly what the journey will look like.
But guess what? These writers know how to disengage the audience from a couple that isn’t working, and engage it in a dynamic that is. They know how to stir up empathy for characters in different contexts. They know how to bring new information—in this case, Will’s feelings—to light and get people on board ASAP. These reaction videos are very encouraging proof of that—and in case it needs repeating, I watched so many of them, so I should know. (Why? God only knows.)
If these reactors were presented with a solution to this “problem” that would allow Will to get what he wanted without hurting anyone else… well, I’m confident they would jump right on board. And so would we, of course.
So, all of that is to say I encourage you to set the nitty gritty of it all aside every now and then. As a bunch of Youtubers have kindly demonstrated for us: everything’s going to be just fine 🙂
(And if you read this long for what was essentially just a positivity post, I commend you LOL. Thanks for sticking it out with me!)
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guilty-pleasures21 · 10 months ago
hellO IT IS I! First off I'd like to start by saying hi! I love your writings; you are my favorite long story writer, and I want to STEAL your creative abilities. Reading one of your series rn actually :D
Just wanted to say that before I tell you: if you aren't taking requests or something in this makes you uncomfortable to just discard. OKAY NOW I HAVE AN IDEA
It's another Miguel fic where reader is also spidey. She's actually one of the more techy ones! Imagine engineer from tf2 but not necessarily Texan and can make things so advanced they nearly trump Miguel's devices, plus she has her own office/shop in the society where she makes stuff for other spideys. Reader can make almost anything with enough time and materials. The funky part is: she's really clumsy. Not like "oh no I dropped this stack of papers" clumsy. I mean ENGINEER CLUMSY. She'll hit her head on things, fall, get hit real bad in battle, eat a not-fully-cooked chicken sandwich, and every time she gets back up like it was nothing because she has high constitution. I'm talking slung across a room in battle, Miguel is screaming her name in concern, and she just. Gets up. And brushes dust off her spidey suit. Or she'll be up somewhere, fall from really high, die for a sec, then get up like nothing happened and go on normally.
Thank you for hearing me, I bow my head to you. Apologies if this was too long. Respect to your efforts, and have a good day/night!
AHHHHH!!! I don't know if you'd believe it, but this is my first Miguel request 🤩!! I don't get a lot of requests, so I'm really happy to take them! It gives me a chance to practise my creative writing skills and also a boost whenever I have writer's block (which happens A LOT as you can probably tell by how up and down my posting is 😅).
Thank you for the compliments! I always get a little worried my writings are too long sometimes, but it's nice to know that people enjoy them!
Okay, so I'm not familiar with TF2, but I did a quick search and I hope I've gotten the general vibe of what you were imagining 🥺!
The engineer
ATSV Miguel × clumsy techie fem!reader
Warnings: None.
     She leaned over Miguel’s arm to sneak a peek at whatever he’d been working on beside her. “You know, if you re-wired this connection here and took these ones out completely, you could increase the charge while using less power.”
     He turned to her, an incredulous look on his face.  But she just smiled. 
     “Just try it,” she suggested calmly. “You can always change it back if it doesn’t work.”
     “Hmm.” She did have a point; he didn’t have anything to lose by giving it a go. He did as she said, taking out a few of the wires completely, then pulled the trigger on the taser. The end lit up with a spark stronger than it had ever done before and his eyes widened, impressed. “Wow. Good job, arañita.”
     She rolled her eyes, but kept the amused expression on her face. 
     “I’m not your mentee, Miguel.” She turned to face him, then gestured between the both of them. “We’re on the same level. Just say ‘thanks’. Don’t talk down to me like that.”
     She shrugged before returning her attention to her own gadget and Miguel raised his eyebrows: he’d only had people respond to him with anger, meeting him head to head and chastising him for what they perceived as his condescending tone. But she just corrected him like he simply hadn’t known any better. He turned back to his desk, suddenly keenly aware of her warm presence beside him, and the two settled back into their usual comfortable silence. 
     He walked into the cafeteria, unable to ignore his rumbling stomach any longer. But the lunch rush should have been over, so the area shouldn’t have been too crowded by then. His gaze landed on X, seated at a table with Ben, Jess and Peter, and his heart fluttered unexpectedly at the smile on her face. He pushed it down, not wanting to look into it, and walked over to the group. “What are we talking about?”
     She shifted over on her bench, giving Miguel enough space to squeeze in beside her, and her stomach flipped when she caught his now-familiar woodsy scent.  
     “X somehow ate a raw chicken sandwich yesterday and now she says she’s fine!” Ben ousted her immediately. 
     “It was undercooked!” X insisted. But her correction did nothing to ease the thoughts of salmonella that flooded Miguel’s mind. 
     “¡Arañita! You can’t do that! Why didn’t you just come here?!”
     X paused, caught off guard by the rare concern on his chiselled features. 
     “Oh. I was at work! But then I got to go home early.” She gave him a playful nudge, flashing him a conspiratorial smile, and Miguel felt his heart speed up again.
     “¡Arañita!” he scolded her, trying to maintain his hard expression. But she just continued to fix him with that adorable smile and all he found himself able to do was hang his head and sigh. “What are you having for dinner?”
     She twisted in her seat, swinging her leg over the bench to straddle it and face him fully. Miguel ignored the curious glances he noticed the others shooting them out of the corner of his eye and instead focused his attention on X. “Oh, I have some leftover pizza from … two nights ago? I think? So-”
     “You are not eating leftover pizza, X,” he warned her, folding his arms across his chest and scrunching his brows together in a serious expression. X felt her stomach tighten at the way his muscles pressed against his suit, then she glanced away, embarrassed.
     “Um, but …” What were they talking about again? Oh, right! Pizza! She lifted her gaze back to his. “But they’re serving cheeseburgers tonight!” 
     “But you always have your chicken patty,” Miguel pointed out, confused by her response. A few of the Spider’s had different food preferences to the others, so the kitchen staff always made sure to keep a stock of different ingredients.
     “They ran out,” X told him, hanging her head in disappointment.
     “Oh.” Miguel let his arms fall back to his sides, trying to come up with a solution to her predicament. “Well, we can … we can always go out … somewhere … with properly cooked food.” He crossed his arms again as he fixed her with a knowing look and her features broke into a smile. She hopped out of her seat, delighted, but remained standing by his side. 
     “Thanks, Miguel! I’ll meet you back here at seven!” She bent over to press a quick kiss to the side of his head, then ran off before he could process what had just happened. 
     “Uh, what just happened?” Ben asked when Miguel remained frozen in his seat, stunned into silence. Hobie’s lips curled into an amused smirk. 
     “I think boss-man here just asked X out,” he replied. “On a date.” He leaned forward in his seat, wiggling his brows to punctuate his point, and Miguel frowned. 
     “No, I …” He hadn’t asked her on a date. Had he? He’d never explicitly used the word, but … he had invited her to dinner. With him. Outside of work. Ay, mierda, had he just asked her out on a date? 
     Hobie laughed at how flustered the large man had become by the tiny little spider, then he started getting up from the table as well. 
     “Well, you might want to get yourself cleaned up first,” he suggested, nodding at Miguel’s scuffed up suit, the bruise on his cheekbone and the faint trail of stubble dotting his jaw. “I’m not sure if X is into the whole ‘I’ve been awake for the past seventy-two hours wrestling different lowlifes and creeps’ look.” Miguel huffed in irritation. 
     “She’s never-” ‘complained about it before’, was what he’d been about to say. But that would only make it sound like he cared what she thought about him - like he paid attention to what she thought about him. And then they’d only tease him even more about it being a date. He turned away from them, sniffing in offence. “It’s not a date.”
     Jess snickered at his petulant attitude, her features twisted into a knowing expression. 
     “Okay, but you still have to look presentable, right?” she pointed out. “You’re not just going to drag her to any random restaurant in your Spiderman suit, right? Especially if she’s going to be all nicely dressed up.” 
     His body heated up at the thought of her being ‘all nicely dressed up’. What would she wear? He’d never seen her in anything other than her Spidersuit before. But she had some really nice curves - curves he’d find his gaze lingering on for a little too long at times. He shook the thought away, pushing his feelings of excitement aside. 
     “Uh, yeah. Fine. Whatever.” He waved them off, then stood up, shifting in position hesitantly before he walked away. “Message me if you need anything.” He marched away before they could tease him anymore on the subject, but his stomach flipped at the thought of seeing her again later that night. 
     He walked into the workshop, searching for the small form of his- of X. 
     “¿Arañita?” he called into the room when he couldn’t find her. 
     “Workshop!” she yelled from under the table, not knowing whether or not he’d already guessed where she was. “Ugh, where’s my- Ow!” She stood up and rubbed her head where she’d hit it on the underside of the table. And ay, Dios, she looked so cute in her little black dress, her hair neatly done, her features prettily made up. She gave him a sheepish smile as she walked over to him and Miguel felt his heart beat a little faster at the sight. 
     “Sorry, I was just- Whoa!” Her eyes widened in fear as she slipped on her wrench - lying on the floor in front of her - but Miguel shot a web at her, catching her before she fell to the ground. He tugged her towards him, pulling her into his arms, then he huffed in irritation. 
     “Be careful, arañita!” he chastised her. “You’re always … You need to be more aware of your surroundings, X.”
     “Oh! I …” She trailed off, her mind going blank when she realised how close they were now. She took in his long, dark eyelashes, the flecks of gold in his copper-coloured irises, the tiny scar on his cupid’s bow. She swallowed hard as her gaze fixed itself on his lips and Miguel raised an eyebrow, confused by her silence. 
     “Huh?” She dragged her eyes back up to his, but her expression remained distracted as she looked up at him. “Oh! Sorry, I …”
     She curled up against his chest, suddenly shy, and his heart sped up as he realised how close they were now: her slender fingers brushing against his chest, her soft curves wrapped up in his arms, her silky hair tickling his neck. He released his hold on her, his body heating up at the feeling of her pressed up against him. Then he turned his gaze away from hers, unconsciously rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Uh … Are you ready to go?”
     “Oh!” X turned back towards her desk and reached for her handbag. “Let me get my- Hey! I’ve been looking for this!” She picked her drill up off the floor and gave it a little rev to check that it still worked. She smiled when it did, then proceeded to begin shoving the machine into her bag. 
     “What …?” Miguel reached over to take the drill from her and place it down on her desk. Then he fixed her with an exasperated look. “You don’t need a drill on a date, arañita.” He froze when he realised that he’d just referred to it as a ‘date’, but X just grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck. 
     “On the contrary, I think drilling is the perfect activity for a date, Miguel.” He sucked in a breath at her naughty suggestion, his fingers gripping her waist tightly, and she bit her lip at the feeling. 
     “Uh,” he stammered out, his voice hoarse from all the dirty thoughts running through his mind at the feeling of her brushing up against him again. “Let’s … I …”
     X snickered at his nervousness and stretched onto her toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “Let’s go, amor!” 
     She giggled at the word as she began making her way over to the door and Miguel felt his heart skip a beat as he followed after her. 
     “¡Arañita!” Miguel called to her, narrowly avoiding Doc Ock’s outstretched tentacle as he swung between the buildings. “Use your bubble gun thing!”
     “I’m trying, amor!” X yelled back, hitting her gadget from where she stood on a nearby balcony. “Ugh! I need …” She searched her surroundings, trying to find a tool she could use to un-jam the damn thing. Then she spotted the glint of a coin lying on the floor. She cheered at the sight, then swung off the balcony to go get it. But Doc Ock caught her just as she leapt off the edge, swinging his tentacle at her and smashing her into a wall. 
     “¡Arañita!” Miguel screamed, flying after her as she began falling to the ground. He caught her just before she hit the hard floor, then set her back down on her legs, wrapping her up tightly in his arms. “¡Querida! I told you to be more careful!” 
     X shook her head, disoriented by the hit. “I’ll … I’ll be more careful, Miguel. I need that coin!” 
     She pointed at the shimmering object and Miguel shot a web at it to pull it over them. X flashed him a sheepish smile as he handed it to her, vividly imagining the exasperated expression he was probably wearing beneath his mask right that second. “Oh, right.”
     “Hmm.” Miguel squeezed her hand before swinging himself back up into the air and slicing one of the villain’s tentacles off with the blades attached to his suit. X gulped at the way his lean body twirled and flew through the air, then she fixed her gun and took aim. 
     “Take that, you- What?!” She groaned as she found herself trapped in the mound of sticky bubbles that had shot out of the gun and right at her - she’d accidentally aimed it at herself instead. “Shit!” 
     Miguel turned to his girlfriend when he heard her screech of frustration, then he sighed and pressed a button on his watch. The bubbles slipped off her suit immediately, freeing her and leaving her in a confused state. 
     “What? How …?” 
     “I made some adjustments to your suit, cariño,” Miguel informed her, swinging over Doc Ock to slice off another of his tentacles. “Just as a precaution.”
     X gasped, horrified by the thought of someone messing with her stuff. “You what?! You touched my suit?!!”
     “Well, yeah!” Miguel responded quickly, not knowing what the big deal was - he’d touched her suit many times before already. And she’d never complained then. “I knew you'd somehow get yourself into a situation like this!”
     X huffed and folded her arms across her chest. What if he messed up all her codes? Or altered the layout of her suit in some way? What if she pressed a button to activate one of her gadgets and it did something else instead? Ugh! Now she'd have to go back and remake her entire suit! How inconsiderate of her boyfriend! Were boyfriends supposed to be this inconsiderate? Or was hers just especially nosy? “Now I'm gonna have to go back and remake my entire suit!”
     Miguel landed in front of her, his confusion obvious even through his mask. “What? Why?”
     “Because!” she exclaimed, aiming her gun at Doc Ock as he took another swing at her. “How do I know you didn't fiddle with one of my settings?!” She pressed the trigger and this time, she reached her intended target. Doc Ock twisted his neck around, trying to free his appendages from the mass of gelatinous goo. Miguel crossed his arms, amused by the cute little glare his girlfriend shot at him. 
     “Oh, you mean like how you always do with my stuff?” he pointed out. X’s jaw dropped at the accusation. 
     “W-What?” she stammered out. “I'm not ‘fiddling’! I'm ‘improving’ …” 
     She sniffed and gave a little pout, offended by his dismissal of her enhancing his gadgets as ‘fiddling’ with them. But could he be right? Was this how he felt whenever she started playing around with one of his gadgets? But that was just a gadget, not his entire suit! But maybe she hadn't been so considerate either. She bit her lip as she peeked up at him, picturing the smug smirk on his face. She sighed. “Fine. I'll stop-”
     “No,” Miguel interrupted her, making his way over to the struggling Doc Ock. “Don't even pretend like you aren't just gonna keep on messing with my stuff, arañita.”
     X narrowed her eyes at him and frowned as she followed behind. “You're so mean, Miguel.”
     He walked into the workshop just as his girlfriend handed one of the Peter’s back his web shooters. 
     “There! It should be as good as new. Better, even! But don’t tell Miguel.” She grinned mischievously and Miguel felt his heart flutter at the sight. Peter shot a few webs at the ceiling, testing out the repaired gadget, and his eyes widened with admiration. 
     “Whoa! That’s great! Thanks, X!”
     “No problem!” She waved at him as he left the room, then her features lit up when she saw Miguel walking over to her. She ran over to him and he swiftly webbed away a stray screwdriver before she could trip over it. He should really look into putting motion detectors on her tools or something - programme an alarm to go off every time she got too close to one of them. “¡Querido! ¿Qué tal, mi amor?”
     He wrapped her up in a hug as she slid her arms around his neck, then she pulled back slightly and stretched onto her toes to peck his lips. Miguel bent over, resting his forehead on hers, and narrowed his eyes. “Mmm. Better than mine, hmm?”
     His girlfriend giggled and Miguel’s lips stretched wider at the sound. He slid his hands down her back, stopping when he reached her ass, and X sank into his chest, leaning into his touch. 
     “Oh!” She straightened, suddenly remembering something. Miguel kept his hands glued to her waist as she bounced over to her desk and grabbed her tablet. 
     “So, I've been trying to be more aware of my surroundings - like you told me to?” She twisted around in his arms and glanced up from her tablet, a proud expression on her face. “And my accident rate has dropped by seventy six percent in the last three months!”
     Miguel grinned, not pointing out that that was the same amount of time that they’d been officially dating and that he’d gotten familiar enough with her quirks to anticipate her clumsiness. Instead, he tightened his grip around her, pulling her back into his chest so she had to crane her neck back to look up at him. “What about the other twenty four percent?”
     She laughed at the way he murmured it against her lips, his voice smooth and suggestive. Then she pressed her lips back to his and smiled. “No one can be completely free of accidents, Miguel. I'm only human. I'm not perfect.”
     “You're perfect to me, querida,” he retorted. X let out another soft giggle and stretched onto her toes to shower her boyfriend with soft kisses. 
     “And you to me, cariño.”
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ethanjhake · 1 month ago
Have you considered posting your comic here on tumblr or showing a preview instead of just links? Just links doesn't give people an idea of what the comic is about and likely won't be clicked on by new people but clips of the comic or the whole pages + external links would help pique interest more
First of all, let me apologize for taking to long to respond to this 😅
And next I want to apologize for this being such a long response.
Truth is, I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Even before you sent me this ask, but I didn’t want to answer right away because I didn’t know what I wanted to do about it yet.
I think you’re definitely right, links to another site are really not the best way to draw people in, especially if you’re on mobile. And I’ve been trying to work on a better solution.
I think for a while I didn’t want to post on tumblr just because that would be another thing I would have to keep track of besides the website, webtoons, and ko-fi and patreon. But I have been considering that more and more, I think that would help make it more accessible, both in general but especially to tumblr users,which is where I think most of my current audience is from lol.
But, I’m still held back by one problem. If I post on tumblr, people can reblog it, (I know I can disable reblogs, but that feels icky to me, I don’t want to make it hard for people to share the comic.) and if they do, then I can’t really control what pages people see in what order, and that’s (generally speaking) not great for stories. I’m not so worried about spoilers, but I’m more concerned that if people are exposed to the comic pages out of order, then the story loses its power of presentation. 
I think the story of SotF is really similar to a film, and when you’re advertising a film you make a trailer. You take specifically curated shots and sound bites from the film and place them in a specific sequence to engage the viewers and make them ask questions. Questions like: “How do the main characters end up in a situation like that?”, “How do they get out of it?” “How does Jack Black do as casting for Steve?”, “Is this gonna be as good as the first movie?”. You go see that movie because you want those questions answered. (or you wait a little longer and watch a YouTube review.) 
Direction wise, it’s almost a mini film in and of itself. If you see a clip of a film by itself without any explanation, you don’t feel as engaged with it as you would if you saw that scene within the context of the movie as a whole. But it also doesn’t pique as much interest as one specific line from that scene would out of context. It’s a balance between asking and answering questions. What you give/show that makes the viewers ask questions that they want answered. 
I really don’t know how to apply all of this to advertising a comic though, and I may be making this more complicated than it needs to be lol. But I think for now at least, I don’t have enough material to advertise with anyway. I haven’t even gotten through the prologue yet! I think right now the best thing I could do for advertising is making promotional posters. And even that is something I have to budget time for.
I also thought about posting clips of some sort, but I couldn’t really figure out how to do that with the pages of comic that I’d put out so far. I would have to do it in either one of two ways: (if there’s another way let me know lol) I’d either have to post a few pages at a time, let people see what the comic is like and get invested so they actually want to click a link to see the rest (this is what I see most people doing), or I would post a snippet of one page, giving people a small glimpse of what happens so that people want to click the link to be able to read the whole page. But there were problems with each. I’m working on this comic very slowly, as I don’t have a lot of time to put towards it, so posting two or three pages all at once would amount to months of work. 
And I couldn’t really find a way to cut my comic pages into little snippets. I feel like that can compromise some of the structure of the page as a whole, since I design the pages to be viewed as a whole, to draw the viewer’s eye from here to there. If I clip it down, I don’t think your eyes would track with the page in the same way when you see the full page. I think this method works better for comics that use the infinite scroll format. At least, that’s where I’ve seen it work best.
So TL;DR: I want to up the promotion of my comic but i can't really do that at this point with the low amount of material I've made so far or without potentially compromising the experience of the story of the comic.
Thank you for sending this ask! It really made me think and helped me put these thoughts to words.
If anyone wants to comment or add to the discussion, feel free!
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The reaction of Obanai , mitsuri , shinobu , rengoku and giyuu are fine! It's alright if you just two of them or one though.
I'm sorry for not being specific and thank you for responding ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙
[A/n:You're fine, don't worry, and I took Obanai out since i know nothing about him, sorry. Thank you for requesting]
Summary:You die to save them
Type:Short Scenarios: Mitsuri X GN!Reader: Shinobu X GN!Reader: Rengoku X M!Reader: Giyuu X GN!Reader
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He was in denial until he killed the demon
He refused to believe you actually died
He would quite literally go through the four stages of grief right there
And wend i say he was pissed, I mean it
He would get super mad, like start shaking
Then he'd realize the demon is dead so his anger would turn into sadness and he'd collapse onto you
He would cry and scream until the sunrised
Giyuu, would he be more distant
Before the hashiras knew what happened Shinobu teased him about being more distant
And he went off on her, the same day they all learned what happened
For once, Shinobu apologized to Giyuu
She realized as soon as you didn't respond
She was still fighting the demon, so she turned around for a second and saw you laying dead on the floor
She'd call your name, completely forgetting about the demon you'd become her main concern
She'd throw herself to you no matter how bad it hurts
She wouldn't let go, pulling you onto her lap she'd do everything to see if your awake or not
Mitsuri may be the love hashira, but she had no more love for anything else in that room
She killed that demon in the most brutal way possible. The only love was the love for you, the one who is currently dead
Once the demon was killed, she collapsed by you, and just layed down against you
She would cry into your hoari until the Kakushi arrived and took you away
It was actually a battle for Kakushi to take you, since she wasn't down with you
But once she got back, everyone had heard. She was almost as quiet as Giyuu those couple of weeks she was grieving
He and the demon would be quiet for a second
Since it was Akaza who killed him, you would have collapsed against Rengoku as the demon ran
Rengoku would drop his sword and knees just to hold you
That's the only reason Akaza didn't die right then and there
Rengoku would try everything in his power to save you, pressing against the wound, telling you to control your breathing, everything
But nothing worked. You died in his arms and left him broken and angry
He held you close and tried to keep his composer since Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu were around
But he couldn't. They all could see him shaking, and Zenitsu could hear his crys and the quiet words he's was whispering to you
As you died, he would whisper sweet nothingness into your ears to give you some peace
Once he felt you fully go limp, he'd break , he'd start crying heavily, holding onto you like his life depended on it
It broke him, and the other slayers around him, Rengoku couldn't go home that day, he wouldn't be able to take it....
For once, her calm and happy demeter broke
You could see the pissed look, but it was also mixed with sadness
She couldn't bare herself to look at you, but she also couldn't look away
She's stared at your body with so many different emotions
Her heart would break when she fully processed your death
That demon definitely didn't make it out, not for a long shot
That demon was killed particularly instantly
Once she saw its head turn to ash, she sat next to you
Holding your head in her lap, she'd gently brush your hair as tears fell from your eyes
Then she'd wonder, why do the people I love keep dying in my arms?
She'd try to keep her composer, and even try to tease Giyuu again, but she couldn't do either
[A/n:Sorry if this is bad, I'm bad with writing about the death if a loved one 😅. I hope you enjoyed]
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leennaan · 2 years ago
It's the anon that requested the Klara fic I loved and definitely would love more fics of her maybe another one like an enemies to lovers one
Sorry that it took me so long to write this.
It was definitely harder as I first imagined and a challenge for me.
I hope you like it even tho I struggled at some parts😬
It is not proofread as I just wanted to get this one out😅
So enjoy ☺️
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I hate that I love you/ Klara Bühl
You had met Klara for the first time while on international duty. She playing for the German U15 national team and you for the English.
Her position as a left forward and you as a right back meant that your paths crossed on various times during the match.
The game wasn’t going after your liking with Germany being 2:0 in front in the 80th minute and when Klara once again made a run into your own box you dived into a tackle you knew was ill timed. You completely missed the ball and instead crashed into Klara with your studs up,
who almost instantly screamed in pain.
You were quick to apologize but were almost immediately pushed back by a furious looking Sydney.
Once the medics were on the field and tending to Klara the referee turned her attention to you and showed you a red. Normally not someone to accept a referees decision easily this time you made your way off the pitch instantly. Not caring what your teammates said to you you made your way back to the changing room as fast as you possibly could.
Once inside you kicked the bench hard, angry tears leaving your eyes.
You never wanted to hurt her or any one. And you did just that. Not only did you severely injure another player, you also caused your team to loose 3:0 as they had to play one player down.
After the game you tried to apologize once again but the German players said that Klara was already brought to the hospital as she had a few bad cuts down her leg that would most likely need a few stitches.
So you tried to apologize via Instagram leaving a message in her DMs but she never replied to you. As there was nothing else you could really do you left it at that.
The next time that the two of you met was at the U17 World Championship 2016 in Jordan. After loosing 3:0 in the quarterfinal against Japan you and a few of your teammates decided to have a little get together in the common room of your hotel.
Only the thing was that you were sharing said common room with the German team which had a similar idea after loosing their own quarterfinal match against Spain.
You yourself had almost forgotten about the incident that happened almost two years ago but Klara clearly hadn’t.
As soon as she saw you a scowl appeared on her face. She turned to Sydney who was walking behind her and started to say something to the brunette. Now Sydney also looked over to you and you instantly looked in a different direction.
Over the course of the night the two teams mixed together, everyone enjoying the night and having fun. Everyone expected you.
You often felt the eyes of the younger German player on you hard and angry eyes starring at you.
Later on in the evening Klara appeared next to you effectively scaring you as she growled into your ear.
“You know I was surprised to still see you play for England. I wasn’t expecting them to need someone who isn’t even able to perform a clean tackle.”
Her words hitting you hard as you praised yourself for staying on your feet most of the times.
“What do you want? I know the tackle was bad. I apologized instantly, I was punished for it and I learned to do better. What else do you expect me to do?” You scowled at her. Fed up with Klaras behavior.
Before she could respond you had left the room.
Not knowing that the two of you would meet again later on in life in one of the most important games in both of your careers.
Fast forward you were walking out into a sold out Wembley Stadium in the final of the Euros 2022.
Taking place on the bench next to your best friends Lotte and Alessia, you took it all in.
Goosebumps appearing on your arms as the anthems were played.
When you looked at the players that were sitting on the German bench you couldn’t help but be drawn to the women that obviously hated you even after all those years.
Nonetheless you felt bad for her, not wishing anyone to miss out on such an important match.
For a few seconds your eyes met. You send her a sympathetic smile and for a moment it looked like Klara had forgotten who she was looking at as she send you a half smile back before she released what she did and a scowl that you knew too well appeared again on her face. Still you couldn’t help but think that she was beautiful.
A few weeks after England had won the Euros you were sitting next to Georgia in a plane on your way to Munich. The both of you had signed with Bayern just before the start of the Euros.
“What if they don’t like me? Yo know that Klar hates my guts since that one game and we just won against a majority of them in the final. This was a really bad idea. I should have never signed.” You were fiddling with your rings.
“Stopping worrying. You know you are a good player and a good person. Bayern wouldn’t have signed us if they didn’t think we were that good. And just because Klara is a b*tch for still hating you for a silly mistake you made when you were fifteen does not mean they all are. And you still got me.”
Georgia pulled you into a hug and you relaxed slightly, not quite able to stop worrying entirely.
The first thing you heard when you stepped into your new changing room
With G was Klara. “What is she doing here?”
The players weren’t informed of your guys signing to surprise them but while most of the team looked excited to have you and G here Klar most definitely wasn’t.
You instantly felt bad, once again second guessing your transfer.
Luckily for you, your new trainer Alexander
“Y/n and Georgia have signed a contract for the next few years and we are really lucky to have them play with us and not against us. I want you all to be friendly to each other. That includes you Klara.”
Klara grumbled slightly before she murmeld a quiet apology.
Against your hopes Klara still hated you even after almost a whole month that you played at Munich now.
You often caught yourself staring at her. And more than once did you find that the younger girl was already looking at you.
You hated to admire that she was really beautiful.
Which made you even sadder that the girl would not talk to you besides the necessary football talk.
She would run into you by ‚ accident’ or push you over in training always accompanied with sneer in your direction. „I am so sorry Y/n I totally misjudged how fast I was.“ Her sarcastic words hurting more than you admitted.
While you had made friends with a lot of your teammates Klara was obviously not one of them. But what surprised you was that Sydney had become one of your best friends.
So one evening when Sydney had invited you and a few other teammates, Klara not being one of them, to cook together you asked her why Sydney’s best friend still hated you.
“ I can’t help you Y/n. I have known Klara for a very long time and she is normally one of the sweetest human beings I know. I only know that she had a few problems with her leg after you tackle. She had to miss a few games and after she was cleared to play again she was scared to go into 1 v 1 which resulted in her being benched and only having a few minutes of game time for the reminder of the season but i can’t imagine that she hates you only for this.”
You nodded along to what Sydney said, once again feeling angry at yourself for misjudging the tackle.
“I never wanted to hurt her. I felt so bad that day. I was benched for the next four games even tho I was only suspended for one. I tried everything to apologize to Klara but she ignored me completely so the only thing I could do was to learn from my mistakes.”
“And you did. You are a remarkable defender. I don’t think I know another defender who stays on her feet and still recovers the balls as often as you.”
The slightly taller girl pulled you into a side hug. Never one to just accept a compliment you blushed.
“Leah thought me that. She took me under her wing when I first joined the senior squad. If you ask me she is one if not the best defender there is right now.”
That evening you decided to find out why Klara hated you so much.
The next day at training you waited for Klara in the changing room, as she was the last one to finish after having to stay on the pitch because Alexander wanted to talk for her.
„Why do you hate me so much?“ You asked her once she entered the room.
Totally surprised Klara just stared at you. „What?“
„Why do you hate me so much?“
You asked me again.
„Why do you care so much?“ she asked back and you couldn’t believe her.
„Because I don’t understand it. Yes I made a mistake but for crying out loud that was almost ten years ago! I apologized multiple times and you still hate me!“
You shouted. Sick of Klaras behavior. Yes she was the the one physically hurt that day but that didn’t mean that the way she treated you didn’t hurt you.“
„For you it was just a bad day. For me it was bad years that followed.“
She growled. Her face had turned red and she looked furious.
„That’s not true! I now that your season did not end as you wished for but mine did not as well. I was out for four matches afterwards and I refused to go into any sort of tackle the next games I played wich resulted in me being dropped to the second team at my club so don’t tell me you were the only one affected.“
You shouted at her now angry yourself.
Klara was still looking at you with so much hate in her eyes that you had to swallow a lumb that had formed in your throat.
„You know what. I don’t care anymore. Hate me all you want. I had seen some of your games before we played against each other. I thought you played amazing and hoped that maybe we could become friends. Even now I still had hope that maybe we could still become friends but I clearly thought wrong. As long as it does not affect my football I don’t care anymore.“
With that you started to leave. But just before you could walk out of the door Klara stopped you.
„Wait. I…I don’t hate you.“ she whispered and you couldn’t believe what you just heard. „I am sorry. What?“
„I don’t hate you.“ she repeated.
„I hate my self for how I treated you. Yes at first I hated you. I blamed you for my season and also the teasing I received in school for the scars. But then I was just scared to stop hating you. I didn’t want to accept that I was wrong in the way I treated you.“
Now Klara was crying and you heart broke a bit for the younger girl.
„But why? I always just wanted you to stop hating me.“
Slowly you had walked to Klara and had rapped your arms around her. At first her body tensed, before she relaxed into you.
„Because I.. because at some point I stopped hating you and… I… I started to watch your games and I saw how amazing you played and I.. I thought that you looked beautiful and suddenly I was scared what others would think and than I saw you again at the euros and I said to my self that I’ll apologize to you but than you won and I was just so heartbroken and sad and angry at my self that I couldn’t play so I once again started to hate you for it. And the you stood in this room and I just I couldn’t see you so soon and my thoughts were all over the place.“
You watched as Klara started to rumble about her feelings.
„Hey hey. Breath, everything is fine. Just breath“ Trying to calm her down you looked into her brown eyes, trying hard not to get lost in them.
„And I hated that i stared to fall in love with you.“
Your heart stopped when you heard Klara say those words to you.
„You what?“
„I started to fall in love with you. I am in love with you.“
And before Klara could start her rumbling again you kissed her.
The kiss was full of passion. Butterflies erupted in your stomach when Klara pushed you up against the wall. A moan escaping your lips when she slightly bit down on it.
When air became necessary she pulled away, your bodies still tightly pressed against each other.
„I hated that you hated me. Because I think I had a crush on you from the moment I saw you. That is why I cared so much.“ You said slightly out of breath and with blushed cheeks before you pulled her into another searing kiss.
You were interrupted by Syd, who came into the looker room looking for Klara because they where supposed to drive home together.
„Finally I am sick of this whole fake hate between the two of you. It was almost painful to watch you two love sick puppies steeling glances at each other and not realizing that you were undressing each other not hating the other.“
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writingriver001 · 8 months ago
Due to technical issues (I can't use Tumblr properly) I accidentally posted my draft earlier, panicked and deleted it after crying. So I don't have the actual ask to respond to, but I screenshotted it.
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Whoever requested this I'm in love with you thank you. I love last legacy requests, especially with my bbg Felix (l'm so normal abt him.) I don't think I wrote him very well, but I don't know how he'd really react in a break up. I don't like to think about it because he's already lost Rime.
Anyway, I couldn't figure out exactly what to do.. So l'm doing a couple of mini scenarios for different situations in which they might break up.
Also, I do want to apologize. I have a six or crows request, and an obey me idea (of mine) but those are quite long and I am still slightly ill so I haven't gotten round to them yet. I'm doing this because it's small and simple, although it has taken me multiple days to do 😅
Anyway, to the scenarios! Writing these made me cry.
Felix & (Gender neutral) MC breaking up
Scenario #1 MC breaks up with him because they are dying and don't want to hurt him. (He doesn't know) I couldn't figure out how to end this so that's up to how you imagine it.
MC stared at Felix as he sat at his desk, that focused look they had grown to love etched on his face. Their heart ached in their chest, but this was better. It was for the best.
"Love... We need to talk." Their words are quiet, voice trembling, but Felix notices.
He looks at them, confused and worried. "What's wrong? Are you okay MC?"
MC takes a deep breath, the carpet suddenly be coming very interesting. "I can't do this anymore Felix."
His face fell and he shakes his head in disbelief. "What do you mean?"
MC closed their eyes, the ache in their chest worsening, but the doctors words echoed in their mind. They powered through, tears forming in their eyes. "It means we're done. I can't be with you anymore."
Felix's eyes widened in shock, and they are sure they can see his heart break. "Why? What did I do wrong? Can it be fixed? Tell me, I'll make it work, I promise-"
They shake their head, fighting back the urge to run into his arms, apologize, tell him whats really going on. "No. I'm going, I'm sorry."
Scenario #2 Felix breaks up with them because they are returning to their own world. I don't really like the way I ended this, but whatever, I feel bad for taking so long so I'm not gonna rewrite it 😭
Felix and MC stood facing each other, the pain clear in both of their eyes. Felix had to make a difficult decision, one that would break both of their hearts.
"I have to break up with you," Felix said quietly, his voice shaky. The familiar pain of losing someone was creeping into his chest.
MC's face fell, "What? Why? I'll only be gone a day or two."
"No. Time moves differently in our worlds. A few days for you will be years and years for me. By the time you return, I will be dead." He regrets his decision, seeing the pain in their eyes as they realised the situation.
"Oh." Before Felix can speak, they whisper. "But I don't want to lose you."
MC watched as he stepped closer, his hand finding it's way to their cheek and wiping tears away before kissing them gently.
It was short, too short. But at this moment in time, would any kiss be long enough? If only they could stay, and have all the kisses they want.
A harsh warmth appeared behind them before they could say anything else MC was pulled backwards through a portal to their own world, their screams falling upon deaf ears.
I hope these weren't too awful! I actually had a third one, but I already took too long with these so I didn't include it. Xx
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morning-sun-brah · 10 months ago
Do you have any tips for writing stories? I wanna write a fanfic and I know what it’s about too, but I have no idea what to do.
I'm so so sorry that it's taken me so long to respond to this! I'm either on here once a day, or I'm gone for a month, and there is no in-between. 😭😅
As for writing tips! I have some of the lamest advice and I apologize in advance lol.
Firstly, and I know this is so generic so forgive me, just write! I know there can be a lot of pressure trying to figure out how to begin a story, but I just open a doc and start typing. I'll make a little outline (nothing crazy, just bullet points in chronological order- but I know ppl who keep spreadsheets), and then I start typing. If the way it starts feels clunky, later, I'll go back and add a paragraph or re-word it, but getting started is the more important part. That way, you have something to build on.
Also, read! I know this is more generic advice, but so much inspiration can happen when reading someone else's works. It can help with flow and provide good examples on how to begin a new fic.
Some advice I have a hard time following is also to take your time. Write the chapter, and then sit on it. Run it through Grammarly. Have a beta look at it. Give it a couple days or even weeks to marinate. Start the next chapter. You sometimes think of other things to add, that help with foreshadowing. Or little mistakes you'll catch that you might not have noticed at first. Or even whole scenes you want to add that you thought of while you were in the shower lol.
Other than that, I can only tell you some of the things I do. I keep a notes app full of words and phrases I like, to remember later. I have lots of resources I use (thesaurus.com, writers' blogs, that kind of thing), and I try and think about how I would like something to sound/what I want to say before I start typing. The car is a great place to just be alone and think about things. If FBI has me wire tapped they hear me having the most unhinged conversations with myself.
But literally starting a fic can be such a hurdle and it's hard to do sometimes. But just typing, from any point, can be a good start, and then going back later to add an intro. Either a scene setting, or setting up the tone of the story, or lore, are all good ways to start.
I hope this is helpful in some small way, and I also wish you all sorts of luck!! Let me know if you do end up posting a fic- I'd love to read it!
Also!! Here are some links that might be helpful!
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bluboothalassophile · 2 years ago
I have a question about the batch of Jayrea short stories, you wrote. Within them you basically have Raven and Jason living in an apartment. Now I’ve been in quite a few apartments and I know that depending upon certain factors. Your neighbours can hear you. So it kinda makes me giggle just imagining a neighbour minding there own business and than all of a sudden hearing “JASON PETER TODD!!!”. The ceiling is shaking and your shadows in your apartment is acting weird. Your stuff is also prone to either shaking or moving depending upon the woman’s temper upstairs.
Like how have we not gotten information on the neighbours? Are they regular people or those in the Superhero world? Maybe even a villain like… Captain Cold rents the apartment because he doesn’t want to deal with Flash all the time or it could be Grifter. How do they perceive the other apartment? Do they think it’s haunted or do the neighbours just roll there eyes and go “Looks like Jason got into a fight with his girlfriend again.”?🧐🤣😋
I am in no way trying to force this issue. I just sorta wanted to ask. Apologies if it’s too much.😅
So it's surprising how few heroes and villains live in NYC but I hope you enjoy! =)
Just Pretend to be Normal!
Living in a J. Peter’s Building came with a certain level of expectation and requirements. There’d be no fuckery, no villainry, heroing, drugs, or criminal activity. Which was great, J. Peters was famed for Blue Discounts, First Responder Discounts, as well as Recovering Housing; that recovering housing was for paroled and released criminals barring certain crimes. For the most part, J. Peters was famed for fresh starts, because he would employ many criminals looking for honest second chances, as well as safe homes for all his tenants. Fucking that up was not permitted, the last supervillain to try to turn his apartment in a J. Peters building was evicted so fast, and visited by the Red Hood, the Riddler was still recovering from whiplash.
That said, Slade liked living in his apartment, 3C, which was directly under J. Peters apartment which housed J. Peters and his girlfriend, Rachel Roth. Slade wasn’t fooled by the personas, he was well aware of who J. Peters was, as well as Rachel Roth, but life as a civilian operated smoothly if there was a bit of separation between the two and he never acknowledged what he knew for fact.
Jason Todd, a.k.a. the Red Hood, was in a serious, committed relationship with Raven from the Titans, and they were living a quiet, nonintrusive life, for the most part. That said, Slade was also aware that he only had this apartment so long as Jason looked the other way and left the unspoken rules of decorum about the heroes-villain world away.
That said, Slade also had to look the other way to the oddities of his upstairs neighbors; he was not fucking with an interdimensional demoness, he had learned his fucking lesson!
Today was no different as his daughter was making a rare visit with him, he and Rose were still on uneasy terms, but she was making an effort, so he was trying too. Today they had had a father-daughter outing, and now she was staying the night, he would be taking the couch. He had waved at Rachel in the lobby of their building when she was getting her mail and he was heading out, he was aware that Jason was out wreaking havoc in Gotham.
The night, for the most part was going smoothly, and now Slade was lounging on his couch, reading quietly, Rose had passed out in his room a while ago. He was squinting at the page; he absolutely refused to get reading glasses, he wasn’t fucking old. There was a loud crash, and he raised his brow as he looked over to his sink where the cutlery was rattling.
“Azar Damnit JASON!” Raven shouted, and he looked at his ceiling.
“It’s not that bad!”
“You’re bleeding all over my freshly mopped floor!”
“It’s just a minor flesh wound.”
“You’ve knicked a major artery, you ass!”
“I am feeling lightheaded, little bird, yell at me after I die again.”
“You’re not dying unless I kill you!”
“Now that’d be a hell of a way to go!”
“Get your mind out of the gutter!”
“I’m a street rat!”
“I’m about to have a dead rat for a boyfriend, who the hell were you fighting!?”
“Oh, you know, Dick, Penguin, regular goons…”
“Dick did this!”
“Imma going to go kill him!”
Salde winced as the shadows flickered in his apartment and then everything was normal again. He shrugged as he went back to reading his book. As he said, so long as he never acknowledged who his neighbors were, they could all pretend to be civilians and not heroes and supervillains.
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mintleafkitty72 · 9 months ago
Tumblr media
I loved getting onto tumblr and seeing this, made my day😊
Hope you're having a good day/night!!
Oh gosh! I didn't realize how many posts I liked 😅 Just to explain a little, I realized that I haven't really been on Tumblr except for going through my notifications and posting when I can so I've seen some of your stuff, but not all of it, so I was like "I'm gonna go through their posts because they deserve the likes and reblogs and I want to see what they've been up to." Didn't realize how much I missed...
I'm glad it made your day tho 😊😁 Also, I want to apologize for how long it is taking me to respond to all your stuff. I want to give you the proper time and dedication in my responses, but actually having a place to do so and the time is more difficult than I thought it would be. So, I'm sorry.
Thank you! I hope you are as well!! <3 🫂
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elephant-in-the-pride-parade · 10 months ago
20 Fic Writer Quesions
First, thank you @singeart and @mytardisisparked for tagging me!. I did a set of these last year and it was fun to see how my answers have changed since then!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
1.6 million and counting!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Trek Voyager
Star Trek Prodigy
Sailor Moon
Harry Potter
Madam Secretary
Ive debated writing SwanQueen for a long time but by the time I had the energy and time to write, I'd lost interest in the show. I might rewatch and come back to it one day...
I have thought about writing Wynonna Earp or Tamora Pierce universe fanfiction but have yet to get an idea that grabs me. I like to find things i want to fix and it's hard when the source material is perfection.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Parent Trap (305)
Sailor Moon H Order of the Phoenix (289)
Sailor Moon H Half Blood Prince (222)
Eden's Deception (167)
Out of Reach (150)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! although if I'm busy or feeling down it can take me a while. Sometimes I forget.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I still think What Even is 3 Minutes takes the cake. Or I'll be Your First if You'll be my Last
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I Heard the Comm on Christmas Morn and Parent Trap
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Unfortunately I've gotten hate on fics since I started writing them... and it's become just something I expect to happen. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it confuses me. Sometimes it makes me sad. It really depends...
The memorable haters:
There was the delightful Fanfiction.net reviewer who got pissed i was "making everybody gay" (that was funny actually). I forget if they were the same person who flamed me when Mcgonagall and Hooch kissed under some mistletoe. I digress. They thought queering up the canon was like sinful or whatever. I was delighted to disagree and make the story even queerer.
Another person cussed me out for magically restraining Sailor Plutos time travel powers so my plot would work and for making her have feelings about it. aparently mad the senshi were not all powerful deus exmachinas who never feel feelings... That one stung. That was the reason I left FFN.
Hate because in Sailor Moon H, Harry Potter was not the main character.
Hate that I made a magic bio baby for the magical lesbians. (I can't have a biobaby with my wife irl, can't I at least let the fantasy girlies have one!)
Hate for including C/7 in a story
...I wouldn't call it hate for the fic but I have had an uncomfortable amount of commenters who hate on Chakotay any time I have him involved with Seven / don't have him grovel to Kathryn / really any time I let him advocate for how he's been hurt... at first comments like this stressed me out because i worried i had not written the character sufficiently sympathetic. But then Parent Trap breached containment and I got enough comments to be able to see I had definitely written the character fine... it was just that some people were always just rooting for a "Chakotay falls over himself to apologize to Janeway for not immediately dating her" storyline that... I'm not sorry 😅 I'm never going to write that. The older I get the more I feel like both of J/C just need therapy! They've been through so much trauma. Their feelings are valid (yes, even for other people).
Parent Trap breaching containment also meant that when I hit an irl rut and couldnt get in the writing headspace for a bit, a bunch of - sincerely, well meaning - fans got into their heads to start a commenting campaign to get me to update. I heard about it and panicked (i had bad experiences that year of getting people who only commented "update soon" and those conversely stressed me out and made me not want to write - I love fic writing for the conversations and community... so it made me feel like readers thought i was just a content vending machine). so just the thought of potentially getting an avalanche of guests, well meaning or not, begging me to update made me lock commenting until the fic was done. I wound up deciding after that that since "update soon" requests were becoming a lot more frequent that I'd consider before posting whether getting them would hurt my ability to finish. So most of the time now if I know a fic is going to reach a bigger potential community, I don't start posting it until it's almost done. That has had some upsides! (Im less dependent on positive feedback for motivation now!) and some downsides (no one comments on my fics with their theories anymore) but on a whole, a good decision.
Immediately after finishing Parent Trap I wrote Fever and got this amazing guest comment from someone who said (paraphrasing cuz i'm too busy to go find it) "Youre better than this. how dare you write this filth. J/C are better than this" that one had me laughing for days. But the comment did prompt me to create a second account later when I wrote a tentacle fic. At the time I worried i'd get a ton of similar flame comments from people who were subscribed to my main for other types of fic... but I am even feeling like that's unnecessary now. I write what I write! Yes, some of it is really dirty, weird smut. I'm not sorry.
Currently any time I post a Threshold AU fic an anon drops into my comments section in order to call me "Sick" and "Deranged"... they make me so sad I don't even make a quippy reply. I just delete them. I write that universe for my own wish fulfillment... Someday (soon, hopefully) I'm gonna have kids. And I am going to have to have conversations with them about who their biological dad is. Why they look like one mom and not the other, whether their non bio family love them even if theyre not blood related. I might have a kid who feels different from everyone else because they're queer or they're neurodivergent or they're some new alienating feeling I am totally unprepared for. and I'll need to help them navigate that.. Writing about hybrid salamander kids getting raised in a blended family is FUN. But more importantly... it helps me practice those situations. It comforts me to know that if the characters can figure this out in the AU then I can figure this out in real life! What the hell is sick and deranged about that!?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write all sorts of smut. I post the stuff that doesn't totally mortify me once i've gotten out of whatever mood had me writing the smut in the first place.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have exactly two crossovers to my name: Sailor Delta and Sailor Moon H. I think on the basis of word count alone Sailor Moon H (>500,000) is definitely the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I consider the unlicensed use of the AO3 archive for ChatGPT and similar LLMs theft. (and there are several court cases pending that are also seeking to address whether it is legally theft as it pertains to published fiction and newspapers). The canon creators of the fandoms I write for aren't allowed to make money by using uncredited ideas pulled from my fanfiction (just like I am not allowed to make money from writing fic with their copyrighted settings and characters) and i continue to be apalled that ChatGPT and other LLMs think they can get away with using others copyrighted ideas without permission. Especially that they can take advantage of people who cant profit off their own work.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
No but i would be open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Once with @magdalenejaneway, once with @jellybeansarecool and once with @trekflower and all three were fantastic!
Most of what I write for Threshold AU is also increasingly collaborated on a great deal by the AU creators and a few other folks. It's been going for over 2 years now and doing that more and more has enabled us all to drop more references to previous fics and to create a more cohesive body of fic for the AU. in general its just been so fun and fulfilling to make these stories with other people who are as invested in the characters as me and it just fills me with joy. I'm really grateful for you guys.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
On the one hand J/C have inspired over 50 fics, But on the other I have also been loving Sailor Moon and those ships since before I knew what fandom or shipping were. And really the only reason J/C inspire more fic is that all the sailor moon characters got a happy ending.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I never want to give up on a WIP...
but I am in knots about what all to do with Out of Reach.
Out of Reach is a St:Prodigy S1 AU where Chakotay has amnesia and doesn't remember anything from his time on Voyager, all the while he and Kathryn are in a situationship with a baby.
There's two questions I never figured out how to answer: 1. Does he get his memories back. If so, how much and what enables it. and 2: Do he and Kathryn stay together?
On the memories front. saying he never recovers seems unfair to the character. But saying he magically does thanks to 24th century science feels cheap and disrespectful - to the reality of real memory loss and to the plot that built up so much tension around this. Saying he gets back some or more over time is more realistic, but left me uncertain of where exactly to end the story. Tying his retrieval of memories to Kathryn also tied me up in knots. On the one hand they're in love and thats romantic. on the other hand the optics of his recovery totally dependent on one person is icky.
I also found the baby really annoying to have there by the end - I still think he's cuteeee i really do!!! - it's just... he makes the "we should stay together and try to figure this out" answer a bit too convenient 😅. and he complicates Kathryns reluctance to restart their relationship. The more she resists, the more callous she seems (deliberately not trying to patch things up with her kid's father) when i really just want to focus on her fears that Chakotay would be happier without her and that even if they restart their romance, she might lose him again on a future mission. It's ironic because i originally created the baby to ensure she wouldnt just run away from her fears. And now hes contributing to my difficulty ending the fic...
Actually the more I think on it, my real problem is I could write my way out of this, but I cant do it in only one or two chapters and that makes me feel tired. i was sorta hoping to wrap that fic up. 😅🙈
16. What are your writing strengths?
Imagery has always been a strength for me. But i think I'm also getting really good at action scenes too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Only if it was information i wanted the reader to understand but not the POV character.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
W.I.T.C.H way back when I was 15.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Universe to Mend - I even have a few sequel or companion novel ideas to come after it.
This has gone on a while... 😅 - thank you for tagging me and letting me ramble! i'll tag anyone else who wants to answer! have at it.
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libellule-ao3 · 1 month ago
Of course! 💜 I love getting to see more of their interactions and the way their personalities connect. And I love the care you put into your answers.
(I haven't gotten to finish LFCS just yet, sorry if this has been mentioned before.) I was curious about something from fifth year:
Do you still hold it canon to your story the way Ominis just kind of...sleeps wherever? I was thinking about it when he was griping about Evelyn sleeping on the floor of the common room. 😂 Does she ever mention anything about it? Did she ever even notice?
- Your Secret Valentine 💜
I hope you had a great day.😊 Apologies for this late reply.🙏
Yes, in Lullaby for Cursed Seeds (btw, I hope you’ll enjoy it if you decide to continue reading🤞), Ominis also has the habit of sleeping on the floor. However, this detail hasn’t been addressed yet. Your question is a great opportunity to explain why he does this, why he reproaches Evelyne for it, and why she doesn’t immediately respond to his criticism.😊
In my mind, Ominis is deeply scarred by the abuse and oppressive environment within the Gaunt family. Bc of this traumatic childhood, he suffers from a profound sense of insecurity, which has led him to seek a form of physical grounding. The floor, solid and unmoving, provides him with a tangible sense of safety. When he lies down on it, he manages to reconnect with concrete sensations, in an otherwise hostile home. Furthermore, having grown up in an environment where he could never truly let his guard down, he has developed a constant state of hyper-vigilance. 😭Sleeping on the floor allows him to relax while still remaining alert: through vibrations, he can hear or sense people approaching long before they reach him. (And If he sleeps at certain times during the day, it's because he gets too little sleep, and his body takes whatever rest it can, regardless of the place or time.)
So when he catches Evelyne sleeping on the floor, he instinctively associates it with great suffering because he sees a reflection of his own experience— which he refuses to acknowledge. This is why he lashes out at her.
From Evelyne’s perspective, his reproach seems hypocritical, as Ominis sleeps absolutely anywhere in the castle, whereas she at least restricts herself to the common room.😅
However, she has also noticed that no one ever comments on it or, more importantly, takes advantage of the situation to play tricks on him. She concludes that "the most noble of all pure-bloods" must enjoy one of those eccentric privileges that only wizards could invent.😆 Unlike Ominis, she doesn’t see sleeping on the floor as a symptom of trauma. Most likely because, for her, sleeping on the floor was never the traumatic part—it was everything else that left its mark.
As a result, she doesn’t bring it up until she is close enough to him to discuss it.🙂
I hope this answers your question clearly. Thank you for asking.💕
Wishing you a wonderful and pleasant day. Hope to speak again soon.💜
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