#also anakin is serving some goddamn looks in this au
subskywalker · 6 years
An image i have in my head: Senator!Anakin wearing some rich colored clothes with accents and inteicate designs and sitiching and delicate gold chains. Obi-Wan has a hand in Anakin's curls, pulling on his hair and enjoying the sight of Anakin kneeling for him and even more so the way the delicate coronet he's wearing catches the setting sun. And he's on his knees for him and they're both a little stunned at how much Anakin wants this, this being kneeling for him and not focusing on anything but the hand in his hair and listening to Obi-Wan. They're either in one of their offices or at Obi-Wan's apartment, and in front of a large window and if anyone turned over they could see exactly what was going on.
Obi-Wan wouldn't give him anything not yet at least and Anakin would swallow because he knows what Obi-Wan wants and he tires but he can't put it in words, not yet at least and instead he closes his eyes and whispers, "Please." And Obi-Wan would carress his jaw and he's consider it and it's as close as he'll ever get to hearing what he actually wants. He'll pretend to consider it and Anakin woukd get andry, start squirming because by the force he wants this. And Obi-Wan would smile and say, "Of course, little prince."
And he would pull his cock out and brush against Anakin's cheek before lightly slapping it against his lips telling Anakin to suck him and he would. He'd drop his mouth open and lick him before he takes him into his mouth and sucks him off, bobbing his head and eyes closed with Obi-Wan's heavy hand at the back of his head. And he'd love the low moans Obi-Wan would let out, prasing him and telling him how good he is at this. And telling him how his lips really were made for this and Anakin can't help the moan that comes out at that.
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
dinluke destiny au? >:3
Well, okay then, friend, if you insist???
Luke is definitely a Warlock because Space Wizard? All floaty mcfloaty cool kid in the rad robes and stuff. (Hunter tendencies though because totally cool hooded cloaks and man, fashion choices, right?)
I really kind of love the idea of Artoo being his Ghost? Perhaps inherited from Anakin and then you get Luke with all this self-doubt about not being a “proper” Guardian and such.
(Artoo honestly has no goddamned time for his nonsense because Darkness to be defeated and also, is this Skywalker really going to question his judgement about these things? IS HE???)
But also, also. Lends credence to the story Obi-Wan tells him about his dad being killed by Vader if he has his dad’s Ghost and all, you know? So, yeah.
Din as a Titan because he relies so heavily on his armor to take punishment in a fight - super obvious in s2, ep 15 when he was in disguise and was like :O at the fact he couldn’t just take a hit without getting injured and anyway, Din’s definitely a Titan.
Grogu is too young for all this nonsense, but he’s showing far too many Warlock-ish tendencies for Din’s peace of mind. (Like. Look at Luke, okay. Just five minutes of watching him is enough to serve as a cautionary tale, pls Grogu, do not be like the space wizard with no sense of self-preservation instincts to speak of.)
Leia I’d put down as a Hunter? Like. Rebel Alliance and all and her stint as Boushh and Endor, and anyway, definitely a Hunter. Gunslinger because pew-pew shooty and, but also Arcstrider with the staff, and anyway, yes. Nightstalker because sneaky mcsneakerson and such which would be useful with the Rebel spy stuff. Revenant because awesome.
Also, also, I love the idea of C-3PO being her Ghost? Like. He was just a Guardian-less Ghost who ran around with Anakin and Artoo and such in the Before times and it wasn’t until Leia that he was like, “Oh, dear.”
Obi-Wan is totally Space Wizard Warlock and delights in it. Just. Utter bastard about it and so charming people can’t hold it against him for long.
Han is just. I really love the thought of him being lightless? Just your average smuggler with his BFF Chewie who might as well be a Titan
Anakin is definitely a Titan in my mind? Like. Especially as Vader with the everything, but mostly the armor and the way he just bulldozes anything/anyone in his way and yes. (Though really, even as a Jedi he has Titan-ish tendencies.)
When Palpatine corrupts him he loses his Light, and Artoo is forced to ~flee for his little Ghost life, C-3PO shoving him along and keeping him from trying to go back and get Anakin to snap out of whatever happened even though he knows it won’t work, but Anakin is his Guardian, and anyway, I just made myself sad?
So yeah.
Palpatine’s a complete bastard of a Warlock, that’s petty much it???
(Although I’m bot above suggesting he experimented on his own Ghost and such in pursuit of understanding this new power he unlocks, because yes.)
Some...thing in which there was an Incident wherein a Guardian by the name of Palpatine was corrupted by some ~dark power or what have you. Experimented with the Darkness and went a little (lot) mad, and nearly took the Last City down with him.
Corrupted another Guardian as his apprentice, and Padme took the twins and went into hiding.
Fast forward a few years and this little resistance and Luke and Leia as part of it and anyway, things don’t go well for them.
Vader finds them and either recognizes them as his and Padme’s children, or worse, possibly, and doesn’t.
Fight sequence in which our heroes die very heroic deaths and are resurrected by their respective Ghosts who totally stowed away to wherever they were going when Vader found them, and anyway.
The whole Amnesia thing with these two Ghosts who definitely know more than they’re letting on.
Artoo’s a little odd in that he communicated in beeps and whistles and so on, and C-3PO is super sketchy about ducking Luke and Leia’s questions as to what the hell is going on, and anyway.
There’s this old Warlock - hermit type, recluse and all - who will be able to help and so they head out to look for him rather than heading to the Last City and the Tower and the Vanguard.
Along the way they run into these odd characters like a certain Titan and this tiny gremlin kid of his - kind of green, but adorable as hell - and this smuggler and his BFF, and anyway.
Vader and Palpatine find out about Luke and Leia and send people after them constantly for very different purposes.
Vader wants to recruit them to his side, Palpatine wants them dead, but doesn’t tell Vader that, and anyway.
Lots of close calls and Din watching this human disaster of a Warlock learning to use his Light.
Meanwhile Han is doing the same with Leia although she’s more >:((((((((((((((((( about the that than Luke is with Din because Han, right? Kind of an asshole.
Situations in which they get separated, Luke and Din and Grogu going it alone to get to some rendezvous place while being pursued by baddies. Conversations around campfires at night when it’s safe to start one, and huddling together for warmth when it isn’t.
Fighting back-to-back against a patrol of Fallen or Cabal or whatever. Rushing over when one of them goes down and reviving them, and just.
All that kind of stuff?
Din catching Luke at sunrise one morning - or more than one, who knows - when he’s still trying to get the hang of wielding the Light and he’s meditating. Helmet at his side, eyes closed and serene look on his face. Sunlight hitting hi just right, bathing him in soft colors to make Din go oh no, he’s hot, in his head because he totally has feelings for the most exasperating Space Wizard he’s ever met.
More shenanigans in which they’re totally terrible at flirting and Han and Leia who had their own oh no, they’re hot moments a while back are like dear God, they’re so dumb.
They get to Obi-Wan who is like, well, this is a thing, isn’t it?, and then Vader attacks and more fighting and shooting and even some stabbing?
And just.
General Adventures until Luke does his Space Wizard nonsense and Vader denounces the dark power Palpatine used to corrupt him for love of Luke and Leia and doesn’t die, because space magic.
(And also Artoo, although he can’t quite fix everything because whatever the dark power Anakin was corrupted by broke that link between them and it’s like. He saves Anakin but Anakin’s sacrificed his Light, and anyway, small price to pay for what he’s done.)
Luke has this moment, though, right, because Artoo was his father’s Ghost and his father is dying and Luke is willing to give up his own Light for his father, but Artoo can’t just do that even if he wanted to, and really.
Luke is his Guardian now anyway, so.
Just all kinds of Drama and Angst.
When it’s all over, Anakin wants to find Padme and seek her forgiveness - no knowing if he’ll get it with all he’s done, but he wants to try if she’ll let him, and anyway. He needs to get his head sorted out first, and just. Wanders about doing just that.
Obi-Wan looks at Luke and Leia and mentions the fact they still haven’t been to the Last City or the Tower, and could do that if they want? Meet with the Vanguard mentors and join the ranks of the Guardians in an official capacity and the whatnot.
Leia glances at this scruffy smuggler and his BFF and the way Han looks less than thrilled at the prospect because if they see him he’d be in all kinds of trouble, and anyway.
Not like there’s any rush to get to the Tower and all that just yet, is there?
And Luke, okay, Luke.
He looks at Din and Grogu and is like, “What she said.”
But also, okay, also.
They find Padme because she never knew what happened to them and it’s all Drama and Angst and whatnot - Luke and Leia remember their lives before the whole becoming Guardians thing, but it’s still a little fiuzzy and it’s all-over awkward and Drama and Angst, but hope of things getting better in the future and I made myself sad again, but they definitely get better.
And then, idk.
Shenanigans in which they eventually do make their way to the Tower and Zavala, Ikora, and Cayde are like “You’ve certainly been busy” because of course they know all about what happened, but busy with Vanguard matters/other crisis and anyhow.
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shadowsong26fic · 5 years
Soooooo yeah. I know I’ve been kinda least-in-sight lately and have a very overdue Precipice chapter in the wings, etc., etc. Uh, basically, my BB got behind and then a little bit away from me. Deadline is not an issue in terms of completeness, but it’s gonna be quite a bit messier than I like at this stage in an event like this. Well, I’m planning to Power Through over the weekend and hopefully I’ll get more tweaking done than I expect? We shall see.
ANYWAY. I don’t know how March will look--more on that in Monday’s Coming Attractions post, of course, but work will get SUPER BUSY, along with other ongoing challenge commitments--but I’m still hoping to start posting my regular fics again? Lol. At least finishing Arc Seven so I can move on to Promises and Preludes because I’m super excited for some of the stuff happening there.
But for now, since I know I haven’t posted much lately, and because I’ve been rereading the Valdemar series so it’s been on my mind, I’ve decided to share some more from my Jedi of Valdemar AU! Specifically, this is the Ginormous Timeline of Doom that covers everything from, like, two years before Anakin gets to Haven to Leia’s kids’ generation getting Chosen, etc. (working in a Blended Canon because that’s how I roll) Obviously, this includes many spoilers for the AU in question--and also, because I like to keep certain plot points/character beats consistent, a few things for other fics. Also, this is an admittedly niche-appeal crossover with a fair amount of self-indulgent stuff in here JSYK.
Let’s see, what else...oh! Those of you who read the Family of Spies AU will recognize some OCs from there. One of them actually technically originated in the Valdemar AU, even. Nikolai and his brothers, who get mentioned here, are OCs of mine who in the regular timeline/galaxy are Kallus’s sister’s sons.
Also, Much Much Credit to Roommate TK for serving as a sounding board/helping with brainstorming/letting me use some of her OCs in this XD
I think that’s all the disclaimers I need so...here we go! Feel free to comment, question, etc., on anything in this post or whatever else you’re curious about!
Valdemar AU Rough Timeline (covering 64 goddamn years; including ages and broken into three arcs because easier to count, etc.):
-3 – Obi-Wan is Chosen (by Hondo) - Obi-Wan is 13; Padme is 11; Anakin is approx. 6; Bail is 15; Breha is 14; Palpatine is 40
-2 – Padme is Chosen (by Sabe) - Obi-Wan is 14; Padme is 12; Anakin is approx. 7; Bail is 16; Breha is 15; Palpatine is 41
-.5 – Padme’s parents and Mace are killed; Bail is Chosen as Queen’s Own; Palps becomes Lord Regent/Lord Protector (I haven't decided which title I like better yet) - Obi-Wan is 15/16; Padme is 13/14; Anakin is approx. 8; Bail is 18; Breha is 17; Palpatine is 42/43
0 – Anakin arrives in Haven after being Chosen by Ahsoka - Obi-Wan is 16; Padme is 14; Anakin is approx. 9; Bail is 18; Breha is 17; Palpatine is 43
2 – Obi-Wan is put into full Whites - Obi-Wan is 18; Padme is 16; Anakin is approx. 11; Bail is 20; Breha is 19; Palpatine is 45
3 – Padme is put into full Whites and Palpatine’s regency ends with a deceptively smooth transition of power - Obi-Wan is 19; Padme is 17; Anakin is approx. 12; Bail is 21; Breha is 20; Palpatine is 46
5 – Bail and Breha marry - Obi-Wan is 21; Padme is 10; Anakin is approx. 14; Bail is 23; Breha is 22; Palpatine is 48
6 or 7 – By now, the OT3 and a select few in their inner circle know that this is a Lifebond situation (not that they’re doing anything about it until Anakin, at minimum, has his Whites/finished his internship/etc., but they’re Aware and planning their futures with that in mind) - Obi-Wan is 22/23; Padme is 20/21; Anakin is approx. 15/16; Bail is 24/25; Breha is 23/24; Palps is 49/50 ((Note - I am going with an OT3 lifebond here for several reasons, including the fact that I don’t think Obi-Wan would be a very good Companion for Anakin (i.e., it would go like canon/Gala and Tylendel and No One Wants That), and this still showcases their extremely tight connection and also I like the OT3.))
8 – Anakin is put into full Whites; Dooku leaves Court and begins stirring up Trouble; discussion of when/who Padme should marry picks up/starts in real earnest. - Obi-Wan is 24; Padme is 22; Anakin is approx. 17; Bail is 26; Breha is 25; Palps is 51
9 – The civil war officially erupts - Obi-Wan is 25; Padme is 23; Anakin is approx. 18; Bail is 27; Breha is 26; Palps is 52
10 – Anakin loses his arm - Obi-Wan is 26; Padme is 24; Anakin is approx. 19; Bail is 28; Breha is 27; Palps is 53
11 – Dooku lays siege to Haven; Anakin and Ahsoka sneak out of the city and kill him - Obi-Wan is 27; Padme is 25; Anakin is approx. 20; Bail is 29; Breha is 28; Palps is 54
11 or 12 – Padme and Anakin marry (and make a similar private vow/commitment to Obi-Wan; Anakin gets the legal title because Obi-Wan emphatically does not want to be King, but doesn’t think he could refuse the responsibility if he was Padme’s legal spouse even if the Council/etc. would let him. Also Anakin becomes Weaponsmaster’s Second somewhere in here, but not 100% sure on exact timing, but almost certainly before the wedding.) - Obi-Wan is 27/28; Padme is 25/26; Anakin is approx. 20/21; Bail is 29/30; Breha is 28/29; Palps is 54/55
14 – Leia is born; her parents are not 100% sure who her biodad is but don’t particularly care. - Obi-Wan is 30; Padme is 28; Anakin is approx. 23; Bail is 32; Breha is 31; Palps is 57 ((Note: Luke is Leia’s Companion, as I’ve posted before, which is why he’s not here :D))
16 – Lavinia is born 2 years after Leia; her mother dies in an accident shortly thereafter - Obi-Wan is 32; Padme is 30; Anakin is approx. 25; Bail is 34; Breha is 33; Palps is 59
[ARC 2]
-4 – Leia is Chosen (by Luke); Lando and Amilyn arrive in Haven as Bardic students - Obi-Wan is 43; Padme is 41; Anakin is approx. 36; Bail is 45; Breha is 44; Palps is 70; Leia is 13; Lavinia is 11; Ezra is 12; Lando is 15; Amilyn is 12; Kanan and Hera are 25ish
-2 – Ezra is Chosen (by Ventress because the Kingdom clearly needed a little Pure Chaos) and joins Leia’s inner circle - Obi-Wan is 45; Padme is 43; Anakin is approx. 38; Bail is 47; Breha is 46; Palps is 72; Leia is 15; Lavinia is 13; Ezra is 14; Lando is 17; Amilyn is 14; Kanan and Hera are 27ish
0 – Kallus defects and comes to Haven with Zeb; Lando goes off on his Journeyman period - Obi-Wan is 47; Padme is 45; Anakin is approx. 40; Bail is 49; Breha is 48; Palps is 74; Leia is 17; Lavinia is 15; Ezra is 16; Lando is 19; Amilyn is 16; Kanan and Hera are 29ish; Zeb and Kallus are 35ish
1 – Pellaeon becomes Lord Marshall; Lavinia is Chosen (by Thrawn) and exposes her father’s crimes; Palpatine flees Valdemar (going West, discovering he has a latent Mage-Gift, and meeting Mother Talzin); Kanan is blinded as Palpatine has his minions try to kill the three people responsible for his downfall (Kanan, Lavinia, and Pellaeon) - Obi-Wan is 48; Padme is 46; Anakin is approx. 41; Bail is 50; Breha is 49; Palps is 75; Leia is 18; Lavinia is 16; Ezra is 17; Lando is 20; Amilyn is 17; Kanan and Hera are 30ish; Zeb and Kallus are 36ish; Pellaeon is 50
2 – Zeb and Kallus get their first kids; Ezra is put into full Whites; Amilyn goes on her Journeyman period - Obi-Wan is 49; Padme is 47; Anakin is approx. 42; Bail is 51; Breha is 50; Palps is 76; Leia is 19; Lavinia is 17; Ezra is 18; Lando is 21; Amilyn is 18; Kanan and Hera are 31ish; Zeb and Kallus are 37ish; Pellaeon is 51; Orryn and Mirah, are approx. 5
3 – Han meets Lando and is Chosen (by Chewie); I’m guessing Jacen is born around now, too? - Obi-Wan is 50; Padme is 48; Anakin is approx. 43; Bail is 52; Breha is 51; Palps is 77; Leia is 20; Lavinia is 18; Ezra is 19; Lando is 22; Amilyn is 19; Kanan and Hera are 32ish; Zeb and Kallus are 38ish; Pellaeon is 52; Han is 22
4 – Zeb and Kallus by now have all five kids probably? - Obi-Wan is 51; Padme is 49; Anakin is approx. 44; Bail is 53; Breha is 52; Palps is 78; Leia is 21; Lavinia is 19; Ezra is 20; Lando is 23; Amilyn is 20; Kanan and Hera are 33ish; Zeb and Kallus are 39ish; Pellaeon is 53; Han is 23; Nikolai is 14/15; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 9ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 7
5 – To the delight of their friends, Han and Leia finally start sleeping together and there is substantially less UST floating around - Obi-Wan is 52; Padme is 50; Anakin is approx. 45; Bail is 54; Breha is 53; Palps is 79; Leia is 22; Lavinia is 20; Ezra is 21; Lando is 24; Amilyn is 21; Kanan and Hera are 34ish; Zeb and Kallus are 40ish; Pellaeon is 54; Han is 24; Nikolai is 15/16; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 10ish; Mirah and Orryn approx. 8
6 – Lando and Lavinia start sleeping together regularly, but it’s Just Casual Let’s Not Make It Weird - Obi-Wan is 53; Padme is 51; Anakin is approx. 46; Bail is 55; Breha is 54; Palps is 80; Leia is 23; Lavinia is 21; Ezra is 22; Lando is 25; Amilyn is 22; Kanan and Hera are 35ish; Zeb and Kallus are 41ish; Pellaeon is 55; Han is 25; Nikolai is 16/17; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 11ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 9
9 – Shamie tells their dads they want to be a Sunpriest, studying with Chirrut in the Haven Temple; if he hasn’t already, Palpatine decides he no longer needs Mother Talzin and kills her; he starts building his power base/collection of client states in earnest - Obi-Wan is 56; Padme is 54; Anakin is approx. 49; Bail is 58; Breha is 57; Palps is 83 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 26; Lavinia is 24; Ezra is 25; Lando is 28; Amilyn is 25; Kanan and Hera are 38ish; Zeb and Kallus are 44ish; Pellaeon is 58; Han is 28; Nikolai is 19/20; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 14ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 12
10 – Leia and Han get married; Lavinia and Lando finally admit that Okay It’s Probably Not Casual - Obi-Wan is 57; Padme is 55; Anakin is approx. 50; Bail is 59; Breha is 58; Palps is 84 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 27; Lavinia is 25; Ezra is 26; Lando is 29; Amilyn is 26; Kanan and Hera are 39ish; Zeb and Kallus are 45ish; Pellaeon is 59; Han is 29; Nikolai is 20/21; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 15ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 13
12 – Jaina is born; Lavinia and Lando probably Officially Get Married or something - Obi-Wan is 59; Padme is 57; Anakin is approx. 52; Bail is 61; Breha is 60; Palps is 86 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 29; Lavinia is 27; Ezra is 28; Lando is 31; Amilyn is 28; Kanan and Hera are 41ish; Zeb and Kallus are 47ish; Pellaeon is 61; Han is 31; Nikolai is 22/23; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 17ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 15
[ARC 3]
-2 – Anakin dies. - Obi-Wan is 62; Padme is 60; Anakin was approx. 55; Bail is 64; Breha is 63; Palps is 89 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 32; Lavinia is 30; Ezra is 31; Lando is 34; Amilyn is 31; Kanan and Hera are 44ish; Zeb and Kallus are 50ish; Pellaeon is 64; Han is 34; Nikolai is 25/26; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 20ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 18; Jaina is 3
-1 – Obi-Wan dies, then Padme; Leia becomes Queen (Han is also technically King at this point, crowned and everything, but this is generally considered Leia’s reign rather than Leia and Han’s reign as Co-Consorts) - Obi-Wan was 63; Padme was 61; Bail is 65; Breha is 64; Palps is 90 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 33; Lavinia is 31; Ezra is 32; Lando is 35; Amilyn is 32; Kanan and Hera are 45ish; Zeb and Kallus are 51ish; Pellaeon is 65; Han is 35; Nikolai is 26/27; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 21ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 19; Jaina is 4
0 – Bail dies; Lavinia becomes Queen’s Own; Thrawn Chooses Pellaeon (who is a little bit What about the whole thing) - Bail was 66; Breha is 65; Palps is 91 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 34; Lavinia is 32; Ezra is 33; Lando is 36; Amilyn is 33; Kanan and Hera are 46ish; Zeb and Kallus are 52ish; Pellaeon is 66; Han is 36; Nikolai is 27/28; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 22ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 20; Jaina is 5
1 – Elena and Alysia are born - Breha is 66; Palps is 92 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 35; Lavinia is 33; Ezra is 34; Lando is 37; Amilyn is 34; Kanan and Hera are 47ish; Zeb and Kallus are 53ish; Pellaeon is 67; Han is 37; Nikolai is 28/29; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 23ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 21; Jaina is 6
2 – Baby Anakin is born - Breha is 67; Palps is 93 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 36; Lavinia is 34; Ezra is 35; Lando is 38; Amilyn is 35; Kanan and Hera are 48ish; Zeb and Kallus are 54ish; Pellaeon is 68; Han is 38; Nikolai is 29/30; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 24ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 22; Jaina is 7; Elena and Alysia are 1
4 – Palpatine starts his real push at the Border and so there is War; Lavinia and Rolan go to work building a network through his client-states; Kallus has probably taken Cassian on has his Second by now - Breha is 69; Palps is 95 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 38; Lavinia is 36; Ezra is 37; Lando is 40; Amilyn is 37; Kanan and Hera are 50ish; Zeb and Kallus are 56ish; Pellaeon is 70; Han is 40; Nikolai is 31/32; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 26ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 24; Jaina is 9; Elena and Alysia are 3; bb!Anakin is 2; Cassian is 35ish (maybe a bit older?)
6 – Jaina is Chosen (by Winter) - Breha is 71; Palps is 97 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 40; Lavinia is 38; Ezra is 39; Lando is 42; Amilyn is 39; Kanan and Hera are 52ish; Zeb and Kallus are 58ish; Pellaeon is 72; Han is 42; Nikolai is 33/34; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 28ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 26; Jaina is 11; Elena and Alysia are 5; bb!Anakin is 4; Cassian is 37ish
6/7 – Final battle with Palpatine; Lavinia’s diplomacy fragments his army; Ezra and Ventress and their Semi-Controlled Chaos carve a path; Leia slays him on the field - Breha is 71/72; Palps was 97/98 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 40/41; Lavinia is 38/39; Ezra is 39/40; Lando is 42/43; Amilyn is 39/40; Kanan and Hera are 52/53ish; Zeb and Kallus are 58/59ish; Pellaeon is 72/72; Han is 42/43; Nikolai is 33-35; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 28/29ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 26/27; Jaina is 11/12; Elena and Alysia are 5/6; bb!Anakin is 4/5; Cassian is 37/38ish
8 – Poe is Chosen (by Baby/BB-8) and comes to Haven; Breha has probably passed away by now but I’m not sure exactly when - Leia is 42; Lavinia is 40; Ezra is 41; Lando is 44; Amilyn is 41; Kanan and Hera are 54ish; Zeb and Kallus are 60ish; Pellaeon is 74; Han is 44; Nikolai is 35/36; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 30ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 28; Jaina is 13; Elena and Alysia are 7; bb!Anakin is 6; Cassian is 39ish; Poe is 14
13 – Lavinia dies; Finn and Rey are Chosen (by Shaak-Ti and Rolan, respectively) and come to Haven; Rose comes to Haven and she and bb!Anakin enter Healer’s Collegium at the same time - Leia is 47; Lavinia was 45; Ezra is 46; Lando is 49; Amilyn is 46; Kanan and Hera are 59ish; Zeb and Kallus are 65ish; Pellaeon is 79 (and has Retired by now); Han is 49; Nikolai is 40/41; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 35ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 33; Jaina is 18; Elena and Alysia are 12; bb!Anakin is 11; Cassian is 44ish; Poe is 19; Finn and Rey are 13; Rose is 11
Not in the timeline because Space (and also too many additional characters/ages to add): - Anatole and Ziya probably get married somewhere around when Leia and Han do (year 10 of part 2); he’s 22/23 and she’s about Nikolai’s age. Pavel goes into the Guard at roughly the same time, at 18/19; serves with distinction during Palpatine’s invasion; transitions to spying/covert ops type stuff somehow, working as an agent for whoever the Herald Spymaster is at this point (maybe Cassian? Doubling as Weaponsmaster (when said position is filled by a Herald) makes a lot more sense than doubling as Monarch’s Own, and those are the two we’ve seen…plus it would make sense with Cassian’s canon backstory.)
- Sergey, Alexsi, and Sofya are probably born in reasonable intervals over the next 10 years; Sergey will eventually be Chosen. Spellings on the boys’ names are still subject to change.
- Irene is still a Healer; though she’s a few years younger than bb!Anakin and Rose, probably 4 or 5 when they enter the Collegium.
- Bodhi and Jyn are still a big ol’ question mark (though I'm leaning towards her being the Companion and him the Herald?).
- Baze and Chirrut are around Kallus and Zeb’s age, maybe 5-10 years older. Chirrut is the Priest in the Haven Temple; Baze is retired Guard and currently a blacksmith.
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